Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1889, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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\ Lmm tmm J\ I X ff\ H
commencing' Moii-
towiis : Notwitli-
. . . . . . . . . . , , _ , . iii plain figures
JLU J.lJLtll"J. .C-t JLC/ll ULOUJLV AXj MVJ v iJ. J-V J. w.- - - jy - 4J - - - - j. *
deduct from each purchase SO per cent twenty per cent discount on the following- goods :
Colo"ed Dress Goods Black Dress Goods , Black Silks , Black Faille Francaise , Black Ehadames , Black Royal Armures , Black Surah , '
Colorecl Gros Grain Silks , Colored FaiUe FraAcaise , Colored Surahs , Colored Satins , Colored Mories , Blankets , Comforts , Flannels , Ladies'
ninnies TWisses' and Children's Cloaks , Shawls , etc.
Which comprises all the latest fabrics and
newest shades in Ladies' Broarl oths in French ,
German and A " " = 'lcan manufacture , Henriettas ,
p0 , , ; Stapheny , Serges , Cashmeres , Whip
Cords , Royal Cords , Combination Suits , Plaids ,
Stripes , Fancy Mixtures , etc. , besides a large
variety of Domestic Dress Goods.
FRENCH FLANNELS Choice patterns for
Tea Gowns and Dressing Sacques. Eider Down
Flannels suitable for Children's Cloaks.
Medicated Shaker Flannels , White Shaker
Flannels , Natural Colored Wool Flannels ,
White Wool Flannels , Scarlet Twilled Flannels ,
Blue Twilled Flannels , Grey Twilled Flannels ,
Plain Flannels in White , Red , Orange , Natural
Color and Medicated.
Ladies' Misses' and Children's
re and Wool
Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Cashmere and Wool Hosiery.
Men's BoyS * and Youths' Cashmere and Wool Hosiery.
Men's Fur Go\.es. ! \ Men's Heavy Lined Gloves and Mittens.
Men's Cashmere and Silk Mufflers in creat variety ,
A Very Quiet Week Amouif the
PlonBtiro Lovers.
SnijthMiiiphyedtllnj ; Gernian to
fllr.V llbcr Cards at Mr. Lice's
Two IMoasiint SurprUes
Soulnl Gos ii > .
Tlio Kinytli-'Miirpliy AVcildlnt ; .
Tuesday morning at the Church of the
Holy Family , by tlio pastor , the Verv Ilov.
U A. Shallel , S. J. , V. G. , assisted by Ilov.
M. 1' . Uowling , S. J. , president of Cicighton
lollego , Kato , daughter of the late Mr.
Thomas Muiphy , was uiariied to Hon. C J.
Sin ) til , csq.
Nuptial high mass was celebrated by
Father Shuffel , and Father Dowlmij ad-
dicssed some apt icm xilt.s to the contracting
paitios , wishing them Godspeed through
life and congiattilating them In the name-of
pastor and filends Mr. J. A. .Sehenk. of
IJaytou , O , presided at the oigan , executing
thu "Mnuho Hoiiiiiinc. " The "Farmers
Mass" vuis rendered by the choir , under the
direction of Miss Mainio Munchhoff , the
organist of the church. The olTei toiy piece ,
"O Salutaiis , " WIIH sunc by Miss Ubert , of
Indimmpnlis , and Miss Hajes.
Tlio biide , who was ehaiinliigly attired In
a traveling suit of dark olive plush , nas at
tended by hci sister , Miss Jennie Murphy ,
maid of honor , and Mr. Udwaid J ,
Murphy , bioilier of the biido , was the
best man to the groom. Owing to the comparatively -
parativoly recent afllictlou In the biido's
family , no Invitations to the \\eddinu' were
cent out , but many of thu ft lends of the
parties testified their esteem nnd longiatula-
tlon by their presence at the church
Among these present nt the breakfast after
the ceremony , nt the lesldonco of the biido's
mother , were lit. Ilov lihliop O'Connor ,
Very Ilov. Father ShalTol , K. J. , Vicar Gen
eral Hov. r.ithcr Howling , S J. , piesldcntof
( Jiclghton college ; Father McC'aithy. pastor
of St Philomcnn cathedral ; Hon. John A.
C'iulgliton , Colonel O'Keofe , of Cieston , In. ;
T. J. Mahoncy , Esq. , and T. 13. Minahan ,
Mr. and Mrs. Smj th loft on the afternoon
train for Chicago , Milwaukee nnd other
points In the cast , and after their rotuin will
Do at homo nt Thirty-sixth mid Webster
Bticots , w'hero the groom has erected a
Iiandsoino cottage.
Tlio CoinhiK Clinrlty Ilnll.
The chnrityball next Prlday evening nt
Exposition hall promises to bo the greatest
Boclal event of the year. The affair Is under
tlio management of the Omalia Charity as-
eoeiutlon , nnd the receipts go for the benefit
of thoCiecho. Thu patronesses of the ball
comprise the lending society ladles of the
cltv , mnong whom uro the following :
McsdnmosT. I. . . Kimlmll , Hcimmi ICountze ,
Loyonborger , Dr. Mercer , Hulst , Ilold/ego ,
Kxperlonco Estubook , Frederic Drexel , II.
N. 1'ali'c , O. b. Steboins , N. K. Harrctt ,
Jiyron lleed , J. J. Uickoy , William I'axton ,
Fi ank ( 'olpotzor , Thomas Miller , Max Mayor ,
Sherwood. Alum Keith , Jo Darker , US.
Uundy , Coutnnt , Lr. Orossman , George
Darker , W. J. Connell , J. M. Thurston , I' . O.
HlmebaUBh , C. I ) . Woolworth , U. C. Gaylord -
lord , S. S. Curtis , A. J. I'opploton , II. U.
Meduy , U. E. 1) . Kennedy , V. Cofftnan , H.
C. Patterson , M. 8. Lindsay , A. Hosowatei ,
W. n.Mlllurd , Charles ShlverioK , Clement
Chase , J. Molnrath , John Moncll , C. S. Hay-
inond , W. N. Httbcock , Adolpli Mojer ,
Thomas Swobo , George Hoyn. A. Allen , Mo-
Whorter. Churchill Purkor , John Uarker ,
Ellis lllcrbowor. S. 1 . Morse , M ,
Ilellmun , II. S , Uolllns , J. U. Uuclianan ,
( Jcorpo W. Ames , M. C. Nichols. Kirkendall ,
Charles A. Coo , John Urndy. Kobort Uasson.
Montgomery , John WnkoJleld , Milton Hog-
cr , Oscar Wllllnms , Thomas Hogurs , Ur ,
Tlldcn , Martin , Guy IJarton. William F.
Allen , Ueorgo 11 , Lake , Nathan Shclton ,
JauicsE. Hojd , Ud I'ock , Alfred Milhml
Ixuis Urqdfonl , J. II. N. Patrick. Trod
Gray , Horbach , J , Garuean , G. Gilbert ,
William II. llunchott , C. N. PIcU , H. 11.
Gould , J. Francis , O S IIotTnuin , J. 11.
Uioolcc , G. II. Hoggs , T. M.Orr , S L. Torby.
J. M Woolworth , Lcautt Huinham , Lnvi
Cm ter , D. S. Han iger , i ; . W. Leo , J. U.
ICikhcn , Guy V. Henry , J. O. Uowm , Au
gustus 1'i.itt , Thomas Kilpattick , U \ \ " .
Nash. Tickets lor the ball ute on sale at
Jiaumer's , Van Cott te Thonnibon's , Max
Mc\cr . .V. IJro 'a. C. S. Raymond's , Udliolm
Jo Akin's.
A .Surprise Party ,
Last Thursday witnessed one of the most
pleasant sui prise pai ties of the season. It
was given in honor of Mi. nnd Mis Louis
Kubin , aul was held at the Windsor hotel.
Aftei dancing n few hours all set down to an
elegant suppu. Those piesenteio :
Mr nnd Mrs CiruotMr. . and Mis H.
Gr.iet ? , Mr. and Mis I Kubin , Mr. and Mis.
L FculowltMr. . nnd Mrs L. Kopold , Mr.
and Mrs. C. Schlank , Mr. mid MIH. A.
Schlank , Mr. and Mrs S. Prince , Mr. and
Mis I. Colin. Mr. and Mrs M. Merrill , Air.
nnd Mis C Shaw , Mr. and Mis. C. Koson-
btein , Dr and Mrs N. S Benson , Mr. and
Mrs. C. Uiaudicb , Mr. and Mis 13 A Sal } ,
Mr and Mis. liloch , Mr. and Mis Fiey , Mr.
mid Mis. Goodman , Mr. and Mis. S. lleich-
onbeig , Mr. mid Mis Uicjfnss , Mr. nnd
Mih. J. Dauncbuuni , Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Mr. and Mrs. S. Arnstcin ,
Mr. nnd Mis Sonncnbcrg. The
Mcsdames S. 11011111017 , J. Tothhol/ , . Golden
den , H. Hmiis , J. II. Harris , A. Harris ,
Kline , Kopold , The Misses IheyfURS , I1.
Salbi , A. Kopold , G. Kopold , llobinson ,
Mover , Spiegel , Jacobs , Hernstein , Benson ,
1 ho Messrs II. llothhob , N. llothhol ? , S.
llubioi , S. liloom , Clguttor , Davidson ,
Snilis , Herthhold , ruorth , Offenheiiner ,
Jieiuhard , Lewis , Uroyfuss.
DanlHli Itrotlicrliood Hull.
The eighth anniversary of the order of tlio
Danish 13rothcrhood of Aniciica was ccle
bulled Satuidny evening ut Mctiopolitnn
hail wltli n giand ball and bimpiet. Guests
fiom visiting lodge's weio pitscnt.'including
members of todgo No. ! ( ! . Council Uluffs , nnd
ledge No. 10 , Nebraska City.
Thai o were soventi-fivo couples picscnt.
Mho following committee who m maged the
nffair did themselves proudA , Noigaid ,
Cluis Johnson. Peter Hnnscn , Peter West-
irard , II. C , Peterson , J. Hnnseii , Kobort
Among those who took paitworo : Mr ,
nnd Mis. H , I1. Madsen , Mr. and MIB. Hen
dilcksen , Mr. nnd Mrs. ( j. Honseu , Mi. and
Mrs. llathmusscn , Mr. nnd Mis. N. Johnson ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Noilscu , Mr. mid Mis , Elkmd ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Hnnsen. Mr. and Mrs. Lar
son , Mr , C. Peterson , Mr. N , llosson , Mr ,
uud Mrs. Piiulsen. The Misses Jensen , Paul-
sen , Haiisen , Peterson , Liusun , and otheis.
The Messrs. J. Jensen. C. Petcisen ,
L. Hanson , G. Ilcnsen , Ii. I1. Madsen , L.
Jencsscn. Musio by Hollinau orchestra ,
supper by Johnson.
Mr. nntl Mr * . Meyer Untcrtiitu.
On Sunday evening at the residence of Mr ,
nnd Mrs. Morltz Mayer , on upper Douglas
street , n reception was tendered to Mr nnd
Mrs. I. N. Apple , of Denver ; Miss Addio
liloom , of Iowa City , and Emma Lewis , of
San rrnncisco. Among the Invited guests
were : Mr. and Mrs. I , N. Apple , of Denver ;
Mr , nnd Mrs. Adolph Mujcr , Mr. anc1 Mrs ,
Max Mo.or . , Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldsmith ,
Mr. nnd Mrs M. Hollmun , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Morltz Meor , Mr. and Mrs II , Iledllold ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tislior , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Calm ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Calm , Mr. nnd A , Polack ,
Mr , nnd Mrs , I. New. Mcssis. Hloom , of
Iowa City ; S. Oberfclder , S. J. Fisher ,
Julius Meyer , M. L. llocder , I ) Iloedor , A ,
Ilooder. J , Deielies. The Misses Pauline
Goldsmith , Umma Low Is , of San Francisco ;
Addle Hloom , of Iowa City ; Jnnotto Mejci ,
Blanche Hollinau. Music and refreshments
weie soryou , und u very pleasant tlmo was
One of the most delightful dances of the
season was given at Masonic hall on Thurs
day evening , January 10 , by Vesta Chapter ,
No , 0. The music was by Irvine's orchestra.
Tbo following ladies and gentlemen partici
pated : Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin Davis , Mr. and
Mrs. Judge Andernon , Mr. and Mrs. George
Hume , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grow. Mr. nnd
Airs. John Pray , Mr. and Mrs. H , 0. Crum.
Mr. and Mrk. Ii. S. Suiitu , Mr. und Mrs ,
.lohn Westbeig , Mr and Mr . J. Keith , Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. .1 , Mount , Mr. and Mrs C. Ii.
Coom , the Misses Andetson. I'luff , Duke ,
Dellone , Ho\orlv , 13. Lnuo , Case , Pray. Sanford -
ford , Coom , Wcstberg , the Messrs H Ke\es ,
O Goodman , H. Patteibon , Hatterton , Fin-
lav , Dioidorf , Coom. An elegant supper was
fumishcd in the hall.
An l German.
At the residence of J. J. IJickcjs , on upper
Dodge street , on Tudaj evening n Gorman
v > as tendered to Mr. J. Wilber Hcall , of
Soda Spun gsrio. . A gi and time was had
b\ those who weio favored with an invita
tion. Among those present were : Mrs.
Whitney , Air. mm Mrs Poppleton , the
Misses Joidon , Chnmbers , Nichols. Lola
Sheais , Hall , Lake , Miller , Kount/o , Will
iams , McKenna , .Shei wood and May Shears.
ThoMossis. Beat ! , Doano , Osgood , Jordan ,
Hall , Dewcl , Sievcrs , Chcavcr , Chailes
Hoalle , A. Diekoy , Nat Hriglmm , Will
Dickov , Kount/e , Smith , Wakely and Will
The music was furnished by the Musical
Union orchestra. A fine supper was berved.
Ijce Card Party.
Mr. and Mrs. F , W. Leo entertained a
number of friends at caids Wednesday even
ing , nt their resilience on North Nineteenth
sticct. Mis. ColpeUer won the first ladies'
prize , nnd Mr. Diakc the first gentleman's
prize. Mr. Nichols nnd Mr. Pease took the
second juue , nnd Mr. William Pease nnd
Mrs. Cm Us the third honors. Aftoi the ter
mination of the game refreshments were
soued. The guests piesentvoro - JNIr. nnit
Mis. A. r. Hone-he , Mr. nnd Mis. Lo d
Lomax , Colonel nnd Mis. S S. Cut Us , Mr.
nnd Mrs Chailes Geoigo , Mr. nnd Mrs
Frank Hussey , Mr. nud Mis. ColpUor , Mr.
mid Mis. .1. P. Williams , Mr. nnd Mis. M C.
Nichols , Mr. and Mis. Thomas Swobe , Mr ,
nnd Mrs. L J. Diaku , Dr. and Mrs Moore ,
Miss Townscnd , the Misses W.itcimnn , Mrs
P. H Duhois , Messrs. Nat lirigtiain , A.
Hishop , William Pease , Iloboit Pease. II. C.
Hostwick , C. II. Guiou , John Collins , Geoigo
Tlio Omnlia Ait AnNocl.'itlon.
The programme for the urt association for
January and Fobrum y will prove of gi eat
inteicst to the members of the bocicty. As
the annual election of ofllrcrs takes place on
Jnnnniy 14 , the next regular address will bo
given by Mr. Olof Ellison on "Scandinavian
Art" on Januaiy 2s. Mr. Edwnru-Iludolph
Gmc/jnski will speak on "Landscape Ait"
Febiuary II , and Miss Kato M , Hull follows
on Febiuaiy 25 with "Inconsistencies of
Modern Decorative Art. " These bi-monthly
addresses before the society on' topics con
nected with nrt will undoubtedly become an
attiactUo feature. The association is
making efforts to enlist in this com so well
known art-lovers of our city , nnd has so far
been eminently successful in securing their
co operation.
A l'ro rcmlve Euohro Party ,
Among the many pleasant social events of
the week was the progressive euchre party
given by Mrs. Higglns , at her residence ,
corner of Poppleton nnd Georgiu avenues ,
Thursday evening the 10th. Seven tables
were occupied by the players. The hrst
prizes wet o won by Mr. Donald and Mrs.
S. N , Mcallo. 'ihn booby prizes weto won
by Mr. PCI igo and Mrs U. F. Slum and cre
ated n world of amusement. An elegant
luncheon with eoffeo wns seived nt 13 , All
loft declaring they had never spent a more
enjoyable evening.
These present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin
Hake , Mr. and Mrs. Claj ton , Mr. nnd Mrs ,
Doud , Mr. nnd Mrs. Peilgo , Mr. and Mrs ,
John lllfey , Mr. and Mrs. Woodard , Miss
Kittle Koster , Miss Lidwloh , of Dos Molnes ,
In , ; Miss Lizilo Kosters , Mr , Dcinnln Led
wlch , of Hnrtan. la. ; Miss Mary Kostots , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Strauon , Mrs. G. W. Duncan , of
Helena , Mont. ; Mr. and Mrs , C. F. Shaw ,
Mr. G. W. Gilbert , Mr. Toolon. of Columbus -
bus , O. ; Mr. Hlnnchurd , Mrs , uooth , Mr.
and Mrs. Currier , Mr. nnd Mrs , S. N. Meallo
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gulick , Comuiichu ,
Tom Ciiblilnj , ' SurprlMM ] ,
Last Monday evening , previous to his de
parture for St. John's college , Fordham , N.
Y. , Mr. Tom Gushing was veiy pleasantly
surprised at the homo of his parents on
South Tu en ti-fifth avenue by about forty of
his fi lends and schoolmates , and Omaha's
most popular ioung people. ( "James were in
dulged in and some \ erv choice music was ren
dered by members ot the Mandolin club and
others. Elegant refreshments wore sei \ cd
nnd the ioung people loft at a late hour.
Tlio Demi ICutcrtaliiH.
A veiy pleasmc reception was given Wed
nesday evening at the deanery by Dean mid
Mrs Gardnei to the members ot the Hi oth-
crhood of St. Andiew nnd the "King's
Daughtcis , " and also the adult members of
the cathedral choir. Mis Cotton , Mrs.
Fonda and Miss ElUnbcth Allen assisted in
receiving. About ono hundred persons were
General Gossip.
Miss E J. Shulzo has retuined fiom Cab-
foi ma
Mrs. II. P. Jensen , has returned from
Mrs. J. J. Dickey nnd Miss Dickey mo in
St Louis.
Miss Mamie Moore has returned to school
nt Knoxvlllc , 111.
Miss Estello Mount has rctuined to her
studies in Chicago
Mr. L. Ilothscliild has loft for Chicago to
cmbaik in business.
llieliard Smith and \\ifo have gone to Wis
consin for month's visit.
Mr. M. Goldsmith has loft for New York ,
to be absent about u month.
Mr. J. H Lchmer nnd Miss Congdon arc to
bo married next Tuesday at 4 p. in.
The next party of the Assembly will beheld
hold nt tboMillaul on Fiidny evening , thu
A , AV. Griffin has loturned from n two
weeks'trip to his old homo in Ypsilunti ,
Mr. Sol HcrRinan left on Tuesday evening
for New York to bo absent about thiee
MIB Charles F. Stephens loft for Ncbiaskn
City on Monday to spend a few dui s w ith her
Charles II. Dewey left Wsdnosdny moin-
lug for Cullfoinia to boKone two or three
Miss Kato Lillls , of Knnsns City , is visit
ing nt the residence of E. J. Hrcmen , on Bin-
ney street.
"Ern" Squire was married to Miss Kate
Dewey , of Montpeher , Vt. , on Thursday of
last week.
Miss M. F. McClintoek is to bo mm i led to
Lieutenant Edward lirooke , Wednesday ,
Jununry "M.
Mr. Charles Hosctifield , of 13oston , is visit
ing his dnughtcr."Mrs | D. Kaufmnn , on Far-
num street. ' " "
Miss Nellie Samuels , of Chicago , Is visitIng -
Ing her sister , Mrs * J- < Fox , on South Seven
teenth street , j ,
Mis. Ltz/rb Cutting is visiting with Mr.
nnd Mrs F. G. Miner , at Eighteenth nnd
Spencer streets. '
Mrs. Charles J. Greene and Mrs. Frank E.
Lawrence startfed. Tor southern California
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. W. II. Ucmlnctton left for Now York
last Tuesday , a/ter / ; an extended visit with
nuuioious friends hcio.
Mr. und Mrs. Jplm Wlthnoll loft Wednes
day evening for a trip to the City of Mexico
and points in California.
Ed McGinn nnfl Peter Sweeney loft for
San Francisco ( Vodnosday morning , wboio
they will i omaln a few weeks ,
Mr. Paul Horbach loaves for Boston tomorrow -
morrow , to be gene for some time , with the
hope of regaining his health.
Miss Hluncho Hellman , daughter of M.
Hellmnn , leaves for Notre Darne , near South
Demi , Ind. , the coming week.
The Misses Jennie und Ilcttu Dollono , of
Kountzo Place , entertained their friends ut
cards lust Wednesday evening ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hajmond will give a
reception at their residence on Twenty fifth
street next Thuisduy evening.
Mr. J. E. McClure , western passenger
agent of the Milwaukee railroad company ,
has Just returned from the west.
Mrs Elizabeth Cndy StauUia and her old
est son uro to occupy the Lawrence residence
for the remainder of the winter.
The Swedish Ladies Holier society will
give u public masquerade ball at the exposi
tion hall Saturday evening , February 'I. The
proceeds will be devoted to the poor of the
Mis Joseph Danbaum has been spending
the \ \ eekvith her sister in Cieston , la.
The Misses Estclle Thoipo and Maggie
filler have returned to Hiowncll hall much
to the pleasure of their classmates.
Mr. and Mrs Gcoige Heyn will gho to
then fi lends a fancy di ess pirty at Metro
politan hull on Wednesday , February 2- ) .
Reports fiom Poitland , Oie. , are to the ef
fect that Miss Mora lialcombo. of this city ,
vtho has been \eiy sick , is convalescent.
The members of the Youug Married Folks'
club give n hop on the evening of the 24th
for the benefit of then unmarried friends.
The mum il grand chanty ball will bo
given nt Exposition hall on the evening of
the Ibth , und pi onuses to be a giand affair.
Mr. John O'Keefo left last Monday foi
Qiiincy , 111. , accompanied by his son , Tim ,
and Mark Coad , son of John F , Coad , who
enter school theie.
The Fort Onmlm band gnvo n very de
lightful conceit and billon Wednesday even
ing. A great many attended and a veiy
pleasant titno was had.
The first annual leunion of the Ann Arbor
alumni , i csidcnts of Nelnaska , will bo held
Fobiuar.v 1'J. Dr. Angell , president of the
college , will be pi escut.
Mi. and Mis. Herman KounUo have issued
invitations foi next Tliuisdav evening for a
dancing paity at "Forest Hill , " in honor of
Mr. and Mis. Alfred Millard.
Miss Sadie lluiiy. dnughter of Colonel
Hcniy , and who has been at Dicsden , Ger
many , for two icais , stud. ) ing music , is now
in Now Yoi k , nnd will bo homo in a week or
ten ttuj H.
Mr. Sol Pi ince is getting up the drama.
"Among tliQ Hicalters , " for the benefit of
the Hebrew Henevolent society , which will
take place at tlio new Danish hull , Eighteenth
and Howard , some time in February.
Mrs. John Ervin and her daughtcis , Hesslo
and Emily , wife mid dnughtcts of John
Ervin , bairister , of Halifax , Nova Scotia ,
me visiting Hon. H , S. Ervin. Mis Erv in
and dangatcis will spend the winter in
At tno residence of Mr. and Mis. I. New ,
on upper Chicago street , on Sunday. January
C , u diiinor was given in honor of Miss Addie
Hloom , of Iowa City. Mr. big. Meier , of
Chicago , Mr. A. Wolf , of Chicago , Miss
Loebmnn , of Pittsburg , also Mr. S. J.
Fisher , E Wood nnd a number of other
Omaha people.
PlatlKmoutli Sociotj Jtciiih.
Miss Emma Dabb , of Lemurs , lu , is visit
ing ut her homo hero tins week ,
Mrs. YoUcr , of Atlantic , fa , visited nttho
homo of Mr. McEntco u day this week ,
Mr. A. E Cook , of Mnlvern , In , visited
his brother , Dr. Cook , of this city , on Wed
Mr. Fred LehuhofT. agent for the Cosmo
politan Publishing company , of New York ,
visited ut his home in Plnttsmouth this
Miss Ilattio Latham , daughter of n. ft M ,
ticket ngcnt F. Latham , gavoupaity on
Thursday evening ut her homo. North Sixth
street , in honor of her friend , Miss Hlercgg ,
of Central City , who is now visiting her.
About forty guests wore present , among
whom wore friends from u distance. Pie
gresslvo cuchie was the order of the even
ing , and n very delightful tlmo was spent ,
James Stephcnson , jr. , of Omaha , visited
tils college chutn , Mr. Fiod Cox , this wock.
He has been attending college at llucino ,
Mrs , Thomas Wilkinson , of McCook , vis
ited her relatives and numerous friends hero
last week ,
Mrs , R. C , Cushhiu , of Omaha , visited rel
atives in the city this wcok.
Mr , II. Waterman attended n convention of
Y , M. C. A. committees held ut Lincoln this
Mr. J. H , Strode , of Lincoln , was In the
city this week attending district court.
Major Wheeler , of O in aim , attended dis
trict court in Pluttsmouth ths | week ,
Judge Hussoll Issued marriage licenses to
James T , Manpics nnd Clara A. Hester , of
Weeping Water , and Frank MurJer and Miss
Asib , of Rock liluffs , last week.
Mr. E. Carpenter , of this city , and father-
in-law , of Sat. Johnsburg , Vt , have pur
chased lots In NehawKa and are building a
Our stock of Ladies' Newmarkets , Ulsters ,
and Raglans , as well as our Misses'and Chil
dren's Cloaks are all new and of the latest
styles. Our Plush Sacques are acknowledged
to be the best shapes and best values ever ex
hibited in Omaha. SHAWLS We have a large
variety of Beaver and Wool Shawls which will
also be added to this sale. A large ass9rtment of
Ladies' Black and Colored Jerseys will also be
Boa and Muffs' Sets. Muffs , Capes , Fur
Trimmings and Swans' Down Trimmings.
Black and Colored Passamenterie , Gimps
and Ornaments , Silk Cords , Girdles , and Em
broidered Bands Persian Effects.
Blankets ! Blankets ! Blankets !
White Blankets ranging in price from $1.25
to $18.OO. Scarlet Blankets from $2.50 to
$12.OO Grey Blankets from $1.25 to $6.00.
linn icsidunco anil u I.ugc and h.mdbomo
building to bo usoit us .1 stoie
Mi. GcoriTB Smith , of Oin.ilm , mi old icsi
dent of Plnttsmouth , visited in thiscitj lust
A leeturo will 1)0 delivered l > y Colonel Guy
N. Henry , U S A , on the li.ibits mid cus
toms of the Ameiic.m Inili.uis , next Tues
day evening , at liicliwood , umlci thcnubpiccs
of the St. Andrew's IJrothoihood.
xnv rou TIHO
The small French capote is now consid
ered the only style of hendtlicss for the
Viviu Homnn red oloth is in Ricat vogue
tins winter both for hats , bonnets , gowns
iindbtiect wraps.
roi evening weddings nt homo the low-
Viaisted Knipiio gown of I'omp.idous bro
cade is u decided favoiito
New Giecnin overdicases momimigcd to
disclose u panel co\cicd with braiding 01 cm
bioidervmid bordered with fur.
Holt , collm and cuffs of sliiuod ribbon maybe
bo worn with n blousu waist , mid inuko n
dressy garment out of a plain one.
The high Chai lotto Cord.iy bonnet Just
brougnt out hi J'nns is taking well. It is the
despair and confusion of thcater-gocis.
Mothers wlio wish to bo intensoH English
will be glad to learn Unit in l niopono
child's hat la complete without a windmill
The old cliculnr form Is revived ii. the
shape known us the Connomaia cloultclosely
resembling those worn by Irish and llelgian
Umpire house gowns , sllghtli
the Inch , aie very handsome , made of moss-
gieonor reseda bioeade llguicd with tini
gold doviccH.
Demi trained iirmccss dresses of black
Chantilly luce for icception wear uro hn-
polled , diaped over sups of biilliant icil
watered silk.
Hlg pictuio hats of bright ml velvet , deco-
intedltlilic.ivi gold galleons and innuendo
gold featheis tipped with red , aiu said to 1m
Co id u jo } helps to make man > of the moio
notable winter walkinf , ill esses , and is no
end stylish when combined with dark brown
cloth and trimmed with t > oid ! black.
liiiUci flies of hen.icd late now hover about
tlio hair. They ure not so attractive as the
tiny late caps that now go with tea gowns ,
mid are timimed with libbons to match their
A now role for women in London Is that of
aoi ving writs. A. pretty young woman there
in said to IIml doors open to her which to
neaily every otliT sheilff's ' ofllcur aio shut
Hinge has inado its appearance ouco more
in theicalm of fashion , and It ficqnently
edges the I'umlyko rcdlngotcs mid pcpluin
fionts , and hordci s the classic ; draperies of
Grecian "ait" toilets.
c Good cashmere and Hcniletta clotti , in nil
colors , are much used for half-diess gowns.
They uro made up in modified cmpirn fushion ,
with folds of China crapt ) or India Bilk cross
Ing on the breast , uud forming u i ulilo hcknv
the elbow sleovui , or ulsa a puff through the
diainond-sliupcd slash at th , top of them.
In hairpins , those with shell headings that
curve backward uml arc set with sni'ill ' dia >
mondH In silver aio now and cojtly , but not
so showy us thu shoit golden ones with
daisies in white enamel at the top The
height of style and costliness is i cached in
those that huvo a big topaz set about with u
circle of diamonds.
A fashionable but often inconvenient at
tachment to a ball dress Is a bow of moire or
satin ribbon fastened to tbo shoulder by a
cluster of ( lowers. The bow itself Is com
posed of many long loops of Irregular
lengths , and two ends of the ribbon. In the
lapld evolutions of the dune r > , these Hying
loops look liltoso many silken lassos.
A new and convenient muff is made of
cloth , In the shape of a bag purse open at
each end , bordered there with fur or feath
er H and tied about the middle with a wldu
ribbon that forms a long loop bow. When in
use the wrinkles inuko It delicious/ ! warm ,
and when not needed It can bo 01 ushcd into
marvellously small space.
The newly formed democratic woman's
club at Milwaukee is an Interesting move
ment , started by women of btanding and re-
nnoincnt and likely to bo duplicated on the
republican side , it U well for women to in
form tliemsclvc as to a urniing Uuty. The
object is modestly set foi Hi as "a more thor
ough mulct st.iuding of thu great political
questions of the day rcgaiding' , pro-
Uction and good govejnment , with the best
w . .i.t . and mcansto be cmplou'd of continu
ing the latter. " Kss.ivs tending to this pur
pose will bo icad at the meetings of the club ,
and piominent men \\ill be asked to delfscr
addresses from time to time.
A 3nlc lluil Can Trot.
A jenr a o lust month , s.iyb the Ciill-
fornia Spirit of Xlio Times , 13. ( J. Holly ,
\\ell-kno\M ) hnrso owner , puiolmbod
lit Ah1. Hn < , p inS yciu-ly &ilo a tlm o-
yoai- old mine , by Alaska , hrj by Klpo
tioneer. The tliun of thn puichiiso is a
limit ; by I'cho. The filly combined stie-
oud choice sti'.i'nfe ' of blood runniilg
b.icif on SHO mill dam 's .siro Lo Ttyodylc'
llmnbli'tonmn. Holly- bought th'o Illty ,
intending tu brood her in the Rpringrito
Woodnul. Ho was giciitlj dibtippolntod
when n few months had 'jjns'-nil a way to
Jia\o the rnuro tlnow out siKiitf'of '
beiiifr with foal , llo mot John MoICliy ,
biipcrintcpdent of the Kunche del PaHO ,
and asked liim about thu breeding , oC
the promised colt , but .lohn , with cor
ners of his month not well buck and ! n
cunmnir Bimle iilumiimtiiifr his bronxod
cheek , would turn uw.iy with the ic-
mailc : \
"Well , by , wail until the yountrstor
comes alony , nnd thc-ii if you don't
knock it in the head I'll
Holly did wait , and upon going into
his fi.ulilocK at Vallojo ono morning ho
found the Illlj with a handsome joung
ninlo by lier sido.
fie w.u coiibidoiMblv surprised afyd
chayi-incd and his thought was to
' ' noelc the colt on this head. " Xlo
chatifrod hib mind , however , and named
the colt .lohn Maekay. >
It beonm that the yonnjjrftor IH destined
tined to fame , for lant'weoK the folloW-
in < , r loiter was received nt tliiw olllco ;
VAI.MIID , Doc. U , 18h8. lldllor Spli-it
of the times : I hiuo now upon liiy
i ( inch at Vallojo a micldintr > nulo colt
bred by ono of Mr. JJagfrin'fl famous
Kontiicky jaekh , out of a muio by
Aliibka , dam liy llcho. The youngst'or '
is finely formed and .show'H fine trortuig
action ; in fact , ho is about as prnmiHiji
as any colt I huvo over been. To Bhow
that I am in cnrnost , and to prove Hint
the mule hits inherited the trottintr
notion tliiou h his rielt ores < fuB of
Hamblolonian blood , I hoieby ollor Jto
match him for i j ( ) a side to trot ana
\ curling agniiiHt anv of the get of Gny
\Vlllcos , the niL-o to bo to harness , tiaplc
to be lioicaftor agi'ccd upon. Itobpuut-
fully joura. U , C. HOM.Y. "
A ri'iuillai' Jlattlo. >
Uurnosvillo ( Kim , ) CorroHpondonco
St. Louis ( ilobo-Iomocrat ) ; Sonio tlmo
ago JJert Covoi-blon , u vvoll-ltnown ro i-
dentof IhiH hot'lionvitnuH.ird mi intor-
chting light botKcon iiblue racer and u
hawk. He haw two hawks apparently
lighting in a field , and anpioaohed thorn
without ailllcuHy. With u polo ho
killed them , and upon turning ono of
them over noticed the head of the
faimku sticking out fiom under Iho
hawk's ' wing. Upon investigation ho
found that the sualco Jmd wound itself
ibont the liawk'w neck and way choking
It to death , The other hawk v/as at
tacking the blue racer in attempts 'to '
release his mate , The liawlts wet o biff
fellows and the miako of medium &UGM
If loft alone it would 1m vo undoubtedly
killed both of the birds.
Hcliradod itv tliu (7arx , i
CINCINVAH , Jan , 12. Last night the dead
liody of a woman was found at the end of
the freight depot of the Kentucky Ccntval
lallroad In Covington , ICy , Her head was
severed fiom her body ! > i tlio cam. lalicr
jiorkct was found * 2.j and u loaded pinto ! .
Shu appeared to bo about foity-llvo yearn
old. No clew to her Identity has boon found ,
and It in impoulhln to toll whether IV is a
of murder or tmloldo (