Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under tn R head V ) cents per
line for ( lie Iim Insertion , 7 rents ( or oncli sul > -
Beqnunt Insertion , and $ l.Wa line tier month.
No ndvpitlf uncut taken tor less than25ccnt *
tlm llr l .nscrtlon. Seven words will be counted
to tlio line : they must rim consecutively nntl
must bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise-
incuts must bo handed In before 1230 ; o'clock p.
in. , Mill under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by teloplmno.
Parties advertising In these columnn nnd hav
ing their nnswers addressed In euro of Til F. HKK
vill please ask fora ehock toennblo thorn to got
tholr letters , ns none will bo delivered except on
presentation of rheck. All nnswers to adver
tisements should bo en closed In envelopes.
All nilvertlsemcnH In thesn columns arc pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
THK llr.K , ttin circulation of which aggregates
more than IH.COO papers dallr , and elves the nd-
Tertlseisiho benefit , not only of tlio cltyrireu-
IntlonofTire HER , but also of Council muffs.
Lincoln and other cltlci and towns throughout
tliisscctlon of the country.
.Advertising for Ihcso columns will bo taken
en the above conditions , at ths following husl-
HOMi hotidps , who nre authorized agents for THE
Arnspecial notices , nnd will quota the sarno
rim nnfan be had nt the main olllco.
TOHN\V. * 11ULU rharmnclsl , ICO Soufh fonttt
tf etiect ,
CllAHP. A HDDY. Stationers and I'rintera , 113
Pouth 1
SII. KAHN8WOUTH. I'lmrmaclst. 2116 Cum-
TjTr J. HniiiUH , I'linrmacUt. C24 Noith 10th
V > Street
io. Avenue. : W. I'AHIt , I'hnrmnclst , IhCUSt. JInry's
_ _
\\rANTED A position by a young lady ns
TT HlcnoKinphornndtype-writer. Competent.
Good references , mi California. fiUl-12 *
< " \\rANTEI ) 8Unation fora Tlrst class" cook
T T and laundress In n good private family
Jill So nth st. R42-11 *
l\rANTKD Ily younglady. position ns assist-
T T nut In dentist's olllco : experienced Ad-
nress O 24. llee. S17 13J
" \\1 AN'.P.D SItuntlon by good cook nnd
TT laniidrcss , who hns small child ; smnll
wages. Mrs. llrega.3lm So. 15th st. 813-15 *
AOKNTLKMAN of large business experience
wishes situation as manager , bookkeeper
or olllce man : v holcsalo IKHI--O or Insurance of
fice pieferri-d : nmery tlioiotigh. competent
nnd well lecommemled. Address O 21 , lice.
O1TI ATION Wanted In some nice place by
KJyming , respectable lady with a baby. Ail-
ilress O 1 ! ) , lleo. 7111 H *
V\rANTKD-PosltIon In country town by a
TT in cud and cake baker. Address P. P. . No-
Ijraska City , Nob. 17.17 13t
1'osltlon by stenographer nnd
" ' type-writer. Oood lefercmus. Address
O fi , IJt-o olllco. 712-1W
" \\7ANTKD-A ponltlon of some rosponslbll-
Ti Hy by a competent engineer pos-ii-aslng
first-class government ipapers. inquire at A.
ilospe'a. ir.lll Douglas. 021-14' '
\VANTni ) A blai'kmlth , able to slioo
i T horses , nt once. Inquire SiSth and CJ sts. ,
South Omaha. " .IU-1J . *
\VANTED Superintendent of wholesale and
TT retail book store at Omaha , will have
rhnigo of $ IO , X ) Htock of merchandise , largo
foico of employes and nil nuances. Salary
(2,01)0 ) nnd commissions. Cash deposit of * , ! . ( )
nnd best references rBqiilrcd. Jewell. 2T > 3
n ubiiHli ave. , Chicago. 8I'J 15 *
AGENTS wanted Irldlscont signs and ad
vertising novelties. Immouso sales and
prolitw. Outtltfiec. Hobcrt Sims .V Co. . Wash
ington , D.O. BIS 13'
ANTED 20 men to canvas city. Good
commission. Inquire C. A. Cinm , 1523
Purnnm , Monday , after 10 o'clock. t-43-lt *
C1ALKSMAN wanted A gentleman ot
O pleasant address to represent nn elegant
Hue. For paitlctilur * call nt 1013 Farnam st.
\A7ANTED 50cashboys. Apnly this morn-
T > ing or .Monday morning nt The Fair , 13th
nnd Hownrd. E.VM3
'TS/'ANTED Experienced blank-book , lltho-
T T graph and printing solicitor for this state.
EeiiU references , ( jus Fioy St. LoulsMo. _
WANTED Good salesman with fOJO as part-
TT ner in an established business ; satisfac
tion guaranteed. Address O 11 , lleo. 7&113
WANTED General and local agents to lian-
illo tno new patent chemical ink-erasing
pencil , greatest novelty over produced ; erases
Ink In two seconds : no abrasion ofDiiper ; 200
to 510 per cent , profit ; sells ut sight ; territory
absolutely free ; salary to good men ; sample
U'lC , by mail ; for terms and full particulars ad
dress the mnnnfacturcs , J. W. .skinner A Co , ,
Oualnskn , WIs. nr lit
\\rANTKD-tharles Pehl to cull nt the Dee
Tf ollice. 7'J7 ' 13 ?
"IXf ANTED A llvo man. to act ns genornl
TT agent oL' n Mutual Lite association , n
rustler , no drones. Address U , , care of Carrier
Mo. 5 , Elkhart , Ind. 755 13 *
" \\ANTEO A llrst-clnss stenograplior nnd
TT typewriter who has KOIIID knowledge of
liookKeoplnt ; . American Loan tc Trust Co.
7iJ 14 *
WANTED Salesmen lu each city nnd vil
lage In the I' . S. for our new style door
plates , rtoor bolls , white enamel letters and
street numbers , Si to 815 n day made easily ,
vlthout canvassing at private houses. Write
postal for terms , circulars , etc. New York
l > oor Plate Co. . Albany. N. V. 718 201
\\7ANTKD-For a good place , steady , rell
T T uble , first-class meat and vegetable cook-
Vllh leforuncos. Mr . Iliega , 31454 S Ijitji.
" \\T ANTED Immedlntely , a younginan to do
I TT janitor w oik for tuition at Valentine's
shorthand Institute uuu
WANTED-A lew energetic men to act as
county mixnngors for "Pnnorama of
Nations" In this snd adjoining states. Good
references and small cash deposit required.
Position permanent. Salary ? 75.CO to 4IO..00
per month. Only llvo men wanted. Address
* 'N 67" lleoofflco. d22
- Agent ? . Wo want first-class men
wliouro already traveling salomen.tocarry
our lubricating oil samples as n side line. Ad
dress , 51 , care of carrier No. 1 , Cleveland , O.
6l > y M
WANTED A few men to canvass on com !
mission household goods. 221 N. 13th Ht. ' ,
James llurku. ICUH
T\1 A NAGEHS for principal cities in Washing-
JL'-Lton territory , Oregon , Montana , Idaho nnd
AVyomlng. Cash deposits for moneys collected
nnd goods In maiuigurs' control , which are
placed In lots from f.'JO to gl.lHK ) . Salary. Jl.-loo
io t.KH ( ) . Loomls Nat' ! Library Ass'n , 172 Main
Bt. . Salt Lake City , Utah. 51bf3t
\\TANTKD-Muti to gollclt , salary 175 per
T T month , must deposit $25 for samples , nud
Rive security for money collected. Address
George S. Cllno , 511 , First National Hank build
ing , Omaha , or Wagner blk , Des Molnos , Iiu
TJOYS-Am. Dlst , Tel. Co. , 1301-Douglas.
" \\rANTED Man to take the agency of our
T > safes ; Blr.o2Kxltixl8inches ; weipht WO 11)3. ;
retail price $ r > ; other sizes in proportion. A
rare chance nnd poimnnent business. Thei-o
PRfoa meet n demand never before supplied by
other safe companies , us wu ure not governed
by thoaa.'u pool. Alpine safe Co. , Cincinnati , o.
IXrANTED-Good llvo men that are engaged
T T lu shops , wholesale and lelall houses , to
ranvass among tholr friends for the Chicago
IVutch Club Co. Sample watchusf uriilshcd lor
this purpose , and liberal cinninUsloiu paid. No
floaters need apply , K G. Craudall , 310 South
> -Male and female ngt-nts ; easy-
selling goods. Hoom 24 , Huiker block.
mo j7t !
\\rANTED-Goodinen In every locality as
TT detect lvc > I under our Instructions , Send
DC for particulars. Oklahoma secret service ,
Wichita Kansas , 7U7J 13'
"TilFTEEN rock men. a teamsters , 10 ncrnpoi
X' holders , 2 good canvassers. H. H. Wiindoll ,
< iHN. lllhst. SffJ 121
W ANTKD At once , good stenographer nnd
rapid and accurate typewriter. O 12. lleo.
74U 12
"IV ANTKU-SU llrst-class salesmen for sail-
TT ing carriages In the country. Addresswlth
references Immediately , Spauldli < g < V Co. . Grin-
nell , la. 71713
V\7ATH1 > - Experienced milker , 4115NSnun.
T > Jerg. Must be neat ana tidy. 7fti 12 *
" \\7ANTU1 > A tlrbt class jeweler and general
T T manufacturer ; wugcs Ms to t20 per wock.
C. L. Erlckbou & Co. 070 11
TnfTANTKI ) Live men and woman to engage
T innnea.iy , paying biuiness t homo ; can
vrork daytime or evening und make Wn to J2
per hour : sure thing : mtmplo and complete In-
atructious sent for lOc. AUilU'ss , World Supply
Co. . Hulland. Vt. MM2 *
* VANTEDIO local and traveling salesmen ;
T T good salary : no experience necessttry ; ad *
Cress with stamp , Palmer & Co. , Dos ) (
! iuG U
AGKNTh WANTED-H5 n tnontn and et-
t nse.s paid any active person to sell our
poods ; no capital. unUry monthly , expenses In
Advance , particulars five. Standard Silverware
Co. lloston. 9M
WANTF.D-dlrl for gen ial housework ;
small family. C ll Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday. Southwest corner 18th and Dodge.
\\7PANTEH-Woman ook for Harlnn. KO ; 2
T > wnltre os out of city , J4 ! young girl to
n iit In hnti'-o work : mir. o girl ; llr t class
girl for olllor > r's family , JJ ) ; second girl : & > for
good private fntuilles. Mrs. Hrogn lli-'iSo. 15th.
H4I-1S *
_ _
\\rANTin : T nlcn gFrl , with rcfcronroo , for
> St. , loo. Mo. , prlvuto family of y , } | week )
first nnd second conk in small hotel , 4 chum-
bnrmalds , n wnltresses , 2 dishwashers , l second
girl , girl for liinrh cmmtrr , { 23 month , 20 girls
general wore. Old IMInble Omaha Employ
ment Iluretiu , 111) ) N Ifith st. B13 lltf
\\7 ANTED-Uood cook , SfiSI la cnp6rt.
I 1 7liii 13
A\rANTED First-class girl : good wages ;
> I must be gooil cook ; 11KW Capitol nve.
\\ANTED-A xvomnn to take charge of
> > boarding club. Apply to .1. T. Dalley ,
mutineer Omnlm lluslncsa college , ir th nnd
< npltol nvo. . 7U ( ! 13t
" " " " "
HOt'SKKI'.lTT'EK 2""go"od"cimks.T"flrst gTrii
1st nnd 2d girls for South Omnlm , 2 illnlng
room girls H. H. Wandoll , 4as N Kith.
" \\7ANTED-20 cash girls nnd 10 bundle wrap-
> > pors. Apply to-night or Sunday morning
at a he Fair. _ H'8Ji ' :
"WANTED Girl atont 1(1 ( to take rare ot clill.
M dren and insist In llgnt hotisuwork. AIV
ply nt l.OiH. ! Iftlist. 740 12
WANTED I ady stenographer and typo-
w liter. ( )4ii. ) lleo olllce. 741) ) 12
" \\fANTKD-LiuIy stenograplier , must have
IT some oxpurlente In olllco work. O 72 , llee.
. . _ cook. Address , Platte
T T Valley House. AMiland. Neb. 041 13 ;
XfANTED-/r good"plrf nFTliuT DodRti st !
_ > _ > JVhlte gill pretorruil. 7JJ I2J
\\7ANTED-Salcslady acquainted with gla s
TT and china. Call wllh references , 1723
Doilgo. 757 12
WANTED-A nurse girl nt2JI3 Capitol aye.
7JH 12 ?
W ANTED House girl , good cook , no wash-
Ing. M. A. Wallace , 1511) ) Howard. VM11 *
WANTED-Girl for housework. 3 lu family ,
{ 3 per week , 1715 Cass st. 012
WANTED-GIrl for general housework , 1417
N. 21st st. 700111 :
" \\rANTED-Lndv copyist Apply by letter.
I. N. WntEou.Hoom 4IlNafl bank building
\\fANTED-A girl who Is n first-class cook
> T and laundress at 2021 Chicago stieet. Tin 11
\\7ANTED Lady canvassers on a new and
TT fast selling book. S.lar > ii per day. Address -
dross N 00 U o olllco. U25 141 :
WANTED-Lndy to solicit , must hi.
nnd Intelligent , bo able to deposit $15 for
samples , and give security for money collected.
Saliuy fie ( per month. Address N 6"i , earn of
lco. ! 637
\\7"ANTED A lady to solicit , mint come well
TT recommended and pay J10 for samples ,
milnry ftBi per month. Address George S. Cllne ,
511 First National Hank building , Omnlm , or
Wagner block. Dos Monies , la. ! > ! . '
T ADIES wanting hired help , or girls seeking
J-/employment , call at Mrs. Kozak's Intidll-
genco ollice. 1412 S Uth st. ' 5'J2 12 *
Xn-IHHASKA employment onice , 317 N. inth
IN st. _ _ fiQi-ia _
CANADIAN Kmploymont Olllce. Mrs. Hrcga ,
31IH S 1'ith. Itelercnce Omaha National bank
VALKNTlNlVS'siiurthaiid and Typowrlllns
Institute , now 1'nxton building , Omaha.
The only oxcluslvo shorthand school in the
state. Over one hundred graduates In good
situations. Tlio school is under the manage
ment of C. C. Valentine , olllclal stenographer ot
the 3rd judicial district of Nebraska , and Prof.
11. H. Iloylos , an experienced teacher nnd ver
batim ropoiter. Day nnd evening se.sslons. * ytu-
dents can enter nt any tlmo. Send for circulars.
Sll 117
_ _ _
QTANDAHD Sbortnnnd School , 412 Sheeley
Oblock , tenches standard systems and nsea
Ilcmlngton tj'FOWi-lters. 084 2-
WANTIID A hccond-hniid pool table. In
quire 1'ayton i : Cole , 1018 Cap. live. 771 In *
TTIT'ANTRD Itoommato. young man for central -
tral located room. State position and age.
Address. O S3 , lleo. "LIL :
" \\7ANTKD Voting ladles and gentlemen to
> T know they can obtain a thorough and
practical know ledge of telegraphy , nttlng
themselves In n short tlmo for good paying
positions at the Klcctric Telegraph school.
KoonisKMandrcilPaxton block , cor. ICth and
1'arnuni sts. UliMM *
rpo HRNT Hy a thorough , practical farmer ,
X n No. 1 farm In eastern Nebraska or Iowa ,
for cash or crop rent , or would rent furnished
farm on shares , or hlio to manage farm or
ranch ; best of reference. AUdicss O 20 , llee.
TWISI1 to borrow KOJ to Jl.SOO on iirst mort
gage , good secuilty. 1) . J ) . Smeuton , Hooni
43 , llnrker block. Omaha. 784F11
\A7ANTii : ) l'rlvato lady teacher. Address O
> > 10 Dae. V75 lit
- ' books to be
opened , closed , posted or kept to apply to
J. T. Dally. Manager of Omaha lliisinoss Col
lege , Ilith and Capitol avenue. 731 13 *
ANTED Weavlng at 1315 Pncillc.
w Pncillc.COO
COO f4 *
l OOMEHSand boarders wnnted,170S Douglas.
XV iioo J lu *
\\rANTED Thn use of u team of good hort > esT
T T for the winter for tholr keeping. Apply nt
this otllce. 187
WANTED Bio-k of 7 per cent farm loans
completed papers. Philadelphia Mortgage
S : Trust Co. , 13 , hoard Trade. Ml 17
"IVIKSBMAKBK Good nutter , litter and drn-
J-/por ; will do dreasmuklnt ; In families by the
day. _ Address 01J. llee. 70.1 lot
TTIIUST-CLAHS dressmaking In families or at
X' home. Address 1335 S. 13th St. , upstairs.
403 IB'
TTNGAOF.MIINTS to sew in families. T > B 17th
JL' 8S < i
" 1J10LTH Hollars per week for lirst-closs board ,
X1 and room on cable lino. 1KB N. 20th st.
77'J 1st
' 'PAUL ! : boarders wautod. 100J Douglnj
_ ± .311
WAN'llU ) to rent n furnished rottiigo or
house of 5 or U rooms within 10 blocks of
Postofllce. by man and wlfn. llest references
in the city. Address O 23 lice olllco. ttU-H *
WANTED A pleasant room and board in
private family ; a homo-like place by u
home-loving , ( inlet , young married couple.
Address O gj Ike. h50 U *
\\r ANTKD To runt3 iinfuiiilshud rooms , 10
minutes walk from postolJlco ; state price.
Address o 17 , lloo olllce. 7C'J 13 ?
\\7ANTKD To rents fnrnlshed rooms heated
i nnd board for man , wife and 2 children , 0
and a years. 10 minutes walk from postolllce ;
north ot Fnrnam preferred ; nuiat state price.
Address O 1 , lleo olllce. 770 lit
WANTED Ilv gentleman nnd wife before
l' b. 1st , Niilt of rooms with a private fam
ily , or part of house for light housekeeping
within tfii mlnuti'.s walk of poitolllcu In good
neighborhood , north of Farnam preferred.
Address Trt-bor. care of Kllpatrlck Koch U ( i
Co. , llth and Ilarney ht. ( .7115 *
rpWO or threa furnished or unfurnished
X rooms , with all modern conveniences , In
food locution , and strictly private family , with
oanl for gentleman anil wife and one child ,
must be llrat-class and near cable line , llefor-
oiiccs given If ileslicu , Address fctatlni : loca
tion and price N ( M llee olllce.
_ _
rpo HUNT Five room cottage on cable Hue.
X Mill nud draco bts ; new house. Snap I Erie
Clothing Co. , 320 N 18lh st. Ana
"iriOH HKNT fl-room house on street car line ,
X' 1711 N. 18th kt. , with modern Improvements.
J13.l _ nulrn 112)ioiiBlas ) ) Ht. , room 2. 811
FOIl HKNT Houses and Hats centrally lo-
catod. Furniture for sale. Co-operative Lund
und Lot Co. , 205 N. llith 8t.o t > 01 13
"I710II HKNT FurnlKhod house. & rooms. 223
X Charles i t , , or for sale on easy terms byV. .
' 1. Seaman , Omaha's largest vanety buggies ,
wagons , etc. , east side llltU St. , north ot Nlcho-
T710H HKNT New 7-room house with all mod-
X'ern conveniences : H-room house. 2025 How.
ard bt : 3-room rtat. N. Uth st. Apply to Ore a
\ WWlanib , Urst K'ntlonul b uk uutlUlutr. Ill
I TjlOll HENT Modern t n room house IBS south
X' 25th St. , near St , Mary's ave. , J45. Hlngwalt
llro > . , _ llnrkcr block. 755
i TTHMt HKN'T 4-room rottngo with bnrn , 1724
' X \ . luth St. , ono block from street cnr and
cable line. Inquire Ulfi Chicago st 793 IB
roll HENT Cottage of 0 rooms with nil mod
ern conveniences at ( III S 17th st. Possession
Fob , 1. T. J. Fltzmorris. 403 N F.tlist. 789
UHKNT4room house. 3-03 Cass , 114 mo.
Inquire E. Svenson , tt 0l Cnss , 70d IS *
Troll"uiTNl lSroom house. 1J20 Dodge St. ,
X' suited for roomers and bonrrtors , uenr P. O.
Sea Dr. Neville. 14H2 Douglas st. 7tC
TiWH HK.NT-Hoiise. 8 rooms. sr > 3. 201h. no.\
X' Lcnvenworth. Furnace , gas and bath
"I710H HF.NT New 0-room cottage furnished ,
J. : * ) lfi l.pnvenworth , between Uuth nnd 31st ,
city wntcrclosots , pantry , etc. 020 18 *
FOH HENT 9-room brlCK , 114 S 2'th 8t : mod
ern conveniences ; nonr cable line. .1. W ,
Grllllth , U. P. headquarters. MI
171OH HENT Newly finished R-room cottnge ,
X1 centrally located. Cnshlcr Neb , Clothing
Co 74 12-
1011 HENT-New 7-rooin Mat , cor ffith nnd
Jones. A. C. Powell. 723
TTIOHHENT An elegant brick Hat. modern
X' conveniences. 0 rooms nnd 7 closets , ? ; per
mo. Morse Je Hrunner , 1005 Farnam. Will
171011 HENT Two homes 19th nnd California
X1 st. Hunt IJO and Ji > per month , Hrouti'ui &
Co. , Chamber of Commerce. r > 21
FOH HENT 7 room Hat on Sil Hoor. Ku-
qulrn The Fair cor lIHh and Hownrd sts.
TIKAUTIKrijU-room hou'e. , gns , city water ,
J ) bath loom , hot and cold water , on paved
streets with street car. nonr a good school , only
KK per month. The housj Is new. Apl at
once. C. P. Harrison , Merchantn' Nat. ba
FOH HENT When yon wish to lent a house ,
store or olllce cull on us. II. K. Cole , room ( I ,
Continental block. : MH
TTIOH HENT 10-room house , steam , gas , bath ,
i hot nud cold and cistern wnter , good cellar ,
nnd nice J aid , SM , 2UJ S 21th. lnqulre.07 S2lth.
1710H HE.VP House and barn , Hnnscom
X1 place , lluirls , room 411. First Nat'l bk
bldg. 341
"TOOK HENT 5-roomed tlat nt IWS N Inth st.
X' All modem convenlencos. A. E. Marsh. I'W
" 171OH HENT 0-room house with good barn ,
X' between 21th and 2"ilh .m llnrdette , only KO.
A. 1 Gieenwood ic Co. , room 1 , Cunningham
block. lii ;
TTlOlt HUNT n-room mndern Improved house
J-1 A 1 locality. Heut moderate. Apply. M. Kl-
gutter , 1031 Karnam "t. 342
T710H HENT-Ily llosworth & .loplln , llarker
J-1 block. I ) , 4 , fi. ll , 7. S l , 1U , 11 , 14-room houcei
in all parts of tlio city. 3ij :
FOH Itr.NT-7-room Mat nt K)8 ) S. 13th. Inquire
J. L. llrnndols * Sons. HJ7
POIt HUNT 0-room cottajje , 8 .1 pur month.
l.'ilS Ilnrnoy st. ; tl7
POU HUNT Housps 7 rooms. Kith and Hnr-
noyj.ll ) 1-oomn , 21st and Locust ; 7 rooms , l.'tli
and Jones ; ; i rooms , Itlth and Martha , l.limlum
A Miihonoy , 1'axtou block. 341
FOH HUNT Cheap , a nice convenient honse.
103U S. 21st , between Center und Dorcas sts.
FOH HKNT Cottages , 5 rooms , UTSil Charles
st. and 1KI So. 5th st. Ihuiuiru K. 21J Sheeley
block. W.
FOH KENT Six-room cottnge , furnished , 1720
N ll'th st. . wltnln 1 ! j blocics cable and st. car
lines. Inquire on premises. 514 ISf
"ITIOH HENT A comfortable house with 8
X1 rooms , pantry , large closets , splendid col
lar , city water , sewerage and gas , near business
centre ; moderate rout. John H. F. Lehmann.
C.'l S. 17th st. 312
TCIOH HUNT KlghtS ) room tint , modern conC -
-C veniences. Inijulro 012 S. 115th st. Bll
rpo HENT An elegantly furnished front
X room : terms leasonablo. 191 > Capitol nve.
"W 12 *
HEATED rooms. Hoard If de&lrcd. 1017 Cass.
737 12 *
17IOH HENT Nicely furnished rooms very
X' cheap with all modern conveniences in
brick house 1123 Farnam , cor. 17th st. IH)7 ) 1-J *
furnished rooms , 07 S Hth .st.
GSU 12
VnCELY furnished rooms and board nt 1817
JLNcmiltol aye. S27jior
"MTCELY lurnlshod rooms. 2105 Douglas stT"
i > blti-li ) '
ALA Hfi E , linndso mo furnished front'plTflor ,
also a botlroom to gentlemen. All modern
improvements. Hoard if desired. SKOi Fnrnam.
"I710H HUNT Nice , unrm rooms , nnd board ;
X1 J5 per week. 2011 Ilarney st. 81215 ?
EOH HENT 2 or 3 rooms for light housekeep
ing ; 2 furnished rooms ; rent very reasona
ble. Corner 18th and Loavenworth. M5 13'
\7"EHY desirable front bed room , private
T family , 012 So , 17th St. , 3d house from Jack-1
son. a.4-13 *
OOM with stove , $7 , EM ( So. 2Jd ht.
8IC-15 *
"J710H HENT Two furnished rooius.i-oferences
X1 requlroil. Efilii St. Mixry'snvo. 7t2 14t
I710H HENT Cheerful rooms In pleasant
X' homo with or without board ; nil modern
conveuiencesterms ; reasonable. 2UC2 Ilarney ht.
770 15 *
FrHNISIIEDHooms-14111 Dodge st. , W nnd
pwards. 1 double room for light house-
kueplni ; . Inquire 1423 Douglas st. , Hoom , 2. ;
_ _ 787
TTIOK HUNT Furnished room. Including gns ,
X1 bath and heat. Git S 10th St. , upper Hat ,
north side. _ B07J K _
"VTICKIiY furnished fcouth room with steam
J- > heat and modern couvunlencos. 2 > ! 17
Douglas. 75'J la *
yKlty pleasant laige south-front room In
most pleasant port of city , 7 blocks from
P. O. , ou cublo line ; rent reasonable ; 2010 Dav-
fiipnrt. _ 740 13 * _
PLIIASANT front parlor on car line , 1417 N.
16th. _ _ _ 7411 1J
FOI HUNT itoom for 2 , iirst class house ,
liUll ! Dodge. _ 721 13 _ J
" 171 OH HKNT Several nicely fui-nlshed. bright
X1 and cheerful rooms with private family ; nil
modern improvements. JJ15 N 20th st. bU4 10 ?
NICK rooniu ? l per week nt Penbody house ,
southwest corner Uth and Jones sts.
7tti f 101
I JOOMS ana board , Ibl2 Chicago st.
"ITIUHNIHIIGD and nnfurnlshcil rooms , 12J1
XVFarimm. -
"ITir itNISIlF.D room for gentlomun , Inquire
X1 A. Hospo's , 1513 Douglas. 074 tt >
KOOM and board cheap for two gentlemen ,
1U11 Douglas st , U,7 n *
NICU furnished room , 2100 Furimm fit.
| (61 15 *
_ _
HKNT Hoom for gentlemen , : ! ) ! ! ' } Dodgo.
fiHt ) tf Ot
T710H ItKNT Two stores. 621 and 623 North
X1 loth .it. Inquire ut the building. Henry
OstholT. _ _ _ _ _ yjl
"T7 LFOANT furnished room with all inodorn
XvJconvonlonces , with or without board. 1011
Douglas. GUI lilt
"VTlClil.Yfurnlshed rooms , also front nnd
-L > buck parlor ; 1WJ Douglas at , BU
FUH.N"JSIlii ; ) room , with gas and bath , board
If desired , 6193.26th at. , opposlto All Saints'
church. C15
ALOVKLY iront room , heated , furnished
and every conrenionce , 21U7 Douglas * > t. 13H
OH HKNT-1'Mrnlsheil rooms In Umenlgblk ,
cor. llith and Dodge sts. Inqulro of Ueo. H.
JJayls , Mlllard hotel ullllard room. 34'J
T710H HUNTAn elognntly furnished room or
X' eultti of rooms with board in a private fam
ily. All conveniences. Cars pass the door
every three to five minutes. Hufcrences Ho-
quired. .Enquire rooms 518 and Dl'J 1'axtou blk ,
f ) KUHNISHID : rooms , 170S Cullfornln.
Z 57712 *
T71 LIKNISIIEI ) room for rent , 1U13 Farnam.
Jj rj7j-
" 171OH HKNT-EIegnntly furnished room or
X' suite ot rooms with board In private family.
3 car lines pass the door. 1U37 Park ave. 2CO
FHONT ( east ) rooms for gentlemen or lamily ,
All modem improvements ) homo board.
BIBB lilthaf. . UU3J1BJ
. . . KENT Two large front rooms , nicely
furnished , heated by steam , gas und use of
bath room , in one of the nicest residences In
the city. Northwest cor , Idth and Leavenworth ,
ROOMS-Moderu conveniences. 028 S 17th at.
6 JFu *
T .AHQB pleasant room , lumlshed , brlcc Uit.
-L mocmc so t nai
Foil KENT S front rooms ou sucoud floor ,
15.W ch. 151i llurnuy at. 30
171011 HENT-Two larg * nicely furnished con
X' nectlng rooms , with ftnth and conveniences ,
suitable for four Rcntlotmm or housekeeping ,
125 , or separate fU nnd III. S. \ \ ' , Comer , lttn :
and Hownrd , entrance ou Howard. M4
O HOOMO nnfiirnlshedJmt floor , for house"
O keoping. 2 blocks ot P O. 1015 Capital nve.
_ _
O llOl ( > rs ror fiousokeiilivT alsn bark pnrlnr
- > and ono Inside room , rent very reasonable
140'i.lnckson. fnfl lt +
O HOOMS for light BousokccpinB.12 > > 4 Farnam
TX1 IINISIIKT ) nnd unfurnished roomi ,
X1 leiii 8t.
f KICK for rent , good location for iioctor.
Call at lloyd's Phannacj- , corner llth mill
t'npltoln\e. 7 1 13 *
iiENTTho 2d nnd 3d lloors of our
store , with olevntor privileges. Hlmobniigii
\ Taylor , KO.I Douglas. 701 in
FOH HENT A nice store room In the Her
bulMing , bet Hownrd and Jackson , heated
w Ith steam. Apply hardwaie store , 121 S. ICtn st.
IIM 1 1
"IjlOH HENT fl store rooms with good collnrs ,
X1 steam bent , water nnd gas , on the corner ot
llith and Mason ; also IV ) acres of land for gar
den purposes Just south ot poor farm , within
city limits. Inquire at 01 7 soul'i 13th si. 4V31
| 7UH HENT Two splendid brick stores , good
X1 location for any business , right parly rent
very low. Morse it llrnnnor , IBO.I Fnrnnm st
_ _ _ _ _ _
TTIOIlTtENT OIlTcn suite ? r.n month. 2 slticlo
X1 ollices Jl'iench , nil fronting Itith st. Hush-
man block , N. is. Cor , Ifith and Douglas. W. M.
llushman , Mil Leavenwoith. _ iTiU
BAKiitY : for lent at 11 W Par * nve. This Is a
brick store room and basement , including
ovens , < otl nters. showcaxi' , elc. , In the most de
sirable rusiileni-i ) community in tlm city : water ,
sewer and gas connections. Thos F Hull , 311
_ lifll _ _ _
"I > H1"K ( store lonm with basement , nil mo 1-
I > em. Improvements , splendid location lor
feed store or haidwiire. stove" , etc. , being In
I the heart of the most deslrablo residence portion
tion ot the city , 1.U7 Paik ave. 'Jhos F Hall ,
311 Paxton blosk. liti
"I OH KENT Five ncres with nexv bulldlntM.
X1 one block from clt ) limits. Apply 1221 N.
gUth. 7 0 1H
"I710H HENT Largo bnrn at Hi2 Cummg.
X1 r,3 I'l *
rplIHEK-STOltV bulldlmr. fixtures forsalo.
X In iiilreiit Henry Dohle A. Co. shoe store , I41D
Fnrtium st. 7ji ) 13
FOItTTENT I'urt of llcinls b'ld'g. Inqulreof-
llcc Ilomls Omahn Hug Co. , on vlailntt
IW8 Hi
"I710H HENT-A warehouse with high base-
X' mentantially lo.-ated on Idopendent truck
from w Idi-h cars cnn bn uido.iili-d nud loaded
Into and from building , linmedliiu possession.
Sum J. Howell , 217 S. 14th st , Omaha. ( m
" 171011 Ill.NT One good burn room for three
X hoisos , buggies , -tc. , 2115 Davenport st. In
quire or C. L. Erlckson & Co. , 212 N. Iflth st ,
/"i P.O. J. PAT L.IGOJ Farnam st. llonsos.stores ,
v ' etc. , for rout. ! ! 31
\\TE give special attoiitlou to renting nnd
T T collecting rents , list with us. 11. E. Cole
room it , Continental block. 331
KOKfiTrZ"sTKUNSrORFF. ) loomO , opp. P.
O. , will heionfter give upcclal attention to
renting houses , stoics nnd lints. If you want
j our property rented without delay and to re
liable tenants , do not f ail 'tb ' list the same with
him. 352
TF YOI * want your houses rented place them
Xwlih Honnwa& Co. , 13 tu , opposlto postoljlco.
nttentlon gl\Mn to renting nnd col-
lectlng rents. J. II. Parrotte , 10JJ Chicago
105 J22
BKAUTII- - faces nnd forms , guaranteed.
Face blt-ncho removes freckles. pimles ) ) and
wrinkles. } l per bottle. Hook ot iccelpts for
the comnlexlon 25 cents. Send 4 rents for cir
cular. Madame lluppcrt , 24 ! ! State St. , Chicago
rpAICEN UP A white steer about 3 years old
JL taken up about Nov llith , has brand on left
side nnd is very wild. Cifi ! $ . Powell , Floron o
A'eb. dl5221lJ tK.
JET shaved nt Gnmblo'o Pnlaco llarber Shop.
211 S. IJIthst. ( illj ] ,
ENCHAVKD wedding , stationery nnd visit-
ins cnrds. McHilde i ; Ityun , 1510 Dodge.
1117 2u
rpo THE Lnillos I have purcnnsed the entlro
JLbtocK of sheet and book music lately owueil
by Todd.ot the Opera House Music storo.which
I nm selling at ! > c and lOc. Cull and examine.
Also hlghe it prices paid for old booksor book i
taken In exchange , A. Uln'er , 422 S 13th st.
ELKGANT life size crayon portraits free of
charge for short tlmo as an ud from plioto-
grnph.s bi ought to the Vandyke Portrait btudlo ,
1412 I'lertu , near Hth ; portions also in nn.steL. "
- 7'Jf"llf !
ISbanjo tauht as nn nrtbyQeo. F.Gel-
lenbeck , ISlOthHt. : i U
HOIISH or team mules wanted to nppy n
llr t payment on honsonnd lot , or rosidoncn
lot , balance monthly payments. Write or call
on Selby , 15. ' . ' ! I'aruam. 081
/ - CGIDKNTAIj hotel. 10th and Howard ; day
v/board J4 per week ; 21 meal ticket SI , 747jllt
IDr.ltSONAL Dear public , capitalists , invest
ors , traders , exchangers and money makers
or those who are desirous of making money ,
wo ngnmcall your undevldod attention and
careful perusal of our exchange list , and biiKl-
ne--s chances , on ai count of the great rush of
business anil wonderful accumulation of lottery
of inquiry trom all over the I'nlted States wo
went compelled to stop advertising a few aays
until wo could catchup. Hut we are again
ready for you. Cotuo at us for all you lire
wortli , we'll meet yon half way. Respectfully ,
J. Ifc Hieo i Co.
LADIES and gentlemen tan rent masquerade
suits by callfiigat 510 N. lUth , upstairs.
0 FCf
TDIlUSON'AL Ladles and gentlemen desiring
J. correspondents address Corresponding
Club , Kansas City , Mo. , enclose stamp.
Oil Mlt
ELKOANT life olze crayon portraits free
of charge for a short time as an udver-
tlsement.from photographs brought to the Van
dyke Portrait Studio , 1112 Pierce , nciir 1 itli.
1'ortrnits also in pastel. 7J8J14J
\ \ ANTKD Ijiilles to board during contlnc-
TT ment Hcut of care taken. Addreis r > 02 S
27th st , Omaha. , fiOU 1W
LOST Lady's parted with gold buckle , wltli
F. L. on buckle. Koturn to Ili-e olllco ami
go t ow nnl. H141J'
LOST On Wednesday evening between ( J nnd
7 p. ra. between Max Meyer A ; Uros.'Jewulry
store , Sixteenth and Kurnam , nnd I'nxton hotel.
one pair gold Illngrco earrings , Kia with Mimll
rubys. Finder le.ive at Mux Meyei's store and
receive reward. 724 13 *
NIWUW "KMUICIf. clairvoyant and bs
ness medium , 008 N.JiUi st.
liTNANNlK V , Warreii.iclalrvoyuut , Medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
ntipeclatty. HUN , luth 8t , rooms 2 and 3. 3KI
FOHTIINR Teller Mrs. Ijuporman can bo con
sulted on all affairs of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No. 318 N Itlth st osoj lit
. . . . cheap , your own terms. Mortgage
KJ paper taicen. Paul , nortli ot 1' . O. B3-MJ
TTIOH BALK-Foldlng bed , Turkish roll sofu ,
X1 dressing cuso , combination wash stand ;
have only been In use live months ; will he sold
at u bargain. Inquire foi"leadle ( , basement 11J
B Kith at , i 3114 *
TWO full blooded pug pups for snlont 111 JJ
X lUll t , 830 13 *
ITOTION Sale Extraordlnary-Thc furniture -
ture of one of the llnest 12 room Huts in
Omaha , new und of llrtit-clnis quality , will take
Place Thursday , January 17 , at 10 a. m. , ut 317 S
loth st. For particular * to parties who dcnlru
to inspect the furniture or purchase at pri
vate halo , whole or part , with louse , House full
of Hrst-cluBs roomers , paying well. Owner leuv-
ing the city. Inquire ot J. L. I lice Sc Co. No
traders lined apply. Huslncss cash. flT 15
FOU BALK An excellent Holsteln cow cheap
for cash , 1225 N. 20th Bt. 778 13'
T7Xll 8ALK-ll50worthof good building ma-
X1 terlul for luicash ; 3d door west of Walnut
Hill school house. 75212t
"I710H SALE An elegant toned piano , cheap ,
X' if sold at once. Parties are leaving toe city.
Call nt ItOu Chicago st. J. 11. Pnrolte. 748 13t
JVTIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 150S Far-
J-TAnam. Complete abstracts furnished & titles
to real estate uxumlued.pttrfected& ; guaranteed.
A IISTHACTS Ltn.iliiin Sc Malioney , room 500 ,
Paxton block. DM
UTOHAUK- low rates nt 1121 Farnnm St. ,
Cl Omnlm Auction A Storage Co , 'AW
rUlACICAGK , storage , loweit rntos W. M
llushnian , 1311 U'lueiuvorth. n > j
STOKAIIK In new clean building nt low rates ,
.lUSlSluxt , 223 J3I
A V AN ni ; > Io tniy old slik'hnts , ir.lo'Do'dgo
st. sir.1 v is
" \\rANTKl ) . To buy hotiso of 6 to S rooms
' T near St. Mnrv's or Park avenues preferred.
Address O M. lire olllce. 7 7 13
\VANTED-rroiii ? toblo rioii second mo7t >
T T gage ; will pny 15 per cent. Address O H ,
HPP. 751 17 *
\yANTKD-Tu buy half Interest or a whole
T T business. Cmi pay < asli Must stand In
vestigation. AddH'ss Oa , Hoc. 70113t
" \\rANTKI > Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
i i household goods of nil kinds , Umnlm Auc-
ton ! Ic Storage Co. , 11-1 1'arnnm. 3.VJ
MONEY to loan on Impr > ved farms and
( dunlin property , M. A. I'pton Company ,
Investment Ilnnkeis , inth and 1 arnani. "to
MON12V to loan In any nniount at vcrv low
rates on choice Oinulm or council Hluifs
proport > . In dealing with us jou deal dlreitly
with the louder. Wo loan you our own money
In idl rases , lloth prlni'ltmt and Interest pava-
hie nt our ii'llca. No delays. Central ! / < > an A-
Trust C'o.t I' . A. Sinn , manager , OW HI
R EAL estate loans , lowest ratos. Odell Itroa ,
At CO. . dl.'P. Uth st. . '
MONEY to loan ; longtime. George .1. I'.utl1
I'W Fm-nnmst. i3
MONEY to loan on improved property at tlrst
hands No application sent awn ) for ap
proval. Security and titles ox-inilned tree of
charg" to boriowers. Lombard Investment
company. Ml ti. 1 llh st. i71 !
"VTKIIUASKA Mortc. Loan Co. will make you a
-L > loan on household floods ,
horM'.s. wagons ,
lund contracts.
flue Jewelry or socurltli's of any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Koom 7 , Itim-ley blork. South Omalin ,
Hooms filSxill ) 1'iixtou blk , Omaliu , N b.
DO YOU want to borrow tnon y ?
H id this
It will NIIXO you tlmo.
It will snu > jou money.
Yon can burrow Horn
II. I' . Masters.
successor toV. . H. Croft.
room 4 , Wlthnell hld'g. Cithiiud llarnoy st ,
JILI , j2o , .vi. sun , jaw * Vi , ? i. < oi. JV'O' ' , fiu.oon ,
In lact any Mini you want on fiimltniv.plnuov ,
liorse.s. mull1 ! ' , wagons , etc. , on oasltr terms uiul
t lower rates than any ot'ier ' olhci ? la IHu city ,
wlthimt publicity or removal of projierty from
your .
It' mi Instalment Is duo on jour propcity and
you cuniot mi i-t It , < all ami sen mo. i will pay
it tor you. Ifou nave a loan In any other of-
' , call and get my r.itoI I will taUo it up and
carry it for you.
I makv loans inr ouo to sK months nnd you
can pay a purl at any time , reducing both prin
cipal and Interest.
All lonns renewed at oti 'lnal ratci nud no
charge for paper.- . .
All business strlctlj- confident lul. Ca and
f-eo me.
Don't forget the ntimuer.
Ilmiin 4 , Wlthnell block , 3" S
Ol'KIt CiNT : money to loan Cash on hand
W. 31. liurris , room UU l-reiucr block , op p.
1' . O. 37U
( U1LIHNG loans. D. V. Sitoles , 210. First
'Nnt'l Hank. 3'W
"ION'T iHirrow money on furniture , horses ,
jL/wagous , etc , until von have soon ( ! II. Ja
cobs , room 110 , 1' National bank building ,
Cor. llith and Farimm 3.M
"J CAN make a few loans on llrst-cliss chattel
J-securltles nt rea enable rates.V. . K. Potter ,
room 10 linrker blk. 701
\\r.lNTii-ivfial ; good , llrst-cluss loans nt
T i oui-o. Mutual Investment Co. , Itoom 1 ,
llarker block. fro
MONRV tolonnoii chattel- ! and leal estate ,
good notes bought und sold. IVU I'ainam
bt. , rooms 2 and 3 , Foreign Umlgiutlo : ! Co.
( Jj.'Ol.O'Oto lonnntOpcr cent. Llnnlinn If Ma-
'Phoney , room rvil I'axton block. 370
MONI2V to loan on fiirnltnri1. horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou any approved security. J. W.
Hobblns , 11.200 , Sheely blk , , 1Mh and howard.
IXllLADRUMIIA * Mortgage Js Trust Co. ,
cheap eostein money direct to borrowers.
Make building loans , largo or small- perfect
titles : accept loans In their western ollice.
( jeo.W.l'.Coa Unrepresentative , 1'i Hoard Trade
_ _ _ _
It' YOU want to borrow money on diamonds ,
on pianos or household goods , on horses ,
wagousund other pernonnl pioporty.
On mortgage' paper and contracts at fair
rites without delay or publicity , go to the
Full-bank Investment Co. , 215 ti lull , upstairs.
3i7 (
rliH.OOO , . $1,5011 , ? 1.000 , MO ) . Special fund to place
Jf ) on choice Improved property. 1) , V. Sholes ,
210 , First National bank. _ 381
V"OU can deal direct with the Provident Trust
I Company , room 3)3 ) First National bank
building. Omaha , If you want a loan on real es
tate. on inside business property espe
cially dt-slred , Hopresont also the old nnd well-
known J\D\V Knglnnd Loan & . Trust Company.
M ONUY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1501 Farnam bt. 301
rt > 5,000 special fund to place lu choice 1st loans.
S3 Will buy f-onui good mortgage ; papor. F. M.
I'.lchardson , Hill blk. 15tli and Douglas.7I31T
loans made on Omaha and South
Omaha property. Chas. it. Woolley. room
C3- ) Paxton block.
( JK Sholos , 210 First Nafl bank , before mak
ing your loans. WJ
MONKY to loan- Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. 11. H. Cole , Hoom 0 , Continental
block. 373
FIHST mortgage loans at low rates , and no
delay. D.V. Sholes , 210 , First National bank.
3''J ' )
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Tha fairest ,
quietest , most liberal money oxchniigd in
the city ; loans made without dulny or publicity ,
In nny amount large or small , at. the lowest
rates of interest , on nny available security ;
oana may bo paid nt uny tlmo or renewed nt
original ratos. O. llouscaron , mgr , room ! fil/t ,
liarkor blk. 1'itli nnd Furnam. 70 j
MONKY Loaned for 30. to or 00 days , ou any
kind of chattel security ; rc-asouaiilo inter
est ; business confidential. J. J. Wilkinson ,
1417 Fnrnam Bt. 27li
G W. Pock cnu loan J.VW,000 nt lowest
, delay , cash ou hand. Hoom 4 Fren/.cr blk.
I3EOPLE'S Financial Exchango-Lnrgo und
mnall loans for long nnd short time , at low
est rates of Interest , mi real ostnto mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Jowolrv. Don't fnll to call If you want fair
and cheap accommodations , o. Houscuren ,
Mgr. , room MY , Darker blk. )5th and Fnrunui.
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. giiulre , f-TJ Farnnm St. , First National
lank building , 376
LOANS made on real estate and mortgageH
hought. Lewis S. Heed ii Co. , 1U1 Farnam.
DO you want money ? Loans made on house
hold furniture , pianos , horses , etc. , without
lolay or removal. Persons wishing u loun of
this kind will ito well to call ill our olllce before
lenllngolxuwhere ; business strictly conllden-
litl. A. E. ( iroonwood A Co. , room 1 , Cunning-
mm block , cor. 1'Jth and Jacicson sts. 411
MONKY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercial
laper und mortgage notes. S. A. Slomun , Cor ,
Dili and Farnam. 3H2
MONKY to 1/oan Wo nave several thousand
ilollarw to place for eastern parties on 1m-
ji'ovml city property. Harris , loom 4111st Nut.
Hank bldg. . [ 711
BUILDINU loans. Llnahan Mahoney ,
MONEY to loan A few thousands from first
hands ut very low rules. C , V. Harrison ,
Merchants' Nat'l bank. UH J-fti
" 171OHSALE Flour and feeiibloro lu good run-
X1 ning order ; also phaeton and carriage ,
will trade carriage tor good horse , 1215 Howard
Btreet. tas-3 ]
A N attorney of experience and highest ref-
-tX orences , desires connection with catab-
Is tied Omaha law linn. Commercial law and
collections u specialty. Salary or partnership.
Address O 71. Hee. 80313 *
'BALK'Tlca'sohaWe ' ' iW
T710H - l'lour'und
X' store , 14-room hotel , 7-room hotel , chop
louse and restauranti , naif Interest In saloon ,
mlf Interest in general merchandise store.
utocK of dniiB , stock of hardware ; nil in llrst
rlass locations , Co-Operative Laud and Lot Co.
JO. ) N Iflth St. BIO 13
OU BALE Saloon ; lint-class location , doIng -
Ing u good business ; lutures and block ,
etc. . oulyt2uui. if taken iuililo of thirty dayj.
Addrosa Uvo. Muyerls , Lincoln , Neb ,
1J10II SAI.r.-chtai' , n flctof mnchlnery for
X1 wood work , nlmost now , vlf..t pUner , ro-
Raw , rlpp and cut-off saw , Scroll saw , turning
lathe aud sand-paper machine , with Minns ,
pulleys nnd bolts. Address A. KrnM , Fnlln
Clly. Neb , _ 756 1W !
JjlOH SALE A peed hardware builnjss and
new , clean slock of nlHiutiW ; also bit Mil-
Ing and lot ; In a prow ing town in Nebraska ;
stock can bo reduced if doslrcd. For particulars
call on C. O. Lobeck , Omaha Hnrdwaie Co.
"I7OH SALE A siring of lumber yards on tin
J II. .V M.H. 11. In the southwestern part of flu
state , all located In live towns , improvements
flrst-clas * . , stock all new , bright nnd uonn ; cnpl
tal required , about flft\u.O. Address ! ) II. , Look
Ilex 3.s , McCook , Nebraska. 710 18
ITUWSALE Oolngto leave the city , and > Tn
1 sell two fl room tlaU cheap for cash 'all occn
Pled ttllh desirable roomers pa ) u prolltof J7"
to Jsj per tnnnth , No tradcis need atiplv. Cnl
nl3l7 t > outh lOth t. . 2 p. in. iijtf-13 *
_ _
" 1J1I HST-clnss stok of staple and faucv grocor-
X les , also tl.\tuics for sale , good buMuess
oitnbllshedllne locatloiireut very low. Addioss
O 4 lleo. t V-lti *
77IOH SALE-An old wollestablljlii-tl buMness
X' centrally located , any one wanting business
with n small cash capital to Invest nd mean
ing business , It will pny them to Itueatlgato
this. Address business , Forbes llout-e H loth
st. Omaha , Nell , ( Mil ) '
i7r6H SALE-Mllk 4 , HON. 10th st.
- _ 2UIJ2
ITIOH SALE A stocK of agrliiiUurnl Imple-
XI mints , buggies , pumps , .pump nttlngsund
tools located nt Mel OOK , Neb. , a llvo town on
tlio II & M railroad 2J8 miles we t of Lincoln.
Stock new and In good order , business estab
lished four years ago nnd has nlwnys been
prolltable ; satisfactory n-nsons given 'for sell-
Ing. The stork , incluiiinu building fifits , ! , inven
tory nbont M.Mk ) , will lie sold for J2.IMI cash
down , bamnre on tlmo for nppiovod paper.
This l.s n llrst-class opportnnliy for any one.
wishing to engage in the Implement business.
Aildicss M. D. Welch , U ( i st , Lincoln. Neb.
MEAT market for sale , best pr.ylng stnnd In
Omaha. Pilco tl,2JJ. Address N" dl. llea
olllce. (127 II *
TOOK at th All kinds of merchandise nnd
< personal property wanted In exrhiiugo tor
Improved fauns and wild land. Forolgn Em-
tnlgiT.tlon Co. , Hooms 2 und 3 150. ! Farnam st.
5u : ni
IrANTED-Hoarding house in oxehinge for
> Mo kof fancy goods. Address , old , lleo.
7il ; I'J *
rpo THADE Housn nnd lot in llanscom place.
X for stock ot mercliiindl-M' In good , ll\e town
in Nebraska. Address , A. S. A. , 1X8 .s. ; i2d st. ,
Omaha. 818-llt
\TO. 1 drug stock. Jlni grocery , IXW ( boon
- - ' and shoes. Two ll\o loom houses In South
Omaha for vacant lot. Active roil estut. ' and
propel ty oxclinnge , 1521 Dodge st. W20-F >
rrp ( ) i\-CIIANGi-S1'nd : : for fulFilOKCi fpTloii of
X ilnely Improved * jj a < ro Crook Valley farm ,
one of tin1 Hu si In the wear. Plenty of timber
und water. Ilex C , Idana , Kan. 82I-iir ;
EXCHANGE -l7ood faun land near Itlg
X Springs fur merdiaiidlsg or ll\o htock , D.
I ) . Hall , 241 Hnrtiey st. 774 21 *
HOFSKS. lands and farms for bull ding lot * ,
iwlllassunie.j Paul , 100J liirnam ntMMS
\\rANTED-HiiItdlng material of all
T v for lots , houaos , inrm , land- ) , horses , etc. ,
otc. rant , low Fnriiam st. sfM.i .
THADE-Iiiislnoss block on Lake street ;
I0-room house on Callloinl i street ; largo
house , with modern iniiiroMjinonts ou Twenty-
lir. t strnet near St Mary's avontie ; a good
buililinglot , clear lot oninotor line In ( . 'ouni'll
lllullH for residence In Omaha ; 3 clear lots In
Albright's Annex , for house in Orchard Hill or
Omaha View ; Improu'il farm near Lincoln for
umiiha piopeity. I handle no wildcat prop
erty. Grover Stevens , 1521 Farnam street.fill.
fill. 15
V ALE or Tr.xfle Missouri farm : 12Uiicres Im-
Cj pioved ; no luciimbinnce ; 5 acre oicliard ;
( iSucies cultivated. Imiutroof 1210 N 17th st.
h2l ( 1,1 *
STOCK of hardware $1,500 and store building
$ ! , HM , to trade for clear property ; stock of
bardwari ) Jl.fiOO : store building on leased
giound and htorkof groceiies ; Mock of drugs :
tfll'.OU slosk of morclmnillso ; J2.0U stock oC
millinery , block of groceries , I'urnltuie and
fixtures of good hotel and e.iloon in cltv , Stock
of groceries ifl.fJO ) , and good store building
JSiO , to trade for clear pioporty. For author
puitluiilars f.eo "Hxchnngo ( took , " Co-Opi-rativo
Laud A ; Lot Co. , 2J5 N. llith bt. MO 1. . )
TTIOH THADE Comer on Cumlngst. , HBxllfl.
J for good residence. HrennunCo. . . Cham
ber of Commerce. 74817
TTIOH EXCHANGE Ono grocery stock , about
X1 $1.200 worth : one grocery and building on
leased ground , $2,500 ; ono livury stable , to trade
for land or lots. Co operative Land & Lot Co. ,
205 N. Pith ht. 705 I'l
T710H EXCIIANGE-For desirable residence
X' property In Omaha , any or all of following :
40 choice inside residence lots in Hastings.
10 Hots In Lincoln.
( Jl1) ) acres line farming land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property. Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln ,
Choice fancy residence , corner Los Angeles ,
A neat residence property in Hanscom Place.
Also some good mortg.igo notes.
Address , giving location and prlieof prop
erty. J. E. 11. , care lluum Iron Co. . 1217 Loavun-
worth. ; KI
T IIAVE real and personal property of all
kinds for trado. Call nud see mo. George J.
St ernsdorlf , room (1. ( opp. I * . O , iitjj
rpo EXCHANGE Fornierchnndlso.llvostodc ,
X or Omaha property , a good farm , 101 ucres ,
In Franklin Co. , Nob.ono mlle from alive It. Goodschools. Price ? 3,2Jl. Address
D. H. llall. 24HI Harnoy Ht. 73) 0 *
FOH EXCHANGE Improve nnd unimproved
residence property in Omaha nnd Council
Hluir.s. Call nud see us. Western Lnnd & Ixmu
Exchange. fllflf ?
rnOEXCHANOE-3 new houses , nil modern
J-Improvements , cor. 37th und Dodge , for good
fnrm lands. Western Land & Loan Exchange ,
117 S Itilli. 017 14
17KM THADE Highly improved , 010 acres ,
X1 Howard county , Neb. , unlncumborod : will
trade for good house nnd lot In Omaha , Hreu-
nnn & Co. , ChnmLor of Comerco. 74H 17
| ? 0lt THADKT Fine Improved IfiO-acro farm ,
X half-mile Irom thriving city , stocked with
herd full-blood cattle. "A" 23 , lionrd Trado.
TO F.XCHANGK For Omaha property. 010
ucies Nebraska landnud 2J aero lowufarm.
Chus , H , Woolluy , room 53 > Paxton blouK.
( IHl 18
GOOD farms , clear or lluhtly liiciimbored , for
merchandise , llvo stock or city property. H.
E. Cole , room U , Contlnontal blocic. 577
\\MNTED-A SIOCK of hardware , furniture ,
groceries , dry goods , clothing , or boots and
shoes , in exchange for n good fnrm or cltv prop
erty. Co-operative ) Land it Lot Co , 205 N. liitli.
4'JU '
TIIOH THADE 7-room liout-o and 'j-lot for
X1 residence lot west side of city. Hrennun A ;
Co. , Chamber of Commerce. 74H 17
Wll UN you have anything lor exchange call
on or write us. II. E.Colo , room o. Con
tinental block , f,77
ITIOIt EXCHANGE-Four cl ar South Omaha
X' lots. < t400 each , to trade for Nebraska laud ,
fc'elby , 1521 Farnam. Ill
DIUKiS , hardware or merchandlso wanted
for U2iJ acres ot land. W , llouusteol , Crclgh-
ton , Kuox county , Neb , 511 F3t
"I/KJH EXCHANGE Team horsej or inulei
X1 wanted lor first payment on house und lot ,
balance monthly or quattorly payments. Solby ,
1521 I'aniam. M4
TjioH EXOHANGE-llouto and Int or nice
X1 building lot to trade for lini' { time loal es
tate 2d mortg.V L Sulby , 1521 Farnum. 145
rpO > .XCIIAN(7i : orl'nrmln eastern Nn.
X brnsku. 2 houses nnd lots clear , Chas. It ,
Woolley , Hoom KKi , I'nxton block. ( I'M 10
QTOCKS of goods to exchange for land and
> 'city propeity. Chas. H , Woolley , room 5.15 ,
Paxton block. 001 18
FOH EM'llANGE-Iluslneas block. * 12.000
equity , itl ! full , good tenants , In u HVH Da
kota city. "A" Bit , Hoard Trade. Wl 13'
K'ANSAS and Nebraska land to exchange for
Iowa town property. Chus , 11. Woolley ,
room 5.1) , I'ux ton block. W > n
TT1OH KXCllANGh-Bouth Omatia lot for
X1 team horses or muled , wagon and harness
Selby. 1521 Farnam , ( M
Oll exchange Ist-classclear Improved Omaha -
ha property for good timber land. N 23Heo
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; 213 J ail
TTIOIlEXCHANOK-f.J.SW new house and lot
X1 for small farm near Neb. county seat.
Belby , 1K1 Farnam. C01
17011 KX'CHANQB-Carrlsge and buggy with
X1 | : JOQ cash for unsecured note or long tlm
mortgage. Bo I by. 1621 Farnam. 681
TTIOH BALK Several coUnm ) hoineTon easy
JG terms. J. H. Kvana. H31-I5
* OAHOAIN Kfogant corner lot In llanscom
J Place , only ti.tXJO , Small cash p.iyiuont.lonij
Uta . OKO. N , lllclu , llarker block , b&o-13
SMAT.Lliouso and barn , fiacres of land within
J tulles of Oniniia , all forf.Wl cnsh if taken
nt once. Lnnd Is line forgnrdi-tilnij or stock rail if
ing. Spleii lid place fcr a dairy. John Howard.
310 So. I .Mil St. ( W-13 *
171011 SALE Splonilld tpii-noro tract of land
X1 near junction of Holt Line Hy. nud tlio F ,
E. .V M.V.It. K in West Unmnn. South and
east exposure , magnificent Mew ; only twotity-
i the minutes rldfl from business lenlro of
i Omahn : Jtiit theplncn for a com fort able homo ,
I his is ono of the best In vestments on the mnr-
fcet. as this tract w 111 make fifty choloo lots that
will bring live.hundred each , or AOi > l within
the next thn-H years Owner Is obliged to i > ell
and wliltaki''J7r."Olf sold nt onee. ( leo. N.
Illrks , room 10. Iliuker blook. MO-13
IJL'SINHSS Chances by J. L. lllco A Co.
l.l\e hotel man with J.VXXM. > f 10.00) cash can
lentil of n snap opentm ; .
Llvo hotel mail with J1.0JO cnsn , we will Intro -
tro t .MMI.
Half Intele < t lu good pay ing ro. Uurniitmtn ;
have Jfl tu-nsli.
One of the llnest nnd best loo.lted roMnnrnnt
lu Omnlm for sale , owner retiring. Price , f I.Stft
will take part tiado.
We Inn e n J2t > , ou man looking for nn opening
u established mercantile business lu Omaha ,
Pincil ( nl Painter with some cnsh can be made
luippy Inus , n big thing and no mistake.
Established grorcry business for sale , fcMXW.
on goo l street ; doing n No. 1 tmslnc.s * , owner
retlilng will tnke clear Omahn proper ! v.
1 eed store on lillh street , line location ; CAll
put . . _ Inns . . . . . inui-h . as yon wish.
, .omSSlv , , , | | business Hue brick
stole , good location ; $ 'J , WJ , owner retlrlnu.
rjjo EXCHANGE by J. ! „ Ulco A Co.
fi.0 W ncres lu Johnson county , Kentucky , flue
grass hind and walnut timber , clear ; want
Nebiaskn laud.
M ) acres , | miles from Platt Centar , ( VI ueros
broke , somettilng llnoj waul Omaha property.
KMncios cleartuShcildiiucounty , Neb. ; want
Omaha properly.
7 loom , modern new residence ou corner on
car lluepiii-ii iniui , equity 1,1,0)i ; Wiint clear
Fine H room , now story nnd half house near
car Hue ; pili-o H.VVi. equity $ I.7U ( : wants stock
of groceiles or good improved farm ; will
assume sonu < Ini'itmhrnnco * .
illi.OX ) ) stork much In To\us. What have you ?
j-V.OtV ) stock ninth in New Mevlco forOmalin
ptoperty ; will pay cash dllleivuce.
J.Xl.tMU Hotel projioity In I own doing n paying
lmMiii-ss for Omaha property or established
Ditslnessof unkind ,
JI7mn livery ntitllt for good wild land , clear.
$ I7XW ( hotel In ll\o Nebraska town lor good
land , clear.
} IWOlibio-k of gilt-edged Omaha property ,
Improved. Vt Hat have jotiy
15 > . ( Kn block rholi e business residence Omalin
propi-rty , improved. What have you I
Cliolcef I.IKM Improved loslilonro properly ou
South'IV-uth street ; want Nebraska farm and
iflii.mxiteudeni-c property on California street
for Omnlm vacant puiperly.
2,0 ) ueres nnu timber land In Johnson
county , Kentucky What havoyou ?
lOuiTi-sOm ih.i siibniban propoity , all ,
forOmnha lesldi-nru propel I ) ' .
* . ! IIH ) gilt eilgo Omaha property for clear
western land. Investigate.
Hawthorn lot , clear , nud Thornbnrg lot , clear ,
for laud w llhln 100 miles of Omaha ,
WO-nire stork farm lu Dakota. 10 niros tlm-
b.M- , tl.s.iH ) ) , foi Omaha residence property.
2llnoGlse addition lots , opposlto Kountzo
pliu-o. JI.Mll equity. Want house and lot worth
about -f'l.iOi ) .
3,7i'uK res cl 'ir limber , grass and coal lands
In Missouri , Arkamns. Kentucky , ( ieorgla and
Louisiana. What hmo you. '
351 acre.s coal and timber lands lu Adalr
county , Missouri.
1'JUi mri-s land in Holt county , nljolulng
Sti-wart. tine land , for ineivlumdlse , itrncerleii ,
boots nnd shoes. Price il't.W to * 15 per acre.
All clear.
iKM.UOil Improved fnrm , with stock , in Kuox
county. What have you/
i.s.u.ooquity In 3 choice Hailaii county , No-
briiskn , Improved farms , and 3 choice Phillips
county , Kansas , improved farms for Omaha
residence property.
2 KiO-acio traits I'lerco county , Nebraska ,
laud , all clear , price fl.OJO , lor Omaha vacant
lots ,
Hestdenco property In Glenwooil , la. , clear ,
for Nebraska farm.
Lot'iis bear from yon onrly , either by letter or
personal rail. J. L. Hlco A : Co. K17 >
TNVESTIO ATE the following bargains : , f sec
tions of good Innd in Phflps Co. , Nub. , near
Kunrnev. only } 5 per ni-io.
, ' (3xl3-'on ( chlciigo tst uud5-room lions- * , $ ,1.300.
Choice Orrhaid Illll lots at SUV ) and S-I7S.
Lot In aunders \ Hlmulmtigli'H , JVM.
0-room house and half lot , IsaacSyldon'.s !
mid. . J-iO. :
Good lot , Hoggs A Hill's ndd. , nnd twohotlses ,
$3,000. NeU. S. 4 : S. Co. , room ' .I , Hoard of Trade.
f > 72 12
SPLENDID double house In nice neighbor-
hood , closa to two car hues ; n big bargain
if bold soon. Can give possession of ouu house.
Geo. N. Hicks , Unrker block. S50-I3
IF YOU are interested in real estate. If you
want a homo or a llrst class Investment , cnl
and see Gi-o. N. Hicks ,
Heal Estate Acent.
Hoom 10 , I linker lllock.
Hero are a few bargains :
fl-ncio tinrt. West Omaha $ 3,501) )
Elegant rosldeuco near 2'ith nnd Dodge. . 12.0JO
Husimiss lot. South Omaha , bargain 'I.OOII
Nice resident o corner , llanscom place . . . 2.0JO
10) ) 1'eet ft outage , near Lenvonworth nud
Park li,000
Cholco tract on Holt line rjMl ) (
Nlcu house and lot , Ilauscom place fi.Oll
6)1 leel trnckuguon llelt line 7,500
iot 5 , blk 17. South Omaha 1,650 .VI
Corner. IWxl'.M ieet. eight MOCKS from
( ourt house , tlnou houses lent lor $7tO .
per year , room for three more 7..103
llusinea.s propi-ny , mar 10th nnd Ilarney K.OCIU
Ctl feet near btb and Fnrniim , best piece
business property en the market . . . . 45,000
Splendid location lor grcon house , ctr . . 3OuO
lilJ acres i holce farm land In Howard county ,
Neb. , a big bargain if som soou.
pin acres Improved land , eastern Nebraska.
Call nud get pi leo.
Elcirant dotiiilo house with largo lot , burn ,
fuiiiaces , baths , electric bells , utc. ; splendid
neighborhood , close to car line , rents for 8 per
cent of ? l"oo.l ; can give Immcdiuto possession
of one house ; iirlco for short time only , ? 15,500.
0) ) fe 'ton llith near Cnstollur. $ - > , WO.
SplBUdld piece of trackngo property for Hmixll
coal and lumber yard , 17,5k ) .
First class locjitlou on Kelt Line Hy. for olo-
valor and grain business , 8CIM. ; )
Summ"igirden property forsalo nt a bar-
gain. Call and see It.
Exchange List.
M lots In Wehtlnwn Park , price 112.000 ; Incum-
brniico. J3iiH ( ) ; long tlmo equity , JH 400.
Want good farm land.
First-class farm In central Nebraska ( o trndo
for small house and lot.
I.MKl acres nice Innd in eastern Nebraska to
trade for Improved city property.
Huslnoss corner , 1IJ feet , n-nts for t2,709. with
room for hrlck block on lot ; can bo ma le topny
HMO per year. Price , fir > , mx ) ; lucumbrnnces ,
SviiXi ( ( ) ) : equity , $ . ; 5,000 ; want good land or houses
nnd lots.
75 choice lots Just ontsldo the city limits In
WestOinnlin : every lot perfect for grade ; close
to car line nnd Holt railway. Price , SM7f > 00 ; In-
cumbi mice. W.OOO ; longtime ; owner's equity ,
J3I.500. Will trmlo for good hind or stock much ,
George N. I licks , room 40 llarker blocu , real
estate and invcstmimtjipenl. BVJ 13
NEW cable line to Hanscom place In the
spring will double the value of property In
the vlrlnitv of Hnusuom park. Call nnd secure
a bi-autlful lot ut present prlco. Hicks , llarker
' _ ' - - H.-.o-ri .
HALK 'Iho llnest summer
POH ' " " ' '
crt'y aiound the c'lTy. "it'wili'pny you to In-
vestlgnto this. HJCK.S , Itarkar block. H5Q-13
TpOH SALK NIce large east front lot on
X' street cur line , near church und schools , on
grade , lies perfectly level , Prlco $700 , onu-nsy
terms. Small monthly payments. Cull nt N. E.
cor. 15th and Chicago sts. BO1) ) 13'
"ITIOH SALE-107 feet OT Dodge by 121 on 3ltlf .1 .
X1 2 houses , can offer this for a short time for
17OX ) ; bestcoinor In the city for brick tene
ments ; room for Hovt-n houses. M.A.Upton
CompanyKith and Furnam.havo cixcluelvusnle.
I1AHOAIN. Good 2 story houdo , and lot
HlxHH. Good location , must be sold by
February I , for f-.O'H ) loss than worth. Inqulro
on premises 817 U 20th ut. i > , S 15 ;
"ITIOHSALB 50 feet with good o-room house ,
X1 furnace , gas , bnth.suwcr. hot and cold water ,
burn , and everything completion pavement ou
PurKttvo. liehc bargain In Omaha at $7WK )
Hnsy tnrms. Investigate this. 1) . V. Biioles , 21
First National bank. Ul8f7
FOH BALE-Oroxclmngo. ton acroi on Fur.
nam st. , butweun 55th und 6'Jth sts. , Mj
Will trade for real estate mortgages , or Hell on
entty terms. W. L. Solby , isil l-Wnam. U'J e\ \
$50.00 cash and 150.00 monthly , including in-
tviost , buys bountiful H-room house with all
modern conveniences. H. E.Cole , room 0 , Con
tinental block , 5TJ 15
"I710H SALE-Oroxchnngu for Omaha prop-
X1 orty. W ) acres , miltntile for pittttlng ; will
make 400 lots , all clear ; big money in it for BOIIIO
one who can push this : located Just outside tint
city limits ot Council lllulfs. Inqulru Ueo , J.
StenihdorlT , opp. | KMtolllee. 1)91 )
Oja'5.00 ' cash and 115.00 monthly , Including In-
tp torest , buys nice i y home , Come and
BCO It. U. K. Cole , room 0 , Contlnuntal block.
v f > 7U 1ft
SASH , door and blind factory , first"tlusu con
dition nnd locution. A bargain. J. i ) ,
Evans , llurker lllock , ith and Furuain sts.
T71OII SALE-Kle ant home at tnot cnili price
X'on euHyu-rras. J , II , LVAIU , llarker block ,
15tli nnd Farnam sts. WHO
n bargains in 11 anicom I'lace. see Hicks ,
llarker blook. b&O-lU
IHAVlnoineof ! tliu finest lota lu Hansccm
1'Inco for tale at bargain figures. Call ami
see tnom. Hlcka , llurter block. BW-U
riALL and aea the beautiful lots wo offer Tn
V Jlunstuui 1'lacti , lilcka , Harkur block.UO13
UO-13 ,
, J/T