Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    - - - "
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From Monday , N. Until Friday ,
Jan. 7th. . Feb , 1st.
Tomorrow , we will commence our Great Annual Sale of Linens and Housekeeping goodsAt no time in the history of our business have we been better pr
pared to meet the increased demands for fine and medium priced Linens than at present. These goods are all imported by us direct from the leadinp European
markets. and handling them in such large quantities , enables us to buy at the very lowest prices. It is a well known fact that we carry the finest line of Lin
ens in the city , and eciually as large , if not larger , than any house in New York or Chicago. We are showing many nevelties direct from the celebrate : ! haul
looms of John S. Brown & Sons and Win. Liddell & Co. , Belfast , Ireland. Underneath we give a few particulars of the many bargains we are offering :
rn lie
CO M pattern Table C loths at . . . . $ S-.OO
" " i.f)0 !
fi < i fi-10 )
( JO MS ! " " . . . 2.W )
1 lief-o elothfe come in elegant new
I attt rtiH and ate J'fi per lent below
All odd clotliH and napkins nmdc by
these celebrated maiiufautureis at a re
duction of from
$4 TO $8 .
To clean up the block.
\Vo have alto reduced the price on
V every line set in the department.
Thus Placing Hand Loom
Within the Reach of all
Wohave a few Colored Lunch Sets ,
The original prices wore $10 and , $12.50.
We will close them out at
i ; . ! $2.50 A SET.
The Visitors and Lobbyists Have
All Dopartod.
/Vncl / the HotolH unit Public Bulldtnss-
Present n Deserted Appearance
Supreme Court Decisions
New Incorporations.
1029 1' STIIBKT , }
LINCOLN , Jan. 5. )
Everything Is quiet to-day , not only about
tlio public buildings but around the hotels.
The swiirai ot visitors and lobbyists who
came In to witness the inaugural ceremonies
have quietly departed for their homes. Of
the members of the house less than a Uozon
remain. Among these are St. Raynor , of
CUoyonno ; Sargent nnd Whitehead , of Cus-
tor ; Onucn. o Frontlor ; Hunter , of Holt ,
and Querist. Senator Robinson of Cedar ,
Nesbltt of Cho.yonnc , Uocho of Antclopo ,
Cornell of Cherry and Slmnner of Holt are
all the members of the senate that can bo
Soi-'id in the city. The onlecrs of the re-
tjpci'tivo houses are talcing a breathing spoil
llso , and but few of them stay over during
the recess. The business at the court house
Is also dull. No petitions are being Hied and
nothing of importances Is going on.
Two articles of incorporation were lliod
to-day. .
One by sixty citizens of C > onkston , Cherry
county , who eorpor.Uod under tliu niiino and
title of the Crnakston Mill Elevator and
Block company wllh cash capital qf K > ,000 ,
divided Into ! > 00 shares. II. Reltorbaugh &
Co. nro the principal stockholders , subscrib
ing for 100 gharcs. .Tunics Douglas takes
twenty , und the. others aru owned by some
fifty part lea , The company propose to run a
flouring mill and elevator at Uroakston.
The Capital Heights Street Railway com
pany filed tunondud articles of incorporation ,
increasing thuir Htock frouiJ.'iO.OOOto * 100OUO
with power to still further increase nt the
plooauro of the corporation , and provides
that no stock shall bo transferred until the
holder piivs all debts In full that he may owe
the corporation. The number of shares Is
fixed nt 1,000 , and caoh holder shall cast a
veto for each share registered In hm name.
nieliardson VB Doty. Appeal from the dis
trict court of OUiu county. Affirmed.
Opinion by Hccso , Ch , J.
1. While the failure to pay Interest on
dchool land contracts on the day it becomes
dno docs not work 11 forfeiture of contract ,
yet the law requires good faith on the part of
the purchaser , nnd a failure to pay such In
terest for ilftcon years , with no assertion of
ownership of the real estate , nor of any in-
toicst therein , and during ton years of which
time the property has been In the possession
of u subsequent purchaser , who obtained the
land from the state In good fuitli , relying
upon the abandonment of the first purchaser ,
the right of such first purchaser to assert his
tltla as against that of the second will be
3. When a causa Is tried to the court with
out the intervention of a jury the Judgment
1 will not bo reversed on the ground of the ad
mission of Immaterial or incompetent uvl-
ilenro If sufllciont material nnd competent
evidence was introduced nnd admitted to
sustain tbo finding of the court.
The Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska railway
vs. Wolbo. Krror from the district court of
Gage county. Anlrmcd. Opinion by Max
well , J.
1. Where evidence Is Introduced without
objection to prove certain facts , a party oun
not predicate error thereon ; and the same
I'Ulo will apply If a party excepts to ibo in
troduction of certain evidence and after
wards introduces the evidence objected to or
thut of a like character.
D. An instruction In a party's favor is not
ground for reversing a judgment against
him. '
S. In an appeal from the award nf dam
ages sustained by a land owner from the lo
cation of a railway aci-oss bis Unit , lie U en-
All our dun > nsh and inomie Lunch
Markets nt reduced prices during this
Muslins at nei cos !
Every Lunch Cloth without napkins
will be bold at 82.50. They arc worth
from $3.50 to S3.
5-4 6-4 7-4
- , - , -
Luxieli Clotlis
For card table , at lc s than popular
prices ) .
5-S double Damask Napkins at $2.25.
5-8 extra bizc damask napkins at 82.50
5-8 very line double damask at $2.7oj ! .
5-S hand loom , from $5 to $12.50.
8-4 Double Damask at $2.75 , $3.50 ,
& ! .75 , $1 , $5 , S5.50 to $20.
A great many of these
Napking match our
titled to full compensation for the land actu
ally taken , and for such damages totho ; resi
due of the land as are equivalent to tlio
diminution hi value thereof general benefit
not to bo considered.
4. Instructions set out In the opinion held
to be substantially correct.
Bresslor vs Wayne county. Error from the
district court of Wayne county. Reversed
and remanded Opinion by Reese , Ch. J.
1. Upon questions involving the construc
tion of n law of congress , the decision of the
supreme court of the United States is the
supreme law and by which the state courts
are bound.
3. "In the assessment nnd taxation of
shares of national bank stock the owners
thereof , having no other credits or moneyed
capital are entitled to deduct their bonafldo
debts from the assessed vnluo of such shares
of stock. " Wussen vs Bank. ( Indiana. )
3 N. E. Rep. , 07.
Kiowit vs. Carter , error from the district
court of Douglas county. Afllrmed. Opin
ion by Maxwell , J.
1. Where the contractor for the erection of
a building gave a bond with sureties to "faith
fully perform all the covenants and agree
ments contained in the building contract , "
etc. , and the building contract provided that
lie was "to furnish all the material such as
lumber , hardware , brick , lime , sand , paints ,
oils , etc. , ns may bo necessary to complete
said house according to the plans and speci
fications , " held , that n failure to pay for such
materials whereby a mechanics Hen was filed
on the building and lot Was a broach of the
condition of the bond , nnd rendered the
builder nnd his sureties liable thereon.
2. Where n dlsti ict court remanded a cause
tried In tlio county court nnd taken on error
to the district court to the county court to
certify In the judgment that a certain party
was surety , hold , that whllo the district court
had authority to modify the judgment In that
regard , tlio surety In whoso favor the judg
ment was modified could not complain of the
The hotel arrivals to-day were very light.
At the Llmlcll II. M. Bacon and K , A.
Sherman , of Omaha ; J. T. Klbnrn , Crete ,
und U. W. G. Miller , TJtica.
H. B. Goldsmith , of Omaha , is stopplutr nt
the Windsor.
11. B. Coleman , W. Hstague and A , P.
Baker of Kxutcr , and J. H , Alexander , of
Omaha , are registered at the Capital.
At Opolts tlio following Ncbraskans may
bo found : Mrs. D. U. Nye , Mllford ; Mis *
J-aura Tillam , Mllford ; I. N. Illckinnn , Bo-
ntrli'o ; W. C. Pompert , D. Morgan , A. C.
Weir , Omaha ; J. K. StaufTor , Grand Island ;
G. U. Underbill , Unadilla : J. W. I'earman ,
Nebraska City ; J. S. Hillock. Sprlrgvlow ;
C. O. Stevens , Blair ; A. J. Coulee , Buatrice ;
B. S. Estis , Palmyra ; W. I' . Mayard , Day-
The state university opened last week , but
the students are not ull in. Thu work on the
new building is being pushed forward as
rapidly as possible , but will not be ready for
use before April.
The First Christian church , now in process
of erection on the block just north nf the
capital building , attracts much attention.
When completed it will bo the finest church
in the city.
The citizens of University place , a nuburb
adjoining Lincoln on the cast , have incorpo
rated , and C. F. Croighton , T. F. Barnes , C.
M. Kllenwood , A. It. Wightman and W , S ,
Mills appointed trustees.
County Clerk Boll will soon submit his
nnoual report. T-ho amount of fees reccivod
during the year is $ io.'i0.15 , and 'he has dis
bursed VJ50 , which leave j a balance due
him of over f400.
A switch tender's ' box In the B. & M.
yards caught lire , and thu fire department
was called out much to their disgust to sub-
duo' the flames. They succeeded in doing so
without difficulty.
5. G. Door was down near Weeping Water
Thursday on a hunt , und no less than eighty-
seven rabbits fell victims to his prowess ,
Had It been a good day for hunting he cer
tainly would have beaten the record.
The Irish National Land League will meet
at Fitzgerald's hall to-morrow afternoon for
the election of ofllcors.
Boston Transcript : "Ah ! so the Span
ish ministers have resigned , " Bald Mrs.
Homespun , looking up from her paper.
"Alinidtera ore always preaching about
the duty of resignation , nnd it's gratify
ing to know that some of them , at least ,
have finally followed their own counsel. "
10 piece1 ! Turkey Ued nnd Cardinal to
bo closed out'
At 25c.
15 pieces reduced to
Worth 6,1 c.
12 pieces 00-inch Scotch Turkey Hod
Damask , the best in the world ,
At 75c ,
Worth Ooc.
15 pieces 08-inch Scotch Turkey Red
Damask ,
At 95c.
IJedueed from $1.2o.
GO-ineh [ tlain Cardinal Damask ,
At 65c.
Reduced from 80c.
15 pieces 02-inch Bleached Damask ,
At 59c.
Reduced from 75c.
10 pieces 04-inch Bleached Damask ,
At 72c.
Worth $1.00.
50 pieces 8-4 Double Damask at the
popular price of $1.00 a yard , the latest
and most stylish patterns ; with 5-8 Nan
kins to match , at $2.50 , and 3-1 Napkins
to match at ? U.50.
Pillow Casings at net cost ,
News and Gossip of the Week
Among the Fraternities.
Charter Kassidcuns Atkinson's Odd
Fellows South Onuilia Fraterni
ties Grand Army Installa
tions and Entertainments.
Modern Woodmen.
At their hall in the Barker building last
Wednesday night , Past Consul Kerr Installed
the ofllcers of 1SSO. After the dignified
declaration of oflleial rank there was a
graceful transition into the waltz and other
social dlvertisements. An enjoyable even
ing ended at 12 o'clock.
* -
KnKsfdcnn Knights ,
Tuesday night St. James pr:6ry was insti
tuted by Grand Hicrophant Gilbert , of Dubuque -
buque , la. , and the charter of the body de
livered. The charter members are :
R. D. A. Wade , H. S. McLoon , Robert C.
Dinning , F. W. Fitch , Charles J. Frice- .
B , Martin , D. W. Van Cott , C. C. Hulett , F.
A. Brown , Thomas Battcrotn , J. H. Daniels ,
Charles M. Dinsmoor , John J. Monncll , J. C.
Whlnncry , W. N. Williams , A. Steere , jr. , E.
E. French , John O. Jones , J. A , Stevens , J ,
C. Calhoun , W. A. Humphrey , F. S. Robbins -
bins , E. E. Watrpus , Thomas P. Wilde.
Priories of this order arc grouped into
families of nine and styled grand mother
priories. There is such a collection nt Kan
sas City. Now that a regularly constituted
body exists In Omaha , the work of propa
gation will be pushed until the number of
lodges will reimiro the care of a grand
Brother C. M. Dinsmoor was elected a
member of the grand mother priory at Kan
sas City.
The beautiful new grand lodge seal , n \lo-
Fcriptkin of which appeared In TiiiBinu
few weeks ngo , is represented below , Its
striking symbolism will bo readily appre
ciated by all knights ,
There has been a movement put on foot by
the head knights of tbe uniform rank to em-
phasfoa the celebration of the 19t h of February
ruary with religious services at Trinity
cathedral , and there is contemplated no
check to its impetus other than any objection
to such a use of the church building as may
appear to tbo bishop. Should this movement
terminate to tlio satisfaction of tlio knights ,
Dean Whitmarah , ex-chaplain of the Illinois
brigade , acting chaplian of the Nebraska
brigade and an KpUcojml minister , will de
liver thn sermon , The exercises Incident to
the proposed ceremonies will bo Instructive
nr.d imposing ,
Diana Lodge 10B will bo instituted at Beat
rice to-morrow night with about thirty charter -
tor members.
A now body to bo known as Nelson ledge
107 , will ba regularly Instituted at Nelson ,
NucUolls county , \\ithin a few days.
2o pieces 8-1
At $1.1O n Yard.
Tilts is fully as good value ns our $ -.00
quality and worth $1.00. Kapkins to
match In both sixes.
Do not fail to examine our 8-4 Double
$1.25 , $1.35 , $1.50 and
up to $2.7o. Tlioy are the best value
wo , over had.
at $1,35 ,
at $2 , CD ,
10 pieces CO-inch
ut42c } , worth COc.
2o piece * 02 and 00-inch
at 49c , worth 75c.
15 pieces 04-inch
very fine , at 65c , worth 80c.
A now lodge is almost worked up nt Harrison
risen , Sioux county. .
Proceedings of the last session of the
Grand lodge ot Nebraska at Fremont have
been printed aud distributed. The cut is a
representation of the now Grand ledge seal
adopted at tnat gathering.
Urothcr U. L. Metcalf.after a long absence
from Omaha , has returned to the city
District Deputy Grand Chancellor for
Douglas county , W. H. Uaynor Installed the
ofllcers of Nebraska ledge No. 1 Wednesday ,
Viola and Oriole Thursday. Ho will make
proper installations of Myrtle and Marathon
lodges to-morrow , and of January , HUBS
ledge No. 5 Tuesday. On the night of
Thursday , January 10 , there will bo a nubile
iustallatfon of the ofllcers of Triangle lodge ,
to which the public generally is bidden with
out further Invitation. This outline of work
past and to come will demonstrate the fact
that Uro. Hayner has his hands full of busi
ness and that ho is despatching it.
The committee in charge of the silver an
niversary celebration will notify all lodges
und divisions in the state of the nature of the
festivities in which they are expected to join ,
Oriole ledge No , 70 will have a social Now
Yoar's mooting In Metropolitan hall , corner
of Dodge and Fourteenth streets , Thursday
evening , January 10. Local people of merit
in literary and musical circles will do their
best in the early part of the evening. A
dance will follow. It will bo an enjoyable
I. O O. F ,
Atkinson lodge , No , 111 , I. O. O. F. , had a
public installation and ball at the opera house
In that town Now Year's night. Grand
Master Bealls was present , and conducted
the installation of the following ofllcers : H.
W. Mathews , N. G. ; J. S. Griffin , V. G. ; II.
J. Arnholt , S. ; T. C. Gallohor , P. S. ; W.
D. Wilson , T. Largo delegations of Odd Fel
lows from O'Neill ' , Newport and other points
were present. After the installation a grand
banquet was served at the Merchants' hotel.
District Deputy \V. H. Matins , at lust
week's installation of elective olllccrs , in
cluded in his work the supporters of the Vice
Grand Brothers II. J. Barker aud Harry
Sides , A. S. V. G. and L. S. V. G. , respect-
ivoly. Noble Grand A. F , Gates had not
in ado his appointments. The organization
for degree start work Is active.
No. 10 , Noble Grand Johnson , Vice Grand
Lewis. Secretary Venstrand and Treasurer
Goldsmith Will bo installed this week ,
Brother Goldsmith goes to New York ,
Philadelphia and Baltimore on a business
Last Tuesday evening Cass ledge No , 1 (0 ( ,
of Plattsmouth , Installed the following ofU-
cers for the ensuing six months : E. Morley ,
N. G. ; L , G. Larson , V. G. ; U , Peterson ,
secretary and treasurer ; A. Sweringer ,
warden ; A. A. D.ivis , conductor ; I. Benson ,
msido guard ; L. U. Anderson , outside guard ,
At the close of the installation P. C. Bates ,
the retiring N. G , , was presented with u
beautiful past grand regalia by the members
of the lodge ,
Ttoynl Arcanum.
Last week the rapid growth of Union Pa-
clllu council und the principal agencies con
tributing to Its Increasing mohiborshlp wore
noted. Jeweler Lindsay , of this city , a mem
ber of Fort Dearborn council , Chicago , will
soon bo transferred to Union Pacillc council.
On Tuesday night will'occur Installation of
The family of Brother 11. F , Curtis , Into
member of Foil Dearborn council , Chicago ,
who died at I'apilllon , Neb. , on November 15 ,
have received 1,000. The promptitude of
the supreme council lii making this award Is
commendable. Claim was made by the fam
ily not moro than live weeks ago.
Brother W. It. Wllcox , of Union Pacific
council , has hnu a close call by typhoid. Ha
Is now up from his sick bed fully recovered.
United Order ol * Trou Uiinrt.
The installation of oflleors olcct In the
United Order of Trcu Bund , No. 53 , was
hcldFrlday evening in Knights ot Labor
hall. The following ofllcors ulact were In
stalled for the ensuing term of six months :
Ex-trou meister , Kudolph HarU ; trcu
meistor , John Froyj bundes meister.Williani
Maodorj secretary , Fritz HarUj Ilnuiiuial
secretary , Simon S. Homer ; treasurer , Will
iam Schwel'"c ' ; guide , Adolph BocKhausj
10 pieces 72 inch Cream Damask at
$1.50. You have often paid &M.'o for thU
Linen Sheetings
10-4 all linen Sheeting1 sit 75c , worth
S-l Linen Sheeting nt 81.25 , worth
10-1 Extra fine Linen Sheeting at
$1.75 , worth $2.50.
All our Linen Pillow Casings have been
reduced and wo guarantee tbe prices
are the lowest over offered.
$8 to $15.
Hemstitched Pillow
Cases , Sg1g5LtO$5. | .
Hemstitched and Em
broidered Pillow
Shams ,
Do not jail to sec this line of Uctl
Linens. They arc a credit to our
Linen -Ocjinrtnicnt.
trustees , Herrmann Trenkel , Jacob Jaskalclc
and Gus Wordcman.
U. . ofC. nnd J.
South Omaba Union No. 112United , Brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America ,
Wednesday evening installed the following
ofllcers for the following term : President ,
K. C. Hillikcr ; vice president , C. L. Brcn-
hisor ; recording secretary , S. G. Spence ;
financial and corresponding secretary , Will-
lam A. McCollistor ; treasurer , L. C Dale ;
warden , W. D. Connor , trustees , Messrs.
It. C. Hillikor , Dora Stout and L. N. Day.
The union will hold a public meeting in
Knights of Labor hall next Wednesday even
ing. An invitation to the public to attend
has been extended.
1. S.F.
The oflicors-clect of Magic City Court , No.
103 , Independent Order of Foresters , wcro
installed at the regular meeting held in
Knights of Pythias hall last niuht. D. D , II.
C. K. , Loujs Zunder ; P. C. U. , T. J. Condon ,
and Dr. Charles Rosewater of Omaha , and
James Lowry and Garrctt Wall of Van
Buren CourU of Chicago , 111. , were present
and assisted in the ceremonies. A very largo
attendance of members of this , the largest
fraternal order in the city , and a very pleas
ant social time were the features of this
fraternal gathering.
G. A. It.
A committee composed of- the G. A. R.
and Sons of Veterans mot in the ofllce of
O'Brien & O'Brien last week and decided to
hold a public installation of oflicers of the
George A. Custor post , U. S. Grant post and
Gate City postof the G. A. It. nnd General
George Crook camp of the Sons of Veterans
nt the hall of the Gate City post on Friday ,
January 11. Messrs. M. P. O'Brien , General
Dennis , Comrades Hhodes and Stone were
appointed n committee of arrangements.
The general public will bo Invited and no
admission will be charged , Comrade Charles
Bunncistcrwlll act ns installation ofllcer for
the G. A. R. , and and M. P. O'Brien for the
Sons of Veterans. Abe Lincoln post , of
Council Bluffs , and Phil Kearney post No. y
of Fort Omaha , G. A. It , , and General
George M. O'Brien , camp No. 75 , Sons of
Veterans , of Council Bluffs , will bo In atten
dance , the committee having decided to In
vite them. O'Brien post was organized
Isew Year's eve , and is named affer the late
General O'Bnen , of Omaha.
Wednesday evening the Phil Kearney post
of the G. A. R. gave n grand ball nnd supper
nt the garrison hall nt Fort Omalm. The busi
ness meeting und Installation of the recently
elected ofllrers was private. Following the
meeting all adjourned to the hop-room , A
very largo number of city people were pres
ent. The George A. Custor Post No. 7 at
tended In a body , bringing thuir colors , which
were received with an ovation. Posts Nos.
110 and "U2 sent representatives. Among
those who addressed the comrades of the
Phil Kearney Post were Captain Aaron S.
Daggott , U. S. A. , Colonel Dennis , O. A. H.
and Mrs , Wllcox. Dancing was kept up until
a late hour , and all enjoyed a most pleasant
T , J. J'otter Post No. 4)0 ) , G. A..H. , of
Creston , la. , will give n grand fair and festi
val in that city , commencing January 15 and
continuing for ion days. There will bo the
largest and most costly display of contrib
uted goods over exhibited In southern Iowa.
Contributions to this fair have been received
by all the leading firms in all branches of
business and from all portions of the United
States , ranging In vnluo from $100,000 to
| ia5OCO. There will bo on exhibition a largo
collection of war relics , und u full , lifc-sUo
portrait of the late Thomas J. Potter. Adju
tant H. H , Huima says everything possible Is
being done to make this occasion a momnra-
blo one. and one that will reflect duo honor
upon the post and be long remembered by
those in attendance.
V. ana A. sr.
Grand Custodian Lee P. Gillette , of Be
atrice , arrived in South Omaha Friday and
held an examination of the oUlcers named for
Magic City ledge , Free and Acceptea Ma
sons , in the new Masonic hall , Savings bank
building , during the afternoon , If the re
port of Grand Custodian Gillette be favor-
- -
200 dozen 111x38 Huck Towels
> 00 dozen extra large plain and knotted
fringe Uncle Towels , all
.At 25c.
Ivedueod from ! Wc and lOc.
50 do/.en very line lluek Towels
At 50c.
Worth "fie.
2-5 dozen homstitehed Towels
At $ I.OO.
All our Turkish Towels at two prices
during this sale ,
Lot 1 at 12Jgc.
Lot 2 at 50c.
At $2.OO ,
Usual price $ .1.50.
All our plain brown Linen Crashes
At Wholesale List Price.
GO pieccb IS-inch Glass Toweling
At lie.
Worth 15c.
Pillow Casings at net cost ,
able , the new lodge will bo formally estab
lished within a fortnight. Tile following arc
the ofllcers named : J. Gilbert. W. M. ; Dr. J.
Smiley. S. W. ; Onion II. Tubbs , J. W. ;
Howard Meyers , secretary ; D. L. Holme' ; .
treasurer ; George II. Brewer , S. D. j Fred
M. Smith , J. D.
A. ot U. W.
Monday night there will bo a Joint installa
tion of the ollicers-elect of the various city
lodges together with those of South Omaha ,
conducted by the grand master of the state.
The corning ofllcers of two of these lodges
are :
Ofllcers of Sherman Ledge No. 90 Charles
Schimtzborgcr , M.V. . ; Albert Han , fore
man ; Herman Kretschman , overseer ;
Charles Vogel , recorder ; Carl Merschoim ,
financier ; Adolf Sehlenk , receiver ; William
Metzgor , guide ; William Kauftman , I. G. ;
F. Tlemor , O. G.
Ofllcers of Gate City Ledge , No. 93 Fred
Hayes , M. W. ; R. Matson , foreman ; Andrew -
drew Jensen , overseer : P. II. Johnson , re
corder ; C. P. Benson , financier ; Edward
Jepson , receiver ; N. Hasmussen , guide ; S.
Larson , 1. G. ; John P. Frcderickson , O. G.
The finely mounted pair of horns in the
club room at Fifteenth and Douglas have
vibrated over nothing but the deliberations
of the brothers engaged in the preparation of
the ladies' social entertainment , A report Is
expected this week.
Brother C , K. Phelps , who for two years
past has been actively identified wltn the
Omaha loJgo , Is lllling a position at the
Burlington's Chicago headquarters.
* -
V , A , S. Kntortalnnient.
About forty members and friends of South
Omaha collegium , No. 132 , V. A. S. , as
sembled in Knights of Pythias hall last night
to enjoy the social. A ( luiirtottc , "Tho
Pioneer , " by Misses Mndgo Miller and Nellie
Hoot , and Messrs. James H , Bulla nnd
Dr. W. II. Slabaugh , was first on the pro
gramme. After u prayer by the Rev. L. II ,
Kddlebluto. Miss Madge Miller sang "Last
Night. " Miss Nellie Uool then road "Base
Humor. " Misses Madge Miller .and Nellie
Root sang a very fine song , after which the
Rev. Mr. LMdlcblutu made 301110 woll-tlino
remarks. An excellent repast was then
Vostji Chapter.
Tlio next of the popular entertainments of
Vmta Chapter , Order of the Eastern Star ,
takes place at Masonic hall Thursday even
ing. The music will be furnished by thu
well known Irvine orchestra , and thu usual
good attendance is anticipated.
Mr. Mantell is playing . ' 'Moubars In To
Miss Rose Coghlan is In Mobile wllli
"Jocclyn. "
Mrs. Potter will do Cleopatra In NewVor't
on January 7.
Julia Marlowo will spend nnxt summer in
Europe studying new parts.
Robson nnd Cr.ine will bu seen for the last
tune together in March ,
Mr. Imro KIrnIfy wMl shortly revive the
"Blauk Crook" in San FrancUeo.
"Paul Kauvar" Will go to London next
year , and possibly bo taken to Paris.
John A. Maokay'8 ' company , with "A Noble
Son , " opened January 1 ut Orange , N , J.
Marie Goistlngor Is dying in Klagcnfurt ,
Switzerland. Shu la about sixty years old.
The opera which Eugene Oudin has writ
ten for McCaull will probably bo called "Tho
Spnnltm Muleteer. "
Charles Oborthur , the well-known harpist.
has been inado a Chevalier of the order of
ueopold by tlio lung of the Bolgalnu.
Richard Stahl , composer of "Said Pasha , "
was a favorite pupil In Vienna of Kullak , tlio
great piano virtuoso und musical dircctdr ,
Theodore Thomas' reorganized orchestra
will jjivo concerts at the Academy of Music ,
Now Yorlt city.on January Sl ( and on April a ,
"Mnylc * Aroan , " Mr. Scuntan's now play ,
which wai produced In Philadelphia last
week , will be presented at the Fourteenth
Struct theater early In January ,
The now play written for Stuurt Robson
fit ) pieces 1:0-1 : noli GLASS TOWHLINO
At 13c.
1 Seduced from ISc.
To close the lot two prices on all out
Liuoii Diapers Monday. 10 yards l
each piece.
LOT 1 , nt $1.OO n piece.
LOT II , nt $1.GO a piece.
Sheetings at Net Cost ,
1 Case Hates 15ed Spreads
At 95c ,
Worth $1.25.
1 case line Marseilles Bed Spreads
At $3.25 ,
Usually sold for $4.75.
Our whole stock of Muslins and Shoot
ings comprising all the' best brands
from January 7th , until February 1st ,
Wo abk our Friends to come asearly _
in the morning as possible to avoid the
by Stcele Macltaye , promises' to uo n sur
prise. Mr. Uobson will be seen in a role dis
tinct from any which ho has played.
The Players now club-house , No. Ifi.Gram- .
orcy ParkI Now York city , was formally
opened on New Year's day. The club house
is the gift of Edwin IJooth , ana cost over
$303 .QUO.
Sara Hcrnbardt Is literally coining money
in Egypt. The natives nnd the foreign col-
tni's'aro all at her feet , and the telegrams
daily sent to Mr. Abbey record the biggest
receipts ever taken , even by Sara.
Information conies from abroad that two
playwrights have collaborated and offered to
the Ambigu Comiquc , Paris , a drama in flvo
called "Jack 1'Evon-
nets and eight tableaux -
trour" ( Jack the Kipper ) .
"Tho Lorgairo" is continued by Mr. Harrl-
gan at his Park theater , Now York city ,
with increasing success. Mr. Ilanley has
received many applications for the presenta
tion of the new piece in other cities ,
The popularity of "Captain Swift" at the
Madison Square theater , Now York city , 1ms
been so marked that Mr. Palmer belluvea it
will have a long run , Several largo theater
parties attended the performance during the
past week.
The Gorman Opera company at thoj Now
York Metropolitan opera house , according to
Director Stanton. loses on in average f 1,000
every night. This mentis a loss of between
jt'AOOO and $70,000 for a fou r months' season
in Now York.
Daniel K. Bamlmann will soon produce
"Austerlitz , " written for him by the late Torn
Taylor. Mr. Bandmnnn brought out this
play In London , In 187J. under the title of
"Dead or Alive. " and it then had a long run
at the Queen's theater.
Jack Mason and liobcrt Hilliard have de
cided to star jointly next season , and nro
looking about lor a piny , Tliuy hnva engaged
Mrs. Unrrymoro and W H. Thompson , It id
said that Uicii nnd Harris , the Huston man-
ugofbaro backing the enterprise ,
Grand opera in London almost Invariably
fails financially. In Vienna and Paris itcouid
not stand but for state nubsldios. Italia- ?
made grand opera pay by exorcising econ
omy , however , aud in Soutli America it still
takes , as It once took in this country ,
for their rehcrsals , nnd how , wrapped In
their ulsters , the two women would po
through lone live-act tragedies and oolilbillos
before a cdrclcss nudlcitCQ of fitagu carpen
ters and charwomen in the half ItghtB of a
sun-lit theater.
Miss Mtirlowo" Suva the "Lobbyist" in the
St'igo , is not one of those graduates of tha
parlor neiihiHt whom Houcicnult so lately
railed. I heard last week an interesting
Htor.y of how aha and her aunt would UHC ) per
mission U > use the vacant stages In New Voile
Mrs. Langiry says that she never contem
plated putting the uMiors nt the Fifth Avo-
nuu theater In kilts during' the run of "Mac
beth , " hut nhe thinks that If Messrs. Toinp-
knm nnd Hoynolds , trio mamuorn , would con
sent to appuur In highland nttlro they would
make n great lilt.
Jllnyol ) 8 lor WOIIKMI.
The time in coming when the Boston
youny woman with a tendency to ovor-
plumpnos' ) , will mount her bloyelo and
lake a spin out toward lirookllno mid
think nothing of it , aays the Honton Ad
vertiser , Uieyclo manufacturers are
mtvlng the way , and have coiibtructod a
mryclo for women that they can ride
with bklrts If they uhooso , nnd from
which it is impossible ) to r.jcoiyo u HO-
riouf. fall. It is the opinion of shrewd
birvclo manufacturers tlmt the machine i : 1
will bo romnrknbly popular ninotig the 1
fail- sex on account of the ndvantiiL'oH it
olTers to women for reducing weight ,
'ihoro Is no subject in which women nro
incro inlorostod than thin very one. An
extra pound of avoirdupois is to many
W ( men a source of Uoon 'and awful
fright , ivid any moans by which they
a n reduce their weight is eagerly
seized uimn. Howebacft ridinp is very
jjooil in Us way , but It IB exceedingly
cxpoiiFlvo in the llrst place , and the
clToct la not half so good us blcyolo rid-
ng , for , while horseback riding ro-
< -uces the llesh through the jouncinpf
i na bouncing that tl > o rlilor gets , the
i loyclo not onlv takes oil the liosli , but
it builds up the strength by giving
women ( Inn nnd powerful muscles ,