Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1889, Image 1

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"i V
The Vloo President Getting Ac
quainted With the Congressmen.
Ulnlnc Said lo Be One of the Elect ,
While Neither Platlc Nor
Miller Are on the
513 FoutiTr.RNTii STitnr.T , V
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jnn. 18. I
Vleo I'rosldcnt-cl'-'ct Morton spent this
( if lernoon on the floor of llio two houses of
congress Ho was escorted about and intro
duced by Representative William Wiiltor
I' . Phelps , of Now Jersey. Mr. Morton looked
f\ } well mid seemed very happy In his work of
meeting tlio legislators , und frankly told the
statesmen us tho.v wore introduced that ho
was "getting the hniiirof the barn , " so that
ho might bo coinpctonl to take the cliuir of
the president of the senate en the -lth of
March. Ho occupied a lounge on the repub
lican sldo of the senate for tin hour or more ,
during which time Mr. Phelps brought to
him and presented the various republican
nnd dcmociatiu senators who wcro not en
grossed in the tariff debate. This last man Mr.
Morton talked to m the senate was
Mr. Quay. The chairman of the republican
national committee was writing at his desk
when Mr Morton culled to him familiarly ,
nnd ho went over and sat down beside the
distinguished New Yorker. For llftoen
minutes the future ranking officer of the
Eonuto and the head of the republican na
tional committee had their heads together.
Mr. Quay explained the formation of the
committees and the reorganization of the
senate generally , and added a little political
information. In the house Mr. Morton also
lingered an the republican side , nnd held
quite a IPVCO. At one time there was a largo
crowd of republican and democratic mem-
born clustered about him , and they were
greeted as warmly as if ttic.y were old
friends. Mrs. Morton accompanies her hus
band , nnd they will remain in the city until
the vice president-elect feels that he
has acquired all the information
he desires in relation to the duties ot the
presiding officer of the senate , and rented a
residence. Those who mr.t Mr. Morton tills
afternoon were impressed with his eminent
executive ability , aim predict that lie will bo
u success In the olllco he is to occupy after
the presidential inauguration. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Morton are stopping at the same hotel at
which ore Mr and Mrs. lilamo. To-morrow
night Senator Hiscock will give u dinner
in honor of Mr. Morton , and among his
guests will bo Mr. Blaine nnd Mr. Phclps.
CAIIIXr.T bl'icUI.VTIO.N3. :
Since the meeting of the electors on last
Monday President-elect Harrison has accom
plished something in the way of formulating
ideas us to the make-up of his cabinet. Ho
' ( , has co mo to the conclusion that it would bo
| i \ unwise to take any man from the
bonato , nnd points to the fact that
President Cleveland in calling three
Rcnators to cabinet positions weakened his
party representation in the uupcr house of
congress to sueli nn extent that ho labored
under great disadvantages from the very
outset to the present time. President Ilarri-
Bon does not want to give the treasury port
folio to New York , and if ho wore inclined to
tender a position in his cabinet to his own
state , it would bo to Colonel John C. Now ,
who has given him to understand that ho
neither expects nor desires a cabinet place.
If the New York demands and complica
tions wcro settled , the cabinet could be tilled
within twenty-four hours at any time now ,
although no man has been selected or given
the slightest intimation that he will be of
fered a place in the cabinet. There are to
bo no positions in the cabinet tendered under
four or live weeks , and then they will all uo
extended to the men desired , nt one time.
Mr. iJhiino will bo one of the chosen
few. There can bo no doubt now
of that , barring accidents , incidents and un
natural changes of mind. Mr. Wannamnker
Is another who will have n position tendered
to tiim. Just at this time neither Platt nor
Miller Is on the slate , and unless there in a
consolidation on one or the other , neither
will bo chosen. If the bill creating n depart
ment out of the bureau of agriculture be
comes a law , ox-Governor Husk , of Wiscon
sin , will likely be asked to take that pltieo.
The practical election of Mr. D. W. Wash-
burn to succeed Senator Sabin recalls the
famous contested election case of Ignatius
Donnelly against Mr. Wnshuurn in the
Forty-sixth congress , Donnelly having con
tested for the election of United States sen
ator in the caucuses of the Minnesota legis
lature yesterday. Mr. Washbiirn was
elected to the Forty-sixth congress , nnd Mr.
Donnelly claimed that ho had been deprived
of election by several thousand votes secured
by the liberal use of Mr. Washburn's money.
Mr. Donnelly's attorney In Washington was
the famous "Ulg" Finley , the conildentinl
agent of Samuel .1. Tilden during
that gentleman's ' lifo time. Mr.
Springer wan chairman of the commit
tee on elections. One night when Mr.
Springer was hastily summoned to New
York , a messenger called at his house and
delivered a mysterious package , which , on
bolnir opened , proved to boaletterlntiiiiatlng
that if Mr. Springer would throw his influ
ence , as chairman of the committee , in favor
of Donnelly , it would provo greatly to his
financial benefit. When Mr. Springer
learned of this attempt to bribe him ho
turned against Donnelly nnd supported
Wiishburn. The matter was promptly
brought before the house , but as Mrs.
Springer WHS unable to identify the messen
ger who brought the package , and as noth
ing could bo proved against Mr. Donnelly or
Mr. Finloy , the investigation had to end. It
is u striking coincidence that Donnelly
should again , after thn lapse of more than a
decade turn Mr. Wushburn's
, up as contest
ant to u scat in congress.
The republicans of Nebraska and Wiscon
sin have sot u good example to their neigh-
yj , bom In Now \ ork state by concluding the
> , / controversy over the cabinet appointments
and reaching a satisfactory agreement. In
"Wisconsin it is understood that tha names of
Governor Husk nnU Henry C. 1'ayno shall
bo presented to thn president-elect , who will
ho Informed that Husk will not accept any
position but that of secretary of warorseero-
tury of agriculture , and that Payna will
not accept nny ixwIUcm but that of post
master general. If General Harrison desires
n postmaster general , or secretary of war , or
secretary of agriculture from Wisconsin , ho
will not have to look any further. In
Nebraska the situation is similar , Governor
Furnusdcsiri'stobe secretary of agriculture ,
but wants nothing else , and John M. Thurs-
ton would like to bo secretary of the inte
rior. Their friends have simply said to Gen
eral Harrison that If ho is willing to give the
Interior department to Nebraska , Thurstou
wants it , and if ho wants to glvo Nebraska
the agricultural department , Furnus is the
man. Just who these solicitous friends arc
is not stated.
Mrs , J. Allen Foster , of Iowa , president of
the Woman's Christian Temperance Union ,
rmido an argument to-day before the senate
committee 'on the District of Columbia , tn
favor of Senator Pltitt's bill providing for
Inhibition within this district. Mrs. Foster
talked at great length of the clllclnncy of the
prohibition law in Iowa and Kansas , and
quoted Governors Larraboo and Martin , of
those states , respectively , as to the success
of prohibition there.
Tins evening's Cntlo says : "Owing to tno
illness of Kepresontutivu Laird , the Laird
DUI'O food bill , which was reported favorably
to the house last session , it is understood ,
Will not bo taken up for consideration Mils
session. U will have to wait till next con-
tress before It cun puss the house. "
posed by a general court martial November
22 , l ss. Is remitted in the case of Joseph ti.
Dngons , late private in troop 1) , Ninth cav
alry , and hn will bo released from confine
ment at the military prison at Fort Leaven-
Private George Gushing , Company H ,
Twmity-llrst infantry , now In confinement
at Fort Lcavcnworth , Is discharged without
a character , from the service of the United
States ; to date August0 , 18s5.
The muster Into service of Stephen W.
Groesbock as second lioutcnat of the Fourth
Iowa cavalry volunteers , to date November
I , ISiil , Li amended to take effect October fi ,
180'J , nnd ho Is mustered for pay in said grade
during the period embraced between the
aforesaid dates. Pininv S. HEATH.
Nebraska nnd town Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Jnn. IS. [ Special Telegram
to Tur. Dec. ] Pensions granted
kans , Original invalids Aldiao H. Prince ,
Lincoln ; Alfred Williams , Chadron. In
crease Dennis Parcel ) , Fort Omaha ;
Charles It Walker , Itromfleld ; Alexander
Loomls , Box Hutte. Original widows Eliz
abeth J. , widow of Robert Wright , Nebraska
Pensions for Towans. Original Invalid-
Utchard H. Wilkinson , Livingston ; Luther
May , Mason City. Increase Iloger N ,
Webster , Atlantic ; bcott Morgan , Hopcvlllc. ;
Theodore U. Goold , Hock llaplds ; John H.
Maxlleld. Now Hampton ; Martin Schmltz ,
Mount Pleasant ; Francis H. Davis , Pleason-
ton ; Georco W. Carpenter , Cocnlng ; Walter
Case , Burr Oak ; Charles Dakcahire , Co-
burg ; John S. Howard , Sac City. Original
widows , etc. Sarah , widow of James M.
Johnson , Clarinda ; Ann Edwards , former
widow of James Martin , Mount Pleasant.
Dakota Democrats Disgusted.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. A delegation from
both South and North Dakota , and other
prominent democrats of South D.ihnta , who
have been urging the passage of thn senate
bill for the admission of South Dakota , feel
much dlssailsllcd with the Springer omnibus
bill , which passed the house to-day. They
are all united in saying that it will merely
serve to delay the admission of South Da
kota and render useless all that has been
done since the organi/ation of the movement
/or admission live years ago. They nre ask
ing the senate to reject it , and are willing to
take their chances with tha new congress ,
hoping that nn extra session will bo called by
the president-elect when ho takes his office.
Swiilnr.s IC\iiiiinuiou : : Concluded.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. General Swaim , bej
fore the army retiring board this afternoon ,
requested to bo allowed to make a statement
to the board alone ; so the doors were closed
and the spectators excluded.
The examination was concluded this nftcr-
nnd the board adjourned sine die. They will
make n report to the secretary of war to
morrow , nnd the case will then bo prepared
for the president's action. It is understood
that the board will report in favor of Gen
eral Swaim's retirement , notwithstanding
some members are said to bo of the opinion
that his present disabilities are not enough
to incapacitate him from active service.
Morton Visits the Capitol.
WASIIINOTON , Jan. IS. This afternoon
Vice President-elect Morton visited the
capitol and held quite n levee in the lobby of
the house. Ho was introduced to the mem-
tiers by Representative Phelps , who after
wards accompanied him to the senate , where
he was warmly greeted. Mr. Morton Is
looking about the city for a desirable resi
dence , but has so far failed to llnd one suita
ble. In answer ton suggestion on the sub
ject , ho said ho did not desire to buy or build
a lioinc here.
Utah ami Statehood.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. Governor West , of
Utah , was heard by the house committee on
territories to-day in opposition to the admis
sion of Utub territory us a state. He argued
that statehood for Utah would entrench
Mormons , and ho asked what check would
there be upon the legislature if the powers of
statehood should be granted to Utah. The
old non-Mormon residents would have to sell
out tit a sacrillco and get away , and could
not live there then and prosper.
A Couiiuilmnnic Itcvoliitloii TaUcH
1'lnec in Boston.
BOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin.l : There was a re
markable action in the common council last
night. The democrats have ono majority in
that body , but when it was organized mst
week ( wo of the democratic members voted
with the republicans and aided them In
making Horace Alien president. At last
night's meeting some of the democrats
saw that they wore In a decided major
ity , some of the members being ab
sent , and they proceeded to unseat the two
democrats who voted with the republicans ,
nnd to put stalwarts in their places. They
now propose to depose President Allen ,
there bcintf no provision in the city charter
to prevent such action , and put a democrat
in the chair. The daring of the scheme
rivals anything Tammany over conceived ,
and what makes it moro exasperating , the
citizens' hands are tied. The outcome of it
will probably bo the ultimate abolishing of
that branch of the city council. Sentiment
is setting strongly in that direction.
K-veltcmcnt In I'lttHliurt ; Over CnHhlcr
Voij-t'8 Arrest.
PiTTSiivito , Jan. 18. The arrest last night
of Volgl , cashier of the defunct Farmers
and Mechanics' ' bank of this city , for the al
leged misappropriation of funds amounting
to nearly $200,000 , , caused a great deal of e.\-
oitement here. Volet was cashier of the
bank for nineteen years , Last April ho loft
the bank to go Into other business , and m
September the bank failed , a heavy shortage
having been discovered. After the
suspension nn expert was put to
work on the books , and the arrest ,
it is alleged , was made on Information re
ceived by him , Herg , thu present cashier of
the bunk , said that nt the time he lirst took
hold of the books Voigt was given nn oppor
tunity to'.straighten his nomints , but fulled
to do BO , It Is stated this morning by a man
who has some knowledge of t ha affairs of thn
bank , that prob.ibly others , outside of ttio
bank , will bu found to have been implicated
In the wreck.
Kdllor Hliuiiian ItetiriiH.
CUICAOO , Jan. 13. Governor Shuuiun ,
who for nearly thirty-three years has been
connected with the Chicago livening Jour
nal , to-day retired from the editorship of
that paper on account of ill health , and the
positive orders of his physician. Governor
Shunian has not been well for the past two
years , and in that time has been compelled to
do very little work , the entire management
of the firm having been In ttio
hands of Mr , Wilson , the publisher of
the paper , and of Mr. Sullivan ,
its manuring editor. In announcing hU re
tirement Governor Shunian nays :
"Tho Journal will continue to be , as for
many years it has been , a careful and trust
worthy newspaper. Helnp well assured of
this fuel , the undersigned drops out of its
working force with the sumo sense of resig
nation that the head of a family feels when
laying down the burdens of his lifo and Is
awaru that his heirs will provo worthy of thu
inlieriteueo ho leaves behind him. "
Mr , Shuman retains hla llmuiclul interest
In the paper and remains president of the
Evening Journal company. ,
KlntoiiH Strike PH.
PAWS , Jan , 18. The strikers In Orejjony
have resorted to riotous demonstrations ,
They sot Jlre to one factory and seriously dam
aged others. A detachment of soldiers hus
The Horold Man Interviews the Itnl-
Inn Prlnco ,
Hut Americans Dislike IIICH ! nnd ttic
Scribe Never , No Never , In-
dulled In Such
AimiHoiuents ,
A Story With n Moral.
* 3 by Jiimti ( Ionian
, Jan. IS. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to THE HBB. | Tlio Herald nor-
rcspoglont had an interview to-dny with the
Italian prince who figures in the Homnns
scandal. The correspondent found the
prince surrounded by oriental luxury in the
Champs Elysccs. "I understand , prince , "
began the correspondent , "that you have
something to say In rofcrenca to the articles
which have appeared In the Herald , "
"Certainly 1 have , " said the prince with
hauteur. "Do you know who wrote them i"
"I wrote the articles. "
"Do you mean to tell mo you wrote those
articles about Mrs. Ilomatis and myself I"
"I do. "
"And now you have como to see mo to "
"To interview you about them. " It took
the prince n mluuto to entirely grasp the
situation , then ho ejaculated slowly , "Mais
moil Dieu 1 Then you must bo the man I
have been looking for. "
"I " answered the
suppose , correspondent ,
and then the prince meditated. He seemed
to consider that events had taken an extra
ordinary turn. "Yes , " ho resumed , "you
must bo the man I was look
ing for , but , ahem , really you
know you have quite astonished nio
by turning up of your own accord. Tlio fact
Is I was thinking of sending you a couple of
seconds with a challenge. " All tills had been
said standing , but hero the prince suggested
taking scats. Continuing , he said , "Hut I
am told that in America you object to lighting
duels. I don't suppose you would accept
tny challenge should I send you one ! "
"No , I would not , " was the answer. "In
the lirst place because , as you remarked , wo
Americans do not believe in that sort of
thing , and secondly , because the facts which
I mentioned in my articles were already moro
or less public property. "
"You had no right to speak of mo as you
did , and but for ono thing I should hold you
responsible , " said the prince. / '
"What is that one thing } "
"The fact that you did not mention my
name. The article merely speaks of an
Italian prince in Paris. So I can't bo sure
whom you meant , but if you had spoken of mo
as the Italian Prince Xurlodo , do you want to
know what I should have done ? "
"Yes " answered the "
, correspondent , "very
much. "
"I should have begun by challenging you
to fight. If you had refused , I
should have waited before the Herald
ofllco until I found you , and
then I should have spat in your face. After
that I should have taken my cane and broken
it over your head. Do you comprehend I"
The correspondent said "yes , " nnd shud
dered at the danger ho had so narrowly es
caped. i"Now , however , " resumed the
prince , "it Is different. You did not mention
my name and I regard you merely as an in
termediary who recorded the information
given you by others , and for which you were
not personally responsible , but mark
my words , " and a frown settled
on the prince's brow , "these gentlemen
who inspired the first article have still to
settle with mo. Here are thrco of them. I
know whom they fire. I hereby authorize
you to toll them with my compliments that
the first time I meet them , bo whore it may
in the cafe , in the theater , or on the street
1 shall offer them a gross public affront. "
"Do you believe Homuns was aware of
your llason with his wife previous to the
alleged discovery at Aixlesbalrncsl" asked
the correspondent.
"Of course bo was. Had ho seen fit to
shoot me immediately on hearing the truth I
could not have complained. Such was his
right , but ho did nothing of the kind ; In
fact , ho remained my pretended friend. "
Before withdrawing from the noble presence
the correspondent ventured the parting
question :
"Would you mind tolling me , prince ,
whether the recent unhnppy events will in
terfere with your friendship for the afllictod
widow ! "
"I should prefer not to answer that ques
tion , " said his Italian highncssT miling. "A
true gentleman is never indiscreet , " With
that the correspondent took his departure ,
proud that ho had appeased his hlgnborn
Moral : When a man is looking for you
with a sword or pistol , go and interview him.
Tin : Kiist Africa Hill.
13EHUN. Jan. 18. Tlio East Africa blfl was
submitted to the uundcsrath to-dny. It Is
titled , "A bill for the protection of German
Interests , and combatting the slave trade in
East Africa. " It asks a grant of 2,000,000
markH. The task of the execution of the
provisions of the bill Is entrusted to a coin-
mission , which shall have the right to super
vise the proceedings of the West Africa
company ,
He 1'Jlopos With a Friund'N Daughter
During n > leethiKi
ST. JosKi'ii , Mo , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hun.l J. II. Vogt , a Methodist
evangelist , who was conducting a big revival
In Hiawatha , Kan. , cloned while the meeting
was at Its height with Miss Ida ICeiser , the
daughter of the minister In whoso church the
revival was being conducted and cumu to St.
Joseph , Thn eloping couple represented that
they came from Lcona , Kan. , obtained u
marriage license , and quietly loft the city ,
In the meanwhile tha revival is going on ,
thu other ministers having taken up the
labors so abruptly abandoned by Uov. Vogt.
Sulcl t He KxaxK
DCNVBH , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : HKB. ] There is considerable excitement
here to-day over reports published In eastern
papers that there Is a smallpox epidemic In
this city , and that the refugees are fleeing
from the city by hundreds. The facts are
simply these : There are about forty cases
of smallpox In nnd around Denver. The
health commissioner to-night made afllduvit
that there were but four cases within tlio city
limits , the remaining thirty-six cases being
quarantined in the pest IIOUHO several miles
from the city limits. The board of health
and city officials tire taking every precaution
to prevent thu disease becoming general.
Citizens of tin } city have evinced no fear over
the fact that there is smallpux here as every
winter it is more or less prevalent , but
generally In u mild form. So far only two
deaths huyo occurred and people have no
fear cf an epidemic.
Cotton AVarolioiino IJiimoil ,
Livintl'ooi. , Jon. IS. A cotton warehouse
on the Liverpool docks burned to-day , en-
Spvcral Hundred Onsoa Snld to Kxlst
In Denver.
KANSAS Cirr , Jan. 18. Seven persons
Hoeing from the smallpox scourge nt Denver
arrived In the city last night en route cast.
They report that business Is very much de
moralized , and people are getting out of the
city by every train. They say that from the
best authority they could obtalnthero are 760
cases of the disease In different stages now
in that city , and that fully 700 of them nre in
the city pest house. Very little or no nttea-
tion has been paid to quarantine , and in many
residences whore cases c.xist tUero nro no
placards to denote its presence. The news
papers of the city have refrained from milk
ing n mention of the scourge , and hundreds
of people are thrown In contact with it
through Ignorance. Within the last two or
three weeks a number of people aftllctcd
with the disease have como away from
Denver and stopped in different towns
In Kansas. Seven cases were taken to
Obcrlln , Kan. , and there isolated to pre
vent the spread of the disease. Two cases
wcro sent to Kansas City and wcro nt oiico
taken in charge by the health authorities ,
City Physician Fee discredits the state
ments mude by the fugitives from Denver.
While he thinks that it Is probable that
there are a number of cases in that city , Dr.
Fee does not deem It necessary to quarantine
against Denver until nioro authentic information
mation is received. Should the reports
provo true , It will bo necessary for tlio au
thorities here to use precautions to prevent
the introduction of the disease in this city.
A few weeks ago the attention of the city
physician was culled to n ease of smallpox In
Hie west bottoms , and it was found that the
sufferer had Just arrived from Denver , hav
ing been employed as a clerk In one of the
hotels in that city. Tlio man was taken to
the hospital and recovered in a few days.
The winter season Is so far advanced that
It is not probable that an outbreak would
occur hero after such uilld temperature during
ing the first half of the winter. *
Cnrdlir Puts Him to Sleep in the
Fourth Hound.
Dt'U'TH , Minn. , Jim. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Hr.c. ] P.u'dy ' McDonald , the
pride of the Xcnith city , went down before
Patsy Cardiff , of Minneapolis , to-night in
the fourth round. In the first two rounds
the Dululh man fought gamely and often
landed on the big Flour city pugilist , but in
the third Cardiff put in a couple of stinging
right banders on McDonald's Jaw , each of
which sent him to grass. He was barely
saved by the call of time. At the
opening of the fourth round Cardiff
went nt his man hammer and tongs , rushing
him around the ring and into the ropes. Just
as the watches tickedtrat a minute and a half
thu Minneapolis slugger feinted with his
left , and with a lightning upper cut with his
right caught the DulUthian in the Jugglar ,
which scut him down ! in aheap , nnd ho did
not recover for a minute. Cardiff came out
without a scratch. ( McDonald was badly
battered. Conlcy , tuo Ithaca giant , acted as
Aft'alrs at I'ort-nu-I'rince.
PoiiT-AU-PiiiNcn , Jan. 18. The steamship
Ilayticn Uepublic was run into by the Hay-
tion gunboat Novello Voldrogue on the night
of December 20 , inlllctlng but slight hijuries
to either vessel. The Haytien gunboat was
entering the harbor at full speed and could
have steamed to her anchorage without nny
change of course , but when within 200 yards
of the Haytien Uepublte her helm was sud
denly put to port arid remained so until
she struck that vessel. The gunboat
was hailed , but no answer was made ,
neither did her captain attempt to ascertain
the amount of damage , done or offer assist
ance. After ascertaininc the damage done
the Galena sent an armed boat's ' crow to the
offending gunboat , where the statement was
made that ttho Jamming of the tiller
ropes was the cause of the collision. It is the
opinion that it was "a deliberate attempt to
sink the released ship. It is a question
whether the scheme was by other1 authority
than the captain of the gunboat.
The board of the Galena's ofllccrs met
next day and a demand for an Investigation
was made upon the Haytien government.
These reports will bo considered and redress
Upon the return of the Galena from King
ston , Jamaica , on January U Admiral Luce
notified the Haytien government that ho
considered the blockade of all the northern
ports voluntarily raised because of the de
sertion of their post by all the blockading
squadron. Ho wrote to Secretary Whitney
that in case of the illegal seizure of any other
American vessels he would "demand their
release ut the cannon's mouth. "
Legitlmu continues his arrest of alleged
conspirators , many being of persons supposed
to bo his supporters. No organized conspir
acy seems to have existed , but only individ
ual dissatisfaction. Hippolyto remains
encamped about twenty miles from Port-au-
Prince , waiting the overthrow of Legitimo
by his own people nnd the peaceful surren
der of the city. Hy not using force ho wishes
to win the approval of the southern depart
ment in his candidacy for president.
No SIckncHS on the Galena.
NEW YOHK , Jan , 18. Tlio Atlas line
steamer which arrived hero to-day reports
that the United States steamer Galena was
ut Kingston , Jamaica , on the 10th inst.
Admiral Luce reported there was no sick
ness whatever on board the cruiser.
AVnrd Create * a
ST. PAVI , , Minn. , Jnn. 18. A sensation was
created in the state senate this morning
when Senator Ward , who championed the
cause of United States Senator Sabin In
thu i republican caucus last night , Intro
duced a resolution for the appointment of n
committee to investigate the charges of
bribery in the senatorial light. Generally
the legislators express great surprise at the
resolution , asserting that no such charges
have been hoard from , The resolution , however -
over , was adopted , there being only ono
negative vote.
The \VahaNh unit the HcalperH.
CHICAGO , Jan. 18. It is now charged that
the Wabush railroad is selling a largo num
ber of thousand-mile tickets to scalpers In
Chicago and St. Louis , allowing them to sign
auy nnmo they please to the printed contract
on the tickets. It is claimed that these
tickets are sold at n rate of f"0 , the regular
rate being $25 , enabling scalpers to sell them
at a profit much lower than it is possible for
the regular agents of , the Wabash to sell
them over their own counters.
Itnldvvln _
KUZABGTII , N. J. , Jan. 18. The trlal of
Frederick Baldwin , who was accused of the
murder of Edward . Miller , a divinity
student whoso body was found at Wcstlleld
on July 15 , ended this afternoon In a verdict
of acquittal. Baldwin felt on his knees In
prayer and thanksgiving , whllo the crowd
cheered the verdict , liuhlwin and Ills family
wore escorted through the streets of the city
by hundreds of people ,
hloux Ful In HalcH Advanced.
CIIKAOO , Jan. 18. The general freight
agents of the western and northwestern
roads agreed to-day on an 8 per cent advance
In rates from Chicago and Milwaukee to
Sioux Falls , to take effect February 1. For
Home time past Sioux Fulls has been allowed
the same rates that apply to Sioux City , al
though the distance is greater.
Nr.\y YOIIK , Jan. 18. 0. Hosawag & Son ,
manufacturing Jewelers and diamond deal
ers , ono of the oldest houses In the trade.
Tailed yesterday , and their stores were seized
uy the sheriff under an execution and attach
ments amounting to | 30OW. Thu liabilities
Tlio St. Paul Elopers Mnrrlod nt
Graiul Island ,
A Kansas Horse ThleT Captured In
Oinnha AVIio Is Wanted Hy n
Moll With IjynuliltiK
They AVero Married.
Sr. PAUL , Neb. , Jan. 18. [ Special to Tnn
. Coronet and the
Dnn.J fifteen-year-old
daughter of Charles Abbott , of this city , who
eloped on Tuesday , have been found. They
drove to Grand Island , were married and re
turned to n brother's house five miles south
of St. Paul , where they have since remained.
The girl's family nro greatly distressed over
the matter , _
I'onoa Notes.
PONCA , Neb. , Jan. IS. [ Special to Tin :
13nn. ] Poncn and the northeastern corner
of Dlxon county , Is experiencing a genuine
real estate boom. Within the last month nn
unprecedented amount ot land transfers
have taken place ut advances el 50 and 0 (
per cent. Farm land , worth from f 10 to f'JO
per acre has weld for $100 , and largo tracts
adjoining the town have been bought up for
from $ : tOO to JAW ) an acre.
From the present outlook thu approaching
city election in this place will be the most
bitterly and closely contested of any that has
over occurred hero. Tlio issue will bo license
or no license , and llio voting population is
pretty evenly divided in their views.
A great wave of religious feeling seem =
to have struck Pencil of lasto. Several
meetings have been and are still being held
at two of the churches in the town.
A lodge of the Knldits of Pythias lias ticcn
organized at this place and Is nt present In a
nourishing condition. H now has a member
ship of nearly fifty nnd two or three now
members nro added nt each weekly meeting.
Tlio organization is ut present engaged in
preparations to celobratOwthe silver anniver
sary of the society , which occurs Febru
ary 19.
Hcnlrico Items.
HnATitici : , Jan. 18. [ Special to Tun Biu. : ]
Mrs. Charles Stevens , who lived n few
miles south west of here , died yesterday ol
typhoid fever after being sick but ono week.
The remains will bo taken east for inter
ment to-morrow. She was a sister of Q. R.
nnd W. W. Scott , general merchants of this
Mrs. William Morse died suddenly at her
her home near Beatrice , yesterday , probably
of heart disease. She expired instantly after
being taken ill.
The state insurance specials nre in session
over the occupation tax , and on re-rating the
city. Tlio companies will pay the tax , but
will get it nil back sooner or later in increased
rates. The present re-rating lowers some
risks and raises some , making the average
about the same as before. They have tne
local agents nil in the board , under a strong
agreement not to cut rates or give rebates.
Abducted Child Found.
Pi.ATTf-Mot'Tii , Neb. , Jan. 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE HUE. ] The child which
was abducted by E. F. Donlon , at Omaha , on
Monday night last , has been found. The
mother from whom it was stolen , by the as
sistance of her parents who reside in this
city , nnd friends ut Weeping Water , suc
ceeded in finding the child in the care of a
MissTloborts , of Weeping Water. Upon the
promise of that lady that she would not give
up the child , the mother has returned to
Omaha. It is not known where Donlon is.
Ilor.-io Thief Captured.
NEIIIIASKA Crrr , Neb. , Jan. 18. A horse
thief giving the name of Brown sold a
stolen team hero a few days ago , and the
next day returned to Kansas , where ho
stele u team and nine head of horses and
shipped them to Omnim , where ho was cap
tured. To-day ho was Identified by his Ne
braska City victim. He wUJ bo taken to
Kansas , whore it is reported a mob waits
him and he will undoubtedly Do lynched. Ho
is n member of an organized band operating
in Kansas and Nebraska.
BnATitici : , Neb , , Jan. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HUE. ] Cyrus Curry , an all-
round crook , was caught to-day burglarizing
the residence of Li. 12. Spencer. He was
caught in the act and promptly Jailed. Ho
lias been boforc the police court twice before
in the lust few mouths , and is known in other
towns as a tough. To-duy's exploit is a peni
tentiary offense.
I'eaco in Gosper County
Ei.woon , Neb , , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEI ! . ] The county officers mot
to-day and decided to move all county rec
ords from Homersvlllo to Elwood Monday
next. This virtually settles all controveries
with reference to the county scat of Gosper
ArtlclcH or Incorporation Filed ,
NiinuASKA CITV , Nob. , Jan. IS. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bee. ] Articles of incorpo
ration of the Nebraska City Hospital associ
ation will be filed to-morrow , Tlio articles
are signed by forty representative business
men ,
A G. A. H. Appointment.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele-
? ram to TUB Hen. ] Comiiuinder-in-Chlef
Warner , of the G. A. H. , has issued a circu
lar letter to bo sent to tlio commanders of
all departments , appointing Charles P. Lin
coln , commander of the department of the
Potomac , special aide-de-camp , from whom
can be obtained all instructions us to the po
sition and rank to bo given to each Grand
Army department attending the inauguration
of President Harrison. Mr. Lincoln is In
Washington , nnd is making preparations for
the entertainment of nil old soldiers who
will attend the exorcises.
Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 18. All the clgarmakers
employed in the forty Havana manufactories
n this city went on a strike to-day against u
reduction of ? ' - per 1,000 , , which the bosses
made clgntccn months ago. Ono thousand
liunds are out , The strikers ore mostly Cu-
iians , with a sprinkling of Americans and
Spaniards. Their work is all hand-made and
lirings the best prices In the market. Three
firms have already given notice of confes
For Admission ,
SANTA Fi : , N. M. , Jan. 18. A memorial to
.ho president and congress of the United
States passed the Now M exico legislature
assembly to day by a unanimous vole , pra.v-
ng for tlio admission of the territory into
tlio union ,
yn" Cook ConvloCeil ,
CHICAGO , Jan. 18. In the federal court to
day Jotin , ullas "GlassiEyo" Cook , the man
supposed to have been Hobby Adams' ' accom-
illcu In the Minneapolis postoffico robbery in
SSli. was found guilty. The sentence has
not been pronounced , but will probably box
Ivo years in the penitentiary ,
The Houtilar I'lillmnn Dividend.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 18. The directors of the
'ullinan Palace Car company to-day declared
he regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent.
Kavthunlce ] in Scotland.
LONDON , Jun , 18 , A shock of earthquake
vas foil to-day | n a portion of the Leith val-
uy and In western Edluburc.
A Colored Crank Claims to Ho
Creditor For IHH ; ) , ( ) ( > < ) , OOO.
BOSTON , Mass. , Jnn. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Biiu.l President Charles
Francis Adauis , of the Union Pacific , is
the victim of n rather embarrassing Joko.
In Putnam , Conn. , there resides an aged nnd
half crazy durkey named Pete Anderson.
Ho is nearly a century old , and over sovi-u
feet In stature , although bent with ago.
His mania was that he was the guardian
of nn Immense treasure of gold , worth
over $100,000,000. A few days slnco , wiiilo
home , ho met with an accident , being
struck on the head with a piece of scantling.
Tills changed the chain of his scattered Ideas
nnd ho imagined that ho hnd been beaten by
robbers and his treasures stolon. Ho wor
ried the Putnam police so that ono ot them
gave him a bogus check , saylncr , "pay bearer
SWO.000,000 , " and signed It Charles Francis
Adams. Pete showed this around Putnam
in great glee , and started out to hunt up Mr.
Adams. Hearing that he lived in Boston , ho
started on foot nnd arrived hero penniless
three days ago. " He went to the negro
section in the west end , and ,
showing his check , was treated like u prince.
To-day lie started out to find a lawyer , and
by Ills advice visited William E. MucDonald ,
the well known corporation lawyer , who , ap
preciating the Joke , and knowing Mr. Adams
well , started for tlio Union Pacific offices
with his dusty crank In tow.
Being known to the clerks , MncDonnld nnd
ami his charge went Into the president's
room , where Mr. Adams nud John Quinoy
Adams were In conversation. Mr. Adams
was astonished , mil Mac-Donald laugh
ingly told him that ho had n creditor
of his. Ho then told Pete that
Mr. Adams was present , and. us ho claimed to
know him , to pick him out. The darkey went
up to John Quiney , nnd , taking hold of his
head , nearly twisted it olT to got a looknt it.
Ho shook his head , and , trotting over to
Clmrles Francis , before that dignified being
could Interfere , took his head between his
hands and held it as in a vii-o , stooped ov 'r
and peering into his face , yelled out : "Dat's
de man ; dat's do niiin. "
Letting go of the dismayed president , ho
executed a dunce , and , pulling out his check ,
demanded the money on the spot. Everyone
was laughing at the victim , when the latter
get bis fiirullius back ami tried to argue , but
the darkey wouldn't listen and demanded
his money. Ho raised a terrible uproar
until Mr. Adams , writing his name , showed
the crank that it wasn't the Mime writing ,
and denied that he was thn right man. This
settled the darkey , who began to cry , saying
that if he didn't get the money the West End
darkies would icill him for a fraud. Tlio old
man was finally curried out of the ofllco , and
to-night was hunting the streets for his lost
millions. Mr. Adams says he wants to know
the Putuaui policeman who forged his name.
Tlio "World" AHHO H that IMatt has
No Show.
Nuw Youic , Jan. IS. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : HUE. ] A special to the World from
Washington saysI have positive informa
tion , obtained from an active member of the
republican national executive committee ,
only recently returned from the west , the
publication of whoso name is , of course , pro
hibited , but whoso identity can be readily
guessed , that General Harrison hus decided
not to appoint Thomas C. Platt to the secre
taryship of the treasury , or , in fact , to any
other cabinet position. Ho has ulso Qfully
determined not to give Warner Miller the
treasury portfolio , although he may invite
Mr. Miller to become the , now member of
the president's advisory board the
commissioner of agriculture. Whether
Miller will accept this appointment or not is
a mutter of conjecture , Ho is anxious to
"get in" nnd may throw aside the little dis
appointment ho may feel in losing the more
important position and accept the comniis-
sioncrsbip. The treasury portfolio is not to
go to New York. You can put that down as
a positive fact. Where it is to go my inform
ant did not know. Now YorK will , how
ever , bo offered another portfolio in the
shape of the navy , attorney generalship or
postmaster generalship , nnd will thus have ,
should Miller accept , two representatives in
the cabinet. Outside of the secretaryship of
Dip treasury and secretary of state it is cer
tain that the president-elect has determined
upon the members of his olllci.U family.
These two Important offices arc still dc-
uatuble in bis mind , although it is pretty
clear that lie has come close to a decision in
one of them. _
I'reHident Adams HUH no .More Use for
BOSTON , Jan. IS. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : HKBJ Isaac. II. Bromley , assistant to
President Adams of the Union Paciiio.rctlrcs
March 1 , due to the collapse of the eflort of
the company to come loan amicable under
standing with the government , which nego
tiations were conducted under the auspices
of Mr. Bromley , ho having been appointed
for that purpose. Tno company will make
no further efforts in tills direction ,
In accepting the resignation Mr. Adams
replied : "Wo have not got n , settlement with
.ho government , nor nro wo likely
to get ono , but the tone of llio
> ross toward us has , largely
.hrough your exertions , boon greatly moder
ated and our case is fairly understood. Under
.hose circumstances I do not see any field
'or active work which remains for you here.
it would bo otherwise did I have any jnton-
.ion of entering on any wide effort at railroad
reform calling for discussion through thu
ircss. I have no hope of being able to at-
empt anything of that sort in the short time
oft to me. I have wasted four years in u
'ulilu attempt ut an honest sottlcmont , nnd
mvoiio more years to give to tlio work.1 '
Air. Bromley has no positive plans for the
Anti-Triikt. 1/
TOI-KKA , Kan. , Jan. IS. [ Special Telegram
O.TIIB BKB.J There was a lively discussion
n the senate to day over n resolution calling
for an investigation of the beef and pork
combine , the resolution being the special
order for the day. It directs the governor to
correspond with the governors of Interested
states with a view to securing Joint action
and uniform legislation through a convention
of members of the legislatures of the several
states , each to bo represented by three semi-
orsand live representatives. Senator Gil-
ett , author of the resolution , made u vigor
ous assault upon beef and pork trusts , which ,
to alleged , had exerted a poworlul Influence
awards ccntralUing the markets In
Jhlcugo nnd Kansas City ami bringing
ho beef product of thu United
itates under absolute control. Ho claimed
hat the prices now offered for hoof cattle in
Cunsas offered to the producer no profit
vhatevor , and that thereby tlio great indus
try of Kansas had been greatly injured and
vould , if the combine was not broken up
completely , destroy the business In Kansas.
lo assorted that tills combine was directly
rcspoiislblo for the present low price of tlio
beef product , and urged that legislation
should bo immediately enacted which would
end to protuct the stock growers and farm-
irs against thu manipulations of the trust.
Sunnier Buchanan believed that this trust
existed only in the imagination of the nuws-
lapers. Senator Kelly wanted to include
ho grain trust , which ho said was Just as
Irstructlvu to the grain interests of ICutuas.
After some further discussion the resolution
vas adopted without opposition.
Cabinet NOXVH I'Yom ' Holland ,
ICnnvrluh' bu Juma noiilo.t llmnttt. ]
LONDON , Jan. 18. [ Now York Herald
Cable-Special to TUB Bun.l The Wolver-
tampion Evening Express , the proprietor of
vhlch , Counsellor Graham , Is an old friend
of Andrew Carnegie , says that a cable from
low York states that Carnegie hus been of-
cred the secretaryship of the Interior by
'resident Harrison ,
Tlio Mnaon City Soptogonnrltvu'd
Challoiiffo Open to the World.
Indictment * * Hetnrncd In tlio Iowa
City Saloon Cast's A Deacon
adH Guilty to Violating
the Prohibitory Law.
llio Supreme Court.
Dis : Mom : * , la. , Jan. 13. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tin : HKIThu ] following decision *
wcro filed by the supreme court to-days
Mary Jacobs , appellant , vs Marcus Snyder ,
OccttiiaSnydcr and Minnie Jacobs ; Dickin
son district ; reversed.
Spencer Dody vs W. 1C. Hrown ot al , appo >
lauts ; Ulnggold district ; anirmed.
Fred Gnllicrs , appellant , vs William Pep
pers ctal ; Monroe district ; nfllrmod.
William Derring & Co. , appellants , vi
James Irving ; Franklin district ; nftlrmcdV
The Frost Manufacturing company , appel
lant , vs T , (1. Foster , administrator ot the )
estate of 13. D. Hand , deceased ; Wisconsin
Malleable Iron company , appellant , vs the
same defendant ; Andrews Urothors ft Co. ,
appellants , vs the same defendant ; Des
Moincs district ; afllrmcd.
C. H. Towflloo , appellant , vs L. W. Hussoll.
defendant , and J. V. Hinchman , intervener ;
Mills district : anirmed.
Aaron McCloerey vs J. A. Wnkoflold and
Henry Cooper , appellants ; Monroe district ;
The trustees of funds nud donations of the
diocese of lown of the Protestant Kplscopal
church , appellant , vs city of Anamosa ; Jones
district ; reversed.
A New Kailroad Company.
Cur.sTox , la. , Jan. 18. 'Special to TUB
Bci : . ] Some time since articles of incorpor
ation wcro drawn nnd signed by half n hun
dred of Crcston'H most prominent business
men. Thf company was formed for the pur
pose of building a line of railroad from
Creston to Van Wort , to connect there with
the Keoknk & Western , the company to bo
known as the Creston & Southeastern. The
incorporiitors and stockholders mot hero anil
nine directors were elected. The incorpora
tion papers will be Hied shortly with the
secretary of stato. - The following are the
names of the directors elected : J , A. Hawls ,
William Grounds- . H. Brooks. A. U.
Dcvoo , J. 15. Harsh , F. A. Heinly , S. \ ,
Urowstcr , C. S. Hex and A. P Stephens. A
connection with the. ] { oik ; Island , at Win-
tersut , In. , is talked of. This would iiiako a
new route to DCS Monies and Chicago.
Closed Ity llio .Sheriff.
DCS MoiNr.i , la , . Jan. 18. [ Special Tola *
gram to Tin : Ur.r..1 Tlio "H. it D. Depart
ment store , " as it was called , doing n general
merchandise business here , WIH ; closed by
the sheriff to-day for tie | creditors. Tlio liaj
bllitles tire placed by Hradstrcots at $75,000. ,
The assets , including block on hand , will
amount to $50,000. The principal creditor
who made attachments to-dny were the Iowa
National bank , for $1ODD , ami John V. Far-
well , of Chicago , for $7,500. The llrm also
confessed Judgment to tlio amount of ovotf
$8,000 in the interest of some absent credit
ors. The llrm Is composed of two Jews , for
merly of Chicago , named Harnott and LIch *
eustoin. They have been In business in this
city for a little moro thau a year.
Owen OlinllcnG4 the World.
MASON CITV , la. , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB 13nc. | Ho who regards the
challenge recently extended by A. C. Owen ,
of this city , to run any man in the Uinto4
States , seventy-nine years of ago , a forty-rod
foot race , and to crack his heels thrco times
in the last final lap , as u "fake , " widely
misses the mark. To-day Owen nmdo the'
challenge open to tlio world , the race to be
run here in Juno next. Four septogonnrians
from different localities have already boon
heard from , nnd leading sports arc de
termined to malce the race an assured thing1.
NOICH From Ore-ton.
CHISTON , la. , Jan. IS , [ Special to Tun
HUB. ] The population of Creston , from the
census Just completed , is 8,110.
A valuable team owned nnd used by John
Hall , In hauling ice from the lake , broke
through the ice yesterday nnd were nearly
drowr.ed before rescued.
Walter Towne , of Novinvillo , la. , who
was arrested some days ago for burglarizing
the store of Nye & Joy , of Cromwell , la. ,
plead guilty and was given four years In the
pcnltontiury at Fort Madison.
Another Doaoon Gone Wrong.
FOHT DOIHIH , la. , Jnn. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TiiuJlii : : . ] Thomas Cooper , a promi
nent citi/.un of Lfhigh , and a deacon in tlio
Christian church , was arrested last night by
vigilantes charged with a violation of the
prohibitory law. Ho was turned over to the
city authorities , pleaded guilty and was
placed In the county Jull hero to-day without
bonds. Cooper conducted the business of
illict liquor selling in the basement of hla
Tim Dei Molnos Street Car Wnr.
DES MOINKS , la. , Jan. IS. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tins HUE. ] Tlio rlv.ilry botwooa
the electric and horse car railways reached a
climax this morning , when , at 1 n. in. , the
electric roud begun laying track along Cen
tre street into a very desirable residence portion
tion of the city. The council had previously
granted it a right of way , but thu electric
road was afraid of a collision between lt #
employes and those of the homo car couipanj'
and so stele u march on them , sending out a
large force of men to work with lanterns ,
Saloon Men Indicted.
IOWA CITV , la. , Jan. IS. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HIB.J : Tlio grand Jury this morning
indicted sotno twenty partlon for runnlnif
"holes in the wall" and violating the liquor.
laws , and arrests are being made to-day ,
Kdson'H Funeral.
GIIINNKU. , la. , Jan. IS , [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Him. ] The funeral of Mrs. C. 1C.
Kdsou , wife of Prof. II. 1C. Kdsoti , of Iowa
college , occurred here to-day. Slio was the
principal of Denmark academy for twenty
yean. , and In early life wau u missionary of
the American board in Turkey ,
A Iteporler Warned.
GKHAT HtiiitiNOTON , Mass , Jan. 18. The
Btriko nt the Wuubcck mills , In Housatonic ,
is virtually ended. The superintendent la
retained , also the two weavers who wuro so
bovoroly assaulted by tlio White Caps. Thla
organisation continues to distribute ltd
anonymous warnings , A inea ago was re
ceived to-day by the Associated press rnpro-
Hontativo ut Grout Harrington , as follows :
"Wo hereby warn you not to come to Housa-
toiiio to gut IIOWH ugnitiBt our organization.
Let this bo sullluiunt warning , and bear ift
mlud that wo shunt allow it.
'I lid JMlKl Itllll
MAUCH CHUNK , P.i. , Jan. IS. The grand
Jury in the Mud Kun cases to-day returned
three bills of Indictment against Kngincu *
Major and Flagman Hnnagun. The cases
agahvt Conductors Terry and ICuithleln and
Lookouts Mulliorn and Hohl wore ign
the coats bciti ; ; placed upon the county.
Tlio Woatlier IndlantloiiH.
For Nebraska : Loual snows , warmer ,
variable winds.
For lowiii Fair , followed by local HIIOWK (
wanner , southeasterly wlndn.
For Dakota ; Loual wanner , varta *
bio wind * . '