Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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To I'orrelo o n
Suit was entered In the district court yes-
tcnlny ngainst Jas , H. Wheeler , Otis H.
Hnlloti , Kvcrctt O. Hnllou and John A. Hoi-
HUB. The tOnliitlfr Is Crttliurino F. Lacy ,
who seeks to forrdoso a tnortgnpo of * llf ! > 00
on lot 2 , blnck 1"4 , In Onmlm , for non-liny *
tncnt of n mortgngo note of t-Jy75 ,
AVnntH to l/enve Mclvlna.
'William R McClnry nplled | for a divorce
from hli wife , Melviim , Saturday. He
clttltns It on the ground of oxtrcmo cruelty ,
and cites n cruo where slio hit him on the
head wltlr n chair in an Instance of woman's
Inhumanity to num. Thny were married in
Terre Uuute , April 2 , 1V:0. :
For Scllliiu Ijoltcry TIckt-lH.
Charles Harvey , of 010 South Fifteenth
street , was arrested Saturday afternoon on
Information of Clilcf Scuvoy for soiling
Louisiana lottery ticltets. The complaint
\va tnndc under the stuto law. The prisoner
was plared under . < JOO honds. which lie fulled
to procure , and IB now in jail.
Ktlll UiicoiisulniiH.
AtC o'clock last evening Colonel A. II.
Forhcshnd not rtcovcrcd consciousness , nnd
has now lain In this condition cltfht days.
Ills pulse ranged normal yesterday , hut. Is
Bald to ho unsteady. The nttcmlliitf jihysl-
clans stole that ho may survive the nccidunt ,
but that his chances are not very promising.
Stirs Tor
James Christie , n bodermaUcr , 1ms sued
the Omahit Unroot ! Wire company and John
Sullivan , for flS.OOO. Ho was engaged by
them last Juno to clean out a tank that had
been filled with naptliu , when it exploded
and IID was seriously imrncd. Ho has been
disabled for llfo , and accordingly , brings suit
for the tiuovc amount.
\Vnnt $ iiO ( ) ( ) l > nninie .
Freeman 1 * . Kirkcnil.ilo and Charles A.
Coo have cntcit'd suit against the city of
Omalia for $ ! > . * ! , ( IOU damages. They nru
owners of property In West'Omahn , and by
the "wrongful , rcrkloss and loollsh1' ' nuts of
the city In grading the streets without giving
them notice of Its intontimi , or offering to
pay damages , their propeity has deteriorated
us above. _
krVHP Itroacli of Con tract.
John 10. Hart entered suit In the district
court Satutday ngainst the Armour-Cmlahy
1'aeklng company for ? i3'l.M : on a breach of
contract. He claims to have been brought to
Omalia on a promise of ? S,5)0 ( ) per year for
one year , ending November 1 , isss. On the
7th of Juno lie discharged without cause ,
niiU sues for the balance of n year's salary.
1) . II. U'licMer MretptI Director.
There were only two candidates for the
vncunt position of director of the board of
trade , and sixty-live members were present
to record their votes on Saturday. The com
petitors were U. H.\Vlieeier and II E. Hruce ,
mid nt the close of the poll the former was
ileelaicd elected by a vote of 117 to ! ) $ . Tills
evening the board will meet and elect a pres
ident nnd secretary.
A Hlicirl Council .Sos.sion.
There was n special session of the city
council Saturday niirhtbut It was n short oao.
They met to discuss the advisability of issu
ing bonds as follows : For paving , ? 7f > ,000 ;
for sewerage. 5100,000 , and to pay off out
standing bonds , given toward the construc
tion of the Union 1'acillc bridge , $100OJO. It
was decided that they should bo issued , and
February 5 was the day set for the citizens
to vote upon them.
Furcl the Sheriff.
Saturday Judge Shields gave a decision in
the suit of Hyde et nl. vs. William t'oburn ,
bhcrilT. The plaintiffs a Boston linn sought
to recover twelve bags of collce , sci/ea under
n writ of attachment , issued In June last , at
the tune Gordon & Co. failed. It was n jury
trial , nnd they found the plaintiffs were
rightfully entitled to the goods , which the
Judge ordered to bo handed over to them ,
and assessed the damages against the shcrift
ut $1.
A Itaiil on JU glim' I'lnco.
Another raid was made on the temperance
dining rooms of C. S. Illggins Saturday
night , and Captain Green nnd Ofllcer Hr.uly
succeeded In arresting a sulllcicnt amount of
tanglefoot to warrant the arrest of J. II.
Wesley , nn employe. It wast found in use in
the wine rooms up stairs , but Air. Higgins
says he knows nothing abDtit It. As Wesley
has neither government nor city license it
will probably go hard with him in eas > o ho is
All tlolicnto complications peculiar to
females , which undermines health and
shorten Hfo , nnd nil uterine complaints ,
arc now successfully treated without the
old speculum method's of physical exam
ination. The hitter method of diagnosis
1ms proved to ho not only worthless hut
injurious. The bonier physician of the
Liobig World Dispoiibiury of San Fran
cisco and 761 ! West Jackson st. , Chicago ,
III. , will give free consultation to la
dies nt the Metropolitan hotel , corner
llith nnd Douglas sts. , Oinaiia , Neb. ,
from Jan. 32 to 0 , 18S9.
It } ' nn Angry Husband.
John Hartan , all round laborcrspcnt Satur
day night in the cells , charged with assault
wltn Intent to kill. For sonio time past , Hart
has suspected n man named Andrew Farley
of being unduly intimate with his wife , and
Saturday night ho met him near the Six
teenth street viaduct. A war of words was
followed by n genuine war in which Hart
used n knlfo freely and inflicted two serious
nnd possibly fatal cuts on Farley. The latter ,
who Is employed in Bradford's lumber yard ,
was removed to his homo on Douglas street ,
whllo Hart was arrested by Ofilrer S.iv-
ngo and taken to the station.
Deformities ot" ISvury Hind
Supplied with proper sciontillc appli
ances , anil surgical cates requiring
export treatment should consult with
the Burjfcon-in-cliiot of the Liobig In
ternational Surgical Institute , lOOGonry
street , San Francisco , and 760 West
Jackson street , Chicago , 111. , now at
Metropolitan hotel , corner Twol'th and
Douglas streets , Omaha , from January
1'2 to 20. Consultation ireo.
The 1'ollco Oninnils Ion.
The board of lire nnd police commissioners
met Saturday night. Captain Commute was
granted thirty days leave of absence , and
the charges preferred against Olllcor
Drummy were laid over for one week. Chinf
Galllgan asked for a week longer to prepare
Ills annual report , and Sergeant Haze handed
in the following commuuluiitlon :
Whereas Chief Cialllgnn has made a report
to your honorable body in regard to my con
duct at a lire January U , 1SSU. I most humbly
ask your honorable body to investigate the
matter , for I would very much like to have you
all understand the matter thoroughly. Very
respectfully , H. lIIAZB ,
Sergeant of Police.
J. L , Brandies & Sons will not fill
mail orders at their great fire sale Mon
day. THK FA IK ,
6U2 , 601 , 600 , 60S and 510 S , loth st.
To Settle An ISutnto.
George H. Hammond , president of the
G , II. Hammond & Co. company ( incorpor-
ntcd ) , died In Michigan Docouibor 29. Mind
Saturday the company entered suit against
Ills heirs to recover certain Omaha real es
tate , The bill of particulars states that the
deceased president bought , and hold In trust
for the company , certain lands which were
paid for fiom its funds , but that ho died before -
fore ho had transform ! it. They clto as do-
fcudants in the suit George II. Hammond ,
Jr. , and Ellen Hammond , administrators ,
Anulo II , Cusgruln , Sarah II. Leo , Charles
F. , John W. , Florence ! . , Ethel 1C. , and Ed
V , Hammond , tuo latter live being minors.
Use the surest remedy for catarrh
Dr , Sago'e.
Tlio Oftlolnl Conn Ilojiortcru OI > POHO
n Senate Hill.
A bill linn been introduced In the senate
which provides thnt supreme nnd dislrlc' '
court reporter * shall receive a n.ilnry ol n year , and shall furnish either party
to n suit with a lonp-hnnd copy of the report
of proceedings within thirty days from the
time nt which judgment Is rendered.
The ofllelat stenographers of the state arc
strongly opposing the bill , nnd the following
rommunlcatbn from Mr. A. M
Hopkins , oftlclnl reporter of Omaha , sets
forth the reasons for the opposition :
OM MIA , Neb. , Jan. 12. To the Editor of
Tin : Hun : On the 10th lust , a bill was in
troduced in the legislature of Nebraska to
amend the present law concerning cour
stenographers , Increasing the salary ant
cutting off fees for transcripts. 1'ho portioi
of llio bill which provides for nn Increase It
snlary is perhaps worthy the attention of the
law makers of the stuti1. us the court report
ers are certainly poorly paid , taking into ac
count the necessary skill required to do the
work properly ; but the portion of the bil
which requires the reporters to furnist
transcripts free within thirty days
after icnditlou of Judgment In a case
is extremely ridiculous and has nevci
been heard of before since the
duvs of Tvro. Five cents per 100 words for
transrrilHiii : is as small a fi'o as Is charged
anywhere In the United States , nnd simply
serves as a check so that transcripts will not
tie orduiod except when actually needed.
The present tr.msrript fees do not eiuul the
nronoscd Increase of salary ; but If tran
script' nre furnished free to all who care to
go to the trouble of asking for them , there
will lie at least four or live times as inucl
transcriliins to do as at present , In some ol
the districts of the stTito the reporters tuo
required to ho in court more than tliree-
fourths of the entire year , and the little time
which thoj have out of court is all taken up
in prcp.tring transcripts In bonn ndo appeal
cases. 1 have talked with n number of the
leading attorneys of Omaha ri girding the
nroposca bill , and they are all ol jjthe opinioi
that it would be to all con
Hclow I give a few facts to show the utter
impracticability of the working of the pro
posed bill :
1. Every case will bo ordered transcribed.
2. Attorneys will have cases tiunscribeil
simply because It costs nothing , when tney
have no intention whatever of carrying the
case to a higher court , thus making a large
amount of unnecessary work for the re
'J The reporters will have so much oxtr.i
und useless tr.uisenbing to do that It will bo
impossible for attorneys to get ttanscripts in
impoiUnt cases in time to appeal to the supreme
premo court.
I , The great amount of work required ol
the repoiter will render it impossible for at
torneys to get any portion of testimony writ
ten out for use during the trial of important
5. As it taiccs live times as long to trans
cribe a case as it does to report it in short
hand , the reporter will be called uion to per
form the extraordinary feat of making each
day live times its usual length perhaps like
Joshua of old , by commanding the sun to
stand still.
( i. It is well known by every one who
understands shorthand , Unit as : i rule ono
stenographer cannot transcribe the notes of
another , so that the work must all bo done
by the reporter himself , unless he re.uls his
notes to amanuenses. This would require at
least as much time as it required to report
the cases ( keeping them at work almost day
and night ) , nnd necessitates the employment
of not less than three clerks to do the type
writing , which would consume all the salary
allowed and leave the stenographer nothing
for ins services.
From the Council IlluiTs Nonpareil ,
Dec. 11 ! , 1SHO.
We are credibly informed that the mortality
from diphtheria , under the treatment of Dr.
Thos. Jefleris of this city Is merely nominal ,
not exceeding one-filth of one per cent. Such
being the case no twin should be lost in plac
ing tils remedy within the reach of every
family and thus save annually hundreds of
thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most
universally destructive pestilence that has
alllicteu the world during the last hundred
Exr.cuTivi : OFKICK , Cofxcu. . Bi.urrs , Jan.
7 , l&S'J. 1 do not hesitate to say that the suc
cess , attending the use of Dr. Jefferis' Pre
ventive and Cure for Diphtheria has no equal.
I speak from experience , having used it in my
own family ; I am also well acquainted with
the facts connected with its use in our city.
W. H. A'AUOiix , Mayor.
No physician required. Price of remedy
$3. Addres , box Mo. ( w , Omaha , Hob. ( Dr.
Jefferis has retired from active practice. )
J. L. Brandies & Sons will not fill-
mail orders at their great lire sale Mon
day. THE FAIR ,
502 , 501 , 500 , 508 and 510 S. 15th St.
The Dealers Will Commence Active
Work in ThiH Direction To-Day.
The ice dealers of Omalia generally will
commence to harvest the crop to-day , At
noon yesterday the ice in Cut-oft lake had
formed thickness of about nine inches , and ,
In the opinion of the dealers , possessed re
markable clearness , and will answer the
purposes , provided none hotter puts in nn
appearance. Tlioy state that should the
weather remain in its present state the crop
in n few days will be in prime shape. Swift
& Co. , packers , nave a crow of men at work
and have already garnered about twenty-
live tons. To-day , should no change ensue
in the weather , Kimball , t Hungato , Sautter
& King , Kennedy & Newull and several
6thcr local dealers will commence work and
will in all employ about 401) men. It Is
thought that considerable river ice will be
cut this season , for the reason that the un
certainty of the weather has forewarned the
dealers not to lot tiny opportunity escape
them to glean one cut of ico. The Ice on the
river below the Union Pacific brldgo meas
ured about nine laches yesterday , nnd Is said
to bo of good quality. It is quito probable
that by noon to-day fully 300 men will bo at
work gathering the crop. Should a suildon
change iu the weather take place nnd
warmer ensue the consumers will ho placed
in a queer predicament , as but a light per
centage of the previous crop remains in the
Ice receptacles In this locality.
J. L. Brandies & Sons will not fill
mail orders at their great lire sale Mon
day. Til 13 FAIR ,
602,501 , 600 , 603 and 510S. 15th st.
at Thin.
All kinds of morolmndiho and per
sonal property wanted in exchange for
improved farm ? and wild land. Foreign
Emigration Co. , r 2 & U 1602 Farnam st.
Congressman Laird remained in his room
In the Murray hotel yesterday , nnd did not
leave for Washington as it was expected ho
would. A change in his condition was the
cause for nis non-departuri ) , and it is under
stood was advised by the attending physi
cian , Dr. Co ( Tin mi. The congressman re
fused to sco callers , and his wishes were
strictly adhered to by his attendants. Last
evening ho was teportcd to bo resting easily ,
nnd another story was rifu to the cITcct that
thu Idea of allowing him to return to ofllcml
duties nt Washington this session had been
abandoned , nnd that possibly ho will go to
his homo to-day
The Young Married Folks.
The select putty to bo given by the Young
Married Folks' club at Goodrich hall on
Thursday evening , January 24 promises to
bo a very enjoyable affair. A tasty and well
arranged programme Is prepared for the
occasion , and good music will bo In attend-
dunce. During the intermission supper will
bo served in the banquet room , As this is a
special party asldo from the regular scries
given by this club , unmarried folks that are
friends and can bo vouched for by the mom-
bars will bo a'lowed to participate. Tickets
may bo had from the following charter mom-
borss J , II. Schmidt , G , H. Hciigen , G. J.
Sterngdorff , W , G. Shnvor , A. M. Kitchen ,
F. V. Wussertnan , C. J. Canan , W. II. Taylor ,
Hruco McCullocb , J. J. Gibson. G. A. Ostroai
nnd J. P. Guth.
J. L , Brandies & Sons will not fill
mail orders at their great fireside Mon
day. THE FAIR.
602 , 601 , 500 , 6Q8 nnd 610 3 , 15th fit ,
The Trcnmiry to UnlHc A HuinpuB In
New York.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 12. [ Special Telegram to
Tun IUr..1 : It Is stated hero thiU Hie secre
tary of the treasury has Issued an extraor
dinary by telegraph to the effect that all
special treasury agents who can bo spared
from their posts proceed nt once to Now
York , tnerc to assist in n searching Investi
gation of the methods In vogue in the ap
praiser's ofllro for several years past. It Is
hinted in ofllulal circles that tills Is the out
come of the mysterious conferences which
have been held for several days between
Collector Magono nnd Appraiser Stearns o f
Hoston , who has been onlclatlng since Mr-
Mullen , who refused to resign , was removed.
It Is stated in democratic circles that
expectations arc entertained of unearthing
a most gigantic mass of corruption nnd
fraud , by wlilc-li the government bus been
defrauded of hundreds of thousands of dollars
lars In the appraiser's olllco by vicious nnd
corrupt hold-over republicans who "stood
In" with and favored importers. No impeach
ment of ex Appraiser McMullen's personal
Integrity Is made. Ho is a democrat nnd
had been scrvnu. about the custom house
since long bfforc the war. He was removed
because of his consnicuous lack of pernicious
partisanship nnd refusal to allow New York
politicians to tun his orllco during the last
campaign. It is believed that cartloads of
scalps will ho piled up In Collector Magono's
olllco in a very short tlmo , and if current re
port bo true the work will begin this after
noon. In connection with this report there
is a singular coincidence In the news that the
zealous otllcials hunting for "irregularities'
have been able to got under their vision so
far only hold-over republicans ,
All who have boon trying in vain to
ho cured of weakening , complicated
delicate and norvoiiH complaints , and
impurities of the blood , should consult
with the remarkably successful special
ists of the Liubig World Dispensary ol
760 West Jackson btreet , Chicago111.
Branch ollii'o and parlors for free con
sultation at Metropolitan hotel , corner
Twelfth and noughts streets , Omaha
isob. , from January * 12 to 20 , IbS'J.
To AVlilm Phiypi-s.
Having n desire to know who arc the best
whist players in Omaha , myself and partner
Dr. H. F. Crammer , Continental block , will
play any two players in Omaha. Wo wil
play cither live , seven , ten or tlftccn pain
games , preferring the latter ; for you will oh
serve by playing 100 games that the natura
run of cards nt whist will make a { .urn between
tweon the tenth and lllftcenth point , thereby
having something to tight for. We will plnj
any two persons in Omaha , either ladies or
gentlemen. Respectfully.H. .
H. N. Mr(5tu\v. :
1 desire to submit to the whist players o
Omaha the following problem , and if yoi
work it telephone No. y2. Here it is :
Spades are trumps.
First and third hands are partners and arc
to take every trick. First hand has the lead
Every card laid on the table face up.
First Hand Ace , king and Oof hearts , 10
of clubs , U and 10 of diamonds.
Second Hand Queen and 7 of hearts
knave and 7 of clubs , queen and S of dia
Third Hand Knave nnd . ' ! of hearts , nee
and II of clubs , b and 7 of spades.
Fourtli Hand Ten , 3 and t of hearts , S of
clubs , knave and 7 of diamonds.
1 will play first and third bunds nnd take
every trick and you play the other two hands
ngainst me , or 1 will reverse j { . and play second
end and fourth hands nnd prevent you from
taking every trick. II. N. M.
IJeccham's Pills act Hue magic on a weak
Dr.M. Llcl > i ( tV : Co. ,
The renowned , leading and most suc
cessful California specialists , whoso
cures in the past quarter of n century
has astonished everyone , will visit
Omaha and consult free with all who
desire , January 12 to tlie 20 , 1889.
At Metropolitan hotel , corner 12th
and Douglas sts. , Omaha. Residents of
Council Blufl's and all parts of Iowa and
Nebraska should visit the greatest liv
ing specialist while in Omaha. The
latest improvements in all curative
agents , magnetism , electricity , and
every now invention known to modern
scientists or specialists.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued Saturday :
I Charles Kailek , South Omaha . CO
1 Annie Hibtir , South Omaha . yi
I Adam S. Munroo , Sidney , Neb . "S
I Christina Smart , Omalia . i
He Says tfmt lOlectrlc Sugar
is all HlKlit.
New Yoitic , Jan. 1-3. | Special Telegram
to TUB lieu. ] President William II. Cotter-
ill , of tho' Electric" Sugar Kaflmn ; com
pany , has returned from the west. The
widow of Friend , the inventor of the great
"secret process" of rollnlng sugar , and her
relatives , are not under arrest. Cotterill du-
nied the truth of the story recently rcpub-
lished fiom a paper issued in 1S70 , declaring
that ho had defrauded some clients out of
140,000 and fled the country. This report
was published , ho explained , while he was in
Kuropc , and was the result of personal spite.
He drew up a long denial and sent it to a
friend here , whom ho asked to imiice it pub
lic. His friend appears to have done nothing
about it , nnd when Cotterill came back six
months later lie imulu tip his mind it was
useless to try to do anything , us the story
had faded out of public recollection , Point
ing to half a do/.cn barrels , lie said : "In 'these
barrels Is some of our refined sugar.
It is the greatest process ever discovered
and has been pronounced genuine by the
highest authority. Whv , 1 have not the
least particle of doubt that overythmij will
bo all right in a few days , when the circum
stances are explained. Everything has been
against us , but I know that when our state
ment is given out , everything will DO satis
factory. "
Advices have been received fiom Ann
Arbor that Mrs. Friend's lawyers have
brought suit against Cotterill for S'JO.OOO
damages for having attached her property at
Milan ,
Will you buffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint ? Shilolfb Vitnli/or is
guaranteed to cure you. For sale by
Uoodman Drug Co.
Shot HlH Kon-in-Law.
STr.vr.X3POINT , WIs. , Jan. 12. Dr. O. C.
Meyer , aged thirty-four , a well known
jihysiclaii of this city , was shot and instantly
liilled on the street by Pliilm Grimth , his
rutlier-ln-law. On December 1'J ' the doctor's
wife died from the effects of n pistol shot
which ho claimed was fired by her hand.
Circumstantial evidence- warranted the
coroner's Jury in not bringing in a verdict of
suicide , but the dcod was not charged to any
[ lorson The parents and brother of Mrs.
Mo.ycr stoutly maintained that she did not
commit suicide , and the father has been en
deavoring since to secure u warrant for the
doctor's arrest , but without avail. Yester
day's tragedy is the outcome of the affair.
William Llrinith , a brothor-iii-law , was also
arrested , ho having quarreled and fought
witli the doctor u few minutes before the
cllllng ,
Jtuinor That Adnnm Will no lfn.
1 NEW YOIIK , Jan. 1J , [ Special Telegram
o THE HKE.J Wall street has it that
Charles Francis Adams Is to resign the
( residency of tuo Union Pacific railway
oniprmy. The same story has baen hoard In
, Vall street many times of late , but never
credited. Now there are reasons for uellov-
ug it. It Is doolarod that Adams will leave
ho Union Paul lie to take the post of chair
man of the uuwly organized Interstate Rail-
vay association. That olUce will not bo
acting In dignity or consequence. It will
carry , indeed , responsibilities quite as im-
tortant as urn the duties of the Union I'aelllu
ircsldency. It Is stated , too , that the lnau- }
sial returns of the uo t will bo quite as lio-
eral ,
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never vnrlM. A inanvl of purity
"tiunutn und \ \ liolesom < 'iici > * . Moro economical
tlmn the ordinary klti'ls ' , iimtcinnot IIP sold in
competition with tliu niultltuili's of lo\v cost ,
short welcht alum or phosphate powders. Sold
only In cans , llovul linking I'ondcr ( . 'o. . 1S.1 .
\ \ all street , New Yolk.
IB cntlrcl/ veget.iblo rropiriitlon con
taining no Mercury , 1'ota.ili , Arcciilc , or of bet
potsoncrjs tuuitnnccs.
Han curcil hundreds of enr of rplthrlt
tnfvpr Cancer of Ilia Skin , tuousamH t f race *
of l > 2cii.i , Ulooil Hunor : > rtml S'.tln 1)1 ) > ,
nil hiir.tlmta of thoninni.i of cases of Bcrof.
nln , Illouil Pulsou nu.l lllood Tnlnt.
iwirr'3 srrcino
His rcl'evcd thousands of caios of Jlorcu.
rll Polcoiiln , KhcunmtUni Qiul BtllTncis of
tlio Joints.
CiiiTTAVnooA , Tva , Juno JT , 11S3 Swift' *
pvolflu Co. , Atl&ntn , Uo. ( Icntlftiiun t In tli
rnrly i irt ut ttio piesent yiiir , a l > a < l raif of
< loo.t i * jli.oi ! iijipeATOtl utK > ii mo. ] tifsnii
Uklnff K. n. 3. under ndvlcti of nuotlior , iitiil
to imy I fcrl rrrutly Inn rovt-d. I am MU1
Uilcln the nicillolno nnd shitll cont'.nuo lu ila
inuntlHgtii ticrfuctly Mell. I bell-jvoll wUJ
tHot a lurZeut cure. Your truly ,
JJoc. r. HOI AIIP ,
111Vc luntil St.
COIOIBIA , fl. C. July 7 , irt-T ! > 3 Rwlft
tittrclflcco. , Atlanta. ( ) a. Qontlenioiit I as
BKie.vlsunerer fio'n iiiiic'.ilnr i heunntgu |
, ir two ji'iiri1 could pot no pcrnicni'iil r -
ler from nny mu'dicluo preso-l ! > od by my
physician. 1 fi-ifc O > IT a iliison ' ottltn of
jo.irS 8. S , riul now I am n. well l OK I <
In my Ufa. I nm sure ymir
enrol IIK- . and 1 would rncommond U to itpy
ono BUflcrlut ; f rcm imy Llood dlMM ( . Youri
trul ) , O. h. Kcnnm.
Conductor c. a O. It. n.
TVxco , Trc\s , M y 3 , 1'Sa-Geatlemon ' : Th
Wife of oiu of my cmtonirmtns tcnllily
fllictril nith a loathsnmo skin dUo.iv- , that
corcioi ! lioi n hole body. She as eonilnetl
loner bed forsovprnl yi&rs t > y this umiuton.
anil rould not help hfrnflf at nlL Hio ! could
fcct sleep from Tlc'snt Itchlnc find stinging
f the skin. The dlseaso b.ifflwl the skill of
khr [ < ) ir lcli\n9 who treated It. Her hush mi
I beran Dually Riving till wife Sniffs Spu-lilo ,
Bn j ehe commenced to Improve almost Im
mediately , nnd In a few weeks she \\nsiip-
carenlly noil. Eh * IB now a heartv fin * .
looktm ; lady , with no trace of thoalmctloa
left. YOUI s % cry truly , J. K bcius ,
Wholesale OrugKtst , Austin AMUUQ.
t Trent Iso on Blood and Shin Disease ) mailed
free. THE Swirr SPECIFIC Co. . Driner t ,
Atlanta. Ga. ; 1'c w Yo.-k. 7Jfi Bro.1,1 way. ,
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Curo
For Halo by
G-oodman Drug Co.
TO i'jis- :
MO in : i < oi' in. AH
Bhorl , Medium nnd '
Uxtra l.oni ; .
Tin : A.NH niiisAii ; ! > T rou
OIA i.i i v.
For Nalu MUfcr > ' \ \ here !
.llii Slicelcy Itloclt , Oinaliii
of return moil run noirnptlve
< -frrul < ir of .11001) V't Nnty
' | 'ii > Inr HI Mlc-ni ot lire * * Out-
tlna. Any lady uf ordinary Initlllfencc can eislly
ami qulcklr learn In cul and nmko ftiiy BRrmrnf ,
In any style , in nny incanurn for Imty or rhllil.
Oarnient. gii r nHl to III IX'iforl iH/iou Irving
01. Addrc-s3 .1IOODV dc CO. , Vloclaoall , O ,
aeroi ce nveo
rccnLESo UTr.
Made from tlie celebrated Worumbo Kerseys ,
CoiuinencinK MONDAY , JANUARY 7th , wo will offer a full line of 5200 of ( he u > ry lines t qtntlity
London Seal-brown lu'rsoy Overcoats , goodsmiulo by the ee'ebraled Wonnnbo M Us ( a mill thill has no
rival in this iMiuitry in the iirinnraolifc of Korscv oveivoilnigsV Thoj' arc inailo wiln tlotiblo sliteliotl ,
lapiioilsoaiiH aniljim'd tlirotighotit body anil slicvosvith \ \Vm. Skinner & Son's lii IN ( quulily of satin
and in every detail of. manufacture they are as near perfection as we can mala1 them. Wi > oHi-v thi- < line
of ovi'ivoats logentlomiMi wlio can nuprocialo jierfcft work and snpciior nialerial , a1 the popular pyioe of :
\YouiiheMlalingly \ stale that ovotcoats in .do from these goods , cannot b. > pnrelia-fd outside Lhn
Conlinental for less than $25.
We will send a ample overcoat tc any address for examination , with the timW tiinding ( hat if it is
not ns rcpro entcd , it nny be relumed at our expense.
For the purpose of keeping our large force of workmen < mploy.'d. wo have decided during flu1 month.
of January to make to order , Alen's Pantaloons , from over tHtyles ( ) of I'oroign uuil domestic fabrics afa
§ 7.50 per j > air. We include in ( If lots oll'ered , many of our finest Globe Wo Jen CasMineres and Worsteds
teds , lOnip'ire Woolen Co. , Rock MTg. Co. , the 15 road brook Mills and a large variety of foreig.i . and tlo-
nie-itic cheviots. All the goods included in the sale , are 1'ubrirs that we have sold at from § 10 to SJ I i er
pair during the regular sea on and our sole object in making this remarkable cut in prices is lo keep our
best workmen employed during the dull season. This ik > will continue during the month of .January
only , and all patterns unsold on the 31ht , will bo withdrawn and no orders taken for them at this pri < e.
DES MOINES Proprietors }
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
Fathers nnd FOUS inado comfortu-
blo with nice overcoats at very
moderate pi-ices. All wo have lefi
are olenii , debiniblo goods. We
sliall iianioyou prices from this date
wliicli will induce you lo buy , even
if > ou do not need an overcoat for
iniinodiato use.
Institute !
Ilcft suts of teeth IS. nilln nt half rales
Tei'th tutriifttMlwItlniut | i.iln ,
Kxiiniliiiilliiii nf the iiiinilh free , ScnJ 3cent
stamp with ciirru' < i > uiiilunci > .
Paxton U1U. , COP. 10th anil Farniun.
A Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-
Aged Men.
Youni-iincliiilitilln-iiKCMl men wlianro milfrrliiK frnra
Ihulnilicriiilnni nt yuuth , Kihuui > t < 'il Vllallty. .Seiv-
iinsainl Phjuliiil liability I'rcinnturu Docllnu.i : . ,
IIU.I tllUt lllll lllll Illllulll IlilMTll' " I'OIIM'IpU'llt IIKTO-
mi , anil all Mho uro sick anil tiitruilniranil il" not
kiiiiwwhut nlU thuin. cin In ) curcil wllhmit tall hy
fnllnHliiKiliulimtniriloiiH In thu s-dcnn-uf Mloor
t > c < ir I'lLxortiilloii. I'rho only l , hy mall | iint-iilcl | ! ,
ncnltMl. It In hunk fur every ninii , , V I ii.itii' ' . lull tint ,
ri'ilirc'tirintlons lor nil nrniii anil i luniilc ill cnsi's ,
l-nlly Inilorxvil hy the Natliuitil .Mi'illuil Amiiu'luil'iii ,
wlin im.inlpcl Ihu itnlil anil JUHI < | UI ! inuihil In lh
uiilhur. Illuiitriitliu biiinplr , nllh llnliil i > iijoiil ot
Iliii | iru . frr ( > It > cni uiiy | | | now. Alilri' llio Tea-
hoily Mi'dkiilln.titutp.or Dr W II. I'AIIKKIt , No.
llnllinch ft. . llo loii , Mu s.nbo may uo consultoil
cotithlciithilly on nil clltvaici
/ < rnriMlhy SPANISH SI'KCIHC C'lrouhirs Jroo
\Jii WLSTCIIX HiiMhDi ( < . , Oiniihii , .Nul ) .
Dr , J. E. McGrewl
One of llio .Most SniTPS
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
bexuul Organs , nlibolutely cured.
nnteiMl ,
OVIW niCAC ? Ills treatment for wliKili
OMn UlotflOUCc KlvcutliBinost beautiful
ciiintiluxlon , anil a perfect KM ,
Hoiul htuiup for iijjily ,
Office Busliman Bloo < . > 6th anU
Stn. Omaha. Nab
NERVOUS , Ctim.vio and PUIVATK Disisr.s : ol
81 KN nud WOMK.V successfully treated.
Hiifferlmr from the uflVcH or youthful follies or In
discretionnrnro troubled with \Voakness , Nervous
Debility , Loss ol Memory , Dcspniiduncy , Aversion to
Societj.Kldncj Tumble , ornny dlsonsu ol the Cunlto
Urinary organscan hero Hilda rnlu.tnd speed ) cnie.
Chnrttireasonable ! especially to the 1'uor. '
There lire ninny troubled with too frecqiirnt evac
uations ot thu bl idiler , often uccomnnnlu I tiy a silent
F martini ; or burning en nllo l , nnvt < ikcnlm , ' ol the
xyetem In-i manner the natlcnt ( "umot account for ,
OnoxHiiilnlm ; thoiirliinrv deposits a rony sediment
nlll elton In ) lound.and sometimes small particles of
ultiumen will np | > onror thu toliir nlll bunl n thin
mlkti ! > h huo.HKUlii chaiiKhiz to a dark or torpU itn-
pearnnre. Thoioare many men nhoilioof nils mm-
i'noiant ul the cause , which In the i-cconJ
gtnKOol nominal weakliest. Thu Honor will umir
nnK'on perlrel cure In all such inses nnd a healthy
restoration ol the ccnlto-nrinnrv iiruans , Cunsulla
tlon tree , t-end lor J tent | )
"Young Man1 : Friend , or Guide to Wedlock , "
i inr. : TO AM. . Ainmrxs
N. H. Cor. loth .V Donclns Sts , , ur National Dis-
ptmsnry , romci l.'th ami Main , Kansas City , Mo.
Mention tliln p.tpur.
Mas Moyer-Establishsd 1856-Adolph Meyer
Ciciivral AK' * tN lor
V08E & SONS ,
and JAS , W , STARR
Story &Clarl [ anil Slioniiiger-Bell Organs
Wrltu fort'ntaloauo
NMa National Bank.
I'aitl Up Cniiilal $100,000
11. W , VATKS l'rcHlilt > nt.
IBK KI.KII , Mc.vl'reMilmit.
, II , TCJLAI.IN'nil VUu I'KI ,
W. II. a linniKs cashier.
w , v. MHU-K. JOHN H. COI.I.INJ ,
Coi no' | : 'lliiiiiil KarnaiiiMH.
AUuncrnl It.uiklug i
. _ narlcnble for powerful ITB |
aeUc tone. plTnblgjictlon and
HiM durahilltr. i J yean' rtc
ot 1U
Innco of tnca luatrurntnta.
ivonciw-A. ( ) , ArroiiNnr.AT..AMr ,
D 124 1) iirlr0f n St. , Cnioiuo : niirloe fruttj 21 yunrj
rnoniMicoi , < ! > ' < " ' ' 171-11 I
N , W. Cor. 13th & DoclRO Sts.
lUltTIII , IHHAT.II'ST lit Al I.
Applian:33 for Deformities and Trusses.
llcM lacllllliiK , appn ratlin nud leiiiedlefi for micceni
fill tieatment ol every form ol dlaeasu roiiilrlnE |
MudUalorbnrvli'.il 'treatment
lloiird and iittendance ; beti hosiiltal aceomnioJa-
tlous In llio west.
WIIIIK mil cnirri Alison Drrormltlc * ami llracf ,
Trusses , Club t'eet , I'urvnltiro ol the Milne 1'lles ,
Tuniors , Cancer , ( iitarrh , llroni'hllls , Inhilalloii ,
KlrUrlilty , Piiriilymi. l.rllep | ; Kidney , llhiddcr ,
Kje , i : r , hliln and illoiuland alHurKlcal oper.itlong.
Diseases of Women n Specialty.
M tMMI A M'l CI M IV or
All lllood lll na es neee srully Ircatnd. Kyphllltla
'nlron iimiod II.HII the sy.-ti'ni ulthout meruurr.
Nrw ri'"lnralUn tii'iitmt'iil lei lim of VltuJ 1'imcl .
I'rnMitin iiiutblf ) to t \ l-lt us iiiny be treatiid at homo by
pondi n < o. oiiimnnlcitlons eonllilentlal.
Aleilh inert oi Insti iiiiients tent by mall or ux
feenrely pin | ki'tl no MKirkH to Indleato * ( intents or
render. One peiiioiial liilervluw iiiuleiied Cull and
in or xend history of > our in o , and wo will
tend in plain n rapper , our
Upon I'rltale , Spednl or Nervous Ii eH c < , nuo *
teni y.Huilillls , ( ileut and Varlcoeulu , with iiiett |
h t. Address
iiidui Mitlicnl ( tttl ) , SiiY//rnZ ) / / Institute , or
ItK. MvTIlKX V11V ,
for. Mth nnil Dotlgo Ms. . OMAHA , NKII.
20 to 60 DAYS.
Tliis is n wliicli luif > lu-rotoforo
Hiilllod all Mud I cul Hciunco.
Wohiivo a llcineily.iinlcnown in anyone Intlio
Woi Id ontalilo iif our t oiniiany. nnil onu Unit lias
to euro tint most olntltwto < M ) . Ten clays In
recent LMHIH iloun tlio work. It Is the olclchrnnla
Clc-C'JI Keilt ( > ( l I'USCIH tllllt W Mlllflt. WO llllYO
cinotl hiinilreilK who have liuuil iib.iniloneil liy
I'liyxit IUIIH , anil iiioiioniii'uil ineiirulilo. uinl wo
cliallonuo tlio uorld to In In ; , ' nn u casu thai wo
will iKilriiro In IOKS til. in Hlxty dayn.
KlniolliK history nt mi'ilu ine a mm Bpcclllo
for HMihlUx IKIH Ijccn Hoiigut for hut uuver
OIIIHI until oiu
WIIB ilivcovo ( < d , ami we are liiKtllloJ In nftylnff
t in tliiMinly Intli' ' World that wlllpott-
ijvi-ly ctno. nu iimothn liitnst Mudlriil Workg ,
inhllslieil by thu hiHt knotvi' ' iiutimiltlcx , miy
heiunau nevir atlii" Hjiucllle liurorn Ourrein-
ily will euro whuit o\erylhliiK < ! > > IIHH railed.
Wnwahto your llnm find money with patent
neikirliiuHtlmt inner had vlituo or doc tor with
ilixwliliinmlmt iiiniioloiiK' you. yonlliat havu
i Ifil evuijtlilnuoleeHlioiildconie to us now and
Kct iienn.inunt rolli f , yon lievor can KC ! It else-
wlicicMark what we HIIV , n thu end yon
nu-'t takcicnir i'-ineilv orMiVHIt recover and
ron that li.ivo liicn alllU'tcd lint , u Bhoittline
Hlionhl hy nil ineaiiHtomo lo IIH now not ono In
' > i 't - cured.
in of HUH inn's u K pi-iiniincntly
Many ( 'et help nnd think they uro frcu iroin tlio
lUi-iiM * . Init In ono. t o or tin no vours after it
ippeiu In u morn horrlhle form.
J'lilw in u lilooil I'urillur niiU will Ouro
Skin nr Hlooil Dlhc.ino wliun
lho KallH.
toiini 10 ami 11 , U. S. National Hant |
liuililliii , ' . Oinnliaih. ) . '
MIKJCV and all urinary troubles eaully.m -
UUWtTlyMiiiUafdlyciuedbyDOUrUHA i'an.
etilcH. Huvurul ciison cniroil in novel ! iluyn. tiuiit
I.OU pi'r box. ull druifKUiH , or by mull from ! ) < >
c'ilH \\tu.'o \ JIV ! WliR" ft. N1 V I' " " PlMTIInns )