ITHE .OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FBEDAY , JANUA11Y 18. 1885) . K , MA1111" Wliont Was Dull and Almost Foa- turoloss. A LITTLE EXCITEMENT IN CORN. I'ruvlNiottfi AVero Quiet Tlio Caltlf Trade IH Overstocked nnil 1'rlcon Arc tlio l.owRl on Hoc- oi'il CHICAGO IMtOUUCi : MAUKHT. CHICAGO , Jan. 17. [ Special Tclcornm to V TUB Bm.l The whciit mmkct was dull and I almost fcuUnelcss to-day. The fluctuation1) were within l'ip limitations. Tnulo was il largely local , nnd news wns extremely scarce nnd himl to yet. Views und option ? wore plentiful enough , but they \\cio not oxchang- nblu In nil cnses nt t'.ir ' in tlio open niiirkct. May wheat rnnpcit from 11.00 to * 1 01 Jf. but tlio price remained lonpost In the vicinity of J100' ' < ( < ? 1 OOJiJ Mn > opened nt ? 100' ' , ) lil sparingly nt SI 00 , advanced to f 1. 00)4 ) , worked ofT ngnln to SI 00' * . sto.imej up to 11.01 V with only it lit'lo trading ut fl.Ol,1 * , and Btiong bidding nt 11.01. Tor the better pait of two hours thu price runted from * 1 ( K ) < tel 00 ! < . ami about linlf past 12 It cot as low as * 1 O0' < . but shortly bcforo 1 o'clock it took an upward inclina tion und went above $1.01ith most excel lent buiinj ; on tlio advance. The topmost point reached wns $1 01 ' 4 , and the close was II OHjtl 01 V. Just Ic higher limn yestenlay. The foreign news was uc.uish in tone , and the advices from the nc.ibonrd were of tlio Riuno tenor , but , hliittulur t > iclatc , the sea board markets did not seem to bo in harmony with the advices. The tiuotatlons Indicated even greater Ilrmncss than was shown hero. The change in the weather over the winter wheat districts was u strengthening factor , nnd the evident disposition on the p.irt of the loading houses to cover without further loss was nnother bullish feature. The Minneapolis news would have had n depressing - pressing Influence oulmarily , but to day the gossip from there wns ignored. A reduction of 15e per barrel In ( lour nt that point was announced , nnd the further information was convoyed that the millers' combination there was on the verge of disruption. " The iccoipts nt the primary points are running shockingly light , nnd prophesies of n 500,000 to 750,000 bushel Oeci case in the visible supply are heard , Minneapolis promises to decrease 250,000 bushels nnd Milwaukee 100,000 bush- elft. The grain houses hero report a mod erate Interior milling demand , nnd HixloB are reported of some especially line lots of wheat at fancy figures. These trades simply go to pro\e the scarcity of wheat of a superior iiiiality and the willingness of millets , who have ttpccial brands of Hour to protect , to pnj for grain to keep them up Tor the tlrst time this season the shipments of wheat fiota Minneapolis exceeded the icceipls Tlio general tone of the market was linn. There wns no particularly significant buying that could beset down as being for long account. Heam and Cudahy were commonly believed to bo still coveimg their shorts , but they limy possibly have eiosscd the line and turned bulls again. The local crowd is still bearish , seemingly , though no longer miic- lleetingly so. Theio are moro steady going und unexcitable people uhotielievo in uhc.a around $1 than were di earned of when pi ices wcio cavorting in the vicinity of $1.20 , and the model ate investment demand fioiu that source is calculated to check over free short selling for the present. Ilutchinson is not cutting a very wide swath , to fat as can bo seen on the HUI face .lulv wheat ranged at Ol Oi ! ' - 'Hc ' , and closed at UJ ' &c. The icceipts of coin wen ) ten cais in ex cess of yestcidaj's estimates , but theio was the same notable scarcity of No. 2 in the inspectors' rotuins. The dullness was even more pronounced In the beginning than foi niorly , although it was supposed that tlio business of the past weeks could scarcely become more attenuated than hurt already been the case ; but suddenly a cli nn gc came over the market , nnd n slight demand sprung up. The shorts climbed into the pit to inquire from whence it camo. nnd very soon were found bidding In n lively fnshion for thu grain. There was actually a little excitement uml an advance of } { u in a Jew minutes , mid this , for corn , Is phenome nal. The exports \\eio heavy , andbuvmg on foreign account was done on a liberal Hcalo at Now York nnd Haltimoro. Tha de mand which developed itself so suddenly 10- vealed the fact that there was very little corn for snlo , and as nothing but No. 2 grade will satisfy the wants of the shorts , who desire to provide for their contracts , and as that quality is a scarce article and held in a few linnds , tlio anxiety of tlio shorts increased with the trouble in llnding an.\onti willing to part with their property. The demand con tinued good to the end and prices closed from ? HC to J < jC over those prevailing at the close yesterday. Oats were moro quiet than earlier in the week , with u light volume of trade m a speculative , way. The offerings were small and under tlio model ate inquiry for February and the months following prices averaged steady and linn to " c higher. May bold at , 2 ' o to 278 < @J7c , with Juno nt ; 4 < o discount , while there wassomo Inquiry for March. The offerings of No. 2 regular oats were small , and in store lots were sato- nblo at 2-iKe , with trading principally by sample. The speculative market tor provisions was most profoundly quiet to day. There was no individuality to trade , and in the nbspimo of outside orders , as well as local icatuies , the situation was exceedingly tame and spirit less. Tlio fluctuations in pi ices were not of Bufllciont importance to awaken even the sculping interest , and the closing prices on the whole list were substantially the snmo ns yesterday. For three whole hours the changes In ) ) oi k were within n limit of So and in lurd und ribs of 2 e. The opening llguros were n little higher all around , pork showing a % o advance at the start , what gave to the mar ket its tnoro buoyant tone was the smaller run of hogs than expected. The estimates were for W.OOO head , but to-day's report from the stockyards made the receipts only 10,000. The clear and colder weather in this region , and the advunco In grain also helped to cre ate a better fcollng. The trading , us for some time past , was con lined largely to the May option , nearer deliveries of product being purely nominal much of thu time , CHICAGO IjIVB STOCK CUICAOO , Jan , 17. | Special Telegram to Tin : 13iB. | CvTn.K Tlicro was llttlo or no change in the condition of the market , ns compared with yesterday. Prices are so low that there is no basis to make comparisons. Ihoy nro lower than at any time In IbSS , and , BS it would scorn , lower again to dav , as talesmen found moro difficulty In making sales than yostcrdaj , reporting a further de cline of lOo. The market closed last night with at least 2,000 head unsold. Many con signments were housed In hog pens and not exhibited to uny ono. With the 2,000 loft , there were fully ns many on snlo ns yesterday , Which , with ah Increase of nearly 20,000 on n run of 54,000 last week , explains why prices nro down to the lowest notch on rec ord , nnd trade "rotten , " Values arc every where from 50 to COo lower than a wool : ago to-day on the ordinary run of fair to good tccrs , nnd it Is fair to state that undesirable stock Is oven yet lower than the decline noted above , Cow stock is 25i30o ( lower than last week. and the pens arc full to-day und Belling at ll.IMXii2.00 for common canners nnd (3.23(3 ( 8.75 for good cows and heifers. In the gen eral demoralization of tbo market the stacker mid feeder trade has boon lost sight of und there is llttlo or nothing going ou. Choice to extra bcovci , Jf4.)0J1.75 ! ) ( ; medium to good etcors. 1150 ! to 1COO Ibs , { 3.60(34 ( 25 : 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $ J.40 < 33.05 ; 9'X ) to 1200 lb , t2.lXK3a.30 ; stooleurs and feeders , stronger , FJ.0@a.40 ! cows , bulls and mixed ! l.lH > $3.00j bulk , t . ' .25 ® 3 D5 ; Texas steers , 3.GO < 3J.50. Hoas The run dropped down from 23,000 yesterday to 15,000 to-day , which brought ubout a sharp up turn of 6Q10o as compared with the lowest prices of yesterday , aud a food 60 avcraga advance , Tig bulk of the mi toil sold nt J5 00(3 ( " > 115 , n few nttl.OOM.O > , nnd best honvy nt ? 50Vir5.10. one load nt fo 1-Ki aid there rvrro fancy heavy on salf for which salesmen were asking f5 13 , Light sorts sold largely nt $ . " > OVuo 10 , KINANCIAL. NF.W VOIIK , .Tun -fSpoclal Telegram to THE Hnu -KTorKs l The stock market opened somowliat steadier tills morning. The first prices generally showed fractional gams. The weak stocks of jcsterJay were the stiongcst stocks to-tiny. The largest part ol the transactions were confined to Lncha- wnmin , Heading , Krio , Missouri Pacific , St Paul mid Lake Shore- . ; The increase , of 00,000 for the second week of January helped St , Paul , nnd there wns considerable buying around 05 The foreign houses were doing very little In the market this moraine , Dela ware t Hudson wns the feature after the first hour , and advanced 2 per cent. The buying as bv insiders , who were predicting KXJ ns the figure for that stock In n short time. The scntlni6nt continues bearish on the rest of the coalers , however , and holders continue to soil whpiievnr them Is n market for their stock. A leading hear , speaking of the Missouri Pacificsaid - "The Atchison and Missouri Paeille's lines of road run to gether to such an extent ns to make It clear that conditions \\hich hu\e obliged the former company to suspend altogether can not afford much consolation to thu stockhold- eisof the Litter. " The room trailers were picking up Cotton Seed Oil. There has been so mucli unfavorable tallt of Into regarding this property that traders have become sus picious that somebody was gradually absorb ing its floating stock. U Is said Jersey earned 7 per cent on their stock dur ing the year of S from the trafllu and sales of At noon there was no snccinl fea ture to the dealings nnd the market was iUict ] nnd r.ithcr heavy at Insignificant , changes from the opening figures. The mar ket was narrow during the af let noon , but prices \\ero llrm There seems to bo quite n short interest in St. Paul and Cotton Seed Oil. The former commanded a small pre mium for use Into in the day The commis sion houses leport n very light tiado fioin the outsiders , and the market was left al most entirely to thu professionals. The ad- vnnres of active stock show Delaware & Hudson and Cotton Seed Oil , 2 ; Now Hug- land , J j Mlssouii Pacific , ° ; Lake Shore , % . and St. Paul , ' 4 per cent The total sales for tne day amounted to " 09,000 shines. Tholollowinij WOIP the closing quotations : MOSEY ON CILI , C.isj at y ( i2' jicr cent , lust Inin , 2 per cent. PKIMB MKKCANTILK PAPER 4J/0)J per cent. STUIIIISO EXCIIANOK Dull , but firm ; sixty oays , M.5 ! > : acmaud S-l.bSJi. CHICAGO MAJIICUT. Jan 17.Mieat Strong and higher ; cash , UCVfc ; February , 07c ; Mav , 51.011-1(1 ( Corn Firm ; cash , 34 1-lCc ; February 'H ll-IGc ; May , itrc. Oats Steady ; cash , 21j < jc ; February.SM c ; May , 27 KC. Hit t-B. Harley No trailing. Prime Tiinothj $1.58. Flax II C , ! . Whisky-$1 ( . Pork Ste.ulv ; cashand Februarytl2.S2 } < f ; May , : \ Laid Ste.aly ; cabhf7.00 ; February , 17.0" ; ; May , $7 20. lour Unchanged nnd loc lower all around in Minneapolis ; winter wheat , $2 riOC 5.50 ; spring wheat , $1.70iTO ( 50. Hulk Moats Shoulders , Jl.2V < TO ' 37' ' < f ; short clear. ? 7.00C 7.121 : short ribs , ? 0.7 ( > . Hutter Weak and dull ; cieaiuory , 10 ( < 8'-5i5 ; dairy , 10 > ( i221c. Choose Dull ; full cream chcddais , 10 % @ lie ; Hats , lltiflll'- ; Young Americas , ll4 } Ergs-Quiet ; fresh , 15@10c. Hides Steady ; neavy and light green salted , fi e ; green , 4c ; salted bull , 4Mc ; green bull , 4o ; green salted calf , O e ; dry Hint , \4 \ C < ? 3c ; dry call , 7@8c ; dry salted kip , 4c ; branded hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 2" > ( S30c each ; dry salted. 7c. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid and cake , 5 } o ; No. 2 , 4 } u ; .Receipts. Shlnmcnts. Flour , bbls 11,000 10,000 Wheat bu 9,000 12,000 Corn.ou 7,000 : ) 91,000 Oats , bu 53.00J 00,000 Now YTorlc , Jan , 17. Wheat Recoints , lr)0 ( ! ; exports , none ; market dull for snot , stronger with options ; No. 2 icd , OOJ OS 97'4i ) In elevator , 9v.fcjn'.iyc ) ( ' afloat , 5H5Jfcifi ( f 1 00 f. o b ; No. J red , OlJ c. Options dull , firm and $ ? ( < $ % 0 higher , January closing at Wc. Corn Receipts , 105,834 ; exports , fi3,005 ; spot moderately active and stronger , No. ! 3 , 44'ii644 ' ( o in elevator ; -15u4iij ( c afloat ; No. a , : i9@40Hc ; ungriulod mixed , 39 ( < SI5c. Options nuict , At in and ' 40 higher. Oats Kecelpts , 10,000 ; exports , 403 ; spot fairly active and stronger ; options moro active and ) t@l4 higher Coffee Options opened steady and un changed to 0 points up , and closed fi@10c higher than yesterday Sales : 21,250 bags ; January , fl5.BO@l5.55 ; February , * 15.-10 ; March , $15yOiBlri.40 ( ; spot Hio , stronger ; fair cargoes at # 17.1' ' } . Petioleiim Steady ; United closed at S4Jfc. Kpps Dull and weaker at 17i17 ( c. Pork Dull. Lard About steady ; western steam , $ r,50 ; January , ( -7.45. Uuttor Quiet and easy ; western , 13@20c. Cheese Firm and moderately active ; western , IKgll' e. Cincinnati , Jan. 17. Wheat Dull but firm ; No. 2 red , 11.01. Corn Active ; No. 2 , mixed , 2"5Xc. Oats Firm ; No. S mixed , 28 ( < ? .Jb'4C , Whisky-Steady at fl.0.1. KHIIMIH City , Jan , 17 , Wheat Steady ; No , 2 rod , cash , 03o asked ; May , 97 , ' c bid ; No.2 soft , cash , 9 0 bid ; May , 08c bid. Corn Quint ; No. 2 , cash , 25o bid ; May , ! Wo bid. Oats No 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ; May , 23 fu bid , Liverpool , Jan , 17 , [ Special Cablegram to Tim HKK.-I ] : 30 p. m , closo.-Pork In poor demand ; prime mess , east ern , 73i 9d , dull ; prime mess , western , 05s , dull , Laid In poor demand ; spot , 37s Od , dull ; January , USs , dull ; February and March , 37s Od. dull. Wheat In poor demand ; now No. 2 winter , 7s 2Xd dull ; do Hiring , 6s Id , uteady. Flour In poor demand ; 12s , firm. Corn In talr demand for spot nnd poor demand for futures : spot , 4s 2d , easy : January , -is lld , dull ; February and March , 4s Id , dull , Mllwnukoo , Jan , 17. Wheut Higher ; cash , 00o ; May , 04V < J- Corn Dull ; No , 3 , 3lc. Oats Quiet ; No.2 white , 2Sc. Hyo Steady ; No. 1 , 4Sc. Uarloy Lower ; No. 2 , 05c. Provisions Higher ; pork , I12.S2X. St. Louis. Jan. 17. Wheat- Higher ; cash , 0394o ; February , 94'4'e. Corn Firmer ; cash , S9&@JOo ; February , Oats Dull ; cash , 25o ; May , 27Vc. Pork-Quiet nt t3 ! 12K. Lard Dull ; cash , fOb7X- Whisky Steady at f lOJ. llutter Dull ; creamery , 23@25c ; dairy , 20o. , Minneapolis , Jan. 17 , Sample wheat moderately active ; receipts , 45cars ; ship ments , 00 cars. Clorlngi No. 1 hard , January - uary , 91.15 ; May , fUSJf ; nn , 11.10 ; No. 2 northern , Januai 04 ; May , fl.OOK ; on track , tl.OSQi.ijj a north- urn , Jnuunry , 93o ; May , lK'c ) ; 01 , track , 95 LIVE srouu. Cliinnfto , Jan , 17 The Drovors1 Jour nal reuorls as follows : Cattle KccviptB , 13,000 ; market very low but steadv ; choicetooxtrnbccvc .W.IWm I 7ft , strcri , f2' 0 ( < t4 J5 ; "lookers nnd feeders , $ J.'i ( ) Ml 40 , row hulls nnd mixed , $1 70rf3.UO , , Tc-xiis cattle , ( JtOfrnft ) Hogs-Heeolpts. lO.oOJ : market strong nuu ftiMOo hljihcr ; uilvod.ViVOj ; heavy f-i.wn is , light , < 405 < ir n , skips , n4o < a 500Sherp Receipts 4,000. market steady ; natives , tJCOdiiOO ; western , corn fed , fl fiOj4 ( > 0 , Texans , $3Xl.rfl ( ( 30 ; lambs , fl 75 MO CO. > atlonnl Stock VnriU , IJnst St. Louis. Jnn 17 Cattle Hocclpts , l.HH ( ) ; shipments , 40J ; market slow , choice lieax'.v native steers , $ l20i tisi ; fair to good native- steers , f.i.SOiil 3J , s'ockers nnd feed- ores fair to good , -2 ( HmfJI.tO , rancors , corn fed , f t OOfcl J f > 0 , grass fed , U > 0 n J 70 Hogs Kocelpts , ! 1 * 00 ; shipments , 700 ; market higher : choice heavy and butchers' selections , $ . 00.i.110 , packing , t4 - 5 , cW , packing , l SOi MW , light grades ft M(8' ) ( .00. KniinnH City , Jnn. 17. Cftttlo Hocelpts , 2,700 ; shipments , 1700 , market dull ; beef steers slow but steady , weak ; cows dull ; stockers and fccdlni ; steers steady to a shade lower , good to choice corn fed , $4 15074 . " 0 ; common to medium , < 3 l.'f t U ) ; stockers and feeding steers , f2.00f 3 30 ; cows , $1.2. ) @ 2S ) Hogs Receipts , 7,4'X ) ; shipnionts , ! l,4Kl ( ; maikct strong and active , nd . " > ( ! < lOe higher ; good to choice , M W@l 05 ; couimou to medium , M.GO-4.05. ( OMAHA ijtvij srooiu Cnltlo. Thursdav , Jan. 17 , IBS' ' * . The market was bad enough for the re ceipts to bo heavy , but it wns all on nccount of the extro-ne demoralization piev.uling in eastern markets. Tim receipts hero were really too light to make a market ami stronger prices under any other circumstances would have been looked for. As it \ \ as tlio trade opened very slow , and 110 trading was done until afternoon , when about eveii thing changed hands , but nt lower prices Homo pi city irood cattle weighing rlpht around 13JO Ibs , sold at S3.o5 , otherwise the packers paid * J 0"i.t ( ( 35. Cows sold mostly at f'J.Ol ) ( < ? 2 35 , but it required something pretty good to bring the latter price. Thoio were only a very few feeders , but they sold at $ ' WKjt 3 00. It appears to make no dlftorenco how low beef cattle bell , feeders bring the same money. _ The hog market was most unsatisfactory for all concerned , buyers nud sellers alike. Tlio fiesh receipts were very light , but there were about 3,000 hogs on sale. Including those in the hands of speculators. The trade opened with u few strong hogs selling nt n llttlo stronger prices , but the heaviest packers wanted to buy their hogs nt prices steady with yesterday's ' close. Salesmen wcio generally asking moro money for their hogs and the market was extremely slow. Now and then a salesmen would weaken and sell , bnt the buyers remained llrm and would not ratso their bids ; they would take them at their own prices or let them alone. They would pay ft.75 for good hogs , and something extra would not bring any more. After hammering away all day , the packers suc ceeded in buying about 2,300 hogs. A few loads sold at 8-1 bO and (4 b5 , und ono load at $4.b7 } , but they were eai ly sales mostly. The heaviest packers were the lightest buy ers. in fuet if it were not for the smaller packers who buy a regular number every day , theie would bo no market. The sales given below aio those sold from first hands , speculators sales not being tcported. Sliccp. There ' .vas a good sheep market hcie to-day and it washiirhor. Sales were nindo 30c a bun dled higher than last week. The rcccepts were fair and they were all sold. itcuuipts. Cittlo . 300 Hofs . 1,151 Sheep . oOO liivc Stock Notes. Slicep biglier. Light receipts. Cattle market lower. Top on hogs S4.87K. Unsatisfactory markets. Good many hoes carried over. Tlio heavy run of cattle nt Chicago Is ruining - ing tlio cattle market. In order that there may bo no misunder standing regarding commissions , tlio follow ing from i-ulo IX. . as adopted by the stock exchange , is published : Section 1. The commission for selling live stock ahull not bo less than the following rates ; Sea 2. Six dollars per car load for single- dock car loads of hogs and sheep , and flO per car load for douDJo-deck ear loads of the same ; provided they arrive at these yards in double-deck cars , See , U. Fifty cents per head for cattle of all ages ; provided , such commission shall not exceed $13 per car load ; and provided , further , that cows with sucking calves , when sold together by the head , shall bo counted as ono uuiinal. Sea 4 , Six dollars per car load for cars loaded with different species of live stock , unless such cars , contain a number of cattle which , at 50 cents per head , would make the commission on the entire car load exceed fO ; In which event the commission for such entire - tire car load of stock shall bo not less than CO cents per head for each and every head of cattle therein contained. At Council COUNCIL BLUFFS. la. , Jan. 17 , Hogs Re ceipts , b cars ; quality fair to good. hales Common , f4.70@1.75 ; peed mixed , $4.75@4.bOj good heavy , $4.0 ( < i4.fa5. OMAHA WJIOhKSAIjH MAUKUTS. Fruits , 1'roduoo , Ktc. Prices are somewhat steadier , though quo tations are virtually unchanged In the prod uce market. HUTTKU Creamery Fancy print , 2 < J@23c ; choice print , 2J@25u ; fancy solid packed , 21 @ , > 2o ; choice solid packed , 18@20o. Dairy- Fancy roll , 18(3200 ; choice , 10@18o : good , 13 ® 15o : low trades , I0@18 < x K(3S ( Strictly fresh , 15m 10 ? Cnn r Full cream clifddars , choice , 12 ( I'i' i * . full crcnln lints'awo In hoop , IS' ii ? 13c. full cream Y. America choice. 12'tc ( 13c ; off grades and skims , * > ( ii9c. llmburger , 10i(12 ( < , i ; brick and Su Us , 14 i l.V. Li\n Poll Tin -Chickens , per do ; , J'J 50rt ( ? .75 , ducks , per do ; . $1 TncnilOO : geese , per i\07 , t * 59@9 00. turkt'is , per Ib. ' ( ; tf Dntssni ) Pol t.Tni C'lilckctiH , per Ib , ( V ? ? turkojs , per Ib , Italic ; geese , per lb , 9 k.- . ducks , b < ji toe Vir : - llcav.grassrrs. . i.M ) to 200 Ibs , OV2 O'jc ' ; Inferior calves , flu to 00 Ibs , 4in.'ic , medium to irood , 70 to s.ilbs , V > c , choice to fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , rANo. GVMF Mallard , per do ; , $2 " (3)100 ( ) : red head , per ilof'JSOfrMOO , teal , per doz , 11 50 ( 1.75 : canvas b.icK pcrdor , tt Oc > ( g4 Ml ; common small , per doz , tOOin \ 1 50 ; tabbits , per doz , 75cMl 00. Jack rabbits , per doz , f , ? 00 ( ! ? 1.5J ; squirrels , pur doz , 75rtfl ( Oil. Ai'Pi ns Per bbl. fancy New York and Michigan , $2.50 , clioiii. , * 2 ( WW.5 ! ; choice Missouri , * - ' 00 ( < ? 2 3ft , good , tl 5t > ( 'f1.75. . CiuMiKiiniFs Capo Cod , choice , per bbl , * ! 0.Hi ( ( 10iiO ; fair , HI UX 'i 50 ; Hell At Huglc , choice , $ 'JOOfi9 ( 25 ; fair , fS.odiuS 75 ; Hell , t Cherry , choice , $ s ( X(3S ) ( W ; sair , 17 25 ( < e7 .VI ; FOIILIIIN Fin IT * Mmaga gropes , kegs , 40 to 55 Ibs , lOc per Ib ; bananas , per bunch' $ l.50ut.OO ( : ; lemons , fnnci new , 300 or 300. s , $4.00M 50 ; choice old , JtHO , s , $3 00(2UiO : , oinngcs , Florida , fancy bright , iierbox , f350 ; Florida russets , f3 25. Nrrs Walnuts , OUi OOc ; peanuts , VS o ; chestnuts. 4fn5c , cocoanuts , per 100 , $ , ViiUuf 0.0(1 ( , hiielnuts , 3ri(4rhickorynuts ; , small , $1 25ffl ( 50 , laige , ( > 0ot75o , pecans , plain , Ol 8c ; | K > lishpd , 9 nlOc. VrnuT\ni is : Potatoes , Colorado mid ltnh , 70 ( < t75c : Wyoming , 55ilGc ( ( ) ; Nebraska and Iowa , choice lart'e. t5@)0i' , common , 30t < MOc ; sweet potatoes , Jersais , per bill , S.I I'lKif J 75 ; beets , per bu , f > 5 i ( > 0o , carrots , 35 ( < 40o ; cabbaue , Calirornlu , per cralo , $ J . ' 5 ; par snips , 5000c ( ; onions , red choice , 50@Y > c ; Hllver skin , OticJS ; turnips , aiKu .Me ; uitaba- gns , UValOo ; caulillower , choice large , per do/en , SI 25 ( < rl 5(1 ( ; good , $1.00a ( ! . ' , ' ' > , radishes , ! )5iplOc ) ( ; lettuce , 25i30c ( ; cueumbeis , $150 ; BtiTng beans , per bov , ? 1 75f < i2 25. Portouv Per Ib , lice , I'yfjJ.'t ; ; common , HOMV 1 Ib frames , choice white , dink , 14 ( < $ lt > c , strained , 10iJ12e. ( Jn.uiis 4 ( . l > o per Ibj preserves , 10(3)120 ) per Ib. LAUD ' 'c. ' HIIIM Urccn , snlted , No. 1 , SfS.Vje ; No. 2 , 3n ( life ' ; calf , . "iCfW-tfc ( ? ; di v Hint , 5 ( 8c. Hit Navies , hand picked , per bu , $ , ' 25 < i2.IO ; good clean country , ? 2.l)0a225) ) ( oil or poor stock , $ l.OOil.uO ( ; California , ? J.OO Ciiiru Michigan , per bbl , $4.5V ( 5 00 ; New Yoik , per bbl , $5.UOt ; < 550 ; half bbl , f J.75it3 ( 00. FB\rnnus Per Ib , prime l\e ! geese white , 3i ) < ii35c ; mixed with gray , 20ii25c ; damp and musty , I0(520e ( ; pnnio live domes tic duck , 'J0ft25o ( ; wild duck , 15ii20c. ( Sti'isn Kiui'T Per bbl 30 gal , choice. M.50 ; per half bbl , < 2 50. Groccra1 List. Ueviscd pi ices are ns follows : HAOOISII Staik A , seiimless , 22c ; Amos- kcap , seamless , 17Ke ; Lewlstown , A , seam less , 19c ; American , seamless , 17c ; bin laps , 1 to 5 bu. , lltcHe ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gun nies , double , 20c ; wool sack , iSiv. T\MM s Flax , 3So ; extrasull , 20@21c ; sail 13 , 20G'21c ; cotton , 22c ; jute , Oc. DHIKII FatiTS Figs , in bo > cs , per Ib , 13@ lOc ; dates , In boxes , 7@10o ; Lo..dou Malaga lajcr laisins , per bov , $ J50k 370 ; Malaga loose raisins , f J.30@IJ.50 ; new Valencia rai sins , per Ib. SJfe ; California loose muscatels , per box , S20U ( < f210 ; ' California Londons , 18bb , ? J40 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISe ; Cali fornia pitted nlums , per Ib , 12ul3c ( ; diied blackboiiios , i > er Ib , TJ @bc ; dried raspboi- nes , per Ib" 2125c ( / : evaporated apples , 7S ( ' < ! sc ; California sun-dried peaches , l.'lc ; Call- loini.v unparcd evapoiated ) ) paches , 14c ; evaporated California apricots , ISo ; cur rants , ( l'jV(7c ( ( ; Turkish juuncs , 5fi5J ( c ; cit ron , 2Joc2lo ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel , liu ; California French prunes , ll ( < $ lic. ( Pit M.tsMedium , in bbls , J")00 ; do , in half bbls. J3 00 ; small , in bbls , Sii 00 ; do , in half bbls , S3 50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 17.00 ; do , in half bbls , $4 Oil. Con-hE Mocha , 25S27c ( ; Uio , Bood.1Sfi > lo ! ) ; Manaahling , 2 ( i2bc ; roasting Uio , 17 ( < ( > 18c ; O. G. Java , 24@Jiio ; Java , interior , 2J 23c ; Kio , fancy , 21A22o ; Santos and Mara caibo , 17dM9c ; Arbuckles , 22c ; McLaiiKli- lin's XXXx. 22 ic ; German cofTeo , Si per Ib. Si OAK , Granulated , % c ; conf A , 7 | < c ; white extra C , 7' c ; extra C , i'g'c ; jellow C , OXo ; powdered , b | c ; cubes , 8J < Jc. ULCJWAChoicu yellow , 20iT22'4'c ( ' , dark colored , 13@l4c. Toiucco Plug , 2i@35c ( ; smoking , 10@90c. S\i.r $1.3jjgl.40 ( per bbl. Horc 7-1(1 ( , 14 0. Mvi-Li ; Srcuii Uricks , ll@12c per Ib ; penny cakes , 12 ( > 13c per Ib : pure maple syrup , $1.00 per gal. TrAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 1S@ 25c ; YOUUR Hyaon , good to fancy , 3o@5 * > c ; Gunpowder , common to good , 22a25c ( ; Gun powder , choice to fancy , 40(20)c ( : ; Japan common to medium , 15fe20o ; Japan , choice to fancy , 30@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 100-1350 ; Oolong choice to fancy , 50ij70c ( ; Imperial , common to medium , 25@3jc ; Im perial , good to fiancy , 40G50c. CHACKCIIS 0@7c per Ib ; assorted cakes , Sg'i5o ( per Ib as per list. CANDI Mixed , 9K@12 c ; stick , 0 > < Jf ( ? lie ; rock candy , lOJ QtlJo ; fancy candy , 7u ( > 2Sc. HOI.UNK IIl'.UHINO 90C. COD Dry Goods. COTTON FI.IX.VRLH 10 per cent dls. ; LiT > , 5Hc ; CO. OJ e ; SS , 7e ; Nameless , 5o ; HX , Ibc ; U , 19c ; No. 10. 8KcNo. ; 40 , 10'2'c ; No. IV,1 , 12330 ; No. SO , 13 } < e ; No. 30 , coloied. 9c ; No. 50 , colored , 12c , No. 70 , colored , 12 } c ; Hustol , 12 c ; Union Pacific , 17c. CAUPUI WAIIT Hid , white , 19c ; coloied , 22c. 22c.UATTS UATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOc ; IJeauty , 12 > ic13oonu ; , 14c ; H , cased , 5(1.50. ( PHISTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater , Oc : Berlin oil , Wtc\ \ Garner oil , (5@7o. ( PIIINTS I'lnkimd Robes Allen. Cc ; River- ) > olnt , 5J o ; Stool River , 0 } u ; Ulchmond , iiMo ; Paeiilc , 7c. PltlNTS Dress Charter Oak , 5 , ' c ; Ram- ape , 4l4c ; Lodi , 5o ; Allen. Oc ; Richmond , do : Windsor , 0'ic ; I ddystone , 0c ; Pucnic , 0)60.HI.EACIIL HI.EACIIL ; ! ) SHI.KTI.NO Hcrkeloy cambric , No. GO , 9kTc ; Host Yet , 44 , O&c ; butter cloth , OO , 4'fo ; Cabot , 7c ; Farwell , half bleached , 8 > Jc ; Fruit of tlio Loom , 9c ; Greene G , tiiIlopo ; , 7 0 ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsilule cambric , 14c ; Lous- dale , bJic ; Now York mills , 10 } c ; Peppcrell , 42 in , Ho ; Peppcroll , 40-in , 12o ; Pcppeiell , 0-4 , lc ( ! ; Pepjierell , 8-4 , 21c ; Popporcll , 9-4 , ffilo : Peppcroll , 10-1 , 25o ; Clinton , 4-4 , 8 > o ; Triumph , flc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Vnlloy , 5c. FIAXEIJI.S Plaid Raftsmen , "Oc ; Gosnen , 2 o ; Clear L like , ycjtfc ; Iron Mountain , rj.i\VELS Whlto-OH , No. 2 , Jf , GH , No. 1 , > tf , 20o ; HH , No. 2 , % , Vi oUII. \ . No. 1 , , 30c ; Quceheo , No. 1 , % , 4.'c. COHSKT JE\NS AnUroscoifgln , 7 ye ; ICear- surge , 79fo ; Rockport , GVo ; Conestoga , OWfc. TICKS York , 30-lp < 12K i YorJf , 3Jin , ; Swift ilver. We ; Thorndiko , OO , 8 0 ; Thorndiko , KE , $ e ; Thorndiko. 120 , \\yta \ \ ; Thorndiko , XX 15c ; Coidis , No. 5 , 0 > fc ; Cordis , No. 4 , 10JKO Amoskeag , t oe. I6yc ; Everett , 7 oz , UJtfo ; York. 7oz , 43 'c ; Haymnkor , .Taffroy , XX , ll o ; , Baffroy XXX , 12K ; Bnaver Creek AA , 12o ; Hea.\or Creek U13 , lie ; Uoavor Crook CC(10o. ( KEKTUCKI JIUNS Memorial , IBc ; Dakota , ISc ; Durham , Zl o ; Hercules , 18u ; Leam ington , 22 o ; Cottswold , 37 * . ' j , mui SIU , 12 0. it's Table on cloth , $2.50 ; plain Holland , 9 > o ; D.nlo Holland , 12 > < o. HitowN SnuEriNO Atlantio _ A , 1-4 , 7' ' ( So : _ . . . % w 44VIUDIL ; ! J.4U , 'l-l. UU i 1IJUII11I J1UUU , 1 * * ) , * /4 C , Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oe ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 > tfc ; Pepporell H , 4-4 , 7e ; Pcpperoll O , 4-4 , 9ic ; Popperell , 8-4 , 18Mo ; Pepiicroll , 9-4 , 21d ; Pepperell , 10-1 , 2kUtlca C , 4-4 , 4 o ; Wnchusctt , 1-t , 7 0 ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 7o , Au rora H , 4 4c , 0 > io , DUCK West Point , 20 In , 8 oz , 10 } < o ; West Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12 c ; West Point , 29 In , 12 oz , 15o ; West Point. 40 in , 11 o * , lOc. F/.ANNF1 s Hoil C , 24 In , lS ) < o ; E , Si In , 21)4'o ) ; 00 , 21 In , 20o ; HAP , ) ( , 25o ; JHF , , * * * * * * m GINOII.UI Plunkott checks , 7 > jo ; Whitten- ton , 7Hc York , 7Kc ; Nonnandi dress , t > Ku ; lienfrow dress , b ) < ( ! l2 > c. UAMIIIIICB Slater , 5o ; Woods , 5o ; Stand- aril , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. PjtiSTO , I.NDKio HI.UK Arnold , OUo : Amer ican , OJi'o ; Gloucester , 0 > 4'c ; Arnold C , long jlotb , Oc ; Arnold 13 , long cloth , lO fo ; Arnold Gold Spftl , lOifrStcifel A. 1'Jc ; Windsor Gold Ticket , V , i- _ MotnU nnd ' ! timers Stock. Hloek tin , small pig . $ 2 $ Hlock tin , bar . . . i'i ' Copper , planl < licd boiler sl"S. . . . H Copper , cold rolled . 31 Copper , shontlntr . 30 Copupr , pitts . 30 Copper , lints . 31 Gal sheet iron , .luniata. 50-10 und 5 per cent discount. Pat plnnlshcd iron , 21 to 27 A. . . . 10' Pnt planished Iron. 24 to 27 11. . . . ! HS' Rooting , 1C , 140) , 112 shoots . . . . 0 00 Hooting , IX , 14\20 , 112 sheets. . . 751 Rooting , 1C , 2ix2S. ) 1 12 Mipcts . 11 ( K ) Roofing. IX , 20\2\ 1 12 , slcts. . . . 14 50 Sheet iron .N'O. tS ! . JLAd Sheet Iron No. 27 . H < W Solder . Wt < &W ( Tin nlnto. best charcoal 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets . r,50 , IX , I0x 14 , 2-5 sheets . b 25 Tin plate , coke 1C. lUxlM , 2J5 shoots . II 'i'i Steel nails , per kec . 2.25 Steel wire mills , per keg . 2 N"I Iicntlior. Hemlock solo , CVit2Sc ( per Ib ; oak sole , 33 ( it'Wic per Ib ; oak harnpis , 30jft.e ( ; ! per Ib ; elected onk and ti uoo , 3tS35c ( per Ib : onk nnd hemlock upper , 20 ( J'p per loot , hem lock calf skin , No 1 , & 0i'.Kc ) per Ib , accord ing to weight ; oak call skin , No. 1 , I'lMs ' ? * 1.H ( ) per Ib ; Phllalolphia calf skin , extra , ? l.Kil ( ) ( luprr Ib ; iieuilock kip sitin , No. 1 , WKifTOo per Ib : ouk kip skin. No 1 , 70oili. ) liurlb , PhlladPlplila kip skin , pxtrn , bOw'inc jier Ib , French culf skin ( iiivoiding to weight nnd quality ! , ? 1 15 ( < rl.75 pcrlb ; French kip skin , do , MH'@J1 1(1 ( per Ib ; Cor ilovuii russet , IV ; satin finish , 20o per foot ; welt lo.ithei' , f , 50013.00 per side ; tuoioccos ( pcbblegoat ) , .Mot We per foot ; inoiO'-eos , boot loir , 2"ii ( too per foot ; glove calf skins , 20f > lOcpor loot ; Dongoln kid , IWdflOo per loot , kaugur'oo skins , -lOot'ilK * per foot , uu cording to quality , toppings , fb.iKlin 10.00 per doyen , linings , f."i.00 ( 9 00 per du/en ; apron skins , tlU.WiM 12.00 pur do/on. First nnd second clear , 1'4 ' in . $4 ! ) WMJIl 00 First and second clear , 1U , ; in. . 47 ( Klruol ) 00 Uhird clear , iy in . 43 00m 40 ( H ) A select , l 4ifP ( m . , 7 ( K ) Uselcet , l'4rtl' . in . ! dU A stock boards , l2m It ! ft , 12 In. . 4f ( M ) U stock boards , l.VMH ft , 12 In. . 41 ( H ) C stock bannls , 12@li ( ft , 12 In. . 3H 00 D stock boards , 12 ( It ! ft , 1'J in . . 2.J 00 Flooring , lirst conmion , 0 in . . . 31 ( Kl Flooring , second common , 0 in . 31 00 Selpct fencing flooring . 19 00 Siding , first couimou , 1(5 ( ft . 23 00 Siding , second common . 19 00 Common boards . 13 00 ® HI 00 Fencing , No. 1 , 18M20 ft . 1C , 5@lb ( ) 00 Fencing , No. 2 , 12 , 14 ( < ? 1C , ft . . . 14 OOfjJir 00 Joist , and scantling , 2x4 , 14 ( < ? li ! ft 10 00 Timber , 4x4 , Sx8 , 12 ® 10 ft . . . . 17 00 Pickets , U and II Hat . 23 (10 ( Pickets , D nnd H square . 1:2 00 Shingles , extra A . 2 bO Shingles , standout A . 2(0 Sath . 2 40 O G Halts 2' < T in . 35 O G Halts , p'iVJ , SI b . 00 3-in well tubing , D and M bov . ' 22 00 THE KUAIiTY MAIIICCT. IiiHtriinientH rinceil on Uocoril Dur- iiitt YcHtonl.iy. It E Onyloril , Tr , to II I ) U\ans lots 10 , 11 and W , bliitkllurllngton I'liue . 1 3,65 Win Me\ers to Chas llln/ , lot "I , Hum- bolilt I'lnco 3'Ti Tlie Jlutual Trust Co to II Crlttcnden , lot - ' . ' , block 1. Northlleld 'J.'j The Mutual Trust Co to M Crlltendcn , lot iM , Dlock4 , Noithllrld. . . i J5 S II II Llnrk , Tr , to John Ahmansoii , lot Ifi. block S , \ \ est hlilo . . OS I'Now itto.M h Iliutlctt , lots U ami 15 , blockMai yslife. . . ! ! ,000 J 11 llununte , Ir , to 12 Hlclielittl , lotsH , 11 and I1- , block 14. lloillord I'lntu J , 7)0 C K 'I'm nor anil husband to U Lewis , lot 3 , ljlock-1. Summit 1'liico 2,700 (5 A larente unit wlfo to U llfclcer , lot l.lniliiucst E mid , South Oinnlm. 1,000 II IComilzoiuid wlli-to.M I ) Oliver , lot 1 , block ) , Kouut/u I'luco t H KoiuiUu and vlfe to A Until , lot 7blotK is , K mnt76 Pluci ) . 1 II Kount7e and ifo to M I ) Olh er , lot 2 , blork&l , Ioia4. fiiimlR , blotk JO , lot 11 , block , ) ) , Kountzu 1'laco . . 1 11 Kountzc to A Huth , lots II mid 7 , Uock 2o , lot 10 , block M , lots 3 iiml 7. block 30 , nnil lot S , block Do. Kountzo I'lacc. . . . 1 C Kountze and husband to I ) JJavls , a lot l.iOxlTOat nv cor lot 10 , block 7 , I'orest . Hill 8,000 II Kountze and v Ifo to A Kountro , lot 18 , block 1) , Kounf/o.V Itiith's ailil. . . 1 A Kouutzo et nl to C 11 Kountze , a H lot 4"i anil nil lot 4 > . A Kouiuzo ct nl to C U Konnt/e , sH lot 7 nnd nil 8. n ' , , lot .land all 111. blku . . . . 1 A Kouut/o et al to C II KounUu , n ' { s ' / lot 5 , Kountzo'.is Idthst mid , blk "M . 1 A Kountzo et al to C II , 7 lots , Kountzo iV Knth's add . . . 1 11 Kountze et ill to A Kouutze , s ' , ; lot 5 , blki'o'i. ' Cof O . . . . 1 H Kount7o et nl to A Kountzo , U lots In Kount/o's fi 10th st add . .1 II Koniuzoct ul 10 A Kountzc. lot HI. In A Kount7e's add . . 1 II Kount/o ct ill to A Kountzo , 41 lots In Kountzo A , ituth'H add . l II Kountze ot nl to A Kount/o , 7 lots in Kountzo ft Itulh's add . . , 1 II Kount70 ft nl to A Kouiit7e , lots 4 , C and 11 1 , blk 2 , Kount7a'.s K ItHh st add . 1 II Knuntzo ot al to A Kountze , lot 81 In A Kountzo's add . . . . ] II Kountzo ot nl to A Kountzo , n ' , { lot ! > , blkliVJ , ( 'oronmlm , . . . . 1 William G Albright and wlfo to 1 31 Chapman - man , lot 3 , blk .J7 , Albi ight'i Choice , bo Uiniiha . . . . GT > 0 W illinni .1 1'mil to l1 W White , n 50 rt lot 37. Ilorbach's2d add , oxt'd 7,000 C W White loJ W ( "ovell , n f/J ft lots , blk 7. Horb.ich's "il ndd oxt'd . 7.0W 1 > O lllmiiluughotMl to I ) Gowdy , lot , blk Id , Onmh.i Hlghts. . . 4'J5 SO Patrick to J M Lowe , 17 lots In Pat rick's ' 'd add . . . So Omaha hind Co to U AHubbnrd , Iota. blK Ml. So Omrlw . . . . 687 Thlity-threo tmiisfeis A Secret of good health in found in tlio regular moycinont of the bowolb and perfect no tion of the livoi1. These organs were intended by nuturo to remove from the system all impurities. If you are con stipated , you oiler u "htiinding invita tion" to a whole family of diseases and irregularities which will surely bo ' 'ac cepted" and you will liavo guests un welcome and determined. All those unhappy conditions may bo averted by tlio timely IHO of Dr. LIGICO'I Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Powerful for the effectual regulation of tlio bowels and liver , establishing a healthy action of the entire wonderful organism with which wo are created. Jlowure oCBcrnlud CnkcH. Globo-Dumocrot : "I was once en gaged in the baking business , " said aNew Now York city man recently. "You would bo surprised at the deceit prac ticed in some bakeries. A competent baker can toll in a minute whether or not the ingredients used in tlio making of a cake are pure. If a cnko is scouted witli something pleasing to the smell you can make up your mind that tlio cake was thus scented to kill the odor of bad eggs that were used in the mak ing of it. Ono time I worked in a largo baking establishment in Now York city where barreled lime eggs were tided ex clusively in making pastry. Tlio bak ers had strict orders from the proprie tor * of the establishment not to waste an oggoven though it was bad , and I toll you many sick liino eggs are found in a barrel. I have scon as many as site bad eggs put into ono cake , The hcont used killed the smell , and only export * could detect the trick after tlio cake was baked. Tainted moat is alpo u.scd by some conscienceless bakers in mince pies. I was discharged at ono plneo because I refused to use meat for mince iiios that I would not have been guilty , of feeding to a dog. All bukoi-b are not alike. There are men who buy the best for the manu facture of their broad and pastry , but somehow the inferior a tut ! finds ready sale. The people should hocomo edu cated , so as to toll the dlll'oronco between - tweon good and bad cako. Let them bovvaro of purchasing pastry that is scented , and soon the bakers will dis cover that their trick is exposed , nnd they will resort to purer stuff in the manufacture of their wares. A law should bo passed in regard to this matter - tor , whereby pastry inspectors would see to it that wholesome ingredients uro used. " AgrTcuTuirnT nvVpTomontSt * CHURCHILL PARKER , JcalGrinAgriciillurallDiplcineiits , Wagons , ntrlaecsnnil llurelM , li ir ? tirct b Kill Oiimhk Vpt > i kfi. LINUMGER & METUvNLF CO. . t\gricDllnralIinplcinonlslWaioiisCarriagci \ ) ( Klc. WholvsMe Wliolnnlc l > ti\lor * In Agricrillnral Implements , ons& Bnggic NI , tin. HK nnil WJono sired , Onifttin. P. P. MAST & CO. . Mannfectnrcrs of BncKcye Drills , Scedcis Cultivator * , lit * llnkfi. Oiler Mills unit 1 ulmn 1'u Torlion Cor llln mul .Nicholas Mrnt . WINONA IMPLEMENT CO/i / Whole ! o Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggici OMAHA 11HANC1I. J. F. SEIBERLINQ . CO. , Akron , Olilo. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W R Meml , Mnnnjcr. linicarenwiirlhsU Onmlm MOLINdMlLBURNASTOOD AKD Co .Mntiufoctim'rs niuUpl'lu-rs In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th nnJ 1'nrlllc sirecli. Omnhn. Nob. Artists' Mntorlnle. _ A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , Onmtm JBookoollors nnd Stationers , H. M , & S. W. JONES7 Succes or trt A. T. K > njron A Co. , WliKlvBiilo A Ilctnll and Stationers , Fine Wedding SHiMnn r > , Coiiimcrclnl Stulloncry lirj lontl iStroel Oinnlm , .Nut , . Boots find Shoaa. KIRKENDALU , JONES & CO. , ( Miccoior * to Htoil , Jonci A lo ) WholesalGManufactoKofllootsandSlioes AuenUlu'lloitnn llubhcr Shoo < ' 111)5,1104 ) A HIM lUrnor St. , Omuba. ) brttakll. W. V. MORSE fc CO. . Jokers of Boots and Slices , 1101 1103-1104 DouBlm Si. Oinnlin Manuluctorf , Sum mof-t. lit nun. J. J. JOHXSOA' A < 0. , Manufacturers of Lime , Anil * lili | | < i < n ol I'oil , Coak , Ceini'iit. riislrr , lima li ln Tlio unU terror 1'lpo. Ulllcr , 318 S Utb St , Oiiinhu , > eb. TdcpUonu bit. Dry CoodB ana Notions & M. E'SMITH A co. . " Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions. 110 ? anil 1101 DotmlM. Cor llth St .Orantia. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY.COODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Cents' FuruUblnK Hood , Cnnior lltli nud HaJuer St , Utuntin. PttlirMhn. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Snippers of Coal and Cote , SHonlh nth t. Orrnt n Wl > . HELIN. THOMPSON & CO. i nnil Jiiuticrf of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 317 Smith 15th btrcct. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Faruaui Street. Oiualin.'jraska CHARLES SHIVER1CK , Furniture Omaha , Nebraska. Coffooa , Spices , Etc- CLARKE COFFEE CO. , OmnLm toOee nnil Spice Mllli. Teas. Coffees , Snices , Baking Powder , FlaYtirlng Kitructi , Lnuuilry nine lnk , Ktc HI- KlbllarniiT Street , Omaha. Nabm li . Crockery and W. L. WmCHT. Agent for tlio Manafftcturera anil Importciaof Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys Ktc Office,317 B llth bl. , OniHUn , Ncbrnskn. PERKIN3 , CATCH &LAUMAN. IniDorlura and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Etc. 1514 tcrnmSt.i\OT Pcxton Bnlldlnc. Commleslcn and Storage- 'RIDDELL & RIDDELL/ " Storage and Commission Merchants , Spccialtlcc Pi'iiwr I'ri rhnp n IVnltry , Game , 112 Howard Street , Omaha. GEO. SCHROECER & CO. , Successors to McShane i , Sclirociler ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Oniuha. Coal , Coke nnd Limo. O'MAHA COAL" COKE & LIME'CO. , Jobte of Hard and Soft Coal , 309 South 13th Slrcut , Omftlin , Nclirnika. CrocorioB. OAL'LAGH Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705,7W , 709 and 711 B lOtli St. , Onmbn , Nob. McCORD , BRADY U CO. , Wholesale Grocers ; Hi and I envonwnrth Strcotf. Omaha , Ncbratkc. Honvy i ardwarp. " ' Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , SprlngaVnuon HKirk , Iliinlwnro. Lumber , Etc. 1201 and 1V1I Ilnrncy titruol , ( Juiolia HIMEBAUCH &TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Tools nnd Iluiralo Pcnlei IUX > Douului titruvt , Omalia , NnLrnslin , RECTOR. W I LHE LMY & CO. . Wholesale Hardware , Cthana Ilnrner Ht , Omalm. \ti-itornAncuti lor Aunlln PowilerCo , Jvilumon bteul .Nulls , _ _ I'klrbaiiki " tilnniUrU Hrnli'i LEE , CLARKE" , AN DRCESEN HAHD- WAKE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate. Metals , Mii > Ft Iron , eti1 AKonts for Howe Sralei , udor unai.yinuii llailiedvlie , Umahu , Nubiasha. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 18U Street anil Union I'liclHe Track. Onuli . LOUIS BRADFORD Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasti , Doom , Etc. Y ril - Corner 7th und Doiwlas. Cornel ' vu'01- ' IJtUuud Jliutim T. W. HARVEY UUMBER COTe To Dealers Only , Offlco , 1(03 ( Farnarn Btrect , Omaha , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported anil American /'ortlaml / Cement Ht t ( Agunt Jgf lllhTaiikon lljilrnullo CVlfltol. uud ( juliur Wtilto l.luie. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnraher , Wood Ctrpeti and 1'irc.uul I'lgorlog. ttli aaa Douglu * LUMBER. C. N. DIETZ , 4 Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , ' loth nml Otlifornln Strcot ,0iuha , Nebraska. KHLD W L.UAV. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner CtbnnJ loucln . ' 'l .Ounhiu Mllllnory nnd Notions , " I. OBURFELDEH * CO. , IrAporters& Jobbers in Millinery & Notions x iinmiiUimonth IIIVi Slri-et. Hnte , Cnpa , Etc. W. L. PARI10TTE Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods- 1117 Ma riicr Street. Oinnhn. Nob. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , \ \ holonnlo MamifnctimT * of Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware ? Ami l.cnlber 1UVI , UiXi n , l 1I7 ( ( llMTivy BU , Omaha. Notions J/T. RoBTNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing ; Goods < ll nml ttVifkuth loth m Omaha VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' FiirniSuing Good ? , _ HVi llHrm'T Mroof. Dunlin _ y * * * * " " ' " - * * * * - r * e i - Overalls. _ , WJ CANFIKLD MANUFACTURING CO. * Manufacturers of ( trails , Jeans I'imis. Muif. Kto 1 102 nml lloi l > ouil s Street , Ouinliiu Jiofo " _ Office Fixtures. k THIS SlilMOSMH MANlTArrUlUNQ CO. of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle Milehonr I' , Hook Cases , Druir HxtiroVnU r ui I'liitmmti linllliii : , CiiniilcrH , llocrnndWInn Coolnrt * . Mliroi * et < I tu Inr urn1 itmri * , 1730 nutl 1 J3 Mmlli Uih HI , oumtiii Tclupliono 1UI. . = t- " . _ - - . . - - . . ' II Oils- _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , WMsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , , A i In tiri'iMiu , Ktc , Omaln. A.It Ul > hni < . Manner Pnlnts and OB. | | " - w-- - " " "CUMMINGS & NEILSO"N , VVIiole'nla Dcnlorn In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HIS Fiunam Street. Omnhn , Nob. Paper. CARPENTER PAPEH CC.Y Wliolesale Paper Dealers , furry n nice mock of Printing. Wrnii1iiit nnd Wrltln * ra , r broclnl Htluiitlon Klrcn to < Hr loml imlcrn i = = = 'i ' Storage , Forwarding & Commission ' ARMSTnONG. PETTIS , V CO Storage , Forwarding anil Commission , Brunch Iniuio of the lluittiuy llimtir Co. HiiL-gii-nat Mliulo aleinuln > lilll M lilOinul 11U Izanl Street , O'llHllll Mvleplinu * * No 77J Browors- STORZ&JLER , Laser Beer Brewers , IWlNortli HlBtlUiontli Street , Omnhn. Vcli _ Cornloo. EAGLE CORNlCE WOnKS7 Mannfactiirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice- Window CMIS | iiml met illu . . Jens KIM Mini , Proprietor. 1Mb Ullll llUSOIltll l.'lll ttKl't. -J - TT - = = - _ - i Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER Auxiliary PulJlisliers , Paper Boxes. JOHN" ? wiLKi , Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factor/ , Nos. 1317 nml 11111 IJou lnii Bt . , } mitlia. Nek. _ Rubber Coeds- _ OMAHA RUBBER CoT ' Manufacturers and Dealers in Rntto Goods' ' Pll Clotliliig anil Leather llcltlnit. 1CKX ) 1 nrnuui btreat. Sash , Deere , Etc. " M. A. DISBROV f. CO. . Wholcsiilo Mnnir.ctiirornof Sasli. Doors. Blinds and Monlffings. Uritpcli blUco , 12Ui and Ininl blri'cls. Oin.ilin , Neb. ' Manufacturers" Sash , DoorT Bniflv , iiililliiKs , Stair Work nnil Interior Ilni'l WL.O ! I im all. SI.U. to rue i stlinml I iMivcnwurlli hCrci > ti , Olllflllll. JkOU. FlttioRs , Pumps , Etc i A. I. . STRANG CO. , " v | Pumps , Pipes and Engines , 5tc'"n- ' ' ' - Elc- CI-1UHCHILL PUMP CO. holcsaiGFmnps > .Pipol Fiiiings. Slcam nnd Walcr Bmiiillos TTi n'loiiarlir * for Mat. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . and Water Snpplies , il MlllR 018 und IO1 Fnmnm Bl. . Oiuulis. U , I . Ituaa , AcllDi { > liinuiicr , . , Engines , Boilers anil General Machinery. sheet Inm Work Ptenm l'iiui | > Snw MIK . Hlrljll UiiTiMnrnrlli Him ii Iron _ STAM BOILEfwORKS , Cnttor .ll-oii. 1'rnp 9 Miiniifiuturer * of all kinds Steam Boilers , Tanks and Slice ! Iron WorK Works t-niilli JOlli nncMI. , V.M Cromlnir. I'AX'KW A VIKICI.INU 1UO.N WOIIKS. ffroiight anil Cast Iron Building Wort UnKlnpn. llra Work Ooncritl I omidiy , Muolilnound llluilniuuii Woik uiliiunniluiki , U. 1' . Uy. anil 171U SUcU , Oraiiliu , to IHUN WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings ) o k Ilnlli , Window ( JuuriK Motvur Slnnfls , Wlro tlKn ! , IClc. IU Nurlli Iftli Hlrcnt.Oiiiulia OMAH"A SAFrFancl IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes ( null' . Jail Work , lion mil Wlro rVnclriw , HIKIII. KUJ. d AinlrcHii. I'nni'r Cur lllliiiml Im k ) n l * , _ IRON and WIRE WOni < 3 ron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards mil Screens , for bank * . oMIoes torc" nil'lencei.nto , luipnivpd Auiilni : > I ociiiinlth Mu lilnurr nud Jllacktuilili Works. ilt > uiilh lull Ht. _ JanAciinn A wiiiTM aiiE , Pire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Auonts for Dlubulil tfulii nnii I.yck Oumpunjr' * V'uulli und JullVurk , 4J ! s , 15lli Btrvol. II I'AI Mtll \ > rllfllMA.V. J , U.JIIMM..1.H.U PALMER , RICHMAN k CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , ) Ulc Hooni ] < , Onpotlto KdlinnKO llulldlnc. Union fctucK ViinU , Boiilli Om lii > , Kob , > ioHIMtaR1WES'7l 'HFl"Eiru ft IVTAUE'/ Live Stock Commission , IOQDI 15 , KICUUDKO llull.llne , Unlou Block huutli Umuua. Nub. UNMON'STOCn YARDS CO , . Of Omalia , Limited r * I r a . f. f.iV