EIGHTEENTH YEAlt. OMAHA. SATURDAY MOHNING , JANUARY 12 , 18S9. NUMBER 212 THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE Adoption of Now Rules to Qovorn tbo Senate Sessions. PROHIBITION IN THE HOUSE , A HIM Introduced I'lovldlntf Tor the Wants oT the liilinhltiinti or . Tin- State Other It Senate. Lwtoi.v , Neb , Jan 11. [ Special to Tut VlM ! . ] In the senate this moining Mr. Han- corn introduced n resolution that the boaul of regents of the university make n biennial report in place of the annual report , vvhieli is not now received in time to bo of use to members of the legislature. As It is now , Mr. Knnsom explained , the legislature ha' > jo means of knowing what Is the condition of the university , mid is called upon to act blindv ) in making appropilatlons for the sup port of that Institution. Mr. Norvnll salu The committee on ruica is now readjto report , that the rules of tlio last session KOVcrn the piesent session , ex ropt tlmt on bills , w hlch Is recommended to t > c umcnded so as to provide that when u bill is icpoitcd to the senate it shall bo pitntcd , with all its amendments , before a vole is taken on Its final passage , also adding to the committees of the senate a committee of five on soldiers' home , of seven on standing rommittccs ; and of live on industrial inntituiu for feeble minded vouti.s. Mr. Uaymond bald it would be in the power thesu ninenduic'iits to of a commilten iimi i kill u I1"'with ' aiij possibility of piotest on the part of the soaate. The first mid second reading of bills receives no attention I also object to any new standing committees The committee on public- lands and buildings can rcallj do the whole woik. Mr. Sutherland thought that bills should tcitalnlj be icported badt so as toglvomem bcis the opportunltv to cconomuo them be foio thoj nio punted. Mr Nesbitt said that the object of the pro posed amendment was to contiol expenses lessen them. If a bill is reported unfavor- \ \ nblv there is no object in h wing it punted. Mr. Norval explained that thoiulopie- Aiovs legislature had idwiiVH been , ns it is now pioposcd to make it. bo far as tlio new committees are concerned , theio is no in stitution in the state , which needs to be in the hands of u committee mete than docs the faoldlcis' homo. Its inteicsts should be guutdcd moio than is possible at the hands of the committee on public lands ami buildings. Air. Haiisom If it takes u two tlihds vote to suspend the rules wo could not under this amendment have a bill piinted unless two thiids of tlio senate shot'ld vote to have it done. Tliosoldieis are not growing old any faster than v.o arc , or than nro the in mates of the other Institutions. Theio is no disposition to ciovvd out the Soldiers' homo ; they will bo tieated with fairness and justice. Mr. Haj'inond It is true that n committee in charge of a bill has gre it inlluenco Thej- can carry n bill in their pockets till too Into to have it fairly considered , or suppicss it al together. Lot us be open , fair and squuio in the m liter , and allow each member for himself to lend a measure bcfoio the commit leo report on it. Mr. Nesbitt There was a great outcrj' n w ek ugo in favor of the strictest economy. Now several senators frequently Introduced bills on the same subject anil covering the same ground , and this me isuro gives us the op- poi limit j' to save some $2OJO during the ses sion by not printing then1 all , but only these which me finally ngrecd on bj' committees Mr. Norv al offered at. amendment "Unless otherwise oideied by a m ijoritj- vote of the senate , " which was adopted , and the report llnally went tinough , extia committees aud all. all.Mr. Mr. Taggart moved that a committee of thice bo appointed to confer with the com mittee ol five appointed by the house , to 10- poit on the pi luting of the governor's mes sage , which was adopted , and Messrs. Tag gart , Pope and Walbach appointed as such committee. A motion waa offered by Mr. Ilansom that the senate ndjourn to Mondaj1 at 2 o'clock. Mr. Nesbitt opposed tlio motion bcciuso ho thought this course would prolong the ses sion unduly. The people expect us to net in u business-like manner. Mr. Sutherland thought it to bo the duty of the members to remain and transact their business and get through with it as soon as possible An amendment was adopted that the senate ad journ till 10 o'clock to morrow. The following are among the bills mtio- dutcu In the senate to daj : Mr. Pope A bill to amend sections 1 and B of m licie 1 , chapter 77 , of the compiled statutes of the state of Nebraska of lbS7 en titled liovcnuo. It piovides tuut n mortgage i land and tiust contiact or other obligation by which "debt is secured when land is pledged foi the payment theieof , shall , for the pur pose of assessment and taxation , bo tieated us nn Intelest in the land so pledged , and shall be assessed at the fair cash value thereof. The value of the stock of coipoia- tions , etc. , shall bo Its maikot value. Moitgano's , etc , on real estate shall bo treated as an Intel est in the propettj * af- Ievtcd thciobv. Mr. Coinell A bill for an act to amend Bcctionil , mUclo-1 , chapter 30 compiled stat utes of It87 entitled School Lands and Funds , and to repeal said section That on paj ment of intci est and taxes the principil of all notes in payment theiefor is extended to the 1st of January. 1000 , ami on all bonds heretofore eold the Holder shall make proof that perma nent Impiovemcnts have been made thorcon before such extension bo granted. Mr. Lindsaj' A bill for an act authorising transcripts of Judgments and decrees ion- Acted in the stata of Nobiaskabj the cii cult and district courts of the United States , to be filed in the counties of said state and pie- scribing the conditions mulct which thaj maybe bo filed. Thai a transciint of any judgment In n United States distilct or oiiuiit court may bo filed witli the distilct com tin the Htiito , and shall bo a lion on the piopei ly of the debtor in that county. Mr. Llnds ij A bill for an act to submit to the electors of the state for rejection or ap proval an amendment to the constitution of the state to prohibit the minufucturosalo and keeping tor sale of Intoxic iting liquoi H as a beverage , and prov Iding for the manner of voting on such proposed amendment. That nt the election of Novcmuer , 1SUO , there shall bo submitted to the \oteis of the state the following tiniendmont : "Tho manufacture , salu and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a bevci ago are foi over ptohlbltod In this state , and the leglslatuiu shall pio- vldo by law for the enforcement of this pro vision. " Mr Lindsaj' A bill for nn net to amend section 17 , of chaptur , of the criminal coda of the compiled statutes of Nebraska , and to repeal said 01 Ignial section It provides fern n fine of not moro than # 100 , or Imprisonment for not more than three months , with lia bility to the suit of the patty Injuied for un lawfully striking or wounding another , Mr Lindsay A bill for an act to amend subdivision 10 of section tA ) , of an act enti tled "An act to prcyado for the organization , government and powers of cities mid vil lages , " passed Match 1 , 1871' ' . and to repeal said suoitlvislnii 10 us now existing , To Ini- pose a license tax of f3 on Uio owncisund imrborcisof dogs , authorizing the destruction of any dog for which the tax Is not paid , pro viding that no person is to Keep uioro than one dog. Mr. Hobinson A bill for nn act to provide fgr the allowance and recovery of un nttor- no's fee in certain cases. Authorizing the recovery of from fa to (200 , or1 to the amount of 10 per cunt In any case , nor of lees than $10 in case of tlio recovery of judgment by the plaintiff. Mr , Ilobinson A bill for nn act to pro- lilblt from running at largo in this state cer tain animals , and providing n penalty ( or the violation tLCicof , and to repeal section-tot article 1 , of chapter 4 , of compiled statutes of Jbb7. Jbb7.Mr. Mr. Iloblnson-A bill for an net to amend BQCtlon iQU of chapter IS of the compiled ttatutcst of ltS7 , and to repeal said section. Provides for the pel < etlon of satisfactory ehiUntncu by those causing n survey to bo inu do , Mr Robinson A bill for nn net to dellno the boundaries of Hooker count ) . Alone the western bnulcr of Thomas county , the south line of Cherry county , the east boun dary of Grant countj' , and the noithern line of McPherson countj. Mr Hoche A bill for an act to amend sec. Oof the ciimmal code of the state of Nebraska braska Mr. Sutherland bill for nn act confer ring niton women the right to vote at citv utiil villnco elections Ihe right to vote shai not bo denied on account of sex , and womci iimv vote at such elections the same as men unitcr like restiictions and qualifications. House1. LINCOIV , Neb , Jan 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bi c ] The house was n little Into in assembling and it was 10 15 when the speaker's gavel fell. The reading of the minutes was dispensed with. Mr. Burnhiun was excused on account of sickness In his fninllj Mr Ballaid moved that smoking be prohibited In the hall and the sergeant at- uims bo Insti uctcd to enforce the order. Mr. Cadj made the point that the lules alreadj foi bid 11. The speaker said tlio sergeant ut- aims would take notice of the fact , and the icsoiullon WAS ; vtUd'wijr Mi Moi rlssej introduced the following ! Hcsolvcd , That a committee of three bo ap pointed to examine the handvviitlngof the clci is on enrolled mid engrossed bills , and onlv such buiclaincd as wiitenulaln and legible hand. Mr Meliildc favored the icsolutlon. Mr. Caldwell moved that it bo referred to the coiniiilttco on cniolled and engrossed bills , with powei to act. Carried. Mr. Mornssey also Introduced the following : Hcsolved , That the judiciary committee of the house be , and are , heiobv instructed to formulate a bill or Joint resolution for the considciation of the house , putting high license in the organic law of the state. I Hisses ] Mr Hull of Lancaster , moved to amend by Instructing said committee to prepare n bill putting the question in the following form. "Shall high licenses or prohibition bo placed in the organic la-vi" Mr. MoniHscv said lie hoped the amend ment would not prevail. Ho wanted the matter to be taken up and eonsidci ed on its merits. Mr Hall replied that he also wished to meet the issue squarely. Mr. Gilbcit of York moved that the whole subject lie on the t iblo Messrs White and Delanev doin indcd the roll call , and the motion cm nud bj' a vote of 77 to ' . ' 0. The speaker icquested that all members who had seivud on co.intj' boauls in counties woiklng under tlio township organisation sj stem should hand in their names so ho could select the committee-to dialt amend ments to the tow nshii ) organisation law. A1T1UNOON M-iSIOV. Mr. Morrhsej moved that when the houbu adjoin it be until - p. m. Monday. Mr. Hill of Butler , moved to lay the reso lution on the tible , which pievailcd. The following bills wcro introduced : By IJlliott To provide for the destruction of dogs found woiijiug sheep. lly Elliott A joint resolution to submit a piohibitory amendment. Mr. Hill of Butler introduced a resolution directing the chairmen to place on the bulletin board the time and place of their meetings Carried. The speaker appointed the following com mittee to di aft amendments to the township organization law Hampton , Hill of Butler , Cameron , Ticldgiovc , Hajes , Swaitzlcy and Bisbeo. The house then adjourned until 10 a. in. to morrow. The ljcjislntorH Amused. LINCOLN , Xcb , Jan. 11. [ Special to THE Bnc J The following humorous bill was sent up by Ficmont Cvcrett , of Buit , to daj' . The leading of the bill provoked roars of laushtcr Dempster moved that it bo rofoircd to the committee on newspapers , but the speaker insisted that it should take its proper coin so : An act to pi o vide for the repeal of the statutes of the state of Xebiaska and to pro vide for all the wants of tlio inhabitants of said state and for the adjouinmcnt of this legislature. Bo it enacted by the legislature of the state of Ncbiaska. Section 1. That it Is Hereby made the duly of the committee on mles to cicato as many chairmanships as tboiu are mem bei 3 of tins legislature. Sec. 2 Gach chaii man shall he entitled tent nt least five clcaks , three of whom shall bo ladies of nppioved beautj- . Sec. U L\ich cleik shall be entitled to not less than four pages. Sec. ) . Any member who shall presume to introduce any meabuio of economy shall be deemed guiltj of fellony. See. 5. Any keepei of n hotel , boauling house , restaui ant or saloon , wno shall pre sume to piesent a bill to any member of this legislature shall Do deemed quiltof a mis demeanor and punished as the house may diiect. Sec. 0 L'ach member shall bo supplied with nstonogiapher to assist him in piepar- ing buncombe bills for the benefit of l < is con stituents Sec. 7. The sjstcm of ginnting lallvvay passes is heioby abolished and each and evcrjr railway unnpiny operating in this state is hcrcbj' required to furnish a speiial train for the accommodation of each member of this legislature. Sec. b. To save tlio valuable time of this legislating mctiopolltun cities are permitted to enact their own ch u tor. Sec. U. To settle the much-vexed question of piohlbition , the piohibs are heieby per mitted to ictiio to Iowa and the democrats to Missoun. Sec. 10 It being evident tint the farmers of this state are accumulating too much wealth , it is heiebv enacted that the price of iurm pioducts shall in the future bo as follows : 'U heat , 40 cents per bushel ; coin , 15 cents pel bushel ; pork 'J cents pel pound and beef } cents , pui pound , and if any fanner shall pi equine to grumble at the trilling profits made bj gram dealois mid dressed meet men he shall be deemed guhtj of hl h treason. Suction 11 Nothing In this net sh ill bo so construed us to prevent any fanner fiom raising nil the cattle , hogs and grain ho may dcsnc , but the luising of hell is c\pics&ly forbidden. .Section 13 No bank In this stutu Blinll hereafter lecelvo any interest on money loaned , but if any person shall consent to 10 celvo and use such money , suck band shall pay such poison u leasoimblo coniiiensutlon for theii trouble in dlsbuismg the same. Section Ki Whcicas , it is becoming ous- toimirj for bank cashiers to emigrate to Cnn- nda , it Is huicby enacted that no cashier shall bo required to refund any money deposited after he shall have ciossed the Canada line. Sec 14 It bhiill bo the duty of every busi ness man to sell goods at a less price than that of any other business man , and If any gioecrjtmm , drj goods dealer , siilooni < ocpcr , lumberman or coal dealer shall leain that his competitor is selling goods at a certain price , it shall bo his duty to immediately sell his coeds of the same quality for a less pi ice. Sec , 15. It shall also bo the duty of eveij' business mini to give such ci edit us may be desiied , and said business man bhall , upon no condition , nsk for his pay Sec. JU. Anj business man violating the provisions of this chapter shall bo deemed guiltj' of embezzlement. See 17 , Whereas , Lawyeis nro usually men of such modesty thcj'iuo heioby re lieved from the burdens of political olllco. Sec. IS From and after the passage of this net six hours bhull constitute a day's work , mid duilng such hours of work it shall bo the duty of such em ployer , and ho is hereby icqulied to bo an at tendance upon his luboiers with refreshing drinks and rocking chairs , that such laborers may rest and refresh themselves during tlio intervals of their work. Seo. 10. It shall bo unlawful for any laborer to work in this state for less than $ t per day and drinks as above specified. Seo. 'JO. If any laborer shall bo injured In any manner within ton miles of the place of the place of employment his omplojcr shall pay all jlanmges and expenses accruing from such injury , Kcc. 21. The compiled statutes of Nebraska are horebj * repealed Whereas an emorBoncj' exists , this law shall be In effect on and after its passage 'Ihis lealslntitre , having provided for nil the wants of the people , Is now adjourned TjpRlslntivo NotcN. LINCOLN- , Neb , Jan 11 | Special to Tut HI.C.J The house was pretty noisy to day , and the members seemed to have n great deal to say to each other during the session The nn\lous candidates for committee clerks nro still on bund , but ate decreasing in number. The bill introduced bj Hepicsontntlvc Berlin to day to prevent the garnishceing ol the wages of cmploves of corporations for bills duo parties and by actions commenced in other states , was accompanied by a peti tion containing 1,77" slgnatmcs. Tom Cooke , first assistant clerk of the house , has his voice under control at last , mid makes a very efficient reading clerk Wllcov introduced a bill to day piovldlng that the G A. K posts could draw upon the county board for funds to icllcvo ncedj mid indigent soldiers mid their families. Us sajsaveiy similar lew Is in foico in New Yoi k. The fiist printed house bills made their ap pearance to day. and nro numbered from one to fifteen inclusive. NO MOHH llODlSs HISCOVKUCD. The Scnroli at the Heading Silk Mill Abandoned. KUUMVO , Pa. , Jan. 11. No moio bodies have been found in the tuins of the silk mill. All the bodies of the victims in the disaster have now , it is believed , been iccovercd , and the seal eh was abandoned this morning. Several of those icported j'osterday as killed have been found to bo safe. The list of killed is therefore i educed In number to day. Some of the injuied will die. Aiinngemonts me now being made for the burial of the dead. A coriect list of those killed nt the silk mill , or who have since died of their in juries , is as follows : l > M\u Ni STOII , Jouv KLIILII , Kv v LEI us , Lvtnv ICi usiiNBB , SUHl IlAKSEK , TlMIUCllOW , Lutin Fir/i'vrmcic , Su.un FVLST , Hi MU S. CltOCIvl.lt , Rvill.lt ClIUIsTMVV , SUI 11. BlCM I , Kl.IA UhlDN VtEII , Til I IE K SCII M'FTEII , SU.I.IC Si IIAEL 1 Lit , HAKIUUA A. bi ii.i.nSAHVII SHVDE , MTU , AVlLLtVM S-NVDCIl , Soi'iiiA WISKI.I/MV.V. T1IL3 I'l'lTSIlUHG UOKltOU. More Frightfully Jlan led Bodies Taken Ironi the Kiiins. PiTr nuiio , Jan. 11. The woik of iccovci- ing the victims of Wedncsdaj''s disaster is not j et completed. Tor two days and two nights 100 men and fifty teams luu o been constantly at work , and up to 10 o'clock this morning the mangled icmains of fouiteen peisons have been taken from the ruins. Four more are known to be still buried in the ruins , and six others aio missing. Of the injuied three have died since removal to the hospitals Four others are in a cutical con dition and will not suivivc. The remaining thntj'-two aio all doing well , and will 10- cover. During the night the bodies of Chailes McUwenandtwo unknown vvoik- men were iccovered , and at daj light the re- minis of tlio venerable Kov. Dr. Heed , who was in Weldin's store when the accident oc- oil i red , wcro found on the first floor of the building , frightfully crushed. The funerals of four of the victims took place to-daj' , and otheis will bo buiied to-moirow. The damage to piopertv by the accident is estimated at ? 1T ,000 , The coroner's jury began its investigation at 10 o'clock this moi nlng. _ Wrcckcil bj' a Monster Wave. Ni.iv YOHU , Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUG Ben. ] Sailor Geoigo Thompson , of Camden , Me. , arrived in this city to-day and icports the loss of the biigantino Snow Bird , of New Brunswick , her captain , Thomas Bennett , and second mate , George Scott , both of Now Haven. The Snow Bird sailed fiom L"astpoit , Me , December IS , withacaigo of lumber for this city. The night of December 21 the sei was vcij' rough. The Snow Bud was then ninety miles out oft Montauk Point. At daylight an immense wave swept the vessel and Captain Bennett was washed from his post at the wheel and was never aftei wards seen. The wieck of the Snow Bird has not been seen since. She has probablj' gone to pieces. The AVost Virginia Deadlock. CIHIILLSTON , W. Va , Jan. 11. The dead lock in the senate continues , and as there nro thirteen sen.itots on each side the icpub- licans say they will not allow the deadlock to bo broken until the dcmociats abandon the questions now in the courts , or until such time as the contest w ill have been set tled. This gives n dismal outlook for much legislation. Tho'liouso cannot vvoilt until the senate organises. The senate will meet at "o'clock this afternoon to organize. State StcnoKr.ihert | > ' Association. LINCOLN , Neb , Jan. 11. [ Special to THE BEB ] The annual meeting of the State As sociation of Stenographers was held hero Wednesday. The business was chiefly formal. Reports of committees were received and adopted , after which the following officers were elected for the ensuing Jyear : President , M. 15. Wheeler , Lincoln ; first vice pressdent , A. M. Hopkins , Omaha ; second end vice-president , U. B. Kit bjf , Lincoln : secrotarj' , J. W. Biowster , Hastings. Executive Committee Mullen , Beardslej1 , Valentino , KiibjGaston. . K-camining Committee Potter , Moore , Wilson. Mockett , Pollock. ' 1 ho latest and most apjii ovod forms for preparing transcripts for the supreme couit woie discussed at length The meeting adjourned to meet at Kear ney on a date to bo fixed by the exccutlv e committee. Missouri Klvrr Itntos Kcvfacil. CHICAGO , Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE 1 The Western Fioight associa tion has decided to advance tlio into on dicssed beef from Missouri liver points to Chicago to n basis of 23.8 cents per hundred pounds. The present rate is 2li cents. Ac- Jon was also taken to provide for rate of 12tf } cents per hundred weight on lead ami bullion from Missouri river points to Chicago , when .heso uitlcles ate shipped from Colorado or Utah and nra stopped at the Missouri river to bo refined , The association will nect Thursday next to arrange for a proper canvass and adjustment of coal oil rates from Iowa interior points to Omaha and beyond. To Itcditoj th i Ijiimtior Tariff. WABIU.NOTOV , Jan. 11. The Post to day says ; The members of the sonuto committee mv Ing in charge the tariff bill , decided to offer nn amendment , making the duty on lumber 1.50 per 1,000 feet , a reduction of 23 per cent n the bill ns reported from the committee. It vas at first proposed to make the duty $1 25 , iut a compromise on $1.50 was secured by the senators from the noithwest. A proviso - vise will bo insetted that this rate shall bo conditional on Canada removing Uor expoiL luty on lumber. Street Car Bti Iko Avert ad. NEW VOIIK , Jan. 11 It is reported this morning that there is no tie-up of any of the itreot car lines of Brooklyn , everything icing satisfuctorilj * settled between tno cm- iloyors and their men , < New Nel > ranUi I'ostmnHte.r. WASIIIKOTOV , Jan. 11. [ Special Telegram o Tnu HIIE. ] Charles N , Coats has been appointed postmaster at Able , Butler count- , Neb , vice iimer U Oalner , rcsifaod. THE IOWA OBSTRUCTIONIST Gently But Plrmljf Suppressed b ; tlio Speaker. GOT THROUGH BY A SQUEEZE The Itcport ol' llio , Conference Com inlttcc on the Oinntia Post- olllco Kill Accepted ly tllC IIOUHC. BimiuU Tun Chutu BBS , ) 513 roUUTnbVTII SrilBBT , WASIIINOI-OX , I ) . C. , Jan. 11. I And now Omaha Is to have .1 now govern mciit building , sure endugu , unless Preslden Clorclnnd interposes a veto. The house nftor long delay , lias finally adopted the con fcionco report on the bill , limiting the cos to.fl.WOOO , and nppioprlatlngSGOil.OOO , to bi made immediately available for the purchasi of a silo and the commencement of tlio build ing. This action was anticipated sever. ! weeks ago bv Tin : BI.B , but was delayed bo jond the time it was expected to talco place There will bo no dol.iv on tlie part of the sou ate. Senator Spoonci' , who has charge 01 the measuio there , being at the head of tin conferees , sail the conference repoit wil ho cillcd up promptly and adopted Ho will bo backed by Senators M.mderson and Pud' doclc , who have worked with Representative McSlmno like be.ivors. A dead lock 1ms existed in the house for moio than a week. It is conducted by Weaver , of low n , who Is lighting for the Oklahoma bill. Ho regularly makes mani fold motions e.ich day when the house meets for an adjournment , demanding the lives and noes on eveiy vote and much time Is wasted in loll calls. As is well known , n motion to adjourn is of the highest possible pilvilegc and takes pi oeedcnco over all things else. It is always in order. Some ono supposed to be known to Air. McSb.ino , put up a job on Weavei to-day by which Chairman Dibble , of the committee on public buildings and grounds , sccuiod recognition bv tlus speaker and culled up the tonleienco mpoit on tlio Milwaukee building bill. which is identical to and preceded the Omalii mexsiiic. .lust after ono of Weaver's motions to adjoin n was votdd dow n , Dibble was recognised bi the speaker. Ho said that ho wanted so piescnt u ptivileged rcpoit. Before ho could announce what ho had , Weavei wildlj exclaimed : "I move that the housoadjoiun. " Hut the chair had iccog- ni/cd the gentlcm in irom South C irolimi , to makoa piivilegcd report , "and till that is disposed of the motion of the gentleman fiom Io\\u to adjoin n cannot be entci tamed , " said the speaker. Up to this con fusion had reigned for an hour. The ruling cieated a commotion. The speaker was tak ing the bit between his teeth and was inning away from the usual proceed ing. Wea\cr protnstod and there was a livelv scrimmage , but the speaker w as linn and the Milwaukee bill came up. After u v cry MIDI t statement by Dibble ns to the con ditions under which the conferees had reached an agreement , ho asked for the oidcrmgof the pioviqus question. At this Junction Seuatois Mandcrson , Paddock and Spoonerenteicd on the floor of the house. Mr. MeShano was circulating aiound pretty lively among the members , begging tliem to stand by the Milwaukee bill , as by the fate of that measuie , the Omaha bill was to faro. The scnatois named began doing lively work too. It was exciting 'when Weaver got up and began to oppose the bill. Ho said ho was not oppo ftdto at on account of any dement , but because the Oklahomi bill should bo fiist considered. If the Oklahoma bill was first given a chance ho would not object to the public building or any other honest billTnero was a wianglo over the revclancy of his speech to the question under considuiation. Then Wca\cr attempted to have the house adjourn. Failing to have his motions recognized by the speaker he de manded a quorum on every step , and finally the ayes and nays on ordering the pievious question , the object being of course to con sume the dav before a final vote was taltcn The speaker was prepared for such an emer gency , howoer , and stood Hrmlv to IUR rul ing On the vote , finally reach to agree to tlio confeience report ) the ayes were 199 and tlio noes weio 51. So the report and bdl passed. In a minute there were clus tered around Weaver , Senators Paddocic and Mnndeison and Representative McShane , all pleading with him to lot the confercnca re port on the Omaha bill come up , but he would not yield He fought like a ilger. There was a repetition of the tactics em ployed to defeat the consideration of the Milwaukee bill. By the assistance of the speaker , and almost the cntiiu house , the Nebraska quorum was retained nud the pre vious question at last oidored. It looked for an lioui as though 5 o'clock , the time for ad journment under a special rule , would nirlvo before the final vote could bo reached. But there is an end to all moital things , and the ayes and noes on the adoption of the conference report was calied , Chairman Mills , W. S. Scott and other distinguished domociats who have not been seen m the house for weeks , appeared and voted. The result was ayes , I'.Ki ; noes , W. So the conference report on the Omaha public building bill , about which HO much has been said for neaily a year pist , was adopted together w ith the bill itself. The Nebraska men woio congratulated on every hand. Then folluwed u light for the conference - once report on the San Francisco building bill. This measure did not huvo the active workers that the Omaha bill did , and pending its consideration the house adjouincd. Had it not been for the lomnrkublo and arbitiary ruling of the speaker and the effective work of the No- binska statesmen named , the Omaha bill would not have been adopted , because it would not have been reached. It may bo adopted by the senate to-morrow. Senators Mamlorson and Paddock say it will be called up promptly , and theio is no doubt whatever that it will bo passed by the senate , as there is little , and no factional opposition to it there. The bill will likely roach President Cleveland on Monday nest , or Tuesuay at the fai thcst , n i id barring nccidont. Sonu question has boon laised as to whether the president will sign the bill. Mr McSlmno sajs ho will do ovcrj thing possible in the waof bringing democratic influence to bear , and Senators Mundurson and Paddpok will see Mr. Cleve land , and thcio is not much danger of a vote , With the adoption of thoieport by the senate will close one of the most persist ently fought battles over waged for a public measure. The. people of Omaha ought to congratulate themselves. A ouiinus SUIT , Secretary Vilas to day decided a cut Jens case , which has been before the interior de partment since 1872 , involving the light bo- tweeu a settler and a 'railroad corporation for the possession of a strip of the bottom of the Missouri liver. The river has a babit of er ratically changing 1U coin so , sometimes leaving Its old bed some miles away and cutting for luelf a new channel. On the line between Ncbuiska and Dakota it come within the limit of the grant of the Sioux City & Pacific ruihoad. The stream changed its channel and loft | > ait of its bed high and dry. Patrick Moimhuii made a homestead cntn of the land in Ib71. The railroad claimed the land , and several de cisions were tendered against Man.ihaii' The latter claimed that tlio road could not claim the land , because it lnd ; no existence when thogaant to the road was made , as it was the bottom of the Missouri river. The road asserted that its grant covered everything In the shape ol "land , however lony it had existed. Many years arc spent by the department in 'gathering testimony us to when the navigable channel of the river had aver passed over the land in question , and llnally found that It had not. Then wit- ncbses swore that the laud had grown grass ind trees over since I838aud It being proven that the land existed practically drv when the grant to the load was made , tho'sccio - tary decides that it belongs , to the railroad company and ttint Monahun must loao it. Ainiv ouurits. Twojcarsof the term of confinement im posed by the sememe ot u ( 'cucrol court martial Uaccuibnr-l 1853 , Depaitment of th Pintle , Is remitted in the case of Augu Miller , late private in Battery II , Fourth ni tllloijnoiv at Fort Omaha awaiting trans tor to the military prison at Tort Leaver worth. Captain James M J. Snnno , Seventh in fnntry , on leave of absence in till city , will report by letter t the superintendent of the rcerttitlni service , .Now Yotk City to conduct recruit tlmt tnny be sent to the Department of th Platto. 1'tivato John Mlllci , hospital corps , 01 duty ut Tort Ljon , Colorado , will bo sent t Hot Spilngw , Aik. , to enable him to cntc the nrmv and nnvj hospital at that point , ic porting upon his arrival to the surgeon li charge of the hospital MtecEl 1 INHOU" . Senator Mandorson has laid before tin senate n petition f10111 the Ki.ank P , Ulnli post , G A K. , of Nebraska , in favor of vvha Is known as the "National Ti Ibuue" peusloi bill. bill.Hon Hon JohnM Thurston and General Pau \ andei vooit , of Nebraska , were in thohousi this afternoon during the light forthoOmahi public building bill , and were among tliosi w ho early congratulated the Nebraska con gressmen upon the battle they won. The follow Ing order was Issued at the post office depai Uncut to Jay relative to the through loglstorcd mall pouch sj stem bo tweou Sioux City and Om.ihi. 'l ho post masters at the Slou\ City and Oainlia onki" have this day been instructed to dispatcli tliiough registcic'd pouches as follows , Leave Slou\ City at 7 ,10 n. m , mid Omah.i at 1 'JO p m. . via the Sioux City and Gmahr rallwapostolllce , Instead of the SiotiN City and Missouri Valley and Cedar Rapids and Council Bluffs railway postoflices. as at present. At their reception to dav , Mrs. Mandeison wore a black satin dress , with gold luce cm broideries and was assisted by Mrs Mntthow- son , Mrs 12 vans and Mis. Blown. Mrs. Paddock was in u toilet of black silk and lace and was aided bv Miss Paddock , Miss Con pock and Miss Wcaton in entcitainlng her callers. Pmtuv S. Ilium. TIllO SIOUX Its Immediate Opening Urced by the Dakota IjcfflNl.itiuc. BHMMI- , Dak , Jan , 11 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : ULE ] A memorial to congiess piaying for the opening of the Souicscr ! - \atlon , pissed both houses today and will be foi warded to congi ess to night It is nd diossed to the committee on territories , of which Congiessman Spiingor is chairman. The onginnl icsolutton was amended so that the White liver shall bo the bouthoin boun- daiyofthat poition to be opened. There w is not a dissenting vote. The i ulcs of both houses wore susDonded so that the memorial might bo adopted without delay. In convocation with members of the legis lature , not one was found who was not in favor of having congiess open the icscivn- tion without consulting the Indians. While this is the sentiment with icgnid to the open ing of the luids to settlement , it is also the deshc that the government should pay the Indians mote than 50 cents per acio for the land Thcio is such a tendeacy toward ictrench- nient on the part of the lepislatuie that ah eady bills have been introduced for the abolishment of the olllccs of commissioner of immigration , railioad commissioner , public oxamuici and repealing the law appropriat ing moro for the pajmcnt of traveling ex penses of the judges , and clerk hire for the goveinor. These bills in c introduced by 10- publicans who came to fight Goveinor Church , and if possible postpone the session until a republican governor is appointed. Falling In the attempt to postpone , they hope to abolish many of the important ofll- ces , so that the patronage will bo removed fie n the democrats. The bili extending the time when the luxes of IbSh shall become due , and on which eastoi n land owners are largely intetested , has passed the house and will meet no opposition in the council. In- suianco men nio not well pleased with the appointment of the insurance committees , and several of the large companies have al- icady telegraphed their agents hero to watch legislation on this subject. THK S.4MOAX CO.ni'IjIO.YTlONS. CoiiHul Sawall before the Senate Com mittee * oil Foreign Relations. WASHINGTON , Jan. , 11. Consul Gcnoial Sowall , of Samoa , appeared bofoi o the sen ate committee on foi cign i elatlons to dav. General Sewull was examined in secret at great length. Ho said that the shedding of blood since lie left Samoa had ladlcally changed the situation there , and that if it vveie not intended to yield to Germany en- tuo contiolof their hinds , some uccidcd ac tion would have to bo taken by the poweis. He presented to the committee a copy of the Suuioin Times newspaper , published at Apia , cent lining accounts of an unpio voiced and un expected attack by a German war ship upon the natives , and a meetIng - Ing by tlio consuls of other nations denouncing the net , and also misleading and unfair statements bv a German consul. Sowall spoke of the studied and' systematic effoits of the Germans in sending out news from Berlin conceinlng Samoa to give the impiession that the American was the tig- giebsor in every case of trouble. Gciman oppression , ho is fuithcr said to have repio- sentoil , as entirely responsible for any ap parent division of natives into hostile fac tions. Ho described Tamasa's ' followers as' a comparative handful , who were threatened by an unploas int dllumma If they failed to keep up the agitation against the native gov ernment they feared death ut the hands of the German allies ; if they escaped , then the same fnto awaited them at the hands of the natives , who considered them traitors to Samoa. CHICK \SA.W'S GOVIJItXOR. Attorney Oenernl Vilas ftouidcH In Fever of liiril. WASIIIVOTOV , Jan. 11 Sccictary Vilas , who had been requested to arbitrate In the contest for the govct noi ship of the Chicku saw nation , to-dav sent a telegram to Mossis Bird end Guy , tno contestants , in which ho cited the Chlekasaw constitution in icgaid to the canvassing of votes , etc , and said that in the execution of Its piovislons William Bird hud been declined elected by the speaker of thoChiekimw house , in the pics- once of the mombeis of both houses The governor had t ilten the oath , delivered his mcssa o , and since acted as governor ns far us the contest pei milled Although the 10- turns appealed to Imvu disclosed a majority for Guy , no right to review the constitutional action of tie spe iker In the presence apd with tlio appiovil of the legislature in joint session can rest clHuwliero than In the courts of the Chick is iw nation , oven if tnoy have such jurisdiction. Thi Cent nil's Ijatc-Hl PurchaHa. MII.W UKKH , Wis , Jan 11 The Evening Wisconsin's special fiom Pond du Lao s.iji that it Is reported that the Illinois Central railroad has purchased the right of way of the pioposcd Midland roau , fiom Madison to Fond du Lao , and thence along of the shore Lnko Wlnnohajjo to Floienco , with a branch line on the east side of the lake to btuigeon bay , Many towns along the pioposeu route voted money to aid the construction of the road , and there Is no doubt that tills money will bo fieoly given to the Illinois Central , The It.nl I'lOldH of TOPEKA , Kan , Jun 11 [ Special Telegiara to Tni : BII : : , ] Joseph Fields , ox-tieisuici of Wabaunseo county , and Joseph Fields , jr , the present ticaaurcr , have been held tor Drnbczdcment. The former was bound over to the district com t in the sum of f 15,000 and tlio latter in the sum of $5OJJ , both of vvhlih inuonnts weie furnished _ _ _ Grant County Heal , HIANMS , Neb Jan. 11. - [ Special Tele- grain to Tim HCK | The result of the county Beat election held yesturduy in Grant county , Is that Hyaniils holds the county seat by a lousing majority. Ilvanuls is boo mini ; . Ho Anticipates nn Kaiy Victoi-j Ove rioUPt's ( | ( lot eminent. Pvius , Jan. 11 fNow Yoik lleral Cable Special to THE Br.E 1 It was one o General Houlangcr's trl-wcekly reception Jcstcrday As the 37th of January ap pioaches Ihodeslic to see otho ledoubtabl candidate is becoming moro general , and I consequence the crush of callois Is leu'hlni Itscllmav All sorts of people were thcro- Workmen In tough clothing , ofllcirt of tin Legion of Honor , women wealing sealskin Hiitl otheis who might well hive been con cicrges In holldiy dress , men with mudd ; boots and dripping nmbiellas , politicians schemers , join nulists au.v ono who , haviui nniixe togiludsaw in GcneialBoulnngor th man to grind it. A consequential darVe ; summons the fortunate ones , whoso pride o : suspense is done and who nl length ascent a pair of stairs into tlio presence of the gen oral. Ho scuds them up In batches of six ot eight. Most of those who pissed thiougl the final door did so only to pass speedily out again , but the Herald correspondent on thlc occasion was favored with a moro extensive Interview. "Hli bleu , " commenced the general , "what can 1 do for you I" mid ho commenced pacing from ono side of the room to the other , his soldloili figuiu well set on" by a stylishly cut brown suit , and so walking luck waul tun ] forvvaul , side by side , the convcrs ition wont on. "What Is jour position , general , asicgaids the Panama canal. " "Hero it is in two words , " came the unhes itating leply. "I hnv o no opinion to express as to the outcome of the enteipiisc. When the catml w 111 bo finished and w hat vvhatw ill bo the expenses mo questions I am Incompe tent to answer. One tlng I know. A few months ago the dumber of deputies author ied n lottoiy of lands for the benefit of DeLessops" greit under taking. If the uutliorb.itlon meant anj thing it meant that the Trench gov 01 n ment identified itself with the inleicsts of the canal , and became sponsor for it Now the same government would shiik the same re sponslbility incuirol recoiitly , and it was against such he irty mid illogical m tlon that I protested , and still protest I believe In keeping a piotuiso. 1 believe in being con sistent two points which Fioquut's govoin- meiit would seem to regard ns Insignificant details in the line of policy. " "Do jou think the piesent government 1ms compiomiscd its interests in the general elections by opposing the w ishcs of so huge a body of olectoia ? " "rioquet and his advisois have done noth ing but play Into my hands by their i efusal to sustain the Panama scheme. They have nssuicd mo the allegiance of an army of 800,000 shareholder That is only ono illustration - tration of their stupidity. By their ridiculous energy in the Baudm affairs on December 5 , m tri ing to call out a mob , they lost the sup port of thousands of Paris shopkeepois whoso interests are centered in the main tenance of order in the stiects. A mob is terrible when aroused , and Floquet should remember that it is one thing to let loose i00,000 ! men and quite another to force them to return peaceably to their homes. Foitun- ntely for Paris , Floquot's plan failed. " "Then , you feel sure of defeating the gov- einment in the coming contest ! " "Sure to defeat them ! Why , my dear sir , they will defeat themselves To obtain a victory 1 liavo only to rest on my oais and watch them cut their own throats The other day they incrcised their discom iituro by icfusing to vote the time honored holiday lemcmbranco for the government employes. That eiror will cost them thousinds of votes. Then there is the amnesty matter by which they have made enemies of numbeiless laborers , and so I might go on indefinitely. I will bo elected by 100,000 majoiity , though the machinations of the rioquet gov ernment may i educe it to 80,000. " "Are > ou not afraid of their adopting violent lent uieasuies against you ! " The general diew himself up pioudly and leplied with flashing cjcs , and in ringing tones. "Let them dare to touch a hair of my head and they will see the result of such temerity in the suffrages of 30J,000 Fieiichmen , who would lise up and demand me as their i epresonta live. I defy the whole pack to do thcli worst. " "What will jou do after your election in Paris ! " "As that is too far ahead to speak of pie ciscly , sufficient foi the day is the evil thereof. But one thing is ceitaln , my elec tion in Paris will sweep all Franco like an cloctiic shock. " FAVORS l. Goveinor Glide , of KunH.'iH , on tlio Diesse-d IJ"of Combine. 'lori.Kv , Kan. , Jan. 11. [ Special Tologi am to THE Bnr.At ] the annual meeting of the ntate board of agriculture today , Goveinor Glick spoke upon the "Dressed Ilaef Com bine. " Ho lefeircd to the circumstance that ten years ago the shipper of the west who shipped c ittlo into ChiLago would fin d there hundtcds of bujors from the oist , who were reidy to buy cittlo for shipment to eastern markets Now there w ere but two classes of cattle , corn fed and nnr0'i > , and no distinction was made in the price Tim shipper now has to sell to the droxsod bocsf men , and they control the demand In such a manner as to bo able to fix the price abw- lutolj. In some places , for insiiiuco in Cin cinnati , buUheisnon * weio opened and wcro supplleil by the Chicago dressed beef moiup ollsts This has been followed up In Colum bus and other cities until now the lei al butchcis have been run out of business , and the monopolists h ivo the field Those buj'- eis who were foimerly stationed at Chicago to buy have been withdrawn , and thnia is no opposition Inner there lott to compete for the cattle. lie pointed out as the only method of meeting this monopoly a local In spection , and ho believed that the present Kansas legisiatuio would follow the e\implo of other legislatures with u law making local iiibpoctlon piactlcablo tlio IHuc CONCOUII , N. 11 , Jan U At the constitu tional to day action was taken on the amend ment to Htnko out tlio word "PiotesUnt , " from the bill of rights ; also to strike out the article ontiio and sub itituto one icpoitcd by the committee on the bill of rights , insert ing the following for that article : "Kvory icligious sect , or denomination demeaning thcmsclvo ) quietly and as oed subjects of the .state , shall be equally under the protection of the law , and no HUI- ! oidinatlon of any one feet or denomination to another shall ever be estab lished by law " An amendment was of- foi ed to substitute t ha lopoit by inserting u provision that the legisiatuio shall have pow'tir to grant all religious societies w ithin the state the privilege of selecting and con- trading iVith their own taohois of religion and morality , mid no one sect , shall over bo compelled to pay towaids the support of the tcachors of any other sect or denomination This amendment was adopted , us > > 43 also rcpjrt of tlio committed us lunondeJ. A Dakota .Miner Killed. Dr Utt eon , Dak , Jun U. [ Hpcchl Tolc- gi am to Tin : Bun. ] August Peterson was Killed by fulling lock at It o'clock thin mum- Ing in the llrst level of the llitflilnnd mli.u , Lead City. THE SALVATION OF ISRAEL , It la the Chief Ambition of the Philanthropic Baron HIrsoh. AN ADVOCATb OF ASSIMILATION , As AfTor-dlMR the Only Solution of tlio Se.mttto I'rotiliMii and the Klc- vation of the .Icnlsh Kitoo . Unroll HltNC'li'H Doetilnp. ICupinltiM IfXt I'll I'W < fJor.ton Itrnnelt } Puns , Jail 11 [ Xov York Herald C.tbU Special to Tins Hic.l : For neatly tvva thousand jcus Israel lus been awaiting tlui second advent of the Messiah. "When will the Messiah comol" I asked j'estordaj of a prominent Israelite1. "The Messiah is come , mid Is at this mo ment In Paris , " was the astonishing icplj1. I supposed that the poison with whom 1 was tnlklni ; intended to mysttfjmo , but ho was soilous 1 piossed him with Author questions , nnd an explanation followed Ilia The Jews havu longa o lost faith in the llt oral Inc.unation of the Messiah That would not bo compatible with the ideas ot modem civ ili/ution. But a now docttluo has taken hold of the Jews all over the world tlio doctrine of assimilation with clnis' tlanlty-and the apostle of this doctilno , destined to bring about the salvation of Is- i.iel , is now In Paih , and Is no other thau Biton Hirsch , the well known Pmlsian banker , who has given over 100,000 0 K ) francs m Uussii and Auitiia towards caujini ; outt this gloiious conception 'Will jou take mo to see B.uon llirsch ! " 1 asked "Ceitalnlv , " was the toply. In n fe-w moments 1 wis seated bosldo B iron Hit sch in his magnificent house next the Palaiso do l ljseo Baton Hiricli is u line looking man of medium height and ath letic build , mid Is npp.ucntlj' about fifty j cars old. His , cjes aio bright gioj' mid beam full of intelligence His nose is nqul- luo His jaw has a determined look abjut It , and his long mllitiuj moustache is mingled , with groj He looks moio Hlo an Austiina cavalij' oftlcor than a financier. "Will J'ou tell mo nbout the motjves which induced you to nfuko jour magnificent dona tion in Russia ! " 1 asked. "My idea is this , " said he , "I am a bi ttoi enemy of fanaticism and bigoti y. The Jewish question can only bo solved by the disippeirincoof the Jewish race , which will inevitably bo accomplished bj the amalgama tion of Chi isti ins and Jews Tlio funds I have pi iced at the disnosil of Russia are not for the educational pui poses of Jewish chil- dien ulone , but Cluistiiin children as well. Theie are lr > 00WO ( Jewish eluldicn in Russia. They nro in a most destitute condition. They do not oven know the Russian language. They speak a Hebi.iic fargon of their own. They aio fiiphtfullj h indicippjd in all that concerns oiining then bioul and making their vvaj in life. There is a eomplota Chinese wall around them , isolating thcui fiom the rest of huimnity. My idea was to knock out the corner sUmo of the wall by establishinur schools on condition that they bo open to Jews and Christians on teuns ot perfect equality. " "Does Russia facilitate the establishment of these schools in the Russian govern ment } " "Unfoitunatclj' the govcinincnt seems tote to fear that thei o is some politic il move behind < hind the plan. I happen to possess moio ot the so called good things of this wo Id than ma wants icquiro. 1 carefully stu lied how I could best accomplish an act of pure phil- anthrophj' . I looked about and found that oa the whole the condition of the .low ) in Rus sia was worse than that of unv other latgo bodv of people In the civilbod world. 1 nm a Jew , I felt for the same race and set about to give them a fair en inco to vvotk Mdo by side and assimilate with the people of tro country m which thoj' live. 1 merely want a guaiuntec fiom the Russian government that the funds held at their disposal shn 11 be ap plied to the purpose Intended , namely , the establishment of bohools for Christians and r1 Jews on an equal footing My schools thntaro established pt G ilicivAustii i nro a success. So thoj' would bo In Russia if the govern ment would only consent , to disibuse itself of the ide i th.it there is a politic il motive la theoffci. " "You feel convinced that the doetimo ot assimilation is a solution of the scmltlo ques tion i" "Clearly so , " said ho. "Why , jou have pnly to look about lo BCO this unlvei sal tend' cnov of IH'w'lein times , Tlio joungor mem * beisofthu fami ; ; of Rothschild , Hoino , Commoiido , Mo-itollore , au'1 do/ons of other * uroussimilited ; that istosiy , arc married with the Gtammonts , Richulleus mid Ilo32 bcirys In the other stratas of society tha same laws prevail , In St. Antoina and Bcllovillo mixed Christian and Jewish maul ite3 ; taKe plic-o ovoiy woelr. The Jewish racn Is now disappearing. Tlioro uro'numcrous instances of uonvoisloiiH ot Jews to Christianity , but I cin not recall u sollturj instance ot a Chiisiiin uceominfj 'onveited to Judaism Tlio salvation of tha Jews Ibiissimihitlon. Let them bo amalga mated by Chiistlanity mid moiged In Chris- tinintj' . Let tlio fusion be complete. Let the Jo wish isolation be bioken down. Lub the Jews as a distinct set dis ippoai , This la the tendency of the ago. This will ho a so lution of the Jewish question and a blosaint ; to civilisation. " Not Inline. CITV , Neb , Jan , 11. fSpeol.il to Tin : Bur ] The boaid of insanity to day ex unliied into the condlt'on ' of D. M. Adams , who was biought hoio fiom Syiaciisc fou safe keeping , having tluealunod Biilcldo. They declared him snno mid n fiaud , ho hav ing , accoidlngto the testimony , uctcd cray and threatened suicide tofilghtcu his wife , who had left him. Patal Koud in Illinois. ST Lot IB , Jan. 11. A flpcclul to the Post Dispatch fiom Vienna , 111. , says that Ias6 m'M ; an allocation ocuutiod ut a school Jious.0 three miles west of that place between Churloa Jacobs John Bridges und Charles mid Juo Arnett Klxht uhot.s wcio ex changed. John Bridges was killed and Clmrlos Ainott wounded. The other men vvuio nrrestod. Will Ho ST. Louis , Jan. 11 Governor Moorchousn has appointed u delegation of ton prominent citl/ons of the state to repicsunt Missouri nb the centennial celebration of the Inaugura tion of Pi csident Washington , to be held m Now York In April next , lie also lecom- mended that the Icglrdatuio nppropilata JIO.OOO to dofiay the expenses of sending two inllitiu companies to participate * in the cere- , monies. Gaud.iur'H ChalloiiKu Accepted , TOIIOMO , Out. , Jan. -William O'Con nor bus accepted Oaudaui'B challenge to row him thieu miles for $1GOJ u side ut Sun FiaucUio , about Maich l.