Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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OKF10R NO 11 ! I'KAfltj BTIUCIiT.
Uclhtreilbptnrrlcr In Any l' rt of ho City n
MV rnty Cents l'irV cek.
Outer No. 43 ,
JnllT lIlllTOH. No. 'A
.MIXOK fli
N. V. Plumbinp company.
CoalnnJ Wood. E.K.Mnync , 01 ! ) K'wny.
Ilcntiiiff stoves nt cost to close out.
O'Doll & Hrynnt.
A mrxrriiiRQ llccnso wns issued ycstcr-
dny to Thomas . Lconnrrt and Hose
Ann Turner , both of this county.
Trustees FUeliinger , Hanck and
Woitibtoln , of the Institution for the
deaf anil dumb , bold n regular ineotiny
nt tbo institution yesterday afternoon
for tlio transiiftion of routine busincba.
Notli'tiK ' of imrticular importance trans
M. P. Smothers , an-1 W. Provost , one
of his drivers , had a little dilllenltv.yes
terday morning on Uroadwny , nnd soon
came to blows. They were both ar
rested , and pave bonds for their an-
ponranco this morning * ThQ trouble
was over some money that 1'rovost
alleged was owing to him.
A county warrant that was issued ton
years ago was j esterday presented at
the ofllco of the county treasurer for
payment. It was issued lo C. Heifcor , and
was presented to Utirno.y CJrnhl. It had
never boon onilorkcd fao it had not drawn
interest. It showed the cITects of ago ,
and was quite dilapidated , but was duly
Work was resumed on tlio Kiboman
block yesterday. A largo vault Is to bo
constructed , extending through the
collar to the second Iloor. Next wo ok
work will be commenced on tbo walls.
The carpenter work will be done by
Chris Hoscn. The pleasant weather
\\illadmitol the work being pushed
The case of IiT. Kinknde was again
continued .yesterday until Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. Kinlmde i.s
charged with enticing a girl from her
parents for the purpose of seduction.
The girl , Lu/.io Mncldin , has boon in
tbo city about bovon weeks , and it is al
leged that bevoral parties are impli
cated in her fall , although she denies
it , nnd bays that Kinkado alone is con-
corned. She Is fourteen years of nge ,
but claims to be eighteen. The names
of the other parties connected with the
case are known , but will not be made
public unless criminal proceedings are
instituted against thorn.
Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tol. 147.
W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to
on approved eity property , No. 130
Main street.
Houses and lots to sell on monthly
Daymen Is by 1 \ J. Day , UD Pearl bt.
L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
over Jacqunmin & Co.'s jewelry btoro.
Bargains in veal estate in all parts of
the city , W. S. Cooper , ISO Main btreot.
Jailer Joe Miller , of Omaha , was in
the city yesterday.
E. J. Abbott has returned from a
three weeks' visit with relatives and
friends in Cleveland nnd Chicago.
K. A. Buckman has accepted the posi
tion of assistant cashier of the Citizens'
bank , nnd will enter upon the duties of
bis new position immediately.
Will Williston , of Laramie , yesterday
called on friends in both cities. Ho is
on his return from tbo Hot Springs ,
whore ho has been for several weeks ,
securing relief from rbeumatibin.
Charles Canoycr has returned from
California , where ho has been for ten
months. He has decided to locnto per
manently in Tularo county , and after
visiting nero for a few weeks , will re
turn there with his mother. Ho reports
tbo wheat as well up , when ho loft
California , and prospects good. The
fruit trees were budding , and every
thing favorable.
All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
_ _ .
All grades bard coal , C. B , Fuel Co.
Mrs. Walter Wyman , of Chicago , re
cently returned from Paris , has been
engaged by the Ladies' Musical society
to give a public "song recital" in the
new lecture room of the Presbyterian
church , Thursday evening , Fob. 7.
J. G. Tipton , real cblato , fi27 B'dway
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Pickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib-
bitts' , 31o Broadway. _
The I'olieo Haul.
.7. W. Wells paid a $7.60 fine yester
day morning.
Seymour Boylo. a vagrant was sent up
/or thirty days , but was given an an op
portunity to leave town , nnd quickly
wailed himself of it.
Thomas llarnott was booked as a
drunk. Ho claimed to bo a pugilist ,
nnd in trying lo convince tlio ofllcor
who arrested him of this lact , ho had
furiously butted his head against the
olllcor's club , to the serious detriment of
his appearance. Ills ease was continued
to allow his disfigured physiognomy to
regain Us normal appenrnnco.
Dr. C. C. Ilaxen , dentist , Opera house
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
CitiH In Cheap !
And gas fixtures are cheaper at the
N.Y. Plumbing Co. , Ill Main st. A
discount of thirty per cent from Hat
price will bo given for thirty days.
Why TlioyVc -o Arrohteil.
The report of the police work for the
past month was as follows :
Vagrancy . . 35
Disturbing the peace . US
Lnrcony . . . . 13
Drunk . yj
lluiinlnR pool lablo without llccnso . 1
Assault and battery . 1
Forcery. , , , . 5
Selling merchandise without llccnso . 3
Busincious cliuructurs . 2
Carrying concealed weapons. . i
Uccltlcss drlvinjr . 1
Hot using to pay hade faro . 1
Passing counterfeit money . 3
On warrants . , . a
The dry goods stock of Ilarknoss
Brothers has been sold to Fothcring-
luun , Whitolaw ft Co. Thobo young
men , latejy from Wilkosbarro , Pa. , and
Binghnmton , N. Y. , are thorough dry
goods man , having served their appren
ticeship in Glasgow , Scotland. They
will occupy thu store fco long held by
Ilnrknoss Brothers , and having identi
fied themselves with tlio commercial in
terests of Council BlulTb through the
beard of trade and other publio onter-
prleea , I bespeak for thonj the recogni'
tlan and good will of the community ,
where they uowiuuka thorhomq.
J , E.
A Young Man Pays n , Hundred Dollars
lars For Experience.
Stretching Klcctrlc Mplit Wires In-
dieted fur Murderous Assnnlt--
A AVnywnrd Unnalitor
Olllclnl Ucports ,
The Old On me ,
The con lid unco man bobbed up
sorcnuly again yesterday morning R'ltl
sprung his threadbare check laekel
without the slightest suspicion of ti
patch to cover its nakedness. George
Kngnlmoyer , a fresh .young man with
more money than brains , was the vic
tim. A well dre sou. nieo appearing
follow approached him ut tlio corner of
Pearl mid Willow avenue , and said that
lie must raise $100. and ollcred a ehcclc
for $1,0 W on n Portland , Ore. , hank. It
had been stamped "I'o.'tillcd" with a
rubber stamp , and Georglo swallowed
thu bait at a gulp , without oven wink
The stranger then hid business up
stairs in the IJeno block , and wouldn't
his friend please \\ail a minute':1 : Why ,
of cnurao ho would bo delighted to still
further accommodate him. The SlUD
and the stranger went up the stairs on
the Pearl street side and down again lethe
the Main street entrance , and George
is still waiting. The police are helping
him wait , but the stranger cometh not.
Tlio DIM Hut Court.
The squatter cases are still on trial in
the district court. Although there are
Ihousandsof dollars involved , these cw-cs
oKfito but little interest among out
siders except in a general way , the
only curiosity manifested being as > to
the final result. The hUlor.v of the
cases has previously appeared in thee
columns. The recorder's olllcc is turned
upside down and books and records with
out number are introduced in evidence.
Aside from the attorney ! , and wit
nesses there nro few parties in the
courtroom , and the matter will be de
cided with very little excitement.
No now indictments have been re
turned , but the grand jury will proba
bly make another report this afternoon.
That body will not finish its labors to
day , but will probably manage to com
plete its investigations about the latter
part of next week. An enormous
amount of work is being done , and the
indictments will occupy the attention
of the court for some time.
Heady For
The Council n luffs Electric Light
company has a large force of men at
work preparing for the starting up of
the incandescent plant. Wires are
strung through the eity , and the build
ings of subscribers are also beintr
wired. Wires are put up at the rate of
about fifty lignts per day , and about five
bundled have thus far been put up. As
there are subscribers for about tv\o
thousand lights , the work will bo com
pleted by the present month. The
work is albo progressing rapidly at the
power building , and the walls will bo
tip in two days. The new machinery is
on the road. There are two engines of
12o and sixty horse power , and two dynamos
names , one of 1,500 and the other of 750
lights capacity. This makes l,2"jO ! in
candescent lights of sixteen candle
power each , which will bo started up as
boon as they can bo put in readiness.
It is o.x peeled to have the plant run
ning some time between the 20th and
2oth of this month. The work is boiug
pushed , and the citi/sens will be sup
plied with the new system of lighting
much sooner than wnsoxpccted a month
ago. _ _
A 151oody Assault.
The three parties against whom in
dictments wore returned Thursday have
since been arrestca and are now in the
county jail. They are John Farrell and
George and Joseph Wolt. They are in
dicted for assault with intent to commit
murder. Farrell was arrested Thurs
day night while in bed at his homo in
Wcston.and the Wolf brothers \\ere ar
rested at an early hour yesterday morn
ing. The crime for which these par-
tics wore indicted was committed , last
December , and the victim was Joseph
Hobnail. Tlio assailants lay in wait for
him near Underwood , and beat and
pounded him most unmercifully , nearly
Killing him. There had been bad blood
between the parties for some time. The
Farrolls , Wolfs and Ilolmans are neigh
bors and there have been numerous dif
ficulties , which I'm al Ty culminated in
the assault on Joe Helm an. None of
the indicted parties have been admitted
to ball. Farrcll was brought in by
Sheriff O'Neill and Deputy Sheriff
O'Connor , and the Wolf brothers wore
arrested by Deputy Sheriffs O'Connor
The City KiimncoH.
City Auditor Hammer makes the fol
lowing report of the city's finances for
the month of January , 1889 :
Improvement bond , curbing , side
walk and library fund . $17,155.23
General fund . 79J.2'J
Total . fMOft .75
Fire department . $ 1,1(51.48 (
I'ollco department . 6.VI 35
Streets and alloys . r 07,2 1
Salaries of olllcors . OU85
Citv engineer . 8S1.43
I'rintlngnnd supplies . G.ll.n.'i
( Jus and street lights . l 2r,23
City marshal . 25T.8 ! )
Miscellaneous . 1,1)5295 )
Inspnetor . 45.50
Election . 1.00
Intersection grading . IH.fiO
Special gradiitg . 741 .Oil
Special paving . 1 1 ,0111.0.1
Library . 7 : > . ! )5 )
Special sewer . 1,53. ) a i
Intersection sewer . 2,71)1.33 )
Curbing and aidowallc . 10. SO
Total . . „ . . . 1,004.75
A Koylsli Scrape.
Last Wednesday afternoon , tiennie
Stubbs , nn olovon-ycar-old boy , visited
the storeof Kisomun & Co , and showed
an order for a suit of clothes and other
material , signed by Captain L. Kirscht ,
the grandfather of the boy. The arti
cles were given him , although the
order was pronounced a forgery by the
bookkeeper. Yesterday it was discov
ered that such was the case , and Chief
Lucas was put on the track of the boy.
Tlits youngster visited Dohany'u stable
in company with another boy named
13aker. ana presented another forged
order /or / a couple of ponies. They wore
secured , and the boys started out ,
closely followed by the ofticor. They
abandoned the animalSon Upper Broad
way , whore they wore tlnd to a hay-
stack. The fugitives then etartod out
on foot , but were captured near the
brewery , At the request of Captain
Kirdcht the boy a w.oro released. Youncr
Stubbs stated that the order wus signed
by another purson , and that he simply
presented it. Ho secured about $ i.0
worth of goods. The matter will prob
ably bo dropped.
" | N
R. W. Stover , of Blair , Neb. , was in
the city yesterday , and stopped at the
Northwestern hotel. Ho was in soarcl
of his daughter Kmma , who , ho claims
was lured from her homo about three
weeks ago by a woman named Jetinio
Van Hord. 'Ho tracked the pair to this
city , and then lost trace of them. The
police assisted him in his search , but
found no clue to the missing girl.
Money loaned on futniture , pianos ,
iHiftuonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
A .MlM'd Hill.
There is one grocer in Council Bluffs
who will sell no more whif-ky anil
charge it up as codllsh and clothespins.
Ho sued to collect the bill yesterday be
fore Justice Ilnrnctt and wanted $11) ) .
As the court could not determine how
much ut the bill was for beer and
whisky , and as the sale of such articles is
illdral in this btntc , the whole thing
was thrown out and the phiintill recov
ered iiotUinir.
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
get your clothes made. 01(7 ( Broadway.
Mi-rll Always Wins.
Dohnnj'h was crowded last evening
every scat being occupied , and standing
room commanding a premium. The oc
casion was the first presentation here ol
"A Dark Secret , ' ' and to say that the
audience was highly pleased would nol
begin to o.\poes their feelings. The
spectators were fairly carried away , and
at the finish of the boat race many left
their scats and yelled with enthusiasm.
Tlio drowning scene was splendidly
carried on , and as the curtain fell the
most deafening applau-o Tilled the
building. The roscuur and the rescued
wore called before the curtain , and al
though dripping with water , graciously
bowed their acknowledgements. The
immense tank of water covering the
stage was tlio first of the Kind been
here , and it "took" ama/.ingly.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
'ilii * Fircmcn'M I'l-i-paralions.
The local firemen's association held a
meeting last night at their rooms on
Broadway and transacted considerable
minor business regarding the coming
tournament. Several committees were
appointed , and the matter of having
Nebraska , companies hero to partici
pate was discussed at length. The
preparations were not entirely com
pleted , but it is quite probable that our
sister state will be represented here.
Several companies have expressed a de-
hire to come , and they will bo received
with open arms.
Fothoringham , Whitclaw & Co. . who
bought the stock of Harkness Brothers ,
have been making some great improve
ments. To-day they opoa the store
with a now stock and many attractions.
, _
Blank books made to order. Can fur
nish { latent binding for parties wishing
the same. Call and see samples at room
1 , Evcritt block , Pearl street.
The Uiilqtio liiblc Class llcld by Ten-
nc sco Telegraph Operators.
The latest fad , and one much more
likely to be productive of good than the
majority of these outgrowths of our
rapid civili7iition , writes a Chattanooga ,
Tonn. , correspondent of the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch , has recently developed
among the night operators on the Nash
ville , Chattanooga & St. Louis railroad ,
between Nashville & Cnattanooga. The
operators have organized a Sunday
school , which meets at different points
along the wire every Sabbath morning
at 2 o'clock. This novel association is
opened by prayer by the superinten
dent J. B. Blumbletnight operator at
Wartraco , Tenn. After the prayer and
reading of the scripture lesson the reg
ular international Sunday school
lesson classes are organized , and
the pupil with the quickest mind
and nimblest lingers captures the
circuit , and his generosity will
have to bo relied upon to prevent n
corner on answers and give till a fair
showing. Of course singing is impossi
ble. No amen corners can bo estab
lished , and no flirting with the pretty
girl in the next class will over trouble
the serenity of this Sunday-school ; no
jealousies of organist and chief singer ;
only the soft clicking of the machines
and the murmur of the wires in tlio
clear night air , oirrying the message
which was first carried by the angels
on another starry night almost nineteen
centuries ago.
DTho first regular lesson was on last
Sabbath morning. Tno theme was the
cleansing of the leper , the old pathetic
story of his faith and healing as it is
told by St. Mark in the llrst chapter of
his Reverent fingers sent the
words over the magic wires. "If Thou
wilt Thoifcans't make mo clean ; " then
from another sleeping town came the
murmur as if in answer to the prayer
of each soul so mysteriously in com
munication with other souls by
this God-given mystery , "I will ; bo
thou clean. " Some one along the line
was not aware of these services , ana the
worshipers wore startled by tlio next
dispatch , which announced : "And ho
straightway charged him Cabbage ,
lie per Ib ; potatoes , Irish , 15n)2o ) ( , and
forthwith sent him away with the mar
ket closing dull on wheat. "
There bus always been a fooling of
pity for these boys of the wires , who ,
through the night longmust do nothing
but listen daring the ghostly hours to
the monotonous tick , tick of the instru
mentsand have greatly desired to paint
some b'oft tinges on the hard tragedy of
their ovory-night life which they needs
must live. But down hero in the sleepy
southland these- electric knights have
solved the dilllculty for themselves.
Think of what an era of religious ac
tivity wo may expect to see when , in
stead of beginning > rollgious services
with Sunday school at 00 : ! a. in. , wo
road all aloilg the line there will bo
Sunday school services beginning
promptly ut 2 a. m. and continuing one
The following shows how Chamber
lain's Cough Homedy stands whore it
lias boon sold for years and its intrinsic
value is well known' "I sell largo
quantities of Chamberlain's Cough
llomody and have never sold goods that
gave more general satisfaction. The
[ lurchnsor almost invariably returns for
nero when 'again in need of such a
remedy. C. II. LKWIS. Druggist , DCS
Molncs , la. " Sold by nil druggists.
Ills Ufa Imperilled lijr a Yn\vn.
Becoming tired after writing for sev
eral hours , Frank T. Lackey , a traveler
'or u Now York cloak house , attempted
x > yawn. In so doing ho ruptured some
of the cords in the vertebra. Since
icciduut he has no power to move his
noad and is la a critical condition ,
though conscious.
ThoWlnd Oastlo Isadora "Jumping"
on the ftoportora.
The Combine with , IolViM" onlan Sim
plicity and Intensity Tell Why
They Fnvor1 the I'rltncvnl
Sandhill Etc. , Kto.
The portals of ttio Jufferaonlnn
wore locljcil ycMorday , but were opened
by a .small boy after the visitor hail bestowc-J
n few lusty knocks upon their panels.
"You'll have to sonil In your natuo to Mr.
MeAnllo , " said thn diminutive
of the entrance into the presence ot the
great agitators.
The reporter R.IVO his name , and after a
few minutes the iloor was turown open and
ho usliered Into the awful presence of
the most reverend secretary.
" 1 want to tell you fuller * , once for all ,
that wo h.ive rented thosn 'ore rooms for our
private use , and wo intend to have them
private.Ve have ( 'lveii i uu broad enough
trnts in the and they have proved of no
avail , so , hereafter , ion will lliul the doors
loeked air.ilnst vou , " said the utilitarian and
sesquipedalian scilboot tlit ; # 10,11 iiKitntors.
"J5ut I thought this \\.is a publle reception
loom , at least iou ha.e dubbed it so here
tofore. "
"Well , if it has been In the it is so no
louder. Tlmre aio but three days rom.ilnhit ?
befoio election , and we intend to mulco them
count. ( iood inornltiR , " and the only Me-
Arilto returned to the work of atiU-hhiK little
printed slips into aJtlreisutl onvelopjs , at
which he was engaged when interrupted by
the reporter.
These sups wore one sided b illot * , favor-
ins the location or the eity hall on .lelToMou
I'lioi'osinoN TO vfntoit/.i : : run issri : or nrv
11 u.i. novn
Sh ill bonds of the city of Onului bo is
sued : n the su'ii of tliroo hundred dollars
( f-'l 10,000) ) to bororno duo in uvoutv ve.irs
fro n the date thuivof , and to interest ,
piyablo soml-annuallv , at a rate not to ex
ceed 0 per cent per annum upon latoresL , oju-
pens to bo attached to said bomls , s.ud bonds
to b e.illect "Uitv hull bonds , " and not lo bo
sold for less than par , anh the proceeds from
the sale of said bonds to bo used for no
other purpose than mylng the cost of con-
Btruction of a city hall for tlio use of the
city ol Om.iha. The said bonds for the pur
pose afnrcs.ilil , to bo issued during thucars
1S-W , ivjo.iml is'.ll ' , us nwy bo required for
the construction of said city hall ami within
the limit .iiithoriroil by liw ( Ves.
'Jhu Si-cnnd H pinllatcH Unseal ) .
A meeting of the residents of the Second
ward \vas culled at Mueller's hall TliursJay
night to consider the city hall site question ,
and the citizens of that neighborhood hopad to
have a quiet and free discus-don in order
that they might decide upon the course to
pursue nett Tuuiday
Hut their hopes were not to bj i'eali/ed
Long before tlio honest laborers of that vi
cinity had been able ( o rcaoli homo troin
their work and enjoy their evening moil ,
Pat Ford , .loo KoJinUn , .1. H. run } , . [ . O
Corbcv , Tom Swift and I. S. H.iscall , nujo'ii-
pnnicd by .1 following laivly of loafers and
toughs , were on the ground and took posses
sion of the hall. Other * came in and after a
tune the mooting was organujJ by the elec
tion of .M. II. Itediicld as chairmuii , and A.
Heed as secretary.
As soon as the selection of speakers hail
been made , Hascall jumped to the platform
and boTiin setting-forth arguments in favor
of Joftorson square the same arguments
that have been set forth in the now notorious
yellow-backed pamphlets and liiileombe's
effusion. Ho harrani&d tlio meeting until
the crowd became impatient and called
loudly for .T. F. Uctiin , so loudly that Has
call was compelled to yield his place on the
lostrum to Mr. Bollm.
"As I look about me , " said Mr. Bchtn , "I
sec present many poisons , known to be ad
vocates of the Jefferson square site , who are
not residents of this ward and have no place
in this meeting. What arc tlioy hoio for ?
To attempt to bulldoze and intimidate us ,
gentlemen. Hut they can't do it cither newer
or on election day. I am glad Judge lias-
call , who preceded me , has assured us that
ho will allow us to vote on election dav. I
was afraid ho wouldn't. The position taken
by the council in declaring the last election
on this question void is ridiculous. Is the
city hall to bo placed on wheels and to be
moved by the wijl of a fowl Why ,
if it is moved to Jefferson square it won't belong
long until Fumy will want to moved it to
Cummgs street. That's what he after , Kcd-
mau and his crowd , assisted by Hascall ,
hnvo downded us rierht along ; but they're on
the wrong track this time. They toll us
that if we locate the hall on Jefferson square
the Croighton and fie Swifts will build up
that part of the city. Just watch 'em build !
Oh , they're a generous lot of fellows' ' Why
do these men come out here to attend our
meetings ! AVhy do they want the city hall
located on Jefferson square ? Hecauso there's
money in it for them. Croighton is as arbi
trary as any one can be , and when ho can't
iwvo his own way ho sulks like a boy. Uut
this is the last of him. After Tuesday ho
will be dead. [ A voice. "Yes , dead. " ]
We're to be robbed for their benefit , "
Dan O'ICcofo was vehemently called for ,
Imt Pat Toril iiishcdto the platform and
began tolling the crowd what an honest
councilman he had been , and to argno the
question in the regular Jeffersonian style , In
which tne "rich men" and the "dear people"
occupied a conspicuous place. Ha said ho
would like to bet a suit of clothes that the
election would go in favorjof Jefferson square ,
jut when a little man in the audience nroso
mid offered to put up the price , Pat dis
creetly tool : his seat.
Dan O'Kcofo followed with a speech In
which ho openly charged Furay with oppos-
ng the interests of the laboring men ; 1 Jus-
call with being a traitor to his constituoiisy
and Corby with using his ofilcial position to
ironfotc his own interests.
Furay was given an opportunity to explain
away the charges made against him , but his
ixcuses were very lame. When ho had Hu
shed , O'KcelTootrcied to substantiate every
statement ho had inado with unassailable
n oofs ,
John Hey followed Furay , and told how ,
during the dump strike. Jefferson square
was the only place the workingmen had to
nect without fear of arrest , and now it was
iroposcd to take this nwuy from them. Ho
trraigncd Corby , HnscaH , Furay and Swift
even more severely than did O'Keeffe ,
ipcnly charging them , with attempt to do-
niud the people as publio officers.
After Mr. Hey had finished , Hnscall
again crowded to the platform and entered
upon a most virulent and vulgar tirauo
igalnst Mr. Kdward Hoscwatcr. Ho was
Inally called down , and after a few sensible
omarks from Fnuijt ICuspnr , showing that
t was to the interest of the laboring men to
eave the city hall wheio It has already been
oca ted , the meeting adjeurncd.
TJielr Aim Booms to IIo to Sit Down
on itiMcwatcr.
The sachems of the Jefforsonlan wigwam
icld a love feast in a Farnam street resort
about 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon , John
A. Croighton happened In by accident.
"I have friends amongst thoFarnain street
lewd and amongst the Jefferson square fcl-
ows , " said ho. "I am simply holding the
ort , ana have no quarrel with either side. I
im like the woman 1n the story , It was down
n Virginia. A woman came out of her hut
mongst the mountains and saw her husband
vrestlmg with a bear.
" 'Oh , Lord. " said she , 'if you don't want
o help the old man , mease don't help tlio
> car , and you'll see a lively kind of a light. " "
Pat Ford came In next , "Ol'vo boon can-
'asalng the olcctorml vote , " said Pat , "an1
ilpurolt this way ;
"We'll give the Farnain street fellows
ho First , Second and Huvcntu wards en-
oiroly , an' ' the one-half of the Third ; one-
alf of the Fourth and take the rest and
arry the olty by 1,000 majority , ' *
Jim Croighton came in at this juncture and
vanted Ford to go over to Mayor liroatch's
filce with him , "to get those names , " ho
aid."To with Broatch."saia Ford. "I won't
mvo anything to do with the nasty Civil. "
"Den't bo fgolialif" sold CrclghJaq.
should foruot tin-so personal matters at times
lilio these. "
"l-'orult nothin' I'm not coin' over there ,
an' that's all there is In It.1' And ho wouldn't
go cither.
.Mm Crclgliton went nlono and while ho
was gone ( Icoivo Uuiinrod , Judge Heiicc o
nnd ClmrlcH Kaniuni : came in. Louie
Schrocdcr and his nephew happened along ,
and the former , being an advocate of Km turn
street , tlioro was a icgular "shlndm" for a
time. , lim Ui eight on c.imo luck and wont
into consultation with 1'at l"ord and Charles
The rcpoi tonal nose was ) .U4hod into the
con fet once.
"Get nwuv from here , " cried Jim Croigh-
ton , getting rod In the face. "You're always
Ihownit ; yourself In where \ oaro not
wanted ( . 'an t two or three gentlemen sit
ninl tallc together without , one ot you d d
impudent iopeners cominir alon . You'io
sir 1 ' impudent" '
Impudent , sav you're
"llut'mtorpolatuil the newspaper man
"No 'but' aunut it , " more vehemently
yelled Jim. "I n.iyyou are impudent and I
want you to go awuv. Leave sir' ' "
"Don't mind him , " said John A. Crelgh-
ton , as theab.tshed reporter left the confer
ence and stepped to another part of the room.
"He's got a good deal on his mind. " And
"something on Ins conscience , too , perhaps , "
Miguostod the repot lor.
"Oh , no ; but he's woiried , jou see. "
"I cannot but stand awed by admiration
for the disintuie-dcilness and anxiety for the
public weal exhibited by jou .leffersou
siiuare advocates , " said the reporter , ad
dressing Put Ford.
"I don't claim to he disinterested , " said
Pat. "Itosow.iter used me until ho could dose
so no longer an' the i began to abuse me , an'
I intend to get even. The little cuss may bo
able to write U"tlcr tlu'i 1 c.m , but I r in
talk more and drink more than ho can , and I
toll you. I am goin'to c.tirv this election
against him by l.OOJ majority , " mid Mr. Fold
went to join the conference in the rear of
the loom.
On hand for city loans ; lowest rates
of interest.
Fine fivrms close to HlutTs to exchange
for city property.
Western hind to exchange for city
Big bargains in Broadway lots.
Fine business property to exchange
for well improved farms.
Good stock of groceries for bale , not
for trade.
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
Small payments down. Prices ranging
from $775 to 31,000.
Cheap lots in Evans' , Wright's , Coeh-
ran's and most all additions to city.
Pine aero property for sale from $100
to SoOO less tlian present worth.
No. 10 Pearl St. , Council Whiffs.
Who Will Save You Money
O M | -i
_ „ , .5 , SHOE , _ _
> , 8 g'House ' , g | T3
J5 1 > J [ UTHronilunv , ' i-Q 5 *
CO U Council Illullh. , 7
fs Alvrnyn nll-a S ti
* - ? = _ w c = 3 r
CHEAPEST * ? - ° oo l = a- _ .
H ss = & ? h
As J can prove by sai W
liundicds. Ig sL
ST C3 r , ' QJJ
Lanzeiidorler & s : § § S S I
, = § CD _
rr. % f > ca ij
JV > . liiil : = : i ? rrsTJ
1'nrtlcular attention given to Ilu „ .
.Vo. M X. Enin SI. , oiiiM-il Otlillls.
I'lirnltuio rei > ( ilrln no.itly done.
OOlco callfl iittcuJud promptly day ami night.
And got Iho I > c8l lilting Suit
you over luul.
No , 637 Broalway , - - Conncll Bluffs ,
Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool & Furs ,
Illgnest market prices. I'rompt returns , & 8
t. , Council limits , Iowa.
Fbinifura & Stoves
on wee/I/y / arrnonttity
oyrnentSr Bcsf ,
Selections , iones/
wM ?
. , t XJSoors&SHo .s P/hnT / * / ? >
X t oSXVO. . 320 BROADWAV > \S * w V Q
\ ; \ yh'nc Laundry Work A SO QC\ oV Jti oT *
' ° A : A//q/n / / St. Telephone \ y\ . X *
An old established Boot and Shoe business
in Gounoil Bluffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at the
store , or to N. O. Phillips , one of the execu
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate.
N. P . DODG-E , Executor.
Adnptod fat
POWER , Mills and Ele/ators / , '
Specifications niul c-Etlmntis fm nWiotl for complete stcain plants. Kogulntloii , Durability ( Jimr-
omctd. Can feliow letuis fiom iibcii ulieio fuel lirunnmy Is ecjinl uith forlhs
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No , 610 Pearl Street , ( ' 0111101 !
W.ANTII ! > Two cooks nnil dlnliiK room fe'lrl.
( j. II , UoxtiT. room - ' , .No. W J'uail st _
" \ \ 7".ANTI5lClty prnpcity in cxilnn o for
t low-u fiiriiH. JolmiJii ft Vim 1'iittun , JJ
Main ht.
OTK C ol iltisoliitlon of co-pfirt-
N nei-tlilj ) . Notice H luroby t'ivcn
Hint lh co piiitiiiuihlp lierutoforo o lst-
lii boincon tlio undeislgnod under the
mm iirime or 1'arnuiiH tc Keller , for the purpose
ofdo\elonlii uiiil ojiuintlnKu and niul Kr.nal
jilt ncai lllnton. In .MUH county , Iowa , H this
day rtlssol\pd by nuitnul ronsent Witnosa our
hands tills lath day of January. A. I ) . , 1
C K. I * A
t HIJNT-Dwollut house or 0 looms , No.
1 17U7 Ninth avenue , north of Planters Jiotol.
A. J , StapnensonI'l B. Main st. _
TTluTlNISIilll ) front room tel or'J eontkmen ;
-I ? No. 1U. ; 6th avenue , n ar triniier.
BALK-HOMO ranch \VjomliiK. . Tlireo
Hundred liead of hornos , nmrusaiid coltn.
Itaniio tacilltlen llrii , class. As part payment
vlll uko Council Uliitls property. ( < eorg Met-
tftlf , H J'eurlht. _
18 IT y-A stock of Clothing. Ho ts
WHAT Shots , Huts mid Cap * , ( Jems' Kiir-
nlshlna ( leeds , Dry KooiH. Invoice 8IO.OUU.
What have yon to oilerIbl Jlro.tcUvay , Countll
| 7\OH \ HAI.B My house and lot , corner Hecond
JL1 avcnueand Mntli < ttreet ; aUo liouve and lot
B7 Sixth iivemio ; tenui aay. I. A. MlIliH. :
januiintiiflt&tnuia < w' _ t
o. K. : u < o. A.
ArcliitecH , DesIpcK and SimcrintcaiMtJ
of Construction ,
Mr. liurlhiKliuf ivus t.c\cu jcurs with
.Mendelssohn , I'lsliurX' Loury , niul Iiiu
('iicl ( ( ninny uftlio llncsl Murks
in Omuhu and C'oulicll
Plans and Spcciilcalions Prepared and
Estimates madG on Aplication ,
Studio , livoni M Jfoiiae lilocl :
. finiTiii.ii .soncK i
Ol Ml UVft > JHtKSSI.NO -
a Cattle , Fed m Iowa Corn !
Aiul will uuet any lionoitrnmpotltloaoiipitcoj
foi 1 Iija-Class .Mo.tts.
1UO Itraailw.-iy. - - TnlcplionoOl ,
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
uantcil ,
C' . Bt , J
Cnmit'll illlirTf , la.
Corner Main ami Ilroadway.
DealeiB In fotulfc'ti c.uJ ilousstlc ich n
Colltctjoai ao anil lmor 3i r.aia on tluia u