Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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ir.iiMS or
Dally ( Morning IMltiom IniludlnK
rorThrre Months Jw
lnr OMAiit Hi Mitv Iln , innituil to any
dilrrits. Onn Year I"
WfRKI.v I list. ( I'm Vi-ar . - W
CHIC 00 OHIf I. Wi7 IIOIIUHIV llrll.lllMI
NKVT YiiiiKOmoIKioMsll tvnn liitiit'M
lit ii niMi. VV\niii .cmiN uinu : , No. uL
Allrommtmtiatlons renting tnnnvvsnml trtl
lorlnl matter should bo nililroisud to tlio HIIITOI
Ain > nMne Icttirt HIII ! I uniltlutir ei should ho
Out HA , Drafts , check * n > l iioitofllco orders to
lie inmlo imj iblu to the order or tlio compuiy.
TMI ; o viijV mi : : .
Sworn Stntfiiientiil Circulation.
Etnteof Nebraska , i ,
( County ot DungiM , I '
Ucnrit ? II ' 17scHiicksecretary otTlio llco Pub
llHlilniM oiiipimy , dopHHolomnly swear ( hat the
actual clrrulntlon of TIIK DAII.V llrr for tlio
week cmlliiK January ti , ! ( * ' , was as follows !
Bmulny. Jan I ) . . 1 " . ' * > !
Jim - . Wl
, Jan H . . . IMHJ
a ) , Jan ! l I".31.
Thurwinv. Jim 10 . . . . . IK'JH
Inrtav. Jim II . . . * . . .IM-M
SaturuayJan I-1'
ATfrauo IVJt
oi.uit'ii : n 'i/stilt ( K.
Eworn to before me mid stibsi rlbeil In inr
plcttiico tlil l.tli ilnr of .hum.irv , A I ) . 185' .
fccal N. p. 1 im N'otary I'ubllc.
btiiteorlspliras a. i
County of Douglas PSt
( itorgo II.'IVHPlmok , lining duly sworn , dr.
Tiososund sajttliat ho U sucictarj * of tlio llua
Publishing company , that thu aitual nvurago
eliillj cliculnttonof liih DAILY IIM- : for thu
month of Junimrv. IfNi. IV.DI ! coplus ; for Icli-
nmry. Itw. ) j.0l copies : rrr vinuii , iwc , imwj
roplos ; foi April , ! " . If.i4l copies : lor Muy. ls ,
IS liil copies : for .liine.lW.lli "I lioples ; for July.
] 8f < H. lssU copies ; for August. 1"SS , lHlSlciiplis ! ;
lurt < upt inlMi , IH-H , IM'il coplus ; for October ,
WW , v\aa 18,0it ! iiiples ; for Novemlior. HB : ,
IB-'ISDcrtjilos : for December , 188H. 11 , 2I copies.
Snom to bntoto mo ami subscrlbeu In my
Presence tills Jnl day ot .Inniian IN * .
f. I' . nil : , Notary 1'itbllc.
' Tin : Hin : is brutal toward Jim
Creiirlilon. " Sosays ourainitiblo Doufj-
lasslreol contemporary. Can Tin : Uii : :
bobrtitnl onouyh to it mini who publicly
nays Unit ho liopos to sec the diiy wlion
the ctows will icost in the now LSiii :
building ? '
Tin : price of wlieitt bus Upped the
lower end of the scal b in the speeu-
lutivo inuikct , us coniutcil | with ; v few
weolts itfjo. Hut thtit is to bo expected.
One ovtioino follows the other , and
were it not for Iboso lluctualionb lambs
could not bi > shorn nor the \\ol\co fed.
IT hat til \ bfcins necessary to re-fur to
the stupid cannid thatOovotnor Thayer
had c\jicasod ) an intention of resi n-
Ing. Tlio enterprising newspaper
which 1ms developed a special bent for
loinnnclnR uill boon find the error of
its way , and learu that the public want ,
anil tire entitled to reliable news.
Tin : ( list bill in the bcnato affecting
BpociliiOiiiahii intercstHcainc tipjcstor-
day , when the street riiihvny consolida
tion measure was under consideratiop.
Although the bill , as originally intto-
duced , could hardly be construed as not
protecting fully the righ'ts of the city ,
it was amended so as to leav.o no ques
tion on the point. Any measure which
will gl\o incicased local transposition
facilities without increasing public ob
ligations will iccoivo general support
fiom our citizens.
Hii'iusiNTA'iivi : : : : Sr. IlAV.viit'.s resolution
elution directing the regents of the
state university to render an itomi/od
account of their expenditures during
the past two years is very timely. There
lias been altogether too much mystery
about the financial transactions of this
board , which persists in being a vor.v
close corpointiun. Before another ap
propriation is voted by the present
legislature for the university and agri
cultural college it should bo placed in
possession of all the dotnils of uni
versity management.
Tin : charily ball which will bo given
at Etpoulion hall , I'Yiiltij evening , the
38th inst , for the bonolit of tlio Crecho ,
should bo liberally patroni/od by our
ciluons. The cause is a worthy one ,
and the Indies ol Omaha who liavo
taken charge of the allair should no en
couraged in their good work. Other
western cities have responded Hboially
to the charity balls given in their ro-
Bpoctivo loeahtios. The people of ICtin-
Kas Citj and Denver notably seconded
the efforts of their charitj associations
l > y making the chavity ball a. financial
and social BUCCCSS. There is no reason
why Omaha should not do likewise , and
not for the bonolit of the Croclio several
thousand dollars.
Tim democrats in congress appear to
liavo found it necessary to again lean
upon Mr. Randall , although that gen
tleman is physically the feeblest among
them. Hut when oven Mr. Carlisle
could see no way out of the recant dead
lock , and the redoubtable Weaver
showed an tincoinpioniislng determina
tion to obstruct all legislation , Mr.
Handall was called to the leadership
and the desired object was speedily at
tained. The parliamentary flkill and
the courage of the Pennsylvania con
gressman soon found a way out of the
dilemma and the lownn wan driven dis-
conilltod from the contest. Subsequently
Mr. Itandall displayed his superiority
over his democratic colleague in other
fllrectloiib , and tully vindicated his
claim to leadership so far , at least , as
parliamentary ability is concerned.
T K legislature of two years ago
onaetcd , that each and every insurance
company doing business in tlio state
Bhall be taxed upon the oxcoas of pio-
tnlums rofoivi'dovor lo&bosand ordinary
" 'ojcponscs Incurred within the state
during the year previous to the year of
listing in the county wheio tho' agent
conducts his business properly , pro DO r-
riilionod by the company , at the same rate
- Uiat other personal pioporly is tn.xud , It
would bo a proper thing for the legis
lature in view of propobod changes
In the insurance law to institute nn
Inquiry as to the oiToot of this luw. The
losses from flre in the state during thu
past two years have been comparatively
'light. If the law 1ms boon properly en-
" /'forced mid obeyed , there should have
been collouted a largo revenue for the
bun ell t of the state from tuU , source.
The rO'Oloction of Oonor.M Charles
Manderson as his own sucoossor In
the tTnitod States sunnto for a term of
six joars from March I , ha bja-i for
mally consumuvitod in joint convention
of the two houses of thu stuto legisla
ture , ( tonnral Miindcrson Is the second
cltl/on of N'obraskn who has thus boon
honored. The llrst , Thom-vj W. Tip-
ton , was , liowovor , re-oloctod nftcr
serving in the senate only
two.vears , and Ins two terms only cov
ered a period of eight vonrs.
It has boon ( Jenoral Mandorson's for
tune to come up for ro-olection at a time
when the republican party of XcbrasUa ,
in common with the rcpubliians nil
over the union , had thrust n-mlo nil
factional quarrels and centered their
energies into ono supreme otTort for the
recovery of the national oitalel that
had boon captured by the common
enemy in thu preceding national cam
In this great struggle for supremacy
and recovery of lost prestige , the semi-
torship contest , if there was any such ,
WIH ob.icurod and literally lost sight of
until after the triumph of IhtrrKon and
Morton in November. By that timu
General Manderson found himself
virtually rc-oloetod without the liring
of a gun , unless , as liad happened in
ncarlj every previous camniign
the Union 1'acllie and Burlington
r.ulroids should have entered the lists
against him with preferred candidates
and opened the brooch through which
the dark horse woit.u , as tiaital. have
come out to claim the pri/o.
Foi1 reasons best known to themselves ,
the ralhoad magnates appeared s'ltislied
with the existing order of things at
Washington , as well as in Nebraska.
Their combined following swelled the
column of General MamU'rson's personal
supporters and made his re-election
pi aclicnlly unanimous.
Unlike any of his predecessors and
colleagues. .Senator Mandor-on has mot
with no opposition worthy of tlio name
from any quarter. While ho is i.ot n
man of the people and seldom mingles
with common people General Mander-
son has not engendered those bitter
peihonal enmities that have usually cul
minated in disaster to overj ciuulidato
who presented his claims for ic-oloc-
Whether the precedent established
now will over bo followed or not , it is
morally certain that Senator Mnndcrion
will , by his experience of six years , bo
in condition to render the state more
effective service in the future than in
the past. 1'lectod without pledges
to any member of the logisla-
Uue , Senator Mandorson will bo
in condition to dispense the fed
eral patronage that may bo at his
disposal after the 1th of March in the
intoiest of an eUicient civil service , and
use his best endeavors to have o-ily
competent and loputable men plaeod in
positions of honor and trust. This is
what the people of Nebraska are en
titled to and it is to bo hoped that the
senator will exorcise his best judgment
in the discharge of this delicate and
oncious duty.
Auditor Bon ton , who is by all odtld
the smallest of small bores that has over
filled n state olllco in or out of Nebraska ,
disclaims that ho had the remotest in
tention of obstructing legislative in
quiry into the conduct of the state
board of transportation. Wo cheerfully
give him the bonolit of his denial , dur
strictures upon the board in general
and Mr. Beaten in particular were
based on a , report from the state capital
which we had no reason to discredit.
But Mr. Beaten was not con
tent with setting himself right
on the charge of attempting to
obstruct legislative inquiry. IIo fabri
cated a most absurd tissue of falsehoods
and gives them publicity through the
Lincoln Journal , which quotes him as
follows :
"I liavo no Idea v\hat object THE Bnr. has
In inisicnioscntmg inc. Tliolr correspond-
out served notice upon mo so no tune ago
that if 1 would not worlc with tliom I would
get 11 lonstiiiB , .ind hat they would ccit ilnly
defeat mo for runommatlon. My loply was
that they did all tlioy could to dufeit mo in
the .first plnco , and that no tin-cats would
keep uio from doing vvhtit 1 considered ri lit.
1 presume that it is moia than likely that all
the members of the board of tiaiisportatiou
luivc been tliteatcncd In the sumo way. "
Now , what deed Mr. Benton mean by
uttering such drivel ? Dooa he pretender
or believe that Tin : Bii : ; or any man
responsible for its course , has any need
of his personal influence ? What work
can ho do by which Tin : Bui : would
profit ? Whom did ho refer to when ho
says ho would not work with "thorn ? "
If anybody employed on this p.ipor
IIILS threatened him why hasho not rc-
jiurtod the fact to tlio responsible odi-
Lor ? What does this shadow of a man
mean when ho says "They did all they
could to defeat him and no throats would
CCQP him Irom doing what ho considered
right ? "
In what way has Tin : I3iu : sought to
defeat him , either for nomination or
oleclion ? Can ho quote a single para
graph from Tin : Bir : udvorao to nls
nomination or opposing his election ?
As a matter of fact Bunion made half a
dozen pilgrimages to Omaha before the
htatu convention and made several calls
it the residence of the editor of Tin :
Bin : , invoking generous treatment ,
vvhich was accorded to him. Docs-ho
dare assert that ho was over asked
to return the favor in any shape , " man-
icr or form ? Under thoho circum
stances his baseless inuondous are the
nero dospleablo , slnco they reveal him
is a thing devoid of the least gratitude.
The chairman of the republican sfUo
ixooutivo committee of South Carolina
las prepared npapor for thu informa
tion of republican tnomboi s of the next
congress relative to the election laws of
that style and the suppression of the
opubllcnn voto. The reconl election
n Soulh Carolina he says was "a mis-
erabla farce , " and claims that out of n
vole of one hundred and twenty tlious-
uiil the republicans were allowed lo
nivo counlcd less Ihan fourteen thous
and. Ho declares that the election
demonstrated the effectual suppression
of the elective franchise in South Caio-
ina and "tho niter futility of con Ion dug -
ug against the infamous laws
under which they are hold and the
right of suffrage ! atiiiihilnlcd. " lie-
publicans , he says , nto , us mailers now
stand , political oulcnsls and aliens to
the commonwealth , having no righls
which their opponents will concede or
respect. , -
Allowing for - omo exaggeration , it 14
ontiuM.v probable that in the niiiln the
allegations made in this piper are true ,
, and a like si t o of facts could doubtless
bopiodueed from oilier southern states.
The remedy proposed by the author of
the piper is that the conduct and man
agement of nil federal elections bo
placed in the hands of federal oll'cers ' ,
and ver.v likolv this jiolloy would have the
tippiovalof southern republicans gon-
orall.v. The bills inlrodutvd bj Sena
tor Sherman and Congressman Gros-
vonor conlemplnto such a ixjllcy , but
woolservo ) expressions of doubt from
republican sources whettinr it is ad
visable to lake a stop of this kind. How
else republicans of the MMilh aio to bo
prolocted in their rights of clli/.onship ,
the objectors to federal control of federal
elections do not , however , sttgso t. A
great , deal of information similar in
character to that coming from South
Ciuolinn , in liKi'ly to bo proM'titod to
thu next ndministralion and congress ,
and it is ahoady certain that it will
not bo inquired. General HatrUon
has lalKud very plainly regarding the
wiong involved in the suppression of
the republican vole , mid the inlinri-
tions fi oin republican members of con
gress of a purpose to npplj ti remedy
' aniiol bo regarded as meaningless.
The problem is vorv Hkolj to seriously
engage the atlontion of the country
\vilhin Uio nexl jonr.
Tine boird of public works , in its an
nual loporl to tlio major and council ,
has propatod an exhaustive statement
as to the rulnttvo merit of various kinds
of pavomenls. The report should receive -
ceive Iho careful : itlcnlion of every
taxpayer and property -owner of the
citj. It goes far in cmphusi/ing the
position of Tins BIK : as to Iho worthlosa-
ncss of the wooden-block pavement.
* Phe board has. with coiuinondable judg
ment , called in the testimony of load
ing cilies of this country and of Pan ope
which have given atone , macadam and
wooden block a trinl for a number of
years. The oxpuriunucs of all theoc
cities Montioal , Paris , bt. Louis ,
Washington , Detroit and Chicago
have demonstrated that the life of the
wooden block has not exceeded six to
eight jeai's and that the cost of ropiirs
where it bus been u'-ed has been
greater than that of any other pave
ment. Tlio policy , theiofore , of our
city for the past tbroo jears
in expanding nearly a million dollars
for Iho construction of many iu'lcs ' of
wooden nivomcnt is nptlj described by
the board as suicidal. Within two or
three years , the city will be called
upon to make extensive repairs whero-
ever the wooden block has been laid ,
which will result in increasing lava-
lion to an extraordinary degree. Tlio
boaid very properly calls thu attention
of our citi/ens to the folly of hiving
anymore wooden block pavomonl in
our city which has boon so universally
condemned asdangcunis lo health and
moat expensive in Iho end.
JUDCII : TUM\'S decision in Uio Chicago
cage Arboiler bund case , vvhich in
volves Iho right of the police to sup
press public meetings , will command
wide ultontinn. The judge firmly up
holds Ihc cardinal principles embodied
in the bill of rights of every state con-
blilulion and calls a halt to police inter
ference with the constitutional and re
served rights of the American people.
The judge said : "If the police , at their
discretion , may do what they think will
prevent what mayin their judgment , re
sult in crime , legislatures , courts or gov
ernmental ollicers would be entirely
suporlluous , " and ho expressed himself
astounded that at this day it should bo
urged in a court of justice that n jwhco
ollicial can forbid thu meeting of a so
ciety because of his belief thai it is a
treasonable ono and ils members are
tiuout to commit treasonable acts. To
admit this most unrcpubliean principle
would subject any sociotv or nssocia-
lion of people to Uio "mercy of every
pellj policeman. " "Tlio right of free
speech and peaceable Pssomblj is Iho
veiy life blood of freedom , " siid Judge
Tuluy , and every cili/cn who is con-
coincd for Iho preservation unimpaired
of lopublienn institutions will acquiesce
in the sentiment.
Sixci : Iho decision of Hie Canadian
couits confirming the rights of Ihc people
ple of Muniloba lo construct as many
independent railroads as Ihoy please ,
Iho Canadian Pacific has not offered Iho
falighlest obstruction to the building of
tlio branch road of the Northern Pa
cific. The completion of this Manitoba
road will greatly encourage intercourse
between Dakota ami that province. Tlio
chances are that tin thu relationship be
comes moro closely comonlod , the pco-
plo of Manitoba will sock for a closer
commercial and political union with the
United Stales.
CHIMMI.Vand : : fools usually toll Iho
truth. This adage is again strikingly
illustrated by the man who fortholimo-
being happens lo bo at tlio editorial
bollowH of the eldest and leasl road
daily. "The Itipuhlimn always opposes
vvhalovorTiiH Bin : fnvorsor advocates , "
says this brilliant gunius wilh Iho cap
and bolls. And il is literally truo. For
nearly eighteen years the JlcinMintn'ii
solo mission has boon to oppose what
ever measures Tun Bui : has favored.
On His Good Itcluivinr.
Cincinnati * llnqulrcr.
Tlio Prcsldcnl-olocl lias Uuss behaved
well in New Yoi If I
'L.lj0 The latest returns liavo not come in.
Ki'iuttnr MuMilltn'ri Qualifications.
I'Htttiiltlvlita ItcMiil.
The new senator from Mluhlt'ati , Mr. Mo-
Millun is now to politics ; but lie Is a mil-
liouulro , u inonoK | > ltbt , a I'rcsbytciiaii and a
clover fellow.
A A\'ny Our tiftlio Dlllloulty.
flVif I'ort. Trllituie ,
It Is suggeiti'd that tlio clorpymon who ob
jected to J.uiemtr at tlio Inauguration ball
liavo tlio matter in their own bands. All
Ihoy havu lo do ia to attend 1,110 ball In such
number * as to crowd tbo tloor and thus maico
U luiposslblo to daucc. As guurdlaiui of
public morals it rejUj' cenu as though they
ought to do this
"What is the OkiiiJioiYm bill , " did > ou sivl
Why , It Is n little f&or' utiliro those tnni-
nlflccnt Innds of the in mn tcintor.v. It Is a
Hplomlld thing for topso vvlto are on the
ground lloor.
An AtiilidnMc Source.
A IvOiuloti paper t.iyv "Orovcr Clcvclnnd
! worth fJoO.OM. anil ho ! will settle down in
Now York at tlio close of liis presidential
tonn " niiKllsh ntithoritr ought to bo sun- !
clrnt for all nuttcto fclutuifflo Mr. Clove
A Natlonnl ! < 'uult.
When a man is elected president , 01 * vk-o
president , or govoi nor , or sunntor , or spaikor.
forthwith his vvifo bet-oinos a model of fonmlu
lovollness , hei forehead , and ojn * , and tjitsi > ,
and check bones , and mouth , and chin , and
binr , an 1 feet , and dicss and bustle , etc , nto
all tonnentlngly dimmed.
Not Tor tin * C\nlnct.
//ill / / 1 \iihla 1 \ rsilucr.
M ihono's "cl.iinn" hive lieon dulv | ito
sonted to Prcsldcnt-uloct Hnrison by the
friends of the Virginian , but they aio not of
u kind to commend themselves to liis judg-
inunl 1' tiicksters nru not uiifro-
quently ii'wanli'd , but tbci do noc iot Into
tlio cabinet Tint is nn honor usually reserved
served for men of piinciple.
- .
AVliittho tiiivpnuu-'s Slay Saj.
Chlcniiti llcnilil.
Tlie people of Daitoln want no new tiiuucs
for tbo stati'slnto which the territory is to
bo divided Tliov lonmliito AV inomi , Ta
com i , Taltod i , and nil tlto other name- * that
have beun propose 1 an 1 want the states to
bo called Xort'i Iil oti and South Dikot i.
They should bo allowed to have tlieirowu
way about It. Thcso titles would piesei vo
for both st Ues tlio immi1 , which all
Oiikotans aiu anxious to rot iln , and no ici-
sonablo abjection c in bo tnado to them.
1'iobilih thu iniinlnjof the two Carolina * in
this in-inner had no little to do with ostab
ilsliiiiK the extieiiK'U friendly and genial re
lations which u ist between tlio novernors of
these status , and if the wishes of the tciii-
tory nro rcsncitcd in this irtnttcr the suno
pleasinj ? relation ) may bo ojtablhhel be-
Iwoon the iovuinois of the two Ua'catas. '
A l'ttelcl > Consok'iiuc.
lln-tim liani'ilti' ' .
Dii poods clcrlf , by the iv.iv , arc not the
only persons vvho h ivo qtieei o'cporioncos
with thu tfie it annni'ij ; public The count
ing room people in novv4n. | > cr ofllfei tun
ncioss some i em irit ible specimens of hu-
imnitj nccislonalh Not lonj ? r. o a woinun
came into the counting loom of n ceitun
novvspipur and diew a long faee ut the same
moment that she dioiV n handsome pouiccl
book from tin depths of her dross
"I w uit an iidvvitis .nunt put in the news-
papui , " said the woman tp one ol the olciUs
at the counter , fumbling the potkotbooU.
"Yc- > : what Icind of an'iidveitisemcntl" '
Th woman lldgctc'd ' a , 'littlo ' and fumbled
the pocketbook sonio moi j.
"I'll tell ion how it ia , " bho said. "Sh
months niro I I stole this hoio pocketoool
in a stole I was n pretty bad woman then
but senee that time I've e ponencod rellu
tin' 1 want to inalcu ja > cqusoieneo easy , j on
sec. So 1 want to put ia an advertisetnen
that foi10 in cash I'll return this pocket
bookl" i
\Vutti-rsoii Ii tii rtInto Poetry.-
Louhi'ineCinii IerJin \ mil.
Oa a recent brief visit to Kentucky :
Tne only ihan our 'Lijati snw ,
Orofticeeek.els many ,
Is one whoso name we speak with awe-
Not Dennis it , out IJcniiy.
The first burial in the Strang cemetery ou
currcd last week.
Ijlvvood Is to have another lumber yard ,
the vvoik having already commciieeit.
Many COM veisions aie reported at Stiam ;
as the result of the revival meetings
held theie.
Uuiwell does not claim a boom in 1SSS , but
she invented $ roUO ) m impiovouicnts dunnj ?
the i > ast jear.
llov. J. G. T.ite , eh iplam of the state sen
ate , is UclivcuriK a bones of sermons from
his pulpit at Shellon on "Kobert Elsmeie. "
The Noi folk nnislial released tin ce tram ] )
upon their pi onnso to leave town , but upon
their isturnnifr with live iccruits ho jailed
tlio whole outllt and put them to woilc on
public improvements
The bid boys of York are having n hard
time of it One has Just been sent to Jail for
luoakimrBliHs in vacant houses , and tiiuo
otheiH who are in coiillnement for stealing ,
ate made to woik , levelnib' the couit house
Thomas White , of Nebraska City , has on
exhibition at Ins htoie a petrified wrist of a
human being that was picked up on IVhitu
liver in 1 * " > , \\hiloou u tiij ) from foil
1'ieiro to Fort Laramie , and ictained bv linn
over Hlnte. Ho secured other poitionsuf
the bo Jv , which woie sent to the bniith
son hin society in the ( * > s by p u ties to whom
ho guvo them.
Life in HluiiiH county is illustritad bv the
following fiom the Hiow-ttei News Mr. A.
Sivs\er , of I'leasjiit Hill precinct , Clieiry
eonnty , fa\oie I us with a vmit on 'J uesilaj ,
and took pleasure m tolling us of thosuccois
fill foi mation ol the Pleasant Hill Ui.imatic
ilub , vvhich ( 'iveono of their most suctesstnl
entertainments at Puidum lecentlv. Ho was
not pleased with the ropoit m the News of a
little unpleasantness ut their school house ,
when a gentleman fiom CJoosuOeek insisted
on hcauiiir their iche.iraal aftet he had been
invited to ictii c. Mr S ivv.vor says they sim
ply enforced their request for the gentleman
to letiro , which was done as gently ns possi
ble , and the man boil owed a gun and canto
buck ana tried to intimidate and scare the
entire club , who ictired in good order to the
roildeneeof Mr. Uivcns , Mr Sawyer seems
to bo u gentleman , and don't want the people
of his pieulnct cjnaidciotl outlaws
An oatmeal company at Iowa City lins in-
coipoiatcd with a capital Block of ? UMOiJ. )
The I. O O l'lodu'o at Afton contains sov
eial members who joined the order over
foi ty years ago.
Duiing the JasUiiuailor thostito paid war
i iiits to the amount of fv'yr,5JI ' 5J ; intorudt
on ttio 8,11110 , $10,011 , 'jr. ,
Iowa bus expended over , JiOO,0in ( ) ) bulld-
iiifrs and cqnipinontH aV the Iowa Agncultural
colLegit at Ames this > uar.
An Indian doctor from Janen'illc'ia , ,
cleared $ , " ) in nidom l.ut week by pulling
tooth and Helling medicine.
Tlio farmers of the ( northwestern part of
Tiima and the northwestern pirt of Maruhall
count ) liavo formed a dnlty man's alliance
A Monlozuma man i/aiudl / Spencer had his
son arrested for stdilliu ; butter from IIIH
creamery , and the boy nils lined 51UJ and
A What Cheer correjMiidoiidont | ) decliuos
that there Is not another cit ) of S,0)J inhab
itants in Iowa vvheru ono pDlicimiau is sulll-
claiit to maintain order.
Hipid City's public schools are over
Tliuru are IW mombora of the Madison
board of trade.
I'oisoncd moat is making many a Doud-
wood dog turn up its toes
The base ball season at Hrooklngs closed a
week ago , but may reopen any day ,
The library association of Kupid City talks
of building u brick opera liuusu next sum-
in or.
Hen C. Taudlor , a tinner at Highmoro , has
iccuivod word that his gradmother has died
leaving him $7,000.
The Journal dndaros thoio Innfoituno
nwuitiiig the man who will uatablish u busi
ness in 1'iorre for the purchasuund shipment
} f iraultry , butter , eggs and genoinl farm
[ iroduco.
I'ho growth of attundaiica at tlio Au-
college al Caaton lias mndo it nocos
saryto procure uno thcr Instructor. Kev
Mr Sulvcrson , of Forest City , Ia has beet
employed - = a
The cnuntv cninnilnsloners of Lu'vroncfl
county have derided to Invite proposals fat
the nugntlatinii of f00HH ! ( ) In ' > pi'r rent bond'
for the purpose of retiring the 10 per will
bonds now outstanding
The Itapld City Republican sajs : It Ii
intlmntcd that the HomestiiUe railroad v111
be extended from Hunkel's mill to tlio Pro
niont , r.lkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad , a
distance of but llvo miles , thus suving the
HomostnVo compmv * ' . ! ' > OtX ) it ve.nrln fiel ht ,
and eDntrollitiif n tiu.iv.v freicht business ol
the Hills
NKHIl VSK V'S 1 llTuMlMIAIi AltOir.
A I'lopnsllloti lo It-ilse One of Coin
In I'aiU.
The commtinication fiom Tin : Hm : corn's
pendent "O. tl " , us it appoaied In tbo edi
tion of December 'J7 , is liltelv to bear fruit ,
and some of Omaha's bent business men , nro
now Interested In an enterprise , that will not
only advei tiso Nebrask i , but Amoi 10 as
well , and advcttiso It nmoni ; the people who
Will iniiku the best class of citl/cns No-
brasua is the biniiur state of the coin grow-
liifr belt , and , as a matter of fuel , Omaha Is
the center of that belt and it Is loft to
Omuha to maUe It known to the world
Among the business men who nro endeavor
ing to put the matter in u ptoper shape , nro
Mosis Joseph Haikerof the Hmk of Com-
meico , S 12 Hogeis of tlie Merchants Na
tional bank.I S Tubbitts of the Union 1'a-
cilic , l . i : iler , Oeo W Utiimror , W L.
Sinintr , S. 1' . Hopkins president of the
Commercial National bunk , and AUied
Mill nd of the sumo Institution Tlu\v nro
all enthusiasts , and will befoie lung meet to
discuss the scheme as announced In TIIK
Sioux City , I.i , was first in tlie field , and
sent a camion iniulo of corn tlmim.'li the
southern states , where it advertised Iowa ,
and SlouCitv us well It ion-hod Plot Ida ,
when1 the dopirtmont of ngiculture ( cap
tilled it and decided to lotnln it and send it
to the Woild's exhibition in Paris , Fiance ,
in Mnv next. That fac t aroused the mer-
ch mts of New Yoik , and thc.v too have do-
eulcd to send an exhibit to 1'aiis in the
shnp'of upivilllon built entbeiv of coin
An olllclal document of the produce ox-
ch mge says
"Our fonncr displays at the last two Pans
expositions of core IH ! , particularly of Indian
coin , were so ImlltTeiont that tlio pouro t
conntiiesof Uniopo fin outi haled ours , and
now it is our desire and pride that u ei eiiita
bio display , becoming our gient eountrv ,
should be made , when wo consider that
nearly M ) par cent of all oin evpoits con-
r.ists of ccieals and othci agricultural pio-
ducts "
Hut it is loft to Nebraskv to ad
vei tlso Its own resoinccs , and at the
suno time p.iy a giacoful tribute to
the sister republic A c union of
coin would convey no meaning to the spectator , and a pivHlion of the
s ime cereal would be as much out of place as
the mm. Prance is pitilotlo. and one of the
few monuments that sin \ ived the i uv elution
of l4s , and the disisters of the Commune ,
is the Aie de Tiiompliu , built to iinmmtal-
i'o the v ictoiics of the gieat N ipoleon Mudt
of bion/oaiid iniiblu. it stands in tlio center
of the cit\ , and is ono of thu ights th it nil
visitors lo Pans see. Thu bron/c in the
stun Hue was found in the guns taken fiom
t'nc' enemies of Pi nice a uunt'in ago , .md it
mailn the vict-oiies of the sword , but it is
lelt to a Pionchumn to te ich his fellow-v.'oun-
ti.\meii that in Amci'ci ' the plough is
iniRhtier than tlio sword L. J H
Hoigcois , a native of Prance , but at
piescnt an aichitcet in Omaha ,
has suggested that the interests of
Nebiaska , could best be solved by paying a
compliment to Franco , in the election of a
facsimile in coin of the Arc ctoTnomphe.
Inste ul of the column of bion/e. would be
the pilhu s of i'ot n , .mil the panelling , that in
the oiiglnal arc is of blood boucht vietones ,
would give place to choieo selections from
the ciops that oiilj Nebrask i can laise. The
design calls foi a strnctuie 140 feet high , and
ini feet in width , built around a frame vvoik
of iiou and btc'l. The entire cost ( including of attendance ) , would be about
s'd OOlt , and it is intended to distnbuto pam-
phtctu desoiibm the advantages ot Ne
braska as a fanning conntr.v among the
sight sects visiting tlio display. Judging
from the last exposition in Pans , it is esti
mated that fi om 13,0 K,010 ) tel J.OOO.OOJ visitors
will bepiesont , and if the scheme is cm i led
out , they , and the " ,000 jouuuillsts for whom
aecommodation h is been provided , will toll
to the world what Nehiaslca is capable of
do ng , mid vvill also tell them them that
Om ilia is the business center of Kebinska ,
It is thought the i.ulwais nyinintr tluough
the state will aid the enterprise , and with
the gentlemen tinned above , them seems to
bo no doubt as to its success
John Roxiok ) S Keplv to Prof. Hlcli-
.it ( Is in of thu HI < ; li School.
The following communioition Ins bjcn received
ceived from John Uosicky , editor of the Pok-
rok Xapadti , of this city : I am reliably in-
foimed , tnit Piol. Hielu'idson of the High
school , one day of last week , made some
statements to the students of his class , which
are apt to poison the youthful mind with
pujudico toivaul a Inrpe class of DC'ople , and
I hope I shall boranted ( some spice In Tin :
HFI for afow comments Prof IJiehaulson ,
1 am infouncd , lectured hh class on higiene
and by thu way of illnstiation , invited Ins
pupils to cross the bixteonth street viaduct ,
into i'ohcmi intown , wnoio thoj' would ilml
huts in which hi'igle , badi\ ventilated , tllthy
rooms , m my pei sons ol Hohcnnan national-
it v , vcs , even families would bo
found living together , and often domestic
animals would bo found fniutcicd with them
If such a statement was made in a peneial
wai of the pioicst cl issos of out community ,
rf i oiirie no limit could piobably bo found ,
but when ono nationalitv is bingieil out , and
without any moio cmse than anv other is
hold out for contempt as a frightful example ,
when youthful mindsno being imbued with
L-irimeons iduis and mojtidices , it should not
pias unnotiood
If Prof. Uicli irdson had taken thu trouble
to Investigate hcfoio miiKing his i.indom
itatemunts , ho would have curtiinly found
that the poor among Hohcmians do not liva
ililTerontly , prob iblv , fiom the poor of any
Jthor nationality. Ho would have been tin
iblo to ( hid among them a solitary ciso
tv hero domestic animals sharu tlie nabit i-
tionsof men , eats and puna ol courio ex-
cciilcd ThoiU'h 1 have lived with and among
uouiitrymun ail my dajs , I have never
ii'di nor heaid of un\ such case , and if theio
l > e such a t-iso an\ whom they cetlainlv nro
not among our people , IJy the moit super-
llci il investu'ation Piofossor Htch
irdson could have lound that the greatlv
lespised Hohemians uio an indnstiious and
frugal class , who woi k and toil honestly and
nipport their families the best thoj can ;
that thov live within their means and pi >
their bills honustlj . that they mo not pic
tontioin , do not spend moro than thoyeun ,
toh , not ovim all that they earn , be It ever
jo little , that they do not live beyond their
means at thu cxpensn of tlmio who trust
them , and do not seek other fatates or Can-
ida , like a good ninny of these whoso mode
if llfo the luanied piofessor would hold out
.o his students us example * worthy of foi
owing , that they would latner live in huts
ion stls earned than in palaeas obt lined in
ihaip piuctice.
Yes , and they are law-abiding and peaco-
'ul , too Scaic'li the court rcconls mid .sou
iVill Ibid proporlljnutoij less cases , leas of-
'enscs , less crimes among them than you
, vill utnong any othc-rs They are not all
mor , cither. Tliuu0'li a lingo inn
oilty of thorn came to those
ihoios poor , lllto a majority
if nit immigrants , and , probably , Into the
'orufuther of 1'iofossor Kichardson , they lie
nit remain so for nil time , but uy their in-
lustry , frugality and jiorsover nice , they all
II'IIUITO , mid u largo mujoiity of them have
ilroady ac/juired a uiinpeteiitu , sooner ,
navbo , than any other elas * . and sueli , tlio
irofessor vt 111 tind , livu as wall as any otucr
: lass of citiMiis.
Ti ue , there are no immensely rleh uuoplo
.niong Ilium , bccaubu Uiuj , know no ' sliiup"
nacticos , ami what they have , thuy huvo
arnod i i their own Industry , und they know
iow to enjoy it , too I know that If any of
hu students have taken pains to CIOSH the
laduct and see with their own oyus these
rightful sights of Uohemlaiitowii they must
ave foi mod a very ijueor idea of Piof-
Uchardson's veracity and kiiowlodgo
Npw , m conclusion , allow uu > tn venture nn
pinion , that such teachings of such profes
91 s and thu prejudices created in youthful
linda ag.ilubt lionest work and | K > > r toilcm ,
ni Iho piimo cause of our vury numeiovs
Uiiadlun colony
How Tholr MHtorlous Steps Art
DOKJCCI ! tit Oinnhn.
In another column of Tnr. UKF will b (
found a telegram from New York which tells
of a scheme concocted by English detective"
to pet up an explosion on a vessel In Now
York harbor fh Ing the Uiltlsh Has , witlm
view of creating a prejudice against the
cause of Ireland In this country. It Is stated ,
also , that the Intent of these connected with
the pioposed explosion Is to Influence this
country to the extent that Knglaml mav be
able to secuio the right to extradite from
this conntrv unj Irishman to whom shonmv
have talton n dislike The Inlorvlovv ol
I'atriclt 1'iraii on the subject contains nn
amount of information
Several of the leading Irish natiotutllsts of
tlnsciti were spoken to on the subject vcs-
Touluy. and showed that they had long
been uwim tint such n scheme was under
consldoratmn. One of thcso said1 "I nm
not at all surprised at the announcement , nt
least so far as the ground upon which It is
bused is cnneeriied. H has been known to
our people1 that such a limn : was suggested ,
and , by some of thu r ngllsh dr > toctivcs who
clinic over hero several months ngo to secure
testimony to Implicate 1'ainc'll In tlio Plta'tiix
puk mnidiMs and othei untoward acts
w hleh h ivo been alleged against him Thcso
men have come with cold In their
Imnds and | uomlses on their lips ,
nnd will stop at nothing to
clcHtroj the chin actor of our leader , and
nlicnato fiom our cause1 the sj mp itlij nf the
-American people Hut the\ have under
taken nverv great lask I'aincll bus the
nmpalhv of this country bccuiso ho has
in oven himself to bo one nf the most piu-
ilenl and ublu Ic.ulcis which u constitutional
loforui ever seemed The extremity to
w hleh the Times of London bus pone to
breau down his reputation , the luck of sue-
Less which 1ms llnis far uttimdcd its cITiuls
show that il miscalculated the m ivniludu of
the vvoiU it bus taken upon itself The
piospuce in this country of paid detectives
to brlho members of thu national
league to dofume him is i despiciblo piece ol
vvoik , bill is only an evidence of Iho nope
lossncss with which that sheet now views
its case Hut these ilcti'clives , eeitalnlj the
leiderof them , and moro espeei.ilH the hlie
linirs they have picked up In this country ,
me known to us. Members of the league
have actualU been lerommendod to gut into
their good irruces , mid have succeeded
The\ have been iceciving lirltish gold , ue-
quirli i : all the information possessed bv the
chiefs , mid then keeping their own associates
informed. It was in this win thai wo learned
of a.scheme lo p.uiially iiijuie a vessel in
Now Yoik Inn bar. "
The Kcntlem in continued that ho thought
the explosion would not imvv take place' ,
becansu thu elleet would enl > bo liircicul
"More than that , " no continued You
watch the testimony and vou will Ibid Hut
men will be put on jtho stand , who will tes
tify that Uio government itself pildmen tenet
not UP some of the explosions which have
occin led In Ii viand "
"Have anv of theie deloi lives como to
this pan of the counti \ ' "
"Ihey have been in nil the largo cities of
the counti v. and especially St LouisICansas
City , Omului , Lincoln and Denver.
Thoi huvo been working in connection with
Pmkeioil's ngencv. Some of the employes
of the latter , I tindei stand refused to act in
the business , but others did take the money
without Riving a rctnin for It "
"How many of these detectives nro in the
counti' ' . I know of three 01 four , and two
of tnem have been in Omaha. "
"In Omuha' ' "
'Yes sir. The imn Jarvis was hero , and
Shoie , chief inspector lie id ot the iiitn-
inalinv estimating department ot Scot
land Mud , London was hcie with
linn. Ihey met in ICansas City
whore they were joined bv ono of the leading
men of one of our Amciioin detective asso
ciations Wliat they did 1 do nol know n
dolail , but f do know that immediately uftoi
tne meeting the Amei n1 in went to Colorado
to Khcrulan , who , you know has long been
identified with lush iiiuioiml matteis. "
"Old ho see him } "
"Sheiidun lives In Pueblo , but wns found
In Denver , and was olTeied _ f.'i.OOi ]
If he would go befoio the I'aincll
commission mid teslify m support of the
Times' chiiges against tint man. Of com so
the fo.UOJ WMS contingent upon the right
kind of tcstiinoiiv , winch , of com so , 81011 *
dun wouldn't give , even 11 lie could "
" \Vlnt did he say to the detective" '
"He simply told him that he wasn't anx
ious to invite tlio fate of Caiy. "
"U'hat aid Jai vis and Shoi o do here ' "
"Thci lemamcdaday and a night. They
held confcienccs with a couple ot men nf
this city who in enow spotted nnd then loft
m blisslnl ignorance of the fact that them
was not a move of tliens while In this city
v hich was not watched , noted nnd recoidcd.
It was u ease of detectives being detected
with a vengeance. "
Anil the Motor Atmr.ieys Got It in the
Dihtrict 'Court.
Judges Wnkeley , Uoano and OrofT were in
chambers yesteiday prepired to hear
further arguments in the rotialning order
granted the cily against the motor company
in forbidding the lalter to erect poles in the
strcols on which to extend the wiies , but
thoattoinevs for the railioad people were
not icady One of their legal repiesentu-
lives asked for a continuance , representing
that they bad not been given a chance to
keep apace with the city attorney in Illlng
ullldavits in icbuttnl and that the leading
counsel in the eisc was con lined to his loom
withtibovcic cold. The uly nltomov did
nol object to a postponement und the heuiing
was continued until thoMh ! inst.
Maxim Jones sue William Elton nnd
others for * < t .1(1 ( foi building supplies.
August Donnai ! ( Hod an appeal iigainst the
decision of" the counU com I in the .suit of
the Omaha Naliouul LJ'ink va Doiman The
aiiiount is $3. ) ' .
W. H .Spjllman entered suit against
Ileniietta C. bivurl/1 nnler for a bilmico of
$1,11.0 foi plirnhiug
The 1'oycko Mn s Co. tiled a bill forfi'iii ft ]
iiguliisl Juoob Wicl vesloidny.
With mi II. bpullman biied HenriettaU
Sivnrlplat der jestoiiKiy to ice-over $ ll ( > 0
us u plumbing bill.
Jacob tJiol was sued by PC\CKO llros for
' lorgioceiic'3
County Court.
Tlio follow ii- ! decisions was rendered
Tuesdav :
Pied Krug vs Oleson. vcidlct for plaintiff ,
( /Ji.
\V. A. Pax ton VB A. Ktcor. Jr , verdict lor
OMamp tc Huincs vs Askvvitto , verdict
forjilalntllTH , f.'OI.
Wood i u IT VJ IJoicc , vcidict for the plain-
HIT , * ID !
Hrookmcver vs O'Mully ' , verdict for the
lilnlntllT , § JT.'i.
Judge Shields gave Ogden , Alkins & Co a
judgment of ? ITJ r > , ' iigainst Phillip Lang.
The CUHO ut Mlehaol Connolly against the
[ ity of Om ilia to iciovor Tl.u'J ' damages to
Ills piopeity by grading is on tiial.
Tn iliij'n Call.
1C iiVJ Knit/man vs Whculor el ul
Ij 71 Sinn VH Litoy.
K S10 Nobiaska Hiiek and Toiru Cotta
. ompanv vshchollburg
L75 UailingliulT v Gonliw.
Two U Uues Printing company vs Olwa.
Two 1 Jlllnols Printing compiny vs
Dean d'ardiierVaiits tn Pinil Him
There woio about ono bundled and twenty
irohont nt thu Y , M. C. A. assmubly room
rucsday night to listen to the loeturo ot C
II. Oaidner , dean of Trinity cathedial. The
octuro was ono of tlio "Gymnasium Luctuio
Joursu" that mo being given at tins mstltu
.Ion , and the Doling men and old who at
.ended last night listened to the sound ad-
riea and vvcll-c'hoseii maxims of the speaker
vith marked attention. The dean these for
lis theme the well known ndaijo : Metis
3inm in Coipoio Hano "A sound mind in a
iouml body "
Onu of thii greatesl of nnciont phlloso-
ihors had said that the substance of educa
Ion was u strong mind Another of thu
luges thouglit a visible mental morility nee-
'Hsury , hut the sjioakur thought It lould all
in hummed Ui | In thu ono wind "sound " A
louud mind in u itouiid body. Jn order that
i man may do the work allotted to
ilin in this world , ho limit bo
,0111111 , sound of body , limb and must lo. Ho
omcmberod wlion ut Yalu that the boat
tow OHO j our lost UH ) i.iee , H was llm year
vhtfiilhu hliaiiij ; ueat was Hist introduced ,
The cftntestinjr crew had Adopted the nov
inothod , ann , as well tislng their arms ,
brought their logs into requisition. The Ynla
nion had great uovolopmont of arm uiutrle.
but below the waist were wo.ik. This
showed that It wn necessary lo develop thu
whole s.vstem , So it l with morals. It U
useless to pay all attention to ouo particular
phase of our character and neglect others.
It is of no use to bo n temperate man If wa
are ilcllniiuent In other duties YOUIIR tnon
are Impressionable. Yet the whole world' *
prospeiity U in their hands nnd Its fntuni
development devolves Itself on their beini ?
good and acting conscientiously They are
capable of moulding the future RCticratlons
bi their example In the race for wealth
some of us devote too little time to ph\ steal
"Show me n man with vigor , " said ( ho
speaker , ' anil 1 show you n man alwu.v s ablu
to control his passions. I don't speak ot
pugilists of the Sullivan t.vpo 1 moan n mnu
with n healthy vigor of conscious stiength.
I he w mniiMum ma ) be n means of grucu ,
a system that In lugs us nearer Hod. Let no
religious teacher persuade j oil that Rvmtius
tics are not nceossurj , A sound boily pro
ducos n sound soul. With moro gj mniisties
wo should have less drunkenness and lui-
imrili. "
The lecturer then warned his hearers
against impurity , that sin which is worse
than drunkenness it comes llko n scouiiro
nnd Is u pestilence which blights the light
And destroys the hopes of men. The voices
of our teachers have not been Minlrlonlly
raised npnlnst the most tyniblc of sins
MIIIIJ ofoiirjouthsniiivoal nmturlti with
out having been warned of its clangor , of its
nvvlnl curse , nnd when they inuv nccidentlv
hoar something of Its tenors , they nro terri
tied , and some times cinsu these who hava
neglected to speak to them of their danger
earlier in vouth
The lectiner eould not find words strong
enough to condemn the practice of reading
bad books There were things published
which vu-ro unlit for perusal , and parents
should piotect tliolr children against the In-
tliiences of such vlloand disgusting works.
I hen theio Were corntpt nnd frequently im
moral plavs piodiicod In our theaters Young
men Hhould bo warned aginist attending
such noi form nice * I'ho pi CHS of the city
should speak out plalnh nnd independently
on theiu matters , and should openlv do-
noiinco sllfli pc'ifoiiminees. Ho was glad to
seolhotowas ono paper that did It , and
hoped others would follow its o < uuiplo.
Tlio Interstate Tmvv OlHuiissod Hoforn
tlio New York Hnr.
AI.IIA.VV , N. Y. , Jan. It ) - Chairman
Cooley , of the interstate commerce commis
sion , spoke at the annual meeting of thu
State Hur association last night on the subject -
ject ot the "Comparative Met its of Wi it-
ten and Unwritten Constitutions. " Uefer-
ing to the matter of lnteistate ronimcice , ho
said in substance that , it may bo
hi and bi. the federal legislature ,
sniveling the llold of Intorstito
commeico and taking note of
how state commerce mutches upon and
mingles with it , will come to the conclusion
that sop u ate leguliition of state commerce
mn t neecssirllv , to some extent at least , be
inconsistent w ith the complete fedeiiil legu-
lation of commeice t'mt is interstifte , and
bhould th it conclusion bo reached , the fed
einl legislature is not unlikely to take to
Itself the complete regulation of the whole
If il does so , it will but add aaother of thu
illustialiens to history which show how vast
is the edifice which may nglitfnlly ho elected
within the bounds of n single fcdeinl power
which , atlist / , seemed of little importance.
/ion Itnptlst Clmrcli.
The me.nbeis of the Xion Uuptist church ,
on Giund stieot , between Twciitj'-sceond
and Twenty-third streets , are desirous of
thanking these friends of the society w ho
kindly subscribed toward Its suppoit.
Lfndei- the skillful management of the pastor ,
T. II. Hiving , sl/Jlii were raised in six
months , t-sOO of which was evpotided for the
building of its paisonugo and $11)0 ) foi a
chapel. The chuich is out of debt and has
upwui ds of SJOOlnthotieasuiy.
That l'o , Ijibr.irj' .
The post council of admnnstiation , con
sisting of Major E lintlcr , Captains William
Mills and Aaron S Daggott , mot at Poit
Omaha josterday. An nppiopi iation of $150
from the post fund , was made for pui chasing
now books for the garrison libiaiy.
A detachment of tlio Second infantry Jms
been detailed as an m tllleiy corps , and ma
dully milled m the manual of the piece
Lieutenant Hoiaco H. Saison lias sue.
cec.lcd Lieutenant Cailo , who is on siell
leive , in the olllcos of post tieasurei anil
post librariin ,
Cicnctal IJaniger , chief commissary of
subsistence , and Mis. Urn i Igor woio in the
g.unson Tuesday making uuct ictuiiinig
Mrs. Captain Mclfccvor and her niece ,
Miss Salliu Muldoon , left the garrison Tuoa-
difoi u six weeks visit lo Mobile.
Colonel Joshua Fletcher letuincd to the
post vesteiday , Ins leave of absence having
tui min.itcd. The colonel spoilt his leave In
Philadelphia attending to his fathei's estate.
Foi a dlsordciod liver tiy Ucccham'sPilIs.
Gar HuplicN to , lolin SliiUli.
OVKHA , .Ian. 10 To the Hditor of Tnu
Hrnf John Sfnith , of Lincoln , Neb , advnes
mo to read Wllfoid Hall's "Pioblom of
Human Life" lint I doubt the wisdom of
this. One of ti\o things is clear Hither I
nm totulli nniblo to make myineintng cloir ,
In which c ise I should lack the mental capau
Ity to compieliend the book in question , or
lolm Smith laikstho power lo compieliend
me , in which case his udv ice goes for mu/lit.
foi- his letter shows a totul niUiippinlii'iisi'iii
if ni ) iiosltioiihloli is duo to a fault either
n myself , or in him. ( ! ut.
tliistico Court.
Prank Pi anetl has sued in Justice O'Con
icll's ' com t the Union sowing muLlnno com
any for J.l7Ti ! for vvoik mid labor per-
Ilemy and Tokenm Wolhois and HOIII.V
I hies , the tin co linnteis who voiitmed in
seuiiour pmk on S'indas ' Inst wilhgniis over
lielr shoulders , and who woie arrested for
respaHsand huntlniron Sundaj , hud a hour
ng nefoii ) Judge Wade yosteid.iy anJ
veto iiciiuitted , the pioscciitlon failliig txi
ihow that they weio on the gi omuls for tlio
stipulated In the complaint.
' is thopurobtund best soap over
Artors i. n flip Oiils.
Spencer Cone , a bt other of ICale Claxton ,
he aclioss , Is In the eltv for tlio put pose it
H said , of assuming the maimgnmoiitof "The
'i iv ate Sceretni / " t ompanv , now pin ving nt
ho Cianil Miss Cl utnn IH said to have an
nleicst in the i omhlnation , and uelungo ol
iiuiiagoincnt has been found necessary to bo
uio hminony
Constitutional Catarrh.
NosliigluilUeii B iiiiHuulalliKl nun o snir rinq
r liiijtcnuil tlie liuaxtiu miofthu constitution
him Cut mil. Tim houte of nmi'11 , or taste. o (
Ight , ot IHMI Ing , Hin litunan vuli < i. Hie mini ) , -
iiu or moi . and ho nutlmcH ull , ylntd to ll da ,
llllCtlMl ItlllllUliri ! 1'llf J > lll > 011 U lllHlllbllllM
lii/xiglmiit 'lii ) yitoin ittuiLsuvory vital fotcc ,
ail breaks up Dm most lobustof constitution ! )
gnouMl lie mini ) hut littlu iindeihiooil , tiy niont
ilna'cIuuH. inipotontlj iwsnlloil by iimcS | ami , Hio-oMimirlm : from It Imvu littlu
0110 to lie itiiu < \ id of it llilH hldu of thu unu u.
tf-i Mini1 , then , tunl tliu jiopulai ticatiiiunt ol
liU lonllilu ill ui < < u bv ii'inudlui within thu
o H'li of ullMtn \ < d liitoliaiiilsatoiuucoiiipetent
ml tin-l"oth\ , . 'llio mnvjind nltheno mill led
iulhoil nilojiiuil by lr ) tianfoiiltn tlm prepaia-
Ion of his Hum \i , CUIIK has won tliu hourly
lijiiinai oMIioiiBunds , It In lnbt.xiituncon In
iloidlriK nilli fin u II liuad ioldi > , Hncit/lng. Kiiuf ,
Ingiuid olHtriidvil bri'iilhlm ; , mid rapidly in.
10 ; en thu motl opprnslvo Hjiuptoinx , ilnurjiig
lie head bututailnjf thu bri-ulli , leuturliu Uiq
aiikes ofHnii.ll , tiiHtuaml hearing , and neutrnll
ug thu Cijustlti' mil tuniltncy of tlio dlseiisu
ntt.irdH DID IniiKf. liMir iiiidltlilnujs 9
h\MOiui'n 1CliirA I , Ci'H nronslntH or ono Hot
ii of tliu llvnirvi.t inn , nnuboxoriUiuiiiiiAi .sr , and liii'iinvpii IMIIAI.KII ;
roTll.H 1)1. L'd \ ClII.MIIUI , CO , , IIOS1OV ,
lDM ii/MTt , tlnunriiiiA ( AMI *
1'MN I'i ifllBM'i Ithoumutlc ,
Sclatlc , mi Men , Minrji and nervoi'-.i '
. I'Aliii. ' htralns ami VYuakaotie * .
lie Uint anil only imln-klllliijf I'luter. A neiv
ad infulllliluiuitlilototo pulu. Intlammatlon anci
Utterly inillko und vantlysuporlor to
nH At all ( IrugcUbi , is c nt ; lhH
> r tl W : ur. pot KO trfi. at 1'ormn Dituo AMU
IH.MIUAt.C'll , liU.HUII , MJ.JH.