Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1889, Image 1

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Sioux City People Cross the Rlvor
to Drink ,
IIoxv Liquor IH to Ho Had Kor
the Asking , nnd n Moder
ate Foe to tin ;
tin : Kivcr.
The saloons , in ttio main , have been driven
out of Sioux City , though It hat been by u
laxv xvlileli citizens have never supported. As
a consequence , xvhon the people xvisli to in
dulge In liquor away from home , as shoxvn
In u previous article , they cross the Missouri
to Covlngtou. In the latter place there nro
no less than fifteen liquor places selling bev
erages night nnd day. Each of the proprie
tors of these annually pays to the state of
Nebraska $500. From that little toxvn fr.OTO
is thus obtained , and this amount is but ono
of the many large sums which the people of
Sioux City feel belongs on the loxva sldo. The
liquor Is consumed on this side of
the river , hut Nebraska enjoys the emolu
ment of the mile. It Is stated that loxva is
the gainer because the alleged crime of the
nalo oHIquor has been transferred across the
river. Hut such is not ttio cabo. As xvas
shoxvn In n previous article , crime Is greater
than ever in this city. If it bo traceable to
drink , it is to bo charged to sales xvhich are
consummated on this side of the river , and
xvhich , as has been shown , the authorities
nro poxx-crlcsa to prox'ent.
Notxvithctandlng a great deal has been
said about the Hlufulness of Coviugtoii , ' it
must be said that many of tlio things alleged
ngainst it are grossly exaggerated. What
ever drunkenness is to bo found , In the largo
majority of cases is to UP charged to people
from Sjioux City.
Uofori the advent of prohibition , ttio fast
young man of Sioux xvas n curiosity. Noxv
he is numbered oy tlic hundreds. Ho docs
not hesitate to leave his homo and cross the
river even though floating cakes of ieo malto
the passage dangerous and dilllcult. Before ,
under a liberal laxv or rattier the popular ig
noring of an illiberal one , he rarely xvont to
excess , because pride of homo and self kept
htm beyond the reach of disgrace. For the
crimes which have resulted , an-l they have
already been outlined in these columns , pro
hibition is held to bo responsible. Three
years ngo , in 18SI5 , there xvero but txvolve po
licemen. To-day there are txvonty-flvo , and
those claim they are ox'orxx-orkod. They
knoxv almost every hole in the xx-ull and
people could be found xvho could prove that
they were also liberal patrons of many of
Those policemen , ns a rule , do not report
these violations of tlio law. They are dis
posed to and do look upon the laxv as a fizzle.
They also realize that , notwithstanding the
law xvhich tells them that they nro expected
to report such violations , they are not ex
pected to act as spies , and consequently they
secretly patronize those who are alleged to
bo dangerous to the community by disposing
of intoxicating liquors.
One night I went into ono of these
holes-in-tho-wall , or rattier in the
ground. I stumbled in the darkness , and
my'guide struck a match. It lighted up a
collar , and face to face with mo stood a
policeman , xvho was struggling through the
darkness to again resume his beat. His
breath indicated that ho hud not been axvay
from the whisky bottle more than a couple
of minutes , and that period of time did not
elapse before my guide had taken his place.
But the gallant gentleman xvith the star did
not report the house In xvbich ho hud re
ceived his beverage.
The detection of violators of this laxv
therefore devolves upon hirelings xvho xvork
for the sheriff. These are inspired by the
alleged law and order league , xvhich raises a
fuud with xvhich to fee an attorney and keep
him from starvation. These hireling have
boon attracted from other occupations ,
greedy mortals to xvhom the inducements of
u certain percentage of the lines Imposed
upon parties convicted is such nn inducement
that it cannot bo resisted. As a consequence ,
thoy'havo loft sometimes a place behind tlio
counter or bar to bo mercenary xvatchors of
some individual xvho is engaged In the al
leged trafllc on the quiet. In this manner
some of them have kept from starving.
One night I saxv ono of these hypocrites
leave the court houso. In front of tlio north
entrance stood a couple of gentlemen. Ono
. .ol them readied into his pocket and pulled
out n flask of xvldsky xvhieh ho said he had
bottled that day. The money xvas paid for
the liquor and the pair separated.
The seller that day received three largo
cask ) of unadulterated whisky and xvas ped
dling it in bottles tluough toxvn , meeting his
customers on tno street. The enterprising
merchant , I understand , In this manner sells
about a barrel n xveek.
Later , I met n member of the city council.
Ho is an excellent business man. Wo met
pleasantly and from tils pocket immediately
shot n bottle of excellent bourbon which ho
extended to mo and from xvhich ho quaffed
most copiously.
I visited a friend in ono of the smaller
"What will you have to drink I" ho said.
"Some boor , " I remarked.
Deer wns ordered , nnd Inside of five min
utes a bottle of Host's boor xvas placed on
the table before us.
At my own hotel one evening I asked tlio
clerk :
"Can 1 get a drink ! "
'Of what , xvaterl" Innocently asked the
gentleman nt the desk.
"No , of course not water. IsJ there no
l > ccr or whisky to bo badl"
"Why , certainly ; Just speak to one of the
porters. "
1 spoke to the porter. Three minutes later
that functionary followed mo to my room ,
and xvith him came a bottle of beer.
I shared ttio beverage xvith n friend xvho
called upon me , rang for another porter ,
end when ho arrived requested him to get
ran some more beer.
"Yes , sir , " ho said deferentially , nnd with
as little concern as ho xvould liavo received
an order to .bring a pitcher of xvater , disap
My curiosity xvas aroused. I hastily throw
niy coat over my shoufdcrs , followed him
through a sldo door , doxvn an alley , illumi
nated in patches by large arrows got electric
light from the rear of the still open stores ,
for a distance of about txvo hundred feet.
lie then dropped into a cijlhir entrance , and
ns I reached thu landing. There stood a city
ofllelul in whoso ofllco I hail heard prohibition
most forcibly denounced and at xvliose bauds
I hud been thu recipient of a bottle of vile
adulteration culled whisky. He had just
emerged from the cellar Into xvhieh the
porter had disappeared , requested mo to re
turn with him , xvhieh I declined fearing my
porter xvould mistake my object in following
who ran the rcrn-juico nnnox to the corn
palace last full , tins been lined n number of
times , but still continues to sell and make
money. We had some beer and walked
afterwards out through the front door of n
double house on n residence street three
blocks from the postodlcc.
I returned to the hotel. The porter had
executed his commission. On the table lay
two bottles of beer , wrapped in n napkin.
The porter was afterwards feed.
At these hotels a man may get nny drink
ho desires mid in nn.v quantity. The amount
of liquor consumed Is scarcely to be credited.
To say nothing of the amount brought into
the city by commercial men and other tran
sients , the amount sold through the
instrumentality of the porters passes
comprehension. I know of one
man who supports himself and a
largo family by buying and selling again to
the concerns in Covlngton thu cmnty bottles
found in one of the hotels. During the
month of December his sales netted him $ So.
Ho had of course bought the empty bottles
at a very low price and sold them to the
above advantage.
Other people uro engaged in the same busi
ness in connection with the other hotels.
There nro not less thun sixty places In this
city in xvhlch liquor may bo had , eighteen of
theao being tlio headquarters of the trans
portation companies , the' remainder being
divided between tlio holes-ln-thc-wall and
the drug stores. There are about txventy of
the latter and ut least , leu of these liquor
may bo had , without the formulary of a
physicians prescription , U the thirsty mortal
is accompanied by a man known to the pro
prietor. Tbeso buy iheir whisky by the barrel
and sell it In various quantities and some of
them have private ) tippling glasses in their
stock room for their patrons. I was satisfied
of this fact In tnrec instances , having visited
them in company with a hotel attache who
had carlo blanche to the mysterious apart
ments behind the prescription counter.
These druggists get permits to sell liquor for
stereotyped uses , sacramental and medicinal ,
and the amount of "brotherhood wine1 as it
Is termed , which goes to tlio residences of
some divines is remarkable. Sometimes it
goes to the house ; in n package with a millin
ery label on the outside , ns if the wife of the
clerical gentleman had purchased a now hat.
In other instances , it is delivered under de
ceptive coverings which nro limited only by
the versatility of the shipper or the con
Some of the wholesale drug stores have
gone into the wholesale whisky business ,
selling thu liquor ut low rates and taking
orders' for beer , porter or uny other beverage
which mny bo desired.
I had a talk witli a liquor man a few days
ago mid was told by him that one of his cus
tomers whom ho had desired to purchase a bill
of goods , had said he had boon offered better
terms by one of tlic wholesale drug stores in
tlio city. "I telephoned the drug store , " lie
said , "knoxvinir that they couldn't sell
good whisky at the rate proposed , and told
them that they ought not to sell the man
medicine under the name of whisky. The
drug house tumbled , and when the purchaser
called to accept their terms , lie was told he
had better buy his goods across the river. "
The liquor sold in those stores is of the
vilest order. It Is poor to begin with , and
then is adulterated , so that in many instances
the taste peculiar to the drink is with dllli-
culty distinguished.
1 called upon the deputy rev
enue collector , but learned lie was
out of town. 1 then called upon
United States District Attorney ICeliey , who
said that it was impossible to ascertain the
number of pcoplo xvno wore paying special
government taxes for the sale of liquor ,
owing to the absence of the collector. "Hut
1 knoxv this , " ho said , "that there are more
people paying special taxes in this city this
year than there were ever before. I can say
this , too , xvhilo not a drinking man now , that
Governor Larrabco wont with little pro
priety to Nebraska to toll the legislators that
prohibition WHS enforced In this state , when
in Port Dodge , in his own county , under his
very nose almost , I can to-day direct him to
txveuty saloons running with open doors. "
It Is Rejected lly the Senate After a
Long l > ebatc.
WASHINGTON' , Fob , 1. The senate further
debated the Hritish extradition trenty-ncarly
three hours to-day , aud it was HnVly re
jected. It has been supposed by somJ that
with the objectionable political offences
section stricken out , it might piss , especially
as it was conceded on all sides that u treaty
for the extradition of embezzlers and forgers
was greatly to bo desired by the ynited
States , but , as was pointed out in the debate
this afternoon , the striking out of the ob
jectionable clause xvould not remove the
subject from the Held of negotiation , nor
would reference of the treaty to the com
mittee , xvith the understanding it should
not bo reported , dispose of it. Tlio treaty as
.amended , if ratified , would be relocated to
the realm of diplomacy , xvhcro representa
tives of other contracting powers might In
sist upon having the rejected clause inserted
again , aud the treaty , it was shoxvn , could
not forever slumber in the committee's
archives without giving offense ; so that , in
order to definitely dispose of a treaty which
contained any objectionable features what
ever , it must bo rejected. An earnest effort
xvas made by friends of the treaty to save it
from rejection , but their labors xvoro in vain ,
and the final vote against it was greater than
had been expected 33 to 1C.
Great Work Done hy ilio Dendty Dyua-
inlto Weapon.
Nixv YOHIC , Feb. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE HEE. ] Captain iCalinskl rigged up his
dynamite gun ut Fort Lafayette yesterday
and fired it off several times for the edifica
tion of Duke do Dorcal , xx'ho is cousin of the
queen of Spain , Captain Yurcln , military at
tache of the Spanish legation at Wellington ,
and Captain Uriondo , of the Spanish navy.
They had all como from Washington to see
the gun. A MM ) pound shell was
fired xvith entirely satisfactory results.
The explosion of the shell throxv
up u great column of xvutor , xvhich
Captain /.alinskl declared xvas the largest
and most beautiful ho had over seen. Txvo
other shots xvero tired , both sand shots. Ono
of the shells , weighing 500 pounds , xvas
thrown considerably over a mile. Thoottict ,
weighing 200 pounds , xvns throxvn nearly txvo
miles. This is the greatest distance a shell
has yet been throxvn by the dynitmlto gun ,
It xvas said at Fort Lafayette to-day that the
results of ttio otllclal test , although not ofll <
chilly declared , xvcro satisfactory to the ex
amining board , and that the board xx'ouhl
recommend that the government accept the
Now PosliniiBters Appointed ,
WASHINGTON , Fob. L [ Special Telegram
to THE HUB. ] Theodore K. Frceso has oeen
appointed postmiister at Ccntropolte , Chey
enne county , Neb , , vice Charles II. Uaudall ,
loxva postmasters appointed : John G ,
Blair , Ho prig , county , vice S. C ,
Hlulr , resigned ; William .Smiley. Wintlold ,
Henry county , vice John W , Hanuu , re
( Shot While HcNlHtlng ArrcHt
LITTLK ROCK , Ark , , Feb , II Dr. Charles
P. Burns , of Baxter , Ark , , xvell known in
the southern part of Die state , was shot and
killed lust night by a deputy sheriff xvho had
gone to the doctor's house to arrest him , The
doctor resisted arrest and drew a pistol on
the ofllecr.
Killed Uy Falling Wall * .
UTICA , N. Y. , Fob. 1. The wall of the
high .school building In Johnstown , which
burned last night , fell thU morning , killing
George Thompson and seriously injuring a
fireman. The lobs to the building by fire is
about M5.000. '
- *
nituichiik-.l Will Not
Ncxv VOIIK , Feb. 1. Chairman Dlanehard ,
" " " r'-"if"M Trnflln association , to-day sig-
And Throws Harrison's Cabinet
Work Out of Goar.
Anxiety Per Hie lown Kclltor'p Pros
pects the Clilnf Cause of His
licensing ; to Accept the
Uuitutu TitBOMittA. BIB ,
513 FouuTEUNTi ! STREE T , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob . , 1. f
Senator Allison hits at last written n letter
letter to General Harrison declining the
treasury portfolio. It was not till last night
that he reached a final decision to reconsider
his acceptance of a week ago and give n posi
tive refusal. If the mails do not miscarry ,
the president-elect xvlll by to-morroxv even
ing or Sunday morning learn olHcially that
he Is not to have his first choice nt the head
of the treasury department. The action of
Senator Allison xvill throxv General Harri
son's c.tblnet work all out of gear , and ho
will have to begin ancxv , for although lie has
Mr. IJluino for the secretaryship of state ho
intends to build his cabinet around the treas
ury , and not the state department.
The selection of a secretary of
the treasury ami n secretary of
the interior entail the greatest hardships
upon tlio president-elect. Who will fill
either place no one hero has any 'authority to
say , and undoubtedly it is n serious question
to General Harrison. There is talk about
Representative lionjnmln Hutterworth , of
Ohio , but the prediction that ho may bo
tendered the place appears to bo based
largely upon thu friendship of General Harrison
risen and his family for the Ohio congress
man and family. The fact that the presi
dent-elect stated very recently that ho would
not take u secretary of the treasury from
Now York , but that he xvould RO west ,
coupled with the prediction made by General
Lew Wallace a fortnight since , that Colonel
John C. Ncxv xvould yet be nt the head of the
treasury , directs attention to the latter
gentleman at this time. Within a week
after the election Colonel Ncxv xvent to Gen
eral Harrison aad told him to pay no at
tention to newspaper and other gossip about
his ( Nexv's ) ambition being toxvard
tlic treasury. Ho asked that , in
making up the cabinet , his name
should not be considered. He had. Colonel
Nexv said , enough consolation in
the success of the election to
satisfy him. Within a week General Harri
son has mentioned Colonel Nexv's name in
connection xvith the treasury , aud in the
same breath said : "John C , Now is the most
unselfish man 1 ever saxv. " Colonel Nexv
may have the trcasurysuip urged upon him
whether he wants it or not. The boomers of
the lion. John M. Thurston , of Nebraska ,
are very active just noxv. They believe
that the declination of Mr. Allison means the
selection of Mr. Thurston for secretary of
the interior. If Senator Allison could have
been assured by Governor Larrabeo that
Mr. Clarkson would bo appointed to the sen
ate till the legislature meets , it is stated that
he xx-ould have not declined the trcasuryship.
Larrabeo has his eye upon Senator Allison's
seat , and he would do nothing for Clarkson
in that direction. It is more than likely that
since Clarkson xvill not go into the cabinet
ho xvill draxv his scalping knife upon the gov
U. P. Ueuby , of Nebraska , is at the Howard
N. S. Porter , of Ponea , is in the city.
Hopresentative Dorsey attended President
nnd Mrs. Clex'elaud's reception last nitrht ,
xvith Miss Hoxyoll , of Omaha , and Mr. and
Mrs. Will Sunnier , of Schuyler , Neb.
At the Portland Mrs. Paddock and Mrs.
Manderson held largo nnd enjoyable recep
tions yesterday. } ioth ladies nro cordial re-
coivera , and as usual the music xx-ason uttruc
tivo feature. Mrs. Paddock xvas assisted by
u bevy of pretty girls , among thorn Miss
Charlotta French , Miss Loring Lusk , Miss
Paddock , Miss Kustin , Miss Hayden , Miss
Cuppock and Miss Dulmrnel ,
Company U of the Twentieth regiment ,
Dakota National Guards of Sioux Falls , is
coming to the inauguration fifty strong.
Uy direction of the secretary of xvnr , Pri
vate Wilber Dolaplane , company E , Seventh
infantry , now xvith his company , will bo dis
charged xvithout character from the service
of the United States on receipt of this order.
The superintendent of the recruiting ser
vice xvill cause thirty recruits to bo assigned
to the Second infantry and forxv.irdcd under
proper charge to Fort Omaha for distribu
tion among the companies of the regiment.
Leave of absence for six months on sur
geon's certificate of disability , with permis
sion to leave the division of the Missouri , is
granted to First Lieutenant John J. Hayden ,
Kighth infantry. Puituv S. HEATH.
Public Ielt Statement.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 1. The folloxving is the
public debt statement : Interest-bearing
debt , principal , $030,127,842 ; interest , ? < ! ,05S-
103 ; total , ? ' .KJ9,050,335. Debt on xvhich In
terest has ceased since maturity , principal
nnd Interest , 2-2',74l. ' ! Debt bearing no in-
interest , $ T-iyS94.i3J. Total debt , principal ,
fl.ilTD.OS'J/JSO . ' ; interest , * 0.3l8ia'J ; total ,
$ liJS5)08.0o9. : ) Total debt , less available
cash Items , ? 1,180.733,015. Net cash in the
treasury 4H , lii5,04y. Debt less cash In
treasury February 1 , 18S9 , ? l,131W5.'J73. '
Debt less cash in treasury January 1 , ISS'J ,
Slil,052,2. : ; ) . Deareaso of debt during the
month , $13,810,3 5. Decrease of debt since
Juno 80 , 18SS , 543,73S(5SU. ( Total cash in treasury -
ury as shoxvn by the treasurer's general ne-
couut , 017,910,453
An Important Decision.
WASIIIXC.TON , Fob , 1. The uttorney gen
eral has rendered an important decision , in
volving the right of Indians who hax'o taken
allotments of land under the severally act ,
to dispose of the timber standing .upon their
several allotments. It is in fact u declara
tion of the invalidity of all contracts betxvcon
Indians to xvhom lands have been allotted ,
and lumbermen , for cutting timber , inadu
either under the severally act , or under
treaties containing the txventy-fix'o year
alienation elauso. It Is understood that the
treaties xvith the northern Wisconsin In
dians , on whosa reservaiions timber is being
cut under contract xvith those Indians , con
tains this clause.
The Territorial Hill.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 1. it is reported that
thu senate con forces on tno territorial bill ,
when they meet the house conferees , will in
sist on the amendments dosiroa by the rep
resentatives of Dakota , noxv here , for tlio
purpose of securing satlsfactoiy legislation.
These Include the ucceptunoa of the Sioux
Fulls constitution , and division into north
nnd south Dakota , xvithout further action.
After that Is secured they are willing to hold
an election for state officers and legislators ,
to choose a senator. It is stated that itopro-
sontatix'u Springer is noxv willing to concede
these amendments.
Committed Snlclitu at Ben.
JF.KSUY CITV , N. J. , Feb , 1 , August Doloh-
man , a saloon passenger in the steamship
Uclgcnland.xvhlch arrived to-day , committed
suicldo in his stateroom by hanging. Dcich-
man embarked just before thu liolgcnlund
left Antwerp. During tlio passage he male
inquiries as to xvhat crimes u voyager could
be arrested for upon rcauhliig America.
Will Korea O'Urloa toSuhii'ilr ,
DUIII.IK , Feb. 1. The bovornoc of CJpnmol
prison has informed O'llrion th'at , ho"'will
compel him to don the prlsonainlform. and if
Cleveland Wilt llo the HtnnU.inl
llenrcr InLHQ2. / .
CHICAGO , Feb. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE HUE. | Congressman Fmnk Laxvlor ,
who returned from WnahlnRton some time
ngo , and who has been detained hero longer
than ho expected by sickness in his family ,
goes back to Washington this evening , To a
reporter ho said this afternoon : "Tho rep
resentatives of the people in Washington all
feel cheerful over the vote oust for Cleve
land at the hist election , and believe that ho
will bo the standard bearer In 1892. The rep
resentatives feel ns I do , that the Mills bill
for the best Interest * of the masses of the
country. 1 believe that Cleveland to-day is
as strong with the party as ho has been at
any tlino during the four years ho has been
serving as head of the nation. "
"What about Hill , of Nsxv York , as the
next democratic candidate for the presi
dency ! "
"Well , Hill Is strong In Nexv York , but I
don't believe that he is strong intho country.
I believe that the party will hax'o to look to
Cleveland In 1S ! > 2. Hill is popular in Ncxv
York from the fact that ho is strong xvith
the liquor interests there , but that doesn't
count In the xx'ost. There is n great big vote
behind Noxv York In the country , that xvould
only go to Cleveland for his administration of
affairs. "
"What about Secretary Whitney as a pos
sible candidate ) "
"Whitney has made a splendid record. Ho
can make a line showing , and by the time ho
leaves the office he noxv holds , a great deal
will have been accomplished. "
"So you think the tariff xvill be the issue
again in the next national campaign ! "
"Well , I never wns ono of the free trade
party , nnd many who fax'or a reduction of
taxes hero are not free traders , in the strict
sense of the xx-ord , though our position has
been looked upon in that light , yet it was
demonstrated by the vote cast in the largo
cities of the United States that Clox'oland's
position x\-as affirmed by every large city ex
cept txx'o , and had the farmers been educated
up to the question as they ought to hnvo
been , there xx'ould hnvo been a differ
ent state of affairsox'on in the
great northwest. A great deal bus
been made of the vote in New York and
Indiana , but is true that xvhilo in Indiana
the republicans elected their national ticket ,
we elected a great many democratic congress
men , nnd much success attended all other
portions of tlie democratic ticket in Noxv
York state. If money was used in Noxv
York state by the republicans they only used
it in u way that we ought to hax'o resorted teas
as xvoll , for in polities all honorable means
ought always to bo resorted to , everything
being fair in a politician's eye. "
Allison's Declination Demolishes the
Cabinet BlatcH.
INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 1. The most distin
guished caller at General Harrison's house
to-day xvas Senator SnLtn , of Minnesota. Ho
had a long conference xvith the president
elect , and at its close loft for Washington.
In a brief interviexv before his departure ho
said he xvas very sorry that Senator Allison
had declined the treasury , and asserted that
his own visit had no political significance
A committee of colored men from Virginia
and Maryland called on the president-elect
in thu afternoon in the interest of Mujionc
for a cabinet position. General Harrison
gave the committee a cordial reception nnd
spent half an hour in"conversation xvith
them. When the committee returned to the
hotel they expressed tbetnsolvas highly
gratified xvith their reception , but did'not
claim to have received any encouragement as
to the result of their mission.
There xvero many other visitors during the
day , among them George R , Davis , of Chi
Politicians arc at sea noxv as regards cab
inet speculation , Senator Allison's declina
tion having necessitated touring doxvn all
the work of construction , xvith the excep
tion of lilaino , and beginning over aipln. In
conversation to-day , General Harrison jo
cosely remarked that if ho could llnd seven
men in Alaska ho believed ho should put
them in his cabinet ns a means of restoring
harmony in the states.
Last night , it xvas assorted , that political
signs once more point strongly toxvard John
C. Noxv for a member of the cabinet. Hero
it is bohex-ed that he xvould not accept any
thing but the treasury portfolio.
Kefcrring to this gossip , a prominent poli
tician said to a correspondent to-night that
Justice Miller , of the federal supreme court ,
intends to retire from the bench at an early
day. "Ho is competent , " said this gen
tleman , "to 1111 any position under
the government , and his nomination
ns secretary of the treasury xvould meet the
approval of the entire xx'est and cast. They
could find no objections to him , It is true ,
ho is well advanced In years , and probably
xvould break doxvn if lie undertook all the
details of such a grout onlco , but that is not
necessary ; neither is it imperative that ho
should remain in olllce throughout the entire
term. His appointment , oven though tem
porary , xvould servo u good end , us after the
house is organized some younger man could
bo substituted. " Ir. is boliex'ed that this sug
gestion is among these under consideration
by the president-elect ,
General Alger's name , it Is believed , has ,
since the smashing of the slate by Senator
Allison , been permanently marked off , with
out prejudice to that distinguished gentle
man. It Is believed that Governor Husk , of
Wisconsin , or some other soldier's name xvill
be substituted.
The Fro ( Record.
S. C. , Feb. 1. The cotton
warehouse of the Granltovillo Manufactur
ing company , xvith its contents , burned to
day. Loss , .J100.0M ; insurance , ? 90,000.
CAUIION. Ind. , Feb. 1. The business portion
tion of Carbon , Clay county , burned to
night. Loss , about $50,000. Fully insured ,
IJovroN' , Fob. 1. Tho. building on Court
street , occupied by Albert Uussell , manu
facturer of electrical and mechanical instru
ments , xvas damaged $ T > 0)00 ( ) by a fire at mid
night. Insurance * J3OD. , ( ) It xvas llrst
reported that several persons , xvero Injured ?
but later reports do not confirm thia.
UitinoKi'oiiT , Conn.iFob. 1. The hand
some noxv residence ol P. T. llarnum , at Sea
side park , was nearly destroyed by lire to
A Canadian I'atjillu Wrook.
MiNXEAi'ous , Fob. X Noxvs of a fatal
accident on the Canadian Pacific last Tues
day has Just reached hero. It appears that a
.freight xvas dcscqmlihtj a steep grade when
an uxlo on the loeomotiro tender broke , pre
cipitating the engine pud six cars some dis
tance doxvn the side pf , " tlio mountain. The
fireman and a braUemun xvero Instantly
killed. The engineer ckcaped uninjured.
The Allinkuii
POUT TOXVNSEXD , . V. T. , Fob. 1. The
steamer Auction urrixjofl from Alaska xvith
letters uiul newspapers ) xvlileli reiterate thu
stories of outrages ou .Indian xvomcn , and
says that the Indians'xvill.sell their daughters
and sisters to the white 'men for from $5 to
? , r > 0 , The schooner Active has been missing
since September 14 , and no tidings have since
been received coniiorlfliig her. It U gener
ally believed that she/has been lost.
The Superintendent of the Norfolk
Asylum Arrostod.
Relatives Prefer Charges Asalnst Dr.
Kelly Accidental Shooting nt
Pialnviow Alleged Cruelty to
nil Imbecile Child.
Chnrd With Murder.
Nonroi-K , Neb. , Feb. 1. ( Special Tele
gram to Tnc Hnn.J On complaint of
Michael Soudier nnd Mary Soudier , brother
and sister of Caroline Soudier , Dr. IColly ,
superintendent of the hospital for the In
sane , xvas arrested this afternoon nnd
brought before Justice IJrueggoman on n
warrant charging him xvith the murder at
their sister. The doctor xx-aivod examina
tion and gave bonds in the sum of $5,000 for
his appearance at the district court , Messrs.
N. A. UaiiiBolt , J. S. MeClary , S. W. Hayes ,
P. Schxvenck and C. F. Kisloy going on tils
bonds. There xx-as n good deal of excite
ment amontr the Germans , nnd In one case a
pistol xvas drawn , apparently for the pur-
josu ) of shooting at Dr. Kelly , but It wns
promptly knocked nsldo by Dr. Schxx'cnk.
Intelligent people gencr.illy coincide xvith
the llndlngs of the coroners jury.
Accidental Shooting.
PI..IIXVIHXV , Neb , , Fob. I , Hen Solock ,
Plainvioxv's jeweler , mot xvith quite a sox-ero
accident yesterday afternoon. While en
gaged In springing the trap nt the clay
jdgoon shooting ho xx'as accidentally shut in
the leg bv a young man named Hush. The
patient is doing xvell under Dr. Stetson's
Alleged Cruelty to n Child.
Nniiu.vsKA. CITV , Nob. , Feb. 1. [ Special
to THU Ucn. ] Tlio ease of aliened cruel
treatment of an imbecile child by u family
named King , xvhich has received so much at-
tlon , luw boon settled by habeas corpus pro
ceeding * . The child taken from its par
ents Uy the court and gix'eu into the euro of
n guardian. Application has boon made for
its admission to the institute for the feeble
minded at Beatrice.
. On Hiyik Ucgiihition.
DAVID CITV , Neb. , .fan. 31. To the Editor
of Tun HBE : Your correspondent , Hen
Hayseed , is pleased to note that that his
suggestions through Tin : Hue hiix-o met
xvith such a universal response in the state
demanding local bank regulation , and that
the legislature at Lincoln is making efforts
to meet the demands so emphatically ex
pressed everywhere. After having perused
nnd pondered over the X'arious bills intro
duced , nnd seen the comments of the press
thereon. I feel certain that the work is pro
ceeding In the right direction , and the pros
pects are that something will bo done to pre
vent the people from being illooced by xvild-
cat institutions in the state. While the pro
visions of the bills are good ou the whole ,
being modelled after the national banking
net , yet txvo of the most vital provisions are
left out. These are that the reports of the
banks shall bo published in
one paper at least xvhcro the bank
is located , and the report of each
banks at the close Of each fiscal year be em
bodied with the report of the state auditor to
the legislature bi-annually ; and that a bank
expert bo appointed ( he may be a clerk in
the auditor's olllco or deputy auditor ) , to ex
amine personally each bunk at least once
each six months. This is essential , and the
luxv will not be really effective unless these
conditions are met.
The bank examiner must throxv out all
notes six months past due , from the assets of
a Dank , and all dummies , all notes that do
not represent proper values aud are .really
fictitious. Unless this restraint is put on , it
xvill be found that bad men in the business
will make bad reports. A tendency xvill
make itself manifest to shifting accounts for
making a big showing , which is very per
nicious. Examine Scovillu's statements to
the auditor , from Valparaiso , Neb. , and you
xvill see xvhat I mean , thougn I have never
consulted them , and chance my suggestion.
Let the good work go on , and if xve cannot
secure n perfect law regulating banks in the
state , it is better to take half a loaf than
none. 13ux HAYSEED.
A Doom at Stocklmm.
STOCKIIAM. Nob. . Jan. 1. [ Special to Tun
BiiE.l Yesterday the last of the stock tor a
$4,000 creamery xvas subscribed , and the
xvork on the plant xvill be begun at onco. An
addition to the toxvn site xvill bo platted In n
fexv days. The opening up of nexv business
firms is a dally occurrence. This toxvn is
situated on the Fremont , Ellthorn < fc Mis-
sourj Valley railroad , on the West Uluo
river , in the southern part of Hamilton
county. The Hluo affords ample xvater
poxver for mills , factories , etc. , and it is con
fidently expected that next fall xvill see n
grist mill and canning factory located hero ,
as this is a splendid Held for something in
that line.
State Hand Association.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Feb. 1. [ Special to
Tun HBE.I The meeting called for the pur
pose of organizing a band association met in
the Juvenile cornet band room In WcstPolnt
and elected U. F. Good , of the Musical
Union band of Wahoo , president , and D. S.
Dusonbery , of the Juvenile cornet band of
West Point , secretary. Arrangements xvoro
mudo to hold a grand band carnival during
the month of Juno , 1SSO. Correspondence is
Invited xvith all bands in the state.
For Selling Liquor Without
DwioiiT , Neb. , Feb , 1. [ Special to THU
HEI : . | For selling liqunr In this county
xvithout a license , three persons xvoro fined
nt David City S'iO'J ' , and have contributed
that much to the county fund. It is also re
ported that \vurrants are out for two parties
iit Heno , this county , charged with the same
Died of HJH Injuries.
NOUTII PJ.ATTLNob. . , Feb. I. [ Special
Telegram to Tim HBE.J Peter Nelson , the
section foreman of lirady Island , xvho
crushed by the cars last night , xvas brought
lero for medical aid , and died from the
effects of his injuries early this morning.
Korgerei1 Captured.
NiiniiASK.v CITV , Nob. , Feb. 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tun I3a : . ] Hasll Memo , xvho
so mo time ago forged tlio name of S. Gold-
icrg for a large amount in this city , was
caught to-day in Hoxvling Green , ICy , An
officer has been sent after him ,
A HnfNfiictory Tout.
FAiiiDi'nr , Neb. , Fob. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ur.ii.j A satisfactory test of
: ho Strung waterworks xx-as made to-day ,
l'\mr streams xvero thrown simultaneously
eighty feet high. The final test of accept
ance xvlll occur next week.
Live Stock Cremated ,
WASHINGTON , Neb , , Feb. 1. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun HBK.I The barn of Chris
Ussmussen , one nnd a half miles north of
icre , burned lust night about 'J o'clock. Six
teen head of cuttlo xvoro burned , together
xvith some hay uud grain , Loss , $300 ; in
sured for fUOO. The origin of the fire is uii-
County Scat ICIccilon.
N.KXVI-OIIT , Neb. , Feb. 1 , Thof prolonged
and bitter sounty seat xvar of Hock county
las been Anally decided , Noxvport coming
Major Porter Will Assume Commander
or the llayticn Forces.
NBXV YORK , Feb. 1. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Ucn. | Major David Essex Porter ,
an army ofllcor , has altered his services to
GeneralLcgltlnio to help subdue the north
erners under Hlpuolyto nnd they kax-o been
accepted , Major Porter is the eldest son of
the admiral , llo says ho Is to liavo charge
of the entire forces of the south , by both
land nnd xvater , nnd ho expects to lend his
black army to certain victory.
" 1 hnvo signed a contract with Minister
Preston to take charge of the entire Hoytlon
forces , " ho said. "Tlio army In llaytl is in
a disorganized condition. 1 shall go there
expecting to be implicitly obo.yed. I shall
not take nny step against the Hag of the
United State * , nor xvlll 1 submit to see that
flag dishonored in the smallest particular. "
Porter said that four txvelvo-poundors anil
six mountain howitzers xvould go doxvn on
the Orange Nassau , on which ho xvill sail
to-morroxx' , xvith three cannoneers , Kleven
more smooth-bore twelve-pounders xvill go
on the next Atlas Hue steamer , with four
light batteries.
The Situation Prnotlordly Unchanged
PoiiT-Ai.Pniscu ; , Fob. I The situation ,
hero shoxx's but little change. President Lo
gltiuie , by his many arrests , imprisonments
and suosequent trials and occasional execu
tions , has quieted all expressions of open op-
osltlon to his rule in the capital city. Hyp
polito's forces remain near Ltieeorar , on the
road to San Mare. Legitimo will olTer , in
the extent of the capture of his capital , to es
tablish his rule only over the southern de
partments , ncknoxvledging the northern de
partments under a separate government , pre
sided over by Ilyppolltc. Legitimo
has placed under nrrest ami in double
irons General Ancrona , commander of Ton-
issant's batteries , because of his firing on
San Mare xvithout orders. It is stated that
sinexvs of xvar are being furnished to Legit
imo olargely by the French government
through its minister resident at Port-au-
Prince , xvith the hone of ultimately securing
a protectorate over this , their former posses
sion. The German troveriimcnt is said to bo
financially backing llyppolite. The condition
of the northern department , dependant upon
supplies through the blockaded ports , Is
most deplorable , nnd cannibalism is rampant ,
but little cllort being made to hide its exist
It Looks : IH If They Would SuflVr
Do lea I.
New YOUK , Feb. 1. The Third and Fourth
avenue lines aad Twenty-third street cars
were running early nnd IJroadway cars are
to bo run before noon. Unless the strikers
assume more organized opposition than they
have thus far developed , it is not improbable
tlint nil lines xvill run cars to-day. All the
roads have notified their old employes that
they must return to work to-day or consider
themselves discharged. Judging from the
applications for xvork mudo by old bauds yes
terday , there are a great many of the
strikers xvho feel very weak-kneed , and the
opinion is expressed by xvell-informed people
tins morning that the strike xvill not bo of
long duration.
At noon to-day the state of affairs on the
cast side of the city would seem to indicate
that the backbone of the strike xx'as broken.
All the companies xvho braved the strikers
on the first day , and ran their cars , had their
roads in almost complete running order to
T\ponly | serious affray this afternoon xvas
when the'policemnn on duty nt Madison ave
nue nnd Fifty-seventh street xx'ussct upon by
a lame croxvd of strikers and badly beaten.
Finally , when on the ground and nearly over
powered , he drew his revolver and fired. Ono
man xvas seen to fall , but , xvas carried axvay
by his comrades nnd the croxvd dispersed. At
different points several arrests wore made of
men who attempted to obstruct the tracks ,
but no serious conflicts resulted.
UIIOOKI.YN , Fob. 1. Four of Deacon Rich
ardson's curs xvere run this morning xvithout
nny material interference from the strikers.
Five hundred and fifty policemen xvere on
Imnd to subdue possible outbreaks , nnd ten
roundsmen xvero on each car. A committee
again called on the deacon this morning fora
conference , but xvith no success.
_ _ o
The Inter-Slate Agreement.
Cnicxoo , Feb. 1. The nexv agreement of
the Western States Passenger association
xx'cnt into effect to-duy. All roads that arc
[ ) arties to it xvill be required to ( lie xvith Chair
man Abbott as early as February 10 , com
plete and sxx'orn statements of the number of
tickets outstanding at the time the agree
ment become effectix-o , in order that the
situation may bo clearly understood and the
necessary steps taken to clear the market of
these disturbing tickets. An important
measure that remains to be completed is the
xvithdraxx-al from sale of all coupon tickets
over routesso circuitous as to make them
available for use at intermediate points.
The general passenger agents xvill take up
this question nt their llrst meeting ,
\vithdraxvnl of these coupon tickets ,
it is expected , xvill bo the finishing bloxv to
scalpers. The agreement ns a whole appears
fully as strong as that of the presidents' .
Any violations of the inter-state commerce
laxv nro to be made the subject of complaint ,
nnd the chairman Is instructed and empow
ered to investigate all charges.
Knnsaw Legislator * ) Call on CongrcsH
to 1'rotoct All Ciii/.ens.
TOPEKA , Kan. , Feb. 1. The lower house of
tlio Kansas legislature yesterday , after ex
pressing regret nt the murder of John W.
Clayton , in Arkansas , unanimously adopted
the folloxving concurrent resolution :
Uesolvod , That the congress of the United
States be requested to adopt such measures
as xvlll secure to every citizen of the states
at one time in open rebellion perfect protec
tion in the exercise of all political rights ,
oven though It bo necessary to place such
btatcs under military authority.
Municipal Hel'orm in lloston ,
liuvroN , Fob. 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Uii.j : : Mayor jlurt last evening HVVUIH ;
Ills olllclal p.xo for the lir.-tt tlm i anil lopped
off thirty-seven heads , the eutlro foroa in
the division of inspection and xvasto con
nected xvith the water board. These men
xx'cro drawing annually $35,000 from the city
treasury , and Mayor Hart says their ser
vices are not needed. Thu order full like a
jombshcll in the city hall , especially in the
xx'ater department , The department of in
spection and xvasto xvas organized in 1S8 : ) .
i hero nro several other doiwtinonts in the
city hall xvhiiih are ovtiivUoukoil xvith clerks ,
iinl rumors of other removals in the near
future are hinted ,
| { < > . | olnlng nt ArlcnnsaH City.
AIIIJANHXS CITY , Kan. , Fob. -There xvas
{ real rejoicing In Ibis city to-day when noxx's
xx'as received that Springer's Oklahoma bill
md passed the loxver branch of congress ,
I'awncc Hill and many of his followers are
loxv hero , whore they expect to remain until
the last local barriers are removed , Then
hey xvlll peaceably take up their inurch to
Tlio KXIMXNH War Knded.
NKXV Yortif , Feb. 1. The express war ,
which had brought rates In many cases bo ;
oxv the actual cost of transportation , is
mlod. An agreement xvas signed to-day by
ho presidents of the several companies. Hy
t the rates existing in all competitive bust-
less previous to May 1 , Ib O , are ru-chtab-
Hhcoliy Outs Kour .Moulin.
Diini.u : , Fob , 1. Shneliy , member of
wliament for Gal way , has been sentenced
o four mouths' Imprisonment without hard
oiuir for iniikiinr siioechfs ut Hallyncaly.
Subinissioulsta Opou the Day With
Confident Boasting1 ,
Alter n llnril Struggle ( ho Houao
Aiiioiultnctit It ) Concurred
in lly n Vote or
2 to 10.
Ttio SulimlHslonlstn .
LINCOLN , Nob. , Feb. 1 , [ Special to TUB
Hli : , [ Tim senate tills morning adopted
Senator Ijivins1 resolution call I UK on tlio ail *
jutant general for itemized statements of tlio
cost of tliu state militia , umtil facetious re
marks at the expense of tlio head of tlio de
A resolution by Joxvett was passed calling
for a committee to inalto up n list of senate
employes that will show whether they hnvo
nu.v oilier occupation.
Senator lloxvo's bill xvns passed Including
the W. C. T. IT. In the statute that alloxvs
subordinate lodges of the Masons , Odd Fol
lows and other benevolent organizations to
incorporate ,
Senator 1'opo Introduced n bill fixing Pullman -
man car charges at ono-lialf coat per inllo.
Senator Lindsay moved that when the sen
ate adjourned , it ho until .Monday afternoon
at4 o'clock. It was adontcd , but several
senators rushed hastily to Lindsay , and ho
moved a reconsideration , which WHS ciirriod.
A call of the house then followed , and It
dawned upon those who worn surprised by
Lindsay's tactics that the subinissionlstH
were about to call tip their double-barreled
Tlio roll pull showed Senator Taggart , of
Hastings , absent. The president read a letter
from the absentee , saying that ho luul uceu
called homo , mill asking to bo excused.
Norvel moved that lie bo excused , hut
the chair sustained the point of order
raised by Ihird that tlio senate eould not
transact business under a call of the house.
The president directed the sorgoant-at-
nruis to bring the delinquent aeforo the bar
of the house.
The subiuissionihts nmdo several efforts to
hold a caucus and agree on a programme.
They stepped into tlio secretary's room and
locked the door. No one was admitted ex
cept on signal of raps with a lead pencil ,
Kansom called the president's attention to
the absence of several senators from thu
floor , and the assistant scrgeant-at-arms was
ordered to bring them back. They Hied tu
with a crestfallen air , and asked if they
might not return if they would leave the
door open. Kansom ngain objected , but the
chair refused to interfere on the ground that
the bill room had no exit into the corridor.
A. general rush was made for tlio bill
room , and the committee in the hole began
business , A resolution was offered that the
c ipitol bo roofed with prohibition planks , to
which was put an amendment that the state
house also have a high license cupola. Thd
resolution was referred to the Douglas
county delegation , but they refused to enter
tain it without an appropriation.
Hansom again raised his voice in objection ,
and Norval moved a call of tlio house. They
came out to answer roll call and mudo no
further attempts to caucus.
'The senators amused themselves as best
they could until their stomachs rebelled.
Senator Paxton sent for two baskets of
lunch , which ho generously distributed with
out favor. Forage supplies were lowered
from the gallery , and the senate resolved ll-
self into a picnic of the whole. After lunch
eon the senators settled down to road and
smoke in comfort.
Heprosentativo Gushing of Omaha slipped
nto the senate , and 1'resldent Church IIovvo
told the doorkeeper sharply that no member
from tlio other house should bo admitted
hiring the call. Gushing took the hint , but
n leaving held up u blue ticket with the os-
ilanatiou that he had a pans.
"That'sxjot good to-day , " replied the presi
dent. "It takes a white ticket to get into
, he panjuet. " The quick retort raised a
icarty laugh.
At y o'clock a message was received from
the operator at Hastings stating that ho had
lelivered the telegram of the sorgoant-ut >
irms to Senator Taggart at 110. : .
President Howe announced that ho would
send a special engine for Taggart if there
was a general expression favorable to such a
Wlicii n proposition xvns nmdo that the
sorgcant-at-arms should take a special en-
trine to bring Taggart from Hastings , the
chair held that no action could he taken on 16
during the call of the house. The call was
suspended , and Kcckley moved to send a
special messenger.
The suhmissionists had agreed to sustain
ilm. but flunked and carried an amendment
jy Conner to send a mossongeron the regu-
ar passenger train. Uoforo , voting on the
motion as amended , another call of the house ]
was mane. Lieutenant ( Jovernor Moiklojolm
, hcn ordered the sorgeant-at arms to bring
Taggart before the somite. The sergeant ]
was given to understand that a 13. & M. loco-
notive was at the depot , steam up , and
eady , for the chase. Ho loft at 5
o'clock , and the senate settled down foe
a tedious wait. They wore allowed to
; o to supper in squads and are putting in thd
ivening nt high five , reading and smoking.
At 8:110 : a message was received from tlio
sergeaut-at-nrms saying that ho had found
J'aggart at Inland in a freight train bound ;
'or Lincoln.
At 11 ; iiiiTaggcrt arrived and the senate
got down to business. The bill was taken
ip'uml Howe moved to concur in the houuoj
Dern moved to recommit to have an in *
demnif.ving clause added.
Howe's ' motion was carried. Ayes , 23 ;
lays 10 , ' .
TIM : BCIIKMI : IN nirrur , . *
When Lindsay's motion to adjourn tlio
senate was rescinded this morning it was
.bought that the submlsRlonlsts merely
Viinlud to rush through Lindsay's bill 114
uniimlcd by the house.
The air hero is full of charges of bribery in
connection with the passage of this measure
n i he house , and It was supposed that cold
vater senators had concluded that it was
i H safe to let several of their number coma
inder worldly inllueiicns before final netlon.
While that was partially true , -to-day'H move
ms had a far deeper significance , Some onu
lad a right idea , and that toino one Is
Senator Church Howe. Ho says that )
10favors submission to got the liquor question
out of politics and ho has dropped to a
jrjlliiint scheme , it is this : The uubmis-
sionists will say to the opposing Hcimtors ,
'Gentlemen , you must accept submission ,
jut you may have your choice as to whether
ou will taho it. straight or mixed. If you
vant the double header us it came from the
louse , well and good ; if not , we will refuse )
0 concur in the house amendments , and will
iyid the hill back whnn It comes up. " A
notion will ho made that the house rccodo
rein its amondinentH , Tlio subinlsslonlsta
uive u majority and can carry It. If Speukoc
Vatson rule Unit It requires n thrcQ-llftha
'otc , the houo will appeal from his decision.
I'ho submKsioiiists huvo a majority solid anil
can sustain their appeal. Watson held
on Wednesday that a majority could over-
uln the chair and he can not as a man and
1 politician s'.ultify himself by going back on
iis own ruling , Tlio house will recede from
Is amendments , and ttio Lindsay bill will
( and passed ns it came from the t.onato. "
Tlio scheme looks plausible , hut the objec-
ion is made that the house has not tmnsea
he bill except in an amended form. The nn-
wer of the HUbrnlssionists Is that many bills
n years past have been similarly passed , and
hut this objection la without force , Ono of
horn remarks smilingly : "You may tell
horn for inn that this tiling Is all settled. Tlio
jicmbers of thu legislature may take it slngla
r double-barreled , but they may rest assured
liat the jun ; Is loaded , i don't ' question
'aggart'a motive In being absent ,
jut some of the submlbsloulMs sus-
icct him of dodging because lid
night have known the bill would come up
o-day. If ho or any other senator wanted
ododgn the now Issue ho hud a splendid
xeuvj in thu bill Itbulf. Why , look ut tui *