Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Dotootlvoa Plot to Blow Up
a British Steamer
They Tlilnk It Would Help ho lion-
aim Times Investigation and force
CotiRir < mto l ns the I0\tr -
dll Ion Treaty.
A Scntlnnil Yard Scheme.
Nrw YOIIK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
lo TIIH Ui'i' J A sensational itory was made
public to dnj about a plot among some of tlio
dcto < lives employed by tlio London Times to
Love a HrltMi ship blown up bv ilynamlto In
> New Yorlt harbor. Tlio plot Is said to have
been linlc lied In Kansas City by emissaries
'Ironi Scotland Yard nml tlio American de
tectives who me vvnrlnuir with tbetn for tlio
purpose o1 strengthening the London Tune *
in its flifht uipilnst I'm neil and roieing the
.American government to confirm the extra
dltlon 1 v with Croat llritaln. Two
tliousnnd dollars Is s-ild to bo tlio sum agreed
upon as tliu proprr price to bo paid for blow
lug up the steamship
That tlino is foundation for the story is
believed bv many IcndhiK Irishmen In the
v conntry Patrick Kgan , of Lincoln , Neb. .
who Is at the Oiand Central hotel , was told
the story to day , and was mked by a ic-
porter to give his opinion.
"If the information jon hnVo , " said Mr.
Egan , ' -is not strictly accurate , It is nearly
BO. I know that for months past detectives
from London and Dublin have been over
liere. The HulTalo story nhowod how eager
the Times people arc to grab at anything to
bolster up tholr case. "
"Do vou think tills steamer business is a
Loax ! "
"No , " said Mr. Reran , "such a sohemo
lias been hatching in Kansas City within the
during which tlio Unglish doloetlves
lave boun ho busy in Ameiica "
"Who aie the conspirators ? "
"For obvious reasons I must decline to
mention mimes , but I believe the aim nnd
pnly object of such n scliomo is to affect
American public opinion and allcnnto Amer
ican svmpathj from the Irish movement. It
Mould also haven detrimental effect on the
present Times investigation. There is an
other most important consideration , as was
brought out in tlio late campaign. The tin-
glisli government is extiemcly anxious to got
nu extradition tieaty with tlio govcminent
l > v which it cun lay hand at any time on any
Jiishman who is obnoxious to it politically
pon't A on see that the blowing up of nn Knir-
lish steamer in Now York baibor would re
Suit in England forcing the hand of thcA.ncr-
lean government and compelling the Ameri
can congiess to pass nn extradition treaty in
tlio form that England duslrcsl 1 will tell you
you that 1 have reason to know that poisons
who are intcicstou in the plot are no friends
of Parnell or of the lush movement. J
think when the proper time comes wo cm
connect them diiectly with the English gov-
Binmenl agent. "
-athcr OMlelllj1 * View * .
Drri'.oiT , Mich , Jan. 10 [ Special- Tele
gram to TIIK Bin ; . ] "I know little about
this matter , " said Rev. Charles O'U-illy ,
treasurer of the h iili National Land league.
rcferi Ing to the Now York dynamite story.
* 'I suppose it is some stupid bcherno of
English spies. When the government goes
ivholcsale into the spy system it expects some
p-cturn , und spies must make a return or
lese Ihoir rc ) > utation as spies I suppose the
English have some good detectives , but inj
experience with them Is that they aio a very
flull lot. "
"Do you SOQ many English dotecUvesl"
"Oil , yes , qulto a number. Refoio I had
been two weeks in ofllco one wanted to en
gage as my private sccietary. lie had letters
from a number of good men in Ireland -
land , seemed educated and intelligent ,
, ttul was very enthusiastic in the cause of
' Ireland so much so that ho offered to woi k
for nothing. Then I got a good munt threat
ening letters. "
Dr. O'Uoillv went out of the room and re
turned with a letter written on thick fools
cap It was dated Dublin and signed "For
the committee of the I , N. L , F. M. Flanni-
knu " The latter charged Father O'Hcilly
with misappropriating league funds , mid in
formed him that "his doom was sealed" un
less he made ; ostitution. "I don't know , "
continued Dr. O'Loilly , "what the object of
the letter was. Theio's no such man ns
Flaiinlgan s far a I know. That letter ,
however , is written on the paper uaed by thn
British government ofllcejs. It was posted
In China for bomo strange reasons. No , I
. cover inquired about it. I suppose that it
inav have been intended ta cieate suspicion
pr ill-feeling or distrust. It was very stupid ,
anyway. " _ _
O'llrlen ICvoneriUcil I'roiu the Charge
or Contempt.
LONDON , Jan. 10. Upon the resumption of
t'lf ' the session of the Parnell commission this
knorning , the presiding Justice said O'Hfiun's '
Uitlclu in Uiitcd Ireland , for which lie was
Buinmoned to appear before the court , ex
ploded a fair discussion of tlio ease under
investigation , hut his admitted there was
Bomo force in O'linon's arguments icgni ding
the continued ciiculation of the Times' pam-
' phlots. Ho said ho believed no disrespect
ivas intended to bo shown toward the court
by the m Holes , therefore ho would not pun
ish O'Brleu. Ho added , however , that in
the futuio cases of a similar nature would
be more severely treated.
Patrick Dolmun , a convict In the Marys-
borough piison , testified that ho belonged to
the Fenians until September , 1 & 2. The
tuincipal loaders In thu oignnuution were
pNlcssrs. Egan and Ihonnnii , Dr. McAllister ,
Oolm Lavoy and John Doirn. About 1S7II a
number of delegates , including John O'Con
' bar , John Duvoy and General Millcn , arrived
tram America. General Milieu Inspected
the military organisation. It was arranged
that aims be provided and nxpcnses
paid. At another meeting. Davitt. Par
nell , Eguu , Hrcnnan , Dillon and Harris
attended. After ttio meeting witness was
told that the circles wo HI not opposed to the
j "league , which would organUo Fenians In the
county and supply them with arms. Witness
Bald liu had forgotten a portion of the invin-
ciblcft1 oath , but the principal part was to
assassinate thu viceroy , and the executives
of the Ireland Inviiiciblus received money
from the league. Messrs. Kgan , llryno and
( Tyian paid some to Delnney , Milieu nnd
JBrndy , Witness was deputed to watch the
movements of Mr. 1'orster , ut that time
' chief seciotary for Ireland. Joseph lirady
( ' nnd 'Jlmothy ICelly were delegated to shoot
JPorstcr , whllo witness intercepted persons
crossing the Queen sttcet bridge. Witness
took no part In the I'luunlx park muiaois.
At a meeting of a committee of the invincl-
MM , held uflcr the Pluunix park murders , a
'quantity of gold and hank notes were laid
upon the table. Afterwards nioro revolvers ,
and money caino.
The Wnh.ish Paying Commissions.
Citiovdo , .fan. 10 , The Kansas Cltv agents
Of lines operating between that point und
Chicago havci advised the general passonvor
n Bents of UICHO lines Unit the Wabash is pay.
Ing commissions to tloket scalpers for the
tpnloof tlckoU cnstbound over ttio Wabash ,
'U'ho acnlpova are thus onablcd to buy tickets
t full tai I IT rates from other roads , good for
the shoit haul to St. Louis , Hunulbalnr
Qulnoy , and toll thorn at a cut rate to per-
Bonb who will take the Wabash from those
jKilnts eastward. This dlvurU trnllle ft out
the Chicago ionics and deprives ttia Chicago
JliK'.s of much of tholr legitimate business.
( Thorn ID a good deal of excitement over the
4lUcnyery of this Inegularity , coming , as > it
v- docs , vvhllo the new passenger ngio'jmcnl \
under cnnsldoiatlon , and H is fcavod that
vylll nsaia become deinorutSied
A I'i'Obpootivn GUI in BnlnrloH.
' ST. Lori ? , Jnn , 10. H U announced thr.t ,
beginning February 1 , tluno will ha the
euuio rotluctiun In salurloa on the St. Louis ,
Arkansas & Texas ruilroad ns was recently
nuuloontho Mijsourl 1'ucillc lallroail , vlt :
10 per tent. In all salaries vi { lUOoutouth ,
pnu over.
Otoo County Knrnieri UrcaiilKO to
I'tOtPCt ' ] llOlllSt'lVCS.
Nnnn\SK Cirr , Jvcb , Jan. 10 ( Special
to Tin , Uni : ) An effort is being made to or
ganize an antl-horao thief association in this
county , and U meeting with the approval of
nearly every farmer. The organf/ation will
bo a co-operative institution , nnd each mem
ber will ho called upon to help , by personal
effort or financial assistance , to iccover any
stolen animal and capture the thief , or pay
the owner for the horse stolen. The associa
tion will form under the laws of the Cattle
men's Protective association , and an officer
from thclfunsns organlration will bo hero to
form the new one.
Hoard of Trndo Olllrori.
Ninuv KA Cm.Xeb. , Jan. 10. ( Special to
TUB Hnr. ] The Nebraska board of trade
hold their annual meeting last evening nnd
elected ofilccrs for the ensuing year. John
W. Stoinhnrt was chosen president , and F.
H. McMillan socrctarv. The retiring presi
dent , Mrj \ S. II in ley , was handsomely re-
miMnbued by thu board , which picscnted
him with an elegant leather easj chair.
Didn't Pay Tliuir Hoard.
CJitmi : , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special to Tin :
Hnr.Kd | Hamilton and wife left t6n
without paj ing tlidir bmrJ bill nt the Crete
hotel , last week. Ofllcer Kcrsetiblock , nc-
conipanled bMr. . Latchcm , proprietor of the
liotol , followed them to Mllford. wheto they
woie arrested ami brought back. Yesterday
Judge Schilling lined them $ & and costs.
Not producing this amount , Mr. Hamilton
will languish in Jail till the flue is earned.
A Ory Goods Moi-oliniit l nlls.
SciiiMMiit , Nob. , Jnn. 10 ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : HRK.I John M. G. Curry , ono
of the loading dry goods merchants of
Schuylcr , failed to-day , and the That
National bank is in possession of the store ,
under a ulll of sale , consideiution 57,000.
Many mortgages have been filed on the stock
to-day. The liabilities are about $18,000.
The assets arc neailv the saint- .
A Rovlvul ut Reynolds.
Kmxoit > 8 , Neb. , Jnn. 1(1. ( [ Special to Tun
I3ir. . ] A revival mcetinc has been earned
on beie Jointly by the Methodist and Hautist
churches for the last two weeics with won
derful success. This is the gicat03t revival
ever held in Uciiiolds The preaching is
nulng done by Uov Herhank , of the Metho
dist chuich , and Hev. Wesley , of the Haptist
ehureh ,
Paokinji Mouse.
Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK lii.n ] The Heict Packlntr
comiany ) completed their first day's work
this evening bi killing UW hogs. The capac
ity of the house is "iOO per day. This com
pany will tuko all the liojrs laised west of
here , besides shipments from towns tub-
utary to Kearney.
An I'licciriu Heater.
Neb , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hni.J J. T. O'lhicn , a mem
ber of the George W. Frank Improvement
company , placed in ln > looms to day nn elec
tric heater. This is supplied fioui .in elec
tric light d.Minrno The little invention is n
success , and bids fair to take the place of
other heating a-jparatus.
Dr. Miller .it Columbus.
CoiLMins , Neb. , Jan 10 JSpecial to Tun
BBB. ] lr. Miller , of Omaha , will lecture in
the opera house January 17 , for the benefit
of the lpisopal ? chuich. The subject of his
lecture will bo "Tliuty Days in London. "
I'nlnier Nominated For Senator.
SritiM.pii MI , III. , Jan. 10. Tlieio was a
larpo attendani.0 at the caucus hold by the
democratic sonatois and representatives to
night for the purpose of nominating a can
didate for United States senator. Hepre-
sentatlvo Mcnitt nominated John M.
Palmer In a brief speech in which he
wai inly eulogized the ex-governor. Senator
McDonald seconded the nomination , which
was made unanimous anuust great applause.
A committee was appointed to wait on
General Palmer , and shortly after brought
that gentleman in. He was introduced to
the caucus and made a speech of some
length , leviowing his work in the past
campaign ami thanking the incmbcis
for the nomination. He said , among other
things , that when nominated hist May it oc
curred tn him that it a matter of mere
form , but he Icauied during and after the
canvass that if ho had more com age he could
hi\o inspned thu paity throughout the state
with such a degree of enthusiastic resolu
tion that ho is almost pcriu uled the state
could have been can led In the democrats.
The demociatic patty , ho said , is still united ,
nnd is the hope of the county. It ofTcnid no
bounty lo capital ; it has nothing to oiler ex
cept a simple , plain constitutional govcin-
Hjrrison's Visitors. Ind , Jan. ir Severalmem
bers of the legislature were among General
Harrison's visitors to-day. Ucv , Dr S. T.
aillettoand Uov. D. O. Daihng , of the
Methodist Ministei.s' association , called and
presented tlio general with resolutions of
greeting that weie adopted at their mooting
recently. General Harrison iccoivcd the
reverend gentlemen In tne library and
thanked them for their good wishes and
Hnhy Benjamin Ilanison McICeo is much
improved this evening , the fever gradually
The ArUona Way. '
WAUiiiNorox , Jan. 10. Representative
Steele , of Indiana , leferred a letter iccclved
by him fiom Arizona to the house committee
on Judiciary , with the suggestion that if the
charges made tn it against Judge Barnes , of
Arizona , bo found upon investigation to bo
true , that the Judge be impeached. It is
charged that.Iudgu liarnes has endeavored
to restrict the constitutional right of Amer
ican eitl/ens to freedom of speech by lining
the editor of the Daily Prospector , of Tomb
stone , AHzoj : ; for critiul/iug a certain de
cision of the couit.
To Divide I < oian County.
Hoi.rouK , Cole , Jan. 10. [ Special to TIIK
UIK.JPetitions : me now in circulation to
divide Logan county into * three counties ,
making tuo now counties in the east , to bo
culled Phillips and Koed , the former for this
territory and thn latter for that in which
Julcsburg is located.
Surveys have been made by the B. & M.
engineers looking to tlio enlarging of the
tounu house and placing machine shops ut
this point by tliu company.
lCopi/j//l ( ( / ( IfiSUbu Jainei ( Jonloii llrnnrtt. ]
lUMiiuiin , Jan. 111. [ Now Yoik Herald
Cable Special to Tin : HKB. ] Donoghoe
won the Ladies' ' gold cup to-day. Ho skated
five mlle ) , and made the fastest tlino on
record , 1(5:4.1 ( : ,
Iho ICfTuat orillgli
Jan , 10. A Racine , Wls. ,
special saysi The i.vent advance in Height
rates to nil points west of tlio Missouri iivor
has compelled thrco of the largest trunk fac
tories in this city to shut down for an Indefi
nite period , and 300 hands uro thus tluoun
out of oiiiployinent.
I'oaltl rely Cured by
then , Little , Pills.
Tliey also relieve DIs
lieu from Dyspepsia
Indigestion and Too
Hearty Idling. A pel-
feet remedy for Dizzi
ness , Nausea , Drowsi
ness , Had Taett ) In the
UoutbCoatedTongue ,
Pain In the Bide , TOIl-
FJD MVEH , &o. Tliey regulate the Uowe ! ,
and prevent Constipation and Piles. Tbe
niall'-xt anil easiest to take. Only oue pill a
dose. < Olnn.Ylal. Purely Vepitoble , 1'rltt
K coals.
The Discrimination In Iowa Freight
Rates Discussed.
Measures SURnrsled Vor Hello
Should It Provu To Ue In
Favor of the llnmla
llawkeyo Nolc <
They Demand Hollcf.
Lns Moixrs , in , Jan. 1(5 ( [ Special Tele
pra.p to TIIK Hnr | The executive board o
the Jobbers' and Manufacturers' assooiatlot
of Iowa met this forenoon In secret scsaioi
to consider the discrimination In frcigh
tales. The cities icprcscnted were ICcokuk
Hurlington , Davenport , Dubuquc , Dos
Monies , Oskaloosa , iMnishalltoun , Wateiloo
Cedar Uapids atul Ottumwa. Presiden'
Torbort authored the statement that uhilo
no dollnito iictlon had been reached , jet the
decided trend of the discussion Indicated the
belief that tlio calling of an extra sessloi
prior to the decision of Judge Hrcwor wouh
ho premature. A resolution was adopted to
the effect that the governor and other state
officers should proceed at once with the en
Cot-cement of tlio law luioun as house Hie
SiS , under \\hich the commissioners have
ll.xcd rates in the case of all inilroads that
had not been lulit'vod bv Injunction. The
resolution stated further that If the decision
of Judge Hi ewer In the famous injunction
cases should bo in favor of the rniltonds Iho
commisslGiieis uould liuvo the moial sup
poit of the Jobuuis in disregarding the ill'
junction uiul going ahead us if nothing had
hui > pened.
'Jlicso resolutions wore presented to the
commissioners in the piesenco ot the gover
nor and others this afternoon , and raised n
warm discussion. Ono 01 tlio Jobbers from
Hurlinston was very violent in his denuncia
tion of the railroads , and said that the com
missioners wcio independent of the courts
and icspoiisiblo only to the people. The
governor lathui intimated that thu eoinmls-
sioncis might disregard Judge Blower's In
junction should his decision be ugmnst them ,
but said that the question was ono they must for themselves , and ho would not take
the losponslblllty of advising them. Com
nilssionor bniitli suggested that , while in
structing the uillroads to obe\ the law , it
would bo perhaps as well for Urn state olll-
cers to set an example by icspceting the
courts and their decisions.
The Hiiprc'ino Court.
Drs MOIVI > , la , Jan. 1(1 ( jSporiil Tele
gram to Tin ; Hi R J The following decis
ions weie tiled by the supreme court to
day :
DaniiM Carter vs W. A. Carter , appsllant ;
Jcllcrson district. An action in equity to 10-
eover an installment of interest alleged to be
duo on a promissory note and for the fore-
closuio of a title bond. Affirmed.
Ijtiima 15. lining , appellant , vs IJ. A. liucit-
ner and others ; DOS Monies district. An
action in equity for the partition of real
cst'ite. Ucvar-icd.
Ella S Hi own vs J. 1 { . McCollum , appel
lant ; \ \ right district. In IbST the plamtilT
nnd defendant weie candidates for supuiin
temlent of bcnools of Wright county. The
bond of canvassers ol the countj Ueclaivd
McCollum elected. Miss Hrown filed a state
ment of intention to contest the election , nnd
notice of the simu was served
on tin1 defendant. The court of
contest was oigani/'eit and the healing re
sulted in declaring ; that the plaintiff was
elected. Fiom this order the defendant
appealed to the couit , where a trial
' icsultod the . Mc
by jui'i favorably to lady.
Collum appealed to the supreme court , but
the decision of the lower court was sus
tained a-id Miss Hi own will hold the ofhec.
H. D. Hodges , appellant , vs Charles Goetz-
man ; Hoone district ; aflirmed.
John C. Hunter , appellant , vs Burlington ,
Cedar lapulsilC Noithein railway compiny ;
Johnson district. An action to recover dam
ages for an alleged breach of obligation to
maintain a ceitam fence Heveibod.
The case of Billings , the1 Hrumer county
murdcier , has bec set for the last day of
the teim , and Hillings will bo allowed to
appear in person if Ins attorneys desire it ,
It Savors of Hoodlcrlsm.
fc > iot.Cm , la , Jan. 10 , [ Special to Tun
[ inc. ] The new Doard ot countj commis
sioners is now in session , and is cutting bills
light and left. Charges of boodlcrism are
opentj made agamit the old board , u ma-
iont > of whose mcmbcis went out of ofllco
lanuary 1. Last year the county was run
into debt over ? H,000. ) There is rottenness
in the disuui sonic-tit of the poor fund and the
judge fund. It was tlio custom of the boaid
to appropnato lump bums , ranging from
$1COU to ? 4COO , to each member , to be used
for bridges in his district. 'J.his Mini was
diawn in bulk hi the member and expended ,
and not a single icpoitof expenditure was
evei filed , while additional expense was
made by tliroo of the members , or a majorjty
of the board , which as paid bywairant
direct upon the treasurer. The biidge fund
thus lias beeii , overdrawn during the past
year 21,000.
The new board has revised nil this. It has
ilready tin own out bills amounting to over
i5OJO , among which is the bill of Supci visor
drccu for J1.70J woitti of bndgo piling.
1'lieiu are scoics of slinilai bills yet to bo
iiasbed on.
Tlio State Miller * ,
Dus MoixnIn , Jan -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin ; Urn J The State- Millers asso
ciation held its annual meeting hero to-day
nml discussed very freely the subject of
wheat raising in Iowa It was admitted that
Lhere was not nearly as much wheat taiscd
in this state as thcio should be , and the
millers determined to try nnd awn Icon popu
lar interest among tlio wheat grow ois on
this subject. ' 1 hey concluded that If they
would use eastern methods and sow their
wheat in the fall instead of in the spring
Lhero could bo Just us huge crops raised in
Iowa as in any western state. Ono miller
from Linn county said that this plan was
[ lursucd in his county , and tliero had not
been n failure of cropi in seven , \ears. The
millers decided to call a convention of wheat
growers to consider this subject. Iho fol
lowing officers wore elected : President , Jj.
A , Consignoy , of Avoca ; vice president ,
John Morrison , of Hedrick ; seciotnry and
treasurer , J. T. Sharp , of Dus Moincs.
Damaged Uy the Storm ,
Sioux CITV , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special to Tun
Hui : . ] A general snow storm is raging over
northwestern Iowa , Dakota and Minnesota.
Tno snow is not heavy as iet but tlio wind
is blowing almost u hurricane , and there is
eveiy Indication of a bllnard. All tuuiis
aiu late.
The mild temperature yesterday chainrcd
snow Into rain and it poured in torrents all
night. Perry Creole , which flows through
the heart of the city , raised eight feet and
washed out the Llpton works , which were in
pinccss of construction by the city , causing
a loss of3,500. .
The Attnchmont SiiHtninod.
Mibos CITV , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin. J3ii ! ! . | The attachment in the
T. K , Fisher stock of boots an'd shoos was to
day sustained by the ponrt. It will bo ro-
inenibeied that in October fisher made a
wholesale transfer of a lurgo stock of boots
nnd shoos to several different tlrms. ' Kisher
BOOU after fulled aud creditors attached the
whole slock on the grounds that the sales
wei e not bona fide. Mrs , M. A. Allen , In
whcs3 name the business was conducted
lieu- , now sues Sheriff Kirk for f 10,000 for
the wrongful seizurJ of the goods.
The Ilortloiilturul Society.
DE MoixiM , la . JnTi. 10. [ Spsclal Tele
gram to TUB UBE.J The State Horticul
tural society continued its session to-day
with u largo attendance. Speeches of wel-
cou o were mudo by Governor Lairuboo and
Lieutenant-Governor Hull , which woio ro
upended to by President Silas Wilson , of
Case county. A paper on pruning was read
by John Shulohcr , of liouaparto , ono on
landscaping by Mr. Vunhuuien , of Lenox ,
uud one by i'rof. J , L Uudd on IU : observa
tions on the Pacific coast. Other papers and
reports occupied the , 'b Uanco of the day Vflth
nfot mid dlscusMpn < < 611 each
V CnnilgHViifMit of Hnfl'ilocs.
Pour notion J\\ \ \ , , \i\n. \ 1(5 ( , iSpcelal Tele
gram to TUP Hi.1,1 > 4 wo pilaeo stock cars ,
loaded with twenty-five buffaloes , one-eighth
ot all this species Hf nnimali In the world ,
passed through tills djty to-dny en routoYrom
U'innlpog to rta'us\s ' , \ CiU' 1'licy will bo
lidded to the hcjcd of "HnfTalo" Jones , who
Is securing n corner On , these animals , nnd
now owns 150 of the COJ known to exist.
The present consignment xvill form part of
the show being organized by Jones and Dr
Carver , the groalj rllle shot , for next season.
Kntliicor < * Thrcntcn to Strike.
Font Uoixin , In , Jnn. 1(1 ( [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UKR j The engineers on the
Minneapolis & St. Louis railway system
have petitioned the management for tlio re
instatement of t'ngincer Kd Dieta biother-
hoodj imti , rooontly discharged after nine
years' service for alleged color blindness.
The engineers clnln that expert physical ex
amination does not sustain the company's
charges and threaten an immediate strike
unless the demands are acceded.
Died From Illonil Poisoning
Dui M-OIIT , In , Jan. -Kdwatd ( C. Pur-
sol , a dry goods moro'iant and member of
the linn of Harncil , Purscl & Vontnin , died
yesterday from blood poisoning , resulting
from the cutting of an niter.Ii .
the leg Pttrsel was twontjeight jears o
age and unmarried. His remains will
taken cast for interment ,
Tonic n Dost ; of AiMcnlo.
Cr.DAH H\riis , In. , Jan. 1(1. ( ( SpecialTele
gram to Tin ; JJr.K. ] Ulirn Owen , n young
man aged twenty-one , committed suicide hero
to-day by taking arsenic His dead body
was found in u loft. Trouble with his fain
ily und dissipation was the cause of the sui
Cniiht In .Machinery nnd Killed.
MvnsiiAM.TOWN' , In. , Jan. 10 Uiehanl
Clay went up in an elevator at Newbuig las !
night to adjust the machinery- Ills clothing
caught in the shafting and ho was whirled
around until his neck was biokcn and his
body hotiibly mangled.
IiullcliMl for-Aison
Sior.v Cm , In , Jan , Id. [ Sncclal Tele
gram to TUP 1U.K.J Jerry Itodiue , city night
watchman , and M. llilgert , were to-day In
dieted for arson In connection with the bum
ing of Ililgert's boot and shoe store on the
night of December 31.
A llowlint ; Illizrnrd.
TOUT Donor , la , Jnn. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to The Liu : . ] Last night's thunder
storm developed into a howling blii/ard ,
which is raging west of this city to-night ,
and thrcatcub to blockade all lailroads.
The Gastronomic 1'Vnt a Cliiun o Mini
Is Undertaking *
Ciiicvcio. Jan. 10 [ Spaoial Telegram to
Tin : HMJ.l Notlho familiar thiity ipiails
in thirty days , but thirty pigs in Unity daij , ,
is tlio task at v.'liic.u. n phle.igoan is now en
gaged for a wager , Henry Ganoy , oC 2.J
South Clark atreet , has wagered f IOO with
John Kelly , a cab driver , the latter
cannot eat thirt 'young pigs in ns many
davs. The little squealers are to weigh be
tween four and siv pounds each , and tha cab
driver has twelve hours in'each dai in which
to devour the toasted \'ictiui. ' If lie tails to
eat as many as fifteen he loses his $1 < JO and
the price of thu poi kers. Otherwise Air.
Gnnry must pay fpr the pifrs and furnish
everything else In the Way of dunks and eat
ables that Mr. ICellv desnos to take with his
pig. Gatiey Isclllintron the fanners in tlio
outliing districts ' for , little roasters , and
Kelly , with a smile , waits each evening for
the appearancj } 6f the l-oast piglet. HO has
only been at his tusk n few dai s , but begins
A Celestial Set-to in Which Imim
Conies Out Second Best.
The moon came out proudly last night with
i clear , silvery countenanea that would lead
the beholder to believe that nothing could
mar its beauty or brightness. Hut the un
sophisticated planet uo In tlio clouds , like
the granger in the hay fields on lands , was
lot aw'aie of the temptations that confront
the wajfaicr and , as u consequence , got
nto a low with some of the other planets ,
who circulate in his neighborhood and got ,
what us people down linro on terra llrma
tei m .1 "mitt , " a \ ery black eye.
It was boidoiinj ; on midnight when the
liscoloiation llrt bocamc viiibli' , and ns
ieir as HUE mporteis can la mi the moon
ind the toughs wiio linallv "smacked her"
lad been qiiiirrling for some hours and it
inppcnod in tins wise :
Moon enters the penumbra and calls for a
rirt fi/ , and is told that she has t'ot up too
ate for .such a drmlc and must swallow
straight whiskey. Moon abides uy the drink
of the existing hour
An hour later. Uy Raymond's big clock it
s'.i h. ! M min ' 'S sue. p m , and the moon bc-
: ins to show the effects of taking it straight.
vmg boieas and her lad yshlp have met and
hev conclude to take a little hot water in
heir whisky. Tlio moon gets shadowy ,
owing to her unfamiliarity with water.
Thu hands in the high school clock point to
1 h. 5 nun , fiS sec. p. m. , and the moon hasn't
been anything about tlio giounds , possibly
iccausa it is too late In thu season and hems
ms just experienced the smash that black
ened her eio and partially discolored her
face ,
All of the above was witnessed by a few
jclligoic'nts in Omaha last night , and if tlio
noon contemplates haing her assailants ar-
csted Tin. UBI : can furnish the names of the
vit nesses
The Dnmoorats Disappointed.
IN'UI vvii'OMi , Ind. , Jan. 10Judge Woods'
nstructions to the toderal grand jury yeitor-
lay were the subject of much attention and
discussion to-day in legal and political cir
cles It is learned that the interpretation of
ho fedcial statutes , ns laid down by Judge
Woods , is acquiesced In by Justice Harland ,
of the supreme couit , with whom Judge
Woods advised by letter during the recess
' aio expressions of keen disapnoint-
ncnt on the part of many democrats , Tlio
uost not iblo uUciMiicv of this < haracter has [
> ccn inadu by the Santlncl , through whose
olnmns the alleged Dudley letters became
mbllc Some of Uspressions are very
levcio , and gave iKu to , the expcotution that
lossibly the court \vond ( sumuion the editor
ind others before jt * for contempt , but Hotti
ng of the kind hos occurrcd ,
Cannot Survive Iho Dny.
NRW YOIIK , Jan. Ill , Physicians in charge
of the case ot Isaad Hell , ox-United States
nmistcr to thu Netherlands , say that ho is
very low and canno' { , urvivo the day.
Dcoi ) ,
Pa v Jim. 10 At Sunshine ,
Wai no county , Mrs. ' John Oreor , wife of a i
umhcrman , illledliti" ] ; babe and then com
nlttod suicide , usnjg u.rovolvor. No cause
isslgncd for the deed.
Kcvon It l iiH Killed.
MAHSIMM.ES , J i | . 10. A house in the
2uurtior Bellmai , Inlmbited by Italians , col-
apsod yesterday. Seven of the occupants
vero Killed and nlno Injured.
For SoronoBa8tlffno88. .
Prompt. Sure , Snfo , Rocont.
Bora Limbs , gwi | it. Ill , M r II. nil
Caagfat cold In Uabi ad tACk. nffcred 6 mo&Uu ;
B Jicobi Oil cartd at _ JACOB
BtifT Noolc. rrlradihlp. WU , Jum u. nil
Sjr wlft bad TtoUat paint In ntr neck , ? t ry wrt
ud itlJ , cured tlr ljr If Ot. J cub oil
Amu U/J Co , Clilcop * * , Uui. ,
Terilhlo Pi ln. Jauii , nil.
Flora ortr irton < ibt cold , H7
bcrt VM sill ind tore , In nrrlbU pain Owed
prvaptlr br fit Jicoti Oil , 1. Q. BUCKUT ,
THE CHARLES \OCELCR CO. , Clltlnicn , Ml
t'MOX t'AllMC
.1. 11. nilllnrd , or Omnhn , Chosen lo
l-'lll a Vnciuicy
HOT.IV , Mass , Jnn. 10 [ Special Tele-
Kinni toTtits Hm ] President Adams presided -
sided at the adjourned mooting of Union 1'n-
cine directors to day , held to llll vacancies In
the board caused by death The following
were elected J 1 . Spiuldlng. IJ F At
kins and J. 11. Mlllard , president of the
Omaha National bank , to succeed M I ) .
Spauldmg. K. H. Halter and Ulislm AthitiB ,
The remiiindor of the session was devoted
to a memorial nddiess bi the piesident on
the deceased member * Tributes of respect
having already been paid Messrs. Potter nnd
Haki-r at former meetings , thu rennuks wcio
ecu Ined principally to John P Sniuldlng
nnd Klisha Atkins In lofcrcnce to the latter ,
on ? of the oldest of the directors. Mr.
Adams , said :
' rhe cunncctlon of Mr. Atkins with the
Union P.icillc railroad company , fiom the
beginning as ono of the projectors of the
enterprise nnd for noarl.tent. . . \
jean ns ono of the diroctOM of the
i-oinpanv , places turn In more than a mcnlv
business iohiHon to it and to Ins associates
hvip. His part in successfulli launching the
first transcontinental railroad and obtaining
for it the ilimneta ! support neeess irj to c u r\
it to completion , und his steadfast ndheidie-
to its fortunes In the financial crises whlel
the Union Pacific has been called upon U
meet In a huger degreu , perhaps , than nlmos
mn other existing rjllioad eoipointion , tin
well knpwn. Ho never wavered in his sup
poit or fnlteicd In faith. He had the
courage lo look danger In the face , the skil
mid resource to surmount it. or to devise i
menus of escape from it And in saying this
I have in mind transactions upon which tin
very llnunclal existence of the Union Pacilh
has more than once depended duilng tin
years that I have been piesident of the com
pait.v The course that the United States has
seen lit to pin site towards it nt times shool
Its credit moio dangerousli than these no
Intimately familiar with its affairs were
over nwnre of. Hitppily those times are now
far behind us , nor are they likely again to
recur. Hut it is onlj right and proper fet
me hero now tn say that in these days ol
emergency nnd doubt , Mr. Atkins was one ol
the small group of directors onwhomlsw
my way to call without fe ir as to what the
response would he "
H > Invitation of President Adam0 nil the
dhcttors nnd reslpent othYials of tlie Union
Pacific took dinner with him at his residence
on Commonwealth avenue this evening. H
was a vei y elaborate affair , and a largo num
ber of Indies were present. Itconsequence
tlio convoisitlon ran in other channels than
business. It was near midnight before the
assemblage biokc up.
( jovernment Ditector Marcus Hanna , ol
Cleveland , O , wno is stopping at the Ven
doiinv , was waited on bvTnnHnicorrespond
cut to ascot tain if ho knew the cause of the
rumor that Vice-President Holcoinbo In
tends abolishing the olllce now held hi Oon
eialsuperintendent { 12. Dickrison. Mr. Hannti
said ho did not know that Mr. Ilolcombe
wns responsible for the rumor , which he
claims 01 initialed in nn Omaha newspaper
olllco. All he knew of the rumor was that
It might be possible that the company would
adopt the Northern Pacific plan of domi ?
away with the olllce of general superintend
out , which was always overburdened with
\\oid. and establish two assistant goncril
malnmcis at either end of the line , ny
Omaha and Ogden , who , bv this means ,
could easily du ido up thu work. The tcrii-
tory covered uy the road is so great , and the
distance so long , that it was most difficult
for an oflicial to do Justice to his
work Ho wanted it distinctly understood ,
however , that he had not talked with Hoi-
cog be on the snUjecf. In roferiing to the
picsent condition of thecompaiii , air. Hanna
denied that the polici of the government
was hostile to the company or its existing
management , and did not believe that a
change of national administration would
have .mi appreciable effect. He said that
the policy of the national government was
necoss irlly that of congress. The
govcinment diicctors for tlio nnst
two \eirs , agreed with the railioad ofllcials
in favoimg thu funding bill , and the opposi
tion to it wns not the government but the
members of congress , \ \ liom ho intimated
seemed to consider the Union Pncilic ques
tion nn excellent opportunity to gam a local
reputation on.
Mr. Ilolconiua is stopping at Young's hotel.
Ho denied that ho ever gave
any one autuoritto say that he in
tended to abolish Mr. Dickinson's
office. The latter gentleman had grown up
in t'io coinpmi's sot vice , was most efficient ,
nnd gave general s ilisfaction. What Tin :
Bn ; correspondent drew from ttio remarks
was to the effect that even it the ofiico was
abolished he would be looked after.
TH12 I ) AKO rivTllO IS Ij AX U HE.
Over ilio location of the
S-oldierV Home.
Dak. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : 15i.i : j Acting upon tlie sug
gestions of the national encampment nnd
the rcpoit of a committee of tlio terntoiial
encampment , the old soldiers hive had a
bill tntioduced in the legislatuic for tlie es
tablishment of a soldiers' homo in Dakoti ,
and request an appropriation of ? fJO,000
therefor The usual wrangle over the loca
tion of the institution is in progress , although
the Crand Arm } committee lias recom
mended that it b3 located ut Hot Springs , m
the Uluck Hills
The woman suilrage question was given a
test vote in the logislituic to-daj by a mo
lion to strike out the word "male" in a bill
regulating the registration of voters.
Tlio motion was defeated by n vote of ? rte >
to in , nnd tins is looked upon as
the respective sti cngth of the two forces
There are thlitccii members of the forty-
uight known to be in favor of woman suf
frage , but when the bill granting women the
iignt to vote is brought up there may bo an
increased vote.
The hill giving the inilioad commission
power to IK passengei and fi eight i.ntes on
the railroads in the teintoiy will be icparted
back to the house with tlio recommendation
that it do pass , but there will bo a mitioiity
leport of the Judli iary committee atrninst it.
The railroad commission of the territory has
iccelvcd tin invitation to meet with the inter
state comnic'ice commission in Washington
to consider questions of rates , classification
und other questions which come befoie. the
boaid , and in all probability the invitation
will bo accepted.
Illinois ,
SritiNoi'in.n , 111 , Jan. 10. In the senate
to-day the following hills were introduced :
{ educing ralliold faro to 3 cents per mHc' , ;
preventing public oflicinls from receiving
tailroud passes ; proveuting railroad em
ployes fiom giving freo'passago to an }
poison ; Amending the law legaiding the
identification of stolen money repealing the
Merrill conspiracy law.
The intcicst of the session began when
Shumway , of Christian , moved that his rco -
lulion demanding an investigation of ox Gov
ernor Ogleshy's expense account for the
maintenance of the executive mansion bo
made a special order /or January " 2.
Chapman moved to lefer Urn resolution to
the committee on apptopriatioiis.
Shumway opposed this method of indl-
cutty killing lib lesolution , and s'lid It was
bom in u desiio for infoini.ition.
It was chnigc'd thioiighout the late campaign
that u reckless expenditure of money had
been permitted by thu late unicorn of the
Btato , und particularly by Governor Oglosby.
If these charges aio tiuo it is but Justice to
the retiring ofticia ! that this investigation
should piocced , that they may ho vindicated
bufoio thu people , and Iho gentlemen on the
other side should not endeavor to retard such
action as would remove this odium from their
party's ' leader. Ho went on Bhnrnly to
criticise tha expenditures which had bcon
nrndo ut the executive mansion according
to his figures over i18,030 in two yeais for
luxuries , and including many items that he
bald that everybody known was for private
use of the family After discussing -
ing the mutter at considerable length
ho said that tmrsimony is not one of
his characteristics , and ho wants the gov
ernor of his state to iivo in u style in Keep
ing with his , position- ; yet frankness compels
him to state that on attending the inaugural
reception on Monday night thu only thing to
mar the pleasuio of the occasion was the
dilapidated condition and empty look of the
exwitlvo mansion. If custom establishes
the right to an cxliuvngatit and luckless
wustu of the people's tuonoy to biich u dcgrea
that it now take * four large freight cars to
move an out-going governor , how long will it
bo , asked Shumway , until n whole freight
train wHl bo required to vacate the executive
Crawford of Cook inld that in view of the
fact that this question was so abh presented
to the people in the last campaign by Palmer ,
the democratic candidate for iovcrni r ,
ho was of the opinion that there was no
pressing necessity for an oath Investigation.
He moved that tlio resolution for n special
order bo laid on the tnule , but this was de
Chapman said it was the buslines of the
cottimltteo on appropriations to determine
whether or not theio was mi\ thing to lnvt > s
tigate. There was no need for n special
committee. The death bell wns rung on this
proposition on November 0. A motiso now
crawls forth nnd wants tognaxvthc furniture
for spite.
Chapman's motion to refer the resolution
to tun appropriations committee was then
cat ried
The National Dairymen's nisnelition wns
granted the use of the senate chamber for
their meeting.
Among other bills Introduced In thn house
wns ono to regulate sleeping i ir ooinpousa
lion by prohibiting a charge of more than
$1 for twenty-four hours for the sole occu
pation of lower beiths , or 7."i i cuts for upper
beiths The ln'1 ' also prohibits a greater
chaige than il 10 fora section nnd $ : ifora
stateroom for the nim period. .Amending
the general election law bv mnhing provl
sions against bribery and intimidation nnd
guaiding against the deception of igmuaiit
voters by ptoliibiting pastors Amend
ing the election law by taking
the appointing power of election eommis
sloners nut tif the hands of county Judges
nnd vesting It In the governor ; also pinvld
ing for u longer preservation of billets
Making non-residents eligible as tiusteesof
colleges and other institutions of loarniii ) . ' ,
but providing that nt least three tiustcesof
each board shall bo residents of Illinois.
Providing that the secretary of all lo in as
soeiations shall Hip a eomjdeto statement
with the auditor of public accounts at the
close of each fiscal year , licensing and
regulating the business of undertaking.
( o.iils nnd Property Amounting to
t-.O ; , < ) ( ) ( ) Destroyed.
Fire lust night , shortly after 10 o'clock ,
gutted the Max Meyer building at the corner
of Eleventh and Fainam strools , and burned
out Unco firms , the Paris Novelty company ,
whet o the lire originated , u stock of pianos ,
a pipe organ and c'lgars and lob icco belong
ing to Max Meier X. Co , and the wholesale
lull and cap house of f.ogan I'M ' Darrovv , en
tailing n loss of ? 10 , < K ) > I
The conflagration i\as uccompanicd by
many exciting und thrilling ovenls. A mini
her of firemen had their lingers and faces
badly burned by the llamos and falln.g glass , '
and some received injuries while attempting
to remove cases cent lining powder sloted
near the Hie.
Logan & Dai low are the heaviest Insets ,
and they aio well known thioullhout the
states of lo\\a and Nebiaska.
Tlio Northwest Froc hiK Up.
Sr. PAU. , Minn. , Jan. 10 At last the
northwest is experiencing severe weather.
Heavy snow has fallen throughout Dakota
and Minnesota , und strong winds to-nigh t
are drifting it uauly , so there
will be bad delais in all kinds
of transportation. At Siouv falls ,
Dak. , thu storm took the foi in of rain , while
elsewheic it snowed. Grand Foiits lepoits
snow a foot deep , and it ranges fiom a few
inches up to illtccn or twcnt } inches. In
tins citv the barometer was tlie lowest.
ever known , being _ " . ) Oi at 7
o'clock , and the indications ueio that
aciclonewns uppioaelniig , but thodicaded
visitor has not yet appeal od. At Duluth the
baiomotervi as lower , being " < TO Water-
town , Dak. , repotted the temperature nt
eio , which is tlie lo\\cst , but to-night it is
glowing colder.
Hl'AItKS IW031 Til 15 WIUIJS.
The Poland China hog association met at
Dayton , O , yesteiday , witii lepresentativcs
in attendance from Ohio , Michigan ,
Illinois , Alabama and Tennessee. The
officers elected for the ensuing year were :
L. N. Honlmm , president ; Curl Tricgun ,
seciotaiy ; James U. Duflield , tioasurer.
Tlie Minnesota senate has passed n Joint
resolution petitioning the president and cjn-
gress Hint the mteistate commeice law bo
: iot repealed , especially as to pooling and
Ju'lonjr and shoit , haul clauses.
The Minneapolis & Northern elevator , at
[ font , Minn , burned , together with 2J,0M (
jushcls qf wheat. Loss s > ji,0l ; ( ) ) .
lluiiri Wolff , lho"Dulch nrconaut , ascended
in a balloon from Antwerp vesterday. lie
was accompanied by Lieutenant Daniel. The
jalloon was diivcn out to : .ea und it is feared
that both were di owned. .
Tlie Cut Stone
Toi > i'.kKan. . , Jan. 10 [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Hi-i-.l Tlio Cut Stone Con-
ractois1 Association of the Missouri Vullc }
icld its annual meeting to-dny , A seci et
session was held and the subject of ostab-
ishing u now tariff for stone woik was
under discussion. The following officers
vero elected : A. Sutor.noistor , of Kansas
City , piesidont ; A. Scholl , of Omaha , vice
> resldc'nt ; J It. Cmer.y , secretari ; L Cntli-
) ert , Topeka , treasurer ; Albert Koil , of
Dmaha ; Mr. Puilman , of Kansas City , und
Mr. Sample , of Atclnson , trustees.
Tlii" Mississippi Avoniicrs.
New OKI.EVVS , La , , Jan , ! ( ) . The Times-
Democrat's special from Jackson , Miss. , tav
hat pi ivate infoi mation lias hee-i received
> y Governor Lowry that mob law
ontiniies to exist in the southern pan of
s'o/ubco and the northern p.ut of Kciupcr
ounty , and that negio cabins are being
iiirned and destioycd. Tlio present law-
ussness grow out of the Wahl.ih
roubles , The governor is informed >
hat "Avengers" are still wi caking
heir vengeance OH the negroes , Govcinor
. .own wioto to the Rheiirts to call out n
nfrioiont torce. to put down law lessness and
nest all guilty pet sons promptly. Ovci i
oily families IIIVM been iiinoiitof the two
ounties and their cabmti binned.
K. W. Hilditch , expert nccountnnt
mil auditor , ! ! " > liarki-r block. Mcr-
Iniiits' books balanced nnd audited.
'oinplicnti'd accounts adjustud. Auditot
u incorporated companies.
Decided on Hiiliinissioit.
IlAiunsiu no , 1'a. , Jan 10 A Joint caucus
I the lopuhlican senators and roprusenta
ives wast held to night , at which it was do
idud that tlio proposed nrniubltory innuiid-
lenttotho constitution Hhall ha pissed at
nee , and that the question shall ho submit
cd to llii ! people at a special election to bo
icld OT June IS next.
Moro of the Oorroepoiulonco Dear
on thu AlTulr.
HoVns Sent to Guard Amorlann In-
tci ( % HtH nml Kmloiuoi' to ICll'cot
n 1'eacclnl Hotlleinonl of
flic 'JrouhlcH.
l < liu hci lv' liiHtriiotfon-J.
WVSIIINOTON , Jan. 10 Among the correspondence
pondence- cone ei nlng nffiirs in Samoa ro
lei i ed to in ( _ 'leeland's messngo to congress
.vcsterdn.V , which vvus presented t the sonata
to dtii , are thu follow Ing instrix lions to Ad
niiial IClmb. rly fiom Sciiular.lnlnei , in
a cntileginm dateil Jiinuiiii II
Coinmandei Mullen of the Nlps c tele
graphs bi v\av of Auckland , that a tuico was
landed nt Samoa from the licrnmn Meet ,
wniclt rcMilled in an c'liK.igemonl between
t'io troops of Mntaafi and the Herman
torccs and the defeat of the latter Ho reported
ported that the Ut < rminis in rctalintliti , ' . bom
barded towns , dlHrcKuidlui ; the piolcslsof
neutral rights , nnd that tlio piopoit.v and
lives of American ciu/cns tire in danger lie.
strongli uiges tlio sending ol
reinforcements The German govern
ment claims that the German
foiccs vveto first attacked and that vvnr now
exists between Cioriuuny mid that p ttion of
the natives of Samoa eii.a cd in the nt ck
upon thn Germans , The German govern
ment Inv Ites this guverninc it In lommoil m
teicstto Join tu cstahh limit ; order i amua ,
giving assurance of a c ireful tospeo for our
tie.itj rights. The United States M v .1-
ment is willing to cooperate in lestn-ing
order in Sunoa onnbislHof full ptc erva
lion of Amoricin tie ity rnjhts and
autononiy , as ncogm/eil and agreed to hi
Germ my , Great Hi lUin anil the I : , ited
States , and has so infoi mod IheOci in in guv
You willat oni-e pioeeed to Sauna nnd o\
tend full protettlou and delunsi 4 It ) Alien
c.iti citi/en1) and piopt it.s. 'i on will t > i suit
with Llio Atuuric.iii vicu consul , ov i cuti Ins
nt cliievcj , and othei wlso inform i jut-s ! If is
to the situation and all lecent otctnroi cis ,
protest against the subjugation and daphne
incut of thu native govoriimont of
bamoa b.v LiCiinany as in violation ol a | osi
ttvu agreement and undetstaniliiig betuc. n
the tieaty powcis , hut in form tin- tepii-viil
ativos of the Geiinan nnd Hritnh goxcin
mc'iits of .vour readiness to co opei ate in
causing all tieati rights In being respcited
and restoiiuc pe.u o nml ordci on n ba-is ol
iccogintion of bamoau riuiits to iulopiiid
cnce. Endeavor to prevent cxtrem < % tiie is
uiesa inist the. Sainoans and to bring nb ail
a peaceful settlement If saihniraiwuients
tMti bo mndu upon that basis .N.HI will icport
the same for upptovnl , .mil .vou will inloiui
this govornmeiit as soon as possible ifter
ioui arrival in Samoa of the- condition of
uftaiisand the prospect of a peaceful adjust
ment , and whether Germany was acting 1.1 -
p.ntlall.v beiween the opposing lorci-s when
the late con Ilk t occuircd. WIIIIMM
Also a Utter fiom Count Aico , Ihe Germ in
minister , saying thai llic Samoaiis nltat ced
the Gut irans , on nccount of which war liu
been declated ; that the i were led
1 > V an Amciicaii named Klt'ri , against whom
complaint Ins been made , that ( ierinutiy
will leajtect the tiealy , ait'l tisKs tin1 Lnitcd
States to co-opcrato. Havatd loplied Ja-iu-
urv 1 - by sai ing that ho is not aware tint
Klein is an American uiti/cu , cc'iti.n'v nut
mi , that llic instrui tioiisiotlie A < r-
lean i cpt oscntativos wci c to iiiamt nn po ice ,
and calls on G 'nu uij lo do Ihe sain and
suggests a new election in Sunioa fui a Icing ,
The secretary tuithur said to tlie ( .icnnaii
minister :
"ltar Admit al Kniibei ly commanding o-ir
naval fotco3 in tlie Pai ille. has Iwi'ii ord'-u-d
to proceed in lnllairbhip thu rrcnton , to
Apia , and 1 have great onlldence in his
wisdom and benevolent discretion , as well as
in of the nuval commanders of the other
national vessels which have- been soul by
their lesnactive govenipicnw to .Sumo in
walors lo piomnte a suimfactoi.\ \ agreement ,
and 1 take it for granted that the same spinl
of comiti and perception of equal ugh * i of
all tin oe tieaty powers which induced your
goveiiiment to invite the acttvu to opeiation
of ilio Unilod States in icsloiing law and
oui6r m Samoa , will cause instructions vm
bodiing the principles of tiiendly Justice
and considerate moderation in ti iming
a plan of bcltlenioiit to be sent to th.1 Gei
man olllcejs in comm.nid of the imperial
foi ecu in thai region There i no ohsiuuty
in the seveinl ttealief , and none wh stevr in
the umlcrdlunding piopnscd t > i the I uited
hiatus On .lanuaiy 17 lait the vinws ol tins
government weie lull.v coineicd to Ger
iiinnv by my instructions of that dat'1 1 j jar
minisiei ut Kcrlin , and h ive since that , 111110
und rgono no than e , and there has Ijetn no
inti'iiation of di-sint from tin1 guv eminent
bince that has boon icieivcd. "
In Ilieso vie.v.s thcsecietai.v of slnte nccns
s.nil.v incltidts iesect ) for Iho exisUnio of
i-imo in uuloiiomv nnd mdupeiideiicc , winch
is the bisis of the treaties
T'io ' Bocietari encloses coiicipondenco
from Vice Consul Hlacklock and Commander of the United Slates alnp Nlpsic , in
a commuiiicallon d Ucd Apm , IJccembor .1 ,
hisu Commander Miillnii sa.vs ii is apparent
lo a thoughtful anil unprejudiced mind that
the aspirations of the t-amoan people for a
liberal and piogicssivc irovoinuicnl are in
lompatiblc wilh German ideas of guveintnent
in Samoa
On January f > Vice Consul Hl.ickloc't telegraphed
graphed Sei i clary Hayard , viaNtiw Zealand ,
its follows 'Tluee Geinnin wiiritlnps have
iinderlaiten tJ dlnurm ALUaifa. I'hov
landed at night a fotcu to pi event n ictieat
Mat.uifa's men were liicd on and foncd to
Hunt The Gernians vveio louted Twenty
i\eie killed and thiit } wounded.
I'he GiimiitiB svveir vongeancu Tim
hellniLnml biiiiiing was indiscrniiinatu
ind regardless of Ameiican pioport.v i'ro
o-U nnt unhc'Uded. ' 1 liu unmet HIM
ixaspei.itcd roruignuis' lived and piupeity
ire m the gicatCHt uaimer. ThoUcnmiwi
cspect no neiuial U'riildrj Ameiiiiuis in
bout Iliing thu American Hug , vveio sei/ed
n Apm hmbui bv un aiiiird Gorinan boat ,
nit released Thu adinirnl wilh tliu squad
ron in notch-tin } Immediutoly '
A dispilch fiitm C'xjiiiin itidei Mullaii cor-
oborates this lolegiiim 'Iho same day ,
litnuary B Soci utary 1'avnrd tc-iegiaphod
VlmUter Pendl'Mon to lav this niallc-r bufoiu
ho Geiinan minister of foioign allaira , and
ilso informed Count Aico of the mailer On
lunuuiy 7 Minlstei Pundlolon telegraphed
hat Couiil Aico would make n statement to
he HC'erutan . and that ho ( Ihoministei ) had
icen nifniiiied that the representations ol UM
'niU'd Status would not be answeied until
nil dutads had been icicived by GUI many.
An Kpidttmie of Diphtheria ,
Al m. i IT LuMinn , Jan , 10 , The pilblU
cliooln were closed yesterday on nu'ouiit ol
iphtluna now raging here
Thus the ' Wiustang" . conquers pal
Makes MAN or BEAST well again !