6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TOESDAY. JANUARY 15 , DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFF1CI3. NO It ! ST1U5KT. J'cllvcred hy earrlrr In Any P rt of he City n 'I w cuty Cents I'erWeek. II. W. TIM ON . . . MANAOKH , IH'MNF. q OF ( tiX No. 13. NioiiT liniToii. Xo.ai. MINOR ai N. V. Plumbing company. Coal and wood. E.K.Maynef > 10 B'way. Tickets nnd reserved seats for tin ; Drummer Boy on sale at Camp & Ellis's drug store. Clear the sidewalks of Iho barrels , boxes and rubbish allowed to accumu late along business thoroughfares. The now stoves will bo put Into the motor cars as soon as possible , which will probably bo within two or three days. Owing to the sleet that accumulated on the electric wires last night the Electric Motor company had two trains running all night , so as to keep thu wires clear. There will bo a meeting of the ladles committee engaged in preparing for the Dodge Light Guards bazaar at 'I o'clock this afternoon at the armory. All mem bers are requested to bo present. Mrs. J. C. Bixby , chairman. The contract for furnishing Iho iron work for the now KUoiimu block wafc awarded to the Ogden iron works of this city. Competitors from Chicago , Indianapolis , St. Louis ; Cincinnati und Omaha were among the bidders. A marriage license was issued yester day to W. L. Ryan and Mrs. Ella Baker , both of Sioux City. The knot was tied by Squire Ilendricks , it being bis lirst act of the kind since his re-election to the oillco of justice of the peace. The supervisors did not transact any business yesterday , as they are awaiting u report of the board of health on the small-pox question. As soon as that re port is submitted the county board will laue boine action in the matter and then ndjourn for Iho January term. The Dodge Light Guards public drill ut their armory last e\ening was wit nessed by a largo number of spectators. The boys are doing llnoly , nnd the "awkward squad" is breaking in rapidly. A detachment was selected for the ex hibition drill lo be given at Dohany's to-morrow oven ing. Preaching services will bo hold in the Bethany Baptist church every even ing this week except Wednesday and Saturday evenings. They will begin in each case with a half-hour service of song. Gospel h.\mns will bo provided for all , but those who hlivo copies of the edition with notes would do well to bring them. Time , 70 : ! p. m. sharp. Baldwin , Hard in tt Co. have just ne gotiated a real estate deal , by which Ira Plainer and wife convoy to Charles T. Uraslim , of Minneapolis , a tract of sixty acres , lying between this city and Man awa. The consideration was $12,000 cash. Mr. Bniblan is quite extensively interested in real estate in the vicinity of Mana\\a. , and closed another $12,000 deal there but a few weeks since. A'l ' members ) ! the G. A R. may ob tain reserved seat tickets for the enter tainment to be given at the opera house to-morrow evening by Major Ilendcr- Bhot , under the auspices of the ladies of the Presbyterian church , at the rate of y5 cents each , by applying to Colonel John Foxat the oillco of 'Squire Schur/ . If not scoured of him the full price will bo charged. This oiler applies to mem- bora of the G. A. U. and Union Veteran legion. Mrs. M. II. Tinloy , yesterday tele I * graphed her family in this city of the . death of her sister , Mrs. Dan Farrell , of Galesburg , 111. , which occurred there Sunday. Mrs. Farrell was well known to many in this city , from frequently having visiied her' sister here , anil made many acquaintances and warm friends. Mrs. Tinley has been at her bedside some three weeks during her recent sickness , which was a relapse from a former severe illness , when , also , Mrs. Tinloy was with her. Ex-County Attorney J. J. Shea states that TIIK Bui : docs him an injustice , ns he gave no orders for any blanks for iivo months previous to the expiration of his term of oillco. Ho declares that the printing of the writ of attachment blanks , previously referred to in these columns , must have boon the result of a mistake on somebody's part , as ho did not order them and does not know any thing about them. This may take all blame from Mr. Shea's shoulders , but it docs not malic it any more agreeable for the taxpayers to pay for property that can bo of no service to them what- over. The question that remains to bo answered is why worn these blanks ever printed'/ The statement in TIIK BKK a few clays since that tbu grocery stock , re cently owned by Diirlin Bros. , had boon attached by creditors , was incor rect. The attachments were issued against certain property received by purlin Bros , in payment for that stock' , including real estate. The attach ments were in favor of the following parties : J. H. Snyder , S157.78 ; Consol idated Coll'eo , two bills , $28.80 and $10.89 ; Dean , Armstrong & Co. , $ S7.fiO ; Groncweg & SchoGiitgon , $727.00. The property levied on is lot o , block 1 , Williams'subdivision , und lot ! i , block 20 , Cochran'a addition. The grocery stock is in the hands of E. E. Henry , and is not subject to any shcrill's claims nnd his business Is not disturbed there by , or in any way all'ectcd. Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tel. 147. See W. C. Stacy's ad. + J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dwny. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , culfs and shirls by Cascade Laun dry company , Kook Spring coal , Glcason , 20 Pearl Etroct. Order in Olmnibcrs. County Clerk Chambers evidently bo- HOVOB that order is heaven's ilrst law , nnd is applying that idea to the work ings of his ofllce. The result cannot but bo satisfactory to the public. All books and papers arc being properly classified , and by the end of thu week I there will bo "a place for everything nnd everything in its place. " Written notices are posted , requesting all par ties referring to the books to return thorn to their proper places , Parties having business at the oillco readily BOO the advantage of the now system and cheerfully comply with the now order of things. Hoard CoiiiiulttcoN. The following committees have been appointed by the board of trade to so licit membership for the year ending December 81 , 1889 : Main Street William Moore , E. W. Hart nud George F , Wright. Upper Broadway William Sloden- topf , L. A. Casper and C. A. Boobo. Lower Broadway George Motcalf , Sol H. Foster nnd F 3. Day. Pickled tripe and pigs' foot at Tib- " ' , 815 Brouawny , THE NEWS OF THE BLUFFS , Byrci Denied a Now Trial ntid Ordered dored Caged For a Year. THE PROSPECTS AT MANAWA Sundry Changes Promised An until Tenant Promotion of Tele- Krnph Maunder Jlrnwn The Dial riot Court. flunking at M litnlnK. Last evening was the time appointee for the city council to visit the institii' lion for the deaf and dumb , to inspect the building , and especially the work' ' ings ot the now electric light plant Aldermen Lacey , Metcalf and Knephoi accepted the invitation , and took in the sights at the D. and D. , accompanied b } representatives of several of the citj papers. Superintendent Hotbort enter tained the party very hospitably , anil regaled his guc'sts with u line supper , The trip was very satisfactory and interesting - toresting , and the aldermen learned several things regarding electric light ing that will bo of some material bone- lit in assisting them to secure a plant tc light the city. In consequence of this trip the meeting of the council at the city building was postponed until some later date. All persons having accounts with Ilnrknoss Uros. nro requested to call and settle the same. Mrs. Watts is au thorized to receive money and can bo found at Tun BKK ollice for the present. .J. E. IlAUKNUSs. Sleigh bells , sleds and skates at cost to close out. ODILL BRYANT. All water rents must be paid at the oillco of this company by January 21 or water will bo turned oil without further notice. notice.C. C. B. CITY WATERWORKS Co. , 1 lo Pearl street. Oillco hours 8 a. m. toll p. in. ; Satur days , 8 a.m , to ! ) p. in. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Mrs. E. E. Harknoss offers for sale at her residence , No. OOSBlulT street , some of lior household goods and furniture. _ Improvement at Mniiuwn. It seems that the Manawa improve ment scheme is not quite dead , neither is it slumbering. The committee is quietly at work , and a report will bo submitted in a few davs. Mr. Ilathti- way , the bridge and dam builder for the Union Paeilic , has looked over the ground , and will make a full report re garding what is needed and the best method of making the necessary im provements. Mr. McConnell , chairman of the committee , is devoting considera ble time to the mutter , and expects to soon be ready to take some definite stop- * toward affecting the proposed changes. It is conceded by all interested parties that something must bo done , and the majority of them are willing to help , but have been waiting for some one to take the initiative. The changes to be made will be extensive and will convert the lake into a very popularsummer re sort. The Omniums are extensively in terested in the matter , and will give material assistance. Tiic Omaha Boat club has expressed a willingness to do their part , if they can be assured that the improvements will prove lasting. The Union Paeilic is also looking into the matter with a view of becoming quite extensively interested. Just what their intentions are it is im possible to ascertain , but a meeting is to bo hold in a few days that will have some effect in the matter. It is stated that this company is desirous of secur ing a line to the lake for the coining season , and if they cannot purchase or lease the Manawa motor line , they will build a branch from the east end of their bridge to the lake. As the latter move would give a direct line from Omaha to the lake , it would undoubt edly cut off all Omaha patronage from the electric niotoi" and Manawa motor lines , and conlinc the latter to local trallio. It is evident to all that there is an abundance of moiA to bo made lit the lake if it is properly 'iniproved and con ducted , and it is not probable that the opportunity will bo allowed to pass un improved. There is a desire on the part of certain Interested parties who own real estate at the lake to have all unite in a slock company , improve the lake , conduct all business through a board of directors and general man ager , and in that manner develop and improve the lake for the benefit of the company. There are so many schemes afloat that it is impossible as yet to tell what will bo done , but it is certain that the lake will not bo allowed to 1111 up. L. E. Uoo , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over Jncqumnin & Co.'s jewelry store. The London "Tailor's" is the place to got your clothes made. 037 Broadway. Strayed A small , chunky , light sorrel rel mare , white star in forehead , and ono white nind foot , A liberal reward for her return to J. C. Do Haven. All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. . The ISliio'ContN * Komid-tip. The usual mixed assemblage turned up in police court yesterday morning. Bon Wool full , Sam Grill and Lens Nelson - son wore each lined $7.00 for getting too full for utteranceornnothordrink. Sam paid a similar line Saturday morning , at which time ho had $05,18 , but when rirrostod the second time his roll was re duced to 65 cents. Ho had managed to "blow it In" in very easily twenty-four hours with the assistance of his fellow prohibitionists. James Jones was Bout to the county | aU forllvo days. Ho was battling vig- arously with a bottle of alcohol when ar rested , but the alcohol hud him "down" in a double sense , und was lilting his boots with mud and "snaked. " lie was i sorry looking spectacle as hoansworod roll cull. The alcohol was declared contraband and confiscated , while Jones was declared drunk and relegated to Jin county cylinder. Ettio Holding and Lillie Mills , two vrtistlcally striped chromes from the row , " wore arraigned as vugs and Inod 810.00 oaoh. The luckless crea- .uros wore in arrears with their "fines , " md wore remorselessly jugged by the illlcors , The city ordinances declare -hat every prostitute is a vagrant , and in conviction shall be lined in any sum lot exceeding $100 , and shall bo put to vork on public improvements as pro dded by the council. According to the sustain followed by the city olllcials , the irostituto is required to pay a license generally spoken of , however , ns a 'line , " out of regard for the sensitive oolings of the ollicials ) , amounting to > 0 per month , and is allowed to follow icr depraved calling unmolested. The nomgnt that she allows her "lino" to become delinquent she becomes a va grant and is promptly pounced upon and locked up. Such is the manner in which the city ordinances are misin terpreted und then enforced. W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city property , No. 130 Main street. Money loaned on fuiniturc , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark it Co. , ollice cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Bargains in real estate in all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main street. A Merited Promotion. Yesterday afternoon Mr. M. B. Brown , manager of the Western Union telegraph Company's ollice in this city , received notification of his promotion to the superintendence of the Salt Luke office. This announcement is naturally gratifviug to Mr. Brown , as the new position is more lucrative and responsi ble. It will alto bo gratifying to his many friends here , who wish him well in all things. It is regretted , however , that the now honors necessitate a change of residence. The business cir cles will regret to lo e him. but doubt- los a Avorthy successor will take his place here , The name of this successor is announced as Mr. Kushlnml , chief operator of the Omaha ollice. Mr. Brown has bcon bore for fourteen years. The business of the oillco has increased greatly during that time. Ho has con ducted it very satisfactorily to tlie com pany and its patrons , lie leaves for his now position Wednesday , but his fam ily will remain bore temporarily. All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. - > Illinois and Iowabestsoftco.il , Glea- bon , - ( > Pearl street. For exchange at once , nice farm near Bluffs for cily property. C. B. Invest ment Co. , 10 Pearl st. Petitioning the OfllolnlH. At the monthly conference of - ministers ters of this city , held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday morning , it was voted to urge all the churches to join in pre senting petition to the mayor and council asking an enforcement" the laws against saloons and against gambling houses and houses of prosti tution. Dr. Phclps was appointed to draft a petition and each church was invited to appoint a committee lo act as part of a joint committee for present ing it to the council. It was intended that the churches bo given a largo de gree of liberty in the matter of ratify ing the petition , it being left to them whether they should do so by a rising vote of their congregations being taken , or uy securing the signatures of those favoring the petition. Dr. C. C. IIav.cn , dentist , Opera house block. Money loaned at L. B. ( . 'rafts it Co.'s loan otlice , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly conli- dential. KvproislotiH of Sympathy. Whereas , It was been lit by the crea tor of all things in his wisdom to call home the wile of our beloved comrade ex-Adjutant E. J. Abbott , and Whereas , We are deeply sensible of the sove/n aflliction that results from severing the tics of a dutiful and loving wife , and of the breach of the family circle , leaving a loving husband and fond children to mourn the loss. And , Whereas , We recognize in the de ceased a kind friend and a faithful sup porter of every worthy comrade and soldier. Therefore bo it Resolved , That by the death of the much respected and loved lady , wo have lost a kind friend and sympathiser and the community generally a benevo lent member and one whoso life was fraught with acts of charity. Resolved , By the members of Abe Lincoln Post , No. 2 ! ) , G. A. R. , that our heartfelt sympathies bo extended to E. J. Abbott and his family in their great allliction. And bo it further Resolved , That a copy of these reso lutions bo sent to Comrade Abbott and to his family , and that they bo spread on the records of the post. Attested by the commander and ad jutant that also a copy thereof bo pub lished in the daily papers of Council Bluffs. JOHN' LiNivr , L. B. Cousixs , WILUAM Roriit. Committee. For Rent A suite of rooms over De Haven's drug store , suitable for oflioo , dressmaking or millinery rooms. 'Jho Fool and MlH Money. Saturday night Aunio Burke , a cyprian - rian who rooms on Lower Broadway , relieved ono of her "callers" of $140 in cold cash while the latter was sleeping off the effects of numerous deep pota tions , and skipped out with the boodle. The victim reported the matter to the police , and Officer Olcson was detailed to work up the case. It seems that the stranger , whose name is unknown , Had $100 in his pockctbook , but Annie left him $20 to bootho his ruf- llcd feelings , and to allow him to purchase himself another drink. Ofllcor Oleson wont to Omaha yester day and found the thief , but the money was gone. She had invested the greater part of it in clothing , and the ollicur conllscatcd all ho could 11 ml. There wore two drcsies costing $ 'iO and $38 ro- spoclivoly , a $ ! ) hat and an $18 sot of furs. These were brought back to this city. No arrests were made , as the victim is unwilling to appear in court against the woman. About a year ago several members of the half world wore implicated in the robbery of Thomas. Hughes , and the Burke woman was ono of them. Olllcer Olesoti is entitled to much credit for running down the culprit so quickly and securing the greater part ot the property. The victim of the rob bery is entitled to no consideration whatever , and has only his lucky star to thank for the $20 that still remains to him. If his lesson is thoroughly learned , $140 is not an exorbitant price for him to pay for it. Ilnrd TliuoH With the i Demi-Monde. Minnie Williams , another Madison "dressmaker " whose-'illncs" street , are in arrears , was towed into police head quarters last ovoiiiug by Captain Dyer. On arriving at the station she found the money , and was allowed to depart. The captain of police is authority for the statement that the number of prosti tutes in the city is much less than a month ago. At that time , on the occa sion of his monthly roundup , ho found forty-throe of the brazen creatures within a stone's throw of the Methodist church. In houses whore there wore throe , lour or live "girls , " there are now but .wo , and in some cases the "landlady. " I Ihes alone. The number 'is reduced from forty to about , half thai number. i The gallant captain now carries a llsl of twenty-three dettuHiiPiits. and ns fa 1 a' ' they are found , t noy are arrested , The majority manifgo' to raise the cash but .all plead "ImrlMtiinca" and bus ! ness dull. As this docs nut help tin cit.v treasury , the unfortunate creatures are dragged into court as vags unless tlioy can llml a "friomV to "put up' for them. _ _ Personal Pn r a urn | ih n. Frank Hunter , United States commi ? sioneraml clerk of the United States district court , leaves to-morrow foi Keokuk to attend a session of the fedora court. Mr. Leonard Everett left the cit.\ Sunday evening for Boston , whore hi will join his mother and brothers. Hi expects to be absent about a month. Agents wanted for Prohibition Beoi and NcrveTonic. A strictly temperance beverage. The best substitute for beet known. My "Happiness" has no equal , Send orders to L. M. Finkelsteln Omaha , Neb. , or Council Bluffs , la. Mr. W. 1. Shepherd , a prominent merchant of Villisea , is in the city , and was an interested spectator of last evening's drill of the Guards. Ho complimented the boys very highly. and is of the opinion that company A is the banner company of the Fifth regiment. Mr. ,1. C. Glcnvon , brother of D. E. Olcason , loft yesterday for bin scmi-an- nual trip on the road In the interest of the Ivilpiilriek-Koch dry goods house , of Omaha , after spending a month with relatives in this cit.v. IIo travels through Wyoming , Utah and Idaho and will return to the Blulls to lay in his supply of Fourth of .July lirccraokors. In District Court. Judge Carson held a short session of court yesterday , lie rendered a deci sion in the Byrd case , overruling the motion for a now trial , and sentenced the prisoner to ono year in the peniten tiary for grand larceny. This was the last case occupying the attention of Colonel Dailey , and County Attorney Orfjmi has full swing in all cases. The petition to appoint a receiver for the defunct Herald company was heard. and it was ordered that the books of the company bo introduced in court. The case will go over until next term. . _ * . - Hot at Ilcltitt Dunned. George Wicks was talcon before 'Squire llcndricks yesterday , charged with assaulting Mrs. Phoebe A. Gilmore with a knife with intent to kill. Wicks is a tenant of Mr. Gilmore , and is in arrears for his rout. Ho.objocte'd to a dun from Mrs. Gilmore , and became demonstrative. Several witnesses were examined and the case wa * . continued until the 17th inst. at the request of the defendant in order that ho might , liuve time to secure the attendance of an im portant witness. . - < Tlie fjn-4t Day. All our customers' ' who arc entitled to chances in our 17th annual free gifts , will please call for them to-day , as the presents will bo given away'to-inght between 8 and ! ) o'clock. x Buo.s. The Driving Park. The directors of Union Driving park hold a meeting yesterday forenoon , and elected the following olliccrs : J. II. Peregoy , president ; P. Lacy , vice-pres ident ; Thomas Bowman , secretary ; D. Macrae , treasurer. George F. Wright , Charles Gregory and J. W. Peregoy were elected as an executive commit tee , and P. L.acy , John T. Stewart and W. F. Sapp , a committee on grounds. MAKI : xo MISTAKE If you have made up your mine to buy Hood's Sar&aparilla do not bo induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsnparilla is a pcculinr medi cine , possessing , by virture of its pecu liar combination , proportion and com bination , curative powers superior to any other article of the kind before the people. From all affections arising from impure blood or low state of the svstom it is unequaled. Be sure to get Hood's. "A Public Ollice Is a Public Trust. " New York Times : A. great deal has been written at oao time or another during the past four years , and particu larly during the last fortnight , upon the assumption that President Cleve land was the originator and solo owner of the maxim , "Public ollice is a public trust. " The president's enemies have been unusually active and studious , even to a class of persons to whom de traction of Mr. Cleveland is meat and drink , in their effort to show that ho is not in fact the originator of the phrase , and that it was used by Lord Loughbor- ongh a hundred years ago , by that ad mirer of the president , Mr. Justice Field , in 1804 ; in the democratic plat form of 1870 ; by Judge Cooley in 1877 ; by Dorman B. Eaton in 188:2 , and in Lalor's cyclopedia in 1882. None of the students of this interesting subject has taken the trouble to II ml out when , if over. Mr. Cleveland made use of the maxim , or if ho over did use it , what letter , message , state paper or speech the words occurred as having bcon used by him. The phrase has been a good DUO upon campaign banners and in campaign speeches , and will probably not be challenged as unbound , oven ifter the association of it with Mr. Cleveland's name is explained. The fact is that Mr. Cleveland never iiscd the words in writing , print or speech. It was not until after his nom ination in 18& ! that the phrase began lo bo repeated as ono emanating from iiiin. .lust after the Chicago eonvon- , ion had completed its work , and before > ithor the national democratic coiiunil- , eo or the Now York state democratic : ommitteo had begun campaign opera- .ions , soiiio of thu dpmocrats at Albany mdortook the compilation of a cam paign document that was intended to iiilighten the public about the personal md oflicial career of Graver Clove- nnd. The book was to bo printed at , ho Argus ollice , arid the forms wore nado up there , the proofs wore rend by , omo of the governor's friomlsyhon ho last form was nearly rrady , it was on nil that a title pagu was needed. Mr. [ ohnson , of the Argus establishment , mplied to Colonel U. S. Liunont to sup- uy the needed copy. The private soe- otary made a draft of a title , but when t was rend it was found to bo somewhat 'odundant ' , crowding the jingo that was inrtly occupied by a portrait of the can- lidato. A few changes wore made by i'hich bomo words wore got rid of. Then t apj > eared that the page still needed . text line ; something that would ar- est attention at once , at the amo time that it would bo haractorlzod of the subject of the iook. Colonel Lumont , without rccall- ng Lord Lough borough of Justice iold or Judge Cooley , made a quick ulculatioa of the numbers needed and he best words to bo chosen to meet the mergoncy , and wrote down "Public of- co a public trust. " Ho looked at the ino for a while and then , handing the iage over , expressed the opinion that 10 thought it would "go. " The page ras set up und the phrase in the title , fas not faeon by Governor Cleveland un- 11 the work was completed und ready or distribution , Colonel Lamoativ.a correct in his opinion that the pln-nec "would go.n Without slopping to inquire , mid prob ably Ixn-nu'-o the jlirao as applied to Mr. Cleveland's olllcial oaroor was < o universally nccojUcd ns lilting , it was assumed that somewhere , at some time Mr. Cleveland hnd mini the expression and that its nntlior-Oiip ought to bo at tributed to him. It wax used more fre quently on banner's anil transparencies and Hags in the camj > aign of ISHt than all the oilier party mottoes together. The president has never laid claim to it ns his personal property. The truth ful historian will have to concede that ho gave greater Mlgnilieaneo to the long-neglected maxim than did Lord Loughborough or Jus-tieo Field and Cooloy. r A. * S ( > ot-'t of good health is found in the regular movement of the bowels and perfect ac tion of the liver. These organs were intended by nature to remove from the system nil impurities , If you arc con- stljiatcd. you offer a "standing invita tion" to a whole family of diseases and irregularities which will surely bo "ac cepted" and you will have guests un welcome and determined. All these unhappy conditions may be tuertcd by the timely use of Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Powerful for the ollectual regulation of the bowels and Ihor , establishing a healthy action of the entire wonderful organibin with which we are created. THE COUNCIL BLUFFS BTMENT COMPANY MONEY On hand for city loans : lowest ratob of interest. ' Fine farms close to MlutTs to exchange for city property. Western land to exchange for cily property. Hig bargains in Broadway lots. Fine business property to e.xchango for well improved farms. Good stocU of groceries for sale , not for trade. llon&c- , and lots on monthly payments. Small payments down. J'riccs ranging from $77o to 84,000. Cheap lots inKvans' . Wright's , Coch- ran's and most all additions to city. Fine aero property for sale from $100 to $ .500 less llian present worth. Xo. 10 1'onrl St. , Council IMufTs. NEW BARGAINS Y LOTS , FJJST AVIJNUE LOTS , I'-HItHY ADD1TIOV LOTS , PIDUKY ADDITION LOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , IlKVANT * Clj.YUK'H ADDITION I-iOTS , STIUSET'S ADDITION LOTS. Albo'-'Oucios of the best property In town for W. C. STACY , UOOM , OP15ISA HOUSE IIliOCK. Council lllnlfs , SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. InOU'KKNT iTirin&lM-il Jiout loom to I or - gentlemen. No. t'JJr Mh ne. . " \lf.ANTKl > Tobuj-niood second Imncl rniiKO , tf orlOlioleM/.e ; limn lie cheap. Address 3.M llro-uluay. Council lllullh. \\fANTKI ) To exchange city propoity for TT unPinriinilorcil land. JohtHton it Van I'nttcn. Ill Mam st. Council Hlull.-s la. EOH KKNT U-room brick Uoii e. cor. Mh st , .md Kitn avo. Inquire at btoro of T. L Smith , 718 With nvo. FOUND A shawl was found on the slrcet Monday evening , vhk'h the wner can j at this oltlreuy proving property mid paj'l for this notice. WANTED Assistant enniueci' ; one qunlllled to talce rharKu of engine , and who under stands steam llttlnir and plumbliiK. Write to or call on Henry W. Hothort. superintendent deaf and dumb Institution , Council lllulls. WANTED fltrl for Konernl housework. Mrs. J. Mueller , No. 7 ± i Willow avo. FOK SAI.C My house and lot. corner Second avonuoand Ninth street ; also house and lot ( W7 Sixth a\onue ; terms easy. I. \IIIl.iit. . jaiiO-bun-tuos&tnurMw TT1OU HUNT Two-story business house , No. X1 au llroadnny opposite ( itfden house. Pos session Riven March 1. Imjuiro ot Alex Wood , SKH-'iankMrcet. FUR JKMT IVIcely furnished rooms for man and wife or t o Kentlemon , with use of bath , heated by furnace , -it S. 7th s > t. , Amont block , CITY MEAT MARKET ! 1 TO THE FRONT ! pi'iiTiiiiii NOIKE i wii.r. BEEF , VEAL & PORK -Of MV OWN Caltle Fed o i Iowa Corn ! , And will meet any honest competition on prlres lor 1 lrHt-l'lans Meats. J. M. SCANLAN , ISO Hrondwny. - - Telephone UO1. THY OUH MUSH. A. F. CLATTERBUCK , Rim INTiTIi1 RROIflf llML HiOlAIiJ DllUiirj -119 1SROAUWAY , COUNTIIj BljUIWS , I i IOWA. PRIVATEDEJECTIVE. Private watchmen furnished at any and all : lnu > H , Hpecial attention clvon to collection of clut- el mortgages and notes. -Money to loan on good chattel Fccurlty. Hcfcrence Any bank , attorney , or business nun In tno city. 0. E. HUM. , . 0. A. HUIU.INOHOI' ' ' BELL & BERLINGHOF , toliilects , Designers anil Superintendents of Construction. \Ir. \ Itoflln luif wis ho > pn joars with Mcnilclssoliii , Fislirr.t l.oury , unil lias ilrsltpioil many of ( lift ilnost blocks ! u Onmliii nuil Council Itliill's , Plans and Specifications Prepared and Estimates made on Application , Studio , Itoom X Opera Jlonxu I'lios. OrriCKii. \V. II. M I'usuv , OFFICER & PliSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and llroaduay , COUNCIL JiljUKFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign Mul domestic exrliaiirro , 'ollectlona made itnd Interest paid on time de- > 0bltb , " ! . McDAHELO" & 00 Ilb'hest. market prices , Prompt id urns. 20 and te.'ilaln St. . Council JJIulIs , Jowa. WHY SHOULD YOU BUY A HARDMAN PIANO ? I It is the tnoit durable Pimm nmlu. ; 'J It improves under u c. ! ) . It IIIIH more volume of tone than nnv other Instrument. 4. It lUuiih la tune longer than tun oilier 1'laiio. 0. It Is the only Piano with tlionow patent linrp stop , 0. It is the only Piano with tlie new inotnl Uoj support. J. H li unequalled In net Ion. S > . It lend * nil oilier union IT the boU people. ' . ' . It In the linmlHomest Piano matte. 10. Ami most important of nil it It sold n ! trooo or Ti irsct MUELLER MUSIC CO. , \o. 10:1 : MAI.STKIIT : , COUNCIL , 'rr.s , IA. This space is reserved for C. J. COL BY'S Real Estate advertisement , which will appear in our next issue. Look out for bargains. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS Hill ! 1NVIIUI ) TO II.t AT ( MRS. C. L. GILLETT'S HAIR EMPORIUM Anil ' re her line line of Hair ( iooiR I'lMlST HAIR OKNAJIKNTS in ( lie city. Wir ( , Hwinls , etc. , for Itent or Sale. ( JI.lTtl A\E > COYIi : AM > MITICS GKICKS1- : PAINTS , HAIK DUHSSIM : . HTG. HO. ! 2 ! > MAl.V ST. , : COUXCIL , ItMTT.S. MAir. KEl BIVI. I'HOMIT ATTll.MlO.V. An old established Boot and Shoe business in Council Bluffs. Iowa , The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at 413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will be rented. Best stand and trade in city. Nearly thirty years in one location. Present stock from $12,000 to $15,000. For further particulars apply to GK D. Phillips , at the store , or to N. C. Phillips , one of the execu tors of the J. M. Phillips estate. N. P. DOD&E , Executor. Especially Adaptoil foe SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Elevators , pecllloations and estimates furnlbhed for complete Rtcnin plnnti. ItPKiilatlon , Durability ( Junr- mteed. Can show IvtU-n fiom users wueio fuel Knmomy ts ciju.il with Corliss Non-Coinleiialnt' . E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Ciihiloguo. No. 610 I'eurl Street , C'ouiiuil U lull's. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF LECTRIC BELTS AND ELEGTRIS TRUSSES. No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary. . . A.\B > 'I'KAiM.MAKWS itCOM7.1 . ISIO.V O. n. GILBERT , JVlnnufnctuixM' of TAXIDERMY GOODS. 114 Broadway , Council Dluffs , Iowa. Orders for all kinds of Dakota mid Montana RIIIIIO filled HiifTalo nnd other liund.s on hand. Satisfaction jfuurnntcou1 to UIOHO m > wlmg In work to bo Uoiio HulTulo horns In nuvolllcs. OFFICE MEAT MARKET H. PETHYBRIDGE & CO. , PROPS. MiinufaclurcrR find Wholesale Duulors in Ss/u-aa e of .A.11 ! S Iim. < d.s , Orders 1'romptl.y Filled nnd Delivered. . 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. DIDI/IMDIMC Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. I'lnns. Estimates , , DHllMlNDlllL. " " Specifications. Supervision of 1'ublic Work , llrown liuiklinti ! Council lilufft , Iowa. OrMJIID"7 Justice ol the Peace. Ofllce over American Express , No , 419 , Ol/nUHZ. lit oadway , Council Blulli , Iowa. 1 ? , QIMO Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State ami Fed era Ot Ol IVlo" " Courts. Onice-Kooms 7 and 8 , Shuga.-.n.vo look Council Bluflfc , Iowa.