Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Antt'Plnkorton nnd Inaurauoo
Bills Pass the Sonato.
"Prof.SlinlCRHprarc licllvorinii Atltlrcsn
ti > the llonseon the Diseusns of
'Llvo Stock LcKlslutlve
LTS'rots , Neb. , Jan. 17 ( Special Tele
gram to Tan HII : : . ] The committee on
printing the governor's message reported ,
nnd It xvns adopted , submitting the printing
of the folloxving : In KnglUh , ,0'JO copies
. ' 1,000 , to the senate and house nnd l.OOJ to
stnto officers. In Gorman , 8,000 copies
2,500 to the senate nnd house and MM to state
ofllcers. In Sxvcdlsh , la)3 copies 1 , : > 01 to
Honato nnd house and TOO to slate olllcers. In
Danish , 1,300 copies 1,1)00 ) to the senate nnd
WH ) to stnto onieers. The printing Is to bu
done n soon as possible , after advertisement
for three days In txvo dally papers.
Mr. Kcckloy said that ho xvould like to
have semite ( lie No. 3 recommitted Mr.
lloxvc'sblll prohibiting the bringing of armed
inon xvithin the stnto Mr. Hoxvo objected
to recommittal. Ho could not sec what rcn-
BOfi there xvas , and expressed surprise. Mr.
Keekley said that the idaa of tlio bill had
been considered , but Its particular provisions
had not been discussed. Section 1 provides
that it shall bo unlawful for corporations to
import armed men : In section II corporations
are nuthorUotl to employ detectives. There
is nothing to prevent them from Importing
10,000 detectives. Mr. Hoxvo snid that x\-o
nro not objecting to men coining into the
state to ferret out crime , hilt they are not tenet
net as sheriffs and police ofliccrs. Mr. Nor-
val thought there was n constitutional ques
tion involx-cd , and the bill ought to go to the
committee and bo thoroughly sifted.
General Conner asked 11 under
the constitution it xx-ould bo possible for n
railroad company to import troops Into
the state. Ho thought not ; ttior.ulrond com
panies never have had any power lo cause to
bo imported niiy portion of the federal army.
In this bill the right to protection is es
pecially guaranteed. The guvonior can en
force laxv ; the inilroads cannot do this. If
the governor cannot do It , thoio Is another
power that is supreme , nnd that is the fed
eral government.
Mr. Kcculey said that after this bill is
adopted the governor xvill liax-o no tnoro
power than ho has noxv. The motion to send
the bill back to the committee xvas lost by n
vote ot 9 nfllnnntives to2l ! negatives , ns fol
io xx-s :
Yeas Dern , Kcckloy , Llndsoy , Linn ,
Maher , Nomdl , Pickett. Pope , Sutherland
! i.
Nays Hoardsley , Carton , Connor , Cornell )
Fiinek , Gallogly , . Hoox-or , Howe , Hurd ,
IJnms , Jewell , Manning , Nesbilt , Paulson ,
Puxlon , Polk , Kansom , Kaymond , Hollmson
Koche , Tnggurt , Wethcrald , AVolbaeh 2J.
It xvas then ndontod , the only votes in the
nogntix'o being those ot Messrs. Kcckley ,
Linn , Picket ! and Sutherland , and 23 x-otes
being recorded in the nfllriuntive.
Senate Illo No. y. Mr. Ransom's ' bill de
fining the linbilit.v of lire insurance compa
nies. xx-as then taken up and xvas passed. It
Is as folloxvs :
Section 1. Whenever any policy of insur
ance shall bo written to insure any real
property iu thp state , against loss by fire ,
tornado or lightning and the property In
sured shall bo xvholly destroyed , without
criminal fault on the part of the Insured or
bis assigns , the amount of the insurance
written In such policy shall bo taken conclu-
slx'oly to bo the true value of the property
itiMiicd ntid the true amount of loss and
measure of damages.
Sec. 3. This act shall apply to all policies
ot insurance hereafter made or xvritten upon
real property In this state , and nlso to the
renewal , which shall hereafter bo made , of
nil policies heretofore xvritton In this state ,
and the contracts made by such policies and
renewals shall be construed to bo contracts
made under the laxx-s of this state.
Sec. 3. The court upon rendering judgment
against nn Insurance company upon niiy
8iioh policy of insurance , if the amount of
judgment be f 1,000 , or less , shall nlloxv to tlio
plaintiff nn attorney's fee not less than ? T > 0
nor more than * 100 xvhlch shall bo taxed as
part of the costs , and if the amount of such
judgment exceed $1,000 , the court shnll nlloxv
the plaintiff a reasonable sum as nn nttor-
noy's fee to be taxed as part of the costs.
Senate file No. 31. by Mr. Hansom , xvas
passed. It is as follows : The first Monday
in the month of September in each year shall
hereafter bo knoxvn as "Labor Day" nnd
shall bo deemed u public holiday In like
manner and to the same extent as the holi
days provided for in section eight , of chapter
forty-one , of the compiled stautes of 1SS7 ,
Mr. linyniond this afternoon , Mr. FuncK's '
street rallxvay bill being before the house ,
offered the folloxving ns a substitute for sec
tion hovcn : The xvord "street railway" as
used in the forgoing section shall ho con
strued to nmbrnee all street railroads built
nnd operated for the conveyance of piiBscn-
Ifors nlong the streets and alloys and public
thoroughfares of cities in this stnto. The
motive power by xvhioh the same may be
'operated ' shall bo restricted to horse , mule ,
electric or cable poxvor. Mr. Raymond said
that thcro Is noxv no provision prohibiting n
Btrcct railway from consolidating Its lines
with'thoso ' of the street railways , and run
ning their cars xvhoro they please , This sub-
-Btltuto provides only n necessary safeguard.
Mr. Howe said that this hilt provides only
for lines already built , and it gives them no
additional rights , Your city charter gives
you the privilege of controlling the construc
tion of linos. If this bill gave the right to
build , ho should oppose it.
Mr. Knyrnoud wanted the bill explicitly to
Btato that only horse , inulo , electric or cable
power should bo used , not steam engines.
Mr. Huymond's substitute was adopted.
Mr. Ncsbitt offered a resolution that n
special committee of five bo appointed , xvhoso
duty it shnll bo to ascertain hoxv many clerks ,
deputies and assistants are cmplopod in the
executive department of the state , nnd the
Bums paid in each cuso and by what author
ity of law. Ho said that ho had heard that
thcro xvero clerks employed In all the ofllccs ,
nnd It Is no more than right that these olll
cers should be hoard , nnd that the senate
should ktioxv what Is the practice ,
Mr. Connor said that ho would like also to
fcnoxv hoxv many clerks nro needed ; reports
nro that those officers have more than they
need , Tlio amendment xx-as accepted , nnd
the resolution adopted.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan , 17. [ Special to TUB
UUR. ] The house mot at 10 o'clock a.m.
The reading of the Journal xvas dispensed
, The special committee on the governor's '
message reported in favor of printing 4,000 ,
copies In English , 11,000 In Gorman , 1,500 In
Swedish , 1,500 , In Bohemian and 1,200 in
Prof. Shakespeare , of the National Stock
commission , appeared by Invitation of the
house and delivered an address on the dis >
cases to which live stock is subject. The
professor spoke about thirty minutes , anil
runout , ' other things tmld ;
"All diseases among nnlmala that
are not liable 'to bo folloxved by a
second attack may bo prevented ,
An innoculated animal Is just as dangerous
ns one suffering from the dlsoaso itself , All
diseases among animals nro produced by n
Btioclos of germ or microscopic plant , und
these germs produce In their growth a
chemical product , which Is an antidote or
neutrnllzer of the disease , " Proceeding In
Ids remarks the professor stated that the
magnitude of the stock Interests demanded n
thorough examination by the ino t skillful
experts Into the nature of hog cholora.
anthrax nnd nil similar diseases , and ho bn.
1 loved that If proper moans bo used such
dlioasos may , In a largo measure , be pre
A rote of thanks xvas extended to the pro.
ffssor for bis remarks
The State Farmers1 Alliance presented a
petition asking the legislature to memomllzo
congress to increase the circulating medium
nnd to loan the money direct to the people
without tbo Intervention of national banks.
A memorial from the Typographical union
ot Omabu xvas presented by Morrlssey , pro
testing asulust the atate awarding uny
further pi Intlng to tlio firm of Gibson , Miller
, t Klchnrdnon , on the ground that the firm
mentioned is opposed to the employment of
the labor unions. The memorial Is signed as
Wendell P. Coe , president Omnbn Typo-
grapblcnl Union No. 100 ; James Kinney.
president Central Labor union ; M..I Huck-
loy , president Pressmen's nnd Stereotypors'
i/ulon No TJ ; O. S Wntson , president
Horscshoers' Onion No. 19 , Charles Nous-
trom president Clgarmnkers Union No. 03 ;
Daniel O'KcclTo , president Hricklnyers'
Union No. 1 ; D. A. Stafford , M. W. h , A.
Tgn , K. of L , ; John 13 LcPnge.vieo president
Plasters1 Union No. 4 ; K. S. 13mmons , see-
rotary H. of I. . F. No 123 , Michael Fit ? jer-
aid , I , . A 3HI , K of L. ; K. A Kck. Paint
ers' ' Union No. fUi M. C Holland. ! , . A.
4r > 42 , K. of L , . ; Frank Lucas , L. A. 10.70 , ) , K.
of L. i II W. Schenebly , Cnrneutors' Union
No. & < ) Michael .l.O'Connell , Iron Moulders'
Union No KM ; W Seblng , president Omaha
Wood Machinists'union : Con Lynch , L. A.
W.i , K. of L. ; GeorgoJ. KlofTncr , I , . A.II'JM ,
1C. of U
Satchel ] , chairman of the committee on
revenue and taxation , reported that house
roll ( H , relating tt > the pavtnent of tuxes , ho
amended and passed. Also that house roll
! W , to punish assessors who list property nt
less than its cash value , do pass.
Hooper , from the committee on innnufnc-
tares nnd commerce , reported that house roll
0 , Hallnrd's anil-trust bill , do pass.
Ollnstud , chairman ot tlio railroid commit
tee , reported as folloxv * : That bouse roll IB ,
McHrldo's bill nlloxvingn demurrage on car *
of * ' ( per day when not promptly unloaded ,
nnd compelling railroads to pay the same
rate to the shlnpor xvhen cars are not fur
nished In forty eight hours , do not pass.
Also house roll HJ , to compel railroads to
fence their tracks , do not puss. Also
that house roll 73. to compel all trains
to stop nt crossings , bo amended and do pass ,
Also that house roll 13 , Uallurd's bill to do
tiwnv xvitli stox'cs on passenger trams , bo
amoaded nnd do pass ,
.xntmxoox SESSION .
All bills on second reading were read nnd
referred to the pro per committees.
An olToit xvas made to recall for the con
sideration of the house the bill knoxvn as
house loll 39 , incieasing the compensation of
Jurors from ? 3 to S3 per day , but it xvas lost.
The house xx-cnt Into committee of the
whole for the consideration of various bills ,
being house rolls 10 , 71 , 0'3 , 53 , 33 , 50 , 31 , Hi
and 3S.
House roll i3 xvns reported back for passage -
ago This is the bill appropriating $ , ! ( 0
matriculation fees of the state university to
the library fund for Iho purpose or books.
House roll . " 0 Cushings bill to provide for
the conveyance of real estate by executor in
cases xvhere n party enters into n contract
of transfer nnd dies before completing the
sale -was fax-oiably reported by the commit
tee.House roll 3s to compel railroad trains to
stop at all stations and furnish adequate
facilities for doing business at all stations
x\-as discussed at length. On motion of St.
Kuynur the enacting clause xx-as stricken out ,
Ijivcly Tiiiio In ( lie Houso.
LIVIOL.X , Neb. , Jan. 17. [ Special to Tin :
Hut ; . ! The introduction of McBndo's reso
lution to-day directing the secretary of state
to charter a special cur for tlio use of the
committee on public lands nnd buildings and
for various sub-committees to visit tbo state
institutions , x\rns the signal for a lix'ely and
animated discussion in which fully ado/en
members participated. During the progress
of tlio douato Cahhvoll xvantcd to knoxv if
the house reposed any confidence whatever
in thu committee on public lands nnd build
ings , of xvhlch ho is chairman ; xx-cro they n
sot of tliic\-cs and cut-throats ! "For txventy
years , " said ho , "It has boon the custom in
this state to send this committee on these
trips and pay their legitimate expenses , and
why should the question be raised uoxvi"
duly replied that the house xx'ould likely
approve their hills xvhen presented , but he
objected to approving them in advance.
Hallard said lie thought that the house
xx-ould pay the actual and necessary expenses
incurred , but they had no need of it special
train or car. That they should travel as or
dinary passengers , nnd moved to lay
McHride's resolution , to provide n special
car , on the table , xvhich xvas carried by a vote
of 49 to 32.
Billiard'B Trust Hill.
LINTOIX , Neb. , Jan. 17. [ Special to Tirn
BEE/ ] The folloxving is n synopsis of the
trust bill introduced by Hon. J. R. Ballard
nnd furornbly reported by the committee on
manufactures and commerce :
Section 1. Itshall bounlaxvful for any him-
jer dealer or coal dealer , or nuy other person ,
jo enter into any combination with any lum-
jor dealers or coal dealers for the purpose of
llxmg prices or divide nmong them the net
proceeds of such , dealers. In case of any
agreement for pooling , etc. , each day of its
continuance shall bo deemed a separate of
Sec. 3. Any party who shall violate the
first section of this article shall bo liable to
nny party injured thereby for full measure of
damages sustained with reasonable attorney
fees , and all lumber dealers , etc. , shall he
compelled to appear nnd testify dnd produce
their books nnd papers.
Sec. 3. Any person or corporation xvho vio-
atcs this act shall bo guilty ot a inisdo-
noanor , and upon conviction , shall bo pun-
shed by a line of not less than $103 nnd not
more than $1,000 , or Imprisonment in the
county jail not exceeding six months , or both
Ino and imprisonment at the discretion of
, ho court. _
Tntincr Tor Commissioner.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 17. fSpecial to Tnn
BKE. ] There is a general nnd spontaneous
novomout nt the capital to aid Corporal
Jntnes Tanner , of Noxv York , the unfortu-
into veteran xvho has lost both limbs , to se
cure the position of commlssioncrof pensions
under the new administration. A strong
recommendation in his favor has been drawn
ip and signed by all the state olllcors and a
najority of the members of the legislature ,
iml xvill bo forwarded to I'/c'sidont-olect
Harrison in n foxv days. The name of Gov-
irnor Thnyor heads the recommendation.
L'bo paper is in charge of lion. 13. 0. Parkin
son of Soxvard , faergcant-at-nrms of the
enato. _
Tjcgislntlvo Notes.
Ltxcouv , Neb. , Jan. 17. [ Special to Tnc
HUE. ] Among the resolutions sent up to-day
x'ns one by Morrlssey complaining of the
lOlso made by pages In running about the
mil. Gilchrlst suggested that they bo pro-
Idcd xvith rubber boots.
Mr , McBrlde introduced a resolution to-
lay prohibiting the reading of newspapers
> y members xvhilo the house is in session ,
nit the motion xvas drowned by a largo
chorus of "noes , "
The members whoso scats nro on the out
side of the circle , complain that they are tin-
iblo to hoar the proceedings. Mr. llurnluim
ntroducod a resolution to-day to remove the
seats for their accommodation In Order to
nvoldtho confusion.
Tlio proportion of old soldiers in the cm-
ploy of the legislature Is quito largo. Ttio
opublicim party does xvoll to remember the
otcrans xvliou passing around their favors.
S'early or quite every doorkeeper or custo
dian is n soldier , mid no complaints in regard
to their oniclcncy uru ever hoard ,
Thooxocutu'e committee of the Wisconsin
Veteran battalion In Nebraska 1ms made
irrungcmunts for a trip ns an organization to
ittend the national encampment nt.Mil-
vnukce , xvhioh commences the 37th of August
next. A roster xvill bo published in Febru-
iry , giving the names of lr > 00 ex-soldiers of
Wisconsin now living In Nebraska. It is
expected that an entire train-load xvill join in
the visit to the state of their enlistment.
While the Hon. Church Howe was en
deavoring to protest against the Importation
of urmed men Into the stnto , it xx-as observed
hat the senate clock stopped in amazement ,
and closed to record the timo.
Mr. lUiisom'B bill , defining the liability of
Ire Insurance companies , passed the senate
his morning , there being but one vote re
corded In Iho ncgntix-o. Tlio bill , xvhlch cov
ers the same ground ns those ndoptod in the
states of Wisconsin and Noxv Hampshire ,
vill prove very acceptable to the people of
his state. The prnctica of lira Insurance
companies paying loss than the amount of
ho policy for xylflch they have received the
rrnmlum , is a reprehensible one ,
A senator has a resolution xvritton out to
nclude in thu quarantine of other animals ,
Dr. Frank S..Hillings , "director of the patho-
biological labratory of the State University
of Nebraska , " Dr. Billings Is the author of
an erudite xvorkentitled ; "An Ktlologlcal ,
'utho-Anatomlcal , Froplyhotlc and Critical
Contribution to General Pathology nnd Stuto
Medicine. " He ought certainly to be quar
Much of the time of tl > o morning session
wan consumed In discussing h resolution by
Molirldo to fut-nMi n * pecial car for the com
mittee on public lands nnd 'buildings to Visit
the state institutions. The resolution xvas
finally tabled.
The election of senator having boon ills-
posed of some good xx-ork may noxv bo ex-
ported. Tlio bouse Is disposed to hold txvo
full sessions dally nnd do the oonimllteo
work nt odd hours.
In accordance xvith the eternal fllnois of
things the first bill to pass the house xvas n
ineisuro providing1 for the payment of the
members' salaries nnd other legishitix-o * * . -
penses. H xx-ns not icmarkable , elthei , tint
the bill passed unfuiimously
Hoxv slnlll xx-o liu-est the permanent school
fund , is a problem that Is bothering tlio head
of the average legislator. Said a practical
fnrmor member , n man of rare common
senio ; "I nm strongly in favor of Investing
the funds so they xvill bring In some returns.
State warrants tire the best and government
lauds tire good , and 1 don't knoxv but. what
snmo county nnd city bonds arc sife. Wo
certainly should do something xvith these
funds , nnd tlmt right away. "
The x-oico of the fitrmcr echoed through the
halls of legislation yesterdnv. Corbln of
Johnson , Fleldgrovo of HulTalo , Seed of
Soxvard , Delano,1. ' of Hutler , Hnnthorii of
Nucltolis , Hill of Hutler. Whitoliout of Cils-
tor , and others took n hand In the debate In
committee of the xvhole.
Mr. McHride xvill come up smiling ngnin
in n fcxv dnys xvi'h his bill making the 1st
day of SoptoniDor n hollduy , lo ho known us
Labor Daj. Hy HOIIIO oversight tlio bill xx-as
so formed ns to tnako Labor Day a legal Sun
day , nnd the members objected to so radical
tt measure. The bill properly amended will
not meet with much opposition.
A wldo diversity of opinion was developed
on Corbin's bill to Increase the piy of jurors.
Some thought It would have a tendency to
induce good men to act us jurors , xvhilo
others xvero as equally coitain that it xvould
greatly increase the horde of professionals
xvho nro lying around tlio court houses xvait-
ing for a job.
Uhodes of Pawnee xvill likely have the
honor of drafting n hill that will liocomo a
laxv. This hill ( house roll 49) ) ptovidos that
nnx-ono may bo punlsho 1 for xvuirmg the in
signia or rosette of the Military Order of
the Legion of Honor , and has been favor
ably reported by the committee on nulitin.
The Omaha contested election cases are
being rushed. The committee is nearly
through xvitli the testimony in fax-or of the
republican contestants. Only a foxv moro
PURCS i cumin to bo gone ox-or , nnd then the
committee xvill tackle the mass of testimony
taken liy the democrats to prove they nro en
titled to their seats. Fully another xveek
xvill pass by before they are ready to re
Mr. White of Cnss is rendering a signal
service to the state by moving to table every
resolution looking to an mcre.iso in the ex
penses of the legislature. 13.y tlio close \-oto
ot ! 1 ! ) to 31 ! ho killed the motion allowing the
engrossing und enrolling clerks the same
papers nnd stamps as the members.
A SMRKWI ) a01113MIS.
How Prohibitionists Hope to
Kvontiially Gnln Tlmlr Point.
LINCOLNNob. . , Jan. 17. | Spoehil Tele
gram to Tun HKK. ] 'Iho latest scheme in the
piohibition business is a shrexvd ono. As I
linve said , the result of n vote to submit a
prohibition amendment to the constitution is
doubtful. 1 think the leading prohibitionists
do not feel much confidence in the result of
the vote on that measure in the legislature.
Instead of a prohibition amendment the
scheme noxv is to enact n prohibitory laxx- ,
with penalties attached , nnd to submit that
to the people at a special election. A ma
jority of both houses could pass such a bill ,
nnd in that way get prohibition before the
people nnd let them vote upon it. It xvould ,
it is true , only bo a luxx- , but in default of
what they xvnnt it might bo acceptetl as tlio
best thing they can got.
A Gonil Amlicnco Knlcrtaincd By u
Nnml > , : r ol" IntcrcHtinfj Kveiits.
Tlio xvcathor xvas favorable last evening ,
nnd a largo number of interested spectators
assembled in the Colosseum nt the benefit
tendered to Mile. Armnindo , the champion
lady bicyclist of the xx-orld. Some splendid
contests xvoro presented , and the audience
xvero enthusiastic und generous in their ap
plause of the various fnx-orites and suc
cessful contestants.
Tlio jtix-oiiilo race , in which the competitors
xvcro under fifteen years of ago , for the
championship of Nebraska , xx'us won by
William Pixloy , Gus Sldfkiu finishing second
end and William Walker third. The time
wns 3 minutes , ! )3 ) seconds.
The three-milo dash for the Colosseum
medal wns won by Fletcher , xvith Rhodes
second , Tagger third , and Kustuian fourth ;
time , 0 minutes , 52) seconds.
The three-milo dash for the championship
of the Omaha Wheel club oiided xvith Mil-
tauer in the lead , Mead at his heels and IIol-
ton nnd Joseph ! third nnd fourth.
The first milo amateur handicap xvas won
by Hnrkor , Kastman holding the second
place , Slofkin third , Fletcher fourth , Tagger
fifth , Rhodes sixth. Time , II minutes , 3 seconds
ends ,
Tlio txx'o-milo dash betxvecn Jack Prince
and Reading , the Unknoxvn , xx-as one of the
great features of the ox'onlng. The contest
xvas a hot one and ended in favor of the Un
known , ho being only six inches ahead.
The fifty-yard foot race botxveen TCoss and
Lolor , txvo best out of three , xvas won by
Ashlnger nnd Dingloy , xvho are to race
each other for 30 Saturday night , gave an
txx'o-mile raoo in which each took turns in
leading. Ashingor barely won.
In the one-mile dash between Knappnnd
Morgan , the former won , Time 8:10 : > .
In the second amateur handicap , Barker
xvon again , Siofkin second , Knstmun third ,
Tagger fourth.
In the last one-mile dash M'llo Armalndo
xvns entered against an unknown female.
The lady champion xvas loudly applauded.
When it xvas discovered that the features of
the "unknown lady" and the champion ,
Knapp , xx-cra identical , the shout of laughter
that went up shook the rafters.
The Times Hol'iiHcs to Pronmi.oly
J3\posn ItH Kvldciicc.
Cntcvno , Jan. 17. The Times to-morroxv
will suy that xvithin the past week it has been
promised , on behalf of Mayor Roche , that ho
xvould dismiss from office for corruption nnd
dishonesty , Inspector Bonfloid and Captain
Schnnck , the txvo police ofliccrs so widely
known through their connection Svith the
Huymarkct riot and tlio hanging of the an
archists. This announcement is made in
reply to a proposition bent to-day from Mayor
Roche to the Times , asking that nil evi-
dcncp bo submitted to throe xvell known
cituons to determine whether the Times' do-
innnd for an immediate suspension of the
accused bo acceded to a court trial. The
Times xvill allege thai sufficient sxvorn proof
xvas some days ago submitted to the mayor's '
Intimnto associates , nnd that the Times xvill
not noxv bo inveigled Into prematurely ex
posing certain proof necessary to n defense
of the suits brought against It. The paper
claims that it is not yet through xvith its ex
traordinary disclosures , and promises to present -
sent to thn public additional evidence re
flecting not only on Uonflold and SchaacK ,
but also on others ,
'Moro Hlooil Spilled In n Neighborhood
Jtoxv In Kan fins.
WJCIIITA , Kan. , Jan. 17In school district
43 , in this couuty , u bitter factional strife Is
raging ever tlio location of the school build-
Ing. A short tune ago the school house ,
which was at Manchester , xvas burned doxvn
by those fnx'orlng a country site. Tuesday
nn election to vote bonds for a nexv building
xvas held. Afnlght , xvhen the canvass of the
vote took place , the xvholo district turned out
nnd n light ensued , J , L. Hrown , ona of the
directors , and L. Jackson , n prominent
farmer , received bad gun-shot xvounda , and
sex-en others received less serious xvounus.
A Minnesota Nomination.
WAUHXOTOV , Jan. 17 , President Cleve
land sent to the senate tlio nomination of
John Farringtou , of Minnesota , to b6 col
lector of customs for the district of Minne
Governor Fowlo
lUi.Eian , NO. . , Jan. 17. Hon. D. G.
Foxvlo was inaugurated governor of this
fitato at noon to-day.
WliIU DlUiU !
Tlio Duty on Tin Pinto Flxod By the
AnotIfcr'Dny Consumed In the House
lit.i nsi ler.iilon of t tie ToiTl-
Mtnrlnl IlilUnntl < Vmcntl <
, . "I IIHMItS.
\ VnisriTov , .lan. 17 , In the lonatc to
day the co-ninUtoa on privilojoi nnd elec
tions reported back thu concurrent resolu
tion recently Introduced us to the meeting of
the two houses tp cjunt nnd declare the ro-
suit of the electoral votes. Calondur.
Among the bills reported from the commit
tees und placed on the cilendnr was one to
nuthori/'C the construction of a bridge across
the Mississippi river atLi Crosso. Wis.
The senate at l'J'JO : resumed consideration
of thu tariff bill , the pending question bomg
on tlio amendments to the tin plate II.IIM-
grnh. !
Mr. Halo asked Mr Allison to state what
portions of the bill rein lined unacted upin.
Mr. Allison spocilled as among the import-
nut mutters yet to act up 511 the wooden ,
BUgnf nnd wool and woolen schedules , with ix
great many detached portions from other
sections , such ns rieo , cutlery and various
other things that would lead to more or less
'Ihe discussion of.tho nmondment XXMS con
tinued by Messrs.o < t and Allison.
Thu ( inoUlon of the existence of tin in the
United Status xvus brought up bv the asser
tion mmlo by Mr. Allison that thcro xvero
nmi o oxtenslvo deposits ol tin in this coun
try than In nil the rest of the world. There
was tin enough In Dakota to supply ttic
Mr. Vest remarked that if the tin mines of
the country could ho successfully worked
they would have been developed befoiotlns
time.Mr. . Teller usscrtcd that there was no
nuestion as to the abundance of tin de
posits in Daltotn. The trotlhlo about it xvas
in the HL'punUion of tin the mode adopted
in Wales not bslug applicable. Ho said that
xvhilo the tin ore in Wales produces only t or
5 per cent of pure tin , that in Dakota pro
duced 23 or 1W per cent. Hut oven if it pro
duced only ( ! or S per cent , it could he worked
with prollt.
Mr. Vest argued that the pronosed in
creased dutj * on tin plate for Iho purpose of
establishing n non existent industry xvas dan
gerous nnd exceptional legislation.
Mr. Uormnn protested against nu Increase
of duty on such a necessity as tin plate , nnd
said that for the next ten or llfteen years all
the tin that would bo used in making tinplate
plato xvould hnx'o to bo Imported. The possi
bilities xx'cro that tin plate could not be man
ufactured successfully In the United States ,
and therefore the proposed increase of duty
would only bo an additional burden to the
Mr. Sherman argued in favor of the amend
The uobato xvas further continue ! by
Messrs. Platt , Saulsbury , Plumb , Gorman ,
Aldricb , Mitchell and'Call. Finally a vote
xvas tiikanlnnd the amendment adopted. It
fixes a , duty on tin pluto ( taggers' '
iron and i steel ) when valued at II
cents n pound or loss , thinner than No 10
and notthinncr than 20 , wire gauge , at 1
cent per.pouml ; on the thinner plates at
1 1-10 , 1IJ-10 anil 1 1-10 cents per pound , nnd
on corrugated or crimped phitus 1 1-10 cents
per pound.B All other iron or steel sheets ,
plates inid hoop ( excepting tin plate ) when
gaU'iuntodjor coated xvith yinc , spelter or
other luotiu , tire to pay 4f of a cent par pound
ailditiomilfi.aud after January 1 , ISs'.i ' , tinplate
plato is tapay-JJ of u cent per pound addi
Tlio amendment proposing n bounty on su
gar mado'from beets , orghum or sugar cano
grown in the United States was then taken
up.Mr. . Vest declared emphatically his opposi
tion to all each bounties , xvniuli ho consid
ered the niost objectionable form of protec
Mr. Eustis asked Mr. Allison to state
whether the proposed bounty of 1 cent a
pound on sugar produced in this country was
in direct contradiction of the ground taken
by the finance committee for u largo re
duction of Import duty , that ground being
the knoxvn and ascertained limit of the sugar
capacity of the United States.
Mr. Allison did not consider the amend
ment as iu any scnao a change of position on
the part of the committee. Tlio sugar pro
duced from sugar cano groxvn in the United
States had not kept pace xvith the increase of
Mr. Gibson asked Mr. Allison whether the
committee- had not heard of the increase of
25 per cent in the sugar cano groxving ilrcn of
Louisiana xvithin the last three or four years ,
and of the increase of nearly 100 per cent in
tho.yield obtained by hnprox'cd methods ,
Mr. Allison replied that the committee had
some testimony in that line. 13ut the com
mittee bad also learned that thcro xvas no
diffusion of the plant in Louisiana except
that erected bv the government of tbo
United States. Hut oven with that dfffusion
a success , ns applied to sugar cone , Sprccklos
had shoxvn to the committee very clearly that
ho beat that production bv the manufacture
of sugar from boots. While ho admitted
Louisiana had taken some recent stops to
improve the sugar making process largely , it
should bo borne in mind that the iccrcaso of
population and tlio Increase of consumption
of sugar per capita xvas so great that 150-
000,0K ( ) pounds of sugar would bo required to
supply that annual incrcasaof consumption.
The state of Loulsaim could not supply sugar
to moot that increase , to say nothing
of the ,1,000,000,000 pounds of sugar
noxv Imported. Ho admitted that there xvas
a strong feeling in the country against a di-
rsct bounty for the protection of anything.
And yet such bounties , us to salt , nnd fish
and other matters , hud been supported bv
the most eminent men in the history of the
country. Ho believed that xvithm ten years
sugar enough could bo produced in this coun
try to supply the domestic market. Ho
understood that one-sixth of the entire
xvoight of beets could bo converted into
sugar. Was It not , therefore , adcshablo
thing to encourage the boot supnr industry
in the United States ! Notxvithstandmg the
enormous protection , the rolatix'o proportion
of Louisiana's production to consumption
xvas loss than ft xvus twenty years ago. The
offcetof the increased production of sugar
that xx'oulu follow the adoption of the bounty
system xvould bo to reduce the price of sugar.
Ho xvishcd to see this e pctlmont tried ,
not in the Interest of any party , any section ,
any stale or any community , but in the in
terest of the whole country.
Mr. li ustis wanted to know if the republi
can inajorlfy In tlio senate proposed to kick
out this HUfiHr interest of Louisiana from the
national household , and lot it coma to the na
tional kitchen for crumbs of bread. If so ,
the republican senators had abandoned the
ground oil > vhlch they boasted of standing ,
and the JWt presidential election hud been
carried oil falsa pretenses.
Mr. AHJS.OII said that Louisiana had groxvn
strong nnd vigorous under the tariff "trust , "
nnd had1 "stood In" with it and abided by it
for sugar nlono. Ho ( Allison ) declared that
it xvould 'bo'bottor for the people to pay for
the xvliolu'silgar ' crop of Louisiana und dump
It in tlid gulf than to keep up the
existing Ddiity on sugar. The tax took
* 2,030,000 o'it of the pockets of the people in
order that the sugar producers of Louisiana
might rec'olvu 1 cent a pound on the infinites-
inally smaUproportion of sugar which they
proiluojdn "
No vouitWiit reached , nnd after an executive
session thoieonato adjourned ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. The spenkoi laid
before the house a communication from ox-
Governor Gray , of Indiana , stating that on
the 20th inst. the resignation of A. P. llavoy ,
as representative from the First Indiana con
gressional district , was received ana ac
cepted. Laid on the tublo ,
After the transaction of some unimportant
business thu house resumed consideration of
the territorial bills.
Mr. McDonald of Minnesota thought that
all of the territories referred to In the om
nibus bill were ready for admission Into the
union , and ho expressed himself in favor of
the division of Dakota.
Mr. Adams of Illinois characterized the
omnibus bill as u transparent subtorfugn.
Under it the people of the territories would
not obtain n single substantial advantage
which they could obtain If it xvas not passed ,
while the defeat of the senate bill would
have tlio practical effect of continuing for
one year the outrage on the people of ln
kotn. Touching the question of the division
of that territory , ho declared that ox'cn xx'ere
her people unanimously opposed to It , con "
Kress , as the representative of the wliol0
country , should insist upon It.
The debate continued for sonic time be
tween Messrs. Oron'onor of Ohio , Symcs of
Colorado nnd Springer of Illinois , nfter
which the bill 'vas read for amendment.
On motion of Mr. Gilford of Dakota , nn
amendment wns adopted fronting 1W.O10
acres for the support of the agricultural college -
logo In the state of Dakota.
An amendment xvns ndoptod providing
that land sold for common school purposes
shall hot bo sold for loss than $10 an noro.
Tnosalaryof district Judges was reduced from
-.000 to S3 Ml ) The SHh of April , IbX ) , xvas
fixed as Iho date for the election to bo held to
decide the ( piestlnn of the acceptance of the
bonndnrlrts and the tmmt of the nexv stnto
On motion of Mr. Clifford , an amendment
Wnsngrood to providing that nt this election
state olllcers shall be elected nnd nlso txx'o
members of congress.
The rending of the nonnto bill having been
completed , Mr. Springer moved to strike out
all nftcr thu enacting clause and to substitute
the omalmis bill.
Mr. Harrows of Michigan raised n point of
order against the substitute.
The Htcnkor | sustained the point of order
and ruled the .substitute out.
Mr. Springer then moved to strike out the
enacting clause nnd Insert house bill No.
S(0tl ( , xvith certain nmondments
The spenker ruled that this xvas not In
or dor. All the gentlemen had a right to do
xx-as to offer us a substitute for the sonata
bill , house bill No.MtM.
Mr. Sprinc-er thereupon offered that bill as
a substitute , which was then received as n
substitute. Mr Springer then asked unani
mous consent Hint the previous substitute of
fered oy him ( the one providing for the ill-
vision of Dnknta ) ho considered In its stoad.
The speaker pro torn submitted the re
quest , and , thcro hulng no objection , so
stated. Subsequently n question arose us to
xvhethor this consent luul been granted , but
no record of the transaction nppemcd in the
ofnYlal reporter's notes. Much confusion en
sued , but Hnnll.x consent XXMS again given.
Mr. MnDonnld of Minnesota then olTored
his substlto for Mr. Springer's proposition.
This substitute embodies tlio principal feat
ures of the omnibus bill except that It pro
vides for the Immediate admission of South
Pending its reading Iho house adjourned.
Representatives of the '
glassmnkcrs' cou-
vcnllon were before the sonata finance com
mittee iostorday arguing tlmt the duties pro
posed by the senate tariff bill were too low.
Orders have been issued to Commander
Captain Howell of the United States ship
Atlanta to proceed at once to Port-au-Prince ,
and relieve thi > Galena , the hitter vessel to
return to the United States.
\ dispute having nnsunbetween Nicira-
gua and Costa Hica in relation to tlio status
of the proposed Nicaragua ! ! canal , the Amer
ican minister to Guatemala telegraphs the
state department that nt n conx-cntion ba-
txvccn the countries in dispute they decided
to nrbltrate the question , und names the
president of the United States as arbitrator
Vice President-elect and Mrs Morton ar
rived in Washington yesterday.
The German sto-iinor Lubcck , from S unoa ,
Which arrived at Sidney yesterday , reports
that all xvas quiet in Samoa on the Sth inst ,
The icpublicans of the Minnesota logisla
tut o have nominated General Washbuin , of
Minneapolis , to succeed Senator IX M. Sabin.
A dynamite cartridge exploded in the
house of the largest xvoaver in Uarcclona ,
.shattering n son-ant's leg. The outrage is
connected with similar crimes cocontly com
mitted In Madrid.
Henry Wolf ! , the Dutch aeronaut xvho as
cended from Antwerp Tuesdax' , was rescued
by a vessel nt sea , He had txvo coinpiuions ,
xvho xvoro drowned.
The nomination of Walter L. Hragg to
succeed himself as intor-stato commissioner
xx-as favorablr reported yesterday In the ex
ecutive session of the senate by the commit
tee on inter-state commerce.
Nob. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tel
egratn to Tin : HII : : . | The police force gave a
ball in November and netted S2.003. With
the money they fitted up a lodging house
xvliicb has been patronized nightly by a
hundred or more unfortunates. To-day they
began the daily practice of distributing to
each lodger n ticitet entitling him to n square
meal. So fur as 13 knoxvn hero the Kansas
City police force is the onlj- one in tlio coun
try xvtiich supports paupers.
AMHNV , N. V. , Jan. 17. A bill entitled
"An act to prevent monopolies , " xvas intro
duced in the somite- hero to-day. It is ntiiiod
at trusts und embodies the principles laid
down in Judge Barrett's recent decision
against the sugar trust.
.Joined Her Dead Itlotlicr.
Muxicn , Jan. 17. Mine. Di Mureka , the
singer , died hero to-day In extreme poverty.
Her daughter , who xx'us heart broken at the
loss of her mother , committed sulciao by
taking poison.
Took Hough on Hats.
OTTUMXX'A , In. , Jan. 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HKK.J W. Shnefor , employed at Mer
rill's packing house , took "Hough on Uats"
and died at U o'clock this morning.
MIIKMH oil a Strike. .
CIIAW.KSTOV , W. Vn. , Jan. 17. A special
'from ' Uromwell , Mercer county , says that
4,009 miners in that region xvent out on n
strike this morning on account of differ
ences in the si/o of mine cars on the Elk-
horn. excitement prevails.
Hi'iitiility'n Severe Ilo'biike.
BAI.TIMOIIK , Jnn 17. In the United States
district court to-day Captain Hohort Mills ,
of the oyster schooner Chickora , xx'.is found
guilty of brutally beating his dredgers and
was sentenced to a line of ? 5'JO and one year
in Jail.
A County .Julian DclaullH.
Iloi.vnici : , Colo. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hii.l : : County Judge It. L.
Howden , of Logan county , has disappeared ,
leaving UU accounts about $3,093 short , con
sisting of government funds deposited by
homesteaders making final proof before him.
i'ormttq ,
The following building permits xvora Issued
ycsterdav :
George Vandeidoen. ona-story frame
cotwu'o. llodford 1'lncu , . , . $ 800
Fred fj Jensen , two-story frame toiling ,
XVater street , near Ames a venue . 1,000
Txvo permits aggreaatlni ? . ifl.WO
AVilliolm ( tOCH to
HIIIIMK , Jan , 17. Tlio omiicror has ordered
the dismissal of all French cooks employed
in the palace. They xvill bo replaced xvith
Germans ,
Ho TMUIt on Himself.
Wiill Street News : President Ghnun-
coy M. Dopow , of the New York Con-
trill , received u letter from n. stock
holder of the company on Monduy , usk-
inf , ' what would bo the otieot of an
"agreement nnioiif , ' contlomon" upon
the market vnluo of the Noxv York Cen
tral stoulc. Tlio operator replied that
if ho knoxv the cont-ao xvhioh Wall
Street xvould purttuo , ho would no longer
tarry as the Denial president of the
Noxv York Central , but xvould turn
stock broker at once , nnd reap the
in the whokols idiioh early information
micrhtKlvo him.
The folloxviiij , ' morning the dfocrrun-
tlod stockholder addressed him another
communication , in which ho said :
"Your BtircuHtio reply to hand , and 1
hope I bhall live to BOO the tune xvhen
ollioials in olllco , who have equally as
important information as you yourself
possess , \\lll impart it to htockholdors
in order that they may reap the bone-
lit in common xvith the presidents of
the companion. I think It only fair that
xvo should bo treated xvith as much con
sideration iw you treat yourselves , "
Mr. Dopow's reply was the shortest
on record : "Yours received. No ans
wer. "
Tlt'PO XUl'S
Ho I'urttlnltcn Inumrtnilt Iitfi > rinntlnii
Concerning Stanley.
Lovnox , Jan 17 , Sir Francis Do Winton
Is of the opinion that Stanley reached Kmln
in N'ovcmber , nnd that his journey from
Kmin's headquarters to I lie east
coast would occupy from six lo
ten months. Sir Francis received t lollor
from Major Pnrtulnitor , dated at Kinehnssa ,
on Stanley Pool , Nox-omher 3J , reporting tlio
nrrlvnl there of Lieutenant Huort , Tlppoo
Tib's secretary , on board the steamer
Stanley on routu for Lcopoldvlllo.
Hnort snid tlmt Stanley i etui-nod
nt the end of. August to tlio camp where
Hnrtolot xvas murdered , and found the ro-
inalndorof Jameson's detachment in charge
of Hominy. Stmilov wrote Tlppoo Tib to
route and see him , the distance beIng -
Ing twelve days' hard marching. Tippoo
did not arrive nnd Stanley proceeded to
Wndelal xvith the Honnoy detachment.
llnort confirms tint noxvs the ncxvs contained
In Stanley's letter , adding Hint Stanley said
that Tippoo won Ul not sco him njrilu ,
HO Slftnloy evidently did not return
the sntno xvny. Hnort f miner saxs
that Stunlov wrote to nobody ewpting
Tippoo , nnd .sent no letters homo. Stanley
hud not heard of Jameson. H.icrl pissltivoly
denies the rumors sprond b\- the Assyrian In
terpreter xvilh reference to.lnme-on.
Dentil or .1. II. \ \ > 1U
Clltc'xno , .Inn. 17. Henri Do Travisse ,
better knoxvn ns Joel Henry Wells , nn old
resident of this city , xx'as found dond In boil
this morning , presumably as the result of
heart troubles Accounts of the singular
oxperhmco of Mr. Wells are familiar to
nearly all newspaper readers of the
country. About ton years ago ho brought
hull against his xvlfo for divorce Sim caused
sis arrest mid subsequent commitment to
the Klgin asylum ns insane. Ho escaped
nnd xx-ns nftor some -months recap
tured but soon got out again. Some
of the most noted experts in
the country pronouncen him snno and he
traveled about lecturing on his experiences.
Lnst year when lie tried to regain control
of his property ho found ho had no standing
in laxv , nnd the superintendent of the Klgln
asylum for some unknoxvn reason lelused to
formally discharge or receive him back as u
patient The matter xvas settled only after
tedious litigation by a friend who managed
to secure his return to legal standing.
To Vote School
Dr. J. .1. Savillo , of the board of education ,
xvill , at the meeting of the school hoard on
Monday next , Introduce a resolution for sub
mitting thu question of x-oting school bonds
nt the same time the special elections for the
romox-nl of the city hall site comes up for do
cislnn on February fi , next The amount to
booleit on Is ? ) DOOOII , to ba used in building
nexv schools and purcliabing nuxv sites , also
to make an addition to the present high
school. Tlio doctor thinks tlio amount asked
xvill bo quitoMillicient , if economically used ,
to provide for the wants of the city schools
during thu ensuing year. The doctor is not
quite sure that his resolution xvill pass , but if
it does it must bo on Monday in order togivo
sufficient time to legally advertise the matter.
i Cm , Jan. 17. [ Special Telegram
lo Tin : 13ii : : . ] The trial of John II. Mart-
ling , the young draughtsman charged with
the murder of Architect A. II. Hamsdcn , in
August last , \ begun to-dnv. There are
seventy-live witnesses to be hoard The
crowds in the court were so great that Judge
White ordered the issuing of tickets , and
only as many of them as there ate scats in
the room.
A Deadly Quarrel.
HACKIHT Cm' , Ark. , Jan , 17. Two men
named Webb and 'Harris , living at Portcau ,
Indian Territory , became involved in a
deadly quarrel yesterday , shooting each
other xvit h revolx-ers. Upth men were killed
and bystanders were seriously wounded.
PHILADCLPHIA , Jan. 17. The marriage of
Kdxx-ard Do Van * Morroll and Miss Louisa
Houvier Drexel , daughter of the late Francis
A. Drexcl , took place this morning at the
Honmn Catholic cathedral in this city. The
gifts to the bndo wore numerous and costly ,
nnd aggregated in value nearly $ ' 50,000.
A Onsliie-r ArriMtciI.
PITTSIIUUO , Pa. , .Tan. 17. H. F. Voifjht ,
formerly cashier of tbo Farmers' and Me
chanics' bank of this city , xvas arrested to
night , charged by Iho officers of the bank
xvith embezzlement , perjury nnd falsifying
accounts. The hank failed in September
last xvith liabilities of S..JO.OOO.
] ! lo\v Her ItrnliiH Out.
Sror.v Cirr , la. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hr.u.J Mrs. C. A. Ralph rose
from the dinner table to-day , picked up a re
volver und blexv her brains out. The xvoinnn
xvas in ill health and despandont because of
the loss of property In lOugland , xvhcrc , till
recently , she and her family resided.
Tlio Weather liulicat ionn.
For Nebraska : Generally fair , xx'.irmor
xx-eiither except in extreme southeast Ne
braska , slightly colder , variable winds be
coming generally southerly ,
For loxva : Pair , colder xvcather , north-
xvesterlv winds.
For Dakota : Fair xvcather followed In
the western portion by local snows , warmer ,
winds becoming southeasterly.
Oil Well nt KiiiimiH City.
CITV , Mo. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tolo-
jram to Tin , Hen. ] Oil has been struck hcio
In one of the natural gas xx-clls otvnud by a
Pittsburg syndicate. The flbxv is only MX
gallons n day. but the quality is good and the
well Will bo sunk to a greater depth ,
A Itomnnuonf tiie linltom * .
The MM. Clara Hurl : nnd William Neb
idultery cnso occupied the attention of Judge
Uorka the whole of j'estcrday afternoon.
I'ho majority of the residents of the bottoms
, vero present nnd the evidence disclosed a
lisgiistlng stlito of affairs in that district.
I'ho woman xx'as dismissed , but Neb was held
, o the district court in * 100 bonds.
A K. of P. lniiiicl. |
There xvas n banquet nt the Masonic hull
ast night given by Trojan Division , No IS ,
> f U. K. , 1C. of P. About one hundred
mights xx-eio present xvhoso glittering mil-
'onus contrasted most pleasingly xvith the
jlcgant dresses of Iho ladles present.
The S'rpnoli HnnlcriijMoy Hill.
PAIIIH , Jan. 17. The bankruptcy bill passed
.ho senate to-day. The measure has especial
ntorost at the present time because It en-
ihled the Panama Canal company to convcit
, ho old organization Into a noxv concern ,
Tlio Wnlmsh IMoaiin I Kiioranon.
CHICAGO , Jan. 17. The Wnbash officials
irofess to hnx-o no knoxvlcdgo of the alleged
Manipulation of east bound passenger rates
'rom Kansas City ever their line They
iromiso tlmt if such irregularities exist the
iractico xvill bo itnmodlatoly stopped.
CouoUulliiB Sos3loii3 or the lo *
Hortloulturnl Society.
Decisions The Sxvni
Lniul Indemnity The " 8tn S"
Contemplated Extension
Suicide nt Kliiuv City.
Tim Horticulturists.
Uns MOINK-J , in. , .Inn 17 Special To
pram to TUB Hnu. | The concluding sessi
of the State Hoi ticulturnl society xx-as in
to-day , in addition to reports from dlffc * ; t
congressional districts , the following . |
wore load : "Ulnckberrles nnd other sine
ftuit , " by I5lmor M l\Vex-cs , of Wavorl
"Grnpes for northern Iowa , " O A Kuiiio
of MeOreKor ; "Ornamental shrubs , Jorou
Hlack , Uiiriington. ' Improx-eineiit of nan
sin ubs , " H. A. Terry , Crescent fitj . 'Pea '
for southern Iowa ; " ( Icon-it ShnW. Ganl.
( . { rove ; "Hottlculture in its lolntlon to agi
cultuic , " President-W. I. Cnamberliuii , c (
the state n i'ienltum ! college
The following ofllcers xvero elected Pri
Idont , Silas Wilson , of Atlantic , vice pro
dent , Huireno Secor , Lt-nnx Tin folloxx
chief jiiemlums xveio axx-arded Host col <
tion of fruits groxvn in aii.x one count
nxvardcd to.I.V. . Murphj , of Mills conni
best collection of fruit groxvn In nn.x con
i ofiimthern loxx-a , north of the north Inn
Clinton county , axvarded to J A Spea I
Hlachlmxvk county.
The A. O. U. W. Tionlile
MI ON Cm , In.Inn 17Special [ Te
gram to Tin ; Uir : , ) It xx-ns not until
o'clock this morning that the executive co
mittee of the seceding lodge , A O.1T V i ]
came from their secret conference. Th
meeting wns held at Cedar Haplds. and ovt'i
member of the committee xx-as present 'It
litigation has cost the lo.xal lodges W iX)0 )
attorneys' fees and about f 1,000 in iost
The matter of rccoiiclllhitlon xvus e-inxassei
and nflor the six days allowed fur the il
feated grand lodge to petition for a rcheari
for the petition , invitations xvill he extendo
to the supreiners , xx-ho desire an opportunlt ,
to unite the legal grand loiluo , not as a ,
orgiuii/iilion or as lodges , but us indix nlii.U'
In case the loyals remain obstiu.ito and tii
lircsent decision becomes lluul , thesupremor
can ho enjoined for transacting business
the stnto. Another meeting xvill bo heul a
Watnrloo February In , about the lime for tn
annual muotint ! of the defeated grand loilgt
Meanxvhilo the attention ol tlio public xx > 1
bedliected toxvard the movements of th
loyal branch , xvho Imx-o already parlinllx sij
lulled their intentions of contiiuiing the lit
The .Supreme Court.
Drs MOI-SES , In , Jan 17 ( Special Tei.
grnm to Tin : Hm : . ] The folloxving decision
\vere Hied by the supreme court to-dnj.
J. M. Scippell , appellant , x-s Stephen I
Hlaho mid Charles Morrison ; Clayton d
trlct ; dismissed.
J. H. Lucas , appollunt , vs U A Crippo
and others ; Adams district ; nfllrmed.
Sperry , Watt & Garx-or , appellants , x-s
K. Clarke ; Webster district , nfllrmed , opn
Ion by ( liniigcr , Robinson dissenting
Cass County , Iowa , ot ul , appellant , <
Augustus Heck & Co. ; Cass district ; >
Waller Hros. vs J. N Waller ot nl , nppi
mills ; Floyd district ; ruled Hint if the pl.u
tilts Hhall xvithin thirty days Illo in th
court a rcmittitiiro of the dani'i ,
in uxcess of fin , the judgment xvilt bo i
firmed , otherwise it xvill stand roversoi i
plaintiffs in any ox-cut to pay the cost of tin
William Uecring.t Co. x-s Chester Wlieele
et id , appellants , nnd Ocoigo Dotson ; aJ
County of Emmet , appellant , vs F. K A
Jonetal ; Emmet district ; nfllnned.
Skipped With Itnilrond Funds.
DBS MOINIW , la. , .fan. 17 [ Special Tolt
gram to Tun Hii : : . | Mr. F. S. Iliggm
agent for the Rock Island road and I'liilc
States Express company ulBovmgton , M.ul
son county , has boon missing since last Ft
Jay evening , when ho loft toxvn , going to ;
Charles , and thence to Indianolii , where U
slue ends. The express company found ,
investigation , a .shortage in his accounts <
it least S'Wn ' , and the Rock Island place tin
loss at 3r > 0 , The dellcit in each case m.ij
note , hut it is at least that much. Higg
s n man about thirty-llx-o years old , ami h
dxx-ays borne a gpod reputation luuetofor
Ho leaves an Invalid wife and several ill
Iron In destitute oircumu-iiices. The la
oad is protected against loss bx the I an
lian Guarantee companywhich lurnishuilli
A Pio-iosod "Soo" Kxieiitloii.
FOIIT Dounn , la. , Jan. -Special [ Tel
ram to Titn Hr.n.J The county audlloi
hrough this part of Iowa haxro received tl
ollowing letter from anofllcial , of the Mil
icapolis & Sault Sto Marie railroad ,
ug that the "Soo" road contemplates a
oxx'n extension :
Dear Sir Will you kindly solid mo th
ast statement made of your county , ixtti
lopulatiun , total valuation , valuool all stoi K
; ram , liny , potatoes and other products , m
rnto ns far hs possible ; also such olhii in
ormatlon as xvill give us an Idea of the l > uB'
oss'ourroiid should expect if built tlinunl >
ourcounty , JAMI-S Mi I.N'IIII '
Him Chiii-c \ \ s
Tim Demnoi'iitlo
Four noiian , la. , Jan. 17 | 8poiml Tuo
ram to Tirn Hnn.1 A vigorous move i"
clng made in this part or loxx-a for IK
rgani/aUon of a HOcio'ty of the duniouratu
ntcrniiH of Joxx-a. A camp is being organ
: cd In this county for which eight1 , ouninnm
ers have already been oblnined. A numbei
f prumiiicntmen nro at thn head of the nn
rganlr ition , many of whom xx-oro promlnein
lernbnrb of the ( i. A. R.
Admitted to Practice .
Dr.n MOIVI ; , la. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tule
ram to Tim Hr.i : | The folloxving porsoin
ere admitted to practice before the siipreni
jurt to-day : Androxv P ( Jibbs , Dubuqiu1
, \v , Lindsay , Manning ; J A Van Wiip
ner , Ttock Rapids , William Moon , Harhin
, J. Long , Oes Molnos ; David West , Coim
II Hluffsj Frank H. Galnos , Green Held , A
/ . Miller , James L. Kennedy , Ficd L
tuart and K. H. Evuns.
The Sxviimji Land Indemnity
DKS Moivni , la. , Jan. 17 | brcuinl Tele
ram to Tin : HinGovernor : ] Lttrinbcr
as received from the comptroller of the
nltod Statei , tieiisury a draft for * 1 Ul s
i adjustment of nu nctount liotwcnn ti >
'lilted States nd the fitato of loxva foi
L'iniiltv for laiidH HOlocted as sxvump n.
lontfc'omory county.
Bright clear © 0
Soft healthful skin.
"TEARS' Be Great Enjllsli Coinplenloii SOtP.