Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1889, Image 8

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> '
There will bo gospel mcotings in the
Cnstellnr street Prcsbi torinn church ,
Sixteenth and Cnstollnr streets , ovcry
night this week except Saturday.
A meeting of the Wotnnn's Clirlstinn
nieociatioti will bo hold in the Y. M. C.
A. lecture Imll thic morning nt 10
o'clock. A full nttondnnco is ro-
J.I ) Her came up from Kansas City "yca-
tenlny morning
O. I'1 Cownn. ngcnt for Ooorps S
Cline , Is in the city.
Mr Lc Ornml White , mannscr of A. M
Palmer's Jim the I'cntiinti Co , Is In tlio city.
Wllkes McClavo , business malinger " 1'rl
vftto Secretary" company , Is at tlio Mlllnnl
MlM Kisio Hulls loft Sunday niulit for
Davenport , la , to utlond bt. Catlietino's
I ) . M Martin of Osborne , Mo , was in
Omalm Sumlij Ho reports ( jood sleighIng -
Ing in his section of the country.
H UoscntliaU left last evening for the
cast niul will visit Chicago , Now Yoik and
Ualtimorc on business ami pleasure ,
Mr. Li A Goldsmith , parbi : c Inspector
leaves to- < lay for a thirty days' visit h
IvOiilsvilloKv His Mm will perform Ills
duties meanwhile.
Mrs. .T H. Qucaloy , who has been n Ruost
of her inolhor-ln-Inw , Mrs. .lames Qiicalcy ,
for the past six months , left for her future
home In Larnmic , U'io. , Saturday evening.
Judge C W Potter , of MllwnukcoVK ;
adjuster for the sKtnn riro Insurance coin-
pan j , at rived In the city vcstorday to ud-
just the policies held In Ins company by Mr.
At the I In liter1 U. 1 * . legman , Scli.vler ,
Neb. , I ) Core v , Ivans is City ; \V.O Jordan ,
Chlcnifo ; P H. Stretton , Divunport , 11 1 $
Lord and wife , Louisville ; H. A. Ljtlo ,
At the Arcada : J. P. N'csblt , Tcknmah ;
II. Kolger and wife , of Way no ; A. M. Me-
Mullen , Grand Island. J. M. Klwell , Sprini-
lluhl ; John Stiotliriass , bpringllcld ; Leo
Lowenbcrg , Siirmgilold.
Hon C. J. Smyth mid Miss Kate Murphy ,
daughter of the late Tnom is Murphy of 1M1
California sticctworo married at the church
of the Holy Family yesterday morning by
Kov. U. A. Shaffol.
Now York Ktoro Plr < * .
The fire insuianeo adjusters have llnishcJ
their cxnminalio'i of the invoices of the
Block of the New York dry goods store , and
It is reported have appraised the same nt
about & ! i,000. The residue of the stock they
offer tor s.ile for f'J.SOU.
Har.u o n
The first mcctini ; of the Saratoga lyccum
elnco the holkhus will bo held this
evening at the usual place The question to
be deb.itcd is the relation of labor unions to
labor classes. The leading of the Hollector
will bo another fentiiro of Interest. Miss
Anna Crnig will probably declaim.
Sixth AVard on Garnishment.
Next Pndav evening the Sixth Ward Re
publican elub will discuss the proposed
change in the present gainishco law , which
aliens 11 man to do business in Nebraska mid
collect his bills in Iowa All laboring men
and merchants are especially invited , regai U-
loss of polities.
Conl TlilevcH.
W. J. Hanson , n rather respectable ap
pearing Dane , pleaded guilty to the charge
of stealing a sack of coal irotn the B. & M.
company. The theft occurred Saturday
night , and Hanson said ho was out of coal
and money , and as ho would not draw his
wages froiji tbe packing house until to-dav.
ho decided that the B. & M. was nch enough
to furnish him a bushel of coal , and ho helped
himself. The judge fined him $9.50.
C. Clark , a"nogro , Is in Jail on the charge
of stealing coal from Sergeant Sullivan's bin
at Fort Omaha.
Military Sinners.
Sunday six convicts left Foit Omalm
for Leaven worth military prison , namely :
Privates Orblnbon , O'Connors , Miller , Irv-
Ings , Donahue and Hinton. Private Mason ,
tlio colored prisoner who returned to the
guard-house with the musket and belt of
Sentinel O'Uyrnes , who deserted while on
duty In charge of him , is retained at the
gairison us a witness on O'Uyrnes' tiial ,
which takes place to-day nt 10 o'clock.
Mason had aheady been tried , and was sen
tenced to live years in n military prison ,
having been found guilty of desertion. His
sentence will bo commuted as a reward for
his returning after his sentinel had deserted.
Tlio City I'rlntiiii ; .
The city council committee on piintlngto
whom was referred the bids of several
newspapers , huvo decided , that , although
the Dispatch was the lowest bidder , that
paper could not compete under the pi avis-
Ions of the charter , because it 1ms existed
but sixty days , whereas the law requites
that a newspaper in competing for the city
printing must have existed for at least six
months. Tlio Kopublican was the next low
est bidder , but the receiver t of used to fur
nish the required bond bccauso ho did not
consider himself authorized to make any
guaranty for the coining year. The proba
bilities are that the printing will bo 10 ad
vertised for.
'Hie Tiger nr li'lorciioo.
The nine men who were caught gambling
Saturday night at Plorcnco appeared before
Judge Olmstcad } ct > torday afternoon at 1
o'clock. The building In which the quiet game
is going on belonged to W. C. Lester's son ,
and was amostsuspleious-looklng house. The
door Is in the rear , and the place has no win
dows. .
The man , Mai tin , who shot Mike Daly , ran
the game until tils departure. Mr Tucker ,
the proprietor of the Tucker hotel , was
autlior/cd ! by Marshal Wnllcor to take part
In the game Saturday night so that ovldnnco
might bo procured for the state against the
men who , for name time past , have not only
been playing thoinsolvcs , but have been en
ticing otucis to play.
All parsons having any claims ngninst
either the Grand Central or Midway
hotels of Kcnrnoy , Neb. , nro hereby ro-
quoHled to present satno , aa 1 wish to
settle all accounts nt once.
D T. C. BUAINARD , Proprietor.
Motor I'olcti Atnln.
Yobtcidny Boveral more poles painted red
woio erected on Douglas street , it Is claimed ,
bv tuo Thompson-Houston Uleetrlo Light
company. They arc placed , however , where
they can bo utllUcd for the tic-wires across
the street to permit of the suspension of the
copper wires lengthwise with the street for
the motor lino. Tboso poles nro at the cor
ner of Eleventh , Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets , at which they may also bo
mcd to replace some of tlio older poles of the
elcctrla light company ,
The tie wires have been strung across
Douglas street and between nil tlio poles
erected for the imi pose , as fur as the Mlllard
hotel , the last \\lro there extending from one
of the led poles to the main pole of the Postal
telegraph company , which is in front of the
onlcoof that company.
It U oxpcctcd that a couple of days will bo
required to stretch the copper wires , and fol
lowing them uillcomo the motor cum. These
will mn to the west sldo of Thirteenth on
Douglas , and returning , will take the Y at
Twelfth street , thus enabling thorn to put
the motor cars in ft out for the ride to the
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria ,
Wboa B bjr w j elclc , wo gave her CaMorU.
Wbfu bo wu a Child , the cried for CaatorU ,
Vhitn the became MUa , the clung to CartorU ,
n , ihogaTo tli unCastoria.
Percy Pcpoon Holds That It Ought the <
ho Adopted.
The following communication by Percy
Pcpoon has been addressed to TUB Hrr
under date of January 0 "Your editorial in
this morning's issue upon the Australian sys
torn of voting will bo unsatisfactory and dls
appointing to the labor organlrations which
have taken up the reform , and it Is to bo
hoped that , on a more thoioitgh examination
of the question , THE Hun will adopt the
views hold by the organised and unorganlei
labor of the country , and by the republican
party of Now York state , rather than those
held by the D. IJ. Hill wing of the Now Yorl
"You say , 'under the peculiar conditions
that surionnd our electoral sjstem , ' the pro
posed reform is impracticable. What are
thcso pccularconditions ! What conditions
suiround the electoral system of Nebraska
that did not surround those nf Victoria
New South \Vnles , aad Canada , previous to
the adoption of the Australian system of voting
ing those countries ! What conditions pre
vail In nnv cosmopolitan American city to
render the Austialmn ballot less effective
than it has proven to bo in that most cosmo-
l > olilnn citv , London.
The solo speeillc objection you urge
against the Austialmn s\stem Is this : "In
Nebraska , thousands of foreign born voters
are not suftleiontly familiar with the English
language to be able to Intelligently casftheii
vote on the peculiar ticket which the Ans-
tinllin system proscribes" I have never
seen such n voter. In Nebraska , the foreign
vote , aside from emigrants fiom Kngii > 0i
speaking countiles , is almost on-
tlioly German , Scandinavian mill
Holicinlan. These Unco peoples have
conipulsoi v education 'u their o\vn count ! los ,
nnd can read and write their own languages ,
i > vet.\ man of them. Those who can icad any
language e in veto Intelligently on the Aim
tralian ticket , The names of the candidates
arc pi luted thereon jast ns ho has seen them
in the newspapers published in his own lan
guage , the difference in ; tlio alphabets not
being gtent enough to deceive either tin
Atnoiienn or foreigner who has icsidcd hero
six months , and who can lead his own lan
guage , can toll the meaning of the words
"icpublican , " "dcmociatie" nnd "prohibi
tion , " wherever ho mav see them ; and it is
thus that the politics of candidates Is desig
nated on the Australian ballot. Foieign
bom citizens are not "objecting to
this reform. For Instance , Krie Johnson ,
the Swedish member of the house Horn
Phelps county , is one of our loadeis in the
movement. Can a voter who cannot vote
intelligently on the Anstiallan ticket vote
intelligently on nnv ticket ! Moreover , the
illiterate , blind or physically disabled voter
i fully provided for b.\ \ the law. Tlio ballots
will bo read to them nnd ptopuud under
their directions by election oflleors , who will
bo selected fiom nil political paitics , sworn
not to nlviso or attempt to influence a voter
in Ills vote , or'to ' divulge how any sncli voter
votes. Par the violation of these piovisious
scveio penalties are provided. These provi
sions evidently give the illiteiato
and blind a fairer chnnco to cast a
free and intelligent ballot than under the
present system of mob inlo nt the polls ,
indeed , the illiterate voter may keep his vote
absolutely sectet by asking the election of-
llcors to read to him the candidates foi each
ofllce , with their politics , and designate the
positions these candidates' names occupy on
the ticket. Ho may then ictlie to n private
booth , murk bis ticket as to the first oflices ,
fold it down from the top to conceal the
names he has marked , nnd icturn to the elec
tion odlcers for infoinmtion as to the names
of candidates for the next olllces. This
mode of procedure is provided for in the
law to piotcct illiterate voters who care to
take advantage of It. How ever , Nebraska's
pciccutago of illiteracy is so small us to
make it n very unimportant factor.
"Tho California sirloin , which jon advo
cate as prefoi.ible to the Australian system ,
is worthless as a reform measure , bccauso it
reforms no real abuses. It differs fiom the
laws of other statcb merely in forbidding
tha presence of tiokot peddlers and political
woikors within a given number of feet
of the polling-places. Experience has shown ,
what should have been evident in the begin
ning , that this California system does not
lessen bribery and intimidation. The man
who desires to sell his vote receives his
ticket outside of the 'dead-lino. ' keeps it in
sight until ho hands it in , nnd subsequently
receives his pay from a 'heeler. ' who has
watched him from beyond the magic
ciicle. Dependent voteis uro intimidated
in the same way. The employer , boss
or striker gives bun his ticket and gives him
to understand that it is to his interest to keep
his ticket in sight after ho passes the dead
line , and until he hands it to the olcUion olli-
cci s.
"Tho Australian voting system has been
biought to perfection by thirty-seven years
of actual expeiicnco in that cpuntiy , under
the same conditions that exist now in Ne-
biaska. The llrst election act passed in Aus
tralia in 1851) ) , was constructed on the princi
ples of the lu vs now in force there and in
Great llritaln and Canada , and the Massa
chusetts law and Now Yoik bill contain all
of the changes and improvements upon the
original act of 18.rX5 , which experi
ence has proven advisable. There nio
no tenable objections to the law
in its present form. It prevents bribery and
intimidationwhich no other system has done
or can do. Uy destiovmg the power of
boodle and the machine it compels the nomi
nation of good men by all parties. It compels
panics to rely for success on an appeal to
reason instead of political ma'iagement. It
Is more economical than the piescnt system.
It Is as much the function of the bt ito to
print and distribute the tickets as it is to
provide and pay election oftlcers nnd rent
polling places. When left to pi ivate parties
forty times as ninny tickets must bo printed
ns are voted. The state assuming Its proper
functions would thus effect a gicat saving to
the communlt.v as n whole in the matter of
printing of tickets. The expenditure of vast
amounts at cich election for paving
ticket peddlers , tunning the political ma
chines and bribing voteis ( the latter being
considered a necessity in doubtlful states ) ,
would bo saved and allowed to remain in
legitimate busmesh. Such general icforms
ns wo hope for will bo possible when money
nnd undue inliucnco cannot command ma
"Tho last mentioned is the chief reason
why the organized labor of the country is
solid for the Australian system. On this
point there is no longer any diiTorcnce of
opinion among woikmen. The reform has
been endorsed by the oftlcial representatives
of every labor organization In America , In
Omaha , the labor organl/ations are moving
together , w ith every hope of success. Wo
naturally look to Tim HUE for sympathy nnd
help. " _
From tlio Council ItltilTH Nonpareil ,
Deo. 12 , 18HO.
Wo are credibly infot mod that the mortality
from diphtheria , under the treatment of Dr.
Thos. Jeffcris of this citv Is mcioly nominal ,
not oxcccdlnc one lifth of one per cent. Such
being the cnso no time should bo lost in plac
ing his remedy within the roach of every
family and thus save annually hundreds of
thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most
universally destructive pestilence that has
allllctcd the world during the last bundled
years ,
EVCCUTIVB Ori'icis. COUNCIL Hr.urrs , Jan.
7 , IbSS. I do not hesltato to say that the suc
cess attending the use of Dr. JolTeris" Pre
ventive and Cure for Diphtheria has no equal.
[ speak from oxpoiienco , having used It In my
own family ; I am also well acquainted with
the facts connected with its use in our city.
W. It. VAUGHN , Mayor.
No physician requlicd. Price of remedy
f3 Addres , box No. 457 , Omaha , Neb ( Dr.
Jclfcris has retired from active puictico. )
Farmer Crnlf ; Dlscovrrw Txof Illn
HOIHCB In llil-i City.
Saturday TUB DIB contained a report of
a holocaust that occuriod on the farm of
John Craig , about six miles from Schuylor ,
s'ob. , In which forty-five horses , seventy cut-
la and twenty hogs were burned up , like-
vlso $1,000 worth of other property and a
lumber of blooded cattle , entailing n loss of
over $20,000. ,
Friday , Marshal Degmnn , of Schuylor , ar
rived in Omaha in search of a man formerly
n tbo employ of Craig , who was found miss-
ng the following day , The latter * basks
under a number of aliases , and while in the
employ of Craig gave the numo of Adams ,
dr. Craig also accompanied the marshal to
The two , with an ofllcor of this clty.itartcd
out on a tour of Inspection , ana Saturday
morning found two of tbohorsos of Mr Craig
stabled In the barns of the Goes hotel , on
Fifteenth and Jackson streets.
Mr Craig was not aware that Adams Jim1
stolen nnv of the horses , supposing thatthc.v
Imd nil been consumed by the llnme , as a
carcass of a horse was found in each stall
that wa known to contain n horse the nigh
previous It now trinsplros that the hlret
man took three colts out of the corral am
placed them in the stalls , in plnco of three
horses of the blooded stock , which ho took
with him. The foreman nt the Gees ban
states that a man tallying with the dcscrlp
timi of Adams , came there with three hones
Friday morning and asked that they be
taken care or The grade of her c
llcsh was line nnd caused a su&mc
lou of theft or crookedness , bu
nothing was said. Fililav nftei noon the man
came to the barn and took awnv ono of the
horses , stating that ho was going out for n
ride , but thus far has failed to return Mr
Craig nnd the ofllccrs by Occident hoard o
the above , and repairing to the stable n
once rccognl/cd his horses The thii f I
being hotly followed. Ho was traced as far
as the fair "grounds Sunday night , bu
at that point all clews failed He
is thought to be in the region of Cut oft lake
In hiding. lit- still bus the horse in his pos
session S.iturdnv evening the ofllceis made
a tour of the lond-housos in that section , bu
fjllod to llnd him. Ho formerly rosuli'i
near Cut off Inlco under the nan.o of fahan
Not i About tha Citv.
C. A. Mclchor has ictnrncd from At
lantic , la
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gooigc W Missn , who have
been spending a month visiting ft lends In
Michigan , have ratuincd.
Lirzio , daughter ot Mr nnd Mrs Trouson ,
is dangerously ill with diphtheria.
Chief of the Mercantile Police Michael
Murphy is tlio smiling father of twin bois.
The South Omaha Gun club will give its
second annual nance in the A. O. II. hall
Wednesday evening , the 23d ,
The South Omaha cornet , bind will give n
dance at the band looms , Twenty sKth and
Q streets , Wednesday evening ne\t.
The not receipts in the tioasurei's nands of
the fair given by St. Aenos cnnurciMtlon are
f.iOJ ( > 7t ) . Hctween WOO and $ IUJ i et icinaln
to bo paid in
Timothy Morrell , son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Moiroll , of Quiim's eunp , died Sunday
morning nnd was buried in St. Mmy's ceme
tery jestcrday afternoon.
Thoolllcois of local assembly , No. 8,010 ,
Knights of Labor , were installed Sunday
nftei noon bv General Or/nnler J. H bovcr-
eign , of Atlantic , la.
A special mooting of Rescue Hose No. ]
was held Sunday afternoon at the engine
house New caps have boon procuied
for the mcmtiers and mits will be. The to-
ceipts of the llremcn's dance were SHI" . The
regularmonthh meeting will bo held next
Wednesday evening
J. H. Sovcioign , editor and proprietor of
the Industnnl West , of Atlantic , In. , Is con
sidering inducements from South Omaha
friends to remove his paper to the M igic
City. Those interested in the matter offer to
raise him 501 or 1,00. ) paid snbscribeis if ho
will make the move suggested.
Wednesday evening the Knights of Labor
and Cat pouters' and Joincis' union will hold
a public meeting C. J. Smyth and Frank
J. McArdle , have been invited to nddrcsstbo
meeting. The public is coultallj invited to
attend. Ladies nre specially invited. The
members will nil have their wives and fam
ilies with them
Kov. W. .1. Harsha , of Oimha , assisted
Kov. Kobcrt L Wheeler , Sunday nfternoon ,
at the Presbyterian church. Ho pi cached
the sermon , the sacrament of the Lord's
supper was sei vcd.nnd fifteen members were
added to the church. The labors of Kov. Mr.
Wheeler have been very successful and pio-
ductivo of much good. His influence and that
of his congregition are on the increase.
AiUicc to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup should al
ways be usedforchildicn teething Itsoothes
the chdd , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
curesjwlnd colic , and is tbo best remedy for
diarrticea. 2. o a bottle.
Ijoolc at Tills.
All kinds of incrciiandise nnd per
sonal property w.intod in oxohaiiffo for
improved farms nn'd wild land. Foreign
KmigiMtiou Co. , r U & 'J ISIW F.iriuun st.
Criminal Mutters.
Jojncs Lamb , a Vicio is-looking thief of
herculean proportions. , who had been in
Chicago of late , but has rctuincd to Omaha
with the evident Intention of opeiating
hcio , was given loity days in the county
William Burk and W. H. Van Dusen were
arrested for being drunk and boistcious and
acting disgracefully in tlio presence of n
number of ladles who were waiting for the
electric motor near the Douglas street
biidgc. Uoth were fined S5.50 13uik in
sisted on paying bath fines , ns he Insisted
that ho was the d' linker of the two. As Van
Dusen was dead biolto ho readily apieed to
the proposition in preference to working out
his line in the jail.
Geortco Kcin , a vagrant without occupa
tion or trade , and who is possessed of a per
fect horror of worK , was given a clianco to
pass the next forty days in his usual pursuit-
Wulh.ce Walls , a hack driver , piys ? 5 50
into the city funds for driving about thu city
at night , without any lights on his hack.
A complaint has been entoicd ngainst
Fiank Do Good for stealing nn overcoat
fiom S Grccnburg.
Sleepy Hewitt , who was arrested Sunday
evening for lighting , admitted his guilt on
arraignment. He is waatocj also for steal
James Clnikc , Charles Hamlin and William
Brown , all ex-ionvlcts , woreanested yestci-
davbOlllceis Bloom and Dcmpscy. Hamlin
icsistcd to be nrrcstcd , and fought desper
ately Bloom was pretty well bruised up.
Tilts powdornevervarlen. A mnrvcl of parity
strength ami uholeioinuness. Mora econom-
cnl than the ordinary klmli , and cannot bo sold
n competition witli thu multitude of low cost ,
short weight ilium or iihosphato powders , Sold
onlyin cans Hoyal alclne 1'owder Co. , IM
Wnllstroat. NOIV York.
or llrHMinUMtt.
" ' ' ' '
( siwi K..WJ.wii7Aii ; , ! ; !
Vlolcillh ( aVlti.rou HrrrHh. ( Eleclrla
' ' V.t' " ' ' ' ' Wl5iiiXlneub ,
bf. Hckled jamptiM4e lump.
ICUL j.lltbl.cniCAQO.lll
T. E. C1I.PIN ,
Itoom 03 Traders' IlullUIni : ,
Rot'crenccf-Ueiroiiulltiin Nnllmul 3iuk.
U. U , Ouu A fa , 'i'
A True Statement of the Facts ,
.Mn. JOHN unoriid VNS.
Mi. Kropligan ? was found by an porter at bis
re < liltnte. No. 1144 Mi.ith 1 Itli street , who fur
iilshcd thu folln\\liK ! stiitiMiiont of tnrts , I nm
1 > > tiadeu nu iii'ntcr uml work nt tliuMmmon s
Manufuctuilnul o. . haMnifbcon In their employ
tociin About ttii'tlmo 1 conunoncedork -
Ingthorol iiotlrul that bioatliliiL' through my
\Misbccointngmoic dlincult , this tumble
ktpt tin rcii'-lujj until nloni ; ! ust summi'i. mv
lelt no till not MI bid that I could lint ill } foico
nirtluoii h it , and only partially through tin
ilclit one , this compelled mv to bic'ith nltnosl
entirely throuth nn month , and mornings vliui
\\mild-\\akuiipmvtonRlin.tnd 1 thiont felt ii *
illy asuchlp. after iHlmj I would start In to
liiiwl : and spit until mthiont would p't par
tlnllv denied of th * phlegm uhhh would nc-
cumuliiie there dining tne night. On pin. ' Ing
in > llngt'i Into nn Icftnustill , I maid fiu > l iihnu
piojprtlon Just Inside , will' h soemel to bo tin
uiuso of somu of my timili'is , my tlnont fel
full a great ilcal of tliu tlmonnd I dull pain
ovii my mas and tlio bridge of my nose. I fol
that toniPthlnu had to be Jlon < ; having lead o.
the Mitoeof Doctoi Jordan In cnsas w lili h uji'
pcaiod llku mini. ' , 1 conchulod tOKivo him a cull
Hi' toM 1110 1 Had c.Uauh , nnd the ' eptum o :
mlild'o pnitltton was bent over sons to ' top U |
the left nostril HNmlco to me seemed M-M
rensonnble and I decided toghehlm n trial , urn !
I am Kind 1 did. foi now the nn tills mo open ,
nn breatlilui ; ficc tlio piln in my none ,
The nccnmiilntlon of mucus hns censed anil In
fnctullot the troubles 1 have spoken ot mo a
( I.nte of HelJev no llosplt il.Xovv Y nk , >
Succeeded by
( L.iteof the t'niveislty of Now Yoik City and
HON aid Unh ifclty , WttHhliiKlon , 1 > , C.
No. 31O and 311 Bam o Bulldlucr
Coiner rifteentli nnd Huruuy sts , Omuli.i , Neb ,
\ \ here nil curable cases aie trolled
Note Ii. ) Clmilos M , .Jcmhin Ims resl
ilentphjiU.Inn lei Ii. McCoy , lu Omiilm , for
thu past jenr and la thu phjulchm who 1ms
m id o the euros that havebtuu published
\ \ cekly In this paper.
JlediLiil diseases treated skllKully. ronstimp-
tiun. Hilclit'.s dtst'.ise , l ) > spepsla , itheiimatlKtn
nnd all NLMlVOUb DlSCAbES. All diseases pu-
uillni to thu sexes a specialty. CATAKK11
CONSULTATION nt ollico or by mall , tl.
Ollito horns ' .I to 11.1. in. , 2to4 , 7 to 8p.
m , biinday olllce lioius fiom I ) a. m , to 1 p. in
( "oiresnondcncurccehesprompt attention.
Munv disease i are trotted Bitccevjfitllv by Dr.
Jordoti the m.iils.und it Is tuns ) ios--tLU
fortho o un.iblo to make a join .icy tu obtain
birrcKssrui , u si'iTAt UKKAT.MBNT Ai1
Abie and Oat-R-Ouro
Santa : : - -
For Sale by
G-oodman Drug Co.
Epps's Cocoa.
"Mr n tliorouiih knuwluduu t uf Iho nnturnl Intra
Tvlilth unTtrn tlio otiurutlDiixir itlte tlon nnil luitrl-
tlou.iuul hy H en re tu I npiillralUui of tlm tlno pnipcr.
til's ( it well eulciliul C .i , Mr. l ln > liuspru\liliHl uur
bn "V'flint tnblo with n dulliatriy Unvoml l > c > cruii
whit' innynuTO u nmny licarr iloctor' hills Ills
hy tli i JuilliKiiis U8o of > ucli aitli'li'H ul ililt Unit a
coiirl tutloii niny Ua Kr.iiluiillyi built lip uiitll utruiiu
I'liouih lo ruBlrl every Iciunincy Ui dni'iin' . Hun-
ilrtilsnf euliljmulaillv | < nrolliwllnu aroitnit u'rcndy
tiinttutk wliiuwi'r tliorn la a > viHk pulnt Woinnv
ocnno inniiy n iutnlnluft by kicpliiu ournohcs well
InrtllU'il nltd pun ) bloiiil iul u l > rui .rly nuurlsliuil
Iriiiunn'-CivilM.'rvlcointtte. ( , .
Mudo ( Imply with Dollliiit v , tcrornilli. Eolil only
liiliniriioiiiHltliinbydronirs UlxUijI ttun
jloimcojiatliic Chemists ,
i.NGI.AM : > .
( Successors to John a. Jacobi. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old stand. 1107 Tarnam St. Orden by
telegruph sollrltod and promptly uttouduJ.
'J eluphoiio to No. - - ' .
uud Tumor * rurnl. tf4ycar '
i-rcr. I-D.SIfJIIt'HAri U.U , At. , tLlmeu.tll ,
Made from tlie celebrated Worumbo Kerseys ,
Commencing MONDAY , -JANUARY 7th , wo will oiler a full line of 200 of iho A cry finobt < | iialily
London Seal-brown Kersey Overcoats , goods made by tl c ce'cbrntel Worumbo Willis ( a mill thai lias no
rhnl in this eountry in tie ! inaiuifaotuio of Kersey o\ercoitings * . 'lliey are made wifli double stifched ,
lapped scinn and lined throughout l > o ly anil sUcvcs svith Win. Skinner & Son's lines quality of siifciu
anil in detail of manufacture they perfection mulct1 them. We ollei this Jino
UUvl 111 every . III LIIAI IJL IJUllllU-tlUlJUIV Ltll VJ are aa near | ruillv.limi as we can Jliuivi . Hi . I u ill liv. wi\ UIII-I01IIV.7
oi overcoats to geiitlemnn who can appreciate perfei t work and superior material , at the popular pi ire of
§ 18.Ve unhesitatingly state that oveicoats mule from these goods , cannot lie puicha-cd oniside'tho
Continental for les than $ 23.
We will semi a ' ample overcoat „ tc any address for examination , with the understanding that if it is
not as re pro anted , it may he returned at our e\pens' .
For the purpose of keeping our large ? foic1 of workmen employed , we have decided during flic moi
) f .Janiriry to make to order , Men's Pantaloons , from over 100 'tylcsof foreign and domestic fabrics
57.50 per pair. We include in ih1 lots offered , many of our finest Globe \Vo'leu ' CJSMIIIics and U' ' (
fc ; - > < lH , Empire Woolen Co. , Rock iM'f'g. Co. , the Hroiulbroolc Mills and a large vaiiely of foieigu and
fcme - cheviots. All the goods included in the sale , arc fa'-rics ' that we have sold at from $10 to $11
pair during the icgular
best wnikmen employed during the dull season.- This silo will continue during tli- month of tl unitary
only , and all patterns unsold on the 31st , will bo withdrawn and no orders taken for them at this prito.
Ofi/IAHA / FreelandL Loomis & Co.
Proprietors '
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
Nnnous , CniONir and PBIVATE DISK\snsot
Ml.s \\oMuvsutceisfnllytroitiil. .
Fufforlnir from the ciri'otn of joiitliful follies nr In
( llicri'llon.orure trunblcil nltlitiihnoss , MTIOIIJ )
lclilil ) ! > . Luster Munurj , Ilcspiinileiicy , Averslun to
sock tyKlilne > 1 rnuh ! > , or nny fli > .e 110 of Hie ( tunlto
llrlnnrr orunns.cui hero llml u f lie mil kictilj | cure.
Hi irtesrcasunubli ! csjiccl ill > tolhu poor.
Tlicrc lire mnn > troubled with too frocqucnt CMIC-
iinllonii of tliu bl iddcr , otten nccmiininlcil by " . sliKlit
emurilni ; or burning' oiisiiilon , anil we ikinln of ilio
( ) tom ID : i manner the lUUlL'nt c innot iicuiunt fur ,
Unuxiiinlnlnit Iliourlnnrv douoilti ft roiij pediment
will olien bo iiiund. Rml homutlniLS smiiM panicles of
ulDiitncn will npiiuiir.or tliu color nlll buul a tliln
mllklili hue. acnla ch inning toil iliirK or tiirnlil up-
penrnncu 'lln'runre miinj men wlniillu of inisdllll-
tiilty , It'iioratitiit tlio tnusu , nlilih It tlio neuiiul
Plnweof nonilnil wtnknu- " The doclor will KII IT
null eu period cure In nil nidi disc" , and a luallliy
rcsioratlon ot thu uenlUi urlnnrr oiuans , Consult.i
lion Irtc sca , | 0r . ' cent suiinp
"Young Man's Friend , or Guide to Wedlok , "
N.i : . Tor lUth \ . Douglis Sts , , or Nutlonnl Dls-
lin-aiy , coini'i I 'th nuil .Main , Kaiibftb City , Mo.
Jlentlonthls vaiiei.
The liberal response to our * 10 00 Suit
sale has proven to us that when no offer
n barpain , pcopln undcrstnml mean
what \\o Bay. Tlioio nro mill : i fuw
moioluft. OVKHCOATS HAV1C also
TAICDN .1 TUMULB-look nt them.
Dr. J. E. McCrew ,
One of Iho Most SiHcesifnt
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
IllH fmiii ot tieatmont IH leeommcndrd hy
those who tried It , Inthu very stiongcat
IllstreUment for which leaven a perfect ftkln
and u nion hi antKnicomplexion. A euro iiur-
unteed In ull forms of 1'rhatu Dbeauen.
All 'Ihorders nf the Kexnal oryiuis. curedand
lie.ilth , nmbltlon and manhood complutely lu-
stated ,
Treatment "X to > respondent , bend ftamp
for lepl ) ,
OltlcoBu3hman Bloo < . 16th and
Douulaa Sts. Oniatia , Nee
ESTABLISHED 1851 186 So.
Chicago , Ills. Clark St ,
The Regular OM-Establislicd
Is still Treating with the Greatest
Ghronic , teens and Private Diseases ,
* 3-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect !
leading to early decay and perhaps Consumption or
Insanity , trealcd scientifically by new mclliods with
never-filling success.
CO-SYPHILIS.inJ all bad Blood and Skin Dls.
eases permanently cured.
a-KIDNCYand URINARYcomphintsGleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcccelc and all diseases
of the Gcnlto-Urimry Organs cured promptly H'thout
injury to Stomach , Kidne > s or oilier Organs.
O'u No experiments. Age anil experience im
portant. Consultation free anil sacred.
B-Scml 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases
J8ST" Those contemplating Marnace send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male .ind Female , each
15 cents , both 25 cents ( stamps ) Consult Ihe old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may favefulurcsiiffer.
im ; nnd Fhame , and add golden > ears to life. 5ISook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors"soccntsstamp ( ? ) . Medicine
and writings cent cvcr > nhi.rc , secure from exposure.
Hours , S to 8 buiida > sa In 12 Address
F. D. CLAS3KE , W. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO ,
N. W. Cor. 18th Si Docipro Sts.
Appliances for Doformltlos and Trnsaas.
Ilcot focll'tlos , apparttui inl remo'JI for euoccis-
( pi treatniBnt 01 every form of inncniu re < mlrln
ueillcnl or Hurglcal Trent inont.
Iloanl nnit uUeiiJnmooi IJCIt hoipltul accommoda
tion ) In tbo writ
u KITE run Citcin.AM ( on Deformltlm tnd Ilracei ,
TrunennClul ) l-cot , Carruturo ot tba Hplne , I'llti ,
Tumor * . Cancar. Catarrh , llromhltu , lolmlatluo.
lectrlcUy. t'aralytii , Epllcpsr. Kldnuy. lllmlder ,
KEar , Kkla and Illooil , irad HllhurgloUOperutloai
Dlaoanos of Women a Specialty.
HOOK ON DiSEJuBus or WOMEN 7ni ; .
All Illool Dlieaici uecctifully trentod. byplillltla
I'olio.i romun d from Ibe jiiem irltliout mercury ,
'tw remorullvu tr.'itmunt forloui of Vllal 1'owcr.
_ 'crirmi unable to vt < ll ui luuy bo trcutail at humii by
enrri punUonco All ciimmualeollona contldaiitlul.
Mudlclaei or Initrumenta xjiit l > r mall or ouprui * .
ocurely narkel , no uarki to Indicate roatcnti or
cuotr One porional inUtrTleir prufcrroil Uill unit
cODiultusortoiii ] m > tor/of jour ce o , unj ire wlU
Mod In plain wrapper , oer
Dpon I'rtvsto , Bu cl l n Murrain Ulitniut. Iiapo-
teucSjilillts , Ulataail Vulo c l , with qucitton
U > u Addr *
OiiiaJui Medical mnd Rurgvcal Institute , or
Oar. 13th and Dodge Bu OMAHA. NRO.
Institute !
Hot idi of trelli IS. Illllnv at hitlf rules
'Joctli fJlniLtuil wltliuut piiln
Kiainltiiitlon of tbo muutb free , hvnd 3cent
tump with ( orre > ponil ntu.
I'uxlon U1U. , Cor. 10th and Fiirnnm ,
and All urinary troubles i-uslly.nulclc.
I ) uiidu.tfvlrcuredbyUUrUUAC.ii ( > .
null's. Su\ fi < i 111 BOM3U ilujH. hold
* I.W tier hex , .ill illiiiwUis , ur by mull irotn ) > -
lUtuMftr.Co lU\VhltuSt.N , V , J ull plrecUon *
ialii ! is Weelfh !
MI. JT , u Kiiiiiantcod Bintlllcroi Hysteria , ML\- \
nesa. Convulsion' ) , I ilH , Neiums NenralKln.
lleadaoho.Nei \ ousl'iosti atlon cansi d by thunso
of ale ihol or tobacco , \\akefulness , Mental le-
prcbBlon , Kodenlnu nf the Ilialn icmiHIni , ' in in-
sunlty .mil luullng to inlserj- decay and death.
I'romntniuUlil AHO , llaiienness , l.oss of power
In cither t-e\ , Involuntary r/ossus an 1 Spuinmt-
oilKua em > edlj ovoi-oxerilniiof thehraln nelf-
abuse or oveiliidiilKL'iire. I'ach box contains
one month's tieatnient. $1.00 a box , 01 Hlxboxes
for $ " > , Uhcntby ) may prep ild onrecelpt of pilco
To euro an'cise. With each Older ro eivulbv
us for six boxes , acoonipiinled Mlth $ 'i.UUwa\\ll (
send the purchaser o r written RII iiantee to re
fund the money 1C the treatment does not Direct
acme. CnarantecH Issntd onl.Coolm.ui ] >
DniRCo , DnigRlsts , Solo AgentH , 1110 riiinam
Rticct , Omalia , Neb.
20 to 60 DAYS.
Tliisibit dison o which lins heretofore
linlilccl all Mctliciil Suicnco.
We ) m\o n Iteim ( ly.iinknoun tnunyouti In tlio
\Voildoutbldo nt out ( ompmiy , and han
MVIIC : n'AcBt ; >
to euro the most obstlnato c ifs. . Ten days In
recent cases does the oik. It IK the old i luonlo
dtep Healed cases that \M > solicit , 'NVo ' luivo
cuiedhnndiulK who have be < n iibaiidonc-d by
riijnldans. and pioiioimred Incurable , and wo
clmlloiiL'o tluMvorld tobiliiR us a c.iso HO
lll not 1 1110 In less thin Nlxtj dajs.
MUCH iho hlstoiy < t nn diilnoatiiieHpiclflo
foi hjphllln has been sougiit foi but novxr
found until our
was dlicovored , ando are justified I
It l tlio only Iteinedy In \Vnilclilnit \ u 111 po.i
UlU'ly euro , lie aii nlhn latest .Midltaloikn ,
piibllNlud by thu IHHI knotvn aullioiltliH , Hay
there as nevn a tiuoHpocllli before ( Jurrem *
edy will rino when ovorjthlili , ' tlrtii IIIIH falUd.
Wnvnohti ) jour time and money with patent
in-ill' Ine.s llml nm nr Inulliliio 01 dixturwlth
ilMHlclaiiHthat caiinotrino jun , jonlhiit luno
Tied eerj MiliiK i IBM Bhould < ome to IIH now and
Ket permiiuont relief , you n vur can cot It else-
vhuie. Mark ulmtu Kay , In llm uud 3011
mint taku out nnudv orNl l'.H lerover ami
yon that ha\e been allllcted but a Hhoittlina
iihould by all me , ins coinn to UK now not one In
tin of now rases o\er ( jot pi rmiincntly tnruil.
Many Ket help and think llioy uro lien floin tne
disease , I nt In one , two oi tnitiu veurs nftei U
aiipiait ) agal'i In a more horrible form ,
ThiH is a lilootl Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Hloort Disu.iao wlion
Hlfio Fails.
Jtooin 10 anil 11 , U. S. National Hank
Onuiliii , Ndi.
I'alil Up Capital $100,000
iiirph h r > 0,000
I , \V VvrnH. I'riKliltnt
Lhv.iHH UM.I ) , \ icuI'icHlilent.
/ . K. ToLVAi.n , 2ml \ Ito rresldrnt *
W II. B HUUIILS , Cuahler ,
II. W VATKH. l.rwiH H. Kci.n.
t (
Conn r lith nnd rurnuiiKls.
A ( icncral lluukiiiy lliislntaa'IranEactcil ,
ArrostB itlwhareoH ttnm tlio urinary or
SCUlulncltlliTWXli : JH liuurc.
3 It In ( iiincrior to Copulba. cuteba , 01
, InlritlnnH , and /no ( rum all bad rucl
J or oilier Inconvinlinccs.
MlnV ! OOntllUM S " *
aoAN I AL-mlUT
tn until ir ii\J1
| ( 'j , | . iiti ] , xvlilrli 13r the iiimo lilir , yl
Ililatk ltltciiwlthi ut nlilcli uout ruV J