Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Oloao of the Six Day Race at the
Tlio Sotdlnr ProiUgy Conies Out n
Co ! eJ Second Scones and Incl-
\Vlien tlio Kinnl Pistol
Shot \VnH 11 red.
Close of Mm rtncp.
Thn report of the great six-day blcyclo
race which came to an cnO Saturday evening
was unavoidably crowded out of Sunday
morning's issue , but will bo found below.
Undoubtedly iho largcsl crowd lhat over
assembled in the western counlry to witness
n sporting event , won thai which tilled Iho
vasl auditorium of the Colosseum last night.
The tremendous throng in Itself was a thrill
ing sight , for it isn't often thai one gets lo
see from SIX ) lo 10,000 people galhcrcd under
otic roof , for any purpose or any circum
stance. Every .scat In the great amphl
theatre was occupied , and the largo area re
served for promenading was Jammed witli excited -
cited nnd enthusiastic lookers on.
It was Indeed a magnificent audience , and
when the IhoiisandHof throats swelled Into
one grand diaphason of applause cnvi some
especial effort on the part of this rarer or
that , the very earth and atmosphere seemed
to vibrate.
The great rnco was n splendid ono from
beginning to llnish , and the uncertainty with
which tlio outcome was fraught kept Iho
people in a feverish slate of excitement and
anxiety until iho lust lap was run and sturdy
little Ktuipp was proclaimed the winner ,
having beaten Manager Prince's Unknown ,
Mr. Ned Keai'lng ' , or "The Soldier , " as ho
lias been moro particularly yclept , out by six
laps ,
The uproar at this climax was tremendous ,
nnd in the twinkling of ( in ejo after the
pistol's crack had announced that the
struggle was over , the race course and arena
were a living neil of pushing , jostling , Jam
ming , shouting humanity , and it was fully
Jlfb'en minutes before the referee could
reach the judges' stand nnd declare the ro-
Biill of the race. This , however , was finally
accomplished , and will be found subjoined :
Miles Laps
ICnapp Til 4
Unknown 710 8
Ashingor ( Wt 2
Morgan OG'.l 2
Dingloy 520 4
Armnlndo ' . . ' 170 0
Eck 143 2
The fastest time was made ns follows :
Dingloy , 50 miles in 2 hs and CS m ; 100 miles ,
0 hs mid 2J til ; 200 miles. IS hs and s m ; Un
known , 250 miles , 10 hs and -'S m ; liOl ) miles ,
10 hs and ill m ; 401) ) miles , 2(1 ( ha and IS m ;
450 miles , Bhsnndil ! ) : in ; .100 miles , Knapp ,
, ' ! ls and 7 m ; 000 miles , 40 hs and 7 m ; 700
miles , 47 hs and 17 in.
And thus it will bo seen that the race was
an unusually good ono iu more particulars
than one.
The great Interest on the closing night had
centered in ICmipp and the Unknown , with a
decided bulk of general sympathy in favor
of the military amateur. ICverybody
seemed to be pulling for the
plucky fellow , whose phenomenal per
formance has never been equalled within
the history of byking in this or any other
country. Ho had bursted all combinalions and
nnide the race a dead uunio one anil for pure
blood. Tbo tricky professionals were put
upon their motile from tbo outset , and they
weren't slow in realizing that they had
bumped up against n man who was liable to
rob them , not only of a good deal of glory ,
but a pot of money , and the race quickly de
veloped into n chase in which it was "every
fellow for himself and Hcolzebub take the
hindmost. " Every time the sable form of
Ueading was seen bounding forward
with increased spued , every spurt ho made ,
or cvcr.v vantage gained , the deafening
shouts of the pouulous would shako Iho grout
colosscum from dome to foundation. Little
ICnapp , however , though faded and worn
out , had a dogged look of determination upon
his pallid face , nnd jogged along as nonclml-
antly ns if a part of his machine. Ho was
out for the "stuff , " and it was evident would
not surrender the advantage ho had gained
if forced to ride lo his death. Ho was ad
mirably coached by the veteran Eok , and his
handler , the redoubtable Freder
ick Tuffey. During the exciting
close of the long rnco , the soldier
nitulo frequent tremendous efforts to cut
down the Denver boy's lead , nnd by the
most superhuman exertion did succeed in
slicing off two laps , but there was too much
to overcome , and during the last half hour
bo philosophically made up his mind that
second pluco in tbo first six days in which ho
had over run , nnd against sucii celebrities us
his opponents were , was peed enough for
him. Yet ho evinced no signs of the severe
strain to which ho had bocn put , but kept
. drivlug ICmipp about the circle at a rate
that was sufficient to make an ordinary
man's head swim. Ono more dayM racing
and ho would certainly have landed n
Tbo soldier is n wonderful man. nnd there
is a career before him that will startle tbo
professional world. His real name Is Edward
Heading , nnd in the army ho bears the rank
of a Hargcant. He is stationed at Ft. Omaha ,
r nnd is the principal musician in the Second
Infantry band.
Jn reviewing this extraordinary achieve
ment of Heading's , it must bo taken Into
consideration that he Is a brand now man nt
the business , us green as n pumpkin , you
might say , and entered the rnco without a
hope of securing n place. That bo could Imvo
won , is fully assured whoa it is taken into
the computation that bo lost over 23
miles iu making tha turns , and during
the long Jaunt bad live hard falls , the last
ono within two hours of the close lust night ,
when he bent one of the handles of his machine -
chino in such n manner that ho struck it with
his linco at every revolution of the wheel.
Manager Prince , who is one of the best
posted of all the world's 'cyclers , has been HO
forcibly impressed with the marvelous pow
ers of his man , that last night ho authorized
tlio referee to announce Ihut he stood ready
to back him for f 1,000 against any rider in
the world In n forty eight hour racn. Prince
says ho will smash all the records after n
As n result of his victory ICmipp
secures ; iiOO ! cash , $100 of which
is mi extra prize awarded him
by the enterprising Colosseum company , in
addition to n superb gold medal for the forty-
eight hour championship of America. The
Unknown , says Mr. Prince , will crack Mor
gan's grout record of 74U miles , tlio best to
day , In the very next rare lie goes into.
Tbo Unknown receives for his reward ? 700 ,
In addition to a hnmlsonie gold medal fro.n
Ills comrades at the fort ; Charlie Ashinccr.
third , about MOO ; Morgan , fourth , $250 , and
DInglcy , fifth , $100. Tbo defeated racers ,
the plucky little Freneh-Canailinn lady ,
BI'llo ' Armando , nnd Colonel Eck' will bo
tendered a grand benefit at tbo Colosbcum
to-morrow night. An ntlr.ictlvo programme
is being prepared , nnd It Is hoped the aft'ntr
i- will bu an abundant success.
In tbo amateur race Henry E , Tagger car-
rk'd off the trophy , u beautiful gold medal ,
given by the Colosseum company , who cov
ered In the given four hours M miles nnd S
laps , which is tbo best record for this time in
Tuggor Is but nineteen , and has only been
riding since July lust. Ho weighs ! * ) pounds ,
mid Is a book binder by trade.
The full Bcoroiuudo bv the amateurs is as
follows ;
Miles , Laps.
Tapper 04 8
Kastnmn , 03 2
FlcBchor , . , . , (11 ( 4
Karkor a7
Holton T..34
to Try It Agnln.
To tlio Editor of Tris Uic Slr : Through
lack of condition nnd n too short notice to
cot uiy rofcntlor racing blcyclo from tho'cast ,
1 entered the colossuum raoe ( Just closed ) In [
anything but a properly trained condition for
such u dssponito slrURulo ns that nmdo by
the leaders. My backqr has deposited $100
with Frank Parmeleo , of the Collins Gun
club , to race any of ttjo competitors or all
comers a thrco-hour-por-day-slx-aiiy.ruco ,
to take place a month from ilato when I'll bo
ready for the champions , and will Imvo HO
excuses to miilto. Yours ,
Forty eltrht Hour HecorJ Holder.
Colosseum , Ouiaiiu , Jan , IU.
The Subject of Hor. A. W.
SfMmon at the Klrst Unptlst.
"Whoso ifattghter art thoul toll me , 1 pray
ttiec , " That was the test cho oa by the
Hov. A.V. . Lamar last night In his sortnon
to the daughters of Omaha , and they can bo
found In the twenty-fourth cimptorof Gene
sis , twenty-third verso.
Picturing nn eastern scene in Mes-
opotnml 'J.OOO years nio , no told Iho
slory of Ucbccca , ns she unknowingly
treated well the emissaries of Abrnm , who
hod been sent lo seek her hand In marriage
for Isanc He told how , through kindness of
heart , she had wntcrift Iho camels of Iho
caravan , nnd spoke of Iho nmountof physical
oxcrtlon that work enUiilcd. It would have
disabled for life Hie society holies of to-day.
Then ho draw n picture of the present day ,
nnd asked the femlnmo portion of the
midictice to remember the solemn
responsibilities God had placed them
uiiilnr , for in the veins of iho average
American woman flowed the grandest blood
of ages , and to them it was left what the
nrxt gnnorulion should be. Parents are sup
posed to love their sons , but It was on'y ' n
parent knew how the hnart wont out to a
daughter. Their very dofcnsulossncss , their
weakness , was a claim for protection , and
when the thought of a calamity that could
never bo repaired in lifo came before a fath
er's eyes , It was no wonder ho
should stand ready to sacrifice oven
lifo lo shield a daughter from
harm. And when tlmt daughter had grown
to womanhood and knew how cnrofully she
had been watrhcd from the cr.ullo up , it was
but right she should do something to reward
that care and lovo. How could she do 111
lly regarding tbo wishes of the mother.
Make her your confidante , and Imvo no se
crets , no confidences you cannot unbosom to
her. So soon as you do , you Imvo taken the
first step on Iho downward road to perdition.
Don't rend novels in your chamber , that
you would blush to see her look nt.
Don't steal away to a dance , when
You would not wish to meet her , and don't
carry on n clandestine correspondence with a
.young man that you are afraid to show her.
No words can describe thn meanness of u
man who would ask any girl to ito anything
clandestine , whether correspondence or
meetings , and no true girl should so far for
get what is duo to herself or her mother ns
for u moment to sanction it. If you value
your soul , your eternal happiness , or oven
your position in society. If you Imvo taken
this first downward slop , lurn back
and unbosom yourselves lo your mother.
And then the mother's cares are many , and
she may bo breaking down. There are
daughters who can lie abed to refresh them
selves in order tlmt they can gad about the
streets and look nl the young men , but un
fortunnto will bo the young man who mar
ries a girl thai loaves the burden of lifo on
her mother. O , tbo fathers I The average
father has n bard lot , and how
much n daughter can do to make
his path through lifo moro easy.
His Income may not bo large ,
but he will generally bo willing to go down
for his last dollar to make his daughters coni-
forlablo. He is generally too proud to lot
them know his slrugglcs , bul suppose you do
this : Go throw your arms around his neck ,
and ask him "can you afford to dress us as
wo dress now , are wo embarrassing you
toll us fnthcrl Yon are toiling too liurd nnd
we can do without a spring dress. Don't
work so hard for us. " Daughters wake up.
Don't let him kill himself because you are a
spendthrift. Let him know thai you love and
reverence him , nnd if you will but make the
attempt to lessen his burden , you will render
his pathway in lifo more joyous , and soften
the declining yours of your own lifo with the
thoughts of having done so. And when you
nro keeping house for yourself by and by ,
unit your father and mother are growing
feeble , mid mayhap wish to spend the evening
of their days with you , don't toll your
husband lo got them n boarding house , or to
make some other arrangement , us they will
worry you by being old and fretful. If there
is ono such don't do it I say. God says : 13y
Ihc lengthening shadows that close nround
them , by the life that is lilting away from
thorn , by the God that made you , saved you ,
by the huavon that awaits you , don't
but abandon this thing. 1 know of daughters
who are wearing away their lives , their souls
to send a pittance to the parents from whom
they are far away , and although they may
pass away unwept , unbonored and unsung ,
may pass away in loneliness nnd hardship.
Yet they are wining a crown n crown of
lifo , nnd I forono say , God bless them God
bless them.
A battle royal is being1 waged in mag
azines all over the world of civilization
botwoea sciontilie men aud religious
men. The favorite plane of discussion
is the Darwinian hypothesis of ovolu-
tion and what is esteemed to bo its
natural corollary , the survival of the
fittest. Tlio Popular Science Monthly
for the mouth of January has an answer
from a Darwinian to various attacks
upon Darwinism , and ho makes the
very sensible comment that the assail
ants of evolution do not question its <
truth or assert its falsehood , but simply
take the ground that it is inimical to
religion mid therefore must bo repro
bated , because the necessity of religion
in lifo is a thing conceded. The man
who has u strong religious souse and at
the same time an indubitable rolisli for
scientific views , fools himself in a
quandary. Ho is being pulled both
ways with tremendous vigor , nnd
cannot help likening himself
to the aps between the two bundles of
hay. The thorough partisan is perfectly
happy , because ho is satisfied that his
side is all right and the other side all 0
wrong , and lie only roads what is writ
ten by the mon of his own way of think
ing. But there are many men who are
convinced in their own hearts that sci
ence represents a truth as important as
religion and that religion represents a
truth as important as science , and that
the man who docs not imbue himself
with both will bo morally lopsided.
The world is out of joint , and politics
and finance lack thu restraining quality
of honesty , and it may well bo that thin
is so because there is discord where u
there ought to bu unity , and because
science and religion are in battle array
against each other.
In the examination of the great Dar
winian theory of evolution it becomes
clear that the general principle is a
great truth never to bo contested. The
formula from monad to man expresses
something which all bu-
liuvu who think upon the sub
ject. But it by no mentis follows
that Darwin over saw this truth excepting -
ing through the veil of an individuality
repli-tu with scientific' prccunccptyms.
In fact , from the evidence presented by
his views on natural uelcctlon , and tlio
Burvivul of the fittest , it in clear lhat
evolution pure aud simple vtnn never
understood by Darwin him&olf.ulthough
ho propounded it. Ho saw more forci
bly than other men tlmt there was un
unbroken thread of lifo .vliioh began
with thu animalcule and which has as-
condci ! to mats but he dismissed from
his mind all consideration of the genesis
of thn monad. Therefore it WIH : that
Huxley rushed to the rescue with the
protoplasmic jolly which , as was al
leged , lay at the depths ot the ocean ,
and which , as ho declared , had all the
promise and potency of life. U is now
mown that this protoplasm Instead of
being the germ of lifo is thu incipient
slugo of those chalk beds which give to
certain regions their wonderful wheat
bearing capacity. Other and moro re
cent writers have not hesitated to go
back to prehistoric times and to revive
the worship of Aahtoroth or Ibhtar the
I'liiuniclnu goddoas of nature , nnd to
explain the burvlvnl of thu tittcsl us the
partiality of lohtar for her dirling : the
strong * It i * clear that there
| must ho an infinite love which
fosters Iho monncl in its evolutionary
ascent , but it is doubtful whether any
thing is gained by denying the First
Ouiso of the religious man. nnd reviv
ing n belief in Islitar , who , according to
the HnbylonittiH , lamented and wont
over the deluge cattsoil by Hoi , atid
would not bu comforted boeauso her
children were not. At this noiut It be
comes clour that the religious man has
the more f-clontllle view of the two , and
thu scientific man has descended from
IIH ) sublime heights to elottdy poetry ,
nnd the perplexities arising from poot-
cal norsoniliealion.
'i'lio survival of Ihe filtest.tis preached
by Darwinians , is the glorification of
the strong , but the religious man has
been taught to believe that the meek
shall Inherit thu earth.and that the race
is not always to tlin swift nor the battle
to the strong. This doctrine involves
n tremendous bogging of the question.
It is an assumptionwithout a particle of
proof , and in the teeth of direct ovi-
doneo , that thu changes f mm n'oii to tr-on
have been slow , gradual and unat
tended with disaster. Apparently
Darwin had no choice botwcon
this view and a hypothesis involving
direct divine creations after each cut-
nclysiu hud brought about a changed
condition of things. It is at this point
that Darwinism breaks down , fin * the
proof lands towards thu establishment
of unbroken evolution , but with differ
entiations resulting from the cataclysms
of whose existence in the past , and of
whoso recurrence In the future there
can bo no doubt. We have direct evi
dence. Prior to the cataclyam which
created the western Mediterraneanand
which at thu same time converted the
ocean of Atlantis into the dusort of
Sahara , the redwood tree , which is now
con lined to California , covered the
lands of contra ! Europe , and with it
grow the Louisinnn cypress , the tulip
tree , the Virginian persimmon , and
oilier trcos of a distinctively American
character. At that timu feoulhcrn Hur-
one below the Alps was enveloped in
rlacior.s , but tlio further north the gco-
ogist goes the stronger are the evi
dences of increased warmth in that
region , until when ho gets to the North
Capo he sees beneath , the pink coral of
semi-tropical waters , Tlio evidence
tends to show that the cataclysm
involved a shifting of the poles
according to the hypothesis of Ad-
homar , fao that what was then soutli is
now north and vice versa , and 'that this
cataclysm was attended with disaster to
inimal lifo is proved by tlio disappear-
inco of the mammoth which belonged
lothis con tin cut , and which was washed
"n one tremendous herd by Iho glacial
drift over into tlio Siberian ocean ,
which has bcnu in consequence u
mine i of fossil ivory for the Russians for
hundreds 1 of years past.
It is obvious that those creatures and
those 1 men that inhabited the mountain
plateaus 1 survived whether they were
lit or not , and those that were'on tlio
great / plains adjacent to the sea coast
perished 1 without any regard to their
adaptability to livingor to their moral
character. 1t Pluto in" his Atlantis tolls
us so directly , and in so many words. .
But ] it bo stated il
may as ngoner < propo
sition that the inhabitants of the plains
are litter or moro civilized than the
men 1 of the mountains , and they would
1t bo 1 apt to surround themselves with
domesticated animals , whereas the
mountain plateaus would bo the homo
of hunters and the rudest villagers
among the agricultural clement. Hence
it would follow lhat there would
bo 1t 1 a survival of those men and animals
that were less lit than others. But the
wisdom of the _ First Cause is strikingly
evinced in this law of periodic deluges
caused II by the precession of tbo equi
noxes. I For without these changes of
land 1 and water there would have been
no I differentiation. Man would have re
mained 1 a fruit-eater and a worshiper
of 1t serpents and trees. But when a portion
tion t of tlio fruit-caters found thorn-
solves whirled into the arctic region ,
there t was nothing for them save starva
tion t or shellfish-eating , nnd , thus was
solved the great mystery of the clam
and the oyster , and thus _ aro3o those
shellfish mounds , whoso existence was
formerly f.f f such a pir///lo to scientists.
Hero 1t 1 is shown the differo tiatton of
the t Lap or red man from tlio Afar or
serpent-worshipping black man. Aud
in the course of cycles the ugricultur-
ti turists t of prehistoric times in the pal-
afiltes i were differentiated from the
Laps. J Tins is truu evolution , and yet
it i is reconcilable with religious truth.
Indeed I , it may bo Paid that Adhomar's
hypothesis 1i 1 of the finger of God touch
ing i the iep-ladtw polo , and bidding it
descend ] is one of the grand pit , most
awe-inspiring images of Deity ever
conceived by the mind of man.
The death is announced of the Marquis
d'Torrearsa is his .
, eighty-first year.
Henry Christ and Mrs. Eva Herkomer
were run over by a train near Hiosdalc , N.
1' . , and Killed.
Scnor Antonio Bachillor-y'Morales ' , the
Cuban historian nnd scientist , is dead.
The death of the Countess O'lloiHy is an
nounced ,
Alexander T. McGill. D. D. , LL. D. , pro
fessor of ecclesiastical homllcctlc and pas
toral theology at the Princeton Theological
fccmlnnry , died at Princeton yesterday in his
eighty-second year.
Messrs. Smith , Pratt k Hcrrick , boots and
shoes , Albany. M. V. , burned last night.
I..OBS , ? ! 5OJO ( ) ; insurance , $ W > ,000.
A Meeting ol' County ComiulBHinncrs.
Thcro will bo a meeting of all the county 23
commissioners of the Btalo at Lincoln on
Wednesday next. The subject to bo brought
under conHliioratlon Is the bust means of
procuring such needed legislation for the
benefit of counties ns may suggest itself.
The question of one county assessor and n
county auditor will receive attention. Thu
Douglas county commissioners will uttcnu in
Thfl Importance ol purifying the blood cannot -
not bo overestimated , for without pure
blood you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every ono needs n
good medicine to imrlfy , vitalize , and enrich
the blood , anailoOil'BHattaiiarlllals worthy
your couDdenco. U Is peculiar Iu that U.
strengthens andbuUuguj ) the sj'stcm.crcate *
an appetite , and tones the digestion , while
it eradicates disease. Give It .1 trial. n
Hood's Barsaparllla Is sold by all druggists.
Vrcparod by C , I. Hood & Co. , I/well , Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
Sad Death of a Well Known lown
Appiiiiitinont oT Atato Vn\r \ SuperIntend -
Intend out H I tut us trial ItlHtl *
ttttt ) , Dates.
Dontl Iii n Cnr.
Rnt > O\K , Iu. , Jan. 13. Special to Tun
Hun.1 When freight train Xo. 12 pulled
into Hod Oak from the west nt ! > : : ! 0 yesterday -
day afternoon , it had , ns part of its load , two
cars of sheep which wore taken on at Hast
ings , In. The conductor , Mr. Poire , had
noticed a man tn with iho sheep at Hastings
nud again nt Emerson , and ho appears to
have boon keeping a good wntch on liia busi
ness , for nl lied Oak ho was looking to see if
all was right mid was horrified to llnd the
man dead in the car with the sheep. As
sistance was called nml the man laken out.
It proved lo bo Mr. Thomas Shoots , of Mace
donia , a very old sotllcr of western Iowa ,
having been hero over thirty years. Ho is
well known in Ucil Oak ami also in Council
1 Huffs , as his home Is In Potlawainmc county.
It appears that ho Imd loaded hjs sheep at
Macedonia and came on iho branch roiyl
from Unit place to Hastings , where his car
was attached to the main line train en route
for Chicago. Agent Lumb telegraphed lo
his wife. Dr. McFulrieh was called and
made an examination of the body nnd could
not Hud any murks on him , and H is supposed
that ho died of heart disease or uppolexy. lie
was well advanced in years , but to nil ap
pearances was halo and hearty to the last ,
mid when bis time came to bo culled away ho
passed out of this world with no cue to wit
ness the last death struggleg , but seemingly
ho passed away very easily nud without
much , If any , suffering.
Ulr.s. Ilruwn'H Trial.
MASON CITV , In. , Jan. 13. [ Special Tclo-
fjruin to TUB Hut. ] The trial of Mrs. Sarah
E. llrowa , indicted for the murder of her
son Jesse nnd her lather-ln-law , Hiram A.
lirownwill bo tried to-morrow , Judge George
W. Kuddielt presiding.
AcricMiltnrnl AVeelcut Dos IMoinrs.
DE-sMoixus , Iu. , Jan. 13. [ Special to Tnu
I3ui : . | The past week In this city has been
distinctively ' agricultural week. " It has
seen n succession ol conventions devoted to
this interest , including gatherings of the
State Farmers' alliance , the State Agricul
tural society , the association for the holding
of agricultural Instilutcs , the meeting of
stale fair superintendents , and tbo National
Farmers' alliance. In each case , this being
the annual meeting of thcso organisations ,
Ihcro were Important reports made of iho
year's work. The report which llie sccre-
tary of the State Agricultural society nmdo
is the official report which ho makes to Gov
ernor Lnrraboe. It contains some very in-
lercsling figures relating to the agricultural
interests and rcsourcqs pf Iowa. It showed
that Iowa's corn crop the last year was the
largest in the union , giving nn entire product
of 321G21 , li03 bushels lor an acreage of 7,707-
OttO acres , an average J'iphl of 4Uy bushels
per acre. This at ah urerago price of 23
cents per ncro gives U'valuc to the crop of
SrJU74Slll. The yield of oats was
lifjhl , less by some 20,000,000 bushels
than was expected before the storm
of July 4 , which cut down the rising crops so
generally. The total-.yield was 73,031,314
bushels , with an average of 1 ! % cents. The
average yield of hurley was 24 bushels , or n
total of y,81.,424 bushels , Iowa led the union
on potatoes the past year ; producing 19,742 , UK )
bushels , or au average of 113 > , bushels to the
acre. At mi average , price of 25 coats , Iho
crop rcpresenled a cash value of $ lli ; { , " > , f > ' . 7.
The canning jndnstry has became quite im
portant in this stute , the report of the secre
tary showing thai there were put up in Iowa
uuring 1SSS , 93S22 cases , or 7,171,872 cans of
corn , and 72,070 cases of tomatoes , or 1,504-
224 cans. The secretary devotes some at-
Icnlion to the raising of horses , and urges
that Iowa farmers should give moro cure to
improving the quality of their stock. Much
has already been done In this stuto In the
matter of fine breeding , some of the best
blooded horses being found on Iowa farms.
This stale stands third in the list pf stales as
lo number of horses owned within its boun
daries , having 1,0)0,023 ! ) , a number exceeded
only by Texas and Illinois , In value of horses ,
Illinois is first and Iowa second , the horses
of this state being worth * 74.0(2OSJ. : ( Over
six hundred horses were itnixjrlod to Iowa
during the past year. In regard lo cultlo
the report shows that Iowa stunds second in
llie mailer of number , having 2OS)5.2j3 ) oxen
and other cattle nud 1,253,41)2 ) milch cows , era
a total of : iy30 , ( > S5 , a number exceeded only
by Texas. The average vuluo of cattle in
this stuto is placed at § 20.35 per head of.oxen
and S23.J0 ! per head of milch cows. Hog
cholera destroyed II 10,20.3 bogs in this stuto
during 1S5S , and yet Iowa leads all other
stales in iho number of its hogs , having
4,143,811. , In grasses , the acreage in timothy
is : tIIS.1,000 , , giving a product for 1SSS of 5-
077.SOO tons , almost double the product of
1SS7 , The average price Is given as $1.97 per
ton. It is estimated thai 2,000,000 Ions of
prairie grass were cul , rcpresenlimr , at nn
average price of SJ.K ) per ton , n vuluo for the
crop of § 7,0(50,000. ( From these figures it will
be seen that the agricultural interests of
Iowa are In n very nourishing condition , and
tlmt the year 1SSS was one of the best the
stuto has over known.
ImlllHtl-itll IllKtltlltCH. tltl
DCS Moixua , la. , Jan. 13. [ Special to Tin : tlc
Hii : : . ] It bus boon decided to hold n nu mber tlP
of industrial institutes throughout the state , P Cl
for the benefit of f armors 'especially , and the
following appointments Imvo bocn innclo :
Kirkman , January 17 and 18 ; Webster City
nnd Grimily Center , January IWandS : ! ; Stain
Center , January ttt and 'J.1 ; ; Alden , January
and 2'J ; Leon , February 5 and (1 ( ; Moulton ,
February ( i and 7 ; Walker. February 1 ! ! and
HIda ; Grove , February 13 , 14 and 15 ; Wall
Lake , February 15 and 10.
The Vacant Judges-hip.
DBS MOIXK ? , la , Jan. 1 ! ) , [ Special to Tnu $
BEE.J The appointment of a judge of the
supreme court , to succeed Ju Jo Hood , con
gressman-elect from the Ninth district , still
hangs lire. Judge Ilucd .wants tbp distinc
tion of having served as chief justice of the
court , which would come 'to him in order If
ho holds on to the oflli-u during the term of
court which begins this week. Ho probably
also docs not object to holding on to thu
salary as long ns possible , ami if ho should
coiitinua on Iho bench through Iho present
term , it would carry Idm'noarly up lo tho-Uh
March , when hta lorm as congressman
may begin with nctivo work , If I'resulont
Harrison ahull call an extra session. There
are a number of applUviuj.s for appointment
Iho vacant position. wcn | | H ahull occur ,
nnd thu governor hualgiron no general inti
mation as to whom ha would appoint. Hut it
pretty generally thought that the success
ful man will bo Judge1 Given , of this city ,
who was the second bysf/cngth for tlio re
publican nomination ( ortho court at the state
convention lust summer , , ,
ivi Oii | > turl. t (
DBS Moixea , la. , Jan. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TJII : HUR.J The hardware store of
Scbrocdor Hros. , at Van Home , was burg
larized Friday night. The thlovcs made an
entrance by prying the door off with a wood
screw. Mr. G. A. Schroo'ler. ono of the
proprietors who slept In a room over the
store , heard the noise ui the door came down ,
and peeping through u pipe safe saw a light ,
Ho ruibod tlio window in front of the store
nnd called for help , at the same tlmo
drawing his revolver. The burglars made
rush for safety , but ho Ural on them , miss
ing the first , otiot the second through the fiat
and the third and lust through the thigh.
They lied to a barn in tlio western part of
town where they were found nuxt morning
covered up In the buy , They were brought
over to the Jail , now nt Vinton , yesterday
morning , and lie in jail there. This makes
ilvo ol the guni ; caught lately. Tlio grand
Jury was dismissed Friday hut will bo re
called for Monda ) to art on thcso cases.
Stnto Knlr .Snpcrlntciiilnnt * .
Dns Motxra. la. . Jan. ll ! [ Special to Tin :
13ute. | Tlio annual st.ito fair Is under the
direction of the officers of the state agricultu
ral society. The directors have Just selected
as superintendents of the different depart
ments for 1339 the following : Tickets , John
U. Shaffer , DCS Monies ; gates , H. J. Smith ,
Mason City ; sldo .shows and refreshments ,
Ii. C. Webb , lc Moincs ; ground. N . K ,
Parker , Dos Maine * ; chief marshal , C. S.
Wells. Kttoxvillc : horses and mules , L. C.
Baldwin , Council HlulT.s ; eittle : , John A.
Evans , West Liberty ; swine , .1. W. McMul-
len , Oskaloosn : sheep mid poultry , ex-Gover
nor C. C. Carpenter , Fort Dodge ; Imple
ments , machinery , etc. , H. U. ( iriflln. Mu-
quokela ; grains and vegetables , F. N. Chase ,
Cedar Falls ; poultry and nplury , the same ;
dairy and Implements Johnson , Oska-
loosa ; fruits , plants and flowers , S. G. llol-
liniroll. Ottuuiwa ; line arts , etc. , W.V. .
Fold , Odobolt.
The Ciiso of Chester Turney.
DnsMois-n , In. , Jsii. 11)--Special ) [ to Tin :
HII : : . ] The case of Chester Turney , which
has attracted so much attention not only hi
Iowa but in other states , is still uudermined.
A great deal of sympathy is felt for the im
prisoned boy , for it is generally believed
Unit his sentence was excessive and ex
tremely severe. Seventeen years' imprison
ment for several small thefts is too much ,
especially when the culprit was u boy , who
might better hive been sent to llie reform
school. It is understood that the uovernor
will not pardon Turney at present , but prob-
tibly will in the course of the year. Tbo
bombarding which bo is receiving by tbo
[ tapers and letters nnd individual applications
1ms hud rather the effect of malting him
more set in his refusal to pardon the boy.
He doesn't want to nnpcnr to be driven to
Lno net , nnd so ho refuses to be moved by
the appeals that are made to him.
They Will Draw l.otx.
DBS Motxr.s lu. , Jan. 11. ( Special to Tin :
Use. ] To-morrow is the time for Ihc rail
road commissioners to determine the duration
of their terms of ofllco , All three men elected
nt the same time lust fall , with Die under
standing that they should draw lot to sco
which should have the three years , the two
fours , and thu ono year term , respectively.
Several IIIOCK drawing's have so far been
leld with the singular result that usually
Jommissioner Smith has drawn the long
, urm , Dey the middle term , and Campbell
the short term. The gentlemen , however ,
ire not superstitious , and look forward to
.ho di-iiwiinr to-morrow with ns much Interest
as if no apparent Imitation of its result had
been given.
A Generous Deed.
Dr.s Moixi : ? , in. , Jan. 111. [ Special lo Tun
UUK.j A trcncrous deed has just been done
by David Pierce , H rolirod. millionaire banker
of Sycamore , 111. Ho has purchased a tract
of land between Eslhcrvillo mid Spirit Luke
for the purpose of founding there an indus
trial school for orphan children , lie will
put S.,000 ( ) into the grounds and building ,
and then invest $ VOOl ) ) more for the support
of the school. The buildings will bo begun
in the spring and will huvu u capacity for
500 children , who will bo admitted when six-
years old , and be kopl till they are elghloeii.
Dickinson county children are to be the iirsl
A itciniirlcnldo Cure.
Dis : MOISKH , In. . Jan. I ! ) . [ Special to Tin :
Bui : . ] The year 1 3 was a fruitful year for
a good Gorman family living in Malcolm.
During Unit time Mrs. Laurence Pllaum , re
siding a few miles from that place , presented
her husband with no less than four babies-
all her own. In January triplets wore born ,
and in December another child came , makinir
the fifteenth in the family. None of Iho last
year's arrivals , however , lived.
A Rrakeliuui'H iMiRbnp.
HII ; OAK , Jan. 13. ( Special to Tnu Bin ; . ]
6scu- ; Larson , n brakcmiia who lives here ,
was run over by the cars lust night. Ho was
on duty on the soulh branch , and in going 1c 1
between the cars to make a coupling ho fell 1'J 1i
and his log was run over below the knee and c
severed from his body , . Ho was brought to 'J
bis homo and taken c.iro of by his wife. Ho 'Ji 'JI
has Iwo children. i
Marriage at .Now r
NEW LONDON , la. , .Ian. 13 , Frank Price , \
of this city , was married yesterday to Miss nr
Maud Hive , of Salem. The ceremony was na
performed at the residence of the orido's
parents at high noon. About forty invited
relatives aud friends of the couple were
Union County Pioneers Dead.
CIIESTO : ; , la. , Jan. 13. J. S. Yeairor , of
Afton , nnd John Wines , of Jones township ,
both pioneers of Union county , died lust l
night. Uoth of Ihcm were seventy years of
S ° . "
Atlantic's Postmaster Dnntl.
ATLANTIC , In. , Jan. 13. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HEH.J Postmaster S. M. Chllds , of
this city , died this morning. He had been
sick but four days.
to In veil torn.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. Commissioner Col-
man has been informed that in the suit
brought at his request by the attorney gen to
eral against Magnus Swenson for the can
cellation of n patent for u method for the
manufacture of bugtir from .sorghum , the demurrer - n
murror of Swenson has been overruled and
the case set for trial. The commissioner
thinks lhat this action of the court settles
the point of law as lo the right of the irov-
ornmunt to bring suit I'or the cancellation of to
patents in cases where employes make dis
coveries while employed by the government.
< . .
Jvorr's throsul the best , lluydon Bros.
St. I.mils Hriitgo Ciintrnot ; YwirdciI. ;
ST. Louis , Jan. 1 ! ) . The contract for the
construction of the mcrcha ts' bridge across
the Mississippi at this "point has been
awarded to the Union Hndgo company , of
Now York City. The bid in gross for tbo
building of the bridge only.and for what iron
work Is specified for in the approaches , is
. ) : iciiie.s | H Confident.
PAMH , Jan. IU. Jacques , the opponent of
Uoulaiigcrin the Heine department , has published .
: )
lished a reply to General Uoulangur's ' latest
manifesto. Jncqlies says : "With a repub
lican urmy there is no need to fearuSodan. "
Componsntlon for the Captitro of a
Rebel Stotimor.
A Hill Introduced ' It
to 1'ny Snnc-
tinned Hvei l y K\-Het > els
A ( irip Full of Itlvorn
nnd Crook * .
A Hrnro lilnck Sinn.
WvsiiiXdTo.v , Jan. 13. [ to TUB
H : i : . j The determined opjKisltlon wliivh has
developed tolhopassagi'of llie bllllo incoriw-
rate the N'learagua canal , has absolutely
blocked all work upon the private calendar
of the house. The Mcanifftia bill is consid
ered to be , under the rules , a private meas
ure , and ns such is unfinished business every
Friday which is private bill dny , unlll dis
posed of. As soon us it is out of the way
several other bills will bo ranidly passed
upon , and thun u very interesting measure
will be reached. This is the bill for the relief -
lief of Hon. itobort Smalls , of South Carolina
lina , who has boon in congress several terms ,
and who has thus far been defrauded out of
his seat in the present house , In spite of the
fact thai ho had 2'i,000 , majority.
Smalls , during llie war , was a pilot in
South Carolina waters , and with n bravery ,
which fuw men of much llithter skin possums ,
he seized Iho rebel steamer , Planter , success
fully run by the rebel forts , ami turned ho.r
over lo the union anthorllie.i. He has haters
by the score from prominent urmy officer * of
the United Status , as well as from the naval
authorities , commending his course , gal-
iuntryund Judgment in thin instance , and
testifying to the great value of his services
lo the union. Ho was , under the priio-mimoy
law , entitled to heavy compensation , bat
owing to the backwardness of the national
government In paying its obligations. Cap
tain Smalls has been deprived of liis Just
dues for a quarter of n century.
The bill mentioned is to compensate him ,
nnd us it has Iho unanimous support of the
rommittoo on claims behind il for oven
rebels whom be injured admit the value of
ills service , and are willing thai ho should bo
laid it can scarcely full of passage when
reached , and it will bo ruaehed early bv'cuuso
jf its position on tlio calendar , unless the
blockade is maintained against all private
A oiiir rui.i. or utvii : : .
The other day , during the discussion of the
river anil harbor bill in the house , KcpruHon-
tntivo Sowden , of Allentown , Pa. , jumped
out of n street car and started over to the
capital c-irrying in his hand n great bag made
of grc.on flannel. It resembled the sack or
lng which covers lawyer's documents , and it
seemed to bo well Oiled with something.
Kcprc&entiillvc Funston , of Kansas , hailed
Mr. Sowden , who is n little deaf , nnd in
quired :
"What have you got in your bap ! "
"Itivers and crocks , " replied Sowden.
"What do you mean by thali" continued
Funston , drawing near.
"You wait until you got in the house , " said
Sowden , "and you will llnd out what 1 have
cot i in here. 1 am loaded for bear. I was up
in ii i the war department a little while ago , "
continued Sowden "and while
i , pass
ing i through one of the dark
corridors was confronted by u
j member from the south. He asked mo if 1
was looking for rivers and creeks , as bo him
self i was scekim ; information to be used in
this t debate on tnc river and harbor bill hero
in i the house. "No , " I replied , "I am looking
for i a harbor. "
Mr. Funslon didn't apprO-iutc the humor
there t was in Sowdon's remarks until n couple
of hours later , when the Pennsylvania mem
ber I got up and attacked Ibo river anil harbor
bill 1 as fiercely as a North American Indian
would go m to destroy a griz/ly bear. He
heaped piles of paper on his desk and referr n
ing i to his date declared thu whole bill to bu a
fraud 1 and an Imposition upon the noonlo. Ho
attacked bitterly the provision in the bill re
lating to Texas. Then it was that the south
ern member who had asked il Mr. Sowden
wo-s looking for rivers nnd creeks arose and
defended the bill. It was Cram , of Texas.
The provisions in the river and harbor mil
have como to be regarded qullo as frivolous
in many inslances us the opposition news
papers of the country represent them to be.
Many members attack the entire measure
with great vigor and denounce the whole as
n fraud and b.\ doing so are given important
provisions in the measure relating to their g
own districts. k
Another interesting lact illustrating the b
bcaulics of thu spoils system as practised in
the cleric's olllco of the house of representa 01
tives has just conic to light , which very 01o [
neatly supplements the numerous errors o :
found in the botisu journal of last session , the dti
result of the summary dismissal of an exper tis
ienced * and competent journal clerk at iho s :
commencement of Iho session for political tl
and personal reasons , and the appointment Inel
of an Inexperienced and consequently incom eln
petent person in His place. elst
The position of index clerk of the house is stsi
ono of considerable importance , as that official si
ial has to index the journal , executive and frhi
miscellaneous documents. When the present hi
clerk , General Clark , was clccied , ho sc
piomplly removed llie republican incumbent hiM
In the almost general swoop made , and ap hiU
pointed a constituent of General Cu- U :
ball , of Yirpinia , by the name of biCf
Palmer. General Cabcll was ro-olccted Cf
the Forty-ninth congress , but the stale c !
having been ro-uislrictcd Palmer was thrown win
into the district represented by Mr. Daniel , w
now in the senate. Although Palmer was a in
vigorous political worker General C.ibell
removed him , against the protest of Mr. nt
Daniel , and appointed a Mr. Hutcbinsou in of
his place. hew.
General Cabcll was defeated for election w.
the ; Fiftieth congress , and the pjsition of
Index clerk was turned over by General gi
Chirk to Iipprusontntive Wise , who up- ru
poinled ono of his constituents , a Mr. Teller. 111-
Until a short time before the present Mis thmi
sion commenced it was .supposed thai Mr. mi
Toiler had about completed his work. The slimi
astonishment of the rlrrk may be Imagined mi
when thf ! fact was discovered that Toller-- re
rlio Imd buna allowed to do his work nt his bu
liomo in Virginia during the summnr was reHi
Ilvo or six months in arrears , having done ho
little or no index work dnnng the CO
campaign' being ongiigcd In the moro
MiigLMiial work of "hustling" for
Mr. Wise , and that the Journal ,
which should have boon delivered at the document
ument room , as the iicnato Journal was suv-
jrnl weeks ago , was not likely to be printed co
.mill after the close of the present session. tm
I course H' prcsnntatlvo Wise was very iu- til.
llginint and promptly relieved Teller and an-
minted a Mr. Ottloy in his plaeo. Mr.
Jttloy Is said lo bo a vur.v estimable gun
! <
Is SliftS
& & 3Sffi
" 1"
a *
Thus the ' 'Mustang" , conquers pain ,
Makes MAN or BEAST we ! ! again !
Ucminn personally , l > ut entirely without or.
pcrionco in Indexing. Accordingly n oni-
ployo of General Oniwiiyvlio had charge of
indexing the Kocord mid journal * of the
house of fernier congresses , has boon employed -
ployed to "assist" tlio now Index olcrh with
the vxpcctntloii of bc-hiit pnld for Ills ser
vices out ot the contingent fund Tho-
now Index clerk and his avsistatit ,
Who is really doing the work , upon
looking tlio situation over were compelled to
commencedo novo , and nro now busily en
gngod In copying tlio Koeord Index , " ro-
nrranglng the matter nnd Insorttng the
jiroHr | pngo.s of the journal , and with a vet-ago
Industry uni ) good hick will Imvo it ready for
tlio printer before the session closes ; but the
complete journal of tlio lust session wdl nnt
bo delivered until nftor tlio o.vplratiou of iho
present session ol congress.
Altogether it may bo said tlmt the nftlco of
the florlt of the of representatives
would so-ill to furnish an exrollont field for
nn iiivcsilgattng commltti'o , if ono half the
nllogntion.s iinido In respect to tlio journal
and enrollment errors and Index work am
cornet , and there is no reason to donbl Ihoir
A gentleman who has boon closol.v ultio'l '
w ith General Harrison ever inci > the nioot
InI ? of the Cluciipo oonvciillnii , sn.\i it will hr >
he policy of tlio I lie new promdont \ rail in
lor redemption the bonds now held from na
tional b.inUs t.i HOi'iiro government deposits ,
Ho adds that General Harrison docs not
Ivlieve Ills right or equitable to have tin-
eriminution in the mutter of government do-
ThiM-allinp in of ttio money dctm.sitoil In
iiutloiial banlts by tlio government wiil not
contraet the general circulation of currency ,
sinro the bonds deposited witn ( lie treasurer
to secure Uiosodi'pO'dtH ' are to be rodormicd
The nmttor of depositing money in tlio mi-
tional tanks by the the treasury- thus ito.sig
tinting certain minks us "depositories , " Is
not ii profitable arrangement for banks ,
nnd they are ( jiving up tlu-ir
jcposit s in many instances. A ban It to bo it
Kovermnuiitjlcno.sitor.v must deposit govern
ment bonds with the treasury fur the full
iimmini of money received. The government
takes int risks , hut requires its own bonds us
security for Hie money lo.uied. Neither is
the fact that a bank is madea depository uiv
Indic.itlun that the government rosard * that
bank any safer tliiin other Hanks. Tlio gov
nnuiieiil Is secured. nud , as lomr ns tliero IH
money to loan banks , one mav net it from
the government as well as another. When it
jomes to paying from 11 to i'S per cent pro-
mum on bonds to secure loans from the gov
ernnv-'iit security for the milking of a bank
a depository Iho profit to the banker IH
trivial , and Hie pcopln will ho glad , with the
bankers , to have all the bonds on deposit
called in anil pain off. Then there would bo
no more bugbear "depositories. "
M.I I > worn ; IN ( ONnin : s.
A few dajs niro Senator Vest created a
ripple of laughter in the senate by moving to
reconsider the vole by which a bill Imd boon
passed , explaining as he did so that the
wronir bill had been adopted. He stated that
the bill which the senate passed was not the
one reported from committee , and was there
fore materially different.
It not infreiiiiently fiapi-ens that such incl
dents as this occur in either branch of con
press. A few years ago a bill passed the
house uuloting the title to curtain lands In
one of the territories , which had n lortuno
to an adventurer and speculator. The bill
bad never been reported from the committee.
A measure which was somewhat similar in
form and began with tlio same words was
reported , however , from committee , and its
pnssngo recommended. Hofore iho measure
was adopted in the senate the mis
take was discovered. There have been a
number of incidents of this character sineo
the foundation of the government which
proved successful. Alterations of bills have
been miido oven after tlioy were adopted by
both houses , and while thev were passing
through the hands of the enrolling or en
grossing clerks , and there have been in
stances where alterations in measures have
been made after the Dills Ims-e passed the
signatures of the presiding olllerrs of both
bouses nnd before they reached the secretary
of state , whoso approval follows tl'o signa
ture of the president nnd gives the measures
the Until touch of perfection. The incident
cited In which Mr. Vest figured was not , a
serious one , however , and would not have
resulted in any serious trouble bad not the
mistake come under liis eagle eye
There nro Instances on incord where both
houses have passed bills a second time , nut.
the president has discovered tlio error and
lias vetoed the bills upon their second pas
sage. Most of these , if not nil , have uisen
privnto pension bills. If ono of thosu meas
ures should become n law in duplicate the
only way to cut on" the beneliciary from
double benefits would bo by the repeal of
one of the laws.
Clerks for KcprcHcnlnllvo.s.
W.tsiiiMiTox , .Ian. 1. . [ Special Toln-
gram to Tun Bun. I Unless the al
leged economical democratic members
; the house get on n tangent the
bill reported from the committee on accounts
on the 10th of December , with f.ivoratili > rue-
immeiuiation , authorizing the appointment
f ; private secretaries to representatives
luring sessions of congress at a compensu.
Lion of $10l ) a month , and bringing down the
salaries of private secretaries to senators to
the same llguro , will be adopted bv the
lower branch of congress. For yours
3ll'orts have been made by a few men , who
recognised as much necessity for nriviito
secretaries to representatives as senators to
iccuru tlio adoption of a measure providing
for clerks or secretaries to members of the
louse on the same fooling as thojo civun to
lonators , but they have invariably
joon defeated by a largo majority
Members recognised that they bad
ise for assistants , nnd tlmt it would
n good investment for the people of the
jountry ; but they regarded the voting of
lerks or secretaries for themselves some-
vhat in the light of n salary grab , and they
vero afraid of the record such u vote would
nako for them.
Now that the lifo of this congress Is almost
an end , and there arc to bo n great number
changes in the occupants of suali in the , a vote can bo given to this moiimiro
vilhoulslulti Oration or selfishness , inasmuch
the law will not take effect until the. ho
inning of the next congress. The seereta.
ics to sttmUirs receive & > a day. Sundays
ra counted thu u.unu us week days , and
hcreforo they roeivo If4" a wook. The
icmbfi's of thu house in proposing Unit they
hull have secretaries only ink forSlUUu
inntli. The senators will not agree to the
eduction of t ho salaries of their Hocrotartes ,
will bo willing to give the secretaries to
cnrcscntatives the same salary as is paid to
secretaries of the upper brunch of
foe , lot : , lee ,
& Taylor respectfully in-
ito tlio attention of ice dcalorn lo their
nmplctc line of icr tools , ' -'atnlojjttoH
lulled on application. 1100
, Omaha.
lapital & Sn plus , $1 $
This ronipnny h.ix opcneilnn Omnhu "Illcoaiiil
pifi iii.f to iuriilHh iminuy promptly ' n Int'
" ! ! rlty iiml fiinn proporty.
No ( ipjillrnti'mscimt away for approval ,
Loans cliMOcl mid paid fur wittu/ut il .uy ,
JOHN W. HIHII , MMiugcr ,
; J/J . oiith Ilith Kit-cut. l'lr t Natlon.i1 Hunk- .
0OLD MKDAI. , PA1U3,1878. ,
\Varr.inttil 'tl'tolitlelu jnira
f.'neod , from wliich ihc CXCMI cl
Oil lias wen removed. It tui infira
thun three ttmet the ttrenylh
ol Cucoa iniitd ith Surih Aimw.
root or Sufar. mil b tlutt/oic fjr
inoreccoiomicAlco ) y/fsi/iiH
one cent u cu ] > , U it ddicinni ,
ito'imliinff , strcnRtlieiiin ? , cxtilydU
cc'lcd , an < l arhiiirntnibpled ! for liu
validi > v ell 9i for | > e oii > in lie.dlh.
Hold bj ( Irorcri cterjnbrre.
' & CO DicSier Heu.
, DAKF.R . , , , .