Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Various Society Events Oluctoring
About Now Years.
HrnmllcH1 l nrty CrtnoPiit Cluli
MoHnl Unity llniico Vourii. ; Mar-
il-l Folks A Mnrrlnun nt. Mid
night Otlirr Ncwwy < 3oslt > .
New YrnM * Ony.
Tlio old-time method of celebrating Xcw
Years by making calls has fallen into "In
nocuous desuetude1'In Omaha and the pros
pects of its being ngain revived are very dis-
eottrnplng. The reason given by the ladies
for this Is that the privilege was abused by
'Crlnln 'ouiig men. It often happened
that r < T\o \ young follow who happened to
knowsu./e swell society lady would Invade
thu precincts of her refined home on New
Years'day with a gang of fellows not of the
best reputation , who nt any other time would
bo ordered out. The Inay In turn would bo
forced bv courtesies of the day to introduce
this gang to the young ladles receivlntt with
her , nnd undesirable and disagreeable ac
quaintances word thus formed , This abuse
has been practiced to such an extent that
New Year's calling lias fallen Into disfavor
among the ladles , and us they are supreme
In the enactment of social laws , thu time-
honored custom has been quietly abandoned.
In Its stead , however , a number of social
n flairs have been substituted nnd Now
Year's day was a lively ono among Oinldm
society people. Among the few who re
ceived on New Year's day were the follow-
"MM. John P. Williams , i&t 5 Binney street ,
Kountzo placi' , assisted by Mrs. VV. < ! . Sloan ,
I Mrs. R W. Nee , Mrs. Kmmii Thompson.
Miss Williams and Mrs. Mary JloU-n
Williams , received her gentlemen
friends from 2 until II u. m.
The Indies wore attired in full evening drc.s
unit n large numbci of their gentleman
friends called.
Mr. and Mrs. 1' . C. Hlinobaiigh sent out
invitations In the merchants of tlio city that
they would bo at home In the afternoon , and
n great many responded.
The following named ladles received at
Fort Omaha : Mrs. General Wheaten , as-
Histcd bv the Misses McParlin , Mrs. Dr.
Urown/Mrs. HnsUin , Mrs. Kowell , Mrs.
Larson , Mrs. and Miss Mallor.v , Mrs. Ulio ,
Mrs. Turner , Mrs. and Miss Waring.
A few others also received. A number of
rcc ! i > Uon were given on that day , among
the most enjoyable of which was that plven
by Mrs. J. J. Brown In honor of her daugh
ter's guest , Miss Dean. The decorations
wcro mainly of holly anil hyacinths , and n
largo number of guests were in uttr-mlancc.
The other events of the day are men
tioned In another part of this department.
Minn IlrmuIclH * I'Oap Your 1'nrty.
Ono of the mostclnborato leap year parties
ever given in the city was that tendered by
friends to Miss Sarah Brandeis , of 7:31 : South
Nineteenth street , on Monday evening last
the last day of the old year. Tlio elegant
rnniiBion was a perfect bower of roses and
plants , while 150 Chinese lantcrs shod their
soft light over the lawn. The main feature
of the evening was dancing , and the musical
Union orchestra , in keeping with the grand-
cur of the occasion , eclipsed all its past
musical efforts. The" dancing programmes
were very unique , and the eleven witty rules
and regulations on thorn excited much mer
riment. There were but twelve dances , the
last ending at midnight. As the New Year
was ushered in the entire company was
grouped for a flash light photograph. There
was considerable fun going on , but the pho
tographer finally managed to get the guests
quiet enough to take their pictures.
Tlio company then adjourned to the dining
room , where they bat down to a splendid
champagne supper.
Everyone present was attired in full even
ing dress , and the toilets of some of the
ladies were dazzling In their loveliness.
Miss Sarah Brandeis , the Hostess , wore an
exquisite costume of black lace over a satin
rhadamantine , Marcchal Nicl roses , corsage ,
Miss Bciia Heyn , black silk , silver passe
menterie , point lace , natural flowers , dia
Miss Belle Zumler. canary-colored silk
rnoiro , decolletto , pearls.
Miss Minnie Hothsehild , black velvet ,
Spanish net , dccollette , natural flowers , dia
Allss Cora Bcndct , lace , tulle , decolletto.
flowers and diamonds.
Miss Emma Lewis , ollvo and blue brocade ,
decollette , pearls and flowers.
Miss Clara Hindskopf , cream albatross ,
silver passementerie , dccoliettc , natural
MIssTIllie Newman , white nnd blue surah ,
decolletto , pearls and white roses.
Miss Fannie Sloman , white moire antique
with tulle overdress , dccollette , diamonds.
Miss Pauline Goldsmith , albatross , silver
ronl , dccollette , ostrich feathers and diamonds
mends ,
Miss Annie Hothsehild , pink silk with
flowers to match , dccollette , pearls.
Miss Blanche Hcllman , white embroidered train , dccollette , roses.
Miss Clara Sohlesinger , Grclchon blue
cashmere , white embroidery , decollette , gar-
Miss Addio Bloom , black silk with yellow
ribbons , diamonds.
Miss Minnie Hoscnlicld , yellow surah with
roses , dccollette.
Miss Bcttio Scligsohn , light blue surah ,
Oliver gauze overdress , roses.
Miss Etta Newman , Ulack velvet , dccol
lette , llowors.
Miss Millie Hocdor , lavender cashmere
Btirali , tan gloves , flowers nnd diamonds.
The following gentlemen wore present :
George Ilcyn , A. Xunder , A , U. and ICmil
Brandcis , S. Silvorstcin , Charles Elguttcr ,
Martin aud Samuel Obcrfoldcr , G. Ueichcs ,
Julius Meyer , Samuel Sloman , Charles Gold-
Bin lib , Samuel Fisher , Samuel Schlcsingcr ,
J. Stonewall.
Among the foreign gentlemen wore Jacob
Brandcis. Milwaukee ; Charles Trauman ,
Kansas City ; Lou \Vcssols , Lincoln ; Max
Sollirigcr , Philadelphia ; Frank Adlcr , Mil
waukee ; Hobcrt Kollinor , Minneapolis.
Bliss WarliiK'H I'nrly.
Miss Lizzie Waring , daughter of Licuton-
nut Waring , treated her many friends from
both the city and the fort to a most enjoy
able evening on Thursday lust. She was
assisted by her father and mother and Mrs ,
Doctor Husklns in receiving her guests. Tlio
dunce was at the garrison hall , which was ,
as usual , beautifully decorated. Miss War
ing has been at the fort but a short time ,
but she has made many friends , many of
whom had the pleasure of attuiullntr her
dance , which was certainly ono of the most
enjoyable given at the garrison this season.
After the eighth of the fourteen numbers
danced , the ladies wcro ushered Into the
supper room , where n delicious repast was
served , Those present expressed themselves
in most complimentary terms upon the suc
cess of the evening.
Orescent Ijcny Year Hop ,
It was their last chance , and the young
Indies of the Crescent club made the > nest of
it. Not that the girls had any matrimonial
intentions , Far from ill Such ideas never
enter their heads. They merely wished to
entertain their best gentlemen friends for
the many courtesies extended by them in the
past , so they gave them a leap year party on
Monday evening. Kvcry gentleman who
had the good fortune to receive an Invitation
accepted most readily , and all were present
to a man. The ladles conducted tno nlTuir In
n manner thdt Dhows beyond a doubt their
superior powers as entertainers. Dancing
was the main feature of the evening. Among
these present wcro Mcsdamcs Johnson and
Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hondel , Mr. and
Mrs. Clemens , Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pickard ,
Mr. uud Mrs. W. 11 , Jones , Mr. nnd Mrs ,
n. 11. Keller , Mr. and Mrs- . J. Schmidt ,
The MUscs Tiny and Uoso Schmidt , Mary
nud Aggie Mulhnll , Mary Green , Annlo Wil
liams , Annlo Costers , Maud McAdams ,
Bailie Manning , Katie Wt-lnberg , Gusslo
llrost , Dattu Cosby , Martlno Jacobson.LUtlo
llenson. Annie Foley , Laura Miller , Mlnnio
Foley , Cora Jay. Theresa Clint , liesslo and
Mercclla GofT , Anna and Gusslo StruUimqro ,
Clara Grltiln , Sarah Monkln , Emma Lur- !
mclbtor , Kutio und Nettle Woods.
Among the gentlemen wcro the Messrs.
A. T. Grlnin , Jesse Clemens , Steve Grillin ,
II , Debus , A , J , Ucuton Frank Beaten , J. A ,
After months of careful preparation we now offer a collection of Linens , comprising everything reauivedby the most
exacting housekeeper , besides many novel ties never before exhibited.
Size 8-4 , r-ed border , $1.75 ; re
duced from $2.25.
70 dozen 8-8 Blenched Irish
14 pieces fine Crcnm Damask , full 02 inches wide , pure linen , reduced
Linen Napkins , reduced from Size 8-1O , 7'ed border , $2.05 ; reduced BLANKETS.
duced from OOc .
to 47jc.
$1.10 to9Oc. duced from $2.75. .
8O dozen B-8 B'eached Irish Size 8-12 , red border , $2.85 ; re 18 pieces very fine Irish Cream Damnsk , Oii Inches wide , reduced
Napkins , never been sold less duced from $3.BO. from 70c to GOc. 10 pairs 10-4 While Blankets
than $ I.6O ; for this sale $1.1B.
Size 8-12 , red border , $1.05 ; reduced 8 pieces extra fine Scotch Crenm Dnmask , 04 inches wide , re
BO dozen 5-8 Cream Napkins duced from $2.6O. duced from 8 5c to 65c ets , slightly soiled , regular
very heavy , a good hotel napkin , price $ L'.00 ' this snlo li3r ! .
1O pieces halfblenchcd hand loom German Damask , 02 Indies , $
reduced from $1.BO to $1.2O. Fringe Sets.
wide , reduced Irom OOc to 76c. .
r.O pfiirs White Blankets ,
BO dozen half Bleached B-8
8-4 , one dozen doylies to motcli , B pieces halfbleaclicd , superior quality , 08 inches \vide , reduced
German Linen Napkins , reduced strictly all wool
10 4
from 4-1.BO to $1.28. $4.OO ; reduced from $5.OO. from $1.OO to 8Oc. , , regular
1OO dozen B-8 fine Bleached 8-1O , one dozen doylies to mutch , A pieces fine German Cr-eam Dnmask , full 72 inches wid < \ rc- ly sold at $5,00 , this sale
German Linen Napkins , $1.BO , $4.5O ; reduced Irom $5.5O. ducnd Irom $1.23 to 9Oc. * 4-57L
worth $2.OOsee ; corner1 window. 8-12 , one dozen doylies to match ,
. 7B do/en extra fine Blenched $ B.OO ; reduced Irorn $6.OO. BLEACHED 20 pairs All -Wool Blankets ,
Double DP mask German Nnp-
kins never- sold less than $2.73 ; Tray Covers. U--J , regularly sold at $0.00 ,
fo p this pale $2.0O. See windc w.
TABLE LINENS. at this sale $5,00.
1OO dozen 5 Bleached Double 1 lot red border Tray Covers , .
Damnsk Napkins , special for this BOe , OOc , 75c ; reduced irorn GOc 25 pairs All Wool Blankets'
sale $3.CO , reduced fi om $4.2S. to $1.OO.
See our Linen window. ] 2 pieces bleached Irish Damask , pure linen , GO inches wide , 4Cc ; 11-J choice family blankets
Doylies , red border nnd pure reduced fi om COc.
white , from 26c per dozen to $1O. ets , regularly sold at $0.75
TOWELS , TOWELS , IB pieces bleached Damnsk , pure linen , 62 inches wide , reduced ,
Crashes. Crashes. frcm &Oc to GOc. Se2 corner window. this sale $5 S7j.
1O pieces bleached German Damask , 62 inches wide ; reduced
1 lotSOO pieces henvy nil linen from 9Oc to 7Oc. These are a few of the many
BO dozen Huck Towels , red and
Be reduced from 8c.
Toweling nt
fancy border , very heavy and ; 8 pieces bieached Damnsk , full 08 inches \vide , never been sold bargains which we have in
fine Linen , 12jc , reduced from 2Oc. IOO pieces blenched twill pure less than $ I.1O , lor this sale SOc.
linen Toweling , 18 inches wkle , stock.
1OO dozen Huck Towels " 1 For . IS pieces bleached Double Damask , assorted patterns , 04 , 00 , 08
nt lOc reduced from 15c.
Size 22x44. this and 72 inches wide , reduced liom $1.25 to $1.OO. In this lot we
Wo also have few odd
Size 24x48. . j S A LE a
1OO doz Damnsk Towels f lOc Felt Table nnd Pinno Covers nt have a lew remnants in 2,21 , 8 and Oj yard lengths , lull 2 yards
Size 21x42. I worth cost. wide , which we have sold nt $1.371 nnd $1. SO per1 yard , for this sale lilies of White Blankets , ranging
Size 22x44. j 3Oc. $1.OO per yard.
ing in price from $12 to $25 ,
2BO dozen Huck Damask , Fish 1 case Mnrseilles Bed Spreads , S pieces 72-inch bleached Double Dnmnsk , only one pattern ,
Eyes , knotted fringes , extra large $1.35 ; reduced from $1.86. reduced from $1.68 to $1.IS. which we want to close out ,
sizes and fancy borders , at 25c ,
reduced from 3Bc to 4Bc. Linen Sheeting , EO inch , former 5 pieces 72 inch Ulcached Double Damnsk , assorted patterns , re and have marked them all
duced lrom-$1.75'to'$1.25. '
. lev thissnle 9Oc. -
price $1.15 ;
Patrons can select from theOBc , down to cost price.
7Bc and 8Bc Towels ; now on sale Linen Sheeting , 92 inches wide , 1 case cardinal , plain red , Table Cloth , warranted fast color , CO
ntBOc. $ I.1O ; reduced from $1.5O. inches wide , utual price 7Bc , for this s air Ask to fee them.
Hanson , Lew Hurmcster , Henry Wehrer ,
Guss MayholT , Will liowrmin , Tom Itroail-
hurst , F. D. Gannon , J. A. McCrackcn , .1.
H. Keller , C. A. Swan , T. Thornton. Louis
Fletcher , J. 1C. Uoyle , F. W. Itlcntcr , A.
Maxim.A. C. Keller , A. Hiitchmson , Philbin ,
Al Uurwcstcr , J. II , Wehrer , Dave Kauf
man nnd Charles Hnchmnn.
The occasion was distinguished in the
toilets of the Indies of the club. Among the
more noticeable were the following :
Gussio Stratman , brown plush and pale
blue surah , natural llowcr.s.
Mrs. Hrobst , green plush , pink surah , pearls
and flowers ,
Nettle Wood , cream cashmere , and es-
curial Ince.
Katlo Wood , pale blue albatross cloth and
brocade trimming.
Lizzie Benson , cream with black lace
Nellie Benson , black satin , pink nunsveil-
ing drapery.
Mrs. Doty , terra cotta plush.
Maud McAdams , garnet plush , natural
( lowers.
Mrs. Handel , black silk , Jet trimmings ,
chrysanthemums and diamonds.
Bessie GofT , pale blue nunsveiling and
Anna Kosters , cream cashmere and Span
ish lace.
Kosu Schmidt , rose colored moire , natural
( lowers.
Miss Adams , salmon surah nnd lace.
Alma Stratman , navy blue silk and ( lowers.
Emma Burniestcr , bronze passamcntre ,
pink roses.
Lulu Johnson , black velvet und forgetme-
N. Amlrcs' I'nrly.
A most pleasant party was tendered to
Mrs. Phllin Andres at her residence , 1SH
Farnuin street , on New Year's eve. The
event was a delightful one , and the now year
was ushered in with music , recitations and
dancing. The Turner Quartette club ren
dered some of its choicest songs. The fol
lowing were the guests :
Mr. and Mrs. Haubeus , Mr. and Mrs. Max
llcmpel , Mr. and Mrs. GaslingMr. nml Mrs.
Paul Woinfiagcn , Mr. and Mrs. H. Itclubold ,
Mrs. B. Schwab. Tlio Misses Schwab , MR-
tauer , Hoberts , Schulz , HohlfT , E. Strieker ,
Hucchnor , Beck and Andres. The Messrs.
II. Kummerow. W. Bloedel , F. Hrandeis ,
Gns Harthel , F. Mittauer , II. Bourgeois , C.
Haarnmnn , J. Hnarmann , F. Stoeckcr , W.
Seliub , A. HoinU , G. Jilnltort. Captain
Hucchnor , Fred Lehman , Carl Krclle , F.
Andersen , E. O. Meyer , Max Lcnz , K. G.
( i rube , T. Schcedy , Henry UohllT , Asmus
Kohl ft and others ,
Wntch I'nrly.
The young associates of Miss Martha
Corey gathered at her homo nt UH10 Dccatur ,
on the evening of December Ul , to watch the
old year out and the now year in. Games
nnd music wore the pastimes of tlio evening.
An elegant lunch was served at 11:150. : At
1:30 : a. m. the company dispersed , wishing
Miss Corey a Happy Now Year , and taking
with them pleasant memories of the evening ,
Among those present were the Misses Grace
Cady of Sterling , 111. , Alice Evens of
Theresa , N. Y. , Nettie Pritclmrd , Grace
Hornoy , Nora Larlcin , M. Austin , Ceusta
Plaatner , McMullcn of Lyons , Neb. , Hnttio
Bell , Lantln , and the Mcsdnines Nickies and
Laughlln , The Messrs. M. M. Robertson , T
H. Burden , A. H. Kuyscr , Will Connon , G.
C. Dolt/ ; , Warren Dunn , Frail , Charles
Mathews , G. Brandt.
Ono of the most enjoyable occasions of the
season was a watch-party given by Miss
Annie Peterson at her homo , Si I South
Twentieth street , Now V oar's eve , to her
most intimate friends. Dancing and cards1
wcro the features of the evening. Among
these present were the following :
Misses Edith Stuht , Euiuia Kratz. Tina
Slnhold , Luio Wittlg , Katie Hcmpols.Fannio
l-Yuchauf , Bell Austin , Tilllo Nast , Amanda
ICarbach , Anna Peterson , The Mcsdamcs
Stuht , Uoso and Petursen. The Messrs. T.
W. Cox , O. J , Martins. A. 1C. Stuht , Will
I'titcrscii , Emil Karbachs , Will Kuchn , Gus
ICuehn , Luo Kneals , John Kalteier , Arthur
Uoso und J , C. Pctorscn.
Unity Hup.
Tie | Unity club held ono of their pleasant
mrtlcs at Masonic hall on Thursday evening.
Die affair was , as usual , Informal , and as a
re-suit very agreeable. A few handsome
; oilots wcro noticed , but no effort was made
o make the party a dress affair. Among
these present wore :
Mr. nnd Mrs. Decker , Mr. and MM. John
Wilson , Mr , and Mrs. E. A. Joslyn , Mr , and
Mrs. H. S. Mimlsby , Mr. and Mrs.T. . M.
Welsh : the .MesdameCopland , Bennistcr ,
J. .1. Hnrraiul G. T. Anderson.
The Misses Maud Hayward , Genie llor. ,
Wilson , Sterling , Sexauer , Loon , Sophia
Huxhold , Antes , Tuturn , Campbell , May ( Jal-
ahan , Stearns , Copuland , ( ! row , Florence
Fri'iirh , Li//.ie Lawton , Nellie Lawtoii.lCatiii
Sheldon , M. Meat's , Lang , Carrie MeLain ,
Bonnistci1 , Li//ie Shaw , A. Bradley , llattio
Bell , Bftyen , Maggie Moldrnm , Shawvan ,
Byrne , Plainer , L. Kennedy , Demise , Dupuis.
The following wcro the escorts of the
young ladies :
The Messrs. J. B. Simnson , T. P. Wl'son ' ,
Will E. Coombe , F. Barrett , U. E. Allan , 13.
II. Smith , L. E. Singer , D. II. Christie , Vie
tor White , James Dougall , B , H. Kiniisbury ,
C. O. Young , F. E. McMullcn , G. P. Tucker ,
W. U. KOSH , Charles Grow , F. C. Craig. I red
J. Perine , C. W. D.ivis. H.B. . Pollard ,
George F. Day. ( i. T. Lyilick. C. N. Itnwit-
zer , Charles Yause , B. G. Wheeler , W. B.
Cannon , Charles U. Sherman , .lames J. Burr ,
C. J. Hoadly. J. E. Halish. O. W. Dunn , II.
Kennedy , G. T. Anderson , William B.irnam.
Many of the costumes were unusually at
tractive and artistic in their design , some of
which were : Miss Bell , whlto silk nnd
cashmere , Queen Elizabeth style ; Miss
Plainer , red plush , decollete ; Miss Copeland -
land , light blue , with cluster of pink roses ;
Miss Her , white nuns' veiling with reJ plnsii
und flowers ; Miss Leon , lilai ; brocaded silk
anil white nlush ; Miss Wilson , red velvet
nnd white silk , tinsel trimming ; Miss Bern
stein , mahogany cashmere ; Miss Hounds ,
black and red silk ; Miss Shaw , black and
white silk. pulTod sleeves , vest front ; Mrs.
Lucas , flowered silk with red velvet ; Miss
Smith , white cashmere and lemon colored
lace ; Miss Jones , black cashmere , natural
flowers. Supper was served at 11 o'clock.
Tlio JUissoi Ijtnvis nnd Illonni FcK'd.
The reception given nt Metropolitan hall
on Friday evening , January , by Mrs. M.
Hcllman and Mrs , S , Sloman in honor of
Miss Ida Lewis , of San Francisco , and Miss
Addio Bioom , of lo\va City , was ono of the
main events of the week In Jewish circles.
The dresses and costumes of the ladies
wcro very line.
Among those noticed wcro : Mr. and Mrs.
Wise , Lincoln ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Hcllman ,
Mr , and Mrs. S. Sloman , Mr. and Mr.s.JUax
Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. A. Holler , Mr. and Mrs.
A. Meyer , Mr. and Mrs , Adlcr , Mr. and Mrs.
D. Kaufman , Mr. and Mrs. S. Bergman , Mr.
'and Mrs , Gcorgo Iloyn , Mr. anil Mrs. S.
ICahn , Mr. and Mrs. Kcv. Benson , Mr. and
Mrs. I. New , Mr. and Mrs. M. Sloman. Mr.
and Mrs. liindsloip , Mr. and Mrs. A. Hasa ,
Mr , and MKJ. Goldsmith , Mr. nnd Mrs. L.
Hellor , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Polack. Mr. and
S. Katz , Mr , and Mrs. Rothschild , Mr. und
Mrs. Apple , 'Denver.
The young ladles present were : The
Misses Iila Lewis , San Francisco ; Addle
Bloom , Iowa City : Schlessenger , Goldsmith ,
Tillio Newman , Brandies , Israel , Polack ,
Hocdcr , Hosclcld , A. Newman , C. Bundit ,
B. Hcllman and Hindskopf. The gentlemen :
MCSSI-H. S. Fisher. Julius Meyer , S. Obsr-
feldcr. M. Oberfolder , L. BrucU.G. Dletchcs ,
D. Silbersteln , M. L. Itoedur , S. Kocder , J .
Hoeder , S. Sclilessingor nnd others.
The music was furnished by the Musical
Union orchestra , under the leadership of
Prof. Harry Irwin. Tbe supper which was
served was very line. The party danced
until tlio small hours of the morning.
An ICIcKint Jjtmchi.-on ,
An elegant luncheon was that given by
Mrs. Nichols , at her residence on Mason
street , Thursday , in honor of Mrs. Caldwell
and Mrs. Victor Caldwcll. Extending the
full length of the table wcro heavy chains of
Hinihix ; In the center , n bowl of crystal , filled
with narcissus and other fragrant flowers.
At each cover lay a spray of tea rose buds ,
witli a curd , bearing the name of thu guests.
Those assisting in the reception wcro Mrs.
Nichols , Mrs. DoPul , Mrs. George of Lara-
inio and Miss Nichols. These present wore
Mrs. II. M. Caldwell , Mrs , Victor Caldwell ,
Mrs. Collins , Miss Collins. Miss Boyd , Mrs.
Heal , Mrs. Hoi-bach and Mrs. Sloane.
Young Mnrrlctl Folks ,
No social social organization in the city
over has a better time than the Young Mar
ried Folks nt their monthly club dunces. The
last ono held was on Thursday evening , and
was in every way enjoyable , These present
were ! Mr. aud Mrs , W , G , Shrlvor , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hungonn , Mr , and Mrs. F. V. Fowler ,
Mr. und Mrs , J. 0. Callahan , Mr. nnd Mrn.
J. J , Gibson , Mr. aud Mrs. T , J , McLean , Mr.
and Mrs. T. II. Mlnahan , Mr. and Mrs. O. J.
Cttnan , Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Holbrock , Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Eylcr , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. M.
Foster. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. J. Stornsdorf , Mr.
nnd Airs. W. J. Ward , Mr , and Mrs.
E , D. Burke , Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cook ,
Mr and Mrs. E. V. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs.
E. 1) . Van Court. .Mr. aud Mrs. W. O. Goss ,
Mr and Mrs. Bruce MeCulloi-h. 'Mr. ' und
Mrs. C. M. NettlctonMr. . and Mrs. L. S.
Mole , Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ostrntn. Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Mcivmney , Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Leonard , Mr. an.1 Mrs. .1. H. < ! recite , Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Pcrcival , Mr. and Mrs. It. S.
Sturgis , Mr. and Mrs. F. Ar. Wasscrman ,
Air. and Mrs. ( J. M.Wohvrton , Mr. nnd Mrs.
J. F. Flack , Mr. anil Mrs. W. B. Tuvlor , Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Hull , Dr. and Mrs.V. . S.
Gibbs , Dr. and MM. A. W. EdmKton and the
Misses Lipps , Iltill and Carlctoii.
The meniDcrs will hold an extra hop on the
evening of the ii'itli for the benefit oC their
unmarried friends.
I > r. lluryca B.nujuctt ? < 1
Dr. G. L. Miller gave n supper at the
Omaha club rooms last evening in honor of
Dr. Duryea , the new pastor of the First Con
gregational church. The event was a de
lightful one. Plates were laid for thirty
guests. Those present were :
J. S. Collins , F. Colpotejr , George Pritch-
ett , Prof. William Paddock , Joseph Barker ,
Guy Barker , C. E. Yost. F. W. Fr.iy , C. L.
Squires , O. N. Uamsoy , Colonel Hull , A. J.
Popploton , W. V. Morse , H. W. Ynto-i , J. U.
Cowm , J. M. Woohvorth , Colonel Hooker ,
General Brooke. J. J. Brown , Judge Wake-
ley , Louis Bradford.
In Honor of Two ISvlde * .
Mrs. O. N. Hamsoy gave a 5 o'clock tea on
Tuesday , in honor of Mrs. J. II. Kmjfwalt
and Mrs , Alfred Millanl , both brides this
season. A number of sistar-brkles and
young society ladies were in attendance , and
the event a pleasant ono.
Omaha Club Olllccs-s.
' At the annual election of tlio Omaha club
last evening tno following directors were
chosen : Joseph Garnoau , M. T. Barlow , E.
P. Peck , James W. Savage. W. H. McCord ,
W. F. McMillan , Luther Drak.i , J. S. Tib-
bets and John B. Wilbur.
South Om ilia Loip-Voii' : : Pitrty.
The leap-year party given by the ladies to
the members of the Bmonon club Monday
was by all odds the social event in South
Omaha society history. Thirty couples res
ponded to the Invitation , and a p'.easantcr '
time or more satisfactory reception could not
have gratified the ladies or delighted their
friends. Mrs. Arthur W. Saxo and Misses
Jessie Savage and Myra P. Brigham re
ceived and Mesdames John P. Bvors. L. C.
Gibson , W. 1) ) . Berry , James G. Martin and
the Missrs Maud Hayward nnd Knto
Wyinan wore on the floor committee. The
following were present :
Miss May Burgwin , Franklin. Pa. ; Her
bert G. Fowler , Warn or , N. Y. : Messrs ,
A. H Morrick , J. B. ( jodmnn nnd Miss Hul-
dah Lambert , Omaha ! ' Mcsdnines L. C ,
Gibson , A. W. Saxo , J. P. Evers , W. B.
Berry and J. W. Martin , nnd Misses Lou
Hunt , Maud Hayward , Mamie Carpenter ,
Dodo Carpenter , Miss Corn Smith , Miss
Kate Condon , Llllio Savaga.on Williams ,
Grace Hiclmrdson , .Alice Erion , Ella Mc
Donald , Kate Wyman , Theresa McConnell ,
Jessie Savage and Myra P. Hrlglmm.
Messrs. J , H. Van Duson , L. C. Gibson ,
Hollls E. Hoglo , W. H. Laughlin , James
Phillips , D. Bratton , J , B. Erion , Epcs
Corey , A , It. Kelly , J. P. Evors. W , B.
Berry , Dr. J. Smiley , C. S. Forsyth , Miles
French , It. H. Lawrence , H. J. Gohr , W. E.
Stone , Fred Cockrell , , Z. Cuddlngton , A. W.
Saxo , Howard Savage , C. D. Forsyth , Kay
Hunt , J. W. Martin , William F. Denny , W.
K , Sago , Fred Cockrell , S. W. Eddy , A. B.
Brigham , Samuel IVBrigluuu and W. G.
Schrci , > ,
Glovcltinil KutcrtnliiH.
On Wednesday evening , January 2 , It , C.
Cleveland , formerly city salesman for M. A ,
Disbrow , entertained n number of intimate
friends at his residence , corner North
Twenty-fifth and Maple streets. Cards and
dancing wero. the features of the evening.
About midnight a bountiful repast was
spread ,
The Onmlia Dramatic Club.
The Fremont Herald gives the following
notice of the club's visit to that city on Now
Year's day.
The event of the day was the representa
tion of "A Scrap of Paper , " by the Ouiahu
dramatic club , which must bo accorded the
reputation of Drst-olusa nmotours. They
wcro greeted with a largo and. select audi
ence , who were liberal In applause and fully
appreciated the effort and ability of the uc-
tors. Tbo cast of characters were so gen
erally eooil that one cannot speak oven of
lending parts without seeming injustice to
otherWo will take the liberty. However ,
to refer to the superior acting of Mrs. J. J.
Dickey. Miss M.iht-1 Fonda and Miss Jennie-
McClelland and Messrs. Swoopc and Itob-
inow , all of whom have an air of experience
and adaptability teldom developed bv : un-
atunrrf. The Herald will be pleased to wel
come the rlub on their next visit to Fro
Athctt ! s
The members of the Omaha Nonpariel
Athletic club guvo a delightful party to their
many friomls mi New Year's eve at lias-
call's hall , on South Thirteenth street. The
hall was very tasU-full.v decorated with cvcr-
irreens , etc. Tlio members are to be con-
crrnttiltucil for tlioir general management
and taste. Ono hundred couples uauccd the
old year out and the new year in to the
strains ot Ruhr's orchestra. A neat invita
tion has been issued for a scries to be given
during the winter months. The next party
will be a grand masquerade on Thursday
ovoninp , Jnnunry 10 , at the same hall.
The MitlfofiKfMinay : ! Wedding.
William A. Mcalio and Miss IdaMcICenncy
were man-Sod at St. Philomena cathedral by
Father McCarty last Wednesday evening
at T p. m. The bride is a charming young
woman , and the daughter of one of Omaha's
oldest citizens. The groom has been a con
ductor on the cable line since it started , and
is a popular gentleman with his entire
acquaintanceship. The happy coiinlc re
ceived numwous valuable presents. The
he-it man Richard Lawless , of this city ,
and the bridesmaid was Miss Jessie King , of
Florence , a former sehoolmrtu of the Liri'le.
Alter the cjrcmony a reception was given at
the residence of the brido's parents , No.
1010 Paul street. Then the nowlv-wedded
pair went to No. 151 i ) Hurnuy street , where
they make their home.
Pliitismoutli Society ItcriiH.
Miss Matie Xcwoli , of Fairmont , daughter
of Judge Newell , spjut the holidays at her
homo in Plattsmoutli.
Aon. F. E. White , who has been attending
legislature , returned home Wednesday night.
Miss Stevenson , of Omaha , visited Miss
Rosser , of this city , a few days this week.
R. W. Bccson , wife and daughter , of Red
Oak , la. , are visiting at thn home of Allen
Mr. B. A. St. John , who has filled
the capacity of agent for the
Wells , Fargo express company , has
given up his position with the company. Be
left for Hastings Wednesday , where lie in
tends to reside permanently.
Miss Ada Me Vicar ami Mrs , DolTcnlmugh ,
of Wichita , Kan. , are the gtfcsts of their
uncle , Judge Sullivan , this week ,
The members of the Chautauijun club en
tertained a few of their friends on New
Year's night at the home of Mr. J , P. Young
in right royal style. Singing , recitations nnd
various other amusements were Indulged in ,
nnd the event proved a very enjoyable ono.
Miss Annie Russell , daughter of Judge
Russell , entertained'about fourteen of her
iricnds at a watch party Now Year's eve.
Miss Lillian Pollock loft for Fairfleld , la. ,
tills week to bo gene for several months.
Sheriff Elkcnbai-g and wife , who spent the
holidays with friends at Burlington , have
returned homo.
Mr. John Hartignn and Miss Maud Gason ,
two former residents of Plattsmoutli , re
turned to their homes at Hastings Wednes
day , after spending a few days hire this
Mr. Gcorgo It. Chulburn. principal of the
high school , returned to Plattsmoutli Tues
day , after a short visit nt hit , liar Ian , la. ,
A very pleasant watch night party was
given at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Now Year's
eve.The young gentlemen of the city wore ad
mirably entertained by the young ladles New
Year's day. The reception given by Misses
Hawhsworth , Irene Patterson , Kate Uobins ,
Margaret Shcperd , Ella Whlto and Lydla
Patterson at the homo of Miss Patterson are
spoken of In the highest terms of praise by
tlio young men.
Miss Henrietta Schulhof. of Plattsmouth ,
nnd Mr. Fred Herbert , of Sioux City , wcro
married in this city on Monday last. They
will reside at Sioux City.
Mr. CV L. Coleman , head clerk In the store
of Bennett & Yutt , severed his connection
with that Arm , and is now residing at
Mrs. Horace Bvons , of Council Bluffs ,
visited at the home of her uncle , Judge Chap
man , for n few days last week.
Miss Battle Chapman and Miss Bessie
Matson , of Kossuth , la. , loll last Friday for
the home of Miss Matson to spend the re
mainder of the holidays.
E/ra F. Kendall presented his "Pair of
Kids" at the Waterman opera house Friday
.Society in Itlair.
The leap year ball given by the ladies of
Blair or : last Wednesday night was a grand
success , and much credit is duo the Misses
Foda Castclliir and Letta Conk for their
management of tlio affair. Quite a number
of young people from Omaha were in attend
On Saturday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H.
Claridgo gave an enjoyable card party to
their many friends.
Mono of the Blair ladies kept open house
on New Year , but a number of young gentle
man called on their lady friends and wcro
welcomed m New Year style.
City Attorney W. II. Farnsworlh spent
New Year in Sioux City , where Mrs , Farnsworth -
worth is visitiilg friends and relatives.
Miss Ithoda Motzgcr is visiting m Ottawa ,
Kan. , and will bu gone some weeks.
Hon. M. Cameron , representative elect ,
departed Monday for the scene of hostilities
nt Lincoln.
Miss C'oc Clark is spending a few days at
homo from her duties in Omaha.
AVoddins HclN.
Silver \Voddlrii ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kalteier celebrated
their silver wedding at their residence on
North Twenty-third street. Now Year's eve.
A largo number of friends wcro present , in
fact the house was crowded. Music , both
vocal and Instrumental , was the order of the
evening , old and young taking part , and a
delightful time was enjoyed by nil. It was
nearly a. m. liefnro tlio fun was over. Mr.
and Mrs. Kalteier received quite a numborof
valuable presents , both useful and orna
mental , showing the nlacu they occupy in the
hearts and minds of their many friends.
On New Year's day at Cheyenne , Miss T.
Anna Thomasson , formerly of this city , was
married to Mr. John M. Kuykcndall. St.
Murks Episcopal church was the scene of the
ceremony , and the interior of the edifice was
most elaborately and beautifully decorated
with flowers.
Tlio bride was attired In faille francalso ,
cut en train , with a front of point nppliipio
lace , and enveloped In the filmy fohis of a
magnUicont silk tulle veil ,
All the bridemalds wore white tulle. The
bride carried n botprot of llllio.s of thu valley ,
and the bridemalds marcchal ncil and la
France roses.
The happy pair will spend n month in Now
York city and various other points of interest
in the east.
Tlio bride was forn'numberof years n resi
dent of Omaha , being tlio youngest daughter
of the Into X.aclmriah Thomasson , of this
city. The groom Is a prosperous young
Htockman of Choyenno. The wedding was
one of the finest that has over occurred in
Cheyenne. _
1 lorry Morford has decided to Join the
regular army.
Mrs , M , B. Williams returned from St.
Louis Monday.
The next party of the Homo Circle occurs
on the 18th inst.
Tom Gushing returns to college at Ford
hum , N. Y. , on Tuesday.
George KcrU bus returned from the cast
with his newly-made wife ,
Mrs. Minnie Rath-Whin , formerly of this
city , is the guest of her mother.
Miss Mamlo Brunor entertained n number
of her friends on Now Years eve.
Charles Fanning , Charles M. Kosters and
George C.mfiuld are at Hot Sprins.
A. C. Read has returned from his visit
with his parents in St-.inton county.
On Thursday , January IT , 16SO , Trlunglo
lodge will give a party at Masonic hall ,
Augustus F. Kountzo returned to his col
legiate studies yesterday. .He Is a freshman
at Yale.
Miss Theresa Gels will pass the next
two weeks with relatives and friends In Col-
A ball for the benefit of the Crccho will bo
lold at Exposition hall on the evening of
the 16th.
The select social given by Mrs. Magrano at
[ loyal Arcanum hail , Council Bluffs , proved
a grand success. ,
On Saturday avonlng , January 5 , the Dan *
thh society of Omaha will give a grand ball
at .Metropolitan hall.
Clarence llannan , of this city , ouu Miss
Nellie ( "Viiitj. r" * * . . .
rnndo man nnd wr. M I
First Baptist church , .
On Thursday oronliifr , Jti t" „ .
lodric , 1C. of P. , No. TO , will Rlvo . .
It * frlcr.ds at Metropolitan hall ,
Mr. nnil Mrs. P. S. Knymoml will Rlro ft
reception at their resilience , 123 boulH
Twi-nl.y-IKh ( street , on Thursday cvomnR.
The Ancient Order of Hlhornlfm bftnil
pave n masnuo ball Monday night nt Cun
ningham hall. Thi-rc wns a lanje number oC
merry inaHfpieradcrs and the costumca wora
unlipto and varied. The old year wns dntiocu
out and a goodly number of hours of tnov
present year were danced ( n. In Us entirety
the ball was an enjoyable one.
i-iii'urn muKCTouY.
South Omnlm , h ll over po'lnnicc-ltrr. l ) nlt
Ko : ei , j'ii t'ir. I'roscliliij ! rvory Siini M 10:44 : <
in .mill 715 p. in. similar rhooi Ml noon.
Calcnry. Sntinilcni. near Cunilnit He * A.W.CIarlr.
> tor. I'ltnirliliiit at 111 Dn. m. Suinlnj school at
. .
Hlr tstrntiKi'rv Sabbath Home , corner Fifteenth
ami liiivi'iiporl A. W tauntr , imtlor. l'r chln
It ) . * ) n. in .nml * . * ) p. in. "nmlnr ehool nt IT m ,
I'rnypr mri'tnm Wnlnpfdny periling * At 7:30 : tounri
lipiiplri' inppllnii r'rMiiv. nt 7 li I. ill. ItotlTal f n
vlre * nt trip Snmlny merit , Weilnf'ilsy nlitht amr Krl
itny night meulliiK ; ilurlni : tlio ontlro ( nil nnd winter.
Al ( U'iU fn-tv
Uunmmti'l rlnirrh. N v Jill Sunndrrt tr < > * t. Iq i
Knnii nilnrolli'T. | . V. W. Ko ter , im tor. r * lilenc ,1
' . - " . Slililii iri'i > l. llruiilnr prrachlntt ponvltcii on Cunl ,
iliir tit Hi ti n , in . nml * : U p. m. Similar school t 11
in. Wppklr prater niPPlInK * V I' . S. ( ' 1C. on MorO
< lny I'ti-tiitiit ill A HI , and n-nnliu church prayer mtjot"
In , ! on Wpilno .1n > otoulnii nt : 'M. Seal ? 'roe. ral
Mi'tli-IMpn , 1'nrk nvonuo nml l nrenwortli Her.
U. I. . llmiM' , puM'ir. r-erviev tniirnlnjdiiul vrcnlnid
MtuhaUi rlmol lit U in. V. I1. X. lK. . 7:15 p. 111.
nml 7.1'in Hmrcli , Xliiptppiilh HII.I Hint sittrlt
lU'U.ilar i'rvlru Mimlav niutnlim nt II , nml crculnd
lit 8 o'clock. T. II. Kwlnit , pn'tnr.
North Oiiinlin , 7I1M snitnilomItor. . K. W. Koitci %
| in inr. sori-lccs iiiurnhiK iiml avpiiliiK Hiinrtny
vliiml nt It in.
Swpdls'i , Mi North Kliilitcciitli llnr.lmrs Arlnnilcfi
| in inr. MMT | " ( ' momltii ! nml utoiilnif. Huiiuar
M-liool HI ilium. Prayer tiH'rlliiBViilnp iliijt orpnlnit.
Tenth MH'ct iiil ion Hev. I' . A. lionuK , piutur ,
oi'vuiM nt Hi. .U n. in , mul i : v p. in.
Xioiuooliiri'ilU'i ' : ) Nnrili Scvi'nti'pntli- . ( Jpor ( J
W Woiiilhoy. pii't'ir. Mirvlpi'tut . m. , unit 7:1X1
p. in. Minitnr M-liool lit Us HI | > . in , Illblu
i : . jp. in. , WiHluus'lar. Prayer iiivatlDK
rir t rhurili. . ! > 1 nnd ScvontPcntli-llPT. W. St
llnr lm , | iii tnr. llrilili'iiiMi .111 fioiilli T unty-imq
iiM-iino. Pri'tii-liltm m M. .ill n. in. , mill H | i. in. H M
Mith vriiniii ni i ; in. V. I' , s. r. inoeiiiK : nt 7 i > . iol
I'rnviT iiu'"tliiK , WiMliii' il.iy ntsp. in.
Si-mill clntrrli. Sntmilpr mul Nlrlioln * Itpr. W. Iti
llpii'li ' > i iiii , p.Ttnr. Uixliloiioo Dill Norlli Tn-entT ]
MMli. Pri'itrhlnu nt HI. 'Hill. 111. , nnil 7.111 1 > ill. Miw
liHth K.'li.inl tali in. VKIIIIK iiiMipli'i Mii'OUliK' nt 7 | ' <
in. I'niM-riiiri'tliii ; , Wciliiuvluy ittSp , m.
Sontliwoiit , I.iMirrnworth nml TwontlolhHov. . 1 > . n
Ui'ir , pnstor. HoslUi'iirnUlls-oiitli 'I'wnntlrtli. Pn-ftrb'
III ! ! nt II n. m. , nml T. : l p. in. Mitilmth school nt U.'lt
I' , in. Y. P , S. 0. 1 ! . morning at C. ; ; l p. in. PruOI
lupctlnit. Wnlnoriluy at I : < A p , in.
Klr t ( iiMiimn , KUMIi'initll , lu-nr ( "uinliikUPr. . J. ( ) .
Scli.iltili * . pn-I.M. lti < ! > Mnirt > Si ; Nortli ICU'liloerilll.
I'riMicliliiuiit 10 .11 u. in. , nml 7lp. : . in. Cornmn Sim (
day ii'linol ut noon. HiiKll'li .siinilny school nt M p. ni
In rlinrjonr ( inici'is ol Kirnt Prvanyterlnu cliurcli |
I'nirur uiLiftliiK , In iJeriimiii > t7.Up. ( m. , WiMlnuMlufj
Cii-tellnr Struct. SlJti'cntli nml Cmti-lUr -Ilov..1.M <
Wilson , tmstor. Iti liK'nco i uMMitoontli mul ( 'AMol *
lur. I'ronclihitf nt 10 ; * ln. iu. nml 7 : w p. in. Siibtmtll
> otiool : it I' . ' in , Vonnff piMiplo'M incutliiK ut 7 l > . 1114
Prnjor inovthiu , Woilno itay nt 745 p , in ,
WcHtinliKtor , South Twrilty. ninth mul Mi : on. ltPr <
.loliniiiintiin , piulor. Ili-oldenco II''S Soutli Thirty
llrM. I'lo rliliiKnl Hlilln.iii..iiiiil7 : : : < llp. in. Snlibntll
vlniol nt U' in. Yuunit p < 'opli'.i mi'i'ldiK' at 7 p. m <
l'rii > or inviaiiiK , Woilin-iilii ) nt 7iUp. : : in.
AniMt'r IMnco , Itnllou uvunnoiitnl Mtrntuln Mrcot- Ioil'o. } pti'ilor. ItevlikMiCti onu block i ns $
of cllllrrli. rriMlrhui llt II u. 111. , unit 7 Hl p. Ill Silti *
luith school tit r15 p. In. IViiycr uiul tvncnora * iiiiitt *
\Veine'iliy | : ut 7i J p. in.
Wnrnnt lllll , Limo itvriini1 anil Nlchnln "IrcPt
Kpv. W. .1. I'lilin , pnilor. lU'-Uli'iiiv 4114 Mcholiil
Mri'i't. I'lcni'lllIlK lit llh.'JI n 111 , Illul 7 .V ) p. 111. ? Hlf
Imtli "ohiiolat li m. Pruyvr incullin ; , Wuilnustluy eve
nlin ; "t 7.
Knov. XliiPti'pnthniiil Ohio Hov. I'nnl Mnrtln. pns
tor. lt ( ' i < li'iico''ll' . ' l.nkn. Proic : IIIIIK nt HI : ) n. in. ,
: iinl 7-ai : p.m. Militnilliilioolnt r.'in. I'rnycr meet-
INK , \ \ cilni'-ilay oirnlim ut 7 : : .
\\VMi. .r.'l sniiiiiiHRi Kov.W. U. Wllllnni" , pn-lor.
IloMiliuico i"il' ! Ciiiilwell. Snblinlh school l noon.
I'r.'iii'hliiK nl HI.IJi : in . unit 7. .10 p , 111. Prayer i > K'el
Inu , Wi'iliu'ulay uxunliiK ut 7 . ) .
CliiuclKif the Slriuwr.Twi'ntjMlflli nml .1 trocts ,
Nintli Dninlni Itcr. Itoln'it I. . WluM-lor. pastor. Si-r <
vlio * nt II a. in. , mul 7 l.i ii. in. I'r.iji'rniootini .
i.e-ilay I'vi'iiliiB nt 7 .
I'lrsa I'nlti-il , M'J Nurtli KlkhtpiinthService * nl IO.-SQ
n. in . ami 7 'HI p. in. Stuuln > I'tiool ivt noun. Young
pvoplu'i iiu'i'tini ! nt liJ. . I'r.ijur inectlni ! , Wvtluoa *
tiny : il 7'JI p. in.
IMik Avoniiii t'nitfil IMrk nveiuie unit ( IrnntHer. .
.1. A. lliMhlt'rioii. iia tor. burvU'oi nnnnlnx anil cvu
mint. Snnilny K , ( niol nt noon.
( Vntral Unllvil , Si'vi'iilocnlh. ln'tvvei'ii Doilco nnd
CniHIol iivriuijiti'V. . .liilin Wllllunioon. pallor , -or-
MrphUl U. * l a. in. , mi J 7 'HI p. in. bnmli : > MIOU | ) ut
- I-
! ( . Peters Tivpiily-i'lahlh ami I.oavpnwortli HOT.
1' , . ] . llojh' . pa-Kir. l.n\rina < " < nt tin. in. ; hlu'h innta
nml si'rinon iir 10 .Kl n. in. Siniilay . rliool ut p. in.
boJullty lit 3 p. in. Vi'-p-T nnil buncUlctlon nt7"lpiu : !
St. .lolin'scoli ! > lnto--Tivcaly-lllh mill CRllfurniu
Ri'V. .M. I' . Dinvlliif. S. .1. puitiir. Snnilny : .Mniscfl nt
is Suncl 1'lu. m , , thu hUh man- ) with KIM mini. Ycs-
pcni , rnsary nnil bonoillcllon nt 8 p. in. Mni ov ni'nlc
day. ntimi.l ; HliOa. : in. On tlio llr t I'rlcluy nl Hvi-ry
month niu-x'iutil , 7. mnl8oUii. : m. 1'iaycis , fcrmou ,
nnil benediction ut8p. in ,
ii'nii IcctiVres ut 7ai ; : p. in.
St. Joseph's , 1183 Snutli SovcnloontliHar. . ( ' , . J. :
Ililubor. pastor. Service" nt Snnd lUSlu. : ; in. , anil ' 'IHO
li.iii. Dnlly mini at 3 ii. in.
St. Alnry .Miitidulcni ! ( ( inrman ) liill DmitrlaHer. . (3.
I. Illnntier , pnfilor. Services HI S and IU : ; ; < J a. m. Sun-
luy school tit''ilJU p. m. Veipers ; i p. in. IMlly moss
it an. in.
St. Tntrlck'n 1421 Cnilollnr-ltcr. John .Iciiiintlu 1(01
rnaii'llar , pusliir. Itev. M.O'DDimliiiu , ni IMnnt pas
tor. .Masse * nt 7.tJ , VI rui't llliliO u. in. >
nip.m. : | Vcipprs nlHp. in.
St. Wuiircilnn'H ( tlnhoiulnnl , till Hniilli Koi nrtconth
Itnv. William Sliuku , insior. Scrvlcu.i ut 8 nml lUiu
in. , iiinl'-n : p. m. j-iniday pcnool nt2 | > , in.
I lily IT UII'CUIIK > UlllM'nlllly IJ VIllllKUl t > "U > 3U1IIH ITl H
Wulniit lllll , .McliiihiHiuiil Dalu Ituv. J. II. Jnlinson ,
piiKKir. NTvlces ut lU : : n. in..nnd I'-'Wii. in. sun ln
M-liinil ut 11)i. : m. I'rajur muutlni ; in 7iij : : p. in , , Wcu *
rO.S'filllXiATIONAI , .
Klril , Dnvonport uml NliiPlei'iilli-Spprlcci lit lir ) ; J
i. in. , nnil 7W p. in. Hiiniliiy Hcliunl ut noun. 1'raii-r
uootliiKiit 7l : | p. in , , Wi-rincBiliiy. VUIIIIL' pc'iinlu's
luoi'tliik'iilTilU p. in. . I rldny.
ftt. llnry'H Aronuo. Kt. Mnrjr'ii nnil Twenty-nnvontli
IVIMIUCK. llciv. Wlll.inl Scoll , piutor. Sorvlcua nr-
i ) : . ' n. in. , nml7i'l : ' p. in. Siitnliiy auluml nt noon. V.
' .S , C. K. .Monitiiv cri'iiliiK. I'n ior's uvcnlim , ut
loniu.TiiCMlujr. Cliurcli prayer inectlnK Weiliit-s'.lii/
cvcnliiu' .
lleililohom cliMolHoiitli | SUlocntli nml ttlckory
IHV. .M..I. I1.'I'lihii ; , pamor. Snmliiy ncliool lUJ n. m.
mliislrlul school-atnr.lay ut 1'lu ' , in ,
1'nrkviilo clinpilijiiiitli ! Twunty-nlntli und .Murtlin
J. ll.'lajlorKilpiiilnlriHlciu. Knnilajr nclioul nt llpru
Tliuinloril immiorlnl. WlmUor t'lucu (
SI. Mury1 * iivenue-Ilnv. ) Wllliinl Scoll , im tir. la
luirxu. Hiiniiiir kclioid ut 3 p.m. Cunrcu pnivut
iii-ctliiK TliiirsOnjr oxjiiliiu.
Plyiiioulli.lCiiiintzol'liico-Ilov.Alfroilll. Pciinlinan.
> ntur. Holds MjrvkTS nt I'M ( : n. in. , nnil 7 ; . ' l li. in.
'unilnjr scluul nt iionn. V. I' . H , C. H. : it 11:45. : Umwn'H
trnvo cliipul : sai vloca nt 4 p. in ,
SnruUHM , 'r.visnty.lirm nnil AIIHU nvonuiiHer. .
nink H. rorhcn. [ nislor. Scrvicrs nt lU''KI n. m. . ninl
ill P. m. V.I'.B. C. 15. lit iUp. ) : in , 1'inyur uiuutlnii
Vcilnumliiy nt 7'M : p , ni.
I'tfo KvniiKollciil ( crinaii.Tirulflli nniF Dorrnt
( uv. I' . II. W , llrnui'hurl. pnilor. Horvlioi ut IU-Hii' ;
i. , nnil I..IU p.m. VUIIIIK pi'oidiM1 niccllni ; alT p. ru.
" "jji'j " ; : . m. WcUncsany , iiruyermiieU I
Cherry lllll. ( Vntrnl I'nrk-HoT.J.A. MlllluHn , pan.
or. Kurvlct-i , l 1111. m. . uml 1t : t p. m. Uiimlnr xiVmol
t Kin. in.N iMliii'Kdny liniyurinuotlMU at 7 : : ) p , m.
imihlilo.TlilrtlctlimiilOblo-Horvlcos nt I0.1in. : ) in.
; . : * ) . in. rinnilny HClinol ntnuon. Junior V r.
- . ( J. K. nt : i./l : p. in. ; Kenlor V. I1 , H , ( ! . K. ut 0'U ; u , ill.
-rnyer niDiitlni ; Wi'iliipmluy "ivcillnn ut T3) ; .
Park I'laeu , Callfornlii uml 'nilrly-llrul-llov. .M. I , .
llolr , punliir. fervlc-nri ut 10-M . m unit 1\'Mp. \ ml
HnuJay school ut noon.
Trinity cnlho Iral , Kl hloonth mid CanlKJI iivimue
vt-rylluy. liean ( iaulnur , piintor. Holy cuiiiiiiuiiloa
ut NIL m. Hunilny vrliuul uml Ht. Aniliuw1) ) ! brother-
lioo.l . lilbhi cliim nt H'IO p. -Mornlnupruyiir. . lltan/
nml ncrinon ut l | a. in , KvcnlnK pruyer , with u Hiort , Servlcunuvury weak ilaynt'jii.
iijj.uiflon I rlilaycroiiliiK ( with li-rturo ) utY''M. On
iillMiInt HdayH , holy communion al'Ju. m. Simiiver (
oor.llnlly wuloumud.
AIISalnt.ii'hnrfliTwnnty.ilxth anil Hovrnril-Mov.
r nilH.ahncr. . H. T , I ) . , roctor. Snnduy narvleom I Inly
roinmunlon ut 7. : < 0n. in. MornliiK pruycr and lltnny
atll n , in.i ovunlnir ut 4 p. in. Hunilay ncLuol utilp.
in. iinini ; men's ulljlo clnm Httttt \ p. m. . illrrctiX
alter llui midday xt-i'vlce. On thu llret Hnmluy of
each nionlli the holy ouniiniiiilon In Kt 11 o'clock In *
Mfliiilof lunrnlnir pruyor. Hurrlcoi urn a I no liuld on
Weilnciiilny uroiihiKH nt 7-l nnrt ( m Krliluy inurulnift
m lilo cluck.jtlruiii'i.'r always welcomed.
St. llarimLm Kreo , Nlneti'cnthiinil Callfornlu-Ilov.
John WlllluniH , pnstor. I'luln ctdubriitlon nt7i : la. m.i
clioral cululiriitlon nt II n. in. Hnndujr stliool ut fl : )
u m. Chornl Iivonioni { l7-Mp , in ,
Mmlon eervlcun Tlinr dHjr at 7:40p : , in , , nt Ihii roil-
Join e of .Mr. John Kpcnvtur , Itov. John WlllliuiiiJ ,
pa tor.
St. I'lillllp-.fin North Nlnctcrntli Her. II. U Ham-
hlu , p.ntor. C'nleliriillon of holy communion atV u ,
in. livun OMU at I'M p. m.
St. Anilrow-B mlMlon , Wnlnut Illll-ltov. Chnrlo *
WUnuupuun , pastor. In chnrKo. Sunilny neliool ut
Ueitzmun hull , on jSimduy at a IP. m ,
Kt..loUu'ichiirchrornorTwinly-5lxtli ; ! and Trank.
Hi. Itnv. Wllllum OJKO.P.I . IVarion , roctor. Holy
communion ( exeunt on HrstBunduy In month ) at Un.
in. Hund.'iy Hchool nt 'J45u. ; in , Matlni , litany Hiite *
( omninnlon Mirvlco ( un IIrut hunduyln nionllilltaur ,
unly roinmiinlonarid ) m'rinon mil n. m , Kren > onK
und fermon at7wj : : p. m. livery Friday , ItUur.aJ-
drees , utc.al7'.lii. | in.
Ht. Paul nilatloii.'riilrty-BOcnndnndUa-s-HoT.Il. I/ ,
flninblii , puDlor. borrlcti ut It u , m. SnnJuy icnool
nt 3 p. m. I
Houtli Omnhii Mission , Thlnl ward fchool home. ?
Juttcr'iiidillilon-Iter. V. ti. Wltliernpoon , prlvtl Hi
clmruo. Hunday-tcliool ut ! i p. in , Berrlc > a uu < ii
Walnut lllll .MlMlon. wcotliiK In the Chrlillnn
church corner nJ Nlcholnn unit Halo BtroeU-Hnv. II.
I , , ( iuinblc , piutor. Siinilny-icliool ut .1 p. in. llreu *
out' and sermon at I p. in ,
Tin ; Dfiatli Hcuoi-il.
VIISXNA , Jim. r > . Herr Kachbaurur , form *
erly president uf the rcichsrath , in dead ,