r * 1 * s THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY JANUARY 0. 1SS9--TWELYB PAGES. o r Ja.r3J M "il . ' " m anaaimxvacm a- - i - . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . .M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAN DRUG CO C. "West's . Dii.U. C. WFST'H N'r.nvr.M trtnt.v TIIKAT- In , 15. C.VI : T'S Nciivr. AND IIIUIM Tiir.T- . MUST , u guarantied W'elilc for lly.itorin , IHzzt- JIKNT , ix K'lnnuitctd ' spoflllo for llyitcrla. Diri'.i- . UPS * . I'oiiMilsIons , 1 its. NcmnH Nenrnlgln , Ji.'Vs ( Vmvnlsloni , I ltn , Nervous NinrnlK ; a. llt'.um"li , Ni'rvoutl'rostrntlon riUKtMl bythoMSo Headache. Xervoni I'rostrntloii caused by the of file iltoloi tolini io. \ \ koftiloMS Mrntnl ! ) Hst-ot alcohol or toha ro , J > < l1 ; " , " . ' , , , ? I'Sl luvMon , Sof toutnu of tln > llrnln result Inpln Insanity . the llrnln ? In . . Dcpicsslon. foriciiliiK of rcsultlnj sanity nml liMiliiuJ to mi on. < lon\y nml deiUh. InHnnltv nnd IcnditiK to misery , di-my ami 1'romntmoOM Ago. UniTonm'si. Lois of power rtiat i. Vrcmalnro out ARP. llurrennnss . \ , < n of In rltlior i < \ . InvoHinturv lo iMim 1 H | > nnAt- I'ovcr In cither sex. Involuntary l.p'-'O' ' ' > nrluv.i r.iu'i'il livovori > rUon < if tliouri\ln.i oif- Sjcrinatrrrhu-a ? caused by pvor-cxortlon . of nluis ( > or < noilh'l'itM'n' ' ' - . I'm U t > o > c contains tfi hraln. HiOf abuse or over liululRencc. l-iicli I'lKMiumtirs tlontm-nt. Jl.tM alms. orMxIioxoH M J : r'jntaliiM mil' month'n treatment , Jl a box , forf.'i.O'.icntby nuill prepaid onrfciolpt ofprlco ibexes fur if. , sent by mull jirejiald on re- eii' of jirlco. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES WE GU.ARANTEE . nrh SIX DOXES A guaranteed specific for Hysteria , Dizziness , Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia U To * for euro sit hnv IIOMS c'lif. , ivociimpuilril With ( "xrh ortlor lth iVlVwwlfl survived by With nnler To cm o nnv case. Jjc poml UK' < liftsiTir \ urlum cu.ininlco to refund - . pur us for tlVo Klx nnrrlmVrr tioxui. occoiiiimnteil our written with Kiiarantce o loro- ' " ralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco , u fund emu. the moiii liniitiinlees y If tlio issued tr Mitiiu'iit only duos by not effect a fiuid cute. the ( money Jtmrontcrs If the Issued treatment only by does not cirwt Wakefulness , Mental Depression , Softening of the Brain resulting- In Goodman Drug Go sanity and leading to Misery , Decay and Death , Premature Old Age , Barrenness , , , Loss of Power in either sex , Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused SOLE AGENTS. by over exertion of the brain , self abuse'or over-indulgence. SOLE AGENTS , I11O Farnam-st. , Omaha 1110 Farnam-st.Omaha Eaoh box Contains One Month's ' Treatment , $1,09 a Box or Six Boxes tor $5,00 , Sent byMail Prepaid on Receipt ot Price , WE GUARANTEE SIX DEALER IN DEALER IN ft Drugs and To cure any case. With eacli order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with $5 , we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the Chemicals money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by DM VIM , Nov. 21. 1887 MKSMIS Jsn. C. WisT.vro : , Chicago. Ill Gentlemen Ship us ton Ktosot Wont's Nerve . OMAHA , NEIL. nee. 7th. 1 > W ninl I'nln ' Tioutinunt ut oncv. Wo Imva boon MK.ISIIS JNO. C. Wr.sr i : Co. . ciik-nao. 111. . vlllnj , ' tills romiMiy for thu past oluht yi'im nml ( IvntlfiiiPii I Ship us twenty cross of Wests luuo j 't to Icurnof uny rumpliilnt. 'Ihu Inct Ncrvu nml llrnln Treatment. The 10 gross or- Hint you Mvo 11 wrltton ituurantou wltlieiien ilcrcil of you Nov. 21wt. 18K7. has been sold at re IlvotlolUir's \\onh. no doubt Increases the ale tail , a large amount ot It lieliiK on mall oui-is to n laraod.Mi'nt. The iiRMliclno his : c Inrgo anil funn the dllfoient states. Many of the oidrrs Inpu'iislng Milo nml gives good ( ntlstnctlon. havolicon implicated anil not ono complaint Wori'cclvt'iimil urdi'iH from all uiiria ortlio which in conclusive evidence that t'ue remedy \U'st. ami tliocnnstiintileiniiud Is ovlilenco that will do nil you claim. Youis truly. there ! > merit. This miikc.s ninety grots thut wo luixulnul nnil wu hope MKIII to make another orili'fbu that our total nuloa will Inonu him- ihetl gross , which wo think will bo IIH gratify Goodman Drug Co ing tu you nstois. . , Yours icspeetfnlly , C. F. GOODMAN , Druggists , Druggist. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint , Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Indi gestion , Constipation or Costiveness , we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills , when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable and never fail to give satis- rw * - . . - - < - - faction. Sugar coated , large boxes containing 30 pill , 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware \ * ofcounterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JNO. G. WEST & Co "The Pill Makers , " 862 W. Madison St. , Chicago. Free package sent by mail , prepaid , on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. Soil at retail by GOODMAN DRUGgo. 1110 Farnam Street. THE RULER OF THE CHOSEN. A Visit to the Palaco- the King of Koroa. NTERVIEW , Y/ITH HIS MAJESTY. Solemn Ceremonies and Magnificent * His Opinion of Men AflTuirH The Crown I'rlnce a ml ills Appenrancc. Cnrp'H Ijcttcr. [ Copi/rlo'ilttl ' ISSSbu Fraiik ( Carpenter. ] SUOUL , Korea , Dec. 10. [ Special Cor respondence of THU Bur. . ] Just 100 years before Columbus discovered America , gener ations before Shnkcspcaro was worn , more tliun two hundred years before Luther stirred up Uorimmy with his preaching , 100 years before the first Ulblo was printed , when all England was sleeping on straw , nml when pins had yet to bo known , the present dyimaty sat upon its Imperial throne nml governed its cream-faced , almond-eyed subjects. TUo blootl that ( lows In the veins of LI-HI , the present king o Korea , Is of the same continuous royal stream which has llowcd over the Korean throne since 189 : . ' . During that time twenty-nine kind's have reigned und the power of each has been more despotic than that of the czar of Russia. The r yul blood has not weakened in its flowing , and his majesty of to-day has the best Qualities of his ancestors and Is ono of the most progressive of the Asiatic rulura. AN AUIIIENCE. I had an nudioaco and an interview with him to-diiv. It was nt the royal palace , and I was presented by our minister , Mr. Hugh A Dinsmoro. Wo rode to the palace in state. Our conveyances were two Sedan cliulro , each borne by eight big-hatted Korean coolica , nnd the whole escorted by twelve of the king's soldiers. Winding our way" Through the narrow streets of the cap ital'wo word carried out into the broad nvcnuo lends to the palace , and which runs through Seoul from ono end of it to the other , dividing It almost In halves. Groups of white-clad , almond-oyed , yellow-faced men squaUmg on the streets stopped their smoking as wo passed. Women with green clonlcs thrown over their heads seurrlod along to get out of the Yrny , and a uoblo or two propped upon his hqrsti by Ins feudal retainers , told the groom leading the boast to halt , and did us silent honor as wo went by. Wo stopped a loomont by the two mammoth Btona lions , which , on pedestals perhaps twenty foot high , guard the front out ranee to the palace enclosure. Ana our Itoso s nil the while yelling out In Korean to the people on the streets ; "Get out of the way , you villains. Don't you see tnusu great men coming ! " Till ! I'.U.ACL' . At least this was Minister Dlnsmoro's translation of the cry and It was from him that I learned that the admiring words of "ynngbanlyang haul" uttered by the men mi they ran signified that they considered us as belonging to the nobility. Wo were tola that wo would bo received at the other gate of the palace , and our escort carried us by what Bcomcd to ino more than a mile of palace wall. The palaces of the king of Korea , in which he hus now his residence , cover us much ground as u good sized farm , They comprise about ono hundred and sixty acres and a nigh , well-built wall of stone tiled with blue Korean tiling shuts them out from ordinary gaze. The ( rates to this wall ore of tine masonry. They have roofs larpo enough to cover a good sized cottage , nud upon tneno'ure ngurcs of Korean gods , or of sacred auiuials , Each great stone pate has three entrances , and the central ono is never used , except by the king himself or by the representative ot royalty. Minister Ulnsmoro is perhaps the only American who Las over gone through the great frou t ecu- tral gate. Ho did this when bearing a letter from President Cleveland to the king of Korea , und was thus accorded an honor which in his capacity as minister ho could not have. ITS FUUXITUUB. Leaving our chairs and our soldiers at the outside , for no ono rides into the palace grounds , we were ushered to-day past the gorgeous royal guards , nnd escorted by the two greatest generals in the Korean army , wore taken into what might bo called the hnll of foreign entertainment. It was a long , one-story , tiled building with great overhang ing roof upheld by massive beams , which showed in all the natural beauty of the wood. A brussels carpet covered the lloor , tables like those you eat from nt homo were in the center of the hall , and upon those were plates of cakes , which might have been made in an American baker shop , und ranged around the table were classes of cham pagne. Hero I was introduced to the king's prime ministers , and I drank wino and clinked glasses with tno secretary of state and the peifflrals of the Korean army. I talltcd with them through our intcrpieter , who , oy the way , was one of the best in Korea , I found them both intelligent and polite. now Timr miKss. They were all clad In their court drones and the head of each showed a top-knot , shining through its fine Korean cap of horse hulr , with great wings flapping out at the sides. They Imcl gowns of line materials of various colors which fell from the neck nearly to the feet and their feet were shod with great Korean boots which made each look us though ho had the gout and had wrapped up his feet for the occasion. The mobt striking feature of their costume was a stiff hoop-liko belt which ran around the body ) nst below the arm pits and which was so big that it canio out about six inches from the dress. They were about three inches wide and they were plated with a great num ber of small squares fastened by joints. On some of the belts these squares wore of gold , on others they wore of filvor nnd on others they were of green jndo or other precious Rtoncs. Each quality hud its significance and Mr. Ho , the American interpreter , who IB of noble blood , had ono of these court em blcms about his person. Another emblem of rank was the button behind the right cur which fastened on the hats of the ministers. This was of gold la Komu cases , and I noted also that each of those royal dignitaries had n largo niece of embroidery about as largo as o lady's luce handkerchief sowed to the front nnd back of his gown. These squares rested between - tween the shoulders nnd upon the bronst and the figures upon them where tigers , In the case ot military olllccrs. nnd storkx , in case of the high civil oflicials and ministers of state. The hats wera especially line , and as wo sipped our champagne , I was told that the big flapping wings ut the back of them , which look like curs , represent the quick re ceipt of the orders of thu king and the desire of the owners to fly In response to them. As for the minister and myself , wo were of course in full evening dress , nnd I had n penile hint before we went to the king thut I must roniovo my eyeglasses , as spectacles are in Korea un emblem of rank , und no ono presumes to ran k before the king. INTO TIID ItOVAL , I'llKSHNCli. Our audience had been fixed for 4 o'clock in the afternoon , an especially early hour , on account of a fttross of business und of my dcslro to depart for China on the morrow. The business duy of the king of Korea Is , to use an Irish expression , at night. Ho begins - gins his work at it o'clock In the afternoon and closes at about 3 In the morning , His most important consultations uro now held under the rays of the electric light , and Ills hours are practically the sumo us those of a hard-working newspaper man. It was promptly nt 4 thut our procession walked out of the foreign hall and with measured tread and sober faces solemnly moved on towards the audience chamber of the king. The royal palace is a labyrinth of passages nnd massive ono-story buildings. Wo walked through long passage ways , walled with stone , bv red-capped , red-gowned servants , past soldiers in gorgeous uniforms und on to the gate of a large court yard. As we ueored this , the yellow faces of the ministers grew more solemn ; their heads wore bent over and their eyes were cast upon the ground. Wo had taken off our hats and walked be hind. Wo thus passed through the gate and stood in the presence of the king. A SOLEMN I'ltOCESSIO.V. Wo were still , however , in tno open air , ' 1 he king was in his audience chamber across the court. It was'a low room , perhaps fifty feet lonfr , raised about five feat above the ground and reached by three ( lights of steps. It was open at tlio front and was not moro than twenty-five feet deep. At the back of this room and in the center , in front of n screen and behind a small table , his royal majesty stood , The ministers preceded us. their heads going lower and lower ; walked up the loft stoijs until they reached the lloor of the room , when they got down on all fours nnd bobbed their black-winged heads against the matting , They then took their station on each side of the king , holding their heads bent over , for it is against the law to look upon the fauo of the king , and during the whole of our interview these noble ministers raised not their heads once. It used to bo that no ordinary mortal ever touched the kine , nnd in the writing of his name u stroke had to bo omitted out of re spect to his majesty. Minister Uinsmoro followed the Korean ofllcers nnd I walked directly behind. 4B wo mounted the steps wo solmnly bent over and bowed to the king. Wo walked ten steps across the floor , then bowed again nnd then on until wo stood directly in front of and not moro than three feet away from his majesty , und hero wo made our third and last bow. As wo talked wo did not bond our heads like the Koreans , but looked str.iight Into royalty's eyes , smile answering smile nnd n Korean laugli now and- then coming from his majesty upon hearing some of our sentiments which were especially pleasing to him. The conversation was carried on by means of our Interpreter , Mr. IIo , who bent himself over in shape of a right nnfjjo and thus bonding , in low tones translated the words which went back and forth in the two lan guages during our half hour's talk. AN IMl'llKs-SIVI ! BCRXK. The scene was an impressive ono nnd thoughts of the pastatid the present crowded themselves fust upon ono another's heels in our minds as we glanced about us. At the right and loft of the king stood General Han and General Ye , each with a great sword still sheathed in his arms , and behind tlio table und pn each side of his majesty , hold ing him , as it were , by the arms , were two dull-eyed , stolid-faced , black-gowned , flap- ' hutted cunieh's. These men said nothing during our visit. They are , I am told , among the advisors of the king and are with him in accordance with a custom which comes down from the Asiatic past. They are u part of the century gone by , and na I looked at them my eye caught the Edison electric light globes hanging overhead and the Wench cloth upon the tublo beneath. It was the civ ilization of the west and the cast coming to gether , and 1 wondered whether tlio Mongol ian und the Christian would not soon bo kiss ing each other , i wondered the more , as in low tones I talked with this ruler , the most progressive Korean in Korea , ami heard him ask questions which showed tluit he knew that a big world existed out side his own , and which evidenced u desire to Know the best that was in It. HIS MAJBSTV. 13ut let mo toll you how the king looked. Ho is a man that , would attract attention anywhere ; not over live feet high. Ho weighs perhaps ono hundred and twenty pounds and his bright , black almond eyes spurklo with intelligence. Ho has , like irfost Koreans , a very thin mustache and strug gling chin whiskers of black. IIo has u pleasant smilo. good , well kept features , nnd Ills fnco Is oval and the color of a rich Jersey cream. His hands are very small and doll- cato und ho has no pompous airs about him , His hair was combed In u Korean top-knot and upon Ins head was the royal cap of dark blue color. This was of open work and 1 did not notlcd thut U had the butterfly flaps of his ministers , Ills costume was a gown of brilliant rod or scarlet satin which came up close around tha neck and which bore upon the breast * a squuro of cm- broidery , m gold , of the royal dragon. Ho stood easily during the talk und be did not look to bo over thirty-two years of ago , though I urn told ho Is thirty-six. Ho talked In a simple milliner , In one of the sweetest voices I have over hoard. Ills tones were low , but Impressive , und I could see from the expressions which came nnd went aeross his countenance , and from the an swers which ho mudo , that ho is indeed tbo king of Korea , and that ho is a man of moro tbuu ordinary ability. HE LIKKS AMBIIIOAN8 , Our minister introduced me and the king replied that bo wus glad to sop me la Chosen , which Is tbo Korean miuto for this country and which means the fund of "morning calm. " He asked aio how long I would stay , which route 1 had coma , and was anxious to know the names of the , Countries I expected to visit. Ho complimcntcd.me by saying that he know I was a writer for the newspapers , and had learned thut ray \yifc was with mo , for he asked , was sho'well ' and was she pleased with his country. IIo was sorry I could not stay longer , nnd ho asked as to the health of President Cleveland and whether I had soon the president lately. I replied that ! had bcen'at ' the executive palace shortly before Bloft , that our ruler was well and robust , ami that In the grand east room of his pnlaco I saw the minister from ( Jliosen , whom th&tprcsldcnt delighted to honor. As the king hoard this , ho smiled , and I told him that 1'nk Chung Yang and his suite were thought much of at our capital and that the Americansiand their president hoped thut the relations between them und Chosen would grow bettor'and bettor. The king replied that this was also his hope. lie liked the Americans and ttie people ple of his country liked thorn. Ho had boon pleased with tnoir action toward his kingdom and the relations between the two countries had been strengthened snieo the president had sent out such an able , man as Mr. Uins moro to be his renrcscntiitive. At this Minister Dmsmoro bowed nnd the the king went on to pay a high compliment to his ability and to his work in' Korea and as Iced mo to thank the president for sending him thither. I replied that our president was well aware of Mr. Dinsmore's abilities that ho looked upon him as one of his ablest officials , and it wus for this reason that ho sent him to Chosen. A WHITKll Al'I'ltCCIATIII ) . The king appreciated this complimoni and bowed. Newspapers were then referred to and the king said thut ho was glad that a writer had come to his country , und then a number of international co'mpliments were passed In which Minister Dinatnore paid an excellent tribute to the king , showing him self un accomplished diplomat. The king hud said thut America was rich but thut Chosen was poor , when the minister replied that he thought Korea a fine country und it had all the elements of grcut gorwth. He had no doubt if the king would continue to rule it and should live to carry out his Ideas , it would ul sometime be rich and grcut , too. The king , towards the close of the audience , told mo that ho had fixed tlio time for moot ing mo on the morrow , but upon learning that I was anxious to go in the morning had changed the thno to to-day. In an Asiatic country where a king's mind is supposed to never cliungo , and where such a concession would never bo granted to n Korean. 1 up- predated the compliment convoyed in these words. Alter tlinnklnir the king for the audience wo backed out , bowing three times In about the Maine positions us ut our en trance. We backed down tlio htops und again bowed , and then with dlgnllled tread were ushered out of his majesty's presence. TliC .SUMMUlt IIOIIHi ; . Wo next took a walk through the palaces , going by buildings wjiith looked llko Jap- unctio temples and the outside of which were decorated with carvings. Tlio royal cabinet accompanied us , ouch ono of thu ministers having two servants to hold up his arms IIH ho walked , Wo worn taken to the center of n beautiful little lai < o over rustic bridges , where the king has a pagodu-llko summer house and where thoqiieun und her ladies come and smoke on a hot summer evening , TUB cnow.Si'JiiscK. Wo then went to an uudicnco with the crown prince , whom we fofind In n palace moro gorgeous thun that of the king. Ho is a young man of about sixteen , though ho is full grown nnd is taller than Im father. Ho was gorgeously dressed it ) u gown of crushed strawberry silk and ho Had two eunlctm beside - side him just the same its the king. His fuco had not tlio strength of the king's and as yet the young man bttsi lUrdly shown , I am told , the ability of his ftuhnr. Our inter view was rather tumo. Tfjo crown prince asked after the president and expressed n kindly feeling for our country , and the audience - enco lasted but a few moments. Wo did not see the queen ? but I doubt not she saw us , for I am told ulio often sits behind - hind the screens ia lib ) majesty's councils and views the procqtdjngs through the cracks. At a dinner given to the foreigners , not long ago , ono of thdgu sts sat very near u latticed window Bopuratlng the dining- room from the ono baahtd and ho tolls mo that the king and the njiemr sat behind this and that the queen Imd I punched a hole through the paper withf hor'tlngcr ' , and thut ho heard the king laugh at'aoino of the jokes Which she passed about tlio Korean ofllcmls. The queen of Korea is1 by no means a figurehead. She belongs to ono of the greatest families of Hie country , and it is an open secret that she has at times her voice in the councils of the king. She is ono ye.ir older than the king and is said to bo a very bright woman. She has an establishment of her own Ir.sidc tlirso puluca grounds , and the king , the crown prince and the queen have each their separate households. The queen is never seen by men , but she has several hundred court ladies about her , and there are a number of euniehs nuiong tlio regularly appointed ofllcers of tlio court. The queen dresses , of course , in Korean cos tume. She wears line silks and she has beau tiful diamonds , She carries n chutolalno watch , which Is diamond studded , und she smokes American cigarettes by the thou sand. AUVlorcun women smoke und the majority of/them sntoke pipes. The country Is in factlar und of smokers , nnd the boys nnd menir.o' seldom seen without pipes in their months. The king of Korea has but ono queerf and ho has only ono lawful wife. Ills score und a half of concubines , which lie supports , uro kept , I am told , in another part of the city. The queen is the only woman who rules in the palace and she has acoujiof her own. in : is A iiusTi.nit. There are in this palace from 1,503 to 2,030 servants , and these acres of buildings com prise quite u villuge. Thirty pnlaco pages attend the king day and night , und the women servants of the queen are a host. They have a most extraordinary way of dressing their hair , and by the adding of great rolls of false locks to their natural growth they make a head-dress bigger than the head which it covers. Tlio king seldom goes out of the palace , though ho is by no means so oxcludo'l as ho was in times p ist. When lie does the streets are swept well before hand and a grand procession accompanies him. Ho some times rides on horseback , nnd not long ago he paid a visit to his ancestral tombs fifteen miles away , which is still the talk of Korea. IIo is u m.in of progressive Ideas , and his relation lation to China , which I may further discuss in another letter , is the subject of much talk in Asiatic political circles. Li Hung Chang , the viceroy and liisniarck of China , accuses him of being weak and unfit to rule. Prom my own observation 1 know this to bo fulso , and the foreign colony at this Korean capital unite in saying thut ho Is fur in advnnco of his race. IIo is clogged with n feudal nobility und with fumll.v factions which may break out in rebellion , and ho haste to go Hlowly. Still ho 1ms pushed Korea fur to the front , nnd f see in his work the begin ning of u revolution which may in thno ma terially change his people. With a royal fjr-hool for the instruction of young Korean nobles in the sclcnce-i of Christendom , with a line of telegraph connecting his country with the rest of the world , with his at tempted reorganization of the army , und his hcnilln ; ; out his embassies to foreign courts , he hus certainly taken some steps to the front. IIo hus. I am told , tlio American papers translated for him , and under his directions Whe.itou's Treatise on Interna tional Law is being translated into tbo Korean , FKANI ; G. CAKI'HNTKII. The clergy of the Church of England of all trades , from Archbishops to curates , number Jji. : Ml ) . The Evangelical Alliance of Great Hritlan has issued its call to pruicr for the week January ( MI ) , IbS'J. The Hebrews , who entered Utah with Johnson's army in IWiS. huvo built them n commodious synagogue in Salt Lake City. A revival is in progress among the Scandi navians at Salt Lake City , and they are leaving the Mormon church In largo numbers. Yule college theological students are mak ing a house to house canvass of New Haven gathering mutcrluls for u religious census of tbo city. There nro two Episcopal ministers mis' Blonaries on the Yukon river , Alaskii. They are H , 000 miles from the southeastern line of the territory , Kev. John M. Grady , who died at New York Tuesday , was president of the Cath olic young men's national union , and was considered ono of the ablest youn ? pulpit orators in the Hainan Catholic church. Homan Cothollo archbishops In America have received orders from Ithomo to leather Btatlitlcs concerning marriages of Catholics With persons of other faiths. While mixed marriugeii are forbidden as a rule , permission Is granted in certain cases , especially when ttie non-Catholic party Is likely to be brought into the faith. * * - - * * * TRAIN ROBBERS' CHRISTMAS Manacled 011 the Day of Peace and Good Will. DEADWOOD'S REDUCTION WORKS I-'ifiy Thousand Tous of Ore for a StartciIiv < -lo | > mentH of the Mines A I > loucor Society on the Tapis. Icnii\vool Notes. DIADM'OOD , Dec. 31. [ Special Corro- fipoiidcnce of Tun BKIS.J Cliristtnas lius conic nnd fjono with its monotonous duties , bitter reflections and pleasant memories. Whoever poured ti drop of comfort into : i bruised nnd iicb.i"tf hearten on yesterday's bright sunny day is surelv doubly blehscd. but to two at least from this community the day was fraught with bitterness , and let us hope it had its warnings. Albert G. Nichor- son and John Telford ( the would-be train robbers ) as they mounted the coach , manacled , nnd in charge of two deputy sheriffs cnrouto to the Sioux Falls penitentiary to eorvo fifteen years each ut hard labor , had buarcely any pleasant reminiscences. Kiclccrson , who was tried first , was visibly affected. As the clerk read tno findings his head lowered and tears dropped from his eyes , hastily rising ho readied for a goblet of water , drained it at a drought turned toward his seat , nnd in the effort reeled nnd nearly fell. Ho quickly gathered 'himself , however , and re sumed Ids scat , with the hnmc btoic demeanor meaner maintained during the trial. Tel fora manifested little or no concern during the trial , except by the almost total absence of color from hisfncoand during the arraignment ho remained immovable , head erect , and eyes firmly fixed upon the judge , unaffected by aught Unit was said , At the conclusion ho entered seemingly into pleasant con versation vitb/a friend , us indicated by continuous smiles. They were ably defended y a rising young lawyer of this city named Henry Frawloy , who comlmttcd the theories of the proaocution so eloquently and ably that seldom , if over , has & 'o much been made out of a forlorn cuso. liefore sentence was pro nounced ho offered a motion in arrest of judgment ( which was overruled by the court ) , on the ground that the de fendants wore indicted for an attempt cojointly to commit robbery in the first degree , the indictment under section 57ii of the Penal Codo-tho verdict being guilty in conjunction , as charged in the indictment. The Deadwood reduction works , that all have been watching with great in- torcbt , is gradually verging to comple tion , and they will fire up to make a tvial test to-morrow. In a. conversation with J'rof. Roswell D. Clark this even ing , ho informed the writer that all the machinery is in place , and the works will start up on the 16th of January ut the farthest. About twenty-live Hun dred tons ol ore are in the yards at present , nnd by the 10th it will swell to icarly twice that amount , as they are muling from Houky Basin daily. The eyes of the mining world are upon thin plant , u full description of which was jiven in a former letter , of its success , , ho most skeptical huvo no doubts , all having the utmost conlidonco in the practical theories of the promoter. The revolution that will follow thiij plant will be a now era in the mining history of the Black Hills and in fact all mining camps of this conti nent where refractory ores exist. To the many holders of Uuby Basin and Bald Mountain properties , and their name is legion , the success of this pro cess will bo the ulti ma thule of tnoic hopes , for in these districts alone there is ore enough in sight to supply this plant for years , while other properties are daily developing ore of n line qual ity , as instanced in the recent develop ments in the Eclipse and Bertha. Both these properties join the Ruby Boll that ha $ the distinction of being' ono of the host developed mines in the camp and is supplying the reduction works daily"- with ore. The former has ono tunnel in , sixty foot in ono , another' twenty-two foot on the contact , and a contract has been lot recently and is in operation for an additional 100 feet. The latter is not stocked and the own ers are sinking a bhaft to strike the same continuous ore body encountered in the Uuby Boll. The llomcbtako Mining company paid on Christmas day dividend No. 125 , of -0 cents a share , aggregating i&J5,000 , making $1100,000 on $ li.40 cents per share paid tliifTyear. The Golden Reward and Tornado , like the Ruby Boll , are well developed , and supply the reduction works with ore. These mines , for the magnitude of their deposits , are a marvel to mining men. men.Tho Duluth , an old discovery but lately organized , lies in the track of the ore belt between the Ruby Basin and Bald Mountain districts. They have encountered the same quality of'oro in their workings that Drcdo'ininato in thcbo districts. The Plumii mining company is lo cated on the great gold bolt of the Black Hills cast of the Homostako anil Caledonia , mid is amongst the oldest locations in the Black Hills. Therefore they have boon hauling this ore to out side mills , a distance of from three. to four miles. Within the last year they erected a twenty-stamp mill , which has been running continuously since com pletion. The monthly cloan-up will average .18,000. Twenty stamps moro will shortly bo added to the mill , which 1ms water power enough for IliO stumps. They have largo bodies of free mill ing ore similar to the Ilomcstako and Caledonia mines , hut richer. Negotia tions are now pending between Super intendent Hunter and Secretary Palmer of the Kansas City Mining exchange , to list this property on that hoard. The stock is -assessable , and will bo shortly classed amongst the dividend- paying properties of the Bolt. Nonu of their stock has over been on the market , The pioneers of 187-1 , 187/5 / and 1870 will incut in this city at the court house on January 8. 1889 , to organise the Pioneer neer society of the Black Hills , and al ready L'oO members have enrolled. PjONUWJt. For AhiiHo ofAlcolinl. Use Horsford'H Acid Phogptmto , Dr. W. K. Crane , Mitchell , Dale. , wiys : "II Ki proven almost u specific for thin illoor. iferj it checlcit the vomiting , rcstorco thu uii petite , ami , nt the sumo lltno , ullnys the fear er hiiuciidlni ; dissolution , that is go common to heavy drlnkurs. " The first congress" colored Catholics vus hold in St. Augustine church , Florida. January 1 , Six hundred delofrutes , mostly from the south , wore pronont. V No buffet should bp without a bottle of Angostura Bitters , the South Amerio.in ippoti/.cr. Manufactured by Dr. J. O. B. Sicgort & Son a ,