Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    TEJ5 OMAHA DAILY BEE : JfBlDAY , JANUARY" 11 , 1880 ,
linrtertn *
line lor Die tim Insertion , 7 rents tor each sul > -
nwpiint insertion , ami ll.Mg , line twr tnomn
JNoarlvprtlMTnent taken for le UmnS'iCenu
tlic lira .ntortlnn. Heven words will bo counted
tollio line ; they must run consecutively mid
mint bn paid in ADVANCH. All advertise
ment * must be handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p ,
in , nnil under no circumstances vrlll they bo
lukcn or discontinued by tclcplmno.
Pnr'lesndvjTtislne In tlipsotolumns nnd hav-
Inu their answers addressed In rare of Til r. HER
will please ask rot A check to enable them to Ret
their letters , us none will bo delivered oxrept on
tiresentatlon of check. All answers to udver-
llMinents should ba enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement1 ! In thcso columns nro pub-
llclicil In both morning nnd evening editions ot
Tin : llr.B , the circulation nr which ncKr Rt3
moro than IS.MM papers dnllv , and Rivej the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of Tint llp.r. . but also of Council ntufs ,
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this fccctlon of the country.
> vertlslnR for Ihe e column. ! will b * taken
on the nlo\o ; conditions , at the following busi
ness hoti'cs , who ure nuthorl/ed agents for Tun
JIKKfpcrlnl notices , and will qnote the sains
rates ns cnn bo had nt the mnln olllco.
"lOIIN W. IIIIM. . i'harmnclstrki South Tenth
J' Btrcet.
CHASK .t r.DDY , Stationers and Printers. 113
South 18th street.
Sll. KAIINSWOIITH , ] 'harmacIst'lirCum-
Ing Street.
TA r .j. j ftni lTiS : , t'hnrmnclst. ( HI North 16tU
V > t Htreot
tl'O. W. PA lilt , PharmaclHt , laaat. Jlnry'a
' Avenue.
< t _ _
< b "IV'ANTED Position in country toxxti by n
l TI brciid and cnko baker. Address P. P. No-
lirnaka C'lty , Neb. IW7 lilt
\\7ANTIJD-Sltuntlon by mother and dauch-
tor , mother to nislst in tlio earn of chil-
Ori'ti. dauchtcr to do Koncrnl honvt wolk ; best
uf ilty lofurvnrco. Address 1212 S. " ; th st.
7Ut ) lit
'a\TANTKI-l'osltlon by stenographer nnd
typo-wrltor. .llooil leferuncos. Adilruta
( tfi. llcoolllco.
" \\TANT1I ! > A position by a young lady us
> monographer and typo-wrltcr. Competent ,
( lood references , ir > l I California. rcn-12 *
. . ) -PHltlon as cot respondent. Ex
pert Monographer and typoxxrltcr. Itofcr-
cnces given , O 2 , lloo olllce. Us.1 lit
\V"ANTiD , : Situation by an experienced
T T ( lonnnn lady ns huinwkcopcr. In respect
able family. Can glx'o good references. Apply
11118 Callfornln hi.
\\7ANTED A position of Bomo rpsponslbll-
TT ity by a competent cnulneor possessing
Ilrst-class Kovornment iiipors. Imiulro nt A.
Jlospe'i. ir.l.'l Donglm. 031-14 *
Situation by young man not
> afraid of work ; moileiatofcalarv. Address
r.d It , box I III , cltv. 5 s U *
" \\TANrl'IJI ) Position by bidy stenographer
T with thrco years' oxpcrlcnco ; best of
referenced. Address liux i'U5 , Muscatine , la.
\\7ANTKD-Snlesinon In each city and x-il-
> i lngn In the r. 8. for our nexv Btylo door
plate * , clour bolls , whltu unamel letters and
titreet numbers , $ .1 to fir > a clay niiido easily ,
without canvassing at private holmes. Wilto
> ostal for terms , circular.etc. ! . Noxv York
J ) oor Plato Co. . Albany. N. V. 718 201-
"IV ANTED-SIx llrst-class salesmen for sell-
TT Ing carriages In the country. Aildroas xvlth
references Imtuedtntely , Spanieling & Co. . Grin-
liell. la. 717 13
WANTED Men fo canvass the city ; good
commission. CallC. A. Ciinn , lius. 15th ,
Hat'I. 701 10 *
ANTED For a good place , steady , i ell
able , llrst-clai.s meat and x-egetablo cook-
Vtlth references , Mrs Iliega , SWB 15th.
72.1 ll
I HAVE steady xxork for men all xvinter at
ll.fiO per di y. Campt cook xxnntoil at onci > .
"teamsters , Uty xxork. 11. H. Wandell , 408 N.
JBth St. 7'0 10
\ATATElf-Experienced milker , 4U5NSaun-
TT dots. Musi bo neat autl tidy. 70J 12 *
* V\7 ANTED A tint class Jexvoler and general
T r inunufacturer ; wages { IS to t'M ucr week.
C. L. Erlckson & Co. ( > 7U 31
ANTKD-JInn xvlth good Top delivery
xx'agon nuil team to sell bread on c annuls-
elon. 1-UN IZIhst. (170 ( lot
\\r ANTED Immrdlately. a youngman to do
TT janitor xxork for tuition nt Valentino's
shorthand In.sUtute. OC'J '
" \\TANTHD Young man at HUsoutli 17th st.
TT desires u room mate. ( iUI lu *
"VCTANTKD A lew energetic men to act as
T T county manager * for "Panorama of
Nations" in this and adjoining states. Good
refrienccs nnd small cash deposit required.
Position permanent. Salary J75.CO to ilOO.UO
per month. Only Uvo men nun toil. Address
l'K (17" ( lice ofllco. (22 (
" \A CANTED -An overseer , or chief advert Ihor ,
T T and ono to three assistants ( according to
fl7o of comity iiml popnluslou ) . ii:5 : a month
Kulaiy and nxpvnsos to overhcors. and WO to
iihslftante No noiliUlng. No sol citing. Duties
conllncd to making collections , illstrlbutinc
prlnttd matter , putting up adxertlsomonts ,
etc , of Electric Goods. Expenses ndx-ancod ;
nalailos paid each month. Enclose four cents
postage for full specimen line of advertising
matter 1o Electro Oalvantc Co. , Palace build-
Incr , Cincinnati , O. No attention paid to postal
cards. 07(1 ( II *
SALKSJtAN WANTED To sell our goods
( Salt Water Klsh ) on commission to the
Wholesale and Hotall Grocery trade. Men hav
ing regularly established routes preferred.
Address , stating route , experience nnil age ,
with references. Leonard A. Treat , 215 State
gt. . lloston. ( JI5-10 *
T rANTKD Agents. Wo want first-class men
T > xrhoaro already traveling salomen.tucarry
tmr lubricating oil Hamplos a.s a side lino. Au-
dtes's , M , care of carrier No. 1 , Clox-eland , O ,
5W 111
"lA ANTUD Live men nnd women to engage
TT In an easy , paying at home ; can
Vork daytime or evening and make 5 < > R to $2
Her hour ; uiuo thing ; sample and complete in-
Btructlons sent for loc. . ' ddress. World Supply
Co , , Hultnml , Vt. tel-12 *
" \\7 NTKD A fov men to cnnvnsH on comt
T T inls.sUm household goods. 221 N. Mth Bt.J
James llnrko. fiC'JlS
- , - good harness mutters for nlugie strap
- * - llijht xvork. Marks llros , ' Saddlery Co.
TirANACJEIIS for principal cities In Washing-
jTlton territory , Oregon , Montana , Idaho and
Wyoming. Cash deposits for moneys collected
nnil ' goods In manager : ! ' control , xx'hlcn are
Iilaced In lots from fJ ) to ttalary. l,2i )
to J10. . Looiiil.s Nat'l Library Ass'n , 172 Main
Bt. . Salt Lake City. Utah. 518fllt
\\TANTED-Man to boliclt , salary 75 per
T T month , must deposit . ' 5 for samples , anil
clve Hocunty for money collected. Address
< 10017:0 8. Clfne , nil , First National llnnk build-
Jug , Omaha , or Wagner blk , Ii ) s Molnes , la.
1 > OY"s-Am. DUt. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas.
"VVANTEO .Man to take the agency ot our
T > aiifcm ; Hlze'xISxIH inches ; xvolght fXX ) Ibs. ;
retail price * 15 ; ether slzua in proportion. A
rare chance and paiinununt business. Tlio.vo
eafoa muet a deniaud never before uupiiltod by
other N.I to companies , as xxu are not gox urned
T > y thobufe pool. Alpine tjafo Co. , Cincinnati , o.
" \V ANTED- local and traveling salesmen ;
T > peed .salary : no experience neccf-sary ; ad-
dies3 xx Ith bUimp , Palmer k Co. , Dea Jlolnea.In.
IH15 13
" \\rANTUI ) ( Jood llvo men that nro engaged
T ) In Mitipg. xvholesale ami retail housea , to
cnnvnsH among their Trlenan for the Chicago
Watch Club Co. Sample xvatchesf urnlshed lor
this purpose , and liberal commissions paid. No
floaters need apply , F , U. Crandall , ; ! l08ontli
IMhBt. 20,1
" \\rANTED Mule and female agents ; easy-
T T kvllUig goods , Hoom 24. Uurker block ,
8)1) ) ) J17t
" \\7ANTKD ( iood men In every locality na
TT detect ixc-s i under our Instructions. Bern !
Cc for particulars , Oklahoma eecrut service.
Wichita Kun-iiM. 707J13'
NTED Hallroad prratlers for thn Wyo
inlnu Central nt Albrlaht's Libor-
Agency , IPJ l-'urnain st , 6 > 7-10
AUKN' ! * WANTF.D-175 a montn and ex-
peiiSKt paid any active parson to sell our
ITOocU ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses in
U > Ktire , pat ttculars froe. Standard Sllrerxvara
t'o. llosion. ww
_ \y AN T EO FEfyjAJLEJHE LJP. . . _ _
\ \ rANTED-io llrst-cliisa elrU for goocf fam-
TT : Hies , uico bucnnil ulrl for Pnplllton , xvalt *
tor TucnmsBli , laundress for Nebrakka
City , nuriM Klrl. flood places for coed girls at
III * , llrena'i. 314 8 lifn. TalU
* > DININU room girls , a cooks , private family ,
> < ! ; lots ot place * In private families. 40tf N.
Jdth , t. H. If. WtttiJell. 719 Itl
\\rANTKn--50 experienced dry gooiU clerks ,
TT ladles and _ eiulemenRt The Fulr , No up
pllcatlvna received until tSatuuHy morultiu' .
WANTED- fet housework , 3 In family ,
ji per week , 1715 Cass st. _ ci ?
V\rANTEI-Female cook ] Address. Platte
> T Valley Mouse. Anliland. Neb. C41 m
WANTED First Blrl for hoinexvork. None
other n cd apply , ( .all at 2001 Hurt st ,
WANTHD A woman to wash for 4 yountt
men. Inquire of ,1. K. Douglas at Chn e It
Eddy's. 11.1 a loth. TTI-J itn
ANTEI--01r1 at 1117 Howard st.
st.CM ! ( ,
\\7ANTEF-Iindy ) canvtiiser.s on n new nnd
> T fast selling book , Salary fJ per clay. Ad
dress N Wi. Dee onico ( ; 2.1 10-
OO.MPF.TKNT cjlrl for housoxvork. .Mrs. T. K.
Hull , I'll Sherman ave. l-M
W ANTED-llrl ( for ( tancrul houses ork.sinnll
family. Call Thursday. S W cor I kth anil
Ml 10 *
nily to solclt. must bo
and IntelllKent , be ableto deposit f5 ! for
untnples , and Rlxe Kecurlty for money collect eel.
Salary ! ftl ] i r month. Acldrust N 55 , earn of
lice , tvr7
OOIC and laundresw , 7H S. l.sth.
073 lit
WANTED A lady to solicit , must come well
recommended and pay $10 for sample * ,
salary Wi per month. Address Oc-nrRe H. ( lln ,
511 Fir-it National Hank building , Umnhn , or
Wnt-ner block. DPS Moini > s , In. .tn
I" ADIES wanting hired help , or Rlrls seoklu : ?
' /employment , talI at .Mrs. Kazan's lnt lll-
RCllce olllro , 1412 H Uth St. 6W I2t
VTEIIHASKA employment olllco , 317 N. lfth
IN st. _ _ 5CI-12 |
CANADIAN I'.mployinont Olllco. Mrs. llrpirn.
314'i S I5th. Hefercnco Omaha National bank
S TANUAUlFsiiorrtmnd School , 4128hoeley
block , tenches standard systems and lists
Hcudngtoutypoxvrltcrs , fisi 22
VALENTINF.'S Shorthand and Typowiltlng
liiBtltuto , ncxv Paxton hniidlnK , Omaha.
Tliaonly oxehtslvo Hliorthand school In' thn
state. Over one hundred Krnduates In oed
xltuatlons. The school Is under the nuiir.iKO-
mentofC. r. Valentine , olllclal stPUOHrnphor of
the 3rd Judicial district of Nebraska , and Prof.
II. II. Hoylos , an oxuorteuced teacher nnd vcr-
lintim ropoitur. Day and evcnlnc sessions. Ptu-
dents can cntor nt any time. Send tor cli cular .
Mil i7 !
\ AN'TEl- ) lot contract for moving a
T > ini-fie biilldlUK. Inqulro of I * . It. .lone < ,
Fnrnnmst tan 10
TNFOIl.MATION Wanted-Of the xxhoronbonts
JLof llncrles Parker Flllouroxxn , a young man
about I' . ' years old ( xvllhw-s for one or txxoyeors
older ) . 5 tect 7 or H Inches rail , dark nair and
ejes , front tooth iUtto | Irregular ; lair pilucatlon
and good penman : xvas last braid of ut Hast
ings , Nob. , about the 2 th of AU'jift , xxhenho
h.xil a foxv religious books entitled "Light In
DtxrknosH , " to well. Any Information to bin
whereabouts nt any tlmo slm-e August 20 xxlll
bo thankfully resolved and fairly lowardod by
his parents. Address J , M. Fillobioxxn , Genox-a
Nob. OOil 11 *
--Weaving at i)15 : ) Paclllc.fiftl
fiftl ft-
WANTIJO Voting ladles and gentlemen to
know they can obtain n thorough and
practical knowledge of telegraphy , lilting
tliemsches In a abort tlmo for go l paying
positions at the Klectrlc Telegraph school ,
lloi mi H iViS undo1'nxtou ! block , cor. KJth and
KOUMUUSnnd boarders wanted,170S Douulas.
IHM .1 111 *
\ \ TANTBD The use of a tc'am of good horses
Tl for the xvlnter for their keeping. Apply at
this olllcc. 187
V\ ANTED Illockot 7 per cent farm loans
TT complotnd papers. Philadelphia Mortgage
& Trust Co. , 13 , hoard Trade. 4HI 17
DHKSSMAKKlt Good cutter , litter and dia
per ; will do dres.smaklng lu families by the
day. Address OI ) , Dee. 7rtl Ifit
JllllST-CLASS dressmaking in families or at
JU homo. Addicss l'U5 S. Uth St. , upstairs.
AUGMENTS tohoxv In f.imllios. ( ITiS I7th
Sid na *
T \VI1LE boarder.s wantotl.lOO ) Douglas
ounginou desire asnlt of front rooms
with all modern convenience ; ) , not over ten
ulockg from p. o. Address O. 6. lleo olllco.
0111 *
W Ah TED Ily gentleman and xvlfo before
1'eb. 1st , Riilt of rooms xvitli a prlvato fam
ily , or part of hoiuo for light housekeeping
xxIthln ten minutes xvalk of jojtollco ) ! In good
neighborhood , north of i'arnnm preferroil.
AddrcHs Trobor , cart1 of Kllpatrlck Koch 1) O
Co. , llth and Hartley ht. C71 1& *
\\rANTED-A hotel of 30 to 60 rooms , or fair
.sized boarding house. Will buy fuinlttiro
onlj' , AdOrcbs , stating rent and cash term
N 72 , lleo oilicc. Hill 11
rpWO or three furnished or unfurnished
X rooms , with all modern convenience ) * . In
good locution , and strictly private family , xvlth
board for gentleman and xvlfe und ono child ,
inuotbe first-class mid near cable line. liefer-
onres glx-en If dcslien. Address stating loca
tion and price N 8 Ilee olhco.
Itr.NT4roonj house , 2 3 Cass , $14 mo.
ulro K. Svonson , 2 1 Casa. 7UI I2t
KENT-10-room house. 1J20 li > dgo St. ,
suited for roomers and boarders , near P. O ,
See Dr. Neville , 1402 Douglas st. 71)2 )
FOU ItENT HOIIKB , 8 looms. Si > 8. 20th. neil
Loavenxvorth. Furnace , gas and bath
< iW I5J
FOU HUNT Newl-room ( cottageiUIA Loaven-
worth , betxxL-onuth ; and Ulst , city water-
closets , pantry , etc. IL'tl Il
ITIOlt HENT-U-roombilcK , iFl S 2.1th st ; mod"
J-1 ern conveniences ; near cable line. .1. W ,
Grlllltb. r. P. heiiiitinartera. WJ
FOHIIENT An elegant brick Hat , modern
couvenlonces , 0 rooms and 7 closets , W7 per
mo. Mor > e If llrunnor , 1005 l'amain. CJ414
FOU HUNT Slv-room cottage. 17J ) N Iftth St. ,
xxltnin 1'j blocks cable and st. cur lines. In
quire on premises. Ml lit
1710K UKNT Txvh houses 1'Jth ' nnd California
J-'ut. HontJWiindWi per month. Hraunan , \ ;
Co. , Chamber of Commerce. KJi
FOll HF.NT C-room cottage , I5 per month.
1.115 Harney st. III7
KKNT 7 room lint on 2d floor. En-
iHTlie Fair cor 13th and HoxxurdHtx.
T > HAt"ril'ii S-room llou e , gas , city xvater ,
1 'bnth loom , hot and cold xvater , on payed
nlroots xvlth street cur. near u good school , only
JJ5 per month. The Iiousu Is ncxx- . Apply at
oiiCB. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank.
UK )
TTloil HKNT When you wish to rent a house ,
JL1 store or ollicu call on us. 11. li. Cole , room u ,
Ccntluonul block. 3I
'ITXHt ItENT 10-room house , steam , par , bnth ,
JL1 hot and cola and ctstoiu xxater , good cellar ,
nnd nice yard , NH 203 BUli. . Intmlrf..W 821th.
"KfOlt KENT House and barn , Hanscom
JL1 place. Harris , room ill. First Nal'l bk
bldg. 341
T7iOH KKNT it-room house xvitli good barn ,
JU betxxeen 21th and2.1th on Hurdetle , only 20.
A. E. Oreeiwood A : Co. , room Cunningham
block. 41.1
TTIOH HUNT O-ioom modern Improved house
JL' A 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply. 51. Elr
gutter , 1001 FKrnniu ht. 342
171011 HENT-lly Uostvorth iJoplln , Darker
JL1 block , il. 4 , ft , 6. 7. B. V , to , I ) , It-room bouses
In all parts of the city , _ III ]
'ITIOH HENT llouses-7 looms , iinii nnd Har-
-L1 n y0 ; ! rooms , 21st nml Locust ; 7 rooms , K'tlt
and Jones ; 3roonw , loth and Martha , Llmthan
.V Mulioney , Paxtou block. 344
T1O11 HENT Cheap , a nice convenient house.
JU' 1WJ . 21st , b txr nn Center and Dorcas eta.
fTAOK IlENT-5-roomed flat at 008 N 10th at ,
. .iAU modern conveniences. A , K Mandi. VM
ITIOH HENT-CottBtfes , G rooms , J72o Charles
JV st. and K-l So. tlthfit.-Euqulru ll.212Shueley
block. Wl
[ ( OK HKNT-7-room flat at 508 fl. 13th. Inquire
! J. U Ilnxudela k Sana. b7
FOK HENT-A comfortable houaa xvlth a
rooms , puntry. lart'ft closets , splundld cel
lar , city xxater , Eexverage anil fax. near business
reiitre : mocleratn rant. John H. K. l.eumann ,
tt.4K. ITthet. U72
OH HENT Elpht(8j ( room nat , modern con-
Y nlencei. Imjulro 0)2 ) , 13th st. 811
THOU HKNT Modern ten room house Ktt south
J. ' SGth _ . near fit. Mary's ave. , 643. KliiKWklt
lire * . , Uarker bloc- , 7W
"VTBAT 7-room honsa on car line , II. * per
JL > month neat 6-room house near cable , 111
per month ; 2 new store rooms on Ifiths t , peed
location , ftt Ki ) per month ; 0-room lint on If.tli
st , fllppr inontli. II. E. Cole , room fl. Contl-
nuntal block. 578-10
ir ( ) H ItKNT Koom for 2 , first cla's house ,
1 119 ! " Dodge. 7S1 in
HOOM nnd board , cheap , for Uxoln prlx-ato
family. 2218 Hurt st. Til 11
HENT-P vcnl nicely furnished , bright
JL nnd cheerful room * with private family : nil
modern Improvements. 015 N 2uth si. Ul lOf
IpOK KENT-2 room cottnco.nuxvly furnished ,
JL complete for housekeeping , for 112. Ona
ioomfor7. 2SI4 Decatur wt. 471 lot
OOOMS and board , l 13 Chicago st.
FOIt ItENT Hoom for two eentlamen. Btoam
heat. 1723 Davenport st. 61'J lit
1fH'KNlSnlD _ ncVttiifttrnlThcd ro'oms. " IW4
JL Fnrnain , tiTfi-nt
7riL'ItNlSIIEI ) room for Kentlcinun , Imiulto
- _ A. Hospo' < . 1511 Douglas _ ( J74 W
KOOM nnd board cheap for two gentlemen , t. l ) ! > 7 1J
'VICE furnlthed room , 2100 rnruani st.
TflOK KKNT-Nlmly furnished rooms very
- cheap \xltlinll modern conveniences In
brick lioiisu H2H Farnam , cor , lull st. ' .C7 . IS *
FINISHED loom for two , dnv board. 22i ) N
JMhst. KM 11.
_ _
'fTOH KKNT Koom for gentlemen,4.1 ! ! ! led < > T
- Ailll F Ht
l0ll HENT-T\vo \ stores. 6JI and 5'il North
Jliitb st. Injiilro at the buliaiiti , ' . Henry
Oitholl. _ _ _ _ j'ti '
ELIViANT furnished room xvlth nil modern
ronvotilonces , with or xvlthout board. Kill
DoiiRlus. C'JJ I3t
"XT LWLV" furnNliud rooms , i07 S lutli M.
6SJ ! _
" \TICE furnished iootn , 2101 Uouglns
jriL'ltNISII ED room for rent. 117 S lith si.
* - l"j li )
AVENUEItoom.s-At KirJand 1011 C.ipltolave.
2 blocks from P O n xly furnished , pilv.ito
boat ding hoiiseploa .int rooins.allioax-enlenceo
IW 10'
"VTlCELVrurnlshed rooms , aUo front and
J- > back parlor ; KWJ Douglas 8t. 811
FUHNISIIED room , xvith tras and balh , boiml
If desired , 61US.2ath St. , opposite All Snlnti'
cnurch. rn
A I.OVIILV trent room , tieated , furnished
nnd every convenience. i.'lt)7 ) Douglas st. IT !
FOU Itr.NT rnrnlsheil rooms In Uruenlg bile ,
cor. I'lt'i nnd Dodge sts. Inqulio of CIco. II.
vi-s Mlllard hotel Dilllard room. ; I4
"J71OI ! HKNT- All elegantly furnished room or
Jsnlto of rooms xx tth board In a prlx-.ito fam
ily. All conx'cnli-nci's. CUN piss the door
L-vuiy three to live inlmites. deferences ite.
< inlrcil. tnaulro rooms . " > tt > nnd 5I'J ' 1'aston blk.
9 ri'KNISMKD rooms. 1708 Cnllfornla. _ _
O NICELY furtiMied trent rooms. Slid Far-
J uam t. [ it
NT room for gentlemen. SRI N lith.
tai in *
TJU'KNISH ED room for lent , 1U1) ) Farnanu
TflOH KENT KIcRiuitly furnished room or
JL snlto of rooms xUtb boittd In iirlv.ito family.
; t car lines pass the rtoor. 1017 Park axv. umi
I71HONT ( east ) rooms for gentlemen or laTnil vj
X' All moclorn Improvements ; homo board ,
cms ii'tii s' . wuj r.ij
POll HKNT Txvo largo front rooms , tiltelv
fnrnlaheil , heated bv ntoani , ga > > and uu of
bnth room , In one of the nicest residences in
the city. Northwest cor. 18th nnd Leavemvorth.
R1 OO.M3 .Modern conveniences. cs ; S ITth
AIUJi : Kleasaui , loom , lurnlslied , InlcK
Fo'n HENT 2 tiont roonis on second Moor ,
115 .UO each. 151" . llurnerst. 2W
fjlOIt KENT -Two large nicely fnrnlslu'd con-
JL1 net ting rooms , with bnth a'ml conveniences.
Miltivblu for four gentlemen or housekeeping ,
- S. W. Corner. 1'ltli
und Howard , onlnincoon Howard. Kit
VTICKLY furnished looms nnd board nt 1017
- > Capitol uvo. 3-7JIM
olid unfurnished rooms , r > 07 S
JCthst. r,8'j ' 121-
' ' '
"TTlOIt IU5NT A nice store room In the I lor
JU bulliling. but Hoxvard and .lackson , bcateil
xxlth steam. Apply uarclxvnre storeVJ1S. IBtn st.
( ! . ' . . ! H
_ _ _
TjlOit KENT B store rooms xvlth good cellars.
JD Hteum heat , water nnd gas , on the corner of
13th iiud Mason ; also JiJacrcw of land for gar
den purposes just south of poor farm , xvithln
city limits. Inimlro ut ill7 noutli Wtlt i-t. 452.11
TT\OK \ KKNT Txvo splendid brink storiM. good
X1 locitlou for any biibluess , right party lent
very loxx. Morse Jc llrnnuer , IbOj rarnam st -
uif. 11
FOIt HUNT Olllcn hiiite ti'i a. month. 2 xlnglii
olllces * n each , all frontluz lutli st , Hush-
man block , N. K. Cor. Pith and Douglas , W. M.
Ilushmun , 1311 L aven\x'orth , 3V )
BAKK11V for rent at 1V Park ave. ThU Is a
biick store room and basement , including
ox'cm , counters , shoxx-case , etc. . In the most do-
hlrablo residence commnnltj' In the city ; xx'ator.
hoxvcrand gna connections. Thos F Hall , D1I
Puxton block. TO ;
BliICK htore room xvlvh basmuent , all mod
ern Improvements , splendid location tor
feed store or haulxvare. stoves , etc. , holng In
the heart of the most desirable resilience portion
tion of the city , W07 Park ave. Thos F Hull ,
; ill 1'axton block. IHio
Foil HKNT Part of Homls h'ld'g. Inquire of
fice llamls Omaha Hug Co. . on vlr.duct.
L IADIES and gentlemen can rent mus'iuorado
suits by callingat 5lu N. Kith , upstairs.
HKNTA warehouse xvlth high baso-
meat , c'ontrally located on ( dependent track
from which cars can bo unloaded nnd leaded
Into anil fiom building. Immediate possession.
h-ain J , Hoxx-ell , 217 S. 1 1th st , Omana. M.I
"ITlOlt HENT Ono good barn room for three
J. horses , buggies , tc. , 2415 Davenport , nt. in.
iniliu of C. L. Krlckson & Co. , 212 N. ICthst.
GKOIHJK .1. STEKNSDOIIFF. room ( I , opp. P.
i ) . . xxlll heioafter glxo npoclal attention to
renting hont-es , stores and Hats. If you xuint
your property rented xvlthout delay and to re
liable tenants , do not fall to list the same x\ lib
him. IKS
GEO. J. PAPL.IOO'J ' Farntim at. Housos.stores ,
e tc , . fur re i it iiVJ
\\7"I' ' give special nttontlon to renting and
TT collecting rents , lUt vx'itti us. H. E. Cole
room u. Continental block. , ' ! 5 !
IF YOU want your ron ted place ( hem
xvlth Henaxva & Co. , 15 th , opposite postolllce.
S I'l'.riAL nttontlon glx'cn to routing and col
lecting rents , J , 11. Parrolte , lliOti Chicago
10.1 j'JJ
GKT shaved at damblo'e Palace Itaibor Shop ,
21 IS. 13th st. OH5 vst
rpWENTY-TWO cpiaits of milk for JI.OO. by
Ji thi ) ( late City Dairy Co. All orders prompt
ly utteuded to. Address , < )3 , Hue. Oiu-ll *
rpo TUB Ladiox I hux'o purcnased the entire
JL stocic of sheet und bonk mitxlo iiitfly owned
by Todd.of the Opera 1 1 01130 Music store , xUilch
1 am Belling at fie und lOc. Call und examine ,
Alsii hfgheu prices paid for old book&.or books
taken In exchange. A. L'lmur , 422 B Uth xt.
(17U ( 15
_ _
rplll' liaujo tuuht ns an artbyaeo. F.del-
JL _ Ji.'llbeck.32JBlUtliBt. _ iatl
ENOHAVED xveddlng , stationery and visit
ing cards. 5lcUrld XItyau , I'M Dodge.
HOUSE or team mules xvantod to nppya
fhitt payment on house and lot , nr ruslucncH
lot , balance monthly paymouiz. Write or call
on Belby , IK1 Farnam. tk > |
CcnKNTAiotel. 10th and Howard ; day
board il per xveok ; 21 meal ticket if. 747J14t
"I JKHSONAL Ladles anct geutlenion desiring
JL correspondent * addram Correiiponillut :
Club , KHU&US City , Mo. , onclost stamp.
mi '
E LEGANT Ufa sire crayon portraits frfo
of charge fur a bhort time as an adver
tisement. from photographs brought to the Van
dyke Portrait Htudlo , 14U Pierce , near lUli ,
Pmtralu Uo lu pastel. _ TOjHt
\\rANTEI-Ladie4 to board during confine-
merit. Hen of car * taken. Address ME a
27th it , Omaha , out ! W ;
T , OST On Wednesday evening between n and
JU 7 p. m. bolwcen 5lar Ht.jer \ Uros , ' Jewelry-
store , Sixteenth and I-'aintaui. and Pnxton hotel ,
one pair gold lllnreo eftrrlngs. set xvlth Mnall
rub-s. 1 tnder leave atTInx > leyer'a ttore and
roceiv reward. \ ' . 734 13 *
LOST Span horses -sorrell 1 , 1 Imy , xrelaht
l.lWi'iH-h. lletum to CCU Chicago nnd get
reward p , , h75 lit
LO'9'T Pair of gold spectacles , betxreen l tli
and Iznnl and 10th aniljoavcnxx-orth street * .
Leave at this olllcc and ficolvo roxxnrd.TO
( TO 10
OST-Whlto irony 14 bjxiids high , quite old :
return to Kits Isth , '
ANDUETf EMHICK. clalrvojaat and bust-
nest inodtuiD. COS N. 17th st ,
fa I 1.1 *
UK. NAN'NIK V. Warren , clairvoyant , Medi
cal and business medium Female diseases
nspi-cHitv. UP N. inth t , rnnnis 2 and 3 : NI
1POUTPNK Teller-Mrs. Lerortnan can bacon-
JL1 snlte.l oa all xtl-lrs of Ufa , Sitlsfactlon
guaranteed. No 313Nltftust
B I'LL Terrier pnpnles for sale , fine stock and
dead game. Address W. 0. Ingram , Calilleld
llou-i ? Omaha. Neb. 51fl 11 >
MIDLAND ( luatnnfeo and Trust Co IfAl Far-
nam. Complete alxtr.icts fitinlslicd .x : titles
to rcalcstalo examine l.porfactocUl gnarenteod.
, ! 57
ADSTIIACTSLlnxhau A Mnhonoy , room .vifl ,
IMx'.on bio -k 3.\S
JTOKAOK At imv rates at 1121 rnrnam st. ,
' Omah.i Auction > V .stornee Co ! | 5U
rpHACKAGIC. flurngo , lowest intes W. M
J lln-linnui. I.oavenwortli , 'Ml
RTOIIAOK In new clean building at low rates.
. . < us Kin * t 22ti'j ;
ir ANTED -A full blooded Maltese cat. male.
T Apply , H.9 Park avenue. 71.1-10'
\\7ANTI5D T < buy half Intcrust or n wlmlo
TI buitness. Can pay casii MuM stand In
vestigation. Addleis Of , ,01M \
1.1 AVINO * -K)0 ( ) cvsh , I should like to hear of
- i a BOOH business opening In Omaha , where
same timv beadvnnt.moonslv Imesteil. I'nex-
ccpdniinbtp rofi r-Mli cs given and reiiulre.l , Will
not consider piopoiltlousto purchase p.itc-nt
right' ) or Invest In loal fsUitJ. Ad Iress O 7 ,
\\r ANTISD To buy ; barns , nhnds or old him-
> her. w\ N IS lleo oIllCL- . 4vt ) 10'
IV' ANTl ! ! ) rmnltmv. carpets , Cloves nnd
i hoiisi'liolil goo Is of all kinds , Omaha Anc-
tion & Storage C i. , I1J1 r.ximim. ! ! 5l !
_ _ _ r,1ONEr TO LOAN
MONUV to loan in an\ amount nf verv low
intcon choitu Omnha or ( ouii lt llhiirt
jivoperty. In tlrtillnuvs ith us VOM dual dlri'i tly
\ \ ttli Iho li'iidnr. We loan von out own money
In all , i e . llo'h piiiiriual ttuil liilfiust pava-
bliMit ouro'Hro. No di'lay . Central Lonn \
' 1 ni"t Co. ; L A. Sinn , imuugei. ii' ' ' . ' Ill
Sft.mii ( > p"lal fund to place in choice 1st loans.
Will bit ) -onipcood moitga e paper , R > 1.
KlLtmrd-on IlillblK , 15th and Douglas.i .
-i in *
SMALL loans ma Is oa Umnhn nnd South
. -Oin.iln property Chns , , it Woolley , loom
fir. 1'ixxton block ] ffi'i f
" \\7ANTIJD Seveial good , llrst-class loans at
' oiKe. Mutual Invoitmouc Co , Hoom 1 ,
IlarKdr Olo-k. | WO.
MONKV to loan mi clr.ttU'ls anil uiiil estate ,
good notet bought und sold , I.VU rarnam
St. , fooiiH-'ami J , I'oi'i'ltrti Umlgr.xtlon Co.
j nco rij
.3'liiorl'inii. il.flo. W . ' Special fund to place
on choice Improx oil propjily. 1) . V. Sholes ,
"H1 , 1'irst NntibU'il bank. ! W ] _
MONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wngom ,
etc. . or on any approved srctirltv .1. * A.
Ilobbiiii , It.yjj , Sheely blk 1 , , l.iih and liomxrd.
plllLADKLIMIIA Moytyago A : Trust Co. ,
- * - cheap eiisturn moncy'illiect to borrowers.
Jlakii building loans , largo or small ; perfect
titles , accept loans in their western olllce.
tieo Wl'Coate-iepre3entatlvoIJ Hoard Trade
4'iO '
IT VOU want to borrow money on diamonds ,
on pianos or household goods , on homes ,
w igoas and other pemonnl proporty.
On mortgage paper and contracts nt fair
iti-i without delay or publicity go to the
Talrbank Investment Co. , 213 a llth , upstalu
"V OUcan d aldltect with the I'lovlilent Trust
J Company , loom I1JS , First National bank
building. Omaha. If von want a loan on real es
tate. Lo.tiiM on liiblde bilslnesi piopeitv espa-
clallv desired. Itepresent also the old and xxc-ll-
know u New England Loan \ Tttist Coinpanv.
1ONEV toloiu. O. K. DavU O > . lenl estate
and loan agents , 1501 Karmim st. . " 11
> EALestate loans , loxxvjt rxtoj. Oilell Kros ,
k. A : Co. , HI. : ' , lith st. 'M !
M' ONEVtoloan ' ; longtime. ( Jeorge.l Paul1
IM'J rariuin st. . ( i I
MONEY to loan on Improved pr neily at
hands. No application sent axvay for up-
piovii ) . Security and titles examined live ot
cinirgo to Imrnmvrs. Lombard lux-eslinent
company. 3J1 S. 1,1th t . 1171 _
NKIIUASKA Moitg. Loan Co. xvlll muko yon a
loan on household good * .
horscf. xxngons ,
line Jewelry or. ecurltles ol any kind
without publicity , at reasonable ratea.
Hoom 7 , lioxvloy block. South Omatm ,
HOOIIH niS-51'j ' Paxton blk. , Omaha , N b. '
T\O YOU want to borroxv money ?
.U Head this.
U xvlll save you tlmo.
It xvlll save yon monoy.
Yon can boriow Irom
11. P. Mabters.
successor to W. It. Croft ,
room 4 , Wlthnell bill's , nth and Harney sts.
810. SJO , WI.JIO ) . MH ) JV ) > , * 1.OJ ( , .M.l 3 , * IO.t)0. ( ) )
In fact any Mini yon want on fiiriiltnio.planos.
lioieex , innle.s , xxagons , etc. . on easier terms and
atloxx'er rates than any other olllce In the city.
without publicity or removal of property from
your posse-akin.
If an Instalment Is due on your property and
yon cannot meet It , call and too mo 1 xvlll pax-
it lor j on. If yon nnxvn loan In any other of-
lice , call and got my rates. 1 xvill take it up and
cairy it for you.
I make loans tor ono to six months and yon
can nay a part at any ttnu1 i educing both prin
cipal mid interest.
All loins renewed at original rate ? nnd no
chaigo for papers.
All business strictly confidential Ca and
fceu mo.
Don't forgot the number ,
Hoom 4 , Wlthnell block , flM
QEE Sholes , 210 first Nat I bank , before mnk-
rlng yoni loam. _ M ! )
. louniUniier cent. Llliahun & Ma.
honey , room IVXi Puxton block. U70 _
MNiV ( : to loan- Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. 11. K. t'olu Hoom 0 , Contlnimtnl
block. U7i :
IJIIItST mortgiigo loans at low rates a'ld no
JL1 clela ) . 1) . V. Slioles. 210 First National bank.
PKOPLK'S Financial llxehange-Tha fairest ,
iiuletest , most liberal , money exchange In
the c.ity , loans made xvlthojit delay or imbllclty.
In any amount large or small , at the lowest
rates of Interest , on any available security :
loans may bo paid at auy time or renewed ut
original rates , O , llouscnrpn , mgr , room MK ,
llaikerblk , lith and Karniuu. _ 70J
MONEY Loaned for . ) , fO or ! " 0 days , on any
kind ot chattel sc'cuiltV ! roasonnoli ) Inter
est ; business confidential. J , J , Wllklnsuu ,
HIT riiinnm hi. iTrt
_ _
GW Peck ran loan I.'VW.OW ut lowest
delay , cash on hand. Hoom 4 Pronztr bik
TJEOPLK'S Financial Exchange Largo anil
1 Miiall loans for long and1 pliorl tlmo , at loxv-
est rates of Intel est , on Jrchl nntato mortgage
notes , chattels of all kindgDiamonds , xvalchos
and Jowelry. Don't fall tci call if you want fair
and cheap' accommodations. O. llonscuron.
> lfcrr , room Suit , Uarkoi blk , < 5th ana I'jruaui
MONHY to loan ; cash on hand , ; no delay. J.
W. Kiiiilre. 121'J Farnam fct. , I'lrst Nutlpnul
bank building. "
I.OANS made on real eMato and mortgagee
bought. Luuia H. Heed tc Co. , 15''l Farnam.
UILDINU loans 1) , V. ti-loles , SR First
Nnt lJ an k. * _
GPEK CENT money to lonn Cubh on hand
W.M. Harris , room 20 , Irenzer block , opp.
DO yon want money ? Loans made on houhe-
hold furniture , pianos , horses , etc. , without
delay or removal. Person * wishing a loan of
this kind xvlll do well to call at our olllce usforu
dealing elsewhere ; business utrlctly con lid en-
tlul. A , E. Gr enxx-ood & Co. , room 1 , Cunutcg-
hum block , cor. nth and JUCKBOH sts. 414
DON'T borrow money ou furniture. horHe * ,
wagons , etc. , until you bavu soon U. II. Ja
cobs , room 410. First National bank bullillnt' ,
Cor , llituuud Furnam U > J
T CAK make a few loans on flMt-clw chattel
Jccurltlrs at rcasonnbl * ratas.V. . K. l'ottort
room 10 liarker bib. 7u
MONKV Ix > nn < nopottated at low rntos with
out delay , nnd fiirchnso cooil rommorrlnt
paper anil mortunge notes. S. A , Slonmn , Cor.
staaiul Vnrnam. 3i
MONiv : to l < oanVo nave esrorul
dollars to plnco for paitern parties on Im
proved city property. Harris , room -ill 1st Nnt.
llanlc bldg. 711
T > riLUlNU loans. Mnahan k Mahonor-
MONBVto lonn A fcxr thonsatids from flrsi
hands at very IOMrates. . U. V. llarrlon
MercnnnlV Nat'l bank. Ots lai
SA1.K riotirTnOf feed store , also team
hnrncss and delivery wnnou. ( Jooil location
Ilcajon for telling other business on hand
Tall on Win. ratlin. ( TO S Utli. TH-W
" 171OU 9AliK A string ot lumber yards on the
J-1 n. AM.II. . it , IM the souths oil em part ot the
frt.ite. nil located In live towns. Improvements
first-class , 'took nil new , bright nnd i lean ; cap !
lal required , about 12'.un ) . Address U ll..l > fk
lloxas ; , .Mcl'oolc. Ncbrnskn. 710 liJ
lbil SAI.K-OoliiB to leaxc the city. o'lliTwiii
r still two fl room tmts cheap for cash ; < \11 occn-
plod withdeslrablo roomers p. y a protlt of 7" >
iojsi per month. No trader * need apply. Call
nt 317 South lutli St. . 2 p. 111. iiM-lS *
PI ItST-clnss stock of s.tapK < nnd fancy grocei
los , also fixtures for sale , good otislni'ss
nsiaiiitMu'd.llne 'oratlon.i ' "nt very low. Address
t ) 1 lloo. IWI-IG *
"ITMtll SAl.K-An old ncllpstablt0ii > < l bunlnoss
J- ' centrally located , uny onuunntliiK Iwiluoss
with a Mindl cash capltnl to ln\cst and IIKMIII-
me btulnrsH , It will pay thorn to ln\p tlcato
this Aililn'ss busliieis , l-'otlios House S lutli
t. Uinnliii , NoU. CiU lit
\ V.NTniA ) partner with Il.'fl I or i..OOU to
T PiiiniPln the i-oiiernl mercantile biislnosx.
1'lr.vt class location nnd i1 tabli hi > il trade. Co-
operntho l.itnd .t Lot Co. , "or > N lutli st. 5 ' II I , HUM. liitb st.
IPOlt SAItK A stock ot agricultural Imple-
J-'inent1' , bngRli a. putnpx. inunp linings und
tools lociitud ut Met ( ink. No ! ) . , u Uvo toNMion
tlio II > \ M railroad ! K8 miles west of l.lnc.'ln.
Stock now and In good order , business estab
lished four ye.irs aito nnd hns ulwayn been
puitltablu ; frttlsfactory rensnns given for sell-
Ing. The stock. Including buildingfiOxhU. Inven
tory about J.I,5UO , will lia M.ld for ! .fXIU rash
down , bnianco on tlmu tor upptovud paper.
This is H ilrxt-chiss oppoitnnlty for any no
wishing to encago In tlio Implement bnsltics.s ,
Address M. D.Wolch , HU ( St. . Lincoln , Nob.
nil 17
M1JAT market lor sule. best paylnu stand In
Oinahii. Pilco H.'JJO Addreii N ( . lleo
olllce. 157 It *
roOKnttli All kinds of incrcliandlspnml
-1 iitusonnl property wanted In excluuigo for
Impiovod farms nnd wild land. 1'orelgn Km-
mlgrr.tlon Co. , Houms 3 and 3 IJOi farnam st.
KM f.I
rpo KXCIIANnr.-ror tnimln eastern Ne-
-1-biiiska. S holies and lots clear , ( 'has. K.
\\ooliey , Koom " > . ! . " , l'a\ton block. IIMJ PI
STOCKS of needs to v\cliaiier for land nnil
city prcipcrty. Clins \Voolloy , room K15 ,
I'nxttm block. ( Ml IS
Foil i\'llANii : ( : llu lni > 8s block. iflitiOfl
cipilty , nl ! full , good tenants , In u live Da-
kot.icity "A" i , lloaid Trade. MZJll'
"TjlOH liXCIIANCill Improve and unimproved
-L it'slilenco projierty In Omuhn and Council
IHulN. Cull and see us. Western Land A Loan
i\clmnge. :
rp ( ) lXl ! HANcn ; l now IIOIHCS , nit modern
JL 1m i ovenientg. cor. : i7th anil Dodgo. for good
rnim TtnuN. Western Land & I.oau IXcuangc ,
117 S loth. 017 14
KANSAS and Nebraska land to exchange for
low.i town property. Chns. It. Woolley ,
room KV ! 1'axtou blnck. ( KTi I'd
JJIOIITIIADK. rinu Improved IfiU-ucio farm ,
' hulf-mllo trom tlulvlm ; city , stocked with
her-l tnll-blood cattle. "A . ' . ' , lioaid Trade.
rpo TKAIMJ-Stoek of sash , floors , blinds and
* bardivara trlmnungx clear farms In No-
tirnskii and Wisconsin. 1(10 ( urreti it1) mlles from
Jnialui , anil IS ) a'res elghl miles from I.tiicoln
lur Umnha property. Kunsa' < , Nobrask.i ami
lima larms nnd aero property near South
Omaha lor good Omaha property. Improved
business and residence piupcrty for vacant lots
nii'l farms. Two lots In .McC'ormlck's second
mid : houses and lots and clour South Omaha
lotifnr fauns. 1,1st your property with me.
Uroxer Stevens. 1K1 ! Fiiiu m. Wi7 Jl
rpo K.VCIIANOK I'or Omaha property. Oil )
L : ues N'obr.iskn bind , and "til acre luwa farm.
Chas. It. Woolley , loom 6-K 1'axton blocK.
lifil 18
SOUTH OMAHA lots in line location and free
from enctimbiance , to tiado for good farm
land. ( Srover Stevens , IW1 Farnam s > t.
GOOD farms , clear or llirhtly Incumbered , for
men-hiindlsi * . live stock or city proporty. 11.
K. Cole , loom li , Continental blocs. fi77
STOCK of stationery nnd good farm
land to tiado for Oinann proporty. ( Irovor
Slovens , 1531 Kiirnaiu&t CJ1-10
A.VHKN . yon have uiiythlni ! for exchange call
t > on or write us. II. K. Cola , room li. Con-
tlnentnl block. _ 577
\\J ANTED A stocic of hardware , furniture ,
' grocerleii , dij goods , clothing , or boot.sand
shoes , in exchange for a good f.irmor citvproi > -
erty. Co-opoiatlvo l.ttiid \ Lot Co , , > 1 N. Kith.
_ _ _ _ ! HI4
IjlOH KXCHANOII-rnnr clear South Omaha
J- lots , JJOO each , to trade for Nebraska land.
Selby , 1W1 rnrnam. 141
"I"\ltrS ! , hardware or merchandise wanted
JVfor W ) acic.sof land.V. . Uonasteol. Crelgh-
ton , Knox county , Neb. fill K'Jt
FOU KXCHAXOK-Tenm horssi or mules
wanted for payment on house and lot ,
balance monthly or ijuaitarly payments. Selby ,
1.VJ1 rarnuni. IW4
"I710II KXCHANOi : I'or desirable rtisldencu
J- ' property In Omaha , any or all of following :
40 choice Insldu residence lots In Hasting * .
JO ) lots lu Lincoln.
( ill ) acres line funning land. Lancaster county.
Kine i evidence property. Lincoln.
Coodiuntal property , Lincoln.
Choice fancy resldunca , corner Lo.s Angeles.
A neat lesldcnce property In llnnscom 1'Iaco.
Also some good mortgage note ? .
Address , giving location nnd prl 19 of prop
erty. .1. K. II , , c.ue llaiim Iron Co. , 1 17 Leavun-
wortli. : W1
I HAVE real and personal property ( if all
kinds for trade. Call and scu niu. ( ieorge J ,
Sternsdorll. room ii. opp. t' . o. _ , ' ! 8.i
171OH l'.XCIlANK-Iloujo ; and lot or n Ice
J-1 building lot to tnidu fur long tlmo leal us-
tatel'dmorlg. W L Sulby , IS3I I'qriuuu. 115
TTlOH r.XCIlANfil'-Sonth omana lot for
J-1 team borons or muloi , wagon and harness
Selby. I.V.'I Knrnnin , OJI
Foil OTchaiiire Ut-clnsi clear Improved Oma
ha property for t'ootl tlnibur land. NI , lleo
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "l' i &K
Foil ICXCIlANJH-,5)J ( ; ) now hoiiaeand lot
for binall farm near Neb. county seat.
Selby , IMI ynrnam. Ml
TjiOIl HXCIIANnK-Carrlage and buggy with
JU f.KKl cash for unsccnroil note or long time
mortgage. Hulby , 15M Karnain. C8 |
II A HfA IN' Jobd " story house , and lot
WxHS. ( iood location , munt bo sold by
i'obrunry 1 , for 83Kln ( less than worth. Inquire
on premises B17 S 30th st. iiUi irt
"I7KJII SALH-OOfeet with gimdroom house ,
JL f armu e , gas , bath.Huwer. hot ami cold water ,
barn , and everything complete , on pavement on
1'arK ave. b.ugaln in Omaha at $7Mm
Kasy ternn. Investigate thlrf. 1) . V. bholes , ai
I'lrat National bank. ( i8t7 !
FOll SALE Or exchange , ten acre on 1'ur-
iiam ht. , butween Kith und Will sts. , KX1.UUO.
Will trade for real eitate mortgages , or boll on
terms. W , ( > . .Sol by , lu.'l Furnam. 14'J U )
$50.0(1 ( cash and WM monthly , lncludlni | lu-
teiuht , Ijityn buantlful U-room IIOUHO Itn all
modern convnnloiicus. H. li.Colo , room a. Con-
tlneutul block. f.7U 15
TTiOlt SALII Oi cxchanco for Omaha prop-
Jerty. . HI litres , miltable for platting ; will
muko lot ) Intt , all clear ; big money In it for uomo
out1 who inn push this : located just outblde the
ctt ) limits orcouncll Illulld , Inimlre Uoo. J.
, ojip. pontollice. 'tyl
TNVKSTIQATE the followlug bargains : , f sec-
Itlons of good Irani in i'bolps Co. , Nob. , near
Kearney , only J6 per acre.
; cixir/uii ; Chicago ht nmlfi-rnom hous ? , J3.10J.
Choice Orchaid Hill lots nt MV ) ami tti \ ,
Hlm baugh'H , tv ) .
0-room IIOIIBO and half lot , Isaacs ii tioldou'ti
add . * VHV.
( looil lot , lloggg , V HIM'a add. , and twohoutea ,
KStM , , NeU , B. A ; K , Co. , room I' , Hoard oM'rnde.
. cufch snd HVvO monthly , Including In-
$35.00 , buys nloo aizy home. Come and
bee it , II , li. Cole , room U , Continental block.
f.7J 15
TTKIt BALK-Lot IK , b. II , lluhscom place (8- (
X' room houhei. J'l.iyil. '
Jt u , b. t ) , Ilimsrom place ( S-ioom houtc ) ,
iMt Id , b. 10 , JIanscom place (7-room (
' I-ot I , b. 18 , Hnnscom place , (8-room ( house ) ,
M.UUU. 0. K , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. Hank.
Vfi U
tCWJ buys a full lot nnd ( rood 4-wor eottspo.
Peasyterms ami good location , t ) . V , Sh olw ,
room 210 , First Nafl bank , cor. 13th and Vr-
nntu , OSS
1OH SAtiR Two elegant homes In Hanscom
J Place on reasonablB tenns ; mortgage paper
taken as part payment , HoswortU \ Jopllti ,
llftiker block. 3S >
T71OK SAI.U Cheap-Not for trade ; M.1.70 acres
J-1 land ( See M2- i ) two tulles from .Mnniuetto.
Hamilton county. Nebraska. lYnmo liotfo.'tn-
blf , 'U acres under good Imrb-xvlro fence ,
round cedar posts , txx-o stays ; living xxater ,
iKVfoot channel i 3 wells , ; oi.bnrrol tank , corral.
Holt-feeder ; u natural stock rrxnchiln a line corn
Price ( about Ml.BOpcr ncro ) * fl"M
Caslidoxxn . ; iuxl
-and 4 years time C per cent . . . . asvi
Oonnd look over InnJ. Address oxrner , F. l\ ,
Atkins. 15UJ Larimer tt. , Denver. Colo. m
1OH SALEortrndo. A nno farm IM acres In
11 Harlati county , fornalo or trndo for a slock
of groceries or city property. liKinlre at Meyer
> V llnapko. fJ
"IjlOll SALi : Td2 acres. Hamilton Co. . Neb.
Jland. . $ , ) per n'-n , ono-tnlivl c.vsh , balance nt
(1 ( per cent. Address W. J. Wlldnuu , Denver ,
Col. - ! fc *
TJI'AlTII'l'ti P-room home of moit modern
-I > ilcsignand finish. Nothing omit ( ml In Its
construction ; , city water , gas , hot ami
cold water , antliine oak finish , largo east frontlet
lot overlooking the city and Council Illulfr ; the
house complete In all Its details : can be pur-
cliaicd now ono or two thoiiHnnil lots than lu
the spring. VMllpnvyou 10 Investigate now.
C. 1' . llarrl < on. .Merchants' Nat'l bank. U49
qj1ltSAL"n-Oro\ihnnge. ( iik : Valley Stock
J-1 farm , 8WI acres In Dakota county , Nobrnsfea ,
ai miles 8w of Mnu\ City , ( l miles not th of Km-
nrson. N'ob , , laiallroad jnnctloni. All feniod
Into llelds and pasturi' ? , 40 ncrt" < growing tim
ber , plc'iity of uooil spring water In onch pan-
tnre , goou 7-ioomod hoiiso , linn voting orchard ,
good water works for Mock , imrn. machlno
Midi" , coincrlbs , hoghouin , granary , cntth-shnd
SI.\M : ) fiv > t , also iither sheds anil stables all
Bhliigled nnd lu good repair. Will dispose of It
nt n oargntn.
Also gimd now honso In ono of the most desir
able residence portlotisof Omnhn , only li blocks
from p. o 1- looms , 5 closets , pantry and nil
modern comvetilencos ; paved street and con
venient to two lines of street c nrs.
Andruw I levins , Att'y.
4i and 423 1'aMon block , Omalm , Neb.
lts\I,15--iVxl.'K ! foot. MWti. on nth and '
Nlchita ! < . Address. ) , H , Shaw , Hamilton
andllstst. fKVillJ
lluys two line aero lots about ten minutes west
of I'ort Omaha.
Hnys a beautiful lot ffixlSO In Van llouron
Heights ; only $ ll ) cash and Jj per month.
12 to 14 Dollars
Per HCIO blivs liJO LM-tMO-lOJJ or 12w ) acres
well Improved land , xvitli now liuuscs of
from 4 to 7 rooms on cneli piece , nUi > stnbleM ,
cribs , xvolls , xvindmlllH , granaries , and many
other linproveinonts. Also Sipiniter soitlons
unlmprovoil land at from f I ti > > < per ncru. This
liindllosln HOOIIH county , and handy to II. U.
stlioolsund churelu's , and only la ) miles from
Omalm. Terms easy. lliv is Tiurt 4 aero
stocK tnrm only Si miles from Onmha , with
Inrgo lioiit. . . barn , slu-ds fur , 'H)0 ) head , living
water , all fenced and crosi fenced , everytnlng
complete Onlv $ M per acre.
VAN IIUflthN , UoiiRlas and llth Sts.
ItnnnlnghatxvcenCotmcll Illurfsanil Albriglit.
naddltlon to the stations mantionecl , trains
stoii at Ttventloth and Twenty-fourtli streets ,
nuil ut the Summit. In Omaha.
Leave , Arrive ,
A No. 2 . .flWp : , m. A No. 1 . . . .7U : ) u. 111.
O No. ( I . .0:00 : a. m. ( J No. .1 .fiiw ; p. m.
A No. 4 VilOa. in. A No. 3 . . (1:45 ( : p.m.
A No , 4 . 0:40 : n. in.lA . ,7BJa. : : m.
A No. 8 . . . . & :3 : p. m , A No. 7 . . , ft:30 : p.m.
A No. U . . . . ; p. m.A | ; Mp. m ,
A No. fl U40 ; o. m.'A ' No. 3 . . . .7(10 ( a.m.
A No. 4 . 0:01 : p , m. I ) No. I 7l ; u. m.
H No. 2 8:10 : | > , m.iA . . U4 ; ! < pin.
No. 2. . . .t :40 : a. in.IA No. 1 6:50 : u. in.
No. 4 . 7:0) : ) p. m.A | No. : i . .0:50 : p.m.
A No , 3 1):25 ) : a. m.A | No. it . .0ia : ; a.m.
A No. 1 Wi8Up.rn.lA No. I OiU9p.ui.
A No. 10 7:05 : a. m.lA No. 8:55 : a. m.
A No. 12 7:00 : p. m.lA No. 11. .0:00 p , m.
OMAHA & HT. ( XltllH.
A No. 8 . . .4 : p. m.A | No. 7 12:00 : m.
A dally ; U tlally except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday ; JJ except Monday ; * last mall.
The tlmu Klvcn aucival * forTrunsfer , Inure
beluif from live to tyn minutes between Ttaus-
Ivr uud local depuU ,
Cnllinnn ,
Mr Llnrnctt , our genial night operator , 1ms
shaken the dust of Calhoun from his foot ,
nnd Is now "lingering the wires" lu Omnhn ,
Mrs. Onkloc Is hero visiting her brothers ,
the Messrs , L'onncr.
LUtlo Oracle Trlslor was brought very
near death's door recently from sxviillowlng
some enrbolte noid , xvhieh she thought to bo
some of her doll's uiadlcino.
Mrs. Crater , of Cnlhoun , 1ms gone on itiito ]
nn extended visit to Onmlu und Council
I ! luffs.
Dr. itutlcr , of Olierlln , visited his old
friend nnd sehoolinnto. Dr. LHirroll , of this
The work on Mr. Trislor's new house U
progressing ' very rapidly.
I'lmr'les Snmsen hns Mr. ,1. W. True \w \
forming true work upiW his noxv houso.
The tenehcMof our Sunday school were
nulto ngreoabl.v surprised bv tholr suiiixriti-
tondi'iit , Mrs. Stilts , presenting each of Ihoui
With n bountiful card.
Dave Monroe must linvo been visiting the
' kick.ipoos. "
The whooping rough seems to have had Its
day with us , ns there are no new eases com-
' gup.
Many eitl/eus of Cnlhoun nro signing n
petition lo the sonnto nnd house of ropro-
si'htatlx-es to prevent any elmugo In the constitution -
stitution effecting Sunday.
There nre sex'cral enses of srarlot fever in
toxx'ii , and grave fe.irs are entertained Unit
the dlseaso mi.y beeomo prov.ilont.
1'ulTor llros. have boon tubing udvuntaito
of a shii'lt trade in the past xveel ; U > lulto in
voice of stock.
Our schools eommoneod Doeoinbor ill nflor
a two weokH' vnc-ation , xvitli the same tench
ei-s , Mf , 1A N , Horsing und Miss Kutio
( iimllncr.
Mrs. J. 1' . Vlors , who has boon giving in
structions In painting to a largo olass of
ladies here for the p\st six xvoeks , xvont to
Omnha Saturday , xvitli a vlow of limiting u
Mr. J , L , Whittiiiglmni has mnx'otl to
Dmiilm , xvhcro ho has a good situation , ami
Ills residence is for sale.
Some of our aspirants to the no\t poslmns-
ler.slilpof Valley nro getting n llttlo uurvuus
over the mumtlon , and dovolopinonls nro
coming to light that were supposed to bo
very secret. Keep your feet warm and heads
cool , ( 'eiitlnioii.
Some of our sportsmen mdulgod in u wolf
liuut lust week , but It was all hunt and no
The dance Tuesday evening , Jmiuari 1 , in
, he empty store largely attended , sumo-
thing liho sin-onty-llx-o tickets baing sold.
Samuel McClyon has gone to Kxcclsior
Springs , Mo. , for the bunollt of his liealth ,
and late reports from him nro onuouraglng.
Kills Kepass sold his pool tnblo \Vllllatu
Agio nnd ilcorgo Ncul , nnd the boys moved
it to Waterloo , xvhcro they have opened u
pool room.
O. 13. Ethcrton went to Illinois several
xveelts ago , and his wife will soon join him
theio , xviiero they prop.iso to reside.
The run of the freight trains of the Omaha
it Kcpuhllcan Valley railroad noxv ends at
Vnlle.v , xvhieh xvill mnlto u llttlo more busi
ness lor the town.
At n meeting of the stooUliolilora of the
Knrmers and Merchants bank on the 7th the
Ramo olllcers and directors were ni olcctod ns
at its organisation : Hon. Cleor oV. . Uorsoy ,
president : W. \Vhitmoro. ! . vice president ;
W. K. Smnils , ciishicrj Mr. l-'lor , iissiHtuut
Her. T. Ucliwill , pastor of the M. B.
church , is holding a scries of evening meet
ings , every evening except Saturday. I'rcach-
ing at 7 ; 'M.
Mr. Voilaml. editor of the Coreseo Uo-
eordcr , has moved his press from ( Jeroseo.
jMiss Cllara Thompson , of Kincoln , Is tlio
guest of Miss Fanny Hammond.
Mr. 1'ost , tr.ivellti ) ; auditor for the Nye ,
Wilson & Morchousd company , wus in town
. . .
Tlio O.uilaiikcrdiiH Old Woman.
Described in the nursery ballad , who
"lived upon nothing but vieluiils'niid drink , "
and yet "would never bo umot , " was un
doubtedly troubled with chronic indigestion.
Her victuals , lllco those nf many other elderly
persons , whoso digestive powers have become -
como impaired , didn't aRrco with her. This
was before the era of llostotter'.s Stonmob
Hitters , or some ono of her numerouH friends
and relatives would undoubtedly have per
suaded her to try the great Hpccilio for dys
pepsia , constipation nnd billiousness. Tills
would have been a measure of self-protec
tion on their part , for she noon would have
been cured and ceased to disturb thorn with
her clamor. The most obstinate oases of in
digestion , with its attendant heartburn , llai-
uleneo , constant uneasiness of the stomach
and of the nerves , nro completely overcome
by this sovereign remedy. Chills und fever
and billious remittentrliPiimatism and kidney
troubles are also luliuvcd by it.
DiU'erenco In Haxv material.
New York Sun : "Pa , " Inquired
Bobby , 'Mro nil of the puoplo inado of
' Yes , yof < , " replied tlio father , who
was fowling.
'And is everybody intidu of the same
kiudV" eonlliiiuid JJobby.
"No , no ; sonic of thorn are miulc oi
the ohcu)0dt ) ) dubt to bo bad. "
You can buppross your coupb and
( Illicitly aubduo the irritation of your
lung's and air passages with a few doncn
of Dr. J. II. MeLoan's Tar Wino Lung
Ualin. iJ5 cents n bottlo.
trltable for powerful iymy
letie tono. pliable notion und nit *
telvte Ourablllly. lit years'
ba t of the c l ,
eoce of tnose ln truniento.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Piicccsbf ully Uk l monthly by over 10.000
Ladlos. Am Safe. Effetlualanil 1'lentant
I1 PTboz by umll.or at drUKKlUs. Ktalrd
l'artlcular > 2 poiUKe Btampii. Aililres *
TUB unuu Cu-tnou , Co. , DOTIIOIT , Micu.
i"oi"tido < tn < l by until by ( Jnodtnan
Drily Co. , Omalm , Neb.
iJ * uLllrtlr ovcieome br
XViiierit | | | < iii > ifiilliiiii i < l > liiilclirir < l , ( oiu
rorl > l > l ; l > rlr.iilJiiilliiil > ii < Jlii > rii , hurf tul
vbcrBfttl oilier rrine < llei iu Hui IX.BIV
Mention tbo Omalm lleo.
rjTTT7 Tl yf k tii of Doily ind Kindt Effetti
v U JLVJQ of ErroMortice.MilnOlderYooor.
Bobvil. SoW. _ ttlllllll fullr lu.l.tril. ll . ) r.U , . .fa
blr. llif HI ! l.t' llktllM/rkIlllklJJ / N * r > in o/flOUI.
jtkitluUlt u.r.lll.r HOIK TIHATnUM-ll.r.llli I. t a , , .
M Itillf/ i 41 KUIki , ItrHWrl.i , d Vlrtlf * Inattttn ,
O..I.11 In , . _ ? i.ii. irlt ° nVflc"l cVuBufMlOtliiTt
furToil inanhaoil.vlo. I will M < ml i
fniU * ( K-lrtll rontalnlnk full lur
liomtt euro , fr * > K of charK" . AiMrfMi.
PROF. F. 0 , FOWLER. Mooduf , Conn.
nd TumoM cured , IB jtmn'
ei | > erlciivc. Nv Unlfe. Hook
11)1 Wut > uiti Av