THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : so.SIXTEEN PAGES. hi OFF ON We will commence The Greatest Sale of Fine Dry Goods ever attempted in the west. This sale will continue until we are ready to inventory. Re member , our motto is , "Lead , Never Follow , " if you are needing any thing in winter goods , now is the time to buy. We will sell all winter goods at regular marked prices , and allow a discount of 25 per cent off of each bill. OFF ON LIST. FancyOraeiils , LINENS fiOOO Fancy Silk Ornaments for fam-j 100 pieces Colored Cmbroidurlcs In rod \\orlt , uoith ft oin lOe tollo ) each. and blue , worth fioni / . AVe want to elo o them.our choice Ific . > < / to jnrd. f > 0 pieces line Illicit Toweling. It * yard ; , . ( < l Your choice to closu , lie yard. worth lie. Momhuo oach. ' \ I ) UItlKG Til IS SAL IS ! SOOplocus All Silk Ribbons , In Mohe-5 be allowed off all goods LADIES' and Gros Gr.ilns , in medium and dark Collars 2 fiiio NOTE THE PRICES : . CSHOS standard Comforter colors. They are worth from U > c to LINEN lOo yard. Your choice Monday , 7c Calicos , worth "c a .yiud , at tc. mentioned in this column , , yard. XO iticrct f fi-inch B'cnchcd ' Black Dress Goods , Monday wo will oloso out a lot of odda ' All CoI'd Dress Goods , ami ends of Ladies' line Colored Liuou CO pieces Ooloiod Kmbioidorlos. woilh Collars. They are worth to lioo. yard. fi om 15u to JjOc yard. Your choice , 10i5 Silks and Velvets , At 37c Yard , Spreads 1 ca-io at line HSo ouclroilh wliito Inrco 81.15. st/o Dcrt Your choice Monday , fie each. up Ribbons Wool Hosiery , Would be cheap at SOc. ' , Wool Underwear , Ladies' I'or Ladies' , Gents' mid Children. 20 pieces ( iO-lnch Blcaclicd mid Ladies' Cloaks , Unblcaclictl Table Wrmms/-s that In e/i < 'a ; > at 7.7c yard ; our C Children's Cloaks , Misses' Cloaks , Yd A lot of Ladies' line Ltnon C'ollnrB and 100 pieces Cotton and Silk Ribbons , Cut Price is 46c , Cullu , with faney colored eilgos in ol5 , 1000 yards Remnants , short ends.Whlto in medium and dark colois , Monday lease Standard Diess Ginghams , Shawls , ' never sold less than fide , on sale Monday Embioidorics , worth from ICc to f > Uo. 100 Ln dies' heavy riminol Skirls , "Oo but , collar and pair of etilTs. Your choice Monday , lOo yard. Ic und. Llouday , 6cajard } , worth 12Jc. Comforters , . bottoms. JO plccct lllearlied Table JJatnns < fancy MONDAY Blankets , 61-indie * mitle llils wnuld b They are w orth ( ficai > al i)0 < ; $1.00 bui they intibt WE WILL SKLL Flannels , po , so the jirico is GENTS' 1 CASH ' Horse Blankets , Cut rilce 69c Yard , now Fine White ing Kid Gloves , , from $1 pair up. a iriec s finr Blenrlieil Saltii Table Li , 70 incites it-itle. worth OFF ON Knit Goods , SITS Toboggans Fascinators , , Gut Price 86c Yard , OFF ON AT Hoods , 5 pe * . fliicit Jtonbl- Satin 35e Tattle Danta Us , full tire i/ai'ds And the balance of our wide , and cheap ( it $1.5Oou 50 bale * , fine snow white Cotton Lace Curtains at 2:5 : Don't Eich. buy the m Batting , 10c a roll , worth 15c. per cent off. Gut Price 95c Yard , Special Bargains in Every Department if Yon Miss This Sale You Miss a Regular Picnic. ATTEMPTING A SHARP TRICK , Ono of the Anxious Triea to Hood wink tbo Bopublicaus. A PREACHER WITH AMBITIONS. FiohlbltionlHtfi Making Thnlr Usual Daunts of Great TMuus About to Bo Done Hailraacl latlou Slow. LJNCOIN BUREAU BBB , I 1029 P STUEKT , } LINCOLN , Jun. 19. ) Tongues have been wagging vigorously In political circles dui ing the past duv or two. On some questions opinions arc expressed verj ouiphatically. SInce Moirissoy ex- jilaincd why bo mat his vote for MeShano nuil stated It would go to Manderson If it were necessary to elect him , tliuro has boon something of a coolness between him and BOIIIO of bli political brethren , while repub licans openly state that It.ii the won : of a demagogue , and donu to create sympathy and friendliness In the republican cnmp. It has lcon well sulil that ho hungs on the ragged cilgo , and will hu east overboard , with some other * , notwithstanding lilt statement that IVlr. Iloldrcgo will puy $10,000 , to save his pcalp. The political tomahawk Is In the air , und It will d 4cund within a fortnight. It It eald Hint the Douglas county con test will bo leaehoil some tinio Curing nnxt week. The stitrtllng In formation was given out last night that two meuiboia of the committee to which the contest - test had been icfeircd , nad Been nppioachcd , mill that the tactics of Douglas democrats bo- tfore the election were being emploi cd to save peats now occupied , but by no means lion- Died. There mo sorno reasons why this ru- niSr' will bear looking Into. Subnilsslomsts uro making an uggroslvo light. It Is suiil that they boast a convert imulo at the meeting hold at St. Paul M. K church last night , and Unit so far as the Jiouso isconcoinod they uro claiming the cm th Hut the cooler headed mid shiewdust iiolltlcinns on the turf .v that the dry water liowd uro leading a forloin hope. Subtnls- num Is out of the question. It would seem that way to the careful obsoncr. The al leged minor that there is $100,000 on the ground to defeat submission is regarded aa twaddle from BOIIIO p-alllo-braln. There Is no ti nth whatever in the statement. The nulls mo seemingly inoro InUllToront than they woio two yours ago , und huvu como to a willingness to accent 'the luevitabto. They , however , aio not slow to say that business men are not anxious to liarulyzo buslnrss in general , and that legis lators uau sco the tundonuv without looking through the glasses amploycd by other eyes ? t Is u philosophical view , und there is u deal Of good hard sense in it. Hullroad legislation does not promise any thing vary great for the common people of iho Htuto. It is siild that the couuniitco 011 railroad ) * Is lltorally gutting Hull's ' maximum freight into bill , and that It Is hardly recog nizable now. This , from the house , does not nr uo well for producers und slilppera , but there is consolation in the fact that nothing else Is expected. "Ohnstond , " said u gentleman - man to-day , "looks upon his tommittoo , und la actually monarch of all ho sur- < vojs. Ho manipulates It at will and the Btato knows who his acknowledged mas- \ cr Is. " Lively times nro conttdcntly expected next Kroak , tempera will ho tried und pittance ex- liuustcd. but it Is hardly probable that dig nity will bo loft at homo. AlTKlt TUB PLUMS. US "It 1s now pretty well understood , " said a pcntlenmn to TUB Bee ropicseutatlvoto day , 'ttmt Uev. J. d'Tato , chaplain of the son- bio , seeks to be collector of internal revenue , ind Is working for the appointment with night and main. He has a strong following , oo , and It will not bu aururlslug if hu nets .huro. I wonder , though , that hu looks tutu way , But , now-a days , it It rather bard. U > tceonut for the aspirations and iOuigs of routlonmnpf the ' 'vlotU. " Sfnno the preacher allow1 JTOi l".0ck a out ut poker about the UH of The orKauUatlou of the house , I have ceased to wonder at the height and depth oC human depravity , and thu stiaits to which wo poor mortals occasionally reduce our- solvcs. I can see nothing compatible in pieaelnng the gospel and the collcctoiship , and if Uev. Tuto can , ho had better commence to pray for high license and the gencril use of tobacco Tate had better bury his politi cal aspirations or quit pi caching. The notor iety ho is gaining is everything hut enviable. I have also heard John Peters , of Albion , prominently mentioned as an aspirant for tno position. There is some sense in John's can didacy. I have never heard that ho posud as a reformer , and I personally know that In compatibility will never bo alleged as ground for dlvorcamout if hound the colloctorship go to bed together. But a number of the boys are uftor the plum. It Is n good thing that positions In this day and ago must besought sought by good moral character. J. Q. and John will huvo no trouble on this scot c. " UMTBI ) STVTKS lllSrillCt OOUKT. The case of J. S. Miller vs D. G. Courtnay was Lulled in the United States district court this morning. Plaintiff , who resides In Pas- adlnn , Cnl. , alleges that he is legally the o-vner of a cei tain tract of land situated in Davcnder's addition of the city of Lincoln ; that thu defendant tins , slnuothc ISth of Do- ccmbor , 1&85 , unlawfully leapt and held po- scssion of the sntno The value of the land is said to bo fully f 10,0 JO. The hearing of the C.IU30 will conclude Monday. Gcorgo H. Thummelvs R. D. Morrlll is the tltlo of a cause brought to the United States court from the dlsti let court of Halt county and It will doubtless provoke considerable inluicst owing , in part , to the prominence of the defendant. The case was called before .Tudgo Uundy this morning and a motion sub mitted to remand the case hack to the dis trict court , hut It was overruled. Thummol btought the action to compel the defendant , Edmund N. Mori ill , of Hiawatha , Kan , a member of conjn ess fioui the distiict formed from the northwest pait of that state , to deed to him a certain tract of land of U > 0 naios , adjoining Grand Island , which thu de fendant i of uses to do. Slaughter vs Folman entitles a cause lllcd for houilng in the United States conn ted - d iy. The plaintiff seeks to restrain Folnuin from selling n Inigu lot of cattle In which ho hnti an Interest. Potman resides in Chicago The jury in the c.aso of Seaton & Leu vs Trobrldgo , after deliberating all night long , returned u verdict this morning , irfhng Judgment for thn nlulntiffs for 5UU.CM , but taxed the costs to them , This settles the controversy over the Wymoie milling piop- orty.Court Court adjourned at noon until Monday morning at U o'clock. Aiiiici.ns OP iNoopoimiov. The 15. M. Hnlso company , of Omaha , filed articles of Incorpoiatlon in thu oflleo of the soctctnrv of state to-dny , and ttius Joins the ranks of thu legally incorporated Institutions of the state. It is rocltod that the comuuiv Was formed to manufacture spring nods and other articles , and that u capital stock of $ , > 0,00J has been authorized nnd subscribed. Thu company was organized and commenced businesi on the 1st day of January , and will con tinue thereafter twenty years. E. M. Hulso and Hurry Shlpmnn uro the Ineorporntois. This ndds another important Industry to the business interests of the metropolis of the state , Cm HUMS AJfP NOTBS. II. M. Muyois , traveling salesman for Morsu & Co. , Omuha , was culled homo to-day on acceunt of thn sudden lllnesi of hU wifu , who resides at 11U1 U street. The Horticultuial society ndjouraod last night , after an Interesting session of four days. Most of thu members departed for homo to day , hut they loft the huidost snow storm of the winter behind them. The Btato Miller1 association kept rooms 30 und 31 of the Capital hotel warm duiing thu past day or two. It Is said that Its gen eral membership opposes every bill on trusts that has been introduced. Hut Paul Schuiiuko , the honest Kohruska City miller , la not union IT the number. Ho puts it well : "J am for the people. " Sccictary Ajer , of the state loarU of transportation , has opposed every cffoit for material reduction of freight rates that was over made by the hoard , und jet ' 'j savs that TUB UEB man has inlsr'7iri < > ntnci him 4l0 u the most notorloua stripling striker ol the road in the state. " Hon. G. U. Chapman will visit St. Louis and other points of the south and east nest week. Thu need of recreation Impels him to take a short vacation , but he ay that ho can happily combine business with pleasure. Ho will be ( jono about t\\o weeks. Subnnssionirtts are holding meetings every ni ht 01 two , nnd all the old fossils of the city get together to scheme and connive. This Is not objected to when done by mem bers of the house nnd senate , who honestly favor suomission , but to have the third party obstructionists sticking their noses into the affair Is considered In very poor tasto. The nasal uppondagc of some people reaches a many miles. St. Paul's church was the sccno of a lively whirl last night. ONE WKMIi-'S BUSINESS. Bank , Building uiul Dirt Trnnsnotlons or the Dull Sonflfin In bank clearings Omaha still keeps up the list of her record , the percentage of increase ranking well up among the leading- cities of the country. As compared with the previous week the Increase is slightly less. Follow- Is the record by days : Monday $003,904 Ort Tuesday 021fw 2i > Wednesday 600,740 17 Thursday OUi.'r.U (57 ( Friday 500,1 1 47 Saturday W4.70J bt Total $3,051,454 3b Incicnso . , . 805 . In the real cstnto maikot the most import- ' nnt transfers iccorded are these of J. T. Dil lon and wlfo to A. A. Pholps. of lot 7 , Dlock i)10 ) , for n consideration of $18,0(10 , ( , and Annie McOuckiu and husband to Joseph Schmlttt , of lot 17 , Kli/abcth place , for $15,000. All tluough the market has exhibited u healthy activity , and dcnlci a uro ory enthusiastic over the outlook. The transactions by days nro as follows i Monday . flO,2i2 Tuesday . 55,354 Wednesday . Sr.f.SJ Thursday . 34.157 I Fndav . 21,027 | Satuidny . SJ/'Sl J Total . ( Qjl.593 I The building season has not yet opened i nnd permits nro few In number und compara tively Insignificant as to amounts. The larg 1 cst was that issued to John Hrck for the erection of a two-story brick storu addition , to cost 0,500. The dully iccord follows : Monday . 1,300 Tuesday . O.fiOO Wednesday . 2,000 Thursday . 1,800 Friday . 7.10 Saturday . 200 Total . $15,450 The Cheyonnn Ciir.YDXXE , Wyo. , Jan. 19. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tins UCB. ] Word was received heto this evening that thu location of the Union Pucillo shops In this city had been definitely decided upon by the board of Union PaclUu dheotors , and work will bo com- mcnccd during the next ten days. The good foituno of Cliejonno in seeming the shops has bi ought a host of ical estate dealers from Denver , Salt Lake and othnr points to this city , nnd a large amount of real estate is changing hands. A significant fcaturo of the sales Is the fact that no options nro being sold , and that tiansuctlons are pilnclpnlly cash. The fit. LouU "Hipper. " ST. Louis , Jan , ID. James Thomas , alias William Urennnn , was arrested jostorday for writing threatening letters to fallen women , signing himself "Jack , the Kipper , " was to day committed to the Insane asylum. Whan nn estod ho frankly confessed u"'r in I had t'omo to St. Louis for U- . " , f ' llu ' killing women m note qu'X-'Ttho finloido of a Forger , WooDiiDitr , Jv. J. , Jan 19 , Charles Trios , who was committed to the Gloucester county Jail a week ago , for forging a note , committed sulcido by hanging himself to thu door of his cell this morning. A permit wa issued yesterday to Mr. Egged to build u one-story frame cottage In Van Camp's addition to cost f'OJ , TO KEEP OUT ALIEN PAUPERS Object of the Bill Prepared By the Ford Oommittoe. RESULT OF THE INVESTIGATION. aiuch of the limiiiKratlon Now Coin- ins t ( > This Country Totally Ineligible For Citi zenship. The Ford Kill. WASIIIN'OTON , Jan. 19. The bill reported by the Ford commlsdion on contract lahor and Immigration to the house to day , ns the result of the Investigation last summer and fall , proposes In Its first section to prohibit admission into the United States of any per son who is an Idiot , insnno , a pauper , or liahlo to become a public chnige , orv ho has been legally convicted of felony , other in famous crime 01 misdemeanor , or who is .1 polygamist , nnaichist or socialist , or who Is afflicted with any loathsome disease , orlio has entered into a contract , express or im plied , oral or written , to perform lahor or sorviLO for any person , lirm , company or corpoiation In the United States , whose pis- sago was paid on a promise of labor It also provides that alien lahoicis , other than those cxLUptcd by the conn net labor law , shall not bo admitted to labor for a limited time with the intention of returning. Thu section ( txccpts niofessors hi universities and minlsteis from its prohibition. The sctond section declares it to bo a mis demeanor for such objectionable persons to come Into the United States , or for any per son to assist them so to do , and a penalty of not exceeding $1,000 and imprisonment for three years is provided in aucli cases. Pro secution may be commenced within two years after the commission of the offense , and aliens may bo returned within two years to their country at the expense of the transporUtlon company or of the United Suites. Section 3 limits the carriage of incoming foreign passongois to one passenger for every llvo tons burden of ship. A violation of this provision is made punishable by u flno of 4-500 for each passenger in excess of the allowance. The fourth section proposes to levy n tax of 15 on o\ery alien coming into the United" Stains , which Is to bo paid to the collector at the nearest point by the transportation agent or master of thu vessel. Diplomatic representatives , consuls or agents of foreign governments ara ex- copied. This section also cronies an ni > - piojiriation tqdefray the expenses of the uxo- cution of the act. boctlon 5 iiiquircs nn intending Immigrant to the United States to possess a cortliic.ito from thu Unltcc ) Stales diplomatic repre sentative or Consul near his residence issued after examination into hlsohaiaUcr without fee , but tills cartlllcato is not to bo conclu sive evidence of the right of a person tooomo into the United StntOH , nor relieve muslins of vessels fromliesponslbility. The art 1s to take effect July 1 , In the loport accompanying the bill it is naul that as no Inspection Is made of inunl- KrnntB along the border between Canada w-'i the United Stale ? , a largo number - . ' j.ifen P iiipois , insane poisons nnd o . , ,1B " ( , " Stli Wte"101' " 7mo to the"U , Ucd sfv ' * " f" the " " " ' "or during thu kist ma , ' - ! UB-m ? being estimated at no.uou. SjnJJ'.uBl8 are shipped to the United Stales i > y ofilclaU of foreign governments , nnd they peislst In this course after having been 10- quested by our government to discontinue it , On the contract labor law the report nays It is easily evaded to a large extent In sphit , \ \ hilo the toiler Is observed. Chinese ininil. Kralion was not Investlguled for hick of lime. On Iho subject of Immigration gcnriallj. the committee , after spanking favorably ot its hoiiQllts In the past , nays that from | n qulry nuido they beliuvo thut the time lm now comn lo draw thu line , to select thu coed from the bad , and to sift the wheat from the chaff. To any person familiar with the results of the coinmUtco'g Investigation it must by apparent thut this country cannot projwrly assimilate tlio immigration now coming to our shoies. The committee- gives the anaiuhlst * * and like agitators a scathing reviewing , und ays that this class of poi sons , in the judgment of the committee , ought to be ligidly nxiludcct fiom entering this countiy. Generally speaking the class ot inunigiants who have lately been im- poited und employed in the coal legions of this country aio not such , In the opinion of the committee , as would make desirable innabituntH of tlio United States. They are of a very low order of intelligence , and they do not como here with the intention of be coming Liti7Ciis. Tncir whole purpose Is lo nixumulutc by a parsimonious , rigid and un- he illhy economy n sum of money nnd then return to their native hind. They live in miserable sheds like beasts ? the food thov eat is so meager , unwholesome and revolting that it would nauseate and disgust an Ameri can workman , and ho would 11 nil it difticnlt to sustain Ufa upon It. Their habits aio vii'lous. Their customs are disgust ing and the effect of their being hereupon upon our social condition is to bo deploicd. They have boon brought hero in such numbers , and have been omplo > cd at such low wages , that It has resulted In their replacing the American citizens who formerly performed this class of labor , until nnw there are comparatively few Americans en gaged in mining coal in Pennsylvania. The report condemns the practice which has pievaiicd nmong certain foreign icsi- denls in this countiy of importing men for the pin pose of conti acting them on ralhoad \\oils and keeping them in n state of almost abject slavery. In conclusion , the committee says . " the effect of the "Certainly present unio- strlctod syntcin of immigration , as applicibla to the conditions under consideration , npnn the industrial situation of this conn- Uy have been very bad , and the committee believe that tlio time Ima come when nn immigration tax should be moio effectively regulated ; that poisons who immlgiate lo the United States should at least be composed of these who in good faith desire to become its citizens and mo worthy to bo sui li.41 Mr. Sninola does not agree with the ma jority of thu committee in regaul to cither the rcpoit submitted or the bill. In a mi nority re | ( oi t ho states that he Is opposed to a head tax of inoro than 71 lor each immigrant. Spinola saya that the minority Is prep. ued lo go to any length in advocacy of a proper measure In order to shut out paupers , lunatics , Idiots , cripnlcsand thieves , us well us all evil doors who como hero to practice tliolr wickedness and 1111 our pool- liouiics and piisons , but declares unqualified opiKisitlon lo tlio passage of any law that will In any way cliook or stop the Influx of honest iniinigiation. AMUSISMKNTH. "Ono of the Old Slock , " Chin les L Davis1 now play , will have Us llrst picsenUtion In this city at iho Now Grand opoiu IIOUHO on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next , and the roaoived sunt sale will open totnoirow morning. The sccno of Iheplav Is laid prin cipally In Vermont. An old fanner , Alvlii Jo lln , has a pretty daughter , who tires of her suit oundings and gets off with a city chap , who looks bud and disappoints every body by Uniting out lo hu of Iho Sunday school variety. 'I'hoi e is ulno un old mlsor , who Is a villain. A quartette of sln - ' with swcnt voices , are lutioducod Intfi a pietly furin lioiiso sconu und Bi'Vmn'i t tuoiouftcr thloughoiltU'G - . ; , „ Mr Davk lemarUablu Jiolossy Klrnlfv's now spertacle , "Tho Water Quenii"will ho ut Uoyd's operu house next Friday und Sntuiday ovcnliu's und Sat urday matlneo , 'J his Is Mr. ICIialfy'8 latest sueccBs mid la A No. 1. fiom the reports of the Chicago , bt. Louis and Kansas City press , whe > o it has jccently appeared Ills not \et a month old The company IK largo , numboijiig ninety people , nnd uses two cars to transport their enormous amount of neon- ciy. 'Jho bullet Is headed by Mllu. 1'uiis , ably assisted by Mine Cappollinl. itosch , Keniath , Nlcodo and U large coips do ballot. Thn attraction at thn Cdcn Museo during thu coining \\cck will bu ' "i'lio Had Hoy. " Louis Wnssley. u bright AOIIII actor , will In .the titlu ) ( > ! < > , and the comedy will he presented in the bust of shape. All thu at Inn lion * will bo good and the crowds largo. _ Tlio over-welcome Florence * will open their engagement ut Hold's ' Monday even ing with tliolr new play , ' 'Heart of Hearts , " which affords them large scope for their versatile talents , introducing tncm in parts diiloient from any they have jiol presented. "He-art of Hearts" Is a Madison Squat o theatre success , having had 11 run there last season of lr > 0 nights. Tuesday evening "Tho Mighty Dollar" will bo presented and Wedncsdaj evening a dramatization of Chailus Dickens' "Domboy and Son , " with Mr. Florence In his famous pUi satiation of Cnp'n Edwaid Cuttle , "mariner of England , us lives at homo at ease. " At the Stadt theater to night at Coos' hotel , coiner of Fiftocnth and Jackson stieets , Fraulein A. K. Suahn will appear for tlio second and last time in this city. She will assume characters in the lively come diettas , "Hade Kuren" and "Dier wio Mir. " Tianslatcd , the title of these pieces is re spectively "liath Cures" nnd "You und I. , ' Miss Spuhn for several seasons wus the loading lady in John brand's ' thealer , on Soulh Tenth street , where she iliftla\ck | ) abilltj which has never been exceeded by any loading stock acticssln the hlstm.of . the Uormun st.igo of this city. She has since plm ed in a number of the larger cities of the country , anil is hcie for twopurfotm- ances only , the last of which will ho given , as above stated , ut Potoi Coos' Stadt thcitcr to-night. Her appearance on last Sunday evening at this place amounted to an ovation. At the Grand opei a house lust night John Dillon and his company appealed In the con ceit entitled , "Wantrd , the II nth. " It re- joais for the people of O'linhu to appiecluto Ulllon's style of acting. Hav ing comn to apprecinU ) It , they have since ficely accorded him an onthiisniRtlu and sue ccssful reception Lnst night the house \MIS lar o und entliUHinstif. In it woio ncticed iiiiin\ i itbonslio nllond iho theater only when they know they can bo cnluitiilnc-d. Among ihcRo were noticed some of the most sedate members of Iho distiict bench. Mi. Dillon wisely selects a piece which 10 quiics tittle cffoit on trie pait of his people to lender s itlsfactory. "Wanted the Kaith" is snch n piece. The support is fair , the burden of thopeifonn- anco being carried by thu star. Mr. Dillon has lost nonu of his ability to ontuitaln. The audience , when he wis upon the stage , laughed almost Incessantly , and at the closu of every net gave him u recall. HN KUO.M OU\GK. A I'oi iner KtuiHiiH Cily Proaolicr Con- ( Idcncrs n I/-uly friend. Kvvss Ciri , Jan 10. [ Spaolnl Tolo ram to Tun UHII.J About one year ago D. S. McBwan was called revoiend , nnd was the pastor of the First HuplUt chimh of this city. Today his whereabouts aio not known , nnd the name ho lias loft behind him IB not spotless. Tin co cars ugn ho camu hoio f i om Lawrence , Kan , , und for two ioats was thu icttpcctcd pastor of tlio ehurcu above mimed , then nn ulTeetlon of th" * "niont necessitated his retirement - fio'- , t1Q | , , , | n9 | \'S'nt \ i0MOUKl'l { ' ft 'lrur : ' & at n itidinlnone " 8tr , , ? Vn li t ° v n tlnmwas r ° f it - ° 'i3 doing allotu lulling business. oi ? . V Uo borrowed * JUO ( ) fiom Mrs M w jiOfl , n widow , and one of his late parish lOners , and ga\e her a Hist moiteago upon oim-tlilrd of his fitoelc Ho pursuaded her to withhold thu InHtinment from iceoid , and HO great was her faith In him nnd su ginat was her Ueslro lo suvo him from the appeal anco of insolvency that ttho piomlsud to say noth ing to her lawyer about the tnoi tgagn. She put It in her ti mil ; nnd thoio It remained until ono week agn Tliiu sd . > , when a suit nn thu second mortgnga oxiwsed thu preacher diugglsl's iliianainl we.ikncEs , nnd brought to light thu fact that Mcllivan hud borrowed in all about I'J.CKX ) In cash on his Block. The suits on all the mortgages except that held by Mrs Ogden iiru pending , und her chum hus been settled b.tho . preacher's ' fi lends Hut ho has lied , und oven his wlfo has glvun him up , for Him departed Iwo days ugo for her parents' home in linnoiu. Thu drug stock , if properly handled , will satisfy nil claims now outstanding. DREXEL & MAUL , ( SULCcsaors to John 0. Jatoha. ) Undertakers and Embalm ers At the old Rtund ll'J7 I'aruam St , OrderH by tclogrupb scil'cltrdanJ momptly Tulophone loNo. ! . State Line. To ( < Ias < Mv , Rcira < it , Duhlin nnd Lhcrpool From New York Every Tuesdav. Calila passaRB Vt'i ftncl 8.W , nccoullng to locatlo'f ot Htute room , i\riusloa : Wi to } JO. Stccrngo to nnd fioni Duroim at Lowest Ratoj. AUSTIN HAI.nWIN Ic TO . Ocn'l .AKL-UH. JOHN UI.KGEN , aon'l wiiKW \ - Chlcas < 1' Hcduccd Cabin Rates to Glu9go\r Ez > hibltion. mm DISPENSARY , Nl'IlVOU" , ClIllOMP UUt ( I'llIVATI. DlSKABBS Ot JIi N anil U O.MI s succopsfiilly tiouted. YOUNG- MEN Butrcrlnx from thn ofToct * or ymillifiil lolllos nr lii'lls- rrtillnn , or iiru Iruublu I wllliVcal < iHJ , NorVdus Uc'hillly. 1x191 ( if Memory , Ioiioni1u | cy , Avpnlon to Hutlciy , nullify 1'rotililu , or nujr Ulniusn uf tliuCiou- Itii uiliiiiry orkiiii"1cnn IIDTJ ilml u biilu iiiul npueuy turn ( liiir/cD iciiMHilllilc , oipcolHlljr tu Iho pour MIDDLE-AGED MEN "Young Man's Friend ; or Guldoto Wsdloot. " IKKKIOAI.I Allimi'SS DR. SPINNEY & CO. , K. i ; Coi. loth & Douglas Kt . ; or Nutlonnl DIs ponsaiy , eonior 1-th und ilalu , Kansas Clty.Mo ItainBrliable for powerful ifta , ] fettle topu. unable action and ability. M yonra' recor fcht Mil guarunten of th Ianc of tnea laatriimf nta. WOOBBRIOfMOS , FcurBupeililluilo Iluolti , nrinttxl on lln p - per ( rc > m full-tiliod muilo i.lit tin 82.OO. . . . STANDARD PIAMO or $ J.W rr.iulil. IIKA 'I > MI . ! . . / , ( choice ici ms Iroincelot ralr1 CeMft 110 paces 01 tungt pun uBiiao * . i nu . Cm | > nlmout . nail Un pp ut tirUtloni. Inntcmit ttoni o [ > r\oruju ( ui ol.i > lo.lci tiUuu OTAND- AHD SONO ALBUM-Zaupp uf ec.njii od t l- worku of Hucti combuwrn a * 'yui < oU , AbttlYmtiH. iiatk.i . „ < ! 4 < ; i/r / iiLt PABIJ 4t u'rirutiV ILLUSTRATED li C lui. FtU * f M h boti SQo. , .rucu i L.VOM & HCALV. l Mbll hr , StHtB & Monroe Ot .CIil ugo.