Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Government Estimates Send Whoa
Down With n Rush.
OnlH linns Actlvr Provision Tiiuli
VPH l'"alr Tot1 Snlurduy Oalilo
I'rlccH AvvrnKC Stonily nt
1'ildnj'H Decline.
.Inn. 12. ( Special Telegram ti
Tun Hr.Kl The government crop cstimati
win odlcially published lo-nay ' 1 ho whenl
istlmatp was 414S < Wor > 0 measured bushel1
within about G.OOO.OOJ bushels of Hie figure-
. nnnicil in the ndvnnco "lips , " and prnetlc.illj
I'1 ' confirming them. The statlstlcinn saya
nothing about Uic ilcllcirncy In the wolghl
It ut thuvuuul crop , leav-lng that presumably
" ' for his Mnreh report , an usual. The short
UKO in weight Is certainly equivalent tc
! ! 0 , ( > 00.000 bushels It may be nearer . ' 10,000- -
( XX ) bushels. In any event the crop must b (
llgnred under 400,000,000 commercial bushels
In measured bushels Prof. uTnlgo'H hitcs
eitlmato Is nboilt 9,000,000 bushels mori
than Hie previous catimalc , which was 100 ,
(0)OUO ( ) bushels. The report was ac
icpted ns an exceedingly bearish docu
incut by tlio gieat speculativu public
nnd tlio market was homo dawn by
tremendous offerings. New Yoik rnmo Ii
first with turtlllc selllnp orders , every housi
with New York conncctioiH fnirlj inundat
iiiK the pit with wheat. McCoimlck & Co
piohably lead in the extent of tradi
nnd etiKcrnuss lo sell. All private- win
houses nnd a great many linns that do no
have private wires weio very heavy sellers.
The local heavy weights were quick to catcl
the drift , and among the number Hean
Jig in ( H ! as n tremendous seller cm to in tin
day nnd dlirini * the e.irly stages of the broal
tUnt followed the reception of the govetn
mcnt bulletin. The market had a IIrm onon
ing , with sales at $1 ( Ki5 . The price wen1
down to ? 1 U't'fc , and then back to 1.0T" , , <
1.03'tf. ' Iithcn innikcil down to $1 OJtti , ui
to Jl.lKl , down to tl 02V , up to SUUJf , oil
"J Bhnrply to tl 02 , up to . * 1.0J1h. on to Jl.Ol
up to ? 1 OIK , down to ? 1.0I , upto Sl.OP-f
back to fl.01 > 4" , up
'l ' down to f lOU > < j , rccovenng to JI.Ol , and elos
ing at $1.00 % . Vho extieme range on th (
dajwasilo nml the close was a'tc ' undei
jesterday A tremendous volume of bus !
ness was done dining the session , and tlu
tone was that of exceeding \ousness jl
largo iiinntlt ] * > of long wheat was dumped 01
the Kiiiccsslvo plunges , nnd the bears wen
full of aggressiveness After the repulai
closing hi New ork the dispatches ft on
there indicated panicky fr-ellng. Rome re
ports were received of u little export busl
nous being done n\ , the break in Daltunorc
and New York , but to offset that informa
lion came icpoits of millions of bushels ol
long wheat pressing for sale The foreign
era really want wheat at tne ruling pruos ,
They ought to have no trouble in gettini * it
Eveiy oilier domestic tnnikct s.vinpalhlrcti
witli Chicago. Minneapolis broke lie , nnd
the close in New York shows a eorrusponu-
Ing shrinkage The local market was left !
moht wiUiont support , except what the shorts
gave it. There was heavy bujing b Hut
chlnson down to $1.0.2 , ana later by the 1'ntr-
bank contingent , but the tide overwhelmed
everything and boio down all opposition.
The i.ingoon I'ebruary was WH/oiorc , and
on .Inlj tUWiS'tfc ' , the close in both cases
being at the bottom.
The receipts ol corn were again under the
estimates , to tlio extent of 1,1 cats , and for
Mondaj only the moderate quantity of 15.
cars Mas , predicted. The government esti
mate making the yield of the eiop lliS7,7'.H- ' )
OOObusholshad no effect upon the mm kut , that
quantity about answeiing expectations and
pievious computation. The clearances ftom
U.iltimoro wcro very heavy , and exporters
wcro busy in that and the New York mar
ket. Now York paitica bought for export 13
loads at Ualtnnoiu and 9 on their own ex
change to day. 'I ho weakness m the adjoin
ing wheat pits had n depressing effect on
oorn , and the activity there monopolized
speculative attention. The fluctuations wore
very nnt row , business being of the smallest
scalping character , and pronounced bullish
ness was its most notable feature. The price
changes since yesteiday weio Insignificant ,
the widest difference appealing in the May
delivery , and it was only 'fc under yester
day's closing quotation.
Oats wet o less active than for two days
previously r.nd the fooling was ncaily steady
with rattier more doing In June than ni any
time yet. That month sold up to n point , but
? e loner than May , with the latter ranging
nt ! i ° f @ 27c. The near months were dull
nnd nearly nominal , with nothing doing in
No. 2 oats in store. These weio quoted at
! MJ < f(32t' ( , with the usual Dusiness noted in
samples. The Inspected receipts were but
t > 5 cars , with no out inspection.
The provision niniket was fairly active for
Saturday , and there was no abatement In the
interest iccently shown , though the volume
of trading was not as largo as on the cailier
days of the week. As for several days p ist ,
the movement was chielly in pioduct for
Mavdoliveri , with pork the favorite by long
odds. The receipts of hogs \veto nearly
twice as largo as was expected , and prices
for the raw material weio repotted 10u per
100 Ibs lower. This caused a weak opening
In provisions nnd n lower range of quotations
on the whole list. 1'ork slat ted off lOc below
yesterday's ' dosing and proceeded to drop
mother lOo , or to $1850. In the
meantime lard broke 12'tfe and ribs ] c.
Then the market steadied , and throughout
the last half of the session all offerings were
quickly absorbed. The buying so far as
could bo judged by the gossip alloat , was by
home strong pai ties who have been ci edited
with bullish Intent nil tha week ,
Chi ! Ho Wright is the acknowledged loader
of the local bear i-rowd at the picscnt , nnd
his opinion that there will bo no scarcity of
hogs or product is evidently shai ed in by
inimy outside operators , A liberal percent
age of the selling this week has been for the
country account. This may have been
long junk , ol course , but It Is
novel thelcss true that outsiders have done
some of the selling ol late Tlio strongest
fcatmc of the market to day was the recov
ery of all of the ground lost early in pork
light on tlio faro of no break In wheat.
From * 1 50 May improved to fill H7'tf ' , and at
the close f 13iiT > was bid. The best prices of
the day were established in the last half
hour of the session , and thu actual shrinkage
In speculative values was limited to Do In
pork , BGUOo In lard , and f > @ 7 > ic In ribs.
CIMCHOO , Jan. 12. | Special Telegram to
Tnc llKB.f C\Tn.r. The market opened
this morning with poor prospects. Later the
buyers got out und seemed to want about all
of the cattle. The market was rather slow
nnd in some eases values were weaker , but
prices on the average wcro Bteudy at yester
day's docllno , or 10@lt > o lower than at the
highest point on Tliutsday. Had it not been
for the good eastern shipping demand , prices ,
however , would have pone off 10@20o , ns the
homo buyers had ull they wanted , but It
mada a difference when tht < y found
that the ontsldn buyers wanted cnttlo.
Choice to extra beeves , f4.50il ( 90 ; medium
to good steers , 18M to 1500 Ibs , r.704.10 ) ! :
1200 to 1850 Ibs , fj.23.70 , 9'0 to 1200 Ibs ,
f3.0U@a 20 ; stockcra nnd feeders , $2.40 < jTi : 40 ;
cows , bulls and inixcd1.7fi(3U5 ( ! ; bulk , $2.40
( iUGri : Texas stcurs , * 2.50 < 33.50) ) cows , $2,00
© ' . ' .GO.
HOGS Dusiness was active during the
week Just closed nnd prices satisfactory to
shippers. There was a sharp advance
Saturday und an additional gain Mon
day. The ndvanco for the t\vo days
amounted to 15 < 320o , best heavy und light
moving up to $ , * i 30. The increased receipts
recorded for Tuesday turned the tide , the
maiket falling back to 15.23 for topv There
\\aj about u steady rauco of pi Ices for
Wednesday , nnd on the following day the
tellers succeeded In springing the market to
the extent of Co , On Friday trading was
dona ut f3.1olli. { } To-day there was u
sharp downturn of lOo , leaving prices about
wtero they were ween ago , and
fit the decline there was a fair demand ,
'fhQ cloilDg vm steady with the great bulk.
sold &ome salesmen closed their patcsp referring
forring to take the chances for Saturday
' 1 lie bulk sold at f * l.Vifi 20 , ngalnst ft 25' >
( iw : yeUrrdai. Fair to good packers soli
flown to $ .110 , and some common went ns leas \
as t.j ( X ) . Onto one load f-ohl as high as { . * > 2'
NMV YOUR , .fan. 12 [ Special
to Tun Dnn.l STOCKS The stock marke
this morning exhibited an Improved feellni
all aroun J. Indnn , however , was doing bu
Very little. Tlio first prices wcro slightly Ir
regular , but the growing confidence In thi
final favorable outcome of the recent meetIngs
Ings was felt Immediately , and such decline !
as wore established wcro quickly wiped out
everything advancing in the early dealings
These advances were general , but wcro mos
marked In n few stocks. Omaha prefcrrci
advanced 2 , Delaware and Hudson , l' { , Chicago
cage Gas Trusts , 1 ; Hock Island , 1 , am
hackawanna " per cent. The bulls were Ii
full control and found no dlfllculty in puttlnf
the prices up It was rumored that n bill
pool , headed by Chicago operators , had been
formed In St. Paul , and was qulctlv plcklni
stock up. The commission people continui
to talk very hopefully. They regard th <
prompt and decisive atlion on the part of tin
foreigners as indicative of the tooling whlcl
must soon prevail at homo. There was gooi
buying of Uichmond Terminal on a niiiin
that important negotiations were going 01
with the Baltimore fc Ohio company. Slnv
back was responsible for the advance in Cni
engo Gas Trusts , and his purchases advancei
that stock 1 per cent Money has ruled c.w
tit t ! percent A\rry favorable bank state
nient insures easy money for some time t <
come. The icnctions were \erv slight. Utie
f.nckawanna and bt. 1'aul were the mos
prominent in the dealings during the las
hour , and the market closed fairlv active am
strong at the highest pi ices of the session
The total sales aggregated U2'K ( ) ) shnrc * , in
eluding St Paul , 15,000 ; Lackawanna , 17,000
Heading. 11,000 ; Kiehmond Terminal , B.OOO
ICiie , 12,000 ; Missouti Pacific , : i,0l)0 ) ; Omahii
pieferred , 1,000 , Like Shore , 1,000 ; Noith
Wostmn , ; tIOO , and I tool * Island , 11,200.
The following wore the closing quotations :
tJ. S . 4s regular l.'O'j ' Northern 1'u.ciHe. 2H
I' . S. Isconpous IJfl'tl ' dopioferied. , . Ml1 ,
I1. * .4'isrL'KilIar lIM'j'c. ' * N. W . . . 1M' ( ,
IT. S. 4'iHcoiipims lOS'j ! do preferred , 111
1'ftclUci.sof V , 111) ) N. Y. Ccntial . . . IDS' ,
Central I'icltic UVS I' . , D. & 1 * 2(1 (
Chicago .t Alton UO'illtock Island . . Wi
Clilcngo.lliirllliKton 1C' . , M. &St. l > . . IH'i
&Qulncy . . 110'i ' dopraforied. . . 101' .
, Ij.It W HlVst. PaulSOmaha . JU'j
Illinois Central llii'jl do preferred . ! U' ;
l.ll.\\V , . . ui > i UnionI'aciuc . . . 84'i
Kansas &Totas 1 P | W..St. I , . & . 1' . . . H'i
I.ukoShoio . 10P4 | do preferred. . . 'i'l'j 87' iWestern Union bl" ,
illssonril'acillc 7Uil
Mover ox Cvu. Ruled easy with nc
loans nt thcboaid and closed ofTcied nt ' .
per tent.
PniMK MHHCANTII.E PAPBII 3"f @ (5) ( ) per
Stmtiiso EXCHANGE Dull , but steady ;
sixty da\s , ? -l.k5 > 4 ; demand , sf-J.SS ; .
CIHCAOO. Jan. 12V heat Weak ami
cash , Otic ; Fcbrwny , U7e ; Mav , 3l.otJ ) < .
Corn Steady ; cash , Mc ; February ,
! H' ' , ; Mav , . ! 01l-10c.
Oats Stead- , , cash , 24 < o ; Pcbruary.ST cj
May , 27 ll-lOc.
Rye t c.
Harley No trading.
PrimeTimothj 31"i4
Kla\-Sl I-'J ! < .
Whisky ? 1 lit.
Poik rinn ; cash , $1330 ; Febiuary ,
? l yO ; May , f 13 GO.
Lard Steady , cash , i-7.30 ; February ,
$7.i2'4 : ; May , J7 I7J1C(57.50. !
l1 lour Unchanged.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , S037'3rM ( > . * iO ;
short clear , ? 7.25jp7.i7Ji ( : ; shott nbs. $000.
Hutter Firmer , cieamery , 17g20 ( > c ;
dairy , 12' ; < tf23c.
Clieose Steady ; full crcaui cheddats ,
10@llc ; Huts , ildi'll 'c ; Young Ameri
cas , llij ( < j)12c. )
13irgs Firmer ; fresh , IfiJ OlSc.
Huffcs Uuchiingcit ; tieavy green salted ,
CJ c ; light groun salted , 0 > fu ; gioen , 5c ;
salted bull , ' 40 ; green bull , 4'4"c. green
dry Hint , 7Xi bo ; dry call , 7@3 ; brandol
hides , 15 per cent on" ; deacons , 2j@JJj each ;
drv salted. 10&iftc. (
Tallow UnchaiiRod ; No. 1 , solla oj c ;
No. 2 , 4Ko ; cake , f > ' c.
c.Keesipts. . ShlDinents.
Flour , bbls . 7,000 7,000
Wheat bu . 12,000 14,000
Corn , ou . 07.000 08.000
Oats , bu . fej,03J 72,000
MinnonpoliH. Jan. 12. Sample \vheat
dull and weak ; icccipts , 121 cars ; shipments ,
4(1 ( cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , January , $1.15 ;
February , $1.21 ; on tiack , $1.15 ; No. 1 north
ern , January , SI 02 ; May , fl.05'4 , on track ,
fl.0)1.0 ( ; No. 2 northern , January , lUc ;
May , V'Oi ; ; track , U3Co15o. !
KHIIMIH City. Jan. 12 Whent Qulol ;
No. 2 red , cash , ! > 0o bid ; May , ! )7t4e )
bid ; No. 'J soft , cash , Olic asked ; May , 'J7 o
bid.Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash. no bids
nor offerings ; May , 2o bid ; No. 2 white ,
May , JiO'no bid
Oats No 2 , cash , no bids nor oiTcungs ;
May , 24'40 asked.
Cincinnati , Jan. 13 . Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red , ' .He.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , 35J c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc.
Whisky Steady at < 1.0J.
St. Jjouln. Jan. 12. Wheat- Lower ;
cash , 95W ( > 'J'iKc ; May , OsJ o.
Corn Lower ; cash , 2U } < fe : May , 32/c.
Oats Firm , cash , 3lie ) ; May , 27c. .
Pork Steicly at # 111 50.
Lard Dull at ? 7. 15.
Whisky Steady at $1.0 1.
Huttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 23@2"ic ;
dairy. 20 ( < (2c
Milwaukee , Jan. 12. Wheat Easy ,
May , ii.i' ' ; c.
Corn SteadNo. ; . : ) , 30 © 3tc.
Oats- Stead > ; No. 2 white , 23@23jfc.
Rye Kasv ; No. 1 , ISKc.
Harlcy I'irm ; No , 2iiU@fllc.
Provisions Hasy ; pork , Jilt ,15.
Now Vork , Jan. 13. Wheat RecoiDts.
22,000 ; experts , none ; spot dull and nomi
nally lo lower ; No. 2 red , O'JWJOU.'c ' In clo-
vator , $1 00i4@l WIJ nlloat , UJ8Tiil.01 ( > < ; f.
o. b : No. 3 red , lH' dllKlWe : ungraded
red , 84 c Options active and % ( < ? Jfc below
yesterday ; January closing nt Obtfc ,
Corn Receipts , 21(3,000 ( ; oxports. 105000 ;
spot steady but quiet ; No. 2 , 44'4te-H/5O ' In
elevator , 4iVif45 ! ( ! < lfo nlloat ; No. 3 , it''KC'S ' '
40'ro ' ; Uhgraifuil mixed , 3 > idJf'i } c. Options
dull and weak
Oats Receipts , 55,000 ; exports , 150 , spot
quiet and easier ; options dull , lower and
weak. January , Jtlo ; Febiuary , aij o ; May ,
U2Jo ! ; ; mixed wi-stoin , 2Jsi2o ( ! ! ,
CofToo Options opened steady nnd closed
15f20 ( points nbovo justenlav ; sales ,
27,250 bags ; January , $15 15dt > 15,2j ; May ,
$15 05$1.VJO ( ; sjmt Rio quiet ; lair cargoes ut
Potioleuin Quiet und steady ; United
closed nt fcO'sO ,
Kgs | Lower , western , lOc.
Huttor- Weak ; western dairy , 14ft31ej (
western creamery , 172ie ( ; Ulglns , iijj'Jc. ! (
Cheese Firm ; western , H@lU.fL1 ,
Pork Quiet ; now. 14 25@14.50.
Lard Uull and lower ; western steam ,
57,75 ; January , $7.70.
MVI : Hi'oua. ,
CIiionKo , Jan. 13 run Drover * ' Jour
nal rcnorts ns follows-
Cattle Receipts , 4,000 ; market steady ;
cattle , $300@J50.
Hogs Receipts , 31,000 ; market active anil
lOc lower ; mixed , $5.05@5.20 ; heavy , fi.10 ®
0 25 ; light , f5 00 ( < J5.25 ; skips , $ , t.ajf5.20. (
Sheep-Receipts 3,000 , ; market steady ;
natives , $ . ) .IO ( < j500 ; western corn-fed , $1.40
fe41 7HToxaiis , $ J.OO350 ; lambs , $ J.75 (
Hunsna City , Jan. 13. Cattle Receipts ,
1.700 ; bhlpments , 443 : market weak and a
sliuao lower for dressed beef nnd shipping ;
good cows Mi-one ; xood to choice corn-fed ,
430(34.70 ( ; common to medium , $320(31.30 ( ;
stackers and feeding steers , $2.00 < a3.10 ;
cows , $1.25eJ2.80.
Hogs-Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , none ;
market weak , und So lower ; common to
choice , 11.00(35.05. (
Nntloiml KlocU Ynrilw , Bust St ,
liouls , Jan. 13. Cattle Uecelptg , 100) )
shipments , 300 ; market steady ; choice
native stuerv , f4,70@5.tfi ! ; fair to
good choice hcnvj , native steers , $4 00rf4 SO
butchers' steers , medium to cnoice , $ J lOri
4.HO ; stockers and feeders , fair to good
5200(15310 ( ; rancors , corn fed , fUK1 ] 75
grass fed. t410 . 'A 10
Hogs Receipts , 2.300 , shipments , 700 ;
market lower ; choice hcnvx and butchers
seleaions. $510 < f525. puckint' , $5.00mo 15
light fradcs , $4 SC > j.10.
OMAHA MVI : sroon.
CM tie.
Saturday. Jan. 12 , 1SS9.
There 'vcro not many cattle here , nnd II
would ho no more than natural to have an
tlclpntcd a steady market , but the reports
\\erosodiscouraglng from other points thai
the market dropped off 5(3)100 ( ) in the face ol
the light run There were n few pretty do
cent cattle , which sold nt $4 05. but aside
from them the beeves were alt light and nol
of much account The packers boueht r
few nt $ aoo ? n.50. The butchers' steel <
market was moro nctlve , but It too wn ;
lower , though the decline wnttnol as heavj
as on beef cattle Cows sold nt $2 00 ( < ? 2.C5
The trade1 In feeders was vorv limited , owinti
to the scnrcitj of that kind of cattle. A few
pretty good little stockers brought $ .2 75.
The hogs sold hfio yesterday so mucl
higher than nt other markets that n
decline was to bo expected to
day , when It was learned thai
other markets were still lower and that the
receipts weio llbotal for Saturday. The
market opened 5i10c ( lower , and , thouph the
trade dragged n little on account of the re
luctance of salesmen to mnko any conccs-
slons , the hogs weio about all soldbofoti
midday , A vorv choice load of hogs broughl
? 5 21 and the bulk brought * 50) ) ( 5ir > In n
good many cases salesmen were calllni * the
trade fully lOc lower , ahd some of the pack
ets were reporting their hogs as costing 10c
less , but as weighing a good deal less than
j ester day.
Sheep ,
There were no sheep hero to make :
Cnttlo . 00(1 (
Hogs . 4,5W :
Pri'vntliii- ! ;
The follo-.vlii2 is a tibia of pnoJi pall In
this mxritot for the gr.Uoi of stoc't men
Prime steers. 1300 to 1V)3 ) Iba . . M.75 (34 ( 15
J 'rimo steers. 110J to U < 00 Ibs. il.OO tili.75
Native feeders . 2.75 ( . 1.00
Western feeders . 2.00 ox 2 'JO
Common to good cows . l.y > W2.00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.25 fa ,100
Common to choice bulls . 1.2" > fn2. ! < i5
Falrto enoicoiignthoirs . 4.t5 rdu 05
Fair to cnoico tioavy noirs . 5.10 ( jf.VOO
Fair to choice mixed hogs . . . . 4.05 l < 55 (15 (
Fair to choice western sheep. . 3 50 d 'l.- ' >
Fair to choice Nebraskas . 3.00 ( Mj.75
ltcprcsi > iit.itiTa S liH.
No. Ar. Pr.
1 bull . 1410 $1 75
2 mixed . 12'.C. 1.75
4 bulls . IGlKJ 1 > 5
b bulls . IKI'j l.W )
Ibull . 1520 2.00
21 stoekci s . (155 2.00
2 cows . 10 JO 2.00
1'ttows ' . 877 2.10
Icow . 1210 2 10
b cows . 'J03 ' 2.15
2tcows . M 7 220
2Jcows . 1021 2.25
15 cows . 035 , 2 25
1 bull . 1370 2 " 5
20 cows . lb 2 35
3 co ws . 1 120 240
17 cows . 1114 240
lOcows . 10'tl 2 10
1 cow . KiCO 2 10
4b cow s . 1072 245
10 cows . 1141 2 50
21 cows . 1100 2 50
1 stag . 151X ) 2 50
2 cows . 000 250
28 cows . 1402 250
1 bull . 1010 2.50
3stockcrs . G'lO 200
b cows . 1.1-U 2.10
10 cows . 10JG 201
10 stockers . 5'.K ) 2.75
2 feeders . 1010 2M )
2 feeders . 1005 2bO
! i steers . Jt.Vt 300
2steets . 10:5 30J
15 steers . 1200 3.25
4(1 ( bteers . , . 1045 3.2' )
5 steers . 1101 325
8 steers . 10V2 3.10
1 steer . 070 350
0 steers . 1 UK ) 3.50
31 steers . 1318 4.05
1 steer . 1430 4.05
No. Av. Slik. Pr. No. Av. Shk. I'r.
50 . . .27. ! 200 M'- 53..20G 10 $5.00
70. . . .215 fcO 4.05 1H..2S5 ( MO 5.03K
04. . . 254 120 4.05 ill..274 120 ! 5.02h
11. . . .304 4.05 ( i. . .318 240 5.02
7 ° " . . .219 200 4.05 i.OS. . . .241 200 5 02X
50" . .20 $ 120 1.05 ( 0..201 240 5 05
58 . . .2 ! > : i bl ) 4.05 T0..21b fcO 5 05
52. . ' " 210 405 dO. . M bO 5 05
3b. . 2T9 240 4.M 2UU 120 5 05
50. . . .2br > 200 1 05 54.7J. .253 120 5 05
58. . .2UJ 200 4.05 .7J. . , . : ! os 1'20 5 05
55. . .2 < i4 03..209 200 505
52. . .207 SO I.'JTVJ 5o..a5i bO 505
55. . . . : ! U2 01) ) .OJ..2't ) ) 120 505
Oil. . .2T& 200 500 07..2&1 2sO 5 05
(51 . .251) ) 120 500 5'.2b7 ) 200 505
I'u. 120 50d ( X ) 2' ) ! ) 200 5.05
Oi. ! ! 2V > 120 500 02..284 320 5 05
77. . .230 500 G.J. . ! 110 1MJ 5.05
51 .2) ) ! ) 120 505
00. .207 200 500 48 . .321 40 5 05
00.W. ( . .27 ! ) 120 500 53 bO S.07'4
71. .2tT 200 500 51 200 507 > ,
70. .228 100 500 . .232 5 07K
51. : ! 0(5 ( 120 5 00 5J. , . .3G.J f..07tf
Gr .270 200 5 00 51) ) . , . .300 5.10
O'J. ' 40 500 53. , . .2si5 200 510
rr . . .214 80 500 4fi. , . .3.M 2bO 5.10
IK ) . . .2 IS 1(50 ( 500 54 , . .32s 11)0 5.10
ni. ,31b 10J 5.00 (54. ( . . .205 120 5.10
ni.or. . . .277 I'OO 5.00 55. , 2bO 5.10
Oi. . .2.35 bl ) 5 Oil ill. , . .335 200 5.10
07. . .302 100 500 41. . . .370 120 5.10
07.v. ) . mo 500 II. . . .32 ! ) 200 5.10
GJ..244 120 50J 4G , . .352 5.15
5I..2S7 200 5.00 50. . . .327 5.15
OD..2.VJ 120 5.0J 14. . . .40. ) 5.15
C1..2l'J ' ll > 0 5.00 (53. ( . . .3(54 ( bO 5.20
55 . . .2113 240 5.00
55..211 bO 500
Ijivo Stock .Notes.
Kverything lower.
No sheep imirKot ,
A good run for Saturday.
AV. II. rarnam , Guide Rock , Neb. , topped
the hog mat kct.
The top nt Omaha to day for hogs was
8520 , at Kansas City S507,1 ; . and Chicago
5 25.
The Chicago Drovers' Journal thinks that
the annexation of Canada would bo hailed
with delight by manv ranchmen in our north-
westcin territories who have long wanted to
cioss the line with their herds ,
The farmers of Nebraska and western
Iowa have reason to congratulate themselves
on ono point at least , they are receiving on
an average , 10 cents per handled moio for
hogs ut Omaha than is being paid at any
other market ,
Several prominent shippers from dif
ferent parts of the stnto who met
by chance in the Uxchange building !
wore discussing the hog supply. They nl
agreed that thoio nio not many marketable
hogs In the country , und that there wore not
likely to bo many bnforo April or May , Last
summer and full the high prices und tlio
scarcity of old corn induced farmers to mur-
ttct their hogs close , breeding sows nnd nil.
"If the railroads wish to add * l to $ ' 1 per
car to the fieight rates. " lemnrkcd a ship
per , let them put It on in a legitimate way ,
but not by imposing upon us the extra loss
Incident to the system of track weighing , "
Fruits , Produce , Ktc.
HUTTBH Fancy , solid-packed creamery ,
20i(22o ( ( ; choice country , IGfelSo ; medium
grades , lUW'IDo ' ; common grades , 10@l2c.
FJ.OU n Nebraska patents , W.OOfJ7.00 ;
Minnesota patents , 0.25(37.25 ( : straight
grades. f4 7505.00 ; bakers'Hour , 15.00 5.25
per bbl.
POTATOES Nebraska , 35@45o per bu ; Col
orado , 75c. '
SWEET POTATOES $9 50@3.7S per bbl.
Pot'i.Titv ' Live chickens , | 3.50@2.75 per
doz ; dressed chickens , 7@So per Ib ; turkeys ,
U@llo ; ducks and geese , 0@10c.
Eooa-Strlctly fresh , 10@17c.
MiLAQi GitAi'ES $5.00 per Keg.
IUNAKA3 Common , | l.0@3.25 per bunch ;
choice , f J.5003 50.
LEMONS td.76 < 24 50 per ease.
OHAXOBS Florida , f3.25@i.50 : per box.
GAME Per dozen : Mwllwus , | 3,2jj teal ,
41 Ml , rnbbils fl 00tyulilrels , S1W , 7utIS
HIUN Ml OOdfiaoo.
CIIOI-PBII rpM > * I2 Ovrirt.oo ? per Ion.
Ari'MChoice , $ J per bbl. fancv ,
$ J,75 per bbl , common , $ l , ' 5ii 75 iier bbl
Cinrn Michigan , fordO t ! f > 0 per bbl of 3.
gals , California pear cider , $15 00 per bbl.
Pol1 Conv Kicc. 2c
Hi. tChoice eastern nand picked navies
$2 25 per bu. western hiind Picked navies
* l.Hi200 ) ( ; mediums , * l 50 ; Limn beans , 5
per Ib.
HM r. o. b cars , No. 1 upland , fo.f > 0 * I\o ,
2 Uplnn 1. K ) 00.
CoilN 25ijt ( .ViC. i
CHis 211220.
Vis-Bout Cider , lO lSc per gal ; white
wine , lOiTti'c per gal.
HIINEY 1-lb frames , irvlSc. (
CiuiiBiiniFs J .OOfjl'J.OO per bbl.
Pn-MSIONS Hams , No. 1 , lie ; No. 2 ,
10 > c ; shoulders , 78 o , ribbtcoii , lie ; clear
bacon , ' ] - , r.lcnie hams , lOc ; dried beet
hams , 1041' , dry sailed clears , shorl , Sl i- ;
exlrashorl , 8Ve : short ribs , S'jc : pickled
pips'feet , 15 Ib Kits , Me : lard , bli ( ? 9 } c ;
smoked sausage. Oitsc per ib ; hog casings ,
Cii.iu2.fiZ"Oi' : : , per dofnncy ; , 40c.
OVIKVS 45 " 5 ) o per bu
Sum KHMT llbls. , * 4 M ; half bbls , ,
-California , crates $2.25.
OrocotH * Ids ! .
Revised prices nro as follows !
HviiuiMt Stark A , senmloss , 22c ; Amos-
keag , seamless. 17'ic ; Lcwlstoxvn , A , seam
less , lOc ; seamless , 17c ; burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu , lldcUc. I'unnies , single , 13c ; gun
nies , double , 20c , wool saelc , 35c.
TAMM -Flax , 3V ; exttn sail , 20iC2k' ( ; sail
H , 20i82lc ( : cotton , 22c ; Jute , tic.
DIIII.II Flit ITS Figs , in bo-xes , per Ib , 13 < < i >
IGc , dates , In boxes , 7 ( < (10c , t.oiuloii Malaga
liner tnisiim , per box , * 250a375 ( , Malaga
loose raisins , S2.3iiJ,50 ( ) ( ; new Videncia rai
sins , per Ib , s , c. California loose muscatels ,
per box , * 20JiJ.10 ( ( ; Califoinla Londons ,
Is S J2 10 , pitted cherries , per Ib , IV ; Call
fornia pitted plums , poi Ib , 12nlo ( ! ; dried
blackbeirics , per Ib , 7tJii ( < < e ; diied raspberries -
rios per Ib , 2lii25c > , ovaoratcd ) tipples , 7's < rD
b"c , Cahfoinia sun-dried peaches , l.lo , L'all-
foinla uniiariMl evnpoiated peaches , 14c ;
evaporated California npricots , | sc , cur
rants , Ci iii 7c ; Turkish prunes , 5 ( 5'c ; eit-
i-on , 22d ( jc ( ; orange peul , 15c ; lemon peel ,
1Gc ; California French prunes , ll ( IGe.
Cni.i > i : Voung Ameiica , full CUMIII , 12 ( < 5
Itl'ai' ; full cream Cheddars , 12i < t 125 e.
PK M.H-t Medium , in bbls , $500 ; do , in
half bbls , SUM ) : small , in bbl , Si 00 ; do , in
half bbls , SJ50 , gherkins , in bbls , * 7.00 , do ,
in half bbls , fl.OO.
Con ui : Mocha , 25O20c ; Rio , good , 17 ®
IV ; Mandahliiif. , 2Gn2-1 ( > c ; roasting Rio , 1(5(0 (
17c ; O. G. Java , 2tijlc ( ( ; Java , inteilor. 22ig (
25c ; lUo , fancy , ls ( ' ( lOc , Santos and Mara-
caibo. 17 ( . < 41l'c ' ; Arbucklcs , 22 > fc ; McLaligh-
lln'sXXXX. 22 ' .c.
Stout Granulated , ) { c ; ronf , A , 712c ;
white extia C , 7i4c : extra C , f cellow ; C ,
O c ; powdered , b' c ; cubes , b'2c
HI.HSW i\-Choice jellow , 20 ® 22 > c ; dark
colored. 13iHc. (
Tonv ( c o Plug , 2oi)5cosmokiiig ( ) ,
JIU.II.B : SI 25 per 3J Ib pail ,
SAI.I $1 ittftjl 40 per bbl.
Mu-ii : SKIAII Hriclts , ll@12c per Ib :
pcnio cakes , 12 ( < tl.c ) per to ; pure maple
sj nip , ? l.)0 ) per pal.
TiMS- Young Hyson , common to fair , lS'i ( >
\oungllison ; , good to fancy , 30(55o ( ; ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22o25c ; Hun-
powder , choice to fanc > , tO ( < ( ( )5c ; Japan ,
common to medium , 15r < ( ,20i ; Japan , choice
to fancy , 30u45o ( ; Oolong , common lo good ,
I0ie35c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50 ( < ii70o ;
3mpeiial , common to medium , 25i ( 35e , 1m-
pci ml , good to fancy , 40 < J"iOc
NITS Almonds. 15@lSc ; lilberts , 12rt15c ;
Brazil , < JiglOc ( ; walnuts , I2c ; pecans , 10ii < llc ;
jicanuts , O'(0c.
Cine uuiis ( > ( u lOc per Ib ; assorted cakes ,
SQf J5c per ib as per list.
CAM > I Mixed , ! ) K@12 c ; stick , OJK'B '
lie : lock candy , 10 > u(513c ( ; fancy cnndi ,
7 ( < (28c.
Hoi.nvi ) IlnuniNo OOc.
Dry Gooils.
COTTOFi VS-MM.S 10 per cent dls. ; LL ,
5J < c ; CC , ( ) fc ; SS , 7'Hyc ' : Nameless , 5c ; RX ,
isc ; R. 20c ; No 10 , SWe ; No. 10 , lO' c ; No.
( JO , 12 > < o ; No. SO , 13' c : No. 30 , colored , Oc ;
No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , coloied , Ul i
Hiistol. 12'rfc ; Union Pacilic , 17c.
WAitv-lJid , white , lOc ; colored ,
\TTb-Standard , 8c ; ( join , lOc ; beauty ,
12) ) c ; Uoone , Ic ; H , cased. $ (550. (
PitiNTs Solid colors Atlantic , Gc ; Slater ,
Gc ; Berlin oil , ( i c ; Garner oil , < > ( > 7c.
Piits'Ts Pink and Roues Allen , Gc ; Riv-
crpoint , 5 > c ; Steel River , G c ; Richmond ,
( > ' < ( < ; Pacilic , 7c.
Pitivrs Dress , Charter Oak , 5 , ' . c ; Ram-
ape , 4 } c ; Lodi , 5) ) o : Allen , Gc ; Richmond ,
( ! c ; Windsor , GKc ; Eddystouc , G'-ic ' ; Pacific ,
GKc.Hi.n \ciini ) SIIUIITINO Bcrkely cambric ,
No. W ) , OK" ' . Uest Yet , 4-4 , Go ; butter
cloth , OO , 4 4c ; Cabot , 7ic ; F.u well , half
bleached , bXci Fiuit of tno Loom , O' ' c ,
Gtcen G , Oifc ; Hope , 7Jfc ; King Phillip
cambiic , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , lljjc ; Lons-
dale , Oc ; Now York mills , 10 > c ; Pcpperell ,
42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 4G-In. 12c ; Pcpjiciell ,
G-4 , IGc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pepperell , 0-1 ,
2Sc ; Pepperell , 10 4 , 25c ; iCanton , 4-4 , SJ c ;
Triumph , Gc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
Fi.ivvur.s Plaid RaftsmPti,20c ; Goshcn ;
Clear Lake , 13GU'c ; Iron Mountain ,
.vnr.s White OH , No. 2 ? { , 2J. } e ;
OH , No. 1 , % , 2Gc ; HH , No. 2 , % , 22' ' < c ; Ull ,
TICKS York , 30 in , 12' ' < , c ; Yotk. 31-in ,
13l-ic ; Swift river , 7c ; Thorndiko , OO ,
b > fc : Thorndike , EC , hj c : Thorndiko , 120 ,
! ) Kc ; Thornuike , XX , 15c ; Coidis , No. 5 ,
OKc ; Cordis , No. 4 , 7 c.
Dhvnis Amoskeacg 0 07 , 115 , ' c ; Everett , 7
or , 13' ' c ; York. 7o7. litirfc ' , Huymakor , b'o ' ;
.Inllrey . , XX , ll'ic ' ; .la'lTrey , XXX , 12 0 ;
Ueavor Creek , AA , 12o ; Heaver Creek , HIJ ,
lie ; Heaver Cieok , CC. lOc.
lu.MUki JIIAVS Momorial. 15c ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Din ham , 27Kc ; Heicnles , ISc ; Leam
ington , 22" " .c : Cottswood , 27Sc.
Ciu-m btevens' ' H , ( l > ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 c ; Stevens' ' A ,
bleached , b' c ; Stevens' P , b' c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , OH' ' ; Steuens' N , 0 } Stevens' ;
N , bleached , 10' ' e ; Stevens'SRt , 12'jO.
Misciii : < vvious : Table on cloth , $250 ;
plain Holland , ! ) } o ; Dado Holland , 121/c.
Hitow.v SiiKEriMi Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7'fc ; Atlantic D , 4-t , Go ;
Atlantic P , M , Gc ; Aurora LL , 4 4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4J/C ; Crown XXX , 1-4 , ( > Kc ;
Hoosler LL. 4-1 , do ; Indian Head , M , 7 } < Jc ;
Lawrence LL , 4-1 , Gc ; Old Dominion , l-l ,
5V ; Pcpporell R , 4 I , 7c ; Pcppeioll O , I 4 ,
112/0 ! Pupperell , 84 , IS'i" ; Poppoiell , 0-4 ,
31c ; I'epi | ( rcll , 10-4 , 2Us ; Utica C , 4-1 , 4Ko ;
Wachusc'tt , 4 4 , 7' c ; Auiora R , 4-1 , 7c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , ( ' ' , ! .
Ui CK West Point , 20 In. 8o10 , > c ; West
Point , 20 In. 10 oz. 12 > , o ; West Point , 2'J In.
13 oz , 15u ; West Point , 10 in. 11 oKio. .
FLANVUU , Red , C , 24 in , 15V < fo ; E , 21 in ,
2l > 4c ; GG , 21111 , 20c ; HAF , , 25c ; JRF ,
' ii 27c ,
GiNdii\M-Plunkctt checks , 7'iJc ' ; Whlttcn-
[ on , 7) ) c ; York , 7jC _ ; Normandl dress , b' ' o ;
Calcutta diess , b } < c\VhiUonton ; dress , fajc ;
Ronfrow dtess. b'xl , ic.
CAMiiiucb Slater , 5 > fo ; Woods , 5' ' . c ; Stan-
lard , 5c ; Peacock. ,
I'IIIMX , I.MinoUi.i'p ) Arnold , GJfo ; Amcr
an , G'4o ; Glouchester , ( ! c ; Arnold C long
jloth , Oo ; Arnold H long cloth , lOUo ; Arnold , lOKc ; Stoifel A , 12o ; Windsor
3old Ticket , loKe. ,
Hemlock sole , 20@38o per Ib ; oak sole , 83
i'Wa per Ib ; oak harness , tJQ@9Jo per Ib ;
selected onk nnil trace , 'WCn V > e DOT Ib , cnk nn
hemlock upper , ' \ > , J2e per foot , licinloo
cnlfoltin , No 1. OytHV per Ib , ncconlln-ti |
v/ek'ht ; o.ik ttxlf < < Kln. No I , POciftll PO pe
Ib. Ptiiludelphla cnlf skin , extta , $ I ( 1
l > crlb , hemlock kip skin , No 1 , Cogriv po
Ib. oak kip skin , No 1 , TOdTMVcr Ib Plilli
dcliilila kip kln , extra , < < 0i ? ! > 0o per Ib
1'reiipli cnlf skin ( accordlnp to wclpht an
miallt- i , tlb \ < jlTo \ perlb : b'rcncli kip skit
do. Mc ) ( < § l 10 per Ib ; Cordovan russet , l c
satin llniih. 20o per foot ; \volt leather , fl.S
@ 4 IX ) per "lilo ; morotvo * ( pebble Roall , 'JOC
'KV per fool ; morocco' * , boot lep , UViKKV pe
foot. KOVO calf Mtitn. ' 'OofWc per foot
Dontroln klil , 30 ( 4CV per foot , kunRaro
iklns , 40if. ( > 0o per fool , according lo qtullty
toppini- i , JS 00n 10 00 per do/en. llnine * . W 0
( SUIX ) per do/en , npron skint , $10.00iliO (
per dozen.
Jtolnls nndTlnncrs' Stock.
Hlock Un , small pli- $ .U
Hlock tin , bar
Copper , planhhed boiler sizes 3
Copper , cold rolled 3
Copper , shealliiK .
Copper , pills a
Copper , Hats 3
Gal. sheet Iron , .lunlaln , * > 0-10 nnd 5 pr
ct dls
Pat planished iron , ' . ' 4 lo 27 A 10'-
1'al. planished Iron , ' .M to 27 11 1" " >
Hoolltif1C , 14\20 , 112 sheets ( Hv
Koolltiff , IX. 14V.M , 112 shcct-j 7 ft
. 1C , 20x23 , 112 Bhcels 11.0 (
, IN.'Ox' > , 112 sheets 14 fi (
iron No. 2i ( 3 ft
Shcot Iron No. 27 301
Solder 15)ii ) ( 17 > .
I'in pinto , best charcoal
1C , 10x14'J'25 sheets rt ft
IX. 10x14-5 sheets b.1.1 ;
'I'ln iilnte , i-oke
1C , 10\11. 22.5 slice's (1 ( 2' '
Slecl nnils , per ko ( ? 2 i
Steel who nails , per Iteir 2 ! > (
TlfRAILWJl'f TlfTABlEs !
Running l > rt\vct > nCouncil Illuir-iand Albright.
InadUltliin to t'lo sttttons meiitlonej trains
htop ut rnentloiu ami Twenty-fourtli struets ,
andntthubiimmltln Omaha.
A No. fl . OMOa. in. A No. ) . . 7.IOR. in.
: \ No. 4 li.O-i i > . in. I ) No. 1 7.0)11.111. )
11 No.It . biu : p. m. A No 5 0:15 : ii. m.
\ No 2 . . .11.40 II. Ill'A ' No. 1 O.oO H. Ill ,
\ No. 4 7.00 p. in. A No. .1 I.50 p. in.
\ No. 2 . ! l:25 : B. in , A No. 3 (1:10 ( : a. in ,
\ No 4 0:20 : p. in A No. I . . ( > : .KI p. in.
Mot x urv & i'A ( i no.
\ No 10 7:05 a in. A No. u ,8:55 n. in.
V No. 12 7:00 : p. in , A No. 11 ,0.00 p , in.
OMAIIA A. 81' . 1,01'IS ,
V No. 8 4:15 n. in. A No. 7 . l':00 : in.
A dully ; II daily ( ixccpt Sutnriliiy ; ( J oxccpt
iiinday ; 1) ) except Mnminy ; ln .t . mall.
The tlnio Blvon nhovo Ii for Tnini'er , tnero
) ein from live to ten minutes between 1'iiins-
vr und local ilupots.
\Ve knei of Dodyand Hindi Elttct ,
loliull , HtMIIHIIirullr llrilurrd. ll w lo l.ltnr "d
Hrr rl KlklMiF HXlHIIIIIH\S ) * MIITSofllOlir.
ib.ilul fl , utfilllmr 110)1 K IIIUTanT-llrirflu la itj.
IfDll irtnm 47 Ulllii. Trrrllorlff , ( oil lor.lmto-j.l/ ! .
> lir rllttbrn. llaok. fullrtllanillon , tnil lire , r. utllrd
frrr. AdJrct , Rf | ( JEfilCAL CO. , BUffAlO. M.T.
A .11010118 . AND PEHSISTEHf
AdturtisliiH IIUH nlwiijs provoa
succcesfuJ. Bcforo plaolnfc'an7
Newspaper Advertising conauB
II lo ( i U BdoUU tlrc.U
Noa. 303-404-1 70-C04.
JOBEfiliS'lECTtl '
Dealer In Agncnllnral Implements , Wagons
CnirUfft mid Iliujclfn .lmp lrri-Ibctccu tlinn
Mb Om.Miiv Nebraska.
AgriculturallmplGfflcnts.WaEons.Carriagc . .
Hupfloi r.ifliolfinlc Omatm , Ncbr Vn
" " "
Viholt lc Il nltrttn
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggie
tat , OT. WG nd rojJon * Street , Omaha.
p. prvAST A co. ,
Mannfacturers of Buckeye Drills , Sectors
CulllT tor , ll r ItKkri.Clcltr Mlll nnil l.ubitn I'u
_ -trlicri Cor lltli nJ Nlctiotm "ttctti. _
Agricnllnral Iniplemenls , Wagons &Bnggic
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Michlnery and Binder Twine
W. K Mf .l. Miuiincr ISHiifvvrnworth t Omnlm
Mamifncturira ami Jobbm In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. IHIuin I I'nclllc streets. Uninlin , Nrb.
Artists' FVlntorlnlo.
A HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1511 I > OUL | Mr < ft otntitin Nrbrnik *
Uooksollors nnci Stntlonoro-
H. M. & S. W. JONES. A T. Kvnypu A Co. . WlioUsate A Hctnl
Bookseller ? and Stationers ,
Klnceitillng SliiMi ncrv , Comrm rclnl Stationery
ii. . ! Doug nssticel Uruntm .Nil' ' .
_ Boota and Shoo .
( Stutv-iuri to Hteii. Joni A Cn )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots anflSte
AKi'uUloIIoMun UubDor Shoe OnVK \ , 1104 \ I1W
llnrucy at. , Omaha. ficbraakn. _ _ _ _ _ _
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 II&T-IIOJ Uoujrlns Pi , Omnlm MnnufnctorjSum.
BierM. liuBtun
J. /WVS'O.V ,1 CO. ,
Manufacturers of Lime
Ami.him" r < ot t enl , ( .link. Cuim-nt , I'linlor. , I.lrao
Drain 'Illo Htul i-cwcr I'lpi' UHIce , 21S S. IJtli
hi. , Umnlia , Null. 'lYliiiliunu ill.
Dry Goods ana Notions.
" " "
M..E SMITH Jfc CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnisliing Goods and Notiops ,
1102 anil 1104 TKmclfti. Cor llth St , Onrnua , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
GcuU' 1'uriiUlilnc Gooils Corner llth mid Hiuucy
bt . Ouifxhtt. Nebraska.
" "
Sliippers of Coal and Coie ,
514 Foulh r.tb I. Oro.i'-ii r.Vh.
luiporlon ntiil Jobber * of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , ,
Sir outli tttli Street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam btreet. Onialin v-\ratku.
Omnlm ,
Coffees , Sploos , Etc.
Uiunlin CorTee nnd Stylci ! Mllli.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
HavorInK Kitrncti , I.r.iinilry nine. Inks. Ktc. Hit
lillillarnoy btroat. Ouiaba. ebranka.
Crockery and Glassware.
/grnt for the Mnnufnclurcrs and Iraporteia of
Glassware Lamps Cliimneys
Crockery , , , ,
Kir dfllf y. .117 S HtUt. . Omaba , Nebr afai.
Imuoriurs and , lol bori of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
I'tc. I'M KsinnSt. . \ & I'ayton IlulUllnf.
Comtnlaolon end Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
. .
QclHiilrn i r Fp. ( i * n Pnnitry , Cia
112 Howard Stioet , Onuilin ,
Successors to Mcfcbane [ i Fcbrociltr ,
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Om.tha , Nebraska.
Coal , CoUo nnU Llmo.
Jokers of Harfl and Soft Coal.
SOD South 13th Street , Omnlm , N'olirnihn ,
- * * * ' _ - - . . > . . ! , . . , , i ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
U6. "UiTO anil " 118. IDtli St , Omuba , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers
> ill nnd I eavonvrorlli Stri'cii. Omuba , Nobraakn , '
Heavy Hardware.
" "
"w. J. BROATChr.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring , \VUKCIII Stock , Ilnrdnnro , Lumber , Ktc , JW )
mill nil llnrnuyitruntUinnlm ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mgclmulca' Tools nnil llntTAlo Hciilog. 1106
htn tt , ( JniubB. Nl'branku ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
llbunil riarnevHts , Omnba Neb Wontem Apcnti
tor Auttln I'owilerUo , Jtrrtrion Miul .Nill ,
_ _ mirbmilis titHiidanl Hmlm
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
UctiilN , Mien lion , etcAccnts for Howe tJculis ,
illamiro\Mk > r andl.jmun DiiiljtU Mlro ,
( ; iuali ,
Lumber. _ _
" " "
nil Kinds of Building Material at Wbo ale
Ibt i Street anil Union I'aclOc Track. Om.
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sash.
Doom , Uto. Ytnli-Cnrnor Till imil Jou liwi Cornel
To Dealers Only ,
_ _ _ _ Offlre.lUO * Farnam Street Omnlin
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc ,
Qulncy WliltB Lima ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Csrpcli and J'arcjuot Hoorlug , 9tb und Iou lai
Dealer iii All Kinds of Lumber ,
1Mb and faltfornln Slr ct , Omnlm , Ncbrn k ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
CorucrftKftnil IHnislm ft. .omn.h .
Mllllnory nml Notions.
Importers & Jotters In Millinery &NolIons
an 710 n.l ill South lllli Slrf e 1
Hnta , CnpH , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and stra\v \ Goods ,
llOUnrnrStreetOmMin.Nob. .
\Vhok ale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
And f oalber UOJ , UOS ami 1107 llnrnor SU.Ounlia.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4 1 and t < Xi Si < ilh lOtb i > t Onialiu
Notions and Gent's ' Furnisliing Goods ,
11illnrnrT' > tn < i > t
Ovornila. _ _ '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcant 1'auts. tMtti , Kt IKKanil tiDI IKiuiiln ; street ,
Uiuubu. NtU
Office Fixtures.
" " 'rili : blMMUMH M VNtTAlTUUlNTl CoT"
Munuriictinc.i of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles. Mili > bonrK Hook CineH , limit n lure Wnll
l a i < . I'nitltlont ltnlllin. , foiiiiteri. llcirniulWInd
Cmilor * Mirror" pte fnctor tuu1 oillte , IToOnuu 1 ?
South 1 lib St. , ouiiiti i Tulepbuno ll.'l.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile ( Iruane , llr . Omaha. A II lllfh i > . Mnnnuor
Paints nnd oils.
\\bule > ule Di.iiertlii
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS FHrnam ' troet , Omnha.Nob.
_ _ Pnpor.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr nlco stock of I'rlntliiK Wrnpiilnu and Wrltlna
I'h ir Hpiclal nttentlnntilton toinrload onlprs
Storage , Forwnrdln ( ; & Commloslon
CO. ,
, Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Urnnch hnu * . ! * of thu Iti'imcy ltutc'n llncKl' ul
whultsulc uuil reliill. l UlOiunl HU l nr.l Struel.
Oninbii Tt-'Piihono No T' < l
_ . _ Browora-
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1MI Nortb KlKthtccntb Street. Oiunbn. Ktb.
Cornlco _ _
Manufacturers of Galvanizcil Iron Cornice
Window c.ips nnd inetiillckyllglitu
JOHN IPI : \ | n it. Proprietor.
liiS nnd llUvoiith Utli Bliopt.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
_ Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Kos. 117 ! nnd 1319 Douglas bt , Uuiabu , N
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
811 ClotUlne ami l.tatlier Ucltlnu' . lUU riimniu btrceu
Sjsh , , Etc.
\viuiIcsKlo31anu" cturcrs of
Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , OI1U o , 12tli nnd IzurU Blri'PtB , Umulin , Nob.
xVanufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
\ ul lines , Stair Work nnd Interior llnrU Wood I lii
an. N. IS. CornerHtli nml l. < iiiuiivvortli Htruuis ,
Uinalia. ft , o.
i Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Purans , Pines and Engines ,
ilc" " " San : ! , ni : : ! , ! rVif ; [ uic' ; [ | ' Kl ° -
Wholesale Pdinps , Pipe , Fillings.
m end Water BiiDpllpa. Tli-iulqiinrli-n fur Mnat.
fflspia and V/ater / Supplies ,
.n.l . .
Gnglncs , Boilers and General Machinery.
'lieotlron ' { "K , ! ' ! ' " ! " H w Mllln I.'ii-12l5
CAIUT U hon , 1'rnp'i Mnnufnclurcrs of nil kinds
Steam Boilers , Tanh and Sliest Iron Worlc
Works houtli Will iiiul II. i M Oosalntj.
roiiglit and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
nr\net \ , Ilriii < Work Oonornl foundry MiiolHno nail
lllnckeiultli Wurk OHIcuiinil U'Dikii , U.I1. Uy.
nnil litU Htroot.Oliliihu. .
'ilaiiufactiirers ' of Wire and Iron Railings ,
)09k ItnllH , Window Gtmrds , I lower HlnniHVlru
Hl n , I-1 NurllUClli hirtul.Uiiiulm.
s AFtjanl RON WORKS ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
ruulU.liill Work , Iron ami Wlra Ki-ncliu hluni. Ktc.
U Alli'.n ! i , ' ! " ' > C ' .li. ' " - ' " " - ' - " Hia
nnd Wm WORKS
ion and Wire Fences , Railing , Guards
md ficrroni , forlwnks , oniro * , luru lolilencos , etc.
rnvuil Awnlnvx I ockmntli Mnihlncrr
JllucknujHIlork , KMuiilh llth hi ,
MliACllllll , fc
? ire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time LocKs ,
Afuntt lor Dli'hol I bum iiuJ J.uck C
' iimlJali Work , IIJ S. Ijtli aiiuct ,
Live StocK Cijininissioii Merchants ,
, OFIIMEnV/E3TEHFIELD < 5i IVJ . _ " 7
Live StocK Commission , - < i
loom 16 , Kxchanco lltillilliiK , Dnlou Htocli
_ SoutU Oiimbu , Nvl ) .
UNioN"srocn YAR'DS co.1 *
Of Omaiia LlmlteiL