Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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rni ! > onp/Mti ITIITH it iniroTO
Wheat Opened Bullish , But Closed
FrovlRlmifl Slni-tcil Active With
Stronger I'rlccM , Hut Declined
hater A 1'ntilo In Cntiln HOK
Tnkc n Down Turn.
Cmi'ino , .Tnn. 10. [ Special Tulcirrani to
Tun Hhc.l A bullish sciitlmunt was in
control of the wheat market during the early
part of the session to-day , mid prices ruled
lil.qhcr , but the Improvement was lost later
on , nnd the mnrltot was heavy on a declining
HC.-ilo of values for the Inst hour and a hull
of UIR trading session. The good weather ,
rcpo.'ts from u variety of sources conlicmltii ;
the statements ot n generally favorable eon
ditlon of winter xvhent , tlio report from the
Western Millers' association , of St. J-ouls ,
that the stocks of wheat and Hour ut l.M inlils
were ! ! CO00 bushels Kreater limn last year
on tlio eorrcspomlinB date , and the reports
that the Cincinnati Price-Current had "con
firmed" the liovcrnincnl estimate wcro the
causes that conspired to populnri/.c
the soiiiuK of wheat nnd produce lower
prices. "Conllrm" was not the right wonl
to use In the connection mentioned , and the
editor of Hie publication referred to set him
self right ma personal dlSDatch which read
ns follows : "Don't 'confirm , ' but in the ; ib
sence of other complete Information accept
the figures for deductions arriving at the
conclusion that there is about ! 2iUJOOOJ
bushels exportable surplus for the next six
months , of which about Ib.OOO.OUO bushels are
on the I'.icillc slope. " In another dispatch ho
is quoted as saying that on the basis of
weight tliu crops will bo between ! 3S.U03OJU
and : tSMOUJ ( ' ( bushels. However , the spec
Ulutivo tips from the Cincinnati marliet
publication were of minor valifu , the mil
lers' summary and the weather exercising
n ilominiitini : Iniluencc in shaping the
< : OUK > O of values. Tliuso facts induced free
Helling for northwestern account , and caused
the sculping crowd to execute one of its sudden
don changes of base. However , there was
jnost excellent buying every time May wheat
got near SI. IK ) . That seemed to bo bed rock
for the day , and the efforts to break through
It were ineffectual. The range for May was
IJfc , and the close is only fractionally lower
than 'yesterday. The opening price was
ifl.Ul'vj , or J < c above yesterday's ' close. There
wcro a few Hales at SI.01-1 ; , nnd the mailed
at once advanced to § 1.01 % . The next move
was u decline to $1.0U % , and the subsequent
important lluctuations wore as fol
lows : Up to $1.01' ' ' $ , olT to
$1.001. ; , up to Sl.OO ; ? ! ' , back to
§ l.ft ) 14 , upnguin to ? 1.0u C , iiown to 51.00 , up
to Sl.UJ ? . . , , oil to Sl.m , and up to ? l.l)0\ ) ,
closing at Sl.OO'ul.UO'fc. July ranged from
it'f' ' e at the openlnir , up to ' .i3'Nc ; and oil' to
' .H.1 ji' , closing at UlJ < Jc. There was trade in
year wheat on a basis of N O. The volume of
ti'udo was heavy , but sconiincly more local
than general in its character , though Minne
apolis and St. Louis contributed not a little
to the total of the transactions , llutehinson
was quoted as a large and steady absorber of
wheat. A boomerang roorback was set
alloat of a tremendously strong combination
Having been formed to hull wheat , gossips
making free with the names of Fail-bank , Kent ,
Cumniing.s , Pullman , Douno and Armour in
connection with the yarn. The crowd de
clined to be "stnlTcd like sausages'1 with the
story and promptly sold wheat on the tip.
There was a tinner opening to thu corn
market iu continuation of the strength dis
played at the close yesterday. The causes
were small receipts , which wcro even less
than yesterday's moderate estimate , the
mild , wet weather , the firmness of wheat
anil the continued good export inquiry. Ex
porters arc steady buyers in Now York and
Baltimore , their limits apparently being held
down only by the amount of tonnage offer
ing and the quantity of corn of suitable qual
ity for their purpose. There were re
ports of damage from the dampness
of the weather to corn In cribs ,
and the rain was supposed to
be in favor of smaller deliveries from farm
ers. The -market ruled dull , however , and
sympathized with the more bearish tendency
of wheat toward the latter part of the ses
sion. Prices wcro about on a par with the
r-losing figures of yesterday. The amount of
business done was again small , both oa out
siuo and local account , and even in the cash
market. Although there is a good Inquiry ,
offerings arc too light to nuiko a lively
Oats for May delivery attracted considerable -
able attention , with a liberal business around
27Uc. The feeling was fairly steady , with
general buying , while much of the selling
was believed to bo for account of long
Interests. Futures other than May received
but slight attention , ruling nearly
Btcudy. There was snmo inquiry for cash
oats to go in store , with No. ! i saleable at
about 2)kc ) , while No. i ! regular was dull.
Out of sixty -two cars inspected in , twenty-
three were contract grade , and y5,0X ; ) bushels
were withdrawn from store.
Jn the provision market to-day there was
nn uctivo opening at stronger prices on the
Whole list. The early reports from the stock
yards gave the receipts of hogs as smaller
than yesterday's estimate. Later advices
from there Increased the figures llrst given
out some 0.000 head , and this , together with
the free and open selling of pork
nnd ribs by Cudahy , caused the
market to turn downward quito
Blmrply. From the opening figures there
was a slum ) ) in pork of 20o , in lard of l" } o
and ribs of 10o. In the early dealings Cudahy
was also credited with selling a'good deal of
lard through broltcrs , and Baldwin put out
considerable stud , presumably for scalpim. ' ,
ns he bought It in later at , the lifeline.
.Singer & Hogiin bold lard rather freely. Ar
mour's attitude was jiot indicated plainly ; to 'iavo any perceptible ofloct , and it '
was porliaps the absence of gosip
concerning that operator's movements
tlmt , made the scalping crowd lean
to . the conservative sido. After
the opening hour trarto dragged , and prices
recovered slowly n portion of the early do
olina From JI''JT'.f May pork rallied to
$13.05 and for tin hour or more sfwung bet -
t ween $ ia.OO and l5.ur ! > , then it , bulged to Sl.'l. 1 ft
but full back again to ? 13.0rl f and at the
close was $13.1'- , ; , being the same ns yc.stor-
day's latest bids , Mny lard broke from S7.30
early , to7.15 , and closed at , sr.lTJjtaJT.SO , or
7 > < jo off , and the sumo option of rib.s closed at
fil.SS lifter selling from S'l.UO ' at the opening
down to $0.60. Changes wcro made in port :
to day from February to May at JJOgi3'c ( :
CHICAGO , Jan. 10. ( Special Telegram to
TUB Hui ! . | CATTI-H To suy trade was demoralized -
moralized would only faintly convoy to din *
taut readers thu actual condition to-day. A
panic , or desire to give away their property ,
must have seized shippers this week , as the
fncts show , With the big run last week and
a declining market there in an increase this
week , so far , of 10,000 cattle , with chances
of a greater surplus before the week closes.
All night long and all the forenoon cattle
came trooping along on every road ,
filling the yards to their full
capacity , many going Into hog pens for tha
want of room in their proper quarters. As a
mutter of course prices wcro lower , and all
Classes shared in the decline. Salesmen
generally quoted another drop of 15@20c ,
and many tlgurcd out the decline , as com
puted with last week , -J0@50c. Choice to
extra beeves , ft.75 ; medium to good steers ,
1350 to 1DOO lb , J.75 < 34.25 : 1200 to ' 1350
Jbs , | 3,30 < < i3.CO ! ; 0-M ) to 1200 Ibs , f3.90@3.25 ;
stackers and feeders , f2.10Qy.Q5 ; cows , bulls
and mixed , * 1.50@3.00 ; bulk. * 3.25@360 ;
Toxa& bteern , J.GO ( < J3.25 ; cows , f3.10@'J.40.
Hoes The general market opened about
steady , the early sales showing about the
same as at the close yesterday , but later on ,
and especially in the Northwestern division ,
there wus u substantial down turn. Stock
that had sold curly around about J5.00 could
have been bad ut fUKl.M > at the close , and
2 " 3 ,
some common stock sold down to ? 4.8yet
the great bulk sold nt $ .YOO , That was the
price for light mixed nnd peed packers , with
an occasional lot of butcher weights
at f.105 , nnd a few loads of fancy
heavy at f.YlU. In the assorted light line the
Liptoti company paid i5.10 for singe sort ,
while the ordinary run of 170 to 1 < 0 Ib. aver
ages sold at ? . ' .IKK'.O.V ' Light light were
scarce and there wcro not sufllcicnt sales to
innko quotations.
r IN A NCI.VI * .
New YOHK , .Ian. 10 , [ Special Telegram
to Tun Htn.l : STOCKS Notwithstanding
that the foreign markets wcro above our
parity , the stock market opened easier ,
There was less animation than during the
previous few day ? , and prices were from '
( < iy per cent lower. Coal stocks wcro
heavy. Lack\wanna ; In particular. The pro
fessionals wore soiling stock quite freely.
The continued mild wc.ithcr nnd the unsatis
factory state of the eaal trade Is slowly tell
ing on these properties. Cotton Seed Oil
was also pressing for sale , nnd the brokers
Identified with thu Cliicago houses were the
largest sellers. Uiimor ha it that F.iirbank
was disposing of his holdings. Advice * from
Albany stating that the "Coggeshall-Olivo
bill" has again been introduced there also
induced short selling. The tone of gossip
hero this morning la of a bearish character ,
and the bears arc predicting n good stump in
the market. They argue that first-class
bonds can be bought , that yield more than
some of the best stock , at a much lower
price , nnd that the bulls have got prices up
on the presidents' agreement and are eagerly
looking for somebody to come In and buy ,
but the outside public remain ns apathetic as
ever. The bulls , however , claim that the
market is in n healthy condition , and that
this reaction Is only naturalaftcr such an ad
vance. The commission people were buying
a lew stocks , but say their outside orders are
very light. It is thought that the pa sing of
a dividend by Atchlson will force u liquida
tion in the bonds that arc held by Massa
chusetts savings banks. St. Paul stock was
somewhat active In the loan crowd this morn
ing and commanded a small premium for use
to-day. Other stocks were in good supply.
.Money has ruled easy nt 2r ; ) per cent. At
noon the market was dull , but steady , nnd
prices wcro a shade better. The market was
sluggish during the afternoon. Jt was re
ported that Lackawanna was cutting eastbound -
bound rates , and the bears continued to raid
that stock. Thu report , however , was of
ficially ucnicd. Chicago tas ! Trusts were
very weak nt a decline of 3 } per cent. Chicago
cage brokers wore the largest sellers. The
nut decline for the day shows Lackawanna ,
1 ' „ ; Missouri Pacific , 118" Cotton Sued Oil
certificates , 1 < ; Chicago Gus Trusts , 3 > ;
Keading , 1 ; St. Paul , , ' „ ; New England , yt\ \
Northwestern , ' , and Kric , ? per cent.
Delaware & Hudson and Atchison arc about
the only stocks on the list that do not show
concessions , the former closing ! j higher ,
while the latter closed at the same price.
The following w-sro the closin , ' qtt > titions : :
IT. S. 4s regular..un > i Northern 1'aclllo. . S'ti
V. S. 4sco'.ipons lillJU'i do preferred '
r.S.-1'isroKular. . . C.S. N. W IDS
U.S.-l'Jscoupons \ do preferred , . . . .HV'i
I'acllictisof ' ! li . . .II'J N. V. ( Vntral 1UH5 |
Central I'.vltlc I' . , I ) . MI
( 'hldiiro Ac Alton. . .Uj IHork Island . ! W
Chlcagu.lliirllngtnn C. . M.Ac St. 1' . lil'i
> VQtiluoy . 11,1 do preferred . IUU
I ) . , T..V w . iii'i : St. l > .uil.t Omaha . : KJ {
Illinois Central. . . llli I do preferred . ' .HI1 ,
I..1I..VW . U'i'lJnlnnl'aciHc ' ' . C4 > t
Kansas fc Texas. . . l.rW..St. ! ' I. , .t I' . l.'l
l.nkurihori ) . ID4-1 ! ! l'o ' preferred. . . . 2. > ! i . bV Western Union . 1 '
Mlsvaurll'acitlc . . . l l
MOKEV ON' CAM. Easy at 2Uj < rt3 per cent.
I'KIMB MKKC.IXTH.E P.u'iti f,1i' ( OJ-.j par
STKKI.IXO EXCHANGE Quiet nnd steady ;
sixty days ,'.f : demand $ -l.S
jo. Jan. It ! . Wheat Easy : cash ,
! ) . " ' < V ; February , Olio ; May , Sl.OJMii.
Corn Steady ; cash , 3ye ; February
34ffc ; May , ; IS 11-lfio.
O.its Steadycash ; , 24J ; c ; Februaryaijfc ;
May , arT-lGc.
llyo 4 To.
JJarloy No trailing.
PrimuTiinothj$1.53. .
Pork Finn ; cash and February , J12.SO ;
May , $13.1 ( > M-
Lard Finn ; cash , $ tUi7)tf ; February , $7,00
May , $7.171-2.
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.505 ?
3.50 ; spring wheat , § l.70C0.50.
Hulk Moats Shoulilors , sC.2. > ( Z0.37tf ! ;
short clear. $7.12)C'I7.2.'i ) ! ; short ribs. SO.70.
Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 17@5j ;
dairy t Iig22c. ! (
Chccio Unchanged ; full cream cheddais ,
10H@10o ; Hats , 10 > 4'r < 211c ; Young Ameri
cas , llj oill'-cj'e.
Rt.'gs Unchanged : fresh , 14@15c.
llliles Unchanged ; heavy aim light green
salted , 5Vfc ; green , -Ic ; salted bull , 4'tj'c ;
preen bull , 4e : green salted calf , ( ij e ; tlry
flint , H i' 3o ; dry calf , 7 < igSo ; dry salted
kipIc ; branded hides , 15 per cent off ;
deacons , 2 j(5)30t ( ) ! each ; dry salted , 7e.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid and
cake , 5 > c ; No. 2 , 4Jfc ;
Keceit > t9. Shipments ,
Flour , bbls 13,000 8,000
Wheat tm 1S.OOO 8,000
Corn , on 1S1.000 87,000
Oats , bu 102.000 70,000
New York. Jan. 10. Hecemts
5",50l ) ; exports , 37 ; snot unsettled , closing
dull and weaker ; No. 2 red , ! ' 0tfS < 97c in
elevator , 9Sit's ( > Jc afloat , l)7C ) ' ! Wo l. o. b. ;
No. 'J rat , I'li ' : . Options irregular and
lower ; opened lo higher , declined , closing
weak nnd ; Vc under yesterday ; No. " red ,
February , closing at 07lc.
Corn Uecolpts , 145 , ! > iiJ ( ; exports. 241,400 ;
spot moderately active and stronger ; No. 2 ,
' ' elevator 45' i-ICo alloat
ll'Jtjf'-UJfc in ; - ; un
graded mixed , 30'ille. ! Options fairly aut-
ivo ; February closing at 4 B o. Heeeipts , SiXl : ( ; exports , -117 ; spot
'jKiJ e higher ; options dull at h& '
higher ; February flosing at We ; spot , No , 2
white , : iU'K < 4fu ; mixed western , ! JSi/32c ( ;
white western , ; iijf40. ( .
Coffee Options opened .stendy and closed
steady utoi10 ( points uhnvu yesterday ; .Ian-
nary , $15.40 ; February , 6l5. ! > ; March , ? i5.2.i
( airi. ; 10 ; Hji.a Hio , ijuiot ; fair cargoes at
I'etriileuin Steady ; United eloscd at S5'.fo. '
Kggs AVealtcr ; western , UJijCMSc.
LurU tituad.v ; western Bteam , spot$7.42J ,
Hutter Easier ; wentnru dairy , H UOu ;
western creamery , liii'Joc ( ; Klgins , 27C.
Uheuso-Strong ; western , \ \ Qc. \ .
Cincinnati. Jan. 10. Wheat Dull but
lirtn ; No. 2 red. # 1.01.
Corn Firm ; No. 'J , mixed , Kil a.
Oats llavoly.steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27Js ( $
Whisky -Quiet at $1.03.
Liverpool , Jan. 111. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun lUn.J-330 : ! p. ui. eloso.-I'prk
Holders offer moderately ; prime mess , east
ern , 73s 9d , dull ; prime mess , western , Cos ,
dull ,
Lard Holders offer moderately ; spot and
January , 33s , dull ; February ami March , 37s
Od , dull. .
Wheat Holders offer moderately ; noiv
No. S3 wiutor , 7a 10 ; < d dull ; do spring , 6s Id ,
Flour Holtters offer moderately ; 12s ,
Corn Holders offer moderately : spot ,
easy at4s'Jfd ) for now ; January , 4s IJ d ,
dull ; February nnd March , 4s Id , dull.
Mtlwnukeo , Jan. 15.--Wit cat Easier ;
cash , SS fc ; Mny , Me.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 31c.
Oats Dull ; No , 2 , We ,
llyo Easier ; No. 1 , 4Sc.
Hurley Lower ; No. 2 , 20 > je.
Provisions Lower ; pork , < 12.72J < .
St. tioulx. Jan. 10 , Wheat- Lower ;
cash , 04cMayOU ; 11-lOc.
Corn Higher ; cash. 2flfc ; May. 32Vc.
Oats Firm ; cash , 2-IKo ; May , 2T/c.
Pork Quiet at moo < sgl8.23.
Lard Quiet at < 0.75.
Whisky Steady nt 1.03.
Hutter Quiet ; creamery,83@Mc ; dairy , 13
Kansas City , Jan. 10. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 red , cash , 91c bid ; Mny , OlVobid ;
No.3 toft , cash , UOo asked ; May , DSc. .
Corn bteady ; No. 2 , cash , 2 , ' > > fo bid ;
Oats-No , 2 , cash , 20o bid ; 23) ) u nsked.
IMIiinenpollH , Jan. 10. Sample wheat
firm ; receipts , 53cars ; shipments , 43 cars.
Closlngi No. 1 hard. January , $1.14 ; May ,
f 1.17 ; on track , $1.10 ; No , 1 northern , Jan-
tiarjr , fl.OIJ'f ; Mny , tl.0. * > } * ; on track , 11.03
M1.07 , No. 2 northern , January , I'Jc ' ; May ,
Weon trade , U3 ( < 7c.
Chlcnco , Jan. 1(5 ( Tne Drover * ' Jour
nal rcnort * a * follow. * '
Oattlo Receipts , 14,000 ; market weak nut
lOc lower ; choice toextrabc'eves.$4.75steers ;
$2.1 > 0 4.2r ; tockers nnd feeders , $2.lO'rt3.25
cows , bulls and mixed , fl.50vtf3.OJ ; Toxu
cattle , 12. lOftJ.3 2.- ) .
Hogs -Hevelpts , 20.000 : market S ilOi
lower ; tnlxod. fl.MVii.VOj ; heavy , fl.K5 J5.0 >
light , f-l.s.Vr/5.05 ; skips , fii.4iKif.VOI.
Shot > p Htvpipts 7,000 ; market steady
natives , > . ; ri' 5 00 ; weMorn. corn-fed
$ l.404 ( ! 7"i ; Tcxans , $3.00(1/3.25 ( ; lambs , fl.7
.Nalliinnl Stock Yards , Knst .St.
Ijonls. Jan. Id. Cattle Hecclpts , 2 , : > OJ !
shipments , 10. ) ; market slow ; choice heav.\
native steers. ? 4.10nf3.00 ; lair to goo
native steers. M.40c < P 1.40 ; butchers' steer ?
medium to choice , f3.oowi.00 ; stockor.s niu :
feeders , fair to good , fj.00 < & 3.10 ; ranirors ,
corn fed , tl.OOj83.7S ( ; grass fed , fJ.CO/i.l.lK ) .
Hogs Hccclpts , 7,700 : shipments , MX )
market lower ; choice heavy nnd butchers'
selections. ? uij'rf.Vn5 ; packing , II.SV.'CI.W
light grades , f l..r Cil..0 , ) .
KniiKns City. Jan. W. Cattle Receipts
I:300 : ; shipments , 200 ; weak and lower
good to choice corn-fed , l.lVn 1.40 ; com
mon to medium , { n.t.VQI.OTi ; stockers niu1
feeding steers , W.OOrif.iO ) ; ; cows , $1.2. " > 'vif2.SO
Hogs Receipts. ! ) ,200 ; shipments , none
opened steady and . " > c lower , closing dull and
5c lower ; common to cholc.c # 1. IO ( < ? 4.S5.
Wednesday. Jan. 15 , 1SS9.
The cattle market has been bad for sevcra
days , but the market today was a little-th
worst yet. There were only about a tnou
sand cattle here , but the reports of the dc
moralized market at Chicago , which was
qnotcit 40 ( .Vo ) lower than Wednesday , had i
most depressing effect upon the market hero
The trade did not open until late , no sales o
any account being miulu until afternoon
The market was 1UiBiV ( | lower , and butchers
stock , which has been holding up better thai
hoof cuttle , suffered fully as much decline
to-day. The packers bought pretty eooi
steers weighing 1,000 to 1,250 Ibs at 3.00i ( <
11.40. Cows sold niostlvatSl.UC2.80. ! ) ( Theto
were only a few odds and ends of feeders
here , which sold at about steady prices.
A few trades were made early in light ami
medium weights nt about steady prices , but
heavy hogs opened flc lower. The heaviest
packers were on the bear side and they
wanted to buy good hogs at. $4.70i.ecl.vo , Th
condition of other markets helped to dc
press prices here , nnd the buyers
succeeded in getting a rcductni
of lOc before the close. The trade was slow
and the buyers showed plainly that they
would have the hogs at their own prices or
let them alone. Uuyors were slow to make
the concessions ns there was u feeling that
the trade could not be any worse , and per
haps it would lie bolter to-morrow. At the
time of closing there were thirty loads un
There wcro no sheep here to make a
market , prices remaining nominally steady
Cattle 1,000
HORS 4,100
Priivniluii ; lriuui.
The folio'.vitur is n tiolcof priC3J p.ill In
this marmot for the gr.Ujj of stojc ) inoa-
Prime steers. 1300 to 1503 ll)3.3.50 fSI.OO
I'nmesteers. HOJ to 13JO ibi. . 3.00 til,50 ;
Native feeders 2.75 ( < ii.0 ; ( )
Western feeders 2i0 ! tjvl.'M
Common to good cows 1.'J5 ( irS.OO
Choiceto fancy cows 2.10 (42.75
Commonto choice balls 1.25 (212.40 (
Fair to cnoico ngnt hoes 4.C > 5 fS4.SO
Fair to cnoioo iicav.y hess 4.75 ( c .sri
Fair to choice mixed nogs 4.70 ( < 4 > 0
Fair to choice western sheep. . S.50 4.25
Fair to choice Nebraskas 3,00 @ 3.75
Keiu'cseiitative Snlcs.
No. Ar. . Pr.
1 cow 1130 $ l.0 |
1 bull 1210 1.S5
IScows M)0 ) 1.85
Ibull 1(100 ( l.'j ! )
43cows Ml 1.90
0 stockers i'02 ' 1.95
1 bull 14CO 2.00
1 bull lr)10 2.00
2 cows..a. ' .125 2.00
2 bulls. . . ' . ' 1510 2.10
Scows 1102 2.10
11 cows 1011 2.10
42coivs 1132 2.10
17 cows 10U3 2.20
7 cows 1157 2.20
14 cows 107(1 ( 2.25
1'JCOWS 1149 2.25
20 cows 10a ( ) 2.25
7 cows 1071 2.30
20 cows 1034 2.30
3S cows 1115 2.35
Hi cows US ) 2.40
1 feeder 1150 2.50
1 heifer 1120 2.05
2stockers 550 2.05
14 cows 12SS 2.7S
2oxcn 1 'J05 8.7o
1 feeder 1090 2.SO
11 stockers 753 2.S5
11 feeders S57 2.90
2 feeders 050 3.00
15 feeders 100S 3.00
20stecrs 919 3.00
4 ( ! steers 1031 } 3.00
Sstoclccw 950 300
22 steer. , natives 1010 3.10
S steers , natives 1151 3.10
0 steers , natives 1141 3.15
3S steers , natives 1117 3.15
23 steers , natives Wi 3.25
10 steers 1159 3.25
10 steers , natives 1072 3.25
IDstcer-s 123(5 ( 3.25
23 steers , natives- 1241 3.-10
57 steers , native * 1313 3,00
No. Av. Shk. Pr.
57..2)3 ) fifiO
59..259 IliO 4.70
70..217 120
l.M )
. . . 4.60
200 4.85
200 4fe5
-12. . . .313 SO 4.sO , 40. . . .313 . . . 4,85
53. . , . 295 2SO 4,8il 01. . . . 23340 4,85
Iavo Stock Notas.
No sheep ,
Rotten markets.
Cattle ll15c ) lower.
Hogs closed lOo lower.
Thirty loads of hogs unsold ,
U takes good hogs to bring fl.SO ,
Feeders are the only cattle that sell well.
It looks as if there was no bottom to the
cattle market ,
L. H. Gorham , the popular live stock agent
of the Hock Island , will leave on Thursday
fur a vlbit to Michigan.
A bunch of cnttle , which were mentioned
on Monday nshuving received a bid of $1.1 ! %
went on to Chicago and sold ut $1,15.
At Council Uluirv. 0
Cnuxcn. HLUFFS , la. . Jan. 10. Hogs Re
ceipts , 7 curs ; Quality fair to good.
Sales Common , flS5@4.90 ; good mixed ,
W.90ffl5.00 ; good heavy , r > .00@5.05 ; fancy ,
FrultR , Produce , Etc.
Prices arc somewhat steadier , though quo
tations nro virtually unchanged in the prod.
uco market.
HUTTEII Creamery Fancy print , 26 < 323c ;
choice print , 23@23o ; funoy solid packed , 21
M22c ; choice solid packed , 18@20c. Dairy-
Fancy roll , I $ < a20o ; choice , 10@18o ; good , 13
© 15o ; low grades , 10@l2c.
lious Stnctly fresh , 15@10c.
-Full crenni chcddnrs , choice , 12 t
12J cfuH ; crcaiiT iTJflo , two In hoop , 12 < 4 ( f
13c ; full cream fY , * A.mericu choice , 12'jct
iic : ; off grades mid slcJms , ft'T9c ; llmburger ,
HK'n2'c : brick ami Swiss , 14t 15c.
Ltvn Pofi.TiiVf-C/iJcken / * , per doz , M.Vi ) ( *
2.7fi ; ducks , } , $2.7."W.'IOO ; gcesc , in-r
do/ , M.30@.i.tx > ; thrKcys , per Ib. 7ci3c.
Dnrsscn Poi/.rin Chickens , per Ib , GC < ?
Sc ; turkeys , per Ib.'JOcgllc ; geese , per Ib , 0
3HV ; ducks , SdgliV.
VEAI , Heavy grnsscrs. 150 to 200 Ihs , f. @
C.c , ; inferior i'i ' lvos , SO to 00 Ibs. 4M5c ;
medium to good.TO t6 S5 lus , flftftk ; choice to
fancy , 100 to 130 Ibs , 7Wc.
O \ME Mallard , per doz , $2.T.KfflUX ) ; red
head , per doz , $ ! . . * iO ( < $1.iM ; teal , per doz ,
{ -1.50il.7r ( > ; canvas haclt. perdoz , $4.0T4 50 ;
common small , per tloz , fl.OOod.riO ; rabbits ,
per doz , " .VWil.tWS'JncU rabbits , tier doz , S-'l.OJ
dt3..W ; siiulrrols , per do ? , 75c ( f$1.0U.
Ai'i' : Per bbl , fancy New York nnd
Michigan. $2.50 ; choice , $2 ( UM2.25 ; choice
Missouri , S2.00a2.25i good , $ l. & ' ) ( > $ t.5.
CIIANIIRIIHII- : * Cape Cod , choice , per bbl ,
$10.00 ( 10. : > 0 ; fair , f0.tXVir ! .50 ; Hell kv Uugle ,
choice , -9.HKii9.2'i ( ; fair. S3.50is.7.'i ( ; Ucll , < i
Cherry , choice , $8.00(13.25 ; salr , $7.2.'i ! ' 7.50 ;
Foiir.uiN FuriT < Malaga grapes , kecs , 40
to 53 Ibs , lOc per Ib ; bananas , per bunch1
$ l.50iCUK ( ) ; lemons , fnncv new , : ux ) or into , * ,
f4.OOM4.50 ; choice old. iUXI , s , $3.0\Kil.50 | ! ;
oranges , Florida , fancy bright , per box , $3.50 ;
Florida russets , $3.25.
NfTH Walnuts , 50ii)0c ; ( ; peanuts , M 'sKc ;
chestnuts. 4i 5c ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $5.otii/ (
0.00 ; hazeliuits , , ' ( ( ! < 4i' ; hlckorynuts , small ,
$ l.2.Vl.ri'J ! ; larirc , < > U\ii7r > c : pecans , plain , Ocij )
Sc ; polished , UjflOc.
Vi : iKT.\ : Potatoes , Colorado and Utah ,
70a75e : Wyoming , 5 , ' > ciic ( ( ) ; Nebraska nnd
Iowa , choice lareu , 43y50c1 ( ; common , 3iilc ( ( ( ) ;
sweet potatoes , Jer-tsya , per bbl , $ il.lliU.7& ;
beets , per bu , 53i'JOo ( ; carrots , 35r(40c ( ( ;
rabbnire , Cnllforniif per crate , $2.25 ; par
snips , 50C""JOc ; onions , red choice , fiOgJoSc ;
silver skin , ( i ! ) ( < ? r5 ; turnips , 20Pi" e ; rutaba
gas , : i5if40e ; cauliflower , choice largo , per
do/en , Sl.2flriil.50j coed , .fl.OOftf 1.25 ; radishes ,
35 ( IOc ; lettuce , 25 ; < c0c ; ! ; cucumbers , $150 ;
string beans , per box , $1.75 ( 2 ' . ' 5.
POITOUX Per Ib , rice , l'ii2e , ( ! ; common ,
lloxnv 1 Ib frames , choice white , 17R13c ( ;
dark , Uolllte ; strained , 10 ( < M2c.
Jr.iui:3--4i : ( < 4J cpcr Ib ; preserves , 10S12c (
per Ib.
I-iAUU Sc.
HIDI-.S Green , salted , No. 1 , GrS.y. , ' < s ; No.
2 , 3ifV ( ' ( ; calf. 5u'5 ( > o ; dry Hint , 5 ( jc.
Bi\xs : Navies , hand picked , per bu , $2.25
( if2.40 ; good clean country , $2.tiOir2.25 ( : offer
or poor stock , Sl.OOoll.fiU ; California , $2.UO
Ctiirit Michigan , per bill. $ l.fiO. 5 CO ;
New Yor'c ' , per bbl , & .l)0i'5.50 ) { ; half bbl ,
. * 2.75'ii3.00.
Fc minus Per Ib , prime live geese
white , ! iowj5e ! ; mixed with gray , 20i ( < 25c ;
damp and musty , 10ii)20c ) ; prime live domes-
tie duck , 2 ( ) ( < 8 > ' > 5e ; wild duck , 15c.i20e. .
S.\i'iu : Kn.u'T J'er bbl 30 gal , choice ,
$1.50 ; per half bbl , $2.50.
Grocers' Ijlst.
Hoviscd prices are as follows :
llA oix Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
keag , seamless , 17 > e ; Lewistown , A , seam
less , I'Jc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu. , Il ( jl4c ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gun
nies , double , 20o ; wool sack , 35c.
T\vixis--Flax : , 3Sc ; extra sail , 20i ( < . ) lc ; sail
H , 20u21c ( ; cotton , 2.V ; jute , Uc.
Diiiini FitfiTS Figs , In boxes , per Ib , 13@
lOc ; dates , in boxes , 7VfllOc ( : London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $2.5vii3.70 ( ) ; Malaga
loose raisins , $2.300(2.50 ; new Valencia rai
sins , per Ib , bJiC , ; California loose muscatels ,
per box , $ ( ; California Lotidons ,
1S > S , ? -.4 ( > ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISe ; Cali
fornia pitted iilums , per Ib , 12Vtiic ( : ; dried
blackberries , per Ib , 7J OJ''idried ; raspber
ries , ] ier Ib , 21VC5c'evaporited ( ; : apples , 7'.J ' ( '
! * ; California sun-dried peaches , 13c ; Cali
fornia nnparcd evaporated [ icachcs , 14c ;
evaporated California apricots , ISu ; cue-
rants , tll 0'7c : Turkish prunes , 5n5J ( c ; cit
ron , 22i(2iu ( : orange- peel , 15c ; lemon pool ,
l ( c ; California French prunes , IKiCKio.
PICKI.MMedium , in bbls , SVOJ ; do , in
half bbls. $3.00 ; small , in bbls , Sii.OO ; do , in
half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in luilf bbls , $1.00.
CoFrnu Mocha , 25K27c ( ; Hio , good , ISO ?
19c ; Mamlahlinif , 2CC < ? 'iSc ; roasting Hio , 17ii ( ]
ISc ; O , O. Java,24 < Ji2tic ; Java , interior , 22d (
2sc ; Kio. fancy , 21iV 2c ; Santos and Mara-
caibox 17il9c ( ; Ar uckles , 'J'JJ/c ; McLaugh-
lin's , XXXx , 22JXu ; German coltee , 2 > , ' c
per Ib.
Srn.ut , Granuiateil , 7J c ; conf A , 7Jjc ;
white extra C , "jj'c ; extra C , iVc ; yellow C ,
t',5c ; powdered , b c ; cubes , bXc.
HKKSWXX Choice yellow , 20 > if223 c ; dark
colored , lyC't'Mc. '
Toiuqco Plug , 2ri@35c ; smoking , 10@90c.
SU.T $1.3501.40 per bbl.
Koi'C 7-1C. , 14Vc.
MAri.i : St'GAii ISricks , ll@12c per Ib ;
penny cakes , 1213c ( per Ib ; pure maplu
syrup , $1.00 jior gal.
TIAS : Young Hyson , common to fair , ISO *
25e ; Young Hyaon , good to fancy , ; ! oC"5)c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22t ' : i5c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 400J < 'nu ; Japan
common to medium , 15i ( 20c ; Japan , choice
to fancy , 30i-l5c ( ; Oolong , common to good ,
10 < i(35t : ; Oolong cnoico to fancy , 50i(70c ( ;
Imperial , common to medium , 23i ( 35c ; Im
perial , good to 5ancy , 40C' 50c.
CKACKKIIS Oo,87e per Ib ; assorted cakes ,
S ( 25c per Ib as per list.
C.VN-DV Mixed , ' .iKfeHWc ; stick , OX"I
lie ; rock candy , 10 > ij13c ( ; fancy candy ,
7 ( ; 2Sc.
HOLLAND IIiitui\o 90c.
L'OI ) FlSlI I
Dry Goods.
COTTONFIANXBI.S 10 per cent dis. ; LL ,
5'rfc ; CC , 0fc ; ) ; SS , 7e ; Nameless , 5c ; HX ,
13c ; H , lOc ; No. 10 , 8'c ' ; No. 40 , 10 , ' c ; No.
00 , 12 } c ; No. 80 , 13 > c ; No. 30 , colored , 9c ;
No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12J c ;
Hristol , 12 c ; Union Pacific , 17c.
CAHPUT WAIIP Uid , white , 19c ; colored ,
22c.IJA.TTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12Ke ; Hoonc , 14c ; U , cased , $0.50.
PitiXTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater ,
Oc ; Hcrlin oil , ( i c : Garner oil. < ii7c.
PRINTS Pink and Uobcs Allen. Oc ; Kivor-
point , 5 , ' c ; Steel Uiver , Oyc ; Hichmond ,
( ij c ; Pacific , 7c.
PniSTS Dress Charter Oak , fiVc ; Ram-
npo , 4' < c ; Lodi , 5Jfc ; Allen , ( ic ; ICiclimond ,
( \Vindsor ; , Oii'c ; Kddystonc , OKo ; 1'acilic ,
Hi.ntcunn SiicnTixn Hcrkcley cambric ,
No. CK ) , lij c ; Hest Yet , 4-4 , C. e ; butter
cloth , OO , 4'4"o ' ; Cabot , 7 } < ' ic ; Farwell , half
bleached , SJ c ; Fruit of 'tho Loom , tie ;
Greene G , io ; llojio , \ King Phillip
cambric , lie ; Lonstlalo cambric , 14 1. ' ; Lons-
dale , SJ c ; New York mills , 10 } < c ; Pepperell ,
12-in , lie ; Pepperell , 40-in , 12c ; Peperell | ,
( W , llic ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pepperoll , 9-1 ,
2jo : ; I'cpporoll. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-1 , S"tfc ;
Triumph , ( ic ; Wamsuttn , lie : Valley , 5c.'.Ki.s Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Gosnqn ,
2Vti ; Clear L ake , JiOHc ; Iron Mountain ,
FiA\s-m.s AVhlto-GH , No. 2 , , 2Ji < fc ;
OH , No. 1 , X , 2io ( ; HH , No. 2 , % , 22 c ; LtH.
No. 1 , Jf , 30c ; Quccheo , No , 1 , } { , 42c.
COUSKT JKANS Androscoggin , 7jc ! ; Knar-
Thorndike , KR , S c ; Thorndiko. 120 ,
Thorndiko , XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
Cordis \ , No. 4 , 10) c.
DENIMS Amdskc'ag , i ) oz , 10 > o ; Everett , 7
oz , 13J o ; York.Toz , 13a ; Haymaker , SU'c ;
JnfTro.y , XX , ll'ftn aaffroy XXX , 12Ko ;
Hnavcr Creek AA , 12c ; HcaAcr Creek HU ,
He ; Heaver Creek gc , lOc.
KENTUCKY Jiofs--Memorlal , I5c ; Dakota ,
ISc : Durham , 27J.J'C ! Hercules , 18c ; Leam
ington , 22 o ; Cottdwold , Sijtfc.
CUAbii Stevens' U , Ok'c ; Stevens' U ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A. 7Ko : Stevens' A ,
bleached , 8J o ; Storcns' P , b c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , VJ e ; Stevens' N. 9 > e ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10j < c ; Stcvons' , SHt , 12Kc.
MiscKLLASEoijs- on cloth , $2.50 ;
plain Holland , 9KoVDado ; Holland , 12o.
HIIOW.V SiuETJNy Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 } < c :
AtlnntioH,4l74c ! : , Atlantic U , 4-4. OJfo ;
Atlantic P. 4-4 , Cc ; 'Aurora LL. 4-4 , ( So ; Au-
roraC , 4-4 , 4J o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O ej
HoosierLL , 4-4 , OC ! Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 e ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Ola Dominion , 4-4 ,
SJtfo ; Pepporell K , 4-4 , 7c ; Pcjperell O , 4-4
> ic ; Pepperell , 8-4. ISKc ; Popperell , 0-4 ,
21U ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 23o ; Uticn 0 , 4-4 ,
Wachusott , 4-4 , 7J o ; Aurora H , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora U , 4-4c , OMC.
DUCK West Point , 29 in. 8 oz , lO o ; West
Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12Ho ; West Point , 2'J in ,
12 oz , Iflo ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , Hie.
FLAN.NEI.B Ked C , 24 In , 15ic ; K. 24 In ,
21tfc ; GO , 24 In , 20o ; HAF , Jf , 25c ; JKF ,
GINOIIAM Plunkett checks , 7 \Vhittcn- ; -
ton , 7Hc ; York , 7 c ; Norinandi dress , 8 > < o ;
Uoufrow dress , t > K@12Xc.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 60 ; Woods , 5o ; Stand
ard , 5o ; Peacock , 5c ,
PIIIXTU , iKDiooHLUE Arnold , OKo ; Amer
ican , Ol/c ; Gloucester , lijfc ; Arnold C , long
doth , 9c ; Arnold U , long cloth , lOKu ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10)a ; Stelfel A , 12c ; Windsor
Q * ' \ Ticket , Vutf c.
Motnls nnd Tinners' ' Slock.
Hlock tin , small pig $ 23
Hlock tin. bar 29
Couper , planished boiler sires. . . . HI
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , shentlnc 30
Copuor , pitts HO
Copper , Hats 31
Gal. sheet iron , Juniata. 50-10 and
o per cent discount.
Pat. planished iron. 21 to 27 A. . . . 10V
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 H. . . . 9 }
Hoofing , 1C , 14x20 , 112 shoots (1.00 (
Hooting. IX , Us 20 , 112 sheets. . . ' 7.5)
Hooting , 1C , 2K2S , 112 sheets 11 00
Hooting , IX. C0x2s , 112 , sheets. . . . 14.50
Sheet iron A'O. 2(1 ( 3.50
Sheet iron No. 27 3.i'.0
Solder , .
Tin plate , best
1C , 10x11.220 sheets < U > 0
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets b 25
Tin plate , coke-
1C. 10x13 , 225 sheets tl.25
Steel nails , per keir 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg 2.S >
Hemlock solo , 2W2Sc ( per Ib ; oak sole , 33
( ! ( ' ! ( ' * per Ib ; oak harness , : Hi(32c ) per Ib ;
selected oak and trace , 33 ( 35c per Ib : oak
and hemlock upper , 20W22e per loot ; IIIMII-
lock calf skin , No. 1 , bOiiHo ( ! ) per Ib , accord
ing to weight ; oak calf skin. No. 1 , Wcu' (
f 1.00 per Hi ; Philatlelphia calf skin , extra ,
$1.00ii ( l.lo per Ib ; Hemlock kip sicin. No. 1 ,
00t70c ( ( per Ib ; oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70ifSlk' (
pcrlb ; Philadelphia Kip skin , extra , S ( > ( iOUc
per Ib ; French calf skin ( according to
weight and quality ) , $ I.15K'1,75 ( per Ib ;
V'rviich kip skin , do. , Sk'QKSl.IO per lb ; Cor
dovan russet , ISc ; satin finish , 20c per foot ;
welt leather , $3.50UO ( per side ; moroccos
( pebblu goat ) , lavr'toc per foot ; moroccos ,
boot les , 25t-HV ! ) pur foot ; glove calf skins ,
20ifiWo ( per foot ; Oongohi kid , 30d IUo per
font ; kangaroo skins , 4Ki(50o ( per foot , tie
cording to ( ] imlity ; toppings , iS.Kc ( ) 10.00 pet-
dozen ; linings , $5.00(1(9.00 ( per do/.cn ; apron
skins , $10.00y 12.00 per dozen.
First and second clear , I1) ) m.49 00iT51 ( 00
First and second clear , lj ) in. . . -17 tKVu50 IK )
Third clour , lf in -13 IKKiMO ( K )
A select , I'j0t ' > l1in 3T ( H )
H select , 1'4 ' ( ! ' . , in 3'l (0 (
A .stock boards , 12 ( < i > lt ( ft , 12 in. , -Hi ( K )
H stock boards , UVtflKi ft , 12 in. . 41 00
C stock boards , 12@1 < 1 ft , 12 In. . : i IX )
I ) stock boards , 12W 1(1 ( ft , 12 in. . 23 00
Flooring , first common , tl.ln 31 ( H (
Flooring , second common" , 0 in. , 31 ( X )
Select fencing flooring 19 00
Siding , first common , 1'i ' ft 22 00
Siding , second common 19 ( K )
Common boards 13 00uM9 1)0
Fencing. No. 1 , 12 ( c.0 ft Hi , r > ( > ( ifls 00
Fencing , No. 2 , 12 , 14iMil ( ( ft. . . . II OOOJI5 0. )
Joist and scantling , 2x I , Mifli ( ! ft 111 00
Timber , 4x4 , SxS , I2@IO ft 17 00
Pickets , I ) and H Hat 2200
Pickets , Uaml II square 22 00
Shingles , extra A 2 SO
Shingles , standard A V2 I'O
Sath 2 40
OG Halts 2H in 35
OG Halts , l'/x3 , S 1 S 00
No SalVr Itemed v can be liad for coughs
and c < ilds or any trouble of the throat , than
Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Price 23 cts.
Sold only in boxes.
Mr. Dcmorcst of Canton , Mo. , is spending
some time in Bollcvuc , with his sister. Mrs.
Hstelle , who has been very ill with typhoid
pneumonia , but is thought to bo recovering.
Mr. Mcuries is enjoying a visit from his
nephew , from Canada.
There is a growing sentiment in favor of
enforcing a regulation requiring the "flyer"
to observe the live mile an hour rate , while
passing through the town. ICverybody is
tired of hearing two or three times a week ,
' Well they failed to catch the point again , "
or "Well they got the point under the car
wheels again. " It is disappointing to a bus
iness man to know his loiters must wait
twenty-four hours because the train was not
quite right or because tlio hook failed to
catch the point , but ills still more exasper
ating to have the mail ground under the car
wheels , Icavins it in a still worse condition
than a triune fresh from the hands of the
traditional baggage smasher.
The Blair school board elected Miss Mary
T. Noycs principal to succeed Miss Bond , re
County Superintendent Henderson is do
ing considerable visiting at the schools , and
reports them in good condition , and the at
tendance rather larger than usual.
The senior class of the high school contains
over forty members.
One of tno ladies who saw the assault upon
Mr. Altshulcr recognized the assaulting
party as one Dnnicll , a tough. lie was taken
before Judge Perkins and bound over to the
district court in the sum of $1,000 , in default
of which he was taken to Jail.
The city 1ms too many dark corners.
On Saturday , January 12 , Mr. Elmer
Wilds , of Blair , and Miss Pearl Swihart , of
Kennard. went to Missouri Valley , la , , and
were married.
The Indian show is still in full blast. The
other evening two mon got into u quarrel
with "Texas Charley , " and after being
thrown out of the hall they thought best to
Quite a company of young people had a
skating party on Fisk creek the other even
Services were held at the German Luther
an church during the week by Hev. Cornish ,
of Chicago. Hev. Meullcr.of Wayne.preaclicd
nt the church Sunday.
Mr. Ira Cahoon has returned from Boston
where ho has been spending a month In
pleasure and business.
Mr. K. A. Patterson.of Crnig.Burt county ,
is visiting .1. M. [ Coating , the teacher of the
Fontanclle school.
The new German Lutheran chuivh has
been furnished with a full line of tin gutter
pipes. Osmer Lewis did the work.
The basket supper was a decided success.
About nine dollars was netted.
Discoveries Mori ; Viiliiulilis lluui Oed [
Are SANTA ABIH , tlio California dis
covery foi * Consumption ami Dihoasos of
the TJirout , Clicst nnd Lungs , ami CAL
guaranteed euro for C'tifrrh fold in
tlio lleiul and kindred complaints , They
arc Kild at $1 per package , or three for
KJ.fiO , and are rncomineiidecl and used
by the leading physicians of the Pacific
Const. Not secret compounds. Guar
anteed bv the Goodman Drug Co.
Pali ) I'p Cniiltul $100,000
Sui'iiliis 50,000
II. W , VATIS. : President.
LuwisH , UKKII. Vlcol'rcsldont.
A , U. TOUXAMN , 2nd Vleu f'roaldenf
W. 11. P. Humii'.s , Cashier.
W. V. Mni4U. | JOIIN8. L'OM.IJM ,
H. W. VATKH. Jjiiwis 8. KKKU.
Corner ISthaud KarnnmSts.
ACtmcral Hanking Uuslnes-j Transacted.
ST.10UIS , MQ.US.A. ,
MiVtr , of 4K ) IlllTtrtD
_ _ I TABLES , CHAIKS , &e.
ICO PBKB Jllnttrattd Catalogue fret , PoiUge 7cti ,
412 Bliccley Uloi-U , Omulm.
For Inventions
_ Procured Proir.ptlu.
K , LEsiovT Attntiwi ut i.aiv ,
Of 5 rjfUoiitli .St. , WAHIIIN TON. I ) . C.
ltd. Stnjir lii-JMin Mtt , Jref ,
AKrTctiTtiirdi iniplbmonto.
" " " *
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CanUf os and Iliuftlrt . .ImpFtri'f I , bclwecnilh linU
loth , Ditiahik Sebrnrka ,
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carriages
. Kte Wholf i > lo. Omaha. Nr branka.
"PA R u N , "OREN DORF fTtA/i m i N ? "
Whelp ali > Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
) j. an , 6 and [ VJ Jones Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST &
Manufactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeflci's ' ,
CultlTatom. Hay Hakpr Oiler Mlllt nnd t.ulmn l"u | .
\erlirri. Cor llth and N'lrh lni Mii'i't .
Agricultural Impleinents , Wagons & Buggies
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. .Mead. Mansion i. Omslm
.Manufnrtttrm nu.I Jolliers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor , Dth niKt 1'nulllc strcolc , OmMin , Nrlu
Artists' Nlntorlnlo. _
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151' < Ikniulns Mrcpt. Omnlm , NcbrniVn.
Booksellers nnd Stntlonore.
" "
H. M , &s. w."JONES" ,
Successorslo A. T. KenjonCo. . , Wlioltsalc .
Booksellers anil Stationers.
Vine Wuilillim Slntiniierjr , Coniincrclnl Slntloncrj'
li' . ' . ' DUVI IKI Strt't't. Uniiiliu. Neb.
_ Boots and Shooi.
\buccii \ ! * or8lo Heed.Jtuuilo. . )
\Vbolesale \ MannfactnrcK of Boots and Shoes
/cents lur lloslon Itiibtior i-lioc Co 111H , 110) \ 11UI
lltiiiii-y tfl. , Oiunlia. Nvbrnaka.
" W. V. MORSE A CO.7
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
HOl.llKMlOJ . UoUKlns St.Ounlm MnuulactorjSum-
nior M. . llcatun.
J. J. JO/fAM'A1 ( > . ,
Manufacturers of Lime
And jlilpiu'rH ol I'niil , ( ' .ink , COIIIIMH , rirftlor. , l.lmo
lirnln Tllu Hiul tu er I'lpiv Dlllce , SIS S
St. , Uiiiritin , Neb , Toluii
Dry CooclB nna Notions.
" " " " "
M. E SMITH i CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 IXmclns.Cor. lltli St. . Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
Cents' I'urnlEblnK ( foods. Corner llth mid H.-UDCJ
Sis. Oiuutin. Nehrnbka.
* '
Shippers of Coal and Cuia
III Soiilh 1 .Hi m..Omnl-a Knt > .
Imi'orter ' * nntl Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Tiiiiiiniiigs.
: K outb 15tli Street.
" " " "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Omabubrn ka.
Omiilm. Nebraska.
Colfoos , Splcoe , Etc-
Oumlm Colfee and t plco Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
larorlnR Kitrncti , Liuiilrr lllu . Inks , Ktc. nil.
1 ( Iti'lUrriey"ytrijcti oinuha. Neilraaha.
Crockery ancl
Accnt for the Manufacturers and Importois of
Crockery , Glossware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Klc CIIB re , 317 S.1.1lh _ St.JJinaliu , jMjbras kn.
ImDorters nnd Jobbers of
Crcci'crj , Glassware , Lamps , Silyerware
Ktc. l.'ill Kcrn-m St. . ? > 'cr Paxton Uuildlng.
CommiQslon and Storsga-
" "
Storage and Commission Merchants ;
Specialties n-'itor. FVp" . rii i' > . I'nnitry , Game ,
112 Ilotrrtrd Street , Omaha.
Euccpsuom to McSbano & Schroedcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ornaba , Nubraaka.
_ _ _ Coal , Coke and Lima.
' ' '
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
20S South 13th Street , Omaha , NebraiXa. _
_ _ CrocorlosT"
' 1
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TO , 707 , 700 and 7U S. llrtli St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 ill and I.carcnwortli Streets. Omaha , Ncbraili.i.
Hpo vy _ Hardwnro-
wTj".B R 6 A T c M
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wsk'on Stork , llardwnrn , I.nmlmr , Ktc.
unit llill Ilnrney Mruut , Oinulia.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mucbuiilco1 Tooli anil llinTalo ricnSos. 1(06 DoutilHi
Ktruist , Omubn , Nobrnxku ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
( thand lUrncy His. . Onialiu , S'l-li. Wi'ilem Accnti
( or Auntlii Powilur Co. , Jt'irurann Mcvl .Nullp ,
KalrbanH Hc 'p .
Wholesale Hardware , Gallery , Tin Plate ,
Aletnlh. Sheet Iron. otc. Agents for Howe Sfalux ,
illnmll'owiler mid l.ymun Hiu-hcd
Umulm , Nebraska.
_ Lumbar. '
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholes
13U Street nnd Onion PftclfloTritrk.Orn ji ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb ,
IKiorn.Ktc. VrJCorner "Hi uml Dowilu : Cum
9lliuuilllni la
To Dealers Only ,
Offlco , l 03 Karnara Etrcet , Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Quliicy Wlilte l.liuii.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wfcod C r ( > li ana J-gr-juet Vioorlut , tb aaU Uou U
* "
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th ami Cnhfomla Street * . Om ba , NcbrnsVa.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner fill and Douglas u. . Omnhiu
Mllllnory end Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
9N. tin i tlth Street
HntB , Cnps , Eto.
W. L. PARHOTTE & CO. ? "
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
_ 1107 tlaniCT yirooU Omalni. Nob.
_ " Hnrdwnro.
WtioleKiUe Mnniiffictiirrrii of
Saddlery & Jabbers of Saddlery Hanaro
Ami l.c.Mlicr. HW , l4V'i ( nniHUlT llnrniy SU , Ouinfcn ,
Notion BJ
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(0 ( nml Wi tt ( nth 101 h SIOiimlm
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? , \
JinMtarnPTPtroi-t. Omaha
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'nuts.iMrti , Kt , " . IKUniul tlUt IKiiiKla : Street ,
uuatm. ; .i > u.
Offlco Fixtures.
Mattului'turcv ! ! of
Bank , Office anil Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle * , sidi < t > oanK Hook Oi o < , Drnir V'lxHires.Wftll
l'nic . I'nrlltlnn * . ltallliiK .l'oiiiiti > r , Ili'iTiuid Wlnp
t'oolerx. Mlrrori.etp. KnrKiry nni * nlllrc , 1TJU Ud 1T15I
tovith lth , St. , lliuuha. TuluiihullB IK'I.
x _ . .0118'J
Wholsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo ( iri'ime , Ktc. , Omnlia. A. 11 MWiop. MnnnrKf
Points nnd Oils.
" "
Wholesale le ) lcr lu
Paints , Oils , Window ( Has , Etc ,
His Knrnrim Slroct. OmahaNeb.
PAPER cc ?
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nlro Hock of I'rlntlnif. Wrapplnc nnd Writing
Pa ar Bi-eclal intention Klven to car load order'
Storage , Fprwardlrig < fc Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch liiiu co ( tltn llouni-y IIUKKT Co , IltiiiKlenat
whulusulu mid retHll. 1 M llliuul : ( ) Ml' ' Izard Street ,
Oninhu. 'rolonlioni' Nn.7.V ) .
_ . _ . " _ Brovvoro- _ _ "
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1121 North Kletlitccntli Street , Ouinh.t. Xc b.
Manufacturers of Galyanizefl Iron Coruiee
\VliiiU > w-cni | iinil incliillc SkyllKht . ,
JOHN Ki'KNinKit. rinprlatar.
116 nml IIU South 12th Btieet.
Printers' Matorials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
DtnloiBln Tj'j > i ) , 1'resjcB and 1'rliiti'rn' Supplies. 02
South Uth Street. Oiunlin.
' Pa per Boxps.
j"OHN L7wil.KIE ,
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory.
Noa. 1.117 ami Ul'J Uuu las St. , Uoiahu , Nob.
' '
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Dll Cliitlilnt' and Leather UcltlnK. Mfa rariium Street ,
, Eto.
" 3" *
v. ' : , coTT"
\Vbolesulo Jlanu. ' .cturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
ranrh odco , litti nnd lean ! Slrcels , Omihi : : , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Y-MiMluKS , KlalrWork and Inlcrlor Ilaril Wo < rl Klri
an. N. K. Coruerxth ami l.cnvt'mvortli streets ,
( Jmaiiii. Neo.
j ? ! ! ? . 'Hlr10' ' P" r p8 , Etc.
"X. Lr TRANG CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Piimps , Pipe , Filtlngs ,
jteam arid Water Piitnilloa. TTi-ailgnnrliT * fora
Sleem and Water Supplies ,
Halllilay Wind Mllln , 013 nml 1O ) rnrniim St. , Omalia.
_ ( J. i.jlluif , AriliiK MiintiEiT.
Gnglncs , Boilers and General Machinery ,
* lii > l Iron Work Hti-Hin 1'iiinps , , PHW .MIN . ii > I21S
I iMiv < > nw rth Mron < '
Iron Works.
Cailcrftpon , I'KHI'J. Maniifncliircraof nil kinds
Steal Boilers , TanSs and Sheet Iron WorK
Worlis t-oiilli aill and II. k M. Cro lue.
' i AvroNTvTp-rra.iscfuioN WOHKH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Woit
Kiiilnc , llrn > Work. Oonernl Kniiinlry , Mnohlno nnl
Uliickbiultli Wink. ( Mm u mill \Vnrk , U.I' , fly.
nnd nil ) blrc'-t , Oirmliu ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk llalli. Window ( iuardn. Flower KtumH , Wlro
M nit , Ktc. Ut Norlli ICth Htruft , Omaha ;
Man'frs ' of Fire& Burglar Proof Safes
fault * , Jut ! Work , Iron and Wlrn Kunclnir. Hlfnn , Ktc.
_ rj. Andf'MHi. I'nin'r < * "f till , nnrt .iHfknon Sin
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
nud ferment , for banki , iiin > ns , inrc . roildnncoi , etc.
luiprured Airnlnim , ! .ocltiullli Mutlilncry null
Illucktiullli WorkK , I'll ' Ninth 11th M.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time LocKs ,
AuunU fur Dlohold Safe ami Luck Company' *
VUUIM und Juil Work , llu H. nth street.
.U. I'AI.MKIt. .N. I' . IIICIUIAN. J , II , HI.A.M'llAIIll
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Liye Stock Commission ,
Itoom IS , Kichon u llinl.iinn , Unioo Stock Yr.rlj ,
SoutUOu lir.W U. '
Of Omaha , Limited ,
< oU * t'