THE OMAHA DAILY JEJE : JPHTDAY. ' JANUARY 18. 18SO , SPECIAL NOTICES. No Advertisement * will bo tnken Tor tlicfio column * niter l-iO : : p , in. Terms Unuli In ntlvnncc. Advertisements tinner tirs tiendio rents per line for the Hrst Insertion. 7 cent * for encli sub- Kxiumt Insertion , nnd tl.fiOa Hue per montli NondvPttloemcnt tnkcn for less tlmnconti the first .nsertlon Boven words will IIP counted tollio line ; they nmst run consecuthely nnd must bo paid In ADVANl'lI. All ndvertlso- mcnts iniiBt bo handed In before lyan o'clock p. m. , nnd under no rlreumstnnccs will they uo tnkcn or discontinued ITT telephone. 1'art ndrertlslnff In thesn tolumns nnrt hnv- Ing their answers nddrossed In euro ot Tut : Hit ! will plpure ask for n theck to nnnble them to g t their Ipttcm , ns nnno will bp. deliveredoxfept on presentation of check. Al ( answers to ndvcr- tl/ipmcntsshould / boenclo ed In envtdopM. All ndvortlsetiipnts In thesi roluinnH nro pub- llnlied In both inornlnK nnd evening editions of Tun HBP , the clrcBlntlon of which npRr Rtttcs tnorothnn 18 , n papers dally , nnd elves the ftu- TertlRcrs the bcnolll. not only of the cltvplrou- iKtlonotTiti : HKK , but nlsnof CotitiPlI HltifTs , f/lneoln nnd otlipr cities nnd towns throuehout W thlsaectlon of tlio country. Is/i BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thtso columns wlltbeUken en the nbnre conditions , nt the followln busl- ne fihouses , who ute authorised nRpnt1 * for T HB BrnRpeetnl notlpps , nnd will cnioto the finmo ratcn ns rnn ho had nt thp main onico. OIIN W/UKLU f'iianHacIst.lKOBouUi Tonth' _ etreet. _ C IIASP..V KDDY. Stationers and 1'rlnlers , 113 South Ifith ytroet. CSll. . KA HNS WORTH , 1'lmimnclst , a Sll. . IngHtrect. I \\T .1. HUOlins , I'lmrmnclst. Kl NoithlOtU Sirtot G1X ) . W. I'AItlt , Pharmacist , ISWlSt. Mary's Avenue. _ SITUATIONS WftNTED _ " \\fANTKlT-Sltnatlon M .stoiioprapher and ' typewriter l > \ a youtu ; man , 1'i.ietlenl expel - pel lencu more an object th an nalary. Can tur- ulnh good retereiiccs. Xlp. Ifill rarnam - nt. ' \ \rANTr.l ) by experienced young mnn with * t recommendation , a position with pi irate family tn drive nnd Hire for h' > r e.s. Address O4I lien onico. ! 1.II' ( ) ' " _ . _ SITUATION wanted by good Oermnn baker ; town or country. Address I'M N. 121 h st. its : i t WANTI2D Position as assist , book-keepeer , _ collector , etc. Address. O 117 , lleo. til 17t \\7ANTID I'osltlon by n young man as ' ' stenographer and typemlter with two yearn experience , best or references. Address Ottl. HW 17 WANTED-rflALE HELP. "W\NTii : > good reliable men to boll n i i putent chair on InMallment ; will pay p.irt milary and part n'lumlssion. ' Apply n St. iiaryWve. 1)7719t ) "WANTED Mnn with flOJ to * .WO , can llnd ii situation 01 Interest In nice , safe business , Call fiom II to 12. Itoom 24 , I linker block. 1)2,1 ) 22 * T\TANTKD A lellablo person In every town i T and city to net as permanent local agent to Boll our celebrated teas , colleen , spices , oxtinuts baking ponders and grocers' sundries to f nml- HOH. Inclusive territory given. Our agents are tnnklimill ) to * IO per week , according to tl.o amount of energy put forth. Does j our present position pay yotiV If not , uddrcss the Iveo-ICee Tea Co . ,1117 State st , , Chicago. H.H 21 * \\J ANTIID A broad baker at 5' ) Maln street , i i Council llluirs. al7 17 \\7ANTUO Ilnllrond graders for the IVyom- ii Ing Central , at Albtijjht's labor agency , 1120 rarnam ht. E8S IB * \\7"ANTrl , ! ) Men to hull oiu lubricating oilu i i on the rond. The rlyht man can make fr..m'JlriOJtoi,000 n ycnr.a I'hujnlx Oil Co. , Cleveland. O. MS20 "VirANTIID Oood men moveiylocnllty as do- I toctlves under our Instructions , bend Uc for particulars. Oklahoma seciot service , Wichita , Kan. W > 7 f l.ij J Halesmen In eacli city and vil lage In the I' , tf. for our new style door plates , door bells , white enamel letteis nnd street milliters , 1.1 to Jlo n day made easily , without canvassing nt private houses , \\rlto postal for terms , circulars , etc. . Now York .Door Plato Co. . Albany , N. Y. 718 201 W ANTUD A lew energetic men to act ns county managers tor "Punornmn of Nations" In this and ndjolulng Mates. ( ! oed references nnd small cash deposit required. I'osltion peimanent. Salary 975.CO to iflOO.U ) Jier inontn. Only live men wanted. Address * 'N 07 lice office. C22 W A"N T13D A few men to canvass on com ! mission household goods. 221 N. 13th 8t. $ Jnincs llnrke. nii'Jls TY/TANAGKIIS / for principal cities in Wnshlng- J-'lton territory , Oivgon , Montana , Idaho'aiul Wyoming. Cash deposits for moneys collected nnd "goods In mnnngorn' control , whlcn are lilnced in lots from J2JO to ll.tXK ) . Salary. Jl.smi to K.KX ) . Loomls Nat'l Library Ass'n , 172 Main Bt. . Snlt Lake City. Utah. fiism ANTED Man to solicit , salary 375 per month , must deposit $2Ti for 'samples ' , and Bivo security for money collected. Address George S. Clfne. fill , I'Mrst ' National Hank buildIng - Ing , Omaha , or Wagner blk , DOS ilolnes , la. 332 B OVS-Ani. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. "lATANTKD Mnn to take the agency of our T > Rnfos ; Bl7e2i-xI8xl8 inches ; weight MX ) Ibs. ; retail price fr)5 ) ; other in proportion. A rare chance nnd permanent business These pnfes meet a demnnd never before supplied by other sate companies , ns wo nro not governed by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati. 0. 331 WANTED < Jnod llvo men that are engaged In shops , wholesale and u-tall houses , to canvass among tlielr friends for the Chicago Watch Club Co. fample watchesf urnlshed lor this purpose , nnd liberal commissions paid. No floaters need apply. K O Craudull , 310 South ] 5th . W l Male and female ngents ; easy- belling goods , Hooin 21 , Darker block. 810 J17t r AOUN'lh WANTRD KO a montn nnd ex- peiiHes paid nny nctlvo person to sell our Roods ; no rupltnl , salary monthly , ciponscsln ndynnce. paitlctilurs tree. Standard Silverware Co. lloaton , tics . nurse for one child , rail at . /once. Good w ages. 2112 Jouglasst , I'6117 WANTED nirl with reference for private family of 2 In St , .Joe , fare paid ; lompe- tent girl In olllcor's family of 2 , i' < week ; 2 din- lug-room girls , out of city , 4 In city , I chambermaid - maid , 1 cook In hotel , 1st and 2d girl in boardIng - Ing houpe. Lots of nice places nt the Oinulm limp , llureaii , HUN Ifltb. UJ2 17i \\rANTUD-A competent waltresn. Must ii have good references. JlrH. II. Kounts'o , 1'orcMt Hill. H 10th st. DoO li't ' \ \ ' : A girl forgciu-iariiousowork nt Kniboutll20thst. VWl'i' \\rANTHD-OIrl for geiiornl housowork. flTs VV B 17th Bt. 1)7(1 ) ( for Benoral housework and can do GlltL list-class cooking for small fumlly of 3. No other need apply ; good wages. Cailntoncont 2112 Douglas St. 071 IH VArANTlID House girl. No washing M. A. > Wnllnco. 1.11V Howard nt. WW ! good cooks. 1 gill , 2 dlnlnproom glils for imtli Omnhn , U dlidmtioom gills for city ; plenty ot places In II. Wan- dell. 40" N llltliM. VS317 ; " \\rANTIJD ( llrl for general housework. > Mrs. A. J. VnuKuran a. W cor. 2Hh nnd Cnldwi-ll st. cor.t'l'J ' ' It. . ' WANT15D Competent girl In family of two. Mrs. 1) , H. Wheeler , Wl South 2 < tli st. ICM 17 " \ArANTlID A good girl for general house- YtVoik. 70QH.lUtli , l l Ifc' ANTUD Olrl for general housework. B. u. cor , mill end Corby Ms , UI317 * "V\7ANTUD ( Jul forjeuernl housework. Mrs. ii 11 , W. Loomls , 1014 South'.Wth nve , t > 47 KD A goodulrl for general hoiiBO- \\prk . Apply. C22li. gOth at. U.ll ITt AUlllLfor gene ml houbowoik , 1R1A Mason bt. M , McllH. _ V'M Ibt \\T ANTKD At I001 > Cnllfonila St. , a woman. ii Must be good cook and laundress , Wnget t4 per \fi > t It. JIM _ \\7ANTUD-Htrong girl. 13 to 15 years , tons- ii Hist lu housework. Hefoiemea required' Mrs. Lehmnnn , nil B2lthBt. _ Wf 17 * \\7ANTii-Womnncoolc : for Harlnn , 20 ; 3 i' wiiliresuea out of city , 41 ; young girl to fM i | > t In lioubi ) work ; nurce girl ; llrat class girl for olllcer'a family , f.1) ; hecond girl ; 20 for good private families. Mrs. Hrega.UUUSo. \\TANTED A lady to solicit , mint come well T * rt'ccmnifndtHl and pay tie for samples , ealttry ( US per moith. Address Ooorga H. Clint- , till Fire t National Hank building , Omaha , or Waimcr block. Des Momea. la. itl.1 I EMPLjOYiyiENT BUREAUS. CANADIAN KnTiiioVment Olllce. Mrs. Ilreeo , 3IIU U lith. Kcfereuct * Omaha National bank lWJ'it SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITI NQ * VALKNTlNI'/a Shorthand and Typewriting Institute , new I'nVton blilldtnfr , Omaha Th only etcluslvc shorthand school In the Mntcv. over one hundred graduates In good situations , Thoschool is under the manage ment of < \ C" . Vnleutlne , olllrlnl stenographer of the 3rd Judicial district of Nebmkn. nnd Prof. II. II. lloyles , an e ± nerlenc d tcnchcrnnd ver batim reporter. Dny and evening sessions. Stu dents can enter at nny tlmo. Send for clrmlnM ll 117 UTANDAHD Shortnnnd School. 412"s"heele.\ liibl.iek , tearhes stnndnrd jyitoms nnd uses Hemlngton typewriters. iv < 4 22 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. I ATntnonl at the Homo restaurant. HV1 17 rpllH celebrntod Home rtstaurant under new I mannupiitent. f5.'l 17 V\rAA'TI'.D Pupils clOPUtlon , gymnastlps V > for ladlps mid children. Apply Y. M. C. A. buildings , afternoon * . Kts 21t WANTIID Ladles boarded durlnc ponllne- niPlit. llcst of care tnken. Address WJ a gltli st. SKS 17t : rcstntirnnt , 115 and 117 9. llth st7S5f CO cent mcnlu foriMont the Horns restaniant. fj iri 17 l.IOMi : restaurant , 113 and 117 S. 14th st. J L TO 17 _ l\rANTii : ) Young Indies nnd gentlemen to > > know thny tn ; obtain n thorough and prnrtlcal know lodge of tel raphy , lifting themselves In n short tlmo for good paying positions at the rieitilc Telegraph Rcnool. itooms ft'js nnd 539 Taxton block , cor. 10th and rnriiHin ts. _ Bltf-ai' Mini : celobrnted Homo iGHtiurant under new J management. lij.1 17 F\\ 1SH to borrow Vfl ) to M.-Won ( Irst mort gage , good security. D. U. Sineaton. Itnom 43 , llarker tiloi-k , Omnlin. 7811' ' ! I oMI'i leitniuant , IK and 117 S. 14th st.U.V1 U.V1 17 \y AM'KD- Weaving nt 1315 Paclllc. [ KOOMr.HSatld boarders wantcdl70S Douclis. Wl .1 1 * _ T.l OMU restaurant , lift nnd 117 S. 17th ht. I 1 i'.VI ' 17 \ \TANf iUJ-Thtf liso of a team of Rood horses > for the winter for their keeping. Apply at thlsolllco. 187 1.1 OM i : restaurant. 115 and 117 S. 17tli st. I L | ! - , ) 17 _ _ \\7 "ANTUDIlloi'k of 7 per eont farm loans tt lompletr'd papers. I'lilladelph In ; Mortgage AcTinstOo. . 13. llo.ird . Trade. Hil 17 In families. fi'VJa 17th OOARO1NC- W ANTUD In strictly private family , one or two boarders to occupy 1 , 2 or more rooms. Married couple without small children pre ferred. Location mar cable In best resident part of city , seven blocko from p. o. Ketorenio given nnd desired. Address O 42 lleo. 'Mi 20 EAT a mcul at thu Home restaurant U.13 17 "IT'OITH ' dollars per week for llrst-class board , JL1 and room , on c'iblo lino. Ii2l N. 20th Kt. 771) ) Ibt EA'J'ii meal at the Home restaurant. 0V ) 17 rrvAUIiU bonrder.s wanted. 100) Douglas .311 cent meals for 25e at the Home restaurant. D.U 17 WANTED-TO RENT. "l\rANTiito : ) llpnt Oood laige blacksmith's T > shop. AV. Nay , 417 South 13th bt. 'J75 17 * WANTliD Qoocl room and board by a gen tleman , on I'ark avo. or Lca\enworth St. , t. ; rofereuies. Address O1.I ! , llee. FOR RENT-HOUSES. "T7\Oll \ HUNT -8-room collage centrally located. JJ Cashlur Nob. Clothing Co. U7t ) lit TTIOil UnNT-IIouse. 8 rooms , S 8. 20th. lion -t Leavenworth. Furnace , gas and bath CM'J cent meals for 25c at the Homo restaurant. 9 VI17 a meal at the Homo lestnur.tut. EAT lestnur.tut.ira ira 17 EOH HUNT Ulegant new 7-room hou c3 , south fronts , city water ; close to cable and two car lines ; only 115 per month. Wright ir Lnsbury , 215 So t4thst. 001 21 FOll HKNT Twoslx room now cottages ; all conveniences ; $31 n month. Inquire at 1-07 1'nninm or 517 I'oppleton ave. im 17 * LIOIl HUNT Six room cottage , furnished , JJ 17MN lllth st , within HJ blocks cable and street cnr lines. Inquire on premises. HJO 21 * "ITtOIt HUNT New it-room cottage , 801S Ienven- J-1 worth , between 30th u na Ulst , city water , ( / . ' 17 * "TilOH ItnNT A-room house on street car line , JL. ' 1711 N , ISthst. , v\lth modern Itnprovemonts , 91H. Inqulro. 1IZI DougluB St. , room 2. 811 "IT OH KENT Now 7-room honso with all mod- JL1 ern convenluuces ; 8-room house , OJ > How- nrd st : il-room tint. N. I7th Kt. Apply to Green At Williams , I < Irst National bank building. 711 J710K HKNT 10-room house , KjOT Dodge St. , JL1 siilteil tor roomers and boarders , near 1' . O. See Dr. Neville , Hie ! Douglas st. 7lt ! XO cent meals forSSc nt the Homo restaurant. O 53 17 T71OH HUNT 'J-room brick. 114 SSith st ; mod- A. ' ern conveniences ; near cable line. .1. W. Grllllth , U. P. headquarters. CO'J ' TT1O11 KENT New 7-room Hat , cor Iflth and JL' Jones. A. C. Powell. _ 725 T71OII HKNT 7 room flat on 2d floor. En- JL' ( [ iilrfl Tlie Pair cor 13th and Howard sts. 338 EAT u inei\l \ tit the Homo restaurant. 053 17 "OTIAUTlFIJIi 8-room house , gas , city water. J Jbath room , hot nnd cold water , on paved streets with strout cnr , near a good school , only $35 per month. Tlio homo Is new. Apply nt once. C. P. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. banfc. | 310 I710K HHNT When you wish to lent a house. JL' store or olllco call on us , H. E. Cole , room ( l , Continental block. 310 " 1710H HKNT 10-room house , stcnm , gas , bath , -L1 hot and coin and cistern water , oed cellar , and nice ynui , 850. 'Ml B 24th. lmiuire.207 S''lth. " 171011 IlKwT House nnd barn. Hanscom JL1 place. Harris , room 411 , First Nat'l bk bliltf. 1141 FOli H15NT frroomed flat at WWNKlthst. All modern conveiilences. A. K. Marsh. WJ t "TTVHt HUNT fl-room bouse with good barn. L betw cen 21th and 2.1th on Hurdetto , only WO. A. 1. . Greenwood It Co. , room 1 , Cunningham block. 413 FOH HKNTroom ! modern Improved house A 1 locality , Itent moderate , Apply , M. HI- glitter , lOvllTVrnam Kt , 342 rplli ! celebrated Home restntuant under'now ' JL mnnticcmont. I.KJ n Foil HUNT 7-rooni nut at 008 B. 13th. Inquire J. U llrnndels A : Sons. 847 TTlOltHKNT B-room cottage , (25 per month. -JUlMtHarney t. 337 TjlOH HUNT Cheap , a nice convenient honso. J1WJ ti. 21st , botweeu Center and Dorcas Hts. 274J-V TTIOH linNT-Cottngos , f. rooms. SM Charles J1 ht. and 1521 So. Bth st. Unqulro H.21J Shonley block. UJ5 171OH HKNT Six-room roitnge. furnished. 1720 -I ; N nah Ht. . within H' blotKs cnbla nnd nt. car 11 lies. 'Inqiilro on piemlaes. 644 Ibt TJjIOH HENT A comfortable house with 8 JJ rooms , pantry , large cloiuts , nplendld cel lar , city water , goworaite und gas. near bnslnoas centre ; moderate rent. John H. K Lvhmami , tt.4 B. 17th i.t. . 3:2 : " 171011 HUNT Klght ( B ) room fiat , modern con- -L vonleueas. Inquired1. : H , 1'lth st. 811 OR EOll HU.NIIVHoom for gentlemen,212.1 DodgeT nh'jF ' at T71OH HKNT-Two stores , 631 and 623 North -L1 ICth et. Inquire ut the bulldtuj. Henry Ostholf. 3vi NICULYfurnlatied rooms , also front and back parlor ; ICQU Douglas st. 814 " " ITWHNISHKDroom. with gas and"liatu"board J-1 u doilrod , 610 S. 2itli at „ opposite Al I Bilnts' church , 615 ALOVlHiY front room , nentud , furnlslitd und eyery convenluiice , 2107 Douglas st. 150 NICi : rooms * 1 per week at Peabody bouse , iauthweht corner 14th and ilones sts. rooms witU boanl. SW2U Leaven- 3i SJ A I/A nni ; , handsome furnished front parlor nl o n bedroom to gentletniin. All modern Improvements. Hoard If desired. 2201 rnrnnm. > KfllNI9linirOoras-ll ) H Daventiort st. J WlFMt VTICBLY furnished room * Mlth lient. cheap i1510 Ilarnov. U12 l t If AT n meal nt the Homo reMntirnnt .JLJ ! m 17 JjH'HNISHED rooms , 23 N. 19th street. 20' _ _ I LIXIANT furnUho'l tofim with nil modern IJroiiveiilences. ! with orwithout boaid : Kill DollKlftS. _ KVUMJ VT I0ir. : V furnished rooms nnd board nt 1017 1 > ( 'npltol nve. _ _ SJ7jirit HNlSIIKD room for centleman , Iniiillre A. llQ8p X 1511 Doiiglna. 074 IM "OI.15 A3ANT furnlslipd rooms with or without J board , nt SUKi I Inrnoy. MI * 17 ; 1 JOO.MS nnd board , 1"13 Chicago St. C92W IjlOll IIHNT-rurnlsheit rooms In UrnonlKblk , Jtor. . I'it'i and Undue sts. Inquire of Ueo. It. Davis , Mlllurd hotr.l uillinrd loom. ! ) IU AVKNtlP. lloomsA 1(11.1 ( nnrl lailirnpltolnrjt. 2 blocks f.-om P O newly furnished , prirnto boardlnu'asiiiitrooiuu.ull coin ouk-ncvs | tn.0 ! ! 1 ? _ _ S ) 1'AIll.ollS , furnished , hoard If dosh-pd. 101'J 1H.H1 17t _ rplli : celobrnted I tome restaurant under nair JmnnnKcmeitt. . I'M ' 17 IJirilNISIIi : ! ) Hooms-l4IH DodRO St. , M and .1 npnnrilH , 1 double room for llKht houso- Kuepintr. liuiulio HSJlioiigiasst. , llooin A , < I/IOIl HUNTAnuleirantly fumlshod loom or . .1silltn of rooms \\tth board In a prlvatn fam ily. All conrunltmces. Ciii-s pass tiio door crory tliroo to llvo minutes , llffwreiicos Hi- . quired. Enquire rooms ots mid fiiu I'uKtoii hlk. ITIL'KNISIIUD loom for rent , 1UH rarnam. J3 _ i-f ? ! lll' cflebiated Ilonurrestatirant under new management. uvi 17 ItlJNT'KHUtly furnlHlied loom or suite of looms with iioiitd in prlvnto family. ; ) cur lines paste thdUonr. lUi" I'aik nro. M "I71IIONT ( past i looms for gentlemen or family , -I- ' All modern Improvements ; homo board. (118 S mil sr , IHUj UiJ FOIt ltiN'I' : Two larRO fiout roomo , nicely furnished , honied by , RIVS and IHU of bath room , In one of tha nloest residences In the city. Not thxvust cor. luth nnd I.oayenworth. , _ _ _ _ ills rpni ! cololiratod Homo restaurant under now JL. manuKomeiit. IC.1 17 EUOMS Modern convenlpncts. KX S 17th st. 57.117. ' T AltnEplensanl room , lurnlsliod , bricK lint. J-J1410 1'lifungOBl- Ml IHOll HUNT " front rooms on second tloor , 1 JI5.00 each. ISI.'i llnrnev st. . ! 0 [ TlOU ItHNT Two larjro nicely furnished con- JL1 npctliiR rooms , with bath and conveniences , Miltnblu for four trcntluUKin or housekeoiilnc , Wi. or separate 1\Z \ and JI4. S. W. Corner , Utli nnd Howard , cntrnni'o on Howard. Ml FOR RENT _ nOOMf3UNFURNlSjjED. _ : IOH HP.NT-Suitable for housokeopiiiK. JL1 Hiutos of from " to 1 looms In all parts of the cltr , nt lowest iale i. Inqulio llutis itoiu- lug Agency , 1501 rainuui st. tif)7 f Ifit FOR RENT- STORES ANO OFFICES. AMJ'HHUT kt"'rM.IlOT , looni"asfiliinigo building , have MoifS , olllce-- , houses of nil sizes , kinds and dlnti Iptlons for rent. Ml : Oil HUNT tli and DodRC sta. , Ilrst-clnss location for butcher's shop. Apply at gro cery stoio on premised. U10 TjlOlt UINT : U store rooms with good collars. JL1 steam hunt , wntornud gas , on the corner ot l.'ltli and .Mason ; also r > j acres of land for gar den purposes just south of poor farm , within city limits. Inuuliuut'JlTtiouth latliht , 4" : il FOIl UEN'r Olllcp suite fi'i n month. S sliiulo olllces iricacli , all fronting IBtli st. Ilush- innn block. N. i : . Cor. 10th and Douglas. M * . > f. Hnshman , MIILo.ircmrorth _ , _ 3 > 0 IJUV for rent at 1303 I'ark are. This Is a BAIC brick store room and basement. Including event , counters , showcase , etc. . In the moit de sirable residence community in the city ; water. sewer and gas connections. Thos I' Hall , ! lll 1'nxtpn block. _ iCH ) B HICK atoro loom wKh basement , nil mod ern improvements , splendid location 1'or feed btoro or hardware , stoves , etc. , being In the heart of the most desirable residence portion tion of the city , 1.W7 I'aik avo. Thos r Hall , ail I'axton block. * FOR RENT MISCELANEOU5- FOU HUNT Oood warm barn room for 3 or 4 horses ; water in b.irn ; grain bins ; hay storage , . ' 15 Hedge at. % S 0 TTlOlt HI'.NT-llulldiiiR 2ix80. suitable tor man- J. nfactory or nnj * heavy business. Long lease to responsible parties only l.nqulro at llrown s li\ory stable , cor. Hauuders anil riamllton sts. ! l ) 1'J * J TTloH HUNT Vivo acres with new buildings , J- one block from city limits , Apply \ ' 'i N ullthst. IjlOH HUNT l-'lvc acres with new bulldlncs. -t ? one block from city limits. Apply 1--1 N. 20th. 7N ) 18 TTIOH HKNT 1'art of llcmls b'ld'g. Inquire of- J-1 ( ice lie mis Omnlm Hag Co. , on viaduct. BilS 1VJ T71OH HUNT-A warehouse with high baso- J int'iit. centrally located on idopendent track from which cars ran bo unloaded and loaded Into and from building. Immediate possession. Bam J. Howell , J.M7 S. llth st , Omaha. IM3 TjlOH HUNT One good barn room for thrco -I ? horses , buggies , etc. , UI15 Davenport st. In- mlro of C. L. Krlckson & Co. . JJ12 N. 441 RENTAL AGENCIES. LIST your houses with Campbell & Tnlbot. room : i-J ! , llamgu building , 1C you want them rented quick. ! U1 i GUO. J. I'Al'Jj.lCO'J rarnam st. aouses.Qtorc.s , etc. . for rent. 'tjl " \\ri < Rive special nttBiitlon to renting and V > collecting routs , Iht with us. Jl. H.Colo room li , Continental block. 354 CAMPHULL & ; TAL110T , ir.'l Ilamgo building. WO 3J GKOHC.i ; .1. STnilNSDOltFF , loom 0 , opp. P. ( ) . , will hereafter give special attention lo renting houses , stores nnd Hats. If yon wnnt yourpropertyierited without delay and to re liable tenants , do not fall to list tha sixmo with him. Uo2 XV YOU want your houses raited place thorn with Honawn& Co. , 15 th , opposite postolllco. 355 SPECIAL attention given to rent Ing nnd col lecting rents. J. II. Pairotto. lOOf ) Chicago 105 J22 MISCELANEOUS. MOTH Kit llurlon cooks for the Homo res taurant. 053-17 OJTirestaurant ; , 113 nnd 1178.14th st.U53 U53 17 TCATu uictiliit the Homorestnnrunt , 8.13 17 " 1IO I'll Kit llurlon cooks for the Homo res- I'M ail rant , IK3-17 rillli : celebrated Home rostamant under now 4. management. U.13 17 MOTH Kit llurton cooks for the Homo ros- tnurant , U53-17 OMKiostaunuit , 115 and 117 8. Htlisl.H13 H13 IT MOTHKH llurton cooks for tlio Homo res- tnurant. 1)33-17 HOM K restaurant , 115 and 110 8 , Iltn Rt. - . „ vm IT UNCHKSnnd meals atKUXlttH at. Priced lie and 20c. UH 2U EAT a men ! at the Homo restaurant. P53 17 MOTHEH llurton too-n'tor thu Home res * tnuriint. 933-17 NOHAVHI ) wedding , stationery and vlslt- curcls. ilcllrlde to Ityitn , 151U Do < lgo , 1U720 'I AT u meal at the Home restaurant. l 17 MOTHKH llurten cooks for the Homo res taurant , 1 > > 'M7 meal ut the homo restaurant. f53 IT OML' restaurant , 113 and 1178. llth st. U53 IT HO.MK reatauraut , 115 uud 117 8.14th st.tii3 tii3 ) 17 OTHKU llurton cooks for the 'Home ' res- taurant. t.11-17 ) ELEGANT life sire crayon p6rtr lts free of cinrgo fur Aliorttlme an an ad fromphoto- BraplmbrouijlU to the Vandyke Portrait Studio , 1413 Pierce , near Hth ; portraits also in nnstol , llurton cooV-jj res'- MOTHKH for the Home - tauraut. 9'M-ttf . . . .Mieby the rio'cn. r. . . . , Peabody House , cor , 14ti | and Jones..Mrs. Law. ma 17 * 'pHKbanJp iauht ns nn nrtbyOco. F.Ort- i. leubecM , to 810th st. ! WO rOTHHIl llurton cooks for the Homo res ItAiirant. vvM * I.rOHSK pr.toam mules vinntoil to appyno Lnrst paj-ni nt on house mid lot , or rcsldenc i lot , bnlnnct' monthly pnymants. Wrlto or cnl lf l rarnnm. B4 -Runon cooks for the Homo res- U'p.l-17 PERSONAL. . Hsvili be In the city on the I uniinruist. Don't wiltp. G. II. 'I1 ' * MONIIY WnntedJ3.TW ) to $ . " ,0in nntitcdon ellttdce ImnrnVed Omaha property nnd improved Nebraska farm property on l-s-3 or fi Vear . .1. I. . Hire & Co. W 17 _ 1AD1KS and cenlfeinvn can rent mnsiiuerailo faults by c.illlngnt ftlu N , ICtli. upstair * . _ _ 13KHSON Ali Ladles nnd Rontlomen doslrlnct J rorre pond ntsi nddrois Corresponding Club , Kansas City , JIo. , enclose stamp. mi nit FOUND. , TO cent meals for Kr nt the Homo restanrnnt. < ) 951117 KO cent meals for Sic at the Homo restniirnnt 0 t'Kl l , CLAIIlVOYANT "T\H. NANNIP. V. Waircu. clairvoyant , Modi J/cal and business medium. Kom.ilo dtseasi-s nspeeialty. il N , jittiiit , rooms 'j and 3. ! JMJ TJlOHTt'Nn I oiler Mrs. l.oi'oiman cnn Do con- .V gulled on all nllnlrs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No mi N lllth st WifMj FOR - . SALE-ffllSCEJ-LATlEOUS. _ _ "ITMHi SAIil ? Iho furniture of a co y fl-room J ? cottage at n bargain ; house niidliainfor rent ! horse and carriage for t.Uo. Owner going south. . ) . 1. . Hlco A Co. 1174 111 1J1O11 SAIilI Tliroo olllce desks , two UmtiReH , JJ two book cases , all llrst-clnss. It. C. Patter son , ills S 1-ith. TCI "ITIOIt SAI.LI At aaacrlllce. a hamlBomo well JL1 bred mure , good sl7c , kind and g.'iitlo , S yeais old , only fill. Also n family phaeton. Mmp'-on's make , $1(0 ( Including harness. Will neil .separate. Inquire \\lllla .M. Yatcs , Ne- btaska National bank. M' < 7 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. flDI.AND Ounriinteo and Trust Co. , IMVi 1'nr- aiLnam. Comiilvto abstracts fuinishi'd A-titles to real estate oxamliied.perfected A guarenteed. H'j7 AUSTItAClM l.lnalian.VMahoney , ioom5iM , l'.i\on . ! < JTOHAOI2 At low intot at 1121 Fnriiam St. . Omaha Auction \ Storage Co. All ) rilHACICAHH , storage , lowest rules W. M llnshuian , 11111 lva\oinvortli. S ] TOHACR In new clean building at low rates , 'JUS ' 12th ht. 22lj'-7 V/ANTED TO BUY. AOOD ! farm , well or p.iitly improved. Will p.iy cash if an objei t , or buy partly on tlmo nt lair lutcre.std or trade Omah.i . propeity and lands In N. W7 Kebr.xsKa or S. W. Dakota. Give lull description , I'xnet loi-ation , railroad facili ties , nature nnd condition ot soil and Improve ments , amount of lust tnxeH. price , etc. Address - dress Dion ( Teialilliic. Omaha. C6723 WANTHD Cheap. An eight foot standing desk and w ire railing. Address rooms filS nnd 51i ) 1'jxton block. in 2 "WANTKD To Utiy old bilk hats. Mill Dodge > > bt. , & > ; r 12' WANTRIH-rrom $101 to J.'O'J ' on second mort gage ; will p.iy 15 percent. Address O 14 , Heo. 7.11 17 * " \\7 ANTnD nirnlturi ! , carpets , stoves nnd tt household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc- tiou A. Storage1 Oo. . 1121 Farnani.iCiil F1HST and s'icond mortgages mndoon city pioporty'by 1) . U. Johnson , 5'fl Paxton blk. rPO LOAN -A special fund of WO.OOU In sums J- from ? 100 up. on unimproved lots in Omaha if not situated too far out.Odell Hiothors.V Co. 312 S. 10th ht. hb7 MONfiY to loan on improved tarms and Omaha property , M. A. Upton Company , Investment Uankois , Unhand Farnam. 7l ! ) MONKY lo loan In nny amount at very low rales on choice Omaha or Council Illulls property. In dealing with ns you deal directly with the lender. We loan you our own money In all cases , lloth prlnciual and interest paya ble at our olllce. No delays. Centuil Loan & Trust Co. ; C.-A. St.iir , manager , GOT 19 ONE Y to loan ; longtime. Geoigo J. Paul ICO ! ) Farnam st. SKI MONKYto loan on Improved property nt first bands. No application sent away for ap- piovnl. Security und titles examined tree of clriigo to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , 30'J S. 13th st. 371 N'EIIUASKA Jlortg. Loan Co. will rnako you a loan on household good * , horses , wagons , land contracts. fine Jewelry or securities of any kind without publicity , at reasonable ratal. Itoom 7 , Kowloy block. South Om.ilia. Hooms BltKilU Paxton blk , , Omalia , N"b. DO YOU want to borrow money ? Head this It will save you time. It will save jou money. You can bori ow from U. V. Masters , successor to W. K. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell bld'g. l.lthand Harnoy sts , 810. $20 , $ .1(1 ( , * IOJ , W > 0 * K ) ) , HOJ , J1U , f 10.000 , In fact any sum you wnnt on f urnltdro.plauos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier terms nnd nt lower rates than nny other olllce In the city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. If an Instalment is due on your pioperty nnd you cannot meet It. call nnd sea mo. 1 will p.iy It for you. If you have a loan in any other of- lice , call nnd get my rates. 1 will take It up and carry It for you. I mnke loans for one to six months nnd you can pay a part nt any time , reducing both prin cipal and Interest. All loans renewed nt oilglnal rate1 ] and no charge for paper" . All business strictly confidential. Ca , nnd face mo. Don't forget tlio number. llooni 4 , Withnell block , 003 , "CO cent meals for 2uc at the Homo restaurant. ' > 1)5317 ) GPnil C'lNT money to loan Cosh on hand. W.M. Harris , room 20. 1 renzer block , opp. 1' . O. 37'J B.UILDINt ! loans. D. V. SUoles , 210. 1'lrst Nat'l Hank. , iWll Tr\ON'T borrow money on furnlturo , horses , J. wngons , etc. , until you have seen t } II. Ja cobs , room 410 , First National bank building , Cor. 13th and rarnam 3S.1 I CAN makpa few loans on llrit-class chattel securities at reasonable latos. W. K. Potter , room Id llarker blk. 705 * \Sr.ANTj0 ; Several good , llrst-clnss loans at i onco. M ntual Investment Co. , Hooin 1 , Darker Plocle.- . ' ftio MONKYto loan on chattels and loal estate , good notta'bought und sold , 150J Farnam 6t. , rooms 2 nnrt 3 , Furclgu Emigration Co. $501,0110 to loan at fl per cent. Lluuhnu tc Ma- honey , roornjfiOO Paxton block. 370 MONKY to'ldan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc , , or oai nny npproved security. J , W. llobbhH , It.S Hheoly bll : . , 15th nnd Howard. PHlLAliLPHIA ) ; Slortgaga If Trust Co. , cheap eastern money direct to borrowers. Jloko bulldig ! ! < loans , largo or smiili ; perfect titles : accept -loans in their western olllcu. ( loo.W.P.Co t s.reprosontatlve.ia llonid Trade IF YOU want to borrow money on diamonds , on pianos or household goods , on horses , wagons und oher ( personnl property. On mortgage paper und contracts at fair rntes without delay or publicity , go to the PalrbanU investment Co. , 215 ti llth , upstatrti , 3-J7 rt.6.000 , | | , lioi ) , Jl.OOn , fan. Special fund to place S > on choice Improved proparty. D , V. hholes , 210. I'lrst National bank. 301 GW. Peck can lonn J.Wy.OOOnt lowest delay , cash on hand. 'Itoom 4 Fren/.er blk. I noi'LK'B Financial Kxclmngo Largo and small loans for long and short time , at low est lutes of interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't fall to call If you wnnt fair mid clieup areommodatlons. 0. liouseareii , Mgr. , room My , llarker blk , > 5th and Farnam. 371 "you can deal dliect w 1th the Provident Trust 1. Company , room iJW llrst National bunk iMilldlng , Oniuha.lf you want a loan on real en- lite. I Willis on Insldo business property espo- Mally dealrcd. iteprexent also the old and well- know u New Kiiglaud Loan J , Trust Company , PtllST mortgage loans at low rnto * , and nc delay. D V. Sholcs , 810. llrst Nation * ! bunk , _ _ | _ ? _ > _ _ SMALL loans made on Omnlm nnd Soutli Omaha property Oliai , it. Woollev , room _ _ rPO LOAN-fMongood ( renl e tntn security L Iniiulro nt loom .lie. Plrst Nat. Hank Illil t Ml ISt _ UK Sholes. 210 nrstNnt'l bank , before mnk illg } GUI' loans. 3 > W \ fON'KY to loiui- Lowest rates , Lonns closed A * L promptly. II. K. Cole , Hooin ( I , Continental block. 373 MONKV to U > an. ( ) . P. Duvls Co. . renlcsl ! nnd lonn ngents , 1501 Kiminm st , 'Ml LOANS made on Improved estnto secur ity 3 nnd & years time ; " optional payments nnd fiuornblo terms nnd rates. Klmbnll , Champ \ Hynii , room ft , V. S. Nut. bank. J" > ROPI.T ; < S Financial Kxehnngo Tno fnlrest , . < | Ul tost. most llbeinl money o\cli.itiRe lu the city : lonsj made without delay or publicity. In any amount largo or small , nt tut ) lowest ratns of Interest on any nvnlln'olo security ; loans may bu paid nt any time or renewed nt original rates. O. llonscnron , mgr , room 69 H , llnrkorblk. Pith and rnrnam. 70J MONUY Loaned for TO , CO or W days , on any kind ot chattel security ; rensnuaulo Inter est ; business conlldcntlnl , J , J. Wilkinson , lllTraruani .st. 276 MONIIY to lo MI on chattels by D. K. Johnson. TA. puxtim block. mspij . " 0 centme.ils for2Jo nt tlio Homo restaurant. J IIVI 17 MONUY to lonn : on-di on hand ! no delay. .1. \V. Snulro. U1U Karuiitu st. , riist National bank building. : I7. > LOANS mnrto on real estate nnd mortgages bought. Lewis S. HeodCo. . , l.l.'l . Pmnaiti. 37H BO you want nionuy ? I.ouni made tin houso- liolil furniture , pianos , horses , dp. , without ilclnj oriemovnl , Persons wishing n lonn of this kind will ilovoll to cull nt our olllce uoforo ( tealltmeNcwhere ; business strictly conlldpii- tlul. A. 1 ! . ( Ircenwood te Co. , room I , Cunning- liuin block , cor. 13th nnd .IncKson st . 411 MONKY Loans negotiated nt low rates with out delay , nnd puichnso good commorrtnl paper and mortgage notes , S. A. sioninn , for. lain and ruriiani. 'lt ; MONI5Y to Loan Wo linve several thousand dollars to place for eastern parlies on im- pioved city property. Harris , room -111 1st Nut. linlik bldg. - 711 B UIIiDINO loans. Unuhan > t Mahoney. 380 BUSINESS CHANCES. \\T1 ! want partner to take half interest In i > splondld restaurant In tine location , only KiOUrusli requited. A line opening to right party. .KJ , . ItUe.VCo. -.171 111 " 17'Olt SA liP or Trade-Old established restau- J- rant , doing good business , line location , owner ictlrlng. Price. il.uOJ. Will tnko part tlttiie. . ) U Hlco & Co. H7IW > AHTIiS : having stocks of merchandise for sale or trade , call on or write Park , Kowler Kennlidlfi07 : Knrnain st. I'S2 ' 2J A \r-\N'Tii : > Good salesman as partner , with > > JMW , in n good established business. Will liuainiitee at least W.OOO piollt this season. Ail- die-s O1K ! I tee. fto cent meals for "oc at the Home restaurant. > in.117 " 17IOK SAIP.--Or Trade Per Nebraska land. J- ' lumber nnd coal yard doing good business ; only yard In the city. AddiessA. II. Colmau , Dlller. Neb. HOT 28 * Ol'KRA HOUSi-Wovlll build opera liouie on good corner In South Omaha tor respon sible p.irty , orill lease gioiind. tHxl5U. Jl. A. Vpton Company , Ifith and I'arnam sts. sill 11) ) FOH SAliK A No. 1 drug stoio in Mtittood , Neb. The only drug loie In a town of MK ) popuUlion. ( Jood tiade , will give good reas ons for wanting to sell. Address Showers & Co. , l.luwood. Neb. KID SJt TTHMl S A 1,11 Saloon ; llrst-dass location , do- JL' ing a good business ; fixtures nml stock , utp. . only * 2.iH i. if t.ikon Insldo oC thirty days. Address Geo. Mayerle , l.lncom , Neb. KJ4--0 rco cent meals for "jo nt tlio Homo lestnurant. * J ' .Wi 17 MHAT market , i el iant fittings , splendid lo cation , brick building , cheap rent , business good , i 1,000 cabh takes this prize .l.L. HlcoCo. . 110317 nilll' ; celebrated ] lomo icstanraut under now JL management. HVI17 FOll SA1.K Itestiuiranton Nortn 10th street doingagood business. Part cash , rest In trade. Western l.aud nud Loan i\-cliange , 117 South icih. it 11 : x HAM'Interest In a good saloon forfl.KO , or the whole plnco $ ifiOJ. Iilcoliso all paid up. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , "M > N , Kith st , (141 ( 18 EIiHGANTLY funilshed U'-room Hat in flno location , Illled with first-class gpntleman loorneis. clenrlng JIOO a month , everything now and clean. Price , { 1.0 K ) cash. Cost * l.liH ( ) to lib up. Owner leaving city. J. L. llico & Co.DJ317 DJ317 rpnil celebrated Homo restaurant under now X management. BVI17 $ .1,500 stock general mercliandise , fresh and clean , doing a business of. tl'ijxu per year , to trade for clear wcstei n land. J. L , lllco ii Co. MS 17 Oil SALK-Milk dairy.H. 4 , 110 N. ICth st. > ' 10 | act rpHR celebrated Homo icstnurant under now J-management. U.VI 17 ITIOIl SALK A stock of agricultural Imple- JL1 ments , buggies , pumps. : ptiinp llttlngs and tools located at Mctook , Nob. , a llvo town on the II & M railroad & ! t ) miles west of Lincoln. Stock new and in good order , business estab lished four years ago nnd has always been prolltnble ; satisfactory reasons given for hell ing. Thohlock , Including building BOxbO , Inven tory about * . ) , f,00 , will bo sold for S .UOI cash down , bnianeo on lime for approval ! paper. This Is a first-class opportunity for any one wishing to engage in the Implement business. Address M. D. Welch , 135 ! < ; st , . Lincoln , Neb , MH 17 f OOK at th All kinds of merchandise nnd Jj perhonal property wanted in exchange for improved farms and wild land , Foreign Em- migration Co. , Jlooms " and ; t IWi Tainnm st. fxJO f,1 FOR EXCHANGE. FOU THADK-50 head of horses for Omaha pioperty. Park , Fowler Ac ICennard. KKJ7 Karnam ht. USi 'M WAN'J'KD Hoarding house In exchange for stock ladles' lurnlshlng goods. Address 0 TO , llee ollko. U70 17 * FOIt cxchnngo , trade or sale. Small hotel ! l or 10 rooms in town on the H. I' . It. It. 10 mill's from Omaha. Ilulldlng now , no competl tlon , nnd rviiulring small capital to furnish. Will make for cash , very low prlco or will trnde for smnll Ktock of grocoiles In Omaha , What have you got to trade nnvhow. Addresn G. K. Slaughter , 1114 Snumlers Ht , KM ! * "TVHl'GB , hardware or merchandise wanted J.J for 'CO ncres of land. W , llouesteol , Crelgh ton , Knox county , Neb , . Oil Flf ; AN equity In a good livery stnblo to exchange for farm land. Will assume HOIIIO Inciimb. Co-operative Land anil Lot Co , illO 17 U.VCHAN i-ror : Omaha or So. Omaha 1 Improved propeiiy.ii good farms of lixiench. J. H. Arnold. I'M So. I'Jth , Omaha. PJi m exchange A good farm In lown , within 1 mile of good town , perfect title , small in- cumhrance. will take clean stock ofdrugs , gro ceries or furniture. Would put In home money if necessary. No real estate men need npply. Address OU'i lleo olllce. VIA 21 T/ifH KXOHAWtin-rt elegant new"Troom JL1 houses , with small Ineiimbrance , located clote to cable line , near Lake Ht. Double frontage ) on Khorman ave. nnd 17th St. , Well Improved , opposite W. T. Beaman's carriage repository. Highly Improved section of Innd , clear. 4(1 ( ncres of .Michigan land , clear , niegant (10,000 rebldenco in a grow Ing Illinois town , clear. Phol < B ncro in Patterson Park , clear. Lot In one of Chicago's best suburbs , clear. Wright A ; Laobuiy , 2ltt B. Mtlibt. XJ 21 ' 0 KXCHANOiOood : fnrm land near Illg Springs for inorcliKinllsu or live stock , I ) . II. Hall , iilUfl Hnrney st. _ 771 21 + FOR THADM-Corner on Cimiing Mt. , tHJxlw ; for good residence ilrennan A ; Co , , Cham- lior of Commerce. 7IH-I7 FOR KXOHANOIi-Kor desirable resldenco property in Omaha , any or nil of following ; 40 choice inside residence lots In Hastlngn. JO I lots in Lincoln. I'M acies line funning land , Lancaster county , Flno renldence property , Lincoln. Hood rental propeity , Lincoln. Choir e fancy residence , corner Los Angoloi , A neat lesldence pronurty lu Hnnscom Place , Alsoaome'good mortKUge notes. Address , giving location and prljoof 'prop ' erty. .1. K. II. , care Damn Irou Uo. . IJI7 Leireu- wortn. am _ "VTTHKN you have anything for exchange call V > on or writuus. H , K. CoU , room ( J , Cou- tlnelitul block , 077 TTlOIt nxOHANGK-lmprove and unlmnrovnil JL ? nisldenco property la 'Omaha and Coundl liluifB. Call uud ieo u . Western Lund & LOAU eion XHAVK real nml personal properly of Ml kinds for trade. Call nnd sec mo Ucorce J , SlenndortT , room 6 , bpp. V , O. : tsl IJIOH KXrlANaKA ( InetHrm of ISO crot JL.1 and some cash for n Moi k of good * . Farm iind team , wngous nxul lutrneiJ , for house and lot. ( lend farm nnd omo rash for good Insldo re.sldenrp lot. Pnrm Land Co . Hooin 81 , Darker Illock. IMJ 17 * rp IIXCH ANOK-ro . Jor Oimtha property , n goo.l farm , IrtJ n.-ros , In Kr.tnklin tV , Nob.ono mile from a ll\o H. It.towit. Oood sehools. Price M.Silt. Address D. 11. Hall. 34 U Hnrney t. Tr < w " 1OH THADi : Illfthly Improvod. ( VIO acres , J- Howard county. Noli. , uuliipumberod ; will trade for good house and lot In Omnhn. Itren- nnn \ Co. , Chamtcr of Coinerrp. 74s 17 rno KXntANOK-Kor Omnhn property. f > ! 0 1. nercs Nebraska Und.mid 2M arie Inwn'fnrm , Ctms. It. Woolloy , room t > Vi I'nxton Idocu. < W 1 _ /"l OOD farms , clear or llclitly tnciinibc-red , for V-lmerclmndlsp , live stork or city propeity , H. I ! . Cole , room n. tVmtlnontal bloctc. fi'77 \\rANTIH-A stocK of hardware , furniture. groceries drj goods , clothing , or boots ami shoes , in oAchatiKo for n good farm or pit v proi > - oity. Co-opointlvo Land X- Lot Co , iU'i N. inth. < lfj _ I7IOH THADH 7-room lioui-o Mid 'i-lot for JL ? resilience lot west side of city. Hroiinan , t Co. , C'bnmlior of Commerce. 74S 17 " 1J1O11 TltADi : Wo hn\o Omnhn property and Jland. . Improved nnd unimproved , for trade. for stocks of merchnndlse of any de rrlptlmi. Park , 1'owler A : Kennard , lifl , Pariinm st. Vtt ! 'M STOCKS of goods to evchanne for Innd and city property. Chas. U. Woolloy , room fM , PaMnii block. ( nil is KANSAS and Nobratkn land to ovchaugo for Iowa town pioporty. Chas. It , Wonlloy , room Ml , Paxton block. Mil is "IT'Oll exchange Ist-classclear Improved Oma- JJ ha property for good timber l.ind. N 2.1. lleo FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 1OH SAI.n-Onoof the best ImproM-d stock J- and grn'n farms In the west ; ! c.0 neroH near peed town , IU miles from Sioux City , i\eiy- : tlilngln shape for a practical farmer to start at omo. Might trade for good Omaha pioporty not too heavily Ilieumbuied. or sumo cash. This property Is all clc-ir : prica will be made low nnd terms easy. Addiess O W , llee olllco. I7HK SAL.U A Iot lx1,10nn Georgia avenue , J. ' nonr proposed cable line , on glade. A tiai- Address O 40 lleo. 1WI 20 * "IjlOR SALK-On easy terms , 8-rooni House , hot Jaivl cold watei. bath , all modern linpiovo- meiits , also large b.iru , 1) ) . P. . , Iolni > i < iiir.l.i Paxton - ton block. H'wril "Ij Olt SALIC I have some largo 8-story houses -L' < if t.o\en looms , good welH.clstorns cellars , nice yards , con\enlent to bchool , that I will Mill or rent on very reasonable terms I would be glad to m.iko arrangement * now with tles wiuitliigdeHluible locations In the spring. The houses nro well situated for peisous doing business In South Omaha or In the illy. Come In nnd see what I have betore tlio spilng uixh. C. P. Harrison , Meichants' Nat. Hank building. tr. i _ _ " \\7ILLsell you n 1 , 7 or H-ioom new house lu ' good location on monthly ii.iymij'its ; no cash required ; call at once. Itooms 518 nnd 111) ) Pnxton blk. .1. II Johnson. 11.14 y } "I71OR SALE On small cnsli payments , b.iliineo J- monthly , 0 elegant 7-room houses close in cable and In nice neighborhood ; will mnke low llguios. Wllght A ; Lasbtuy , ' . ' 188011111 14th st. MM 21 _ SPLKND1D dairy fnrm of UI acres. 2'4 ' miles from Missouri valley ; 1W acres under culti vation ; good comfortable house ; line bnrn ; 9150 a month milk sales. Prlco , HI per aero. Can purchase what stock you want. Owner 10- tiring on account of health. J. L. Hlco A : Co. U7I 1'J ' ONH section ( (110) ( ) acres line l.tnd In Logan county , Kansas , to trade for Oiniinn prop erty , land $10 per acre , BOIIIH encumbrance. Address - dress P. O. Hoas Cozad , Neb. _ PI ) jj-J "IjlOlls > ALKNlce six room cottane , li.irn tor JL1 lour horses nnd earrmge ; shade trees ; city water ; lot 40x127 to alloy. Corner 2-tli and Hamilton stieets , IM,2Vi ; very low pil'-e. ' M A. Vpton Company , ICth and Painnmsts : HU "iriOH SALIi-Oroxchange for Omaha prop- JJ orty , K ) ncres , suitable for platting ; will make ! ( > lots , nil clear ; big money In It lor some ) one who can push tills : located .lust oulslde tlio city limits of Council Illulls. Inquire Geo. .1. Steriisdorff , opp. postolllco. 'lill Dodge by 121 on 21th . ' 2 houses , can oirer tills for a short tlmo for $17,0X1 ; best corner In the city for brick tene ments ; room for seven houses. M. A. Uptoa Company.lCth and Purnam.havo exclusive sale. OR SALK-ry ) feet with good It-room house furnace , gas , b.uh.sower. hot nnd cold water , barn , nnd everything complete , on pavement on P.irK nve , llest bargain lu Omaha at $7WK ) IJasy terms Investlguto this. D. V. Sholos , 21 Klist National bank. ( I18f7 GNU hundred nnd sixty aero farm , 2 miles from H Heights and lly. Hand Co. , Da kota ; M npres under cultivation ; small house. Price , ! fl5 per acre. Will trade for clear Omalm lot in good location. J. L. lllce Jc Co. H74 111 OJFOO buys n full lot and go Jd l-room cottage , Peasyterms and goo 1 loentlou. I ) . V , Sh oles , room 210 , First Nat'l bank , cor. 13th nnd Pnr- nnm. ; iss TTlOlt SALi ; Choap-Not for trade : r i.7 : ) acre ? JL. land ( ijeo Ji-12-iO two mlles from Mnrqiiette , Hamilton county , Nebraska. Pramo lioii o , sta ble. iWO acres under good barb-wire fence , round cedar posts , two stays ; living water , 110-foot rhnmiai ; 3 wells , : U-bnrrul tank , coiral , Belf-reeder ; a natural stock ruiicliilu u line corn belt. Prlcofaboiit lll.50per acre ) . Tfi./iO / Cash ( low u . . ltwo "andi years tlmo n per cent . ; isvi Oo and look over land. Address owner , 11C , Atkins , 1803 Larimer Et. , Denver , Colo. : ilu ) T71OK SALi : * JL , lly M. A. Upton Company , Investment Hankers and Geneial HealKstnte Dealers. Hlxteontli anil Farnnm Sts. r.CixCn corner on nlley , Kith ht noith of Lcnven- worth , gu.two. This is 2.1 per cent less than It Is worth. -22x44 , 11(5 ( or B3 ft on Douglas , between llth nnd 12th hts , at a prlco ! W percent below its nctunl value , unless sold soon block will be mealed on the N ) feet t > y present owner. . S a nd II trout , corner 40lh nnd Dodge , tlio very finest lesltlemo site in the city. This Is worth S7.WJO. Wo will take IM.'IJO fora few days , Jl.OJtl cash , balance 1 years at 8 per tent. The above three pieces are the be t bargains In the city to-day. Anyone having money will act wisely bv Investing In Omaha property In the next 00 days. JL A. Upton Company. Tolo- phonoKil. _ TOO T710K SALi : ortra-le. A line farm IfiO acres In X1 llailan county , forsnle or trade for n stock of groceries or city propmty. Iiuiulro at Mover 4 ; llaapke. _ 4'J.ri fl rOH HA LK1I2 ncres. Hamilton Co. , Nob. land , f'J ' perncrn , one tnlrd cash , balance at filler cent , Addrcji W , J , Wlldman , Denver , Col. ! W7 BKAVTIFUL 8-room home of most modern dcBlgnand llnlnh , Nothing omitted in Its construction ; furnace , city water , gas , hot and cold water , mitlmio oak finish , largo east frontlet lot ovorlooulng tlio city and Council Hlntrs ; the house complete In all its details ; can bu pur chased now DUO or two thousand loss than in the spring. Ulll pay you to Invnstlgate now. C. P. Harrison. Merchants' Nat'l bank. Ul'J TTKm BALK-Or exchange , lilk Valley Htoofc J-1 fnrm , NJ1 ! ncres In Dakota comity , NubraHkn , 'M miles hw of Sioux City. H miles north of 15m- orson.Niib , , ( a railroad Junction ) , All luncod Into Holds and pasturus , 40 acres growing tim ber , plenty of good Killing water In onrh pan- til re. good7-roonied IIOIIMO , line young ovoliiinl , good water works for HtocK , imrn , mnchlno Hheds , corncrlbs , hoglioilse , gran.iry . , cattlushed 2IX20J foot , nlio other hhods ami stables all Rhlngled n < l In good icpalr Will dispose of it at a uargnln. AlbO good now house In ono of the most dexlr- nble rexldeuce poitlonsof Omaha , only 1-blooks from p. o 12 rooms , /i / closets , pantry und all modern coteivonloncB.i ; paved street nnd con venient to two lines of street earn , Andrew HoUns , Att'y , Vfl and I'M Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. Dtiyu two nno acre lots about ten minutes west ot i'ort Omaha. 275 DOLLARS Hiiys H henutlful lot 2.1x130 . in Van Houron Heights : only 410 cash and flper month. 12 to 14 Dollnrs Per ncra buys 1GO-320/40.W ; ) or TJW acres well Improved lain ] , with now houses ot from 4 to'iooniH on each piece , also stables , cribs , wells , windmills , grunurlcs , nnd many other Improvement ) ! . Also U quarter Beet Inns ur.lmprovtid land at from ( I toH ! per acre. This lundllesln lloono county , and handy to H , H. arhoolu and churclitM , nnd , only 120 miles from Omiilm. Tormi t-nsy. How is TIIIH Vit ncro stock fnrm only SA frilles from Omaha , with Inrge homo , 'b'trn , 'xhedf ' for WK ) head , living water , nil fenced and cross fenced , evuryttilnt ; complete Only f l per acre. VAN IIKUHKN , Dou.las and 14tll-Hts. PEERLESS DYES AW. . . .THE..BEST THE GAM TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Mastwnrtl. COUNOIIj CHICAdO. Itoi'lv ISLAND A : 1"AC1FIC. . . Leave. I Arrive. A No. 2 . . . . (1:00 ( : p. m. A No. 1 . . .7OU : a. in. C No. it . . . .0oo : a.m. 0 No. 5 .5:50 : p. m. A No. 4 . . .0:40 : a. IU.IA No. 3 . (1:41 ( : p. in. . ( ! : IM p. m.'D ' No. 1 M a. m. .8:10 : | i. m.A | No. G .0:1.1 : p.m. CHIOACO. MILWAIW13H As KT. PAUL. A No. 2 . . . . 0:40 : a. m.'A ' No. 1 ( iM : ) a.m. A No. 4 7:00 : p. m.'A ' No. II , U50 ; p. m. KANSAS CITY , ST. .JOSIIPH & COUNCIL HLUFFri. . A No. 2 . . . . ! l:2il : n. m. A No. 3. .0:30 : n. m. A No. 1 . . .0:20 : p. m.'A ' No , I . . . , ( > ; 31) ) p , m. SIOUX CITY Jc PACll'IC. A No. 10 . . .7:05 : a mJA No. 0 , .8:5.1 : . n. in. A No. 12 . .7:00 : p.m. I A No. II .0:00 : p , 111. OMAHA A : ST. LOUIS. A No. B .4:3.1 : D. m.'A ' No. 7 . . . .12:00 : m. A dnll ) ; II dally except Saturday ; C except Sunday ; I ) except Monday ; * last mall. The tlmo given nbovu Is for Transfer , tnoro luring from llvo to ton mlnutoj between Traus- f er and local depots. _ _ _ J > lHHoIutinii Notice. Notice is hereby given that the llrm of Meyers & lloesllng. is this day dissolved , J.C. Hoosllng will still continue business , at l.'il.'l Farnam HI. . and collect all outstanding bills and pay all accounts. , . , Otrsr. P Miviiis. : : JlH-ds-i-t J. O. Itdl-.SI.INU. _ Notice. Scaled proposals will be received nt the odlco ol the county elurk , of Douglas county. Nob. , until noon of Saturday. . limitary "Otli , Iwlt , for eounty ndvertlslngfortho year IBS'.i , Incliullni ! the repot t , ( semi-annual ) or the county treas urer , the delinquent tax list , proceedings o theboardof e.ounty commlssloueis , road no tices and all other legal county notices. A cor- tlged check for twenty-five dollnrs must nccom- panycnch lid. Tlio commlsslonuis reserve the right tornjc'rt nnv or all bids. M.D. IIOlli ( ! : , County Clerk. Hy.1.0. CIMI.rOIL , Deputy Dated Omaha , Jan. 10th , 1KB1) ) jifdBt Nollco. Tn District court , Douglas county , state of Ne braska. Edward Havlicek , plaintiff. I vs. J. Anna Polellko , defendant. ) Bald defendant will hereby tnko notice that fmlil plnlntlir huH tiled Ills petition InthoiUa- Irlet coin tof Douglas county , Htnteof Nebrnslin , the prayer and object ot wliloh IK Unit the mar- rlngo ronliuctentered Into between said plain- till and defendant bo declared 'null ' and void , for the roiiHcm that nt the time of suld marriage Hiilddofondnnt had , us liu well Icninv , unothur liusbiind then living , Haid defendant Is required to answer said pe tition on or before the llth day of IVbruury. IBKt. 1JDWAHD HAVL1C15K. llyK. W. SiMKitAL , his Attorney. ' Notion. Matter of Appllcatlonof Western Cold Storngo ninl Warehousing Co. , for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Weslorn Cold Htoiage and WaieliouHlng Co. did upon the nth day of .limitary , A. 1) . I8HU , Illn tholrappltcntlon to the Mayor and City Council ot Omaha , for llccnne to sell malt , upliltiiouu nnd vlnoiH lUliioru nt Nos.21,1 , Sll and 217 North Dili Mrent , Third ward , Oinann , Nebraska , from thu llrst day of January , UD'J , to the Ural day ot January , lb ! . If there bo no objection , remonstrance or piotohl filed within two wvekH from January 17th. A. D. IBS'.i. thohald llrentiu will bo granted. WeitrKiiN COMI HTOIIAOK \VIIU.IIOUHIM Co. , Applleants. J. II. BouTHAim , City Clork. J17-21 Notioo. Sealed proposals will ho racelvu'd nt the o HI lea of the County Clink , oC Douglas County , Nob- inska , until noon , on Bnturduy , .lanuary , 2ith. ( IMli , f or f urnlfchlnc broad for poor persons In Fuld county , for nix months , A rortitlod check for twenty-live dollars must accompany oiicli bid. The board nt county coimninsionura ro- ttervo the right to reject any or nil bids. M. D. UOCIIK County rlork. Hy J. a a mi , roil , , Dunuty , Dated Onmhn January 10th JtbV. MIdt [ SANTAL-MIDY 1 Arriwfl dlnchargM from Hie urinary or. Inunslnultliertcx lu-lH liourn. i it U bUperlor to uopalba , cubcta , ot ItnjoctionH , and frco from ull bad wael lornttn'r Inconveniences. ftNTAL-MIDY u. contnined X X HIMI/IU - IIIIUI In nill < rirvic ) lOnrfUliw , winch lxi.1 r thn niino Innill ) ! ll.lirlrleU r lin'itboutwlilcti ' nonearuV Ml" '