Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Marked Improvomoiit Over Yostor-
doy in Whoat.
OnlBAUrnct Only Moilor.itf ! Aticnlloti
I'rovlsloiiH A nln IlcnrlHhly In
clined Cnttln Hu lnuH < i Ij
inj ; Ui-ll ) K Down.
CHICAGO , Feb. 1. fSpeelal Tulcuram to
TUB lip.B -The I wheat market wns inclined
lo nnrrowncss nnd weakness most of the dny
but it developed n bumpy Rort of strength
uccaslonnlly tbnt , was very dtBUictint | ; to the
( bear * , anil the close was ntn marked Improve-
I incut over .yesterday .The opening prlccof May
wheat was 0"c nml tiio ti-mpor of the trading
urowd was decidedly bearish. The market
sold down 'jfe , then rallied fractionally and
worked down rapidly nnd easily
without miy necessity appearing for the
exercise of nny special pressure to
put It down. At the bottom thcro wns
largo buying by Kent's brokers , nnd the
market advanced JtfO'Jfc to ' ,
Conslderablo business was ilono on the up
turn , nnd on the subsequent break to 'Jtic ,
Again the tide turned and an ndviinco to ( ) * ? <
( Vi'J ' * ? ' followed. This brough t the session
to within half nn hour of the rlose. The last
end of the session was tiio strongest In
wheat. May advanced to'JSc , and closed at
TfWJrj ( ) < c , or at u KC'S'Jfe gain on the day.
Kebrunry closed at HI' ' o , and .lulv at SSj Z )
8 0. Trade in. luly Is getting noisier and
larger. Not n few commission merchants
nro trying to switch their Irado from May
into . 'uly ' , arguing that operations can bo
carried on In that month with greater safety ,
July being comparatively free from danger
of manipulation. May may bo equally free
from that danger , but the attitude of a few
very largo holders Is hold to bo a menace.
Cables were very woiilc. Now York did its
level best to emphasize the depression in the
tone nnd prices , and Minneapolis contributed
Its Bhnro to holptho marketdown , A dispatch
from thuro quoted cash ns a drug
on the market , nnd no demand lor futures ,
nnd the estimated receipts to-morrow as 100
cars. In spite of the awful de.irth of fn-
vornblo nowa from the seaboard , the
clearances from Atlantic ports were 72,000
bushels of wheat and several thousand
barrels of flour. Some disquieting reports ,
afterwards found to bo wholly unfounded ,
from Now York , had something to do with
the weakness on the curb lust night nnd at
the opening to-day. A slow and stc.uly de
pletion of the interior stocks of
wheat is going on , nnd n fair
movement of flour to the eastern
markets is reported. New Vork Is mourning
ovur the dullcss of its grain trade , but the
truth seems to bo that they have made a
grade of wheat that the millcr.s do not want
nnd for which there Is not likely to bo any
nctlva foreign demand , the pressing need of
foreigners being for good wtieat , nnd not the
doctored variety. New York Is in imminent
danger of killing her grain trade , as certain
western cities Imve been , by lowering the
standard , in obedience to the selfish
nnd narrow clamor from short sighted people.
For this , Chicago is of course sincerely sorrowful
rowful , but it is not , strictly spualcing , Chi
cago's funeral. The cold weather and the
absence of snow from the winter wheat dis
tricts , is beginning to exeito expressions as to
the safety of Unit crop , while the increasing
scarcity of good milling wheat is imparting
an undertone of mibstantinl strength to the
old crop futures.
The quantity of corn delivered on this , the
first day of the month , was quite insignifi
cant , and this , together with the persistently
poor grading of the daily re
ceipts nnd some other features to
1)0 mentioned gave a strong opening to the
market. The shorts were nervous , and after
their usual manner were more anxious buy
ers as the price advanced. In the exports of
yesterday were included 810.00J bushels
from linltlrnoro. which is the greatest
tjunntlty ever cleared m one day from any
ulnglo port. There was some Inquiry -hero
for direct export , which resulted in some con
siderable purchases , for which freight en
gagements were iikcwlsc made , that
being the most difllcult part of
the negotiation. The English nmrttets
remain strong in iho face of the heavy offer
ings from this country. The situation was
regarded ns decidedly strong , which was
most marked In its iniluenco upon the prices
for near deliveries. The export purchases
made hero were principally of the grade
known in Now York as steamer corn , and If
the freight room nt the seaoonrd was more
plentiful a very heavy business could be
done nt present prices. Thcro was very
little change at the close from yes
terday's final figures , but a
very firm fooling prevailed. May nnd Juno
were } c higher , nnd the remainder of the
list was unchanged from the preceding
Oats attracted only moderate attention on
the part of the speculators , ruling dull most
of the day and barely steady. May wns in
fair request at 2T3f@2i ( > iiC , or at about 5 < c
Uucliiuv with n good purt of the trading at
27ic. The aggregate business was light ,
with the months other than the one named
neglected. The receipts slightly exceeded
the cstimato , while none was reported as
withdrawn from store. No. 2 oats to go to
ntore were quotable steady at 253/0 , with
that figure also bid for the seller month ,
The provision trndo was again bcarishly
Inclined. In both the speculative und cash
circles thcro was more doing , yet the ad
vices from the stock yards , where hogs were
In good supply and lOe lower , Induced frco
selling , nnd under the lead of pork the entire -
tire market sold off , The bears had the best
of the movement from the start , and based
on yesterday's last quotations the closings
showed h depreciation of lt ! ( .3Uo on pork ,
NA < il5o on short ribs and 5o on the near * de
liveries of lard.
CHICAGO , Feb. 1. | Special Telegram to
Tun Huc.f CATTLE The falling oil in the
supply , not only In Chicago but clsewhcrn ,
nt , last begins to tell on prices. Dressed beef
operators were looking about with more
eagerness than for any day during the past
two weeks , which shows that they have
largely worked off their surplus stock. Mis
cellaneous , outside and shipping orders word
rather more urgent , so that taken altogether
there was nn active demand for steers that
would suit the tnido , ut n sub3tantial ad
vance of lOu or so , placing values about
whore they were on Monday nnd Tuesday.
Cow stock also stiared in the advance , nnd
the pens were well cleared ut the close of the
day. Hulls and rough butchers' stock
Bold fairly well. The btockur nml feeder
trade remains dull nnd unsatisfactory.
Choice to extra beeves , $1.25 5.00 ; m odium
to good steers , 1350 to 1 COO Ibs. (3.T2@-1.80 ;
1200 to m' > 0 Ibs. JIUOOB-S1 * ; 050 to 1200 Ibs ,
| U.OO@9.UO ; stockers and feeders , f.10 ! 03 50 ;
COWH , bulls and mixed , Sl.WMiJ.OO ; bulk.
| -J.15@2.50.
Hous Immediately at the opening there
was a sharp down turn of lOo , u straight cut
on all grades from heavy down to light. Ulg
heavy were Blow at the decline , there being
no competition for such at present. The
bulk of the packing and mixed sold at 14.75
and best medium ut fi.SO@-t.8r > , with a few
fancy butcher weights at 11.90. Light sold
at (4.053,1.10. The quality was barely up to
the recent average.
NBW YOHK , Fob. 1. [ Special Telegram
to TUG HEB.I STOCKS London quota *
tlons were hlst-cr for American securities
this morning , and this started the market off
quite strong. The foreign houses were
large buyers of Vundorbllt stock. The first
prices showed an advance of ( JW per cent.
Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati nnd Indian
apolis advanced 1 , Michigan Central l } { und
Itock Island 1 per cent , the balance of the
list following lii smaller fractions. Thcro
was u disposition to sell long stocks ut the
advance , together with some short selling
by the professionals , and the prices receded
fractionally , The great strength displayed
by the Vamlorbllt properties was owing to
the confirmation of the report that the Van-
dcrbilts had scuurod control of South I'on&yl-
Vanln , nnd that the property would not fall
Into the hand * of the i'cnnsylvanla company.
Atohison ats < > displayed unusual strength ,
nnd ndvnncod t per cent. The buying , however -
over , was principally bv those who had soltl
short nt a lower r.mgo of prices. The tips
nro stronger than ever to buy Richmond
Terminal on the statement that this system
will furnish Gould's southwestern lines with
n new outlet to the Atlantic. Telegraph nnd
New England nro also book j,1 for n good
rise. The trafllc returns show that the
turnings of St. Lmils .t San Francisco nro
steadily increasing , and the insiders nro
active buyers. The boars ara keeping very
quiet. Cammack and Ins friends admit that
ho has soltl no stocks this week , and some of
his brokers arc bullish on some of the stocks.
The largo transactions In bonds show a de-
cUcd change In the tone and prove that
there is otitsldo growth nnd more public In
terest ami confidence. Railroad earnings
will very shortly commence to show largo
comparative iiH-roasos. Thu open winter
will make n great saving In tiio operating ox- ,
penscs , and the not returns will shot ? corre
spondingly laruo gains. Coalers nro nbout the
only stocks on which thcro Is any pro
nounced boar talk. They nrguo excessive
supplies , low prices and no demand , with
business practically nt a standstill , nnd most
orders being tilled nt concessions. The
lord en buying this morning would Indi
cate that the Europeans are taking hold of
stocks In earnest. Money rules iiiito ) easy
and Is plentiful nt 1 > < @ ) percent. At noon
the uiurltet was active und firm , having re
covered the bettor part of the morning re-
notion. Tiio nmrkut was very strong during
the afternoon nnd the closing wns at about
the top prices of the day. The commission
people wore noticeable buyers , and this gave
encouragement , to the bulls. The net ad
vances for the day show Atchlson nnd Rock
Islatiu IV each , Texas 1'aciile. Northwestern
mid Louisville & Nashville , } { each ; Cotton
Seed Oil , Chicago , Hurllngton , fc Qulncy ,
Now England and Lake Shore , } { per cent
each. The balance of tiie list shows an ad-
vancoof % < & \ } per cent , the latter for
Michigan Central. Richmond Terminal pre
ferred was about the only exception , and
shows a net loss of % percent. The total
sales for the day amounted to 350,000 shares ,
Including Reading , JW.OX ) ; Lake Shore , IS.-
000 ; Lackawanna , : < 5OUO , ; Missouri Pacific ,
10.00J ; Northwestern , 10,000 ; St. Paul , 8,000 ;
Union Pacillc , 10,003 ; Michigan Central ,
5,000 ; Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati anil
Indianapolis , 13,000 ; Richmond Terminal ,
15,000 , and Now England , 17,000.
The following were tin cloiiii ? quotations :
U.S. 4s regular..UiT'jjNorthern Pacillc. . l'j
U.H.4scoupnns. . .1'Ji'j iloprcforrod til ? ;
IT. S.4'SsreKHlnr. . 107''C. ' * w. W 10 ! )
U.8.41tsconpons .10J I tlopreferred lll'i
I'aclllctisof 'l > > . . .Urt IN. V. Central 110 ? , 1'adllc . . . ilVJ P. . I ) . & i : 244
( 'hit-ami & Alton . 1ST .Hock . Island 100
Chicago.Hurllngton C. , M. .VHt.P . . . . tid'ii
A : ( jtilncv llfl'd do preforreil lOT
r > . W Ul'i St. I'rtiil .t Omalm . : M'j
Illinois Central..lir , ' , ilonr forred . . . . W
1. , 11.V ll'i Uulonl'acitle B4 > <
Knusus .kTextis. . . Ill W..St.Ij. kl > l.Ti
I.akeShora 10I' do preferred.T'J '
MIchlKnn Central . f8'j * Wosteru Union Ws
MONET ON CALL Easy at 2 ( < ? 3 per cent.
1'itiMB MBHOANTILIS I'Ai'mi Ijjgli per cent. EXOIKVQR Dull nnd flnn ;
sixty-day bills S4.SO fj aemaud ,
CiiH'ino. Feb. 1.hcat Strong ; cash
04ife , ; Mny073-lGc.
Corn Steady ; cash , 3on c ; March , 3 % c\ \
May , I7c. !
Oats Steady ; cash , 25.t'o ; March , 25J e ;
May , 2 ytc.
Rye 17c.
Darloy Nothing doing.
Prime Timoth$1.50. .
Klax Jl.OO.
Whisky $1.03.
Pork Steady ; cash , $11.35 ; March ,
$11.47K ; May , * ll.r. @ 11.07f.
Lard Steady ; cash , $0.85 ; March. &J.S7K ;
May , W/.I7K.
Short Ribs May , J0.27K.
Eggs Steady.
Klour Steady nnd unchanged.
Cheese Unchanged ; full cream choddais ,
lOJllc ; llats , ll'fjll' c ; Voung Americai ,
Et'gs-IJettcr ; fresh ,
Hides Unchanged ; neavy ana light
green salted , 5c : greenIc ; salted
bull , 4' ' < fc ; green bull , 3Jfo : groan salte.l calf ,
ty o ; dry flint , 7f'bo ! ; green salted ki | > ,
4c ; dry calf , 7ygSo ; branded hides , 15 per
cent off ; deacons , 2o30o each ; dry salted ,
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid , 4 c ; No. 2 ,
cake , 5c ,
Hecr-ipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 10,000 7.000
Wheat bu . 11.000 22,009
Corn.ou . 137.000 7 < 5OJO . 80.0JJ f.0,000 .
Now Vork. Feb. 1. Whet Rccoiuts ,
550 ; exports , 31,050 ; suet irregular and quiet
.but firmer ; No. 2 red , 03i3' > 4c in elevator ,
K > e afloat , 03 f @ 9. > } 4fc f. o. b. ; No. 3 red ,
S7c ; ungraded , bO@bOKc ; options fairly net-
ivo but.irre iilar and lower ; early closed at
} ntfXc under yesterday , February closing at
04 ' 40.
Corn Receipts , 27.C03 ; exports , 20,000 ;
spot stronger and moderately active ; No. 2 ,
43J , ( < 43Jffe in elevator , 45o alloat ; No. 2 ,
wlilto , 4l > feingradod ; mixed , 40 ( < il5.1 < , e ; op
tions linn and fairly active.
( Jaw -Receipts , 30,000 ; exports , iiono ; spot
fairly active nnd strong ; options Jinn nnd
He hiKhor ; February , 31 @ 31J < c ; March ,
: wf'c ! ; May , 33 < e ; No. 2 , while , iM c ; mixed
western , 233c. ! '
ColTeoOptions opened barely steady and
closed steady at. 10 15 points below yes
terday ; sales , 42,250 bags ; February , * 15. < X )
( tf 15.70 ; March , $15.V ( > ( < < )15.$0 ) ; May , * 15.0) ) (
15.75 ; siwt Rio ilrm ; fair carcocs , $17.03' ' .
Petroleum ( Juiot nnd Ilrm ; United closed
at 85'8'c.
Eggs -Steady and in moderate demand ;
western , 15 > .jc.
Pork Lower ; now , fl3.00@13.25.
Lard Lower and quiet ; western steam ,
$ r.27' ' f ? 7.0 : ! ; February , I7.CO.
Huttor Firm ; western dairy , 13@10c ;
creamery , KK'l-sc ; Elgins , 2
Cheeso-Quletiwestern , _
MliiiinapollH , Feb. 1. Wheat Sample
lower ; receipts , U9 cars ; shipments , 45
cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , February , 1 1.14 ;
May , fl.18 ; on track , fl.l.V No. 1 northern -
orn , February , Jl.Ol'-rf ; May , $ l.03 > ; on
track , $1.03iJ1.0l ; No. 2 northern , February ,
Ule ; May , tUo ; on track , C'SfiSOOc.
Milwaukee. Fob. 1. Wheat Stronger ;
cash. SbVu ; May , Dl c.
Corn weak ; No. 3 , 2 ! ) > fc.
Oats -Quiet ; No. 2 white. iJTGfcMc.
Ryo-Woak ; No. 1 , 40c. .
Harley Easlor ; No. 2 , il'JHc-
Provisions Weaker ; pork , 511 30.
St. IjouK Fob , 1. Wheat- Closed flrm ;
cash , 00@00o ) ; May , Olc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 20 B'293/o ; May ,
Oats-Dull ; cash , IBfflMKo : May , 25c.
l > ork Lower ixt JU.S7HyU2.00.
Lard-tO. 60.
Whisky Steady ut $1.03.
Hutter Firm ; creamery , 2l@ > , ' 0c ; dairy ,
12@Mi ) .
Ijlvorpool , Fob. 1. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB HIK. : ] a:30 : p , m. close. Pork
In poor demand ; prime mess eastern , 71s 3d ,
easy ; do , western , Ols 3d. easy.
Lard In fair demand for spot nnd poor
demand for futures ; spot nnd February , 30s
SKI. steady ; March and April , 37s , steady ,
Wheat In fair demand ; now No. 2
winter , 7a 7(1 ( , steady ; do spring , 7s Od ,
Flour In fair demand at Us 3d , steady.
Corn Demand good for spot , and fair for
futures ; spot , 4s l > fd , llrin ; February , 4s
Ufd , firm ; March and April , 4s Id , Arm ,
Kaunas City , Fob. l. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 cash , OOo asked ; May , PSJ/o bid ;
No. 2 , soft , cash , SS o.tild ; May. '
Corn Quiet : No. 2. cash , no bids nor offer
ings ; May , 2ro bid ; No. 2 , white , cash ,
WHO bid.
Oats No. 2 , cosb , no bids nor offerings 5
May , Slo ftsked ,
Chlcnzo. Fob 1 i'nn Drovori' Jour
nal rcnorts ns foliowi
Cattle Receipts , . > , . ' " > market tV (
higher ; choice to c < ctra beeves , * l.2 >
dli't.O' ' ) ; stocrs , ) 00 d 1 30 : stockers nml fce.t-
ur , JJ.IOit35J ; cows , bulls nnd mixed ,
Sl.3rnit3.tX ) .
Hogs -Receipts. 21.00(1 ( ; market weak und
lOc lower ; mixed.M < "MI ' .10 ; heavy , f4.0 ] ( < f
4(0 ( ; light , ? 4.7 : > < ? : > ( X ) ; pigs , S4. iO ? 3 0) ) .
Jiheeii Uecolpts 11.0 D : market weak nnd
fiKtIOc lower , natives , $3.Hi.VJ5 { ) ( ; westerns ,
corn-fed , < l.4i't4 ' i. ; lambs , jJ > . ( H ) < ZOth ) .
KniiHns Oltv. IVb. l. UatHo Receipts ,
3iO ( ( ) ; shipments , 1'JOO ; market strong , active
and higher ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.10n ( }
4.n. > ; common to medium , * ) 1 < > < < $ ) . * ) ; stock-
crs nnd feeding steers , il.iXji ) ( , ' i ; cows ,
$1 liV 2.M ) .
Hogs Receipts , 001 , ; shipments , fKKl :
market opened weak , closing weak at fi@lOo
lower ; common to choice , gl.'J.'nrI.IJO.
Nnliiitinl Stuok Yiir.l * , I' rtst St.
Ii > ul.s , Feb. 1 Cattio Receipts. 1,0K ) :
shipments , 300 ; market steady , choice heavy
native steers. HiUiM.OO ; fair to good heavy
nullvo steers , M.O.Vn ISO ; butchers' steers ,
medium to choice , ? J 6)il. ) { ! 10 ; stockers nnd
feeders , § ; rantrcrs , corn-fed , H ( X )
@ : t.liO ; grass-ted , . < ! .70 d'JbO.
Hogs Receipts. 3)00 ! ) ; shipments , 000 ;
market easy ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , ft.7 ( ) , 4 " . * > . ( lacking , $ U'w ( < Vl.SO ;
light gradei , $4. < 504 * . " > ,
Sioux Oily , In. , Feb. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HEC.I Hogs Receipts , 750 ;
yesterday , 1,071 ; last month , 42Aj'J ' ; market
opened steady and closed weak : light , tl.t' 0 ( '
4 03 ; mixed nnd hcav.v , S-i.ftnciJI.iiO.
Cuttle Receipts , 1U4 ; Hliipincnts , 327 ;
market quiet ; good Htockcrs and butch-
era' stuff in demand : prime cattle ,
1,000 , i I.IM'O Ibs. , $ > .I.75@.1 < J3 ; prime cat
tle , lIO ( ) ( < gl,4X ) , lbs. , SViX'fl.OO : feeders.
$ J.40ii.'Jii ( ; stockers , onuand two years , $1.73
( uj'J.iM ; COWH , f l.OJv > fJ.uri ; cowi , corn-fed , $2.00
CM.CO , bulls , $ ; veal calves , ei.'J3rjp
Friday. Feb. 1 , 1SS9.
The quality of the cattle was pretty irood
to-day nnd the market opened with fair pros
pects of being higher , but in the end the
cattle did not bring any more than yesterday.
The tradn opened earlier than for Severn' '
days back and the buyers bought more freely ,
which caused a little better feeling and load
some to quote the market stronger. A v
largo proportion of all the cnttlo hero
changed hands before this close , Some good
11)7 ! ) steers , the best seen here in some time ,
bold a , fl.10 , but the bulk sold at . * 3.l(1it3.DO. ( (
lint ; * .
The hog market opened 10 , ? lower than
yesterday morning and was fairly active ut
the decline , all the hogs here being sold be
fore 11 o'clock. A fuw loads which arrived
later did not meet with as good sale. The
provision market having taken u big tumble ,
thu buyers wanted to buy them lOc lower
than the morning prices and they succeeded
in doing it. A few good loads brought < U.t5 ! ,
but f l.55i ( ! 1.110 caught the bull : of the early
sales , At the close $ l.45 ( < f 1.50 was all tuat
the buyers would offer for good hogs.
The quality of the sheep was not very
good to-day , but the ilstnnnd was good antl
about everything was sold at steady prices.
Ono pretty fair load of Nebraskas , the best
here , sold at S.J.'JO.
Oittlo . 1,000
Ho us . 3,70C
Sheep . 1,000
Prevailing I'rluu * .
The following is a tioleof pricJJ pail la
this marttot for tha grajjj of atajc moa-
Prime stoors. 13JO to 1500 Ibs. . $3.1)0 ) fffil.10
Primestoers. 1100 to 13IM ibs. . 3.10 < tf3. < W
Native feeders . 2.sO ! ( S3. 10
Common to good cows . 1.50 ( itS.OO
Choiceto fancy cows . 2.21 ( < < 2.15.1
Fair to choice bulls . 1.75 ( U)2.iV ) )
Fair to cnoice imnt heirs . 4,50 itfl.05
Fairto clioico iieavy nozs . 4.55 ( 4. l > 0
Fairto clioico mixeJ nogs . 4.45 ( < 44.Gl >
Fair to choice western'sheep. . . 3.75 ( VU.40
Fair to choice Nebraskas . 3.50 < iJJ.2J
ItcpreHciitutivc Sains.
No. Ar. I'r.
1 eanncr . bOO Sl.t',0
1 coiv . 1020 1.75
2 cows . 1035 I.'JO
23 cows . . . KUt 2.00
25 cows . 10H 2.00
2-1 cows . ! I3U 2.00
20cows . 10U 2.05
14 cows . 1175 2.05
3 bulls . 10.13 2.1U
17 cows . 1018 2.10
20 cows . 10 J 2.15
Ibull . 17CO 2.15
18 cows . lOld 2.20
12 cows . 1034 2.20
9 dehorned Texans . 7CO 2.2,1
1 bull . .1730 2.25
Ocows . 1210 2.35
Scows . 1157 2.35
11 cows . 1050 2.40
20 cows . 1021 2.40
2 cows . 1U4 2.50
Ocows . 1210 2.50
Ibull . 2210 2.50
U cows nnd bulls . II 01 2,00
Ibull . 1070 2.70
3stochors . 9CO 2.75
20 feeders . 1005 2.80
35 feeders . 735 2.80
25 feeders . 008 2.80
13 feeders . 0.50 2,8'J
5 cows . 12s8 2.b5
0 stoeliers . 883 2.S7K
12 feeders . b09 2.05
2 feeders . 1000 2.05
7 feeders . 1105 3.00
2lcowsnnd steers . 1001 3.00
3 steers . COO 3.00
1 heifer . 3 .iO 3.00
9 feeders . 1005 3.00
15 steers . 1084 3. 10
0 feeders . 1131 ! 3.10
0 feeders . 10H ! 3.10
1 0 steers . 1 225 3. 1 5
'Ssteera . 1028 3.15
J2 bteerd . 1123 3.20
19 steers . 1115 3.20
Js steers . 1105 3.25
41 steers . 1181 3.35
lb' steers . ' . . 1101 3,35
21 steers . 1 170 3.35
lastcers . 1211 3.35
20 steers . UO'3 3.40
12 steers . 110'J ' 3.40
)5 ) steers . 1250 3.50
17stecrs . 1300 3.75
lb steers . 1 107 4.10
4 calves . 177 5.00
No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
32. . .105 fl.25 52. . . .311 120 ? 4.55
2J. . .3U 240 4.10 50. . . .313 12J 4,55
02. . . .2I2 100 4.45 03. . . .2.J5 100 4.57'
03. . . .304 210 4.45 4S. . . .309 40 4.5 ! '
07. . . .2U2 120 4.45 42. . . .345 SO 4.57. >
47. . . .2JO 120 4.50 48. . . .Ml 80 4.110
( X ) . . . 'i'J4 3iO 4.50 40. . . .337 SO 4,00
07. . . . 230 bO 4.50 00 . . .254 10) 4,00
15 , . . .300 40 4.50 (15. ( . . .253 4.110
4I > . . . .2'J3 320 4.51 O5. . . .2i:0 : 4.00
00. . . . 2(5(1 ( ( 100 4.5.1 OJ. . . .205 bO 4.00
i2. . . .32J 200 4.55 72. . . .241 320 4.00
40. . . .330 - - 4.55 33. . . .200 40 4.00
57. . . .303 320 4.55 47. . . . . ' 150 120 4.00
5) ) . % . .2iS 4UO 4.51 4S. . . .850 4,00
54. . . . 810 4.55 05. . . .257 100 4,00
02. . . . 237 60 4.55 44. . . . 400 4,00
50 . . .2 0 2bO 4,55 52. . . . 340 100 4.00
43. . , . 428 4.55 OJ. . . .275 40 4.00
02. . . .309 200 4.55 OS. . . .245 120 4.00
50. . . . 325 100 4.55 55. . . . 310 120 4.00
50. . . .283 4.55 70. . . .209 120 4,00
4b. . . .3.9 80 4.51 00. . . .321 210 4,00
47. . . .355 200 4.55 50. . .291 120 4.00
X ) . . . .Sba SO 4.55 50. . . . 823 40 4.00
00 . . .321 200 4.55 05. . . 283 4,00
15. . . .80S 4,55 42. . .30J ICO 4.00
53. . . .210 80 4.55 55. . .311 4.03
14. . . . 272 100 4.55 53. . . 271 4.0JK
53. . . .252 bO 4.55 O0. . .2s9 4.02K
)7. . . ,202 60 4.55 72. . .1bS 120 4.05
J. .821 40 455 71. . . 231 4.05
57. . , . 202 120 4.55 CO. . . . 21(5 ( 60 4.05
No. Av. Pr.
llOstockers . SO ' 47.2S
100 Nebraska natives . b7 3.80
07 Nebraska natives . 65 8.5 }
197 Nebraska natives . S3 8.50
IbO Nebraska natives . b3 8.7.1
100 Nebraska natives , . 100 8.75
Thu month's Work.
The following Is the number of head of
Ivo stock purchased by the different buyers
on this market during the month of January ;
jeorgo H. Hammond Si Co . 10,33 * }
Omaha Packing company . . . 17,80
Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . 25,703
3 wilt & CQ j , , , m % i < i . 1 1 < . . . . , , , , , , . 13,093 ,
iTohn T. Stewart . . . . . . ,4 . 3,3.11
East St. LouH Pak. .t Pr * CM . 1,200
Cliicneo Packing & ProvMiou Co . 2S1
local butchers . ' . 595
.Total . , / . 71)K ) (
Increase from January , Ibis. * . . * . 7SMC
Decrease from December. ItvtsS . 24,050
Swift .fern . 10.-K
Oeorgo H. Hammond .fc Oo . 5,34'.i '
The Annour-Cudahy company . 2,442
Steven , Hamilton &Co..j. , , .
Shippers . - . 3,512
Feeders . ; .n . 1$3H
Local . H . 33
Total . , r * . 24,119
Swift.fe Co . i. . C,07fi
O. H. Hammond & Co . . . 1,11)7 )
Annour-Cudahy Packing company. . . . 029
W. H. Vansant . 299
Reynolds . 112
Fisher . 109
Hill . 704
A. M. Spooner . SM >
Total . 10,011
Mvo Stock Note.9.
The late hog arrivals caught the decline
Hog market opened lOc lower , but closed
still worse.
The brcaK in provisions kuocltcd the hog
market endwise.
Quite a good many cattle that had had no
corn sold for feeders.
A better feeling in the cattle market some
were culling it stronger.
Swift ft Co. bought 10,3s.1 eattlo and 0.073
sheep lahl month , over half of nil the sheep
ami nearly half of all the cattle sold during
the month ,
Armour was the heaviest hog buyer on the
market last month , with Omaha .second and
Hammond a close third. Swift & Co. ranked
fourth in thu list.
I'ruitH , Produce , Ktu.
HfTTBH Creamery Fancy print , 24ff20c ( ;
choice print , 20 ( 122. ' ; fancy solid packed , 10
( i20i ? ; cnoico solid packed , l.Vgllli ! . IJ.urv
Fancy roll.MildBlik ? ; choice , 13.gl4c ( . ; good , 11
( iM2c ; low grades , 0 ( < i > IOc.
CIIKMC Full cream elicddnrs , choice , 12C'i )
12' c ; full cream ( lat'j. two In hoop , 12' ( . < < j
13c ; lull cream Y. A. , choice , Ul fgjWc ; off
uradea and skims , ilfdOe ; limburger , lOijg
12'jc ; brick and Swiss , 14 P15c.
Kdii"Strictlv fresh , Wvicl Ic.
Livi ; Pon.Titv Chickens , per doz , $2.75t
H.K ( ) ; ducks , per doz , . * 2.75@ . ) 00 ; geese , per
do/ , ? S.Ont9.00 ; turkeys , per lb , 7@Sc.
DUI-SIII : POCI.TUV Chickens , per lb , Ofi ?
Sc ; turkeys , ner lb , 10@lle ; geese , per lb , 0 ®
lOc : ducks , 8 ( )10c. )
Viu. : HiMvy grnssors , 1.10 to 209 Ibs , 7@
7.jc } ; inferior calves , 50 to 00 Ibs , 5itle ( ( ; me
dium to good , 70 to b5 Ibs , Ov < i7e ; choice to
fancy , 1'H ' ) to 130 Ibs , OmlOo.
VnoiTvnus Potatous.Colorado and Utah ,
70 ( 71c : Wyoming , MiO Mc ; Nebraska and
Iowa , eiioicL ! large , 35'ii40o ; ; common. 30.it3.1o ;
sweet potatoes , Jerseys , per bbl , * 'l.50i)3.75 ) ;
beets , per bu , 55iXlo ( ( ; carrots , 35rni40j ;
cabbage , California , per crate , J2.25 ; par-
miips 50 < i7 ( / , ) < ? ; onions , rci. choice , 50.jg.15i : ;
sliver skin. OOC'J75c ; turnips , 2l25c ) ; ruta
bagas , n.1a ( Ki. ; tiiiull'lowcr. choice large , per
dozen , jl 25 ( M.50 ; Kood$1.00ijl.23 ( : radishes ,
85f < f40c ; lettuce , 25C'30c ? ; cucumbers , $1.50 ;
string beans , per box , f 1.15ttj2.25 ( ; celery ,
25i(3c : ( ( ) ; spinach , $1.7.1 ifi'J.OO per bbl.
( StMc Mallard , per ilo/ . # 2.75 3.00 ; red
head , per do2.r > 0 3.00j teal , per do/ , ? 1.50
dd.75 : cunviis back , jwr do ? , ? 4.00it4.5C ( ;
common small , per doz , u1.00K ( 1.50 ; rabbits ,
per dor , 75c ( < tf I tX ) ; jack rabblU , per doz ,
? 3.00fS.I.50 ; Mjuirrols , per do.Icdffl.OO. .
Arri.rPer bbl , fancy Now Vork and
Michigan , Si.10 ; choice , .OJ ( < SJ.2,1 ; choice
Missouri , $ i.00g2.25 ( ! ; Rood , S1.50 ( ' 1.7.1.
FoHKins FiiriTH Alalug ! ) grai > es , kegs , 40
to 55 Ibs , lOc per lb ; bananas , per bunch ,
fl.)043.00 ! ( ! ; leir.ons , fancy now , 800 to 300 s ,
$4.0010-4.50 ; choice old , 300 , s , $1.00i < t3.50 :
oranges , Florida , fancy bright , per box , $3.50 ;
Florida riibsctts , $3.25.
CH\xiiiiiuir-5 : Cape Cod , choice , per bbl ,
$10.00i.i ( 10.50 ; fair , $0.00@.fiU ! ) ; UolKVi Uuglo ,
choice , -9.l)0 ) ( 9.25 ; fair , $ S.50C < i\75 ; IJcll &
Cherry , choice , * S.)0 ( ) ( < tV-5 : fair , $7.25 ( < Z7.5 ; ) .
NLTS Walnuts , 50SOOc ( ; peanuts , SOfiSi-jC ;
chestnuts , 4a5o ( ; cocoanuts , per 100 , io.OU j )
0.00 ; hazelnuts , 3@jc ; hickorynuts , small.
$1.25 ( 1.50 ; large , 00B7jc ( ; pecans , plain , 0@
Sc : polished , OyllOc.
HIDKS Grocn , salted , No. 1 , 5@r i/c ; No.
2 , 8C < i3Jjc ; calf , 6@.Vfc ; dry flint , 5C'iSc.
IlciNs Navies , hand picked , per bu7 $2.10
CS2.20 ; good clean country , 31.7.V < (2.00 ; oft
or poor block , f l.OOftgl.50 : California , $2.00 ®
Cionu Michigan , per bbl , $4.50(25.00 ( ; New
York , per bbl , $5.0 5.50 : half bbl , $2.75@
FHATII nns Per lb , prime live geese
wtiite , 35fr ' 40c ; mixed with gray , 25 ( < ? JOc ;
damp and musty , l20c ( ) ; ] ) rime live domes
tic duck , 20@ac ; wild duck , 15 ( < 5JOc.
SAUIR KIIAUT Per bbl , 39 gal , choice ,
$1.50 : oer half bbl , $3.50.
PorcoitN Per lb , rice , IKGS-c ; common ,
Kyl'- .
HONEY Mb frames , choice white , 17@18c ;
dark , 14@lOc ; strained , 10 ( < fl2c.
JRLMU& Ijg4)acper ( ) lb ; preserves , 10@12e
per lb.
LAIU Sc In 50-lb pkgs.
Grocers1 List.
Revised prices ureas follows :
UAGOIXO Stark A , seamless , 22 ; Amos-
Ucag , seamless , 17 ! c ; Lewistown A , seam
less , lOe ; American seamless , 17c ; burlaps ,
4 to .1 bu , , 11@1 Ic ; gunnies , single , Me ; gun
nies , double. 22o ; wool sack , 42c ;
T WINKS-- Flax , 8So ; extra sail , 200f21o ;
sail 13 , 20v21c ( ; cotton , 22c ; Jute 9c. ' " "
DidKT ) FKUITS Figs , in boxes , per lb , 0@
10u ; dates , In boxes , 7Q10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $2.50 ( 3.70 ; Malaga
loose raisins , 2.30C < 2..10 ; now Valencia rai
sins , perlb , Sc ; California loose muscatels ,
per box , Si.OOC'e.MO ; California Londons ,
IS S , * 2.40 ; pitted cherries , iicr lb , Ibc ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per lb , 12@13c ; dried
blackberries , per lb , G@7o ; dried raspberries ,
per lb , 2)'J25o ) ; evaporated apples , , " > ( >
be ; California sun-dried peaches , llic ; Cali
fornia unparcd evaporated poaches , 10ijgl"c ;
evaporated California apricots , 17c ; cur
rants , 4C'i'7c ' ; Turkish prunes , .lOWXc ; cit
ron , 22 < ( ? lo ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel ,
lOc : California French prunes , lldglOc.
PICKI.KS Medium , in bbls , $ .1.00 ; do , in
half bbin , $3.00 ; small , in bbls , $0.00 ; do , in
naif bbls , $8.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , $1.00.
COITBIS Green Mocha , 25@80c ; Rio , good ,
u ; Mandaliling , 202Sc ; roasting Rio ,
17'SlSe ; O. < " ! . .lava , 21tfi'0u ( ; Java , interior.
22 < ) JSc ; Rio. faiu-y , 2l e2 > c ; Santos und
Maracalbo , I7@10c ; German , 23c.
SUOAU Granulated , 7l4-"Kc : conf. A ,
7'c ' ( , ; wlnte extra C , 0o ; extra C , 0c ;
yellow C , Oj.fe ; powdered. 88)jo ? ; cubes. .
X Choice yellow , 20@22'/c ' ; dark
colored , 13 ® He.
TOIIACCO Plug , 2Vo5o ( ; smoking , 10@90c.
SALT $1.8.1ifl.40 per bbl.
Iloi-i : 7.10 ; 14' ; c. , \
MAi' SUOAII Urleks , ll(7512c ( per lb. ;
| ) enny cakes , 12i18o 'iier lb. ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gill. _ _
TIA : Young IIys9n , " common to fair , 18 ®
25c ; Voung Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( < Z55o ;
Gunpowder , common to peed , 22 ( < 25o ; Gun
powder , choice to funy , 40@l5o ! ; Japan ,
. oinmon to medium , irK-i-'O ; Japan , choice
: o fancy , 30if45e ( ; Oolong , common to good ,
I0@l5o ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50 ( < j > 70o ;
Imparial , common to mouium , 25@35c ; Im-
pcriul , good to fancy , 40 ! < T'fio. ' )
CIIACKIHS : 0@7o per 'lb. ' ; assorted cukes ,
8@25e per lb. an per list.
CANDY Mixed , liH ® ! ' ; stick , 9J r
lie ; rock candy , luJv ( D'Jo | ; fancy candy , 7
U OOu.
Con Fish
COTTON FUNNKI.H 10 per cent discount ;
2Ko ; Hristol , 12 c ; Union Paul lie , 17o.
CAIU-ET WAUIUld , white , 19o ; colored ,
UATTS Standard , 8c ; Gain , 10sUeauty \ ,
12Ke ; Hoone , 14o ; H , cased. $0.50.
PiiiXT-f Solid colors Atlantic , (5e ( ; Slater ,
Oc ; Herlln oil , Oj c ; Garner oil , 0' < C7c.
PIIISTS Pink nnd robes Allen , OWe ; Riv-
eroint | ) , 5V < c ; Stool River , OU'c ; Richmond ,
OWe ; Paclll < ! , 7c.
PKIXTS Dress Charter Oak , BJtfo ; Ram-
opo , 4 o ; Lodl , 5 ! o ; Allen , Oo ; Richmond.
Ic : Windsor , 0) e ; Eddyatono.O c ; Pacillc ,
lii.nAciiEu Snr.BTiNo IJorUoloy cambric ,
No. 00 , 0 > foj Uost Yet , 4-4 , 0fo ; butter cloth.
OO , 4J/c ; Cabot , 7K ; Farweil , half
bleached , 8Vo ; Fruit of the Loom , Oo ;
Greene G. Co ; Hope , 7Kos King Phillip
cambric , Uo ; Lonsdalocauiurlc , 14 o ; Lons-
dalc. S''c ; Now YorK mills , 10 > c ; Pcppor'-
ell. 42-ln. He ; Pcppi-rull , 40 in , 12o ; Peppor-
cll , 04 , Ulo ; Popperell , S-4 , 21c ; Pepperell ,
0-4 , 23o ; ivppcrcll , 10-4 , 2.V ; Canton , 4-4.
S'sc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , Uc , Val
ley. 5e.
Fuwnis-Plald R\ftsmcn,20o ; Goshen ,
22'nc ; Clear Lake. ! 5'sc , Iron Mountain ,
l"itxvni. - Whito-OH. No. 2 , ? 4' , 22'jc ;
OH , No. 1. Jf , 2-5c : HH , No. 2 , ? 4Y"V. HH ,
No. 1 , < , 0c : ( Juechee , No. 1. j , 42c.
COIOET , II\N : < Androscogrlti , 7' ; ICear-
sarcc , 734'e. Rockport , 04c ; Conestogn.O c.
TICK York , JW-lii , 12' , c ; York , ! W in ,
IHKc ; Swift river , 7\e : Thorndlke OO ,
S.'jc ; Thorndiko , I'.K. SUe ; Thorndlke , 120 ,
S < e : Thoradlke , XX , I.V ; Cordis , No. .1 ,
li Vs Cordis , No. 4 , HK > ' .
UKVIMS Amoskeag , 9 o ? , lO c ; Kverctt 7
o ? , MV ; York , 7oz , ii : ) c ; Haymaker , ' c ;
JnfTrey , XX , 11 HO : .fnffre.v. XXX , * 12 > , " .c ;
Heaver Crci-h , AA. 12. ? ; Heaver Creek , H"H ,
He : Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
KISTVCK : JIHSS Memorial , Me ; Dakota ,
lsc ; Durhum , 27ljc ; Hercules , l&c ; Leam-
Incton , 22 } < c ; Cottswold , 27 ao-
I bteven1 H , OV Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7e ; Stevens' A , 7'fe ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , Sk'c ; Stevens' P. S' c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , O'e ' ; Stevens' N.O' ' e ; Stevens' N ,
bleached. 10 < e ; Stevens' SRt , 12 tfc
Miciii.\Mot ! * : : * - 'Pablo on cloth , $250 ;
plain Holland , OJ c ; Dado , Holland , 12'sc
Hliows Stii'.urivii Atlantic w\ , 4 4 , 7'4c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7U ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , ( l jc ;
Atlautlo P , 4 4 , Oc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Of : Au
rora C , 4 4. 4 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0 4e- ;
IloosierLL , 1-4 , Oc" , Indian Head , 4-4 , 7' ' e ;
Lawrence LL , 4 4 , Oc : Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Kc ; Pepperell , R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , I ,
OWc ; Pepperell. 8-1 , ISVc ; Pepperell. 0-4 ,
21c ; Peiiperell , 10-J , 23c ; Utlca O. 1-4 , 4J c ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7'.jC ' ; Aurora 11,4-1 , "m ; Au
rora H. 1-4. O'i\ '
Dm ; West Point , 29 in. 8 oz. 10' e : West
Point , 20 In. 10 oz , 12 e ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 07 , Lie ; West Point. 40 In , 1 1 oz , lOc.
FusNr.i.s-Red C , 21 In. K > V ; H , - * ' " .
21 ' 4c ; GO , 24 In , 20c ; HAF , J , , 25c ; JRF , > 4 ,
2 it1.
CiiMinMPlunkeit checks , 7 } c ; Whttten-
ton , 7'c ' ; York , 71 < | U : Normandi dress ,
Ronfrow dross. S'B12V'c. '
C Miiun s Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
artl , 5c ; Peui-oek , de.
I'uiM" , INIMOO Hi.fis Arnold , O' c ; Amer
lean , O'i'e ; Gloucester , 0140 : Arnold C , long
cloth , Oc ; Arnold H , long cloth , ItiJ 'c ; Arnolci
Cold Seal , IMjtfc ; Sieifel A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , lO' c.
I ill in her.
First and second clear , 1 ' 4 in. . . $19 00 51 IK
First and soLMiul clear , 1'4 in. . . 47 Oi$10 ) ( 00
Third clear , 1 in . 43 IHXul.l ( X )
A select , lij < ifi'lii ' . 3700
U select , IJfoil' ' . , In . : t3 IX )
A stock boards , 12Tlll ) ft , 12 In. 40 ( X )
H stock boards , 12n'10 ( ft , 12 in. 41 00
C stock boards , 12IU ft , 12 in. 30 ( X )
D stock boards , 12rflO ( ft. IS in. 23 00
Flooring , first common , Gin. . . . 34 ( XI
Flooring , second common , 0 in. . 31 00
Select lencmg flooring . 19 00
Siding , first common , 10 ft . 2J ( XI
Sidinir , second common . 10 CO
Common boards . 13 OOfrtlO Oil
Fencing , "No 1 , 12i 20 ft . 10 50i ( < > 18 IK )
Fencing , No. 2. 12 , 1I ( MO ft. . . . 14 0 ( > ( < n5 00
Joist and scantling , 2.I I , 14u'IO ( ft 111 ( Mit\7 \ 00
Timber , 4x1 , 8x8 , 12 ( < e 10 ft . 17 ( XI
Pickets , D and II flat . 20 00
Pickets , D and H square . 20 ( X )
Shingles , extra A . 2 SO
Shingles , standard A . 2 00
Lath . 2 50
O O Hulls , 2U In . TO
O a Halls. l'\3. S I S . 40
3-iu well tubiiig , D nnd M bev. 22 00
Hemlock sole , 25 ( < ' ' 23c er lb ; oak sole , 31(3) ( )
. ' ! ( > < per lb ; oak harness , ! ) ( < : We per lb ; se
lected oak nnd trace , ! Mrift,1c ! per lb ; oak and
hemlock upper , 20 ( J2o per foot ; hemlock
calf skin , No. 1 , bOM'.IJ ( per ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , OOcC Sl.OO per
lb ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , $1.00@1.1U
per lb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , 00 ( < i 0c per
lb ; oak Itip skin , No. 1 , bOdfs.ln per
lb ; Philadelphia kip skin , extra , hOitOOc ( per
lb ; French calf skin ( according to
weight and quality ) , $1.1.1(41.75 ( per lb ;
French kip skin , do , t > Ocul.lO ( per lb ; Cor
dovan russet , ISc ; satin finish , 20c per foot :
welt leather , $3f > 0dt3.00 per side ; moroccos
( pebble goat ) , 20jJ30e per foot ; moroccos ,
boot leg , 25C'MOc per foot ; clove calf skins ,
20g30e ( per foot ; Dongola kid , 30u40e ( per
foot ; kangaroo skins , 40if50fi ( per foot , ac-
cordini ; to quality ; toppings , $3.00(3)10.00 ( ) per
doen ; lining. $5.llOi9.00 ( per ilo/.en ; apron
skine , $10.00@12.00 per dozen.
Mcial Anil Tiiiners' Stouk.
Hlock tin , smallpig . S 28
Block tin , bar . 20
Copper , planished boiler si/es . 34
Copper , cold rolled . 31
Copper , sheeting . 110
Copper , pitts . 20
Copper , fiats . 30
Gal. sheet iron , Juniata , 50-10 and
5 per cent discount.
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A . 10' ' , ;
Pat. planished iron , 21 to 27 U . 0
Roofing , 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 000
Roofing , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Roofing , 1C , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 11.00
Roofing , IX , 20x28 , 112 sheets . 14.50
Council Bluffs
And Chicao ,
. rr > o lfnne ! , Marihnlttmn
Clinton. IHron , Chicago , Milwaukee ,
Pofntl " ; , ' . "L" PenP' ' of NobraiVa.Colo.
- .r < Jminf.1.DU1' ! ' .dllh2 > Nevada. OrcKonVa h.
" iuperlor
. ! ? SBO\ are > tM 'hrno trains a ilar of 1 AV
CI ,
KS wlMohnra Ilia finest that human art and
nnonulty can create. s
Cminoll i Vii ° f w"Jcu . can no' b ? fou"1' olso. *
i. thu trnlns of the Union I'aclrto Hall
? "lr = "n" . ' ' In union depot with tlioio of Iho Clil-
fSKPn * r < 0 "w9 'Bni ' llr. IB Chicago thu trains vt
r. ncn fines" connection w Ith Ihoie of all ether
vflf" . . "Si' ? , " ' .P011 1" . . " ' . InillananolH , Cincinnati ,
f.laBara , IlutTaln. ritliburir. Toronto , Montreal ]
o Ton , Now York. ' , Ualilniora , Wash-
Incton , and til polnli In the f.nsi. Ask lor tickets la
U. UUJ ( 1 1 n-r. ' B. P. Wl F.80N ,
Otn'lllannspr. Oan'l I'Mi'r Agent.
\f. N. IIAnCOCK . f 'nT ' ? atik pent.
. K. KIMIIAI.U Ticket Aeent.
, ° KWKbT. . Cltr Pn -
, , n. r - - i-cnier ( Agent
KOI Farnnm St. Omalm rV h
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Hamplf * for trial of 12 different tylia l > y mullen
rcccirtof 10 cciiu in etarnpa. Auk Jorcaril .No. 8.
IVISON , BUKEMIN & CO , , 75 fey
If'you iH'sIro to ( ipi.ii one nr inakn liny chaiiE , ne
fcliall lie jik'ftsed tu oinft'r "Illi > < m. W ullon In-
. Tlinu I > c | > ( lt , Dlti'iiiiiit llusliH'wt IV.per ,
i Drafts on Iliu prliiclpal L'jtli-i of iuropc : , also
lAtluri of I'rnllt. anil trausatt any Imilum in the
llnnnf IIA.VKIVIJ.
IMlirHTt43l"llTfl H JcMi\vl li tul/uyor
s.ifu erurltle8 , wo tlull IJB pleased to or corrc-
bpondllli jou. An gxitrlfiuu | uf tMfiity-tlvo jfaig
elves iisaihantnKu In btlrdliiK the best lii\r > > tinents ,
Lutliaim leKillty unit tlnancUl tlaiiilliiK Wo also
ilcal In IAMI WAJlKAVI'il A.VU Nf'JIll * .
N , V , Office : i Wall 81 , , cor , Broadway ,
ABrlcuiuirni impTbmonts.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CnrrlBccf and Ilucilr J < c Strrct.lietwccnVtliand
lUili.Oiiiahn Netiraska.
AgricultnralImplcmentsWaionsCarriaEe , ) ?
Iliicslrs. Klc. Whole f l , Omatia , Ne
M hnlcsnlf | ) < > al r In
AETicnltnral Implements.Wagons . & Buggies
801 . ftp. KO and W7 An s Strcft , Onintia.
Manufacturers of Bncieye Drills , Seeders ,
CulllTalort.Har Hakes. Cidr Mill * and I.nbnn 1'ul-
_ Timers , Cor. llth and Nicholas titrcvts. _
- WholMfilo
Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Buggie
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Michiuery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. .Mea.i , Manner. Ulll ( tarviiwoith st. Omalm
Manufacturers and Johbriv lit
Wagons , Buggies , RaKes , PJows Etc ,
Cor. t > th and 1'acinc Blrocta. Omaha , Neb.
Artists' Materials , _
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials. Pianos and Organs ,
151.1 DoiiElas Ptrrrt. Omaha , Nrbratka.
Booksollora nnd
* " "
H. M , * fs. W. JONES ,
Sucreisor to A.T. Kcnycn A Co. . Wliolt-stloA IlclHl
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kino Wedding Slatlonvry , Conininrclal I
1JW DouKlaiSlrect ( Jnialiu > < < ti.
Boots and Shoos.
( ticcuisors to Heed , Jonts A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Snoei
Aicntstur lloslon llubcrr ! < tie Co. Illf. ' , 110 * .V IIM
llurncy St. , Oniata. NcbraaVa.
W. V. MORSE * CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 1103-1105 Douglas St , Omaha Manufactory. Suni'
merSL. . Huiton.
Coal , Coke antl Limo-
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
200 Mouth 13th Street , Omaha , Ntbnikn.
Shippers of Coal and Cote
214 Tilth lith r. | . Omn'-i ? .Vh.
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And'hlppi'M of LVil , C < uk , tVim'nt , l'M t r. l.lino
Drain Tile and S.iwnr I'lpi' . OHIco , SIS S. Utli
M , , Oniulia , Keb. TelepbnneSll.
Dry Goods nno Notions.
M. E SM1TH A CO. .
Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goods anil Notions ,
11DS and 1104 Douslai. Cor. llth St. . Omalm. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Cicala' Furnishing Goods. Corner llth and Iliuncj
Slo. . Oinaba. Nebraska.
Importers mid Jobbers ot
.117 South lilh Street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Karuaru Street. Omaha. . Nraska. .
Omaha. Nebraska.
CoffooB , Splcos , Etc- _
CLARkEl3CFFEE 00.7" "
Uruaba Co [ Tec and Bptco Mills ,
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kxtracti , I.Eumlrr Illuo. Inks. Ktc. 1U4-
1418 llurney Slreot. Omaha. Nabraska.
Crookery and Glassware.
" " " '
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc OBS fe. 31" S. 13th bt. , Omabu. Nebraska.
Importers mid Jobber * of
Crcciery , Glassware , Lamps , Silyerware
Ktc. 1514 Frrnam St.KcT I'axton Hulldlnc.
CommlBolon and Storago-
V' ' '
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties P'Htpr. Kyun , Chcr o I'nnltrj , ( Jami ;
lllllorrnrd Oir.ah .
riiiocesior.i to MrSbanu & Bchroedcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omnlin. Kobraskn.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
_ TU5. 'iW , TU3 and 711 8. 10th St. , Onufcu , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
I Ih and LcavciiKortb Streets. Omitha , Nebraska ,
Hoayy Hardware.
" " '
"wT jJliROATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprint * , Wauon Htock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktu.
and Ull Harrier Hlrc
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and IlutTalo Rcalos. lt < X >
Hfreol , Ouiuha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware.
and llarn 8ts. , Omiun , Neb , Western Aitcnti
lor Austin rowdcrCo. , Jntrermin ftcpl Nails ,
_ Kalrbankitjtandiird.Scali'j.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MctalH. Sheet Iron , etc Agents for Howe Scales.
.Miami 1'owtlcr uucl l.yiimn llai-bud wire ,
Omahu , Nubrauku.
" ' *
"UMBER co' . "
nil Kinds of Bnilding Material at WMsg&li &
IStjHtrcetainl Union I'aeiaeTrack.Om li. .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Boor , , Ktc. Virds-Corner and UouiH , Cornc ,
To Dealers Only ,
Offlce ljra Farnam Ptrect , Omuha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Iniported and American I'ortiiinil Cement. fitat (
Aeent for JUllwaiikeii llrdraullc Ccucot und
Qulncy White Mine.
Dealer in Hardwood Liimoer ,
Wogd Carpets aua raiqu t riyirtug , ViU ana Douslu
Dealer in All Kinflj of lnmlicp ,
_ _ l."th niul Caiifonilii Slrcot * , Ciniqlm. Nobresto.
" *
KHbO W. Uiw.
Inffltep , Lime , COIDCH ! , Etc , , EIc ,
Cornfrfihuml lHMieln fl . .Oin ha.
Mllllnory nnd Notions.
I. OBEnFELDER a CO. , * " 1
IrAportcrs Uobte in Millinery & Notions
W. illUml I8 outh lllh Slrort.
Hnts , Cnpa , Etc.
w. u. PARROTTE'V , coT r
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Good !
WhnlfMlo Mnnulnrturvn of
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware
AuJ l.cntbcr. liai , li ( nn.U i ; ItAtntf SU.OuiBlio ,
J. T.
Wiolcsale Notions and Famishing Goods
4(0 ( ami WiHcuth 10th ft. Onmlm.
Notions and Gent's '
Furnishing Good ? ,
111 * Humor Strool. Omnlm.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcane 1'iinlJ.thliti , Ktc. lltrjun.l 1101 IKmulnj Street ,
uuinlin. NI < I >
Office FixturoB.
Munuliu ttmv * or
Bank , Ofllce and Saloon Fixtures ,
tlo' , Slili'liOHnlt , Hook Onni'V Drue KlxlutS'H.Wfttl
, 1'aitUliinn , IlKlllniK , Cuimlcr * , llcer ntulVlno
Conlurn , Mirr or * clcKm lory nn > ' olllci1 , ir.Unud liJt
toutli IJlti St. , Oomlm. Tolupluiuu 1UI.
_ _ _
ISholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile Urcan. Ktc. . Omaha. A. II Ulriinu. .Manaimr
Paints and oils.
Wliolc nlo Ilcnior'ln
Faints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Fnronm Street. Omnha , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers , "
Carry a nlco nock of rrlntliiK. Wrapping anil Writing
I'M ar. Hpvclnl attention Kltan to < nrhiad nr.lfM
Storage , Forwarding ; & Commission
ARM STRONG , PEl"fls" & CO
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Urnnch liuutiQ tif the I lot nicy flugpy Co , Ihticxlcn nt
nliulcsulo nnU rvtull , l&Oiuitl 1112 Izura btrect ,
Otnuhn , Ti ! * nhoiip No 7r l.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1S-1 North Klfthtcentli Street , Omnhn. Vtli.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornica
ilp * anil mi'lallekylmlui. .
Joil.v , I'niprlolor.
1(6 ( niul 110 South l.'tli street.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Putilislicrs ,
- Buppl. . , . . CM
Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Pancr Box Factory.
Nos. U1J and 1319 Douglas St. , Omabu , N b.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Riililier Goods
311 ClotlilDg and Lectbcr Beltlug. IU06 Faimiin BtrooU
Sjsh , Doors , Etc. '
M. A. DISBROV f. CO. . . /
\VliolosaIii ManuC : cturcra of
Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Uffiro , nth anil Itanl titrooln , OriKiliil , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors. Blinds ,
Mullln , Stair Work nnd Interior Iliir'l Wood nn <
n. N. K. Corner Mh und lu ven ort > > streets ,
_ Ouialiu. Nvu.
FhtlngB.J'umpa , Etc.
A.I. . STRANG CO. . "
Puinos , Pipes anil Engines.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings.
Ucam nnd Wnler Pnnnllo" rii no.ri.r | , , for .Mn ,
Stew and Water Supplies ,
Hallldny Wind Mill. . 019 nml 93) ) Pnrnnm St.Omah .
< ) fj Hold , Actlnu .MiiiinKi'r.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
.meet fron Vork W. . . . . . . . , . 8.MH. . nmiu
Iron Works.
Carter It son , 1'rop'a. .MumifucturcrB of all kinds
Steam Boilers , Tanfe and Sheet Iron Worlc
Works Fonlhaith und II. A M. Croialntf. _
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
Unulnes , llrais Work.Ooncinl Foundry , Mciolilnounil
IJIuckiuiltli Wnrk. Oillco und Works , U. 1 * . U/ .
uud ltU htreot , Umiilni.
_ _
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Hoik. Kails. Window Uimrds. Firmer Hlnndi , Win
I , Ktc , 121 North ICtU Hircut , Oinulia.
Man1 frs of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes '
Vnultu. Jail Work , Iron unit Wlrn Kunclnir.Klirns.lCto.
O. Audrcun , 1'iuu'r C'or. lltli nnd Jmkann Ms ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
and Bcrei'ns , ( nrliniiks , nniroi.itnri' retldoncos , ole ,
Improved Aw nine's , l < ockftinlth M.irhlnttrr and
IlliiiksmliliVorkB. . ( aiWHilh lull St.
M Mr nun , t WHITMOKII , '
Fireanfl Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locis ,
AKent > for liluliolil Hiifo and iMO'f Comuuur't )
Vaulta unU Jiill Wurk , II'J H. IMi hit mil.
.i , 'A. ym. .v. i' . uintuA.v. j , u. UI.A.M.JI.AIIU.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
OSlcu-lluom 31 , Opposite Kichuniio llulldlui. , Ualoa
_ fitbck Vnrds. boutli Uuiulia , Nub.
Live Stocl ( Commission.
Iloom IS , Uithanuo llulldlnu. Union BtoeU VnrJA
Of Omaha , Limited ,