0KE ? OMAHA DAILY BEE : , SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 18S9. THE DAILY BEE. KVIOUY MOUNINO. or Dully ( MornliiK IMItlwi ) including SDMDAT ll t..One Ycnr . . . ' ? Form Monthi . 5 ror'llirceMontlis . . . . . . . . . . w TIIK OMAHA Hirstuv IlKF mullet ! to nny nclilreM. Ono Ycnr . - WirKf.vllBi : , nno Year . -M OMAHA ( ) KicK.No .siHA.Nmil6FAH ! AMSTiir.KT. CIIUMCIO Ol TICK MT7 llOOKKItr iltllMllNO. NKwYoiwomcT. . KIIOMS H AND if. Tin MUNI WASIIIMNON OJT1CK , KO. 613 BTIIKKT. roUUB81HNDI'.NCr. . , AlleommimUMlonii rclMluit to news and 6(11- ( torinl inntter should bo addru eJ to tlio KDITOII .A 11 business Mtors ami remittances ulioiild be ddridhwl to TMK llru I'tnu.lKiilso ( 'OMi'AMr , OMAHA. Urartu , checks rind i U > mce order * to tornado payable to the order of the company. HioBcePflWisliingciipany Prooricte K. ROSKWATKU. Kditor. 1113IS. Sworn Stntemrmtot Olruiit.itlon. FtatoofNeliMSki. ( . . Coiintyof lottiiiis. ) ; \3' \ Ueorno ll.Twehuclc. RoerntnrvorTho flea Pub- llshliii ; Company , doM Holcniiily iiwrar that the ctualclrcnintlon of TUB lUn.r Unit for th vtevkemllnRJnnuniysn. IbBJ.va. . as follows ! Kiiwlny. .Inn. 3) ) . Jg-f Monday. Jan. 21 . } . j5 Tummy. .Ian. SiJ . Wprtnwiny. .Inn. 8) ) TmirfiClnv. Jan. iil . f Iriday. Jan. M. . . tntnrctay , Jan. " 0 AT trace . 18,91 Uttouni : ii.'iYscmjc'K. Eworn to licforn ma nnd subscribed In my prccenco thls'-titli dnv nf Jntiilnry. A. I ) . IBS' ' ) . r'tti' ' N. I' . 1'Kl U Notary 1'ubllo. btnto ofNcbrns-a. i Cottuty of lou lai. f ss < Utorfie II. 'JVscliuck , bins duly sworn , cte- PO--CH nnd sayH that hu | s .sucrotary of the Hue rubllBhitiRuimimny , tliat the actual average daily circulation of THE DAILY JIKK for the month of January , 18W , 1li , $ > o copies ; for Hob , ruary , 1WH. U.VM ropiest for Alnrcli. 1KW , 11MMS cojMos : for April , 18H * . JH.74I copies ; fnrMny.lgttt , in IK ! copies : for JnneltWMli.4.lropIes : ! : for July. ] 8bX. IH.rcW copies ; for August , IMS , li < .lCcopl 5j lor September , Ui-8 , 1H.I51 cnpln.s ; for October , 1W8. was 1BUI copies ; for Novombor. IH8S , mum copies ; for December , IWx. 1H. ! I copies. Hworn to brtnro mo and subscribed In my Presence tills Urd iliiyot January IRS'.l. tf. r. 1'Kl I. Notary 1'ubltc. Tim bliielc baud or Samoa still hanga like a threatening cloud on the horr/on of our foreign relations. WITH prohibition for a law , Omaha nnd every city , town and hamlet in Ne braska would support hundreds of sus picious looking' ' 'drug stores. " ANTI-TUUST legislation in not con fined to Nebraska. Legislatures ol many states , as well as congress , are wrestling with the problem. TIIK incorporation of a number of now building and loan associations in Omaha recently , augurs well for activity in the building line when the season opens. THKHK have botfn a great many two- headed freaks before the country , but it ia a question if any of them can equal the double-headed high license and prohibition what-is-it at Lincoln. TIIIJ inventive genius of the west shows well in the report of the commis sioner of patents , just sent to congress. Nebraska's record of one hundred and thirty-seven patents last year is one to bo proud of. COUNTY treasurers will look to it sharply that their debits and credits balance. The house passed the bill for the examination of the books and rec ords of all county treasurers , and the senate will doubtless concur in the measure. KY-winsTLK editors , whoso back bones are bolstered by railroad patron age , cannot get it througli their pates that the attorney general has a perfect right to employ a stenographer without breaking all the commandments and violating the state constitution. TIIR recent successful tests of the Zalinsid dynamite gun remove all doubt regarding the practicability of that formidable weapon , and this coun try may now safely boast of having the most destructive gun in the world. It is reasonably believed that with our seaports supplied with this weapon no other defense will bo necessary. THK legislators of Kansas fcoetn de termined to lot the \vorld know that they are alive. A little while ago they startled eastern farm mortgage holders by proposing legislation that had a flavor of repudiation about itand now they call upon congress to enact stern measures for the south. They may bo expected to tackle the Samoan ibsue noxt. Tim temper of congress appears to bo growing warmer with the con torn pint ion of Germany's conduct in Samoaand the spirit of jingoism is beginning to mani fest itself quite generally. Fierce talk , however , will have . very little ollect upon Bismarck , and whllo ho serenely views our indignation the Gorman ofll- ciuls in Samoa Hoop right along at their taslc of extending Gorman domination in the islaudb. Tin : conviction of two Iowa bankers for receiving deposits after they wora insolvent will undoubtedly have a salu tary effect upon wild-cat bunk ing in that Blnto. It is the first case in Iowa tried under the now banking law , and it is gratifying to the people as well as to depositors tnat the measure affords them ample protection. The sooner Nebraska adopts similar laws the bettor it will bo for legitimate banking and the bust interests of the stuto. HKUKAVTKU the conotltuent whoso heart was annually gladdened with a paokago of pumpkin faood or cabbage loaves which bore the frank of the sen ator ot his stuto or the congressman of his district will no longer be the recipi ent of such favors. And well may It bo so. The practice of Bending seeds through the malls by senators and ron- rcsontutivos has long ngo degenerated into a farce. It Is now proposed that the commissioner o ( agriculture shall supply those seeds dlvoctly to the several agricultural experimental sta tions for distribution , and it is to bo hoped that this arrangement will bo a decided improvement. The /armors of the country want the seeds much more than the lawyers and storekeepers who seemed by a strange fatality to have had n monopoly of those favors under the former syatom. sunstnr The national shipping Icajjuo ! a In sosdlon at Washington , and will renew Us recommendation in favor of federal appropriations for the encouragement of shipping by means of subsidies and bounties , The league Is hopo'ul of securing - curing aid from the incoming adminis tration , basing its expectation on the plunk In the national platform which recommended prompt action by con gress in the enactment of such legisla tion ns will best secure the rehabilita tion of the American merchant mnrlno , It is not easy tojsap , however , what en couragement this givoHtotho shipping league , whose only policy for rcstorinf the merchant marine is by grantitif liberal subsidies from the public treas ury. Everybody cnn approve the plat form recommendation that sometliiiiR be done , but it does not suggest ot imply that I hat something shall bo the granting of bounties to shipbuilders. Nor is there any reason to suppose that General Harrison is favorable to such n policy , though he may desire as strongly as any member of the league that the merchant marine should be rehabili tated. It Is altogether probable that the shipping league will continue to ex perience disappointment in its ef forts to load upon the na tional treasury a huge subsidy system the limit of which it would be almost impossible lo fix , There is not the least likelihood that a scheme of this charac ter will faro any better in a congress under republican control than it baa done in the congresses of which each party has had the control of ono branch , \Vo do not recall any instance in which the republican senate has shoun a disposition - position to favor ship subsidies , but on the contrary it has shown opposition lo such legislation , and we see no reason tu suppose that the senate of the next congress will take a different view of the matter , and un less it is favored by a republican senate the scheme will have very little chance with a republican house. Regarding thcnucstion simply from a , party point of view , no greater inUtako could bo made by the next congress than to vote ship subsidies. The idea that the merchant marine can bo rehabilitated by a system ol bounties is fallacious , the experience ol other countries with subsidy .schemes having exposed their impracticability. Shipping cannot bo made profit- alilo by any such expedient , and a bounty policy would simply rob the whole people in the interest ol a few , with the certainty that the re sult would bo unsatisfactory. The ship ping league is a very respectable organ- i/.ation , but it is engaged in a hopeless task. Popular sentiment is against it , and. is very certain to continue so. mscnra ro us POLITICIANS. The controversy that has boon going on in a Washington newspaper between Senator Chandler , of Now Iliunpshiro , and Representative Gates , of Alabama , regarding the race question in the bouth , canhot possibly do any good , but may have a mischievous result. Neither of these gentlemen is qualified to dis cuss this question dispassionately and without prejudice. Both represent ex treme views , pud each is disposed to go to the Inrthost limit in demanding that his views bo made olloctivo. Mr. Gates speaks for the great majority .of the southern people when ho urges that the negroes in the south should bo disfran chised. Ho ought to know that no such thing will over bo done , but so in tense is his hatred of the negro as a po litical equal that ho will persist in lighting against an unalterable condi tion , instead of endeavoring to use it to the best advantage. Could southern politicians like Mr. Dates lay aside their prejudice long enough to see that their true policy is to make friends of the negroes politically the problem that troubles them so sorely would speedily bo solved. But this they will not do. It would be a concession , rather than make which the southern politicians will continue to deprive the negro of his rights as a citizen , and thereby violate the consti tution and laws. Time may change this situation , but it will bo after tlio politicians who now dominate the south have passed away. On the other hand , the extreme views entertained by Mr. Chandler as to what the government should do to correct political injustice in the south uro not so largely hold by the pcoplo of the north as is commonly be lieved by the people of the south. All republicans unquestionably fool that the government may legitimately pro vide for a free ballot in the election of representatives , but the number is very few who would support a policy of re tributive legislation. General Harri son has mndo tolerably plain his vie ws in this matter , and they indicate that the policy ho will advise will bo con servative , lie will use whatever au thority he has or may bo given , and all the intluonco ho caji properly employ , to secure justice for the suppressed vote of the south , but ho will not advise or attempt any policy to humiliate or ex asperate the southern people , as Mr. Chnndlor would very likely do had ho the opportunity. The Now Hampshire senator assumed moro than ho has the riglit to when ho implies that the next administration will have a retributive policy for the south. The talk of both these congressmen is mischievous In Its tendency. It feeds sectional fueling both north and south , aud if it have any result for the negroes it Is almost certain to bo harmful. The controversy should cease. TIIK omission of the appropriation for the year of ono hundred thousand dollars lars for developing the sorghum cano , in the report of the house committee of congress la a tacit admission that the experiments heretofore made have boon unsuiiafui'tory. Kansas has boon a favorite field for such investigations , but after a fair trial it must be conceded that sugar making- from cane U not ono of the paying Industries of that state. The government has finally awakened to the fact and has decided to spend no moro money in trying to force from nature what she is reluctant to yield. Whllo this may be a disappointment to Kanwsund other states which cherished the hope that they would some day be able to develop p great agricultural in dustry , it is bettor that the delusion bo given up once for all. The industries for which Kansas nnd Nebraska are most admirably adapted are corn am' ' cattle raising. It is to the best interests of these stales to bond their energies it this direction than to waste thorn ii schemes which are as impractical as the attempt to extract stimboams out o cucumbers. has juat dedicated n now crematory for tlio disposal of garb- ago. A test before the council committee - mittoo and board of health was made n few days ago , when ono hundred and llfty tons of refuse wore satisfactorily disposed of. The 'cost to the city for tlio maintenance of the cromitory after the erection of the building is compar atively cheaper than the old dump ing methods , and far moro satisfactory. In coiisoqumu'D , the people ot Minne apolis arc congratulating themselves that the troublesome problem of the disposal of tlio city's garbage is sottlci once for all , and that the health ntu cleanliness of the community are de cidedly improved. The dhpasal of the garbage of our city is a question which the council should no longer neglect. There is an ordinance now in the hands of. a. committee of the council to take such stops as are nuecpsary to improve our present unsatisfactory system Action on the ordinance should not be delayed. If taken In hand at once , i crematory suitable for tlio city's press ing needs can bo made ready for service before the summer months. CAN the prohibitionists of Nebraska deliberately shut their eyes to the dam aging testimony to their cause whlcl comes from every city and town in Iowa ? Can they , in the face of those facts , claim that the liquor trallle has been stamped out in that state and the morality of the people raised toahighoi standard ? On the contrary , the ovi- de-lice which is piling in upon them cor roborates the public judgment as to the condition of morals in a prohibitory state. A prohibitory law which stimu lates stealth and hypocrisy , and which familiarizes communities with law breaking under the support ot public sentiment that such a violation implies no moral wrong , is dangerous for the well being of any state. TUB house has passed the Oklahoma bill , and there is now a fair prospect that this legislation will bo completed by the present congress. The bill ro- portcd from the committee on terri tories received numerous amendments , and the measure passed is in essential and important respects very dillcront from the original bill. This is particu larly so in the provision made for secur ing the Indians in their rights. Other amendments are likely to bo made by the senate , but the belief is that that body will promptly not upon the measure. When tno bill becomes law it will open to settlement a largo region of some of the very best land in the country , and the promise is that it will bo rapidly taken up. CONOUKSS on the whole has boon fa vorable to the schema of reclaiming the arid lands of Wyoming and Colorado with a system of irrigation by reser voirs and canals. The appropriation for the purpose in the sundry civil bill has been increased to two hundred and llfty thousand dollars. This sum will bo used for making topographical surveys and the selection of sites for storage reservoirs. If this sys tem be at all practical , it will reclaim millions of acres for agricultural uses ; nnd as the enterprise is on so stupendous deus n scale , it is impossible for privateer or state interests to undertake the work without government aid. TIIK principle on which the Omaha Herald has boon edited of late is that the function of a party organ is to abuse and villify every publicoflicer of the op posite party. This is the pnly theory on which wo can explain the utterly un called-for malignant abuse of Governor Thayor. There may possibly bo a per sonal grievance that inspires these venomous assaults , and the person ag grieved may bo a member of the legis lature , who is about to vacate a seat to > vhich ho was not elected. If this bo true , it would bo much moro manly for the disgruntled individual to make his attacks on the governor over his own name. Mil. ISAAC S. IIASCAMJ still keeps up his bushwhacking war against the Fur- nam street location of the city hall. Hascall is evidently trying to got oven with the people who refused to endorse him at the November election. It re mains to bo seen whether the citizens of Omaha will enlist to avenge ITascall's political Waterloo against their own interests and the general welfare of the UNDKU high license Omaha has less than two hundred and fifty saloons , which bring in an annual revenue of a quar ter of a million. Under prohibition our city would bo Jillod with twice or thrice that number of joints and dram shops , which would flaunt their colors In the face of law and decency , without contributing one dollar to the support of the city. OTHER LANDS THAN OUHS. Tlioso happy Americans who visited the [ Trench exhibition in 187S will bo surprised to lonrn that tlio coming one will cover a far creator area , for it will Include not only the Champs do Mars and the Trocadcro , but the whole swoop of tlio Esplanade ) dai Invulidos , so well known to visitors to the tomb of Na poleon Honnparto , Of course thu EIITol ; ewer will be the grand novelty , but near It will bo ono which will be deeply interesting to all who live on this continent. It will be a panorama showing Mexico and Peru as they were when the Spanish conquerors ar rived. There will bo u special attraction In the representation of the great building which has recently boon unearthed In Pnloa- quo in the province of Yucatan , which has been photographed for this panorama and is said to bo older and more peculiar than any of the structures represented la Lord ClngvborouKh's oxhauslve Avork on ancient Mexico , There will bo a circular railway of open cars | us ( as hero was In 167S , which will run every two nlnutcs from U a. m. until midnight. There vlll bo a great restaurant of all nations , whoi-o the specialties of every country will bo provided , and wlicro olnnt chowder and pumpkin pie will bo mode , not only by French or Italian cooks , but by fair Hos- tonlnns imported for the occasion. For the Invalid , and tor tlio luxurious idler , thcro will bo a service of bnth clmlr , propelled not by a nuvu pushing behind , but by an Kftyptiati donkey drawing in front , nnd onch butli chair will bo In the charge of a Parisian gntnln dressed Ifko a rci\l Cnirocn. In spite of Houhineor Intrigues , and financial bronVrrs the Parisians tire now giving their whole minds to tholuipchillti ) ; carnival of nations , nnd the poncriil sentiment is "the exposition1 now ; war next your. " # * f- The United ijtatos steamship Osslpeo hns reached Colon , to bo on hand to protect American property in the very prob iblo con tingency of an outbreak among the working force , whoso pay has been reduced provl sloiMlly. Hut there ouijht to bo more than ono United Stntes Avar ship thcro , when ono considers tlio enormous Interests which Americans have. The English have n steam corvette , the Lily , mounting eighteen guns , and the French have a ho.ivy armored cruiser of the first class , La Pologne. So that In all probability there will bo a sunlcient force to keep down the criminal element Unit has gathered thcro.and that has already begun to show Its hand by robbing stores In open daylight with threats nnd nourishes of revolvers. Moanwhllo thft ull-lniportnnt question Is as to the possibility ot reorganizing - organizing the company by an Immense issue of now stock , which is practically the plan at present under consideration , The public : bus been Invited to subscribe for 1X1,001) ) now shares at 500 francs the share , one-quarter to be deposited with the applica tion , another quarter n week after the re ceipt of the allotment , and the remainder ono mouth after that payment. Hut though the ttanquo Pnrisionno has agreed to iissunio the whole cost of reorganization , yo ( , the success of the suhemo depends upon thu number of shares of the old company that can bo got to accept it. It Is absolutely necessary that more than ; tOOl > 00 shares ahull vote in the nlllrmatlvc , mid as the polling Is restricted to two days nt the end of the present month it is tHfilcult to sco how the requisite number of proxies can bu obtained , lor the stock is hold broadcast nil over France , and is not In u few hands , the capitalists having disposed of theirs long ago. At the music halls of London , nnd nt the minor theaters , particularly along the Strand , every unfriendly sentence about the Germans , and these are far from rare , is greeted with immense applause. The secret of this is that there are thousands of German clerks in London who are distinguished by their sobriety , economy , Hdolity and com mand of foreign languages. They compare most favorably with the native born Eng lishman of London , who has not the sterling virtues of Ills countrymen , but Is given over to low snorts nnd pleasures , nnd is in a word the being caricatured by Punch as 'Arry. ' This much must be said for 'Arry , that ho Is the creature of unfavor able conditions acting on natural instincts of a low order. He has no hope of nny other life than one of drudgery , or of any other wages than those of a drudge , but Instead of making the best of it ns a German noes , and consoling him self by a homo made sweet by , a loving wife and by some talent , music or drawing , or etch ing. 'Arry squanders what ho has in beer , nnd aims ut obtaining a fortune by betting on horse races. Therefore the bookmaker has arisen to take the cash which Arry ob tains at hard work , and the races are seen with considerable regard for the wishes of bookmakers , and none for the bets of Arry and his liko. There can bo no doubt that among those German clerks there are not n few men of superior ability who make most valuable reports tq the Gorman government of things in England , rendering Just such services to the fatherland ns the Azteo Guild of merchants rendered to the conquering Mexicans in Central America before the ar rival of the Spaniards. * There is a region in Venezuela , which Is south of the great Orinoco river , nnd con sequently close to that part of Guiana , ' which the English without the least Justice have claimed as tneirown. Until the Eng lish set up thcnr most preposterous claim the circulating medium of this part of Vono- zucla has been gold dust in quills . Hut re cently the unfortunate inhabitants have been debarred from obtaining their usual currency by English invaders , and have been put to the greatest straits for money. In this emergency they had recourse to the ancient practices , and cocoa-nuts became legal tender , if delivered on the sea coast. This , however , had Its drawbacks , for It was soon apparent that the young of both sexes who were able to climb trees "wore doing a thriving business , and were sporting gaily colored handkerchiefs and glass Jew elry without any adequate reason for the same. Also the old and middlo-agcd owners of cocoanut currency groves became pam- fully aware that their hung up specie was being appropriated feloniously in the silent watches of the night , anil that they hud no recourse. Under these untoward circum stances a meeting was held of the notables of the district , nnd after duo deliberation the alcalde issued a proclamation calculated to straighten out matters. It stated that us the use of cocoanuts for money had been found by experience to lead to serious complications with the commandment against stealing , on and after that present date such use was abolished , and all traders receiving It us such would bo Hogged con pimento , aud expelled the country. Finance is a serious question In every land. * * * Prince Alexander of Hattenburg , J the exiled ox-king of Bulgnria , and the hero of Slivinitza , Is visiting the court of Vienna , and has been received with the utmost dis tinction by both the emperor nnd the people. It is whispered that ho is to enter the Aus trian army , only as a blind , however , and Unit if there should bo a movement in Bui garia for his restoration ho will have the backing from Austria. This means consid erable. It appears that Ferdinand of Hohcn zollern , who Is the present Bulgarian poten tate , has been very completely taken In nnd done for by his astute people , and that Kus- slan diplomacy has boon un amused specta tor of the whole fame , if not a side partner In the prollts. The Bulgarians received him with apparent coldness , but ho was rich , and not averse to buy ing fashionable opinions , nnd ho went In for popularity with the golden key of which Philip , of Alacedon , hnd so high an opinion. But Philip , -Macedonian , took excellent care to get what lie bought , mid to buy oulv what could bo delivered , nnd Ferdinand , of Bulgaria , was not BO wiso. Ho lavished his Harms with a free hand , and so long as the stream was ( lowing the organs of public opinion proclaimed that thorn was moro in Ferdinand than had been supposed nnd that ho preserved all the essential qual ities of n good and great ruler. . When the prince came to the conclusion that he had spent enough money , and that ho had gained the hearts of the i Bulgarians , an intrlyue was immediately stated by the synod of IjUhops of the Greek church who clamored , and are clamoring for his abdication on the , round that his Jesuit priest are trying to irosolyto the Bulgarians. This kind of ap- > t'al to the Kubslan co-religionist admits of jut ono answer , and It will come In the .winkling of a lamb's lull. Meanwhile the bravo prince of Montenegro Is out with an appeal for a federation of the Balkan Sla vonic states under the protection of Hussis , and as between Austrian sympathy and Rus sian protection the Balkan Htute.s are liable to bo pulled to pieces. Tlio City Hull. The Omaha JItraM , March 15 , 1SW. "Tho decision of Judge Doanoprinted n full in the local columns this morn- tig , is juat what the Herald had pre- lictod , and what all intelligent citizens vho had given the matter any thought , desired , It is a blow to the tricksters of the council , and adollnite ruling that ho people are greater than their sor- nnts. The judge decides that the situ sf the city hall cannot bo isluitiged ; that he Decent foundation cannot be de stroyed , and that the Meyers plnn can not bo abrogated without the consent o the voters of tlio city expressed at ni election. Neither can tlio council tnkt stops to build a city hall elsewhere. Tin decision is a triumph for honesty. I should shame into becoming inutenos the aldormantc boasters who have boot defying the will of the people they wen selected to represent. "In all probability the building o the city hall will now go forward with out unnecessary delay. The docisioi ends all urncticnt controversy. A dis contented few will grumble , but tit election will hardly bo called to settle i point already settled once at the polls Particularly is tills true since no nov conditions have arisen. If the chose i site was ever good it Is good now. A : to the Moyora plans , thuro is less fool ing. Any plans providing for a suilabli structure at n reasonable cost would IK acceptable. However , no other plan ! could well do this , innsmuch as th < foundation is nearly complete nnd t change would catibo tlio oxpentiituro o extra thousands. Mr. Hascall , and those for whom IK wrote and talked HO glibly , may nov subside. They have been crushed Popular condemnation they rei-oivot long ago. To this has been added jti tlicinl censure. Mr. Hnsi'iill has the cf frontry to assort that ho never content plated doing nnvthing which tlte ill1 junctions forbids him doing. Ho know : this statement to bo untrue , or ho is extremely tromoly forgetful. No one believes Mr IlnsiNill is forgetful. In his numerous public allusions to the subject ho ha1 openly declared that the council had t right to dispose of the oily hull ns it saw lit ; to build it or not build it ; tu Iliul an other site ; erect moro than one struc turo. In fact , ho has assumed the council , within the limits of Omaha , Ube bo supreme , and ho has , as the solf-ap' pointed mouthpiece of that body , in dulged in much unseemly and indis creet Ireodom of speech. Now ho denies having done this. His denial will counl for nothing. Mr. Hnscall is probablj learning that silcuco is golden with the gold at u premium. To expose dolinitelj the hypocrisy of his unblushing back down may be cited an instance : .ludgo Doano says the council htw IK right to abrogate the plans of Mr , Myers. The council evidently held t different opinion. With duo solomnitj it has already gone through the form o doing the very thing specifically for bidden. * A Kansas Cynic. Atehltan fltobe , It is not good for man to be alone ; it i : better. Cni > turol tin : llnkery , AVnw I'ork 3itittn > Journal. Boulanger , the baker , took not only th ( cake , but the whole bakery. Two M n of Di-Htiny. Chtcagn Intcr-Owui. The man on horseback Uoulanger. The man soon to bo on foot Grover Cleveland. The AVorst Feature of It. /Jinfon Globe. The most disastrous effect of Boulangor's .ovewhelming victory will bo the revival of Boulnngcr's march. The buiciilal Al.iuin. AVio I'ork HrraM. That "Beautiful Snow" poet has again started on a rampage , nnd yet the Boston Advcrtizcr wonderingly murmurs , "What is the secret of the suicidal impulse 1" Everybody Itiscs. Chicago Xcit'i. Does nny Iowa gentleman was to Join the immortals in the United States senate ) Eh ) Oh , sit down , sit down : this isn't n roll call of the republican party in hawkoydotn. Art In Now York. Kcio I'orlc H'orW. "The Flight of Might" was the name of the oil painting which once decorated the ceiling of the assembly chamber nt Albany. The celling is now celebrated for the mysterious flight of $75,000. The 1'luco ForSnckvillo. CMmao Mail. It is proposed to send Lord Sackvillo as British ambassador to Constantinople. Good ideal Ho may bo bow-stringed ana tossed into the Bosporus if ho makes a bad break there. Tho'chanco is worth playing. No Objection tu This Trust. Chicago Herald. The man in Indiana who Is running a skunk farm is said to bo moro than gratified with the success of his venture. It is un doubtedly a business that has its advant ages. The skunk farmer may fear no great number of competitors , and if ho should cor ner the skunk market ho would not be de nounced as a soulless and grinding monopo list. Only a KilUnr Sullivan , There nro a lot of weak sneaks who follow mo around and watch mo like cats when I cat , drink , sleep , walk , talk , snooze , wink , sit , stand , run , Jump , ride , write , read , play , joke , or do any mortal thing. If I was not n strong man they would certainly turn my head by making mo think f am the greatest man that ever lived. I know and feel that I can whip any man living In a fair , square light , but I nm not a great orator , nrtlst nctor , doctor or lawyer I urn Just what I claim to bo nnd nothing else. 6TATIS AND TKIIIUTOUY. Ncbraaku Jottincs. Ulysses wants a harness shop , The Seward band is to give a masquerade ball on the evening of St. Valentino's day. A revival is In progress in the Baptist and Congregational churches at Weeping Water. Iowa dealers are shipping largo quantities if wood into 1'lattsmouth by means of u Hat- boat. Some of the leading business men of Schuvlor contemplate a trip to Europe next lummcr. The Nebraska City Hospital association , vill hold its annual meeting next Tuesday jnd elect ofllcers. The Custcr County Agricultural Society md Live Stock exchange have purchased the 'air ground which they have had leased horo- ofore. Hngorman , tlio incendiary horse thief , Is tick In Jail at Schuyler , caused by too much ixposuru during his recent exciting escape md capture. The Stacy Grand Army post at Friend la o hold a three days' fair beginning next L'hursday , for the purpose of raising money o build a hall. John Holmes , the Strang lad who was iltten by a mad dog lust summer. Is showing igns of hydrophobia , notwithstanding his reattnent with a mud ulnne. Kev. Mr. Jacobs , the evangelist who ro- ently conducted u revival at Tuknmah , is irokon down in health , and his physicians lave ordered him to give up his labors in the ninlstry , lames lieod , who operated n brlak yard ut Ilysscs twenty years ago , Is about to opdii nether yard there. Ho stakes his roputn- Inn on the fact that bricks ho burned twenty oars ago are ns sound and nicousoutho ay they were manufactured , Wyoming null Colorado. A high-toned foinalo kleptomaniac has been Iscovarcd at Cho.venne. The first tiling that Htriuos a visitor to Dun- or is the peculiar aroma of chloride of luno lint hovers about the hotels. There Is a plan Incubating to organize n aso ball league , composed of the towns of heyenilo , Laramlo , ureoloy and Fort Coi ns. Joseph Davidson , the Laratnlo cigar- mkor , has skipped , leaving numoivus cred- ors to mourn. Ills last crooked work was to sell n quantity ot clgnrs to two dlfferct men , A postofllco has been established nt Dallns a settlement near the Slitishono oil busln nbout ten miles south of Lutuler , Fremon county. It Is quite pralmbla that the oulelals of th Elk Mountain railroad will deckle to heel active operations as noon us un order fret the court cnn be obtained , Mrs. Jennie Berry , who hns Itcenifor twi .venrs in the Wyoming penitentiary for boini nn accessory to the murder of her husbami has been pardoned by Acting Govorno Shannon. The Hyde ( Col. ) Topics says that when i brnkcmitn on tlio H. &M. calls out the statin of Hyde the passengers all got down nn crawl under the seats. 'Thoro Is someUitti , In anamonftornll. The Buffalo Budget says that the poopl of Nntrona county , to be , are already nt wor on the petition necessary to perfeet a count , organization , nnd hope to have a county o their own before Apt 11 1 next. The hind of the Fort McICIiutoy inllitar , reservation , which the government has 01 dcrcd sola Is veiy valuable. Immediately nil joining the city of Buffalo on the west , muel of the tract is already occupied. Some of the settlers on llock creek , nen thi < town of Hurdette , Colo. , have til road ; taken the Initiatory steps toward the bulhl ing of reservoirs , without waiting for nn , appropriation from the government. Nellie Oilman , supposed to be from Cnnoi City , was taken to Pueblo by two strangi ini'ii , who uskod ( ulmlsxion for her Into tin ladles' benevolent home , and bulng rcfusei they took her to the Farrlsh hotel. They en gngeil a room , forced her to drink soda wate : containing poison , mid then hurriedly left mid have not been seen since. The girl wa- soon delirious , and died In a hospital withoir giving n coherent account of the ulTair. JOllllKUS KAVOU l-'AKNASI. The City Hull Should Ite Imcntcd tc Accommodate tlio ( Jnvitost Nuniticr. F. H. Turner & Jay Certainly the pronci place for the city hall is in proximity to the county building , ns our citizens frequently have business with city and county oflloiah at the same time. Wo need all the opet snunrus obtainable , and Omaha will regret It in the future If the only block of open space in the city is built upon. F. Stoubeiulorff , of A. Frick & Co. II will surely bo moro convenient for our cltl 7cns to have the city and county building ? near together. The custom house nnd post- ollico will have to bu located oust of SIX' teenth street , and it would seem to bo the wisest plan to use the foundations already set and locate the city hull as originally in Intended. Arthur M. I'into , of Sopor , Wells & Co. It seems to me that the city hall is well enough wlicro it is. Wo want Jefferson square improved and laid out with plants and evergreens nnd rotainrd as un open pub lic square. L. Kirscht , of fj. Klrscht & Co. The place for the city hall would seem to bo where the foundations have been already laid , on Fur- mxm street. People having business with the city ofllclals usually have business with the county ollloors nnd the two sots of oftlcos should bo as near together ns possible , that is If the convenience of a majority of the citi zens and taxpayers is to bo consulted. Mr. Thomas E. Burnett , of the Hoblnsnn Notion Company. It would seem that the city hall should stay whore it is and I will vote to keep it , there. Wo want Jefferson square Improved with shrubs and trees and the urass cared for. Omaha has too few parks or squares to spare any. iMr. Meogan , of Aloegnn ft Harding Sev en eighths of the business of Omaha is done south of Capitol avenue , then , why should the city hall bo located north of the business district when foundations are nhcnd.v pre pared in n suitable place. It should KUJ where it is. A. T. Austin of the American Horse Shoo Company Uudoubtedlv the city liall should remain where it is nnd most of the business men with whom I have talked on the subject , hre of the same opinion. Wo need Jefferson square for lungs. W. 1C. Harding , of Mocgnn & Harding. The city hall should bo located where it is , though it would bo better if it were not so much up hill. If moved to Jefferson square the city and county buildings will then ho in widely separated localities , and much annoy ance will bo thereby caused to citizens hav ing business wi'li both. B. F. Kilpatrick. of the fvilpatrick-ICoch Dry Goods company I have not thought much of the matter , but common-sonsa would seem to dictate Hint the city hall should bo erected on the foundations already in , nnd Jefferson square improved as a park. W. S. Vineyard , of Vineyard & Schneider The city hall should bo built on the foun dations already In. It will bo more conven ient for the citizens to have the city and county buildings adjoining. The United States building should bo erected below Fifteenth street , so that it will not bo neces sary to climb a hill to reach the postofflce. B. F. Troxell , of Troxoll & Williams The county building is on a hill and it is a tiresome - some Job to reach it , nnd certainly the city hall should not bo nut out of the way also. But it woula bo better on the hill than in Jefferson square , which wo need for breathIng - Ing space. H. Erlich , of Erlich & Lonstadtor , whole sale cigars 1 think the city hall should be located on Farnam street nnd Jefferson square retained for a park. Wo need ono breathing spot at least. DISGUSTING. How the City Hall Quarrel is Charac terized liy ( l IHIiHiniirlnn. How the city hall squabble is affective prospective investors in Omaha properly , is forcibly and pointedly set forth in n letter from Hon. S. G. Brook , the mayor of Macon Mo. , to M. A. Upton. Mr. Brock and his associates , John Scovorn , cashier of the First National bank and Major Glaze have in , vested in Omahii realty , nnd speak witli authority. The letter , which contains a number of pertinent suggestions , is given in full : MACON , Mo. , Jan. 1. M. A. Upton , Esq. My Dear Sir : It seems to bothe , general imprcssiou in business and financial circles that there will bo an abundance of money that will seeic investment , and this will bo in the west. Ag ln , the Impression is that this surplus , which is accumulating in the banks , will seek investments in real es tate and good substantial buildings , because there really seems to be nothing elite that will give fair returns. Now do you know that the eyes of capitalists and others who have these savings nnd accumulations arc turned towards thu Missouri valley , and they nro closely consulting the maps ut all points from St. Louis to Bismarck. I leant those facts whllo in conversation with prominent moneyed men and loan agen cies while at St. Louis , and from letters re ceived from eastern cities , tlcucc , Itoccura to me.now Is the time for Omaha and Omalm citizens to make n bold movement to the Iront. For the public-spirited men of tlio city to assort thomsolves. Did it over ocrur to you ? I presume it has , that while Nebras ka Is u state of jrroat agricultural resources and a good , vigorous climate , that natural resources will not build up a state ; n health ful climatu will not bring prosperity. It lakes vigoious , active , publlo-spirucd men to build up communities and make them pros perous. Such men , when thovpull toirother , ivill nmko a Chicago , a Kansas City , a Minneapolis St. Paul , or u Duluth , oven undtir great disadvantages. Other towns or cities with ns great or greater natural advantages , languish and Inuily are left away in the rear of develop- nent and progi-usi. Their resorccs of furtilo > oil. situation , climate , etc. , have boon of no ivall , and because their citizens have lacked mbliu spirit , enterprise and push , the tide of irosporil.v has swept by thum , It does oern mo and to others who lira frequent visitors it Omaha that all natural conditions are low most fuvorublo for thu building of a HOC- md Chicago nt a point ir > the west about vhcro Oinatia Is now situated , tind that ) miha : Is at the "tide In the affairs of men vlucli , taken at the Hood , may lead on to for- uno. " You may rest assured of this coming .canon. . Millions of money and wldo-awaka nun are coming to thn west , and thcro Is no ; oo'i reason why Omaha should not receive bo lurgast portion of the wu ilth and the non , But allow mo to say in all surlounneHs Inirc nro two or three goou reasons why bho dll not unless they uro removed , , nd that speedily. First urnl orcmost the leading business men of Omaha inst appreciate their privileges and opixjr- unities , and when strungurH come among lioni gpcali of them In positive terms ami ever utter a word of discouragement , us iiuny do at times. Second , that di&gURting uurrcl about the city hull hurts Omaha very day it continues. Just look at thu child' * play tlint hft existed ox-or n year nbout the principal public building of thu city. Do you Vnow tliat uffrtlr lias kept m n v thousands of dollars away trow Omaha ! Do you know , further , that ROIIIO two or thrco prominent men of means who Intended to put up blocks of buildings within four blocks of the court house , nftor hearing of nnd seeIng - Ing the situation loft Omiiiin in dlsgutt , say ing "If Unit Is thn wny the oftlclnls fhnn.iiM wo will keep our money out nnd will sell what \vo havol" If t lint city hall had been started In Kansas City or Minneapolis It would have been finished In nil Its hand , conic proportions nnd occupied by the city oftlclals before this , but In Omaha thcro is nn immense hole xvlth u few piles of stone and brick to cniphnsue a dlrtv quarrel of it few one-horse counellnicnnnd the whole city Buffers from the illsgrnco. Think of It , after a location Is chosen and the appropriation made , nnd excavating dona and foundation laid a change Is proposed niul some propose to load up the hole and the ma terial and move over to seine other location. Such Indecision nnd trilling will ruin nny city. There Is is not n ruiiHonublo unpreju diced nmu , who would look ut the situation as a business man , but will su.v the prosr-nt location Is the best that can bo chosen for u city hall , nnd tluiso who c'toso ' It acted wisely. Third , it Is simply surprising the city authorities have not imrclmsed lnm | nnd made n commencement In the way o ( Inaugurating u system of public parks breathing places for the people Just scu what has been done In St Louis , Mtnncnpn Hi ami St. Paul , and how attr.ictlvo thpsn cities iii-e. Fourth , push public spirited , wldcawiiko men to tlio front , and hoodlums to the rear , nnd Oo Induce jour iiew.spaptM-s to brag about Omaha , to boast of its udvun tuite.s , much mote than they do. To do this they should bo encouraged b.libnrnl . adver tising from the business men. The news papers of Omaha do not have ono fourth the advertising they should from all lines of truilo ; and , hence , they have little to cncour ago them in booming a city when It Is nil work nnd poor nay. Omaha can double her wealth nnd population In three to live yoar.s or who can become nn old fogy town , but as n warm friend of a city that has such miignitl' cent prospects. If slm will woric for them. I w.slto to yuu hoping she will "ariso nnd shine. " Your truly , S. G. BIIOCK. _ A llnxvkcyo < Vtmtimtl. Arros' , la. , Jan. Si ! ) . To the Editor of Tun HKU : In Tint WUKKI.V But : , of January 2. ) , there was nn urtlclo giving your readers knowledge how prohibition Is working in this state. I bcliin'o your correspondent has written his report without my bias. In his talk with Governor Lurrabcc , thn governor said that the law was enforced thoroughly in all the cnmtlcs except Alexander , Jack son , Dubuque , Scott , Clinton , Mtiscatmo , Johnson and I'ottnwuttatiue , nnd It was next to an Impossibility to got anything to drink. His excellency must bo reading varnished facts when ho delivered himself ot that sentence. Let him come to Union county and he will llnd that prohibi tion does not work hero. This is true not here nlono , but all along the Chicniro , Bur lington it Qtilncy railroad from Ottumwn to the Bluffs. There is not a line along thu road , little or big , where you cannot got all the whisky you want. Take the city of Crcston. There is as much nTliisky sold there us over there was before the prohibition law went into effect. Afton is the same way There four places in this town where you can get anything you want. In Tlinycr , Mur ray and Osi-jola It is Just the samo. 1 was in Ucd Oak some time ngo. It was no trick nt nil to get it. I write this to show-that the sale of liquor is not as great hero now us before the Inw went into effect. 1 nm writing the plain truth about it nud any one can come nnd see it for himself. Should Governor Lnrrabca come to sco Into it ho woula llnd ho would have three or four more counties to add to the list ivharo the prohibitory Irtw is not on- forced. 1 , for one , think that tlio laws of a state should bo thoroughly enforced. If it is not enforced , what good is a law ? It Is time the prohibition law was enforced , Its so long a time since the people voted on it. W. H. WILSON. fjiind I' or To the Editor of Tin : BUR : I have noticed from tune to time Unit our school lands and state lands uro disappearing. Why not glvo the old soldiers of the late war a chancel The state of Nebraska has not done any thing for those who left their homes nnd business to defend the old Hag. Every state in the union gave their soldiers u state bounty. Iowa gave ? 100 nnd other states in proportion. It would only bo un act of Jus tice for our present representatives to enact a law giving each soldier that served in the lute war , that enlisted in the state of Ne braska , at least two hundred acres of land free of chiirge. JOHN F. BEHM. Ksllnmlcd Allowed. The board of public works mot yesterday afternoon and allowed tlio following esti mates : Ed Pholan , for grading on South Sixth street , from Hickory south , $803.10 ; Fred W. Gray , assignee of Ed Burns , eon structlng sidewalks , $7,1(1(1 ( ( 01 ; J. E. Knowlos , constructing sidewalks , $ . > yi.0 ! ! , and J. P. Smith , S2S3.52. Mayor Furay was absent. A rnnd flourish of trumpets often heralds the advent of an article which fails , when tried , to justify the noise made in its behalf. The uimssuniinf * merits of Van Du/.or's flavoring Hxtrncts derived from choice fruit , of standard purity , and elected over a quarter of a century ago to the cliiuf place amanff flavorsare too well known to need moro than a ( jonornl reminder. Cheap com petition of valueless arlichm heighten the popularity of thoio. All grocers. A Printer Dcud. James B. Charlton died nt his home in Oakland , Cal. , on Wednesday morning , nfUr i prolonged illness , Mr. Charlton was for merly n compositor on Tin : Hii : , nnd is a orother of Alex G , Charlton , of this city Collections at the internal raven no lupartment yesterday , y > , HV .lKi. DISEASED "BLOOD" Suroliilono , f nlicfllcMl mid Con- In lous IiiniiiM > C'urcd by ( JiKlviirii. Tlnonuli Uio inmllnm-or ono of vour books ernivml tlitongh Mr I rank T. Wray. Oniu- ; Ut , Apollo , J'.i. . I bec.imu iirqiulntuitvltn uurCriM DKA Hi-Miiin.-i : , ami t.iko UiKopp'-i' unity to tmllfvto von Unit tholr two lias ] iu - naiii'iitly uiii't'il inn ( if ono of tlm worst CUHI-H ' ilood nolHimlnt , ' . In rimiKKtlon with crjvlin'ia . hut I IIIIVQ ovr HI in , mid Ihh uflcr liavu/i / ? iccii pronoiini-cd Inniruiilc by mimu of the lusl iliyHlrliiiiHlnour county. I tikugiear plo.innrn n torw.irilliuMoyo.i this tuslliiiuulul. uiuKilli- ted UH it In by you. In iirdur Una oinorHinircr - lij ( from ilmllur mubullm may bu o Klvo yourCimcrm UCMKIIIKH u trial I' . H. WIIITIINOii : { , l.wlibnrtj. . I'a ( ttfeienco ; I'liA.VK'J'.WiiAV.DiiiKk'Ist , Apollo.l' . SOIOKUIjHS ( ; U I , CM US , Jinnee IS. Hichnrdxon , ( ! : istom Home , Nc\f rlouiiN , on oath biiy.1 ; "In lnV'i ' hcrofulous rkurg liroku mil on my body until I toon-notion , Ktwrytmni ; known to ill fatultv w-.is trim ! In vain. I Iwir.tmn H ) u nt ieck. At tlllina "oulil n"t lift /nv iiunil'l ) my hmul , conM not turn In I ' < | ; \ruit In rmxtunt pain , and liokcul upon lit-i u < n curse. 'onillof orciirulti Inn y .ir/f. lu Ital 1 ! i iir < l t thu CiiTii'iiiiA ' llKMK' iri : , iiii''d thorn , and us perfectly iiirod. " Bworn to In-fore IT. S COD ; . J , n. UiiAwrotlu. ONK OPTIIlwoltST OASHH. W havnbnim nulling your ( 'UTICJUIIA llr.wr- for ' . < niul hit thn II rut IKN } 'u-ir. , vu complaint yrt iniculvw f i om u inirrlnMor. Ono or tlm worst. iscH of finrotnlu I nvnr 'iw WIIK cured by tlm an of llvu batllos of C'irncuiiA JdcHoi.vf.M' . UTiuiniA. nuiH'lJ-ricr.'i * SOAI > , The S'up tnki * IB "cat" ) " horn an a mmllcliml tto.ip TAVUm &TA VLOU. llniKulntB. Kraiikfort , Kftii. u nci ) , . . . . . i Humors , with tf > ntot llulrnml ruptionsof Hie Kkln.uru pojltholycured by jncuiiA and CirmiiiA ; ! POAI- , externally , anil tmuTiiA Itr.BOkVKN'r Internally , when an other oillclii'ntfnll. HolilcvoryAvhuiD. iTlf-e , ( 'i.'Tiouit * . Me ; SOAIV o ; UKii'M.VKNT. II. I'rupiirnil by thu 1'orrKit KIIII AMI 1'n KMiim. I'ti. , liostou , Muas. " * ! "llow l/'iiro l-kln Dlnrasoj , My" * " ! ! ! for to / pay1-4. WllUlfctratlonH , and ! (0 tMtivmonliilH , [ HI'I.I'.S , hluck-hoiiils , chupiKJil nuil oily nkn ! 11)1 ) prtiVKiited byJiniiiitAMr.iiiRATii ( ( : > l > OAiv UTERINE PAINS , woaKiiess InHtaiitly rellevod by . , HieBl-TIUUII * ANTI'I'Attrl'l.tXTtilt , U , .J' ' = W } 'erl > Ml Auildoietol'iklu , Julluriinu- > \iy ilon niul Wwknvas A now , liutun * neouti anil Inlailltilo 1'nlu-kllUtii ; plaster. ) o.