Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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\ Oovornmont Eatlmntos Worked For
j the Donra.
Onts Wonltor Provisions Acllvc , Us-
l eclally In 1'nrk The Pork Tratio
I.iilctl Stonily In n Octi-
eral U'ny Cattle.
o , .Ian. 11. [ Special TolCRMm to
TUB Hin.l--Hpcfiilatlon : In wheat was in
fluenced to-day very largely by the cotifllct-
lnt reports relative to the final covcrnmcnt
crop estimates now over duo. The receipt of
private tips that the agricultural bureau's
rjllnmtoof the crop would bo 420,000,000
luielicls was what Inspired the raid and the
lircnk late yesterday. This report was de
nied later in the afternoon , hut It was ro-
vlveiS this morning In several forms. Nearly
everybody had It before 11 o'clock that Prof.
Jiodgo had confided to n friend that the crop
would be about -120,000,0)0 ) bushels , and that
this confidential friend had told another con
fidential friend , who hud leaked the informa
tion where it would do the most pood. This
confidence proceeding was magnified into
the stntcmunt tlmt tlio government report
had been Issued. Up to the close of the
trading session no oftlcial estimate had been
received , however , and there was no way of
knowing whether the "Up" was "strnighfor
iot. The crowd seemed to think that it was ,
though , and did not await the oniola' con
firmation of the ( 'Oislp to bo-
gln selling. New York parties were
especially emphatic In their assertions that
the unofllcial forecast came "straight , " and
various circumstances pointed to the exist
ence of a tunnel into a sccrot chamber of the
agricultural bureau. Wheat o | > cncd rn/wcil ,
with sales for May ranuuw from $1.03 to
? 1.0J : ) < f. A good deni ut wheat was wanted
on the sin' ' , " ' " 1 the price was run up to
pi.DJjf. It then dropped back to fl.OHJf ,
rallied to fl.lttJif , broke to $1.03' ' , ascended
the scale to ll.ODJtf , and on the 4'JO,000,000
bushel tip sold off sharply to $1.02f. A
rally carried tlio price back to $1.03 , and the
inartet displayed some steadiness above
fl.02.Jf. The price for an hour or more hung
around 11.03 , ( 1.03 . Ttie tone was that of
heaviness , however , and the market did not
show any snap or spirit on rallie" . The bulls
were nervous and timorous. They were in a
dodging mood In a state of expectancy , as
It wore expecting to get "slugged" with a
4 ! > 0OUO,000 busliol government report. Tills
was what made them weak , and the bears
strong. The firmness which has been the
distinguishing characteristic of tlio foreign
market of late was lacking to-day , according
to private advices , mid New York was weaken
on the soiling out of one lot of 800,000 bushels
- of loni ; wheat. In spite of tlio apparent
dullness in the cash trade everywhere , it Is
noticed that for several days the exports
of wheat and flour from the Atlantic
ports have about equaled the receipts at llio
primary points , St. Louis reports a moder
ate milling demand for good wheat. Tlio
indications point to another decrease in the
visible supply , the amount depending upon
whether the Minneapolis millers have been
drawing unon private or public stores. Ttio
local sentiment is unquestionably decidedly
bearish , and the popular speculation senti
ments is generally the same way. Thcro
was a good deal of empty talk about "gun
ning for FmrbanU'.s wheat , " but this sort of
Vociferation is common on breaks. Up to the
nrcsent writing the uunuers do not seem to
have bugged their came. Tlio market hard
ened somewhat toward tlio lust and the price
once touched J1.0 : } ' } , , closing at $1.03 , a loss
of } i con the day. January opened nt'JS'jfc ' ' ,
ranifcd to USfifOSJlc , and closed nominally at
ItSc. February ranged nominally to U'.iCi'JWo ,
and closed at D'Jc. July opened at Oljfc ,
ranged to mtlWc , and closed atOlclml.
As compared with yesterday , the closing
quotations show : i very slight shrinkage , des
pite the fact that it was a pronounced bear
The receipts of corn hero were consider
ably loss than expected , nnd there were only
two cors , of the contract grades , as noted
above. There was peed buying oC May at
'Mand the shorts were evidently a trifle
anxious , anil were watching the market
narrowly. The early weakness in wheat did
not have its usual influence upon the value
of corn , which was firm throughout , and
stronger Just toward the close. The export
movement via Now Orleans continues , but
the volume of it is small. Twelve thousand
bushels cleared from there yesterday for
Liverpool. The receipts for to-morrow are
estimated at 175 cars. Tlio closing prices to-
liny are from V to J fc higher than they were
nt the corresponding titno yesterday. The
pmi/unt of business done was ligbt and al
most entirely on account of local speculators.
Oats were weaker , with a liberal business
In May at 27Ji@J79fc. ; Tno early trading
was at figures a point above that , and the
slight downturn was duo to the largo selling
by local operators. Tlioro was enough do-
immd , however , to prevent any marked de-
Llinc , nnd the market ruled more quiet later ,
witli Urn months this side of the ono named
dull and } , @ ' 40 lower. January sold at IM' ' ' o ,
and No. ii oats were quotable at about 'tho
Biuno figure , witli few bids heard ,
i In the provision market to-day trading was
active , at least in porl : Tips were freely
given out to "buy pork , " and four out of
every live hi the provision crowd talked
bullish when that article was mentioned.
I'ork was generally credited with having a
father in Armour , and it was part ol the gos
sip that ho had predicted lOc as the price at
which It would sell at no very distant day.
Lard appeared to bo not only without a
father , but friendless , and it failed to respond
spend to the strength displayed by pork.
Kills were also inclined to drag , and
utter moving up Co early , settled
back again. On call Cudahy took
nearly 10,000 barrels of pork , for the bulk of
which ho paid Slil.75. Tlio early indication
of strength and the general impression that
obtained yesterday that Armour was quietly
buyliit ; In a stock of moro than would bo required -
quired for winter use nuiilu the shorts nervous -
vous , and they covered. Later In the ses
sion Baldwin and Cudahy nnd Uloom all
bought pork pretty freely nnd the market
averaged stronger throughout , though the
advance in prices was not very marked. Dur
ing the last half hour of the session May
porl : hold pretty steady around $ ia. 7J. . sell
ing off once to $ ii. : < U > J. The market closed
at tlti.70asked , or I'JJ uabovo yesterday's lust
bids. The whole range covered by May pork
was from $1.GO ! ( to I1M.T5 , The Cincinnati
1'rlco Current reports the week's packing
for the west at ! I5,000 hogs less than fur the
corresponding week in IMid , nnd also that in
various localities the stock of old hogs is
closely marketed , with the current move
ment made up lurgoly of last spring's pigs.
The foreign markets were steady , and attliis
point the shipping demand for product was
fairly active for lard , green hams and cured
meats. Green hams , averaging 10 Ibs , sold
ot8.75@8.S7jf. May lard closed dull at
unchanged prices , and ribs for future deliv
ery were 5o higher all around for the day ,
CHICAGO , Jan. 11. | Special Telegram to
Tun UEB. [ CATTI.K Trade was slow in the
( hipping and dressed boot line , with a weak
nnd uncertain demand In sorao Instances.
"Where the stock was not exactly up to the
standard , salesmen bad to make a slight
reduction. There was no general cut , but
the market was an unsatisfactory ono for
talesmen from the opening to the close. Host
grades of butchers' stock ruled steady ,
Prlmocows and hollers were In demand ,
owing to the scarcity of light Toxans. Corn-
fed Texans sold a shade stronger , making
the satisfactory price of J3.0J ; old cows ana
canning stock about steady ; veal calves un
changed. Tncro was scarcely n sufUclont
business In the stockcr and feeder line to make
n market up to , the hour this report closed.
Choice extra bcovos , fl.0@4.03j medium to
good steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , # UHX < W,00 ; 1300
to 1850 Ibs , | 3.5U@3.W ) : 050 to 1'JOO Ibs , 111.000
8. < 0 ; stackers and feeders , J3.U5Q3.50t cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.0J@3.'J5 ; bulk , | 3.40 < 2.00
Texas btcors , t2.60ijJ3.60.
Hocu-Jn a general way , the market ruled
steady Hero find there during tlio curly
hours of the forenoon there-were tracer of
ivtakliess. and then again thcro were n few
loads ( Witt ht n slight advance , Shipping
orders for henvy were limited. Packers
were the principal buyers , nml paid t5.20@
5.2.1 for peed mixed , and $ .V2TJf < 5.30 for
tiravy. A few fnncy heavy sold nt t-6.Wtff ! Z' '
63. . 1-lfrht sorts sold from 4-3.3 to $5.yo ,
und pips ntfo.lOC .V.'O.
Nr.w YOIIK , .Tnn. 11. Telegram
to TUB HBR.IKto < us European buying
on our stocks was a feature of tlio stock
market this morning. Tlio market opened
strong and higher for the entire list , the ad
vances showing * & per cent , except Chicago ,
Darlington it Qulncy and Pullman , which
opened 1 mid 2 per cent higher respectively.
London was the largest buyer of Ht. Paul ,
Lake Shore and Kric seconds. The favora-
bio results of yesterday's meeting of the rail
way presidents and bankers has given ro-
nowcd conllilcnco to the holders of our se
curities abroad. Marvin Hughitt , of the
Northwestern , talks very hopeful , and said
this morning : "There Is no reason why nil
tlio roads should not bo perfectly satisfied
with the progress which they have mado.
Europe will not bo slow to recognize the
changed condition of nffiilrs. Tor the first
tlmcslncoMav 1 , 1S57 , thernllrond managers
nnd the In tor-state commissioners nppenr to
hnvo como to a complete understanding. The
Ura-eo-Uoman tussle which has up to this
tlmo oxlstad. will now cease , nnd with the
maintenance of r.Uos everything from a rail
road man's point of view will bo uioro propi
tious than In the past two years. " On the
other hand the bears take little stock in what
was accomplished yesterday , anil urguo that
there are too many railroads , nml thnt the
iron-clad agreement will not bring an extra
pound of freight , and that these conditions
cannot bo changed. So their influence will
continue to bo felt nml the effect must result
In lower prices. Money continues plentiful
and has loaned nt 2(3:1 ( : per cent. Tulegraphlc
communication with the wc t is still re
tarded , and after the first two hours' trailing
was over the market became quiet with : i
strong undertone , and prices were about the
same as the opening figures. The market
during the afternoon was quiet , but firm ,
The commission houses were noticeable
buyers of the better elnssof stocks , Missouri
Pacific was the most active , and advanced } ft
per cent for the tiny. St , P.uil mul North
western were quite strong , though the deal
ings were somewhat limited. About the
only stock that lagged was New England ,
which closed at 3g per cent under the open
ing figures. Jersey Central did not exhibit
its usual strength , nnd closes fractionally
lower. Tnc net advances for the day show
Northwestern , J { ; Uoclt Island , Jf ; Pull
man , 1 ; Eric , ' 'B ' ; Usading , ? , and Lacka-
wanna % per cent. The total sales aggre
gated 153.001) shares , including' St. Paul ,
31,000 ; Lacknwanna , 11,000 ; Krio , 10,000 ;
Northwestern , S,5UO ; Luke Shore , 7,000 ;
Union Pacific , 5,300 ; Canada Southern , 2/000 / ;
Cotton Seed , & .500.
The following wera the closing quotations )
U.S. 4s regular..lifi'i'Northorn ' P.iclflc. . a" > > 4
U. S. Iscoupaiu 120',41 doproferrotl CO'B
V. S.4'iSroKUhir. . .IIM'J 0. * N. W 107J
U.SM'iseoii | > oiis..lOH'Sl doproferred HO
J'aclllotisof ' 93 . . .II'J ] N. V. Contra ! 108
Contra ! I'aclllo. . . . 3Vi 1' . , U. A K l.3'J '
Chicago feAltnn . . ! Mi ! Itock Islnml HS'a
ChlciiBo.Ilurllnt'tou C. , M..St. I' Wo
& Qulucy 1911'i do preferred 1(11 (
D..I/.A W 141'j.St. I'attKt Omaha. . ! JIJ4
Illinois Central IM'JI dopraferruJ l'-.i (
] . .Il..tW m ; Union 1'Acillc im ;
Kansas & Texas. . . 13'i W..St.L. , V I' f.'U
I.akcShoro 101'i do preferred. . . . lli
MIchlBanCentral. . b7 Western Union B1S
Mlssouriracitlc . . .
MONUY ON CAM , Easy at } ? ( ? : per cent.
PIUMB MBiiCANriLi : PJIPEH 5 ! ' , < J7 per
STKHMSO EXCHANGE Dull , but firm ; bixty
days , fi.&ij-f ; auuiand , fl.SS .
CitiCAno , Jan. 11.Vlieat Steady ; cash ,
9Sc ; February , O'Jc ; May , $1.0:1. :
Corn Steady ; cash , 33 D-lGc ; Pubruiiry ,
315-1(5 ( ; May , JWlli-Kic.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2i c ; Februnry,23''c :
May , STJfe.
Hyo JSc.
Uarley No trading.
Prime Timothi fl.54@1.53.
Flax $1.03.
Whisky jjl.03.
Pork Stoailv ; cash , (13.55 ; February ,
? 13.ij : ; May , $13.70.-
Lard Steady ; cash , 17.35 ; February ,
$7.37 > ( j ; May , S7.f > 0-f. } !
Flour Unchanged.
Uulk .Moats Shoulders , StJ.37tfJ0.50 ( ;
short clear. $7.2.'i@7.37 } ; short ribs. ? ( i.05.
Uutter- Quiet , lower ; creamery. Slfj 20i : ;
dairy , 15@ttc. !
Ohooso Firm ; full cream choddais ,
10 @llc ; flats , lO igll oj Voung Amcri-
Ki'gs' Firmer ; fresh , 15@10c.
Hides Unchanged ; ' heavy green saltciT ;
CJ c ; light ftroen salted , CXc ; green , 5cn
salted bull , 5' ' oj green bull , 4'jo ' : greo.l
dry flint , 7J..J < ? Su ; dry calf , 7So ; brando ;
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , UJ@3'Ji ! each ,
ilr.v salted. 10i513o.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. I , solid 5) ) cj
.TiOt > ! 'Jj/2C | CtlrCO | iJ J-gCt
Keceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 0,000 9,000
Wheat bu 17,000 21,000
Corn , uu 100,000 GS.OOO
Oats , bu 00,000 77,000
Now Vork. Jan. 11. Wheat Receints ,
1,000 ; exports. 10.000 ; spot market dull ; No.
S red , * 1.03 < fl-0aia' ' " elevator , $1.01' © l.OIK
nfloat , * 1.00JHfifil.03ltf free on board ; N'o. 3
red , 'JlViOCru ; . Oiitions moderately active ,
irregular and K'i ? ' o lower ; January closing
Corn Receipts , 200,000 ; exports , 80,000 ;
spot moderately active and steady ; No. 2 ,
11)4' < i-MKo in elevator , -I5jtf < § l5jfo afloat ;
No. 3 , yjCi lO 'o ; Uligradod mixed , HS-gi15c. (
O | > tious less active but titundy , closing weak.
Oats Kecelpts , 5:1,000 : , ; exports , none ; spot
quiet and heavy , ? .Jo lower ; options quiet at
* | ( 'i' ' ? < jO lower ; weak ; January closing at
Hlfjc , February closing ntSlJfc ; spot No. 2
White , HKg'llJf ; mixed western , 2Si532e. (
Coffee Options opened steady and closed
5 points above yesterday ; dull ; sates ,
20,000 bags February , * 14. . > 5i15.00 ( ; March ,
S14.SVftM.Qri ; May , H-1.H5@ 15.05 ; spot Hio
dull but fair ; fair cargoes at J17.00.
Petroleum Steady and qulot ; United
closed atbO' ' c.
Kggs Easier ; western , 10J4Z'20c. (
Pork Quiet : now , 1-1 23 U.50.
Lard Quiet but steamer ; western steam ,
$7.7fii$7.SO ( ; January , f 7.73 ,
Uuttor In moderate demand but weak ;
western dairy , HS21c ( ; western creamery ,
170W7o ; Elgins , 2'Jc. '
Choose Firm ; western , ll@ll4'o. !
JMiniiimpolIs , Jan , 11. Sample wheat
dull and easy ; receipts , 8 * ) cars ; shipments ,
51 cars , Closing : No. 1 hard. January , f 1.15 ;
May , $1,21 ; on track , $1,10 ; No. 1 northern ,
January , $1.04 ; May , $1.03. % ; on track , 11.00
@ 1.0" ; No , 2 northern , January , ( Mo ; May ,
We ; track , Miirj7o. ( )
Milwaukee , Jan. 11 , Wheat Firm ;
cash , 01 > u ; May , f 0c.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 30f ( < 831c.
Oats Steady : No. 3 white , 23@J31 c.
Hyo-Firm ; No. 1 , 49o.
Harley Firm ; No. a.UOc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , (13,40.
Knniias Oily , Jan. 11. Wheat Steady ;
No , 3 rod , cash , 03o asked ; May , OS o
bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , 07c asked ; Mny , ( Ijjjo
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 25o hid ;
May , 2'.i'/o bid ; No , 2 white , M y , 80o bid.
Oats No , 2 , cash , S2o asked : Mtiy , 23f/o
Oinoliinatl. Jan. 11. Wheat Dull , but
firm ; No. 3 red , OSc.
Corn Firm ; No. S , mixed , 35@35kc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2mixed , 2S ( | 2SJ/c.
Whisky Steady nt $1.03.
St. Jjouls. Jan. 11. Wheat--A shade
better ; cash , Wo ; May , $1.00 ,
Corn Lower ; cash. 29 o : May , 33c.
Oats Firmer ; cash , 24fo ; May , 2J # @
Pork-Quiet at $13.50.
I-ard Kasy at $7.20 ,
Hutter Lifelesscreamery,23@33c ; ; dairy ,
20(2 ( i."o.
Mvorpool , Jan. 11. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB 13BB.1-330 ; p. m , close.-Pork
Jn moro demand ; prlmo mesa , eastern , 75s ,
dull ; prime moss , western , 60s 3d , dull ,
Lurd lu.jioro demand ; spot and January ,
40 < i , steady ; February and March , 40s' 3d ,
Wheat -In fair demand ! now No. 2 win
ter. 7s 11 dull ; do. spring. Ss Id , dull.
Flour In fair demand ; lis. firm.
Corn In fair demand : spot , 4 3d , dull ;
January , 4s2Vtl. dull.
Oats-March , 4s . ' ldull. _
Clilcnco.Ian 10 Tno DravorV Jour
nal rctiortsas follows :
Cattle Receipts , 4,000 ; closing lOc lower ;
rhoicc to extra beeves , f4.50 ( § . ' .i3 ! steers ,
f.TX4.40 ( ) ; stockcrs nnd feeders , $ 'J.25 < ii.50 : ;
cows , bulls and mixed , (1.00 3.25 ; Texas
cattle , < 2.f > 0,1rj.30.
Hogs Kcceipts. 1S.OOO ; market steady ;
mixed , ? 5.05'rt5.30 ; licnvy.W. 13(85.35 ( ; light ,
$ ; skips , ? : i.5K'10. .
Sheep Kfcelpts 5,000 ; market steady ;
natives , I3.o0rii5.00 ; western corn-fed , H40
( fl 70 ; lambs , : J5.00 < ( tfi.73.
Natlonnl Slock Vixrils , Hast St.
Iiouls , Jan. 11. Cattle Receipts , 700 ;
shipments , 1,100 ; market ste.idy ; choice
heavy native steers , ft.70a.i.30 ; fair to
good choice heavy native steers , f4.00c 4SO ;
butchers' steers , medium to cnolco , W.OOf't
4.10 ; siockers nnd feeders , fair to good ,
$3.00Qi'3.10 ' ; rancors , corn fed , $3.00a3.SO ( ;
grass feu , fJ.fO < f3.00.
Hogs Hecelpls. 5.100 ; shipments , 1,000 , ;
market stronger ; choice heavy nnd butchers'
selections , 15.15 < f5. : ) ; packing , f3.Hdi5.20 ( ) ;
light grades , $3.00ili5.15. (
lintiHnH City. Jan. 11. Cattle Receipts ,
2M)0 ) ; shlpmunts , 1V.10 ; market steady to
strong , particularly cows , which wercu ( IOc
higher ; good to choice corn-fed , $ l.HOul.70 ;
common to medium , $ ; i.20Jl ( ) 3) ) ; stockcrs and
feeding steers , $ -JO ! ( ( : | 30 ; cows , S1.23 : 3 > 0.
Hogs Receipts , S.'St ) ; slnpmonl * , 51 ; mar
ket opened weak , closing stronger ; common
to choice , tl.7iVrf5.lU.
Friday. Jan. 11 , 1S89.
As the rccolnts were light yes unlay and
the market higher , salesmen fell like asking
moro money to-day when it was found that
the receipts were again light , and in fact the
prospects were favorable , early in the morn
ing , for an advance. The buyers , however ,
showed no disposition to bu in any hurry nnd
when the market did open it xvas In the face
of reports indicating a lower market nt east
ern points. The market here upon the whole
was about steady with yesterday's prices nnd
was fairly active when the trading had once
commenced. In some cases , perhaps , the
packers paid more for something which hap
pened to strike their fancy , llcof steers sold
mostly at $ J.43i$4.0.'i. ( but thcro was nothing
hero that could compare , in quality , with tlio
top yesterday. Cows sold nt prices ranging
from S1.50 ( ! 2.iri ( , principally nt $3.0Uu2.50. (
Ono small bunch of cows brought & 1.15 , but
they were fancy. Tlio trade In feeders was
very limited owing to the small offerings.
One small bunch brought 1.00. *
Mo s.
The early trading was mostly 5c
higher , but as the buyers began
to get their orders Illlcd , it cased up
; uid for a time was slow. As the latav re
ports from the provision market , were still
more favorable the trade took a fresh spurt
und closed strong at tl.o advance of the
morning. Upon the whole the market was
fully 5c higher and the hogs brought , big
prices as compared with other markets.
Tlioy sold within 5c of the extreme to ] ) in
Chicago. A feature of the market was tlio
high prices paid for light hogs , which sold
closer to heavy hogs than for some time.
The quality of the hogs was pretty fnir and
the best heavy brousht &V.J3 , with the bulk
of the mixed hogs at $ . i.lUii'5.1.Ii. ( Everything
was sold before the close.
Tlio receipts were fair , but there seemed
to bo a wide difference between the buyers
and sellers. Some good heavy Nebraskas
brought $4.00.
C/ittlo / . 800
Hop ? . 3,700
Sheep . ti-10
I'revnllinit I'rlom.
The following is a t blo of priori p\H la
this mantel for the gr.iU ) of stoclc maa-
Prime stoors. 1300 to 15IH ) Ib3.3.75 ( iM.15
Pnmostoers. 1103 to 1301) Ibs. . 3.00 iiM.75
Native feeders . 2.75 ( cfcl.OO
Western feeders . 2.iO ( i2.UO
Common to good cows . l.- i f < c3,03
Choice to fancy cows . 2.5 < r : t.OO
Commonto choice bulls . 1.35 (
Fair to cnoicolignt hoes . 5.00 fits. 15
Fair to cnoico neavy tiocs . 5.15 ( < S5,23
Fair to choice mixed hops . 5.1)5 ) ( f$5.15
Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.5U @ 1.25
Fair to choice Nobraskas . 3.00 ( ( 3.73
Kcprosiit : : nvo S ilai.
No. Av. Pr.
1 cow . 700 Si. 50
3bulls . 1350 Ui5
Scows . O'.i0 1.5
2cows . % 0 2,00
Scows . 10'JO 2.00
3ICOWS . U52 2.05
Scows . SI3 ! 2.10
1 bull . 15.10 2.15
5 bulls . l3l ( ! ( 2.15
1' ) cows . 10-i7 2.20
1'J cows . 10S4 2.25
3 cows . I''OO 2.25
1 bull . 1100 2.25
Scows . IOCS 2.25
10 cows . 1018 2.25
fl cows . 1UIO 2.30
1 heifer . 930 2.35
1 cow . 1100 235
S cows . 10S7 2.35
10 cows . . - . .1 181 2.40
Icow . IS20 2.50
( i CO ws . 1 02(5 ( 2.50
12 cows . 1071) ) 2.50
Scows . 1113 2.51)
41 cows . 1007 2.05
1 feeder . 8SO 3.75
2 stock steers . 800 2.75
18 feeders . 'J33 3.00
1 steer . 1230 3.00
1 steer . 1025 3.0U
CO Texas steers . H30 3.1(1 (
Scows . 1232 3.15
11 steers . 1127 3.45
20 steers . 120'J J.50 !
15 steers . 1310 3.50
13 steers . 1221 3.55
3 $ steers . 1217 3.05
2 J steers . 10'i2 3.75
3 steers . 1425 )
3S steers . 1330 4.00
19 steers . 1U37 4.05
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
til. . .217 1211(5.00 57. . . .201 40 $5.10
01) ) . . . .253 KJO 5.00 57. . . .310 2JO 5.10
( ii..2 ( ( 'J 1(50 ( 5.00 ; 5..270 40 5.10
05. . . .2(51 ( 280 5.05 „ ( IS. . , .20'J 100 5.10
35. . . .208 40 5.05 . . . . < ) fi.IO
: W..lfJ ! 10 5.05 5I..2SO 320 5.10
Ol..2i50 200 5.i)5 50. . . .204 230 5.10
53. . . .290 ! WO C.05 51. . . .237 200 6.10
(55. ( . . .250 210.5.05 ( VJ.,2i53 1(50 ( 5.10
03. . . . 209 200 5.05 57 . . .303 40 5.12' < J
07. . . . 207 200 5.05 01. . . . 320 1(50 ( 5.12 }
74..2.-i ( ) 320 S.07Jrf 07..2J2 80 5.UV.J
5'i..3 1(5(1 ( ( 5.07 } $ 51. . . . 310 1(50 ( fi.l2
53. . . .203 1(50 ( 5.07 } $ & ) . . . 317 2JO 5.12V ?
53. . . .305 120 5.10 59. . . .310 1(50 ( 5.15
5.S..318 520 5.10 CO. . . . 292 SO 5.15
59. . . . 245 40 5.10 515..201 80 5.15
(53. ( . . . 279 210 5.10 58. . . . 314 80 5.15
C3..253 120 5,10 59. . . . 330 ' 5.15
(54. ( . . .253 203 5.10 49. . . .308 120 5.20
58. . . . 340 200 5.10 65. . . . 335 40 5.20
(53. ( . . .292 200 5.10 09. . . .247 5,20
07. . . .250 120 5.10 50. . . .355 5,20
GO. . . .231 201) 5.10 00. . . .399. 40 5.20
5'i..271 ' 120 5.10 48. . . .317 5,20
(50. ( . . .202 1(50 ( 5.10 49. . . .303 120 5.20
59..yOO H'O 5.10 40. . . .339 60 5.20
09. . . .252 200 5.10 51. . . .3:19 : 5.20
57. . . .278 120 5.10 87. . . .350 210 C.32K
fi3..317 410 5.10 35. . . . 478 5.53
64..2SO 3iO 5.10 4S..395 SO 5,25
B1II21U' .
No. Av. Pr.
37 Nebraska natives . . . . . 100 $1.00
Iivo Stock Notes.
Light receipts.
Some fancy cows at $3.15.
Cattle and hogs about all sold.
Hogs soil within So of the top In Chicago.
Morrison & E. , Fullcrton , sold a loud of
hogs at the top price.
Everybody but the railroads kicking on
weighing stock on track.
15. Corsbs , Urock ; F. Bergman. Hartlng-
ton ; J. U. Heck , Petersburg ; David Thomas ,
Portvlllo , nnd L. C. llaulsby , Wilsonvillo
were among those who came hi with hogs.
There were quite a good many stockmen at
the yards , some of thorn merely to look over
the market , while others brought In stock.
Among those hero were the following ! M.
L. Evans , Emerson , la. ; John Noh , Clark-
'son ; David llur'ko. NortSi Plnttc : A. L.
Paynoi Council Bluffs ; , lit Power ! * , Crcston ,
In ; It. Elliot , Teeuimqtu tt. W. Pickering ,
Chester ; F. W. Rlnftct' , Rockvlllo ; J. U
Wehrman. Nelson ; A. 0. Oakland , Alva ,
C. J. Clmffcc , Poncn ; N. 11. Barggrecn , Wn
boo , nnd Charles Howard , Vorkshiro , la.
At Council
C'ivx ( ii. HM rr , la. , Jhti. 11. Hoes Re
ceipts S curs ; quality Very pood.
Sales Common , $4.P.Vif5.)5 ( ) ; good llcht
$5.05(1(5.10 ; good mixed , $5.10j5.15 ? ; some
Very fancy , f3.20Cij3.25.
Fruits. I'roilnpp. Uic.
HfTtrn Fancy , solid-p.ickcd creamery ,
20 ( < I22c ; choice country , H ! < ilSc ; modlum
grades , 13jit5c ; common grades , Kiid2c )
FI.OI n Nebraska patents , W.00ir7.0i > ;
Minnesota patent * , $ ri.2V 7.23 : straight
grades , $4.75(35.00 ( ; bakers' flour , $5.00i < i5.25
per bbl.
POTATOES Nebraska , 33 ( 45c per bu ; Col
orado , 75c.
RwnBT P rvT < iR < ! 5V30iJ3.75 ; ( per bbl.
Poi'i.TKV Live chlclions , I2.50d3.75 per
do ? ; dressed clHckons , 7dfc per lb turkeys ,
ll ( He ; ducks and geese , IW lOe.
Ktitis-Strictly fresh , liM7c. ( (
M.u. u v GuO'is-3.iO : ( pur Keg.
H.\Ni\\s-Common , * 1.5ifij2.23 ( per bunch ;
choice. $ ' . ' .5'K ' 3.50.
LUMOVS $ : t.7.V 4 50 per case.
OIIANOKS Florida , ( ! t.23i83.5U l'cr ' ' ) OX-
UAMI : Perdoznn : Mallards , f'J.'Jn ; teal ,
$1.5 ! ) ; rabbits. $1.1X1 ; squirrels , $1.00 ; Tttl''c
HIUN $ ll.Ki.i ( ) 13.00.
CiKii'i-ni ) FniA : * 12.Hif. ( ( 13.00 per ton.
Al'l'i.o Choice , 2 23'n2.5'l ' per bbl ; fancy ,
$2.75 per bbl : common , $1.25421. 75 per bbl.
CliiKit Michigan , $5.Hiii.50 ( ) ( per bbl of 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
PolCOHN Rli-e , 2c
\\s-Choico : eastern tiand picked navies
$2.25 per bu ; western hand nicked navies
$ l.Ml < 2.00 ; mediums , $1.50 ; Lima beans , 5o
per Ib.
lln F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , $5.50 ; No ,
2 uplaii 1. $5.dO.
Cons 23(1 ( ? 2(5e. (
On-s 21'ii'2.'c. '
VISDU MI Cider , 10 7 iSo per gal ; white
wine , 10v'-J3c pur gul ,
Hisii ( : Mb frames , lilfiTlSc.
CKxnniutiKs S .OtXijO.lii ) per bbl.
Pit JVISKIN'S -Hams , No. 1. lie ; No. 2 ,
10 , ' c ; shoulders , ' " /c ; rib b.icon , He ; clear
bacon , ' . - : r-lcnic hams , lOc ; dried buof
hams , 10' c ; dry suited clears , sliart , S'c ' :
extra short , S c ; short ribs , S c ; plckliid
lu.u's' foot , 15-Hi kits , 80o ; lard , Slij ( ! ) > o ;
smoked sausage. ( > ( it'3O ' per Ib ; hog casings ,
KC IC. .
I.'II.IK23(4iO. : ( ! . % per doz ; fancy , 40c.
ONION' ' ' 45 a'5'Jc ' per bu.
Sunu : Ku.\rT Hbls. , 1.50 ; half bbls. ,
$ . ' .50.
: --California , crates $2.23.
Oroccrs' List.
Ituvlsed prices are as follows :
H.uinixo .Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless. 17'iic ; Lewistown , A , seam
less , 19c ; American seamlesa , 17c ; burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu. , lld/'llc ; runnics , single , 13c ; giin-
niCH , double , 20c ; wool sack , ! J5e.
TWINKS Flax , 3 c ; extra sail , 20c 21c ; sail
B , 2lC'21c ) : cotton , 22c ; jute , 9c.
IKIII : ) Fin-it ! . Flg.s , in boxes , per Ib ,
Itio ; dates , in boxes , 7flOo ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , f2.50(33.75 ( ; Malaga
loose raisins , ? J.0it'J.5 ! ! ( ! ) ; now Valencia rai
sins , per Ib , S''fc ; California loose ? muscatels ,
per box , S'i ( ) > ( < ? 'MO ; .California Londons ,
ISS S , f'J.-tO ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISo ; ( . 'nil-
fornia pitted plums , p6r Ib , 12 ( i : < c ; dried
bluckbcrrlcs. per Ib , 71JiiST ( ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 21ii'3c ; evaporated apples , 7' ' . . . , < .i < !
Sr ; California sun-dried peaches , IHc ; Cali
fornia mi pared evaporated peaches , 14e ;
evaporated C'aliforniai apricots , lc ; cur
rants , li'ijdiTc ; Turkislt primus , 5 ( . " > } c : cit
ron , 2-oi'Jlo ; praniro peel , 15c ; lemon pool ,
lOc ; California French'prunes ' , IKalOo.
Ciinc i : Vouiifr America , full cream , 12lji' '
ly'jf ; full orcam Cheddars , 12iil'3Ki" ( '
PH M.I : Medium , in bbls , 5.00 ; do , In
half bbls , § ! . ! ) : small , in bills , $ .1.00 : do , In
half bbls , -f3.0 ; ghcrkiiin , in bbls , J7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls. Af.OO.
Corrni : Mnehn , 2. > ( rfcJfii ; ; Hio , good. 17 ( < 5
ISc ; Alaiidahling , 2i5 ( fj > o ; roasting Kio , 10 < o
17c ; O. G. Java , 2lj'JJc ( ; Java , interior. 2\i ( >
> 3c ; Iio , f.incy , is-viill'ci Santos and I\lara-
caibo , 17ilite ( ; ArbucUlcs , MU c ; McLaugh-
lin's XXXX. 2-.V.C. , ' '
St'iiAit ( iranulated , 2c ; cant. A , 7l2'c ;
white extra C , 7'4c ' : extra C , 7'j'e ; yellow O ,
0Tc ; powdered , S ) e ; cubes , S' e.
MIIIVA.Choice : yellow , 2JjJ2iKci ( dark
colored , llK'tllc.
Ton.v ceo Plug , 2t'ffilMc ( ; Finoking , 10a90c (
JILI.IIS : § 1.23 pur30-lb pall.
SALT fl.35OI.40 per bbl.
Itoi'c 7-10. \ } M. 12 u.
MAPI.C SudAit liricks , ll ( )12c ) j > er Ib :
jicnny cakes , \ ( nj\.te per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 pur gal.
Tii.\ - - Young Hyson , common to fair , ISM
2'ic ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( < f53e ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22 ( < ' 25c ; Gun
powder , clioico to fancy , 40 ( > 3c ; Japan ,
common to medium , 15V20c ( ; Japan , choice
to fancy , 30it4c ; Oolong , common to seed ,
lO .tnc ; Oolong , choice to fancy , .r ) ( ) ( < g70o ;
Smpcriul , common to medium , 25@33c ; Im
perial , good to fancy , 40tfSOe. (
NfTs Almonds , 15g7'ltic ' ; lllberts , 12i ( l5c ;
Brazil , 0iilte ) ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , lOyllc ;
] ) eanuts , 0 ( < t9c.
CiiAfKiJiKJ1 ( SOilOc per ib ; assorted cakes ,
S ( 25c per Ib as per list.
CANDY Mixed , 9) < 12Ke ; stick , fK ) i >
lie : rock candy , 10) ) @ 13c ; fancy candy ,
7 ( < t2Sc.
Dry ( Jooils.
COTTON FI.AKSCI.S 10 per cent dls. ; LL ,
c ; CC , 0c ; SS , 7 ? c ; Nameless , 5a ; UX ,
ISc ; H , 20c ; No. 10 , S.Je } ; No. 40 , 10 } < fc ; No.
00 , 12 > jc ; No. bl ) , l3Hc ; No. 30. colored , 9c ;
No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 13'j e ;
Bristol. 12'c ' ; Union Paciiic , 17c.
UAitinrVAHA - Bid , white , lOc ; colored ,
Trs Standard , Sc ; gem , lOc : beauty ,
: Boonc , 4c ; B , cased , & 1.50.
ixTs Solid colors Atlantic , ( ie ; Slater ,
(5c ( ; Berlin oil , OKci CSnrner oil. (5 ( ( < t'7e.
PniSM Pink and Roues Allen , lie ; Kiv-
erpoint , 5 > 4c ; Steel Itlvur , OJ3'c ; Richniund ,
c ; Pacific , 7c.
'ltixri Urcss , Charter O.ik. 5'.fe ; Ham-
ape , 4J < jC ; Lodi , 5if : Allen , ( io ; Iticlimond ,
( ! c ; Windsor , O'c ; liddystono , ( l.'fc ' ; Pacific ,
SiunTiN : 13qrkely cambric ,
No. 00 , ( . > Kc : Hest Yet , -1-4 , (5j ( > 4'c ; bnttor
cloth , OOl sc ; Cabot , 7K ! Farwell , half
bloacncd , bj c ; Fruit of the Loom , ! l'4c ' ;
Orccii G , C.'i'c ; Hope , 7J c ; King Phillip
cambric , He ; Lonsdnlocambric , lljfc ; Lons-
dale , 1'e ' ; Now York mills , lOJ r ; Poppcrull ,
12-in , lie : I'epperell , 40-iii , 1'Jc ; Pcpperoll ,
0-1 , lOc ; Peppcrell , 8-4 , 2lc ; Popueroll , U-4 ,
! iSoPepporell. ; 10-4 , 25c ; ICanton , 4-1. &Xc ;
Triumph , tie ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
FI.ANNUI.S Plaid Haftsmcn,20t ! ; Goshcn ;
ijjc ; Clear Lake , i30 > ac ; Iron Mountain ,
i'j.ANSni.s White GIL No. 2 * { , ffi.Kc ;
Gil , No. 1 , Jf , 20o ; 1511 , No. 2 , % , S2 , o ; till ,
No. 1 , Jf , liOc ; Queclico , No , 1 , % , 42c.
Cousivr JKANS Audrodcojfgin , 7 40 ; ICear-
sargo , 7540 Hockportf 0o ; Concstoga , O c ;
TICKS York , UO-in , 12)io ) ; York , ai-in ,
liIKo ; Swift river , T o TliorniHko , Op ,
oz , 13 > o ; York. 7oz , 13Uc ; Haymaker , 8Ue ;
Jailrey , XX , 11'o ; JalTroy , XXX , 1'JJtfo ;
llcaver Creek , AA , 126f Heaver Creek , HIJ ,
llo ; HeTlvcr Creek , CO , lOc.
KENTUCKY JKANH Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
ISo ; Durham , 2' c ; , .Uerculcs . , 18o ; Lcaui-
ington , 22 > rfc ! Cottswopd , 27) ) c.
Ciusii Stevens' 13 , O o : Stevens' B ,
blenched , 7o ; Stevens' A , 7Ko ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , SJtfo ; Stevens' P , 8 > < jc ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , OKer Stoucns' N. OKo ; Stevens'
N , bleached , lOKc ; Slovens' SIU , 12 > c.
MiOKM.iXcous 'Cablo on cloth , $250 ;
plain -Holland , MU ; Dado Holland , 13 > c.
Bnoiv.v HiniTiNi Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7iio ;
Atlantic H , 4-J , 7 c : Atlantio D , 4-4 , O'fo ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Co ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4/o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , GJfo ;
HooslerLL. 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7Mo ;
Lawrence LL , 4-1 , Gc ; Old Dominion , 4-4.
5 } o ; Pcpperoll It , 4-J , 7c : Popporell O , 4-4 ,
CJfo ; Popporell , 8-4 , ISJ o ; Pcpperoll. 9-4 ,
81c ; Peppcrell , 10-J , 23o ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4&e ;
Wnchusett , 4-4 , yoAurora \ It. 4-J , 7c ; Au
rora B , 4-4. OKc.
DUCK West Point , 29 in. 8 oz , lO c ; West
Point , 39 in. 10 oz. 13K" ! West Point , 29 in.
13 oz , 15o ; West Point , 40 In. 11 oz , lOc.
YANNELu-lleil , O , 24 in , 15Ko : E , 21 in ,
o ; GO , 34 In , 30o ; HAF , % , 25c ; JRF ,
i 37o ,
Gi.NoiUM-Plunkctt checks , 71 < c ; Whittcn-
ton , rj c ; York , 7o ; Normondf dress , 8 } c ;
Calcutta ilross , 8 0 : Whlttonton dress , 8 0 ;
Renfrew dress. 8J 13 > 'o.
CAMIHIICS Slater , 5 > < oj Woods , 5 o ; Stan
dard , 5e ; Peacock. 5Jfc.
is Arnold , OKo ; Amer
ican , fl'4c ; Cilouohc tcr , rnold C long
cloth , t'c ; Arnold B lone clot > i , 10V ; rnoli
Gold Seal , 10 > , o ; Stcifol A , 12o ; Wind ser
Gold Ticket , 1 ( > V.
First and second clear , 1 > 4 In. . . $19 00
First nnd second clear , 1'j ' In . . ' 47 ( KVt30 00
Third clear , 1'4 oil H in 43 00&i4ll IX
A select , 1'.tCH's ' in : i7 oo
Dseloct. 1 4 M'9 ' In T3 OJ
A stock boards , 12oU(5 ( ft , 13 In. . 4(1 ( IX
B stork boards , 12itli ( ft12 In. . 41 ( X
C stock boards. 12jM(5 ( ( ft , 13 in. . : w ( HI
1) stock boards , 12 f 1(5 ( ft , 12 In. . 23 ( M
Flooring , first common , (5 ( in. . , . : < 4 IK
Flooring , second common , 0 in. . : u
Select fencing flooring in ( X
Siding , first and second clear , 14
WK5 ft 35 00
Siding , llrs.tcommon , 115 ft 22 ( H
Siding , second common 111 ( H
Common boards 10 IX
No. 2 boards , nil lengths 14 50
Fencing , No. 1,12k.i 20 ft 1(1 ( 50
Fencing. No. 2 , 12,11(21(1 ( ( ft 15 W
Joist and scnntline , 2x4,14 ( < Hi ) ft 10 ( X
Timber , 4x4. * xS 12 ( < Mt5 ft 17 00
Pickets , Hand H tint 23 ( X )
Pickets , Band H square ) , . 22 ( M )
Shingles , extra A 2 SO
Shingles , standard A 2 ( V
Lath 2 40
O G Halts , 34 in 3 , '
O U Halts , 134x11. S 1 S (50 (
3-iu well tubing , O and M bev. , . 22 00
Hemlock sole , 20 ( 2 > e per Ib : oak sole , 33
( ii.'ldc per Ib ; ' oak harness , ! WT32c ( per Ib ;
selected oak and trace , 33ff3e ( : ? per Ib : oak nnii
hemlock upper , 20ir2c ( per foot ; hemlock
calf skin , No. 1 , KW.Ue per * Ib , according to
weight : oak calf sifin , No , 1 , lHJc < v ? 1.00 per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf shin , extra , ( l.nooil.lO
per Ib ; hemlock Irtii skin. No. 1 , ( > 0i7e ( ( ) per
Ib , oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70.MV ( IKT Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , MW.iOe per Ib ;
French calf skin ( according to weight mm
quality ) , $ l.l5iil.75 ( pcrlb ; French kip skin ,
do , SOri'U.lO ' per Ib ; Cordovan russet , | t-c ;
satin finish , 20o per foot ; welt leather , $ .1.50
( cM.Oil per side ; moroccos ( pebble goat ) , 20i4 (
ilOc per foot ; moroccos , boot leir , 2."ii ( < iHie per
foot ; glove calf skins , 20iJ30is ( ! per foot ;
IJciifrola kid , liOnflOc per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40 < 50c per foot , nccording to quality :
toppmesUO < ii'10.0Cpcr ) dn/cn ; linings , $3.dO
( ii'.l.Oil per do/en ; apron skins , $10.00 ( 12,00
per dozen.
nictuls iintl Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , smalt pig $ .23
Block tin , bar 21) )
Copper , planished boiler sizes 31
Cipp ° i' . cold rolled 'II
Copper , shcating 30
Copper , pitts 30
Copper , flats 31
Gal. sheet iron , Junlutn , 50-10 and 5 pr
Pat planished iron , 21 to 27 A 10
Pat. planished iron-21 to 27 B 9K
Hoofing , 1C , 14x20. 113 sheets (1.00 (
Hooting , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets 7.51) )
Roollng , 1C , Vlx2S ( 112 sheets 11.00
Rooting , IN. 2\2 ( ) % 112 sheets 14.50
Sheet iron No.i > ' . ' (5 ( : i,5 ( )
Sheet Iron No. 27 3.(50 (
Solder IW&IX
Tin plnte , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 223 sheets (5.50 (
IX. 10x14 , 2-5 sheets b.25
Tin plate , roko
1C. 10x11 , 2 > sheets ( i.25
Steel mills , per keg 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg 3.H ! )
N'Knvous , CmioNir nml I'HIVATT DtsKistsof
MI..N und \Vo.\iix : sni-rp.-.sriilly treated.
SulTpiIni ! from the offi"'t of youthful iillln orln
illncn'lliw , i > ri rf tronbli'il with WiMitiiax , Nervoui
Ili'lilllty. ' Lin's of Mi'inory , Di'shontlcnpy , Aversion to
Hoi-l'-ty.Klilncy Trmihk' , or liny , ll"i'.i o of the Ui'iillo-
Uilmiry oiunim.ciiii hero Und n snluiiml wpceily cure.
C'liiirUJTi-asoiinhlo c | iiClnlly ! to tlio poor.
There nro ninny I ronblort with tun freoiniyiit eTi- : >
muton * of the hlnilder , oltcn iH'coimmnlvO by u slight
siuiirtln or burning MMIGIUIIII | , nml wtMkoiiln ) { ol the
jystoni lni : manner the iinticnt cannot nccoiint for ,
On c'.Yiiiiilntiii ; the urlnarv ilepoita n nmy Kudiuiunt
v.-lll ultvn bo loiinil , nnit sninetlini'S iun < l purliclts of
nliimnoii will npiiuur. or the color will hunt : i thin
nillklsli Inn. , nuiiln pliiinuiiu ton ilaric or torplil up *
ponrance. There are many men ivhotlii ! of tills cum-
vulty , iKiionint of DIP cause , which Is the second
MtiKUOt nominal wdnkncii. The itoctor will : ! uur
nnli'nn pi-rlopt euro In all fiich CIIHI > nml : i hralthy
rc.xtniiitlon ot the eenllo-urlnnrv ori.ins : , Cunaulta-
lion Iruo. benil lor cent Mump
"Young Man's Frlond , or Gu'.do to Wedloclr , "
N. K. Cor. liith , V Houglas Sts , , or National Dis
pensary , rorner 12th nnil .Main , Kansas City , Mo.
Mention tills paper.
Warranted abinliitclljtura
Ciifna , from which the excess of
Oil fiasbccn removed. It IiasYttora
titan three times tlio slrcnytlt
of Coco.i mixed \\itli Starcli Arrow *
root or SusMr , and is therefore
mere economical , coitlltglesstlutil
one cent n c ; i. It is dtliciouj ,
nourt'liiiig , strenKtlienin ? , easily Ui
upstcit.ainl.itlinirnbly adjpltil for in *
vahds ascll , i for iicr&oiib in hcalllu
Sold byGroccr § ercr > nlicre. .
W , BAKER & CO , , DoSsIer , Mass ,
Toilii ( < g-iiv ( , Ik'If.i , Dublin iiuil Livurpuol
From New York Every Tuesday
Cftbln imHfnRo UK nnil ViO , ncconllng to location
ot Ktiito room. Excursion jU" to J.t.
StecrnKU to nnil from Kurope ftt Lowest Katos.
At'STI.V IIAMJW1N A CO. . Ocn'l AgontH ,
llroaitwiiy \ , Now York.
JOHN HUOIN : : , ncn'l Western Agent ,
104 Huiitlolph .St. , Clilcago.
HAKI.V H. MOUUKS , Agent. ( Jiualui.
Reduced Cabin Rules to ( Jhm 'ow Kx-
Are the Best ,
maajusboen mfM mtv * * ULJLIUJ * !
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Himplen for trial of 1 2 different ? tylen lir mall , on
recclptof 10 cents In etaiupi. A k lon.ird : 'io. 8.
l 01 AI/CM8H a Pn 7l' ii Hr nbyny ,
l , ULnKtMQII Si VV , , New Vurk.
Institute !
Iloft But > of teeth (8. Filling Ht half rates.
Teeth extracted without imln.
Kmuilnullon of tha mouth free , h'end Jccnt
etninp with correiiioiidenee.
PaxtonDlU. , Cor. 10th anil Karnnin.
Hevorul cast's cnreil In aeven ( liiy.i , Sold
( I.6IJ per box , nil ilrusrslntd , or by mall I'rom fi > -
cmaMft.Co 113\Vli.tutit..N V. I'nll Direction *
DtLlllltlfd | lroof
- - HUM M > mom. luii fir
' ' " Ji : W ! iCllBo
, tQOTMi ) < i. loillaiaui ( arriiti cr
ill ; Ihrouib til k i irti , itt r.
kud1ll reuiblr tlk , Kliclrlt
iLT r > rirorr IH5 , ( Xllociit.
Agricultural nnploiiionlSi
" "
Dealer in Airicullnral Implements , Wagons ,
" ,1-n ( > ! MrrrttH-tvct'iiVtlintii
ligriciilturallfflplcnicnls.V/agons.CarriagGi . / .
lliipclc , Ko.Vliolomlc. ( . OniKtia , Nrbm kfi.
, WIMonii' llculcr tn
Aoncnllnral Implements , Wagons & Bnigics
_ iffl . at ) , ( TO i\ml 007 Jonct Street , Oiunlm.
* "
P. P. MAST & CO. .
Hannfactnrers of BncXeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlmtnn , UKT llnl > o .rirtor Mills n.l . Iibnn I t'ul
Tarltrti. Cor lithaiul .Mclmlns MniH.
- Whclf'nlp
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binrtcr Twine ,
W. K. Mm , ! , Man -cr. ut.l i. Tcnw.iHli H. Om.itiit.
.MRHUfnctlir T3 ililIobbi'n > In
Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc ,
Cur. 9lli nn.l t'nctnc lrcou. Unmhn , Noli.
Artists' Mntorlnlo.
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1Sn Houclns Ftrrct , Oniolin. Nelirntkn.
_ Bookeolloro ntid Stntloncrs.
H. M , & S. W. JONES" ,
Succojsornto A. T. Kctif u A Co. . Wholesale \ Ilotnll
Bootecllcr , ? and Stationers ,
Hue WvUdlni ; Slu'l.HiOry , t'omtiHTrlul S
tj1. . ' llnuk nn Stroct. Uiunlin. Nitu
Qoota nnd Shooa- _ _ „
( uci-uB9or > tu Iteuil , Join's & Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Slices
ARCiiti to' llnlon Ilubucr Slum ( M. 11US , 1101 i. 110 !
llnruiT St. , Oamhn. Nebrnnhn.
W. V. MORSE .t CO. .
Johhcrs of Boots and Shoes , -
1101 1103-1101 DouRlni St. Onmliix Mnnulnctorj , Summer -
mor MIliiKon ,
/ . J. JOllSSOX . .tCO. . .
Manufacturers of Lime
Ami Milii | | < Ti ol , C < iik , C.-incnt , l'l : , , tnr. Mine
Drain Tlio nnJ fcowcr 1'lpo. Olllco , .Mil . . 13lli
St. , Uuiabn , Nub. Tcleplionu til.
Dry Cooclu ana Notlona.
" " " "
M. E SMITH * CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 ami 1104 IXiUElni. Cor. lllh St. , Onmtm. Net ) .
Importers and Johte in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Cicuti' l''uriiUhlne ( Jondi. Corner llth nuil Iliuuej
M&.iOuinlm , Nebraska.
Shippers of Coal and Cota
511 soulh 1'Kh ! ; t. . Onuti-n. Ni-li.
Inil'ortci * ) mill .loliliors rf
Woolens and Tailo's'Trifflmings ' ,
M7 South 15th Street.
Furniture. _ _
" " "
DEW E Y Ac "ST6 N E.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Faroani Street. Omnb" Trns > [ a.
Ouialiu. Ncbrasltn.
Coffooa , Spioos , lite
Omnlitt Co Dee nnd Hplcu Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kxtrncti , I.r.uinlry Blue. Inks. Ktc. lilt-
HlUIIarnor Stront , Oroatin. Kobrankii.
Crockery and
w. L.'WR'IQHT.
Agent for the Manufacturer ! nnrt ImrortciB of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Kf. OBi cc , 317 S. Kith St. , Oiunlm , N br.isku.
Imuortcrs and .lobbors of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 1514FeraircSt.Tscv Paxtoo IJulldlnB.
Commluelcn nnd Storr.ap-
" ' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties nui'or , JV'f"i ' " " ] , Cni
112 Hoirnrd Street , Oraahn.
fiiioccs'orn to MoHlianu & ScUroeiter. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nubruika.
Ooal Coke end Limo.
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
y South 13th Street , Omaha , Ncbrnokn.
o A L'LAG H E"R CO. .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
,05 , 7U7,7OT nil 7ft P. ICtU Ft , , Oniulm , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 Hi out ] J.eaTcnnorth Strtnttv , Unialm , N'uhraikn.
Hardware. , _ . _
" " „ "
WT J T 13RO AT cVt.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
DEB , Warfrin .Stork , Hunlnnru. Lumber , Ktc. I'M
uuil mi ilarnuy Htruut , Uniaha ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mocunulcs' Tooli anil Iluirnlo Hi-uluM. Ill * Douiilal
Wlioleiiale Hardware ,
mil Jlnrnov Bu. , Oiualni , Noli. Western Agcnli
tor Auatln I'nwilur Co. , Joller iiii Htrcl Nulls ,
" ' - k Htp.nilarilHcHl < < ii.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato ,
MetnlH , Sheet Iron , el'- ' . Agents for Howe Scales ,
MlimiU'o'.ulerimil I.yumn llnrbcd wire ,
dmalui , Kubraskti ,
all Kinds of Building Material at Wliote&l &
let. ) Btraet anil Union .
Dealer in Lumber Latli Lime
, , U , IJIIUU ,
Jeer , iic , YirUUornc'r 7th und Uoui'Im ; Cornel
' Diuclno
To Dealers Only ,
Offlco. 1103 Karnam Blrtei. Omaha ,
Wliolesalo Linnlier , Etc ,
Imported ami American I'ortlBnci Ociaont. fittti
Aguntfur Mllwuukte Uraraullo Coujojil aoa
Qulncy fruitu Mine.
CHAS , n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cyjiu mi l' riuit i'iiirlai , | it x Dt.iti :
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and Oilifornlft Streets , Onmlm , Nebraska.
. "HtO W.
Liiiuber Lime Cemciil Elc Elc
, , , , , ,
Cornfrfith nd DouBln ft . . Omaha.
rVlllllnory nnd Notlons
Iniporlers & Jolliers in Millinery & Notions
ilO niimSouth lllhSlrr
Hnts , Cnpa , Eto.
w. L. pAnnoTTE ft
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goodi
110U rn Slre uOin ; hi .Ncb.
Hardware ,
AVholrjaki MnutifACtuivr * of
Saddlery & Mocrs of Saddlery Hardware
And U'Mhcr. 1WJ. II * nn.l ll'JT ' Unruly bt.,0mntft ,
Wliolesale Notions and Furnishings Gooils
4(0 ( nnil V > Si mh 10th St. , Omnhn ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
ll llnmejPtrcet. . Oniitlm.
Maniifacliircrs of Overalls ,
Jeans I'BntsShuts. Kto. IKUnnd lint Ilotiuhi ; Blrert ,
ULinhu. .Nell.
_ Office Fixturoa.
THU SJMMO.NDS M.\Xl'KACToiux ( X ) .
MniiuiiK ture.-s of *
Bank , Olflcc and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle" , Sldi'loi > nt , Itnok Oisi'n , DniB l'ltiireVnll
'BM > . rnititlntK. UnllliiK'.Ciiiinter * , lleernnd Wlnn
fiHiliMi , Mlriins.ete. rni-tnry am' nnlee , irjUimilJTU
t-onlli lllh Sl.Umuhn , Telephone ll.'t.
WMsalg Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axlu Orenna , Kte. , OniHhi , A. II. Hl.-hoi' . Mnnnccr
Paints nnd oils.
WholcJnlo Donleraln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
lllfi Fiirnam Stropt. Oinnlm.Nob.
Wliolcsale Paper Dealers ,
Curry n nlco stock of 1'rlntlni : Wn-.ppInK nnd Wrltlns
1'u ar Special nlU'nuoii dvon Incur Uiml onliTK
Storage Forwordlnp : * CommlBslon
Storage. Forwarding and Commission , i
Branoli huii.'onf the lli'niii'y IliifCJ Co. llucKlci at
wholosalu uiul rutiul , UM 1310 nml nl2 Izunl Hiri-tit.
OtllKlia. 'IVIrnliDlit ' * N'IK V.Vt.
" " _ Browora.
lm Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North Hl thtpcntli Strrvt , Ouviliu. fch.
E A'cuTcfo R N ! C E"
Maniifgcliirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
\Vliulon--rap and inutallc Skyllxhts.
Jens ii'l\ii'in. ; : : : I'mprli'lor.
IIS and UU South 12th etreet.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary PaMishcrs ,
D ale In Tyj , , , . Hf'.J . tP SuppnP , . M ,
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
\0a. 131 ? anil 1312 Dougl.n St. , Onmhn , Nob.
_ Rubber Copcls. _
ffannfactnrers anfl Dealers in Rubher Gooils
111 Clothlnu uuU Leather Jlulllnit. IHB Karnnm Btreot.
_ 3 .loh , Doora ,
rv'l ? A. 61SBROV/ . CO. .
'A'holcralo Jlunuf icturere of
Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings.
llraneh office , HI u and Irnrd tjliccts , Omaha , Nub ,
" " "
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
. . , Stair Work mid Interior Hard Wood I
ul.lhfi ] ; in *
an. W. K. Corner t-lh nnd l.envunworth .S'.rivi ; .
_ Omaha. Weu.
_ Ston m Fittings , Pumps , Etc
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
team , \Vntcr , lln.lTay and Minlnv Knrnllcii. Etc.
_ twli iiiiiaiail'uriiiiumrvi3tliimliii. (
' "
'c H u H "cm L L"p u M P "c 67. '
Wholesale Puns , Pine , Fittings ,
tcnm lint Water Bnpplles. TTpiidiiunrlcr for Mait ,
ten and Water Supplies ,
lallldny Wlnd.MIIK SWnmlOMrnrnaui 8t.Omulm.
< J. 1 . HossAellnK Alunuiffr n
. H
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
huctlr.,1 Work . -Slcain I'mniis , Hnir MIMt. . . I . ' 11-1213
l.l'lltfll ' * '
W 'lh > fi ' M- _
tron V/orka.
Caitcr ft s-on , Crop' * . JlanufncturoM of all kinds
Steam Boilers , Tsnte and Sheet Iron W
Works Houthajth unit II , &M. CronalnK.
' i-AY'TON iTiKifiJNoTiTiiirwultKS.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
IJmtlncs , Ilrwn Work.OoncrHl I'oundry.Miiahlnoauil
JlliicKsumliVorlc. . ( Jilli-o Hiul Worka , U. 1' , Itjr.
nnil lltb Rtruot , umuhii ,
Mannfacturcrs of Wire anil Iron Railings
Desk Itslln , Wlnilnw ( lunnli. Klowpr Hliiiulu , Wlro
tluns.Ktc. lil North Kth HlrectOiiiahu ,
Man'frs ' of Fire SBurglar Proof Safes
rmilH.Jiill Work , Iroiiuml Wlm Fencing. Klirrx , lite.
( J. AntlfOP-Jl , I'fiMi'r ir. lull nntl .IIII-UKOII HIM. _
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
nml Scrppni , ( or bunks , nlHros.MornK. rnildcncoi , etc , i
Improvort Awnings , l.ockniiltli MHvhlnPry iinu
llluckiiiillti Works. Wlfcoulh Hill St.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Ms ,
for Dlubold Kafu and l/oci Uompany'i
Vuults und Jiill Work , 4I'J ' H. IHh atrcut.
. . . . i'Ai-jkn. : ] , - i > . incite A. v , J. * , BI A
Live stocK Commission Merchants ,
OBice-UoomZI. Oppoillo KxclmniiB lliilMlui , lln.ou
ttock Yardi , South Uiartm , Net >
t ' ' ' '
Liye Stock Commission ,
loom 15 , Uickanie llulliltm , IJiilun Slock Is. j ;
BuutUUmtiUjMc * . _
" " " * A
Of Oingha , Limiteil