THE OMAHA ILY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAit. OMAHA. TUESDAY AIOBNXNG JANUARY 15 , 1830. NUMBER 2 ] FAILED TO FLAG Afl EXPRESS , And a Fatal Collision Occurs on the Nypano. EIGHT LIVES ARE SACRIFICED Severn ! Passengers More or hCH 4 In- Jurcd nnd llio Wreck CoiiHUincd , \y \ FlamoH ijlMt of ttio Killed. Another Hnllrond Disaster. CI.GVIMS'I : > , O. , Jnn. 14. A frightful wrcclt occurred on the Now York , Pennsyl vania it Ohio railroad near Tallmadgc , O. , tills morning , n passenger train colliding with ono suction of a freight which had broken In two. Eight persons were killed and a dozen Injured. The list of killed is as follows : HOUEUT HUNT1NGTON , of Gallon , O. , passenger engineer. W1LEIAM WALTEUS , of Gallon , pas senger llrcman. .1. I-1. KUSHFOKD , of Gallon , freight brnkcmun , WILLIAM LUNOY.of Salamanca , N. Y. , 1 express messenger. MARY ANN LYON , of Idaho , .ig'cdsix ; tlokctcd Rccnnd class to Cherry Crock , N. Y. THKEE CHINAMEN , Four of the Injured are in a serious condi tion. tion.A A Leader special1 from Akron gives the folli wing particulars of the wreck : At a:27 : this t morning train No. 8 , cast bound , while rounding u uurvo one anil a half miles cast Of Tnllmngu , came suddenly upon part of freight train No. Hi. There was a dense fog. and this conspired with other things to miike the accident lic.yond human power to avert. Engineer Harlington had just time to reverse his engine when the dreadful crash came. Ho was instantly killed. The freight was heavy , and while it was climbing a grade a coupling parted about the middle of the train. It was decided to resort the common expedient of doubling up. Flagmen were -Immediately sent out , one cast anil another west , to warn any approaching train , lirnkcitmii Hradloy was sent alicad to Hag the cast bound pas senger , which was known to lie about duo. Mcentiino the llrst part of the broken freight train was taken to Talmadgo station. The engine then returned to the second part. A signal was given which is said to huvo been to sun mon back the flag man .stationed at the cast. Flagman Urndlcy took it to bo for him also , and started back to the freight. The engineer of the freight engine says that no recall was sounded , but , at any rate , Jiradlcy heard it and so went back. The freight had Just got under motion to go to Talmadgo when the express came along. The momentum of the fast train was somewhat checked by the reverse but the crash was terrific , nevertheless. The freight engineer mid brakcincn Jumped , and escaped serious injury. The passenger engine was crushed into bits tind mingled with thu wreckage behind it. The freight engine reared up and stood almost , on end. Engineer Huntington and Fireman Walters , of the ex- prces , were terribly crushed. The bravo , engineer was disembowelled , his head crushed and his limbs broken and doubled up. The passenger train consisted of a com bination baggaec and express car , and a smoker , , common coach and two sleepers. J'hc greatest horror came when the baggage car and smoker , which telescoped with the common coach , took lire. Engineer Jones , of the Kent yard engine , llvo miles off , begun to be uneasy , und looking down the truck , saw through the trees the glare of the burning cars. After the accident the two telescoped coaches appeared as one , and from the shattered and burning cars came thu groans and shrieks of the unfortunates. Theifcamou scene of terror , the strong struggling to escape a horrible death by ilro , nnd the wounded praying for succor from ttio flames that were fast enveloping them. One man , Gcorgo Shaw , pinned it : by the wreckage , managed by superhuman efforts , to release his lower limbs and escaped cut nnd bruised. In the smoker were eight Chinamen. Five were pulled out nlivo but half dead from fright. Thrcco were never seen after the crash , and bones and bits of charred fie sh gathered up in u bag were all that was found of them. Ono of the pathetic scenes was that attend ing tno death of the little orphan , Mary Ann Lyon , who was being sent from Idaho on n second class ticket to relatives in New York. The friends whom she niado on the train were compelled to stand idly by while the unfortunate- child burned to death , pinned down by the wreck of the scat in tha smok ing car. The passengers in the rear sleeper wcro hardly aroused by the concussions of the wreck. 801110 Interesting Correspondence. Losnox , Jan. 15. [ Special Cablegram to TIIE UKI : , ] Some hitherto unpublished cor respondence relating to Muximillian's reign In Mexico has been sent to the Vienna Tag- blatt from Madrid. Ono of the letters , written by the Archduchess Sophia to her son , Emperor Maximillian , advises him , in case the French abandon him , to die like u good Hapsburg among the Mexicans , as ho had promised. Hut should the French re main In Mcxica , she wisher him to come homo with his family and abdicate in favor of Augustin Iturbido. Another letter , writ ten by the Empress Cnrlottn , and dated Vera Cruz , Juno IS , 18JO , un hour prior to her departure for Europe , expresses conll- donco that th'.1 mission will bo all right when Napoleon has learned the truth verbally , The writer expresses implicit faith in Empress - press Eugenic. Straiten NOWH CouuuriilnR Stanley , | roji/4o/it/SSfli/.7il ( | ( / | ( < iM ( loiilnn llfimett. ' ] LONDON' , Jan. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to TUB Uii.1 : : The Chron icle Hays , with rofarenco to the telegram that Stevens , who rode through Europe and Asia on a bicycle , has started to "Und Stanley : " "Wo may say that Stevens is now la London , having arrived by thu Umbria on Saturday , and that the government will liavo Informa tion of Stanley's safety long before Stevens can roach the east coast of Africa. Ueccnt letters from Stanley will bo published in London. There are , meanwhile , certain reasons why the exact whereabouts of the famous traveller should not bo mudo public. " The Interstate. Association. CHICAGO , Jan. VI , [ Special Telegram to Tun Hiiis.l-- There has been much specula tion in railroad circles as to whom would bo chairman and vice chairman of the newly formed Interstate Hallway association. President Adams' linn dental of the Wall street report seems to put him out of the question for the llrst named place , and the western mutineers , It nppars. > . have nearly decided that C. C. Wheeler , lute assistant general manager of the Northwestern , and u ur.v years uo ; general manager of the Atchl- EOII rnad , la the man for the place. For vice chairman of the freight department the ibilri : > will lie between Chairmen Midxloy and Falthorn , und of the passenger depart ment between Chairman Abbott , of the Western States Passenger association , and Vice Chairman DnuiolM , of the Control Truf fle association. President Hughitt , of the Northwestern , it is said , will likely be uhalr- men of the board of Condition of llolland'a King. Tins HAOi'i ' : , Jan. U , The coudltlou of the king of Holland Is not improved. The cabi net to-day dUcusscd tbo question of a pro visional regency , HiimnrH ofu Miners' Hint , LtNCiiiifuo , Va. , Jan , M. It Is reported that another riot h s occurred In Pocobontus among Urn minors , but no details have been received a you TI1I3 IMK01'A h Women .SiifTV.i'jI-lH Pivparjnit ' ' 'or Active Wni-X In the Lobby , HiiM.usci ; , Dak. , Jan. 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : . ] The Dakota legislature in now getting down to business with n ven geance. The memorial to congress providing for division of the territory nnd admission of two states at once , was presented to the governor for his signature to-day. Although n democrat , Governor Church is heartily In favor of division nnd admission , as was proven by his message to the legislature , and ho will give the memorial his speedy ap proval. Arrangements are being made for the holding of the constitutional conventions for North and South Dakota , the only differ ence of opinion being us to where they should bo located. The republicans of the legis lature have Issued a call for a caucus , which will he held this evening , for the purpose of deciding upon party action , and an attempt , will be made to form a conciliation to pass bills over the governor's veto. The members who live In localities where there are Institu tions demanding Appropriations are taking advantage of this opportunity to override the governor's objections to largo appropria tions , and in nil probability n two-thirds com bination will be funned. It has also leaked out that the republicans who desire to hold the territorial olllces will attempt to have the caucus endorse the plan of sending u com mittee to General Harrison to prevail upon him to appoint a republican gov ernor for thu territory immediately after March , so thai the unices may be taken from the iloinoerats. As the legisla ture will adjourn on March S it will bo n ( lilllciilt task to get n republican on the ground before the body adjourns. The proposition to compel railroad , tele graph , sleeping car and express companies to report , a list ol their property , and providing that the same shall be taxed as till other property , has caused u lively rustling in northwestern railroad circles , and the tif'ht between the fanner members and the rail road representatives will bo a bitter one , unless tint grangers retreat from their ex treme positions. A bill imposing n tax un- insurance companies and compelling them to report in certain form has been introduced. Several prominent woman suffragists ar rived to-day , anil an effort will bo made to induce Miss Frances Willard to eorno to Ulsmurck to aid in lobbying n bill granting women the right to vole. A woman sull'rage bill passed the legislature four years ago , but \vas vetoed by Governor Pierce , and it is claimed that more than a majority of the present members are in favor of the bill , i'lio bill reiiuirlng a residence of one year before beginning action for divorce has been reported Tavorabl.v by the committee , and the. bill for the adoption of the Australian system of voting is gaining ground rapidly. All legislation is to bo framed with a view to early statehood and with the understand ing that this will be the last session of the territorial legislature. Went Virginia. W. Va. , Jan. 14. The house and senate met to-day , but did not do any thing , and the deadlock stands as heretofore. Theio is n promise from the republicans of organization to-morrow whcnt they meet. GOVKHNOHS INAUKUKATUD. The Kxccutiyes ol' Several States Take the Oath ol' Ollicc. TorRKA , Kan. , Jan. 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Hii.J : The inauguration of Governor L. U. Humphrey and other state ollicers took place at noon to-day In rep resentative hall , Uriof addresses wcro made by Governor Martin , who retires , mid by the incoming governor. Chief Justice Horton administered the oath of ofllce to Governor- elect Humphrey , Associate Justices of the Supreme Couit W. A. Johnson , Lieutenant Governor A. J. Fell , Secretary of State William Iliggms , Auditor of State McCar thy , State Treasurer James W. Hamilton , Attorney General L. H. Kellogg , and Hon. George W. Winans , state superin tendent of public instruction. This evening a reception was tendered in representative hall to the new administration , and this was followed by the Inaugural ball , Which was a very brilliant affair. General Hovcy. IxniAXAi'OMS , Ind. , Jan. 14. General Hovcy and Mr. Chase wcro Inaugurated gov ernor and lieutenant-governor of Indiana at 2iO : ! this afternoon at English's opera house. President-elect Harrison , Judge Martin- dale and Mr. McKco occupied a private box. 1) . II. I'YaticK JnrFRiisox CITY , Mo. , Jan. II. Hnn. D. H. Francis was .inaugurated governor at 11:30 : this morning. There was no parade or show , the Inauguration being the simplest udmissablo under the law. Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Jan. 14. In the state senate to-day the republican senators , through Senator Johnson , submitted a formal written protest against the election of [ 'residing ( Jlllccr Foxe while thu lieutenant-governor was ut the door. The protest was ordered spread upon the Journal. Joseph Kife.r. Sriiixonr.i.o , Jan. M. Joseph Fifcr was inaugurated governor of Illinois to-day at 1 ; 3U p , ui. _ _ _ JOIoped With ( he Kootmnii. MONTKIIAI , , Jan. 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB UKK.I A great sctmtion has been caused here by the discovery of a romantic elopement , the parties being , 'it is said , the daughter of n wealthy New York stock broker and his footmr.n. Tim young lady Is a strikingly hamUomo brunette , and gives the name of Jennie Stuart. Her lover is n commonplace looking fellow , evidently an Englishman. He claims his name is Thomas Johnson. All efforts to discover their real identity have failed since tlmir arrival a few days aso , but Urn police have communicated with the ft ow York authorities. The young woman has plenty ot money and consider able tine Jewelry. Shouhurd FireH ills Flock. New YOIIK , Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram to THIS IlKB. ] The union stereotypers on the Mall and Express are on a strike. Ever since October the union 1ms been trying to Induce the proprietors to pay the union bcalo of ? 1,5(1 ( , but without Huccess. The wages paid uvoriiEKil from ? I3 to $ ' "J a week , Thursday afternoon the man nlruclc. Then the pro prietor agreed that the scale should bo paid , und so it was until Saturday , when the entire force of eight storeotypors were discharged and their department t'iken charge of by a non-union printer who lost his pluco when typographical union No , 0 got control of the composing ; room. Axworthy Arrltos at Toronto. ToitoSTO , Ont. , Jfin. 14. [ Special Tele gram to TIIR HUB.-- ] Thomas Axworthy , ex- city treasurer of Cleveland , O. , arrived last night , nnd will take up his residence here. Mrs. Axworthy will arrlvn on Tuesday Axworthy says that he will bo the only loser by his defalcation , a'ld tliut he deplores having to face the world anew after thirty years of hard and honest labor , The only dishonest act of his life , he my * , was com mitted through the force of circumstance's over which he had no control , His A Koinliutry Itiivncd , CjuiTiiHtr.u : : , III. , Jan. 14. The seminary at Lu Harto burned lust night , Loss , S.'O.UOO. _ _ Died a Defaulter. Kii'liHOUi ) , Va. , Jan. 14. City Collector A. H. Woodson died last April. His no- counts are being investigated nnd show a shortage which may reach { 5,000. THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE A Petition Praying for Municipal Suffrage for Womon. THE SENATORIAL CANDIDATES. MntidrrNon null MuShanc Nominated In CaiiuiiH Ily Their Ilc.sncutlvo Parties A Mill to He n- Into Hanks. He unto. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 14. ISpeclnl to Tun Hnt : . ] Senator Koctio reported from the committee on Joint rules , recommending the Joint rules governing the last session of the legislature , and the report was adopted , A petition of the Woman's Temperance union of Nebraska , asking the legislature to grant women municipal suffrage , was read mid referred to the committee on municipal suffrage. A republican caucus of members of the legislature was called for this evenimj in the hall of the house of representatives to place In nomination u republican candidate for .United States senator. A democratic caucus tn nominate -candidate for United States senator was called for this evening , to bo held at the Windsor hotel. Mr , Lindsay moved that n committee of tin eo be appointed to arrange for holding the Joint convention on Wednesday for the elec tion of a United States senator. Messrs. Lindsay , Html and Dorn were appointed. The following wore umonif the bills Intro duced and read the llrst tlmo : Hy Mr. Hansom-To empower cities and villages to acquire real estate by gift or de vise for parks and publi ; grounds and for the urntcctlon of such real estate. Hy Mr. Norval For n Joint resolution to amend section " , article 15 , of the constitu tion of the state of Nebraska , entitled "Amendment"and for the , providing manner of calling constitutional conventions. Hy Mr. Uaymond To amend section ; i. > 4 of thu code of civil procedure compiled statutes of 1S7 concerning the obligations of witnesses to attend trials hi civil actions , and to repeal said original section. The senate adjourned tolOa. in. to-morrow. Mouse. LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. H. [ Special to Tun Bni : . ] The house met at 2 p. in. , with nearly or over.v member in his seat. Hrlnlc of lloono introduced a resolution increasing the number of paper wrappers from ten to twenty. Dempster asked what necessity was there fpr such an increase. Urink re plied that the impora come seven days In the week , while wrappers wore only furnished for the days the house is actually In session. Delancy moved to lay the motion on the table , which was lost by the close vote of U4 to W. Dompter then moved to amend , extending the allowance of ten wrappers to each day in the week , which was accepted , and the amendment prevailed. Mr. Oilier , from the committee on mines and milling , reported that they had house bill No. 2 under consideration and reported it back with the recommendation that it pass as amended. The bill as amended reads as follows : The professor of geology in the university , who shall be ex-otticio state geologist , and such other members of the said university as may bo able , by reason of their .scientific at tainments , to assist in the work , are hereby authorized and directed to niiiko , in cooperation tion with the United States geological sur vey , a geological survey of the state of Ne braska with os.iecial reference to economic results. The sum of f5,000 annually , or $10(000 ( for the next succeeding two years , is hereby ap propriated , out of the general funds , to defray the expenses of said sur vey , including all legitimate expenses of Held work nnd olllco , the salary of ono as sistant to the state geologist not , exceeding $1,50U per annum. Compensation to the state geologist for the direction and over sight of nil the work in addition to his own work in Held nnd otlico , such compensation not to exceed $ . " > 00 per annum , the purchase of apparatus , instruments and supplies , and ail other necessary expense ; and the auditor of public accounts is hereby authorized and inutnietcd to issue warrants from time to time in. such sums as the necessities of the work nmy require , but the sum total of such warrants shall not exceed 5,000 annually. On motion of Mr. Gilbert , of York , the use of the hall of the house was tendered to the third house "for the inauguration of the ' ' " and for other 'squntter'J governor" ccrerno- uius. Carried. On motion of Mr. McHrlde the house went into committee of tin ) whole for the consid eration of house roll 10 Morrissoy's anti- I'mkcrtoa bill. MeUride moved to amend the bill by in serting the words , "No private company or corporation within the stale shall bo al lowed to maintain armed men for police pur poses. " Cady moved to refer the bill to the Judiciary. Lost. An amendment in these words to Mc- Uride's amendment was then proposed : "Except in case of riots or to protect life or property. " Morrissey said "ho only proposed by this line to prohibit any one from acting UH a po liceman who is not a eiti/.on of the state , and that he Intended to Introduce u supple mentary bill authorizing the governor to em ploy deputy sheriffs in cases of riot , and that they shall bo paid by n special tax levied on the property of the individual or corporation that may request their services. " After t > oma more general discussion the motion to refer the bill to the Judiciary com mittee was renewed and curried. After disposing of Morrissoy's bill , the committee of the whole took up house roll No. : H Mr. Koipor's .bill. The Intention of the bill is to compel county boards to pay the expenses of the sheriff in serving papers in cases of misdemeanors , a matter now left to their discretion. A very animated discussion followed. St. Rayncr thought that such a law would bankrupt this section of the country. " Huhcr ably defended the bill. Ho said that parties who are compelled to attend court should certainly be paid for It , and that ofll- ccrs who serve warrants should not bo com pelled by law to t > erva papers without some provisions oelng made for the costs , Ulmstead said the bill was against good public policy. Culdwell also defended the measure , and failed to see how It could Increase taxes un less everybody was dishonest , and ho did not want to assume that to bo true. The bill was defeated. Very few bills were Introduced to-day. Cudy Introduced a bill to punish the selling of intoxicating liquors to minors , drunkards and others , by parties not authorized to toll , Culdwoll Introduced a measure for the reg ulation and government ot banks. Tim bill Is n very elaborate measure. It provides for it graduated paid up rapltal Imscd on the si/.o of the cities in which the bank Is to bo located. An examiner Is also to bo appointed to suporvisu the banks , and otheri : rinyont provisions tire made for the protection of depositor * . The bill was drafted by a committed nnd will receive btrong Biipport. A resolution instructing the committee on public lands und buildings to prepare a bill uxtending tlmo on payments of contracts for hchoul hinds that full duo In ISS'J ' and 1SUO was passed. WAITING I'UU 'JHK IMtlNTKHS. J'ho I'rojjrcm ol' Iliistucss SjrloiiKly Delayed in the fa'tmati : . LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan , 14. [ Special to THU line. ] The senate has now been In session ; wo weeks , and yet no bill has passed the third roadlnr ? . They have gone throtiKh the order of busnois formally , but no important action has been taken. The modlllcation of thu original action , which requires the print- nf ot ull bills after the second reading is the cause of this. The senate meets , and , after going through the motions of doing business , adjourns , it has gone on. in this way now for n week , nnd how much longer it will thus continue no man can toll. Everybody supposed that the senate would get down to business a week ago , but there is ns yet no sign of business. Committees Imvo con sidered several bills , and have been ready to report them for u week past , but- everything has to await the pleasure of the printers , who seem to bo In no hurry to facilitate the public business , Meanwhile thu scnntu meets nnd adjourns at the price of some $500 per day. The action of the senate iri recommending the resolu tion originally adopted was foolish. It was not done because any senator really thought it a necessary or useful scheme. It was done ut the Instance of n horde of Lincoln printers who saw themselves deprived of the chance to print all the bills that should bo offered at n cost of 1,03 a page of coarsly printed mat ter. The whole opposition originated with the printers. Nobody else eared n tig whether the bills wcro printed or not. The tax payers , who will bo called upon to foot the expensive bills for useless printing , will bo expected to pay without a protest the enormous expenses at taching to the running of the senate for a week , nnd thu largo cxhonso of printing hills that nobody will ever read. The cost of the needless delay will probably foot up fully $10,000 before the senate concludes its ses sion. And so the massive wheels of the sen ate continue to move slowly around , greased by the sweat of the'farmers who will be called upon to foot the bills. NOK.MAI , SCHOOLS. The normal school committee consists of Meeker of Chase , Coleman of Antelope , Hisbee , Winter , Dlller , Yutzy , Scovillo , linker and Uallard. I endeavored to inter view the committee on tha normal school question with the following result : Uallard Have not yet tuKcn the normal school fever , but can't ' say Just now what I will do when wo get to considering the bills. bills.Hisbee Hisbee I don't favor establishing more than two or three at most. Of course , 1 want ono at O'Neill , in 'ny own county. Coleman of Antelope 1 don't know what I may favor. I have not yet met the chair man and don't want to oxpresn myself. Yut/y I think the state might have another north of the I'lutto , but am opposed to all extravagance of every sort , and will not favor devising any now ways for spend ing the public monoy. Winter I don't believe any of the bills will pass. Fremont has a building which It will donate to the stuto , and I may be in favor of establishing , ono there. My own town of Ainsworth would hue to haven school and It would boa good location , but I don't think there is any possible show of HU- curin one for that locality. Dillor I don't approve the policy of scat tering the stuto institutions. I think it would be better if they were all ut Lincoln. I don't think wo can afford to establish over two at most. My colleague , Mr. Linker , I think , holds about the same-views that I doand will favor establishing twoornot more than Unit. Chairman Meefcr could not be found , but it is known that he is in favor of establishing oncntMcCooK , in his own district , and per haps another in the northern part of the state , MANOKHSON AND AL'SHANE The Nominees ol' Their Kcspcctivo Parties Tor the Sciitatorship. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 14. [ Special Teln- gram to THE Bcc.l The republican mem bers of both houses mot to-night in the house for the purpose of nominating a candidate for United States senator. General Cannon was elected chairman. Ho said that there is but ono way to have a sjtrong representation In congress firstto select good , able men and then to stand by them through thick and thin. "Let us stand by our representatives so long as they nro able and trustworthy. " There were 110 present. Messrs. Hansom and Homo voted for Van W.vclc , after which Mr. Hansom moved that further ballottlng bo dispensed with , and Hon. C. F. Mandor- son be declared the unanimous nominee of the convention , which was carried. The chair , under instructions from the house , informed Manderson by telegraph that he hud been unanimously nominated by the joint caucus as representative to succeed himself. After an effort had been made , in vain , to introduce a resolution pledging the republicans of the legislature to submit a prohibition amendment to the constitution , the convention adjourned. The democratic members of the legislature met this evening and nominated McShnno as their candidate for United States senator. THE PACKING HOUSE RATES. The Matter Thoroughly Discussed ut a Electing in Chicago. CIIICAUO , Jan. 14 , The demand of the Chicago cage packers that uniform rates be madD on shipments of llvo hogs and packing house products from western points , led to a con ference to-day between a committee of the packers and representatives of the western and southwestern railroads. The whole question was canvassed , but no conclusion has been reached. The packers insist that the rates on packing house products should bo no lower than those on live hogs , claim ing that the difference now existing between those rutcs Is a discrimi nation against Chicago. This view of the matter is naturally combatiad by the packers at western points , who claim that they will be driven out of business if such concessions are made to their Chicago rivals. A delegation of Iowa packers will arrive hero to-morrow to present ease to the railroads and after hearing both sides of the controversy the roads will decide what to do. The board of trada will defer sending its petition to the intcr-stato com mission until Wednesday , when the railroads are expected to bo ready with their decision. Opening of I ho Landtag- UHHLIX , Jan. II. The landtag was opened to-day. The emperor in his speech opening the session , declared that all the foreign re lations of the country were friendly. Ho said that during his recent visits to" friendly sovereigns ho gained in conviction that Ger many might conlldcntly ctmrish the hope of peace. The continucdiblessings of peace nro Oiown in a gratifylnq ? manner by the im proved economic situation of artisans. The ilnanclal position of 'tlte ' country is satisfac tory. Small llioflirAVatoiTord. Dtrm.ix , Jan. 14. A. llspatch from Water- Tord says that fourteen persons who were sentenced to ono month's Imprisonment for participating in the ' { Manchester martyrs" demonstration thonMyere taken to prison to day. They \vero escorted to jail by police men , n crowd with a band of muslo follow ing them. The pollca charged upon the crowd with clubs , and quite u conflict en sued. Several persons wore badly injured. ' A Natural GaM-Kxullnnicnr. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , jlan. 14. The excite- ncnt caused by the reported discovery of natural pas near Oak .Creek , ten miles south of this city , has been Intensified by a report from reliable gentlemen who visited the city to-day that the well vent was lighted the other evening und produced u llumo nearly thirty feet in height. The ouor from the well strongly resembles that of ordinary illuminating gas. , Th l'riit--nlni > Diet. HEIILIN , Jan. 14. The upper house of the Prussian diet was opened to-day with paid- Hio addresses by thu president nnd vice pros- dent. ICnthusiastlc cheers were given for the emperor , Steamship Arrivals. At Glasgow Tlie Australia , from Now York , At Qucenstowu The Lord Cllve , from Philadelphia. At Ualtiuioro The Circe , from Glasgow. TIIE AGRICULTURAL BUREAU , Strong Probability That It Will At tain Cabinet Dignity. MR. DAWES BLOCKS THE WAY. HoThlnkH ths Sioux Kcscrv.ttion Hill IB Unfair to the Indians I'luldock'.s Imiiil UU > trlct mil. WASIIINOTOSHcmiu : Tin : OMUIV Gets , ) DlRKouiiTRGXTii STIIRKT , V WASHINGTON , U. C. . Jan. 14. I "You can quote mo ns saying that the ull ! creating a cnuinet ofllce out of the bureau o agriculture will become u law , " said Chair man Hatch of the house committee on agri culture , a member of the conference com mittee having this measure In charge , while talking to your correspondent this evening about the probability of 1'resiitciit Harrison having another cabinet oftlcer to select. "Tho conferees , " continued General Hatch , "wero appointed with the understanding that they would agree upon some terms , and they will ngreo. Neither the men acting on the part of the house , nor those for the senate will let such questions us the transfer of the weather bureau to the department of agriculture defeat - feat the bill. We nro going to agree , and our report will bo promptly adopted by both houses. Yes , President Cleveland will sign the bill. Senator Palmers , at the head of the conferees , on the part of the senate and the chairman of the ' senate committee on agri culture , coroboratcd this statement. The agreement will likely be reached by the mid dle of this week. , IILOCKKD. ' Chairman Dawes , of tl.o senate committee on Indian nlTuirs , to-day introduced u substi tute to the Glfford and Peel bills providing for the opening of the Sioux Indian reserva tion in Dakota and Nebraska. Tlie inovo made by Mr. Dawos will undoubtedly block all further progress towards legislation in the Interest of throwing open tiio reserva tion. Dawes says ho is acting in the interest of the Indians , while the other bills arc in the interest of the white peoplo. Tins is proven to ho true by the titles of the measures. The one introduced by GilTord is entitled , "A bill to divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux nation of Indians in Dakota , ami to secure the rellnquishment of the Indian title to the remainder. " The Dawes bill is entitled , "A bill to secure to the several bands of Indians of the Sioux na tion in Dakota , separate reservations und a rclinnuishnmnl of the remainder to the Indians , and for other purposes. " The Dawes bill changes the boundaries proposed in the Gifford bill , from liattle Creek to Hnpid Creek , which is a radical difference at the outset. In Section 10 , after erasing the Gifford proviso Unit "upon the passage and approval of this act all title and interest , on the part of the Indians shall be released and extinguished , " Dawes inserts that "upon the acceptance of this net by the Indians , etc. " Ho places the price of the lands at ft an acre throughout , instead of Sl.'J.1) for a period of years and then SO cents un aero for the land taken after that time. The Dawes bill requires the consent ot a majority of each band of Indians , instead of a majority of the Indians as u body. The Gifford bill appropriates $2. " > , < XX ) with which to procure their consent , whereas Mr. Dawes proposes to uppropoiate only ยง 18,000. PADDOCK'S I.AXD OFFIOK niLk. A substitute to Senator Paddock's bill es tablishing two additional land olllces in Ne braska was reported to the senate to-day from the committee on public lands. The substitute differs from the original bill by u change of boundary lines madu upon the sug gestion of the commissioner of the general land ollice. In the new , or substitute bill , the northern boundary of the Uroken How district is about eight townships south of the north boundary of the state , und the north of the Alliance district is ono township farther north. Hoth Districts have an average - ago ot about eight townships in width and an average of about twenty townships in length dividing on the 5th guide meridian west , which is the western boundary of Uroken How district n\u\ \ \ the eastern bound ary of the Alliance district. Thu southern boundaries ot both districts are irregular. The eastern boundary of the Uroken How district Is on thocl guide merid ian as far north as the 5th standard parallel , on wieh it runs west four townships and thence north to the north boundary. Two tiers of. townships commencing on the west line of township 27 and running to the west boundary on the north side of the -Ith standard parallel nro left in the North Plutto district. Two tiers of townships from the nth guide meridian west to the east line of township 4G nro taken into the Alliance district. From the east line of township 40 the fith standard parallel ! is the south boundary of thn Alliance dis trict. In his letter on the subject , Commis sioner Stockslagcr says : "While It is be lieved that the establishment of two addi tional districts would , to some extent servo the convenience of settlers , yet the limits of the district as indicated in the ( original ) bill are not such as I can consistently recommend. They change the existing boundaries of six of the land districts In Nebraska as at present established , and the segregation of Lho records will involve much additional work upon this ofllce , which will be dllHcnlt to perform with the current business , The now land olllces at Sidney nnd Chadron were opnned for public business last your , ind at that time entire now sets of tract liooks were prepared for those otlices , nnd in the event of the enactment of tha pro posed measure now records will again have : o bo prepared , I atn advised that a line of railroad lias been carried through the coun try included In these diBtricts , and the same will doubtless prove n great convenience to settlers who may bo required to visit the local ofilces although nest of their business may io noiiQ us well ami with ns little inconveni ence at the existing otlices. 1 have given the matter careful consideration and if the imposed bill is insisted upun I , in order that the mime may bo carried into effect with us little Inconvenience ns pos sible , Unit tha boundaries be modified , " Tha commissioner i-ycommcmls un appropriation .o meet the extra expenses incurred by the .ho opening of the otlices and the salaries of jfllcerH , etc. , if the bill Is passed , and it ikcly will bo passed. TO Itr.lR'tT. INTIillNAL lir.VKNUB. The reference of tha bill introduced by Cowles , of North Carolina , to reduce the in ternal revenue taxation , being thn Internal revenue part of the Mills bill , to the coin- nttteoon apprhitions is quite slgnUlcant. f referred to the committee on wajs und neuns It would never Imvo been reported , tut Cowles has reason to believe that It will coma back to the house ut an early day , and he largo vote for the motion to refer it tp he appropriation committee augurs tn favor of thu adoption of the bill in the house , in vhlch cusu it will puss the senate nnd ro- ievo the financial situation. If the state of msiness In the house was favorable to the consideration of the senate tanIT bill Cowlcs night have not Introduced this bill , TKIIIIITUUIAL MATTKIIH. To-morrow the Bonato bill dividing the tor- itor.v of Dakota and admitting thu southern mlf to statehood will bo called in the house. Jhairmun Springer will otter as a substitute , its omnibus bill admitting to statehood Da- ( otu us a whole und the territories of Wash- ngton , Montana und New Mexico. Hut hems ms promised Senators-elect. Moody and Mi-'erton , Delegate Gilford , Chief Justice ) J'ripp and other prominent Dakotuns horu that a fair und square vota shall be taken on hi ) hctiuto bill , so that if It is the will of iho louse that Dakota should ho divided , It snail > o. The dlvisionibts are embarrassed by the ibsonco from the house , lust ut this time , of Sunset Cox , of New York , Wilson , of Mln- lesota , und McShuno , of Nebraska , ull demo crats and in favor of division. It is likely , iowevcr. that pairs have been or will bo irramrcd for the men , and hopes are enter- ulncd by the friends of division that tbo senate bill will pass , or If the omnibus bill Is adopted that It will bo with amendments provided by Senator-elect Moody , dividing the territory nnd giving statehood to the southern half. The senate will accept no kind of a bill that does not divide Dakota. The vote will bo very close In all probability. TIIR SMAl.t.S-rl.MOTr CONTEST. It Is very probable that the contested elec tion case of Smalls vs Klllott , from South Carolina , involving the right of a white democrat to a seat In the house , to which n negro republican Is entitled by n ma jority of about liS.lXX ) , at a fair election and upon nn honest count , will come up on Wednesday or Thursday and bo disposed of. It was reported the other day that Colonel Oats , of Alabama , the one-armed confeder ate , would deliver n speech In favor of the dUfranchlsomeut of thn negroes , as he tuxes prominent and positive ground on that subject , but ho has been persuaded to desist , ns such n speech would draw sectional lines nnd turn Elliott out of his seat beyond ques tion. Senator nnd Mrs. Manderson attended a dinner given by Senator and Mrs. Palmer , of Michigan , last night. The attorney mineral has approved the title to the site selected for the public1 build ing at Ottumwn , In. , nnd the work on the superstructure will be begun very soon. George H. Heekctt , of Emmcttsdiurg , In. , nnd Daniel G , Eldridge , of .Sheldon , la. , were to-day admitted to practice before the interior department. AllMV MATTI'.IIS. Hy direction of the secretary of war Pri vate John McLaln , company I ) . Eighth In fantry , now with his company , Is discharged from the service. Leave of absence for six months on sur geon's certificate of disability , with permis sion to leave the division , is granted Captain ThOiims Sharp , Seventeenth infantry. PIIIHV : S. HCATH. rPIMP . . i 11 li-'d > II I. . * V . > I' ijKjI'jij * L Several Hundred Visitor * Call lo Pay Tlu'ir Hi-spcots. INDIAN WILH , Jan. 14.-There was a con stant stream of visitors at General Harri son's residence to-day , and In consequence this was ono of his busiest days. Out of several hundred visitors very few had any immediate business with the presidout-elcct. They merely came to pay their respects. tVinong the callora this afternoon were llf- teen members of the Indiana electoral col lege , who paid their respects , and a deputa tion from the National Service Pension association , of which Gen eral Ilovey is president , headed by Captain John Hounrty Losier. John F. Plnmmer , the Now S'orlc merchant , who arrived yesterday , spent a couple of hours with General Harrison last night , and this morning held another conference , accom panied by Arthur E. Hatoman , a Now York banker of considerable political inlliienco. II is understood that both of these gentlemen are friendly to thu interests of Warner Miller. Mr. Plummcr admits that ho was sent for by General Harrison. In reply us to how much political significance attached to his visit , Mr. Plummcr answered : "Well , as to how significant it is , General Harrison can tell bettor than I can. It may seem strange to you , but I really do not know what my visit docs menu , as General Harrison has said nothing to mo Indicating any Intention he iii'iy have. " Another party of Now York politicians ar rived in a special car this morning , it is un derstood ! la the interest of Phut , which seems lo indicate that the whole trouble be tween the Plntt-Mlller factions is to bo fought over in General Harrison's presence. Their visit was largely of a social character , but Editor Sleichcr intimated that there was some politics In It , leaving but little doubt that they spoke for Platt. Hoth the New York parties left the city this even- Ing.The The west also had a strong delegation hero to-day from Nebraska , Colorado , Kansas , Dakota and Wyoming. The prominentmcm- l > ors of the party were Hon. G. L. Laws , secretary of state for Nebraska ; Hon. J. W. Ovey , of Hays Centre , Neb. ; E , A. Harvey , of Orleans ; James W. Dolan , of Indiaiiolu , Neb. ; J. It. Hamilton , of Newton , Kan. ; George W. Lumloy , of Dakota , nnd 13. D. Miller , of Hanid City. They came to lay ueforo the president-elect matters relating to the alleged homestead irregularities which they , and the pconlo represented by them , .InnU that he should bo acquainted with. They urged him lo select a broad mun for .ho interior department who would treat the settlers living on homesteads with humanity and encourage them to prove up and secure titles to their holdings instead of impeding their efforts in this direction by technicali ties , Secretary of State Laws says that many homesteaders find it almost impossible to secure titles ; that the land department is from three to seven years behind in issuing patents. As an example , ho cites the condi tion of affairs In the McCook , Nob. , land of- Jlco , where 330 claims have been suspended and the owners put to an expense of f-JOO , which they could not afford , getting wit nesses and going long distances to prove their identity and positions. Out of 7-0 eases of filing of proofs in that olllco only twelve have been cancelled. There Is good reason to believe that the Ne braska delegates suggested consideration of Hon. J. M. Thurston's name as a suitable head for thn interior department. Prof. David Swing , the celebrated Chicago divine , was tliu guest of General and Mrs. Harrison this evening by special Invitation. NtihraNka and town I'oiiHlous. WASIIINT.TO.S- . 14 , [ Spcclul Telegram to TUB Hue. ) Pensions granted Nobras- kuns : Original Invalid Gcorgo Hadkin , Ncmaha City ; Francis M. Her vie , Osce- olu ; John Lutz ( deceased ) , Lincoln , Restoration John A.Gilbert , Loup City. Increase- Henry Hart , Nemalui City ; Samuel L. Graves , Helvldcre ; John E. Parker , Edison ; John Thornton , llluir ; Edwin Hughes , St , PaulThomas ; Ellis , Hum- boldt. Pensions for lowans : Original invalid John S. Alelvibb-m , Fort Madison ; Patrick Mahonuy , WcstsldojC. C. Perdue , Liberty ; Andrew J , Maxwell , Sidney ; George U' . Grover.Osagc ; David L. JohnsonIndiunola ; Kzukicl F. Cooley , Decorah. Increase Webster Nagle , Saylorvillo ; Gcorgo W. Con well , Milton ; John C. Wilson , Newton ; James O. Livingston , Newton ; E/.oklcl F. Judd , Hod Oak. Tronblos Ivan. , Jnn. 14. [ Special Tele- ram to Tin ; Hni : . ] The Topekn Confec- lonory company , a wholesale concern , which ms been in business about ono year , has alien. Their liabilities nro about 31:1,01)0 : ) nd assets considerably less. Their stock vas sold to-day for the benefit of their cred- ors. The Sommcr-Ulchardson Manufuo- uring company , of St. Joseph , is the leaviest loser. CLIVILANII : : O. , Jan. 14. The King Har- ess company , ono of tin ; leading manu- acturing concerns of Ohio , ns-iii.'ncd to-day , 'hu liabilities are from SIW.IMJ to sT. . ' > , OUU ; bsets , * TO,000. , WIs. , Jnn. 14. Tooto & Wll- cox , one of the oldest clothing firms in Wis consin , assigned this morning , The liabili ties are estimated at fl. UHi ; assets , Tin ; ICcil Cloud Hunk. WASHINGTON , Jan , 11. H Is stated at the treasury department that the Hud Cloud National bank , of Ued Cloud , Neb. , is not likely to bo placed In the hands of a receiver the prompt nation of Examiner Griffiths hav ing resulted in recovering the assoHs and securing - curing doubtful debts to an important nniount , wealthy stock holders having nlTorcd lo furnish cash oulilcient tn pay all claims on demand. If this offer is carried out the bank will resume business under a new man agement. Deadwooil Iloduullon Worlcx Start. Duiinvonn , Dak. , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : Hii.J : The Deadwood Reduc tion \vorlcii started up to-day , The machin ery ami uv-erythint' p-jrtalnliig uro working sjuondi'lly. STRICKEN BY HEART DISEASlf- Sudden Death of a Travollusr nt Qraiul Island. TRAIN WRECK NEAR HUMBOLDT. A rrnlRlil Train Drrnllril l y " Hnmt Cur Several Carl Hinanhe l , but No Duo Hurt Ol hot State IteiiiH , Found Dead in II'H Uoom. GIUXD ISLAND , Nob. , Jan II. ( Spaolal Telegram lo Tun Hr.n.J J. H. Kohn , a travel Ing salesman , wu.s found dead in his room at the PaelHo hotel this morning. Ho retired last night nt S3D ; , leaving n call for 0 o'clock , intending to go to St. Paul on the curly train. The porter rapped on the door at rt o'clock , but getting no response ho called the cleric , and together they brolio in the door aim found him lying on the floor dead. Ho was partially undressed and was tyinij up his mumlry when stricken down. Everything was orderly , showing that ho died without n struggle , The coroner's jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes , anil the doctor pronounced i it heart disease , He leaves a wife and ono child , who reside ut Clinton , la. His wlfo was Informed - ; formed of his sudden death by a telegram , und is expected here to-morrow. Ho was n man of about thirty-eight year * of ago , mod- ' esl , unassuming und agreeable , und iniido many friends wherever ho went , und wm ono of the most popular men on the road. His life was insured for $5OJO In thoT. P. A. He occupied room No. III. David t'Hy Xotos. D\vit > CITV , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special to Tin : HKK.J The waterworks which uilnrii our town seem to ho merely for ornament , ns they do not work any water. The stand pipe , as originally built , when half full of water cracked the foundation , which was built hnlUnv , In an alarming manner , causing thn pipe to lean slightly to thu cast , und. threatening the stores in thu noighborhrod with destruction In the event of a heavy wind. It was condemned nnd the contract taken away from the contractor , Charles Schroedor. The city then emptied the stand pipe , secured it with guv ropes , tore tha foundation awav and are replacing it with solid stone masonry the cost and daimmes tncomooutof the contract price , VJv'.OOO ; The town is without water und the patience ) ' of the people almost exhausted. i The low price ottered forcorn in New York ; und Chicago markets has depressed trade ) somewhat. Farmers will not , haul tholj corn lo town for IS cents , the price offcreit hero. The Union Pncifle railroad is building ti ; siding between hero and Ulsmg , about Hvd miles from this place. The report is Unit" they are going to start a now town there , and build an elevator. If this is true it will divert some of the grain trudo from DuvioY City. City.The mild weather , which has held hero all winter has kept a great many wild geese from taking their departure to the smith , Sportsmen in the neighborhood report many busy guns and good sport. The birds leoil In the stubble fields by day , coming from the river in the early morninu and returning in the early afternoon. An 13ntrrHfliiif ] ; Horse. ThloT. NUIIHASKA CITV , Neb , , Jan. 11. [ Special to THE HUB. ] H. S. Streepcr , of Good Intontj' ' Atchison county , Kansas , arrived in the bit.y to-day and located a valunbln team stolen , from him on December 2 ! ( . M. Covoll , a livery stable keeper , had bought the teatn1 from a middle aged German , who gave Ida name as William Brown. Hu is described aa , an oldish man , weighing about 170 , and wears a full short grayish board , lie claimed toj have come from Concha , _ Tcx. . nntT WUH on his way to Swanton , O. Covell ) bought the team , paying ? iUt ) for it , thief representing Unit he hud the rhcumo * tism .so bad that lie could lint drive It any farther. The team was no sooner sold than , thu rheumatism left him , und ho made tracks ! to get away , gomg south on the Missouri Pacitle on January 4. The same day the ofllcers here received information of llioj' ' stolen team , and Mr. Co veil notified the owner and secured $100 bade as a reward. To-day the police received another card from Hiawatha , Kan. , giving in ? formation of another horse stolen afi that place on the lllth , and the description ot the supposed thief in an exact picture of the man Hrown , who sold the other team bore. Mr. Stroepor belongs to an untl-horsothiej organization In Kansas , and they olTor a reward ward of S2SO for the thiof. About n do/oa men are on his track , and they promise tui make very .short work of him if caught. Ha is said to bo again heading for the Nebraska City market with his now team. Gonornl MoruhaniliHi ; Failure. Fiin.MONT , Neb. , Jan. 14. [ Special to TUB HKI : . ] The general merchandise store of Jt | J. Stafford , ut North Hond , this county , la' ' now in the hands of creditors. A suit wa begun against Mr. Stafford Saturday which precipitated the failure. To-day creditor filed with the county clerk chattel melanges on the stock as follows : The KilpixtriL'lty Koch company , Omaha. I'J.OOO ; Sloan , John * son t Co. , Oniiha , ? Hi'J ; Hobinson Notion company , $1,128 ; 1'axton Ac Gallagher , Omaha , ! ( I3 ; Vorlucs , Miller & HupoK $1,721) ) . In addition to these thuro are HinalJ I debts amounting to ( something like. f , ( ; 00 , which makes the total liabilities about ] f 10,000 , with assets somewhat less than that } amount. The store is now In the possession' of the Kilpatrick-Kock company and Sloan , Johnson & Co. A Mi'indlor V.M.l'Mi.uso , Nob. , Jan , -Special [ ta TUB UKK.I .Mr. Cook , who swindled several farmers in thm vicinity last spring by selling them thu right to use and sell a sort ot anchor to hold houses down , and gutting their signatures to contracts which were made into piouiissory notes , IIUB been nr- resied and wan brought in this morning froiq Kansas by the deputy Hhorlff of Lancaster county , und will have his preliminary trial to-day. Thu arrest was brought about bV John Sh rader , one of his principal victims , whoso note calls for f'M)0. ) J. W. TillmanJ- another fanner , is in for * sOO. Several others in this county nnd Lancaster are iu fo.lar e .sums , Father anil Sun Fi ht. VAI.IMUAISO , Neb , , Jan , 1 l.-rSpccial ( a Tin : Hr.i : . ] C. J , MoFarland and his son , Norm , got into u racket yesterday ovenintf' over u livery bill Norm had collected , butt faded to turn over .to his father. From words they rfoon came to blown , und Nona got his father down und was clinking him , when the old man drew a pookut knlfo amt opening It with his teeth comnumced cuUlotf thu boy , inflicting slight gashes on his hand , arm , sulo and log. and onu In the face bcforci the boy could got away. The old man loft before daylight thin morning , driving u team lo Lincoln. No arrests , Train U'rcoknl. HUMCOI.OT , Nob. , Jan. 14--Spcclal [ Telegram - gram to Tim Hnn.J Freight No. 78 , fjoin Wymoro to St. Joseph , duo hero nt 11 o'cldcta ' n. m. , wai wrecked about two miles west ol ! tins place. It struck n hand cur about onu mlle from where the wreck occurred und do. railed ono cur , which run that dlstunca ou the ties and turned over utaKinall bridge , carrying sin other cars with it. Two empties , one loaded with merchandise and Ihr..ej loaded with corn uro eomploto wrecks. No one was hurt , NIJW YOIIK , Jan. 14. Llouteimnt Miles , of the United Statc.s steamer Ynnllc , recently arrived from Port-au-Prince , with yolloyr fever on board , died to-uight.