Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Frank Brady wns run down byn. horse
while on bin wny to supper Tuesday
Highland painfully injured.
A lot f farming implements , valued
rtt-SXX ( ) , in the possession of Armstrong
& Co. , of this city , was yesterday
Bold toT. G. Crngln , by UioChntnborlin
Plow-company , otDiihiirjiio , In. Proofs
of the sale were filed with the county
Lieutenant B. II. Brooke , of the United
States army , Is nt the I'nxtun.
.1. P. Wellington , the well-known newspa
per inun of Sydney , Neb , , is u guest nt the
Mrs. A. J. Olllisnie , of Chicago , 111. , is vis
iting Miss Ullmii I'latncr , of North Kigh-
tcenth street.
James Strong , farmorly n clerk at the Millard -
lard , Is In the city visiting friends , on his
way to Sioux City.
Miss ICtnmu Illpgclman , of Dos Moincs , la ,
1.4 visiting her sister , Mrs. II. Hlllcr , ( ffi !
South Twentieth street.
Edward Hint/ , son of Val Blatz , the Mil
waukee brewer , and traveling auditor of the
brewing company , Is In the city.
At the Mlllanl : K. C. Hccdc , Nebraska
City ; . I. T. Grant , Klchmoml , Mo. ; W. A.
Graham. St. .losoph ; S. Heilricr , New York :
Sclther ilyde , Now S'ork ; George E. U'osey ,
General Kugglos , formerly adjutant gen
eral of the department of the Platte , is in
the city. The general K off leave and is re
turning to the ( Icpiutment of California , to
Which ho Is attached.
Mr. D. II. Wilson , business manager of
tbo Mr. and Mrs. Klorcncu Comedy company
is In the city , arranging for the appearances
bf his company at the itoyd Monday , Tucs-
dry and Wednesday of next week.
H. 'I * . Ctillun , general aRcnt for Cliarlcs fj.
Davis ( Alvin .loidln ) is In tlic city nrranging
tor the production of the now play , "One of
Of the Old Stock , " at the New ( Irand opera
house , on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
At the Arcade : C. M. Copp , Wahoo ; L.
D. Vosc , Fremont ; W. K. ICiiaip ) , York ; Kd
II. Goerko and Christ Hcnton. Burr ; C. K.
Uiekley , Kushvillo ; W. K' Haley and wife.
O'Neill ; W. U Perkins , Octavia ; II. W.
McClurc , O'Neill.
.At the Puxton : J. S. Valentine , Now
York ; Fred S. Miller , Portland , Oregon :
Augustus Frank , Kuarney ; C , 11. Paine ,
Boston ; John Dirtey , ] r. , New York ; L. t < .
Eimlish. San Francisco ; Felix Oldboyaml
D. P. Waters , Minneapolis.
At the Murray : E. II. A. Van flitted , St.
.Louis ; A. V. Kline , New York ; W. A.
Wnile , New York ; K. J. Winslow , Clevo-
Innd ; George . ) . McDonald ami wife , San'sco ' : Toby Lovclu , Now York ; II. H.
Tllton , wife and daughter , United Slates
army. _
ley Walks.
C. Griebel , the well-known traveling accnt
for the V. BluU brewing company , slipped
and fell on an icy sideivalk Tuesday even
ing painfully bruising his right arm uad cut
ting his face and head in several places.
Owing to the inclement weather , and the
inability , as n eor.scquunco of Governor
Thn.yer coming to town , the running' of the
McLaughllu motor was postponed till another
Yesterday Mr. Spragne , who lives at
811 North Twelfth street , also his wife and
three roomers were badly asphyxiated with
gas from an ordinary base-burner stove.
Mr. Spraguu was the worst prostrated , and
It was several hours before ho was restored
to consciousness.
A Policeman at tlio I'oHtiiflieB.
Postmaster Gallagher lias complained to
the chief of police of a gang ofloafora who
make the postofllco their rendezvous and
make themselves obnoxious by squirting
tobacco Juice over the lloor , and oggling
every lady that steps inside. Ofllcur Vi/zard
has been detailed by the chief to abate this
All In Iilncoln.
The county is at present without any of its
live legislators , as the members of the board
of commissioners are in Lincoln hobnobbing
with tno legislature and commissioners from
other counties , battling for laws for the
more satisfactory conduct of county busi
A Dear Deal.
J. H. Wesley , Illgglns' employe who was
arrested for dealing out liquor after llig-
glns' license had been revoked , was tried
Tuesday. Ho claimed ho bought the liq
uor nt Patscy Fallon's. He was found guilty
however , and held to the district court in the
sum of $200.
A Mlnlii ) ; Cotnpaiiy.
The Lost Chance Minlntr company Hied
articles of incorporation with the county
clurk yesterday the incorporators hcing
W. U. Cliuelt , S. J. ColTmanV. . R Uodloy ,
\VauKoner , Samuel ColTmun , J.M.WiiUKli ,
II. J. Uclcr , P. A. Moody and G. S. Alalov !
The capital stock is $ SOOU. The company
will operate near Georgetown , Cal.
Tlio I'ciiiiHylviniiiins.
The oxccntivo coininitteo of the Pennsyl
vania society mot Tuesday afternoon in W.
N. Nnson's ofllco. The banquet und recep
tion will bo held in Masonic hall , Thursday
February 14. Governor Hrunor npiminted
II. Cruder master of archives : committee on
aidsMessrs. . O. II. Cioodrich , Joseph Red
mend , O. O. Maul , II. H. I re and G. H. P.
Hula ; chiipluln , the Huv. John Gordon , and
the appointments were continued.
Sptu-loiiH Col n B Aboiiiul.
Comluints ] ) are still hoing nimlo of the
counterfeit dollars taken in by various par
sons. Proprietors of restaurants and stores ,
as well as saloonkeepers , uro deceived by
them. The casts of the pieces are perfect and
were evidently run Into a jinjior macho im
pression from a ( jcnnini ) dollar. The siniri-
OUH coins nro somewhat dull in luster and on
being balanced on the tip of the llncor and
struck they have the sound of iron instead of
the clour ring of silver. Ho many are in cir
culation that it Is very evident the counter
feiters have made u good haul.
The Follow Who "Blow In" Ills IJOK.
Jim McCormlck , the ono-lcBpod prodliral
from O'Neill , for whom n subscriiition of $75
was nilscd in that place with which to pur
chase n now artlilcial limb , but who come to
this city and squandered thu money , on
women of easy virtue , was arrested ujjuin
Tuesday evening for vagrancy. When ho
wns arrested before the judgcrolcii rdhim on
tie ) promise that ho would leave the city , but
fulling to do so ho was glvun thirty duys. At
the time of his second arrest ho gave the
natno of Dr. Carter ,
Van ICtton , dm Irrjpivssililo ,
Sheriff Coburn was in Lincoln yostorJay
with David Van Elton , the lawyer , In accor
dance with n oomimma Issued to him by the
supreme court of the state. Van Ktton was
recently sentenced to a year In the state
nonlumthiry , but secured u stay of proceed
ings from tlm supreme court , and us hu did
not rcnow his hall under direction of the
court in which ho was convicted ho was
quartered la the county Jail. This tlio pris
oner ululms was un Insult to the supreme
court , and his objections will bo argued before
fore that tribunal.
James G. Humphrey , a demented man
who has been In the central station for a
number of days , bus been turned ever Into
bands of friends who will care for him.
Kansas City Liz , the most notorious black
Btrumpct In tha city , was run in lust night
With her white lover , Jim Dunn. The
greasy-looking courtesan was rolcascd , as
aim claimed to bo sick , but her shameless
White consort was given thirty duys lu the
county Jail.
George Green , a member of the Sal
vation army , who makes his living by
doing chorea in a houx'o of ill-
fame , waa arrested Tuesday night on
the charpo of being nn Inmate of a bawdy
house. When arraigned ho claimed that he
XVAS trylnj ? to make an honest living. The
Judge c'uvo him a good lecture hiking for his
text , the scriptural injunction , "Ye cannot
nerve two masters. " The prisoner llnally
agreed to give up his Job ff
the Judge would not line him and ho wns re
Vale , Hltisli.
l ° or the Iir9t time ln the iiist ° ri'
of the weather observatory In
Onnn''li | the barometer dropped
one inch below the normal Tues
day , and , while it remained in that
condition , the wouthor was sluggish , rainy ,
and withal disagreeable. The wind remained
almost stationary in the southwest , and n
part of the night , and encouraged the down
fall of ruin , while In variom parts of the
state , not more than ono hundred and 11 fly
tnilps from Oinutm , the wind blew In u differ
ent direction and heavy fulls of snow were
Visible. hiiddcnl.v. .vcstr-rdry the wind
vercil to the northwest , bringing with It a
satnnio of the winds mid cold in
existence In that direction. About'J o'clock
the storm signal wns llo.itcd from the roof
of thu government building , and shortly
nftcr the wind increased In velocity and there
was n Hurry of line snow , winch is the tail
end of a snow storm from tlio south that Is
headed for the lnki < i , At the observatory at
nooh Sergeant Welch stated that the barom
eter was recovering from its set hack of the
last twenty-four hours , und that the ther
mometer was traveling doxvn towards the
bulb. Indications , ho said , pointed to a
rlirht smart cold snap , with possibly a light
fall of snow and high winds belorc S o'clock
Wstllmloit TrnliiH to Washington.
The only vnstibulod trains to the na
tional capital uro run via llalti-
tnoro and Uliio railroad from Chicago
und Cincinnati. A daily vcstibulud
train service I'M innintninud via H , iV O.
from both these cities. All card in llioso
trains are vu.slUmledinclmliiifr ha rtijro
cars , day coaches and Pull man's bulTnt
aleopurs. The trains are heatuii by
steam drawn from the locomotive. Porters
ters are in attendance in the day
coaches as well as in the aluopor.s to
wait upon piLssoiiirors. No extra faro is
charged'for passage on these trains.
The Limited express leaving St.
Louis nt 8 a. in , daily , via the O. & M.
railway , makes direct connection in
Union depot at Cincinnati with B. & O.
Vestibuled limited , which leaves Cin
cinnati daily at 7tO : : p. m. , arrives in
Washington next afternoon at 1:55 : , Bal
timore at - : > " ! , and Philadelphia at 0
o'clock. The vestibule limited from
Chicago leaves that city at T\ : ( \ > p. in.
daily , arrives at Washington noxtovon-
ing : it ! ) : ! i3 , and Baltimore tit 10:45. :
What Knapp Will Do.
Senator Morgan's challenge for n three
hour per day nice for six days on a bicycle
has prompted the following reply :
OMAHA , Xeb. .Ian. 10 As there seems to bo
a general fear among the many champion
bicyclists now in the city to accommodate the
redoubtable Senator Morgan with a three-
hour u day race for BIX days for $100 a side ,
I cun toll Mr. Morgan that if ho will make
the stakes another $100 u side , und the dis-
ttinco six hours per day , W. F. Knapp will
step into the track and race Mr. Morgan utid
ull comers , known and unknown.
Ucspcctfully , in behalf of W. F. Knapp ,
forty-eight hour champion ,
All delicate complications peculiar to
females , which undermine health and
shorten life , and all uterine complaints ,
arc now successfully treated without the
old speculum methods of physical exam
ination. The hitter method of diagnosis
has proved to bo not only worthless hut
injurious. Tlio senior physician of the
Liobig World Dispensiary of San Fran
cisco corner Geary and Mason sts. ,
first-class accommodations for 000 per
sons at the Sanitarium ; also 'iOl
and 80t ; West flth st. , Kansas City ,
Mo. ; 02 rooms for patients ;
will give free consultation to la
dies at the Metropolitan hotel , corner
12th and Douglas sts. , Omana , Nob. ,
from Jan. 12 to 20 , 18SO.
Colonel Forbes Paralyzed.
The death of Colonel A. H.
Forbes is now regarded as being but a
matter of a short time. Tuesday night
paralysis set in , and the face and ncad , and
that portion of his system is numb and appar
ently lifeless. The physician predicted that a
change ono way or the other would occur ,
and it has come , but for the worse , and what
liittlo hope that existed of his vecovcrv
among his many friends has all but van
ished. In case of de.ith his remains will bo
buried beside those of his ancestors in the
family cemetery in Canada , Wio colonel's
childhood home. Telegrams wrs sent to
.Tames Patterson and George Forbes in New
York lust evening , informing them of the
last hope having failed.
The World'H Specialists.
The renowned , leading and most suc
cessful specialists from the Licbig
World's Dispensary anil International
Institute , San Francisco , Cal. , and JiOl
and : W west 9th St. , Kansas City , Mo. ,
02 rooms for patients ; accommodations
for 800 patients ut the California Insti
tute , whoso cures in the past quarter of
a century lias astonished everyone , will
visit Omaha , and consult free with all
who desire , January 12 to the 20 , 1SS1) ) .
At Metropolitan hotel , corner 12th
and Douglas sts. , Omaha. Residents of
Council Uluffs and all parts of Iowa and
Nebraska should visit the greatest liv
ing specialist while in Omaha. The
latest improvements in all curative
agents , magnetism , electricity , and
every now invention known to modern
scientists or specialists.
Ijife on tlio ItottomH.
Yesterday Mrs. Clara C. Hurk and
William Nebo were arrested for unlawfully
cohabiting together. The complaining wit
ness is William H. Davis. Mrs. Hurlc lives
In a shanty below the Union Pacific bridge ,
and for over two years , according to her own
story , her husband has been in Colorado ,
For over a year Nobe has been living with
her , und ubout eight weeks ngo n child was
born. Mrs. UurU claims Unit Ncbe is merely
rooming at her house.
Absolutely Pure ,
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
fctiuiiKtli uiul wholfsciiniiB ! * . More fcunoiiilcut
than the ordtimry kin In , and citinut bo tuld In
competition with the multitudes or low cost ,
sluirt wtlKht alum or inmaphutu portdcr.s. ohl
only In cans. Itoyal HakliiB Powder Co. . 1'Jd
\VtUI strc'tt , New York.
I Allow your Clothing , Paint , or
I Woodwork washed in the old
rubbing , twisting , wrecking way.
Join that large army of sensible ,
economical people , who from experience have
learned that PEARLINE , used as directed on each
package , saves time , labor , rubbing , wear and tear.
Your Clothes are worn out more by washing than
wearing. It is to your advantanc to try Pcarline.
Manufactured only by JAMES 1'YLK , New Yjrk.
The I'xjicrloiice of tbo Ijlncolit I'IIH-
sriiK'TMHi tlm Union Paclllc.
The wreck of tlio west bound passongcr
train on tlio Union Puultlc , occasioncil by a
land-slldo at F.llthorn Tuesday ovcnliiff , was
cleared up shortly before noon yesterday.
The report at lieadquarturs is to the effecl
tlmtbut two bappipo coaches and nn cnshiL1
No , S2i , were derailed. Also tlmt the engine
toppled ovor. Fireman Sabor's rlRht urin
was broken In three different places and he
was otherwise slightly injured nbout the
bend. ICimineer Uyers escaped with slight
bruises about the body. None of the passen
gers wcro injured. The engineer states that
the jnuss of earth gave nway about two
hundred feet in front of his ciiRinc , which
lie thought was occasioned by thu'Jar of the
ground. At tlio time the train was running
nt the rate of nbout twenty-live miles per
hour. Myers endeavored to bring it
to u stop before the obstruction wns reached
but was unsuri'Cbslul. A wreck crew had
been dispatched to Xortli Head to clear up i
mess nt that point that hud been occasioned
by n car loaded with railroad rails breaking
down. On tlio way it encountered the wreck
ot the passenger train and at once set U
work clearing things up. The engine am
two cars of thu passenger train are badly
wrecked and will be retired from service
This morning Fireman Babor was brought to
Omaha and was taken to the St. Joseph hos
pital for treatment. His injuries are not re
garded fatal. No. U , east bound passenger
due here at :80 : yesterday was four hours
Ijivcly Times
The meeting to bo held in Hoston to-daj
of the board of directors of the Union
Pacific is n matter that is being watched in
railway circles generally , but more espec
ially by attaches of the Union Pacific , it is
whispered that Vice-Prcsincnt Holcombo
may submit his new project abolishing the
ofllce of general superintendent , and that i ;
this comes up there will bo trouble.
It is stated that the individ
ual who recently assumed the vice-presidency
has outlined his own theories for conducting
the system , and has carried matters in this
direction so far that the traditional "hunt
writing on the wall" lias inado its appear
ance. It is well known in railway circles
that Holcomuo has not attained any addi
tional popularity since ho took his seat at the
head _ of the operating department of the
Union Paoiilc , neither , it is said , has he
added any laurels to his record as a railroad
man. It is stated that certain matters have
occurred in connection with the affairs of
the Union Pacific of late , that have attracted
the attention of the directors , and that
things ( generally will bo subjected to a int-
croscopio examination at the meeting to-mor
An Agent From Boston.
Yesterday morning a gentleman , outlined
"W. 13. Mack , Hoston , " on the register of the
Milhml. A short time afterward Clem
Hackney , the retiring superintendent of
motive power of the Union Pacific , Joined
him , and together they held a private con
sultation in a room , lasting for several
hours. Air. Mack is connected with the
Union Pacilic , and rumor has it that ho is
hero for the purpose of arranging matters
whereby Mr. Hackney will bo retained In
the service of the Union Pacific.
A Safety Switch.
Tuesday afternoon the Union Pacific put
in a safety switch in the yards ut-this place ,
it is a now design having been recently pat
ented by J. H. Cook of Boston. It is so con
structed that though connection may bo
opened with nn open track the main track
will be hold clear and no derailment will re
sult. At cither end of the frog , double rails
project. It is being used on tlio main line
and if successful , will bo put in on the entire
Ruilroad N'otnw.
J.V. . Morse , formerly general passenger
ajent of tlio Union Pauillc , but now of the
Missouri Pacilio with headquarters at Chicago
cage , is in the city.
P. S. Kustls , general pissongor and ticket
agent of the liurlington , has returned to
J. O. Phlllippl , of the Missouri Pacific , is
in Lincoln.
There was quite nn influx of railroad pas-
seimer agents into the city y estcruny ,
among them being Patrick Humphrey , who
is mnkmi : his lust trip for the Ne\v Yorlt.Lako
Krio & Western , preparatory to entering the
employ of the Lake Shore ; C. II. Fitzgerald ,
of the Louisville & Nashville ; C. S. Henry ,
northwestern ngcnt of tlio Queen & Crescent ,
and C , W. Green , of the IJeo lino.
C. A. Coons , secretary of Cloin Haeknoy ,
superintendent of motive power of the
Union Pacilic , lias assumed tlio agency of
the Standard Llfo insurance company , and
upon Mr. Hackney's retirement from tlio
Union Pacific , will dovotehis tlmo to his now
Held of labor.
The rate clerks met nt the Mlllnrd yester
day anil put in their tlmo revising the division
rates in Colorado and western points.
Ills NolK'Hior'N ' M1V- .
George Williams and his wife who live in
a shanty on the bottoms south of the Union
Pacific brldge.lmvo been having some trouble
of late and Tuesday Mrs. Williams inado
up her mind to Icavu her lord and master.
A young neighbor , named George Cleveland ,
took the part of the attractive wife and went
homo with her to assist her in breaking the
news to her husband. Williams thought
that the matter did not concern Cleveland
and ordered him to leave the premises. As
ho was slow to obey. Williams seized a re
volver and attempted to kill his wifo's friend
by perforating him with bullets. Ho was too
excited , however , to take accurate aim and
the balls wont wide of thu mark. The name-
bake of tlio retiring president saw lhat it
was about tlmo for him to retire also and ho
beat a most hasty retreat. Ho called an
ofllcer and the enraged husband was arrested.
On but lit ! tried Williams was found guilty
and wu s lined t.YJ.50. Not having the money
ho will servo it out in the county Jail.
lt < ; v. , T. S. Dotwu'lor'rt Jlsonptlnn ,
No more unfavorable time could ho chosen
for a social gathering than Tuesday evening
proved to ho. The sidewalks wcro danger
ously slippery , the streets full of slush and
Water and thu rain poured steadily the
entire evening. Despite these facts , there
was a goodly number of the inml > 3ra of the
Kountze Memorial church at the reception
tendered last uvenlng to thu pastor , Hover-
( Mid uiul Mrs. J , S. Dotwcller. Borne had
not only brought with them well wishes , .but
also more substantial offerings which were
presented to thu minister and his Wlfa.
Thy'meeting butw cu .pastor und members
was most cordial , and testified to the high
esteem in which the former is held by the
members of the congregation. Owing to the
inclement weather another reception will
probably bo held again soon so as to give
the entire society an opportunity to bo
Addresses wcro tnntlo by KOV. W. .1.
Hnrsha. Itcv. Mr. Kulin ? , Mayor Hroatch.
Mr , Robert , Wcidcnsnll , the guest himself
ntid others.
From the Council IlluflVi Nonpareil ,
Doc. I118HO. ! .
Wo are credibly Informed that the mortality
from diphtheria , under the treatment of Or.
Thos. .lefferls of this city Is merely nominal ,
not exceeding one-fifth of one per cent. Such
being the case no time should be lost In plac
ing his remedy within the roach of every
family and tlnls save annually hundreds of
thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most
universally destructive pestilence that has
nllllctca the world during the last hundred
KxKcrnvn Omen , Coi'.vcii. UI.UPPH , Jan.
7 , ISS'J. 1 do not hesltnto to say that the suc
cess attending the use of Dr. .lefferis' ' Pre
ventive and Cure for Diphtheria has no equal.
I speak from experience , having used it'ln my
own family ; I am ulso well acquainted with
the facts connected with its use in our city.
W. K. VAIWII.V , Mayor.
No physician required. Price of remedy
W. Addres , box No. < i57 , Omaha , Nob. ( Dr.
Jcfferis has retired from active practice. )
A FlourJHhliiK Union.
The newly elected oftlcers of St. Joseph's
branch No. i , C. M. H. A. , among the mem
bership of which are several prominent
bankers , lawyers , doctors and merchants of
the city , were installed Tuesday night by Dr'
J. T. Kinsler , supreme deputy for the states
of Iowa and Nebraska , as follows :
President J. 13. Furay ; first vice presi
dent T , J , Miihoney ; second vice president
J. J. Corbett : recording secretary Joseph
M. Murphy ; assistant secretary John H.
Hussie ; linanclnl secretary P. J. Gavin ;
treasurer , John Uauiner ; marshal D , A.
Hurley ; guard M. D. lloche ; trustees , two
years Hov. George Gluuber.ThomasF. Mul
ligan , Thomas II. Cotter.
At the conclusion of the installation exer
cises short speeches wcro made by the now
ofllcers , and Hov. M , P.'Oowling , a. J. , pres
ident of Creighton coljogo , delivered mi ad
dress , in which ho eloquently set forth the
aims and benefits of the order , and adyised.a
genera ! endorsement of all whom are'eligi
ble. -
Jjook : nt Thin.
All kinds , of rnorchnndiso and - personal
sonal property wanted in oxohango fdr
improved furius and wild land. Foreign
Immigration Co. , r 2. & ! ( 1502 Farmun st.
Another Appropriation.
Dr. Peter Schwenk , of Norfolk , is in the
city and will return home to-day accom
panied by his wife who has been visiting
hero for some weeks. Ho speaks in encour
aging terms of his city , the now insane hos
pital and the extensive paving which Nor
folk will commence ) early in the spring. The
doctor also slyly intimates that an appropria
tion to enlarge the hospital will bo required
this year.
All who have boon trying in vain to
bo cured of weakening , complicated ,
delicate and nervous complaints , and
impurities of the blood , should consult
with the remarkably successful special
ists of the Licbig World Dispensary
corner Geary and Mason sts. , Sun Fran
cisco ; first-class accommodations forSOU
persons at the Sanitarium ; also 'iOl
and 303 West 9th st. , Kansas City ,
Mo. ; ( i'J rooms for patients. Branch
olllco and parlors for free con
sultation at Metropolitan hotel , corner
Twelfth and Douglas streets , Omaha ,
INcb. , from January 12 to 20,1S&9.
Tlio IJlR Furniture Fnctory.
M. J. Murphy , of the Murphy Furniture
company , of Detroit , who prospected hero
somewceks ngo.telcttrnphed Thomas 13rcnnan
yesterday that ho had decided to locate a
largo factory without u bonus at this place.
The building will bo three-stories high , of
UOOx.V ) leet , and give employment to between
seventy-live and one hundred men.
Tlioro are many things to bo grateful
for , if wo would but think bo- and
among these Is the introduction of Vnn
Duzor's Flavoring Extracts , somewhat
less than a third of a century ago. If
there is a cook in America , professional
or otherwise , who has not tested and is
not ready to vouch the excellence of
those well known preparations , she or
ho is _ wofully behind the ago. No
chemical or other impurity contami
nates them. They are siinplydolieious.
J , Well , procer , 1003 Ranndera street , has
been closed up , mortgages having been
given to Hothclillu for 50 and C. Well for
! , l oa Other creditors 'nro McCord , Hrady
& Co , , Poycko and Hidalo & > Klddlo.
H. A. Giclow , clothier ; Twenty-third and
Cuniing , has also been closed up , mortgages
having been given to Tumor & Jay and Mil
waukee parties ,
"Buttor late than neror , " hut hotter
never late when troubled * with a cougher
or cold. Take Ur. Bigolow's Positive
O'uro at once , which cut-on till throat and
lung troubles spcodily'imd ' thoroughly.
Pleasant for children. GOe and $1.
For It.iffscsH'on.
The proprietors of tho.Klitu . saloon , corner
Barnaul and Sixteenth streets , mid J , I.
Uedick , the owner of tha building , are en
laced In u lively legal tilt. A few days ago
Mr , Hcdlck secured n Judgment against the
inn for thu non-payment of runt , and put a
constable in charge of the stock und fixtures
o satisfy his claim , One of the proprietors ,
W. H , Hush , then swuro out a writ of re-
ilovln linforo Justice Wndo , and when
mother constable attempted to survu it ho
; ot into a lively scrap with his brother of-
leers , The Itcdlek forces r o now holding
ho fort , but thu Hush forcu Imvo.tlieir war-
laint on und promise light ,
For ( /onMInitlf > n
Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. J. It. Torsion , Klowa , Ind. , Tcr. , says ;
'I have tried It for constipation , with suc
cess , and think it worth a thorough trial by
hu profession , "
I < lvluu otrttie County.
Within the last few days the nppl cunts fnr
assistance from the county has increase !
nrly in number , making u total of UTS now
being provided for. ,
Saturday morning , wo shall commence a Special Clearing Sale of nil our wititor suits
We have more fine suits on hand for this time of the year than \vo ought to have , and ua
we will soon need every foot of room for our spring stock , wo mean to force all heavy
weight suits upon the public , by offering- such extra spooial bargains , aa will compel every
body to buy , even if they do not need a suit just now.
Our customers will remember that during the past year we have shown many extraor
dinary bargains , but we o.m unhesitatingly say , that never in our history hnvo wo offered
any to approach in value those which wo now presents
At $9.75 we offer about 350 excellent suits plain double and twist , and silk mixed onsi-
meressome fine cheviots , elegantly made and trimmed ; none of these suits sold for less
than $12.50 and the most at § 15 that WAS OUR PRICE , and by this we moan to say that ,
the suits wore cheap at that. We have marked the whole lot down to $9.75.
Ab $13.50 wo oiler nourly 400 fiuo ( hilor-iiiiulc Suits , some of the choicest oO our stock , silk mixed rassiittoros
fancy worsteds ami diagonal : ) . The material is the product of the best mills in ilio country , and the Suits wt-ro
manufactured Cor the finest city trade. The former selling prices for thc e suih was from SlO.dO to ! ? 20 , and
mark you , the suits were cheap at those figure. ' , Wo have reduced the entire lot down to SUH.-'iO.
Kememhcr , the extremely low prices we quote , arc no guide to the intrinsic value of these suits , and bear in
mind , that this not.a . lot of goods made or selected for a bargain sale , no jobs nor broken si/en , but honest , reliable ,
and fresh goods from our regular stock , selected for this winter's trade.
Corner i th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
fathersi and sons mailo comforta
ble with nice overcoats at very
moderate prices. All wo have left
are clean , desirable floods.Vc
shall name .you prices from this date
which will induce you to buy , even
if you do not need'an overcoat for
immediate use.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
lo Uke for lies Molnen , Marslmltown
, n Clinton , lilxon , Uilcium , Milwaukee ,
"o T" tlla I > ( 'Plu at NebrmkiM-W
1' ' .dal10- N v < lii. OrcKim.VnMi -
Amonif a fcrr of the nnmcron points of ( uportorltr
? iW > y " " > P tron of Mil. rcmtl bctweon Oiimhi
iMVi/Mi'te" " ' , .nro lu " " < ' < > Irllln't ft "I"of DAY
UOAC1IKS , which nro the llnost that human nrt anil
nKcnully can crt-ato. Its I'AI.ACKHIKKIMN CAIIS
Mioeqiia of which can not ! founrt cl.icwlioru. At
( oimcll Ilium. , the truln of the Union I'acMlo Hall'
wny connect In union ilapot with tnoso of the < ; t | .
MBO ; A Nortlmt.lern UT. In CIHrnKU thu triilni of
this line make close connection witli thotoof all ether
i.nncrn lines.
I'or Detroit , Colambiis , Indlnninolls. Cincinnati ,
Nln ara rails. Iltiffali ) . IMttBlmrc. Toronto , Montreal
oiton , New York , I'hUailflphfa , Ilaltlmoro , Wasl
IjiKton , and all polntsln the fimt. Ask lor tickets via
A" Uckal
i v.
1 1. 11 UIJ 1 1 ITT. H. P. WI I.80N ,
( jtm'l MannuiT. aen'l 1'asi'r Agent
W. N. BAncoCK. , ' " MV.tIe7nflAiiont.
II. K , KIMIMI.I. . Ticket Ak-ent.
i.n. . . " ! ' WHST. City I'lujonner Agent
KOI Karnntn St _ Omaliu. N-jb.
Milwaukee & St. Paul '
Chicago , . R'y.
The Best Itoutc from Onmlm and Council
lilufTs fo
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. I'anl , Minneapolis , Cedar Itnpiils ,
Hock Island. Fret-pod , JJui'kl'iml ,
Clinton , Jlnbiumo , Dnvemioit ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesrillc ,
llelolt , Winona , La Crossc ,
And all otlier Important Dolnti Kait , Norllionst ail
Kortbrouuli tliiftn. oil on tbe llckot nfrnt nt W\
Kurnani ttruvt. In Jlurker Ulock , or el Union I'uciUo
1' Blceer | and the llneit IMnlnn Can In ttia
world are run on lUe m ln line of tUu Chlcatio , Mil-
wukeo ft HI. I'nul Uallwuanil 7ery altenllunlipall
lo piitaenKert UT rourtuoui umploxuiol Itio co'uuuujr.
H. MII.I.KII.i/encinl / Uinanui.
J. K. ' 1UUK Kit , Anlntunt Uoucral Malinger.
A. V. II. UAlir NTttll. G ir l l'M. . iii'or not
Ticket Avriit.
( IW > . K. IIUAFKOIID , A. Iitani Ueteial 1'riiengel
anil 'iioket Auent ,
J.T , CLAUKi'JtncralSuperiateDdent.
rr i l > , Koomi . u. I wnlUnouii Currentot t
.toll/iiM'clljrllirAucblill r k lirtl , roitor.
I , to ll llli. d tliomiKhltrif Ib. Klttlllt
V nn l r iiit iir nc/oiTdl ( bflMla end.
P > rjl1 ( i il op. Wo ic > i ( xr'
' " 1"rp" ' ilH > niLll l48. Ul I > .
CO. 1 C9Un < si. tJUOAQ 0 JU
WFA 1 BM 1C ? M "in > rlri fr < > m
' c"i
" > Ml" Il'-
' HiHalltnwy jl
, r , To t limnhooil , i-lc. I will M-III ! n rnluqU.
n-uff ( M'Alcill rniiUllilnir Mill imttluuUra tin
liouln rill * * , frrfi ' < t rlArve. Ailifirim.
PROF.F.O. FOWLER , MoodUS , Conn.
Chicago , Ills. Clark St.
Iho Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating wtlh the Greatest
Chronic , Ncryons and PriFatc Diseases ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drninn , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache .inil .ill the ctTectl
leading to early decay anil peihaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new inctnodi with
never-IUilinc success.
u-SYl > HILISaml all bad Dlood and Skin Dis-
cases permanently cured.
S-KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Vnrlcoccle ami all diseases
tf the Genito-UrinAry Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kiilneys or oilier Organs.
ATNo experiments. Age and experience 1m.
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
fiB-Scnd 4 centt postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
aifTnose contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated ' Male and Female , each
15 cents , both 25 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter nrcaUmay sayefuturesufTer-
inland shame , and add golden years'tolifc. . -
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " socents ( stamps ) , iMcdicina
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays g to 13. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
MK.ST.nKiiarantcail specUlc for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions , Kits. Nervous Neuralgia ,
lli'adacho.NVrvousl'rostratlon cniihcil liy tlm use
ol'alc iholnr tnliitrco , Wakufiilnuss , ilental le-
preidlon , Softt'iiliiKot' tlm Drain ro.snltlnK In la-
Kitnlty and lo.ulliiK to inls-nry. deray anil lU'atli.
I'ronmiiifo Old Auo. Iliinuiinus" , 1.1 us of power
In eltliw hex , Involunt-iry l,0isis anil Spurniat-
orltii'u t'.nisod liyover-exoi'tlonof tliulirain.Kolf-
Rbu < ie or orerlnilnlKcnci1. llai'li box contains
iinuinninirH treatni'iit. $1.W ( a box , nrslxlioxv.s
for $ " > .U ' .funtliy until pMp.ild on receipt of price
To euro any case. U'lth each order received liv
Informix boxes , accoinpanli.'d with fVWwowlfl
head tlio piircliaser our written Ku.tranti'u to refund -
fund the money 1C thu trcatmunt does not ollert
a cure. Cuaninli'cs li-sni'd only by Cooilinun
Drug Co. , DrnpcNtii , f ole AgentN , 1110 Karnain
Ktreet , Oiniilui. JVfli ,
Nr.nvdnp , ( 'niriNif and PHIVATK
WIN : ami WOMKN saccesstally treated.
nnu Iho cilccli of youthful fnlllm irla
unr artt irnntjliul ultliViHliiets , NCTVCHM
* " * * "t Mt'iimry. Hu itiniiiiicy. Avorston to
Sm-icly.Kiilm'y TiuuliU' . itr nn > * itlnfiitu nf thu ( cnltu-
Urln ry orunns.n.m IH.TO ( lint a nfcjuul npyeily euro.
t'jtrcesrcft ) ( oriHbJo ojiocially to thu puur.
'J'hiTu nro many Iroiilili-il with too fcpc'/ucnt / ovao-
iiiitloim of the liluililiT , olti'n iircuniimnln I hy it xlltlil
Miiurllni ; nr bnrnlnx MMIMIIIUII , nn.l wt'iiki'iilnx ol' Ihu
KjUL'iu in u inunner tint nntiunt i.iiinni n t-uunt fur ,
On I'liiinlnlnv thu iiilintrv ileixi ils n ronjr i > i > iliiiiunt
\\lll ol ton l > o i < iiinil iinil boinullnutii Hrini'l ' | > , irticli > * of
ulitiiiniMi will niipuir : , nr thu ruler will hn nf n thin
nillkluli hiiiMiU'iln ilniii-'ln/ ton iliirK or toriil I nn-
IKMininco. Tlii'niiuo ninny men vrlioilioof tnlHiii'll-
1'iiltv. jtfiinrnntiil tlm rnnse , Hlilcli la Iho HM-ond
ttnuool iinnilnul wo.ikiit'ii. Thu Doctor will mini
iinti'oa piirioc't enroll ! nil mirh iii ' ; i mill n lit'nllliy
n'ntorntlon nl the ecnlto-urliinrv oruiuiH , ConiilUU'
tlon Irco. h'cnil Inr i cunt ttaiup
"Young Man's Friend , Sr Guide to
i : TO A ' . .I , . .MIIMIL.KM
N.i : . Cor. Itith .V DoiiKlas KIK , , ur .National Ills-
pi'iiNiry , ri/niiT / lilli and Main , Kansas City. Me.
Use "Peerless Brand"
Fresh Raw Oysters ,
Hultrtfii unil jut * ici'ii \ - > t' < < ! .iiiiinoss i cun hy
G , H , PEARSON & CO , Baltimore , Md
They uru I he bust. .Ask yoiir ( jruror tor thum
Institute !
nf ti'olh | 8. HliliiK ut liulf rutvH.
Ti.'tlll 'jjrtnii.-liM wiuiuul | iuln.
KAUIIHIIIIIIIIII u ( HID niuiilli Irve. Frnil 3cent
Hu in p wllii riiru' iUil'ICMCi' .
J'a.xtnii Ulk. , Cor. lilth aiifl Farnuin ,
Advcrilslnif hns nhvnya pi-omi
micco/sfu ) , Jlcforo placing an/
Newspaper Auvertl lnr ; cxjnsut
iilof * CHIRACO.
< I "iU * iS 5M 'V * ' I * ; riaaTT
tii& - : * $ &
* jy ni r f
N , W. Cor. 13th & DoclffO Sts.
AppHanc33 for Deformities and Trussoj.
IU'i > t Inclllllci. nppirntiu unil rvmcilk's lor mircnm
fill trentmi'nt of . 'very form ol disuse rciiilrlni |
MedUnl or Snrmcnl Tri'.tt infill.
Hnnnl unil iittenUuiico ; bust liusiilliil utcuiumoda-
tltms In tlio uvst.
\Vitrri : ron ctitri'i.Aua nn Doforuiltlot and Urnoci ,
Trumioi , Clut ) Kuut. CurnUrtni of the ! * i > lnr > , l'lle ,
Tumors , I 'unco r. Oitnirli , llriinchll ( ! , Inh il.itluo ,
nit'ctrtclty , I'arnlF * ! * , Kplluim' , Klilmy , IJIitdiler ,
iyo. linr , Skin niul Illnoil.niU aUSiiruiciil O | > criliuii9.
Diseases of Women n Specialty.
M.Md.Vl ! A HPiriAITV OP
All Illooil Dl-en oj urei ! 3ull ) ' tro'itnil. SypUllltla
1'olsuu luinuvuil from lliu H ati * ! ! ! wltliiint intirciiry.
Ni'\r reMonitlve tront-nrnt lor losi nl Vital I'niror.
IVrnons nniiblo to vt-lt us uiuy Iiu truuloil at lininu by
loriu'iioiKlciirf. All rommimli-.itlona ruiitlrirntlnl.
MoillclncH or In'ttruinents rent by mall or exiire * ,
Hccitrcly packcil. no mnrkn ti > Inul atti contents oc
sonilcr. One poiBonal Intt'rvli'W pii'li'rrcd. Cnllnnit
consult UK or pcml ht loryof your cast , unit wu will
send In plain wrapper , our
Upon t'llratv. Special or NOIVIIIH Il ) > t < nses , Impo-
li'iicy , Syphilis , ( jluut uuil Vnrlcucole , wllli iinuatloa
list. Address
Oiiiuha Malicnl anil Rwijical histitiite , or
Cor. Will and ttoilgo Sts. , OMAHA , NED.
Th iij Is a disease which IIIIH horotoforti
liitlllcd all Medical Science.
\Vo liavn u llejiipdy.iinknown to unyouo In the
World outiildi ) of oiirC'oiiipiiiiy , uiul one Unit lias
to cure the most olj-stl-iat > can 'S. Ton diiyH In
rt'Ct'iit Citflnrt do n tliourk. . It Isthu uliK-hruillo
dl'l'l ' ) Hi'lltlMl Cllnt'S tllllt WH HllllClt. Wo llllVO
cured liiinilreds wlio hnvo IMV.MI uliaiulouiMl by
I'hyslrliui ! ) , and jii'onomirml nirnralile. and wo
rlialloiiirolliu world lolirlns us a C.IHO that wo
will mitrnru In l s.i thin ; ttlxty iluyH. .
Slnro the hlstorv ol iiu'iltclmiii true spccl/lo /
for Syphilis has boon suuint for lint nuver
lounu until our
wns iliicovoioil , and wo are JnsMlli'il In
Itistliuonly Kuineily In tlii. Wurldtliut w
IMvttlyciiro , DOI-IIUMI tlm lalutt Meilli-nl WorkM ,
liubll.slii-d by the hi's : kiiinvp luitnui'ltli'H , nay
tliuTuwaii nuvi-r u triiisjioclllf boforo. Our ruin-
1'ily will euro whi'U oMjrythlni ; ulxo IIUH full d.
Whywihli ) your tlnn mid nionuylili patnnt
ni'-ilii-liics that nen-i.T had vlrtiio or doctor wittx
plivslcliins tluit i-iiiinot euro you , you Unit hnvo
idiid in-erythliiK ' 'I"1 Hlionld I'oniL' to usiunv un < l
gut iieriiiiiueiit relief , you iii-vor cun ot It nlso-
whi'iv. Murk wliut wo Hiiy. In the uiiil you
ot-NI-H'lIlt and
tnuat tnkoonr rcinciJv rcrovcr
yon that liafu IILMIII ullllcti'd but u tihort tlino
hlioiilil hy all incaiiH como to HH now not ono In.
i'n of now rnsi-H VIT ( jut iioi-mntiunily
Many x-il Imlp ami think tln-y nro fruo mini tno
illH'-iive. lint lu ono. two oi-thrw yearn nflcr 1C
iin'ars ] ) : iil'i ( ; In u nioru horrlblu 1'orni ,
TJiin is a blood J'uriHor anil will Cure
iiuv Hkin or Hlood DIMJ.IKO when
ICverything Klso Kiiilo.
Jlooni 10 and II , U. S. Jmtloiiiil Hank
hiillilhitUiiiitlin , Null.
eUc toim. ( illablo uctlon ana
tatutc aurablflly. HJ ye m' reno
HOB. 3O3-404-I70-BO4.
, SKVBnil cistturod : In HUVUII ilayn. Bolil
11.60 i 'r ijov , ull tlmuixlutii , or hy mall from ln- )
' USVhPt Bt..N . V. full llior.Uoi4
PHHRLESS DYES tola bUnv.ul.iu. .