Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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i V.
Wheat Ranged Dull With an Utidor-
totio of Weakness.
On s Hlnmed Ocncrnl Quirttitle I'm-
vlhlnn I1. Ices Minder Drniniul
FOP C.iltlo Fair , Values
Htrndy to Klrmifj.
Jan. 10. f Special Telegram to
Tut : Ur.r. 1-Tlio wheat market ranged dull
with nn undertone of weakness to-day. Tlio
telegraphic communication withtlic east was
badly Interfered with on account of the
htonn of yesterday nnd last night , nnd very
few dispatches from Now York nml other
seaboard point * were received before noon.
Thin feet contribiitrd largely to the dullness
nnd goes u long ways tj tllsiirovo of the oft-
repeated statement of "No outsldo business. "
M there is no oulsldo wislnofis thu breaking
down of the wlros would Imvo no effect. The
local trading crowd hnd strong leaning to
the boar side of the deal this morning , and
HIP scalpers carried the market down from
$1 0\ | to II.Ul for May nt the opening to
tl.OI-V l. < H ! ( . AKl.OI'i Ilutehllisonturned
up as ii big biiicr , and an advance to ? l ( J. " >
followed. I'leutj of wheat was offered for
tnjo at Jl.Oj , though but little was sold , and
up lo Ii)0 ! : ) o'clock tbo price sxvutig backward
and forwaid within nc ; raiigo , fi.04Jbeing
- the popular stopping place. The lust three-
( | iiarter& of an hour witnessed n sharp bicaU.
The market slowly gave wny to II.1
where. the | > og wns supposed to
1)0 ) stuck , but a little pressure disclosed the
fact that the support hud been withdrawn ,
nnd there was n rush to soil. It took only
few minutes to knock the prlco off toSl.OI ,
and the descent from fl.l-l ( to fl.O.'l wi'
rapid The market was loosened up to u sur
prising extent , and moro trade was com
pressed into the last thirty minutes than had
been douo in tlio precciting three hours ,
Jones & Kennott started the break , aud the
bear raiders nnd longs ran a race for the ro.
niamder of the session to see who could sell
the most wheat In the shortest period of
tlmo. During the llnal llvu or ten minutes a
llrmor fouling was noticeable , nmljtlicro was a
tri'ctional recovery , the close being 'fc from
the bottom. On the prccipitious break
Hiitchlnson bought "a slew of wheat , " as n
.man expressed it , who was standing near
him and heard his orders , Tlio slump oc
curred so suddenly that the crowd had no
tlmo to ask for an explanation until it was
all over. There was evidence going to show
that It was the icsult of a determined raid ,
and it Boomed to have been helped
by the circulation of some sort of a
tip on the forthcoming "Jlnal government
estimate. " A broker who claims to havotho
monopoly of thesntlps wns surrounded by n
jubilant little throng utter the tan of the
bell , but ho stoutly maintained to a reporter
that ho "hadn't hoard nuthin' from Wash
ington. " Aside from this vugtio rumor that
HID government estimate would show up fav
orably to the bears , the sparing news nllout
was bullish , as u rule. St. Louis reported u
bettor feeling there on buying by millers ,
am. this was backed up by u report later that
most of the winter wheat mills in the deal to
i mi half time during January , would start
ui next Monday , Clark .t Co. . of Now Yorlt ,
wired that the stocks of llour in UK ; east
were running low , nnd Hostou inercliuiits estimate -
timato that ilvo houses in that city who
usually carry Ki.OCO barrels in the aggregate ,
hail only 17,000 barrels ou hand. This wns
looked on us a "straw. " The meagre foreign
news was generally favorable , ana bakers'
advices were particularly significant of a
hardening tendency abroad. May wheat
closed ut1.0. ) > 4. January ranged Jut IMVtf ®
USc and closed at the bottom. July opened at
95 > ic , ranted to UJ@'J ( 1' ' c , nnd closed nt
04'i'c. Trade in tbo months other than May
wns small.
There was another dull day in the corn
pit , with prices moving over a very narrow
range. Prices were easy and orders scarce.
Few of the heavy local plungers bought and
sold soiiio good-sl/ed lines among themselves ,
but without much disturbance to values.
The exports from the Atlantic ports were
nbout eijual to tbo recent average , and .M.OOO
bushels were cleared for Havre. Franco ,
from Now Orleans. The cash offerings were
light , and the day's reeoints were about : ! 0
cars under yesterday's estimate , and only liiO
cars nro expected to-morrow. The inspec
tion returns maintained the recent record of
small propoilions of No. 2. There was
nothing llko activity nt any time of ttio day ,
but the marhot , though dull , was about
ulcady until wheat began to show such a do-
cidcd inclination to go to pieces , when the
sellers of corn became moro numerous , and
the market was at Its weakest phase towards
the close. The llnal quotations were from J
to ' { < under those at the close yesterday.
Oats showed gonnrnl quietude , with light
trading most of the time , averaging nearly
Btoady. There wore no features early , with
May In doiiiand around "J c , after barely
touching ' 7Jfe , while the sollcis
usually contended for figures u point or two
highor. There was no life to the near months ,
with the Initial Inquiries for March , and
2Xo blii. The recciptH and estimates were
both light , nnd regular No. 2 In store was
offered sparingly , ruling steady at 2oo. Late
in the session there was Increased activity
with n largo trade in May , which sold down
Speculation In provisions was again under
tlui average volume to-day , the business
passing being light and the animated periods
few mid of short duration. During the
greater portion of iho time the pit was dull
nnd deserted , nnd there was a pretty linn
opening to the market at prices n shndo
nbovo yesterday's closing , duo probably to
the very moderate receipts of hogs and
stronger prices for raw material. But the
advancing tendency of the product was soon
checked by increased offerings , there being
some disposition shown early by Wright and
othars to short the market , 'llieso offerings
caused May pork to sag from $1:1.55 : to
flU.-ITJv' At this Juncture Armour's brokers
commenced buying , which boosted
pork to $ lI.CO ! ( ! 18.j2 ( . Holosson &
Mcl'herson and James were also fair buyers ,
and during the last hour of the session the
fooling was pretty firm. In view of the
break that was had In wheat Into in the ses
sion , the close for provisions was remarka
bly btroug , The obstructions In the tolo-
gniphlu service shut the market off from
eastern and foreign news , though at the In
termediate points hog products were Hrmly
held. Hnt > od on yesterday's latest quotations
the actual Improvement in futures here was
7K < 31"o In poik , 5M7XO In lard and 5o In
ribs. Cash transactions were fair in lard at
| 710@7.fl5. ! and in grceu hams averaging 10
" " " " " ' '
Ibs nt fS.
CHICAGO iiivis srocn
CHICAGO , Jan , 10 , fSpocial Telegram to
TUB Uti : : . [ OATTM : The demand was fair
and the prices generally quoted steady as
compared with tfto opening yesterday , but
rather stronger than at the close last night ,
The bulk of the stock on sale to-day was
miulo up of n rather low grade quality , and
thcro wore but a few prime and only a light
supply of good and useful steers , scarcely
anything soiling as high as fS.OO , nnd good
export stock sold at f l.'iXJ .TS , and prime
Btccrs at f I.SO < 5KIK > , the bulk of the dressed
beef stock and light steers selling at between
M.601.C5 , while common steers sold down
to tatX@U.23. ) There were no Tuxans on the
market , and cow stock sold u shade better
than last week , especially such as shop
butchers can use. Choice beeves , | 4.W 5.75 |
medium to good steers , 1350 to l&CO Ibs ,
U.OOOM.40 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs. * 3.0'J@I.OO : 050 to
1200 Ibs , fit,20(33.60 ( ; stackers and feeders ,
13 40(33 ( 50 ; cows , bulls and mixed , J1.75&4
5.10 ; bulk , f3.30Q2.75i 'loxas cattle , 2.00&
. lions The demand was active , with an up.
turn of a strong nickel , and in some cases
lOe , but tills advance was only In the 13ur-
llngton and Uock Island divisions , as tbo
Northwestern was the high division yester
day. The bulk of the mixed sold at tt.25.
undesirable and common mixed at $5.15(3 (
621 , best ho.Yvy nt i 3.Vft5ta : , anil fatioy
heavy ut S-V3' ) . Ijiglit sorts sold nt Ki.liViO
8,80. I'lulcrwood paid f.V7's for till ) hogs
averaging a * 4 Ibs Tile range was W SO to
* ' " ' : W <
Nr.w VOUK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Ilnc.l STO < KS The stock market
opened strong and fractionally higher , the ad
vances extending to n , ' per cent. Foreign
houses were buying their specialties in Ja
moderate wny. Western Union was the
strongest and most active stock on the list ,
and large buying by the room traders ad
vanced the price } { . Lake Shore and Mis
souri Pacific wore also prominent in the
dealings , nnd nn advance of 3 per cent was
scored on both of these stocks. Cotton Seed
Oil , however , was on exception , nnd de-
( itlncd Ji per cent from the opening figure
The rest of the list was very dull. Tele
graphic communication has been seriously
Interrupted by tlie heavy sleet nnd wind
storm last night , Thp result of the meeting
of the railroad presidents nnd bankers at
Mr. Morgan's house to-day Is eagerly
sought , nnd no business of consequence will
bo transacted until something more definite
is known. Money has mini easy , loaning nt
2 and ! t per cent. At noon the market was
very dull , the changes being for Insignificant
fractions only. Dullness was the ruling
feature of the afternoon's transactions nnd ,
with the exception of Pullman , all stocks
close n trillo easier than the best prices of
the forenoon. Pullman advanced ' "i per
cent on limited transactions by insiders ,
finally closing tit an advance of 14 per cent.
The total sales for the day amounted to
10V.12 shares , Including Cotton Seed Oil
10,000 ; St. Paul , 12,000 ; l.nckawnnnn , 7,10) ) ;
Missouri Pacific , H.10U ; New England , f.K)0 , ( ) ;
Heading , ti.OOO ; Uriu 5,000 , nnd Western
Union 14,000 shares.
The following were the closing nuotallonst
IT.H. 4s reHUlar..ian''Northern rnclllc. . a'i' <
V. H. 4sroutions. . I''fl'.l ilopfferred 60 t
J'.S.44sroKtilnr UN',1C. A N. W IWI'i
t" . S. 4'scoupons ' tOS'i do preferred , . . .HO
I'nilllcfisof V Illl N. YVentral : . . . .1(1714 (
( Vntrnl IMrlllc . TI' , , I ) , ft II SKI'J
Chicago .V Alton IXi Hock Island . . ; . . U"V
UhlcnKo.llurllnt'ton t' . . M.iVHt. I' . . . . ( Sl'j
\-lJulticv . , . | IW' ( do profcrreil 1KJ
! ) . ! , . & U' . . . .104' $ St. I'nuKt Omaha. . HU',4
Illinois Central. Ill I cloproforreil til
1..II.AW ti > f Unloiil'ncillc M
Kiin-ms "cToxus . . ll' ' | & I1 1'i"
T.nkc.Shoro . . .101 do preferred. , . . yi'4 Western Union. . . . b4'j '
MONET os Cui. Kasy nt2J ( < rJ : per cent.
PIHME MEIIOANUI.I : PAI-EII f > } { ( & per
STKiiLt.vo EXCIUVOE Dull , but stronger ;
sixty days , W.S5 ; demand , W.SSJ. , ' .
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. Uhc.xt Weaker : cash ,
< c ; MayI.OU1/ .
Corn Kasy ; cash. 33Yc ; May , 80 ll-10c
Oats -Easier ; cash 24kc ; May , 2i < tfi : .
Rye IV.
Harley No trading.
1'riinoTimothj $1.51.
Flax-Sl.O' ' .
Whisky SI.ll'l.
Pork Firmer ; cash , fia.22'.J ; Mav ,
. .
Lard Firmer : cash , * 7. : 2tf } ; May , fcT.r.7. ! ; .
Flour Unchanged.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , * 0.17' ' , ' ( itir ; > 0 :
.short clear , $7.23a7.J7 ( : ; short ribs , { 0 si
llulter Quiet , lower ; crcamcrv , 21 i-n ( : :
dairy , ir. <
Cheese Firm ; full rrc.un choddnis ,
10c ( llc ; fl.its , ! ( ) { ( 11 t/c. Voting Amori-
cas. 11 irtl ' , > ! .
KPirs Firmer : fresh. 15l(5c. (
Hides Unchanged ; Heavy grceu salted ;
( ) J e ; light green s.ilted , IVfc ; green. r en
salted bull , Ti' c ; green bull , I'.j'e : greed
dry Hint , 7'iJ ' OToj dry calf , 7 ( < ? bo ; br.uide ;
hides , 1. ) pur cent off ; deacons , 'Jj@3Du eajh ,
drv salted. lOCuJl.'n : .
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid 51 < fc :
No. 2 , 4 , ' c ; cake , 5 } ; c.
c.Kecomts. . Shluments.
Flour , bbls . 13,000 V..OOO
Wheat bu . 1S.OOO 20,000
Corn.OU . 145.000 22J.OUO
Oats , bu . 130.UJO 70,000
New Vork , Jan. 10. Wheat Receipts ,
4,000 ; exports , 0,000 ; market quiet for soot
and J rftlc lower ; No. 2 red , Jl.OO CSl.OO in
elevator , $ I.OIK@l.lilJ ! afloat , i.uiftJl.OlJi
free on board ; No. 3 reu , iCifgi'o c. Options
lower ; January closing at ( JOi'Jt ) } c.
Corn Receipts , .TS'1,000 ; exports. 105,000 ;
spot fairly active and JjTftl'lc lower ; No. 2 ,
4 54 < j644Ho in elevator , 4rKW45c afloat ;
No. 2 white , 45u ; No. 8 , 3ui40i.c ! ) ( ; ungraded
mixed , 43@Sc. ( Options fairly active aud , ' 4
( So lower.
Oats Receipts , 73,000 : exports , 3S2 ; spot
J4""M ° lower but moderately active ; January ,
31 JiC 3'3' o , closing ut 32'fcc ; May closing at
3'3 c ; mixed western , 33c.
Coltco Options opened steady and closed
weak at 10dl5 ( ? points below yesterday ;
January , $15.2501330 : February , S1500ol (
15.20 ; March , Jl5.00itl5.2f ; spot Rio dull
and easy ; fair cargoes at $17.00.
Petroleum Quiet and easy ; United closed
at S7'4C. '
Eggs Firmer ; western , 20c.
Pork Quiet.
LurO Firmer but quiet ; western steam ,
f7.75C' 7 > 0 ; January , $7.70.
Hutter Quiet uud weaker ; western d xiry ,
14il21o ( ; western creamery , 17 ( < 27c ; Jilgms ,
Cheese Steady and slow ; western , 10@
11 ' 40.
KniiMis City , Jan. 10. Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 red , cash , 'J.'t' u bid ; May , U'.Ms'o
bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , 'J5Kc bid ; May , $1.001
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash. 2 < ! c bid ;
May , 29iic ; No. 2 white. May , 80 c.
Oats-Cash , 21c bid ; May , 24c.
IMimieapnlls , Jan. 10. S.unplo wheat
steady : receipts , 23 cars ; shipments , 85 cars.
Closing : No. 1 hard , January , fl.K ) ; May ,
$1 22 ; ou track. $1.10 ; No. I northern , Jan
uary , $1.05 ; May , " M.ortf ; ou track , fl.OS ®
1 Oil ; No. 2 northern , January , U5c ; .Mai * ,
51.01 ; track , 'J5'ba'JOc ( ! ,
Milwaukee. Jan. 10. Wheat Kasy ;
cash. 01 c : May , WJ c.
Com Dull : No. 8 , 80J 31c.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 2S@i5) c.
Rye-Firm ; No. 1 , 49c.
Harley Firm ; No. 2 , We.
Provisions-Steady ; pork , ? 13.10.
Cincinnati. Jan. 10. Scarce ;
No. 2 red , 'J3c.
Corn Scarce nnd higher ; No. 2 , mixed ,
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2mlxcd,2ri < < f2SXc.
Whisky-Quiet at Sl.OJ ,
St. ijoitls. Jan 10. Wheat- Lower ;
c.ish , OCc asked ; May , UDJffo
Corn Lower ; cash , January , 27 c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 2J ! c ,
Pork Quiet nt5ia.25@13.50.
Whisky Steady at $1.01.
Hutter Dull nnd unsettled ; creamery , 23
@ 25c ; dairy , liOQ 'c.
lilvorpiHil. Jan. 10. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun Huu.-3i)0 ] : ) p. m , closc.-Pork
In poor demand ; prlmo mess , eastern , dull.
Luril In fair demand for spot with poor de
mand for futures ; spot and Jnaunry , a'JsQd ,
dull ; February nml March , Jl'JsPd , dull.
Wheat In fair demand with prices un
changed ; now No. S winter , Os , steady ; do.
spring , tas Id , steady.
Flour In poor demand with prices un
Corn In fair demand for spot , poor ile-
mund for futures ; spot , 4s 5d , dull ; January ,
4s , 2Jtfd , dull.
Glilcngo , J"nn , 10 Tlio Drovora1 Jour
nal ruuorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; market strotif * ,
5@10o hlKherj choice bcovcs , .00@5.15 ;
steers , f3.20@-l.40 ; stackers and feeders ,
{ 2.4UC U.0 : cows , bulls and mixed , fl,75S
3.10 ; Texas cattle , rJ.OO@y.50.
Hogo-Uecolpta , 10,000 : market strong ,
Co higher ; mixedf5.05Sj5.27J > ; heavy , fA.lS ®
5.85 ; light , $5.10(35.25 ( ; skips , W.40@5.10.
Sheep Hecoipts 5,000 ; market strong ;
natives , ? 3.75 < 7 < 5,20 ; western corn-fed , $ 1,85
GJ4U5 ; lambs , fl.75 ( 0.45.
Kniisna OJty , Jan. 10 , Cattle Rocelpti ,
1,000 ; shipments , uono ; market strong nnd
nctlvo ; go d to choice corn-fed , $4.805C4TO ;
commou to medium , t3.20il.l& ( ; stockers nnd
feeding steers , * 2.lK ) ( a.85 ; cows , tl.25 ( 2.hO.
Hogs Hocclpts , 5,000 ; shipments , 201 ;
market strong and 5 ( < $10a higher ; good to
choice , 15.05@5,10 ; common to inculuui , fi.75
National Stock Ynriln , Knot St.
Jan. 10. Cattle Hecelpta , 1,000 , ;
KhlpmcntS IWO ; morkct steady : fair to
choice henvjr native steers , ? 4 fOw" ) * ! 0 ,
butchers' Steers , medium to choice , Ji.Oiwc'
4,00 ; stockcrs mid feeders , fair to pood.
t.'OtX&UV , rnncor , corn red , ? 3ooyt CO ,
grnss fed , jJ.COrt.100.
Hogs Receipts. 5tO : > ) ; shlpmcnU , 400 ;
market > troiig : cltolce heavy nnd butchers'
selectlot.s , $ ; > iuYi(5.3. i , packing , $5.Wi.i'i 15 :
light grades , | I.WKfti 10.
Cat tic.
Thursday. Jan. 10 , 1SSO.
The market was In about the same condi
tion as at the beginning of the week. After
the heavy run of Monday and Tuesday the
receipts dropped down to a very low point
to-day nnd the buyers were forced to get out
in the morning once moro nnd hustle them
selves to Illl their orders. Beef cattle sold
nt least lOc higher than yesterday , and In
some cases the advance was perhaps
even greater , simply because of
the light receipts. The packers paid mostly
n20wa > > 0 , with a few oven ns high ns S4.00
One choice buuch of heavy cattle , the best
seen hero in two weeks or more , brought
$ -1.50. Hntchors' stock was .V lKj ( higher ,
cows selling mostly at f J 20 ( < < 2.M ) . The sup
ply of feeders wns very light , but the de-
mnnd was good nnd everything offered met
with ready sole. _
The mnrket opened early with light offer
ings and was active at nu advance of fully
fir Two loads of choice heavy hogs sold at
$5.2i , Avith the bulk at 5.00(1(5.10. The mar
ket closed curly with all sold.
The receipts were lighter than j estordnv
mid the market strong. The demand Is
pretty fair , nnd the packers rcquliu a few
good sheep each day.
Cuttle. . . , . ' . 7K1 (
Ilous . n.tVl ) (
Sheep . (100 (
1'revnllinir i'riuut.
The following is n tvjluof priQJi pill IT
this maruet for thu gr.Uai of Bloat men
Prime steers. 130,1 to 150 , ) Ibs . . 1.75 < S4. 15
Prune stceri. UOJ to 1300 Jb-i. . 3.00 ; tt3.75
Native feeders . ; . . y.75 ( iJlt.OO
Western feeders . 2.1 ! ' ) inS.tiO
Common to good cows . l.i" ! fit2.00
Choice to fancy cow . 2.25 ' (1800
Commonto choice bulls . l.2 * > ( ai'.ii.'i
Fair to cnoicellgnt hoes . l.llll uiotCi
Fair to cnoico ti.'avy no-rs . 5.10 ( ij.VJO
Fair to choicu miM'd hojs . . . . 41)3 ) < & > < > 5
Fulr to choice western sheep. . H 50 fn t.25
Fair to choice Nobrnskas . 8.00 ( ' .l,75
No. Ar. Pr.
2 canticrs . 12JO fl.W )
tl cows . . . ! I75 1.81
a bulls . . ' . .1270 1 Srj
18 cows . lOJll 1.01
1 bull . 14M ) 2.10
a i-o wa . 10,111 2.01) )
7 cows . ! )7b ) 2.110
8 cows . 1225 ' . ' .00
17 butchers stock . 1217 220
14 cows . 12lS ! 2.20
2(1 ( cows , westerns . H > 1 2.20
I1) cows . lO'.U ' 2.25
I ! co ws . 1 1 U ! 2 25
4 cows . HU5 225
15 cows . ! I1J 2.25
8 cows. . 1U73 8.31) )
111 cows . 1D73 2.8(1 (
Ocows . 10011 2.85
1 row . 1010 285
4 cows . 1070 2.10
1 cow . 1200 2.10
1.1 cows . 0 10 240
1 stag . -.120 2 W )
Meow , . 11SI2 2i',0
12 cows . 1 141) ) 2.IU1
1 cow . 1220 8.C.O
3 feeders . vJO 2.70
1 1 stoe''en . ' .lit.1 ! 2.70
1 stag . Moll 2.75
10 rows . 1IK17 2.bU
8 feeders . IN ! 2.SO
1 feeder . 15D 2 M )
20 cows . l.3 ( ! 2.M )
41 feeders . M4.1 2 ' .10
10 yearlings . ' .US 8.00
2 oxen . 1 70 1 : i.oo
listockcrs . ll'.HI ' : ! . ( ) ( )
0 steers . 14' ( > 8.00
2stecis . lii.Ti 8IKI
10 steers . ! IV > ; i 05
13 feeders . 1144 . ' 1.10
8steeis . 1005 8.1tl
81 steers . . ' . 10 8.15
27 steers , corn fed . . . 1105 8.2J
15 steers , corn fed . 1103 8.II5
S steers , corn fed . 10S7 8 31
10 steers . 1094 8.35
1 steer . 12i)0 ) 8,40
00 steers . 1217 8.45
21 steers . 1234 8.45
IS steers . 1201 8,50
IS steers . 1178 8.CO
10 steers . 11C.1 3.35
10 steers . llS'.t 8.55
24 steers , corn fed . 12"7 ! 3-2'j ( '
ISstccrs . 13 Jl ! 5b2'J '
IS steers . 12-'S 8. S3
10 steers , corn fed . 13t3 ! 8.S7J4
If. steers . 1271 3.M )
l.lstecrs . 1370 4.00
10 steers , corn fed . 15J4 4.50
No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
221. . .184 SO $4.70 OS. . . . .24410 $5 05
04. . . . 223 100 4.00 01. . . . 321 400 5.03
OS. . . . 211 ICO 4.'JO 4 ! ) _ 8'l 20J 505
57. . . . 277 210 4.05 02 _ 301 800 5.05
CS..20 ! 100 4.1'5 ' 5r . . . .273 12J 5.05
51..2S2 1(10 ( 1.05 59 _ 22 ! H ) 5.05
OO..aiO bO 4.05 47. . . . 31 ! 80 5.05
( JO. . . . 8lM 2 0 4.0JK O1..2 > 5 bO 5.03
til . . .233 400 4.07 > i ( " > . . . .277 bO 5.05
( VI. . . . SO 120 4.07jf 57. . . . 270 120 5.05
70.24't 28'J 4.07K BO . . .2i7 bO 5.15
05. . . .210 120 5.00 50.8.0 ! 100 5.05
5' . ' . . . . 203 20.1 5,00 01. . . . 801 230 5.05
C,2 , . . .2) ) 120 5.00 00. . . . 231 bO 5.05
58. . . . 230 200 5.00 57. . . 313 200 5.05
1)1. ) . . .204 820 5.00 57. . . . fill ! 120 5.10
51. . . .821 320 5.00 57. . . .310 ICO 5.10
C.0..250 200 5.00 33. . . . 844 8) 5.10
51..2HI SO 5.00 58. . . .2M 120 5.10
01 , . . . 215 80 5.00 51. . . . 310 120 5.10
IK. . . . 2.17 100 5.00 57.'il5 ICO 5.10
51. . . .270 40 5.00 ( il..8''l ' ) 240 5.10
111 . . .252 240 5.00 57. . . 1127 40 5.10
57. . . .301 280 5.00 50. . . .801 5.10
(12. ( . . .211 2bO 5.00 51. . . .871 2SO 5.I2K
50. . . .318 1V ( ) .1.02 * J 117. . . .340 120 5.15
60. . . . 317 2W 3.05 55 _ 312 5.20
6t.U ! : > 5 5.20
No. Av. Pr.
! Nebraska natives ti : UK )
3t > : j Nebraska natives 77 8.C5
Ijivo Stock Notes.
Hogs fie higher.
Kvorythitig sold higher to-day.
Cattle receipts light market higher.
Feeding cattle nro bringing very strong
prices in proportion to beef cattle ,
M , II. Shoemaker , Wyoming , Nob. , mar
keted a load of 162Mb steers nt $4.50.
It is a hard matter to IIml n shipper or
feeder who will ndinit that oven young hogs
nro plenty In his section. They nil report
about ono thing , ' 'Not many , " or "Scarce. "
FriiitN , Produon , Kto ,
The warm weather has caused demoraliza
tion in thu produce market aud prices uro
lower nil rouiul.
HUTTXK Fancy , solid-packed creamery ,
20i$22o ( $ ; choice country , 10@lSo ; medium
grades , 13l5c ; common grades , 10712o.
Fioun Nebraska patents , KJ.uOiiJ7.00 ;
Minnesota patents , lfl.25@7,25 : straight
grades. W.75@5.00 ; bakers' Hour , tt.OOQ.WS
per bbl ,
POTATOES Nebraska , 35@45o pet bu ; Col
orado , 75c.
SWEUT POTATOES $ H.50g3.75 ( per bbl.
Poi'LTnv Live chickens , f2.59@2.7C per
tloz ; dressed chickens , 7@3o per Ib ; turkeys ,
DS ( > llc ; ducks nnd sceso , U@10c.
EGOS Strictly fresh , 10@17c.
MALAGA Giui'us fS.OO per keg.
HANANAS Common , 11.50(32.25 ( per bunch ;
Choice , * J.50I.60.
LEMONS | 3.75W4.50 ( per case ,
OIUXCIES Florida , f3.2.l5@3.0 per box.
UAMB Per dozen : Milliards , j.25 ; teal ,
11,50 ; rabbits , 11.00 ; squirrels , tl.OO ; veni
son , 7 ( < $ l2o tier Ib.
Cnoi'i'Ki ) FEBW t2.00i13.00 ! ( per tdn.
AITLCS Choice , fJ.25i(2.50 ( per bbl ; fancy ,
fJ.75 per bbl ; common , f I.-5 ® 1.75 per bbl.
Ciiitit Michigan , 15 00 ( 0.50 per bbl of 82
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
POP Cons Hlco , So
BRANS Choice eastern nnud picked navies
13.25 per bu ; western hand picked navies
tl.60S2.00 ; mediums , (1.50 ; Lima beans , 5o
per Ib.
HAY F. o. b. cars , No , 1 upland , f5.50 ; No.
8 upland , 15,00.
Co i -23d * We.
ViNK nii Cider 10 - * c per gal ; white
wine , lOtrfiV per gal.
llnvc1lb frnnics ,
Ciiuinniiir * - $ - < .00if. ( . ( X ) JUT bbl.
Piio i'Ns-Uains , N6 . ' 1 , lie : No. 2 ,
lO'jc ' ; shoulders , * f4 . ' : rib bicon , lie : clear
bacon , 11 le ; r.lciuc hums , 10.- ; dried beef
hams , lO'ijc ' ; dry salted Clears , short , S' ' c- ;
extra short , SJjfc- : short ribs , ' 4c ; pickled
pigs' feet , IVlb kits , M > c ; lard , hC' < OHo [ ;
smiiked s.iusngo , Gf > f * c pcrlb ; hog casings
17.n ( < c.
CM MM B.ViNXo ) per di : fancy. 40c.
OMONS45fi5'Jc l > er bu.
tiM'cn KIIUT Hlils. . M 50 ; half bbls. ,
? \-iO.
QCiuiuoic California , crates . i 21.
' Mm.
Rcrlscd prices are ns follows :
IUooi\n--Ktnrk A , sc.imlos-t , 2ic ; Amos
keog , senmless. 17' ' ac ; I.i'wistown , A , seam
less , lOc ; American scandals , 17c : burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu. , ! UiM4c : I'liunios , slngiu , 13c ; gun
nies , double 20c : wool sack , 'IV.
TWINE * -Flax. 'Ne : extra sail , 20i ( 21c. sail
11 , 20@ic : cotton 2 V ; ] ute , Oe.
IJiiii.n Fin nKigs , In IKIXOS , per Ib , 13of
11V ; dates , In boson , 7 ( < ic | ( ) : London Malaga
laver raisin" , pi-r box. $25005375 ; Malaga
loose raisins , $ j..iiini2.50i now "Valencia rai
sins , per Ib , s V1 : California loose muscntcls ,
) ) er box , S20ild'2lO ; Cnlifornlu Loudous ,
iss\ , ' 40. pitted chenii-s , per III , I1- * ; Call
fornin pitted plums , pot Ib , 12 < iilic : , drii'd
blackberries , per Ib , rmv - ; ill led raspber
ries , per Ib , ! 4f 25o , ovapnr.xted apples , 71,11 ?
Sr : Call fin nia sun-dried poaches , I3c ; Ciill-
fornln unp.ircd I'Viipnuitcd poaches , lie ,
evaporated California apt irots , IS' : cur
rants , ( i' i-i 7c ; TuiUtsh prune * , .V 3J c : clt-
ron , 22 i2tc ; orange pool. 15c. IIMIIOII peel ,
10i > ; Cnlifornlu French prunes , lldi Idc.
Cun : i : Voimir Amcrici , full cream , 18fi ?
I/- ! ' ; full cream I'hi'ddars 12ifl2'jC.
PIIM.CHMi'diiuu , in hbls. ? 5)0 ( ) ; do , in
half bhls , $ ) . ( ) ; small , In bbls , . * 100. do , in
half bbls , $3 50 : gherkins , in iihls , } 7 00 ; do ,
In half bbls , $4.00
Com:1- : Mocha , 2.Vit > .Vii' ; Hio , goiid. \ ( < i >
1SMaudahliiig. ; . 2il.ii i-c ; roasting lUo , Kin )
17c ; O. O .lava , 2 1 ® ! to ; .luva , Interior. 2-Vt1
25c ; Uio , ftim-y , IS'n i'lc ; Santos nnd Muni-
I'alho. 17n ( IVc ; Arburklcs , 2'.r ; McLnugh-
Im'sXX.N.X. 2J'c. '
Si milCiranultiti'd , 71 , ! ' : couf , A , 71 , c :
white extra C , 7 o : extra L' , 7' ' \cllowC ; ,
rt'sfi1 ; powdered , HI C ; cubes , b'.ji- .
MiisChoiiu : yellow , 2 Hi "K1'- dark
colored , l.'l'it 1 Ic.
Tom 1 1 n- Plug , 2i'iiii."c ; smoking , KlcdOOc
.li. I , i. IIH : $1 2.1 per 80-lb pail.
S M.r-l.CiOvl.40 : per bbl.
Run : -7-1(5. ( 12 > i il2Kc.
MM-I.I : Si ( Mil > tricks , lU < t12c per Ib :
penny cakes , I2 ( . 13o per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
Tins-- Young Hyson , common to fair , 1X )
21c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30i-'iJ--
Gunpowder , common to good , 2Ja2.1c ( ; Gun
powder , choice to tancj , - IOHI'MI.Inpaii ; ,
common to medium , ir > ( < r ! ( ) < - ; .lup.iii , chotcu
to fancy , 80.n45c ( ; Oolong , oiinmun to coed ,
IO ( 5i.V ; Ooiong , choice to fancy , fiOOft'Ois ;
Dmperlal , coi-imon to incdium , 25X'15c ( ; Im-
licrial , good to fancy , 40,10c. ( .
Ni rs Almonds. irinlH ( > ; Illberts , 12fif > inc ;
Hri7il , ' . 'O'lOc ' ; walnuts , 18c ; pecans , lOtn lie ;
peanuts , DtnUc.
Cim Kiiti : tifitlOc per Ib ; assorted c.ikos ,
N 25e per Ib as per list.
C\M Mixed , OKal2Vc ; stick , ' . ( ' /if (
lie : rock candy , lu'jctl te ; liincy candy ,
ln J c.
I liu ixi i > Hr.iiiiixd OOtf.
Dry Oooils.
Coiro * ; Fi.\\"ii.i-l'l ' per ocnt Uis. ; LL ,
u ; t'C , I'cJV ; tiS , 7 'sir ' : Nameless , fits ; HX ,
> c ; U , 20.No. ; . 10. s'je ; No. 10 , | 0'c ' ; No.
00 , 12'jo ; No. si ) , Kl'je ' : No. ! M. colmod. 'Jc ;
No. . " > ( ) , colored , Vic ; No. 70 , colored , 12j.ji'j
liristol , 12'ji' ' ; Union Pacific , 17c.
Curni : WAU\- Hid , . white , 111. * ; colored ,
lUn Ktnmlard. So ; gum , lOi1 : beauty ,
12'j'i1 ' : Booiic , 4u ; H , cased , ? < > fill.
I UINTM Solid colors Atlantic , He : Slater ,
Oc ; Hot 1m on , HJJc ; Garner oil. O' io.
Pisms 1'lnk and Uobus Allen , lie ; Kiv-
urpoint , , ' , ' : Steel KIvor , . ( ' < .c ; Kiehmond ,
' ; Pacific , 7c.
PUIMDross. . Charter Oak , . "i' ' i1 ; Ham
iipo. Pjc : Li.ii , .V4i't Atlon , lie ; Kiehmond ,
tk' : Windsor , li' ' c ; Eddystono , H'ji : ; Pacitic , iir.n SIIIIIIN : : < ) Bcrkaly cambric ,
Is'o. OUytv \ \ Host Yet1 I , lijjc ; butter
cloth , OU , l'c ; Cabot , 7 c ; Kit-well , half
bluiicncd , Si o ; Fruit of tiio Luom , Si' c ;
Green G , ( I' c ; Hope , 7 ; ' c ; King Pliillip
cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , ll' c ; Lons-
dale , He ; Now Vork mills , , lll'xjc ; I'opooroll ,
42-in , Hi1'oppcroll ; , 4ti-in. 1'ie ; Pepperoll ,
i-l , Hie ; Popporell , 8-4 , 21c ; Puppoiell , tl-l ,
Ji e , Poppet-ell , 104 , 25i * ; tCnnton , 4 I. b > ie ;
Triumph , t'-c ; Wamsutta , He ; Valley , He.
Fi.ANVni.s Plaid Kaftsmen , 20c : GiHhcn ;
U2'io ; Clear Lake. ; . ' ! ( 'ic ' ; Iron Mountain ,
"f'VU'VBl.s ' White Gil , No. 2 ? . ,22. } c ;
OH , No. 1 , Ji" , 'M ; ; HH , No. 2If , 2J'ro ' " ; 13H ,
No. I , 24' , : Hic ; Quechoo , No. 1 , > ( . I2 < ; .
Consul JIANS Audroscoggin , " 'c ; ICoar-
surge , 7JJc Itockport , O'j'o ' ; Coucstoga , 0 , ' c ;
1'ic'Ks York , ! iO-in , 12J " , y ; York , : il-in ,
lii'.c ' ; Swift river , 7J4cj ; Thormllke , OO ,
; c : Thonidike , KK. S' ' c : Thorndiko , 120 ,
'c ; Thornilikc , XX , l.'ic ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
'c ; Conlis , No. 4 , 7J c.
.Ji.MMh Amoskeaoi ? 0 07 , K'O-jC ; Everett , 7
o/ , iH'-jc ' ; York. 7 01 , lU'c ' ; Hiiymakcr , 8'ao ;
lullrey , XX , 11' ' c ; Jaffrey , XXX , 1'J c ;
Ueaver Creek , AA , 12o ; Heaver Creek , fitJ ,
lie ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc.
KIN : rui icy JBAXS Memorial. ISe ; Dakota ,
l c ; Durham , 27)-ic ) ; Hercules , 18e ; Leiitn-
ington , 22 , ' L1 : Cottswood , 27'jc.
Cit sii Stevens' H , ( ! > e ; Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7c ; Stovena' A , 7KC > Stevens' A ,
bleached , S' ' o ; Stevens' P , b ) c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , ! ) } rfr ' ; Steucns1 N , UJc ; StevciiH1
N , blcachcd.'lO c ; Stevens'SHt. 12UjC.
Mi-uii.i.vsnors Table on cloth , # 3 50 ;
plain Holland , UJ e ; Dado Holland , 12' c.
Hiiow.v SniinN : : Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7'-ic ;
Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7 > { o ; Atlantic f ) , 4-4 , li c ;
Atlantic P , 4-1 , ( ie ; Aurora LU 4-1 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-1 , 414c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ti-tfe ;
lloohier LL. 1-4 , tic ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7 > rfc ;
Lawrence LL , I I , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-1 ,
5''c ' ; Peppcroll H , 4-1 , 7c ; Pepporolt O , 4-4 ,
I.J4c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , ISIjiPoppercll ; , ! M ,
2lc ; Pepperoll , IIM , 2.c ) ; Utiea C , 4-1 , 434c ;
Wachusets , 4-4 , i > jo ; Aurora H , 4-1 , 7c ; Au
rora H , 4 I , II' , u.
Dn ic West Point , 2 ! ) in. 807 , 10)ife ; West
Point , 2'J in. 10 of. 12 > , 'u : West Point , 21) ) in.
12 oz , Ifio ; West Point , ID in. 11 oKlo. .
FI.ANSKI.S Ucd , C , 24 m , 15' < ro : K , 21 in ,
2U4'e ; GO , 24 in , 20c ; IIAt1 , ' , 2.ic ; JUF ,
" 4 , ' 7c.
GivdiiAM-Plunkctt checks , 7 0 ; Whittcn-
tou , 7 } c ; York , 7' c : Normandf dress , b' c :
Calcutta dress , S'nt1 ' ; Whittoutoii druss , 8' c ;
Hcufrow dress , S'ljfSiWjC ,
CVMIIIIIO Slater. n' < to ; Woods , 5' c ; Stan
dard , r > Xo ; Peacock. Sj/o.
I'ltlNT.i , INIIIIIO Hi.L'i : Arnold , OJjjC ; Amer
ican , 0'4"c ' ; Glouchester , O o : Arnold C long
cloth , li ) * ; Arnold H long cloth , 10 } < jj ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lO c ; Steifel A , 12o ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , lil'fc.
First nnd socoiid eleai' , \ > j In . .MO OOW51 00
First and bcconu clear , 1" In . . 47 ( MttW 00
Third clear.X \ < n\ \ % in. . ' , 43 00(01115 00
A select. l'4C 'l ' > j in. . ' . . : 7 00
D ( .elect , U-itel'i hi 'M 03
A stock boards , 12@10 ft , 12 In , . 41) ) 00
H stock boards , 12 ( < $10 < ft , 12-In. . 41 00
C stock boards , 12(3110 ( ft , 12 in. . ! Jti 00
D stock boards , 12 ( $ K1 ft , 12 in. . 2'J 00
Flooring , first common , Din. . . . 34 ( K )
Flooring , second common,0 in. . 81 00
Select fencing lloorlng 10 00
Siding , Hrst and second clear , 14
( 110ft 25 00
Siding , first common , 10 ft 22 00
Siding , second comuicui Ill 00
Common boards ' . , ' . : 1000
No. 2 boards , all lengths 14 50
Fencing , No. 1 , 13(020tt ( , , 10 W )
Fencing , No , 2 , 12 , 14&fiUUt 15 50
Joist and Bcantling , 2x4,14@1D ft 10 00
Timber , 4x4 , Sx8. 12cslll ( ft 17 00
Piokcts , D and II flat 22 00
Pickets , D aud II square 22 00
Shingles , oxtrn A 2 SO
Shingles , standard A 2 tiO
Lath 2 40
o a Hatts , 2) ) < r m ; i5
O G Halts , I > tfx3 , S I S ISO
8-ln well tubing , D and M bov. . . 22 00
Hemlock solo , 20@2So per Ib ; oak solo , 33
< < ? ! Wo per Ib ; oak harness , .WQ'Ala per Ib ;
selected oak and trace , 83if35o ( per Ib : oak and
hemlock upper , 20 ( < 22o per foot ; hemlock
calf skin , No. 1 , SO@tKu ) per Ib , according to
weight ; oalc calf skin , No , 1 , 00ci(31.00 ( per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , (1.00@1.10
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No , 1 , G0@70oper
Ib : oak kip skin , No , 1 , 70@bOo per Ib : Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , tO Wo per Ib ;
French calf skin ( according to weight aim
quality ) , fl. 15Q1.75 perlb ; French kip skin ,
do , S0c@1.10 per Ib ; Cordovan russet , 18o ;
faatln ilulsli. 20a per loot ; welt leather , 1.50
(24-00 ( per side ; moroccos ( pebble goat ) , 20 ®
JVV per foot ! moroccoF , boot Ipp , Bed ? ; too per
foot , glove calf skins , SOcu'iiV ' nor foot ;
] > ongoln kid , 3 < V 40e per loot , knnf-nroo
skins , 40 ( ' > 0c per foot , according to quality ;
topping * , S ( Kf" 10 00 per doroit , ( in ft. $ , * , 00
OfOiK ) per dozen , apron skins , MO W VJ.OO
per d07on. _ _ _ _ _
Mrtntu nn l Tlnnori' S
Hlock tin , small pig . $ .28
Hlock tin , bar . iw
Copper , pliiuishcd boiler sues . 31
Copper , cold rolled . fll
Coppur , shcutlng . 30
Copper , ( titts . 30
Copper , tints . 81
Oal. sheet Iron , ,1linluti : , 50-10 nnd S pr
ctdls. . . . . . . . . .
Pat. ( ilnulshrd Iron , 24 to 27 A . 10V
Put. planished iron , 81 to 27 U . pW
Rootlne , IP , 14x20. 112 sheets . fiix )
Rooting , IX , 14x20 , 112 shoots . 7,60
Rooting , 1C , 20x8ll'J * ' sheets . 11,00
Rooting. IX. 20x2S , 1 12 sheets . 14..X )
Sheet Iron No 80 . 3M )
Sheet ii on No 27 . 3 GO
Solder . IS'fQUM
Pin plate , best chnrcoal
1C , 11M4 , 225 shoots . t > M )
IX. 1IKII. ' . ' .5 sheets . 823
Tin pinto , coke
1C , 10x14 , 2J5 slice's . ( i.25
Steel mills , per hi' ! ? . 22 , '
Stool wli o nails , per 1 r . 8.1K
A ln'SHon In
M. V. ICvt'iilui ; Sim : Tlio l-'inn futnilj
wnru at auppor. Thu light from the
licro-soiii ! lamp ou the homely nuintU
full upon a luodost iopibt. ; The clilc
dish was : i iuoUtiii pot of old-jjolil sup
imwii. MrKIIIII wns liiKtliup ; bad
iiml lei th lu'lwcun the hlovo and the
iiibln. hiillin- * potitoi ; > ri out of a pot bull
liliu-j 'li'ufiilly ou tlio lift , ui'iau iii
Hie ihslun nnd p > r foi inMit ' , all tlio-c 111'
tlo hoiiM-ulfoly olliros whii-li tit i
noilnM1' * linnils uiltl Mtvor to the most
ini'11 } , ' ! ! ' uii'ul Mr. Kinn wn > > liolitif | ) *
liiiii-uH to a j-ocoiid pl.tto of fiiblia
uud liltli' MiUu was making liiibto to
euro his hliaie of tlio Micculuiitcota } -
lilu liofore it should bo too Into. Tlio
meal pnici-uilud in bilcnco for a few
iniinitu- ) , and then Mr- . KiniiM ; : " '
stijiposo y'll In ? t'aolnii' th
b'y how I' light UJMII th' sup
jior is I'louroil n\\i.y ( , Mike Finn
Mushsi , but yo'll iniik'e him a skull
cruekor , s-o yo will. Ain't ye Vliamoi
o' .vorscl' , yc big bruto. t'ai'hiu' a little
b'y Hko that t' bo inittiu' iii his lishts
Itnkc a hruiM-r till ivc-ry wan hi'uieotsV"
"AiTtili , I hare ye an ; aulu. " roplioilbor
Inisliand with his inuulh full of cabbage.
" .Sluiro I'm only t'ai'hiu' him how toilc-
Ihid hitn-sol' . An'divi ! ' * . ( delation Coonp.
Nland iv his weight ail' iiiobeb wil
sUtaiid up afu ! him , t'iyn an * tuko :
ain't tlnil MI , MicUeyV Mickey noddei
his head aniriiiutivoly. for bib moiitl :
was too full for utterance. . Then , with
an eagoruos * that choked him
ho bald : 'Mack Kaddon has a bloody
noiu , tin' a black eye , I gov him this
imiriun' . "Twas a rough an' tumble. I
gov liim th' fut. ail' settled him will me
two ban's. ' An anxious look came inti
Mickey's eyes , however , as he wont 01
to rolali ? to his father how Patsy Fo-
gurty , the terror of Shanty Hollow , was
coming to > ohool on purpose to do battle
with him. The fame of little Mike's
listio biii'ucs.-i'a had gone abroad in the
liiiid. and I'ogorl.v wa coming to the
little rod t-L-liool house to whip the
champion of Cooney Maud. Mr. Finn ,
after hearing the momentous iutelli-
genoe. .became thouglilful. lie sipped
his tea slowly , and considered within
himself what would bo the ocst line of
lighting for his bo.y to piir.suo. for he
ro.ilixud that the btruggle would be a
llercc one , and the honor of tbo boiibO
of Finn must bo mainUiinud ut any cost.
Looking keenly ut his son , Mr. Finn
aid : ' 'You're not frookcnod o'Fogerty.
MiokeyV" "Iiidado , thin. I'm not.
" 'what kind iv a lighter is
hoV" "ITo mostly lights at
arm's length. " "Oh , ho ; thin
y'll have t' tackle him roughmftum
ble. " ' By this time the table had been
cleared away. While Mrs. Finn re
tired to the outhouse to wash the dishes ,
Mr. Finn gave his boy& a few lessons in
the art of physical ofionso and defense.
"Now , you st'band there and I'll sthand
here , " 'said be to his son. "I'll bo
Fogerty an' you'll be ycrsol' ; put yor
toe agia my lee nn' luk nt mo oyo.
Niver moind me lisbts. Knpe yor eye
on miuo. Now , whin I r'aclio ' out 1110
ight you throw up your arrnm an'
catch th' blow an' " ' Unngl ctitno the
lint of Mr. Finn's hand alongside of
Mickey's bond , and headlong Hew
ho boy into the woodbox ,
ihslodgiug two dominiok hens
; md n rooster , who flow around the room
squawking loudly. Little Mike got out
if the woodbox slowly and just : i trillo
-roggy. A. piece of slciu as largo as a
cent was missing from bin uooe. I5ut
his blood was up as ho eame up to Iho
scralch a second lime. "A few welts
loiko that'll make ye tough , sonny , "
baid his father. "Vo bee , ye was not
ready wid yor loft whin I welted yo.
Now 0.01110 on ! " Miekoy was like u cat
for agility. Ho jumped baek and
avoided two blows which would un
doubtedly have sent him over Ihe
htove. His eyes gliitercd lilie llio o of
a liger Kitten about lo spring. ITe
fought entirely on the defensive until
his father , in an unguarded moment ,
had dropped bis guard. Thou , likp an
infuriated bull , he rushed in , soi/.od
one of bib father's logs , and lift
ing it from the ground toppled him
over backward , and ho fell like iv Ion of
coal on his head , jarring the shanty to
its foundations and bringing the stove-
piue to the floor. Before ho could ribfl
the young demon mounted him in a
eloud of boot and began raining blows
upon his fneo until ho roared with pain.
To add to the confusion Mrs. Finn ap
peared upon the scone with her broom ,
which she used without discrimination
upon both of the combatants until they
were glad to cncapo lo the yard. "JJail
luck I'.yo , mo young bull , yo hnv' th1
hkin bcratchod all'me face , " roared Mr.
Finn , looking around in Iho darkness
for u club. "It's square wo are thin ,
father. " replied lilllo Mike from Ibo
olhor bide of the fence. "Sluiro you
skinned mo uosp lirst ! " ' 'Via , and 'I'll
Biiin yen both wid Hi' falbovo log comin'
in , " kaid MfB. Finn as she slood in thu
An AliKoIurn Ourn.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is nn absolute cure Tor old sores , burns ,
wounds , chnppcd hands , nnd all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles ,
MEwT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
cents per box by mull 30 cents.
A Man Who HUH a Double Heart.
The Mercer County Medleal bocioty
devoted Iho bettor part of Us session in
Tronloii , N. J. , lo Iho examination of
William King , colored , who ia said to
have I wo hearts. He in about forly-livo
years of ago. The examination proved
that ho had a divided heart , such us is
found in thu lower animal kingdom.
The heart beats are scarcely percepti
ble on both Hides , excepting that the
bound is less perceptible on the right
than on Iho lofl side. Ho caused his
hcnrlB , pulbii and temple to cease heat
ing for sixty seconds , and the physi
cians pronounced il n successful oll'ort.
King is now in the county jail for being
drunk nnd disorderly. lie announces
that his mother dibcovercd his double
heart when ho wia : six months old ,
"Wo are coining. Father Abraham , 800,600
more" lo Indorse the good nnd cflcctivo qual
ities of Dr. Hull's cough syrup In every cnso
of coughs , colds , etc.
As a cure for chapped and chafed hands
nothluf * equals the celebrated Salvation oil.
For sale by all druggists. Price only 'JO
cents a bottle ,
' _
dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carrlicu ami lUigglfi Jo ( > Street. bctwtcnHhninl
linli , Omaha NebrMkh ,
\ . IN TNG ER A. METU-ALK cb7 ,
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carriage1 !
UttftklP' . ttlc. Wnolnnlg. Omaha , Ne bra ka
\N heleialA Dcnlrn In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
roiM. _ M na WJ JOIIK Hlteot , Oiutln.
P."p7"MAST . < TCO.
Mannfacturers of Bncfceye Drills , Sceflei's ,
CutlTiMor ! , l ! j n kM.CMer Mill * ml I.ulian I'ul
icrlicri. Cor Illh anil Nfho ( ! Sttcetl.
Wbole ! p
Agricnltnrs ! Implemenls , Wagons & Bnggies
Akron , Ulilo.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K Moit.Mknsccr. 12nienTi > nw > vli > L Omnlm
MnnutACturrrs MUJobberi ! In
Wagons s , Buggies , Rakes , Plow Etc ,
Cor , Vlbntul I'mMtlo streets , Umnh , Nrti.
Arllsts' Mntorlnls.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs ,
IJI8 llnuclm Strrft. Onuhn N'rlirioks.
Bookeollors nnd Stntlonora ,
H. M , sTs. W.'JONES ,
Pucccs orMo A T. Kftiyvn A Co. , Wlioli'silo A llctnll
Booksellers and Stationers.
Klnc WoildlnK SUt'li ' nnrv , Conimt'rclnl htnllonrrr
1& ! llou la Struct Oinntiu , Nub.
Boot * and Shooo.
( ! > urci' urii to lU'inl , Jotius A Co. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers oi'Boots and Sliocs
AKi'HUlor lloslon Rubber Shoo To. 111)1. ) ' . IIM A 1IW.
llnrcvj St. . OuialiB. Ni'l'tunkn.
W. V. MORSE , V CO. .
Jokers of Boots and Shoes.
1101 11KHI05 Douslns St. Onulm Manuluctorj , Sum-
tucr St. . Uuaion.
J. j. jor.vsov , co. .
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And Miliit | | > ri ul I it'll , I'mh I'Miii-iit , I'l < ti'r , l.lmc
Uniln Tllu unil Miner l'l\w. \ onico , ' 'H i * . Hth
M. , Omnliu , Nub. 'IVIoplinnc 8ll.
Dry Coocio nun Notions-
' "
M. E'SMITH & co. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
110 ! and 1104 Douclnx. Cor llth Pt..OnmliiNeb. .
IfflDortcrs and Joblicrs in Dry GoodsNolions ,
Cents , ' rurulshliiK lioiiilt Corner 1Kb nml Iliuuvy
Sla. Oiunlm. Ncbniftka.
Sliipuers of Coal and Co'ne ,
Sll Fonlli Will t. . flmnrn KI-II.
Importer * iiml Iibb'r tit
Woolens and Tailos' : ' Tiliiiiiiings ,
"IT South I5ili Stuet.
' " "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnani Strci't. Oioabn v iiruBkn.
Orunhu ,
Coffees , Spices , Etc- "
Onmliii CoIIec r.nJ bplco Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Pov/der / ,
navorlnc Kxtrnctt. I.nutidry Illue. Inks , Ktc. lil ( .
14111 llnruoy Mreut. OuiabK. Nabnuhn.
Crockery and Glassware ,
' " " "
w. L. WR'IGHT ,
Auent for tin1 Manufacture" anil Irapnitcrs of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamns , Chimneys ,
Klc I mice , UTS Kill bt. , Oiunbn , NuliroBkn.
IniDortcrH and .loblicrB of
Crociery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 151 KEr.mS , . V'CT laxton IIulUMni , ' .
Commission and Storage.
" "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Speelinllci or I > i' cinio r Miry , Game' ,
US Ilounnl Street , Omnhn.
BuccL'SBori lo IkSliano i Htbroidcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
_ _ Coa' , Coke and Lima.
" "
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
303 Foutli mb. Slrcpt , Omaha , Nebraika. _
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
703 , 707 , 705 anil 711 8. 10th Ft. , Oinalin , Neb.
wicCORb , BiRA DY Is cd7.
Wholesale Grocers ,
t Ih ami I.vaMinworth Rtrniita. Omnba. Nubrnika.
" " ' " "
V. J. BROATcVri"
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, Watinn .Slock , Ilanltraro , Lumber , Ktc. IK
uiul 1211 llarnoy Htruut , Oumba.
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
MtcluuilCB' Tool ) and lluimlo flrnloi , 1406 Dontilai
btrecl , Omnba , Nebrinka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
(111 anil Harncv St , Omaliii , Nfli Wi l irn AKcnli
( orAuitln Powilcr Co. , .lutrorann Hlt-el Nails ,
_ _ _ talrbapka btanilunl Hrn'i'k. '
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MetnlH , Hhpct lion , etc. Agents tor llciwe Soalc-i ,
Miami 1'oviiK'r uiul l.ynmn liaibedNlio ,
( Jinulia , Kuhiuska.
_ Lumbar.
IBt i Blreat anil Union I'ttclflo Track , Oin.- .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
UooM.Ktc. VirJ-Oornornnd JlounlM , Comei
To Dealers Only ,
OfflceJI03 Karnam Street Omahn
Wholesale Lumber Etc ,
l.lmu , _
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpeti and 1'erqucl Flouring , ith nod Dougl
C. N , D1ETZ.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Hth nml Cnlifernlji street * , Omaha. NobrnkjL
I--HED W. UHA-Ti *
LiimScr Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comerfitli tml IJouglMju..Omatiit.
tvtllllnorynncl Notions ,
* " " '
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3 * . 71(1 ( ami JHHonth I11U Slffct
"Hots , CnpR , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
. IIOT Uunicj StrmUOniahs.Neb.
_ Hnrdworc.
Wholixalo Mnmifacturors of
Saddlery & Moors of Saddlery Hardware
And leather HIM. liM nmlllir ; llnrnoj St. , Omalin.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(0 ( ntiil A'i ? < tttli lotli SI Oiraha
Notions and Gout's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
limiPr Struct.
_ Ovornlla. _ _ _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'ants. Sblrti. Ktc lliHninl IKH Dong In ; Street ,
( Juinbn. Ni'ti
Office Fixturos.
.MumitucliirCi'4 of
BauK , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlov Milnhpanl * , Book Cnii > ' , Dmi * VlxUirrOVnl"
ra t' , l' rtllliiii , Hafnium , ri > niit < 'r , HetTiuul Wlnn
( \ioltiri. Vlmiroclc r'iii'tor > am" iinlri * , I7.9J nuil 17,11
Milt St. , uiunlm Toluphuno 11.'I.
Oils. _
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Alia UrcRc , Ktr. , Omali * . A. II. lllnlmp. Mminor
Paints nnd Oils.
Wliole ftla Donlors In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
1118 Farnaiu Slroet , OniahnNob.
Popor. .
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
'nrrr a nlfo flock of Printing Wrapping and Wrltlnf
ru > : r SpcclnlHltt'ntlonulviMi ' tor r Inail onloro.
Storage , Forwarding & Commlsolon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Iranch luHiM1 ul the lU'mii'v lit ITJZV Co Iliijrilca at
wbulcaulu urn ! ri'tiUI , 1HH IilOmi , ! 1IIJ IrilrJ atroot ,
Oniuliii 'IVIi i.linm , NII j.VI
. „ „ _ Browora.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
I'll North nittthtcontli Street , ( jiualin. r-"f.b.
_ Cornlco.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wlnilon-ciipM ami iuutill" : M < yllihtii
.IIIII.N II : > B\IMII : : , Proprietor.
IM anil llUf-untli mtmtroel.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Pulilisliers ,
Buppllea. m
Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Noa. 131 * nutl 1319 DouBla St. , Oiualm. No * .
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing nml I.t f tlicr Dultlni ; . KWj Kimmra Street.
_ i , Etc.
Wholesale Jlttiiuf .ctnrors ot
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Monlngs ,
llrnnch office , 12tli nnd Iznnl Stri'ots , Omiilm , Nati. ?
Manufacturers of Sash ; Doors. Blinds ,
iilillum.Malr Work nut ] Intprlnr Ilanl Wool Jin
an. N. B. Comer mil nnd Irf-uiiiuwurtb btrccts ,
Onmliii. iiL'ti.
Steam Flttlnga , Pumps , Etc.
A. L.'STRANG CO. , "
Pomps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam nrul Wutcr Biii | | > lloa. ncailrjimrti'rn for
Slcpm anfl Water Supplies ,
llalllilnjrWIiii.l.MlIK OlRumliOlrnrnniii Ht..Ornab .
' H' " ' , Aiilnit .Miiniicer ,
Wes , Boilers and General Machinery ,
'hui-t Iron WorK Hleiuii J'nmpii.HmT .MIH I2IT12U
Id'ltvi'liwnrlli Mri'i'l lln -
Iron Works
Carter & on , I'rop'n .Manufiirturcm of nil klndl
Steam Boilers , Tanis ( and Stieet Iron Wort
Work * Foiilli ail 11 nml II. A M Crosulng.
Wrougiit aiid Cast iron Biiilding Wort
ulnoH. llrnx Work.Oonorul I oiinjrj , Maoblnoaod
Uluckmiillh Work Olllio tuiil Worki , U , I' , Hf ,
unil 17tU htrvut , Umiihu ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk ItallK , Wlnrinw ( iimnln. Flower Hlnailn , Wlr
_ tiliii , lite , Ul Nortli Kill Hlrt'i'i. Oui ilia.
Han'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
rculU.Jnll Work , Iron ( m < 1 Wlrn FoncInK , Hlifni.Utc ,
U. AiKlrt'Cii , l/j | Vm j.'itr I lih nrnl Jiu Ui'tfi KfM
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing * , Guards
nnrt Rcroont , for banks , olUron.slorp' ' , iciil'lencoi.eto.
Imprnvvil AwnlniiH , I nckmnltli Miirhlnerr nod
IIIULkmnUh Workn , Wlhoiltli lull HI-
Fireand Burglar Proof Safes , TimeLocis ,
At'ontH for Dlobolil culu utnl l/M C'Oiuiiany'l
V ul 1.1 uiul Jail Work , ll'J 8. lilh
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
l > ncu ! UoGm2M > noslli | > l.'iclmnKQ II. Hiding , l/uloa
_ . .titock VuriU , houtu Ouia b , Neb , _
Liye Stock Commission ,
llooui K , ICicliuiiKO lliillillnu. Union btoct
Mull tl > Uiualin. Nub.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
.Uwii. suDcrlu'.eadeot.