Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1889, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Advertisements under tn s head 10 cent * per
line for tlio tirn insertion. 7 cents for each sub-
nrttucnt insertion , and ! lM > n line per month
r > ondv < ttl emcnt taken for lew tlmnKi cents
Uio IlrHl.nscrtlou. bevcn words w 111 bu counted
to the line ! tlioy must .rim consecutively and
mint be r ld in ADVANCK. All advertise-
tncntH must tic handed in before IS : : * ) o'clock p.
m.Btid under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or dp-continued by telephone.
Parties advertising in those column * and hnv.
Ing their answers nddressed In care ofTiif Urn
will iileisc nsk for n check , to enable them to net
their letters , s non will be delivered except on
tirencntntlnn of check. All answers to ndver-
Uficmentfl should be enclosed in envelopes.
All advertisements in theio columns are pub
lished In both morning anil ctnlng editions of
lur. HK > . the circulation of which aggregates
more than H * , < XO papers dally , and dres tUn ad
vertiser * the bonem. not only of the cltyrlrou-
latloiiofTnr. llr.r , but also of Council Illutls ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country. _
Achrrtlslngfor thcso columns will bo taken
en the above conditions , nt the followlnR busl-
n * fihoues , who are authorised nconts for TIIR
nrKcperliil notices , and will quote the ama
rates ns < "in bo had at.the main olllco
J "OUN w. Ilii.U : rharmnclst" 8JU South Tenth
0 It AM ! A IIDDY. Slatlouers and Printers , IU
South . Street-
I'AltNSWOUTII , I'hRrmaclst.yilBCum-
. InRStrett.
\\7 .1. 1117(1111:8 : , Pharmacist.Kil North 10th
V > btrcct
iioTwTPAHH , Pharmacist , lH St , Mary'n
_ A\ontio.
Situation for n llrst dress coolc
iitid laundress In u good prlMitu fnmlly
1414 Bo-IUti st. -14'
" \\rANTII-HyjountJlixdy ! , position i\s assist'
nut In dentist's olllcoperlcmcd : Address -
dress U 21 , llee. BI7 lit
\\7AN'l'ii-Sltuntlon : liy Kood cook and
> laiimlress , who ImH small child : Hinall
Mrs. liifgit.IH'i ' bo. Ifith st. > liri
AOP.N'I LHMAN of largu business experience
wishes situation us matuigur , bookktcpur
or olllco man ; whnlt-snlo hon e or Insiuaucu of-
lieu pit'foirtil. am MO thorough , competent
nnd well recommended. Address O 21. I joe.
SITI'A'I ION Wanted-In some nlco place by
} oiing , lospeetablu lady with n baby. Ail-
dress O Hi. Hee. 7 1 II *
" \ \ LANTLD Posltli'ii 111 country town bv a
> > broad and t like baker Address P. P , Ne-
ki ( lly , Neb I/J7 1 V
" \\rANIID ! Position by stenogrnpher ami
TT tj pe-w l Her. Hood letere'iiccis. Adilloss
OO. lle-o oHice- . 71.-I > t _
'VXfANTLD A position of some rospoiiMhil-
TT Itj bj a compotoat ougluiei po-msslng
flrst-clif-a uovurumentipapuis iiiqnlni nt A.
Ilobpo'i , IfiU Douglas. CJI-1P
WANTBU-A bla < k-milth , able to shoo
hoihiis , at once , liinuho "Ufa and Q sts , ,
South Omaha. BIO-IJ *
WANT III ) Superltitctnluiitof wholesale and
retail book stoiu at Omaha , will liuvo
ciiarRuof $10.1X10 .stock of moichnndlse. Inigu
forcu of tmploies and all llnancus. balaiy
S-.OXI anil commissions. Cash deposit of $ , ! , ( iui )
nuil best references luqtiirul. Jowoll , 2" >
> -h av e. , Chit awo. 8W Pi *
AOKN'I.S wanted lilillscunt Hlgns mid ad-
\oitislnc novel tits. Immense .sales and
profits. Outfit flee. Koboit Mms A , Co , Wash-
IllBtoil. I ) . I. ? 'liL ' ! _
WANTIJO 20 mun to tanvas city. Oood
commission. Inqulro C. A. Crum , 15-J
rarnam , Monday , after 10 o'clock. 845 14
ALI.SMAN wanted A gontiuman of
pleasant nddii'ssto repio < uut nn elegant
lino. I'oi particulars call nt 101.1 I'arnam st.
WAN'tlJD-fcOcash bos. Apnlv this morn-
Ing or .Monday morning at 'Ihu Pair , llth
nnd Howard. Si\M3
W A KI ii-i\perlenccd : : blank-book , lltho-
ginph and prlnthiK solicitor for this state' .
Souu rulerences. Ous Proy. St. Louis , Mo.
ANTIJD Hood salosmnn with JdUO as part
ner In an established busliiiss : batlsfac-
tlon guaranteed , Address O 11 , Heo. 7W1 lit
WANTKI ) General nnd locnl ngents to han-
dlo tlio now patent chemical ink-eianlug
pencil , greatest no\olty v or produced ; Biases
Ink In two seconds ; no nbinslou of paper ; 200
to 500 pur te-iit pi oil t ; Fella at sight : turrltory
absolutuly free ; salary to good men ; samplu
a'ic , b } mall ; foi terms and full pattlcularu nd-
chess the mauufactmqs , J W. Skinner & Co. ,
Unalabka. Wls Wi I4t
"OrANTKO Ihiules I'ehl to call nt the Heo
T > olllce. TO7 1J1 =
WANTLD A live man to net ns general
agent of n Mutual Lift ) iissocl.uiMi , a
rustler , nodioiua. AtkliessO , cam of larilor , UIUiniMnil. 75'i 1 . *
\ \ * ANTKD A flist-class stinograpliei and
TT tpo\\iitcr who has soni" knowledge of
bookki-ephi ! , ' . American Loan \ Trust Co.
WANTLD Salesmen In each clt } and \ it-
lago In the V , S. for oar now Ktylo door
plntes , itoor bolls , whlto enamel lettois nnd
stieet minil 'is , t.'i toflo n day iniulu easily ,
w ithotit euu\ asking at prlv ntu \ \ rlto
postal foi temis. cliciilurs , etc. Now Voik
leer ) Plato Co. . Albany. N. V. 713 20t
" \\rANTP.D Per n good plnco , stonily , roll
TT nblo. Hi st-elass meat nndegotnblo cook-
With lefcrences. Mis. llicgu , 'UH , b nth.
" 1ST ANTKD Immrdlatoly , n } oungman to do
T > janitor work for tuition nt Valentino's ! Institute. ( Xill
WANTIiD A lew enersetlc men to act as
county manage for "Panorama of
Nations' In this slid adjoining states , ( iood
references ami Mil all cash deposit required.
Position puiruaiiLnt. 4t < iilmy $7510 to JlOt.Oil
pur mciuth. Only Ihu men wanted. Addiess
* 'N 07" lice ofllcc. t i
WAN 1'KD Agents. Wo want llrst-tlass mon
whoaitt already tra\ellng Bnlomentocmi >
our lubi Icatlng oil samples as a stdo line. Ad-
iliess , 51 , c.iie of earlier No. 1 , Clo\eland , O.
SOT 1 1
W ANTKI ) A few men to canvass on com !
mission household goods , 'i.'l N. 1 lib
' Hiuku '
W ANTKD-Man to solicit , salary 173 per
month , must deposit fii for samples , and
cl\o bieurlty foi money colluetcd. Atldross
Ueoigu S. Cllne , fill , Mrst National Hank buildIng -
Ing , Omaha , or Wagner blk , Dos Molne.s , ia.f
OVS-Ain. Dlst. Tul. Co. , IMl Douglas ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Chi
TlTANTKl ) Man totako tliu ngeneyofotir
TT Hnfeit ; 8lzo'S > xl8xl81nchos ! ntlght MO Ibs. ;
retail prlcu f\'i \ ; othet Hl/.us m piopoition. A
rnrtichanco and pmmnncnt IniNlnebs 'Ihosu
fcnfus mi-ct a dumand never boforu siipnlled by
other unto companies , iiMWonienot governed
by thobnfo pool. Alpine t < atu Co. . Clncluniiii , O.
WANTP D-Good llyu men thut nio cng-tged
In shops , wholesale and it-lull houses , to
can\ ass among their ti lends for thu ( hit ago
Watch Club Co , hamplo watchcsf nmlsh d for
this purpose , nud liberal commhHloiis paid. No
floaters need apply , I ; G , Cranilall , ; 1IO South
"l\7"ANTiD-Male , ; and fenialo agents ; eas > -
TT Helling tooJs. HoomI , HaiKcr block.
hlU JI7I1
WANTKI ) flood men in every locality as
dutcitU os Hinder our liistmctlona. Send
Oc for pin ticulars , Oklahoma set rut tiarvicu ,
Wichita Kansas. Tfaj U'
GI3N'lb U'ANTKD-fiS' mouth and ox-
pensr.i paid any tictho jurson to soil our
Eoods ; no capital , falury inoiithly , expenses In
adrnnce , paitlctiluis tre-u. btandnid Silverware
Lo. lloslon. l W
"lArANTlHi-Womaucook for llarlan , * 20 : 2
TT waitiB'fos out of city , fl ; young girl to
assist In house work ; mint ) girl ; first closa
glil for olllcT's family , l * 0 ; we-cond glil ; 20 for
good prhato famllk'S. Jlrs. llregaalijho. Pith.
B4tlb *
\srANTKD-l nlco girl , with referencoBTfoif
T T ht. Jou , Mo. , private family of 2 , fi week ;
I first nnd second cook In nmall hotel , 4 chain-
liormaliU , U waltiva.its , 2 illshwashurn , 1 second
i ) girl , girl for lunch counter , t'-'i month , 20girls
general work. Old llfllablo Omaha fynploy.
uie-fit llureau. lltf N liith tt. M.I iJ
) Good cook , t'4 la\euixrt. )
7W > 13
W ANTK -KlTsT-cUss I gli il coo
must l > a gooii cook ; liHW Capitol live.
WANTHD A woman to take charge of
bonnlmsf rlub. Apply to J , T. Dalley.
malinger Onniha Hunlneas college , Kth and
Caplto ! ave. TV3 Ur
ANTRD-Olrl for hottsowork , 3 In family ,
tl per weak , 171S Cass sU _ fil.
\\T ANTii-01rI : ) for general housework. U17
V > N. 21st gt. 700 m
\\TANTii-Lady : copyist Apply by letter
1. N.atsoti , Hoom 4IINat I bank building
7ANTii-A : Rlrlwho Is a ntst-cln s cook
nnd laundress nt Wll Chicago street. HM 14
\\7ANTIH ) I.idy canrnssors on n now nnd
T } fnst selling book. Salary ti per tiny. Ail-
ill ess N CO lieu olllce. ( S5 IU
to solicit , must bo bright
nnd Intelligent , bn able to deposit tl'i for
nnniples , nnd clt a poturlty for money collected.
Salary } * > 5 per month , Atldresi N oo , earn of
Iko. | M
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
"l\TANTr.D A lady tn solicit , must come well
lecommended nuil pay fie for samples.
snlniy Ml per mosth. Addipss Oenrgo S. Cllno ,
AH Plrst National Dtnk linlhllng , Omnhn , or
\\ngner block. DCS MoinfJ. In. _ , tB
/ CANADIAN nmploymenl Onfce. Mrs.lticirn ,
5th Hotel once Omahn National bank
/\LP.NTlSi'S : Shorthand and l.tpowiltlug
institute , now Pnxton building , Omaha
Thoonlv oxclllsho shoithand school iti the
state. Over onu liundred grndiintcs In good
Mtuatlons. 'I he school Is undei the innimge-
niHiit of C. I Ynlentlne , olllclal slmiographor of
thoilrd judicial district of Nebraska , nnd Prof.
II II. ltd } lo , an oxtiork'iicod ti-acher nudei -
batltn leportoi Day and evening sessions. Stil-
tlvntscau enter at any lima. Send for circulars.
sil 117
STANDAHI ) Shortnnud School , 4U Sheele }
block , teaches standntd syntemsami usea
Itfiiiltigton tpowrltiT < . lift ' J
" \\TANT ii : > A second hand pool tnlile. In-
T iiilro | Payton \ Cole , 1018 Cap. n\e. ' 71 Pi *
. young man for cen-
trnl locatoil loom. Etato position nndngc.
Address. Ui , Hoo.
A'ounp ladles nnd gentlemen to
T T know they CAII obtain a thorough and
practical knowledge of telegraphy , lilting
thcmsehes Innshoit tlmo for peed paying
positions at the Hlcttrlc 'Ivlegraph scnool.
Hooms Ms nnd ft.'j Pnxton block , cor. li th ami
1'arnam Hts. IHi'-ai *
Till ) HINT : lly n thoioitsh , tiractlcnl faimoi.
Ja No 1 fnrm In i-iislem Nebraska orlown.
foreiibhoi eroji it-nt , or would lent fiimlsheiT
titrni on shares , or hlie lo nninago farm or
lanth ; btstof retiii'iico. Attdioss O-'O , Hue- .
sui lit
f WISH to hoi rowrO ) lo IIMO on llrst molt-
1-gngo. good st'ciiiltv D I ) moitoti , Hoom
41 , IliukeY block. Omaha. iMl'll
AV AN'I IDPiiMite ! lad } te ichor. Address O
10 HJC. i"r , 14t
" \\rANTKD-Persons : iinIng books to bo
i ' oponed. cl i ud , posted 01 kept to apply to
.1. T. Dailv , MBIMUPI of Omaha llltsmess Col-
IUKO. Kith und Capitol axenuu 7,11 II *
\ \ Ir AN'I LI- Weaving nt 1 111 Paclllc.
KOOMIMlSnntlboaider-t wanted,17031
toil .1 111 *
\\MNTlTD The usb of n to"im of goml horses
TT fortho wlntei for tholr keeping. Apply at
thlsollku. Its"
_ _ _ _ _
\ I r ANT K D Tl lork of 7 pt'r cent farm loans
TT compluted pnpi'ri Phllatlelphia Moitgago
& Ti list l/o , U , llo ird Trade. 4M 17
DHL8SMAIC13H Clooil iiittei , litter nnd dia
per ; will do drt'Ssjuuklng in families bj the
day. Addi ess O'J. llee. 71U Hrf
"fillltS I'-CIjASS die'-smakliiK In families or at
-U IIOIIIP. AddrtSd IXK S. 1 Jth Ht , upstairs.
4t > i Id *
ENtSAOr.Ml'.N'lS to sew In families. OJTiS 17th
KSO 11f ( '
"IjOlTll Hollars per wiek foi llrst-class ioaid ,
-U and room , ou cable line l-ij . mth st. ,
71) ) 18 !
I\UILi ; boarJers wnntod , 1CJ ) Douglas
T\7'AMii ; ) to rout a furnished cottwg" or
T house of S or d rooms w ithlu 10 blocks of
Postolllcu. by man ami wlfn llest icleroncos
in the city. Address O''l Heo ollico. SU-lt *
T\rANTKI > A pleasant room nnd Ityird In
TT pri\ate family ; a homi-llku plaie by u
hoiuo-loMin ; , quiet , juiing married couple.
Address O > llee. MO 11 *
\\f ANTIID To rent'I iinfiitntsliutl looms. 10
T > mlnntoa walk from pobtolliio ; stuto price.
Address O 17 , Itoo olllce. 7W 1JT
" \XrANTI3U TorontS fiiinNhcdiooir.s hcattd
T T and boaul for man , wife and 2 chlldu-n , 0
uml 8 joiiib. ID mlnutt" . wnlK fiom postolllco ;
north ot i'ainam piefeired ; must state price.
Addiess 0 IS , lee ! ollice. 7701 ft
WANTKI ) 11 } Kentlenuii and > Ufe before
1'ob. 1st , Milt ot rooms with ix prl\atofam
ily , 01 part of house for ll lit housukcepliiK
within ten minutes walk of jimtollico In good
iitichborhoo.l , north of luinnm preferred.
Address 'Jiebor. c.uoof Kilpatrick IvochOa
Co. , llth and llnrnej U 071 l'i *
rp\\O or ttneo fuiulshed or imfuinNhcd
X rooms , with all mod. in ton\cnleiu.cs , in
peed location , and stilctly private family , with
board for gentleman and nlfe and one child ,
must bo llrst-clasa and iieai table Hue. Hefer-
euces Kien if deslmi , Adduss stating lo a-
tlon and pilco N ds Hee olllco. 1.'U-l it
riAO HUNT rue room cottage on cable line ,
L 20ih nnd ( Jiacosts ; now house. Snap' ' I.riu
Clothing Co. . iMO N Ifitli st. t'T 11
FOK HUNT fi-room house on street car Hun ,
1714 N' . ISUast. , with modern Improiumcnts ,
118. liriuirn 112.1 Douglas st. . mom 2. 811
TJ1OK liN'l' ( : Houses and Hats ccutiully lo-
V cati'd. I'linilture for hale. Co-oporatl\o l.aiul
mill Lot Co. , an A. Hitll HU BUI U
POH HI.NT I'liml-hed honso , fi looms , 2 JI
dim li" > st. , or foi finln on uiisj terms bv Vf ,
T. Seaman , Omuhu'h larci'st ninety buirglos ,
wagons , etc. , east sldu lUlh St. , uuith ol MUio
las bt. , 7c T > 11
171011 HlvN'T CottiiKO of d looms with all mod-
-1 ; urn conveniences at ( III S 17th M. Possession
1 ob. I. T. .1. ntzmcii i IN 401 N 15th at , 7H ! )
TJIOH HUNT t-toom cottuco with barn , 1721
-U N. I'Jlh ' ht. , ouo block Irom stieotcur nnd
cable Hue. 1 uqtitio 1J1 ChU ago ht 7U.1 lit
"I71OH ItlJNI1 Now 7-raoin house with nil mod-
J ern conveniences ; H room house , tOJ" > How-
mil hi : , ! loom tint. N. 17th ht. Apply to Green
\ \Vllllnnit , 1 Irst National bank litilldlug.
F 0ll HUNT l-i oem house.2U08 Cnss. $14 mo.
Inqiiliu n. S\eisbou , 2MJ Cass. TUo it :
"niOH JtKN'l ID-room house. IV Dodge St. ,
-1 ? .suited tor loomurs and boaiclois , near P. O.
See Dr. Neulle , I4JDoiiKlasst. . " , (1 ( !
. . . HUNT House. H loomu , H21S. 20th. non
, eavenvvoith. Pnriiaco , gal and b ith
i.i ( ) P.J
"IJ10H HKNT New ( I room cottage furiilsht d ,
.I1 : ) ! ' > Leaven wet Hi , between. ) tn anil Mist ,
eltyatorclopcts , pantry , otc. ( Ko Ib *
"IJ10H HKNT-U room bilclc , 114 S ait lilt ; mod"
-L1 orn rouicmt-nc-es ; nonr cnblo lino. J. W ,
ilrlllllh. 1' . P. UeatlquartBra. nn i
TjVJHUKNT An elegint bne-k Hat , inotlurn
Jronxonle'iues , o itiuins and 7 t losots ? - ' " per
mo M01 i-o & . lliunncr.lliOJ I'arnam Ml II
1710It HUNT Two houses HUli and California
J1 ft. Hunt IM unit it J'ipsr month. Hroiinun 4 ,
Co , Chnmbcr ot Commerce ) . Kil
IJIOH HUNT 7 room Hat on 3d lloor. in- :
-U qiilniTho Palrcor 13thnud Howard ts.
BUAUTlPPLP-room botisn , gas- city water ,
bath loom , hot and cold water , on paved
ntrents with atreut car. near a good school , only
MS per month 'Iho house It now. Apply at
oneu. C , 1' , llanisoa , MeichauU' Nat , bank.
a 10
17IOH HliNT When you wish to rent a house ,
JL ? titora or olllic cull on us. H. i : . Cole , loom fi ,
Continental blot k , ! 14U
T7IOH HK.NT 10-room liotioe , steam , gnu , bath ,
JL' hot ami cold nnd cUtom wuter , good cellar ,
nnd nlco > unl , tM , 'MJ S 21th , Inqulre.'u ; S2llh.
17IOH HUNT House and barn , Ilanscom
JU jihco. 11 aids , room 411. Pirst Nat'l bk
blcig , 'Ml
_ . . HKNT-G-roomed Hat at WW N Jfitli st ,
. All inoilt'in con\enlenco9 , A , IX Marsh. .PH )
ItKMe'room house with good barn ,
X1 betweenZlth and'ilth on llurdetto , only t'M.
A , UUiuenwood & Co. , room 1 , Cunningham
block. 41' '
T71OH HKNT 0-rooin modern Improved housa
J-1 A 1 locality , limit model atv. Apply. JL P.I-
giittur , 10)1 t'nrnam t. 3i
Foil HENT-Ily Hosworth & Joplln. Darker
block , J , 4 , a , tl. 7. 8. V , 10 , II , K room houses
In all parts ot tha illy. ! tU
1/JOU HUNT .Modern ten room house Ul south
-L' mi | > bt. . neiu St. Mary'H a\o. , MJ. Hlngwalt
llro , Harder block. 7M
F 'OH HKNT-7-room flat t 60S S. 13th. Inquire
1.1. K lirandels ( e Sons. 817
'iriOHHKNT A-room cottage , 123 per mouth.
j.1 iSISilarney at. 317
"K1OU ItllNT Hottsos 7 room" , tt > th and Hnr-
nej ; ; io rooms , 21st nnd Ixx-u t ; 7 rooms , ith
mid Jones ; 8 rooms' , loth and Martha. J.lnuhau
& .Mahoney. I'axton block. : tu
THOlt HKNT Chenp. a nlco convenient honso.
JL isjjs. i'lst , between Center and Dorcas sts ,
Troll HUNT-Cottages , fi rooms , S7 ) Charles
JL1 st. and 1UI So. Oth st. Enquire It.13 Shoeley
block. K
FOIt HUNT SlT-room cottngo. furnished , 173C
N 10th st. , witnln Hi blorKs cubto nnd st. car
Hues inquire on promises C4i 18f
171OH HENUVA comfortable house with 3
-L1 rooms , pantry , Inrge closets , splendid col
lar , city water , sowcrago and gas. near business
centres modornta rent. John 11. r. Lehmann ,
C.-4 8 Kill St. U72
"ITOU HiNT-iipht : : ( Ri ) oem flat , modern con.
JL'etileuces. . Inquire 01 , ' S. nth st. 811
N KI.V furnished rooms 21ft'i Doilclas st.
AI.AHni' , linndsomc furnlslicdfioiit pailnr ,
nlMi n bodioom to Knt1emen. All moilciu
iinpiovemeuts. lloaul If desired , --tl' . 1 ixniani
1710H KENT Nice , warm rooms , nnd hoard ;
JL1 M per week. 2011 llnrnoy st. { '
FOH HUNT 2or3 rooms for llirht housekeup-
ing , 2 furnished rooms : reiiMer } loisoua
bio. Corner 18th and l.e.uonw01 th. 81311 *
" \rillV ! dctlinbln front bed room , prhuto
' fiimlly , OU So. 17th St. , 3d hoiiso liom Jack
son. b'l-U
> OOM w Ith sto\o , $7 , 8W So. KM st.
I SIG-11 *
"I710H HUNT Two furnished ioomsreforenc
JL1 reqiilred. 2 li ) St. Mnry's live 7'S 14 *
I710H Itl.N r-CliLH'iful rooms ill pleasant
J- homo with or without boaul : nil modem
conveniencesterms reasonable , -itii llarncy st.
770 15-
Fl ItMSHlJI ) ltooms-1410 IOI\K t. , M ami
ninMuds , 1 double loom for llulit lioiiso-
Ut'eplni ; Inquire 11 1 bougms St. , llooiu S ,
FUJI HUM' ruuilshod loom. itldliililiK was ,
bath and heat , bis h K.tli t , upper ,
ncithslde. j ; lit
" \H ( hliY fuinislicd south roiiuiwlth ti"im
-L > heat and modem toinonk'imJ.17
Doiiftlns 7 J U *
AriHV ! pleasant laiKo soitth-fiont room in
most pleasant i > ait of f\l\ \ , " blocks rioni
P. o , on iiiblL- line ; itut iva-oimbli > , ' .MIO la\-
uipoit. 74tl 1J
llAMANT fintit parlor on tarmHl
lkth. 7l'i IJ-
' 7HH ) HUNT Hoom foi 2 , Hist class hoti e.
1 1 TI Dodgu. 7JI | 'l
1J1OH ltiNT-Po\etalulcch : fiuiiMicd. bright
J- and chiuifut roiim-with nilintu fiimllj : all
modern Imptoxe'iumN M"i ft SOUi st. dJI Kir
NIl'l ! looms fl poi wue'.v at Poilmdv House ,
southwest iiuuei llth and.lone < sts
M f lot
"OOOMS and boaul , ISIJ Chicago st O-'ta'
FITHMMii > and unfurnished looms. IJJ4
I'arnam. ( Sjil 141 :
" } jM'HNlsKD | | room f < n gentleman , luqulio
-L A. Hospu's , liil I Douglas 074 Is
KOOM nml tie irtl cheap for two geiitlomt'ii ,
I'lll Doiiglis st. " 1 ! "
\TICi : fumlsl-c
FOH Itnh'I Hoom foi icentlcme t ) , . > 4Pi Dodgo.
, VO P I , '
FOH HUNT 'Ivvo Moiu-t. oil and VII Noith
Ititli st. Inuilra at Uio biilldluj. Henry
Osthotr. _ _ _ _ , W1 _
JTMil'fiAIs I fillnlslie'd loom with nil modem
-'convenience's , with or without bond. Hill
louilbs. ; u'JI Kit
XTIClJLVfimilshod looms , also trout and
Li bark pallor ; HiJ1 ! Douglas st. 811
PUHMSHKD loom , with uai nnl batn. bo-ird
If desired , Dl'iS.-lath st , opposltu All Saints'
cnurclL , 515
ALOVPLV tiout room , hoited. furnished
nndB\eiy couveiilenee , 2107 Douglas st. I Mi
FOH HiNT ; Purulshoa rooms In Umenlg blk.
coi. 1 It'i ' mid Dudgo sts. Imilllre of Cco. ! H.
Da\lsMiilaitl hotul ollllard loom Uli
TjlOH HUNTAn elegantly furnished room or
JL' anltti of rooms w 1th board In n prlv itu fam
ily. All conveniences. Cn- pass tno door
every tluoo to live minutes. HBfeiuncos He1-
quired. Emiulie rooms , M8 nud 511 Pn\ton blk.
O FUHNISIIIID looms , 1708 Cnllfoinla.
IJ77 _
PfltNlSHliD loom Cot lent , 1 ! > 1 ! Pamam.
2l7jii : !
TjlOH IIP.NT iicgauil\ : famished loom or
J sulkof moms with lioaid In private family ,
y cai lines pan thettoo : . 10. , ' Pal k ae' . -'till
FHONTmasti looms roi genilumen or miiulv.
All modern Impioicments ; home boaul.
C13h I'.thsf. tHOJ 1 IJ
T71OH HKNT Two laigo fiont looms , nl ely
JL ; furnished , lie ttodbv htoaui , gas nud use of
bath loom , in one ot the "nicest residence ? li >
the city. Noithwestcoi I'-th and l.oavouvvorth.
J3OOMSModem Cunvoiiienctis , O.'s S rth st.
LAlKlKnleasant room , tumlshed. bricu Hat.
1110 Cnreago t ' .HI
FOR HUNT 2 front rooms on second tloor ,
jnOOoich. lull Harncyit. 2JO
I71OH HiNl' ; Two laige nlcoly fiirnlslidl con-
JL' iieetiug rooms , with bath and couvoiitoiii en ,
suitable tor four genllemt-n or housekeoplu ,
WTi. 01 scpaiato ) U and tI4. S.V. . Corner , 1 Itll
amlllomud , eiitianre on tlownul. fist
3 HOOM : ' unfuim-'he'd. 1st lloor for house-
Kuoping , 2 blocks of P O. 11)1 ) > Caplt il in e1.
7M It ?
O HOOMS for housekeeping : also back pniloi
* nnd ouo Inside- loom , lout vul } le.isouahle.
140Jnckson Bid 11 >
O HOOMS foi light Housekeeping. ! . ' ) ! Pamim.
. 701IJ-
IjinitNISHHD ami uiifuniished looms , fiU7 S
J ? Hit ! , st. Wl l t
ri'K'i : foi lent , good location for ttoctor
Call at Ho.MlH Phaimucy , cornoi llth and
Capitol a\u. fl H'
OH HiNT : 'Iho Z < \ am ) ad HOOIH of our
More , vUth oloxutor pilvlkgiIllmobaugli
\ Taj lor , IHH Douglas. TOIjfl
ITIOH HLNT A ulto fctoie'ioom In the llor
J ? building , but Hovvaid and Jackson , huited
wltliHl'-am. Appl } hnrilwnie'Stoit'.WIS. 10th ht.
torn rooms w 1th good < ollius.
steam heat , water and gas , on the corner of
I ith and Mason ; also fi ) acre ) of land for gar
den purpose's just south of DOOI- farm , within
city limits. Inquire at'll 7 south Uth st. 4V. .11
T7HH HKNT Two Hplcndid brlolv stores , good
J ? locitioii for any business , light party tc-nt
very lo-v. Morse . .V Hi muter , lUU'i rariiam st
fi 11 H
POIl KENT Olllcii ulto ii'iaincjiith , slnglu
ollicesl"ioath , all fiontlng Ibtli st Hush-
man block , N. K. Cor. l tti nnd Douglas.V. . M.
Hushman , I 111 lA > a\uiiworth. JiJ
BAKIiltY for lent at 1W Park ive. This Is a
brick More room nnd basement , Including
ovens , countuix , uhoucasc * , etc. . In tliu mo-it tin-
hlrnblo rpaldencoi ommunlty in the city : water ,
sowei and gas couur'tlonj. 'Iho-j 1 llnll.ltll
Pnxtpn block. HOT
BlflCK store room wlih basement , all ) iiod-
em IniprnronipntK , splendid location for
feed btore or haiduaro. Hto\es , etc. . being In
the heart of thu most desliablo residence uoi-
tloiiof thu city. 1J07 Paik n\e. 'ihosrilall ,
811 Paxtun block. W >
HKNTl'ho acres wltlfaew biillcllius.
ouo block from city limit * , Apidv liiN. \ .
TJ10H IlliKT tiuree barn nt IMS Ctimlng
J } 77JI 1J
IHHI5K-8TOHY building , fixtures" for sale
Imiuliunt Henry Dohlu i Co. shoo store. 111U
rarnam t 760 13
FOH HUNT Part of HemU b'ld'g. InqtlTToof
fice Hernia Omaha Dag Co. , on \ ludurt
T7 < OH HKNT A wnrehouse with high base-
JD mi-nt , centrally locatd on lUepeudent track
fiom which cnr ran be unloaded and landed
lute nnd from building. Immediate ponsegxltni.
Bnm J. How ell , 31TH. 1UU st , OmlUia. 0)5
\\TK give sptJclM attention to renting and
> > collecting rcnti. list witn u . H. K ; Cole
room o , Continental block. 05t
(3 Koitui : J. STKUNSOOHIT. room n , opp. P.
via. , will JiefbnffVr H e spetiftlnttontlonlo
renting hou owfttw'and lint" If } ou wnnt
> our property rented without delay nnd to re-
flablo tenants , do uot fall to list two same with
him. xa
IP VOl * want'\bm- houses ran ted place thorn
with Hona\vn.A. Co , lj til , opposite postofllco.
! G5
s 1'KriAI , attention given to rentlnp nnd col
lecting rout * , J01I. I'arrotto , IGOrt Clneago
BKAl'TIUJL fnccs and forms , guaranteed.
Pace bleacho t emotes freckles , pimples nlut
wrinkles , fl pcf bottlo. Hook of receipts for
the complexion 2,1 cent ? Send 4 cents for clr
culnr. Madame Huppcrt , 24J Stntost. , Chicago
GP. r lia\ed nt Oamblo'e Palace Harbor Shop
211 S. IHUst C'G lit
7NnitAVin : wedding statlonciyand Mstt
JLKins cards. Mcllrlilo 4. Hyan , 1MB Dodge.
_ _ _ _ 1II7J.1I _ _
rPOIHK ladies I hiiM < piuciinsed the cnttr <
J- stork of sheet nnd book music latol } ownet' ' .
byT"dd of the Opera House Music store.which
1 urn M-llliiKntficnutl IOC Tall iiiul oxntnlnn
Alsti hRlu ) < > t iirli-e * paid for old books.oi book
tnkon In i-xi hnngo. A. I'liner , tzi S Uth st.
' 15
EI.UQANT life Mrc ctayon portraits troc o
cnnrKi' foi shoittlmeas nn ml from plioto-
crnphsbioiiKlit to thu VotidykoPortialtbtudio ,
14U 1'ieice , near 14th , portmtts al o In pastel
7li f 14 ?
11 ; banjo taliht ns un nrtbyUco. I'.O
lonbock. ail SlOth st. TiB
HOHSi ; or team mules wnntod to attiiyn
llrst p.tjmeut on housuiitid lot , orieslilonco
lot , liiilnniv monthly pajmuut : . Write or call
on S-elby , ll.'l I'm until. W
O CtmilNl'Al , hotel. 10th and Howard : cliv
bouid 14 per week ; 21 meal ticket t . "I'jllt
Ij Dfliu public , capitalists , iu > cst
Jl ois , traders , evclmnBors and money makers
or those who lira desirous ormaUm ; niimi'V ,
wo i\Kaiucill lour linilex Idod attention und
inreful pctiisalof uiirexchiuiga list , and busi
ness illumes on account ot the great rush of
business nnd wonderful arcumulatlonof letters
of iuijuln tiom allover the I lilted States HO
weio compelled to stop niurtislliK \ a few ( lavs
until wo could catchup. Hut we are a aln
leiulv for you. Lcnuu at us for all > o ro
w 01 th. we'll meet jou hull way. Ilespei tfnll } ,
J. I. . 8.W-1I
L . \D1I S and ijoiitlimen inn lent mas < nur.ido
ults bj ( 'ulllngaLniiilt. Ibth , u
_ _ _
1DI'.H5-OVAI.-I.adlu-aud Keiitlomon doslrliiff
corrt'-pontknts nddioroiruspondlm ?
Club , K.iusia City. Mo. , unclose stamp
(111 ( W
EIiIXiA.NT lifo sl/e iiaj , n poitralts iieo
of il-aino mr ashorttlmu as .111 ail\er-
tlsement.t'iom photoRiaphs bioiiKlil to the Van-
dsKo Poi trait Minllo , 141Pleuo. . lie ir llth.
Poitl.ilts nNo 111 pa'leU 72s" 11 IT
" \\"AN I IJI I adles to Imiid ilurliu ; ( online-
> 1 incnl llt".t or cue taken. Address W H
27th st , Oin.ilia. ( M l.'i
I O9T-I.-idys ( 'aitirwlth fjold bu < kk > , with
-J-J I' I. , on iiuckli * . Itetiim to lieu otllcu ami
get rewind. M4 U *
LOST On Wi'diiesday evenlnu between II nud
7 p m. betHit'll Max Mejer \ tiros.1 Joweliv
stole , sixteenth and I'mmim , and Pttvtou hotel ,
am * p > ir i > ld Illnuiiii eiirrliiKS set with - < mali
mbjs. 1 inder lUa\ont M ax Mejura store and
recelxo tuwnrd. , 721 It *
ANDHlW liMltU'Krlaiixo'.ailt and busi
ness medium , OOVN. 17th ht.
Aa ( Til n *
a H. NANMi.Wairen : cl ill \o\nnt , Alcdl-
and bustlings medium. Futnile ilnens s
Mlid N , Illtlc st , tooiiii i and U Ni
FOHT1 NK teller ills. Leiiorni'in ciu 113 ro i-
suited on all alTalrs of llfu Satisfartloii
gnnranieed. No HIS N liitli st 0vlj 1 li
SLL ! ( ! II\ cheat ) , your own temn Mortgage'
„ jiapui tason. Pnul , north of P.O. KJ.I-U'
FOH SAMI-roIdlng1 bed , Turkish roll sola ,
diesslng ta e. combioution wodli stand :
lia\e'onl ' > been ill uso'fl\e ' months ; u 111 be sold
ntii birgaiu. Inquire foi lle.ullu , basnmeiit Hi
U1U h st. Mi H *
TO full blooded pug iniiu for sale nt 111 N
L nth st , BW li *
AUl'l ION i-ale i\traoidimin-Tl.e : fuiul-
turo of one of the tlno t 12 room II its in
Omihii ue > \ nud of llr-t-class quality , will take
) ) aco'Ihuridaj , Januarj 17 , at 10 a m , at 1117 s
Uth st. 1'or pirtlruliirs to putiPiuho cleslro
d Inspect the Curnlturo 01 purchnsii at prl-
\aU- bale , whole or part , with leiiso. Hoiiso full
> f lust class i omois. paj Ingell Ownei loa\-
ng tnc titj. Inqiiliu of .1. L. Hlco \ ( o. No
apply. Iliisluoss cash. 81715
OH fc-AU ; Ancxiollotit llolstelncow dieap
lei cash 12-:5 N. JOtli &t. 778 18 *
1T10H SALi-irO : worth of good building mi-
-L'toilal for JiiOeash ; : id door west of walnut
Hill school house. 'Si 1-f
TriOH SALi-Au : oleglllt toi ! ° cl piano , cheap ,
JL' ir sold at om o. Parties are Iea\ lug the city.
Call nt IMT ( hicngost .1.11 Parotta. 7l" llt
( Suxiantee and Trust Co. . Ifim Pnr-
iiain. Complete abstracts fnmlsliecl \ titles
o reali-atato o\amineilporfu toiUguaicntued. .
_ _
A VI It ACTS -I.inahnn X Mahouey , loom ryifi
P.ixton block. : OH
( jloHAOi- : low tales at ll.'l I'auiam St. .
fj Omaha Auction A Stoiage Co JKft
T AOi : , ctorago. lowest latos U' . M
Hushman , 1111 I < " .neuuurth. ! il
s ; In new clean biilldlni ; at low tali's ,
A \rA N I l.l ) " 'l"o"iiiiy old silk hator"iiili ) Dotlgo
V > st. . r I.
" \\rANTI5D 'lo bti } house of U to S rooms
TT nt'.u bt. Man s or Park inouiiL'spieforii'tl.
Address O 1 1 , ll > o ottlc'e- . 717 I !
sicoud mortgage -
gage ; will pay 15 per cent. Aildrms O II ,
Hee. 711 17 *
\ VANni'lo : > buj half Intel i > st 01 a whole
b islness. CIIH pay cash Must stand In
vestigation Addic-ssOH , lloe. 701 Ut
" \\rANTii--I'iiiiilture : ) , rarputs , itoies and
T > Iioiise'hold jfooils of all klmU. Omaha Am-
lion \ btorngo Co. , ll''l 1'ainam. JTi'.i '
MONi\ : loan on improved farms and
Omnhu property. M. A. I'ntoii lompany ,
inostme-nt llnukois , IMti and larnam. TiU
MONKY to loan In any amount \orrluw
rates on cholec > Omaha or Couifil Illnlts
ironerty. In dealing Hh usou dc-il directly
Uth the lender.Vo limn jou om own money
n all uisos lloth prlliilu il nnd Inleri'i-t payn-
ilo ntotirnilio * . No delays. Central Loan A
luist Co. ; I , A. Stiu r , manager , _ H'fi 111
rloOdell Ilios.
_ Co.aiJH.
ONKY to loan , longtime , ( luorgc J. Paul' '
MM _
M ONUYto loan ou Imohirod property at first
hands No np lli'ntlon sent awn } tor ap-
iroval. Security wtMUUles examined tree of
imrgo to borrowj-rp. , Ixiubird linejtment
ompaiiy. : i 8. HtYi sf 3 _ ! I71
' '
\TKllltASICA MocU''V11111 c' ° " ' " mrko ( you a
J > loairon liwisohold gooda ,
hitfh J , wagons ,
, | juiilcoiitrncta. |
flno Jew elry 01 seijtrllli's of any kind
without pubHtMliy.'Vit ' ivasouable rates.
Hoom 7 , Henley lilofk , South Omaha ,
Itootn.s CltisJlU I'4\tpQ blk , Oumlia , N b ,
_ " ' ' ' _ ; m'i
O YOU want tl ( boi'row iiione } ?
It wlU bkve you time.
It w III have } ou monoy.
You Win 1 row from
H. I' . Masters.
successor to W. H. Croft.
loom \Mihnell bld'g. I'lthnnd llarnoy sts.
* IO. M ) , V > ' ) . 110 , * J l * 5) ) . * ti ) , * V ) , t0Ut)0 ! ,
In faet any sum you wnnt on fitrnlturo , pianos.
lories , milk1 * , wagons , ep' . , on casi"r terms ami
lit km or rntuii than nny other olliu' In thu city ,
\lthoiitptiblleltyorromo\al \ of property from
> oiirpon osdloii.
If nil liihtalinont is ; due ou jour property nnd
, rnu taiiiiot nifet it , call anil sea mo , I will pay
t for } ou. If j ou hav e u loan In any other of.
mo. call andget my rules , 1 will take it up and
carry It for you.
1 inako loans for one to nix months and you
can liny n part at any time , reducing both prin
cipal nnd Interest.
All loans renewed nt otlgtnal rules and no
charge for paper * . . . , _ ,
All buslnuss Btrlctly conUdentlal Ca and
see mo.
Don't forget ttio numuer ,
_ HQOIU OVltliuell block. S
OPKH CKNT money to loan-Cash on hand ,
W. M. llurrls , room 20 , I reazcr block , ojyi.
BTTIf.DINO JoftM 1) V , SUolo * . 2iO , First
Nufi nink. ; > n
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses
wagons , etc .until yon hnvoieenC II. Ja
cobs , room 410. rtrst National bank bulldlne ,
Cor. Uth nnd rarnam ssi
T CAN make n few loans on flrst-cliss chattel
J-securltles nt reasonable rates.V. . K Potter ,
room 10 Ilnrker blk. 7Vi (
\\rANTKt-Sevcral good , flrst-closs loans at
TT once. Mutual lu\e < tmeut Co , Hoom I ,
Darker block. Oil
" \rON12Y to loan on chattels nnd teal estate ,
a'lgood notes bought ntnl sold , 1MJ rarnnin
st , rooms - nud 3 , rorcigti Kmlgrntlon Co.
fico rn
( { VHOiOto loan at Oper cent I.lunhnn A. MlT
Phone } , room fiftl Putt on block. J70
MONISY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc , or ou nnx npproind sccttrltx. J.V. .
Ilobblns , H.SOO , Shuely blk. , llth and ItowMd.
plIH.ADiiPHIA : Mortgage As Tru t Co. ,
J cheap pastern money dlioct to boirowers.
Make building loans , largo or small , porfocl
titles , accept loans In thiMr western olllce.
Ueo.\VP.Coatesropiosentnthe < , lJ Hoard Tratlo
4 0
Ir YOU w nut to borrow money on diamonds ,
onplnnos or household goods , on hotsi-s ,
wngons and other pcisonnl pro | > eity.
Ou mortgngii paper nnd eoutiarts nt fnlr
r < u < s without delay or publicity , go to the
1'nlrbauk Investment Co , 215 S llth , upstaiis.
d.Bl > X ) . JLiVm. Jl ) , VHH Spcclnt fund to plnco
f on choice Imprmod pi opoity , D. V Moles , ,
-10. I Irst Nntic.nal bank. .Wl
\'OtT can deal direct with the Pimlilent Trust
Company , room II is I Irst National bank
building , Omahn , If jou want A loan ouroalo.i-
lute' . Io ins on Insluo buslnuss property cspo
i tally desired Kcprcaent also thu old nnd well
known New Knylmid Loan A Tit 1st Compinv ,
MONI5to.loau O. P. DnUs Co , real estate
nnd lo in agents , IfiO'i I'nmnm st. M
ffi "i.UKl special fund to plnro In c holce 1st Itintis.
roS\illbu } omu'gooil mortgageIpnpor , " "
Hlchardsoii , Hill blk , Pith and Douglas.
SMALL loins mndo on Omahn nnd south
Omnhn pioptitj Ohaf , it. Woolk-y , tot
fiM Paxton block wil Xf
SKi : Sholes. ' 'Kt 1 Irst Nnt 1 bxuk , bofoio mak-
. _ Ingoui loans. , ivj
MONKY to loin- Lowest lates. l.oius closed
promptl } . II. K Cole , Hoom ( I , Continental
bloiK. ,171
" 1711HST moitgiRO kniis. at low rates , -ind no
JL1 delay , i ) \ . bliole-s , ' . ' 10 , 1 list National bank.
KOPI.K K rimncial i\chiiiige : 1 ho filrost , 1
X qulotu-t , most llnui 1 moituy iiM'h.iugo In
theelty : lo ins m ule without delay or publicity ,
in any amount Iiirfo or sm ill. at tlio lowest
rntos of mteiost on any a\allK'.ilo sixuilty ;
Ionia may bn paltl at any tlni ) or renew e d at
original rntiM o. House ut > u , mgr , room W , ,
Harkurhlk. l > th ami Pnrium. 703
MOM'.Y Loaned for 't ) . fifl or 1)1 ) days , on any
klntl ot ehattel st'uuiltv ; it'iisonili'o ' nitui-
Cst : business lolillduutlil. J , \\ilkllisoii ,
1417 1 amnm st. : .7il
\V. Peck can loin J.VWOOUnt lowest
delay , iish on baud , Hoom I l'un"r blk.
[ > ioPljb'.S : riunnclil i\chaugo-Lnrgo : and
Mnnll loans tor long and siiort time , at lou -
est rates of inte'.e'st , on re il ustato mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and je'welrx. Don't fall to cill if you want filr
nnd clu'ip lucommoil itlom 0. llousiare-n ,
.Mgr , loom " ) i ! ' , ( talker blk , nth and I'auuim.
MOM'.Y to loan : rash on h mil ; no delay. ,1
\V. Sciutro. U1V I'am mi st. , I list National
haul : bulldiuj. ,175
HAN1 * mndu < m lent estate and mortgages
bought. Le\\lsS. \ Heed A , Co , I"J1 Piunim.
DO } oti want monuvI.oius made on house
hold furiilluie , pianos , horses , etc. without
clclavoi lemonil. IVrsims wishing a loan of
this kind will io.ell ! tocall atom otlko uoloro
dealing c'lspwlii'ic ; busmosi strlcth coullden-
tlil. A. 13 ( .iconwood & Co. loom 1 , Cuunii.g-
ham block , cor. Uth and .laccsou sc- . 411
MONK Y Loans iicgotl itnl at low rnt s with
out delm. tin 1 no good comineulal
papei and moitgigo uutiH. S. A. Sloiuau. Coi.
I Itli and Kainant. ! &
TITONKY to Loan Wo na\o several thousand
aTi dollars to plan ) for eastern parties on tin-
pio'.iMl city piopeity. Harris , room 411 1st. Nat.
Hank bldg. 7H
B riLDINC. loiuj. Llnnlnn V M iho'iey.
MONKY to loan A few thousands trom tlrst
hinds at MI > low rates. C. 1' . Hnirison ,
More hints' Nat'lba-ik. UISJJO
IJ1CIHSAI.K A good hnnlw.irn liuslnass and
JL1 uu\\ , clean slot 'c ' of about WtW : als < i bulM-
ing and lot : inagioniug town in Nebraska ;
stock can In1 1 educed If desiied. I en pnrtluilais
tall on C. O. l.obock , Omiha Ilaidwaie Co
-I'iotir mid foea store in good mil-
nlng oulei , also ph icton and umi.ige.
\\1I1 tnulu cariao : lor goqd horse. 1-'I5 Howard
iitnet. Ws-ia *
A Nnttorni'y of 6\peileuco and highest lef-
j V eieiui's. desli.'s connection with estab-
llhiied Omaha law Him. Commercial law and
collui tlonsiip i iltj. Salaiy or p.ntnerslilp
. < ba 1 1 *
Aiidie.-sO7l. i oe.
TTWll SAM : Hii.souabloPlour and feed
-L stoi. ' , ll-Kiiilu lioti'l , 7-ioom hotel , cnop
boii'-o and loslaiuants , naif interest In saloon ,
bull Intoiest In general ineichaiitllnu btoio ,
stoeK of dings , htaek ot hanlHaiu ; nil in llrel
tl i"sl < iiitioiis. Co-Operatue Land and l < ot Co.
'JOi N 10th st. bill II
J71OH PAI < n ( heap , a set of machliieiy for
J-1 wood work , almo-it njw , vl/ : planer , ra-
saw , iljip nnil cut oir s iScioll bavi turning
lathe and sandpiper machine , with shafts ,
piillejs and boll * . Address A. Urust , Palls
tit } . Neb. 7Vi It ?
"I7UIH SAf.n A Mi Ing of lumber yards on the
J1 II. \ M.H. It In thBhOiithweUwn pnitorthu
Hite. all locaK'd In il\i > touns. lmpio\eiiu > ms
tisl-cl ) iss , sioek all lit u , blight and clean ; capl-
til rc'nircil | , about tlJVl XI. Address C ll..ioU :
Hot rf , , McLutik , Ncbniskii 7ID III
FOHSALi : doing to leave the clt } , and will
se'll two U loom lints cheap for cash nil oceu-
piud vithtlehlinblu tooniurs pi } n piollt of * , " >
Itiifsf per month No tniilei.s need npph ( all
ut JIToulh luth M. , p. m !
"IJIlKsi'-cl iss stock of staple nud fancy giocei-
-L leu. also IKturos foi Mile gootl business
ostaljlliheil.llno'iil ver } low. Atldiess
01 llee. I.-JH ,
F SALi : An old wollt'stnbllsh.'d business
- cculinlu locatuil , onuwanting business
with a MII.IH t ash capital lo Invest and menu-
inv buslines , it will jay them tti Investlgnlu
this. Aildriss biislnuis , Poibus Houses Pith
ht. Omaha , Neb. OJI-l'lt
JJIOH II-MIlk dairy. H. 4. 110 N. 10th Ht.
21UJ 2W
ITIOH S\L1 ! A stoe'c ' nt ngriniltuial Imple1-
-LJ mouts. biigglts , piimps , ] Httliusand
tool * locattd at Mclook , Null. , a ll\u tow neil
thu H , \ M iallro nl 'i.'H nillin wust of Lincoln.
Stock new and In good order , lnislnc H ostnb-
llshe-d four } ears ago and has alvvajs been
piolll ibiu ; satlsfnetory roahous glvou for doll
ing , 'Iho Mock. Including buildingjtKKil. ( Inven
tor.v about f.lM > . will NO sold fore l cash
iIovMi. bainueu on tlinti for approved pnpef ,
'I hi * is n tlrst-class opporllintty for any one
wishing to ongagu In the Implement business ,
" - - " , D. Wukh , I in ( i el. , Mueolti. Neb ,
011 17
H\T mnik for sile , lust pr.j lug stand In
. Pilco ( l.'Xl Address N Hi. Hoe
olllce' .
OOK at th AllklndH ot nierchinidiso and
porsoiMl pioportj wanted illexiiangejor !
impioxed farms und wild land. 1'orulgum \
inlgrKtlou Co. , Kooiiis - un a J 1JOJ raruam Ht.
: . ra f
rPO TltADK llniino and lot In Ilnnseom pinto , c
1 for stock of meithundlse In good , llvutown
in Nebraska Address , A. S A , . 1:18. : S , il st. ,
Omaha. HlBlIt
MO. 1 ding block. JI.WO grocoi ) , JI.WJ boots
-i- ' ami ahous. ' | HO lUo loom housoMln South
Omaha for \acant lot. AUlvo nul ontutu ami
propurty f\cliaiigi > , 15 i I Dodge st , H-M r >
Fpo'llx Cl I AKd iN-Se'mTfor t u ifiTehcri pt loiuif
Jllnolv linpniiedKO'Jinre ' Ciuek S'lillcij farm ,
one of the. llncot In thu weit. Plenty of timber
und water llox C , Idiina , Kan. K.'Mlf
rPO K.YCHANOn-Oood fnrm land ncnr Hlg
JL Springs for merehandlsu or live mock. D.
II. Hall.MAI llarney Ht. 774 211
HOII8KS , laiulsanil furms foi building lots ,
( Willassume' , ) Paul , 1QOJ I'arnam MtK
K > JI 3
\\MN'I HD llullillim material of all klnda
T T for lots , hoiues , farms , laiuld , horses , etc. . ,
etc. Paul , liyi yaninin at. h.n-13 (
TJ Oiri'ltADn IUulneas block ou Lake street ;
JL1 10 room hoiiKO on CulllornU street ; large
hound"with modern IniprovBineiitH on Twenty-
tlrrt street nuar St. Mary'M luoniio ; u good
Imlljinvlot , iiuai lot on motor llnu In Council
IllutrH forrtmiik-ncu In Omaha ; : i clear lotn In
Albrlght' Aiin-ix , for house lu Oichard Hill or
OmnhaVlew ; Unproved farm nuar Lincoln for
Umaha property , I handle no wildcat prop
erty. UnMBrbwcn.i * , 1W1 } urnam street
SAM : or Trtde Missouri fnrm ; UO acres Im-
proititj no Incumbranco , 5 acre orchard ;
M acre's culthntcd Inmilroof ISUi'i ' N 17th st.
_ so ) n
1C of hnrdwnro Jl.nro nml store buiMini
, .i , to trade for cleit- property ; stock of
I Imrdwnro HAW ; store 1m Idlns on lei'ed
ground nud stock of grocoilrs stork of drugs :
Jl'.OJ ) itovk of mercimndlso. tiflt ) stoik of
mllllneiy. Stork of gioccrles , fiirultuiu nnil
fltiiircs of gotiil hotel nnd saloon In t \ lSto k
of gmieiliM M.iV ) ) , nud good store bittlillng
* sw , to trade for clear property. Per further
particulars SOB "llxchango Hook. " Co Opernttui
l.lllil A Lot Co. . ! Wi N. Kith St. MO 1,1
TPOH iFlADi : Corner "oiri"iiiiiliiK st.lisxiiX
J. for peed niMiTeiiio Hronmn > \ Co. , Cham
borof Comnierte. 713 17
aV ) i.VCHANJK-lor : ( merclmtnltsa two
faimsof HO ncio < oath , sltmitotl 1 nud 4'4
miles from Urokon llo . Custor Co. , Nob. , you hn\o to tintlo. C. Kounjr ,
Slionnmloah , town. 7M Hit
i\CHAN(3i-ono : ( : gioiorystoclc. Hbout
fl'iW worth , one iroier } and building ou
loa etl ground , S ! . H ) ; one livery stable , to trade
for lanil or lots. Co opeintho l.ilnl .V Lot Co ,
SON. li.tli st , 7ir , 11
H.\tIIANi-Poi ( ) : tloHirnblo rMlden n
property ; or all of Cottoning.
ID cnulro inside resideiuo lotm Hastings
101 lots lu l.ltit nln.
Din nries flnu fnimliig 1 mil , Lau\astor county
Pine tosldeiiro propert } , Mncoln
( iooilrontal propeiu , Lincoln.
Choice fiiuc\ residence , lornoi Lo < Angolos.
A mm lo-ddenort propurtj lu Ilanscom PIup.
Also some good moiigtgo nolei
Ailtlressi'U Ing locialli > n ami prl "of prop-
1-HV..I I ] , II. , care Hrttim lion Co. , IJI7 Ltuvon-
wurth. , WI
111 AVi : real nud personil property of all
kinds fin trntlo. ( all and eu mo Ucoi gi < .1.
Stcinsdorir. rooni (1. ( opp. P. O | s >
rpo t\CtI : ANJP Per mun handlsiliostot k ,
JLoi Omnliipropt-ilv , a geol farm , lill anes ,
In franklin lo. Neb.tine mile from nlo \ It.
H.tonn. ( Jootl splionls. Pticull , ? " AiMi-oss
I ) . II. llnll. , ' 4M llnruoy Ft 7,11 ,0"
"I/UH i.VCHANi-lmpio\oniid : ) : itulmproved
4 losldoiico propeitlu Omaha nniMoiiutll
HIiittM. Call and see us. Western Laud \ Loan
Kteliaiigo. UUit ;
'PO UXLIIANOi : t nen houses , ml modern
JL Improvements , cor. llh and l"dgo , for good
farmlands. VNostum Land \ Loan Kxilmngo ,
117 S Kith. 017 14
TflOH THADi : Illghh Improxnil , (110 ( acres.
J I low anl count } . Nob. , unluriiu'bi'rod : will
tltide foi good house nnil lot In Onmlia. Hroti
u in \ Co , Chamloi of ( timi lie. 74S 17
J pOH THA DKline itiipunod 110 acre faim ,
h ilf mllt < ( tout tlnlvliur city , stocke-d with
hei'l rull-bloodialtlo "A" J > . lloaul I'indo.
rpo ixciiANu-poi : : omiim piopcru. nio
JLntius NobrasUn 1 nut uid.'Daiio lownfami.
( IIIIH It. Woolh y , mom MS Pn\tou bloi u
Mil is
GOOD farms , clear en llu'htlv ln < timberoil , t.n
me'reliauillso , li\tntork oi titv tnopmty. II.
i : . Cole , rojin 0 , Contluontnl bio ic. 77
\ 'ANTii : ) A MOCK of hnrtlnnie * , fiimltmo ,
T giorerles , di } goo'ls , ilothlng , 01 liootsnud
shoes , ut oxchango. fni a go id fai in 01 eltv prop
erty. Co-opoiatlve Land A. Lot CoMj N. liith
IJ10H \11K-J-ioom hoii'-o nud ' 3 lot foi
JL ? usidumt- VMJSI side ot ntv. Ilie'iman \
Co . lliimbei of Commoito. 7IS 17
\\7 IHN : you ha\ cam thing for exchange cill
TT on or writous. II. II. Cole , room 0 , Con-
tliu'iital block , f-77
OH IJXCHANOi : four cloir South Om ilia ,
lous $40J e-aih. to tiadu fin Nebiaska laud.
holLi.v. Ij.'l laranm. HI
DHl'OS. hardware- mt-ri hautllso w.iut-d
for , uj acres of land. \ \ . Hiiuestoel , Creliili-
toil , Knocoiiui } . Nob. 511
IpOH 1 ! VCII AN (51 ! To nn homcM or mules
wanted lor Hist pijia-ut on hoiivj nnd lot ,
baliiiu o monthly or qu u lolly p lymunts. Selby ,
PJI I am un. csi
1710H KXCHANiK-lloin n'l 1 lot m-Miito
X1 bnllillng lot to trtdo for Ion ; tlmo toil ts
tatu2il moilg. IV L Selby , l"i'l Parnaiu. ll >
rpo HVCHANfJi ; 1'or faun In cistern .So-
-Lbuiska , 2 houses mil lotstleai. Ch is. H.
\V ooliey , Hoom f > .K , PnMoti blink. tiJu 10
STOCK'S of goods to evehaiue foi Hud and
cltpiopeitv. . Chas H.oolluv , loom Mi.
Pa\tou block. fiOl IS
7 OH i\CHAMiK : Ilusinu&s block. Sl-.COO
e'fiult . nl1 full , tenants , ill Hvn
} " ' ' ' good ' " " a
kttntity" " A''L"fioii'iii''l"iiitVu" ! ! Uri 11 1 *
KANSAbaud Nobiaska laud to exchange foi
low.itovMi pioporty. Chas. It.ooPey ,
toomn. ! ' , , Pnxtuii block. fliPi fH
FOH LM'IIANOL ijouth Omalia lot for
team horses or mnle > . wngoa and harness
Selby. I il F.iiuam. fisl
T7UH u-cOinnge Ist-classclf ir Improrod Om.t-
JJ h i property for good tluiut-i .and. N : J. Heo
OH nXCHANi-e,5) ( ; ; ) new hoiwenml lot
foi smill faim neil Nub. tuimty scat.
Sclbv , 1'iJI 1 urnnm. i ) l
-J\Oll \ iXOHANii-Carrligo ; : and bugg } with
J fXMi ish for unsicmcd note 01 long time
lortgngo Selby , PiJl l-'amam. G3I
SMALL house' and barn , Oat n s of I uid within
'miles of Omaha , nil tor if 01 tash It taken
ntonco luml is flnu forgardimlng orstocki.iis-
Ing. Splendid pi uo fir nil ill } .lohti Himaul.
yio So. ran st. KJS-I i *
T71OH SALi : splendid ton acre liatt of laud
-L ? near junction ot Holt hint ) Hv. anil the P.
i ; . i.M.l. It H. incHt Omin.i. Ninth and
east exposure , mngnlllcont Ue'vv , enl } tvvont } i
Iho minntus ride fiom bus'iiess eeiitio ot
Omahu just tliu plnco lor a t onloitaljle ; home
'I his is one of the bust n -stments on the mm
kit , us this tract will make lilt } i hoku lots that
w ill In lug live bundled tath. or J-'iOJJ , within
the neM tlino vears Owner It obliged to Hell
and will take J7.IVIO if Hold at once , ( ioo N
" ' , room fO. Uarker block. KiO 11
> I/SIN K&S ( hances bJ. . l , , Hlco A. Co. ,
Lh u hotel ui ill w Ith > , OQU t j Jld.OcV ) rash c all
learn or a snap opening
Llvu hotel man with ? , IU)0 ) e'isn , wu will interest -
tore-st } ou.
Half lutoiost In good paying roitnniant ; must ,
haveliC ( leash.
Olie'Of the lln 'St nnd be t loi.itutl
in Omaha for h.Ue. owner u'tlrlng , Pihu , ilrnt > ,
will taku part tiado.
\ \ o hav o a itO.Oj i man looking for an opening
n established mercnntlU * business InOmiiha.
Pi at Ik al Painter with Mime t ash i an bo mailu
happv by tix. a big thlii'-'aiid no mist ike.
I.Htnbllsliod ( ,10111 } hiislncss lor sale ,
on goo 1 htri-t t , doluga .So 1 biiHlms * , ovviui
loth ing- will take clou Omaha piopurty.
l-oi tl store on Pith htrool. Him locailon : IAII
put in us miicii us } ou w Ish ,
iatablishnd : conimlnsliiu hiiilmsi llnu Inkk
. good location ; iT-WI ) , owner utliiiig
P. .
T 10 K.VCIIA.MIK Dyj. L. Hlco A Co
Ti.O 1 acios In Johnson count } , Koiituck } , line I
grnss 1 mil nnil walnut tlmbei , rli-ai ; want '
I > ubrnska land.
to acres. 4 miles from Platt Contoi. fi'i m los
broke , homotnlng line ; want Omaha pi-iperly.
HiDai Ten clear In bherlilun county , Nub ; want
Omnhn propuly
7 loom , iiiodum new rcslilonco on corner on
tin line ; pilto MXi. ( ) uipitt } $ .1,0X1 ; want tknr
PJnu d room , nou .stoiyand half hoiue m-ai
ear line , pilcofl/iUO , niiilt } JI.7K ) : w nits stoi k
or grodiics 01 gooil impio\uil tanu , will
asHiiiiiit Htiiiui Incumbninces ,
tll .0 UHtorLi mien in Tens.Vliftt haxuon'
tock much in N Mttxleo foi Omaha
piopcrty ; will pay cash dllli'icnce.
JUI.IMU jioU'l pioiiorty in lo\.i iloliu n piltu
btmliH'ss foi Oniah'i propotty or rstubllnlu-il
buslnuss of nil ) kind
lIT.imllvt'O otitllt foi good wild Hind , clear. I
* I7.IXM lioiul In Ihu NobniHku town tor good
land , clear.
IWUli block of glltodgt-'d Omaha
linpnifod. Wluitliaio yi
j'ri.ftn bloek choioo bnilixo-s icHldoncu Omaha
propc-rt } , Impi ov ml \S hat hnvu yon'
ClioleuHIND improved roilduneo .ierty | ou
South Tenth sin-si ; want Nubnuk.i fnim anil
KlH.lKKJ re ttilent o propui ty < m Callfoi nlu sti i ot
for Omaha varanl proji-iiy. i
aU lacri' < coil am tlmboi liiml In .lo'tnsoii '
county. Uentiic ky Vh it linv i' } nil '
lUnLiiisOm ihi ; submtuu tnopjrty , all clear , n
foi Omaha iiHldoutopiopoity ,
$ , Migllt i-tluo O.uaha piopoity for cknr
wi'Utciru luml. linestlgato.
Haw thorn lot , elcai , and Thonibuiglot , cloai.
for luml within IDQ miles of Omaha
toil-atrii slot I. farm In Dakota. ID acro-i tlm-
b r , ilH.ifll. for Omaha ri'tulencu propurty.
M Iliuidiso addition lotx. opi ] isltu Hotintu
plaeo. ll.siilfiiiilty.Vaiithousu ami lot worth
ilT75iiriescli'ai timber , grims nnd coal lands
In Missouri , Ananias , Kentucky , ( luorglu nud
Louisiana \Vhnt htuo } cm I
ll'.t ucrtm en ill nnd timber lands in Adnlr
county , Ml nourl.
| , 4JU ncrfH land Ju Holt .cojinty , adjoining
Stewart , flue land , for m rthundlHe , croccikM ,
boots andslioiM , I'rlca il'JW to flfi pur acid.
All rloar. h
fVHM improved farm , with slock , In Knox fl
comity , \\hut have you/
tMU/Oequlty / In.lchdlie llutlan county. No-
brakka , lmpro\ed faims , and. ) cholcu Plillllpi
lonnty , Kansas , Improxt-d fnmu for Omahn
" '
"a'lfiiiacre Iraets Plcrco county , Nebraska ,
hind , all clear , prlco ttOX > , for OuiAliaIICIUH
Ho lilciue property In Olonwoo-l , la , clear ,
foi NctJinslcnfarm.
Ic t us hear from you tnrjv. f Hhci l y letter en
pmonalc.all , , l. ! < . Hlco A Co , Sl'i-l"
HAliK 'Several cottage Itomen on easy
terms. J. H. iivaiu. H3I-IS
1JAIU1A1NiiOKnt : corner lot In lUmcom
J 'Placo. out } ' JJ tl M Small cash pvyinciit , long
tliiv ( lee N Illekd. IMrker block , WO-I.I
double house In nlro neighbor *
' - ' hood , ciosi" to two cat linns , n big bargain
If sold soon. Can gli o p istc sloti of ouo hoti .o.
Hoo. N. Ill , ks llarker block. tU ) IJ
IP Vol nro IntoioslodTii leal i > lnto , If yotl
want n home or n lirst class Investment , tat
nud fee ( ico. N. Illi ks
Heal Hstato A cent.
Hoom in , llnrkiir Dlock.
Hoio are n few b-wjjnliH
5-ncro trail , WP > ( iimii i | ,1'\ )
Kleqnnt ri'stdo'iro noir2Mtimid lcvlg. ) I2.0W
Iliisliioss lot -south Omnhn , htignln 1.IKM
Nke resilient o corner. Hnusi-om plat o S.0
101 foot ruining * * , nonr Le iv onworlh and
Park. f , m > |
Choice 10 a. 10 tinct on lli'H llao fi.'iOJ
Nlio house ami lot , llmnoom plat e (1,0) ( ) )
( Hi toot linckngoon Holt line 7 , * > ( X )
i.ot K , blk 11. South uinahn
Coiner. is ) < .t-ii Icot. eight Mm KB from
lontt hnitf-o tlireo hoas.x lent foi } 7u
per yoai. ioom foi Ihreommo 7,500
Husuu'ss propt i ty , m nr ICtli and llnt-nxr 2.VXQ
HI foil m' ir Mb nnd 1 ntnnm , best pi-o |
btmliifibs prnpril } en the market 4VXX1
Sploinlld loi.ttfoli lei gieoii h.-UHii . oti 1.1X0
ol P aoros i holco farm laud in Hownr i < mii'v. '
Neb. , n lili : bnignln Ifsom noon
IHI lines Iniptovotl Intnl. t t-trm N.UI IHL , ,
Call nnd got prlco
1 lounut I'oiiiile ' hniisB with IntRo lot bum ,
furnaces , baths , eli < tile lull" , il < , spu'ii It !
liolgliboinond Ciosu to ear Inu , louts foi s per
cent of * l".ixfi , t-aii cho Immotlrito possession
of on- house prlco lei short tlmo oin.v Jl i ftOO.
( li fo t ou liitn near t astollnr. * , SM
. pleudld plot oof ti ink igrtpioport ) for Hiunll
ion l ami Itmtbor jaitl , * Jr , M
First t lass lei ntloii ou Hell Line lly for el o-
\ntoi nut ) grnlu business , ji , ii
Summer gudi'ii pioperty for silo at a bar-
gain I all and see It
( ' \oliniipo List ,
2il lots \\ostlnwn Pmk price fl-'OVl , Im urn *
briuioo , * Jii'll : long lime uiinlt } , Js I 0
\ \ ant good farm Iniul
Plrst tin * . * ! fnrm In ctnttal Nubiaskn to tinilo
foi small honso and lot
I , ' mi litres nko land lu onstem Noluaskn to
It ado for Itnproxod till plnpt'lty
Iliisliioss t iinor , I IJ loot , it uts foi VWwith
loom foi lull k block on lei ; tan bun n lo to pity
fi.MJOpor vein. I'rltv , $ liUiiOj luiumbraiuo.s ,
fJiiouOi eipilty.J-'i.OOJ ; want good lautl 01 lionstM
ami lots.
75 cliolto lotJift onlilde the city limits In
\t cut omnhn : oorlot p'lfoil foi grailo : close
tocnrllui ) ami licit nillwav. Prlco , flMU , In-
t-unibtauti' $1.000 ; long tlmo : OVMIOI'S ounltv ,
\\llltriiileforgoodlauilMi siook l u It.
( iooigo .N. Illiks , n om m. laikci lil n K , real
OHtnte- mid Inv i siinoiit nn'iit ' * > > 11
"VTP.W t ublu line to Iliiuseoni plum In tliu
J > > spllULt will double theV iluitof p.o.eili . m
the vl lultof Hantini | ) trU ( nil i ul s mo
a binntlliil lot nt iiust-ul pilio Hi , i , linker
block. NO 11
i/ltll ) Mili-Tlm llnest snmmi'i- inlo'l plop.
titv niiiuiid tliu cll\ . Il will p ly vim lo in-
vestlmite tills. II IKS. Hilkei b'o ' k. HOli
F > H S\Li-Mo : , ' laigt ! oisl fio'it I t m
HI ret t i .u line , neai ihuii-ha nl s luiois in
giatle HIM perfo lllevol Pi I o * Ml. on < asy
tomihmull moutlilv p ijments ( a in N i :
toi I ith and ( lit ago sts. uliii-
1710H SAIli IT. rtol on"DcTtge by 1 'i o i llili
* - ' houses , tan tilUii tills foi ash nil no > r
? ITOKI , lie-si totnei In 111- i Itv for tun Ic t 'lie
ineiits , loom lei snvi'ii hoiixos. M \ * |
ConipniiKlth and 1 am imh i\o ov.c u vi saio.
A 11AIIC A IN' , ( iooil - ' Moiy house , nnil lot
, 'iilxlH. ( iood loi'illon , must ; boHiililby
Pobniaiy 1 , 101 worth Inpi'in
on pteiiiHoj HI7'Oth st. ( I1 H I it
"IIlOHSALi : A ) foot with good Oioom houso.
Jfiiriui e , gns.'Hoi hot and olilwatt-r ,
b mi. ami tn i > thing comilfti | > , ou | iaumoiil ou
PaiKaxc. lit1" ! biiKiilu In Omnlia nt > i,5no
Kastt'ims , linostlguu this. \.Miolc , JI
I list Nation il bank illsr ;
"ITlOlt SAM. Oi o\chniijc , ten at r.M ol. Pir-
J uaia HI. , bctwoun Kit haul > 'it'i ' ' srs , * ' ) .oji.
U 111 tratlo foi leal oslnto moilgavos or st'll on
easy terms. W. L. .sulli ; , iri'l imnnm. Ill J
$ 0.00 cash nud JVMI1 mouthlv. Inilunltig lu-
teiost , buys bumitltnl H-iooni luiitso with all
moclom coiuonlences. H. L.Colo , r mm n. Con-
tlllHiitnl block. ri7l in
IT'OII ! sALi-Oi : o\ilinilno for Om ill i pi in-
ertv , fi ( aeios , snltaiilo tor platting ; uill
m iktMiM lots , all deal ; big mono } 111 u foi sonut
out whocnii push this : lo atcil .lust o itsid-j tin )
t llntltbof Couiii'll lllulN. lii'iuiri ) ( .en .1.
MemsdoilT. opp. postollliu. Ill
' ! Ti OH cash aildiri/X ) mo'itlilv. Im billing lu-
$ teiosl , bins like u.y > homo. ( emu and
cult. H. 13. Cole , room i ) . ( oiillneiitiil bloi'k
,11- ,
_ _
SASH , door anil blind factoi } , tltst class con
dition anil location. A biu'ralii
i\nn ; , r liloi.k , 1'itli ami I'linum
I710H SLIHlegaut ! home at ipit tnph prlco
-L' , , n mstcinirt .1.11 Iaus. I . llaiue'l bunk ,
Kith and I amnm fats. Ml ' 5 „
IjHill liatgiilus liTifairseom Place , -co lllcks ,
JJ Darker block. SIM i
THAVUsomooftliu finest lots lu Iliiuscom
Place iui Mtlo at bargiiu ll iiros. Cull and
si'otliem Ilkks , Harici'i block. Hiii-ll
" ' "
GAI L nnil sec thu buaullf ill" lots "Wo | (
Ilnnseom PI ico. lllrks , Ilnrkor bloclc
M' ' ) 1 {
Ti1ltSALH-Lot ( ) is. I ) . 14 , llauscom jilatu H-
-I ? loom house1. AWM
Lot ( , , b. K , llaus'-om pint i (8 ( loom hou e ) ,
Lot IB. b ir , HaiHcom place (7 ( loom house ) ,
Lot b. M , Ilauscom plico , ( S-room house ) ,
C , P. ilairnou , l fii limit > .Nat. II ink
70 15
UJ'JW buy sa full lot. mil g 1 I room collate ) .
PiItsyte'.iiH nil 1 g 10 1 lo tin , 1) ) . V , HI l dim.
oem ' 10 , I'lrsit N tt'l b nit , eor. 13th and I'ai-
iinm. 'I"H
_ _ _
FOU SAW ! -Two ologiut homus In llniiscom
Plucooii luisonublo terms : mortgage piper
taken IM nan payment , llosworth Js Jopllu ,
block. - Ml
: SALL Che ip-Not foi trade : ni,1.7A IICIOH
, d f-oc fi-l.'J I two miles from M.uiiiette | ,
llumlltoii county N'uhraslca. Pinmo hotiNu.stt-
lle. ltd ) iuro < under good lurh-wlu ) fence ,
loiniil icdni posts' , two Ntii.v.s ; living wntei.
M foot ( hauiiJl , 1 wells , liljuiel tank , toiral.
it'll liotlet , . 'in ittiral .sljik tain h.In u linn com
i It.
I'llininliont Jll.VJpei acic ) 11 , "XJ
'asliilovvn -1,010
land 't ' ve'.us tlmoO poi eunt .I.JiD
( lo and look ove'i luml. Adilruis nwnui , P. 1C.
Mklm , P.O.'Lit inera. , Doiivei. Colo. If )
1711)11 ) SALi :
I lj ! fl. A. Union Company ,
luvcslinunl ItHiiKirii ami
( leneral Heal j : tate Dcnleis
blxtounth and Paiiiam his.
lnxW coiner oil alloy , tilth ht ninth ol Leaven-
voitli , il U ) ) ) . 'I Ills Is Ji put cent loss than it
s vvoith.
" \I4 , iiiiorss ft on Douglis , b-twrui llth and
Jin sts , at it pi leu ,10 percent bulovv HH netual
line , indess hold Htion blocl : will boeiettuil on
Im hH feet y priHunt ovvnoi
UnxP/i , S ami 1 ! front , corner lOlh ami
Doilgn , tlioci v lintH ! iiifliiiomii situ In thu ( lly.
Ins In vvoith ifT.fiH" " . Ho will take * , ,7UO ten i
'iw d.ijs , 4.1,11 uj cash , balaiuo I years at H per
nut ,
' 1 ho aboit * tinff pieces mo thu beat liaignlnn
iit'ioilf ' , todi > . Ainouo haMng menu } will
icl vvlcel ) bv hivc'Htlng In Omaha proptutv III
ho nuM 'U diy * M. A , LIptoii Company , J'o'o- '
ihone-K'iL 71)
ffillH SALi : orlr.ilu Allnofnrm HDncioiln
L1 llarlau toiinly , forsalti 01 trnilu for a him I.
ifviotorliHoi ell } properly. ltiiiiliunl | Muyur
H.iiipke. 4'ilifl
_ _ _ _ _
niOKSALI. 'iU atrus. Hamilton lo. , Nob.
Iniul , t ) per in re , ono lnlr I < isli b il i < i uat ,
pil cum. Adlusn W. J Wlldtuin , Denvur ,
1)1 ! Vl'TII'I'lj ' s-ioom Homo of most moilurn
> ilt.v-Uuniil ( llni'di. Nothing omlttod In Its
oiidtriutlon ; ftirnte.0 , city watoi , g is , hot ami
olil waiot , aiitlqno oak tlnlsh , largu east , front
otovoilooKliig till ) city anil Council HlulTs , thu
limn ) ( ompluui In nil Its tlut illsi an bu pur
hand no out ) or two thousand IU < H than lu
ho sinliigMllpny joil lo luvestlgalo now
P , llanlxon. Morcliunn' Nat'l bank , UIJ
F10HSALU Or oxehunge , iik : Vnlluy sFock
fill in , BUI ntrux In Dakota county , b hinHkn ,
| miles su ot rtlonv Clt > il inllt'H north or Uin-
i on , Nub , , ( ntnllroad jinirtloiii , All ft nrotl
nt ( Held * and pastures , ID ncros griM'lUK tun
i , iilonty of g'toil ' spring witter In IIIK h pas
uri gociti 7-roomud Iiotuo , llnu young mciiard ,
ooil water work * for stocn , htm , miiohliui
In dx , i oincrlbK , hoghoiisogrniury , taltli Nhnd
ixAH ) fei t , iilno other hhoilu ami wtnblijH nil
liliiu'lt'tl nud in good icpili. Will illsjiosu of It
it n iinrgalu.
Also go id now * hoiisu In one of thu most desir
iblu rcslili'iii' ) portions of Omaha , only l'i Moi ki
rompo l ninniN fi rlnftetn , puntiy and all
noiluru ( oiinenlt'iicoi'i pmud inut ami con
cnlontto two lines of Htroetrnm.
Andrew Iknina , Ally ,
4 ; . ' nnd I-M Paxton block , Omatia , N li.
Nolicii ) ,
Mr. J. It. Kldd Is no longer In our employ. llo
lus no right to collect or ell any gooilM for in
roinihlHilatii. S , B Fu.Kl'il I
Omaha , Jan.lothIBS' ' ) . J.I I < llt !
Notloo to Stocklu Idors.
iinual ini'cXInx of iturkliultkrt vl Tlia 1(10
lliilldltiitii"ip nr will bu lic-ltlul lUo olllco of ilia
inmltn llee , nialii.n lU , nn Tilixtltr , Jnnunrr IJtli ,
. ul I ii clock p in , for HID | > uri | uof
lonnl ol Ulroclur * fur the cinuliii. ) oar , uuJ till Irani-
rilun cif ucli ollirr tiiiMnvai in maixiiua buforo Uio
llf ) orJCftil tl
d.'lJlt/ll ) N P rril.Secreiitrr
D l.'l Djarborn St. , L'liicwoi "twice Cruel ( I inn'i
| uriuuc | butuiux cjJluUiiui ] It uliy traaJucl-u