Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    svxt wsr * > . (
Manager Selcc has signed Wnlly An
ilrcws , formerly first baseman ( or the
Loulsvlllofl ,
John Hickoy. Eleventh anil Williams ,
has mysteriously disappeared , nntl his
family are greatly dlstres&ou over it.
The Second Wnnl Ilopubllcan club
holds an Important meeting to-morrow
night at Kaspar's hull , 7:30 : o'clocic
Blmrp. * ,
H. Klscman , of Council Bluffs , Thurs
day purchased the entire stock of the
Now York and Omaha Clothing com
imny , on Faninm street.
Karly yesterday a slight break
was discovered iti the water main on
Sixteenth and California , and on being
reported , was promptly mended ,
The only building permit issued yes
terday was to Jobenh Stastny lo erect a
one-half story frame cottage on Twenty-
fourth and Irving place to cost MOO.
Augusta Paulson made complaint
ngninst James Hannigan in Justice
Wade's court yesterday , charging him
with bulng the father of her Illegiti
mate thri'c-yeur-old child.
The case of Lorin 11. McCargor , who
is charged with getting goods under
false pretense1) from the Parlin-Orcn-
dorlT Manufacturing company , has boor
continued until the 17th.
Harry Parrish , the lessee of the Pee
ple's theater , will be tendered a benefit
on Friday , January 18. The attractions
will bo of a most varied nature , prom
inent among them being a thrce-rouiu
hello between Jim Lindsay and Homer
Kirk. Prof. Ley , tlio bieyi-list , will
also be present , and give an exhibition
of his wonderful abilities as a rider.
, T. It. fillbcrt , of Lincoln , Is at the I'axton
QW. A. .Morris , of Hoston , IB at the Murray.
II. II. Hobiiison , of Kimuall. Is at the P.ix
JuclKc Kevlcs , of Falls City , Nob. , is in the
city.J. .
J. P. Mann , of O'N'oll ' , 13 a guest ut the
. ) . N. Davis , of Gibbon , is stopping at the
Thonmi Mnrslnnd. of Lincoln , is at the
P. M. Gilmorc , of Pullcrton , is stooping at
the Milhml.
E. T. Ilodsilru , of Schuylcr , roglstcrud at
the Milhml.
The llostoninn opera troupe is stopping at
the Millard.
E. C. Parkinson , of Sownrd , is a guest at
the Miflard.
Frank Sharp , of Atkinson , is stopping at
the Millard.
A. C. Towlc , of Niobrarn , is stopping at
the Millard.
I' . Mulhall , of Cedar Hapids , is stopping at
the Murray.
H. K. Urown and wife , of Cincinnati , are
at the Murray.
John M. Carman , of Alliance , is stopping
at the Paxton.
C. G. Iloyt. of Beatrice , is among the
guests at the Murray.
Guy Harton , of the Omaha smelting works ,
has gone to Denver.
L. T. Calkins , of Fairmont , registered at
the Murray last night.
II. Jay Smith , of Minneapolis , registercil
at the I'nxton lust night.
J. S. Hoover and \V. G. Hoover , of Blue
Hills , are at the Millard.
Mrs. Julo Hrownellc , left for her future
homo in Minneapolis , yesterday.
II. L. Dougherty , of Blnglmnitoii , N. Y. ,
is among the guests at the Paxton.
Mr. John Wltlmoll , sr. , and wife leftThurs-
evening for an extended trip through old
Mexico and California.
W. A. Underwood , president of the water
works company , returned yesterday morn
ing from a visit to the east.
Vico-Prcsldent and General Manager Hoi
combe , of the Union Paoillo railroad , and
family returned yesterday from the west.
Dr. C. H. Jllla. assistant surgeon of the
Union Pacillo railroad company ut Sidney ,
Nob. , accompanied by his wife , has been in
the city , a guest at the Paxtou.
Mr. G. W. Mitchell has been connected
with the Union Pacillo railroad for a number
of years in the train service , and the high
appreciation in which ho Is hold was shown
in the presentation of nn elegant solid silver
lantern by his fellow employes.
At the Barker J. D. Farr , Sioux City : W.
L. Butler , Boone , la. ; W. S. Crane , Arion ,
ja. ; J. II. Jones , Cleveland , O. ; P. B. Smith ,
Boston ; W. J. Boliman , D.ivid City ; A. J.
Snowdea and wife , Atlantic , In. ; J. Wright ,
and wife , Atlantic , la.V. ; . M. Walker , Seward -
ard : J. D. Turner , Denver ; C. S. Phistcr ,
Denver. _
"Wife and Creditor * ) Miss Him.
Peter Johnson , who until yesterday kept a
chop house on Sixteenth and Cass streets ,
has mysteriously disappeared , leaving his
wife to face the creditors aud attendant
A Herd ol' Ttirkeyn.
About noontime yesterday a floclc of 530
turkeys were landed in Omaha from Fre
mont. Four men were employed as horde rs.
Thoturkoys are now corralcd on Sixteenth
iticet between Fnrmun and Douglas.
Bold Ills ICcsldonce.
Mr. P. C. Ilimcbaugh has sold his rcsi-
fleuce on the southeast corner of Twentieth
and Chicago streets to Mr. George H.
Uoggs. The consideration was $ J'OJO. ) , Pos
session will bo given ia May.
The Deeds Filed.
Yesterday deeds were filed with the
city cierlt as a Until flndmg between the city
and lion W. J , Council and wife , the latter
giving & 9t ) feet on Popnleton avcnuo to the
:6rporutloa and receiving in exchange f J in
money for part of alley near the poor turm ,
For tlio Ijlneolii M'ntor Works.
Harry Wilson , ot Lincoln , was in Omaha
ycstorduy , and closed a contract with Wilson
& Urunnor. of this city , whcrohy the iron
works for the Lincoln water works system
will bo furnished. It la stated that the entire -
tire water system of that city will bo
Still Unconscious.
At 0 o'clock last evening Colonel A , II ,
Forbes had not recovered his scnsos , and
bis life is despaired of by his friends. Ho
lias now lain In an unconscious condition for
IDS hours , during which tlmo he has boon
stimulated alone by bcof-tca. Two expert
physicians are continually in attoadancu.
Died at St.
John Lannan , aged flfiy-thrco , died at St.
Joseph's hospital yesterday afternoon. The
deceased was sick but a short time and suc
cumbed to pneumonia. The remains will
bo shipped by Hoafoy & Hcufoy to Molrosu ,
la. , the former residence of the deceased.
Mr. Lannan leaves three sons In this city ,
all of whom nro well known and highly re
spected Union PaclUo railroad employes.
Amended Its Charter.
The Midland Guarantee and Trust com
pany has II led an amendment to Its charter ,
which restricts its Indebtedness to two-thirds
of the subscribed caultnl stock of the com
pany , excepting such debts as are for the
guarantee of titles to rcul cstato , deposits , or
saving deposits , The number of directors
will in the future bo nlno , and they will
elect from amoapr that ; number a president ,
Vice president , secretary and treasurer.
Wliilu the Judtfo Was Awny.
A inucu-rldiculod alleged lawyer was before
fore Judge Anderson a few days ago for not
paying bis olUco rent In the United States
National bank building , Ho appealed to the
district court unit was asked to glvo bonds ,
winch ho could not furnish at the time , but
wus given a chunco to do so. While the judge
was away from homo Thoursday night thu
lawyer took advantage to submit to Mrs , An-
dersoA a bond signed by a man unknown to
the Judge , who formally from the bench an-
nounccd yesterday morning that It would not
1,6 accepted , and at lust accounts the ftiwycr
case of rustle for bcuurity ,
Yesterday by the Insurance Adjust
ers to J. L , Brandols & Sous.
Sonic Iilvcly Illtldltii ; It wo inii Kxclt-
ItiR Jlncc , IJuHlio I'liim Fell
to J , 1) . Urntnlcla
Yestonlny the stock datnapcd by fire ,
smoke nnd wntor ut Logic's Now York
dry foods store lust M cole was put up lit
auction bv tlio insurance adjusters to
bo bid off'to the highest bidder. Thoi-o
were several dry goods houses ropro-
hontod , and for a time the bidding was
quite spirited. After about nn hour's
bidding the etitiro stouk was knocked
off to.1. L. Hramlcis & Sons , the pro
prietors of Tlio Fair.
A representative of ono of the largo
dry goods establishments of Chicago
was a close second , but as the stock
would have to bo moved to Chicago it
would rest him at least ? 1K)0 ( ) more than
JJrandoiH , oven if his bid had boon
e | unl. Messrs. Brandois are deserving
of a great deal of praise for keeping
this stocic at homo , so that the ] > coplo
hero can got the benefit of its purchase.
Kxpross wagons huvo been going
back and forth between 1218 Faniam ,
the upper story of Polack's building ,
and tlio bceno ot the lire all day. At
the tlmo Mr. Kmil Hrandcis , who did
the bidding for his firm , figured that ho
guvo about 10 par cent of the value of
the stock , but upon getting it out , it has
proven n bonanza , as there are thous
ands of dollars woi'th ' of the finest laces ,
silks , ribbons and kid gloves that are
not damaged in tUo leiibt. The tlireo
floors at 1SJI8 Farnain , where a
part of tlio goods were stored , held
some rich treasures in the shape
of calicos , muslins linens , dross goods ,
llantR'ls and cloaks' , all of which were
but slightly damaged by wnler. Mr.
Hrandoih now fools confident ho has not
paid over three cents on tlio dollar fora
block that was worth at least $ -10,000.
All tlio goods that liad been seriously
damaged by lire liuvo boon disposed of
at junk shops , so that when goods are
placed on sale next Monday morning
nothing but hlitrhtly damaged , and a
largo amount not damaged at all , will
bo olTored to the people.
It is an easy matter to avoid the dis
comforts and distress of coughs and
colds by using Chamborlain'ts Cough
Remedy. It is by far the best treat
ment over brought into general use for
coughs , colds and hoarseness. When
the first symptoms of a cold appear , use
Chamberlain's Cough Komody , and tlio
( old can be broken up at once. Sold by
all druggists.
A darkey imtncil Will Campbell was ar
rested yesterday by Ollleor Sav.igo on the
clwrgo of stealing n pair of shoes from n
Tenth strcut store. He trying to P.UVU
the slices when ho was nrrcstcd.
.lames Pike kicked up a rumpus on Cumincr
street Thursday niclit iilnl got run in. Ho
nleail uuilty on arraignment and was lined
Eil Sclicrloy , an ox-enRincer , but now n
vagrant , was arrested Thursday night and
yesterday morning was givcu a day in the city
jail. ,
Hlnck Hoston got roaring ilrunli Thursday
and landed in the city prison. This iniulo
him furious anil ho r.igcd , cursed and yellivl
all night long , much to the discomfort of his
follow prisoners who wanted to sleep. He
got a line of $13 , " > 0.
Joseph Mohcr was before Juilgo Berka
Tursday afternoon charged with stealing a
cloak from Mrs. Alary Anderson , 918 Saund-
era street. The prisoner had evidently
sneaked into the house and taken the gar
ment while the family was nt dinner. Ho
was arrested trying to Dawn the oloalt at n
store on Tenth street. The judge sentenced
him to thirty days in the county jail.
John Carlo has been arrested for aiding
and abetting the dog tight hold in u bam in
this city a couple of weeks ago.
Drs. JtlcMff & Co. ,
The renowned , leading and most suc
cessful California specialists , whoso
euros in the past quarter of u century
has astonished everyone , will visit
Omaha , and consult free with all who
desire , January 12 to tlio 20 , 1889.
At Metropolitan hotel , corner 12th
and Douglas sts. , Omaha. Residents of
Council iSlulTs and all parts of Iowa and
Nebraska should visit tlio greatest liv
ing specialist while in Omaha. The
Latest improvements in all curative
agents , magnetism , electricity , and
every now invention known to modern
scientists or specialists.
C.iniihlatcH For AVost I'olnt.
Mr. William Morrow , son oC General Mor
row of the Twenty-first infantry , has en
listed ns n private soldier with the object of
standing the examination granted noncommissioned
missioned olllcers who have applied for the
commission of second lieutenant in the regu
lar service. Mr. Morrow tionnod the blues
about n wceU ago In his father's regiment ,
nuil stood his first guard duty yesterday. Mr.
M off at , another young man well Unown in
Oinnhn society circles , enlisted with n simi
lar intention about the same time. Those
examinations wore Instituted for the pur
pose of awarding to meritorious noncommissioned -
missioned olllcers such vacancies as occur
between the periods of promotion nt West
Point. The requisites lor the applicant nro
that at the time of the examination ho has
nlready been appointed a corporal or n ser
geant , nnd thut his company commander
must have approved nf Ids appointment nnd
also recommended him for the object of his
Oh , if 1 only hint her complo.xlonl
Why , it is easily obtained. UbO VOL-
zoni's Complcxioli Powder.
For tin ) J'onr.
The Swedish LndleV Kcliof society , of tills
city , has concluded to glvo n public mas
querade ball at the Imposition hall. Saturday ,
February U , for the benefit of the poor In
this community. The funds raised by the
last concert will BOOH be exhausted , nut ] it is
necessary to provide f urt her moans for carry
ing on their good work. It may be stated
that destitute families have their
only support from this society , niul with the
advnnra of tliu season more cases of poverty
nro romlng to the surface. Thu Indies hope
to meet with n good support from this com
munity , enabling : them lo continue their
good work in which they have engaged
themselves. _
From tlio Council IllufTrt Nonpareil ,
Deo. 12 , 1HHO.
itVo nro credibly Informed tliat I lie mortality
from diphtheria , under the treatment of Dr.
Thos , .lefl'oris of this city Is mrroly nominal ,
not exceeding oiio-llfth of ono per cent , Such
being the case no tlmo should bo lost in pluo-
Ing hi * remedy within the roach of every
family and thus save annually hundred * of
thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most
universally destructive pestilence that has
a 11 lie tea the world during the lust hundred
7 , 1SSJ. I do not hvsitato to suy that the suc
cess attending the use of Dr. JelTerls1 Pre
ventive and ( Jure for Diphtheria has no equal.
I speak from experience , having used It in my
own family ; I nm aUo well acquainted with
the facts connected with its UBO in our city.
W. 11. VAUGHN , Mayor.
ho physician required , Prica of remedy
J3. Addrcs , box No. 05T , Omaha , Neb. ( Lr.
JefTerls ui retired from active practice. )
Crap & Sterling Sell Out.
There was filed with the comity clerk yes
terday a bill of sale by Crap & Sterling ,
dealers in musical instruments , who , In con.
slderation of * 15.000 , have transferred tnelr
" "
buslnow to Joseph
T1113 COURTS ,
t'nitcd Stntri.
Albert Kccd wns n clerk nnd R. H. Pick-
nrd n Judqo of election nt the polls of the
Second district of the Second ward , nnd they
were the pair that the fodernl grand Jury
some days ago found lmllctments ngamst for
neglecting their duty. Yostcrdnv morning
they were brought bcforo Judge Uundy nnd
pave bonds In the sum of 1,500 for trial.
The attention of Judge Dtindy was occu
pied yesterday nftornoon in hearing the mo
tion for n new trlnl In the case of .1. N. Hico
vs. the Missouri Pacific railroad. The nrgu
incuts hud not concluded when the court
The United States grand Jury will bo dis
charged this morning nnd Judge Dundy wil
open court In Lincoln on Monday next. '
Deputy United States Mnrsluill Allen ar
rested ] { . H. I'icnrd. C. M. O'Donovnn , A.
W. Heed , D. O'Coiincll , EdT3noilmnn nnd
James Tracy yesterday on an indictment by
the United States grand jury. They were
taken before Judge Dundy and charged with
neglect of duty us Judges nnd clerks of
election. They pleaded not guilty and were
each bound over In the sum of * lf > 00 , to ap
pear at the May term of the United States
District Court.
In the district court yesterday there wore
no suits of any description lllcd.
County Court.
H. 12. Mead & Co , , brought suit yesterday
to recover $ 'j0 ; ! from the Fisher Printing
Judge Shields rendered his decision In the
suit of Peter Connolly vs William Cotinollj
yesterday , and found in fp.vor of the defend
ant for $250.
Suit was entered by Algernon S. Patrick
against Thomas J. Fleming for &tl'.3.60.
Louis Bradford bjgan suit ngnlnstLeo S.
ICstello for $ Si.or : , said to bo past duo on a
promissory note.
Charles Miller filed a petition proving to
bo appointed guardian of thu cstnto of James
H. Gibson , an insane poison.
Alex McQnvolk was appointed administra
tor for the estate of Mary D. Folcy , de
ceased , ami was required to furnish bonds
Tn < lny's Docket.
L , 83-Mereor Avcmio Huildmg association
vs .1. 13. Kilkonnoy
Docket 1411 George Hyde vs William
at This.
All kinds of morcnamliso and per
sonal property wanto.l in exchange for
improved farms and wild hind. Foreign
Emigration Co. , r 2 & o 1" > 02 Farntun st.
Yoiini People's Christian Leaimo
The mooting called to orgnniro a Young
People's Christian association Tliursdn night
in the Methodist Episcopal church was well
attended. James M. Gr.intham wns elected
chairman and Miss Carrie Bngham secre
tary. A constitution and by-laws were
adopted and n number of now members en
rolled. The oflicers clortc.l mo : President ,
J. II. Silver ; vice president , MissEllross ;
secretary nnd treasurer , Miss Mabel Silver.
Tlio ofliccrs nro elected for tlireo months.
Hcligious meetings will be held in the lecture
room every Sunday evening nt 0:15 : o'clock.
Tlio second Tuesday evening of each month
the business meetings will bo held.
As to Mldiwnllc .
Mr. Charles Lamlrock writes Tin : linn as
follows :
"I thinlf the property holders would bo
willing to pay for nil notices of nny public
improvements , to bo advertised in all four of
the Omaha dailies , MKE , Herald Republican
nnd World ; nlso n notice should bo facnt , by
the board of public works to all propci ty
holders interested in such improvements to
bo made. I have taken three dailies. Tin :
linn , Herald nnd World , nnd did not see n
notice of n siilow.ilk to be laid m front of my
plnco. I left homo yesterday morning with
no signs of n walk. When I came to dinner I
found ono laid the full length of the block.
Is this right ! " f
Church Dinner.
St. John's church gave n Mow England
dinner nt Goodrich hall Thursday even
ing for the benefit of the church.
The grand success of the dinner
was due to the skillful management
of thcjfollowin indies : Mrs. D. L. Thomas ,
Mrs. Tudo , Mrs. Sooy and Mrs. Manvllle.
Another dinner will bo served this evening
froui ! 5:30 : to 10 o'clock. Over one hunilrofl'
and ilfty people patronueil the benefit last
evening , and the directors wish to express
their thanks in the columns of Tim Bui : for
the courtesies shown them.
Itoblicil n Policeman.
Count Pulnski , the flower of the Omaha
police department , mourns the loss of a val
uable boar-skin overcoat , which wns stolen
from his horse at Twenty-third anil Leaven-
worth streets , Thursday night. Pulaskl was
visiting OnleerVizzard , and to make sure that
the gallant steed which ho had would not bo
subjected to the cold weather , ho spread a
blanket over it and then his overcoat. An
unknown thief curno along and purloined the
_ _ _
Sermon to School Touchers.
Rev. Wm.'J. Ilarsha will preach Snb-
bath evening to tlio school touchers of
the city and to all interested in public
Saw Sun
Old-tlino citizens looked inquisitively at
the clouds yesterday morning aud saw two
sun dogs , which they claim are the advance
ngents of a blUzard , As old settlers ought to
know what Is In store for city people , they
should immediately prepare themselves to
lay in a stock of ice and fans.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
fitroiiKtli andwholeitOinenoss , More economical
than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo bold In
competition with thu multitudes of low cost.
fchortwelKlit alum or phosphatu pouders , Sold
only lu cans. Itoyul liaklnt ; 1'owder Co. . I'M
Wall street , Now York ,
.112 filict-Ioy IJIoiIt ,
Itoom 03 Traders
J A.Mt _ . - . * _ ( , B&U141 > _ |
For jLAtmbngo.
19 Tear * . oitm , puts , * to , till.
ftBttoc ( 'Tl w Utin IU Iimtitft ; l
fc l-t1d3iii o4 irtvm np tr rijtlelm ; II
nn < Vy II. iuttt oil , tori kit rtn.ln.4 Ml.
OMtnt USI , 1. rOWSUOif.
Ho Sleep , itiw nu.n , tun. J ID , nil.
Cinibt Mid lut Kiting ; riith 4 IB ttck 4tk ;
mtr riln , n U p. Utll t ketlli It. Jteita
OU earti me ptnamtatly. PAMin.riE2rlCB. .
Cied Crntclioi. DuUr , r i. Jnn If , 'II.
Wn tkkiB la K r , list , with lon io , In If *
I MtUr ud trlMku ; TII rtj trr ei Jaeobi
OU. * * BAYU-
" ' -
_ _ _ _ _
THE CHflRLES A. V03EIER CO. . OolUmort , Ud.
Santa Abie : .and : Cat-R-Cure
For Sale by
Qoocima n Drug Co.
Combination of Coitais- ] MIR ail Inj Best Ctaihle. .
Sold by
Pnxton. Gallagher & Co. 70707 , W. 711 South
li ? r eel.
Hlcharilson Diup Co. 100 ? , 1050 Jones Street-
Vt'm. Gftitlemun , lOtli nnd and Cuss Streets.
W. II. Gladstone. U30S. 1319 ou t'lus St.
FEED'S Mno , TKIM , Jt'oo M. 18STli
Bwlft SpMino Company. AllanuT , * a. Ocn.
tlooicn : On J of my children was trout ; ? *
irltn liiiHiuiatlnn niul Lolls for about two
jreari Wo po her various hlndi of mccl-
eluc , hot wlibont jirolt.miil bfpau to dojmlr
of curing her lit " . I wn * IxruuaUoO I" Iry
your SmCi's fipcolflo. After ilia liail Ukcd
beicrr.l IxittlM IJ.O dlieates nil Ulfapneiuvd ,
anil ilii is now a hale , lirartv nnd ncnltby
pill twelve years old , Another rlilld litu
lu'tbecamuadlctod In tlia tome way , nnd I
urn Tiila.T the H. S. S. aud antlclpnto n | jrompt
aiidijeraanciitoure. N. C. WAOOO.MJR.
Krcn HIIJ , Ma , July T , ISfW-lho Bwlrt
tux , AlUntH , Oa. Gendciurn : Our
SpeoWq whou uut thrco wpcSwold tnokD
rutvrliliccucvi. wotrlej thoiJtOdcrlptlont
( roQiecrtraleood doclorn , but without nny
ncclftl IwnsfttVo tried B. B. B. . nol by thd
tlmo oic hot4 tona gone her noad IWKOXI ta
liual. anil by the tlinu ti liiul token tx
bottlai ) thg was completely cured. Itowsho
biM n fntl imrt heaVy lioad of hntr o robust ,
hourly chilli. Iftel It but my duty Iniimk *
liljloisiicut. ! Itospectrully. II. T. Siioua.
CltlTTlSOO < 3A , THV , JUIIO 7 , IW-Th *
CrrirtSuccUloCa , Atlanta , Oa. Ui'Mlcmen :
In IBM I contracted blood polnon , niul it once
loiwhtatiuyslcliin , whn treated mo for SOT-
ml nnnthj. Ily lila ntlrfco I went to Crab
Orclurd bprlngs , Xy. , where ItlK ( ouiso ot
Ireainspt witj a if fully obiorvpd. I rccoT-
erodD3 I tUoiiuMl.but thn licit nirlns pun-
pin bcKan to oppenr on my foco M I body.
Ttouso uraduAlly lucrcnsod to ore § and run-
nlnic ukTrx I > f s tulvlunl to try B. 8. B , and
I nnuxtlatoly utter tnklnvlt r ooramenccilto
Improte. lo\rly at tltit. but more nipldly
ItmTKr..a , and soon uothlug r molnrd to
tell of iny trouble. Hy blood li i.ow thor-
cuKhljr olimnstd , and my Byilem frtBfrora
taint , end I ow l.iy present condition- *
perfect euro tn your medicine. I cheerfully
klvo tlila ttatement that othen iTlio hnia
I -Jlered lu I bavn may rpkp the mine hcneflt.
IUKDV M. liunr , 21 Weil Ninth St.
, t. , May 25 , 1833 The Swift Speclflo
Co , Atlanta , Oa. Ocntlfmen : About tno
fears n * > my K neral health pave way on-
llroly. I WKI 10 dehlltutod tliat I oimoil
dMpalred of over feellnR well nraln. All
that the physicians done for ma brought ro
permanent ryllrf. Friends tntlstrd that I
fhuulri give u. B. B. a fair trial , although I
Ihougbt It Mould bo throwliiK anay money ,
After tcklnK n thorough course , my honltn
etrcnittli returned , anil I mint nay that
rd . K. alone cured rue , as I dlf carded all
etberi while using It. A < a tonic 1 cnn moat
keartlly recommend II | for F nrr l debility
H certainly U a spvolflo. W. F. Dmiata , J. r ,
Iloueii. Li.-I know Ur. W. F. Brldgc , and
Will < ay that but tutcment Is correct. .
Joasru burxTON , Uruggl't. '
Treatlto on niood and fiklu Dlteorea mailed
tree. TIIK fi irr SriciPio Co. , Drawer %
Atlanta. Ua.
Dr. J. E. McGrew ,
Ono of tlio Most Successful
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
Ills form of treatment Is re-commended by
hose who have tried it , In the very strongest
Mistreatment for which leavoa n perfect skin
and a most beautiful complexion. A wire fcTiar-
anteed In all forms of Private Diseases.
All 'Unorders of the Bexual organs , cureil.and
lealth , ambition ami manhood completely re.
btoreil ,
Treatment by corresiiondeuce. Bend etainp
'or reply.
Offfco Bushman Bloc * . 16th and
Douulas Sts. Omaha , NOD
Saturday morning , wo shall commence a Special Clearing Sale of all our winter suits'
"Wo have more fine suits on hand for this time of the year than wo ought to have , and a3
wo will soon need every foot of room for our spring stock , wo mean to force all heavy
weight suits upon the public , by offering such extra special bargains , as will compel ovory-j -
body to buy , oven if they do not need a suit just now.
Our customers will remember that during the past year we have shown many extract
dinary bargains , but wo can unhesitatingly say , that never hi our history have we oirorec |
any to approach in value those which wo now present :
At $0.75 we offer about 350 excellent suits , plain double and twist , and silk mixed cassi ,
meres , sonie fine cheviots , elegantly made and trimmed ; none of these suits sold for lestf
than $12.50 and the most at $15 that WAS OUR PlllCti , and by this wo moan to say that ,
the suits were cheap at that. Wo have marked the whole lot down lo $9.75.
At § 13.50 we ofior nciirly 100 fiuo tiulor-tiiivlo Suits , 'somu oC the choicest of our stock , silk mixed cnssimcrcj
fnucy worsteds uiul dingomils. The material is llic product of ( lie b'cal mills in the country , and the Suits wcr <
manufactured for the finest city t nvle. The former selling prices for these siiiW. was from 810.50 to $20 ,
mnrk you , the suits were clienp nt those figures , We huvo reduced the entire lot down to
Romomljer , the extremely low prices we quote are no guide to the intrinsic value of these suits , nnd benr ii
mind , thut this not n lot of goods mmle or selected for a bargain "ale , no job ? nor broken sixes , but h'ouost , relinbta
and fresh goods from our regular stock , selectetf for this winter's trade.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
Superior to Any Other Because it will
Grind Faster with Same Power.
Because it has Better Burrs , and will do
And Because it is Stronger and More
Every farmer Should have one. Ask your
dealer for them , and if not in stock , write
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The liberal response to our f 10.00 Suit
sale has proven to us that when wo offer
n bargain , poopln umlerstnml wo niuau
wlmt wo say. There nro ntlll n few
inoro loft. OVKHCOATS HAVK also
TA1EN n TUMHLE-look nt them.
fullrelr otvrcom. L ,
I'ftl'.r.l.Imi.rrM TUBULAR [ AHC
MlIi | r , r ur rutlon.iiJ luil lir > rJ. Com
forl&tle. tftlf.AtJju.Unit neil tu.tra. burrfikfuln
obtrekll olbcr nufillti rilL. boti. u i mc _ _
. . - . . . , , . - .
K. IIIBCOX. HD.-I llru..l 7. lor.HII- %
V1U.IX M ElTtifu U.LHT IJ 8UOIC U I'HOOI , J H It. , ' .U
puccutsfully used monthly liy OUT 10,000
' .Ladlus. AtoSafe. Kffcctualanil Weatant
SI per box by mall.ornt druggists. Hcnlcil
-1'artlculart S postnga stampu. Aililrtwa
For sale anil by mall by Goodman
Drny Co. , Omaha , Neb ,
jiaicTf7ur"ANrr ptRsisTwf
Advertising has nhvays jirovoo
< successful * Ilcforo plaoliitfuny
" Newspaper Advertising census
Health is Wealfli !
MKNT , a Kuaranteod upeclllo for llystorla , IM7//.1-
ness , ConviilsloiiH , Uta. Nervous NenralKla ,
Meadacliu.Nei'VotiHl'iostratloucatixcd b > tilenso
of alcohol or tobacco , Wiikefulnuss , Menial lie-
jire-iHlon , KoflentiiK of tliu Brain resulting In In-
M.inlty and loadltiK to misery , decay Hnil ileath.
I'roniatino Old AKO , Ilarronness , I.OIH of powur
In eltliThov , . Involuntary I.OISPS an 1 spennat-
orlnuit cnmoil by ovor-oxortlonof th braln.HoIf.
abuse or ovorlndnlKencit. Kach box contains
ono month's treatment. tl.CM a box , or six boxes
forJ5,0 > , s ntby mall prepaid on receipt of prlco
To euro any case. With each onlor woived liy
us for six boxes , accompanied with tVMnuwlll
send the ptirelia-tpr our written Kii.iranteo to refund -
fund thu money If the treatment does not nlloct
a cure , ( iuarantees Issued only by ( iooilman
Iirtifj Co. , DriiBpIsts , Solo Agents , 1I1U Tarnam
struct , Uniulia. Neb ,
in a nauuiui
I'aiil Up Capital . $100,000
Surplus . S , < > 0
II. W , VATKS. I'realilent.
LOM8H. KIII : : > , Vlcel'icslilent ,
A. I ! . TOU.AI.INml Vlrn I'roslil ent1
W. II. H. C'uthlor ,
II. W. 1'ATES. J.liWISB. 11KKU.
Oni m-r 12th and Kiirnatn His.
IanUln ! UiiKinebH Transacted.
Nos. 303-4O4-I70-8O4.
l'urnlbr bl'ANIMI prilCICIC. free
G . \Vf31I.K.N ItliJil ) ! ' LU. , Ul'IDllD ,
N. W. Cor. 13th & . DodRO Sts.
Appliancas for loformitios and Trasses.
. . . . - - . > „ . inn -J , npp.iratUH nnd ri'inpdles for iiiccosf
fill triMilmi'iit ot i > very form of Ulsuiiiu rcqulrluk
Ateillcnl orburi-'lciil Trviituicnt.
llnanl anil nttiMulnnco ; beat liospltnl iicc.ommodai
tlmii In llic it. . f
Wum : roiiciiicuiaiison Dofoicnltlcs nnd DracoA
Trusms , nub Kcut , l'iir\i\turo ot tliu Shine , I'llcu
'l'iiiiior-4 , Canour. Cjilnrrh , Jlronolilllv , lnliHUHiinl
Klvctrtully , ruralKin , Kiillopiy. Klilnoy , IlliuldCr ,
1 : > ( > . ICur , fckln unit llluoil.iuiJ iillburKlcnl oiii-r.-itlonsi
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
HOOK O.V DlhBAhKS 111' WOMK.V KllKE. . ,
All niooil DNciiscsKUCccssfully I rent ml. Hyphllltla
I'olsoiircinatoil from thu K > toni without nipranry ]
Now rcstorntlvotrontiiicnt lor loss of Vltul 1'uwor/
1'vrioiiH iiinililu to > l lt UK limy lie trrntoil ut homo by
cnrre iMiiul < 'iR'i' . All comimihlcutloio eoullilcutlul ,
Mcillcliii-s nr histruiML'nln font liy until ur express ,
fccuruly imckuil. no murks to Imllnito ronti'iiti ot
K'nrliT. Una purBiinnl Intcrvlpw jirulorrrd. Ciilluna
riiii-iilt us or Minil history ot your ciiho , HiiJ wo will
tend In plain wruppur , our r
Upon lrl\atn , J iiccliil or Nervous i , Inipo.
tency , Buihllls , Olccl Mini Vurlcoccle , with
list. AudrrBa
Jlcilical and Hurgicul Institute , or
Die. iticNc.VAm' ,
Cor. 13th nuil Dodge Sts. , . - OMAHA , NIID.
Tbis is n difccsi'so ' wbicb lias borctofora
Unllleil all Medical Scionco.
\Vo have n HemeiJy.wiUnown to anyone In tha
World otiuhlo of onrConipauy , unil one thut luitf
tofiiro tlio most ou-stlnnto C.-IBCS. Ton ilays In
recent CO.BSH dotifl tliuork. . It Istlio old vlininla
deep suiitod casus that wo nollclt. Wo have
cnreil ImiulruilH who liavo been nbanUoneil by
I'liyhlclaus , anil pronounced Incurable ) , and wti
i-liiillt'iiL'o tno world to bring ua a diso thutvu
will not riiro In loss tlian tiUty dayw.
Klnco the hlatony ol inuiltvlno u true Npcclda
for Hyphlils lias buen sought , for but novuB
found until our
was dlscovorud , and wo are .luMlllcil Inlaying
It IH thu only Heinudy Intho World that will poa-
I'lvclyciiio , DBcaiiso the latest Mi'illcul Woifcs ,
IMilillshi'il by the best know iintnorltlvi. hay
llicjiq WIIH nuvcrn tinuHjiucllli- before Oiirroin *
rily will cnio H lion o\uiytli1HK lHO IIIIH falk-J.
Wlirnuslo your tlmo and money \\Jrh pati'nt
ncdlclneH that noMir had vlrtnu or ilottur with.
ihvslclan.s that cannot euro you , j on that Iiavo
. Hod ovoryflihiK l should come to nuti'iM ana
( jot pormanontrolli'f , you uurur can sot It ulxu-
whi-iii , M'lrk what wo nny. In the end you
mtiit ttiko our n-nipilv orNViu ! : : recover anil
you tliat have been uflllcti'd but a NhoitUnio
ilioulil by all iin.'aiia coino to IIH now not ono ia
en of nuw cases uver ijet iiuiinanentlv curitl.
ilany ( 'nt help and tlilnl : they are I'ron rrtun tliu
but In ono , tno or throe voi'irt ' after 1C
HBiil'i In a inoro horrible form.
i'liiH is u blood I'urillor uiul will Cure
any Skin or lllooil IJldo.iHo wbon
Kvoi-ytliiny Klso Kails.
Ilooni 10 niul M , U. S. National ItnuU
litillillnt , ' , Oiiiulin , Nob.
BemarKablB for powerful gymyt
UTeUo tonn. pliable ) action and Ja-
ttluta duratitilty. ! O years' r
fch btit guaranTe of tli
lencc ot tniita Instriimtuta.
Cannot Lc Excelled. They are Elrgint In Dcilgn and
very Law In Price , Alia , Court lloui Furniture , nd
Borne 400 Btylci of OfU ( Otilii. Chilli , Titli-i , Etc. ,
100 P ge Illuitrated Catilojuc Frte , Toitige 7 TU.