Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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urrici ; . NO t' PIAUIJ : STUKUT.
rellmcdby cnrilfr In Anv I'nrt of licCltyn
'IwcntyOnH 1'crWeek. , . . .
„ „
7ll'M.M(111 KB XO. 41.
Niftiir llniToii. No.Ul. _
auxou ainx
N. Y. iMuinlniip company.
Coalnndwood. K.K.MnjMC , 010H'wny.
N. C. Phillips nnd .1. W. Morse Imvo
opened an nttrnclivu rciil cstnteolllcc in
the Kvurutt block.
Two vims eomprlfcd tlio sum total of
biwinoHS in police court jostcrduy morn-
luff. Tlioy worn run out of the oily.
Tlio Pall Mall club will tfivu its third
party of the soubon next Muntlny even
ing at the Koyul Arcanum parlors. It
will bo nil iMijoyable nlTtiir.
V. 3 , Hrcoxo hat just completed and
placed on exhibition a niiiiiiflcciit !
specimen of Klk's head. It is the prop
erty of ( itiorjj'u II. llonjrlanil , of Omaha.
It may be heen at the store of Council
lllulls carpet company.
John llodericlc was arrcstod yesterday
for the larceny of MIIIIO curpon tor's
tools which ho was I'lirrjiiig around and
trying to bell. Ho denied having stolen
tii'oin and was marched around town by
the Dollco In an attempt to find an
Another case of varloloid is reported
at the residence of Mr. Sears , lilK Harrison
risen Htruot. Mr. M. Sears is the latest
patient and has the disease in a mild
form. Jlis wife is recovering from tin
attack of the tame malady , and will
boon bo able to attend to her unties as
Attention is again called to the fact
that a number of parties arc neglecting
to comply with ordinance rolaling
to building permits. It is very desira
ble to have all new buildings reported
in this manner , as the year's improve
ment can readily be ii coitainud from
Hiic'li iihonrcu , aside from the fact that
the law requires it.
The Dodge Light Guards are malting
an ollort to gather a museum of _ curios
for their quarters , and in this very
commendable elTort , .should b < ; assisted
"by every citizen in the city. Persons
having curiosities which they are will
ing to contribute to the bojb arc re
quested to communicate with Captain
C'owlcs or Ambrose Uurko , who will sec
that they are properly placed and fully
protected against injury.
The condition of Mr. J. T. Oliver is
quito serious. An ulcerated tooth has
caused inllammation of the glands of
the throat , and it is impossible for the
patient to open or close hib mouth.
Yesterday an operation was performed
and a .small tube inserted in the side of
hit ) jaw to carry elY the put * and pre
vent any more borious complication.
Mr. Oliver sutlers great pain , but the at
tending physician , Dr. Macrae , hopes to
pull him through all right in a few days.
Dr. Cleaver , ! > ( l North Main. Tel. 147.
See W. C. Stacy's ad.
J. G. Tipton , real ostuto , ? > - ' B'dway.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cults and shirts by Cascade .Laun
dry company.
Hock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl
btreot. _ _
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Caicado Laundry Co.
Sleigh bells , sleds and skates at cost
to clobo out. Ouiu < & BKYANT.
Once Koolcd In Knout ; ! ) .
Sarah Berry , the prosecuting witness
in the seduction case against T. .1.
Casey , called at Squire Sluiiv. ' ollico
yesterday , and informed the court in
very forcible language that "no man
could como fooling around her and then
sneak out like a boy. " She had no
special object in her visit except to con
vince the court tlmtbhe meant business.
Two calls during the afternoon wore
necessary to convoy this idea. Casey is
out on bail. His father and Mr. Kern-
ken ncy furnished the necessary $1,600.
Casey , 'sr. , is reported to bo q to well
AH water rents must bo paid at , the
ofllce of this company by January 21 or
water will be turned oil without further
115 Pearl street.
Office hours 8 a. in. to Op. m.1 , Satur
days , 8 a.m. to 0
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan olllcc , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly cotili-
Mrs. E. B. llarkness offers for sale at
her residence , No. ( JOSBlutl street , some
of her household goods and furnituro.
L. E. Hoe , dentist , No. 21 Main St. ,
over Jacqunmin & Co. 'a jewelry store.
- -
The JS'ovt Term or Court.
The January term of the district
court opens Tuesday , with Judge Thor-
nell on the bench. The attorneys are
busy getting ready for it , and the term
bids fair to bo a long one. Several of
the cabes hot down for trial are inter
esting ones and will not fail to attract
a large number of spectators to the
court room. The bar dockets are now
in the hands of the printers.
The London "TalJorV is the place to
got your clothes made. ( )37 ) Broadway.
All grades boft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Illinois and Icwzi bout soft coal , Glca-
EOII , 0 Pearl blroet.
\V. S. Cooper 1ms cash on hand to loan
on approved oily property , No. 130
Main atruct.
The Board of 'Jviule.
Sixty momborshiu have thus far been
subscribed for the hoird of trade for
the ensuing year , find the committee
has been able to do but little canvassing
us yet. It la doslrcd to Imvo every now
member present at the mooting next
Tuesday ovonmg , when the election of
oftlcers will take place. Kvory member
whoso name is subscribed will bo al
lowed to vote.
Bargains in real estate In all parts of
the city , W , . S. Cooper , ISO Main street.
Monov loaned on futnituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low ratnsof interest. No
, ; fair and honorable dealing.
A , A. Cliirlc & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
nud Main , over Amnrlcan express.
Dr. 0 , O. Hazon , dentist , Opera house
Si B. Wudsworth & Co , loan money.
Pickled tripe and pica' feet at Tib-
bltts' , 815 Broadway ,
Its Suicidal Writer Pumped Out and
the Dying Epistle Burnod.
Wicks Not Utility of Trcntonlng to
Knife nVoinnn The
Bcliocil Aliiiiini Other
News oft lie IJltifTa ,
A Hit ppi outwit
Prior to swallowing bis grains of mor
phine with suicidal intent last Monday
evening , Annie Burke indited a brief
epistle , gh ing a few words of advice to
"others of lien-lass. " The letter was
placed in an envelope on which was in
scribed "Head this. " The chief of
police followed the directions on the
outside , and did read it. It would have
been read by numerous other parties ,
but the chief did not relish the con
tents , and the letter was destroyed
without its contents becoming known
to anyone outside of the force , except
Tin : HIK reporter , , vho took in tne
whole affair. Even the attending phy
sician was not permitted to pcru&o Ihe
interesting nngo. When questioned
concerning the matter , the chief's
momorv was very defective , and while
lie believed that there was borne such
letter , he could not recall its contents ,
but Dually admitted that it haiMiecn
destroyed * , lie did not care to discus- .
the matter , and would say nothing that
would explain why the contents of the
letter were kept secret , or state why it
was destroyed. The fact of the matter
is that the letter writer scored the
police force most unmercifully , and
told several things that would not look
well in print , hence the desire of the
boss of the "peelers" to keep the whole
matter away from the scribes. When
asked what they knew about the ea-o ,
several of the policemen expressed the
belief that the woman wrote the letter
to create a seiibationai > d escape paying
her monthly line , which was overdue ,
and she know that Captain Dyer would
shortly appear to collect it. They also
scouted the idea that she took poison.
and professed to believe that she was
feigning the whole thing for effect.
Dr. M. .1. Hellingcr disproved that
theory , stating that the woman took at
least six grains of morphine , and would
have died but for the fact that a physi
cian was soon on hand , and relieved
her with a stomach pump. The circum
stances scorn to point to the fact that
the woman intended to commit suicide _
and took the fatal dose ( irmly believing
that she would die , and wrote the letter
under these circumstances. She said
that olllcors were in the habit of visit
ing her , and had deceived her with
false promises.
Intimately concerned in the matter
are a pioniinent South Omaha ojllcer
and a lessor light on the local force.
Nothing has boon done about it. except
to try to keep it quiet. The chief ro-
fuseb to attach any importance to the
case , but scorns to think that it is quite
as well to suppress it. If the letter had
not been so hurriedly put out of the
way , it might solve all doubts itself ,
but in the absence of that dependence
will have to be put on refreshing the
chief's memory.
AVIcUs Acquitted.
The case of State vs Wicks was heard
by Squire Ilondricks yesterday. The
defendant was charged with assault
with intent to kill. Airs. Gilmoro. the
prosecuting witness , testified that the
prisoner was not allowed to get into the
house , but had a large knife in liis
hand and threatened her. The testi
mony of other witnesses disproved her
statements , ana the evidence not being
deemed sullicicnt to warrant binding
over the prisoner to the grand jury , ho
was discharged.
E. E. Alvcrson Esq. , grand treasurer
and IX M. Rowland , grand secretary of
the Northwestern Legion of Honor ,
were in the city Wednesday evening
and installed the ollicers-elcct of the
local council. Both gentlemen will visit
other places in the interest of the order
before returning to their homes in
Marengo , fa.
J. L. Tompleton returned last even
ing from York , Neb. , where he wont
for the purpose of trying to get the Ne
braska Statu Firemen's association to
hold their annual tournament in this
city in .lunc , uniting with the Iowa
association to make the event an inter
state nllair. The matter is not yet de
cided , and it is possible that the move
will prove successful.
Agents Wanted For Prohibition
IJeor and Nerve Tonic. A strictly tem
perance beverage. The best substitute
for beer known. My "Happiness" has
no equal. Send orders to L. M. Kinkol-
stein , Omaha , Neb. , or Council Bluffs.
Allen Knocked Out A > ; aln.
Tho.sparring match at Planter's hall
ast evening between Charley Allen
and Billy Crockett , was a tame affair
until the fourth and la-st round , when
Crockett turned himself loose and
lioundcd Allen all over the stage. It
was in vain the latter shook his head
md implored Crockett to "lot UP. "
rhcro was no lot up in the slightest do-
grco until Allen received a right-
liandor in the neck that nearly un-
jointcd his spinal column ,
Ho sprawled out on the stage and re
fused to wiggle until after the match
was decided in favor of Crockett. The
latter is a very clever middleweight ,
and evinced considerable science.
Allen was clearly overmatched. Tommy
Brooks , who had iusl returned from
Knn&ab City whore ho defeated Nolan
in an eleven round battle , acted as
timokoopor. The crowd was not largo
but very enthusiastic.
Tlio Alumni Association.
The graduates of tlio Council Bluffs
lilgh school met at thu Bloomer school
building last o'von ing , for the purpose
of reorganizing ; the Alumni association.
There are 171 members residing in the
olty , but no mcotingd have been hold
for two years. Kmil Schuiv presided ,
and Emmett Tinloy acted as secretary.
A committee consisting of Prof. Me-
Naughton , Mrs. J. 1C. Cooper , Mrs. Isa
bella Paulson , Miss Barbara Anderson
and Miss Vonnlo Reynolds was ap
pointed to draw up a sot of by-laws to
submit at the next meeting on the llr t
Thursday in April , when ollicors will
be elected. The association will also
give a banquet about that time.
At\ico to Mothers.
Mrs. NVlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways be used forchlldren teeth IMK. U soothe *
tbe child , softous the gums , allays all pain ,
curcswiud colic , aud is tbe bout remedy for
llarrUcca. 25o a bottle.
A Reek Island fireman named Tracy
fell from his engine last evening just
baforo the train pulled out from the
local depot. Uo was not seriously iu-
jurcd , but sustained jiainfu
bruises and was ilnablo to go out on the
trip , llo will be laid up for sovera
days. _
Mr Knndnll mid wife started for Califor
nia on Monday.
Miss Hnttio licndcr is visiting her lirothc
mul family of Onklntid.
Mrs. Picrson U enjoying a visit from he
Tlic week of jinivcr was observed by the
different denominations , In union meeting
licld at the different churches.
Tlic teachers of Bulkim ] ) township had no
schools on Monday , as the.v were KIVUII the
dnv to visit Mio town school in the forenoon
niui attend the teuchcis' inciting in the after
Mr. J V. Atkinson , who was < o badly torn
up bv n corn shullur , died from the effects
and wns burled last week Triduy by the
members of the Grand Army post of Oakland
Mrs. Hartwcll's mother has been sick for
_ _
Graves of Klch Men.
Savannah News : "It's an ill wind
that blows nobody good , " said a woll-
drcssbcd , active-looking young business
man the other day. "Now , it may souiu' '
strange to you , but the robbery of Stew
art's body lias been a great benefit to
me and n grunt many other people whom
1 could inline. ' '
"In what way ? " Inquired the friont
to whom the remark was addressed.
"Well , it opened up nn entirely now
line of business and created a domain
for goods in a quarter I had novel
thought of before. You know I manu
facture electric watch clocks design ec ;
for use in factories and other large
buildings whuro watchmen are em
ployed. Well , ever since the Stowarl
grave robbery there has been a demand
forlhose watch clocks in every part of
the country for use in cemeteries. The
grave of every rich man or public man
is protected in some such way , and 1
could toll you of graves that are watched
night and day by private watchmen.
"There's Vandorbilt's grave , for in
stance , down to the big mausoleum on
Stnten Island. I bold thun two of my
electrical clocks , ono Is placed inside
the tomb and the other outside of it.
Every liftecn minutes each clock is vi&-
itod by a Plnkerton detective , two ol
whom are constantly on guatd. One ol
these detectives patrols outside the
tomb , while the other is locked in and
sits behind the iron bars with a loaded
repeating rille on his knees ready for
instant use. It would bo next to im
possible for any robber to getaway with
the remains of William II. Vanuorbilt
so long as the tomb is protected as it is
now. The Pinkerton men are hired by
the year , and there is quito a little col
ony of them down there on Staten Is
land , very near the mausoleum. I
think they'kcep eight or ten there all
the time , so that those on duty at the
grave arc relieved at frequent intervals ,
and are therefore , not liuble to mil
asleep at their posts. It costs more to
look after the o'.d man now that lie's
dead than is spent by most men when
they'ro alive. "
An Aljsoliiro Cure.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boves ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MEixT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 3d
cents per box by mail yo cents.
She find Pretty Feet.
York Herald : She was a very
pretty girl , and many a glance of ad
miration was cast upon her as she took
her scat in a car of a Sixth avenue "L"
train at Ono Hundred and Twciity-Ufth
street the other afternoon. Sue was a
blonde of twenty summers , aad was
most bewitchingly arrayed , in a dark
green dress , over which , snugly lilting
her well rounded form , was a sealskin
sacquc. On her head saucily perched a
pretty little felt hat with a big black
feather. A black veil gracefully tied
over the hat fell in a pretty wave over
a pair of laughing blue eyes brim full of
mischief , but did not hide the swnet lit
tle mouth with rosy lips. From her
cars dangled little hoops of gold , and
her feet were encased in a brand now
pair of shoes.
There was a look of porrow in the
fair face , and every now and then the
flash of the eve and twitching of the
mouth denoted too plainly that some
thing was wrong somewhere. This
something was a pair of very tight new
boots , flow they did squeeze those lit
tle feet and cause their fair owner no
end of sutleriiig ! At lirst she suffered
bravely , but was soon compelled to give
way to the pain. One moment her
feet were drawn up beneath the sent ,
the next they were stretched out full
length and then crossed one over the
other. How those rosy lips did suffer
from the bites inlhclcd by the pearly
teeth , and her shapely hands opened
and shut in the paroxysms of pain.
The last straw that broke the camel's
back was inflicted when a lady of con
siderable avoirdupois , while passing
the fair sufferer , planted her whole
weight upon one of the little foot. A
sharp cry of pain startled the surround
ing passengers , who stared with aston
ishment at the little blonde , now cov
ered with blushes. This was too much
to bear , and when the train stopped at
Twenty-third street she beat a hasty
retreat , amid the admiring gaze of her
follow passengers.
"Give us a rest ! " cried a bootblack , from
the gallery of the Opera Ho'Uso , to a party
who had boon constantly coughing during
the performance , "Uno Hull's Cough
Syrup I" chimed in another.
At this season of fast driving and acci
dents to man and beast keep Salvation Oil
on hand.
His Annual Report.
Wall Street Now : An old chap who
lind boon conducting a private bank in
a Wisconsin town for the last five or six
years , wns told by several of his deposi
tors in December lliatho ought to como
out on tlio lirst of the year with an an
nual report
"What fur1" } ho asked in great sur
"Why , to let people know how you
stand lliianoially. "
Soon after Now Years day the old
man incited up a paper on the bank
door , reading :
Notice. This 'ore bank has got
155,000 behind hor. She don't owe no
body a ciibsed cent. Good paper dis
counted as heretofore , and nobody pro-
noses to cut sticks for Mexico or
Canada. "
On hand for city loans ; lowest rates
of interest.
Fine farms close to Bluffs to exchange
for city property.
Western land to exchange for city
Big bargains in Broadway lots.
Fine business properly to exchange
for well improved farms.
Good stock of groceries for sale , netTer
Tor trade.
Houses and lots on monthly payments.
SmalUpayments down. Prices ranging
from 8775 to 54,000.
Cheap lots in Evans1 , Wright's , Cooh-
rail's and most all additions to city.
Fine acre property for sale from $100
to 8500 loss than present worth.
No. 101'curl St , Council lilufft.
They Are FounA Among the Htimloos
mid the Burmaso.
One of Unnimn'H AK"iits Measures
Strength With 'IhiMii and IH
Woructl 'I lie Ethics
ol Ijxnuucrntiun.
Dlsclplrs nlAnanian. .
"For able-bodied , unequivocal , out
landish and loquacious lying commend
mo to the mcok-eycd vegetarians of the
Orient'1 mused Manager Tom Davis of
the Stowaway company , to a , reporter
for the St. Louis Republic , who caught
him in a reminiscent humor. "I spent
two years chasing game in the jungles of
Asia and forrotlng out freaks for liar-
num among thu foot hills that skirt the
southern extremities of the Himalayas
and 1 enjoyed educational advantages
in the science of hyperbole that would
make my fortune as a circus bill writer
but for one drawback. The ambition of
nn alumnus of the Hindoo school of pre
varication would inevitably overreach
the credulity ot oven the great
American circiib-going public , and
1 would find it hard to Ho within
the limits of the possible. It is a part
of the religion of these children of the
Mini to amiibo the stranger within their
gates by match games of pre
varication , and whether menial or
Maharajah , the weakness affects
till alike. 1 wont several seasons ahead
of a show before I wont to India , and
Haltered myself that I was pretty well
up in the business. I came away
abashed and crestfallen , conscious of i
grade of assumed sincerity that I coiilti
never hope to attain. And then , too ,
their lies are told with such simple and
childlike- earnestness that one readily
forgives the deceiver in his admiratio n
for the actor , even though put to the
greatest inconveniences by his pen
chant for falsehood. I had been but a
bhort time in the country when my bus
iness becairio generally known. It was
I who purohiisod and exported to this
country the famous white elephant ,
which , perhaps , was the greatest draw
ing card Mr. Barnum over billed. Ho
was the first and I expected the hist
kingly beast of this quality and color
that over crossed the briny deep , and
his coming away has forever closed the
gates of Burmah against mo as a sum
mer resort , llo was stolen from the
king for me , a hjghoflleial being bribed
with -10.0(10 ( rupees to consummate the
job , and the aiiccess of the undertaking
makes me to-day a fugitive from Ori
ental justice. But'I digress.
"In Buriiuih white animals are sac
red. and it is the ambition of every
good Burmese to transmigrate his soul
into an animal of that hue. f suppose
in attaining to that high estate they reform -
form to some extent and tell only
'white' lies.
"Anyway , it soon became known that
I hankered after albino novelties , and
the way I was beseigcd with liars led
mo to believe ( at lirst ) that the jungle
underbrush was given up to the breed
ing of nothing but pink-eyed freaks.
Every infernal Indian within 500 miles
inark'cd me for his prey , and the ear
nestness and sang-froid with which they
told of white lions , tigers , hyenas , and
otncr tropical attractions would have
forever blighted the ambition of an
Ochiltrcc or a Perkins.
"They were full of pscudo information
and anxious to yield it up at so many
genuine rupees a. yield. I was tlio vic
tim of many a wild geese chase or
rather wild beast chase after animals
that never existed save in the diseased
imagination of Indian knaves. Nor did
they confine themselves to mythical
brutes in selecting a field for indulging
their provaricative penchant. A
native of homo standing in the com
munity once told me that back in
the swamp country on the Coodrey
river , about SOT miles away , in an almost
inaccessible district there lived the
smallest dwarf on record , a perfect man
on the most diminutive scale , standing
at fifteen inches in height and revel
ling in a luxuriant growth of beard.
By the time this story was told me , how
ever , I had grown careful , and 1 sug
gested that lie was lying , or greatly
overdrawing the facts. Not he ! On his
most sacred honor , as ho hoped some
day to enter the carcass of a white don
key , ho spoke the truth , but if I be
lieved him not , if the great Tatmslm-
giver ( show proprietor ) whose train was
five miles long , and whose tent covered
1,000,000 acres in far-oil America , be
lieved a poor servant like him would so
far lorgot his own humility , his master's
greatness , as to lie , their good neigh-
Dors who hadsoon the infinitesimal com
bination of llcsh and whirikora referred
to would bear him witness and ho
actually called in representative men of
Lho community who substantiated what
he said , one g'oinc so far as to say ho
had measured the freak. The journey
to the Coodroy country , like a life policy
on a railroad brakeman , was 'extra haz
ardous , ' but 1 made it and encountered a
world of hardbhips on the trip. Finally ,
however , I arrived in the domain of his
infinitesimal niblets , and what do von
suppose I found ? No , you couldn't
guess in a thousand years. A grown
man of the ordinary size , with his legs
sawed elf at his body , I was wroth and
panted for vengeance. Turning on the
infamous liar who guided mo thither , 1
began a tirade against him , when ,
nothing daunted , and with a nonchal-
inco that I could V"t admire , ho turned
Ills eyes heavenward and said an evil
spirit must have entered the man and
caused Ins transformation.
"At another time ; I spoilt several hun
dred dollars to bo brought in phyifllcal
contact with a giant that a local rail-
oad magnate from England put mo on
.0. The man , though an Englishman ,
md lived in the country so long tlia
the national disease had spread through
out his household ivith tropical rapidity ,
i ml ho could lie like a native. The
giant , ho solemnly assured mo , wasnine
cot high. Ho had measured him. The
reak , when I fou'nd ' him , measured
'ovon ' feet ono inch , and was so slender
10 had to loan on crutches to keep from
joing blown away by the balmy brco/.es
that swept across the equator.
"But ! got oven with the myriads who
nlmblt that far-away land of tlio now-
iorn day , and lie for pastime and I did
t by proceeding on tho.prineiple that
{ oiniin jnaniiurisniti are the proper
caper in a Roman community that is
to say , that when thrown in contact
with them I did some pretty tall lying
nysolf. Some of the yarns I told wore
of a class that would make old Ananias
surrender the belt without a struggle.
For instance , in the spring of 1881 , I
entered the city of Mysore , capital of
.he province of Mysore , at the bnso of
ho Himalayan , in u bullock cart , at-
.ended by my interpreter' . No sooner
md I registered at ono ol tno inns of
the city than I received an imperious
summons to appear before the Mahara-
ah ( Little Prince ) in his castle and give
in account of myself and country for
as amusement. My 11 rut impulse waste
to obey with alacrity , but on BecouU
thought I concluded I would uot. It
may no neil to remark parenthotifallj
Unit the Orientals are the most orudu-
Ions ix'oplo on earth , as , vcll as the big
gest blow-hards. The latter is the nat
ural offspring of the former , 1 pro-
Mimed. I diMiiisj-ed the gaudy court
lackey with nil the hauteur my sun
burned complexion and travel-bunged
accourtrcmonts would warrant , instruct
ing him to toll his imperial master that
I was an American n man of great im
portance , the oinoyof the great Bar-
mini aTanasha giver ( showman ) whoo
current expenses were 100,000 rupees a
day , and that it would bo impossible for
mo to lind in all tlio.oity n vehicle suf
ficiently grand in appointments to con
voy me to the royal castle ( my full team
was in the back yard at the time ) .
"Two hours later there drew up be
fore the inn an English Victoria drawn
by four horses , with a liveried lackey
on the back of the coach , all Hanked by
twelve outriders. This time 1 was re
quested ( not commanded ) to favor his
royal highness with my proeneo. My
interpreter and 1 climbed into the vehi
cle and enjoyed a ride to court which ,
by comparison with the way wo came into
the city was ro al indeed.
"I found the prince surrounded by the
oldest and wisest men of the city ,
and thov.requested mo most respectfully
to toll them something of my country.
Hero was the opportunity 1 long had
sought , and , clutciiing at it as a special
gift of Providence , I murmured
a prayer for forgiveness in ad
vance , and then lot myself
out. My circus experience was a golden
treasure to mo then in that supreme
moment of gratification and revenge.
1 lied to the nice old grnybenrds of
Mysore till many of them actually wept
over the stories 1 told of far oil Amer
ica. 1 told them that all Americans
wore rich and that every menial in the
country was a foreigner , mostly Eng-
lishme'ii , whom was imported under
contract , but the trouble was that after
they had been in the country awhile
they became wealthy themselves , and
hence the supply of servants was always
short ,
Then I talked about my show , and
Prince Barnum. How I did swell their
heads ! The circus train I created into
an unbroken section of _ live miles , propelled -
polled by 17/5 / locomotives : the canvass
1 made seat comfortably 100,000 people ,
and when one old guy asked
mo if it wasn't pretty hard to
find ground in every city oil which to
erect such a tent 1 assured him that an
imperial decree had given Mr. Barnam
the right-of-way everywhere and that
when houses were in the way he tore
them down without ceremony. "
"How many horses has he ? " asked
the prince.
"Four thousand , " 1 modestly replied :
and the old duffers , themselves the
biggest liars on earth , believed me. In
India a man's wealth and state is
largely estimated by the number of
elephants he owns , the Maharajah to
whom I was addressing myself being
considered rich because he possessed
llf. 1 remarked , unconcernedly and in
the bincorest tone I could command ,
that Mr. Barnum experienced tlie
greatest dilllculty in finding , at all
seasons of the year , provender for his
2,000 elephants.
"That settled it. I was the hero of
the hour , and , figuratively , if not litor-
illy , the koya of the city were handed
me. "
Po..zoni's complexion powder is uni
versally known and everywhere es
teemed as the only powder that \\ill 5m-
nrovo the complexion , eradicate tan ,
freckles , and all skin diseases.
Who Will Save You Money
/ )
O & 0.'S
= 0
House ,
417 llroadwnv , W
GO Council lllulls. 1
Is Alivnyo nf-g ! § S ?
_ 5 < s 09
As I can prove Toy
C , Lanzendorfer
, g § CO
v A n C ? 4 * % .
Xn. 221 j Sa - 23.
IWA12V .s'ruRiyr.
I'nrtlciilarnttontlonglxc'ii to nmlmlmlnj ? .
> < . 11 \ . itiin .m. , cotiiH'ii stiuiiH.
riirnlturu ropaliliiK neatly done.
Olllec calls uttcnded promptly diiy and night.
a > i -4 MEATS
O I | jf | K 2 ' ATTIIK
3 = * S Lowest Prices !
? : o
a ' - 3
is JJ a Poultry of all kiiuli
I r ES o it S
I tj * "
cd oO
C/D < E3 S " OIVK .Ml ! A CA1.U
E. Mottaz
o X . llli : . IJnmilH'y
Ami get ilic best lining Suit
you over had.
No , 637 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
C' . It. .IUIH > ,
Council IlluirIn ,
Tlios. OrriCKH. W II. M. I'UBH.
Corner Jlnln and llronilway.
neolers In foreign tnd clomeittlc exchaiigo.
Collections made sad Jnt iest paid ou
1. It is tlio most ilur.itilo Piano irndo
i ! . It Improves uiulvr use
H. It IIHS more volume of tone Hmn nnj other Instrument.
4. It stands In tune lonp'r lima nn.\ other 1'lnno
r . It in the onto I'iimovuli the new patent Imrp < torv J
0. It K the only Piano -v\itli the new metal key support.
f , It is iinvii | llcil in net inn
& It lends nil other * iiinone the best jicople.
l > . It is tlio lmmlonu"tt Piuiin miule.
10. And most important of all it U sold n
! ? , < ) 00 OF T
xo. ioa MAIN s ' < > ixiu , ULI rrs ,
This space is reserved for C. J. CoL-1
BY'S Real Estate -advertisement , which ;
swill \
will appear in our next issue. Look out J
for "bargains.
An old established Boot and Shoe business
in Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at
413 Broadway , is for sale and the store wilP |
be rented. Best stand and trade in city.
Nearly thirty years in one location. Present' ' ]
stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further1 !
particulars apply to GD. . Phillips , at tin
store , or to N. O. Phillies , one of the execuj j
tors of the J. M. Phillips estate.
N. P. DODG-E , Executor.
SIZES FROM Especially Atlnptod foe
25 TO 300 ELECTRIC ;
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications mid estimates furnlsheil for complete steam plants. Itrgiilntlon , Iliinililllty innr ] | |
[ tntecd I. tun show lettcis liom uscriUicio iuil i ; < onomv U M Illi Corliss Non-.foii loaslnjfi |
E. C. HARRIS , Ag-ent ,
Semi for Catalogue. No. 510 IVarl yti-cot , Council Blulld.
( Taxidermist and Naturalist ]
'I'prniiiui'iitlj lomlt',1 , nt No. II Noith ith St. . opposite poitolllce , Ollrl
.Motor I.Ill' ' , I clinic II Him ! * , Iu , 1
If > ou h.ivo specimens don't \\alt for prices. Send thom to him
lii'foiu they hpull. Ifjou don't ant them aftui they aio mounted '
IIP will pay you tlu < highest imuU't pi I o icu thom. Will maku a Apci.l.tlty of Imad-i anil d
fiirti during the ulntur.
KHIiltY > iriO\ LOTS ,
AlboiXlncicot ) the licst property iu town for
Council Ulullc , Iowa ,
ANTI5I ) A N" . 1 Initrliur mid meat cnttur.
W Jlnln street. Council lllnllH , _
-i \ J HAT IH IT ? A stock of Clothing , Hoots
T > and Hhocs. llatsmid Caps , ( JoiitH1 I iir-
nlMliliu ? ( Jooda. Diy ( JootK Invono < | 0.iK ) .
What Imvo yon to olluri1 l l llroudHiiy , Council
lllulls , la. _
J'AND AND CASH to oxclmngo for merrlmn-
J dlb , mid merchandise for good I a ml 4.
Wanted Hardware. AddiesH H , II. IVOR ] , No.
28 1'earl st , , counvll Illnira. _ _
looms ; nlso unfu r
- nlslied roomspplytit 15 N. Mam ni _ _
OIMIKNTrmttished fiont room to I or i !
gentlemen. No.jwmiuive. _
ANTii-To : exchange city property lor
unemruniboieil land Johiibton \ \ an
Patten , ill Main ht. , Council lllmiH , Iu. _ _ _
- , cor. hill t.
mid lOtn me Imiuiio lit stoio of J. li ,
Hinltli , 718 Itllli uve. _ _ _
ITlOlt HA liU-My house aud lot. corner Second
X1 uvenuu mid Ninth struct ; aho hoiuu mil lot
tt.'T Hlxth avenue ; terras easy. I. A Mllliit. :
JuiiU-niin-lnenj.111 l ; _ _
bmlnmi hoino , No.
on HUNT -Two-story
.UJ llro.nhuiy oimosltu OK-len Imui-o. J'OH-
hlon glvi-n March ! , liuiulio ot Alex Wood ,
liliinankstre-ot. _
171011 KUNT-Nlcely furnished rooms lor man
-L1 and wife or two Kantlomuii , with unu of Imlh ,
heated by fiinuco , a.'l t . 7th . . Ament block ,
Council Illuira. _ _
, ( , ,
Highest maiket prices. I'lompt letuins , Kfl
buiid M2 Main Bt. . Council IJluHs , low * .
vr.Tii n .NOIICI : i nu.i M'.I r ,
Oh iM m\fi 1)111 ) SMST !
Qwa Cattle Fedoi taaCorn !
And will mnpt miy honest rompotltlou on pi icef
| 01' I ilht-l lUHS ! > .
l'-O llro.-nln.-iy. - - Telephone -Ol ,
I ) IMF HWATtf DIHU/I ? ! )
liUAL lla I A 111 DliUlllilf ,
1'ilMitu w "hn MI iurnl'ilml nt any ami nil
MW > uil attention lwi to colli-i lion of chat *
tcl mrxttfuguii mid notim.
Mimi'y lo loan on good chattel Kucurlty
Itcfeiencu Any bank , ullorncy , or bufttnoss
miin In thu city.
Architect * , ficsipcK anil Superintendents
of Construction ,
Mr. ItcilIiiKliuf mis KUU-II jcars nidi
MciiileUsolin , J'lslKTiV J < oury , anil Iiua
1MIIIIJif UlO lllll'ht
in Omaha anil Council 111 u IPs.
Plans and Specifications Prepared
Estimates made on Application ,
Studio , Room 4 O ; > em JIounc
AlIU Till' II1WT.