THE OMAHA DAILY > ; . - THUKSDAY. JAJNUAJiY 17 , 1830. THE SESATORSIUP DECIDED , Mandorson's Elootloti Confirmed In Joint Convention. THE CORN SHOW AT LINCOLN , "P ' ' " ' Stale Kiiircnir | Court The Comparative Unto Schedule The lloiml tit I'hai'innolstH. HcnBAU or Tun Ouuu Han , ) HW9 V SriiKBT , V LINCOLN. Jan 10. I The sorgeant-at arms of the sen ito ad- Crossed the speaker and announced "Plio 'lonorablo , the senitor of the state of No- bi asita , " Just before the dinner hour IT day , urn ! promptly at 13 o'clock the Joint session of the house and senate was tailed to order. ] t was the hour for the election of a United States senator , to serve a term ot six yors , rommencinir March I , IH3W , and closing March t , ISM. 'Iho mombeisof the senate flle 1 Into the room "by tw'Ji" nnj sui'eJ themselves on each side of the ontinneo nisio , while the olllcers of tne Indv , and the lieutenant governor , took their places in the Bpoakcr's stind. The roll call showed the presence of every member of both brain lies of the legislature. Quiet icigncd. .Stinngo us it may seem , the attend nice was but 1 Ittle more than that of th < > oidiniry d.n. Not inoro than half the scats in the gnlloii wcio ocdipicd , and twice the number of people present could have been crowded into the au dience room of the house Lath of interest in tlie pioiceilings ot yesterday doubtless had something to do with the unusual loth- urgj of to dav A few pioinlnent eiti/cns of the stato. however , woie In attendance , nnd among the number could bo seen the familiar faces of tlon. W .1 Council , W. P. Hediel nnd Casper 13. Yost of Omaha ; A. U flra 1mm , of Wlsncr ; lion. C. II. Holmes , of TV- cumscli ; General Dilworth and Ma\or \ Tociim , of Hastings ; Judge Church , of Au burn ; Colonel Gage , of Kianklin , John Jcn- BCII , of Geneva ; I'rof. Lo\o , of IVomont ; Colorel Asbby , of Oilihon ; I'etcr Youngs , jr. , of Geneva , and Hegciit Mallalleu , of Kearney. Tnc record vote of jestcrday was an- tiounccd Just as the minute luuid of the clock turned from the hour that ir-gisleis high noon , nnd Lieutenant Oovninoi Aleiklo- Jolin eloipiently declared Charles V. Mandcr- non elected LTnited Stales senator , to suive a term of sljears. . comnu'iicmg March I Ap- jdiiuse followed the announcement , but it in dicated satisfaction rather than enthusiasm The priycedings throughout weie more than modest This pen plctuiu docs the subjci t a full mcasuic of justice , and the stor.of . the re-election of Senator Mnnderson is told Till. MSO ( OIIN SIIIIW , The meeting of the agricultural society was called to order \cstoiday ntteriioon at I o'clock Picsidont 11 nler was in the chair. Sccietarv linker called the roll , and the icsponsc showed a full at'endaiico for the opening session The Initial meeting was held in the ehanc'llor's loom at the state university. Piosident Marker delivered an inteiestmir nddiois. The rcpoit of the sec retary occupied the lost of the time of the ince'ing. It showed the receipts and dis- bniscnicnts of the late state fair , and com plied them with tlie showing of the \ear lie- lore. It is needless to say that it was most satisfactory , although they were less than the former year. It should bo understood , however , that there was no "Jay-Cyo-See" uttiaction und intending expense during the piesont year. Tlie corn exhibit is very lino. It is on dis play in the main room of the stuu univer sity The word magnificent would piobably describe It inoic fittingly than the word lino. Tim iooin is too small to do it full Justice , but withal it is ccitainl.v the ilnest exhibit of the kind ever on exhibition in the west. The state could not hceuren better advertisement than the hipmcnt of the specimens to Paris \vill give. One- year ago the show was small comp.iicd with that of to day. It is worth ihe while of anyone to visit it. COMI'AIITIK FIICHIIir SCIIlIDUl li The board of transpoitation was in ses sion to-day. This meeting was called tooider at J o'cloclt. President Laws wielded the gavel and Lcese , Steen , Hill nnd Beaten an- swcicd to roll call. There wcio no ab sentees. The meeting was called to con sider the compirativo rate table , comparing the railioad fieight rates of the states of Illi nois , Iowa anil Minnesota with those in effect in Nobi.isha , Just completed by Judge Mason , ofthobo.ud of socrot.uies. It will bo 10- inembercd that Senator Kajniond introduced a resolution in the senate , the hrst of last week , asking that the board of transporta tion fuinish such a schedule of compirison , and in accordance with that resolution Secro- turv Mason prepared a table of distance tar- ill rates , which the boaui decided to present for the consideration of that body To merion ion * is the last day of grace , and the chances arc that the schedule \\illicach that body liofoio the close of the day. "The ro * > ort of the seciclaries , " said a momncr of thu board this nftcinoon. "Is the cream of what is wanted , nnd if it don't convince the senate nnd hotiHi ) that the people of the state liayo been robbed long enough by the roads I shall ha\o stiong icason to doubt honest purpose on the p irt of the lawmakers of the state. " The boa id entered BOO copies of the schedule to be printed , nnd the senate notified that the knowledge sought Is now in the bunds of the pi inter. There were no dissenting voices. sti-niiMn IOUUT riuKnnivos. T. J Mahoney was admitted to practice. The following causes \\ero argued nnd sub mitted' Murray vs. Porter , b'eder vs. Solo mon , L-lojil vs. Kc.Miolds , motion to dismiss , ShiODshlio vs Duncan fe Wallace ; eiror from the distiict eouitof Douglas countj ; nlllrmed. Opinion by Maxwell , J. King liros VH Jackson , error from the dls- ti let court of Pawnee county , rovcised and icni.indcd. opinion 1 > \ Heoso , Ch. .1. Cicunnn , Etc. Co. vs Ktherton , error from the distiict couit of Webster county , af- 111 mod : opinion by Hcese , Ch. J Wardoil vs MtConnell , appeal from the district court of Ulchardson < ouiityurtirined ; opinion by Maxwell , J. Dnndiis vs Chrianmn , error from the ills trict couit of Nemtina county , reversed and lomandcd , opinion by Maxwell , J. hTATU I'OJkllDOV I'lllUMVCV. The board of examiners of the state board of pharmacy completed Us icorganizatlon to day. 'Lho ineoting was hold at the capitol. Alex F. Strolls , of North Piatto , was elected jiiesklent ; Henry Cook , of Ked Cloud , lirst vioo piosident ; Max Hecht , of Omaha , second end vice president , James Heed , of Nebraska C'Htiensuior ; Henry D. Hoyden , of Grand Island , bccrctaiy. .Inmc's liced was appointed n committee of nnu on complaints for violations of the phar macy law The board has Just prosecuted anothercaso HUCfcssfully .lumes Orinnnd , of Plum Creek , was lined tlO nnd cots in the court of u Justice of the pence for tinnsactlnga ilrug busn.css without n rcgisteicd pharma cist In charge. The board is in de.ul earnest nnd examination and registration will bo In- nlstcd upon under all circumstances. Viola tions of the pharmacy law , the board say , will tie punished to the nillesl extent , and Its letter will bo enforced MVIIV il'OCK VnTHOkUS NCVISAV The cuso of Mary J McCiee vs Thomas Keenan , Jnnu's Kelly and otherswhich com menced in the county court 5 eitei day after noon , was continued this morning , with in creased Interest on the pint of the friends and neighbors of the litigants The mound worlt of the cause dates back to the 1st of last September. Mrs Mi'Geo ullages $1,000 damages ngauist the defendants for soiling her husband Intoxicants , which led to the serious Injuries ho sustained at that time , since when ho has been unable to support and properly maintain his family. It will bo berne In mind that McGce drank to intoxl cation , on or about the date stated , nnd that hiu team run awuv , throwing him from his wagon , from which ho received injuries that havu kept him confined to his room almost constantly slnco. The petition furthei states that she has been compelled to provide the means of life for her husband and two children , whereas , prior to the time of her husband's ' Injuries , ho piorided for herself nnd children wholesomely and well. Tlio testimony in the case was developed slowly , and most of the day was consumed before it was nubmtttcd. UHllnxttiey closed the argument 'for the de fense at ! ) : & ) this nfuuuoon. Ho wus > caustic , Ironical nnd ovcro. Public opinion is divided an to the merits of tlui cause. The Jury is out at this writing , and them Is uu telling when a vcrd ! < ! t will bo reached Semi nto of the opinion that it will "hang " O'Vnil.l , tVIIKTBII The volutitnrv appearance In the fedora court in session bore of Urn O'Neill , nnd the submitting of ? 5 fXK ) in bonds for his np pearanco fur trial to answer to nn tndictnien found nirainst him bv thn federal Jury h Omaha of ' interfering with the ndmuils trillion of just KO under the auspice of the L'n ted States court and in citing throu certain p irlios to destroy innrk- ? on certain cattle in the e barge of a roceivei duly appointed b.\ the I'nltoil States court , ' roop"iis the Interest taken In the difllcultle1 existing bPtwonri tin- Harlem and Kit Cirson Cittlo ( finiiuMUM It was supposed all nlonj , that O'Neill would bo indicted from fain 11 lurlties Indulged in bolwoen persons opposed to O'Neill , and gentlemen who'o responsible positions at the time should have kept them npart These rela tions will no doubt be used by O'Neill In his trial n viic rAuvrnV s\M , < IS II\\K. Articles nu'urpniMllnir the W ire-I > arnors' Savings bank of Llnunln Lancaster county. Neb . were tiled In the iiillr-o cf the secictary of stnto this ( minimi * ; This now built pro poses to take care of the "sinimjV of labor- in JT people gi'iiciallv. and will piv n fair per C"iit on all deposits that it inabo honored with. It dates existence fioin Iho 1st of the ctirro'.l month , nnd wjll coinineiue active business in tiio future. The names of Ihe following stockhold- ur * and lucorporalors tolls the story of its snlvi-ncv James Hcdwitb , James A. Uminnns , Thee 1' . Harnes , O W. Crom well , J , Dan Laws , John M. Cotton , Isaac Lu Droit , Krank Sharp and J C Mcllollln. i nr \ \ + \ MImi > A trades cxnibilion wis given in the library rooms at the state hrmso at 7 o'clock to night The spi'cml invititlon given to monilieis of tlio house and senate to attend was accepted and n number of them weio present. The exhibition was creditable Lincoln is to have a blcic.lo contest. It commences next Monday night T . W. IVk , of Canada , will have the m iiiagemenl of it. The following colonrllies ulll particlpitc ; Mile Armaindo. W. .1. Joidon , of London ; T W D-k and W. F Knapp of Denver. It is understood that some of our locil b.ou-hsts will enter the contest. Uohunnon's hull is tlm place and the fun continues thiough- out the week. fi ho trotting and diatt hoiso breeders of the state met in annual session at the Wmd- Ror last night. Onu nundred and four mom- beislngood standing \\cre repoited. The woi k of Iho session concluded to-day. It was resolved that nil races to bj Hotted under ttic auspices of the association by Ihrco year-olds and over , bo three in live mile heats Uncos of two-.vear-tdds and jeni lings to be one half mile heals , three In live. T11IO .MONKOi : ODCTUI.VK. Vi nc/ii ( > l.i Will < \MC ! tin United States ( < > Kiil'oico Ir. Nr\v YOUK , . ! in. -Special [ Telegram to Tin : Uni Pelro Vicunti Mijaros , Ven ezuelan consul in New Vor.c s ud last even ing that his government intended shoitly to make public up , > Iic ition for proteetion against the oncroiclimeiits ofUieat Hritain on Vune/ territory at the mouth of the Oroiioco river. The lii-.t applicitun will bo ni.ule to the United States government , and slio will be asked to give some force to the time honoioJ MOIIIOQ doctrine , which has ao lately been ro-doclaiod in the United Stales scnalo under the lld- intinds resolution The controversy bo- twecn Creit ! liritiin ami Vone/uela is by no means new. Forjeaii tlio Mritish govein- ment has been gradually encioaching upon the territory clalmeit by Vencviiola , nnd the ultimate purpose is said to be to take control of the mouth of the Oronoco river , the chief pathway to tlie commerce of South America , and thus control that , trade. Should the United Stales fail lo respond lo Venezuela's call , it is said application will be made to France , on the ground that interference on her part is necessary lor ihe protection of her Panama canal interests. AN OH ) ChAl.MANT. He Wnnts tlie Oolil He Deposited 'Ililrlj Years AHO. Pin i , vnrLiMHA , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnu.J An old man , ludely clad , with unkempt hair and beard , called at the mint jesterday and laid claim to some gold he said ho left theie over thiily years ago. lie said his name was A Squires Upon investiga- lion 1-J4 0 10 ounces of gold , worth ? VJ10 , weie found cieditcd to A. Squires , as depos ited on Juno 11 , 1S > 5 The old cliimint had a f.ided slip of paper resembling the receipts issued by the mint in I1 } ) , but there was no trace of writing on it to prove his claim. The old fellow Raul the deposit was mndo on Monday , and the depositor Just before was named IJuckmaster. This was found to bo true also , lly way ( if identification ho pro duced six checks on Wells , Fargo & Co. , of San Fianeisco , for $3,000. After leaving the gold at the mint , lie said he leturncd to California. He knew nobody east of the UocKies. Supoimtenclent Fox said he would have lo report the matter to the Washington oflicials. Spirits Glvon in Itlarii ice. NnYOUK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to THE I5ui ! . ] The morning papers publish a story of how Hov. Mis. Stryker , a spook princess , lia gained an influence over Gcorgo D. Carroll equal lo lliat obtained by Diss Del Jar over Lawyer Marsh , Mr. Carroll Is a member of the stationery Hrm of Dampsoy .t Carroll , and is quite wealthy. Several years ago his son died. Uy pt etend jig to bring spirit messages fiom the young man , Mrs. Stryker got Mr Carroll completely wrapped up in her. Among her performances was to wed the spirit of Mr. C.molPt > son to a spirit filled "Bright Kycs , " and n jear later she christened a spirit child which had been born to the spiiit ofoung Cairoll and his spliitwlfo. This hut been going on since ISM When it began Mrs. Striker was hav ing n hard time to live. Now she is rich , and .Mrs Can oil , wife of the deluded man , is in an insane asylum. More I'alls NlAiuitv Kvi 1,4 , Ont , , Jan. 115. Telegram to TUB BUB J Another piece of rock broke away from the ciest of the Horseshoe falls Sunday night. Although the Jar was distinctly felt at Table Hook house , the shock was compai.itlvely Blight. Tim contour now presonls the extraoidhmry view of a double horseshoe , Iho smaller one , caused by the iccent displacement of rock , being located In advance and to Iho righl of the cimlor of the great horseshoe. Visitors familiar With the shapu of the Canadian fulls during recent years will bo able to ap preciate the change at a glance. The contract for a new bridge to duplicate the one loin down by the recent storm , has already been let , and work will begin soon. Cuttt x Tor Kim. John Hart , the fellow who stabbed und cut John Hull at n dance house below the SIx- leenlh street viaduct on Sunday was brought before Judge Berka Tuesday afternoon Huff thought Hart did not Intend to hurt htm seriously and the complaint of cutting and wounding was changed to disorderly con duct. Hart plead guilty and was lined f 15 nnd costs \\luoh ho promptly paid. Hurt was also charged with catling A. Tarley , 1ml Ilia latter failed to appear and the second end case was dismissed. Burglars at Work. Tuesday night burglars entered Uoattj ' 3 saloon on the corner of Thirteenth and Leav- enworth streets , und carried oil Jit ! in cash which was in u desk in the front portion of the bar-room. Kntrnneo gained by cut ting n hole la the panel of the rear door , and then by inserting the hand and unlocking tlio door. The desk which contained tlie money was carried outside the back iard , where it was bioken opun No clue has been obtained as to the guilty putty. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Dftby wu lck , wo EOTO her Castoria. When lie * u a Child , the cried for CutorU , Wlivu elio became MUa , she elunp to Oaatorla , Vfl'ia the liad CtUldrea , oho cave tLeta Ccnorln. lUiMiKfiijjlUnAL I IviMbUhMia Mr. Morgan Devotes Some Alton- tion to the Oolorod Question , PROGRESS OF THE TARIFF BILL. Tlio l-Yoe Salt Motion Defeated Ily n Stilct Paity Voti Dclinto On Tcrrlioilnl Measure , Sen ale , f , Jan. 18 The president's two messages in regard to ntTiiIrs in Samoa nnd Haytl were lalil bofoio the senate ana referred , with accompanying documents , to the committee on foreign relations. Mr. Culloin presented a memoiiil of the National Christian Teniiieraiico t'nlon of Illinois nnd other bodies in favor of legisla tion for S iblmlh observance , against run ning inter-stale : - > uiida\ trains , and against military drills on Sundn.v These nnd many similar memorials from other states , which were presented bv v.uious senatois , were leferrcd to the committee on education and labor. Mr. Plait also profited a copy of thopioceedingsof the statehood convention hold in North Dakota in favor of the division of that tenitory nnd the admission of North Dakota ns a state. At 1 o'clock the senate icsumed considera tion of the turilt bill. Without futtlior debate Mr. Vest's motion to put salt on the fioe lUt was voted down by a strict pat ty vote The amiMulincnt heivtofoie offered hi Mr. Allison , making the duty on cioss-cut saws s , 10 and IS cents per linear foot , instead of 0 , 8und I'l cents , was agreed to. The amendment heretofore otTcird by Mr. Allison Increasing the dut.on . taggers Iron was somewhat modified by him , nnd Mr. .loncsol Arknnsis moved to put that uiticlc on the fico list Mr. Allison said that the committee Had decided to allow the present rate of duty on tin plate to stand till January 1 , Ib'JO , and that would allow time for the establishment of a snllicient pltnt In this country to pro duce all the tin nlate needed. Mr. Morgan advocited Mr. Jones' ' motion , and said there was no tin in this country. Mr. Teller contradicted this assertion , and said that there was a vast iiuantity of tin in the Dead wood lumon. Mr Morg.ui proceeded to deliver written speech against the senate substitute. In the course ot a discussion between Mossis. Morgan and Ilawley as to the rela tive value of lands in the nitimifnctuiing and non-manufacturing states , Mr Morgan char- acteri/ed the .voung negroes of Alabama us the most Gndforbakon people in icspect of industry that was to bo found nn.vvUioio outside of Algeria or Moiocco. If ho could , uj a decree of law or of urovlilence , oxpell f i oin Alabama cvcr.v negro in it , and have a batiiei erected so that he could never ictiirn , tin' lands In Alabama would run up to a price gieater than those in Wisconsin The people \\ouldrutdithcruwithmoio eagerness than they were now showing to get into Okla homa. In tliccoaiso of a colloquy with Mr Hlair , Mr said : "I wish the senator from New Hunipslilie had in his own state 1,000 negroes that wo can fuinish linn from Alabama. " Mr. Ul.ur I think it would be quite ns much tor the interests of my state to encour age the colored people of Alabama to migrate there ns to encourage thu white people of tniit state. Mr. Morgan The senator may spare him self all invective against the people of Ala bama. It will not produce any sort of ex citement. Mr. Ulair I will bo very glad to limit my genoial rullection on the white people of Alabama and conllne it to the senator with whom I am engaced in colloquy. After this little digic3s.ion Mr. Morgan resumed und finished tlie reading of his speech. Mr. Chandler spoke in favor ot incicasing the duty on skates. In the coutsc of his speech ho cutici/ed the opposition of tlio democratic party to protectionist ideas , and said that the "confederate brigadiers" were now trying to cairy out the prin ciple which they had incorporated into the confederate constitution , and meant dcsttuetion to all northern industries weropiotectcd by the tariff system. They had nothing loft to kick , kill and destroy but the protective tariff. That was the business in which they and the president hud uocn en gaged for the hist i car , mid , notwithstanding their bad luck , they still continued to malce faces and kick. Mr. Vest argued against the amendment to increase the rates on tin plate , saying that there was no instance in thu tariff legislation ol this country where a duty was imposed for the purpose of creating an industry which did not exist. Mr. Aldrich held that it was as much within the scope of thu protective s * , stem to create now industries , as to maintain existing ones. Thuio was f uither discussion on the sub ject , but no vote was reached , and after tin agreement that from 1" inlay until Tuesday next , thu daily hour of meeting shall be U o'clock , the senate adjourned. House. WisiilN'OTO.v , Jan. 1C After routine business the house icsumed considnration of the territorial bills , and was addressed by Mr. Joseph , of New Mexico , who presented the claims of that territory fyr admission into the 'union. Mr. Strublo of Iowa opposed the admission of New Mexico , saying that n largo proper lion of the inhabitants of the toiritori weio unable to speak or undent md the English language , and contended that until these people came up to the line .tf that language nnd Anicnc.ui civilization they wcio not entitled to statehood. Mr. Voorheos of Washington territory voiced tin1 demand of the people of that ter ritory for admission into the union. At the icccnt election , ho said , so keenly had the people icsoiitcd the delay of this house In responding to their continual npnvnl for statehood that u pronounced republican ma- loiity had been the result. Mr. Mnnsur of Missouri advocated the ad mission of Now Mexico. Mr Dubois , of Idaho , suiJ that while the territory which ho represented was not now asking for admission into the utitan , it did ask for an enabling act , which would llx a dcllnlto time when it could assume the re sponsibility of statehood. On motion of Mr Outhwalto the bill was passed to constitute Columbus , O , , a port of delivery. The house then adjourned. WKSTIHIN PACKING INTKHUSTri. A Ijtirgouml Fairly Aollrn Movement Of H ( ) ri , CINCINN VTI , Jan. 10 [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hun ] 'io-morrow's ' Price Current will eay : The past week has shown an enlarged and fairly active movement of hogs , a total of ! 35,000 bomg packed In the west , against 2t" ! > ,000 last week and ' , ' 05,00. . ) for the corresponding spending time last year , or 75,000 gain for tlio week , compared with a year ago , reducing the previous deficiency froinTr > 0OJU , to Oi7 > ,00i ) for the season. Total , November I to date , : i,71r)1oaO , against -Ii90ou ! a year ago , i'acking. Nov. 1 touate. I ItHiA ChlciiKO i.KK.o'M ' Kansas City 47f > . ( JUJi Oniiha 111 l.W Slllllo ) Ht l.ouU Ull.UN Indlunipolls. l'J.7JO 274OK ) Cincinnati . . iu.ox ) Mllnankeu : ' LVilur Kui , .l K ) ClQMiliind > .777 1 f..lO ) 1711.0) ) ) bloiiK City. la 71,0 O ( ) ttuni n IL',1187 51,7 H . la M.Mt 8t..loifptl . . . Nebraska C'lty. Neb nria 1I.IOJ A KUIICO Man Cnptiiroil. DKTIIOIT , Mich. , .Inn. 10. The dotcctlrua vho tmvo boon ougagoJ slnco last fall in Hinting { or the two inonvlio buncoed John C. l.oinon , of Allonhnny. I'u , out of 110,000 , cstcrduy iirreatetl ono of thoin , C , W. Good cur , iillas Frank AUrlch , nt Windsor , Canada Aldrich Is ono of the most adroit swindlers , ami it is known that ho buncoed hrco other men out of ums > of money. Ho vus hold to await trial for brlnyint ; stolen uiouuy lute Canada. The In iirsCn ; s ni Dnr-ps-Sftlein Conic * " ( Vfl' Victorious. 7.V7tiuii , Ja'i 10 The attack m.itlo by Insurgents % oij the Oormati mlssionarv station at Dir-tJS-Salein began early on the morning of Jantfury H. The station , wliii-h ' w.i * ptttK < Iy unguarded , contained It'll tintlvcs whojyid been freed from slavery nnd three iifuajiul | t\\o fcmali1 missionaries Ono of the missionaries was severely wounded , but , tsniped nnd siliveedi'd In reaching the fiiirnian man-of-war Move The other persons nt the mat Inn \\cro nil captured by the insurifunts , win sold them Into slnvurv in the interior. The tnsurtcnts pULiiTPil the to\vu The Mow bombarded the place nnd destroyed it , but did no harm to the msiirpc'iits The insurgents oaptuiod n Mil ) atmlza ivory caravan , but upon the pinturs' swenrmi ; all il.incc to Hushirl their lives were spared It is reported that the insurgents are maichinn upon nnotber Gor man nilssion.irv station , wnero tlioro nro several unprotoited missionaries and 130 freed ttnttvus IJusliiri is ai-tueli tecriilt- im ; soldiers. Sirs Gould'runernl. . Nun Yous , , Inn 10 Kvory effort wus mnde tn-duj bj the sorrowim ? mombcrs of the Uould family to liavo the funeral nor- vii-esofMrs Gould conducted ns privately and quietly as jwsslble The bodj laid in the front parlor. U was Incused tn a plain , bluck-clotli-coveicd casket , \\ith unique sil- \er handles Flowers \\eio scntteied over the lid of the easltet , and ut its head and foot were Moral emblems. On the silver pinto was Insoilbed , "Helen liy Gould " The nt tendance nt the service was not large Mr .lav Gould did not nppoar ntnoiip his friends , but remained with his family in ono of the recesses of the stairway Just nbove uhoio the services \\oio hold About an hour after the sei vices the re mains were tnUen to Wondluwn eeincterj for interment. Followins : the he.uso were car riages containing- family and relatives. 0'Hrien iH All UIKlit. LONDON. Jan 1(5 ( Upon the icsumptlon of the session of the Paincll commission this morning the presiding Justice suUl O'Urien's nrtlclo lu United Ireland , for which ho wns summoned to appear befoio the court , ex ceeded n fair discussion of the caio under investigation , but bo admitted there wns force in O'llncn's some arguments legaul- ing the continued circulation of the Tunes' pamphlets. Ho said ho behoved no ills- icspeit was intended to bo shown towards thinourt by the articles , therefore ho would not punish O'Brien , Ho addon , however. tluit in future , cases of a similar nuturo would be mote sovoiely t leatcd. ) Mr. MultriUc'H Hospital Putul Bill. LINCOLN- , Neb , , lnn. 10 To the Editor of TurltuiMy bill ( house roll No ! V i uuthor- izim ? the state treasurer to transfer ? ! JO- 000 IH from the insane hospital fund to the state general fund is eviduntli not under stood by Till ! Hi i : , as I notice by yesterday's paper iou nslt : "How did those $ li5,000 , inoi cor less , which arc said to be Ijing idle to the credit of the Lincoln insane hospital get into that fund , and why should this money bo tiunsfcrrcd to thn fund' " if iou will refer to the compiled statutes you will llnd that the hospital lor the insane is supporteiliby apnropuatlnns from the gen eral fund ; that tlio cost of keeping patients therein is computed by the Mipcnntcmlont and certified to the state auditor , who in tut n eottilles the same to the dif ferent counties , nnd there the county treasurer collects the umoiint due on each patient's account from such patient's estate oi from the friends of such patient , if they are solvent , otherwise the amount is paid by the county. This money is trans mitted by the county treasurer to the state treasurer , and composes the fuud iou roler to the insane hospital fund. As there has never been any permanent act directing that , this inonov should be put into the general fund or any other for that mutter it lies there uuanpropriated nnd unapproachable except bv some act such us H. U. 33. You will tlnd that at each session of the legislature for tHe past fourteen years some such act as this has been passed. In one instance this money was appro priated to build a new wing to they asylum , but generally it has been trans ferred , ns my bill proposes , lo the fund and subsequently nppropiutud to thu immediate wants of the state. There is no money in the general fund now , und the Sli0iOO ! ( will bo very convenient until collection of taxes shall furnish other funds. Very Hcspectfully , J. C. McUlIlDE. A ChallPiiKP Fur the Unknown. OM in v , Neb , . Tan. 10. To the Cditor of THISBIB : : Mr. Prince has been wanting to back the Unknown for a race , still ho ignored Morgan's challenge for a three hour race. Now if it is meat ho is after , 1m can got it. Knapp said ho woul.l never run an eight- hour-a-day race again , but I huvo got his consent to ride the Unknown such a lace , providing the stakes aio § 1,000 a side , the winner to t iko all the receipts , gate , etc. Now , Mr. Prince , put up or shut ill ) . JAMKS J. HVKHIN , Hacker for ICnnnp. After Slvtpcn Yoiirq. Sixteen years ago when Annetta J. Allen was a babe of six months of ago she died and her body , resting in u metallic coilln , was consigned to tlio grave in Prospect Hill cem etery. Yesterday the leinains wore exhumed for shinment nnd leinlerment-in Chicago. They were found to bo in a pei feet state of pioscivation Thu burial lobes \\oro also In good condition. Cook-l'iwr. Tuesday .lames Cook , of Om/iha , and Miss Charlotte Poor , of Wyandotte , Kan , weio united in marriage at St. Plillonien.i c.itlie- dral. William Newland , of Grand Island , was groomsman , and Miss 13. K. Mu'Ion , of this city , bridesmaid. After the ceremony tho.v diovo to their fntuio homo , SOIfi Grace street , at which place last night a banquet nnd ball were given to the friendH of the contra cl ing pal tics. An AhHoliitn Ouro. The ORIGINAL AUinTINE OlNTMfJNT Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxo % and Is an absolute euro fur old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care nil kinds of piles. Ask for the OUiaiNAL AHIET1NE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , ufW cents per box by mall 30 cunta. Tlie Hoailini ; Dlsuslr Inquest. KiiuiiNo , Pa. , Jan. 10. The coroner held an iniieat ( | last evening on the bodies of eighteen persons killed by the collapsed Mile mill during the recent tornado The testi mony adduced showed that the building went down because of the fearful force of the storm , and that it uas a perfectly sound and substantially built structure. The jury so tound. _ Ilnii Into it IjiuulNllilc. LITTU : HOCK , Ark. , Jan. 10. The west bound tt&In on the Llttlo 1 lock & Ft. Smith railroad ran into n landslide n mlle from OaiK ycstoday , The whole train was wrecked and Hfjgineor Voss buried licnoath the wreck. Tljd llroimin and u nuinbur of others were seriously Injured , Dalcot.i jSlntPliood Convention Ht'iiov , Oak , , Jan 10. The attendance upon the Htitohood convention , which con venes hero uto'clock this afternoon , prom ises to bo largo. A majority of the delegates now on the ground are in favor of the Sioux Falls constitution , believing it will sccura btutohood earlier than any other. Holilioil u Ciui.ulliin Dunk OTTAWA , Ont. , Jan. 10. The Vllluplmrlo bank at Hull , on the other side of the Ot tawa river , was robbed iesteidnyof fCOO by u weU-arossed stranger , who managed to get nwuy v'lth the money while the teller weutoutsldo to t > uu n , A t/onKrPsKinun'd H.inU Pit IN. SCIUNTOS , Pa. , Jan. 1(1 ( The bank of Con gressman Hunnol , at Timmihnunock , has been forccu tu suspend , owing to a run due to u rumor that an execution for J 10,1)00 had been Issuo'l iifiiiiin the bitn ! > Uutiuul was unable to metl. Seven \Vnr tt'ltltont Pooil. A t-ewiston , MP I dispttohof .latiuar.i 0. to the Htnton Globe , sajs : "Tho in terest In the case of Josopliino Hoilnrd , the fasting t'Yotioh girl , who canto liorc recently from Canada , inoron'.os dally "Mis Ilcdard positively claims that she has partaken of no food of any kind except wntor , for seven jears. She aNc claims that slio has no desire for food , nnd that the thought of partaking of it is lepulsivo to lior. In this stitomont she is berne out b > the testimony of hoi fnthor , nl < ) of her uncle and his fninilji "Notwithstanding , this , in appear- mice she is vor.v healthy , having "u- markably clear , black and sp.irkling o\os. with roy cheeks and an unusu ally clear complexion. She is fairly well develop-- ! ! for a girl of eighteen , Is strong and capable of doing1 consider able work' . There is nothing of tlio "crank" about any of the people , and they seem to bo possessed of ordinary intelligence. Her undo is in business horo. and is willing tongei * money on tlio correct ness of the statement that tlio iirl ex ists without other nourishment tliun water. Hr. L. 10. N. Matte.a ph.v h i\ii : in ( * end standiny here , has ovaminod the ( jirl ou two oecnsions , once in Ciin - iidn Mtnu three years ajjo , and a .iln aineo tier arrival here , and says thai , singular ns it may appear , it is novcrtliHoos true that Iho girl o.xists without food. If tho-o people are deceiving the public their object does'not appear , a- * the girl's people po-ntholv refiHo toiace \ her on e.\hibition. and stic.h an idea is distaste ful to Jo ephinu her-elf , vvho is very sensitive about lior condition. Since tlie matter has boon made pub lic suveral agents for curio institutions have visited this city ami msdo some very llnUoring oiler- . , which havt ; all boon rejected. Some of them havn ollered enougli money to the girl's father to amount to a small fortune. , tint without avail. These people profess to believe Josoiihme is sulTering from n visitation of God , and that it would bo sacrilegious to luue lier go upon o.\hli > itiun. Tliere are a thousand and one theories here in regard to the wise , and the girl is distressed by the Inrirc number of yisitorslo her unelo's " llnd Ono to DOVKII , Del. , Jan. 10. At noon botli houses met in Joint session nnd balloted for United States senator. The ballot resulted : An thony Higgins , 10 ; .lames L YVoscott , Jij Altrcd P Robinson , 5. Iliggins was declared clarod elected. 3Iyhtorous ! nnd l < atal I'l re. PITTMII no , .Ian 10 A very mysterious fire which occurred earli this morning in thu residence of Arthur Uoddy. burned his wife to dcatn and seriously Injured his little child. The 11 lines were extinguished before much damagu was done. d I'ourll ( l.tjton LITTI.K Koiu , Ark , .Inn. 10. All the re publican members of both branches of the legislature h ivo held a meeting and adopted : L i solution unanimously iccoininendlng Powell Clayton for u cabinet position IITYOURCASG How a Young Man Got Relief Prom a Diatrossiufj Condition. UtRI ) WAI.WVV. 'Sliull 1 tolljou the history ot my case'/ Well , it was a year or inoro ago that it commcnceil. I Iiiid been tVolliig more or loisnudur the wea ther , w boa I noticed inv symptoms w ere hecoin- ing nioio or IB-B trooblusome. 1 hail ( jnlto HJ- \etepains In my cht'se , often vuiy painful on taking a long breath : heartaches c.iinu on anil I bail them nearly all the time , wimntlmes ilull liuavy , homutlmus sharp ami bhootlni ; . I would often \uryilUzy HO that I would al most stagger. It ccc'iued as if I had a cold 111 m > head continually : it was all stopped up .My Ihiont was iliy iiiiiluncomfoUablc1 , an 1 felt us if there wis something luilgod tln'ia that I coulil not remove. In thu moinlng I would hem and spit a deal My iippctitou Mirlii ble , p.nd myfojil oftmi caused ( ll lii-si 1 bu c.imu depressed and foltbut llttlo llknoiKlng , 1 ns a Ivisod to visit 'In o'llro ' ol Dr. .Ionian , and thelosult la , I Improved gradually but Miri'lv. until now I cm wiv mv tioulil < > x haM'cea'-i il. thi pann In inj' cheit in u BOH , my hold u'h has pi < jed ii\\ay.inyh id feels clear , nuiippsHtnuood and nn diRtii"1 1 l ul bilKht and lefieshi d.ifte rlsbu i'l thu mm n- Ini ; . nnd K" to worn , wltn n /i t I enioy life , loi'l stionu and veil , nnd am pie iseil to plv IhlB ti " Sir. 1'r'il VV aluay Is employe 1 ns arompo-l toi at Mr I' . C it'stiwi's pilntini ; ustabllsh- mint , DOT How anl street. J. CRESAP McGOY , ( f.ato of Hullm-nx ptUN"ow ] Vnrk , ) Micceeded l > y DOC'IOIt mm n , Jordan ( Latent the rmverslty of Now Vorlc ( 'it ? and llouunl I nl\i ihity , VViishiiiKton , I ) , C. HAh ( Jl-Tlt'llb No. 31O and 311 Ram o Buildlntf Coinei I'ltti until mid Hurney sts , ( Jm ill i. Neb , where all cmatilo cases mu tro ite I with succesH. Note li. ) ( Imiles SI. .Ionian has bton toil- dent phj ilrlan lor Dr. WiC'oj' , In Omihi , for lh ( > II.IBI join and Is thu physician who h n inulu tlio ciiriM that havu been published weekly in this pupor. Mrdlciil dlheitsoH treated uklllfully. t'onsump tlon , llrlulitH disease. lyKpe ) | > sln , Uhoiiniatlsin ami all Nl'llVOUft DIHIlAnlJS. All illneaHt-s pt > - cnllnr to the huxes a specialty. CATAItltll ctntui ) CONSULT ATION at olllco or by mall , } | . Ulllcu hollln-'Jto ' It u. Ill , ! 2lo I p.m. , 7 to 8 p. m . buadii ) ( itllce hours from U a. m , to I p. in. ( oriespondeni'i ) receives prompt iittnntlmi. Monval ofisos ara trpivloil mircessfnlly by lr , JorilouthioiiKn thu maim. und It U tuns po for tlion unable to makn a Journey In ubtiiln SUCCK3I'1'I < - HOSl'lI'Ah THK.VT.Mn.NT AT TUlillt IIOMKS. 'lo thoHo ulm aruHiillcrliiK from ( OllUlld , Cold , I IIC'Kl I'uillN 1'Iltfll- TUC 'nonlii , Itheiiniutlhin. t-ciitl u nnd I ilL ( it her pains HO general tit this urn- son of tha year. Such antfvruni Jrul fanreut < r Inteiost In Itis- hov Hl'iitHTi i ( , n ri4me < l > . > hlth Timer never falbi to ullord piompt i - I AH rr " " ' ' when faithfully an 1 InrellU Kditly n ed 'I Ills planter has male a imputation noloh on lu inciil i iix a rtclontlllc i eiiniilv.coiu- in nr ponutUd on ulentilh prlin iplos , IS Mr by cheinUlH of undoubtid ability lw " ' uiul Inti'tcrlty. Ill ifroa' nnd In- i re islnc inpiilaiity hns Indn oil unscrupulous imUutois to put | -T. r iniin ) frauduUnt countcrfrilis ou LI I I Lt | ne market. Caieful bu\vrH 1 ! ' . \asaslcfor ' UU infiibuall other * . ry"8iiil t o cunt stump to uiTrnrpTel'"lr ' > ' * Johnon'ii PhiUMrcit N tntO ly V. , for copy of InhlMlctloiH ' fiom the Doctoi.1 \alunblo boot : \IVOIIOIH A , UUDimit'M , ATTOIIVH 1J l.'i llL"it , > cfn Sl. , CnuT.iO , Bif lee ten , 31 ( . l" " .ri f.ia ! t > uiu M'juleilr an' ' A WOMAN'S CONFESSION. "Do you know , ! Mnry , I once acttinlly contemplated sulclilo ? " "You horrify tne , Mis. 11. Tell mo about It. " "J was stiftcrlnp from clitunic weak ness. I liclioveil niy elf the. most tinltnppy woninu in tlioothl. . I lee lad tea years , and felt twenty , older than 1 it-ally wn . Lile seemed to lum- nothing in itoitli living for , ' ' "I have oxpeiiuncod all Uuw symptoms tii > sclf. " "Well1' "Well. I was aveil uL tlio rk" until hour front tlie commission of a deed which I shudder lo think of. A friend advised mo to take Dr. l'lctcc'3 Favorite 1'reseiIptlon. 1 did-o. In ait inctcdlbly short time 1 foil liKuancw belli ; ; . -Pio'crlptlon' eittctl me , mid 1 owe Dr. Pierce a debt of jrnxtltudo which twin noer rcpty. " "Fa\otltu Pusciipllon" has cured tlioti nnds of poor liod-tlddcn RafTerlng women of woaKne-se- ) , painful iiregularities ulcetations , organic displact'iiujnts nnd klndix'd ailments too immorous to mention. It h tin- only medicine for women , sold by dnifrKistS under a positive gunr.nitt'o that it will , in every case , give satisfaction or the piiee ( $1.00 ) w 111 bo lefunded. Co | > j right , 18-ss , by Wuiii.n's UISPKNSAUV Jit Die vr , ASSOCIATIOV , Proprlctow. awek&Dr. Pierce's ' Pellets \ , 53 H * &J AV - * ' * - - - - - > a . . . . . . . . . WGHTAJiLl ] ! I1AHMLESB t ejnoqunlcd as a LEVER PLL. SmnllcHl , fiicipc > .i , ihiHlcNt to take. Ono the , &iifiii-L | ( > iitul IVlItt a dose. Curu Sick HcndiLlio , Illhons Hcailachc' . Constlimiliin. Inillttcstlon , Ililions Attacks , uud all derangements of the Stomach and bowels. > cents u vul , by diuggists. wi : WILL SILL WITHOUT IJESKKVKTO Tin : IIIOTIUST BIDDER JANUARY 25 , AT FREMONT , NEBRASKA , or Kverput under the Ininmer in the vest , onnsiitlnij ot Impoilol , fashlonnlily ind pure bred I'oicliurons. I lench Draft , I nnh C > ich. Thoro'iKlibreil andi ibliu dtallloiit anil Min-s , rum ; lui ; fiomto I jears old Al-o u Slaiscn ur Stallion and sei'eral useful diiieis ( ( jeldlnfes ) ol There are Mares and Stalliuns of Each Family m this Offering. In tlio Pen he , 1'r.mre. nnd the Itlack IIHIs ( Vtmtrj. I ) . I' , and thi " .toiK oilerod bt-ltn ; IniKi'l ) ' f > f our own breuilluc anil mlsln , i an ittldid to sf l at roasoiiiibu pike" . Von can buy lit this hale. Jorwluit the htock Is woith. Ifou Und \vlrit Is wanted lu oui oiler UK. it will n it pajou to KO to I ranco tolmpiiit , for wo can ayou money S"l \iAi.onui-s NOW iti vuv. PERCHERBH AND ARABIAN IMPORTING HORSE CO , , COL. r.s. . ivoon.s , ruifo.\rr. : : Mention thu O imlm Ilou. l SiSEIKSSfCS ! ISf ? Sy SSi K ! & - ? v- lectroMagnetic The Grandest Triumph of ! sclric Science Scientifically Made and Applied. Gentlemen's Ml entifically Practically filb Suspensory Mledric , CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES IUI * hell l Jn t what you nrnl. ttrrtrlrlty i WholofaiMllj oaiiniar It. It UoUrKleathoMioJ jg FAILS. Evrrv nnorcnulne And innl by ticrinlnhlnn fi < > iJ tlio fnllowlnff wlio liaru been \ - _ _ < H'IUI i-\ J HiiAfthml , U R I'lrkLriuiilJ M Hnblutt.ullou lluanl t r Trnilo.Chira-1 , A ( JrtKoiy , eohimUf Ion iit 11)1 ) intMoct YanJs Jlinl 1 Doblo , ttiDiritat limn IWAII , A O Woodier , M. ! > , go Malnbtu tcIlufrulo. N V i OV. . HUlii/.i ] ] ) , 2Iminonto\vii.Io\vni Lemuel Mllir , Kankikr r-f Jll.i Judtfol , N MunnyN.u crvill , Jit t U 7. Aht > ottnipt city wi t vri\orc ( .H > utli nond , Iml f Kobe It hiimpnon , CJileaeo * " , Uut I' 1 > JUMiclia * 1 , ll \ > , DiiHal ) , N. Y , ' our JH > U h i iiLCOtii | > IIljf < l wlint no olhu i inedr Imai r.Lrvusandcomf rtnl In rlnepnt nlplit. " Hobt Inn . . , nldTiii-in < ! . If > < > 1 ait 31 Ji I trtttNnimV , etc. VtE&K , PEOPLE. HILT pn'I'lTily ciimil nitll.Hi'iliiU.u.Mf.S only ono In tLn vorld ccrontlnn ail , HIIiMIT and rsliuiutlnan bconiliinLiia rtntrtoflr Hay tftla chrnnlulln. ( uBunof liuUlBOIC.1. [ rrrnt. hclBn'llIViworful ! , Duiali's , ( 'ontnlltfl 2J InKKlil rroesof K * lIe nuil Fl'irilvi ) . Avoid frnudJ. . , HUclrkltr OIUIIJMI.itDltioI iCdc'irfil. fovlU'Mnpioi ' ' ' * ' ' rnveil. cnrap * r , net. nUnpo"PTruldu a . , eiii'uvoUKuiuLiLtLTnibimi.Yln ! that " " * ' * " " r1' * ' * ' " Biijcn urU Jroo wllli JHlo llelts , [ ipvpfi" . rV , hVtb i.nm Vi.T nVv' . . ' ? | iMnw , , AIIY comincri mi ne nry * ih-ji..a orTol > l IKJBHI connmnl a wiih nmnr nllnn n nii'I worth f hrnncltcottndMiUnfc-H , " ! ' * ° i wiiui" 'irimm uB'u > Ic imiutions 'KH.OTIIC 7ias < i.s run iivnuBb ti.OCO euifxl temleumpforlllustratwl paaiplilc DR.W. .J. HORWE , fnvontor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. * * T"lTTfJiJLT ' " ' _ " ' il. ' T TirM * T fn - - TCTiiri" ' ! ? fi1 " "l " TTB"Ti T"T T T * T TT fff fBL "TIJ "tl ! I'U I TJ l _ T ' Q ' 1 ' "IA1 T 'J | n * ILIU n irr rj T : ? ; " v3f Wi BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & CO , , London , ? ; iiluii | < l. AD3LPH BOISSEVAN & CO , , Tritni'act it Kunurnl Ijiuikinuni ! ] np 4. bociirlilui lintiKlil inds.ilil on ( oiiiliiKiloil hur ltn eicl'iiimon. Coiiiini'rrlnl mid tniMili r s I < HUM "I cniillt OrdciH lor t > did mil wiocU4 eve iiteil IHI tuininl lon In IiOndon mid on all luntuiental lluitrjiia ot I upipo N ell itloiu of llnllwnjr * tate ( "ily nil I loriiori- HDD 1 UHIIS u npuLlulty , * f LI N E N IFOR SALE i EVERYWHERE. DREXEL & MAUL , ( PurceisorsloJohn ( I. J.i'olji. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old ftnncl 110 ! IMrimin Ht , ordur * by ti leginph Holiclicd and promptly attHiidud. 'IVltphuiie toNu Ja T. E CI1.PIN , J'ipE , INSURANCE BROKER , Hooni ns Trader * ' Ilullilliis/ CH9CACO. NESS CURED t-rriek rit. ' 'I l * tUBUUU UH CDSHIOS/S / l.pxtl.nrddl.llotllXn.i'c.n.1,1. ( . . 1 uiril.rul hir ll ! f li. i Mil llHiijrmu t o * pro T TO HL'Of KUOMHjllS Ol-1 - THU Suli'O ' Tnonel Company. A ilnxriMi for f'iiu < I'Miiio ' "k'AlnU HID BIJl'IU ) TUN * .SKI , Cmuimtiy lini Jim lie-on oineroil In thu LTiiltoil Ctiloi Circuit Court .Ninth clrnilt Dltlilct of Nerndu uii'l ' thu ( irupurtyof Hint lonipnny will liannl.l tlioro- iinilurnliin jrly ilit 'Ilia UtxirKnnlzntUm ( > > ni * mlttt'u lit'rolj ) ul04 tiutliu Hint vloclflintiluM 5f Itiat cntiip.iny will bo iilluivnl 11 H.S'Al.op | > orlimUjrl < ii > rO' turt t lulr lillhiirto iiniutuiilo 1 itnik liy aub arll > lntf to tin1 niivviitiiijiiaiutUDiiniltln lliulrHtork a > liorctu- IniunilturlNeJ r-iihucrhitlmis In ua buiiilj lll to rci u'I ' t HID L'nlun 'Irunl ( oinptny No , 7J Ilroiid- uy Mi w V ork ul Ilia fulliiwIiiK torim , to-rrlt , nrNTS I'uu SIIAUK , AHHBNT- J ! I.N'fi KIIOM TIMO DATl-J IIICUKOKTO N0it , I8HH. AT II ! fll. , 1 and thrrnnllnr 0 Ui\TH : I'KIt fll.UK , ARSI3NTINO , UMIIjJAX , U , IHH1) , A I' ' it i : M. 1 ' fub'c rl'icrs ' t His bun 11 will ri'colvn Trust Conipjnf ( erililcuiio vntitlnu UNIIII in Uiu mum iiinubnr at nliurtMii * ( Iniij iliii > , nuuil Hr Miiiin.iinilll lulinniKlur oitUi % ) ( itnlM unit lAlcrntii rtxpoi llvoly i > ul t by tliem. liiluri' < t at t'iu ' r.Uu ul t | iur cent will liu ulluwc'il ua nuli-unptl no Irmi ilnln ( if | uiiiiuni rarmiMii'iiliouin l > c nniclo livtliniknn N.iw York to Hie Union JnxlCmni pan y luiilnliu _ I liy tnu > tno < duly an luinuil In und un aulhor- u itiun lo ttiu Union 'Jruiit Coniimny * ll'unU forini I > < > r llilHiiutlinrl/iillon nnd Lupliu nr circular * cnn tm iililnin il tiiuii | UiilltnUnll | | nt tliu llhlon 'CriKt O < jru- 11 my N iiili u , , r nt r < > u 1 > , huvvntli Hour , Mllli IlulU > IlllI , Sl'W .Illf fm'c I M w t'oilK , Ootoupr3 , HM n. It. MAlr/iK ; , Chiiiriiian , < < OK DOS' .ll\CI > O.VAIjl > , T. C. A. M. VANiWI'JKn ' , 0110 iiou i\cj\ui ; ) , lliltlI.\NI'i5ATIN : ( ( COMJllTTKK. \ PurtMtbr yi'ANiailil'KClr-KI. Circularf ( it r. utdreus' HKUMIV to , , oui Ut , Nub.