Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Xlocont Action Taken By the Kansas
NcbrtiMkn Askocl iti Go-Ojiernto In Securing -
curing Protection Kor tlio I'co-
pic Tin ; ISxtravnunnoo
of Dr.
LINCOLN UUIIP.AU or me. Owvtu Ilcn. )
10-jy 1' STIlRBf , >
I INUOI.V. Feb. I. I
The IcRislnturn of Kunsas U after Uio
nllok'L'd bout anil pjr ! : cj.nblno of the
\Tcstwltli u sliurp Httek. 11 Is sUteil In' '
ilivera iiunrtors tltat this "pmiblno" or
"trust" uxorts n powi'rful Inlluuniie towardi
contrnlliilnv the iniirkct In Kuns-.u City unJ
UhlciiRO , itnd Is largely ruspunslblo for the
lowjirlccof the boot product , mid that mi
effort lit cuntnili/.iitlon U buititf mrulo that
will brln ) , ' bolli tlio bcof nnd pork products
under Its ulnoluto control throughuut the
United Status. Appreclutint ; the daiucr of
this , Senator Oillett , of Unit stnlo , Intro-
( luccd u resolution In llio Huuntc , In wlilrh
the hoiiBrt concurred , Unit , calls for vigorous
legislation In the stntcB inott Intcrcstcil , not
only to down tlio so called "combine" or
' 'trust , " but to prevent all future monopolies
of the typo , mid to this uml u convention Is
Invited , the. object of which Is fully ox-
plnincd in the followinfj letter from Gov
ernor Humphrey to Governor Hayos. The
contemplated convention is to bo hold nt mi
curly date :
It Is understood that Nebraska will give
hearty co-operation ;
TOIMJKA , ICuu. , .lauuary 23,1SS9. .lohti M.
Thnyer , Governor of Nnbruikn Dear Sir :
1 liavo the honor to iiutloso cople-H of senate
concurrent resolution number t ) , which hits
just been adopted by tlio leglsltituro of the
ntato of ICunsas , providing for mi inquiry
Into the 80-cnllod "bcof nnd pork trust , " or
combine , looking to co oporalion UIIIOIIK the
Hiatus especially concurnud , with a view to
uniform ICKlidation to restrain or euro the
evils complained of In the resolution.
As relict must come , If at nil , through con-
Vcrted legislative action of the several states ,
it is proposed that a convention of members
of thu legislative bodies ot the states inter
ested bo hold nt seine convenient place nnd
time , In the near future , in which each state
shall bo represented by three members of
the Bcnnto and live of the house , with a View
to ncrcoinfc on a uniform bill for sub
mission to their respective bodies.
As the legislative term in Kansas is llm-
itcd to llfty days , expiring about March I , I
trust that the date for such convention may
bo fixed at us early n day as possible.
The sublcct of legislative restriction orprc-
vcntioa of these "combines" or "trusts" is
of growing importance nnd , In my opinion ,
the question demands careful and intelligent
Inquiry mid prompt action.
1 trust that your excellency will bo pleated
to lay the matter before the legislature of
Nebraska at onco.
Will you have the kindness to communi
cate by letter your disposition of the resolu
tion and , brielly , your views as to the method
therein proposed to roach the desired results.
1 would further respectfully rciiuest that
you telegraph ut the expense of this dspart-
inont what , if any , action may bo taken by
your legislature bearing on the subject of the
resolution. Very respectfully ,
LYMAN N. llrMi'iiiiBV , Governor.
Acting upon Intelligence of the letter from
the governor of Kansas and the concurrent
resolution , Governor Thuycr issued the fol
lowing message to the senate and house :
LINCOLN , Feb. I , 18SU. To the Honorable ,
the fjonato and llouso of Ucprcsentatlves : 1
have the honor to transmit herewith a copy
of u communication from his excellency.
Governor . W. Humphrey , of Kansas , in
which ho proposes uniformity of legislation
between the states interested in regard to
" " 'combines " for
bnef and pork "trusts" or ,
the purpose of securing protection for the
/armor and the stock raiser against the formation
" " "combines. "
mation of such "trusts" or
1 also transmit herewith a copy of a con
current resolution adopted by the legisla
ture of Kansas , proposing a convention composed -
posed of three senators mid flvo members of
the house of representatives , of each of the
states interested , for thu purpose of consid
ering and adopting uniform legislation for
the protection of the people.
. Those "trusts" or "combines" are created
for no honest end. They are a combination
of the strong against the weak ; they ara
created for the purpose of oppression , nnd to
drive mon of small means out of business.
They enhance or oppress the market in order
> to subserve their own speculative ! schemes ,
and malto the public their victims.
They are n combination of wealth and
power which is dangerous to the rights and
interests of the public ; they are opposed to
public policy. They are opposed to the publio
welfare , and should bo suppressed. It seems
to ine the suggestion made by the Kansas
executive is n proper ono to bo considered ,
and , in niy Judgment , is aiming in the right
direction for the suppression of this wrong.
If you should concur with it , you will ob
serve that Immediate notion is necessary , for
the session of the legislature of Kansas will
expire about the 1st of March.
If you will permit me , I would respectfully
suggest thu appointment of u Jointcommitteo
of the two houses for thu consideration of
this matter at once , so that I may communi
cate the result to the governor of Kansas.
This communication nnd the accompanying
papers nro submitted for your consideration.
Joii.v M. THA rcit.
The biennial report of thu board of ro-
gcnts , when properly dissected , tells a story
of startling cxtrnvnganco In connection with
the laboratory , or Dr. Ulll-
ings lu particular , mid the cold facts are respectfully -
spoctfully submitted. In short , the follow
ing is fc complete statement of Dr. Hillings'
expenses , as shown by the university re
port , from .December 1 , 1 0 , to December 1 ,
1838 :
Decembers , salary ( Hdlings ) $ 100.00
Jnmmrv 1 , salary ( Ullliugs ) 100.00
March a , salary ( llillingi ) lOO.'OO
Marcli ! i , supplies for R H. labora
tory. . . . . . . fl2.CO
March 10 , supplies for P. H. labora
tory " 5.00
April 0 , salary ( Hillings ) 500.00
April -0 , apparatua for 1' . H. labora
tory. . . . . . 2,035.01)
July 1 , salary ( Hillings ) iiJO.OO
July 1 , current expenses P. U. lab
oratory Ot.GO
July 11 ! , traveling oxpousui P. U.
laboratory 50.00
August 1 , salary ( Hillings ) 1SO.OO
September 1 , salary ( Hillings ) 1SO.OO
September 1 , current cxpouso1 ] , P.
Si. labaratory -l. .00
October 1. salary iHUHngs ) 100.00
October'JO , salary ( Millings ) 1W.OU
Oclobor' 9 , expenses P. U , iabora-
' tory M.OO
aecuuiber 1 , salary ( Billings ) 100.00
January ! ! , expenses for P. H. lab
oratory 85.00
l-'obruaiy 1 , salary ( IJilhngs ) 160.00
March I , salary ( Hillings ) MU.OO
August 8 , sundries for P , H. lab. . . 111.15
Juno 21 , 1SS7 , chemical apparatus
Junol , do 10.01
for P. H. laboratory 1'0.8'J '
Docouibor 1 , 1SS7 , chumlcal appara
tus for P , U. laboratory 7.85
March27 , salary ( Hillings ) . 2W.OO
May 1 , salary Millings ) . . . . 2K.OJ )
Juno 1 , salary ( Hillings ) . ay a. oo
October 11 , printing bulletins nnd
reports 1,159.80
March U , Carl Huckot , ust. in lab. . 45.00
March 27 , horse , buggy and harness
( UllllniM ) 400.00
March 27 , Instruments for P. H , lab , 100.00
March 27. traveling exp's ( Hillings ) 100.00
April U , Carl Ituckcrl , assistant In
P. H. laboratory 45,00
April JiO , supplies for P. M. lab 212.13
May 1 , postage- for Hillings l-.OJ
May U , Curl Uuckert , assistant In
P. H. laboratory 45.00
May 80 , materials , lalwr and care of
animals , 233.75
May 10 , food for animals , , , , ill.20
June 1 , postage ( Hillings ) 5.00
Juuol ) , Carl HucUort , assistant In
P. U. laboratory 45.00
Juno 7 , plus bought for P , U , labora
tory . - . . 5.00
Juno IS , apparatus for P. U. labora
tory. . , 404.90
Juno 20 , expenses to Gibbon ( Hill
ings ) . . . . . 0.60
Juno 27 , Carl liuckert , assistant P ,
U. laboratory 45.00
Juno 2 ? , H. T. Clarke Drug Co. ,
chcmlCJI.4 B.S2
Juno 37 , C. J. Homan , repairs for
buguy. 15.5C
Junes 27 , apparatus for P. H. labora
tory. . . . . . 22.4 (
Juno 27 , repairs for harness" ( Hill-
Ings ) 3.2 ?
Juno 27. Lincoln Hardware Co. for
laboratory 10 SC
June 25 , C. O. Strickland , Hour for
laboratory , lO.'X '
Juno 23 , shooing horse. . . . 4.7
September 3 , F. S. Hillings , for as
sistant 15.0 (
September 4 , C. H. Kelley , knives
for laboratory 5.K
November B , C. O. Strickland , Hour
for laboratory 19.0C
November 15 , supply hose fdr F. S.
Hillings 57.0C
July 80 , to Nov. , ' ! 0 , expenses for L\
S. Utilities 70.CK
October 15 , salary ( Hillings ) UtO.tX
October 25 , salnrv ( Hillings ) COO.IK
October ill , salary ( Hllllngsi C'.KMX '
October Ml , salary ( Hillings ) C'.t.VOC
October 31 , salary ( Hillings ) lOO.CK
October 17 , P.icillc Express Co. , for
Hilling * 2.1,1
October i"i , repairs for harness ( b\
S. H. ) . . . . S.OTi
Octobnr 2i ! , P. S. H. , shooing horses O.IK
October 25 , knives for laboratory. . . 13.03
October 2 % repairs for buirgy for P ,
S. H . " 0..1
October ill , Curl Uuckert , salary. . . -15.0H ]
October .11. Carl Uuckert , salary. . . 45.00
Octobci HI , assistant , L > ' . S. U 80.00
October 111 , tinners' work for I-\S. H. 80.0C
November 15 , food for small mil-
mats , F. H. H 2.2J
November lO.froiglitu for laboratory o.K
November 1 , repairs at farm for F.
S. H 1SO.M
November 21V. . A. Thomas , vacci
nations 137.2C
Constructing buildings on farm
for use of Hillings-
Paid C. K. Chowins 3.000.0C
May 'jr. , C. K. Hcssoy , director GOU.OC
April 20. C. K. Hcssoy , postage 10.01 ]
April 27 , Helta it Sowoll , feed for
small animals CO.CC
May IS , express package for labora
tory 1.1C
May 31V. . S. Lilian ) , chccic hogs. . 35.00
Juno 1 , repairs , copper nnd tin work
for laboratory 3.SO
June 2 , hay for stabling animals. . . 11.7.1
Juno > l , crayon of diseased cow 10.0C
.luneO , Lincoln Hurdwarocompany ,
cages 172.7,1
Juno 111 , P. C. Taylor , assistant . . . 8.W
Juno 23 , cxprossagc 2.IS
September 25 , printing cuts , State
Journal company 131.00
October ! ) , Hubert & Cumlng , Jars
for laboratory 1.0fJ
October It , printing cuts , State
Journal company 03.90
November 0 , Peat moss bedding ,
per P. S. U. . ; 40.10
Total $15,012.11
The following subjects will bo taken up by
the bureau of labor and industrial statistics
during thu coining two years :
1. Statistical tables of manufacturing es
tablishments by counties , amount of raw ma
terial used , value of production , value of
plant , number and classilication of employes ,
rates of wages , number of hours employed
per day. number of days run in the year.
2. Taxation of farmers and Interest paid.
It. Employment of child labor.
4. Education of such children so employed.
5. Women as wagoworkcrs.
0. Cost of living.
7. Economics of food.
3. Pauperism and crime.
U. Drunkenness and liquor selling.
10. Criminal flegrea of intemperance.
11. Sanitary condition of woruing people.
12. Savings banks.
The board of public lands and buildings
met this morning pursuant to adjournment.
Present : Stecn , Hill , Leeso and Laws. It
determined nnd ordered that W. II. 15. Stout
receive the sum of J2.500 on coatract for
capitol building , to pay whatever amount
might bo duo laborers on the same. Mr.
Stout recommended that the state pay John
Connolly , fireman at the capitol , the sum of
$ UO. mid Itobort Emmorson , engineer , the
sum of 53.50. The board did it in this way :
It seems that Stout was duo the state for 13
tons and 402 pounds of hard coal , used by
heaters during the ilrst llftecn days of
November , 18 8 , ut $10.50 per ton , amounting
to $1-10.72. Connelly was allowed J07.50 and
Emerson $33.50 , or $100 In all. The records
show n balance of &H.72 duo from Mr. Stout
to the state , which U to be deducted from
any amount that may be duo him on extra
work and the facts of record sturo him in the
face. This is the tirst time in tuc state's his
tory that a man was ever figured out in debt
to it.
Work on the Antelope well again pro
gresses. Tlio inside shoo has been sunk to
solid rock. It is settled beyond peradventure -
turo that Lincoln citizens will soon bo out of
plcklo. An abundance of good water has
been found. The pump will bo in place
March 1 , or soon after.
Henry Ilartwick , of Sou-aril , and Miss
Nettle Murray , of Niagara Palls , N. Y. , were
ruarriod last night at the residence of H. M ,
Waring by Hcv. Tate , chaplain of the senate.
A few intimate friends of the contracting
parties only were present.
The Palmyra , Otoe county , schools took n
holiday yesterday , and the following pupils
were Interested visitors at the state house dur
ing the submission struggle : C. M. McCrew ,
Prank P. Baldwin , P. D. Manklns , J. Hurt-
line , J. II. Uurko , Julius Conkliu. George
Wcathcrhogg , Harry Haldwln , D. S. Young ,
A. K. Archer , W.V. . Thaler , Pred Slosson ,
Sidney White , Sammie Oborhaldzor , Wil
liam Ilgeno , J. Young , H. Palmer , Prod
Doty , O. 13. Mcltoo , Ed Aeolt , lioy Uoed ,
Moritt Slado , John McOrew , George Oh-
mart , P. Weathorhogg , H. L. Palmer. Nettio
Guard , Martha Hudgc , Man Baldwin , Flor
ence Thaler , Kate Liopor , Maud Slado , Addie
Haldwln , Alpha Oakley , Lottie Moore , Grace
White , Cora Haldwm , Grace Lopor.
Catarrh originates In scrofulous taint.
Hood's Sivrsuparilln purifies tlio blood'
and thus poL'iniuiontly euros catarrh.
Licenses. „
Following are the marriage licenses issued
yesterday in the county court by Judge
Shields :
( Luke Graham , Omaha . 27
( Frances A. Harold , Underwood , la. . . .19
I Stanley U. Lotovsky , Omaha . 24
( Agnoa Itegac ) , Omaha . 10
A Troiiicniloui Sensation
would hivvo boon created one hundred
years ago by the sight of ono o ! our
modern express trains whizzing along
nt thu rate of sixty miles an hour.
think how our grandfathers would have
stared at such 11 upectaulel It takes a
good deal to astonish people now-a-days ,
but some of the marvelous cures of con
sumption , wrouirht by Dr. Piarco's
Golden Molllcal JMscovoryhuvo created
widespread amazement. Consumption
is ut last acknowledged curable. The
"Goldon Medical Discovery" Is the only
known remedy for It. If tulcon at the
right time -which , boar in mind , is not
when the lungs are nearly gene it will
go right to thu seat of the disease and
accomplish Us work us nothing ol&o in
the world can.
Western .Solnilnr.-i In Congress.
Wo sometimes hour sneers at western
congressmen , and yet , out of the small
number I have the honor to know , says
Andrew D. 'Whito in the February
Forum , lean at this momant recall two
who , apart from large diplomatic expe
rience , 6tund in the highst rank of
American scholars.
Only one building permit was grunted
ynstiirduy. It wau to C , J. Johnson for
a one-story frame barn at Twenty-sixth
and Woolworth , $160.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Ilaby M alck , we gore ber CoitorU.
When abe wu a. Child , she cried for CaatorU ,
Whan the became Miss , ah elunc to CVutoria ,
\Vb n ahohad Children , aba CftToUiam Cutorla.
Mr. Nyc Tnkcs lloltfoil1 Ills Old Prop *
crly ARftln.
At a quiet little session In JuJjro Dundy's '
court yesterday , the Uepubllcnn chanRod
Imtiils. It Is now the property ot FYctl Nyc.
Those present were C. K. Yost , Frect Nyc.
S. I' . Hounds , Jr. , O. H. Ilothnckor nnil
Cadet Taylor. The flrst thin ? considered
was tlio following communication from U , K.
Yost , ns receivers
OMAHA. Feb. 1 , IS ? ? . Hon. The Court !
The Omaha Republican , the newspaper of
which I nm receiver , Is belug run nt a loss ,
and I hereby apply for authority to sell
snmo nt private sale , nnd I ndvlso acceptance
of the odor inndo by Fred Xyo , which is
hereto attached and fllod herewith.
C. B. YOST. Hccelvcr.
The bid referred to read ns follows :
OMUIA , .Inn. 25.1SS9. C. K. Yost , Itecclver
Omaha Republican Co , Dear Sir : I hereby
ofTcr to pay for the Omaha Hcpnbllcau , dully
nnd weekly , the sbaro in tlio Northwestern
Associated press , the Web iwrfectlii ) ; press ,
typo , cases , Imposing stones , olivtrotypo inn-
chinery , subscription lists , peed will , and any
nnd nil material which bolont ? to the news
paper proper , the sum of $ , ! 0X ( ) ( ) , payment to
bo iniulo us follows : F. 1) ) . Johnson , to exe
cute mortgage release on mortgage for $1100
nnd interest given by the Omaliu Uopubllcun
Co. to said R li , Johnson ; nnd C. K. Yost
und Fred N.yo to civo receipt to Omiilm Uo-
iniblicaii Co. for $10,000 to bo nppllcd on notes
duo said Yost and Nye from said company ,
nnd balance to muko up said tOOJU to bo
paid in cash.
It is understood that tlw said property ot
the Omaha will bo delivered tome
mo free from all taxes now due , and it Is
furthermore understood that the rent bo paid
to March 1 , IbS'.i.
This otTcr docs not include amounts due for
subscription or advertlsiue. Fiiun Nvn.
Allldavlla sworn to by Yost , Uothnclter
nnd Lyntan Hlchiirdsoii wore then read us to
the vnlito of the property. To tlicso were at
tached the following statcuicnt from the re
ceiver :
There are mortgages on the newspaper of
$1-1,200 and Interest from December 15 , 1SS3 ,
iu favor of Frank li. Johnson , nnd n mort
gage on the press franchise which Is In
cluded In u mortgage given to C. K. Yost and
Fred Nyc , nnd which mortgage notes nro
past duo and in nil amount to $4liKj ) and in
terest from October 1 > , ISSO , ut S per cent per
annum , C. E. YOST , Keeolver.
Judge Dandy then considered the question ,
and llmilly gave thu following order :
That the bid of Fred Nye of fiO.OOO for the
Omaha Republican newspaper , as per report
of Receiver Yost , and bid of said Nye hereto
attached , be accepted , and that possession of
the paper , etc. , bo turned over to said Nye
this day. The said Nye to pay costs and ex-
PCIISCH incident to operating aaid paper , in
cluding expenses of this day , February 1 ,
ISb'.i. Ui.MKit S. Du.vnr , Judge.
Ladles wlio vnjuo a refined complexion
must use Poxxonl's Powder It produces
a soft and beautiful skin.
She Tells n Pooullnr Tnlo of Sorrow
ful Kxpcricuefts ,
The charge of grand larceny preferred
against Josie Stoinriedo by J. \Vheelor
was withdrawn yesterday , as the complain
ant felt assured that the wrong person had
been arrested. Yet the prisoner had spent
one night in jail.
Her story is a sad one. Her mnido'i nnmo
was Simuionds and she was born in Ynzoo
county , where her father owned a largo
plantation before the war. Sj'mpathisiiiR
with his native state , ho entered the confed
erate service and was killed in action. The
news of his death brolco her mother's heart ,
and she too passed away , leaving two
daughters to the care of their grandmother ,
and with them $500,000 that had been saved
from the wreck of the estate. Among her
relatives were General L. P. Walker and
Jolt Davis , the latter being her grandunclc ,
and Captain P. Simmonds , of Lexington , Ivy.
Fourteen years ago she was still a minor , and
under the care of her grandmother , when ,
she says , J. J. Stoinriedo , an unsophisticated
Gorman doctor , obtained employment with
the latter , and in some way the old lady became -
came infatuated with him. The droaiu of
her life was to see him united in murriago to
her granddaughter , and the latter at last
pave a reluotant consent. The wedding
dress was the flrst long skirt she over wore ,
and when she pronounced the fateful words
she was yet a child. Soon afterwards her
grandmother died , and she was loft to the
care of the man who had promised to love
nnd protect her. She alllrms that ho at once
began the course of brutal treatment that
has led to a separation. On ouo occasion ,
she claims , ho treated her so cruelly that ho
had to lleo from the county to escape the
vengeance of the neighbors , andwife-likesho
followed him to DCS Moines. There the
cruelty was continued but she bore it In
silence unlit last ' ' 'hanlcsgiving day , wlion on
a drunken spree , ho assaulted criminally his
own eleven-year-old daughter. She had him
arrested , but the case came bolero a Justice
of the peace , where it was dismissed In some
mysterious manner , and us her husband
threatened to kill her she loft at midnight
and uiado her way to Omaha , taking tlio
child along with her. Since then she has
endeavored tn earn a living by housekeeping ,
and while looking for a suitable pluco to
board her child lost her situation. Once
more she found ono , but also found that dur
ing a short absence the child had been
spirited away , ana it was while about to ap
ply for police assistance , she was arrested on
the charge that was withdrawn the next
day. She claims that of the $250,000 loft her
$100,01)0 has been squandered by her hus
band , who still lives In luxury , while she is
endeavoring to earn an honest living by
hard work. _
The Tliront. "Brown's Bronchial
Troches" act directly on the organs of tlio
voice. They have an extraordinary effect lu
all disorders of the throat.
United States Circuit Court.
The Portsmouth Saving bank filed a peti
tion to foreclose a mortgage for $2,500 given
by Mary H. Mount , with Charles W. Mount ,
John I. Uedielc , Henry E. Cox , Leo Fried &
Co. cited as co-defendants.
BtTho trustees of Dartmouth college
also tiled a petition to foreclose n mortgage
on the east Ut foot of lot 1 , blocic C. Deniso'H
addition to Omaha. The defendants in the
nro Williiim Latoy , Elizabeth Latoy. Wil
liam V. lionson , Mary E. Benson , John A.
Wukellold , William B. Mlllard , Charles P.
lilnkloy , Elnora B. Blnklcy , Franlcio B. Mll
lard , and the amount involved $2,200.
In the suit of Henry T. Clark vs John I.
Blair , tlio defendant Hied an answer to the
bill of complaint.
District Court.
Daniel Hayes sues to recover from C. E.
Mayno a brown stallion with bald face , whoso
sire was Trump , dam Fanny Douglas , by
Green's Bashaw , called Bushnw Douglas , and
valued ut $300. It Is claimed that tlio unluial
has Moon wrongfully detained for three
mouths to plain tilt's damage in the sum of
The case of Klrkendall , Jones & Co. was
appealed to this court from the county court.
Suit to recover on ninety promissory notes
executed December 111 , 1331 , for $15 each ,
was commenced by W. T. Soamau against
Frank F. and Fanny Bellamy.
George Alecs sues Dounla Cunningham for
thopricoof R.10J "X/anita Con Esp" cigars
at the rate of $5t : per thousand ,
Joseph ICrunecort commenced criminal
proceedings against James A. Tower ,
ciiarged with having deeded und sold to him
In 1S8S u certain tract of laud in Cuming
county to which ho had no title. Since
then it has been discovered that ono
M. W. D. Hoagland la the party in WUPUI
paramount right and title is vested ,
Patrick O. Ilawos filed an attorney's lion
yesterday , claiming $ J5,00'J for services ren
dered for the iilulntlir In the famous Kobiu-
SOU-JOIIRS land litigation , which has recently
been taken to the uupromo court.
Gcorgo A. Hoaglaud furnished the lumber
and materials for the erection of a dwelling
house at 1123 North Eighteenth street , now
owned by J , II. Sullivan , Thu house was
built last August and the contract fur fur-
nlsbing the lumber was uiado with Uanguln
& Mnttoson , contractors and builders , but
the materials \voro navor paid for. As a
cousrupjonoa Hoagland brought suit yester
day to roc-over f-aJ from tbo contractors and
Joseph Krmicrt brought action * against
James A. Tower for SI.OOU yesterday , alleg
ing that ho purchased 11V ) acres of land in
Cuming county from thu defendant , nnd
that ho failed to got a good title to tbo prop
erty. Tower , It Is claimed , did not nave
suOloient title to Bell it , and when tbo deed
Wiw executed Meredith I > . Hopshcrd dido -
) > o < iso < i9od the pltimtlflilf his right nnd ousted
him from the promised.
The cnio of Adolpli Anderson against
George Waddell , whloH was tried In Justice
Anderson's court , Whs Appealed yeatcnlav to
the district. The suit wns brougntto recover
for labor performed rtnd a judgment for the
amount ot $15 was entered up in the lower
County Court.
The will of the Into 'Klchnnl ICImball wns
filed with County Judge Shields yesterday for
probulo. In It ho gives and bcquoathcs tc
his wife , Kebccca B. ICImball , nn undivided
two-thirds ot all his pcrsotml property and
real estate nnd to William Fields , the l > oy
whom he has rulsed.'tho ' undivided ono third.
Hl wife is by him appointed solo executrix
of the estate. Charles H. Brown anil
Charles A. Baldwin nro the names of the
witnesses on the document. It l. < estimated
that Mr. Kltnball was worth , ut the tlmo ot
his death , about $ < WXK ( ) .
Pears' so.ip la the most elegant toilet
_ _
Nine luvoiillc Sports.
Nine small boys filed Into the court before
Judge Uorkn yesterday afternoon , carrying
nlno guns ot ns many different ages nnd
fashions. Some wore of the old army style ,
and some were of the shooting gallery iniikc ,
some were double barrelled and some wore
single , but nearly all of them were larger
than the boys that carried them. The
charge preferred was shooting within the
city limits. The cusa was continued until
to-mornnv , the guns being considered stiOl-
clent bail for the reappearance of the boys.
They had been up at the gun club shoot ,
waiting for u chance nt n bird that got be
yond the bounds , when , in the excitement of
the moment , they generally forgot how far
the gnus would carry , or in what direction
they were pointed. As n consequence the
neighbors were In constant dread , niul more
than ono house in the vicinity bears evideueo
of their murkmaushli. | Complaints were
made at the police station , and yesterday n
number of men were detailed to round them
up which they did with the above result.
Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. W. H. Gillies , Winnipeg , Manitoba ,
says : "I have used it in a typical case of In
digestion with biliousness , and found it to
bo , without exception , the best thing I ever
used in such cases. "
WASHINGTON , Feb. 1 Tlio amendments to
tlio senate bill for the ndmissiou of South
Dakota as n state wore non-concurred in
upon the report of the committee on terri
tories , and a conference asked. Messrs ,
Plntt , Culloin and Buttonvorth were ap
pointed confercs on the part of tno senate.
Mr. Saulsbury offered a resolution , which
was agreed to , instructing the committee on
foreign relations to Inquire Into the condition
of affairs on the Snmoau Islands , and to roj
port ut nn early date what measures are noc-
cssary to protect tho'intcrcsts of American
citizens therein , and to discharge nny obliga
tions of the United States to the people of
these islands m the maintenance of their
own local government from the Interference
of nny foreign power , and to secure the just
rights nnd interests of the United States in
the future control and government of those
Mr. Sherman presented a letter from tha
secretary of state , with a copy of the formal
concession of the harbor of Page Page , made
to the United States' by the Samoau govern
ment in accordance with the treaty , and it
was referred to the committee on foreign re
The senate , on motion of Mr. liiddlebor-
gcr , proceeded with closed doors to the con
sideration of executive business , presumably
the British extradition treaty. AVhon the
doors were reopened the seuato adjourned
until Monday. _
WASHINGTON , Fob.'f 1. The conference re
port on the bill to' create n department of
agriculture was agreed to in the house. The
only material difference between the two
houses was upon the senate amendment
striking out the clause transferring the
weather bureau to the now department. The
house conferees finally receded into oppo
sition to the senate amendment , and the
clause was not retained.
Mr. Cannon of Illinois , from the commit
tee on rules , reported a resolution providing
that when the house proceeds to considera
tion of bills on the private callcudar , senate
bills shall have precedence for two legisla
tive days. Agreed to.
The diplomatic and consular appropriation
bill with the senate amendments was re
ferred to the committee on foreign affairs.
There was a brief skirmish between the
friends of the private calendar nnd the ad
herents of the Oklahoma bill , which resulted
In a victory for the latter , and that measure
was taken up for consideration. The pend
ing question was on the motion of Mr.
Springer to table the motion of Mr. O'Forrnll
of Virginia , to reconsider the vote by which
the house yesterday rejected the minority
The motion to table was carried , and the
bill was passed by a vote of yeas 12S , nays
102.Tho conference report on the Nicaragua
bill was presented , nnd it was ordered
printed and laid over. The same course was
followed with the conference report on the
bill to amend the inter-state commerce law.
The house then went Into committee of the
whole on the private calendar.
The greater part of the afternoon was con
sumed in consideration of u bill authorizing
the court of claims to adjudicate the claim of
the legal representatives of Henry II. Sibloy ,
growing out of a contract with the govern
ment for the use of n patented invention in
manufacturing the Sibloy tent , but no decis
ion was arrived nt.
The committee having risen , the house
took a recess , the evening session to bo for
consideration of private pension bills.
After passing twenty-live private pension
bills at the evening session , the house ad
journed until to-morrow. ' .
Advice lo Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Sootning oyrup should al
ways be used for children toothing. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , ullays all pain ,
curesjwind colic , and is the best remedy for
llarrliceu. 25o a bottle ,
She SliliH For Her Lover.
Miss Florence K. Ilnffiv , whoso love
for Dr. Charles N. Williams , of Twonty-
llfth street und Columbia avenue , Phil
adelphia , brought about hop mental de
rangement , is still ut the ulmshou&o ,
and us yet no fltoiw have been taken to
aocuro her removal .to Norristown. She
is still laboring under the impression
that Williams inlands to marry her ,
but she complains' about the unneces
sary delay , nnd is'growing.morojo ' and
gloomy. Nearly every lady visiting1
the Institution wants to oo Miss Halla ,
but none nro poruittod ; to outer her
room but her mother. Dr. Williams
still keeps uway ft'pm ' the city , and his
whereabouts are not known , lie will
not marry the girj , ,
Moro substantial benefit can be ob
tained from a CO cent bottloof Dr. Bigo-
IOW'B Positive Cure than a dollar bottle
of any other cougK remedy. It is a
prompt , safe and pleasant cure for all
throat nnd lung troubles. Goodman
Drug Co. _
A JiiHt II 1 1)1 o
Philadelphia Record : Philadelphia
Man ( In Dakota ) "What did that man
do , steal a horsoV"
Loader Lynching Mob rt Worse. "
"Kill somebody ? "
"Worse 'nor that , stranger. Wo
Ion 't ' lynch fellers for hess stoalin1 an1
cillin1 no more. We're a law-nbidin'
Deoplo won wo alnt pushed too hard.
[ Jut you BOO there nint no law to reach
that follor.'s case. "
"Thoro isn't ? "
"No sir. lie's o' these
, . ono ere east
ern coyotes wet comes around sug-
crostin' jawbnukln * Injun IIHUIOS for
North and South D.i'totn. ' "
A 1-mtly Offers n Protest ARMtint tin
llnll on th'fTcr on Sqnnrn.
To the Editor ot Tnr HER ; Kcccived , pc
mail , to-day a pamphlet with Joint tllustra
tlon showing the site of the city hall as I
now is , and Jefferson square photographed
from n diseased imagination. Why not lmv <
shown both In prospective or both in ono
In my experience of public life nnd nffnlra
have met with no greater absurdity than
that presented by ft few pro ) > erty owner ;
promising the people that their ( the people's )
money will bo cxuondcd In beautifying
grounds contiguous to said property owners'
jxisaesslous. Much generosity Is overwhelm ,
ing and causes tlio best of us to Dltish because
cause wo have nothing that belongs to somu
one else to give nwuv.
Objection First : Can It bo legally usei
ns a site for n city hnlll Some very strong
opinions nro quoted In the nfllrmalivu
nnd may bo the letter of the
law , butnot one of the most
carue'st advocates of n removal can eonsclou
tiously say It is the spirit ; and , if It was so
nominated in the Uond , the conveyancing
was buiigllngly worded. If all lands and
properties set apart , dedicated or deeded to
the city us parks , can bo used for any public
purpose , why not use Hausoom park as n
general froo-fdr-all cow pasture ( It is used ai
a private ono now ) . "Tiirift , thrift , Hora
tio. "
Objection Sfvoml. A largo building In thu
center of Jollerson square would most as
suredly destroy It for park purposes , and the
pica that u breathing place is needed is sneer-
iugly s | > okon of as n mere sentimentality. No
doubt it is since several worthy moil tell ua
so. Then , what isthat quality which Induces
the man of means to migrate with his family
to the seashore nud watering-places when
the sun is ueariiii ; the perpendicular. Ho
gets away us far as ho can from the bricits
und mortar , the pavement , the house on the
street , the stuffy backyard , the work.
But what of tlio man whoso dally earnings
only suflleo for dally neodsf Is ho never to
have u place ! never to see nature as Nature's
God made It ? This may bo sentimentality ,
but to deprive Clod's people of n spot of
ground that they o.m feel they own , nnd fool
n common interest In , is brutality. When I
say this I do not mean that this place or any
other on the face of this beautiful earth
should bo held us a resort for the idle and
Vicious the regulating of that now comas
within the authority of a metropolitan po
lice. But I do mean that the place should
bo-ouo where the laboring man could take
his family for n change. He cannot go to
Old Orchard beach. Newport , or the Ad-
Iroudacks , but he can go to Jefferson square ,
That the square is not kept iu nn attractive
or desirable shape. Is much to bo deprecated.
Wo also deplore the fact that in sonic parts
of the world people have only black bread to
eat , yet no ono would think of remedying
the evil by-taking uway the bread.
Justus soon as the first spadeful of earth
was turned In Jefferson square it would
cease forever to meet tlio requirements for
which it was Ilrst set aside.
It might be n thing of beauty , and n few
jet d'eau ' nnd tlower beds would udd light
ness nnd gruco to the city hull. The rich
man , the man ot business , would point witli
pride to nn Imposing structure , with a few
feet of ground on each corner intensely or
namented , and then step into his carriage
and uo driven rapidly out to the open coun
try whore buildings do not cumber the
ground , to draw long inspiring breaths of
fresh , pure other.
The laborer , hurrying liomo from his
work , with perceptive faculties dulled because -
cause of diminished vitality , may see the
stately building , but ho has passed block
after block of masonry during his tiresome
walk , and there is not enough difference in
this to impress him In any way , only as the
place where ho pays his taxes. The
brilliant ceranlums nud carnations
may catch his eye for n moment , but he can
not take one homo to Mary and the children ,
and happiness not shared by them is no hap
piness. If he should bring them Sunday
would ho not be greeted with "Keep them
kids oft the grass , " and be in u spasm of
mortal terror less Virginia , Maria or Gcorgo
Washington possess themselves of the fiower
garden. IssunsooC possession ownership )
No comfort only a feeling of trespass on suf
Business nnd pleasures can never bo suc
cessfully joined , oil and'water are not more
antagonistic. The favored Jew can seek
pleasures and variety elsewhere , but they ,
whoso lot it Is to toll , can they have nothing !
Must our fair and growing city receive the
blot that will stain it should the only open
spot of ground belonging to tlie city and ac
cessible by ; the masses bo shorn of its pur
pose by ercctinc a building on three-fourths
of it , uo matter how beautiful the building ,
ono cannot breathe granite and limestone.
The working class is the pulse of thu na
tion. When the toilers are happy and
healthy the commonwealth prospers.
They have no luxuries , but a scheme to de
prive them of comforts would , I fancy , If
carried out , end as disastrously as did that
of the old woman who tried to muko her
ducks subsist solely on buttermilk.
Wo uro promised paries and boulevards and
n union depot , but we have Jefferson squuro
let us keep it. J. S.
An Almolurn Curo.
Is only put up la large two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure fur old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped bands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co , , at 23
cents per box bv mail SO cents.
The Weather Indications.
For Nebraska nnd Dakota : Fair , slightly
colder , northwesterly winds.
For Iowa : Fair , colder , northwesterly
Permanent Ou : 9. Jam 11 , HIT.
guSir.4 a IODI tlm < with n nr l U ID thi held ;
w.i proilr.Ul .t tlmti : g.T < Bt , J.cobi Oil a trial ;
hi ? fcctn entlrtlr cured ; no return.
EY.lUJW.Lomb.r4 rt. , Calto. , Ut.
Ferrnanent Cures. Octolxr IT , lets.
Uy U was p.ralystd from noaralfU ; so * eoall
not wtlk itap ; X bontht Bt. Jacobs Oil ; afttr ons
bottlt was mid sbs walktl about : continued us
complitflycnrslhir. JAB. T. MffBFIIlT ,
Bprlagaild , Tcnn.
Permanent Cure * . Jon. IT , 1107.
T .rs ago bad ntaralgU ; not subjict to attack !
DOW ; tht euro by ttss of Bt. Jacobs Oil wa , pcn&a.
n nt ; there ha , b n DO rscnmncs of tlit palafol
amicttoo. 8. W. BfAHOLEB , York , r.ona.
Finest niul ( 'henp'1it Jlpul KlnvourliiKt-tock lor Soups
Jlndo Dishes and t'ltuvaa. ' As llot'f Tun , "ftn Invuhlll
blu tonic , " Atinuulealutl.OUU.OJUjuni.
( lonulnonn y wlllifnc-nlnillo of Justus veil I.loulg'
frnaturo In biuu ncrosq Jubo .
Hold hy titorttkvupors , ( irocorrf und 1 > rui2ul3ts.
t > old by lllcliHrditon Drug Co. , und IlluVc.llruco ACo.
Pinoit toned , m ( t datihlo. .nit pnnneos ( tin only .b *
tolulolf cormct tctla. W.rr.nli l to > In .Df
clltn.tft. Aftk vuur de.ler for tllRm. f\ lfnj t frn ,
Physician and Surgeon
flTI WRAKBieR"T'rinfromli.
SID . * - " " . iSa t8 Metterttot > oiillifiK
M li - aiflbllernirii , < irly rlc
my , lo t manhood , i u : . 1 m trnil a < itluabv
in-all ( wiilnl ) rotitaliilntf full 1'aiflJulani ' foi
liomu Mire , free > r rhar iAtlilreM. .
PROF. F , C. FOWLER. Moodui. Conn.
r &w.iifSRn. Sft
JWkHp.ribt.rlillill.fllj. Cuforl.tU.
durmifal bir .11 JlcotrOKi niu. lllulr > ltil boot k l'"j'
G Cured lif HHANIBIHI'KOIKIO. iirr.iil : M ( n
.JT. Vi'KsrxuM lUuxuv C'u , , Uualu , .Nob.
c v-1. , ,
eVw\iloolSi TCASOua v iisti
sfJ Si.
Thus the iT Mustang" conquers pain.
Makes MAN or BEAST wed again !
twin diseases cause untold milTerlng.
Doctors admit tliat they ore UltUcult to euro
EO do their pat tents. I'ulno's
Celery Compound lina per.
inanently cured tlio uorst
cnsos ot rheumatism mid
ncursilBln-BO say Uiosc who
have used It.
"Havlnp been troubled
wllli rheumatism nttliHkiiuo
and root lor nvo years , 1 wns
almost unable to Kct around ,
nndVIIH very often routined
to iny bed tor weeks nt. n
tlmo. I used only 0110 Uot-
tlo of ralno's Celery Compound -
pound , nnd wna perfectly
cured. I can now jump
nround , niid feel MS lively us
a boy. " FRANK lunnu ,
Eureka , Nevada.
ti.oo. sixforw.00.
Mammoth testimonial paper free.
VY'KLiAHicnAiii > soN&Co.l'ropalliurllnRton.Vt.
nifMnun nvcQ Otre littler nnd IlrltMcr
UIAMQNU OrtS colon than any olhir byci.
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Scl-
"ntifically Made and Practically Appliod.
' '
Gentlemen's Belt Best S Vnl'flr
with Suspensory Electric , : flc's.DISEASECUREllliTrlUT MEDICINES !
H"lf * % & ? BI R IIC&I ? < TTIB I llnyr 70,1 1'nln. In llio Hurt , , Illiift , Itrnil or IJrub * , Nrrr- _
Dl W lm\L \ , ( tPWBY.K. B ( U'U ' „ „ Drlilllly. l.uiMluicn , l.riirrul ll.'l.llllj. Kill mnotlMn , I
l'nrnly.1. , NonrnlKln. Hclutlrn , IMneo.piinr KlilnrjR. Hpliml HUrut- . , 'lurplil I.ttrr , Moul. l xliuuntlon , |
KmlMlon. . A.thnia , Heart Iklnrnitr , Dr.itppKlti. ( 'orntlpMllon. llr tliiclti. , Inilluotluti. WcukliruB , Iiu-E
Iintt'ncy , vaturrli , 1'llc * . Kptlcpur. Ounil , A uc. IM.hf Ivn , llyilropelc. Illiind IM oimt' , * * Irrntttj' . rte. , tlifii f
till , belt I * Juiit wtmt TIII , urvil. Electrinty Inntnntlu Frill Cfln Itu otiplleil ( a nnr part tiftlui l > ody. I
YliolefamllTcanwe.r it. Jt clectrlni'Ulio blood W-fRJCTM AI B CTRCf7C-'ARBGl
nd cure. _ VVKldlu * 1 IU > t B > . 9C r rail KnVJl. I
1&IIKI C Krcrr nnog nulnn nnd turd Ipermission. , . ftoriS llio follnwltm whn IIHYU lioen I I
I niHLO Oil Itl'.lli A , J. lliLKlaml , U. H. f'arkrr nnii J , M. ll.iilutt , nil oil Dual U or Ti'mlo , Clilrn S
A. tiroffo rr , cuinmllilon nu-rclmnt Stock T.rilst lludil Holils , Dip K'i'L''t. IKHHHII.-MU A. O. NVo.idk'Y , M. 1) , I
5 Mtln Sl iCl.nurr.lo.N. Y.iO. W. Ilellin.M. ! > . . Mormontown. IOWBI l.omiu'1 Milk. Knnki\k a. lll.i.1 iirtKO 1.1
N. Murray , r.iK > 'lieIli. | lift Abbottmipt. city lrwork > .8oullilii'iiil , Inil.i llout , U. Hiiiiiinan , ClilcnKU
post office j I : > l.McMlclm l , 1.1) . llullalu. N. Y. "Your lirlt im > acromnlUliCMl lmt nn iitlu-r ruinoily lia
toadynerTeB andcorntorulile .loepittnight. " Uobt. , ulilrnnnn. ir > ( > K > tsnribtrcrtNuw YurV.ate.
. oaiutuTTcurcd In CU d&ra l > yli % PE. IKIllSB'S BLECTIlO-IUn- .
' . HKTIO IIKI.T po.nlvily cunMB
IlornB'.tloe -tr > .MojEclloll IU
Truu.coroblnod. Uu.r&iitcedtha niiErjiATHiViKUiuiouLiv > I
only ono In the world ccncratlnff Bit. kll ) > KV and cibnuitlnicl
ncontlnnon. XlKtrio * Hagnrtu
' * . -'cvrrtnt. bclentinc , l"owcrful , lur l > l . Contnlna23 fo
Comfortnblo Una Eirecilvo. Avoid frnuJfc. Klcctrlclty. UlUIUMKlil ) Uio I
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wnbash Avenue , Chicago.
" " " "
Epps's Cocoa.
"Hr n thorough knoirlriliro uf the naturnl laws
whlcli itovcrn llio operations nf diKustlnn niul nutri
tion , and liy n cnrolul iiiipllcnllnn ot Ihc Hue proper
ties uf well-selected Cocoa , Mr. Kpin has provided otir
brealrfust tablu with a tlullcately Havorod biwuraKtt
wlilcl' nmysiivo us mnny liunvjr durlor' hills. It Is
bythi judicious usu of nucll articles of dolt Ihntn
const Union inny be xnidiiiilly built up until etrone
cnoufh lo roMst erc-ry tuniloncy to dlscnfio. Hun
dreds of subtle maladies nru Uuatlni ; around n' ready
to ultaclc wherever them is n weak point.Vo mnv
escape many u fatal Rhnft by kucpliiK oiirsolve * well
lorllllcd with pure blood nnn a properly nourished
IrnraoV Civil Hcrvlco Uazeltu.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Soldonlr
In hulfpound tins by ( Iroccrs labeled thus :
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Route from Onialia and Council
ClufTs to
Chicago , - AND - Milvraiilfcc ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar
Rock Island. Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , DiiTcnuoit ,
Elgin , Madison , Juncsrlllc ,
Bclolt , Wlnona , La Crossc ,
And all otutr Important uolnti Ent , Norlhemt ami
Forthrounh tlck < t > , call on tu tlckat ojont at 1501
raroani tre t. In IJarktr Ulock , or at Union 1'acitlo
li < poi.
I'ullruan 81etp < r and Ibt flneiiDlnlnif Cin In tbi
world are run on tb main line or tlie Chicago , Mil ,
akoo A SU 1'aul Ilallnay , and 8err attenllun Is paid
to paisoniiors by courteous umplurus of tha compaay ,
it. Ull.lVKIl. General liansxar.
J. F. TUUKKR , Aislilant O o r l Mantfor
A. T. II. CARriCNTJSU , Gtatral 1'amuitr ant
Ticket Antmt.
OKU. K. HKAFKOUD , A * . < lsUnt Utaen.1 PnieotM
and Tlokut Agent.
Jj T. CL.AIIS. < Jtn ral a nerint nU iiV _
( Successors to John Q. .larolis. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old Htmid 1)07 ) I'arnam fit , Onlvrs by
tclegropli solicited nml promptly attended.
Tuleplione to No. 'J2.
\J 121 Uoaruoru St. , Cliica/oi advloo fiaoi 'JA yunri
i' l > urluuco | buiinu.d qulutly un-J legally irumucluJ
or UKM M * JIDMCY. U.4. for
. ' . ! ! . Kel , ° Plrpoi * . CIIKIC or
( o. ( ' . . ( laaoni CorrrnUol
IbrouiD .11 r k I'.rli , rriUr.
.nOllvrouiHIrroilb. KleotrlD
i rn or we for/ell
. .
ra.oeQtlrcurBjattre | montlii. KetUd l' m
Use "Peerless Brand"
Fresh Raw Oysters ,
yolecluil und puckfd with ck'awliicss & euro by
0 , H , PEARSON & CO , Baltimore , Md
They nro tlie 1'Mi. AHk your ( Jrocer for tlitn
11 Pnlne's CX-lory Compound has liocnnOod-
send to me. l"or t Iv jwst tw o years I linro nut-
fi-rrrt wlthncuraljTl.iot tlio heart , doctor niter
iloclorfrtUluKtoruro ma I have now taken
nearly lour bottles of Hut Compound , raid mn
free from the complaint. 1 Iccl very grateful
to you. " CIIAB. n , l.Kwis , central Village , CU
Celery Compound
"I liavo been greatly uniloted with acute
rheumatism , nnd could find no relief until I
used I'olni'ft iviiry compound. After usinfr
EixiJotUeaoritilsmrtllcitio 1 nm now cured ot
rhcumatlo trouble * . "
SAMUEL liFivniNsoN , so. comlsli , N. 1L
Effects Lasting Cures.
I'nluo's Celery Compouudhas inn-formed many
otherctirc'3 ns mnrvct"U3 ns Hii'se , copies ol
loiters sent to nny address. 1'ltasant to tnkc.
docs not disturb , but nids dlgc&Uon , ntidcnUro-
ly vegetable ; u child rim tnko It. AVhnt'a Uio
lite of sulfurlng lunger with rheumatism or
neuralgia ? '
I a/iDircil'MnQiilion l.acltttftHxlarellmlthy. \ .
| aaalti ) Uip1 , > v , llairtu. It it UncyuaM.
To Glatgow , Hdfnsl , Dublin nml Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Cabin passngo Vi nnd MO , according to location
or slat o room. Kxciirsion ffii to $ ' . .
Steerage to nnd from iiuropu at lowest Hutos.
AUSTIN UAfDWlN A : CO. . ( lnn'1 Agents.
Kl llnuuiway , Now York.
JOHN HLEGKN. Gen'l Western Agnnt ,
1G < Itandolph St. , Chicago.
IIAUllY K. MOOIlliS , Agent. Omnha.
Reduced Cabin Rules to Glasgow lix-
Warranted nlisntiitt'li/jnira
Ciiroa , from wliicli tlio c cc > ol
Oil lias been removed , Itli.isword
Hum three times the itrenyth
of Coco.i mixed Kiih Htarcli Arrow *
root or Sucar , anil U tlicreforc
more economical , coslltiylcss thun
one cent rt cup. It is delicious ,
nourisliinir , strcnBllicniiif ; , c.isilydi *
KCfted.aiuln'Iinirablynd.iptctl form *
valids as well as fur persons in llcalllu
Hold by ( Jroccrs orcrjnlicrc.
V , BAKER & CO , , DiSfei1 , Mass ,
u. s. DEr-osiTony , OHAHA , NEB.
Tali ] Uj > Capita ! $100,000
urpliis P 50,000
II. W , YATKS. I'rrslilnnt.
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