Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Auvertisemtntft undertn notion cents per
line for Ilio nrst In-iertlon. 7 rents for encli sub-
ftequent insertion , end < lJVn line per moult )
No ndvrttlKemcnt twken for leio lhanliicent *
the flrsl .nflerttoii Bftven words will bo counted
to tlie linn ; they must run consecutively anil
must be paid in ADVA NCI ! . All advertise
ment * , must M handed lu before 12 ; . * M o'clock p.
m. . nnd under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parlies advertising In those lolumns nnd liar.
Ing tholr answers nddro Ked in euro of Til v. ! ! > ;
will please nsk for n check to enable thorn to Rf t
their letters , f .nono will be delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo pnclosed In envelopes.
All ndvertlsemcnts In th j i columns nro pub-
Untied In both morning "nil evening edition * of
Tnr. HKK , the circulation of which aggregates
Worn than IH.fifO p-iprrs dally , ami elves the nd-
frllscrs the brncttt , not only of the r.ltyclrcu.
Utlonof THE HKF , out also of Council Bluff * .
Lincoln nnd other ritle * nndtowa-i throughout
this section of thn country.
Advertising for these columns will be taken
n Ihe ( ibove conditions , at the following bus ) .
KB houses , who nro authorised BKents for Tn
Br.Kopeclal notices , nnd will quote the name
lutes OH run be had nt the nmln nlllce
J O11N W. IlKLU l'hnrmnclst."KM South Tenth
Btroot ,
lASK&nV"rUntloner9 nnd I'llnters , 11J
South ir.lh htieot.
SII FAKN3WOKTH , I'haiuiaelst'lir.Cum-
' jTlIUGlfKS. Pharmacist. C24 North 10th
GEO. W. PAllit Pharmacist , 18(9St Mnry'a
ANTED-A situation lu the country ns
cutter by a thorough-bred tailor ( Ameil-
Address J. M. C. , 2(21 ( Webster st , Omnh.i ,
Nob.WANTIil ) -A altuntton by a young man with
thieo years experience In drug business ,
OfiC. lleeolllcu. 1117 Z6t
" \\7ANTRU-lly n young lady , position as
T f tvpnwrltcr nail Ktenogrinmer ; competent
In both blanches. Addre&H ( )70 , line olllce.
"VXr/VN rii ; > i\pcrt : main Monographer for
TT position of trust ; liberal compensation.
Mustbo mnrrloil man whoso character will bear
closest Investigation , til ve particulars for pant
ten years. Address S , caio Lord & Thomas ,
Chicago. 41527 *
WANTED Hy an Importing house , a man
well acquainted with the retail dry goods
trade of Omuim anil torrltoiy to carry n.s a sldo
line samples ut Imported ruchlngs on commis
sion. Address Topken , Cnbelli : Co. , 221 5th avo. ,
Chicago. 413-27 *
WANTED this city , a Ilrst-class book
i-anvnssnr to uell for cisli anew atlas pub
lication. Liberal Inducements to right p-irty.
Address John W. llllt .V Co. , Hook and Atlas
Publisher ) ) , 1JI E Yan Huron bt. , Clilcaciv-lll ,
IH-27 *
"IXTANTBD A man to canvas * and mnnagu
TI canvutiseis ; to control all inU'n ot the In
candescent light , iiinal to a" > candles , m Omalia.
1'or particulars , term- . , ute , address Incandes-
rent Lump Co. , ritlsburg , I'u. 401 U'lt '
WANTKD A live canvasser n eaihtownto
sell n commercial specialty , popular and
of long standing. Large commissions. Qulcu
Hales. No capital required. Inquire the com
mercial ntandln of our house. Established
18WI. Write for particulars , enclosing 2-cent
ntamp. The Heyuolds & Koynolds Co. , Dayton ,
Ohio. ; IS537
WANTKD Two energetic solicitors to pro-
euro members for the "National Library
Association " The business is pleuB.iut and
rrolltable. First-class references reiiulred.
Tor teims address National Library Ass'n , 10,1
State st , Chicago , ill. 3J6 2.S
"V\7 ANTKDKnllrnait laborers for the Wjom-
T Ing Central nt Allbrlght's Labor Agency ,
1120 rnrnam st. JI7.1
8ALEMMAN wanted-Fivo tiavoling saleH-
men ; salary and expenses ; uo experience
ne'-ossary. Address , with stamp. Palmer .V Co ,
Winona , M Inn 313 27t
TX7"ANTED A man to deliver mont In the
T > city. 210 N. Uth at. 3-iO 27 ?
WANTED Mftlo and femnle. agents ; easy-
selling goods. UoomUl , Harkor blocs.
WANTED A well educated young man to
manage an olllco In Omaha. Kafcroncod
and fci'iO capital required. Salary 81.0'Jl ' per
year. Address II. 31. Hovey , 017 Jefferson st. ,
llurllligton , In. . 321 38t
A GENTS wantud to take orders for crayon
water color portraits. G. Louis , Paxton
block , room 434. 314 2fJ
WANTED Practical Sow Ing machlng sales-
limn to work city nnd country trade. Lock
drawer 48 , Crete. Neb. 310 31
WANTED Young man to clerk In drug
store. JItibt have ono year's experience ,
nud upeak German. Address , Hex IK ) , Utlca ,
Nob. g 37 ?
MAN as special detective in every locality to
act under our Instructions ; end for parti
culars. Central Dutoctlve Dureau , I'.ox l l. To-
] iek , ICnu. 280 SOt
WANTKD For Washington Territory , men
for grade , rockmon choppers , nud labor
ers : good wages and lout Job , Albright's Labor
agency , 1120 I-nrnam ht , 212
WANTED Energetic men and women every
where for n genteel money-making bunl-
ness. S4fl weekly piollt guaranteed easier than
KJO monthly otherwise Experience absolutely
unnecessary , t'enmuieiit position and exclusho
terrttorj assured , ts.00 sample free. Write for
partlculnrs. Address , with stamp , Merrill M'f g
Co _ , ini : , Chicago. 2Q2f-'Of
2TEAMBTEK8 , 1 dairyman , 3 Ice packers , 3
Held men. H. H. Waudull , loom fl , s o tor. of
13th nnd Options sts. 30120
"TX ANTED A good watchmaker at once in
TTJty of lO.OHO ; salary or percentage. Ad
dress Pivot , care of Sol Hergman & Co. , 1515
JJoUBlnK St. , Omaha , Neb. 3.1128 _
\\j ANTED Agents. Wo want tlrst class men
T > w ho nro alruady traveling car
ry mil- lubricating oil samples as a side line ,
Addres-3 M , faro ot carrier No , 1 , Cleveland , O
"V\/"ANTI2D-Oood men innveiylocallty as do-
TT te ctlvos under our instructions. KeudUo
for partlculuis , Oklnhoma secret service ,
Wichita. Kan. Hi7 f 13J
MANAOEK8 for principal cities in Washing-
ton territory , Oregon , Montana. Idaho nnd
Wyoming. Cash dcposltsifor moneys collected
nud goods In mnnagei-H' control , whlcn nro
placed In lots from $2 n to ji.uft Salary. l,3m )
to fiMfU. Loomls Nnt'l Library Ass'u , 173 Main
. Suit Lake Dtnh. -
fct. . City , _ _
VVTANTED-Man to solTelt. sVlai-y * 7.1 "per
TT month , must ilnpoilt fil for sample.nud
clvo Bt-cunty for money collected. Address
( Jeorgo S. Clfne. 51) ) , National Hank build
ing , Oiuahn , or Wngncr blk , DUJ Molnes , la.
iCC *
lsf. lTCoTn'Wf ' Douglas
ANTElJfair To take the ngency of our
infos ; sly e2 > - 118x18 Indies ; wt'lfht CCO Ibs. ;
retail price J-K ; other sizes In proportion. A
rare chnnce nnd permanent bii.ilue.4s These
pares inert a demand never before supplied by
other hnfo companies , aswoaronot governed
by tinMII Jo pool , Alpine Hafo Co. , Cincinnati , O.
\irANTl5D-flood llvo men that nio engaged
TT in nliops , wholesale and u-tail IIOUMM , to
rauvaiws among their friends for the Chicago
AVutch Club C < > . Sumtilo wati'hosf unilshed lor
tli IB purpose , and liberal commissions paid. No
floaters need apply , F. G Crnudnll , 310 South
] 5lll st. 305
_ _ _ _ "
AtiKN'l'b WANTED-J75 a montu and ex"
iieiiBi-a paid any net Ivo person to sell our
goods ; nu capital , salary monthly , axpensea In
nctynnce. piutlcuhiis free. Standard Sllrorware
Co. lloston. lias
7 A good7 licnUhy"nurfre"'KlrlYTood
TT wngesj refeieuct-b. Apply to Mrs. Young ,
S5'i4 Douglaa bt. 412 37t
_ _
" \\7ANTED An o perlenced waitress. JIust
l > have good references. Mil , II. ICountze ,
B 10th street , Forest Hill. 071 ait
" \\rANTHD At once , a healthy wet nurfco for
TT a baby iimouthMold. Apply to Ik Men-
delssolm , loom OH ) , p.ixtou block , norncr I Oth
and Faruam sts , ; 6th tloor , ; iJ8
rANTKD-1 dining room i 1,1 dish wnshcr ,
lull N lath at.
t HOUSEKF.KPEK , 3 dlnlng-ioom girls. 10
Jijlrls for general work. H. II. V.'andi'il , room
( i , o cor. of 13th and DouuUs sts. iiw 20
r ANTED A good clrl for housework , tier-
man proforrud. 1310 B Uth. J1 M *
tOMl'KTBNTgirl for hou $ work , Mrs. ' )
F. Hall , 1607 Bherman av . 214
W 1 ANTED Experienced dlnlugroom girl at
the Cozcens hotel wi
W ANTini-Flrlt cliiss glvli uiwd wsjesi
mtibtbe good cook. IDOti Capitol avo.
A Judy to solicit , mint coma well
T U'commoiulod anil pay 110 for samples ,
calary 1W5 per month. Address fleorgo rXline ,
611 J'lr.n National lUnlc bulldlnj- , Omaha , or
Y > asutr block , DOJ Muiuo * . la. S&
NTKH. Employment Onice-317 N , ICthst
VAllMlNK'S ! tfhirthnna and fyi > nwntfng
Institute , now Paxttm building , Omaha.
Thscmly exclusive Hhorthaml school In the
nate. over one hundred graduate * , In good
Mtuatlons. 'Ihe school Is tinder the maniKe.
ment f c , ( \ Vntentlne , odlclal steuoarapher of
the 3rd Judicial district of Nebraska , nnd Prof.
II. II. lloyles , rtn oxtieilenced teacher and ver
batim reporter. Day and evening sessions. Stu
dents can enter at nny time. Rend for cirrulnri
' tKf 17
I.I OM13 Imard cheap , room * , 171S Diiiljo.
i 1 324 . ) U *
' "PAHLE boarders wantad , li ) Douglas
-A. , t > ll
vv f AN riJIl-Onmo cottHRisbuIlt fnrcnshnnd
real fitato. I'AUI , lw/J Kurnamst. SVA ]
fANTKIt 'fo borrow ! 0)on tnocholco lots
' In Auburn Illll. Addi-Mi 1'it lli-e ' 117-Ji'
AlTI Vi ; jounp man with office lu NI-W York ,
ID years experience In the wholesale i loth-
Ing line , wishes to ropiesntit ono or mnra wo tern t-
ern houses In New Yorkl Ity , as bujer or other
wise. Address Sidney ( .ahem , 15'J aro-ut1 bt. ,
Now YorK. .isi.-n *
" \ " \ / > NTKt ) Somebody to nlopt n bov 4
months old. Address P 11. lice. 407 8S
nt 1315 Paclilcitffi
tffi fl'
ANTED-IIVM ) women to use "Wllcox's
Fancy Compound Pills. " Perfectly safe
and always ! * end 4c foi "Woman's
Safu Ounul. " Wlltox Medical Co , Philadel
phia. 111 April 11' , VJ
AYOUNO man with experience wants books
to k-op two to hours per day , Ilimnnr ,
YjJM.f. A. 310 2st
WTNTED Young ladles and gentlemen to
know they can obtain a thorough and
practical knowledge of telegraphy , llttlng
themselves In a short tlmo fur good paying
positions at the Electric Tolugr.ipti School.
Unomsr > 28 and & - " ' , Paxton blocK , cur. Kith and
Farnam sts , IK3JF4 *
\A7 ANTElf f i/iOO loan on number ono chat-
T T tel security conslbtlng of norses , car
riages , furniture and dlam mils for 1)0 ) days or
0 mouths. Will p.iy i per cent n month .1. L.
Hlcot Co 2bS " 0
TWISII to borrow KOI to iU,2uO on llrst mort
gage , good sccnrltv. D. D. Smeatou. Itoom
43 , Darker Dlockr Omaha. 784FI1
WANT12D To rent choice 13-room house be
tween Chicago , I'urnum and aJth streets ,
west. Apply to It. V. Shok-s , tiW llrst National
bank. 4U.S
\\7ANTKD To rent , a neat cottage of 5 or (1 (
T roonm , as near lit ns poislljle by n good
tenant whoso payment Is nlwuy5 ! prompt. Ad-
, giving price , I1 3 , llee olllce. UOj 'flt
WANTni ) To rent , a 7 or s-room hous'
within 5 blocks of U. 1' . dummy station ,
Addicss I1 II , lleo olllco. ; J1
_ _
IWll.Ii rent pait of modern house cheap ,
heat with furuaci , bath. Addioss 1' 12 , lleo
olllce. UbOvir *
FOlt HKN'T - ToRentlem&n and wlfo with
out children , a furnished cottage of six
rooms , , with every conrenlauco tor hotisokee- ]
liiK. I'lvo blocks west of nostollice. I'artles
wunt to retain oue room and bo.ud with par
ties renting house. A lovely hoinn can bo o -
tiilned at sin-ill cost to right parties. Kufer-
ouces exchanged. Adaress , Home , Illy I-'nr-
nam st. : R7 ! )
f i good house- , and Hats centrally located
cated v\heio \ the furniture Is for .snlo ou time.
Co Operative hand and Lot Co. , ftj ) N lijth t |
377 27
FOlt 11KNT Six-room now cottage , city
water. 30K lieuvi'im orth St. , between liOund
Hist. Uffi''y *
ITIOlt HUNT Newly llnlshnil cottaga ceu-
-L trally located. Cashier Nebraska Clothing Co.
aw 27 *
SHvr.ItALileslrablo houses nnd cottage J for
icut by Geo. N. Illcks , room IIX llaiker
block. 2S.-U7
FOll ItBNT Nice uottiiRO near con of 1'nrK
uvcunu and 1'uclllc street. Hicks , room 4U
Barker block. 282 27
"T7UW 1JKNT House , 8 rooms , 8.H 3. 20th , near
JL1 l.cavoiiworth. Furnace , gus and bath.
2J -
KENT Furnished house , 11 rooms.
modern Impiovoments. live blocks from 1' .
O. Will sell furniture. Address O. 07. Hep.
O four-room Hats , izard nnd 20th , on cable
Ollne. Call at room 40 , llarker block. K. K
Keaver. 221 31
FOlt KENT 10-room brick houses , rent low :
nro voiy complete. Apply on premises. Dr.
F. Swartzlnndcr , ttXJl CapUol nvo. 'AntiOt
FOlt HUNT 5-room house on street car line ,
1711 N. 18th St. . with modern Improvements ,
US. Iniulro 142:1 : Douglas st , 1001112. 811
UKNT New 7-room house with all mod-
JL' cm conveniences ; 8-room house , 02i How
ard st : i-rooiu ) lint , N. J7th st. Apply to Green
& Williams , Ilrst National bank building.
oil IIKNT D-room brick , 114 8 25th st ; modern -
ern conveniences ; nenr cable line , ,1 , W ,
Gillhtli , U. 1' . headquarters. 5B'l
TTIOH HUNT New 7-room Hat , cor ICth and
A' JoneH. A. C. 1'owell. 725
FOR IIKNT 7 room flat on Cd lloor. En-
qulrn Tha Fair cor 15th and Howard sts.
BIIAUTIFl'fjS-room house , gas , city water ,
bath loom , hot and cold water , on paved
streets with street car , near a good ichool. only
Clupor month. The douse Is now. Apply nt
onco. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat , bank.
Ijlon KKNT When you wish to rent a house ,
J- store or olllco call on us , H , K. Cole , room 0 ,
Continental block. tiitl
" 17 OK HUNT 10-room house , steam , gas , bath ,
J- hot and coin nnd cistern water , . < oed cellar ,
and nice ynid , * M , 2W B 24th. lnuuire.207 S24th.
HKMT House and barn , Hanscom
place. Harris , room 411. First Nafl bk
Uldjr. 341
_ _ _
FOU HKNT-8-ioom lioiisn with good barn ,
between 24th and 2'ith on llurdette , only t O.
A. i : . Clivcnwood & Co. , room I , Cunningham
block. 413
FOIt UKNT0room modern Improved house
A 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply , M. 11-
gutter , 10J1 Furiium st. HI2
F ( ) It HUNT 7-room I ! t at DOS 8. J3tli. Inquire
1 J. llrandoia , VSons. . h)7 )
Foil HKNT Cheap , a nice convenient house.
IKiUS. 21st , between Center and Dorcas sts.
T71OU ItliNT-Cottaiios fi rooms , 273i Charles
-I-1 st. uiiil JD24 So , Oth ut. Bnmtlro 11. 212 Sheoley
block. ] W3
_ _
"fiiOH KENT A comfortable House with 8
.L looms , pantry , Inrge closets , spltuulld cel
lar , city water , sownragp nnd near buslne.s-j -
ccniio ; modemte rent. John II. r. Lehmnnn ,
R.XS. 17th st. ay
710U UHNT- Eight ( ) room tint , modern con-
. Inquire 013 8 , 13th st. 811
F1 ! ! ' KENT ! 1 funilslioil rooms , good l
tlou. , Wi N l th st. 4 i 28
JjiOK KENT Large , newly furnished room.
. lilt ) Dodgost. , enqulruof Tliornton , hecond
lluor. 3t > J sit
F1' lN ISH E D"rooms f orTeiitr l 17 Pou'tlt" n
"VTICELY furnlshod front rooms Hiiltniilu for
Jmnnaudwlfu or two gentlemen. 1717
Chlcngostrt'ot. _ _ 3-37 3it
NEWLY furnlHhecl rooms with hont ; kept
nice and clean. W)7 ) South 10th street.
JU6 28 *
AVENL'E Hoonn-AtI013nndH'nCapltolavo.
3blockt > from P O , nvwjy fuinlfched , private
bourdlng houso.plcasant rooms , HlUonvrn euccs
" "
17MJHNIBHBD bttck""parlor. sultablo foi tour
J. gentlemen. $2" ) per month. COS N. ith st.
' | 7HlTTtINT-WHi ! reduce rent of iTfl sleepiiij'
JL' room to J" ; two furnished for light lioiuu-
keeping ; ono unfunilshod. HU7 Howard.
_ _ _ _ _ _
TjlOK litENT Three furnished rooms , furnl-
JL turo for sale , 14'J-J ' Da\enport tit. C.V ) 31t
OH KENT Furnlsheil rooms , plaaaaully lo-
ci.tL-d , with or without boara. SotfJ Hiinicy.
_ 353i
I .Alton , pleasant , nicely furnished south
Jfront room , 7 blocks from P , O , , on ruble
llae , opposite High school , 3010 Davenport st.
30i K
_ _
NKATLV furnished room with board , for
two gentlouitm. Inference required. Apply
Q7 N Itllt at. ; TO li
"fiWH KENT Nicely fiirnlkhMT room with
JL'lKmrd , All coaroulcuccj , lulu Cuidtol nvu ,
FOK HEN'T Two dcslrftblo rooms , suit ibln
for ci-ntlemn-l and wife or two gentlemen ,
with board ; reference * required. Apply l Jl
DodRO.treet. . 37s.ft * _
IJUO.M for gentleman nenrpostolllcp , all mod
JUein convenience' , .si-l N l < th st. a 31 *
IjlOK KENT I'ljiuant furnlshrd front nud
JL1 back rooms , ens , bath nnil rurnaio hent. I)1 ) *
Grace st , near cable and ou street car lme. _
"J71OK KENT -Nicely fuinls.'io.l . room forTuit
A or twoeenilomi-n , ste.uu'he.xu 1'jl ' l Doimlis
a IB at *
TOI'NO ladles' home , Wnrni rooms. All
new , fl to Jl.'ilper week. Hath , gas , etc
I'arttnl bmrdoqiiilfy low , or can ne-xr.
Free laundry nnd kltcl.o i Kef'-rence * re
qiilrod. Mr * . Waldo Stewart , Ulil N I th.
143 Si *
ITlOKKlVNT NlcMv furnlsneil room for one
JL1 or two gentlemen ! In u private family : rent
reasonable ; tilOS 17th street. ilt'i 2a'
"iroll KENT Front room , bay window , east
- * trout , new brick resldoncn , homo bnir.l ,
suitable for two gentlemen , (1189 llith st , : ifi.ll ?
KENT-lloom furtiUtiod , l.TOPouglas. st
31)4 )
VTICELY furnlshod front room with gas.
i. i steam heat and moJer-i convonlencos 2317
Douglas. ' 3215 IT *
N"int.Y : ftunlshdl front room for two , nrst
Hoer , south 13th st. First brick house south
of Vlnton. _ 327 " 'it
TjllIltNISIIKirnnd imrurtil'died rooms. 1H1J
.T California. 4103. )
TjlOlVllKNT-One largo furnished room , fur-
Jl. nnce hentlug , bath , wnrm and cold water ,
Inqulio No , 2 ' raruam st. 3.W 27t
TlT'ELY furalslied looms , 1405 Jackson ,
1 > and JJ per mouth. itXl 27i
'J ELlifl ANT furnished rooms for liollsekoop-
' 'Ing , kitchen , bedroom nnd parlor complete ,
mtw tuinlture , only 220 per month. Inquire
1810 N. loth st. WO 3i
rpWOnlcoly furnished front looms , modem
JL conveniences , cheap , lull Douglas. 31 ! ) 27t
rfnvb front furnished looms 4.0 N iTth st" !
JL 311 ! 37t
UKN1SHKD rooms , HJ S 30th stneur Dodge ,
880 FSI *
FOK KENT Txvo furnished rooms ( front ) ,
with or without board , 41 N 15th. 272 M *
pO K KENT Pleasant furnlshod room to ono
' or two gontlemeu , 2103 Capitol avenue.
1710K HKNT-Fillnlshod rootns-18115 Hodge.
fjllTllNISHIM ) rooms In good lee it lo n : all
-i-1 modem conveniences ; board in prlv ate
family. 220 : I.onveuwortli. 254
iroit HKNT Nice furnished rooms , modern
JL1 conveniences. Jl. . 010 N 17th. 1MB 27 ?
3 furnished looms Kl S2.jth.
ITIOK KENT Koom for gentlemen/ ! Dodge.
r MD F n
"VTlCKLYfiirulstiod rooms , also front and
-L > back iiarlor ; 1WJ Douglas st. 8U
ITlOH HUNT Klegantly furnished loom or
J ? suite of rooms with board In private family.
3 car lines pass the door. I0.i7 1'ark ave. 2CO
"O OOMS and boiud. 1S12 Chicago st. C'J2r9
"ITIOlt HKNT Furnished rooms in Gruenlg blk ,
.1 ? cor. 1.1th nnd Dodge sts. Imiulro of Goo. It.
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 34'J
ROOM suitable for housekeeping. 02:1 : S 15th.
. 110 tia
TT1OH KENT Two large front rooms , nicely
-U furnished , heated by steam , gas nnd use of
bath room , lu ouo of the nicest residences In
the city. Noithwost cor. 19th and Leaveuworth.
_ 318 _
"VTlCll rooms II per week at I'enboay house ,
JL > bouthw est corner llth and Jones sts.
70J f lot
O FUUNISHKDrooms-lSU Davenport st.
- U21FI5 *
ALOVTLY Iront room. Heated , furnished
and every conveulouce , 2107 Douglas st. 133
17IUKNIBIIKD Kooms-1410 Dodge St. , J3 and
upwards , 1 double room for light house
keeping. Inqulio 14'Sl Douglas St. , Itoom 2.
"ITlOH HENT- All elegantly furnished room or
JL' suite of rooms with board In a pilvate fam
ily , All conveniences. C.u-s pass the door
every thieo to live minutes. Koferences Ko-
quired. Enquire rooms D18 and Dl'J Paxton blk.
P1JKN1SHED room , with gas nnd batn , board
if desired , 510 S. 2tfth St. , opposite All Saints'
cnurch , 513
> OOMS Modern conveniences. 023 S 17th st.
t 573F5 *
T AHUK pleasant room , turnished , brlce Hat.
JU1410 Cufcagojt 'J81
T7IOH KENT Two stores , 6J1 and 623 North
JL1 10th Et. Inquire at the building1. Henry
OstholT. 331
F [ 'HN1SHED room for gentleman. Inquire
A. Hospo's , 1513 Douglas. 074 fij
IT10II KENT Two largo nicely furnlshod con-
JC noctlng rooms , with bath and conveniences ,
Miltnbln for four gentlemen or housekoeplna ,
8J5 , or separate 12 mid $14. S. W. Corner. Uth
md Howard , entrance ou Howard. 584
TfTIUKNISIIED room for rent , 131J Farnam.
JD 2-J7 J20J
3HOOM8 Suitable for housekeeping , price
$10. 1412 Pierce st. Sl6
KOOMS Modern Improvements , for hoiise-
Ki-eplng , 1702 Webster bt. Price $15. 399
. . . . KENT 2 unfurnished rooms ut B1 H N
llith St. 23137 *
TnOK KENT-4 rooms at 1310 Cnllfonim st. ;
J rooms at 1901 N. 25th st. 800 37 *
TT10K KENT Suitable for housekeeping.
-I ? suites of from 3 to 4 looms In all parts of
the city , nt lowest rates , luqtiiio Ilutts Kent-
Ing-Agoncy , 1501 Farnam St. 067 f Hit
OK KENT Store , No. 0168. 10th St. Inquire
_ o. B14S. _ lOthat. 31337
OTOKE 1317 Dodge st. Inquire nt A. 11. Hu-
fj benuau , jeweler , 13th and DougUs sts.
_ _ _ _ _ 31 iO
TJ10K HENT--6raco ulto t > a. month , 3 single
JL' ollicos JI5 each , all fronting Kith st. Hush-
man block , N. E. Cor. IKtli mid Douglas. W. M.
llushman , 1311 Leavonworth , 3 > 0
FOK KENT A few odico rooms left for
rental. Also a wnli lighted room on boconil
Hour , lOxil'J , lu Kamge building. 1U1
" | > HICK store room with basement , nil mod-
| J em improvements , splendid location for
feed store or hardware , stoves , etc. . being In
the heart of the most doslrublu residence portion
tion of the city , 1307 1'urk ave. Tluu F Hull ,
311 Paxton block , Wf >
ijlOK KENT 6 store rooms with good collars ,
JL1 steam heat , water and gas , on the corner of
13th and Mason ; also B'J acres of land for gar
den purposes just south of poor farm , within
city limits. lnquliaati)17boiitlt ) Uth st. 4Vi 31
BAKERY for rent nt nro I'arlc avo. Thls'fsTi
brick store loom and basement , including
ovens , counters , fchowcaso , etc. , in the most desirable -
sirablo residence community lu the city ; water ,
sewer and gas connections. Tlios V Hall , 311
I'm ton block. oca
7TOR * KENT-Tho three btory brick store build-
JL1 ing lately occupied by Crap Ik Stirling on
15th near Dodgo. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block.
& 88T
171OK HUNT A nice steam heated basement
JLMntne Her building , 4txfR Apply A. C.
Kuymor , hardware store , ICtU uud Jackson t ,
3ii9 9
T7IOK KENT-l'art of Ilemls b'ld'g. Inquire of-
JL' lice Hernia Omaha Hag Co. , on viaduct.
K)8 ) I'J
POIl IlisFFF-A warehouse with High base-
mciit , cant rally located on ( dependent track
fiom which cars ran be unloaded nnd leaded
into and fiom building. Immediate pojsosslon ,
turn J , 1kmell , 217 .S. llth st. Oiauna. fK ,
"I710K KENT One good bain loom for three
J-1 hoises , buggic.s. etc. , 2115 Davenport nt. in
quire or C. L , Lrlckaon d Co , , 21J N. 18th st.
GEO. J , 1 > AUL,1G09 Farmtra st. IJouses.s'tores ,
etc. for ronf , : . ' )
\\7Eglvpspeclal attention to renting and
11 lolloctlug runts , list with u * , 11. E. Cole
roomo. Continental block. ! I51
lioaaTTj. STEHNBDOKFF , room u , opp. p.
( > . . will hereafter give special attention Ui
renting hoiibes , tnr .s and tlat . It you want
your property rented without delay and to re
liable tonanU , do not fall to 11st the same with
him. xx
IF YOU want your liousei ranted place them
with llenawaft IX ) . , 15 Ui , opposite postolllce.
vlO to James Hughes , (07 8. 1'ith at. , for stove
vl repairs. Iti'inilr * ou hand for all makes of
107 W *
rplll' banjo tanht as nn art fry Ueo , I'.Gel-
-L Junbeck , K3BIOI hbt. 3&0
BNnUAV'ED wi-ddlng , Mntfonery ann visit
ing cards. Mcllrlde .v Kyan. 1510 Dodgo.
'W8H '
_ m _ _
HOUSE or team mutyf wanted to appynl
llrst payment on hoWJ.iml lot , or reslilenc
lot , balance monthly payments. Write or < .nl
on Sclby , l. n raruam , me tv4
( "HO'M house for renTVltTi funririirofor sale"
"or i-xchango. A mrrJti ) | ,
An Improved NobrnsUalihrm nnd numey for
goods. jj /
Improved fnrm and tffjji for clonr roAldenco
lets '
n general stocks of morchnndlso for sale or
exchanges must have sopw money.
Impiovel farm. CO Paltle , hoes , corn nnd
farm Imploint-n'A for hfciiHo nnd lot tnumalm.
'llieso are special birJittis ; call ROOD. I'm til
ers' Land Co. iXiHiitl-'i. ttarkcr block. 3U J'tt
f PHI ! Oonespoudcnco club Is boomlni ; . l.n 'ics
I and gentlemen send stamp for particulars.
Western Correapoudcuco ( .lull , Council lllutls ,
la. 4027t
_ _ _
15EUSONAL Now nnd beautiful patterns In
( urlsbnd chlmi dinner sots nt wonderfully
low prices , nt Moody s , 3 } ! N. ICth st. 37U-27
Wl LL two ladles alone In Imlcouy Friday
night at Water Queen please o.immunlcato
with two gentlemen who sat next. Address P
0 , Hoe olllce , $ M 27t
_ _
"IT LEQANT life slzo crayon portraits free ot
Jl cliargo for short Umn as an art from photo
graphs brought to the Yandyke Portrait Studio ,
1412 Pierce , near Uth ; portraits also In pastel.
pEKSONAL-llcnutiful decorated Carlsbad
JL chlnn dinner sets with egg shell tea cups ,
Jiistrecehed from Europe , should havoairlvcd
October I. In order to sell them before spring
they have boon marked much lower than our
usual low jirkus. Ylsltors as well as pun-lingers
should call and BOO those sets nt Moody's , IMJ
North 18th st. _ -
L AlHE8 and gentlemen can rent masqucrndo
suits by calling nt 518 N. ICth , upstalis.
_ _
ONLYnfow days are loft before anew ad
ministration will take the reins of govern
ment , when the party with n record will again
step to the front mid manufacture history for
the next 4 years. Is there any doubt of A merl-
en's future advancement ? Wo think not a
shadow obscures her cloudless sky. Omuim ,
ono of her brlgntcst stars In tl.e galaxy of
cities ; Nebraska , tlio greatest commonwealth
In the sisterhood of states. ,1. L Itico & Co. ,
Heal Estate Agents , over Commercial National
Hunk , Omaha , Neb. 307 3d
T3EKSONAL Wanted , Information of my
JL husband , Charles Henry .lames , formerly of
New York. Ho left mo last April ; I hnvo not
hoard from him slnca ; supposed to hnvo couio
wost. Any information oc htm will bo thank
fully i pcelrod by his w Ife , S. James , 40 Village
st , lloston , Mast * . _ gs > 2&t
EKSONAL-Soo these beautiful Carlsbad
chln.1 dinner sots utiloody's china stoie , 3i < 3
North 10th st. 3m-27
PERSONAL Ladles nnd gentlemen desiring
correspondents address Corresponding
Club , Kansas City , Mo. , enclose stump.
fill Hit
IOST I new memoioudtim hook.s.Sjci'i ' Inches.
Jl'leaso return to HOBS Printing Co. 304 20
LOST Pair ear-rings , half moon ami star of
nourl and turquoise. Leave at this ollke
and lecelvo reward. 2U7 2a
LOST January 23rd , small black leather
pocket-book nt the Eden Museo. 1 ludor
will oblige by returning to Museo olllco , as there
Is nothing of vnluo but to the owner. 22i > 28 *
A TTKNT1ON Madanib Wellington can bo
-f V. consulted dally on all nlTulrs of llfo ; best
test modlum In tlio norVI , " locates diseases and
cures thorn with message and alcoholic baths.
Call nnd Investigate parlor 0,417 South Eleventh
street , up stairs. Consultation on Sundays.
" - 81U3 *
T\H. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , Medl-
JLVcal and business medium. Female diseases
nspeclalty. 119 N , Kith sWrooms 2 and 3. 3.SO
TJIOKTUNE lellor Mrs. Lenorman c nee con-
JL1 suited on all affairs of llfo. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No .liaNlflthat 865fl3j
ONE llolitoln cow for sale cheap at 1235 N
30th St. 271 27 *
FOK SALE Furniture of 3-room cottage , cot
tage for rent. Knuulro'1211 ' Jackson.
I * * 401 38 *
IKD'S-EYE view ofyJX-nver and large , now
map ot the city mailed to any address on re
ceipt ot no cents. We llaf o some good bargains
Inbisiuess , rosldenco."imdunlnipioved ! prop-
ertv. Correspondence solicited. S. E. Mluton
& Co. , 2444 15th at , Denver. Col. L'4'i It
TT1OH SALE On terms to suit , or for rent with
JL or without the furniture , the neat cottage ,
2S20 Charles st. Telephone 237 , or W. T. Sea
man , Omaha's largest variety buggies , wagons ,
ice. , east side 16th st , , north of Nicholas st. 249
FOK SALE Furniture of a 0-room house and
house for rent , 3 blks from P. O. K. 30 ,
Chamber of Commerce. 204 f 30t
T71DKNITCUE of all-room house for sale , 1814
JL' Davenport. 240 fiit
TPOK SA LC Omaha's largest variety of alelghs
JL' at very low prlco.s at Seaman's , east side ,
10th st. , north of Nicholas. 180-
TjlOHSALE Three odlco desks , two lounges.
JL' two book cases , all flrst-clnss. R. C.Patter
son , 318 S 13th. U73
DSTHACTS Llnahan & Mationey , room 500 ,
Paxtou block. 358
1VTIBLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1HJ3 Far-
J-U-nam. Complete nbstracta f iirulshod ct titles
to real estate examinedperfected & guarentood.
STOHAQE Atlmr rates at liaFrarnam St. ,
Omaha Auction & Storage Co. 359
mRACKAOE , storage , lowest rates. W.M
JL ilushman , 1311 Leavenworth. 303
STOHAUE in dew clean building at low rates ,
314 S 12th at.
. . . „ material of all kinds
T I for cash , real estate , mortgage notes , etc. ,
etc. Paul , JUKI Farnam st. 3U )
'ANTED To buy a second-hand dried beef
ellcor , 1303 Park avo. UJ3 301-
WANTED To buy good commercial paper.
K. C. Patterson , 31S S 15th st. S
WANTED Light , covered ono-horso express
wagon at once. Address P 4 , llee olllce.
311 27 *
WANTED To buy good commercial paper.
K. C. Patterson , 111 * ) S 15th st. 320
T\7ANTUD To buy n good farm , well loT -
T cated In Nebraska , N. W. Missouri , S. W.
Dakota or Iowa. Will pay pnrt cash , balance
on reasonable time , fair Interest. Give full
description of soil , location , improvements ,
water facilities , distance from railroad , and
important towns , l wish to locate in time
for coming season. Address H. O. Gray , St.
Charles , III. 2B'i27
WANTBD-Cheap , An eight foot standing
desk nnd w Ire railing. Address rooms MS
nnd CH ) Paxton block. ws
\\rANTED-To ouy old tllk hats. 1510 Dodge
T \ Bt. KB F 13 *
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods otaH kinds , Omaha Auc
tion & Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. 3o'J
DO you want money ? Loans made ou house
hold furniture , pianos , " horses , oto. , without
delay or removal. Persons wishing a loan of
this kind will Uo well to pall at our olllco no for o
dealing elsewhere ; builiiuw strictly confiden
tial. A. E. Greenwood Se Co. , room I , Cunning
ham block , cor. 13th and Jacitson sts. 414
SPECIAL fund $10,000 to can on improved
inside city jnoportyiwnvery low rnte * . Klin-
ball , Champ & llyan , ro6mo , IJ.B. Nnt'l bank ,
' < 370 37
CHOICE city loans -wanted in Omaha and
Council mull * ; will'Hmote ' very lowratei
for the next few days , i1 Jrr dealing w Uh HH you
deal directly with thn Jdliaer , We loan you our
own money in all cases. Doth Interest and
principal payable at our olllce. No delays ,
L'l-ntriil Loan A : Trust to , , 1611 Fuinuin st.
IJ7 4
M ONKY to loan In large suiuti at the lowest
ruttct ; no delay. K. C. Pummon , 31H S. ICth.
" \I ON HY to Loan-Wo are ready for appllca-
J.'Mlons for loans In amounts from % tn to tII-
COO on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full lufornwtlpu as to rates , Louui
promptly closed. Good notes will lie purchased
by us. Call upon us , or write. The itcCaguu
Invi-itinent Co. IGO
OE < JPLE' Financial Kxchanuo-The fairest.
- quietest , mast liberal money exchange In
the city ; loans iiiada without delay or publicity ,
in any amount large or small , at the lowest
rates of interest , ou uny available security ;
louug may bt paid at any tlmo or renewed at
original rates. O. llouscaron , mijr , room fiBjs ,
llarker blk , litli and Farnam , 701
MONEY to loan on Improved farms and
Omaha property. 41. A. Upton Company ,
InvtBtmeni Unutou , lOtli ana Vjuuim , TM
rpOLOAN special fund of 10,000 In sums
L from J.VM up , on unlniprovoil lot * ; In Omaha
If not situated too far out.Odell IIrotliers.V Co ,
[ ONliY to lofin ; longtime , George J. Paul
L Ifffi 1'nrnam st , ifi3 !
DO YOU waul to borrow monay ?
Head thU.
Hwlll save you time.
Itrlll FIIVO jou m uc < y ,
You cn borrow from
II. I1. Mn ter * .
successor to W. It. Croft.
room \Vltlmell l bld'g , nth and lUrney st ,
JIO , Wl. JH HOi , $ J10 8V ) > , JUOJ , SV4J . < IOOJO.
it : f net any MUM you want on f iirulturo.planos
hon > es , muleWUHOUS , ct . , on ea lt-r term1 * nnd
ut lower r.ttasthannny other otlice In the city ,
without publicity or removal of property from
yotir possession.
If an Instalment Is due on your property nnd
you cannot tnent It , t-all and f.en ma. I will pny
It for you If you haven Umn In any other of-
lire , cflll nnd get my rnto . 1 will tnke It up nnd
carry It for you.
I mnicu loans for one to stx months nnd you
can pnjn part at any time , reducing both prill'
clpnl anil Interest.
All loan * renewed nt otlRluai rates ana no
charge for papers.
Alfbusluoss strlftly confidential. Ca nnd
BM int.
Don't foreet the numuer.
HoonH. Wlthnell block. 383
IP 1IIST nnd second mortgaiias rondo on rlty
JL pioporty by I ) 13. Johnson , V < 5 1'axton blk ,
MONEY to loan on Improved property at first
hands. No application sent awny for np-
prorul. Security and tltlns xmulned tr o of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
company. 30V 8. 13th st. 07 1
. . . . . Mortg.Lonn Co.wlll make you n
j.i loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts.
flue Jewelry or sccuiltios ot any kind
w Ithout publlcltv , nt reasonable rates.
Koom 7 , Kowley block. South Omaha ,
Kooms 518-519 Paxton blk , Omaha' , Nb.
F IKST mortgage loans nt low rotes , and no
delay. D.V. Sholes , 210 , First National bank.
loans made on Omaha and South
Omaha property. Chaj , it , Woolley , room
fa" . Paxton block tt Bt
SEE Wholes , 310 First Nat'l bank , before mak
ing your lonns. 3G9
'ONEY to loan on chattels by D. K..tohnson ,
Stf. Paxton block. WSF15
JOANS minfo on Improved real estate socur-
Jlty.3 and 5 years tlmo ! optional payments
anil favorable terms and ratos. KImba.lI ,
Champ \ Kyuu , loom G , U. S. Nat. uank.
II. 1 : COI.E , loan agent.
. 247
GI'EU CENT money to loan Cosh on baud
W. M. Harris , room 20 , l-renzer block , opp.
P , . O. 3it >
T\fONRY to loan on real estate ; no delay ;
J-Umortgages bought. John F. Hnmmoml ,
loom Ull I'axton building. 22t Kl
B UILDINO loans. 1) . V. S'-toles , 210 , First
Nat'l Hank. 3
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses
wagons , etc. . until you nave seen C II. .Tn
cobs , room 110 , First National bank building
Cor. Uth and Farnam
T CAN make n few loans on llrst-class chattel
securities at reasonable rates. W. K. I'ottor ,
room 10 Darker blk. "OTi
" \VTANT12D Several good , tlrst-class loam nt
T t once. Mutual Investment Co. , Itoom 1 ,
llarker block. OiXl
H.K. . COLE , loan ngent.
rt u,000 , $1,500 , Jl.OOO , $600. Special fund to plaeo
B on choice Improved propoity. D. V. Sholos ,
210 , First National bnuk. 3C1
$3.000 loan on choice Omaha Improved resi
dence property for 3 to 6 years. Actual value
of property , $ ( tOCO. J. L. Klco & Co. MS 20
MONKY to loan on chattels and real estate ,
good uotej bought mid sold , 1502 1'nruam
st. , rooms 2 ami 3 , Foreign Emigration Co.
660 m
MONEY to loan ; cash on hamli no delay. .1.
W. Squire , 1SW Farnam st. , First National biilldiue. 375
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nuy approved security. J. W.
Kobbius , H.208 , Shuelj blk , , 15th and llouard.
"PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. ,
JL cheap eastern money direct to borrowers.
3lako building loans , large or sm iU ; perfect
titles : accept loaiiH in their western olllco.
Geo.W.P.Coates.representatlve.n Hoard Trade
IF YOU want to borrow money on diamonds ,
on pianos or household goods , ou horses ,
wagons nnd other personal property.
On mortgage paper nnd contracts at fair
rates without delay or publicity , go to the
I'nirbank Investment Co. , 315 B 14th , upstairs.
" \7"OU can deal direct with the Provident Trust
JL Company , room 338 First National bank
building , Omaha , if you wiut a loan on real es
tate. Loans on Insldo business property espe
cially desired. Hepresent also the old and well-
known Now Kugland Loan i Trust Company.
MONEY Loaned tor ; , CO or 00 days , on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; business conudontlul. J , J. Wilkinson ,
1417 Farnam st. 270
MONEY to loan- Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. II. E. Cole , Koom B , Continental
blocic , 373
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , nnd purchase good commercial
paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Sicilian , Cor.
13th and Farnara. 383
MONKY to lx > an Wo nave several thousand
dollars to place for eastern parties on Im
proved city property. Harris , room 4111st Nat ,
llnnk bldg. 711
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Large nnd
small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , ou real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jowelrv. Don't fail to call if you want fair
and cheap accommodations. 0. Houscnron ,
JMgr. , 10011166 , llarker blk , loth and Farnam.
, to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahun & Mahoney -
honey , room 500 Paxton block. 370
M1 ONE Y to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1503 Farnam st , 3U1
OANS made on real ostite and mortgages
Jbouglit. Lewis S. Keed Ic Co , , l.V.'l Farnam.
> U1LD1NG loans. Llnnhan .t Mahouey.
T71OK SALE Fine confectlonory , No. lloca-
X1 lion , doing good business ; > ; cash , balance
to suit purchaser ; good reason for selling. Ad-
diesi 1'lfi , Ili-o olllcu. IB I 2t
WANTED A partner to open up a retail
confectlonory nnd bakery with n Hist
class candy maker : prefer a good bread bakur.
Addrcsa or call J , it. II. , 708 South luth st.
! _ ag" 2n
M EAT-MAKKET for sale , doing a good busi
ness ; rca on for belling , party going east ,
Address P HI Hoe olllce. ' 3M 2t ! )
rtSoO will buy one of the best bushllng trades
* n ( .Tailors ) in the city ; can make from $ ; o to
IKK ) per month In season ; It Is also llrst class
for regular trade , with small stocn ; low rent ,
Addmsa P17. Dee oillce. 403 27 *
TJ1IK8T class coal and lumber yard , location
JO on bolt line Ity , In Wont Omnhn , for sulu.
Call and get piice and terms , Hicks , Koom 40
Darker blocc. 417 27
HOTEL men looking for nn opening , either
In Omaha or eUcwhere , cult on or uddross
J. L. Illco A Co. 'Mt 3d
1DKACTICAL painter with cash can learn of
J something new nud Uiklng , by calling on or
addressing J. L. Klce & Co. 2iS2l (
QfiioO ( general iiim-chniidlss stock in llvo t\v-
'P braaka tow n doing n business of $1BOUO per
year , together with building and property
worthl " , ! M ; will trade for Improved farm and
land nour Lancaster Co. , Neb , , J. L. Klce A : Co. ,
FEED More in good location , clearing $75 a
month , logotliur with building and SIM )
worth of stock : ( jirasli ) ; ground rent * 3por
month. .1. L. Klco & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank.
JjlOlF. kSALi-.Mlik : dalry.ll. 4llU N. ICth st ,
ALlVEbuslnebB man with I2,0ffl cash , who
uiidviHtunds the. reil entsto business and Is
n hustler , knows how to trade , who can Like u
bridle out In the mom lug and bring back a
lior.-o nt night , can pui'Uiuhe half interest In ia-
tabllshcd biuliierts. locatt'd In a booming city of
the greu west. J. L. Klce & Co , 2W 'M
! , ( / ) ) furniture stock on good street for goo-1
$ Omaha property if ll.Ojff rash is paid , il.u.-y
hardware , good umn ( l.OOJ luliiu. ) tor cash ;
will accept good fnrm for tln < store building
worth Ciiu > , clear. Hesc bargain In business
proiierty in Omaha. Iliitclilnsuu & W ad , 1.J- ! )
Dodge at. * 3 < V5 38
7 ? < > U BALE-The good will uud Interest Inone
JL1 of tha bust commission butter and VM pack-
lutr ostabllshmeutjt In Omaha. Trade fully es
tablished with shippers from 176 town * through
out tlie state of Iowa and Nebraska. Tuts Is a
rare opportunity for any ouo wUhlni : to engage
in this lm hie ! > 4. Adilftaa , Lock llox2./J.Om lia.
370 as * *
GliNRKAIi mcrchnudlsff stock , consisting of
gents' furnishing Rood * , lx > ots and Ahocs.
located In thriving lonn city , doing business o (
HS.iW per year , and can bo Increased , for sale
nt about invoice price , J.VVO. J , L. Ilice A Co. ,
over Commerelitl NntlonM bink. 5 ? 8 M
ITH'KNITi'KKamrfixtures of a good restaur-
J nut also of a iKinnllnc hou e. contrail v , for
sale. Co-O | ? rntlve Land and Lot Co. , & > * > N ICth.
1)77 ) 37
T71OKSAL1S A well-t'.stabllshod , paying pro-
JL ducc commission business , owner must nt-
tend exclusivply to other busln s. lnqnlr
quick of Fcaron , Cole .V Hobert , ou , 310 S l.Mh st.
J ;
FOK SALE A Rood payluir hotel , Commor-
clnl house. Edgnr , Nob. Prlco nnd terms
rensonalo. Tor pirtlculars call or address ,
Thos. HnzclbMcr. Edgar. Neb. .141 31'
\\rANTED-PnrTy with tnnO to take Interest
T T in paying manufacturing buslunss. Ad-
dreys I'.jS llee. i a 1 *
Foil SALE Hoard of trniie , memborshlp
worth * .VU , very cheap ; what will you give ?
Address P Iff , lleo. au 8 >
KAIlKehanro S'iiinll business for sale , con
fectionery , fruits. clgnrs mid tobacco , oys
ter and lunch room. Apply fi04 N Ifith. ; ns 27 *
AKELTAHLKmnnandwIfecnn buy n nice
restaurant central ly located on monthly
payment * , or will trade It. Chns. P. Itcnjnmln ,
310 s isth st. 'i74j : ! !
LET me show on thetcn acro.sof Fand vlth-
In 3 miles of Omaha for only WiM cnsh.
Splendid laud for gardonlug. J , Hnrworth , 310
h 15th st. 273 27 ,
\VANlKlt-Miiii with WW to tnko . .
T T ineutof branch olllco ; il.MU per year nuur *
anU-ed. Uox 45(1. ( Wlnona , Minn. llll 24 *
lOIt KENT iK-room hotel , rcfltted , coutrnlly
located. Hutchlnson * Wend , 1681 Doclgest.
FOU SAIU--Or Trado-Kor Nobrnskn land ,
lumber nnd coal yard doing good business ;
only yard In the city. Address A. 11 , Column ,
Ullter. Neb , 907 L'b'
LOOK at th All kinds of merchandise am !
puisonal property wanted In exchange for
Improved farms and wild land , Foreign Km *
mlgiatlou Co. , Itoouis 2 and 3 150 Fnnmm st.
_ FO REXC _ H A N CE. _
TTOUXCIIAN K-24choice iots Tn Westlawn
1'ark on Holt Line railway In West Omnha ,
half block fiom station , outv BUVOII blocks from
stioet car lino. 1'rlco * 1-.IXM ) ; lucumbrnnco due
Iu2t. ; 4 nnd 5 ; * 3.i > 00 onnor'H eiiuity In
$8,4'IO ' ; will tiado for good , llrsl-classland. Ueo.
N. Illcks , Darker block. 4HI 27
G UOOK11V stock lu good conditionlinil doing
good business ; totrndo for lot or liousu
and lot In vicinity of Park nvenuo nnd Leaven-
worth , ( Jrover Stevens , 1621 Fartiam. Telephone -
phone 1125. 3M2H
, ) cash nud some clear property to trade
$ for business block lu Omaha. Urover Stev
ens. 15'I1 Farnam st. Tel. 1125 3S1KM
LOOK hero. I have for trade liW feet ou
Vlnton htreot for business property In
Omaha or Council UlulT.s. Half acre on Cali
fornia street near Thirtieth for good fnrm.
Klegnnt house In Hanscom 1'laee and ono In
Kountzo I'lace for good building lota. Clear
lot on Seventeenth near Cumlntt tor house and
lot , or lot near Twentieth nnd St. Mary's ave
I have n large list of tlrst-olass piopertyto
tiade. O rover Ste vons , 15211'immm at. Tele
phone 1125. ! ! ii7 211
A N Improved fnnrfbf HH'nores avoTmllos from'
Chapman , Jlerilck Co. , Neb. , to ttnde for
incicliaudlso ; groceries preferroa , .1. 11. Mason ,
Central City. Neb. 4022 ;
djl.000,000 worth of property to trade. See "Kx-
" Land nnil Lot
UJchango Hook. Co-Oporatlvo
Co. , 205 N Pith St. 377 " 27
FOHTY ncrcs In the city of Hastings , Nob. ,
line location nnd desirable. Also two Hast
ings business lots , with Improvements , to ox-
changn for Om&ha residence lots. Also a great
bargain tor a party w Ishlng to settle on KK )
acres choice farm land near North I'latte , Nub.
Call or address Er , room 441 , 1'axton Illock ,
Omaha. 309 2-J *
T710K EXCHANRK-Styllsh horae , buggy nnd
- 3 harness for mortgage or Rood note. U ill
pay some dltlerencB lu cash. Solby , 1521 Fai-
uam. 31327
"W7I ! huvo still a fowhonaos nnd lots to ex-
VI change for good farm lands. Western
Land & Loan Kxchango , 117 a loth street.
"I710U KXCHANOC Improve nnd unlmpro-'cd
J. lesidence property In Omahi anil Council
lllulls. Call and sou us. Western Lnud A ; Loan
Exchange. 610f7
WANTKD Lands , farms , etc. , for lots
houses , otc. I'aul , 180J Fnrnnm M. eGO
T HAVnical nnd personal property of all
JLklnds for trade. Call and see mo , ( Jcorgo J.
Sternsdorff , room fi , opp. 1 * . O. 33 >
GOOD farms , clear or lightly Incumbered , for
merchandise , lire stock or city property. H.
12. Cole , room o. Continental blocic. 577
KANSAS and Nebraska land to exchange for
Iowa town property , Chus. K. Woolley ,
loom KJ.J , 1'axton block. CC5 18
TXT'ANT.KO A stock of hardware , furniture ,
VV giocerles , dry goods , clothing , or boots and
Rhoos , in exchange fora good farm or cltvprop
erty. Co-oporutive Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth.
TJIOK EXCHANGE For desirable residence
JJ property In Omaha , any or all of following :
40 choice inside residence lots lu Hastings.
10)lots ) In Lincoln.
t'M acres Hue funning laud , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice fancy residence , corner Los Angeles.
A neat resilience property lu Hanscom Placo.
Also some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location nud prlseof prop
erty , .1. K. H. , care Daum Iron Co. , 1217 Loavou-
worth. 334
ffi3,000 STOCK groceries , doing good trade , for
< Phouso and lot , lightly encumbered , In north
tiaitotclty. 11. K. Cole , room 6 , Continental
block. 310 28
WHEN you have anything for exchange call
on or write us. H , K. Cole , room 0 , Con
tinental block , 077
DKUGS , hardware or merchandise wanted
for 320 acres of land. W , Uouestuel , Crolgh-
ton , Knox county , Neb. 511 F3t
OK EXCHANGE 7 > i lot * in Pratt'8 sub. |
each lot 183x158 ft , prlco for all , $13,000 ; encumbrance -
cumbrance , $ Jfxw.
New 7-room house , K-lnt , near Lakost , , price
83,000 : encumbranee , f 1,000.
Lot In Saunders \ Hlmebaugh's add. , free of
encumbrance , price , | ' )00.
Will trade tor Chicago or Omaha property or
unlucumberea wild land , C. E. Keller , K. ft sw
cor. Ifitli and Doughi" . 1C I f 19
TJ1OK exchange -Ist-classclear Improved Oma-
JL1 ha property far good timber land. N 2.Hoo )
"IXril AT nave you got lo trade for
A full-blood Jersey cow , nearly f re'h.
A Shetland pony , harness , saddle and cart.
ll > 0-ncro Kansas farm , all under plow line.
lGU-ncri > timber claim adjoining above fnrm.
A stone corner bank block , all lenteil a bar
A good resldencn lot In city near car lino.
Stock giocerles. Hour , teed , etc. , Invoke M.OJO.
Pawnee City lot on court house square , 41,000
bargain ,
JL'.Mul lot and cotlngo , Pope place , ranted , tin ,
Lots , OnmlmSouth OninlmHild outside towns.
1'aniin 1HO acres , near McCook , Neb , 4) ) acred ,
4SO acres , near Crolghton , Nob. W niros near
Pawneerity.Nob. IwiatrosnearOmalia. Two 1U- )
ncre In Holt Co. , Nob. lot acrns Koya Paha Co.
Buvcrul 40 ncro tracts In Kansas.
Call or uddrcs ? A 29 , Hoard Trade. 387 37
\\7ANl'ED ll2ooo [ to"lr)0l ) ! stock of general
TT merchamllso for 4iVncres uost farm in
soutliHBstein Iowa , can put In 85,000 HVII stock ,
grain , etc , on fnrm if necessary ; can use only
first-class goods ; no real estate wanted ; a rare
bargain. S , II , Thompson , llroken How. Neb ,
: r > 2 3t
ITMjKGANT resldnuco and grounds In Hans-
JUJcom place ; barn , furuuco , bath room , city
water , otc , Cnn glvo Immediate possession.
Cull and get price. Hicks , room 40 , llarker blk.
\ 41S3T
BUfiTN ESS lot on 13th near Center , for sale nt
n bargain If tuktm quick. Hicks Jtr/om 40
Darker block. 41737
TjiioTl SALE -Lots" 1 ( , I'mnd 10 , block II , West
J.1 Sldo addition. Thcgo lots urofi 1x1 8 each ,
lay very pretty , nnd the three can be bought
fnrtl.Ui-i. They are nctuiilly worth twice that
amount , fl. .1. Bternsdorll , opp. P , O. ir.b
"r\orilLE corner. Woolworth nve. and 3.'d t.
J-'facIng llnnscnm jKirk ; purfott grndo. .lust
the place for nu rasldeucu block. 17.60J.
Illcks , room 40 , ll.trker . block. * .zL
ONE three room cottagu with full lot for
dale iihrup. Address owner , P 2 , Dee.
_ _ _ _ V..3.8'- '
TJVli SA LK Hotel , 38 rooms , completely and
-L llnely furnliihea. all modern Improvement * .
Bteam uent , on Q street , near viaduct , South
Omnha , at low price of JI-.UOJ. Easy turmn. M ,
A , Ujiton Company , 10th and Farnam. 211
ONI ! of the nicest roMdeneo lota In Hnnscom
place , on Popploton ave , for sale on very
Hinull cash payment , long time. New rablu line
will make this the llnest reildoiica property
n the city. Hicks , room 40 , Darker hlo < ! k.
TOOK BALE-A nice Ilttle lmmo on 8 , 16th lit. ,
4 ? roritalnlng 4 rooms , nil In good repair , wall ,
cistern , cellar , barn , Arc. This property can be
solil on a small payment down , balance tlD per
month. Why pay rent when a golden opporuv
illy like this stares you lu tn facer O. J ,
- , opp. 1' . 0. W
TJVMt SAL1 ? or Exchange Improved stocK
JL1 fur mot TO ! acres In enittrn Nebrnsk * . Ufa *
markrt ; aUoncrr 12 room liouse vrltli nil con
veniences. In desirable rMdonco portion of
Omnha. Andrew llrvln * . Attorney. 4K and 423
Paxton block , Oiuahn , Nob. 371' '
"ITMjKG ANT corner on 31st and Poppleton v > ,
- - paveil street , anworajre and gas ; perfect
Rrndonnd nmenlttceiit view ; one of the llneit
residence sites tn the pity. Call nnd get prlca ,
Hicks , room in , Hqrkorblo k. 41fl 17
rnwonow six room oottnges for sale at a bur-
JLgaln. Ad-lress owner , P2 , lice. .Tort 27 *
O > r. CASH nud * , V. monthly. Inrhnllmt IntorostT
UJbuys nlroft-room lionn and lot , well located.
II. K. Cole , loom fl , Cuntlusutnl block. 218
FOK 8ALK Farm of Irtlacros liollom Innd lu
Douglns rountou line of V. I' . K II. , onn
tulle from station ; llr < t class improvements. .1 ,
.LJtobblns , I'n tnn hotel VU > 27
FOK 9Alr-lle.\uttfunoFon sr2l"th st. , Just
oir Leavonnorth , npprnli-d nt Jim front
foot. Cnn get IOMI to tmproxo nt Hint vnlun-
tlon Ptlcn.tJ.riiU. This Is ns choice n bargain
ns we have on our list of Omaha vacant prop
erty. J. U liloo * Co. lilil Si
d > : tt MARKS tlrst payment on nice fl room
fDliiitise. good lo utlon. II. K Cole roomtl ,
Cotitlneutal block
Company , fariiam ixnd Ifith sts ,
SAI.K-Oinnnt three room liouse , ninll
J- ' cash pnymeut , bnlance to suit , dnsido
property ) Addiuss I' 1,1 , lice. 37S Wt
"IT10K SALE A large douliloliou i\nlu rooms
JL1 o.ich , Just i omplelcd , tlrst- ( lass neighbor *
hood , mngulllceiitlew Tim grounds are 75x
150 feet , east front , E.ich house has hot nud
cold water , furnace , bath room , eloctilc bolls ,
nil complete , nnd a UUP Imru with city water
nnd sowerngo coniloitlous , This property U
Oiily two blocks from tlireo street car Huns , and
Isouc of thentci'st ntid most convtmlmit homos
In the city. Can give Immedlnlo possession ot
one house with burn. Tills property will \ > \y S
percent on JIS.NH. Koom for ouo morj houso.
Price for a tow days , tl" > ,50J , ( luorgo N. Illcks ,
Dmker block. iv 37
Ei AST front lot on Lowe n venue In West
Omaha , H.iiJO. HICKS , room 40 , Harkor
block. 4U1 37
/1HOICE business lot ou To-ith street , near
J llnruey , * .MOOi ) . HIVES , room 40 , llarker
block. 41II 37
AHOA1NS lu Hanscom placo. Hicks ,
irtOKSALU-Ononsy terms. H-room house , hot
X'and cold watoi. hath , all mo.lorn linprove-
lueiits , also largo barn. D. E..lotiinonril ) Paxton -
ton block
1J10H SALE Or exchange for Omuim prop.
J1 crty. t-0 acres , suitable for platting ; will
mnko UK ) lota , all clear ; big money In It for some
one who can push tills ; lei atod just outside the
city limits of Council lllutrs. Inqulio Ooo. ,1 ,
Sternsdorrr , opp. postollico. 3-.ll
B MUJA JNS lu Hauscom place. Illcks.
K8J 37
OOHNIMt. 121KIHI , less tlmu soveii blocks from
court house , with three small cottages rent-
tng for J7nl ) per year ; loom for tnrou more ;
mound alone Is woith nil per cent moro than
price asUed. It will pay you to look tills up ;
pi Ice , $7,50. Hicks , room lllarker block.
4PI 27
1THK SAIiKKU'gnnt home on Cameron street ,
- * - oiiposlto Kouut/o plnia , 7-room n w house ,
soutli trout ; pUce f-I.WHi. XM1 cash , , 1a , .1 , 4 ,
6 years. .1. L. Klco \ Co. IWtl 2) )
TTIOK SALU-107 fouTou Do Ige by 131 onlmLT
J. 2 houses , can olter tills for a short time for
$17,010 ; best comer In the city for brlok tene
ments ; room for unveil houoos. M. A. Uptoa
Compniiy.ltlth nnd ovcluglvnsalo.
H ANSCOM pUce lots lor-sale.
bALIAn interest IT one of the best
JL' pieces of Investment pioporty In Omaha ;
ran oiler this lor ? . ' ' ,011) . Purchasers can rcullzo
810,110) ) out oC this property within three years ;
it will pay you to Inre&tiKnte this. Illoks , room
41) ) . Duiker block. 41027
BAHRAIN Choice ten-acie tract wit'i finn-
fort able hou e , barn , splondld shndo ti e < s ,
etc. close to city and Ilelt Hue railway. Just the
place tor line fruit unit vegetable gulden t I nn
make this Is n big Imrg.ilu It taken ut onco.
Hicks , room 40 , H-irker block. 111 ! 'J7
"inoit SALE Flue reiluenco. In Kountzn place ,
JL' ll-room bouse , fum.'i'j , bith. hot auU cold
water , gas pipes , sewer , etc. , ti ; . , gooil burn , n
nice home , H5H ) ; $1,0K ) cash , balancn 1.2,11 and 1
years ; worth moio money. .M. A , CpUm Co. ,
Itith and Farimm. ! U !
H ANSCOM lots for .sale. Illckn.
[ 7IOH SALE 512 acro-s , Hamilton Co. , Nob.
L' land , } J pcra-ro , ono-ttitr 1 onh , baUncaut
fi per cent Address W. J. Wildmvi , Denver I ,
Col. 3-17
H ANSCOM place luts < or .sale. Illcks.S&i
S&i 2T
FOR SALE-Lot north fl.UH ono block from
paved street , ng.iIiiHt wtich there Is ? 075 In
Ihreo equal payments of $ . I Iiavn $ .175 cash
in the lot. which 1 will hell for J2V ) cash It taken
at once. 1 need the money. Address I' 7 lieu
olllco. ; fc4 ! 27t
BUSINESS propeity. Capitol avo. lot fi , block
7P , bet. llonnctt block and Kith st. Tnlco
boiua trade. Bond oiler to owner , John W. Tay
lor , 5 Euclid ave , Cleveland , O. liXtl-'ilt
OHEAMEUY forsalo or lent , u good plant ,
splendid location ami luigo territory , with
ns much giouudas desired. Located at Stella ,
ItlchnidoonCo. , Nob. Might Undo for a good
farm. Addr-ss II KChuk. ; iJ27 !
BA HR A1NS in : uro ; propci ty. I can or ; r for
the next thlity days live choice I0-acro tracts
of land Inest Omaha , close to the city , and
near regular sutioas on licit Una lullroad ; mib-
urban trains now running nllord quick and easy
transit by n twenty-live minutes' ride between
this property and Websterstreet depot.
1 ou take no rise In buj Ing n flvo or ten-aero
tract of , If well situated. You can live on
: liu laud , have a pleasant and comfortable homo
Iree from city taxes , and get to and from your
vorkin town quicker thiin to most places In our
city , where a single lot would cost as much as
His ten acres 1 can offiir you.
Yon can raise enough oir of llvo or ton acre ?
to more than mippou your family , and in two
or three yirnrs the rapid growth of our city will
enable you to plat the land into choice lots that
will sell lor three and four times what you can
buy thnland for to-day.
Don't let this chance slip , but rail and BRO
whatwelmvetoo'Ior. Hemembpr there are only
llvo ten-acio tracts , ami I will sell either live or
ten ncius , as parties piefnr.
It will pay you to call early nnd secure n
If you have good property lo soli , I
or rent , c ill and Hat It.
George N. lllcku , room 40 , Darker block.J1B337 I
EOH SALE First clans , fully furnished house
ou line of cable , G mluutos walk Iroiu post-
olllce. Enquire Oril fc Co. , 117 North Iflth.
CALL and see the choice acre propertv wo of
fer for sale. Hicks , Hoom 40 Darker blocic.
' " I'LBNDID east front lot , mxim , on Tlilrty-
llrst street , nnur I'opjiletou avemio. llnn- Place , .lust tha place for u ni'-o homo.
Cnn offer for a few days at $ ) ,500. IllckR , room
10 , Ilarkor block. 410 37
TTIOH SALE or Exchange A 415-acro farm lu
JL'8. W Iowa , located In Iluest valley In the
Mate and is the best farm In the stnto ; line tin-
irovemeniH and all unilor fence , full and com-
ileto oqulprnonts ; prlco H."i per ncro ; will tuko
i goneial stack 01 clean maicliandlsu any whom
: roii tjta \ ( to . ' 0,000 ; will turn In grain anil
Ue stock to mnko up any dlllercnce. J. L. Klco
& Co. 300 ss
BKAL'TIFUL 8-room houae of most modern
design and finish. Nothing omlttea in Its
construction ; furuacA , city water , gas , hot and
cold water , antique oik llnlsli , large uast front
otoverlooKlngtlio city and Council Illiilfuj the
loiisH complete In all Its details : can ba pur
chased now ono or two thousand loss than in
the spring , \\illpayyou to Invostlgata now ,
J. K Hurrlson , Merchants' Nat'l bank. Oti )
T7IOK SALE S-room modern no-.v house , South
JU 2.Uhst.jiut otr I-eavonwortli nt , , M.HJO.worth
tftfl X ) , i > 'i'M ' to i < 00 cnisli. bal , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4,5 years. J ,
[ j. Klce & Co. iiCOJia
lly M. A , Upton Company ,
investment HnuJccroand
General Hi-ul Kstato Dealers.
Slxtnonthiind Farnam fits.
CCxCO corner on alley , loth Mt noi tli of Lea van-
worth. 813.000. 'This is 23 per cent leas than it
Is worth.
22x14 , fiflor 88 ft on Douglas , between llth and
i.'tn Hts , nt a prlco St ) yvt n nt below ltn actual
value , unless sold soon iilock will bo eratted ou
the h foot Dy present tiwatr.
KHxir./i. H and E ( rent , corn or 40th anil
Dod je , the very llnest roslaeni e alto in thh city.
Thin Is worth $7m ! Wn will take 15,700 fora
'ow days , ll.OJO cash , balance 1 years at & per
The above three pieces nra tha best bargains
BEAUTIFUL south front lot on Poppleton
avenue for xala for a fuw days at a loir
Ururn. only J'WJtash ' leqnlred , balance can run
! , 2 , Hand 4 yours. If you wunt to hacur a ntoo
tome In tha Hntxt roaldonco portion ot the city.
It will p.iy you to look thU up. Hlcki room 40.
llarker blork. 410 27
WILL sell you a , 7 or H-roora now tiouxeln
good location on monthly payments ; no
canh required ; cull nt onco. Hoom a 51H and &I9
1'uxton blU. .1. H. Johnson , 878-JU
FOK HALE Cheap t fiilu rc.illenr ( ; also
nine vacant lota on Hamilton nnd l < ow nvo.
K. tfliaw , Hamilton ( vail Lowe ve *