Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Cnpltol lotfrjo of Free Masons htivo
tnkon charge of tlio funeral arrange-
rnonts of the tate Jolin W. Whllmnrsh ,
which will ocrur from Masonic hull at
1:30 : o'clock this uftornoon. The re
mains will bo buried in Forest Hill
The mi mini mooting of the stocUhohl-
ot s of the American Loan nml Trust
company was hold Wednesday and the
Ma board of directors , eonslstltifr of O.
M. Carter. Alvin Suumler.s. . ] . .1. Brown ,
0. S. Mont-joinery. Philip I'ottor , D. 1) .
Cooley amd ,1. IVed Rogers , were re-
At the annual mooting of stockhold
ers of the Midland Gunnintoo and Trust
company , Tuesday , January 8 , the fol
lowing ( liroctors vvoro elcctc'd : Nathan
Bholton , Fred II. Davis , Max Meyer ,
Krustus Young , .1. C. Doniso. S. 1) .
Uarlmlow , H. E. H. K'onnody , O. II.
Hnllou and Ororgc 1. nilhorl , and the
tollowinir ollicers : Niillmn Shelton ,
nrchidont ; George I. Gilbert , vice pros-
idonf F. II. Davis , treasurer : S. D.
HarHalow , becrotary ; S. H. Sadler , as
sistant "oi'i-otitry. Kxecutivo commit-
luo : H. Young , Max Meyer and 15. K.
U. Kennedy.
_ _ _ _ _
I'r mount PnriiRrnplis.
r. K. K. Sloman is conllncil to his bod.
F .1' . KirUcmliilc , has ( 'ono to California.
A. H. Kocdcr nnd sister l ft for tlic cast to
bo absent , four wcuks.
Mr , Mux Obcrfclder nnd wife , of CliiciiRO ,
nro visiting Mr. .1. Obcr/oldor.
Mrs. .Inlo Urownullc , left for lior future
boine In Minneapolis , yesterday
Mr. L. U. Kocdcr loft for Now York In the
lutcrcstof tbo Nutioiml Lifo Insurance com-
tT > . nnd Mrs. .1. N Apple , oC Denver , who
\vcro visiting Mrs. M. Goldsmith on Douglas
Btroet , luivo loft for the cabt.
Mr. C. S. Davis and wife , of Milwaukee ,
are visiting their son. Councilman K. V.
Davis , on upper P.irnnm stroot. Mr. Davis
is ono of the Hist sottlois iu tlio state of
A M. Lineman , the well-known trunk ami
vnllso HnlMiiKin with Homudlta Hros. , is vis
iting his customers in the city , who are all
Kind to see him nnd tohcnrof what happened
pvcr the river in lown.
At the Arcnilo : W .1. .TohiiFOti , G. 13. Cnin-
ron and .1. A I leiuiett , Lincoln ; \V. H. An
derson , \Vayno ; K. U. Sponcvr , Firth ; O.
W. 1'rcntiss , Fremont ; H. .1. Yorlt nnd J. M.
York , Wnyno ; .1. ,1. .Se\ton , ItastniKs.
At the Paxton C. G. Whltcomb , ( Jhieajro :
G. M. HnekelilT , Now York ; .lames L hom-
bnrd , Kiinsns City ; H. It. llairoll , ChlciRo ;
U. Law , St. Paul ; 13. .1. Hucklov , Philadel
phia ; H. .lay Smith , Minneapolis.
At tlio H.irkcr ; II. .1. Ilarcruvc , Kansas
City ; CM. JA > jir , Lincoln ; .1. A. Kolivo ,
Pliitt CVutei ; T. L. Epni.ui , Fremont ; S. II.
Calhoun , Nobmnka City ; W. C. Griflkh ,
Lincoln ; W. K Marshall , J no Carey , DCS
Molnes ; Lonio Merger , San Jose ,
At tlic Millard Damol anil Tom Dally and
Charles II. Brooks , of Daily's company ; W.
W. Stone , Wulioo ; F. C. lloan , Fort Dodge ,
la. ; J. U Simon , PiUbbuiKh ; W. U. Eng
land , Chicago ; II. II. Moult , Lionnparto , la.
Lieutenant H. T. Unrle , Hecond Infantry ,
who was recently relieved from tlio otllco of
commissary and post treasurer at Fort
Omaha , granted his le.ive of absence
anil loft , for the cast this morning. Lien-
tenant Knrlu'b health has been extremely
poor for the last few months.
AVIiisky l'i 0111 Dublin.
A small cask of whisky from Dublin , Ire
land , received at the custom house
Thursday morning. This duty on it was 443.
Before tfiistioo OTonneU.
John Hetts has instituted replevin proceed
ings to obtain possession of a horse now
being huhl by Thomas Stevenson.
Jolin Peterson has commenced suit against
Mrs. S. C. A. White to recover $ U5 ! as corn-
mission alleged to bo duo on sale of ical es
tate. J'ho defendant asserts that she had no
transaction of this sort with Peterson.
rtosido Father ami Mother.
The remains of George II , Stclling , who
died on Tuesday of diabetes , weio
Wednesday night foi warded to Masll-
ion Ohio , for burial , accompanied
by Frank Slclling , a brother , and
a few intimate friends. The body will Ibid
Its last testing place beside those of a
mother and father , both of whom died in
this city a few years ago.
Thomas , the Marauder.
Pioofsof James Thomas' midnight thefts
keep multiplying. Wednesday tlio police
searched his house nnd found over $200 worth
of stolen dry goods. The search is to bo
continued to day. Now that Thomas is in
Jail and his reign of terror at homo 1ms
cndod , his wife tells all she knows about his
various thefts and burglaries and will bo the
main witness against him. Hero to Co re she
has bruu forced to keep still through fear.
lie will bo tried Saturday afternoon.
ll'H n Scorcher on 'I3in.
There nro some fifteen employment
agencies in the city , and souio time ago the
city council ordained that they should each
contribute $75 yearly , as n license , to the
school fund for permission to carry on their
business. Enforcement of the ordinance
has been overlooked until now , and License
Inspector Turnbnll Is after the proprietors ,
many of whom will bo unable to settle , ami
will have to go out of existence. Those who
me able to pay don't ' like the law , nnd claim
the fco is too much.
Hiii-d For ( lie linlance.
An item which appeared a few days ago
convoyed the idea that Kirk , the defendant
in a replevin suit , Thomas vs. iCirk , had been
disposing of mortgaged property and
laying himself liublo to criminal
prosecution. This docs Mr. Kirk
nn injustice. All sales were made with the
consent of the plaintiff , who pocketed all
the proceeds. Mr. Kirk says ho has had the
use of W1U of the plaintiffs money for about
eighteen months , at rates varying fiom T to
10 per cent month , and has so far paid In
piinclpal and Interest I3TU. Ho is now sued
for a balance of
Itoinalns Unconscious.
13ul slight clmngo is reported In the condi
tion of Colonel A. II. Forbes , and at 0 o'clock
last evening ho was still unconscious. Ho is
thought to have rallied somewhat , but as yet
no material change is apparent. George
Forbes , of Now York , Ills brother , tele
graphed Ed. Uothery yesterday to obtain all
medical assistance required , regardless of
cost , as ho would pay all expenses. At Ilia
time 1m received the sad announcement of
the accident to his brother ho was conllned
to his apartments in the Sturtovunt housa
with sickness , but at once made preparations
to start for Omaha , and is now en route.
Police Paragraphs.
Unrncy Unloy was urralgncd In the police
court yesterday , on the charge of being
Mlarhusly drunk. Ho admitted that he had
enjoyed that pleasure , and the judge sen
tenced him two days In the city jail to sober
, "Hut , ycr , honor , " says Barney , "phwnts
the use of sohcrln' mo oop , Oi'll git droonk
agin ns soon as Ol git out. That's the
provilcgo of Ivory Amurlkin cittyzcn , an1 Qi
propose to Injy it. "
The Judge , houiovcr , was not to bo rea
soned with , and Uarney was armed with a
mop and set tovorl ; cleaning out Die colls.
JJuiitcl Smith , who was carried into tlio
police station Wednesday night stupefied
with drink , paid $7.50 lor the accommodation
nnd care ho received.
V. K. Llndull awaits trial In tbo city has-
tile to answer the trlph ) charge of being n
vagrant , suspicious character nnd carrying
concealed weapons.
The tilals of Jacob Zimmerman nnd wife
who nro charged with stealing Jf l'J.50 from a
lady roomer , IMVO been continued until the
A'suspicious character named Charles
Lmdnuest was arrested Wednesday night ,
llo Is charged with being connected with a
late burglary. Ho will bo hold for lutor de
velopments ,
Jnmcs Kanoy was rim in by OnU-ers Go-
Jola and O'Grady ataoou yesterday. Jlouas
caught In the act of pilfering the premises
recently occupied by the New York store.
When searched at the station n quantity of
ribbon , n bottle ofperfumo nnd sixteen
knives were found in his possession.
Lonn H. MoCargar was arrested yesterday
morning on the charge of obtaining goods by
false pretenoos. He was formerly In busi
ness at Snrtorln , but failed , nnd his arrest
is the outcome of his settlement , which was
not satisfactory to Orandorf ft Marsh ,
wholesale implement dealers.
Hiding l''or Frredom.
The military people nt the fort nro deeply
Interested In the byciclo race. Sergeant
Heading , "Tho Unknown , " Is chief musician
in the band , and Is the subject of the garri
son talk. The ofllccrs and soldiers feel very
proud of the grand showing of their repre
sentative. Last Juno Ned Heading for the
first time mounted n wheel , nnd in keeping
with custom succeeded In smashing his
byclclc the first day. Ho now carries a scar
on his left knee which commemorates his
first effort. Two months later ho placed
himself under the management of John S.
Prince , who prophesied ftotn the beginning
that with practice and his qualities ho would
no doubt iinilto a splendid byrielist. In Sep
tember the band uns sent to Norfolk to take
part in the Grand Army encampment and
from there he was next ordered to Kearney
nnd did not return to concictc nnd asphalt
pavements until October. From this month
ho has kept up his practice whenever the
weather would penult. His friends have no
hesitancy In claiming that their Ned has had
no more than four months riding. His most
sanguine admirers claim first place for him
nnd bet their nnncy freely that ho will nt
least tnko second. Whatever the result may
ho Ned Heading as the "Unknown" has
already made a nnmo for himself His
modest nnd gentlemanly bearing throughout
the race has won for him mnny friends
among the city people. It wns rumored nt
the foil last evening that General Urooko
stated that if ho was successful ho would
present him with a ? HX > hnmlsomo gold
watch and also procure for him his discharge
fiom the service.
. - > ( ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) PoniitlH of I'rchh Fish In One
The heaviest shipment of llsh over
sent to the Omaha iniirkct was received
yesterday by 1'oyclco Hros. ' Co. It
consibtccl of two car loads of wliito liibli ,
trout , pike , pickerel , herrings , smelts ,
haddock , etc.
I'oveho Hros. ' Co. are doing a very
extensive business in fresh lish nmlo\s-
lors. their llsh from
the northern lakes , us well us from the
Atlantic coast , in ear loads , and by
making low prices they have managed ,
to make Omaha the main distributing
point for the entire we t. They supply
not oulj Oninhn and this state , but are
getting orders from Colorado , nil the
western territories and Dakota. On
"fresh oysters" this house lias a great
regulation , every can of the thousands
that they turn out o\cry day 1ms their
very appropriate trade mark , ' "Tho
Finest , ' ' btnmped in the tin on one side ,
and on the other , " 1'ojeke Hros.'Co. , , iseb. Packers. " Retailers
prefer thib brand , as it bcllt. itself , be
ing known to contain none but "tho
lincst' ' oysters.
The Ucpapttireil Convict From Tcvns
Goes To-day.
Shot iff Ellis , of Husk penitentiary , has
left , for Texas with W. F. Hohan-
nan , abas Jim Wheat , the muideicr
nnd escaucd convict.
The nrrest of Hohannnn was n great sur
prise to Mr. Major , in whoso employ the
young convict his : been for three months , as
it was also to n number of fncnus ho had
made. Bohnunan is very sm ill and slight ,
weighing only about one hundred pounds , his
prison life having stunted his growth. Ho
wns very pleasant and alTnblc , and his em
ployer thought well of him. and though
hnrdlv stronit enough for the la
bor ho was doing , still ho showed
such a willingness to work that
Mr. Major kept him iu his service. His taste
of liberty has been so sweet that ho says be
fore he would allow himself to ho captured
no would have made nway with the otllcers
had not the latter suddenly "got the drop'1
on him. The arrest was not made , as has
been erroneously stated , through n letter to
his mother , but through a letter fiom her to
him. Ellis happened to be in the postolllco
nt Husk , Tex. , when Hohannan's mother
mailed a letter. His suspicions wore aroused
that the letter might bo to the young convict ,
her son. Through the courtesy of the post
master he learned that the letter was ad
dressed to Jim , T > 19 South Thiitcenth
street , Omaha , Neb. Ellis took the next
train ior Omaha , nnd on leaching
hero made nirangctncnts with Post
master Gallagher to accompany the
mail carrier who should deliver the letter to
Wheat. Onlcer Dempsey went along to
make the arrest. Ellis recognized the young
convict immediately , but piotended ho had
como in to buy sonio groceries , nnd while
Huehnnan was reading the letter , at a sign
from Ellis both officers drew their revolvers ,
held thorn up to the joung fellow's face , and
tersely tola him he was under arrest. Ho
caught the situation nt a glance , and with a
look of despair surrendered himself.
Ellis says that Huehanan laid in wait for
his victim and shot him in the back. Hut
the young fellow know at the time that Knox
was looking for him.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug Co.
From the Council muffs Nonpareil ,
Dec. Ill , 1HHO.
We are credibly informed that the mortality
from diphtheria , under the tieatmcntof Dr.
Thos. Jcfforis of this city is merely nominal ,
not exceed in one-lifth of ono per cent. Such *
being the case no time should bo lost In plac
ing his remedy within the reach of every
family and thus save mutually hundreds of
thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most
universally dcstrm-tivu pestilcnco that has
nfllictcu the \\orld during the last hundred
EXECUTIVE Orpicr. Corvcu. HMTPS , Jan.
7 , JhSJ. I do not hesitate to say that the suc
cess attending the usi ; of Dr. Jettons' Pre
ventive and Cure for Diphtheria has no equal.
I speak from experience , having used it In my
own family ; f am also well acquainted with
the fuels connected with its use in our city.
\V. H. VAUGHN , Mayor.
No physician iequircd. Price of remedy
$3. Addics , box No. U57 , Oiimhu , Nob. ( Dr.
Jofforis has retired from active practice. ;
Wliy n Pnpllllon .Marriage Commony Indefinitely Postponed.
The usually quiet vicinity of Paplllion was
the scene of considerable excitement , not to
say romance , on Monday last. From what
can be learned of the matter It seems that a
few months ago there appeared in tlio midst
of the serene apd sober inhabitants of the
district n young man named Koysor , who
was bent on love's ' Intent. Ho chose for his
Inamorata a .toung girLof eighteen summers
nnmcd Williams , the beautiful and
only uaughtor of & woll-to-ito furiner
of the locality. To her ho
mada love fnst nnd strong and the affection
was reciprocated. Time went on and the
murriago of the love-Hick swain and the
object of his ullection was arranged , Every
preparation was rondo to tender tlio occasion
the orent of the year , It was noticed , how
ever , that , as the time for tha ceremony op-
tiroached , the lady seemed reluctant to enter
into the contract. When the parties appeared
at the altar whore the nuptial knot waste
to bo tied , the lady turned to the
apparent lover , nnd in dociHivo tones said :
"Havo you never been married before , and Is
your wife not now alivol" Ho an
swered "Yes , " The lady refused
to piocccd further with the ceremony ,
and bofora tha bystanders understood the
situation tha woufd-bo bridegroom bad loft
the building and has not been beard of since ,
Look nt This ,
All kinds of merchandise nnd per-
soiuil property wanted in exchange for
unproved furtn und wild land. Foreign
Emigration Co. , r , 2 & 8 16U2 Farnam at.
Tito Wily Se.ilpri- Kiuioan City Will
Not tii ) Tolerated.
The ticket scalper nt the present time fig
ures nbout ns conspicuously in railway cir
cles as any other individual that follows the
railway business for n livelihood or pleasure.
The lines plying between Kansas City and
Chicago , are said to bo tied up in n transac
tion with the scalpers that tuny lead to n
passenger rate war on all western roads.
At present tlio regular rnte of f 12.50 Is In
voguoonall toads between Council Hluffs
and Chicago , but it is authentically stated
that the live roads leading out from Kansas
Clt.v to the sumo point are operating on rates
ranirlng from Sll to f3. Iheso rales are not
created by the roads , but are said to bo made
by the scalpers who hold n largo number of
the tickets of each rood that were given
them by the roads nt the time the
Wnb.lsh called in Its unlimited cut
rate tickets. It is stntcd thnt
enough of these ticket' ' * nro in possession of
the scalpers to hold a cut rate into the
month of April. The Northwestern has nn-
iiouiu-ed that it will put on n $10 50 into be
tween Council HlufTs and Chicago , provided
the Kansas City lines do not remedy the
complaint. Advices received In this city
from the chaitman of the Southwestern pas
senger association are to the effect that stops
will bo taken Imtmnllatoly to prevent a con
tinuation of the cut rale. Similar advices
have boon forwarded by the head of the
Western States Passenger association. The
main point at issue Is how to bring nbout u
move that will thwuit the ticket scalper and
thereby abolish this system of doing busi
ness. Hut hero is where the difficulty in
preventing fluctuations in rates rests.
The law of Illinois relating to the ticket
trnfllc , make ] It an olTons < > for any individual
not possessing n cortitlcnto of connection
with , and representative of , n railway sys
tem , to dicker in or conduct a ticltet broker
age. Hut tins law only npplies to Illinois ,
nnd It is said has but a slight effect , inas
much as tickets can be sold at other points to
points in Illinois , thereby effecting lully .V )
per cent of the trafllc. Even in Illinois the
law is not lived up to as regards the ticket
brokeingo In Chicago there nro numcious
scalpers nt work , nnd have not been taken to
task by nny of the roads for their violations
of the law. The scalpers' system of doing
business is somewhat systematic. He goi-s
to a rallioad , wants to purchase perhaps 1,0JO
tickets between certain points and is ready
to pay the cash. This is no little plum , and
in consequence ho purchases the tickets at a
reduced rate of perhaps > per cent.
Ho holds thorn , and when the rates
nro steady and no rivalry exists , ho quietly
luts his tickets on the m.tntet nnd ! > . giving
; slight reduction finds a ready market. H
s also stated that they mane u business pur-
. basing tickets that li'ivo bicn stolen either
n ticltet olllccs by the clerks or by the fes
tive burglar.
A iMystcrlo.n Undercurrent.
Hobort Li uv , formerly proprietor of the
Jozzens hotel , nnd bo ml of trade restaurant ,
n this city , also a former employed of the
Union Pacific , but now nsslsUnt general
iinnngcr of the Northern Pacific , Is in the
city , and rumor lias it that he is here for the
rarposoof confcriing with the management
) f the Union Pacific , with a view to his coni
ng back to the latter road. It is stat-'d that
joorgo Dickinson , general superintendent of
; ho Montana Union , nnd who is a brother of
riencrul Superintendent Dickinson , of the
Union Pacific , lias tendered his resignation ,
and that Law is to oc his successor. The
icturn of Vice President Holcoinbu is ex
pected to-day , and in the near future after
ward itis intimated guillotine
will bo set in operation. Thnt the coming of
Law is a forecast of something of this Kind
is universally considered. Another rumor
that has just been started is to tlio effect that
at an early date the resignation of Gunuial
Superintendent Dickinson would lina its way
to the vice picsidonl's table. 1 stated bv
Vice President Holcombc , whoa interviewed
by a reporter for Tin : Hen several days ago ,
that me manor 01 abolishing the department
if general superintendent was nt that time
being coiisidetcd , hut just what the result
would bo or now soon it would bo nccom-
plished he did not state. It Is stated at heud-
quaiters that Law's mission hero was for the
liurposo of consulting Iloloouibo , but addi
tional information was gleaned to the effect
that the conference ) would most likely temilt
n Mr. Law connecting himself with the
nnmigement of the Union Pacific in the near
Inturc. Whether ho will bo given the post-
.ion of assistant general manager instead of
Ruining , who formerly occupied this posi
tion , is tlic point in question.
The Uurlinutou Strike.
There is a feeling of dissatisfaction oxist-
ng between the members of the Switch
ncn's union and thatof the Brotherhood of
ocomotivo Engineers , which is is said Ir.u
niisen out of the manner in which the Hur
mgton strike was settled by the brother-
lood. The switchmen state thnt in settling
ho matter the engineers ignored thorn cn-
irely. They state that when the strike was
it its height , the brotherhood solicited
he members of the switchmen's union to
urn out and join them. They state that
ilthough they hud no ical grievance of their
own , but purely as a matter of principle : be-
ween two labor organisations , every man in
ho service between Chicago and Denver
ind tinned out on a strike. They \\uro
nomlsod financial suppoit by the brother-
lood , and that this was given , but they
'laim that they wcro also pionnscd that
when n settlement was reached \ \ ith the
Hurlmgton their giieviincu should bo ad-
Justed. It is on the latter grounds that the
switchmen make their complaint. The
strike has been declared off , but the black
list has not removed from tno switch
men's union , and every man of the
100 that went out on the strike is blacklisted.
Not only this , but they claim that their
places mo filled with non-union men. and
that the action they took in the strike has
taken the entire Chicago , Hurlir-gton fc
Qulncy system out of the union's hands and
has turned it over to the non-union men.
Kilted IIH Commodity.
Atateccnt meeting of the classsllcation
committee oil was taken from class E and
latcdusacommodity. This was broughtnbout
at the instigation of the oil merchants so
that in case a rate war was pa.ullng the oil
would not bo effected. Hut some of the lines
have placed the oil in the fouith class , which
advances the rate 5 cents ptr hundred.
Other roads maintained the regular rate and
in consequence a misunderstanding has
arisen between the trallle in lingers of the
westoin roads. Yesterday General Freight
Agent Miller , of the Hurlmgton , telegraphed
J N. Faithorn , of the western trafllc asso
cintion , nt Chicago , requesting that a tariff
bo compiled at once of a standard rate on
this commodity.
Itnilrond .NotPH.
George A. McNutt , traveling passenger
agent of the Missouri , Kansas . * c Toxvs , is
in the city.
Chairman Woman , of the grievance com
mittee of the Hrotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers , has returned to Phittsmouth ,
Opposed to u K'ifrond ! 31 ensure That
AVIII Hurl Them.
A bill has been drawn up nnd will bo pre
sented to the legislature for ratification on
the part of the railroads of the state , which
has had a tendency to put the commission
men of the city on their mettle , nnd they
will do all In their power to defeat it , ns
they claim it would work hardships to them ,
ivliich they are not prepared to stand. Tlio
stipulations of the bill mo now in force on
the part of the railroads , and us it has been
liolnted out to them by authorities ns not bo
ng legalized by nny net In force , conso-
lucntly their nnxioty to have it entered on
Lho statutes. It is the exaction of the ware
house charges for freight not called for
ivithln f01 ty-elght hours after the arrival of
a consignment by the consignee , nnd the
rates now charged are pronounced exhorbl-
, ant by the commission fraternity , The
ovy is $1 n car per day for
tix days following the first forty-
] it'ht , und U per day for those
iftcr the expiration of the six. The claim
.bat the charges are Illegal is based on the
; rounds that they uro not covered by the
provisions of the warehouse clause iu the
> tatuto , ns the freight docs not llnd Its way
nto a warehouse , but Is retained In the cars ,
\ few days ago a commission man who re-
'used to pay tno demurrage ruplevlned Ills
; oods , and the railroad company made u
'aint protest.
In all probability tlio Commission Men's
association will hold n meeting some day
this week to formulate n plnn of notion for
tha defeat of the 'hill In the legislature.
Julius Pcyckc , of ! Heyckc Hros. , told a Utr.
reporter this morning thnt If the bill should
pass It would work. hardships to the commis
sion firms of the city. "As It Is now , even.
wo have to suffer great inconvenience and
loss of money through the arbitrary methods
of the railroads. " Continuing Mr. Pcycko
said , "They refuser to recompense us for the
loss of money and custom in the delay of
goods while on route , but if wo nrcViot pre
pared to handle tha goods when they nrrlve
they charge us hesTsly for It , To-i'ny ' I have
to pay a certain railroad fl'j fornllogrd wnrc-
house charges , for the simple reason thnt I
could not store the goods when they reached
Omaha. " _
AVOUK I OH A HUM ) lini ) .
A New L'titerprUc Tlmt Will Give Cm-
plnymcnt to Jinny.
Tnshlo of two weeks ground will bo broken
in the northern part of the city for the foun
dations of a mammoth brick structure , nnd
upon its completion , whu'h will require be
tween three and four months , ono hundred
men will bo put to work making burners and
tanks of the Edwards patent for the con
sumption of crude nnd kerosene oil for do
mestic and limiting purposes. A shirt time
ago A. O. Halley , n gentleman fully convers
ant with the business , arrived in the city
fiom the Lima , Ohio , oil Holds , nnd pro
scntcd the value of the l-'dwarls patent tea
a number of capitalists , who Incorporated
themselves as the Ncbinsica Edwards' Bur
ner company , with n capital of flOOOl)0. )
Churchill Parker was elected president ,
Dr. O. S. Wood , vice president ; E
H. Graham , sccietury. and they , to
gether with J. L. Lovott nnd
Daniel Hurr complete the board of directors ,
Stock sold i c.ulily , and nmonc the holders
mo Henry Holln , E. H. Kingor , II. W.
Phelps nnd Daniel Hurr.
The Trial of Private O'ltyrne.
The trial of Private William O'Hirno be
fore a feoneral coutt martial , which convened
at Fort Omaha Monday , terminated i ester-
day. O'Uyrno Is the soldier who dcscit'd
while on duty ns sentinel over two military
convicts. The preceding * of the court were
sent to hp.ulqunt tors to ha approved by Gen
eral Hrooke. O'Uyrno will no doubt got
from four to iK years The court's ilcc.lson :
has not been i etidored. His crime is doubly
atrgiavatcd from the fart that lie ucrmitto'l ,
as u sentinel , and even induced ono ot tno
convicts , named Sullivan , to desert him.
The latter has not boon uaptuied ns yet.
I cheerfully recommend Hod C'lo\er
Tonic to those sulVoriitf ; from troubles
of the stomach nnd liver , i nin now on
my second bottle and it makes me feel
like a new man. C. M. Connor , Nashua ,
In. Goodman Dnitf Co.
People's ClirUti ui Ije nine
The mooting called to onrani'O a Young
People' " Christian association last night in
the Methodist Episcopal church was well at-
tenilod. James M. was elected
chairman and Miss Carrie Hriglvim soi-re
tnry. A constitution nnd t i law. were
adopted and a number of new members en
rolled. The olllcors elected are- President ,
J 11. Siher ; vice picstdctit , Miss Elltoss ;
secretary and tteiisurer. Miss Mabel Silver.
The ofllcors nto elected lor tlnee months
Kcligious meetings will be hold in the lecture
rnoin even Sunday evening at ! jl. : > oYlocn
The second Tuesday evening of each month
the business meetings will bo held.
Oil , if 1 only hnu her I
Why , it is etiiily obtained. [ ' &o I'o/-
yoni't , Cojnplcxion Powder.
A tliu Port.
The field musicians or trumpeters at Toil
Omaha gave a delightful dance at the irarri
son hr.ll Wednesday evening. Over fifty
coutilo were present and the-e wcro clncllj
composed of eitv people. Dancing was kept
up ii'itil a late hour.
Tills piwilor never varies. A nmielot jnnlty
MiciiK'tli \\liolcsoiiiuness. . MOID i conomical
than the ordinary kinds , and cinmiUjo sold in
( oiniictltlon with the multitudes of low eost.
* tiort weight ulitlil or phosphate ponder * , . Sold
only in onus , ftovul Unking 1'ov.iler Co. . l"d
Wall stieet , .New Yorn.
The liberal reipoiiso to our $10 00 Suit
sale lias pi oven to us thnt when ueotror
u b.ugiiln , poopl understand wo tiii'iin
I what \\o Hay. There nro still n few
moiolnft. OVKKCOATS HAVKahn
TAIC1CN n TUMULE-look nt them ,
Institute !
Hot § et of teeth M I Illlni ; nt liulf rutc
Teeth eitrucled without puln
Kinmlmitlon of tlm month free , bund .Jcent
itump ultli ( .orrunpotideniv.
1'axton Hlk. , Cor. lOtli and Pnrnam.
II'J Sliculuy Bloc/i / , Oiniiha.
Made from tlie celebrated Worumbo Kerseys ,
\ <
Commencing MONDAY , .JANUARY Till , we will otter n Cull line of 200 of the very finest mmlity
London Seal-brown Kersey Overcoats , goods made by tlie ce'cbrate.l Worumbo Mills ( a null that hits no
rival in this ejuntry in the manufacture of Kersey overco if ings * . They are made with double shtehed ,
lapped scam- , and lined throughout body and sleeves with "Win. .Skinner Jc Son's IP est qualify of satin
and in every tl * tail of manufacture they are as near poiToefion as we can make fhem.Yi > oiler this line
of oveivo.its to gentlemen \vho can appreciate perf'cc't work und supen'or material , u' the popular price of
\Younhesitatingly stale that oveicoats in'do from tlic c goods , cannot be pmvha-ed outside the
Uonlinenlnl for le s thaii $ 'Jo.
"We will send a ample overcoat tc any address for examination , with the understanding that if it is
not as repre cnted , it may be returned at our c.xpens" .
of ,
nio lic cheviots. All the'noods included in the silo , arc fabrics that wo h.ive sold at from $ llfto sui per
pair ( hiring the legu'inr.eifon and our solo object in iiisilcing this rcinarlcablo cut in pi ices is to hoop our
best workmen employed during the dull season. This " -ale will continue during HiniDiith , of .lannary
only , and all patterns unsold on the ? lst , will be withdrawn anl no oriK'is taken for llioni at this priio.
DES MOINES Proprietors }
Corner Fifteenth and Doug-las Streets.
MIN : anil \ \ OMIN siiccc-sfiilly tie.Uo.l.
Fiiffi-rlne from tlio eirorts of youthful lolllon ortn
I'.IILTI tlon.oriiro tumbled with Weakness , Survoiu
IMilllly , l/oss of .Mt'inor ) , Dcipiiniluiiey , Aversion to
Siiiti't > , Klilncy'l'rinlile ( , or iiiir illioisB of the ( lunlto
IJrlnurr urK.ius.cim lioru II nil 11 sale mil | iocily cure
rimues rt'tt'oiuible cspoci illy to tlio poor.
'llieie me mati > troubled wltli too fieemiont evac
millon * of tlio Mitililrr , niton ntromnnnli'il liy n | | jtu
Mnnrllnti or Lmrnlnj , ' < CIIMU | ! I , ami vu ikonlriK nt tlio
hU'm lit n nwnivr the iMtiiMit etnnol wi otinl for
On cMitiilnlim tlio urlnirr iteixi-'ltri a rimy hiMnnen
ntll otlcn tie lotinil , unit oinutlnirs * * m iM i > .irticles o ;
iilliuiiien will nppuar.or the color w ill be ol u thin
inllUlhti lull' , nuiiln ( h iiu'lru to it il irfc or torpttl up
pe.irnnco Tiiere are many men who .lie ot ilni mill
( iilt.iunoiant ot 111" cruise , which 11 tlin M'lonU
rliiM1 oT no iilnuli akne s Phu doctor will uuir
iinti en peileit cure In nil UK li uni" . ami u healthy
restoration ol tin ; tenlto urln irOIVIIIH , Luimultit
linn Iree. " en > \ tur 1 eent tt imp
"Ycung Man's Friind , or Gu'cls \7edlok , "
Hint , 'JO Al t. . ADPIirSS
N.i ; . Tor Kith i. Douglas Ms. , or Ills-
priisitry , comer I'.th iiiiilM.iln , Kuus.uClty , Mo
Mrntl < ! paper.
lias Hoyer-'SstaWlshed 1855-Adolph Meyer
General Agent1 * lor
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & ( M anil Blunter-Bull Oiiatis
\Vrlto for Catalog no
' * ; tro.ainjiuftloIlf ! >
Trui , < 'Omblm < tl. UuiiranlteUlhe
r only ono Jn tbu world trenerutlcg
. . - acontlnuoim ricctrio rt ? M'tgnrtla '
current * bciei titlePowerful , DorablA ,
w * vinfortablo and Ktteotlvoi Avoir ! frauda.
Or rrlf.OOO cured. Hfn'tHtainp foi iiampLltU
A1 < NO I'I.forJlO : UKL.TA KOK l > lMKAHKrt.
Cl. HOfiliE , jNVCbTOR , lOt ttABASa AYE. . CHIC&CO-
Dr.J.EJlcGrew" ;
Ono of Hio Jlost Surcpssftil
n the Treatment of all Chronic , Sp3-
cial end Private Diseases ,
Ills foim of treatment Is ueoinint'iiUeil liy
hose % \u ) > have Hied It , in tile very stiougebt
IlBtro.itnient for which leaves u iiurtect skin
ml u most hrautldilcoinplezlon. A euro guur >
iitecil In all funiiH of I'rhatu DUeusua.
All 'lUonlera of the bezual orgaiiH , cnrcil.niul
eallh , umbltion and manhood completely iu-
tored ,
Treutnunt by coriespondence , Bund stamp
> ffloo Bushman OlooK , 16th anil
Sts. Omaha , Neb
SureCuresI } ESTABLISHED 1861 186 So.
Chicago , Ills. Clark St.
The Regular Old-Established
Is dill Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Moiis and Private Diseases ,
trs- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Bad : Ache nnd all ( lie cfTccI
leading to early decay , iml j.cilups Consumption o
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
nevcr > fnling success.
/ra-SYPHILISaml nil bad Blood and Skin Die-
eases permanently cured.
a-KIDNEYand URINARYcomplalnts.Gleet
Gonorrhoea , Stnctu re , Varicocele and all disease :
ofthe _ Gcnlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly williou
injury tobtoaiacli , Kidneys or other Orgins.
ff dNo experiments. Age and experience im
portant. Consultation free and sacrrd.
* 3-Scnd 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases"
05" I hose contemplating Marrnce send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , cacl
> ; cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) Consult the oil "
Doctor. Afnendlj letter orcallinaysavcfutiiresun"er-
ing and shume , and add golden > ears to life , Sltook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicine
and untmgs sent e\cruhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 Sundays 9 to 12 Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
N , W. Cor. I3th & Dotlfro Sts.
inn TIMimTII : NT ( it AI I ,
Appllancoj for Doforraitios and Trusei ,
lle > t fiicllltloN , npii'irHliin anil reined l < H for
iiil treiitinent nt every lorni uf dlhiasu rt'ijtilrink
.Medical tir Hiuitil ; 'Iroutnient.
Hoard anil nttemluuti'j butt hoiplinl ncconiinoila-
IKMIHill till ) ITC.1I
Wllirb l-.UK llicri.Alisnn l > oforiiiltlu < iind Ilrnroi ,
'Irus en , Club Foot , Currat'int til tin ) Milne , 1'llos ,
'Ininnri * . Cnneur , ( aturrli , MroiulillN. InliulallfMi ,
I'll c HI' Ity , I'liml/nl' . Kiilluiixr , KUInnr. Illmliler ,
l.ji1 , llnr hkln und , I nil SiirKluil upenitliins
Disoaso3 of Wotnon n Specialty.
HOOK UN l > i."i.Ats > 01 KOMI .s Km I.
.MAKiMj \ ci'H'iAi rv or
All Illood ll5L ) une iuceiiisiiUr | treutoil Hyphllltlo
I'ulkuii renit viul fnini thn t > tem irltlinut mercury.
Nin rC'UiriitlMi treiitinent lor Ions nlltul I'nnur
1'e.mniH uniiblti tu vlll UM may ho treal < ] < 1 nt homo hy
rnrrunpundeme All ( oiiimiinlLiitionii ( unllilentliil
MulliinpH nr iiiittiuinuntH hem liy mull or < i | irnn ,
w turely piukeil nu nuirktt to Inuliuto ( ontenti or
H'ncUr < ) n persoiml Inlerview piifcrnd ' ll anil
ciiiuiili n or Bi'inl lilitury ul your ia ounrl wo will
tend In philii H-rnppor. < > Jr
Upon I'rUatii , Spcrlnl or Nerrmin Dlke trn , Irnpiv
cmy HrplilU * , ( Jltot and Vurlcuiolu , with < inu.lloii
Ikt Adiirfm
AdiirfmMedical anil * iiil ltu ! -
tni < > ltutctoi-
Cor. 13th and J > oilge bt , OMAHA , NKII.
l.omlon ,
H fcntnil bnnkini ; biiilnem Korurltlct
l und Duld uii conunlb lon rortiun ex.Jtuni.'u *
'oiniucrclul und Irurcler'n Itttirs of credit
Order * ( or bond nnd atocki oiornto'l un coniuui
Ion In 1/JtiUui und on all Contlncntftl Ilgurntn of
luropv ,
Nciiotlatloni of llallivar , itutc , t'lly ami l.ori'Or.i
lee l.iminu ipccmlty.
/I Cured by Sl'ANIt-II HI'KCII IU , Clrtglun free
T | yrTrt' ' " i , i , , t
Thibisn disease which lins licivloforo
Bullied all Medical Suionco. n llomctly.tinknonn to nnjonu in the
Woililouthlilu of nnrl'ciinpiuiy , anil ono th it lias
to cure the most oljitlnntu can's Ten days In
rec 'lit cases does tlio work. It Istho old cluonlo
ilce ] ) seated cuses that vo solicit. Wo Imvo
PHI oil hiindieds who hu\o been abandoned by
1'hyHli funs , mill pioMoiince.l inciitablti. mid wa
thalleniru the world to bilim us actso that wo
will not emu In less than sl\lv iluj-M.
Sliuti the hlHtorv ot ineilti Inun triiDRpocillo
for Kvplillls hns liecii nougat for but nuver
louini until our I
was discovered , mid \\o are Initlllgil In saying
It Is thtonly Keini'd ) Illth.Voil < Ulwt\\ poW
Ithely cute , Do an-o the latent Aledlml U'oiKs ,
puhllsheit by thu heat kiiovi > iinliioiltles , HAY
theiowiis never n trim sjiocllU liofnrn Uiiriutu *
1'ily lll eiimlinn cnoijtnhij ? ulna has fulled.
Why wnsto your time und money ttlth patortq
medielne-iihut never hud urtuu ur doctor \ \ ItU
\Hlclnns thnt lannol u'lie. you , jou that have
tileil exuiythhiKelanHhoiild HIIIIB to us now lull !
, ' ! ] iermanont iellef , yon never iet ; It else-
\\ln-n' . Mnrk hit : wo NUV , In the und yuit
miiit taku out it-meilv orNllVKH mcover und
yon that h.iui hi en mulcted hut a shot t time
t-houhl by all mentis eomo to ns now not ono In
ten of new inses ever not peim.inently eured.
.Many Ret liolp and think they uru free from the
dlHeu-e. lint In one , two orllmio voiirs after IB
aiii ] < ui--iiiKal'i In a moio hoiilhle form ,
This is a blood Furllicr nnu will Cure
any Skin or Blood Oihuabu when
Itnnm 10 aiitl II , U. S. Nnlloniil Iliiult
li u i 111 ! lit , ' . Oiiiiilincl . |
In ) I ! C.'H Nt IIKM > Hiuiv TIIIAI : >
MIAI' , a Ktiiiiantc.eil Hperllli lei llynlmlu , DI//1-
rii'ss , ( oiiMilsloiiH , IilH , Nonius Nctiral ! u ,
Heaila lit ) N"i voiisl'iostratlou euiiH , d by DIOIIHO
ofiilo ihol or tobaKoVikofuhie h Mental Do-
irusKiiMi SofH'iilim of tint llr.tln n-xultliit ; In In *
vtnlty and liudliiK l.i innery , dm it > ami iluith.
I'minatiiro Old AKO , llatrciiuuss , I.IHH of | mwar
iH'ltherhox , Involuntary IAMSUnnd Sparmat-
en hira u niHiiil hy ot-ox'crtlon of t hu brainnelf-
nbuso or o eilndiiluenee. IC.n II box lontulim
mo iiionth'H tienttn-nt. iJl.Wu box , urnxoxtt \ \ *
for # > ,0i , ' * iitby null prop ild onreielptof prlcj
I'n euro any case. With each onl-r rorch-rd by
isforHlx b > xes , nctoinputilud with Vi.tMwowlfl
xciid thoinrehaser ] our written Kiianuiteo to re-
° und the money if the In atiuunt doits not uticct
i em D. ( iiiataiilivs iHsni'd only In finoilimm
DniK ( Jo. , Ill iitju'lsts , Hole At'cntB , 1J1U 1'iiruuiu
HUcct , oiiriha. Nub ,
nsbi Natioiiii !
( luini innuuimi i uuui
I'niil L > Ciipilnl $ IOUO ( ) (
SiirMliis , r.0,000 ,
fl. W.n : . IT'i-I'lent.
Iiu ; IB S tit i.ii , \ li e 1'reslilent.
A , U. 'lot / \ i.IN , ami Vim I'lnsldent1
w. v , MOIIHI. . JOHN 8. Coi.iiv.s.
II. \ \ VAThji. l.fWlS H Jtl.fclJ.
A 15 TOU/.AMN.
Coiner lathtiiiil I'.iiuarii hts
ACuiu-r , , ! lluiikm , { ll
AilvottlBliij ; Ims nlwnyu
BiificaBful. Iloforo
lUmitTIDIXl lliKM. , , |
, .h tir ( t.
Divoituns-A , uuoiililOli ArioitNiv.Ar-i,4\r.
1:4 Dciri'oru M. I'm en KO > m'yiva Innj ; i fnttS