Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1889, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; . &kTUKDAY , JANUARY 12. 1880. o
Opinions of Legislators on Certain
Important Questions.
Tlio Upociit AiprnHPiiinnt ] ! of Huliool
IjiimlH Approved Jly Ilic Hoard
U < M < tli l-'roni ( ho Stiito
IttW 1 SniKKT , V
LINCOLN , Jan. 11. )
There arc statesmen ami things. Dut tlio
tlnn < ? of it is otulo.iirn think lliey nro tilings
nml LlmiKs think they nro ftlnicsmcn. Lin
coin is peculiarly anilctcd with tlio hitler
cum jusl at till * tlino. They circulate freol.v
durluif tli > rrcuis hours of tlio fipnerul ns
soinbl.v. Thev etii : bo found In all parts o
tlio s'uto liouso nml in llio corridors of the
viinous liotols , talking noiisunsc , magnifying
tlicir Importancebutton-holing und boring Lh <
Kood niituroil , blistering coininon senio aui
otherwise proving thomwlvcrt n tfcnora
nulsnncu This hurts intullljiit ) peoplu
tt-orito than : i nrod from thu business und o
n wasp , anil It .nusl bo borne every two
"H would bettor " remarked
years Do , i
liro.iil-inniiluil legislator lust ulKlit , "to qui
monkeying with HUinpluury luw milking um
ficuuiv tlio | Mi4Siio | of an act providing for at
niiu'iuliniMil to the constitution , fixing lexis
lutive sessions uvery four years instead o
two. This would stop mnro leaks In the
affairs of state tlinn unylhlng clsc that wo
could do/ '
Another one said : "Tho primary strik
crs are responsible for the intlio
tion of bo many ignorant , legislators
upon the Btuui. 1 am In luvor of u law tx
conpul every citl/.en of the state to ntlom
the primary elections. Mark ny words , It
ivouM do inoro to doxvn railroad strikers than
n.i.vlliiiiK else , nml intelligence would dignify
legislative halls , liut I must say that 1 bo
llevo there nro inoro intelligent members of
the house this year than ever IWoro. "
"My mission will bo t > . > rnirwoJ ( , " remarked
otlll another , "II ' secure the passage of
n Mibini < " ' < J'i llctMy people want to vote
on cnu question. So far ( ta J am personally
concurned 1 do not care whether it carries ut
the polls or not. The question ought to bo
removed ( rein polities. I shall also favor n
high license plank to go side by side with it.
There are two sides to tlio question , and clti-
ims ought to be permitted to vote as their
conscience and Judgment dictates. "
The opinion prevails in Lincoln that sub
mission \ \ ill be defeated , mid that railroad
legislation Unit promises anything for the
riooptu will go tlio way of all things earthly.
The late meeting ot the board of educa
tional lands und funds resulted in the ap
proval of the npuruiscmcnt of the school
lands in Colfux , Antelope , Hnrlan , Hall ,
Jefferson , AduuiB , Custer , Uawsou and fillmore -
moro counties. Tlio average upon the
old appraisement is about UOU pur cent , and
the temporary school fund is correspond
' < ingly bcnelittud. For some reason tbo board
refused to approve the new appraisement of
the Bchool lunds in Furnas and Frankliu
counties. It is understood that u majority of
the board nro inclined to believe that their
value is not yet sufllcientiy high , and the
county commissioners or supervisors of the
respective counties will be asked to recoil
Bidor their report. It can bo scon by the in-
crcasod value of tlio lands reappraised and
approved that their worth Is now more fully
appreciated , nml especially the fund they
nro intended to support unit ; maintain ,
The truce said to have existed between the
secretary of btato oiid the attorney general
again hangH upon u willow twig. LIIWH sticks
to the railroads mid Leesu to the people.
Mr. Thomas Ucnton , the boyisli auditor of
public accounts , says ho is not under any ob
ligations to the railroads , ana tlmt ho intends
to labor for his constituency as in his Judg
ment seems bunt. A. prominent clti/.cn of
this city remarked this morning that II his
judgment prompted him to maintain sucli
men as Agcr and Waring , on the state board
of transportation , that the general public
would have very little respect for It after the
1st of April.
"My ofllcial actions , " said Secretary Laws
yesterday , when the state board of transpor
tation contemplated going into secret session ,
"nro open to public criticism aud , bo far as I
am concerned , reporters are welcome to
remain in the room and make
their rccofds of what wo do. " "That is
manly , " naughtily remarked a bystander ,
"but the secretary has got so used to public
criticism that ho keeps his uervo and cheek
on tlio surface alt of the time , lie is Brim ,
but I know that ho winces once In a while
when truths are forcibly told. "
Treasurer Hill evidently intends to servo
the people of the state at every hazard. "I
woull like to see the old bitterness on the
board of transportation buried , " ho re
marked to Tin : line man lait night. There
IB no need of it. Some of the members of
tlio board fail to understand each other , and
are too npt to treasure personal Idlocyncra-
ctos and hold them reaponslblo for real ob
jects and purposes , when they are not , and
ought to bo put out of mind. It would have
been the fair thing to liuvo at least respected
the feelings of the attorney general on
ono of the questions under consideration
oration yesterday. Kight Is right , and it
won't do for majorities to bo too exacting.
It ought to bo rememberer ! that n single man
once upon it time pulled down a toniplo and
destroyed a tuition of people. The attorney
general is hacked by a power that ought to
bo held nti sovereign , and continued slaps at
him will bo rebuked if they are persisted in ,
nt no distant daj. "
Tlio following gentlemen wore admitted to
practice i W. 1 . Hall nnd F. M. Dorrington.
Hungo vs Hrown , W. T. llurbanlcs allowed
to Hie briefs ; Ashy VBGrconslade , dismissed
for want of prosecution ; Isartl vs Kimiuel ,
Tlio following causes were argued and
submitted : Stotniselio vs Lamb , Filloy va
Ullllngs , Southard va Uryant , Hoid vs Colby ,
state ex rol. Van ICtton vs sheriff.
The following cases were Illod for trial
Samuel G. Damon vs City of Omaha et al ;
appeal from Douglas county.
JI. E. Soarlea ot al vs Albert Avcrhoff ;
error from I'Yanklln ' county.
State ox rel. David Van Ktten vs sheriff
Douglas county et al ; habeas corpus.
HurroU vs State ; error from tbo district
court of Frontier county. Reversed and re
manded. Opinion by Cobb , J ,
Commissioners II eye , Campbell and
Dakuu , of Otoo county , wore in the city to
day to sea about refunding the bonds of that
count.v. Mr. Heyo suites that they lire not
yet ready to repudiate tlium ,
It is loudly rumored that Mr. Hopkins will
not beoomo the permanent warden of the
state penitentiary. Hut the governor has
not yet suokoii.
It 1 stated that third party prohibitionists
nnd women who have voting inclinations
have formed n pool to press the submission
question , The opinion lives here , however ,
that outside noses will faro bolter if they
keep out of the fry.
The horticultural meeting to bo held next
week promises to be one of the most inter
esting over held In thostate. Fine specimens of
'king corn" tire arriving , and the exhibit will
surpass tlmt of the late etata fair. It us un
derstood that the corn exhibit will bo for
warded to Paris to become n part of the inter
national oxixisitlon.
U is n fact. Lincoln is now Indulging in
the luxury of pure , awoot water , than which
there is none bettor. The Antelope well in u
dandy. Urine no longer preserves the effects -
fects of Lincoln "rot gut,1' ' nnd topers will
liuvo to lot up or bo wound up.
An AbHciliitfi Cure.
is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes ,
and U an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEiiT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at * < ! 3
cents p r box by maliao cants.
The Truuumt IUOIIHO Clonutl.
The Tromont house at Sixteen and Hurt
streets was closed by Deputy Sheriff StryVor
Thursday afternoon under the replevin pro
The most remarkable euros of scrofula
on record have boon accomplished by
Hood's Snrsuparllln. Try it. Sold by
nil druggists.
Hcportq of x Iilvoly Time nl Quiet
tVcdnesdaj the town of Louisville , Nob. ,
was the scene of a sanguinary row , not to
say open riot. It appears that tiiero nro em
ployed in the quarries which have recently
been reopened there , about one hundred and
fifty men divided into three nationalities ,
viz. : Irish , Swedes and Germans. The
foreman of the quarry , William FitzmorrlB ,
is ns his name Implies , n son of the Kmcrald
Isle. Sotno bad feeling has existed between
the different gangs for the lust few weeks
on account of favoritism shown to the Irish.
Thin reached nlclimnx Wednesday when Fit-
morris openly declared ho would dis
charge e'ery foreigner and replace
them by men of his own nation-
ullty. The Swedes and Germans who
heard tlio threat formed tin offensive nlll-
anco , nml having anno. I themselves with
picks , shovels , and crowbars , proceeded to
belabor Fltztnorris nml the Irish faction.
For sometime the siemwas ono of consid
erable bloodshed. FiUniorns was attacked
by six of the enemy , knocked down and ter-
rllil.v illtrcatcd. Ono man was about to
finish Mr. Fit/ with n | .U-k nxe when a mirly
son of lirln from behind caught the weapon
that was to send him across the great divide ,
The graders at work In tlio vicinity
saw the state of things am'
came to the rescue ns peace makers , nm
nf tcr n while succeeded in quelling the light.
On examining the wounded it was found tha <
Fitzmorrls had two very severe seal
wounds , a broken urin , and was othorwis
badly cut nnd bruised. Several of the
lighters hero marks of the melee ,
and will likely carry Diem for SOU
timo. Mr. John 1) . Kowland wa
.summoned to the scone , nnd wen
down by the llrat train leaving hero , whlcli
was Tin : Uii : : newspaper train. The powder
maga/mo which contr.lncd two barrels o"
powder , was blown up during tlio light , nm.
an adjoining house shattered to pieces by the
explosion. No ono was hurt , however. The
ringleaders have been discharged by th
quarry company , and these who were nblo
began work yesterday moriiini. ' , The diiin-
ngo done * j property and stock is estimated
at from $ i.W to J50D ,
To the Proprietor of Salvation Oil.
Thou bus built a livinc monument ,
A cure for hurts with littto money spent ,
Snluatlon Oil , the greatest liniment.
No onu now thinks of n domestic or forelgi
trip without u supply of Dr. Hull's Cougl
Syrup. 'Jo cents.
coux rniiKisrnsus AT AVOUIC ,
; the Spurious on Newsboys nnd
Two little newsboys witli tears streaming
down their checks and trembling with feai
walked from a Douglas street saloon Thurs
day night , mid OnicerCullen put two counter
felt silver half dollars , dated ISM and 18TO , li
his pocket , and went to tlio central station ,
and handed them over to Captain Cormack.
The little fellows had ovchanged them in tlio
sales of their papers , and Innocently went
into tlio saloon to have them changed into
different coins , when their spuriousncss was
detected. After hearing the boys' statcnienl
Cutlen satisfied himself that they hud bcoi
imposed upon , and gave tjietu their freedom.
Shortly after the newsboy escapade Saloon
keeper Hornbcrger nnd Doty & D.irst , o !
Fa main street , made information that they
bad been imposed upon by the distribetoraof
the "queer. " Thcir's were in the sttapo of
dollars , and before tlio trick was discovered
they had taken in many of the coins. Tlio
dollars boar the same dates as the halves ,
and are a very clover imitation of the
genuine. .
Pears' is the purestand best soap ever
Pleaded Insanity.
James Raney , n member of the Salvation
army , was arraigned yesterday morning on
the charge of stealing a number of knives ,
ribbons , etc. , from thodamngod stock of the
Now York store lately purchased by the
Fair store company. Kauoy was employed
by the company to help gather the stuff up li :
the burned building and ho nut a number of
articles in his pocket instead. Some of thorn
ho two to his best girl , Miss Nellie Lewis ,
also n member of the Salvation army. Hanoy
pleaded that he put tlio articles in his pocket
to keep them from being stolen by boys who
were hanging ubout. His attorney presented
tlio plea of insanity and the testimony of the
young man's father showed that Hanoy had
once been treated for insanity. As the pros
ecution could not disprove this the prisoner
was released.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Relieves indigestion , dyspepsia , etc.
A. Reported Htiloldc.
A report reached ; T n Uui : yesterday
to the effect that W. L. Miles , formerly of
this city , and an old employe in the Union
Pacific telegraph department , auicidcd on
the evening of Januarys , in San Antonio ,
Tex. , by shooting himself in the heart with a
4 l-calibro revolver. It Is reported also that
ho left n note addressed to the mayor of San
Antonio , stating that the affair was
premeditated , and that bo was tired of
life , and also requested that word bo sent to
his wife in Omaha. Inquiry was made at the
headquarters of tlio Union Pucillc , in the tel
egraph department , but no sucli an individ
ual was known , neither bad any report of
tins nature reached that place. A W. H.
Mills was once with the Union Pacific in the
telegraph service at Green Hivor , but lie was
not married at the time lie loft the Union Pa
cific , which was ubout one year ngo.
Tliov are trying" in Germany to find a
substitute for India rubber. No one
who has used Dr. Bigolow's Positive
Cure desires a substitute , as it is emi
nently successful in coughs , colds , and
all throat and lung diseases. Goodman
Drug Co.
Ho Was n ToiiKh Ono.
Sheriff Ellis , uf Harris county , Texas ,
started for Husk Thursday evening with
young Dohannau , the escaped convict. A. L.
Darmichncl , n sergeant of the guards at the
Huntsville penitentiary , who was to accom
pany Ellis , aid not arrive until yesterday
but left on the next train for Kansas City ,
whore ho will meet Ellis. Mr. Carmichael
says that while young Holmnnn was m tlio
penitentiary lie was a member of the gang
Lhat mutinied. Through outside parties re
volvers were smuggled into the penitentiary
und the convicts arming themselves with
these made a desperate effort to escape.
3urmlchael saysHohannnn fired nt him three
times. The convicts wore finally quelled.
After this Hohannan was transferred to Uuslc
penitentiary ,
I cheerfully recommend Red Clover
Tonic to these suH'crliiR from troubles
of the stoirmea and liver. I am now on
my second bottle and it makes tno fool
ike a now man. C. M. Connor , Nashua ,
la. Goodman Drug Co.
Tlio Pedc.sIrlniiH Arrive.
A coterie of pedestrians , composed of the
'ollowiug , arrived in Omaha yesterday morn
ngon route to San Francisco , anQ were under
the management of Frank Hnll ; Robert Vint ,
six-day record 575 miles ; Thomas Howarth ,
six-day record . * > t7 miles ; B. 0. Moore , six-
day record 551 miles. They will bo followed
n ono week by James Alberts and Dan
Hearty , the famous steppers. They will on-
; ago m a grout six-day walking match at San
. 'runcisco , opening February " 1 , nnd closing
March - , for the championship mil-hour r.ica
of the world. They will bo mot ut Sau
Francisco bv the California Athletic club in
a body. While in Ouiaku they visited TUB
13r.u and expressed tliolr surprise to find
such un enterprising city. Jn the afternoon
, hey were the guests of Ed. liothory and
Prof. Arthur Itothery ,
Children Cry for'Pitcher's ' Castorla.
When Baby via tide , MO gave h r Cutorta.
When oho WM a Child , slie cried for Caatoria ,
When lie became Him , eho clone to OoatorU ,
Wljn beLaJ Clilldrwn , the giro thorn CaatorU.
I low Aliens Pasture Thousands or
W. S. Decker , county attorney ol
llomphill county , Texas , was in Kansas
City the other day , and in relation to
the manner In which foreigners control
ranches in the territory , spoke to ti
Times reporter ( is follows : " 1 noticed a
communication from Camp Supply
charging1 Amos Chapman with 'rent '
ing' the western purl of the Cheyenne
and Arapahoe reservation to catllunion.
This is iruc , and to begin at the begin
ning , lot tno Mate that there are two
largo cattle companies who hold their
cattle on that reservation , nml as Chap
man and other pert-ons inaku periodical
visits to that section and Interview the
managers of these companies , it is not
ut all strange that there arc suspicious
of irregular dealing ,
"Tho Texas Land and Cattle com
pany , an association of Scotchmen , who
reside In Dundee , and incorporated
under the laws of ( jrout Britain , con
trol the range on the Clioyenno anil
Arapalioo reservation south of the
Canadian river , and have camps and
men who ride lines to keep their cat
tle on UiiH range forty miles inside the
i eservation. They have a range on the
Washita river and on Sergeant Major
creek. Thu company have their homo
ranch two miles from tlio territory line
in llomphill county , and hold all their
cattle borne 10,000 head-on the
Choycnno and Arapahoe reservation on
the Canadian and Wtuihitii rivers. They
also have a largo ranch in southern
Texas , and drive from that ranch to the
territory , where the grass is much bol
ter to winter.
"Tho ranch north of the Canadian
river is claimed by the Dominion Cattle
company , which is composed nf men who
live in Canada , and is incorporated un
der the laws of Unit country. They
lease a few acres of the Chorok'uo strip ,
have their ranch house about a mile in-
bide the line , and graze their cattle
some 11,000 heart inside of the Ciioy-
enne and Arapalioo reservations.
"It is commonly slatoii there that the
malingers ( if these comnanieb paid Chap
man a good round sum two winters ago
for 'not seeing' any cattle when lie was
oil a scout over tlio reservation. Hut
how they manage to pull the wool over
the oyes'of the ollicors at Fort Elliot ,
who have orders to scout up and down
the territory Hue once a month , is not
known. Of course nobody would ucctiso
them of being blinded bv the glitter ol
"ITero is something else for you to
ponder over. You will recollect that
in 18S5 Hon. A. S. Hewitt , Ed Fenlon ,
Senator Plumb , Calvin Hood , Hunter &
Evans , Tom Bugbeo and a number of
Kansas men maue a lease , ratified by
nine-tenths of the Cheyenne nnd Ariip-
ulioo Indians. On the strength of that
they wire fenced their tract , put up
good ranch houses and wont to an ex
panse of three-quarters of a million dollars
lars , and then had to get out at a dead '
loss within forty days. How did it happen -
pen ? Why , this way : Chapman had
been leasing the country just as he is
doing now , and this lease interfered
with his source of revenue. Of coin-so
lie setup a howl that the Chcyonnps
were opposed to the lease and
would take the warpath unless the
lease was annulled. President Cleve
land ordered General Sheridan down to
investigate. The general went tollono ,
tent for Chapman and Chapman came
down with his 'family' and told the
story that suited them best. The gen
eral , without waiting to hear the other
fiido from the agent , Colonel D. 13.
Dyer , now of this city , and without in
quiry among the Indians , telegraphed
Cleveland that the Indians were not in
favor of the lease , and advised him to
order the cattlemen oil and give them
forty days in which to evacuate the
tract or there would bo trouble. '
"A number of gentlemen prominent
in politics and business , headed by
Abrum S. Hewitt , visited Washington
and called on the president , stating to
him that if ho issued this order it
would bankrupt a largo number of men
who had. all their mouoy invested in
cattle on the reservation , and that ho
( Ho-.vitt ) had $100,000 in stock of ono of
the companies. Mr. Cleveland gave
thorn no satisfaction , but said the ofdor
must go fortli and that they must remove -
move their cattle in forty days. The
committee begged for an extension of
time for six months , but without avail.
"And now that Americans have been
driven out , British companies are al
lowed to do just about what they please ,
without let or hindrance. It fatigues
me."By the way"continued Mr. Decker ,
"John Sheridan is post trader's clerk at
Supply , and lie and Mike are inoro or '
less intimately connected with Chapman -
man in his .dealings. Of course that
can not bo said to account for General
Sheridan's haste in the matter.
' 'As an illustration of Chapman'H
character I will simply add that ho
captured bomo sportsmen from King-
man , Kan. , the other day for hunting
in the territory , and it cost them $00
apiece. "
Catnrrli Cured.
A clergyman , nftor years of suffering
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known remedy ,
at last found a recipe which completely *
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease bond
ing a sulf-addrcssed stamped envelope
to Prof. , T , A. Lawrence , 88 Warren St. ,
Now York City , wilt receive the rccipo
free of charge.
The TCIrctrlo Storiitfo Synlom.
Now York Post : An electrician
connected with the Julion Electric
company said that in his judgment
thcro was no doubt that the Julien
system would bo adopted by the Fourth
avenue company of New York city. Tbo
great advantage of the system , he
said , was that it could bo introduced
gradually on any line at the same time
that the old stock of horses and cars
were being used up. In systems where
the power was supplied from a wire run
over the cars or laid in a track beneath
them , the cost of the original plant
was so great as to doter an established
company from adopting tiio sy&toin. In
the system being tried on the Fourth
nvonuo line the cost was just in proportion
tion to the number of cars purchased
lo replace the old horse cars as the lut-
tor wore worn out. The machinery of
Llio electric motor cars made tin addi
tional o.xpoiiso nt present of about
One hundred and forty-four Julien
: ells nro now stored in each car on
leaving the Eighty-sixth street station ,
julllciont newer to accomplish at least
three round trips ; power enough in
jthor words , to propel the rar for forty
nilop on n level. Owing to the stoop
grades at some points on the line the
jroator friction nt the curves and the
iiriablo weight of passengers carried ,
, ho expenditure of energy varies greatly
it different points.
The oloctrlo car Is said to bo much
iafor for the general street traffic than
ho horse car , as by n simple appliance
, ho power can bo immediately reversed
ind the speed of the car checked more
iromptly than is possible with a horse
: ar.
Advice 10 Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlngr Syrup should nl-
voy bo used for children toothing. Itsoothos
ho child , softens the gums , allays all pala ,
lurcsjwind colic , and is the beat remedy for
liarracea. 25o a bottle.
How tlio Iilttlo Iog Got , Kvon.
Lew is ton Journal ' '
: 'Years ngo there
lived in Pnrkman a doctor who was the
ownorot u small dog that sometimes
accompanied him when visiting his pa
tients. Oao day the doctor drove do AMI
to the village ot Sangervillc , about
Ihreo miles distant from his homo.
Ho took the little dojr along with him.
When ho reached the homo of his pa
tient , sad to relate , u big dog , nearly
twice as largo as the doctor's dog ,
pitched in without u moment's warning
and gave the little pot visitor an un
merciful drubbing. But the litllo dog
had plenty of courage , nnd evidently
made up his mind J.hiit there was a dog
in Parlnnan that could punish his assail
ant about as effectually as the latter had
done him , much to his delight.
When the doctor had completed the
call and started for homo ho overlook
his dog , already on the way. He trotted
along briskly by the wagon side over
the'thrce miles between hangi-rvlllo
and the doctor's homo in Pnrknmii , but
when the doctor's team turned in and
drove inlo the stable the dog kept right
on , turning not to the right nor yet to
the left. The doctor wondered at ilrst
at so strnngo n proceeding , but be
thought himself that awav about three
miles on the track on which tlio dog
was on lived a relative of his who was
the owner of a big bulldog , and , at it
was not an uncommon occurrence for
the two dogs to interchange visits , ho
supposed the intelligent little dog was
on his way thither , and so gave the
matter no further thought. It was not
more than an hour from that time be
fore the doctor and his family noticed
his dog and that ot his relative three
miles tiwny running down the Sanger-
villo road together. Neither dog stopped
lo look uphen passing the house , but
appeared , on the contrary , in a deep
study , and two more solemn dogs never
ran together. HiH dog came homo
about two hours later and occupied his
accuhtomod place for the niglil. The
doctor heard nothing that night nor the
next day. It was but a few days , how
ever , oofore ho went down to Snngor-
villo lo visit liis patient , and it was then
Unit the mystery was solved. Tlio folks
told him all about it. In about two
hours after the doctor had left the
house , his dog ; accompanied by the big
bulldog , made its appearance , and us
the dog which had drubbed so unmerci
fully his visitor came down to moot
them the bulldog made a uush at him
and gave him one of the most complete
punishments ever given a dog.
Vostlliilcl Trains \ViiHlilnntoii ,
The only vcstibuled trains to the na
tional capital are these run via Balti
more and Ohio railroad from Chicago
and Cincinnati. A daily vcstibuled
train service is maintained via B. & O.
from both those cities. All cars in these
trains are vcstibuledincluding baggage
cars , day coaches and Pullman's buffet
bloopers. The trains are heated by
steam drawn from the locomotive. Porters
ters are in attendance in the day
conches as well as in the sleepers to
wait upon passengers. No extra fare is
charged for passage on these trains.
The Limited express leaving St.
Louis at 8 a. m. daily , via the O. & M.
railway , makes direct connection in
Union depot at Cincinnati witii B. & O.
Vostlbulod limited , which leaves Cin
cinnati daily at 70 ! ! p. in. , arrives in
Washington next afternoon at 1:55 : , Bal
timore at:55 : , and Philadelphia , at 0
o'clock. The vestihulo limited from
Chicago leaves that city at 7:05 : p. in.
daily , arrives at Washington ncxtevon-
ing at 0$3 ; , and Baltimore at 10:45.
Newspaper Circulation.
Current Literature : The number of
publications having circulations ex
ceeding 25,000 copies is only K > 8 , nnd
these are distributed as follows : Now
York , 00 ; Pennsylvania. 21 ; Ohio , 15 ;
Massachusetts , 115 ; Illinois , 11 ; Maine ,
11 ; Canada , 0Michigan ; ; California ,
3 ; Missouri , ; District of Columbia , L' ;
Kentucky , 2 ; Wisconsin , 2 ; Connecti
cut , 1 ; Georgia , 1 ; Indiana , 1 ; Iowa , 1 ;
Minnesota , 1 ; Nebraska , 1 ( Tim BISK ) ;
Now Hampshire , 1 ; New Jersey , 1 ; 'Ver
mont , 1. Nevada is credited with no
paper issuing so many as 12,000 copies.
Mississippi fails to got credit for n
paper issuing 4,000 copies. Florida and
North Carolina nro without any paper
credited with issuing so many as 5,000
copies. In neither Arkansas , Del
aware , West Virginia or any of
the territories is a paper credited
with so many as 7,500 copies. Neither
Kansas nor South Carolina gets credit
for so many as 10,000 copies ; or Colorado
rado or Virginia for so many as 12,500.
Oregon and Tennessee each issue a
single publication credited with more
than 20,000 readers , and Maryland ,
Ithoilo Island and Texas have one pub
lication each credited with issuing
more than 22,500 copies. Although the
average edition of daily papiirs is more
than three thousand (3,141) ( ) , only ! M.n
dailies are rated above 3,000 and 1,1)0 ! )
are rated below ; 000 dailies are rated
as issuing loss than a thousand copies
and 2 * > ! ) as having not to exceed 500 reg
ular issues. No tri-wookly publication
in tlio United States is credited with
Our charming countrywomen are not
only acknowledged to bo among llio
loveliest of their sex , but capital coolts.
They declare unanimously that Van
Duzor's Flavoring Extracts are the
only ones that impart to plus , puddings ,
cakes , etc. , the genuine flavor. Wliyr
Because they are nnuio from the finest
fruit , without any doubtful aid from
cheap ami hurtful chemical used to
simulate the real tusto. Grocers every
where sell these extracts.
Vnnkod in ) ( y tlio Itoots.
Now York Herald : Many and divers
nro the ways in which the members of
tlio fair sex evince their Htirpribo when
they happen upon a bold , had burglaV
concealed within tlio sacred precincts
of their apartments. Some faint "dead
away ; " others reserve their fainting
nnd Bcronm , open mouthed , until assist
ance arrives , and then sink languidly
Into the arms ot thair rescuer ; but
scarce indeed are these who endeavor
Lo effect the capture thom&olvos.
To Mrs. Minnie Brophy. the wife of
ix blacksmith , belongs the honor of at
tempting the last pumod methodwhich ,
combined with truly feminine bhrioks
for help , provontqd the escape and ef
fected the detention of two men who
went n burgling on Sunday ovonlnir in
the Brophy's apartments on the second
floor of the tenement house No. 551
Ninth nvonuo.
Mrs. Brophy , who is n pronounced
brunette , pretty and petite , was putting
her two little children to hod about 7
o'clock on SumUy , when she heard a
neighbor scronm , "llicro's a man In Iho
pnss.igol" She ran Into the adjoining
room , which is used as n parlor , and
there , sure enough , was the burly llguro
of a broad shauldered rutllan , who was
just In the act of climbing through a
window which opened upon the hall
way. Mrs. Brophy aid not hesitate a
moment , but rushed to llio window , and
grabbing the burglar by his Itoots upset
his balance and brought him lo Iho
The burglar scrambled lo his feel des
pite the efforts of Mr.s. Brophy , who
was nearly upot hoisolf in the a'ltompl
to keep him down. Then ho
cJulchod hlfl coat and hung on with the
tenacity of u bulldog , serunmiiig lustily
all the whilo. The burglar got "nxl-
tlod" over this unexpected reception ,
combined with the noise , and as Mrs.
Bronhy partially controlled his arms
ho dlil nothing but swear and rush
iibo'il Iho room endeavoring lo loosen
his fair captor's hold. Bui he could not
do it , although ho drugged her all over
the place , upsetting chairs , table , sow
ing machine and Mrs. Brophy's pet cat.
However , ho had an accomplice lurking
in the hall , and realizing thai Iho
racket would soon bring assistance to
the plucky little woman , vhis fellow
dashed into the room , caught hold of
her hands , wrenched them away from
his "pal's" ololhing. and giving her n
push , which sent her stnirgoring into a
corner , hurried otT after his companion ,
who had vanished llio moment Mrs.
Brophy'h hold was released.
The precious pair did not go very far.
Thu neighbors had been aroused by Mrs.
Brophy's screams and wore flocking into
tie hallway just as Iho first "crook'1
came rushing out. lie ran right into
the urms of a stout lady , and the shock
of the collision knocked Uiein both over.
He scrambled lo his feet , nnd , missing
his footing nl llio lop of Iho stairway ,
rolled nearly to the bollom. This gave
his "pal" lime to catch up to him , nnd
the two ikibhod into the Htrcol only lo
collide once more with another weighty
female. She delayed their progress
sulllcicntly for some men to catch hold
of thorn , and a moment later Mrs. Bro
phy came running out of the house.
She helped hold the biggest burglar
until a policeman arrived , and then ac
companied them to the West ThSrty-
sevonlh street police station. When
searched nothing was found upon them ,
with Ihe exception of a small lalh ham
AVIint "Peculiar" Mentis.
Applied to Hood.s San > n.pnrllln , the
word Peculiar is of great importance.
It moans that Hood'sSni" = aparilla is dif
ferent from other preparations in many
vital pointb , whichinnlco ita thoroughly
honest and reliable mediciue. it is
Peculiar , in a strictly medical sense :
First , in the combination ot remedial
ngonls used ; bccond , In Iho nroporlion
in which they are prepared ; third , in
the process by which tlio active cura
tive properties of the medicine are se
cured. Study those points well. They
moan volumes. They make Hood's Sarsaparilla -
saparilla Peculiar in its curative pow
ers , and it accomplishes wonderful
cures hitherto unknown , and which
give to Hood's Sarsuparillan clear right
to the title of "Tho greatest blood puri
fier over discovered/ '
lints in ( he AVIiltc House.
Chicago Herald : "Rats ! "
Those terrible four letters produced a
scare in the white house long before the
victory of the G. O. P. was announced.
So at least .said the Washington corre
spondent of the Courier dos IStnts Unis ,
Iho ni'jran of the French popululion of
Now York city. Graphic accounts wore
given of the first discovery of this un
popular quadruped in the president's
mansion ; how Mine. Cleveland's dreams
wore haunted by the shadow of an enor
mous rat ghost ; how his excellency liim-
belf had to give up the sloop of the just
nnd hunt rats.
This piquantc hislorielto was eagerly
read in Franco , all over , it seems , because -
cause the Courier publishes the follow
ing loiter which was received in the
white house ;
"A Monseur le President Cleveland :
I have scon with a heart full of sorrow
that tlio white house , the residence of
your excellency and your esteemed
Intly , is infested with these abominable
'rnngeurs' commonly called rats. I
lake the liberty of bending you a package -
ago which will in a short time deliber
ate you of the terrible plague. I have
tested it.
"In case you desire it , I will send a
suecial man over there to superintend
tlio cleaning process. I hope you will
pay him traveling expenses anil a good
"Hoping to receive a favorable an
awcr , I remain your excellency's mos
devoted servant , AI.LKX AI.UKII.
"Oannat , Franco , Doc. 10. 18SS. "
The enterprising Frenchman has not
yet received an answer. II is supposed
that Mr. Cleveland will refer the mat
ter to Mr. Harrison.
Many men of many minds.
Many pills of various kinds ,
But for a mild , effective , vegetable
purgative , you had botlor gel Dr.
Piorco's Pleasant Purgative Pellets.
They euro sick headache , billions head
ache , diz/.iness , constipation , indigest
ion , and billions atlacks ; 25 conls a vial ,
by druggists.
Clmotaw TJicolojjy.
Tlio Choctnws believe lhal Iho spiril
lives in a future stale ; that it travels a
long distance after tleath towards the
west ; that it has to cross a rapid and
dangerous stream on a long and slip
pery log , with the bark pooled oil' , to
Lho "happy hunting ground boyond. "
On the other bide are six pot-sons
from Iho good hunting grounds who
throw roukb al all us they near the mid
dle of the log. The good got over in
safety to a homo of joy , contentment
ind peace. But the wicked got btruck
: > y Iho rocks or dodge thorn , when they
ivo forever in sight of thai hnppy
Uround , whlcli llioy can novur , never
For Dlllout and Nervous Dltorderi , luch as Wind and Pain In Iho Stomach , Sick Headache , Clddineii , Ful-
net i. and Swelling after Meali , Dinlnesi and Drowslncsi , Cold Chilli , Fluihlngi of Heel. Lou ot Appetite.
Ehortneu of Breath. Coitlvenest , Scurvy , Blotches on Ihe Skin , Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , nnd all
Nervous and Trembling Sensations , &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE ( IILIEF IN TV/ENTV MINUTES.
Tbls u no action. Evorr aulTeror Is earnestly Inrltod to try oue Hoi or llicao rilla. uutl tboy wilt bo
aoknowlodpcd to Ix a tt'oiuterfut llrillclnf.
1'ILI S , taken as U I roc ted , will quickly restore fcmalet to complete licaltU , For a
they ACT LIKE MAGIC i aVic ilo cj will work wonders upon the Vital ; Strengthening the
muscular System ; restoring lone-lost Completion I bringing back tlio keen edge of appetite , mid
arousing with the ROSEDUD OF HEALTH tha tfliolc physical rnrrutlot thehuniun frnuio. These
RTO ( aot6' ' admitted by tliouRunds. In all rlasnoiof B' > clot ) ' ; nnd ono of tlio boat guarantees to the
MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full directions w | IU oacU liox.
Frepnred only by TIIOH. HKKCIIAM , m. Ileleiu. Laiirnslilro , tKniti.
fold bu Druaalitarnmil / / . B. F. ALLEN t > CO. . 365 and 367 Canal St. , New York , Uolo Agents ( or
Uu > OnlUxl Btatoa , ivlio ( U your druggUt dot- not keoji ttietn , )
I * '
Tf cd liy the United Slatci Rovrnnncnt Itmlorwl by the licniU of the Great VnlvenUle
mm Public Vool AttnlyM * , m the Stronccot Purest nml moil Hi-nlthful lr Prlce'i Crrniu
Unking I'omlcr doe * not roiitnln Aininnnln. Mine or Alum Dr Price Oellcioii4l'1avnilnirltx >
lract , Vanilla , I.iiuon.Oraugc , Alinoiul , Uow etc , do not conlaUil'otsonoinOlH or Chemicals.
PRICE DARING POWDER CO. , Now York. Chlcaco. St. Louis.
I\B H \H I\H KlnUuvni ( J IKILnU I BiLLBLI
' In th' ' ) world that Instantly Mops the most oxcrurlntlnpimltK. It never fulU to ctvo case to th *
butleierot I'nlii arising fronts lutovor cunso , ft is truly , tlio great
ON Q U E El O K , OF P A I N ,
ml ha * ilniM more good ! linn nny known remedy. I'orSIMtAINS , 1IKU1BHH , ItACKACIIK. VAIN
N TllicilisTtmMlus. IUIADAOIU : , TOUl'IIACIHX ornny I'AINufmv nppll-
nitioim , rnlilinlonby hniul act like mnuU. cailMiiRthi ) p.vlnto Instantly ntop. Per nNUU9TU ) N8
SMAl.l , or Till : HACK , inoru uvtemlml. longer rimtlmiftl anil ropi-ated application nro tinciM *
KKVOI'HNIISS , .Sl.CUI'liCimcss nro mllovod inttuntlr mill quickly cured by tnkliig In-
wimllv Al loM ) drops In hulr'n tnniblor ot water. M cents u bottle : sold l > v alt Druuglxts ,
WlTlf ll.vmVAY'S ' PIMS there la no CTHI : oit I'nuvBNTivKor rnvifltor AGUE
ilectro-llaoetie Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science Sol
en"fically Madc and
Fcst SrienUOe
I 6T * ? & ? ER H ( THBR3 > Kr VrtB I llnrt * yonl'iUna In ( lir lliick , lllt > * , 1lrn < 1 r I , ( ml. . . N'crT-
] B fi VWflELalU ! & [ & WVI ou P.'bllllr. Lumbneo , ( lenrrul IteMIlt } . UhciimtttUm ,
j lnrnlt li < t JS tMiruItflnt fclutl n , l > UouPC f Klilm > } * * H pint * I lMiui * , Tornlil 1,1 TIT , Hunt , Kihuuatlou ,
1 KmUfclorift. A tl limit , II curl lHcn r. Itj i > cp ta , Coii tli > Ktlun. ] > j li dn t ln < Jln tlnii. U rciUnfot , 1m-
I iiotonej , Ontnrrli * IMle , Kptlci r llnruli A true * 1 > lubele * Ilvdrocvlt't llluoil 1M * < * u t * * , i r i § y. < tu. , then
IthU lirlt U Junlrlnit you nrctl. McctHrTtvrufmify Frllt Cnn l > o Applied to any tmit of thn bmtjr.
- * ' "th.biua WHEW ALB- ELSE FABLS.
n ; uun yrut'ennn' , JM t K. ' , . Aimnu.pupt. city wnu'rwotKn.nouia j emi , inn t noiil. K. anii on , i.moaKO
post olHce ; 1 > . U. McMlclmel , M. ] ) , Hinralo , N. Y. "Your ttelt hna acruinnlUlif'tl wlmt no utlitr remedy liam
steady iiurvttflnnUcomfnrtAliIn ulecpntnlpht. " Uoljt. n.tll , ftldonnan , IM * KnatSythMreot.New Yoruotc.
ilrcuroulntio a/urabyDr. nil. IIORIR'R KLECTRO.CUa *
uKlptlro-MnenclIc Itt I u M-TIC IIU.T iinnlllrrlr cunfl
5Tru ! , corr.Llnwi. ( ceil the
* only or.o In the ivorld ( renomtlni
nrontlnuons KltctrfaM U
, _ current , bctentllle.l'oworrul , 1) )
/Comfortablo end FirucllTO. A\ol
OvcpO.OOOcurcil. Ijcon Ktmnp f or P HL'UIO * " ! ( " \ Yiy * * " 7rv " * i1'n , . " ; r" t v .ii > " ' .wjr " *
ALSO I.-LEOTKIO IIELTH FOU jTiHEWs. tiffi Wirz fft Sg&lfi1
" " " < ! ' '
nr.FEIlESrr.S-AIIY , bank , common-lal ntrency orX"i | ! | bo J "omp tSJS wiS'rn'.nv MilJ a ana ortK
i wholutBla hauii ) In Chicago ) nhuloalo JrUiiiM 1Sanc.3 | imititloua. KIECTDIG IlllbSKrt roK IIVPTVUE.
i Francisco nntl CblcaRo. P.OOO eurtd BendBtump torllluitratcd pamphleu
{ PR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
pggqeMJgi.'i'fj. ' . 'rr. g gyffaorr : arf f * * CTa'g ' * Jga g i gr fe 5 l >
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated liy tlio leRls'atnrn ' of 160 ? , for
Kdncntlonal nml C'liarltitblu puriioHes , nnd Ita
franchise nmdu n part at the rttoiont Stnle ( 'on-
btitntlon , hi JbTU , by an overwhelming popular
Its MAMMOTH nilAWJNOStnkn plnce Scmi-
Anntiitllyi.lnnoiinil December ) nnd Its ( iltANl )
uncli of thaotlior ten months of t tin year , und HI u
nil drawn In public , nt the Academy ot Music ,
Now Orleans , Ja.
For Integrity of Us Drawings , ami Prompt
Pnjnienl of Prizes ,
"We do hereby certify that wo si.pervlso the
arrnnKcmentH for ulltlio Monthly nnd Semi-Au-
unnl Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery
Company , and In person mamiKO ami control
the DnnUiiKS thomselvvs , anil that the s.tmo
are conducted with honostjfnlrnebl , nnd In
irood faith toward all pantos und w nnthorlzo
tlio company to nso this cnrtlllrntu , vllh fac-
Hlmlles of our slunatures attached , in its advor-
Usements. "
We , the imderslpnod Hanks and Ilankers.wlll
'ay all 1'rlzca drawn In The LoulHlaua Ktuto
jjOtterlo1) which may Ijo pioiuntcd at our coun
H. M. WALMHLRV , J'res. Louisiana Nat. Hunk.
I'lHHHP.LANAlTX.'rei. \ . Htato Nafl llante.
A. IIAIiDWIN , 1'ren. NowOrloam Nnfl Hank.
CAUL KOIIN , I'rai. I'nlon National ll.uik.
At tlio Acndoniy of IMusic , Now Or-
lunns , Tuesday , .January in ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickats at Twsntj Dollaw each.
Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen
tieths , $1.
i OI-'M u.iiouis
1 I'UI/li OK 60lftis ( ) .
1 ] 'll/.iOK ( : Sj.tMOlH
2 IMII/.KSOP 10,000 nro .
5 I'lll/llHOh' DK lartf . 260UO
Si i'itiyKSOK j.oounro . a.oo. . )
Jou 1'itiy.K.soK fiWinro . muwo
BOO I'KIX.HSOI' JMflaro . ( iOOO )
600 1MUKKH Ol' aWnrn . lOOOW
AI'imnXIMATION I'lll'/KS ,
100 Prlzim of $ . "iiw uro . fJO.OOO
1UO ] > rlyus of : iunro . ; tOiO ( )
JUO I'rlzesof a ro . ! ! 0,00) )
OSM Prizes of 110(1 ( art ) tW.WiG
WJ Prizes of ItWnra W.900 1'rlzes , iiniountliiR to JI,054MX )
NoTE.-Tltkutxlruwlim Cupltnl Prizes iiru noten-
Itli'H in tiTMilniil prircn
t < TToiU'i.rii IUTKSor any further Information
iieslicJ , wrlto li > Klbl7 lu tlio uiiileislcuoil , cloarlr
Mullni ; your reildunco.wltli late , fouiity. HtrBOtnnil
nuiiiln'r .Moru rapul rutiirn mall delivery "III ho ui-
Biirod liy your enclosing nn envolopu hcnrlng your
lull uililrcsj.
bend I'O- > TAI ( NOl'Krl. lx | e Money Onlan. nn
Netr York llti'linnuu In ordinary liutur , L'uncnoy Or
l.rprcas lat our oxpcunuj adJrtiiiid ( (
M'A ' '
OrM. A. llAU'iri.V. ' 'NVW ( , IA
Wunhiiiiilon , I ) , 0.
Address Reeistofed"Letters ; lo
Now Orleans , La ,
T ? I ? IVT l7Vn lI * ' 1'hat Iho narnicnt of
IIvitJ IMlJ Il'jK nrl/cs li ni/AllANTKKI )
MY I'OUIt N A no.NAI , IIANKH OK Now Orlt'nnt. ami
llio TIUcU uro ! KiiiJ liy Ilia I'ronlduiit ul an hull.
lutlon who ocliari riil rlnhti nro ri'COKnlrcit In Ilia
liltheit courts ) tlierofure , bon-aro ( it nil Imltutlons
or iinonrinouti ftrhumby. "
ONK DOI.I.Mllstlioprlro of the xmalloit iiart or
[ . rtction 0(11 ticket ISSJKI ( ) Y Ltrfln nny Dranlnit.
' ' ; | n our name offered I or lei tlm u Dollar is
( Successors to Jolm O , Jacobs. )
Untleptakers and Embalmers
M tlio old stand 1107 raruain St , Orders liy
tolefrupli aollcltcdand ptomptly Attunded.
ondTumoM rured *
oiperleure * Ha KulFe. llatik
I'rt-r. l
ESTADLISHED 1851 I 183 So.
Chicago , Ills.JCIarkOt ,
llio Regular Old-Established.
Is sllil Treating with the Greatest
Clironic , HcTFons ani Private Diseases ,
Jff NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terribto
Dreams , Head and Back Ache ami nllihe < Accti
lending to early decay and peiheps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated tcienlifically by new intlhoJj with
never-fallinc xuccesi.
SYPHILISitnd all bad Blood and Skin Dls-
e ea permanently cured.
A9-KIDNEYand U BINARY comphinti.Olect ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all dkeaies
of the Qenlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
Injury lo Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
SfNo experiments. Age and experience lot *
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
JlT3 Send \ cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseatts ,
contemplating Marrlace tend for Dr ,
Clarke's celebrated guide Male ana Female , each
15 cents , both cents ( itampO- Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or caliraaysavefulurcsurTer.
Ing and shame , and add golden year& to life. < OxIJoolc
"Life's ( Secrei ) Errors , "soctnu ( stamps ) , Mcdiclna
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure ,
Hours , B lo 8. Sundays 9 lo u. Address
F. D. CLARKE , m. D. ,
106 So. ClarU St. . CHICAGO , ILL ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Route from Onmlm and Council
JHufTfl to
Clilcnpo , AND lllhrnukco ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cctlar Itunltl * ,
Hock Island. Frecpurl , Itockford ,
Clluton , Dubuijtio , Darenpoi t ,
Elgin , Madison , Janmllle ,
BeJoifr , Wluonn , La Crosse ,
And all other Important uolnti Bait , Northeast all
_ . . HoulUuut.
For through tUliels. call ou the ticket njont nt JMJ
Farnam street. In liarkvr iJlock , or Kt Uulon PaclQu
' . 8jc per ; and the flneit ninlng Cnn In th
r . kB ! m „ A r HU rirfi . l-aul on the , . , , main _ . . line of tUo CMcavo , MIU
> nnd etar , attsutiunVpa 4
s Cocoa.
n thoroiiub knu * | u o of tlio natural lawj
whiaiKoveni tlio operations or dltruitloii und n'ltrl.
t , und by n uarulul unnllcailou of tbo Hiiu r u'or.
jlcmif welleliteil OJUMI , Mr. hu. , liaii/rurMeOaiir
Lri-aVfM ULI with n UullciUjiy navoied liDvereia
yrliKlmn aT8 us in nny hcnvr doctor' bills. Ills
bythi Judlrlouiusu ol such irllPlui of ( Jolt tlmta
cuntl lutlau mnr bu Kriiuunllr built uu lint I UronS
cnoiii h to rcsi.t reiy ton'Jciicr to dliealo Iluii.
drcds of lubtlo maladies urv um'tu | , nround is renily
loullack wlierBver thorn Is weak point. Wu mar
" ' ' r t l | " , ' " . kei'l'lni ourselvus well
proporir ) nouruioa !
MMlptlmplrnlth Itolllni : natcror milk. Boldcnlr
' 5 h lfjoniidjlni ltjrocDr § liticletl thii/l / !
TAMPQPPPOiPn llnmasojmtlui
JAulDuiirruaLiUn JONDOX , li
flute fit ilonroo Bta. CIIICAOO.
lll illfrt..lktUoi liuUntl
rut Illailttlluii d. elHI
rcqulretllii b ft
l Ilium Conn. lnclnJlDc ft
UtltfUli. Trln > ili , | > .
Uili < * < ltou rer
. , rjiWiirom , early d
- - - -
lost nuitiuoou , ntc. I will tenil a ralUAtti
rimtlo ( waled ) ronUlntiif full firtlouiart tut
hoiuui-urt frttnrrliaiiK. iddtr.i ,
PROF , Ft O. POWUCR. MooUuo , Oonru