Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1889, Image 2

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Horrlblo Atrocltloa Oommlttod In
Portions of Woatorn Iowa.
Sioux City Kcnl Kstnto Men ArreHtcd
On a ClinrRO of Swindling A
ClilUl Seriously Hiirncil
Iluwkeye Notes.
A Cnsc For White Caps.
Four Unnni : , In. , Jnn. 7. [ Special Tele-
Krnni to Tun ] } IB. : ] Considerable oxcitomcnl
Jirovnlls ainonB the farmers In tlio western
part of Pocahontus count1 over n scries of
outrages that nro being perpetrated there.
Mania mid stock ynnls nro nightly visited by
porno unknown inliToants , who maltrpat the
imiimilH ir a horrible inannur. The farm of
Lawnnetnriy ( \vns visited the other night
nnd pitchforks and clnlis usrd on n number
of you ML' cults in such a brutal manner tint
Bome of the animals died from the injuries ,
while others nro shockmirly maimed. The
Block yards of Albert Thompson , a nelcrhbor
of Caroy'H , was alto visited with similar
results. The farmers uro ornanblng for
mutual protection from the miscreants , and
nctlvo measures are bblng taken to discover
'them , If caught the culprits will bo harshly
dealt with , the whipping post being strongly
advocated by the Indignant commutilty.
Sciirlet I-'ovor ne Waterloo.
WATr.woo , In. , Jan. " . [ Special Telegram
to Tins Mm : | The city health oflloor reports
Boventcen rases of scarlet fever in this city
Blnco December U , ISSvS. The majority of
thU number are now convalescent. Three
Instead of six , as reported by a local phy-
Blclan last night , have died. Two were
children of G. Wilson.who wore treated by
mistake for measles , onn dying on Christmas
cvo and the other the following morning.
Q'hoolder sisters of the dci'oisod girls liul ,
during the illnoas of the hitter , carried milk
to neurli forty families , thus affording meiinc
for the spreuJ of tliu disease. The closing
of the public schools was 9inply : a precau
tion It is feared among tliosu who
used the milk delivered by the Wilson girls ,
now cusrs may dovulop. The disease has not
3'ct , nnd owing to stringent iuaruntinu | regu
lations probably will not , become general.
The A. O. U. IV. Split.
MASONCm , la. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim HUB. ] The rcrcnt decision of
the lown supreme court in the famous A. O.
U. W. suit is attracting considerable coni-
- . , -mont throughout the entire state. The oul-
couio of the Iowa trouble cannot now be dc-
iornilncd. In an interview It. J. Miller ,
'fcdltor of the Iowa Workman , the oftlcial
Journal of the utato A. O. U. W. , expressed
' | the belief tlmt there will bo an attonmt at
, „ reconciliation and a compromise of the
' trouble , and an ultimate reunion of the two
factions. IIo seemed to think further that
the loyal branch would have to como to
terms with the so-culled decoders , ur else
- ' nuit business in Iowa , slnco under the law
Iho loyuls could bo enjoined from transacting
tiny business In the state. The loyal faction
Las a membeiship of about 3,000 , while the
BO-callud seceding buinch has nvcr 0,000. Of
Iho former only about HOO belonged to the
order prior to the split , which arose over the
operations of the relief law of the supreme
league. A meeting of the executive eom-
inlttcc of the seceders has been called at
Cedar Hapids on the 10th lust.
A. Now Air Ijlno Uailroail.
Bus MOINCS , In. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HKIS. ] A dispatch from Web
'Pl ° r City says that surveyors are at work
( hero laying out a route for u now air line
ollroad from St. Paul to Kansas City. The
proposed Ifuo enters the state west of Lake
Rlllls nnd'Forest ' City , m Winncbago county ,
- 'pbout midway between the Northwestern
' and the Minneapolis & St. Louis. It crosses
lho Milwaukee at Hritt , Hancock county ,
jtoes thence to Clarion , In Wright county ,
jind at this point strikes the Gibson survey ,
ifitid will follow it to Hoone , and thence
[ Diagonally across the state. The chief engi-
jiccr , Thomas Hohnn , of .Minneapolis , says
" jjthattho route will bo located this winter nnd
Avork will bo commenced on the construction
In tbo spring.
Attempted Suicide nt Anltn.
Axm , la , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram to
ttnit UnK. ] Mrs. James Purvis , living two
miles from this place , attempted suicide on
( Saturday by taking "rough on rats. " Modi-
Dal assistance was promptlv summoned nnd
laved her life. The attempt was long pro-
fiicditatcd , though no reason for it can bo
ttsslsrned. She has uu excellent family , and
| s highly ro&uccted.
Injured ly nn Explosion.
DBS MOINES , la. , Jan. 7. ( Special Tolc-
gram to TUB Hr.u. ] At the Kurcka coal
tnlncs to-day Chancoy Bedding , n married
man , living on the bottoms , and engaged at
Work there , reootvcd several injuries from
the explosion of a blast. Three ribs were
broken , his head cut , and he was badly cut
. i { from his head to his hips. It was difficult to
Determine just how great were his internal
* 'Injurlos.or wtiat his chances of his recovery
* &ro.
1 " Charged With Swindling.
Sioux On 4 , In. , Jan , 7. [ Special Telegram
lo Tim Oii ! ! . ] T. F. Howard , of the real es
tate llrm of * Howard & Kearney , and a
gambler by the name of Frank Lovetl , were
arrcstnd to-day on a requisition Issued by the
governor of Iowa. The two men are charged
With fraud In soiling to J , C. Cumtulngs , of
JDuluth , forty acres of land within the city
Jlinlts of Slou.v City to which they had no
tltlo. Tlio land in question is worth about
S10.000. The sin-rift loft with his prisoners
for Duluth tills , evening.
llorno and IlldoiKilled. .
Dns Moi.vns , la. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Titu Uui.l : The body of Manuel
/Vvnndns , a Mexican living two miles cast of
Pttumwa , was found yesterday morning In
Big Ditch with the body of his horse. It Is
supposed that as ho was returning homo Sat
urday night his horse went over the bank ,
'which l.i very high , killing botti horse ami
man , Ha leaves a wife and family.
" Churned With Crookedness.
Dlis MOI.VKS , la. , Jan , 7. [ Special Telegram -
* gram to Tim IJKn.j Gcorgo II , Cowles , ox-
r vlco president and manager of the Osccola
° v bank , now In the hands of a receiver , has
' t > een arrested , charged with crookedness ,
nnd has been bound over in $3,000 , bonds for
Ills appearance. At the conclusion of the
* . ( trial Justice Trent hold him In bonds of
a tT ,000 , for bis appearance at the next term of
1 court.
A Child Hcrlounly Hiirned ,
AVOOA , la. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tolognim to
a'liK UEK. ] About 5:80 : tins evening , the
lllllo child of A , Iloitsman was aorl-
CUHly burned while playing with mutches.
A physician was summoned and everything
/flono / to rellevn thu llttlo sufferer. The in.
flurlc.i are not thought to bo fatal.
KiUrd nnd .Mutilated.
MJUISII U.ITOWX , la. , Jan , 7. [ Special Telo-
pritm to Tim Hun. ] The report has Just
xcaohcd hereof the finding of the dead and
knutllulcd body of % man by the Musquakll
Indians on Uoclc Crook , In this county. The
* * * coroner and u party have pone to the scuno.
V i ri < < rnin alt reports the body has lain there
* omo tlmo.
A Mason Cty | J'nstor
* | MASOX Cm10 , Jan. 7. lir. L. A. Hall
lias tendered his resignation ns pastor of lho
| 3aptlU church of tills city. It is understood
that he bus .icceiiUd a call from Beatrice ,
Neb ,
Kuluidu ut' u Defnultor.
AsiinsnVI , . , Jan. 7. M. K. Oaffnov ,
o uutgolnc county clerk , committed suicide
* , Ly shooting hluisolf in the mouth this morn.
tug , Ho was about $1,000 short In his ac-
, jeouul3 , and this , together with sovcrobicl ;
ULMS , Induced the act.
Tlin VIotlniB ( Jlvliig up nil Hope oT Kr
c'ovrrliiK Their Money.
NEW YotiK.Jnn. " . The EvenlngSun says :
The fads being constantly Brought to light
In connection with the sugar swindle Indi
cate lhal 11 will not bo cnsy to persuade thr
victims that the affairs of Iho company were
so managed ns lo have given the sllghtcsl
protection to tholr Interests. There Is n sig
nificance In Ihe records of Ihe Iwo prcsl-
drnls of the company that is of interest , U.
N. Woodworth , first president , served In
that capacity for over n year. Whca treas
urer Hobcrlson relurncd from Europe In Iho
summer of 13S5 aflor an absence of several
months , he found that Woodworth had
appropriated a largo amount of the
company's funds to his own use His resig
nation was demanded and vice president
Cotlcrill succeeded him. It now appears in
ISiO ono William Henry Cotlcrill decamped
from Now York with over flO.OOO Intruslcd
lo him by cllonls fbr investment. Ho loft
Jiis wife and family destitute and was una-
ulo to return to ibis cnunlry nnlll aflor Iho
( loath of his swindled clients. It seems that
President Colterlll , of the sugar company , Is
more forlnnule than itnv of Ilia others con-
nuclei ! with that concern , ns It Is mild Ihat
ho sold every share of stock that lie owned
while it was nt the highest price.
Ul TWIIT. Jan. 7. A special from Ann Ar
bor says that Mrs. Friend nnd her relatives ,
the Howards , have mortgaged tholr prop
erty nl Milan. The cnrrespondonl has scon
Iho contract between them and the Electric
Sugar Heflncry company , and slalos that It
Is the most one-sided affair ho ever read , all
the advantage being given lo Iho Friends.
There Is nothing In it slaling Ihat raw sugar
shall be used.
The I'rcHldi'nt-olect to Ho VlBltcil By
n Delegation of KIcetoiN.
INIIIVXAI-OMS , Jan. 7. Among the callers
on General Harrison Ibis afternoon was M.
J. Plckoring , of Philadelphia , prcsldoiil of
llio Commercial Travelers' ' National Pro-
locllvo nssoclallon. President Pickering is
determined lo spare no effort in Iho prosccu-
lion of Ihu movement to induce thu next
congress lo amend Iho Inlor-slato
commerce law so as lo add ad-
dillonal exceptions permitting the granting
of concessions by railroad companies to com
mercial travelers.
Next Monday , Iho 1 lib lust. , is the date
fixed DV law for Iho mooling of Iho presi
dential electors of the hiatus to cast their
vole for president and vlca-prosldent. The
electors of Illinois anil Ohio have scat word
that immediately upon concluding their
business they will leivo for Indianapolis ,
where they will bo mot by the Indiana oloc-
lors , and as ono body of the chosen repre
sentatives of three great stales will march
oul to General Harrison's house to pay their
Ala meeting of tin ; Indianapolis
ussociallou lo-duy , Dr. Lucas road Iho paper
of Ihe day. In it , referring lo Iho inaugural
ball , he said : "Those who favor Iho ball
oughl not to say that those who oppose it are
puritanical ; neither ought those who oppose
the ball sav that thu" other is seeking pop
ularity with the world. Let charity charac
terize us in all things. "
Til El" . K1CI1T.
Sullivan and Klli'.iiu 3Inko Their Ar-
rniiRaincuts at Toronto.
Toitoxro , Oat. , Jan. 7. John L. Sullivan ,
accompanied by several prominent backers
fiom Boston and New York , arrived hero
this morning. At the Uossin house ho mot
Kiliniu's representatives , W. E. Harding , of
Now York , and "Parson" U.ivios , of Chi
cago. Arrangements were made that the
light shall bo for $20,000 and Ihe cham
pionship bell hold by Kilrain. It is lo lake
place July 8 , near New Orleans. The next
deposit of $ .iOUI ) is to be madu with Ihe Now
York Clipper April 15 , when the final htake-
holder will bo chosen. The referee is lo bo
chosen at the ringside. Articles were signed
in blank by ICilrain , and after being filled up
to suit Sullivan were signed by him. Tlio
fight Is to take plnco on Julv 8 , instead of the
7th , as first announced. The ring is to bo
pitched at any place within a hundred miles
of Now Orleans.
Dr. KeiiSnglon , specialist , 1020 K st. ,
Lincoln , Nebraska.
AVanliburnc Get ) n ninck Kyo.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juu. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Hnc.l Win. D. Washburnc.tho
Minneapolis millionaire , was hustled out of
the race for United Slates sonalor to-night in
short order. Colonel C. II. Gravos. of IJu-
lulh , and D. F. Morgan , of Albcrllua , were
the candidates for speaker , the former rep
resenting Sabin and the latlcr Washburne.
Graves was lho winner by a vole of flfly to
thlrtv-slx. All Ihat Washburno can do now
will bo to prevent Sabin's ro-elcctlon by a
combination. Ignatius Donnollytho Shakes-
penun iconoclast , holds the key to the situa
tion witli iwenty-lhroo voles. These will
never go lo Washhurno. With a proper div
ision of the spoils , they can bo thrown to
Sabln. Tlio latlor is claiming to-night that
ho will certainly succeed himself.
About Horses.
Zulu Magnetic Oil cures ring bone ,
spavinsprainselc. Ask your tlruggibt.
The Vial hlu Supply.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 7. The visible supply for
the week ending January 5 , as complied uy
lho secretary of the Chicago uoard of. Iradc ,
is ns follows :
Wheat nr/.cAoou
Corn 10,141,000
Oats 8WJ,000 (
Hyo 1,0013,000
Barley 2,771,000
Pears' soap secures a beautiful com
The Aliihkun Inquiry.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Inquiry Into the al
leged outrages on Seal Island and the opera-
lions of the Alaska Commercial company was
resumed by the house commltlco on fisheries
Ihis evening. Several officers of the revenue
nmrinn service und ox-treasury agents were
examined , and the tcslluionyyiii substan
tially lu contradiction of the newspaper re
ports of alleged outrages by the employes of
the Alaska company.
Oh , if 1 only hud her complexion !
Why , it is easily obtained. IJ&e Po -
/.oni'a Complexion Powder.
Thu Weather Indication * .
For Nebraska : Light local snows or
rain , slightly colder , wiads generally north
erly , i
For Iowa : Light local anows , colder la
norlhorn portions , slightly warmer In southeast -
east portion , variable winds , becoming north ,
For Dakota ; Light local snows , slightly
colder , winds becoming northwesterly.
I cheerfully re-commend Red Clover
Tonic to those aulloring from troubles'
of the stomach nnd liver. I am now ou
my second boltlo find it makes mo fool
HKO a now man. C. M. Connor , Nashua ,
In. Goodman Drug Co.
A llooklconiier Files.
CI.KVBLAND , Jan. 7. Harry G. ' Crobaugh ,
cnshlor and boo-kkcepor for Hopkins , Par
sons & Co. , insurance agents , has fled the
city , a defaulter for at least $3,001) , ) , and per
haps more.
' Positively cured by
tlit-so I.ittlu I'ills.
They also relieve DI3-
Ircai from Dyspepsia , In-
JTTLE dljfi'Stlou aud Too Heart )
liitlDf. A ported rem
edy lor Dlzilnehs , Kausca ,
UrowslucsH , HaU Tastt
la llio llouth , Coaled
Tongue , I'alu lu the Side ,
TUItl'III l.lVElt. TOO )
rcguUito tbu llowels. 1'urely Yeeetuble.
AT Tun c
I CKUHIM ) | : of tlio Intoriinilonnl Six-
Day Hlcyclo liner.
At 3-30 p m. yeterJny , Colonel W. T.
Cody , ( HutTnlo Hill ) fired Iho pistol , ami
gnvc Iho wird go to llio Martcr * In the grenl
inlornnllonnl sLx-Jny , eighl hours per day ,
bicycle race for the championship of llio
world , nl Iho Colosseum. Tlio starters were
Charles Dlngley , Mlnninpolls , Minn. , W. P.
Knnpp , Denver , Colo. , Chiirlci Ashlngor ,
Cleveland , O. , W , R Morgan , London , Knff. ,
T.V. . I > k , Toronto , Canada , Mis * I.ouiso
Armando , Motilrcal , Canada , and Prince's
"unknown , " Omaha. The race Is tor Iho
eight-hour championship ot llio world and
Iho p.ito receipts , which are lo bo
divided as follow * : Rr < t-15 , per cent ; eo-
ond'i'li Uilrd , ! M ; fourlh , 10 ; flflh , 5 per
cent. Mlsn Armando , Iho lady rider , was
allowed 100 miles slurl by Iho oilier oonlcsl-
nuts , and by her showing yesterday will o them ride Iho race of Ihoir lives lo
win. The race is in Iho hands of gentlemen
who will see that ovor.uonlcslnnl has fair
licaliiipnl , and no favoritism will bo shown
Tlio JO-IKCS are Will Coombs and D. Trail-
Cisco , while Frank I'armeloo acts as
rofeieo. The scorers are Cleorco
K. Kay , H. Cl. Hockfollow ami
Ed Washburn , and II. H. Howlaml acts us
marker In a credilablo miinncr. The race
yesterday was un oxcHin olio among the
four leaders , Dln ley , Morgan , Knapp and
the unknown. Uinglcy set the pace mosl of
Iho dnv aud n very hoi one it proved lo bens
ns Iho sc.oro blow will show. If any keen
up Ihe score of yesterday for llio balance of
Iho week all previous records will bo broken.
The unknown was a surprise lo every one.
Time and mjuln Din luy , Morgan or Knnjip
would make n spun to R.iln n lap ou the
stranger , but without success. Ho hold his
own with them al all limes.
Tlio total score at Iho close List night was
ns folio wa :
Miles Laps
Dingiov 12- ! U
Morgan 11 II
ICnapp l'jj : 0
Unknown 1'3 fl
Aslilngor Ill ! >
Eelc 85 ! 1
Armando 'JIM 7
The score of the leaders by'hours Is as
follows :
Miles Laps
Pi rat hour 17 7
Second hour 17 'I
Third hour 15 7
Fourth hour H ! )
Fiflh hour 14 7
Sixth hour It 'J
Seventh hour II -I
Eichth hour II 1) )
The contcslunl lusl night for the four-hour
amateur championship of Nebraska was Lew
Floschur , who covered 01 miles and U laps.
The entry for to-night is .1. Rugger. The
winner is to receive a handsome gold medal
valued alSlOJ , presented by the Collosscum
associ.ilion. The attendance last night was
good , and would have boon much larger , had
nol llio cable cars bueti sloppud running by
an accident at Iho power house.
"The Stowaway , " at the lioyd last night ,
attracled an audience which tilled Ihe house.
It was a demonstrative audience , especially
in the upper tiers , Ihe occupaals of which de
manded. and were accorded , reluctantly how
ever , a number of recalls.
' "ilio Stowaway" is a melo-drama. It
abounds in exciting incidents , though itsplol
is somewhat Jerky. The here is a very good
mid a very much abused young man. Thi >
evil genius is a very baa young gcnllomnn
who hcsliialcs not before desertim ; nnd
murdering his wife , and scheming
10 unlawfully possess himself of ttio hcrilago
of Ihe hero , who has been wilfully deserted
by his father.
As in every melo-drama , the characters In
"The Stowaway" have a faculty of appearing
whoa and where they might least bo p.\-
pected. As in mclo-dramas , also , they arc
inspired with sentiments which do not often
find expression in every day life , while their
actions almost closely border on almost ex
travagant exaggeration. But people have not
yet tired of the mclo-drama. Many appreci
ate it for the sake of the days thai are pone ,
while others of a later generation , fly to il as
a relief from Iho farco-comcdy.witn wnlch for
years Ihey have been surfeiled. Those seek
ing a society play In "Tlio Stowaway"will uo
disappointed. Hut Ihoso who wish lo sec a
clean , well-presented and interesting play ,
can afford lo witness It. The company is not
a great one. Some of the members may bo
excused for suggesting Ihis estimate , because
theybuvo lo struggle witli characters which
even genius might fail in making intorosl-
ing. As a whole , however , it gives a satls-
faclory presentation , the members especially
distinguishing Ihemsolvcs bomg Mr. Sla.yter
as Tom Ingliss , Mr. Mark Lynch as Charles
Etherington , Harry Hawk as the Stowaway.
Miss Marion Elmoro assumed an impossible
mule character , but was greatly applauded.
The other Indies bad lltllo lo do , Iho heroine ,
Miss Helen We.ithorsby , who is murdered in
Iho Ihird act , being somewhat weak in the
scene preceding Iho Irugedy.
The mounlbiK of the JHCCO is very good ,
and several of Ihe sets were warmly ap
plauded ,
IniHrumoiita IMaceil on Kftooril Onr-
in < r Voainrilny.
J A McShnae to N U Harkalow , lot 4 , bik
I , logf& ! Illll'H mlil . J 3,500
William Cobuni to T F Llupuls , lot 8 , bik
M. Kloienco H d . . 2J1
ri ! White t alto 0 M PoteMon , lot II ,
I'elham I'lacc. w d . i.800
O II llnllou ot nl to P V Dellrunco. lot 15 ,
bik . Ambler 1'laco . . . . . 400
1'atrlck 1 aad comimny toll .1 Ihompion ,
lots 1 , ii. d anil I , bik UU , Dumloj I'laco. 4,2X1
K .ScliuU anil wlfo to T Olson , \v JU ft o
lots 1 and I' , bik ( ! , Hammond I'laci ,
wil. . C5 *
11 1 Biixtou to S I > Mclinlrc , so lillU o ,
wd. . . . . . . . 100
C Morton uml wlfo to T O II Mcllvlnu ,
lot 1 , blk.ll. Ambler I'luce , wd . 700
J II frpetimim and wlfo , w WJ tt lot I ,
Ilin tli-tts mid , w d . . t,0ol )
J Darker ot nl to. ) Astloford , lots II unit
II , bik 481 , ( IrnndvioH.n d . 701
0 E Wlncotoot alto I' IHullii ! ? , lot is ,
blkll , Cotner tc Aicher's udd . " 100
C.S MdiilK'oinury and ulfo to I , A ( iron ,
unit Vt lot r > . jtocd'a necond add , w d . . 2'JW
M M Carr to < ' P ( ioodniun , east 'M ft of w
IK ) ft lot n , bik ; i. So Oinnhn , w d . . . . 400
H K Holers and wife to ( ! Johnson , fioutn
i , lots 1 uud S , bik 00 , Credit ronclvr ,
w d . 500
V A Onions to A li Orduus , lot 10 , bik l ! > ,
Ilodford I'luce. w d . . afit )
J KoiKimon to .M C rorguacu , south ' . < , lot
4 , bik 0 , Prutl'H sub. wd . GOO
J lj McCtiKtioand wlfo to OJ Coswoll. lots
J , S nnd fi , bik \VorttCuinlnpf add. w d. . 1,47) )
J ( > Jones to A J Groves , lot H , bik. : J1' ' ,
Omaha , q od . 1
0 M Bugle and wlfn toV T Seaman , west
lOftlotU , bik "Y. " Shlnu'ii add , wd . 1CO ! )
W T Seaman and wife to 1 < A llmrlo. wu > > t
4d ft lotU , oik " \ ' , " Shlnn's iidd , w < 1 . i',000
K n Ilarknlow to I ) A Johnson , lot J
llnrkulow'H place , wil . . . . BOO
,1 I'ScIiinlnku und wife to M Mortunson ,
lot ao , bile 0 , IliOlu Isle.vd. . . 1U >
T. K Hingor und wlfo to U II Donnelly. Jr.
lots Iiio ) , jllbllc4l > oriluudiluc0niid ) lots
12,15. bik 4 , lot II , bik i , Clifton Hill , wil 11,003
K ! ! Col to Corse .V Simp , lot U , hinltli
I'urk , wd . . . 0,000
0 Simpp to J Curae. und li lot 0 , Smith
Park , wd . 1.50J
G J C'anuu to M J Absrly , lot 4 , bik a ,
Plalnvluw , wd . . . . 1
D It Archer , tit a ! , to Public Plat , Kent's
add , Kouth Oniulia . ' .
A U Pennmuu and wife to li U Hammond ,
lots , Ijlkli P Hammond's add , -wd. . . 1
niul Ilo.irsdiicHK The irrita
tion which Induces coughing immodlatoly re
lieved by use of Hrowu'n ' Bronchial Troches.
Sold only in boxes. _
Tliu Uoiittlut * County liar.
The Douglas County Bur association has
appointed the following committees : Judi
ciary Savage , Howe , Collon , Congdon ;
legislative OfTut , Webster , Hall. Curtis ,
Wnkeloy ; inquiry McCulloch , SwiUcr , Ma-
honey. The association will tncot again next
Thursday 10 consider Ihu quesllon of creat
ing a municipal court and of increasing Iho
ualuiy of Iho district court' Judges ,
J. M. Lannor'a stove was won by
ticket No. 18 on Saturday night.
AVuiit IlllHS anil Towncr.
There was lo have boon u meeting of Iho
Evangelical Alliance at the Y. M , O. A.
building yesterday afternoon for the purpose
of consummating nrraugenionU fur Iho pro.
posed mcsllngii to bo hold In the nlty during
March dext by Kvungullsts Hliss and Tow
ncr , but , for want of u Quorum , no definite
details were decided upon , Another meet
ing will be held the latter part ot the week.
HoiHCtmt's Acid I'liospluito.
Relieves Indigestion , dyspepsia , etc.
Action of the Sionato on the Fnunum
Gnrml Matter.
> ,
HtpreHslujt I > ls''niip'r ' < > vnt ol tlio At
tempt of Foreign Government * !
to On fry Out tlio Scheme Has-
Incus In the House.
.Seiuxti ; .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. In the senate to-day
the judiciary committee reported back Iho
senate bill to abolish circuit court powers In
certain distncl Courts in Iho United States ,
and to provide for writs of error. Passed.
Tlio committee on public lands reported a
bill to establish Hi is Lincoln land district in
the territory of New Alexlco. Passed.
Air. Chandler reported a resolution , which
was referred to the commitlco on contingent
expenses , Instructing tlio committee on the
Mississippi river lo conlinuo Us Investi
gations into llio cxisllng ami proposed
methods of work , Including the wliolo sub-
Joel of Iho Mississippi river.
Tlio resolution reporlt'd from Ihe committee.
on foiclgu rela'lons In reference lo Iho
Panama canal , was Ihcn lalcou un , and on
motion of Mr. Kdmunds , the soimlo went
into secret session in consideration of tlmt
The secret session continued until 5:10 ,
when Iho doors were icopencd. It was
then found thai Iho discussion
had been carried on by Messrs.
Udmumls , Sherman , Morgan , Gray , and
Jones of Arkansas , and lhal Iho joint solu
tion had been adopted yeas -I1. ) , nays a
having bcon modilled so us lo road :
Keaulvod , 13y ino senalo and House of the
Uniiod blutes , In congress assembled , that
the government of the United States will
look with serious concern ami disapproval
upon any connection of any ICuropoan gov
ernment with the construction or control of
any ship canal across the isthmus of Uarion
or across Central America , and must regard
any such connection or eonlrol as
Injurious lo Iho just riuhls and
Interests of the United Slalos , and is a men
ace lo Ihoir welfare , and that the president
bo and is hereby requested lo commtinioale
Him expression of views to tlio governments
of the countries of Kuropo.
Tlio vole in dclail Is.
* \ KM.
Aldrich , Allison , IJ.Uc ,
Herry , Hrowu , Chandler ,
C'ockrell , Cone , Colqultt ,
Collum , Davis , Uawes ,
Dolph , Kumunds , Kuslis ,
ISvnrls , Far well , Faulkner ,
Fruo , George , Gibson ,
Goruiiiu , Halo , Hawley ,
Hoard. Ingalls , Jones ( Ark. ) ,
Mundcrson , Mitchell , Morgan ,
Alorrlll , Paddock , Palmer ,
Payne , Plrttt , Plumb.
Piigh , Quay , Hansom ,
Siiulsbury , Sawyer , Sherman ,
Spoonor , Stewart , Teller ,
Vest , Walthall , V.'ilsou ( la. ) ,
Wilsou ( Aid. ) , 3i. !
Hlackburn , Hamptouinnd Vance , . " ! .
On motion of Air. Allison the existing
order as to Hie vole on the tariff bill was cx-
lended for one 'day in consequence of Ibis
dav's session Irivintj been occupied by Ihe
Panama catml resolution.
Adjourned. i
Jan. 7. Immediately aflor
Iho reading of Iho journal in Ihe house the
conlesl over Ihe 'proposed ' change in Iho
rules , abolishing call Of slates on suspension
Mondays , was resumed , Air Itecd of Alaliic ,
calling up Iho resolution from Iho commlllco
ou rules The loading jpJestion being on or
dering Ihe previous question , the clerk pro
ceeded to call the rol'l. The vole resulted in
twenty-nine loss Mum a majorltv , and : i call
of Ihe house was ordered. The call devel
oped thy presence of 'J'40 member. * , nud
furlher proceedings under the cull having
been dispensed with , a vole was again taken
on ordering the previous question upon the
Again Iho quorum faded away , tlio vote
standing yeas litrt , nays 13 twelve voles be-
int. still lacking lo enable Ihe house lo pro
ceed with business.
Air. Heed moved u call of Ihe house. The
motion prevailed and another call of llio
house WHS ordered.
A motion imulo by Mr. Hlount of Georgia
to adjourn was defeated. Fiom now on till 5
o'clock the lime was consumed in siiccoisivo
mollons lo adjourn from vatlous sources ,
which wore all defealed.
When 0 o'clock arrived , .under Iho rules ,
Ihe session ended by limitation ,
The Andersons , from Kansas nnd Iowa.
with Lhul , of Minnesota , mid Lclilbach , of
Now Jersey , were the only republicans who
voted with the two-thirds democrat * for ad
journment. The alher one-third democrats , friends and advocates
of the Okohoma and Union Pacific funding
bills , volcd with the almost solid , republican
side against adjournment.
A democratic caucus was announced to beheld
held at 7:30'p. : . m.
'Jlie Sundry Civil Hill.
WAHIINOTOX , Jan. 7. The sundry civil
anprop'riatlon bill was completed to-day by
Iho iiouso commillci ! on appropriations. I
carries an uggrcgalo appropriation of $ JJ-
852,01)0 ) , being tG.'JlJl.OOS less Ihati Iho appro
priation for Iho current fiscal year. A num
ber of limitations upon expenditures are pro
posed in Iho bill , following Ihe pal agraplis
milking appropriations for public buildings ,
and provisions forbidding Ihu meparation or
approval by the secretary of the tre.iburer of
plans for public buildings in advance of ap
propriation for the same , or the approval of
any plan involving a greater oxpcndlluro
for u building limn Iho sum specified
under Ihu ucl making Die appropriation.
The United States la also to be freed lioni
responsibility for the paving of streets sur
rounding public buildings. Commissioners
are not to bb paid on account of dlsbuiso-
inenls for such buildings , cxcopl for moneys
actually handled by Iho disbursing agonl ,
and Iho government is to bo relieved from
Iho legal expenses connected with the pro
curement of titles to sites. In eases of ox-
ccpllonal diflicull.v compensation for public
land surveys may bo increased to $18 per
mile , $15 for townships and ft- for hcclion
lines. Among Iho iloms of appropriation
nro the following : Congressional library
building , " , OB.OOO ; homos tor volunteer sol
diers , fl,0CiSlfl , ! ! ; construction of imblio
buildings , ? I,7S",001 ; surveys of public lands ,
jL iriUJU , ; public printing , fii/Jlb.OOO , and
nuuranlino service , ffoO.OOJ ,
uuf-eil _
- - - .
iiiijiiniliu Caucus.
Jdri" 7. About llfty of the
democratic mnmbcj. nf Iho house mcl lu
caucus lo-night lowus er Ihe question how
lo gel around llic'dinlculty in llio rules of
the house , wbichj has yjislructod
leglslallon for Ido j l > asl few days.
Air. Hland of . U ptiri embodied his
views in a rosolulton.dcrlaring it lo be Ihe
sense of the cuucul > Uiavtlio resolution jiond-
mg in Iho house slTouUl } ) > 3 defeated , but that
on the first and third nlomlays of each month
no dilatory ladles /jhiuild / bo resorted to in
order to nrcvpnl . Iho passage of
a measure under a KuspDiisioa of Iho rules ,
Aflcrconsideruol'ijiltst-ussioii ' Mr. Springer
raised a point of ohloA- thai no quorum Has
voting , and that less than a quorum
could not bind the democrats
who were absent or who were
present and opposed the resolution.
Cox said ho had1 never hoard the point of
no quorum being niisod in a caucus.
Afler some furlher debate Iho resolution
was adopled ,
Ho Criticised tlio
TBXAHIUNA , Ark. , Jan. 7 [ Special Tele
gram lo TUB lJEi.J : \V. J. Allen , editor of
Iho News , was urresleJ hero to-day for con
tempt of court In criticising lu his paper HID
aclion of Judge Mitchell in u'lmlttliii. I'M '
Spear , Ino murderer of ox-Mayor Holdler , lo
bail , Thu urrost was undo by order of Judge
Air. Max HoUholmor , of Chicago , formerly
of Omaha , and now ono of the leading bus !
ness men of Chicago , is a gucsl of Mr bol
Hcrgmun , Air. HolzhoiniorinU'ndatogolnto
luo wholesale jewelry
r.lghteon hundred nnd eighty-eight wa
closed by n leap year's paity nt Twoddell'
ball , the larger portion of the comp my beiiif
from Omaha nnd IClk City. Tor some uu
Knowu reason the candy tefused to bo
pulled nnd stuck to the hands like a duck's
foot In the mud.
There was also n sleight of hand performance
anco at the Hotel Xclson the same evening
The same party will show here ngaln nox
week. .
Kovornl young people of this district at
tended the spelling match in the district
nbovo Friday craning.
Miss N.vo , of Seward , Neb. , is n guest o
Mr. and Mrs. 11 P. Drowsier.
The ( Itinoj nt iwoddcll's hall even
ing was well attended , music being furnished
by Mr. N. Nelson , of Grau Uro. t Nelson ,
and P. P. Johnson , n prominent farmer.
Mr. Paxton , of Omaha , enjoyej the dtinco
with the rest.
Prof. Orlando's made lantern exhibition
and wonderful shudowirraptH nude an even
ing's entertainment worth attending .Satur
Farmers who Imvo to soil corn now can do
well to sell their corn , butter nnd eggs at
home. H. S Johnson will contract for
from one to llvo hundred bushels ,
1) . S. linker is hurrahing not so much for
Harrison , Morton and protection as for at
eight pound boy who called nt his house 01
the morning of the iiJtl of December.
Miss Stella Van Scyve commenced work
on the Valley Enterprise on the morning ot
tho'Jdth. She will bo much missed by her
many friends In this place.
H. 11. I larnes entertained n party of friends
at n Chustmas dinner on the evening of the
James Mncauloy , Jerome Heardsloy , with
their fathcr-in-lnw , Mr , Asa Jones and the
three families , expect to move to Oregon
soon. They are selling olt their stock as
fast as passible.
George Oodrey proposes to work his farm
of 000 acres. Ho hus already hired part ol
the men and teams necessary.
Miss I2mmu McCoy , of Waterloo , has boon
visiting friends in tl'ls vicinity for u few
da vs.
Sam Van Scyve took in Omaha and Coun
cil IJlulTs for his New Year's outing. Ho
dined ami smoked 1 1 avail us with tin army
uhum ,
Mr. ami Mrs. O. 11 Campbell entertained
n putof frieuus at dinner New Year's
day. They know how to lay It out.
] j. IT. Wilcox nnd family , who have been
staying with their daughter , Mrs. Maker , re
turned to From jut on the morning ot the 2d.
W. S. Uo\d , who rented part or George
Godfrey's furm last year , will return to
Plattsmoutb , his former piuco of residence.
Last woclc the mail duo on ihi > > route failed
to arrive. C'ausj unknown.
Louis Suitor , for n long tim.5 a resident of
this place nnd one of Mr Godfrey's renters ,
Pioposcs to move to Newman's Grove , Neb
Wo learn that James Kevol will move to
the northwest nnd seek a homestead.
John Abraham .is [ reputed to bo losing a
number of shoals by the hog cholera.
Little U'illic Poa-on was run over by a
team and wagon on the main street last
Wednesday but was fortunate in escaping
without serious injury.
Mrs Stnt , who has bocn away in Iowa
since her father * death , came homo on Sat
urday accompanied by relatives.
The Doilgo roller mill has boon shipping
large coiibignmniits of Hour to points in this
state , and is already giving an impetus to the
town trade.
A novel nnd exciting episode attracted the
attention of the town gossipi on Friday.
Miss Kimble , ol Staunton county , came
down on u vacation vibit to relatives near
hcio. Yet returning on the expiration of
time allowed by a return ticket , her friends
became anxious nnd suspicion was aroused.
Kumars wcru titloiit to the effect that a cer
tain Will Linncborry , also of Stnunton
county , was the fruitful cause of delay. The
father of the young ladv made inquiries and
discovered that the young lovers were bent
on fiicmir hfo "lor bettor or for worse" till
do.ith parted them. Not fooling satisfied as
to then- actual marrmgo the irate parent
pursued the already flying couplo.ovortaklng
them at the depot just us William was pro
curing tickets for a rule. They protested
the legality of their action , and when your
correspondent last saw them they were em
bracing ono another in true honoy.noon
style , not knowing or caring what to-morrow
would bring forth.
A startling and painful death occurred in
town Friday afternoon. A. well-known pioneer
neer of this muntv named John Power , who
came to settle in the Pleasant Valley pre
cinct some eighteen .years ago , and had ac
cumulated wealth , had boon drinkinghcavily
of late. About a week ago ho left home
with a lo.ul of oats for Snytler ; from thoncu
lie went to t-'ciiuylcr , and Dually came to
Dodge. In each plnco the appetite for drink
bee incd to control him , until catching a severe -
ere cold by e.xposuro in Iho cold damp night
air , lie succumbed to the iullunce of King
Duilcvoorn. Much regret is expressed at
Ins tragic end , as ho hal sullored much from
constant bereavement m his family , and was
highly respected by his neighbors.
I'lciisanf Valley.
James Milikon lias been on tuo sick list
for the past fowdnys.
Mrs. Peter Einanuel , who has been so KC-
riously ill for the past month , is now a little
hotter and her friends and neighbors enter
tain hopes ot her spcqdy recovery.
Willie Duulcer , the oldest son of Diodrich
Danker , who has been suffering from a
growth on Ins side , has gone to Omaha for
medical treatment.
Miss Nellie Hastings came homo from
North Dond where she has been attending
.school , to spend tUo holidays with her par
ents. Her young friends niiuio n pleasant
surprise party for her on New Year's night.
Air. IJlnek and Mr. Hull-edge , of Illinois ,
are visiting Captain Hears' people and other
friends in this place.
Walter Hoggs and his sister , Jessie , came
liome from Fremont , where they are attend
ing school , to spnd tlio holidays with their
Miss Klla nimmuol , and llttlo brother ,
Johnnie , mo attending school at Columbus.
The Webster cornet band UMVO u dunce on
Christmas night at the Uoss school house. A
very enjoyable tlmo was the result ,
Prank Lut ? , n brother of II. C , Lutz , who
lias been visiting the latter for the p ist week ,
lias departed for hla place of business in Da
Prof Nicholas uml family are traveling
thiough this pluco and vicinity giving mu
sical entertainments. They are line singers
nnd draw u largo audience wherever they go.
There was a pleasant dance at Urn resi
dence of James Kobortson on Now Year's
night. _
The members of the Turncd-Ovor-ii-Now-
Lcaf club have now completed their list of
resolutions for the year ISS'J and have them
on lllo. If ono is broken the olfcndcr Is lined
a sum not less than u penny nor greater than
a nickel.
Mrs. Charles Ilogors , of Falls City , ro-
turnud , after spending the holidays with
Kircnts , brothers mid sisters of that pluco.
J. A. Alliond , of Crete , is spending a short
vac.itiuii hero.
11 , S. llrawnorhas returned from Missouri
where he was visiting friends nnd relatives ,
C' C. Crochet ! , formerly a resident lioro ,
nil now located ul Obathe , Kan. , is shaking
liunds with every ono ho meets.
riii ) town teachers spent Saturday ut
Wei-ping Wntcr , attending un institute given
by tlio teachers of that county They report
au Inlorostlng and successful mcollnif.
C. H. Dill , of Lincoln , was in lown a few
Mr. nnd Mrs. IJ. C. Armstrong are tlio
mppy parent : ) of u ten-pound baby boy.
A not liu r hey lion made his appearance nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cochcrill.
Springfield will BOOH of n tirst-class
ihotoguphor. Jacob Fnokler Is now repalr-
np the gallery over Svuek's ' hardwuio stoio.
Davis & Strain were doing business in
James Huff and family , of Fremont , were
visiting M , G. Nicholsgn u fuw Uuys ,
Mibs Ulla Grlurson , of Ontario , Can. , is
visiting ut C. C. Saing's.
Pike Chapman and George Qniham , two of
oarp's slurJy young ujon , luva gone to Peru
to attend the state normal school for Iho re
mainder of the sohool year
ThouiaiG , Shauklla and Mtsa Nellie Hazcn
were married on Now Year's Day by Iho
Kov. R P. Dadn. Numerous were tbo wishes
of happiness and prosperily lo altend their
palhwny. _
Miss Klsio Hartman , of Fairvlow , Neb. ,
visited friends over Sunday lu town.
Cam Hrowie , who bus been spending his
holiday varatlon at homo , rctuinod to his
school duties nt Tabor , la. , Tuesday after- ,
Mr. C. L. Hover visited Springlleld the
last of the week.
Mr. Fred Lymaii nnd Charlie Mitchell , of
Hollovuo college , were visillng friends In
town last wook.
Allss Altha Khnrnoy , who 1ms been spend
ing her vacation with her parents In town ,
returned to tier flr-hool nt Hollovue Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs , M P. Drawn returned from
their visit at Dunbar , Neb. , Wednesday
Mr George Aver nnd wife , from the
northern part of the state , tire visiting Mr.
Pen Ayor'H family Una week.
Mrs. K. N , Wilcox was In Omaha visiting
her son this wook.
Mrs. Fisher visited Springfield friends
Ibis week.
Mrs. Sanders spout Iho holidays with
friends in Omaha.
Air. H L. Parson left for Hasllngs Satur
day , where ho was called to attend the
fiinoial of his brother's daughter ,
Dr. McDollami spent the holidays with his
parents in Omaha.
Miss My rn Ayer Is visiting relatives in
not them N'uhriiska.
Mrs. George Maguey , of Omaha , visited
her parents the Hist of the week.
Mr. Calvin Jowett visited Omaha Satur
Mrs. Fisher nnd daughter Iiioz were vislt-
iiig in Omaha the nut of tlio week.
Miss Minnie Hmlgor , of Omitt.i , is the
guostof her cousin , Aulo Oatowood , for a
few weeks.
Allss Jesslo Clarke is visiting friends in
Omaha this week.
AIiss Li//iu Spencer Is visillng rolalivcs nt
Fairview , Nob. , Ihis wook.
Air , Wilber Woods , of Council P.lults , was
visiiing friends in town the llrstof the weak.
A very pleasant party was Ihat given on
Now Year's night by Miss Alth i Uamov nt
her father's residence In south PapllUon.
All present expressed Ihomsulvos as having
had ix very pleasant time.
Mr. Ota Crltchflold and wife returned
from their visit In the western part , of Now
York Saturday night
Aliss Orpliu Fish stalled Friday afternoon
to see her parents in southern Kansas.
Mr. Charles Merger visited Oimihu lasl
Mr. Trod Hnflold received a dispatch Now
Year's morning , slating Iho sudden death of
his voungest sister. He left for Michigan
immediately , and has not yet returned.
The ho.nls of all were filled with sorrow.
Thursday moining lo learn of the death of
lillle r rank Herriuger. Though .so young ,
ho had won his w.iv to many ho.uls , mid all
felt his loss. Ho had been ailing but : i lew days
and was thought to Imvo but a Severn cold.
The funeral was held Friday , at 3 o'clock ,
conducted by Kov. Ha/clrig , of Iho ChnsUin
church ,
Grandma Todd and Grandma Johnson
slarlud for Ashland Wednesday for n visit.
Miss May Noycs roturimd to Crete
Wednesday to continue her studies , having
enjoyed n pleasant holiday.
Air. and Mrs. J. K. Robinson hive ones
moro returned lo Waterloo , and will now
lake possession of their now house nnd bo
permanent residents
Air. Laurence Hick entertained a few of
Ills young friends ut his father's icbidcnce
Thursday evening.
15 lair.
Our eily is unusually active. The fine
weather is being improved by the farmers
roundabout , and Ihey are preparing for win
ter if wo are to have any. Thu country roads
arc hard and smooth and traveling is excel
Air. W. H. Farnsworth , who has boon vis
iting in Sioux City , returned last week. Ho
says Sioux City is booming.
Sheriff F. F. Parker , of Hurt county ,
passed Ihrough town Saturday evening on
ills way from Lincoln to Tokumnh.
Alcssrs. A. O. Pound , W. J. Cook , ex-
county clerk , J. W. Henderson , county super
intendent , nnd Shot iff Schneider went lo
Lincoln to nttcud Iho inauguration of Gov
ernor Tliayer. Superintendent Henderson
attended n meeting of county superintend
ents and Sheriff Sclincider a inceling of tlio
sheriffs' association ,
The city council has ordered some now
walks built and old ones repiined , so there
will bo less danger lo life and limb afler
On Saturday night , shortly nfter 7 o'clock ,
as Julius Altshules was going home , some
one came up lo him and calling him by name ,
fitruck him Iwico on Ihu head , knocking him
down. Two ladies were coming along and
saw the assault. They screamed , and the
scoundrel ran away.
The firemen's Now Year dance was quite
n success. The cash receipts were 5103.
Tlio Kiekapoo Indians are hero with their
famous medicine.
Air. Nels Ostorlund is about to cloio oul
: iis slock of dry goods.
The Ulalr collar fuclory seems lo be doing
n largo business. A mouling of the stock-
loldors was hold Monday iiinlil.
AIiss Lauretta Hetrick spent Saturday and
Sunday at Suiienntcmlciit Henderson's.
The churches of llliiir uro observing Iho
yockof prayer with union services.
The city schools begin Monday for the
winlcr term.
When Will Hrlfrlit , POII of John
[ { right , wanted to reprove liiti father
'or the liiUor'a aovurity in couimunUiitf
) ii liis son's iitlhorenco lo hoinu rule
inoiplch , the young mini wrote : "My
leiir futlior , those uro not the kind of
otlei'ii that should be uildreascil by uoe
ittitcBinnn to another. "
A south Gorman iiowrtiKiporilhistnite.s
.ho bad consequences ol bad pimcUm-
rion as follown : "After him came Lord
Salisbury on his head , a white hat on
lib feet , largo but well blacked boots on
HB brow , a dark cloud in his hand , Iho
innvoiduble walking btick in his oyct > ,
a threatening look in gloomv silence , "
A Dnkotu Woman Ilnu n Very
After n lo pri'\te IliUllo Sim IUIU
THO or tlio KlniH'p llonits nnd
I'nii a Third lo
A Dakota lliM-oltio.
Dak , Jan. -Spivlul [
to Tin : UitK.1 On a fiirm ten miles \vostol
Mnndan lives Cliurles Uasperdouo with his
family , couslsting of n wlfo and two little
boys. On Siiturdnv Mr. Caspi > rdono o.imo
to M.indan to POO some stock and remained
here visiting friends. Sunday , at midnight ,
the Casperdono henroost was visit oil bi wiM
oats. When the wife hoard tlio noise sh"
bounded out of beil , grasped an a\o
and sallied forth In scant nttirc
liushing In at the door of the honnorv , shu
oiii'ountproil u wild oat , whli-h sprang at liei ,
c.iti-hing one of its claws in Inn * ioft arm and
laccr.Utng it tprrlblv. Pushing the animal
uwny , she struck it a blow which reiuli-rod
it unooncious. Anothi'i' of the oatn Rprnniiit
bur , Rel7lng the i-.ilf of her right Ing and out
ting it Ri-verel.v with Its ti-i-'h. The poor
xvomun aimed n blow lit ttic , which
missed it , but the animal bcoiuno fiightened
and ran to the woods. Tlio third cat which
hml boon crouihlng In tlui corner medi.iting
whothpr to run or tight , then uiou ]
the pluiikv little housewife , getting its
teeth ontanulpd in her clothing
ami tearing them inmost from
her body. Kno succeeded In pushing the in
fur.itcd animal away trom her , and as it nt her the second llmo she
ilonlt It u blow over Iho rmht oar which
ended Its career. Mrs. OaspL-rdono was HO
ovoruotnu Hho fell In a faint and was
carried Into the iiouso liyn nolghbnr win had
boon summoned by one of Iho bnvs She ts
still In bed nnd suircrhig from lu-r WiXinds
but will recover unlosi blood puisuniug
sets in.
A PropiiMMl Kiin nH Knlli-o'id.
TOPHI. \ , Kun. , Jan. 7. [ Sii | cial Telegram
to Tin : HiiJ : The Union Paeillr ni l a
charter with the secretary of o to day
for n line to be built in Kansas iin.loi the
name of the Nobr.msa , Kansas As Colorad )
railway compiny , from Lenora , Norton
county , to Allison , Deoatur county , thonc- '
west through the counlioi ol Shoriitan ,
Thomas , hog.iu , Wiohitii and Grooloy to the
Boutli line ot the state of Kansas ; tlionco to
Trinidad , Col. Also n line from Allison
northeast through the counties of Norton
mid Phillips to tliu north line of the state of
Kansas. The capital Htook is { .10,1)1)0,00(1 ) ) (
The directors are Thomas L. Kimball ,
Omaha ; Dnvid D. lloag , Kansas C'ltj ; ,1.
.Innseii , Geneva , Nob. ; John C , C.iss , Alii
.son ; JHIIIIO Mulholliind , Hoxio : S. O. Wan-
seer IIoxio ; Charles 1 { . Stevenson , Kussoll
Slirmgs ; J. K. Seiflcc , New Almolo , U
.luiuuson , Lenora.
Emma Abbott left Kansas City last night
for Gloucester , Mass. , in clmrgo of the re
mains ol bur husband.
Houlungcr hus been selected us the socialist
candidate for the vacant seat in the depart
inenl of the Seme.
Senou.s Hoods and 1 inn .slides have oivurcd
in the south of I'Yaiioo. Trains ha\v boon
blocked on the railtoids and ntunorous
houses have been Hooded.
The Uusslan budget is expected lo slum-
surplus of f-,0')0,000. ; , ' )
A serious wreck is reported on thoKaqtorn
Illinois railroad with a heavy toss of life No
A Paris dispatch says- The Panama cnnal
difl'c ilty has been temporarily averted , aP
contractors having coiiHontud to 'reeolvu '
shares in the Panama railway as a gniiran
too for the sums becoming due to them in
the Immediate futuio.
At Philadelphia : Tlio Scandanvian , from
At Glasgow : The Stale of Pennsylvania ,
from New York.
At Qiionnstoivn : The Hrltlsh Kinj , frjin
At Now York : The Itugln , from Hum-
_ _
Happy Tuclve'w Novelty.
The Happy Twelve , uomprlslin ; young
marrieu Jiuiios who have boon tnarnod not
longer that seven months , is thu name of anew
now social club They meet < j\uri Thiusduy
night in succuHsion at each one's home , nnd
the husband of the lady whoso turn it is to
entertain the club , is rc < | iie ted to absnnt
himself for the evening. The following
named ladic.H arc mcmburs : Mis. ( Louis ,
Mrs , J. Ko.x , Mrs. J. Harris , Mis. A. Harris ,
Mrs. .1. n.inluum , Mrs. W. GoMo-i. Mrs H ,
Fr.i , Mrs. L. lilock , MM L. 'inkolstclii aud
Airs. Myers.
UK I'prmlti.
The following buildlii. ; permit * were issued
yrstcrdav :
John I' . Moore , ono slor > friimu barn ,
Kuurtoontb u\cmiu and Locust . } 1.40(1 (
Dworark llros. , tmeo HJ-ctorj fntino
dwi'llliiKi , DoruiH near Koitrlh Mi put
llcilniun A ; Co , onn- tory frunin slied ,
Ciiirtlelil n\uiniR near blxtueiitli . . UOfl
'ihroo p J.JliJ
A IliittHtroiii r'irc.
Wiir.i.sios , C ) . , Jan. 7.The business portion
tion of this villngo burned to-day , The losa
is not yet known.
Thov ant tryliifj in ( Jeriiinny to find a
substitute for India rnbbor. No imu
wlio linn Uhrfil | ) r. Hii olow'H J'nmlivo
( Juro desli-L-.s n feiili-itltuto , nsilisonn-
noiitly Hiiccohsriil in ( jou lis , coldri , anil
all throut anil hmtf dihcusus. ( ioudinan
Drug Co. _
Tlio Plnttn Duilchor Voroin fjnvo n
uriinil ball ( in Saiurdny ovoDiii at Cior-
inaniii hull. Tliuro ucro over lJl ( )
couples | ji-fb < ; iit.
For Bilious and Nervous Disorders , euch as Wind and Pain in the Stomach , Sick Headache , Gtddmell , Ful
ness , and Swelling alter Meali , Dizziness and OroMlnens , Cold Chilli , riuehings oi Heat , Loss ol Appetite.
Shortness ol Dreath. Coihvencss , Scurvy , lllr.tchos on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep , Frlohllul Dreams , and all
Nirtous and Trembling Sensations , &c. THE FIRSf DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWCNTY MINUTES.
llild la no fiction. ivoiy : auiToror Is carnoHtly InvltoJ to try ono llox ( it UIOHU I'lllo , uud tliuy will tta
ucknowlnilBod In bo a HVniifo/Wi Slrilteliif.
liioiIAi'B : TILLS , ULcn usUlroctoU , will quickly restate female * to complotn lioalth , I or a
thny ACT LIKE MAGIC ' . ft " will work wonilora upon tlio Vital Organs ; Strengthening llio
tnusouliir System ; wmnrliii : lone lout Complexion ; lirmclnu Uutl ; tlio keen edge of appelilo , nn < l
iirouolng wllli tlio HOSEBUD OF HEALTH Dm ti-liitlajiliyilritl niirt/i/nf tliolminiin Irttiim. 'lliow >
ere "Iiictu1' mlmlttcd by tlioiitanilH. In nil rliiwxsofsocloly : nnd onoof llio lH < teunriinlw < B to tlin
MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. 1'ull illroclluoa wllli oucU Jlox
I'rcpnriMl only l y T1IOA. nunniAfl , HI , Helm * . r.nnon lilrc , inKlaniI. :
Koll bti Druuiitsta i/rnenillii. B. F ALLEN & CO. , 305 and 367 Canal St. , New York , Hole Ac < ml tor
tlio Ilullud SUitoa , iilin ( It ifuiir drUKb'Ixt ( lova not kuoji Uiom. )
Bad EauiJ
Ni iUVlIJH : niSISASIW , lliAIA : 'U15.ajNhTII > ATH.Nl.M ) SriNISSAMI'llN'IMl'Kr3l'lIAH | { { ( :
NIISH , I'KVKIt , INFLAMMATION OI'TIIK IHIWKLS , 1'IliK.S , and nil ilnriiiiKiimiintBOf the
einul Viscura. Purely veuutalilo , rnntaliilnK no mercury , mlnvrul or ileletirluu.diuc .
HADU'AV'S I'HJ.B ateucuioforilili complaint. Tlmy Imio up Iho internal H oretlonl tl
ifaithy uctlon , lestoro htri'iiytli lu tnv t toimi h uinl ( nauiiilt to porforni UH f imctloiiJ. Thi
ymptoms of I ) VBI'Ul'rfl ' A disappear , und witn ihi-in th' < liability to coutnict dl'ousui.
Vill bo accompllslKvl by Uiktn HADWA VH I'lI.I.H , lly no iKilm ; , l\'HIMl'rifA. ) ! BIOIC tlKAt )
AfJIIH. rUUI < r > rUMAtll , IULIOl'&NI' > H ( ll bt.uvoiiUiJ ami HIM food ( hit U rali-n coiiti biit.u III
lourmiiln-i pr'jpertles or thu support of lli tut wist of thu bo ly 1'rlcu AJ coats , bulil by ul
vrrri'i'1tAinvAi"3 ' ' UKMIY U IIIF : tmro is no inn-run III.MIMIV for viWKiiot AUUK