THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE ; .SATURDAY. JANTUAKY 12. 18S9. - . HAVE DEPOSED THEIR KING , Uganda's Monarch a Prisoner and His Brother Reigns. THE ARABS MURDER OFFICIALS. Stations Bui ncil nnd Converts to Christianity Killed A Hippo- liotnimis InkcH n Hnml In the Slaughter. Annrrny In Africa , n , Jnn. 11 , Advices have been re ceived from the Interior that In October last. Mwanra , hlngof Uganda , plotted to destioy Ills body guard , his Intention being to aban don them on nn open island in Lake Nyanra , whore they would starve to death. The guards , who had been forewainctt of the Itlng's Intentions , escaped and returned to the capital anil inndo an attack on Mwanra's palace. The king lied to escape the fury of Ills guards , and his brother , Kiewewa , was enthroned In his stead Klcwown has ap pointed Christians to the principal ofllccs , This enraged the Ainbs , who murdered many of the Christian ofllcialBand tcplaced them with Mohiuncdaiis. The Arabs burned the Kng llsh and Prcnch mission statimis , nnd killed niiinj' of the converts to Christianity. The mission boat BU imor , in whir li some persons \vhohndbcenconvcittd bj I'lenth mission * arics weror fleeing , was struck bj' a hippo potiunus and sank , five of the converts bcliif drowned. Mnnv letters from Kmln Boy nnd Hcnty M. Stanley were dostnned by the burning of the inissionaiv stations 'I ho missionniles have touched Usalbvio In safetjMwanga. . who Is n prisoner nt Magn , has appealed to tlio English mlsslonnlics for assistance The Ai ubs have written to Missionarj Mc Kay , exulting in their triumph and propho * Bvlnir the extinction of all the mUsion sta tions in central Africa in icvengo for Bng- land's anti-slavery policy They huvopio- rlaimcd Ungamln a Molmmcdan kingdom , Kplbrrcd to Cnidlnnl Meluhors. UOMI , Jan. 11. The propaganda , after hearing aigumenls on both sides In relation to the complaint of Irish bishops In America tliut Ceiinan Catholics residing in the mainly Irish districts insist on having special par ishes of then own , with Get man priests nnd schools , bus instructed Cardinal Mclchcrs to jirepaie for the pope a repot t on the subject. The selection of Cat dlnal Melehors Is thought to indicate a decision in favor of the Ger mans JloViin Not the Kipper. LONDON , Jnn. 11. The Brad ford , York shire , magistrates to-day iclcnsod Barrett , the milkman , who was chaiged with the inuidcr of oight-jear-old John GUI , whoso liornblj' mutilated body wns found in an out-house , December ii'J. No evidence could be found against Barrett. Dr. Mnf'cot7lo ! Consnred. LovnoN' , Jan. 11. The Hoynl College of Burgeons , bju vote of 21 to ! ) , has passed u resolution censuring Dr. Mackenzie for publishing his book on the case of the late jSmpeior Fredoi ick. IteportH of ii Buttle Confirmed. Sinvm , S. S. W , Jan. 11. The reports of fighting between the Germans and the fol lowers of the deposed King Matafa in Samoa liav e been confirmed. Uo\v in tlio Hungntiau Diet. VIENNA , Jan. 11. [ Snecial Cablcg'ram to Tun BKU.I In the lower house of the Hun garian diet j-cstordaj' Count Czakj' , the new minister of education , refcinng to the gov ernment's refusal to insert a clause In the nrmj- bill declaring it unnecessary to pass an examination in German , defended the gov- einmcnt on the ground that its promised ex emption , backed bj' the emperor's promise , was sufllcient without the insertion of the clause referred to , the adoption of which would lead to a similar demand on behalf of nil tlio Austrian provinces. Ho was intcr- luptod at this point by shouts of "Gennan- 170" and "Gorman minister. " Minister Cikjhowever ! , continued , saying : "Tho ability of the country to defend itself is a matter which takes precedence of education. Every ono is n better Hungarian and a bet ter patriot the better ho knows German. " Hereupon there arose n deafening uproar , which lasted live minutes , but Count Ciaky Btuck to his guns , and was eventually re warded for his pot sistonco by cheers of ap proval from members of the ministerial party. BUOOICS BKS'LS NOLiAN. Tlio Council Bin Us Man Puts Nolan to Sleep in Kluveii Rounds. KAXSA.S CITY , Mo. , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Br.i : ] A desperate prwoflght took place near this city caily this morning in the presence of flftj' sports between Tommy Blocks , of Council Bluffs , la. , and Billy Nolan , of this cltjr , icsultlng in Brooks winning the fight by a teuiflc ilght-hander und a knockout in the eleventh round. Brooks and Nolan fought near hero about ono j oar ago , at which time Brooks won in the Bccoiut round by dealing Nolan a blow la the side that broke two of his ribs , To-day the men met , both in the pink of condition nnd both bent on victory. Brooks stripped at 1-7 pou nets und Nolan at 13-1. While Nolan was In excess of the standard for a lightweight , Brooks made no objection evidently being of the opinion that lv. ) could TV hip him if ho weighed a ton , Tno fight was With bnro Knuckles , AIu-tjuis of Quconsburv regulations an < l'va3 lo a finish for n purse of 1500. From Ihe opening botn men fought tPTi'incally , and both administered terrible punishment. Brool-s knocked Nolan down lu the second round by a right-hander on the nock. In the fifth i ountl Nolan caught Btooks heavily In the ribs , but the latter countered , and with a well-landed blow on the wind pipe with his loft sent Nolan to the iloor. This came near ending the fight. However , Nolan got up , though groggy , nnd fought shy of his man. In the eighth round Biooks again caught him In the ribs With a swinging right hand blow which stag gered him , and again followed him with on upper out , sending him to the lloor. The repetition of this lound in the eleventh was What gave Brooks the victory. Both men sparred cautiously , when Brooks led out straight fiom the shoulder , catching Nolan on the side of the neck with his right , which Bent him heavily to the lloor. Ho fulled to orlso at the call of time , ami remained in n semi-conscious condition for about seven min utes. The tight was awarded to liioolcs. . THlNIt IT \ SCI1KMK. Opinion of Itnllrnnd Mini on tlio Pro posed Now AjTOOiiionl , CHICAGO , Jan. 11. The only Important western lines not represented at the Now Yorlc meeting of rullioud presidents nnd bankers were the Chicago St Alton nnd the Illinois Coutial. Both President Blackstone , of the Illinois Central , and VIce President McMullon , of the Chicago & Alton , said to * day that they regarded the plan as a good ono , although they were not quite r udy to say that they would sign it. They wcro ready to maintain rates under nny scheme that may bo proposed , out the peculiar posi tion which the Chicago & Alton occupies , by force of circumstances , mav prevent It from endorsing the provision , which prohibits the payment of commissions. General Manager Jeffrey , of the Illinois Central , approved of tlio plan of the presidents , and said that as bis road had strictly obeyed tuo provisions of tlio intor-stato law. from the tluio it became ofTootivo , ho was clad to see other toads do * elding to pursue tuo sauio policy , Tlio Ohio Giinutauqnn. AKitOK , O. , Jan. 11. The annual meeting of ; the trustees of the Chautauijutt assembly wns held here to-day. The report of ths sec * retary and superintendent shows : Receipts for 1633 , $ saU9 ! ; expenditures , * 03WI ; bal * Nice , fv,238 , which was expended lor Im * broveinents. The assembly's Indebtedness U $ .M,769 , $ TBOO in mortgages having been paid la the past year. Ottlcer * for the ousu. Injj j-oar were then elected , A laVKTir fc.XPUESS AVAU. The Thrco tircnt Companion Begin to HlaiiRlitcr Hales. Cntetno , Jan 11 The war between the ex press companies is growing lively Kites from eastern points to St Paul , Minneipolls and nil points on the Missouri river has been cut from ? I to f I 75 Prom Chicago to the same points the rates arc cut from ? J to $1 , and at many other places rates nave also teen cut In proportion. Vieo President Crosby , of the United States Express , stated that the war grew out of the establishment by the American Express of an open rate of 7."i cents from Now York to Chicago and of W from New York to St. Paul Other com panies following suit. The Ailams then cut the rate from Chicago to Omaha nnd St. Paul to * 1 , nnd the United. State * Express agent made eastern rates to correspond. Barrett , thongentof the American Express , denies that tlio war is duo to his company having established a 75 cent rate. Ilobni IROD'H Pitnor Usurped. IM > MN VPOM , Ind. , Jan. 11. The fifty sixth general assembly of Indiana convon cd yesterday The democrats in caucus had do lei mined to rcp ° at their action of two , \ears ago nnd refuse to lecogniro the authority of the republican lieutenant governor , Hob- crtson. Accordingly 1 u-go crowds g.itlioied about the senate chamber in the morning in anticipation of seeing a potsonnl encounter , Colonel Hobertsou uriived ctrlv and Wfls de fused admittance by the doorkeeper. Under the law It Is the duly of the stata auditor to organl/o the senate in the absence of the presiding ofllcer. When that body convened JudgoMiUhell , of the supreme court , asked if Auditor Cnir was present. Mr. Cnrr stopped out , and bi icily Hinted that the constitu tional pi csl < l ing ofllcor w.u at the door de manding admission , nnd he would not usurp his power. Senator Johnson then submit ted a icsolution directing the auditor to older the doot keeper to admit Mr Robert son. Ho put the resolution to a vote , and amid terrible uproar and confusion declared it can led , but it had no effect on the demo cratic doorkeeper. Judge Mllcholl and the democratic somilois then pioceeded to or ganization , the republicans icfralnlug fiom voting. Senator James r Cox was chosen president of the son.ito , nnd took the chair. The tepublicans pi otested against Cox tak ing the oath , but Judge Mitchell adminis tered It and then left the chamber. The minor olllccs wcio filled ai.d the senate ad join nod. The legislature reconvened at 10 o'clock this morning and the scene around the cham ber was n mild i cpetitiou of yesterday. Col onel Kobertsoti. nccoinpiiued by Sen ator Demott , appiouchod the door leading into the senate chamber and Hobertson came near slipping in , when the watchful doorkeeper inter cepted his passage. Hobortson again do- mnndod admission , stating that ho was lieu tenant govci nor of Indiana. The doorkeeper replied "Colonel , my or ders to keep jou out are still in foice. " The lieutenant govoinor was couipslled to icmaiii on the outside. Nearly tlio oath c morning session was devoted to triviil mat- teis. Picsidcnt Pro Tom. Cox presided with out a protest from the republican members. At 1 o'clock the senate adjourned to moot the house in joint session at 2 o'clock and 10 coive the governor's message. The house was in session but a few minutes , completing its organization , and then adjourned till 2 p. m. - Hairlson'H Visitors. INDI WAi'oi is , Ind. , Jnn 11. General Har rison's out-of town visitors to-day were not very numerous , but they came from widely diflcient sections aud on political ei rands. Biiiningham , Ala , sent another delegation in the persons of Colonel G. P. Kliklaudand Judge Straiten. Their mission was to pre sent the name of ox-Governor William II. Smith as a suitable representative of the south in President Harrison's cabinet. another visitor to the city , but who did not call on the president-elect , was. J. Poi tor , of Chicago , for seventeen years pioinincntly identified with the treasury department nt Washington He has just returned from n trip through Colorado , Texas and Arkansas , and as a result of his talks with leading re publicans in those states , ho to-day sent the piesulcnt-ckct a atronc petition favoring ex-Governor John T. Houtt , of Denver , for a cabinet place , It is understood that Gov- cinor Houtt would make an excellent post master-general , haing once filled the post of first assistant postmnster-peneral. Other out-of-town visitors were P. E. Tate , of Clay county , Tex. , who is a can didate for the oflico of United States marshal for the not thorn district of Texas. Tate once icslded in lown , anil it is understood that he has Senator Allison's endorsement. Captain W. S. Lurty , of Harrisonbuig , Va , arrived this evening. Ho is the van guard of a Vligmia delegation uow on louto to urge the name of General Mahono as n cabinet officer. Novel But Katnl Duel. LOUISVILI.R , Quo. , Jan , 11. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bci : . ] This village is much ex cited over a duel which took place in a Held near here. The combatants were named Frechette and Carpentior , and the affair arose out of a quarrel m which a young woman Hguied. It was proposed at first to fight on the banks of n nelghboiing river , using stlckb or any other weapon that came to hand , until ono of the men succumbed , when his adversary was to throw his body Into the stieam. Tills seboino wns abandoned sit last and the two . \ouni ; men went into an adjoining Held , wheic thoio was a most brutal scene. Many blows were exchanged and Carpentler received a terrible wound on the head , having been struck with an iron bar. Ho cannot iccover. Frechette has es caped to the United States. The Duchess ueds Monoy. NEW YOUR , Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram to Tin , Brn ] A petition has been nuido to Surrogate Ransom byHobeit Sowcll , repre senting the Duchess of Mailboiough , nee Mrs. Louis C. Hammorsloy , for nn order re quiring the executors of her former hus band's estate to pay his client $ . ! 00,000. The duchess , in her petition for this allowance , stated that the income In the hands of the cjiceutois was JjOOJO a year. She also as- boitcd that she was entitled to this sum , whether her former husband's will was ad mitted to probate or not , Thu duchess in tends to use $ ir > ,000 of this sum in purchas ing a residence , and the balance to defray the expenses and sustain tuo lank and social position which bho has usaumcd. Decision was icsorvod. niovltics. The president to day sent the nomination to the sonata of Henry W. Blackwlth , of Illi nois , to bo United States consul to Bermuda . Mrs Matthews , wifu of Associate Justice Matthews , oftha mipiouio court of the United btutos , said this afternoon that the statements published regarding the serious condition of her husband weft entirely false , and that Justice Matthews was better and stronger than ho has been since his illness. The following nominations of postmasters were made to-duy : Fredoilck B. Phelps , Lancaster , WIs. ; Scth Smith , Manning , la. ; Samuel W. Sunnier , Clarion , la. ; 'James A. Totton , Griswold. la. , James K. Latchoin , Montczumu. In. ; George L. Bokor , Biitton , Dak. ; Ole Shager , Parker , Dak. Another Thvon li Line. JAXESVILMJ , WIs , Jan. 11. A surveying corps of the Chicago & Northwestern started from this city to day to look over the ground for the proposed Johnstown & Lake Geneva extension. It Is believed that the line will bo put through , thus affording another thiough line train Chicago to St. Paul. SICK HEftDACHE Positively cured by ' ( huso I.iUle. IMllb. CARTER'S They ako relieve Dli- trws from D'&pensla , In- ITTLE UlnesUoa ncdToo Heart } Eatlnj. A perfect remedy IVER edy Jor Dlnlacss , Nausea. PILLS. Drovrnlnas , Had Table In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Pain In the Mde , TOUI'ID IJVKR. They regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE Weaver Continues His Filibustering In the Houao. THE OMAHA POSTOFFICE BILL. A $000,000 Appropriation A recil Upon liy the Committee Prog ress oT the Debate oil the Tni-liriUll. Senate. WAStnx'OTtw , Jnn. 11. The senate , after waiting some time for a quorum to appear , resumed consideration of the tariff bill , the pending question being the amendment ottered bv Mr. Plumb , to strike out of para- gra | > li < Ti7 the words "except when frozen or picked In ice , or otherwise prepared by any process for preservation , " so as to lot the paragraph read simply "fresh fish" ( free. " ) Mr. Plumb spoke la support of his amend ment. which was also favored by Mr. Hoagan , but opposed by Mr. Hoar. Mr. Hale then moved to strike out the par agraph , which ho said would leave till fresh Hsii under the duti fixed in another part of the bill a half cent per pound and then New England would fare no bettor In that tcspcct than any other part of the country , Discussion on Mr. Halo's amendment wns continued at great length by Messrs. Blair , Spooner , Stockbridgc , Palmer , roller , Alli son and Evnrts. Finally air. Plumb's amendment was withdinwn. Mr. IIulo's amendment was agiccd to ye is 'JS , najs 13. On motion of Mr. Allison , paragraph 003 ( leather , old scr.ips , ) and 040 ( mica nud mica waste ) , woio struck out of the fieo list. All puagiuphs relating to oils were laid aside Infoimally so us to have the verbiage changed. Having i cached paragraph 700 , as to cedar and other woods , m.inuf ictuicd , Mr. Altlrich moved to strilto out the words "osier or wil low , " stating that the object was to put them on the dutiable list at 10 per cent. Agiecd to. to.Tho end of the fieo list having been reached at paragraph 795 , Mr. Allison said ho sup posed that the senate would finish leading the billeatly to niottow ( administrative sec tions of It. ) He would propose , ho said , to spend the icmainiler of the day on the omitted paingraphs In the free list , alter which he would propose to take up the paragraphs na to guns , cutlery and a few miscellaneous articles Mr Weaver took the advantage of the half hour dobito allowed upon the Milwaukee bill to deliver u speech in favor of the meas- uie In behalf of which ho has been making a nllibustormg light for some days past. The will of the house and the wishes of the coun try , ho said , had been disiegardod and ti am pled m the dust by a smal1 minority , winch was opposed to the Oklahoma bill. Mr. Mason of Illinois made a point of order that the gentleman was not speaking on the subject before the house , nud the speaker pie torn , Mr. McCreary , sust lined it. Nevertheless , Mr. Weaver managed to get in a few sentences in behalf of the Oklahoma bill. bill.No quorum voting on the ordering of the yeas and nays on the adoption of the confer ence report , Mr. Weaver again raised his point of otder that a quorum was necossaty. The speaker overruled the point and the conference repot t was agreed to jcas 70 , mi vs. 51. Mr. Dibble then presented the conference icpoit on the bill for the erection of n public building at Omaha , Nob. As agreed upon , the bill appiopriates0 10,000 ? 100OilO for the purchase of a site aud $ JOO,000 to commence the building. Mr. Weaver permitted the report to bo agiccd to without foicingayoi and nnv vote. but when Mr. Dibble rose with another con ference ropott , ho raised the'qucstion of con sideration , and pending this , moved to ad- joui n Mr. Dibble raised a point of order that the latter motion was not in order , but yio point wns oveiiuled by the speaker , who hold that pending a decision of the question of consid eration , it was competent for the house to adjourn. He also hold in order a subsequent motion that when the ' . ase adjourned to day , it bo to meet on Monday next Tlio latter motion was defeated. Mr. Weaver then withdrew Ins motion to adjourn , and on his motion the house took n recess , the even ing session to bo for the consideration of pri vate pension bills. items of that character. Early next week he wished to ptoceed with the "wool nnd woolens" schedule , which had not yet boon touched. Adjourned. _ HOIIHU. WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Haidly had the chaplain of the house closed his petition with "Amen , " when Mr. Weaver of Iowa came forw.ud with a motion that when the house adjourn to day it bo to meet Monday. Messrs. Crisp and Weaver were tellers , and the count proceeded slowly. After the count had proceeded for half an hour without a quorum malting its appear ance , Mr. Randall demanded the yeas aud nays , and they were ordered. The motion having been defeated yeas , 2 ; nays ! i2S Mr. Weaver , who had voted in the negative , moved a reconsideration. This was ruled out of order. Mr. Weaver then moved to take a recess until 1:30 : , which was also ruled out of oracr. The journal was then read and at its con clusion Mr. Weaver began once more his round of dilatoiy motions. They were finally interrupted by Air. Dibble of South Carolina , who came forwaid with the con ference icpoit upon the senate bill for tlio election of a public building nt Milwaukee , Wis. , which , notwithstanding Mr. We.ivers's protest , the speaker ruled of higher pilvl- lego even than a motion to adjourn. As agreed to in confcience , the bill provides for the erection of a building at au ultimate cost of $1,200,000 , and the icpoit having been read anil tlio pievlous question demanded by Mr. Dibble , Mr. Weaver moved to ad join n. The speaker decided that as the lulesgavoa conference icpoit precedence over a motion to adjourn , the subsequent motion to adjourn could not deprive it of precedence. This ruling did not facilitate matters much , as at it o'clock the house had been bo far unable to reach a vote on the conference tepoit , owing to the tactics of Mr. Weaver. Mr. Weaver , of Iowa , was not present when the house met this evening , but Mr. Kilgoro was on hand to block legislation by raising the point of no quorum , on a motion to go into committee of the whole for consid eration of the piivate pension bills. A call of the house was 01 doted. Mr. Mason , of Illinois , moved that nil ab sentees bo excused witli thu exception of Mr. Weaver , of Iowa , and that that gentleman bo compelled to bo present. "Oh i No I We don't want him , " said sev- 01 al members. Mr. Mason said that he would yield to the desire of the house and withdraw his motion. The call continued until 8:30 : when the house adjourned until to-mono w. Moru Yard Iloom at IMattsmouth. PJ.ATTSMOLTH , Nob. , Jan. 11. [ Special to TIIK BucJ The B. & M. has a largo num ber of men engaged In grading lots west of the present yard , nnd it Is the Intention of thu company to convert it into an addition to their alt cndy extensive j ard hero. Street Hallway CoiiHolldntlon , A sensational dispatch was published last evening in a local paper announcing that the cnblo tramway company and the street rail way companlos.had agreed to consolidate , and that the bill Introduced in the legislature by Mr. Funcko of Gogo county , permitting street railways to consolidate , was drafted with the idea of carrying out the plan. As a matter of fact , although us published sometime ago in TIIK BEB , negotiations for the consolidation referred to were long pend ing , it is learned there has been no agree ment signed by the ofllcor * of the two com panies looking towards a consolidation. During the negotiations of last summer , it Is stated , it was discovered thut ad ditional legislation would bo neces sary in case a perfect consqltdatlon was re. quired. The matter , when brought before tbq street ear people of various cities of the state , resulted in the drafting of the present bill , which simply provides a way bv which street railways now existing or which inuy bo created may , when they so decide , con solidate with other HUM , 'A'XOTJIKIl HUMN THI3 15/VH'U That's AVIint KillVor Holiloii of Kcnr niAgiccd For. Knutvcr , Neb , .tan. 11. [ Special toTnr BEE.V ] O Holdcn , thu democratic cdltoi of the Courier , sued W. L. Orccn , n demo cratic politician , for $ l'j ; , duo for ciinpalgn service" ! Qrcou plead the inymcnt of $200 to Hohlen out of the IcShano barrel , vvhicl vvai the aprecd prloo for Holdon's Influence Holdcn admitted celling1 JJOO from McShano nnd the Jury found Hint lie could recover no more. It was nplonlo-onjoyod by the ropuu Means. II. A. Mqgre , Mnrston & Novlns Hortmnn & Urjden , U. V Cant & Conner nnd Woodruff appeared for the plulntlff , and Norrii Brown nud ilonn Hasro for the do fondant. All the lawyers were republicans Diitttl City Xotut. Du'ii ) Cm , Neb , .r.ui. 11 fSpoeial Tele- grain to Tun Hiji-.J Quito a ripple has been caused in llnnticlal clicloi hero by ttio resig ncMon of M. Oould , cashier of the Continl Nebraska National bank. Mr Oould his nlso boon connected with the Nobiwkn Oil Clothing comp my , and was ono of D.u-ld Citj's moat rniorprlMni ; JOUIIR bimincss men. Ho will probably return to Omaha , where ho is well known. A young nun by the name of Weil Kin ? was badly hurt vestoidny in lumping from t. bus nt the H Ac M dopot. Ho Jumped on a niece of iron pipe , which rolled , thiowliiK him violently ngunst the corner of the plat form , fracturing his Icnoo pin and cutting a frightful push In his foiohead. IIu wns re moved to his homo in n senseless condition , fiom which ho did not ralli for some time. Ho Not Frivol' "Woman SiifTrnuc. LINCOI.V , Neb , Jnn [ Tele gram to TIIK HDP 1 The Judiciary commit tee of the house killed the municipal suflr.igo bill granting women the light of voting at city elections. They have a unit in the opinion that the scheme is not constitutional. The committee also disposed of bills of minor impoitanco , and will approve the moasuio prohibiting non-rosidont nllons from acquit ing title to real csUtc in Nebraska. The committee on privileges and elections began work on the Omilm contest cnsos to day , and will push their investigation with the lo.vst possible delay. An o.irlv ropoi t inuy bo looked for , probably novt week. County Commi-isiniu-rn to Slept. Pr.TTSMOCTH , iSob. , Jon. 11. [ Special to Tin : Hit : ! ] The county commissioneis of Ciiss nnd Otoe counties have Issued the fol lowing call to all commissioners In the re spective counties of the stnto : There will bo a meeting of the county com missioners fiom the several counties of the state of Nebraska , nt the Capital hotel , in the city of Lincoln , on Wcdnesdav , the Kith day of January , at 2 o'clock p , in. , for the pin pose of locotnmemling changes in our road and revenue laws to the piesont legis lature now in session , and such other busi ness us may be of interest to counties nnd county ofllcers. You mo caineatly toquesicd to be present. A. 1J. DKKSON , ' Chairman Co. Com. , Cass Co. PCTPH NAVKVVTVVI.KI * , Chairman Co. Com. , Otoo Co. Itoclc County News. Hvssr.TT , INOU. , Jan. 11 , [ Special to Tun I3in.l Hock county iS'organbod ' , the onicers Tualilled and the temporary countv scat lo cated at LJassett. Everything is limning smooth and lovely. The first mectinp of the board occurred yosterdav. . Januaiy 23 is the dr.y set lor the uoxteloction to vote on per manent location , and with Bassetl's central location Bassctt will undoubtedly bo the per manent county seat of Hoclc county. H.issett is building up. The merchandise establish ment and the land and loan oflico of llock Center have moved liu and the bank , late of Newpoit , is to be moved hoio in a few days A New ncntrlcu Institution. UEV.TUICP , Neb. , Jan. 11 , [ Special lele- f iam to Tiii ! Dec. ] The Heatiico Heal Ks- tate and Trust company has just been or ganised hero with C. Ki Mnync , of Omaha , president ; .T. E Illley , 'vice ' iresidont ; N. N. Urumbick , sccictary1'and L. 11. Spencer , treasurer. Capital , $200,000 JJrnmb.iek and Spencer own several additions in the south part of town , which the corparatiou will Doom. They will occupy the handsome ground lloor of the Padlock building. Mr. Mayno will attend to the Omaha oftlce. The other gentlemen will bo here , which is the principal place of business. Fell Over tlio Balustrade. ST. PAUL , Neb. , Jan. 11. [ Special to Tun BI.I : J Yesterday a live-year-old , daughter of George E. Dean , cashier First National bank in this city , while pitying up stairs in the house of A. E. Cady , leaned too far over the bannister and fell directly down into the hall below. She struck upon her head pro ducing concussion of the brain , and icmnlncd for some time in au unconscious condition. Hopes aie now entertained that her injuries are less serious than they wore at lirst be lieved to be. A Snloonkeopor's .Lloen-ft Rooked. HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun HUE. ] At a special session of the city council this aftoinoon testimony was taken to show a violation of the city or dinance by L Fiollng , saloonkeeper , and his license was revoked. The action was taken in dellance of an injunction restraining the council from such proceeding. The case has aroused considerable mtcicst , ana is the talk of the town to night. A Ranker's SHicnio. Neb. , Jan. , 11. To the Editor of TUB Bi'c : S. C. Smith , cashier of the Fust National bank , is now trying to get n Jill put through the legislature to abolish the three days of grace on all sight drafts , notes , etc. The object is to get protest fees if the draft is not paid on pi escalation to the drawee. The picbcnt law allows thrco dnys trraco after presentation befoio the ptoicst fco can bo collected , The bill is solely for the banks and against the people. X , The Ic Palace AluiHloneil. ST. P\ui. , Nob. , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele gram to TUB UEK.J At a meeting of the car nival dlrectois this afternoon It was formally Icclded to abindon the project of having an co palace and carnival this winter , owing to the mildness of the weather , there being neither ice nor snow. in a Hiiniiuuy. HASTIVOS , Nob. , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bi'i'.l Mrs. J. II. Spicer , wife of the clerk of couits , was violently thrown from n buggy to-day. She remained uncoil- sious for half an hour , but her injuiics are not thought to bo fatal ; SCROFULA Is that Impurity of tha Wood which produces unsightly lumps or s\sollliigs In the neck ; which causes running .sores on the arms , legs , or feet ; which develops ulccra In the eyes , ears , or nose , otlori causing blindness or deafness ; which Is thd origin of pimples , cancerous cereus growths , -huiaorsj" which , fasten ing upon the lungs , /aues / ; | consumption and death. It Is the mosfcouclcnt of all diseases , and very few persons are entirely free from It. CURED Dy taking Hood's Sarsaparllla , which , by the remarkable cures It has accomplished , has proven Itself to bo a potent ami peculiar medicine- this disease. If j ou buffer from scrofula , try HooU'a Saraaparllla. "Kvcry spring my wife anil children Invo been troubled with scrofula , my little boy , three years old , being a terrible sufferer. Last spring ho was ono mass ot sores from head to feet. "U'o all took Hood's Sarsaparllla , and nil have been cured of the scrofula. My little boy U entirely free from sores , and all four of my children look bright and. healthy. " W , II. ATHEBTOJf , I'assalc City , N. J , Hood's Sarsaparilla BoMbyalldrugKUti. Sl.nUrurJJ. Prepared ontf \tj U. I. HOOD > l CO , Aputliccarict , Lowell , Man. IOO Doses Ono Dollar FROM THE IIAWREYE STATE , Work on the Wluona Bond Bolua Vigorously Prosecuted. THE COWRIE SCANDAL CASE Dttlmquo JoMtiors Petition Ooncrcss to O | rm tlie Sioux Reservation A Vlrc nt AViivcrly Iowa vs. Chicago Packers , ThoAVhioim Afc Southwestern. TOUT UODGE. la . Jan. 11. [ Special Tele gramtoTiin UiiChief | Engineer Wheeler , of the Wlnoitu & Southwestern , was In the city jcsterdav preparatory to commencing survey for crossing the DCS Molnes rivet hoi a and extending the roiil to Omaha , which , ho sni 6. will bo the Hi st destination. The suivoy to Mason City will bo completed to-morrow night. Work is being pushed on the Wlnonn tunnels. MASOV CITY , 1 1 , Jan. 11 ( SpaciM Tele gram to TUB Hm. ] Chief Engineer Wheeler , of the Wlnona & South westcin railway , with hi * tosso of men , is making usut voy between this city and Osngc , which completes their line from the present toi initial of the load , twentj miles southwest of Wlnona , through to : i juiu tmii with the Mason City & Fort Dodge , \\liioh road will form a paitoftha wiiiona X Southwestern Among those who are most Intimately eonreeted with the pro ject there is no credit given to the statement made a few days a-fo that the to id would di vert nt Uolmond , going to Sioux City insteid of to Omaha It is believed the road will make Omaha Us toimmal point , as originally intended. _ Oofomllnfj tlio Homo Packers. Dns Moivi'o , la , Jan 11. | Special .Tele gram to Tin : line ] The railroad commis sioners have pi cparod and will send out to morrow , n circular designed to ehcckmato the Chicago bo ird of trade if It enters a pro test to the inter state commerce commission against the railroad rates given to Iowa pork packers. This circular is addiessed to Iowa packers , and asks them to give the number of hogs packed annually , the tales of freight they pay , and any other , inform itlou in re gard to the magnitude of thuir business. The Iowa commissioners understand that the Chicago boaid of tiado on behalf of the Chicigo packers , wil. complain that the railroads carry the dtessed meats to Chicigo cheaper thin they could cirry the hogs , and thus disci iininate against Chicago packcis. His trilcthat such rates nro guon Iowa pickers to help them develop this industry , and the Iowa commissioners nro going to defend the rates in this respect. Tlio growth of the picking business in Iowa , especially nt Sioux City. DCS Monies , Cedar Kapids , Ottumwa and Keokuk , has been so great as to inlet fere quito scuously with the business of Chicago packers , nnd the ad vantage which the railroads have given the Iowa packers has made this result possible. Tlio Nntioxnl Alliance. DHS Motxiis Jan. 11. The National Farm ers' alliance closed its sessions to-day. Steps were taken tow.uds a consolidation with the Southern Farmers' alliance. Resolutions were adopted declaring in favor of a foifcit- uro of all uneained railway land grants and a repeal of nil laws granting such ; a governmental tele graph ; the early construction of the Ilennc- l > m canal ; that the in tot -state commerce law bo kept intact unless changed by more re stuctivo measures. A memorial to congress was adopted that the government should Issue monei ditoct to the pooplc instead of through national buiks ; nlso that United States sciutois should be elected direct bi the people. J. Buiiows , of Pillcry , Neb. , was elected piesident ; II. L. Ducks , of Clear Luke , Dak , vice ptesidont ; August Post , of Moulton. la , scciotaiy ; J. J. Furlong , of Austin , Minn. , ticn-iUier , and Alviu , D Chase , of Waiertown , Dak. , lecturer. oii Brokers Ijlcct Ofllcers. BLHUNC.TOK , la. , Jan. 11. The annual meeting of the Buillngtou N > ard of trade was held to day. The otlltcris for the ensu ing jear ate as follows : Piesident , P. M. Crape ; first vico-piesidcnt , A. A. Perkins ; second vice president . ! . S. Sclnamui ; duco- tors , E. II. Carpenter , L II. Drake , II. C. Dayton , J. L. Ivolley , W. W. ICmnear and A. 3 , Hutchinson ; committee on appeals , J. W. [ Jurdetto , George ICnechbaum , H. Ewmger , C. W. Smith , and James Praino ; board of ubitration , J. S. Schiamm , L. II. Diako , H. C. Dayton , C. B. Clapp and J. II. Troxel. The Salt Lake Jt Los Angeles. Siot.Cirr , la. , Jan , 11 [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bcc. ] Although publicity has jeen avoided , it is afloat that on Wednesday ast the contract was awarded for the build- ng of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles rail- oad. This toad is to be built in connection with the road which is now in process of construction west from Ogilon , Utah , to other Missouri river points , The two roads will form ono continuous lino. The Salt jake it Los Angeles line is located through i totritory in n large part of which con struction can go forward in tlio winter season. _ The Diiliiuiiie Jobbers. DL'HUQUE , la , Jan. 11. fSpcual Telegram o THE Biu. : ] The jobbers and manufae mersof Dubuqne , representing S10OJU,000 capital , to night forwarded to Senator Alli son and Kcpicscntitivo Ilandoisun a peti ion favoting the opjiung of the Sioux rescr- iition , Ex-Senator Kooutz , of Chamboilaia , Dak. , attended ti meeting of tlio board of rado to day when the icsolutioa cudoisiiig lie petition was adopted. The Oowrlo Ion. POUT Down1 , In , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele gram to 1 UK BKI : ] Excitement in the Gow- 10 scandal case is slowly subsiding. The Congregational church authorities , of which lenominntlon Banker Swuv/oo nnd Mrs. Council are prominent mombois , nro investi gating the c isc. Although it could not bo 'oiillcd , Mrs Council is to d iv icpoited to itivo made a confession admitting the truth of the chin gos ptofenod , HK | Coiinrlenco Pricked Him. M\\\.s , la. , Jnn. 11. George L. Nason , n farmer ol this county , walked into ho sheriffs ollieo last night and gave him self up , confessing tlio forgery of his Jiotbor'n ' name to three notes , two of iSOO each and one ot S1TO , which ho had sold to wrties hero and nt State Center. Nason is low in Jail awaiting trial , but his mind is easier. Klre at AVnverly. WATBIIMIO , In. , Jan. -Special [ Tele gram to Tin : BUB. ] At Wavorly this aftor- 10011 , an empty warehouse belonging to the joard of tinde , was buined. Loss 10,000. So insuiancc. _ THEY WANT TO AU1UTUATU Doulluld and Schunclc ainlcu a Pro- jiostil to tlio TlmcH. Cult tno , 'Jan. 11. Last night Inspector Jonflold and Captain Schaack sent a note to the Times saying that In the ordinary process of law It will bo months before n decision can bo reached in their case nnd offering to submit the whole matter immediately to thrco of the circuit judges of the city , they o be selected by u full bench , and decide the matter , If the throe , or two of them , find a single charge against the ofllcors sustained , lonflold and Schaack bind themselves w nt once retire from ofllcu and dismiss all pi o- cecdings , civil nnd criminal , against the J'imcb and its editors , The Times to-duy declines the offer , saying that crime can not bo couipioinisod , and that the offer is simply a scheme to stem us far us possible ho tide of public opinion against the com- ilalnuuts. The Times claims that the plan seeks to stop Its investigations now , vutlo every day now evidence is accumulating. A Hank UlHuontlniiof ) . Cl.AHKdov , Neb , Jan. 11. - [ Special to CUB BBB , ] The Clarkaon State bank , of ; iurkbnn. Neb. , have concluded to UUcon- luue their banking business February 1 , TO T1H7 TUNT Knnpri Knlm Uxlinnstcd Krotn Ills Wheel The Unknown' Dash. JCnnpp , Ashlngor , Morgan and the Un known , wcro the only starters yesterday in the great six-day bicycle race at the Colos seum. I'ek did not appear upon the track all day. Dlngloyaiul Mlle Armnlndo came enduring during the evening and rode for an hour. Dinplo.v has no show to bettor his condition , fifth place , and is sivlng hlmsolf , as ho is matched to ride Pi luce n rac-j of ilfty tulles next Saturday night. Tlio position of Ivnnpu the loader nnd the Unknown second , showed no change at the close last night , though Knnpp gained two laps on the boy hi biuo during the afteraoon , while he was off the track. Those the Unknown iccovorod. one while Knapp was changinc wheels , and tho" other bv a magnificent spurt Just before the closo. Morgan , who wns live laps behind Ashlngor , nnule tinny an offott to make Uioui up on the Ohm champion , but could not succeed At 130 when Barker , the amateur , cimc on and sot mi eighteen mile- nn-hour pace , Morgan stirtod to trail him , hoping to wear out Ashinger , but after riding nt this clip for fetty live minutes was com pelled to leave the track , while Ashlngcr kept on and rolled up llvo miles to his ctodit. This gives him a ninety on thlid plnco. At the close last night Knapp fell from his wheel , ami had to bo carried from the track to his tent. If the tnco had lasted half an hour longer , the Unknown would have placed enough distance between them to have won the race without a doubt. 'I ho contest to morrow will bo a hot one. The Unknown Is out for tlrst niono\ , and will make the pace n fust ono , and Knapp v111 have to be on his mottle to hold his lend It was expected that Darker , the am Hour , would bo the dark hoiso lu the four-hour contest , but ho failed to moot the expecta tions of his friends , and loft the Uaek nt b t > , after putting : i7 miles and t inps to his credit. Ho rode himself out in the Hist hour , making eighteen miles Below Is the score of the amateurs who have competed thus far Miles Laps. ricschcr ( H . ) Tagger f\ \ 8 Holton 3 | 1 Knstmnn ( U S Barker ; ir 4 Hhodes is the entry for to-night , and Is ex- peeled to surpass the best recoid. The following Is the score for the profes sionals ; Miles Laps Knanp 5 7 ' .I Unknown f > 0" 1 Ashingoi 5 1 Morgan 5SI 0 Dinglov 457 0 Aimaiinlo ; ! ii" > 5 Efk lii ; 'J The audience hut night was the largest and most appreciative of the week. AU the contestants received bouquets from fair ml- miicrs To night is the close nnd It prom ises to be u memorable one in six-day racing , Hiding Kor li'iccdotn The military people nt the fort aic deeply interested in the bicjcle race. Sergeant Reading , "Tlio Unknown , " Is chief musician in the band , and is the subject of the gain- .soii talk. The officers and soldiers fool very pioud of the giand showing of their rcpie- seutative. L-ist Juno Nod Heading for the Hist time mounted a wheel , and in keeping with custom succeeded in smashing his bicycle the first day. Ho now carries a seat- on his loft knee which commcmoiatos his Hist effort. Two months later ho placed himself undei the management of John S. Prince , who piophcsiecl fiom the beginning that with praetico nnd Ins qualities ho would no doubt make a splendid bicyclist. In bep- tembci the band was sent to Not folk to take pait in the Giand Army encampment and from thoio ho was next oidcrod to Kouinov nnd did not leturn to eoneieto ami asphalt pavements until October. Prom this month ho has kepi up his practice whenever the weather would permit. Ills friends have no hesitancy in claiming that their Ned lias had no more than four months tiding His moH sanguine luliniieis claim fli it place for him and bet their unney freely that he will at le.ajt take second Whatever the result may be Ned Healing as tlio "Unknown" has alieady made a name for himself. His modest and gentlemanly bearing throughout the race has won for him many friends among the city people. The Chicago Oojj Fanciers. CIIICVGO , Jan. 11. Some months ago n number of leading breeders and owners of dogs in ibis section held a meeting and formed a Maseoutali IConnel club , with John L Lincoln , jr. , as secrotaty. It has been de cided to hold a bench show In Apiil ncMt , and the enthusiastic .responses which liavo been received from prominent exhibitors nnd others indicate that it will be highly suc cessful and second only to the Now Yoik show. In most of the details it is patterned after the New York show , and the pienuuin lists aio almost identical , some few changes being made for local Inteicst. Ihe silver medal prizes will bo very handsome and will bear the seal of the cluii the thrco headed dog Cerberus. The details of the design were drawn up by L C. Earle , the animal painter. An Insnni ) In\cnor ( Suicides. ST. Lot id , Mo. , Jan. 11. Henry Kruse , the man who shot Ward McManus yesterday , committed suicide this afternoon in a cheap lodging house in this city. It is thought that ho had been rondeicd insane by the failure to secure money with which fo push his car motor. Sla' ° u"V' --.jcK a " " . I ' M VoVsOt * u"V'ne .f.QS S i - iiiS'i ' ) ! ® &gSSR&s8r , Gftt SVin" - llotn Mu-cs iaWenessJOaUs Thus the * * Mustang" conquers pain , PJlakes WiA&M & or BEAST well again ! If You Are Ssck With Hcaduche , Neuralgia , Iiiirumntlim Pjfpep Bin , lUlloiuncu , Wood Humors , Kidney DISCOK- , Constipation , Female Troubles , Kever nnd AKUC , Blccplcssncbs , 1'artlal I'oraljali , or Nervous I'roa * tratlou , use l'alno' Ctltry Compound and bo cured In each of these the cawo (3 ( muilal or physical ovcrnork , anxiety , exposure nr malaria , the effect of which li to weaken the nervous EJS- tern , resulting In oao of these diseases. Hcmoie the CAUSE with that great Nerve Toiitc , nud the RESULT will dltappear. Paine's Celery Compound JAB I. . IlowEN. BprlDgfleld , Muas , writes : Tulno's Colnry tom-xjund cannot be extcllid a ftNcno 'Joule In my case n ( Ingle Ixittlo wrought o great change ily iitrvouBiiiM tiitlrely dlsftw-eared , and with It the rcsultliiK aubrtlon oflbe itomach , Jicurt und liver , nnd Iho whole tone of the ijbtemwa * wonderfully InvlBOratul , I tell my friend * . If * ick us I liuvo Ken , 1'uUiu'B Celery Compound Will Cure You ! s i ssy For the Ayed , Nervous , DcbHItated. ANXIOUS TO RIGHT A WRONG , Olovolruid's Motives In Ronupolut- Chief Justice Vincent. ADMITS HAVING AOTED HARSHLY. He Hnj'H Tlmt Ills Itomnvnl From Ofllcc n ( ! ro < m Injustice ) ntul Offers tn "Mnko Amends. Cleveland Itcpontn. WMHIVOTON , Jan. 11 lu April , 1H" , the president appointed William A Vlneent chief Justice of the territory of New Mexico , and In November ol the same yoir ho vv.ia removed. The Judcro C.IIIID to Washington , where ho leat no.l that the chow against him was the nppointinrnt of Stephen Dor- soy to bo a Jury commissioner. The judco vv rote a IOIIR letter to the president , claim- Intf that Injustice wns done him , and the lift- ter has now taken aetion in the matter , ui the subjoined eori-ospandeneo will showi Executive MaiiMoii , Washington , Jan S , ISMI. Hon.Villlam Vineent Dear Kir I have nlwnv s s.iiil to i our friends , ns well 119 to you , that jour removal from ofllet > na Judtfe for the teiiitorv nf Now Mexico did not In the least linplv imj dun go of dlshonestv in capacity or judicial misconduct In the condition of nffans at time 1 deemed it my dut.v to ptomptly / pursue n comsr > so unfortunate for you , ainl y.j which was adopted l > v mo upon the meio /J / showing of the fuel ullocod without linpiny as to j our motives and pin poses My notion was unfatilv harsh , Init 1 thought it was Jus- tilled. Often since thn * time , as nil the fuels attending upon your otherwise unexceptional judicial eu-eer have en mo to my knuwlop-O , I nnvo heon pressed bj the lepresentatlons of your fiiomls that jour loinoviit had subjected j-on to suspicion which was unjust and tut- anted So far us I am eoneei tied , notwithstanding nil that has p.isscd , 1 am at this time vvlll- Injr to uxpross my lontldenio in jour ability and uprightness Thcro is now n vacancy in the twof justiceship in Montuiuu So far UH icifiiuis jour iltupu : I nhould ho en- tliolv willing to see j'ou in that i > lru-e I vviito to usltou , theicforo , vvhethoi , in tnku 1 should think it well to do so , I am .itliberty to submit vonr name to the senate lor tlmt ollleo. I in iho this proposition with n ies i- vation for UMSOIIS not in the least connected with your personal qualifications , and 1 shiill bo plad to know jour vluvvHtipou the sub- Joel us soon ns possible You ! B truly , GHOV i it Ci.rv EIi . To this Vincent to-dnv reiltod | as lollovva- AVA'-niNOTOs , n C. , .Inn. 11 To the Presi dent Sir ; Your letter of the -th lust , ' u > n- dcrinir. me the i > o8ition of ehiof justice of the supreme court of Montana , i cached me duv befoio yesterdav , and Iris received my cm of til consideration I nm frrateful for this expiession of jour confidence nnd esteem , and accept the tender of this linpoit- aut oflko as a complete vindication ot my course while chief justice of the supreme coin t of New Mexico The net for which j'ou i amoved mo was talcen In the exercise of Judicial disetotlon nftei the utmost delibera tion ; was dictated uj iho purest nnd best motives , and owing to the iiiilortunato couj dition ot nlTairs m Colfax county at that time , was absolutely neecossarj" . In oiiler to rostoio peace nnd good Older. The result Jnstilled tnv method of attnmiiiK that end , nnd proved it to have been the best and only ono that could linvo been adopted , and 1 have tilwnj's believed that when jon piopcilj' undeistood the mat ter .you would treat mo in the manlj and generous - orous manner Rin estcd in your eomniuulou- lion to me. While I have a hhrh _ appiecmtion of the honor j-ou would do mo , 1 am lelnct- nntly constrained to icfuse the use of mv iiaino for the judgi'shlp of MonCina , for thu reason that I could not , vv ithout mnkiiif- the Kieatest suiihee , abandon my home , pi.IP tico nnd other mton-sts in New Alaxiro. whore 1 have lesided for seven years , and expect to roinuin permanently. Arorj' respisct * fully , WJII.UM A. VINCLST. AMUSHMKNTH. It was half p ist 9 o'clock last night whan the curtain rose on the first act of Cellici's comiqAcr.i , "Dorothy , " but the iiudianco was IpM n at u icd and made all allowances for delayed trams They were repud for their patience in one of the flnest opcr.itiu pcrfonnances over pioduced before nn Omuhn house. The music of the opera 13 very taking and the pirhoslratiou pMfoct. In the cast the company boasts of Miss Juliette Cordon , with n smooth and well roundoil soprano voicn , Miss Jessie Bartlett - lott Davis , a vor.v sweet mcr/o t > oprtno ; Misa C.ulotta Maconda , a phenominally deep contiiilto , and among several other malu von cs these of Mi Kugnno Cowlcs and the old favontc , H C. Barnibee Tins answers for the excellence of the performance and nothing moio is to be added beyond the fact that the chorus is perfectly trained ami Equally balanced and that the house was jammed from pit to gallery Altogether thu Uostonian engagement is the musical event of the season. The CDinpiny uppours this afloi noon in "Don P.asqualf , " and in the Murdered hi n Brawl. Sr i.voi'iisi < u , Mo , Jan 11. [ Spot-mi Tclo jriim to TIIK BUB ] In a bar room light hoie last night , George Halllns , a prominent citi : cn , was stabbed thiough .the biam ami mortally wounded by < i ntiaiif'er who after- ivards escaped. Warranted to color raoro KOO' than any other ifC i\cr ) inaifo , anil tn glvo mnro brill hint < uic ] ( liiraMct coluri Mk fur Iliu > fuuioiul , mid no other A Dress Dyed * ) A Coat Colored V Garments Renewed ) CENTS. A Child can use them ! Unequalled for all Fnncy nnd Art Work. At druKglaU and Merchant * . Dye liook free. WELLS ) RICHARDSON & CO , , Props. , Ouillu'ti * , Vt