Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1889, Image 5

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Legislators Complain or the Quality
of Their Stationary.
Text of ( lie Prohibitory Amendments
Offered by Dempster nnd Corliln
District Court Nexr * Gcn-
crnl and PciHonal.
LIKCOI.X BunEAU orTni : OHAITA Use , )
11W9 1 STrtBRT , >
LINCOLN , .Inn. 7. j
Very few of the legislators returned to
day. Speaker Watson is in the city , but li
not mmlo himself conspicuous. The mem
1)Cr * nniuso thoinselves Riicsslnff nt the com
position of the committee * , niul socrotlv
liojtlns Unit they will bo "remembered" by
the spc.ikor. Whether Cnlihvcll or linker
\vlll get the Judiciary committees is nn open
fiucstloti , but the weight of opinion is in
favor of lialcur.
Truesduil of Thayer , BvereU of WnshinK
ton , .Surgcnt of Cutter , Ki'iper of I'iurce ,
Mucker of Chase , niul ( Jnrlirist of llox
liutto were observed in their souls to dny.
tsii.vs n prominent member : "Tho stiv
tlonory fnrnlsht'd us is absolutely n diseruro
to Iho stiito. It it almost Impossible ) to write
on thu paper with n pen. Any Cheap John
store "out west" would not thinlcof keeping
such stuff. 1 think the state lw be-on out-
ragrously swindled In the stationery busi
ness , and they will hear moro from me if the
papur Is nil like mine. "
A prominent citizen of Stuimlers county ,
Who is now stopping at Ihu Capital , s.i.vs.
"Ullchrht , of Hex Hutto , isaiustlor. Ho
used to run u big farm in Maunders , and has
turned over thousands of acres of virgin
soil , holding the plow handles himself. Ho
now has a line stock ranch way out on the
northcin borders of ( Jheyeiino county , Just
across tha line in Hex Huttc , and comes
here to lepicscnt the largest district in the
Aiate. I toll you ho is a rustier for SUM , and
will make his mark in the house before the
session closes. "
riiouiniTonv . .Mn.vnvnxT1' .
The following is the exact language * of
Dempster's proposed amendment to the oon-
Htltutioii prohibiting tlio manufacture and
pale of Intoxlcatlni ? liquors : "Tho manufac-
tine , sale and keeping for sale of Intoxi
cating liquors as u bovorjge nro forever pro
hibited in this stittc , and the legislature shall
provide by law for the enforcement of this
provision. "
l\ \ lows Corhln's : proposed amendment is as fol
Sec. 1. The manufacture , keeping for sale
and sale of all alcoholic liquors as n beverage
shall bound is Unrcby foi ever prohibited in
this state.
Sec. 'J. The legislature shall enact all laws
necessary to carry into effect the provisions
of this amendment.
McJJrldo's 1'lnkorton bill is very short. It
simply provides that no person shall act as n
policeman or detective In this state unless
possessing thu < iualillcations of an elector ,
and Jixing the penalty at imprisonment in the
penitentiary not less than ououor more than
three years.
Two cases weio lilcd ill the district court
to day. Mrs. Louisa Adora Isnnl xvauts a
dlvoico from Charles Isard , with whom slio
has been married six je.irs , and alleges , as
her grounds for the action , abusive conduct
and fiilluro to provide.
Millaul F Uiekotts , partner with VanPclt ,
who was drowned near Lincoln some time
ago , asks , that A. C. llickctls , administrator. in
Mrs. VanPclt and all othois be restijincu
from intciteriiig with his business of manu
facturing the Uallroud Ueiiiedy , and alleges
that he is now solo owner by virtue of some
extraordinary o.xpoases Incurred ia the busi
ness , and on account of Mrs. VimPcIt's
action In the matter.
The following visitors Imvo arrived in
the city within the last twenty-four hours : n
II. U. Hoosor , Omulin ; i'liil. E. Winter ,
Wymorc ; W. C. Wallace , Exeter ; N. U.
tlubb.ird , Hc.itnco ; E. H. Underbill anil
wife , So/ward / ; G. W. Wheeler , Greenwood ;
Jaek Farley , Nebraska City , C. II. Warren ,
IMgar ; M. Leahy , , Nebraska City ; James
lleclc , Crete ; Sidney Wild , Fairmont ; L. E.
Pratt , Roca ; W. S. Clcrmblc , Sow.xrd ; M. C.
Chambers , York ; Walt M. Churchwcll , Fre was
mont ; Jas. S. McC.irty , Fremont ; Gco. 13.
McFarland , Wnhoo ; W. S Bentlcy , Omaha ; bly
J. S. Stewart , Fosters , O. ; Louis Mober ,
Cincinnati , O. ; D. Southerland. Oxford ,
Nob. ; V. Abrohamson , Mmdeii , Neb. ; Isaac
Hill , Mlndcn , Nob. ; E. Boggs , Seward , Ni'b. ; as
S. S. Jones. JilupSprings , Neb. ; A. M. Mm- the
nnrtl , Sparta , Wis.
At tne Windsor T. G. Hortou , St. Joe ;
P. II. Deacon , Now York ; N. L Gebhart , they
Chicago ; Jas. ICidston aud son , lieu trice ; S. four
M. Kolloirg and wife , Fort Scott. Kas. ; J.
S. Ilclgrent , Aurora ; A S. McKog , G. A. hurt
Molfog. G. C. McKosr.
Koprescntativo Olmstend returned to-dnv. She
W. M. Weber , Louis Moher and E. II.
nnab , of Cincinnati , are in the city. lying
D. Swineford and O. U. Westcott , of Chi
cage , and K. A. Bixly and Mrs. I.eming , of
Denver , are stopping at the Trcmont. May
Four drunks wcro before thu police court got
this morning. Each wcro assessed $1 and nnd
costs by his honor Judge Huston , Captain or
Taylor , a colored unfortunate , denied any the
improper conduct and the judge told him to
"brace up , " and let him go. lu
The only C.LSU tiled in the supreme court
to day was the case of Joseph Hums va Fair
mont , on error from Fillmore county. Hums
claims damages on account of tl.o action of
the city over a labor contract. The supruno stones
court will convene again to morrow. could
The state board of traiinpoitation held a
meeting this morning and olectml Gilbert liorso
Laws president and John Aty secretary. madly
They then adjourned until Thursday.
No articles of Incorporation wuro filed In of
the ofllco of the secretary of state to-duy. stop
An Absnlurn Gtiro. buggy
Is only put up in lurgo two oumw tin boxes , horse's
and Is an nbsaluto euro fur old sores , burns , horse
wounds , chapped hands , and all akin erup
tions. Will olllcer
positively care all kinds of piles.
MKwT. Sold byGoodmau Di-us Co. , to
contK per box by mail 30 cants. Forbes
'SCAlJt " was
Tlio Uiirlinttoii "Seal ) " Forbes no
niout null I'rotOHt Afalnsr Slrlkoi-s , steed
There is ooiuiilornblo "nnsottled business" a
in connection with the BnrlliiKtoii strllco yot. "A
Sunday at various polnu aloni : the Hur-
llngtoii ayatcm , thu scab oiiffinoors unit liro- ience
mt'ii iisLiotiibk'ii formally and discussed the
( situation. In Uinnhn n scurct meeting was
hold in n cottiiRU near the Li. & M. depot , putpoat
nnd ivhllo a detail of the doliboriUIoiis could b'rlngh
not bo learned , it is stated on Rood authority it is
that those present , numbering about llftet'ii ,
decided to druft n petition mm series of reso liilmont
lutions , imploring the management of llio You
Uurlmgton not to employ uny of the strik icines
ing onginccrs nnd ; llremen. A memorial lot
citing- the hitzanli which they ( tuo scnbf. )
Imd boon subjected to. was also prepared.
This , Itis.saUl , tOKctliorwUh tlioiiotUton will Hefowt.
bo forwarded to the headquarters ot the Bur
lington at Chicago. J.
Another meeting was hold at Plattsmoutb ,
nnd reports $0 to show that notion of u simi ecuples
lar nature was token. When quostionrcl HodlcK
yesterday , u scab odirlnoor said : "Wo thmk vacate
that the IJurlltiRton has wilfully done us an The
Injustice in this deal. Wo hold our posts in
under shouts and hoots of derision ; wern .mil
called scabs , thlevos , slums and every vile How
nnmo in the vocabulary , and now iheao same Jufltlco
men are taken back. "
Tlio spcaKcr did not appear as though he
regarded the action of the company as sin
cerely ns ho did the chancoSof his sent in
the locomotive cab bom * ; occupied by a
lirotlim hood man in the near futuro. It is
etatixl that the headquarter * of the road In
this city have been visited by the scab ropro-
Bcntativea and that their grievances were Vat
laid bofora the muuagemout , but when < ) ues-
tiouud , uothiui ; could bo learned.
Whop Men Oppose
Oeorgo W. Gushing has been named to
Buccood C'lom Hackney as supcrintandont of
Indtlvo jxJwor and machinery of thu Union * * *
Paclllc , but there is some question as to bis
taking hli seat. Slncu his appointment , his
record has been considered by the union
Jabor men , and it Is sala docs Dot rolled with HIS
very much credit on Mr CuMiln ? In the cyo
of the former. U U stated that , at his door
H laid the charge , that IKMV.IS the Instigator
of the Itcndlnir strike moro than n year ntjo ,
and that he bai ant.igonbod the Interests of
the laborer , eipeclally Milrood , men at all
It has transpired that , Sunday , the
ter was taken up In n secret motHim ; rom
posed largely of union men ompioyed in tha
shop * at this nlnrp , and a formal discussion
was hud. It is also stated that n resolution
was passed renupsting the vice-president
of the Union 1'ncltlc to reconsider his ac
tion , also , that should ho fall to do
so , n strike would bo Instituted The shops
here employ between TO nnd 1,000 men. A
number of those individuals was spcn to dav.
When questioned oonroriiin the statements ,
each man was frco to admit that there was
nn uprising In the shops nnd along the road
against Cushlne , but as to the meeting , they
refused to divulge the result. H is stated
that it xvas held under the auspices of the
Kulqhtsof Ltibor. Whether Vh'o 1'rcildont
Holi-omoo will rcrosnii" ' the protest is un
known , but nt headquarters it was learned
that Gushing had not as yet boon otllciull.V
anpomtcd , at bv circular , but that ho
mm ply Imd been spoken of. U Is thought
Unit In view of the probable outbreak of la
borers , the plum xvlll full to another Indi
Itntuoon tlio Occnns ,
It is pretty generally understood that be
fore many moons there will be n complete
fast train sorvieo In operation between the
Atlantic nnd the cast and west. Just what
the system will contain 1ms not as jet been
fully developed , but enough hns ucen done
to xvarrnnt the statement that the combine
xvill bo made up of the Union Pacific ,
Chicago & Northwestern and Penn
sylvania avsteinr. . The part sot
for the rCorthxx'cstorn ij the territory be
tween Cnlcngo mid Council Mluffs. It com
municates directly xvith the Pennsylvania
nystoni at Chicago , and xvill meet the Union
Pacific at this point. The Ponns.x Ivniiin sys
tem operates from Chicago via Pittsburg to
Noxv York , and the circuit would form a di-
rci't line east and xvcst. The Union Pa-
cillc ofllrials rnfuso to state Just xvlint 1ms
been nccomnliuhud in this diruclion , but
ndmit that the project is being considered. P.weiuror Agent Ford of the
Pennsylvania- made a tour of the Union
Pacific system to the xvcst a short time ago ,
and it is s.ild for the purpose of obtaining an
idea of how the new system xxould xx-ork.
Ho returned to the cast nnd it is supposed
has mndo a report. Ho again arrived in the
city Sunday nnd hns been in close consul
tation xvith J. S. Tcbbits of the Union Pa-
citic. To-dnv , both ofllcmls boarded the
xx-est-bound overland passenger , but to what
point they iaro going , nothing could be
Cutting Down I IK ; lAiroc.
They ird force in both the upper and lower
yards of the Union Pacific lias been reduced
bv the order of the suparlntendent. Ono
crew from each shift has been relieved.
Rnilrnnd Notes.
Vice-president Holcombc wont to Denver
ycsturdnv morning , whore ho will moot his
family enrouto homo fiom the Pacific coast.
The Union Pacific dispatched two now en
gines to rnrainlo vustordny.
The Krio road has abandoned the enter
prise ot the traveling uassangcr agent bur
eau , and has given out that it will make
no elTott for through passenger tr.iflle nside
from can he gathered in by patronage.
Pat Humphrey , whoso genial caunteuuneo
has been sucn about Omaha , and who was
ono of the iments let out , has obtained u sim
ilar position with the Lake Shore road , xvhilo
his huavv-xvcight , Oeorgo Adams , has gone ii
n similar position on the Manitoba.
The report that the Missouri P.icillc was
about to institute a 10 per cent cut in xvagcs
all cases where employers rucoivo a greater
amount than $10. ) per month , has not be LIU
officially received ut heudquaitorsm Omaha ,
Whatever tends to increase usefulness , by
banishing pain and suffering , will certainly
secure notice and approval. We allude to
Salvation Oil.
Insure your life for "J3 cents against all the
danger of a consumptive's death My keeping
bottle of Dr. Hull's Cougii Syrup conven
ient. It is the best.
Sandy Forbes Still liylnx Between
, _ . _ . ,
Ii fn anil Dcntli.
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon Forbes
lying in an unconscious condition and the
physicians in attendance say that ho proba the
will die. Yesterday , n consultation of the
latter was held and they decided , as a last
resort , to try the delicate operation known
trepanning. The skull xvas fractured at in
time ho xx'as hurt , and the doctors at
tempted to lift up the fractured plates where
were pressing upon the brain. It took
hours to perform the operation. ho
The woman with Forbes xvas also badly
, her cheek being split open and her said !
tongue split. Both xx'ounds xx-ero sexvcd up. the
also carries other horrible bcuises. Her ho
injuries nro not thought to bo Intnl. She is be
almost neglected In a dirty den on the
corner of Ninth and Jackson streets.
Friends of Forbes believe that a lox'er of
, or "Uabc , " us she Is also known , made side
nttaclt. Shortly after she and Forbes I
a rig at a livery stable near Thirteenth
Il.irnoy on Saturday nignt.a party of four ing
Ih'o felloxvs also chartered a carriage at dress
same place , and it is thought that they his
folloxvod the colonel and assaulted him while
his buggy on his way Home. The txvo
wound * m the back of Forbes' head were
evidently mndo by a xvenpon. The place lin : .
ho xvns picked up xx'ns a smooth that
strutch of road , xx'ithout ditch , embankment , A
or anything else on xxhich n person
receive the Injuries ho siistnined
2 o'clock Sunday morning a runaxvay
attached to a top buggy came tearing
doxvu Farmun street. Oflicors Me-
nnd 15urr xvero standing on the corner for
Fifteenth and Farnam and attempted to has
the animal. This they failed to do , but " '
Me.Mahon. xvith cat-liko agility , caught the called
, as it xvas passing , and Jumped Into it
the rear. Ho then climbed on to the
' back and caught the reins. The num
could not bo pulled up until he had the
the H. & M. headquarters , llio
then quimly lode him a la postillion , at
llio police station. The runnxviiy proved
bo the horse and carriage driven by thing
xvhon ho left the road-house. deep
woman xvho xx'iis xvith the colonel when
scon yesterday afternoon. She talks
great dlfllculty. She says that she has the
remembrance of any assault. She says in
xvas whipping the horse and the
ran away , throxvlng him out llrst , and more
moment later she followed. know
Word to ( lie Wlsr i * Sufflolcnt. " That
Catarrh is not simply an inconven line
, unpleasant to the sufferer and
disgusting to others it is tin advanced cidal
of approaching disease of xvorto niuny
Do not nogleut its warning ; it boul.
deadly evil in its train. Ooforo cording
lee la to use ir. ) Sago's Catarrh who
Remedy. It reaches the seat of the animals
and is the only thing that xvill.
may dose yourself xvitli quack med cubs
till it la too late till the stream-
becomes a resistless torrent. It is pence
thomnUU'yvl llivonli'j" M n cis luii wnotiior
physician. . " "A word to tlio xviso is suf- not
is an
Miller is a U-nant of John I. Kodlck , and
the west half of lota , block 70. as it
says that Miller has been told to C0j0 ,
tna pretutnea any number of times , sulting
lint tlmo was November 18 , 1S33. when ho never
ofilcial notice to null was served , but it
ollort , and Miller is still In possession.
long ho shall romani so has been loft to the
Morrison to decide. their
tattt Vonr t . . Filiittnt , Ohio. Jon it , till. It is
c.nltntlr Uritrurtl
yt r wits eta.
nlU : til riardlM fillid. trie ! ( . ; cotii OIL troduced
vu rtnt. tt ultra ia t montLi which
B. a. rzr atnoij , , M. deals
Keror Atc la , St. Oltorj. III. , h ( r II. till. It
HT wu < vrii tm.t > U4 vitt niiiU ana rt
utmt oa bottlt tl BI Jtceti Oil r O'Dojiohue
ue i ; 4 > ( ii& . aunty Bicgmtrm. w t ntrir citizens
llir. ' * ! ' BttU nil. 111. . My II. llli. of
kaovn Wu > c/
crntti Ijl fliu
< to t u l t ? II Jtnbt oil. up / pany ,
_ I. M. IflAW , Ho
AT PXU4018T3 AND EEiUM thocolToo
CIIAtlLEJ 4. VOCEIEH CO. , Billlraott. MO. they
"It's Not EnRllsh , You Know , to
Mnko Calls To-Day. "
A Venerable Merchant PI liN Aicninst
It , niul Is Mot \\ith Dlsitrnucrul
Abuse The l.oRlilntnre Will
Do Siimcllilnc.
Xo\v York AfTnlrq.
Niw : Yoitic , .Inn. 2 , [ Special Corre-
Bpondnnco of Tin : Bin : . ] Ono of the
reasons why the rich and the poor are
drifting nxvay from each other is that
the rich arc adopting English fashions
and the poor cling to their American
ideas. In nothing in this moro marked
tli nn the practice of making eallson Xoxv
Voar'd day. 't'ho English never do it ,
"for it is continental , you know,1' and
therefore the Xoxv York snobs will not
do it olthqr , and bad form.
Ward McAllister's four hundred not
only will not call , themselves , but they
inlhicnco forty thousand others , who ,
though secretly in favor of llio hos
pitable practice , are afraid of being
considered unfashionable if they
do not follow the load of the
nobd. Hut the latter if tlioy do
not make calls .still do not altogether
disdain the Chri&mas holidays , for tlioy
Imvo gathering * at Lone * and Tuxedo ,
whore there is
merry making on n
grand sc lie. These gentlemen , these
Lorillards and Choovera , are so nearly
English ' in their form that it
is a : pity that there is ono great
bar to their being acknowledged by
their transatlantic brethren. Tlioy are
in trade. Lorillard is in the snuff and
cigarette business , and for aught I know
has been pulled tip for packing improper
pliotographos in his cigarettes , and , lack
Cheevor's father makes India rubber
good ; It would bo better for them to
stick to American ideas , according to
which both trndo and labor are honor
able But these snobs , forgetting the
source of their money , wis-li to create
class distinction , tobcpuralo themselves
from the vulgar. Lot them go and joy
be with them. Those , however , who
wish to gain a reputation for being fn&h-
ioaablo by imitating them arc in the
wrong box , and lose far moro than they ic
31 A YOU IN" .
Iti is the practice of the genuine New-
Yorker who takes an interest in municipal cal
cipnl matters to bo present whunoxcr
i retiring mayor bows in his successor ,
and bows out himself. But on this has
occasion there wcro moro than
usual present because Abraham
S. Hewitt generally contrives to l >
say something worth hearing , and it ing
was supposed that ho would Unto the is
opportunity of makingagirdat his foes. sky
He did not , however , do anything of in
the sort , being probably satisfied with ; al
his rcappointinont of David Lowbcr s
Smith as commissioner of public works.
Then was a general belief that as ho the
was appointed in place of General New-
tan , his 1 term of olh'cc would expire
xxith the year , and Hewitt rcuppointed onyx
him , on Saturday to serve to the end of
the term. This is an expression whoso
indelinitenoss would puz lo yEdipus can
himself , as no one really knows when
term begins , or when it ends. The
consciousness that ho hail liatrkcd Tam
many Hall had put Mr. Hewitt into "
good humor , so that when ho appeared "To
tin mayor's otlico at noon on New ' In
Year's day , ho was all over similes , and "Thy
nodded to Mayor Grant with much
cordiality. Taking him by the shoulder aud
led ' him to the ollicial desk , whence world
have issued so many queer letters , and
" that if ho only experienced half *
pleasurc'in taking possession that
himself did in surrendering , he must over
u very joyous man on that New Art
Year's day. Then facing towards the itors
throng who were gathered on the other ings.
of the room , ho said : "Gentlemen , of
have the honor to introduce to you
Mr.Granttho mayor of this city. " Hav
delivered himself of this pithy ad
ho assumed his hat , buttoned up The
overcoat and departed for his house.
Politically ho is dead. Ho has shown xvould
complete , . . unlitnoss for public life , and \ > us
. had better kill the presidential boo called
buzzes in his hat. one
iii'i&TioNAnrn : , NKW YEAR'S QIKT. that
Adam Foropaugh , the circus man has iects
presented to Central pork , for a Now held
Year's gift , his big elephant Tip , and rian
park commissioners are overjoyed , draxv
this is the llrst ono which the city opened
owned in fee simple. The herd of smiled
"o'funts , " as the Now York street boys ied
thorn that used to be opposite the who
arsenal building , were owned by Bar- pictures
, and though ho was desirous to sell ,
commissioners did not feel rich felt
enough to purchase seventeen elephants self ,
one blow. So they passed away. friend
Superintendent Conklin wanted some xvas
of this sort to rouse him from the boxx-niled
languor of grief into which ho fell the
Crawloy was called away to join nohi
happy monkeys munch ing eocoanuts the
parudiso , Hut it roused him with a day
vengeance , prodded him , so to speak. ing
than the occasion required for ho in
moro about Tip than cunning old tlio
Foropaugh told to the commissioners. lowance
old fraud guyo Bolivar a really opened
elephant to I'hiladolphia , and then ings
complimented this city with a homi
boast , which has I know not how All
murders upon his elephantine ono
. Tip is a regular nmnkillor , ac
to Superintendent Conklin ,
hits n rogue's gallery oi menagerie
, and can toll you ut a glance
whether such a lioness will .suckle her
, whether such n tiger will live in
with a tigress or will chastise her
unmercifully with hie iniu'Uuloropuw ,
sucii a vicuna can bo trtiotod
to spit in your face if you try to
friends with him , and so on. He
animal encyclopedia , and a most
interesting conversationalist. As soon
was settled that Tip should bo ac
( , Which was done without con
him , for park commissioners
by any ohanca know anything ,
raised the red /lap / of warning , and
straightly charged all the men about
inonagerie houses to watch Tip for
lives , and never to approach him
a pitchfork. Ho has bought n
sharp one , and has had sten
on it : "For Tip-uso freely. "
ho prophesies that bofora July Tip
have added another victim to his
announced that ti bill will bo In
in the legislature this winter
will aim at putting a stop to the
in futures on the colToo exchange.
well known that Mr. Joseph J.
, ono of the most estimable
of Brooklyn , and also president
the Urooklyn Ferry
Is ut the bottom of this movement.
and his brother are at the head of and
trade , in this Ilaki
country , mid tract
strongly objected to the forrnutiou tractI I
-A. \i-f JL l lv. JLX J. - M 9
of n coffee ojcehnngo upon the ground
that it xx-ould load to spcculntl\o con
spiracies , mjdlp nil kinds of improper
deals. Ho proved a true prophet , for
llio coffco excHringo had not boon in
operation a .Vcnr before a combine xx-ns
formed by which Hio coffee was raised
from ' 0 rents a pound to 17 cents.
O'Donolnto has nt his back all thosquaro
trailers of lljb exchange , and is opposed
by the gambling oleim-nt. ono of xvhom.
Herman SiMekon , on the lloor of
the o.M'hnnge. said as loudly us his
lungs xvould Jot him , "O'Doiiohuo is
n liar , a scoundrel , and a dlrtv black-
guard. " Tills langungo appfiod by a
more commercial adx-onturor to nn old
gentleman , xvho is nt the bend of the
coffee importing business of the coun
try hns shociti'd tlio xvholo business
community , but it luw xvondorftilly
strengthened the antl-gatnbllng party.
There is a conviction dawning upon
the minds of ovor.vono tliat gambling in
wrong , and that n faro bank by no
meant ) represents the worst form that
tlio pun-don takes. As soon ns the sub
ject is discussed in the legislature , it
xxill bo found impossible to retrain tlio
provisions of any contemplated onnct-
mont. and it xvill bo necessary In mnko
a weeping measure byxhicli all gam
bling , in Wall streot'in the Cotton H\-
change , in the L'reduce Kwhunge , in
the Colfoo Kxehnngi1 , xvill bo plncoil on
the level of faro , policy , nnd pool rooms.
This is the thin end of tlio wedge , and
tlio time will como xvhoti transactions
on margins and on futures xvill bo nb-
f-olutoly unknown. The fooling is very
strong tliat there must not bo discrini-
inatiou such as now prevails , and
gambling in the necessaries of lifo is
actually ti much higher offense than
dealing faro , or hollowing out combi
nations on xvmlor races. If Dr. How
ard Crosby does not support this move
ment xvitli nil the energy of his soul lie
xvill disappoint every ono who has here
tofore bulleted in him. it
MIL r.ooTiiV MXV : VIIAK'S mrr.
Kdxvin Uootli bus surprised the thea
trical world by doing a very queer
thing. Ho lias bought tlio iiouso in
Graminorcy Park , which xvas formerly
ouiiod by Clnrkjon N. IJottqr , next door
to Samuel '
Tildon's splendid mansion ,
which , us the will hu boon upheld , is
to become a library of some sort. Tlio
house is of brown stone , four stories to
high , and. thirty-seven feet front , con
sequently nearly double the ordinary
xxidth. This he has fitted up for the
occupancy of tlio Players' Club , reserv
ing to himself tlio third lloor. ana ad
mitting Mr. Laivrcneo HurroU to joint
possession. I do not quite Inioxv whether
upon his death tlio building xxill be
long to the club , or xvhether
they are only to profit by his generosity
during his lifetime1. The main room is
the great hall on the first lloor , which
made glorious by a splendid chan
delier , and by an enormous lire-place ,
lilted up xvith brass dogs upon which
huge logs bla o and glow in the
most comfortable fashion. I am
not much of a theatri
man , and therefore knoxv
little about tlio renoxvncd Booth , but he
has either admirable taste or cKo komo
sue hub boon coaching him. His aim
boon in tliif. hall to bring together
plain fittingsnud the most splendid
accessories. The xvnin&cot is of yellow
inu. oiled to bring out the rod grain
, and above , it is a Superb
xvith n dulligold ground. The ceiling
modestly painted to robcmblo the blue '
filled with fulling snoxv-llakes , and
the center is the chandelier of orys- daily
bronze richly1 gilt. Tlio lire-place ing
fitted inside with unglu'/ed firo-
jricks ot ti spcckeled broivn color , but
setting js in African , or rather , Al-
fcriuis onyx , mpst costly , and at the ing-
nine time most magniiicent. This
resembles masses of red orange ing
narmelado sot in honov. and the trans- before
ucence is greater than in cither Mexi
or CaUloriiian onyx. Ox-or the
mantlcpicco i.s a slab of blaclc marbleon lately
which is cut this paraphrase ot Shukes- ho
' epitaph : said
"Goodo fnendofor friondslilps sake forhearo judge
utter what be gossipt hoaro Inside
social ohntt , lestc , unaxx-ares ,
tonge otlendo thy felloxvo plaiers. from
The house warming was a great affair tion
all the notables of the literary for
came to present their congrutu-
lations to the hero of the occasion. O'Land
The public has won a partial victory xx-cro
the trustees of the Metropolitan At
Museum , which is uoxv open to vis Miner
on Tuesday and Saturday even house
. A demand xvas made on the board other in the
apportionment for an increased al- traced
loxvance. because the yearly fifteen mimes
thousand xvas not enough under tlio sck.
changed conditions of tlio institution. until
trustees xyoro politely informed that suers
notanotherstivermiiravedi doit ordinio Ho
be forthcoming unless the museum cuse looks
opened on Sundays. Tlio trustees stroyed
upon the mayor , xvho is ox-ollicio of
or tlio board , and pointed out toliim body
many 'of the most interesting OD- ing
xvcro loans from gentlemen xvho Ho
decided views upon the Sabbata Ho
question , and xvould xvith- cunning As
them if tlio museum was the
on Sunday , Ma or Hewitt Judge
grimly and replied that lie pit tulled
the future state of that man's soul Fifteenth
xvould not let the people see his mi
on the Sabbath. This xvas a one of
sockdollnger for Mr. Marquund , xxho
that tlio hit xvus intended for him
as no doubt it xvas. So ho and his only
crept tuvn.y and felt that there
too much suxvdust in their doll , and They
the exceeding wickedness of
times. Finally General Di. Ces- cakes only
suggested us a compromise that if Itecaubo
city xvould not insist upon tlio Sun
opening the trustees xvould bo will fruit ,
to admit the publican txvo evenings cheap
the week. This was accepted , and simulate xvhero
museum receives an additional al
of ten thousand a year , and is
on Tuesday and Saturday even
from 0 to U j ) , m. the \
horses with pedigrees have hut with
birthday , tlio 1st day of January , action JC
1 no matter when they were born. O
course , foals of the spring hnvo a bij ,
adtatitngo over foals dropped at the
end of the fall , bul nil goes , as racing
nion say. All the famous two-yr > nr-olds
are now three-year-olds , and all tin
yearlings nro two-year-olds , and foi
IxMh enormous prizes have ( KHMI pro
yided In the stake races. It is the ob
ject of the onstorn racing men to in-
cronso the interest of llio public In
stake races' ' , and the liberality shown in
nddod moncv is nitonixhiiiR. l"ho
Coney Island Jockey club has lowon-i ;
tin1 purse money to add it to tlu stnko
money for this verv purpose , in con
sequence of which a rumor wont
abroad that h' s money * vns to
bo given because the limit of ovpomh-
lure and receipt had been ronehod. , \ \
n matter of fact not only nro the enor
mous sums maintained , but there is an
ini'reiise of nine thousand dollars. Onlv
there is a reduction in the o\er night
r.iccs , so called because the ontrirs arc
inado on the evening before Uie raci- ,
whereas the entries for the stake wees
arc nct'c nrUy made a year ahead. Bat
it is slrango bow the general public re
fuses to become onthiHinxtic over staui
races , and prefers to llioni the great
handicaps , such aw the famous Subur
ban , ami llio rdhnm ' , and the Metro
politan. The winner of the Suburban
is for the general public llio great horse
of the year , whereas the winner of
the Futurity stakes ( for two-year-old" )
i.s llio real equine star , the cynosure of
every sporting o.u > . Proctor Knott ,
now w interim. in Kuntuckv , is the ani
mal in question , and it is probable that
he will make his first appearance as a
three-year-old at Chicago in the Amer
ican Derby. There ia so much clashing
of dates that sooner or laler the owners
of race horses will make up their minds
Lo rncu wholly either at thu east or at
the west. U
henovor two rise superior
over nil the rest , one in each section ,
, will always he possible lo manage a
big match or handicap in which Ihej
can moot. At
presc-nt llio proud pos
sessor of a favorite has lo pay a small
fortune in forfeited entries , and this is
beginning to tell. It may bo slated
without inueli fear of being belied by
Ihu event that Ihn circuit from ICon-
tucky to Chicago , from Chicago to
Slieopshead Bay. from Shcopslicad Bay
Saratoga , from Saratoga to Long
Branch , is a thing of the past. It does
not pay-and the traveling is much too
hard upon the horses.
SIOHA Titoit.
Trains to Wnslilnuton.
The only vestibuled trains to the na
tional capital are those run via Balti
more and Ohio railroad from CIncairo
and Cincinnati. A daily vestibuled
train service it maintained via B. A : O.
from both those cities. All carsUi those
trains are vcstibnlodincluding buggngo
cars , day coaches and Pullman's buffet
sleepers. The traiiw are heated by
steam drawn from llio locomotive. Per
ters are in attendance in the dny
coaches ns well as in the sleepers to
wait upon passengers. No extra faro is
charged for passage on these trains.
The Limited express leaving St.
Louis at 8 ii. in. daily , via the O. & M.
railway , makes direct connection in
Union depot at Cincinnati with B. & O.
Vostibuled limited , which leaves Cin
cinnati daily at 7liO : p. in. , arrives In
Washington next afternoon at 1:5.3 : , Bal
timore at 13:55 : , and Philadelphia at ( i
o'clock. The vestibule limited from
Chicago leaves Unit city at 7:03 : p. in.
, arrives at Washington noxtovon-
at ! ) : & > , and Baltimore ut 10:4-3. :
i Temerity.
At 10 o'clock a. m. , yesterdayn curious look
ingfelloxv apparently a lad of sixteen and gix--
the name of Harry O'Land , XXMS arraigned
the police magistrate on the ehargo of
vagrancy. He had a look of meekness nnd
innocence nnd told a pathetic story about
losing Ins mother'in Indiana nnd that
xvas on his xx'.iy to fricmts in Kansas. Ho
ho xvas only fourteen years of age. The
believed his story and released him.
of fifteen minutes aftcrxvards J. J.
Shitnek , of Cuba , nccoinpaniud by an oflicor
the same place , came to the central sta
nnd left a description of a felloxv xvautcd
a couble of burglaries at Cuba. The do'
scriptiou tallied perfectly xvith that of
, and it JXMS discovered that the txvo
the same pcrion.
Cuba , O'Land was Known as Frank
, and while there robbed Schimok's
, getting axvay xvith a gold xvatch and
valuables. Ho also burglarized a store
same town. Ho decnmpud , and xvas
to Hnnaver , Kan. , xvhere ho gave the
of Leopold Karasck and Frank Kara-
Since then all trace of him was lost
lioxx-as so narioxvly missed by his pur
this morning.
xvas txvcnty-llx'o years old , although ho
much .xoungcr. Ho has the moiost ex
for n nose , the bridge having been de
by an abscess. He carries a number
hiufo and bullet maiks on his face and lee
us relics of sudden surprises xvhlle ply
his piofussion of burglary ut midnight. ?
has also done tune in the penitentiary.
is Iho smoothest of sneak thieves , his
being hidden by nbo.yish faco.
soon as Captain Cormack learned hoxv
shroxvd little ciook had slipped through
Hcrlc.f s hniiils , ho immediately uo-
a couple of oftlccrs , xvho found him on
sticet an hour or txvo later with
overcoat which ho had Just stolen from
the scholars at thu high school.
charming countrywomen are not ircu
acknowledged to bo of
among the cret
of their box , but capital cooks. due
declare unanimously that Van gan
' jmrl
Flavoring Extracts
are the bell'
ones tliat impnrCto pics , puddings , Will
, etc. , the genuine llavor. Wh.vV
they are made from the lincst tli
without any doubtful aid from
aim hurtful chemical used to
the real taste. Grocers overy-
soil these extracts. fled
iUnny Slaves Kmiiif : | > ! Uril. (
Z\NVUiut , Jan. 7. Mackenzie , agent of ni
British East African company oa Now atoii (
day urcsuntoil hundred ! , oi slaves Wltl
papers giving them thanfreedom. . His can
has created much enthusiasm. com
Ccd j > y the United State * Government
Subtle Indorsed liy the faead of the
Food Great
Analysts , n the Stron ' Pnlvcrsitfe *
' kt. I'uren nn < l nion
king I'omier does not contain Amuinula Healthful. Dr. I'rlce's Cicaiu
n , X aullla , I.einouOramje , Aluioiul , Koseetcdu MmeorAliim i.otcontaip Jr. I'rict's I'oisoiiouiOilaor DtHcious J'lavorin ? JU-
PRICE Cliemicals.
BAKING POWDER CO. . How York. Chlcoon. K .
ME ? yip 111 MUSTANG
j\l . * " iriil An * . * * ' rent lA 'llw.r * . cd LCi * * *
OttC * ' *
it KttCVlTtt' V
erlc i i J-jlf * "
m4W l1 ? ' .9" ! ! ConW3ClclXV. : Btmsc * , " " ! at
i r s w i sffi
; feg&
SV'm ku P'ycaiion
, „ vtiy / ffff
Thus the ' JVlustang : " conquers pain ,
Makes niAEM or BEAST well again !
llrmsii. Iliu knclio llonilnrlio mil NuiirnlKln. It JUT-
iiinnonllr drive * nniiynnil rpnioMJ' nil l > iilii IIPIO ! < ,
mill olmlllnr miniriii Uooil fur hiln m well na
ninnVlMil , , nnd niin < Illniihoiio. N , m , , , M > llnt < s vlo.
on liiir11 . Pntntilii hirtfn nitii iiml tMil I'
liy I'xpro's on rcoritil of pilrn If jnnr ilnigntst Ooos
lint kt'L-p IU I'rltuVV. * l w ) uiul f I M-
< iri'iilo t Snlvn In tlio XX'orM II iut Ilko mniilo
nluMi npplli',1 , toCuH. linil i"t , Siiilii" . rliinn. lllu-n.
( llil S < m . I hulTcil anil Clinpiipil Iliiiiitn. rarkcd
I unVIVnttoic.nnil ( HlHT iriMiMotorii'itullariui.
line ( looil fdr lionet woiiniH iiiul nroJ. I'rlco
ii niul ' > ( V I'm ui > in l rnu t' " I'ovi-s. mill Sent ur
mull orovpiomon rci-i-lpi of prli'o If your uriigglst
( lot1 * ll'U kCfMI U
llurran' niul luixpi contiiln ninrii Ilian fuurlluio
n < nnirlini mi ) oilier linllli > or iiiichHOT CI.AUIKII tu
niniiiln , nn iirililiMlinl will iliitho work n
irt our pM'i'nnitlont ' to ilu.
Omiilin , Nob. , Snlu 1'rojTlotoM.
For Sale at retail in Oinalui , by Kuliii V ; Co. , oo.V. . 1'nrr , Joliu XV. Koll ,
nil S. II.
The Grandest Triumph ol Eloclrio Scicnco Set-
n . nLI. . cnlilically Made and Practically Applied ,
krIfcst iSrirntiue
Elrctrlflly ,
, mx-it , rl ntlfl < , pow < irruldu >
. ALSO F.LEOTKIU HKVK * rvu i > ia.a.aa. ra SHU1CAL tLKCTlllb IIBl.Tln Uld
KEFEREXCES Any tmnk , commercial Rffoncy 5Bll r FKoJrlo Buipeniorl" > tn Twlih Jlilo B lt .
whuloimle houm InClilogoi wln - orATold boirui comnnnle * wiibmnnv nlUcffl ami vorlA-
Francisco and Chlcneo. > leloiIniirBl .S lmllntlon . KIKVTniC TIUJSHLs toll UUITCIU-
DOOQ cur d Bond europ tor Illiutratcd ramDlil ( .
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
To tlioso wlio arosullorlng from
CoiiBlis , Oolds , Cliu-t I'.ilnI'noii -
TUC iiHHil.i , IthcumatUm , Sclatlni tinil
I llC other { mini t > o ut tills st-a-
KOII of the your. Such bullereis
feel fur greater iutciC'st in HKV-
PO s I'tiMTII. . a ri'meily w liicli
inirr novi'rt'alH to atlonl pioinpt r < > .
AH rr " ' whau faltUfully iiml Jutelll-
guntly used. Ilils piaster 1ms
madu n reputation solely on Its
merits ns a.sclcntlllc ri'im'dj.rom-
trrr - lionllllt'll Oil HPleUttllc lirllll'IpIOS ,
IS 10 IIF by chemists of undoubted ability
uud integrity. Its ( ' niulin-
crossing popularity Inn induced
unscrupulous Imitators to put
iff i w- many franduli'iit Lountortelts on
I I I Lt ll'o market. Careful buyers ; al-
wuvs aHk for Hi.vsoN's I't.AbThit
lid ref iibo nil othurrt.
WSenrt two cunt stnmii to
seabury ftJoluuiou , * . ' ! I'latt Street
N r. , lor a i-opy of "lnsunction
from the Doctor , " a valuable
household book.
Hulero oMOO Different HI jlct of
1'aio Illustrated Catalogue Free , 1'osUno 7cU ,
atentodL Augr-1(5,1887 (
Dr. Owen's Elco
& - tro Onlvnnlc Body
Vv buitanil&iiEpcni-ory
Jfraro guaranteed too
--o llio folloxxlnft
, .fJi.cnBC3 nainclyull :
tKj'-llhcinnatic Oom-
* * plnliits , Lumbago ,
General nnd Jfcry
oiiHl > eIjilltyCo8tlv-
_ ney Dlscneca , Ncrvouancaa ,
rcmbling body , * R Diseases cuiusLd from mdis- ,
retions In Youth or Married Lifo. In factall
ucnses pertaining to llio womb or genital or-
of mala or female. Sent to rcpponsiblo
nrlico on 30 daya trial. Electric lucoles $1.00
omlGcpoitngo ' for free illuutratcil pamphlet ,
will bo Bout you In | ilnln uoiiled envelop * .
Icntion a ( 800 North liroadffny ,
tlilapaper , j at. Louis. Mo.
Gelt and
inu a with nfr'oivJn'sV K E'i trTo
oilAtiuchmcnt. TinairussfAifrj li worn
cltlicasennUcomfort , llio < hir currant
lin miulo ml It ) or stronir. Tlilo le tlia only
omblncielectric ) trussanithqU WYCrtmulo.
euro ruiituiolnSC tvyO' . ' . yo , j. . ; ucs. \ ] ( ) , ( .
&ifn ) i .VIunncoflTrU6BeB ; nni ) Insolts eond to
ior frci ) illUBlrutcd pamiililet xvliluh will bo
cent you In ecnlud cnvclopa Hold only by tha
o wiiN KtDtrruii ! uur.r & AI-I'MAKCK co
Mention / 30QKorth Jtroailxvar , f
Ihiapapcr. > fit. Louis , Wo.
srlr.nlile for powerful Byapc.
hoUc timo. pllttfjlo ucllon'and
Mlnte dur ftblllly. it ) yeara' rtcoro.
too beat Ruaranli-e ot the c c i
NOB. 303-4O4-170-004.
Tffl AK Plfsi'rMs ? '
* * y , lost nmiihond. . J will nd a lAluaLlf
IrcmtlMi ( HfalfKt ) rrmdilnfus full particular
* ( u\
piffoCTrowifeR w uuc
0 Cu i SIMN1HII l'KCiril ClrcuUru Iroo
We Co , , ouiuim , heb ,
And Gfiicago.
i'l8 ° ' . " , " 'ot fho lumenjiu
n * ! ! poInU of
imi rcMrLnha pir , ? 8.f rt" 'f' ill'8tir nunorlorlty ( iAomiVh
. ? lAPITlul'0\iat.0 " * P""n tl lu" < i J / Ot VH.Y
f.fio , ! fKSfW"lolinr . 'hotlno t Hint iiiniBn nrt
tun iinrt
cronte. Its '
" ' I'AliAOBHLHIci'iNiii'iiid
i'i ' rlv"i' Vn.1'1 iP ° .1rllrnlV ' Inillaiiaiiollj ,
invarn I nils , Ihiiraln. I'lllsljiirit. ! ' ' Clnrluiiol ! .
OMOII. New. Vork. I'lilladulplu. , ilijniorc
11 !
nstou , ami all point , in tliu nat. Asi lor tl kol Will yU
It. UUdlirrr.
Uen'l nnar ,
l > . IS.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
ThoUestltouto from Omalm nut ! Council
lilllflB (0
Chicngo , AND Milwaukee " ,
KofJchhind. Jb'rcoporl , llocltfonj ,
Cllntou , Uubutjuo , Jjnrcupoj tt
KlgJn , Wndlsoii , Juncsyllle ,
Uoloif VVInonn Lu
, Crpssi1
ApJ oil oilier Important i > olnti Kail , Norlliea.f. ,
„ . . , . , . houiliemt. al
lorllirouch tlikela. call oa ili tlckot
HKOUt Al 1301 Uttrker Uu | k , vr Kt Ujton f'ACiaa
lLan Sleeper * ana Ib
* llnejt
SM'J/Wfl . aKl1i ) * / UI ; J"1 inl ° TQr/ aric .wojMf ail n p U *
tu p u niciiri br cfiurtno n }
e tbo ,
'JihfiJU1')0101 ' ' M .
V- . . . X ! ) niifo
K.'fOOKRK. I lnnt U u r .I llnnttor.
> ri * ' &nAufkti'em' ' " " 'f1 * WW' f * *
n. .
J.V.CXAlllf. UtuurU atifiorlateadfcl.
- . .
oorii Hi. , Ctii.airoi u/Jvloo fruoi 111
t > uiin * i < ( neUnJ |
alieci fully UM4 n.iniJy | l.yovw Ifl.OOO fn
lMttMI : firottafe.itjtrxtualonfl Mtasant
, orutrub'BUU. ] 8-alrd
nia. < r
TUB Kiums-i CHKMICAL Co. , Vmnon , Minn ,
tfor ttale mill ' by itiull l > i/
C'o , , Omaha ,