Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1889, Page 12, Image 12

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    - " - =
A True Statement of thp Facts.
Mr. Kronhonnz was found liy a reporter nt Ills
ronliluncc. No. 1114 Kontli nth strout , who fur
nIMioil tlio fplUwliUf stftti-inent of tarts. I ftlil
by triulu u rarn"Utor nnd work nt tln > Hlmmoji s
Ulnimriicturlui , ' Co.,1mvliur liuuti In thclrutnploy
two yenm. About tliutlino I commenced workIng -
Ing thcro I noticed Unit bre.itlilnc throtiKli mv
nose wnBljecomliiKinoio ( lllllciilt , this troiiblu
knpt liitrensInK until aloiiK lust Mtmmur. my
lofttiostrll Kotio bad tluit I could hardly Torco
mr tliroiiKh It. mid only partially through tliu
rluhtiitu * . this rnmtiolluii mo to month almost
entirely through my mouth , nnd mormiiKS when
1 would \vuko up mv toiiKiio and throat felt IIH
dry nsu chip , Hftur rlslntj 1 would Htnrtlnto
huwk nnd unit until my throat would K t i > m
tlKllv clcurod of tlm imleuiii which would ivi1-
cuunilnto thcro during the night. On placing
my linger Into mvldftnostril , I tould feel iihnrcl
paijwtlon Just Inside , which oucmoil to bo the
cause ot some of my troubles , my throat full
full u great deal of tliu tlmu and I hail dull palm
over my even and the bridge of my nose. I felt
that something had to bo done ; having read of
the uncross of Doctor.Jordan In cases whli h nt > -
reared llko mine , I concluded to give him u call.
Ho told mo I nml ratarrh , and the septum or
middle partition was bunt oer so as to stop up
the left nostril. Ills prlco to mo seemed vorv
reasonable nud I decided toglvohlm atrlnl.and
1 am glad I did , for now the nostrils are open ,
mv breath Ing free , the pnlu In my hend gonu.
The accumulation of mucus has censed mid in
factallof the tioubles 1 have spoken of are at
( Lutoofllellevun Hospltnl.New York. )
Succeeded uy
Charles M , Jordan
( Late of the Tmverslty of Now York City nnd
llowuid Unlvcrsltv , Washington , 1) , C.
No. 31O and 311 Ramcro Building
Corner Fifteenth and Harucy sts. , Omalia , Neb. ,
where all curable cases are treated
with HUCCO.SS.
Note Dr. Chailes M. Jordan has been resi
dent physician for Dr. McCoy , In Omaha , for
the past year and Is the physician who IMS
moilo tno cures that have been published
weekly In this paper.
Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump-
_ ton. llripht'H disease , Dyspepsia , itheumntism
nud all NKKVOUS UlSfUSKS. All diseases pe
culiar to the sexes u specialty. UATAUUII
CONSULTATION nt ollico or by mall , $1.
Ollico hours 'Jto 11 a. m. , Iito4 p.m. , 7 to 8p.
m. , Sunday olllce hours from ! l a. in. , to 1 p. in.
Correspondence receives prompt attention.
Huuv alboasies lire treated successfully by Dr.
Jordou througn the Jiial I s.aud It Is tlms possible
for these unable to make a.lournuy to obtain
OnrflriimH ESTABLISHED 1851 ( ISO So.
fcUreiUreSlJ Chicago , Ills. 1 ClarkSt.
The Regular Old-Established
la still Treating with the Greatest
Clirottia , Neryons anil Private Diseases ,
Of-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect :
leading to early depay and perhaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
"jlWSYJ HILlVand nil bad Blood and Skin DIs
eaiea permanently cured.
aS-KIDNEYond URINARYcomplalnti.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varicocele and all diseatea
cfthe Oenlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Or jans.
* 3No experiments. Ace and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
43-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Discasts.
4fThose contemplating Marnace send for Dr
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
jj cents , both cents ( stamps ) . Conjult the old
. . .
A'lIC a lLCl > ICll * - * Ml Bf jv"I - - /
ml writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure
Hears , 8 to 8. Sundays g to la. Addreu
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL ,
N. W. Cor. ISth & Dodso Sts ,
ronm TB ATMKfT Of Jttf.
Appliances for , Deformltlei and Trasiet.
Best fscllltlti , pparatas kail remedies for suoorss-
1 tre tmenl 01 orerr form ul dlseato requiring
udlckl or Hurglcsl Trentratnt.
Board neil att nd ao | " ' hospital aooouimoJ
WRITS spd Orecei
- jViei'dub reel , Curr ur of the b.lne , Wlcs
- iimors. Uttooer. U Tarrh , Uroncbltls. lulmUlloo
_ lctrlcltr l , I' rilr ( . Bpllep 7. Kianer. llUJiler ,
Ere , E rHkla anil Blood.and allUurgloalOpsratloni
plaoasos of Woman a Specialty.
UAKina A ai-KOiAt.Tr or
AliniooJ JI ea os suocoifullr trentod. Brphllltl
Poison rumoreU from toe sritain without uieruurr
h < r reiturutlTe trotraunl iorloss ot vital l'o fer
FMSODS unabl * to vltll us m r be treated at homo b
SarropOBdenco. All commualsatlons connilcntlal
Uxnrintt or lattruB9nts sent bf mall or ciipreti
Mrnraly pacXad , DO niirks to lodleat * coatonls o
Mad * ' ' One t r oaal Imterrlew prefcrrod. Uall am
Sootult ui or fend hlilorr of four cue , and wi wll
Mod In plain wrapper , oir
n Privat , BpeolaJ f Kerrout Dliuaiui. Itapo-
> .8ri > ullti , ( JleelBJir VMloco * ! * , wlincjurilloa
Afedlcal Md Surgical
OR , McMIfiXAltfY ,
. 18th * na DocJtt * SU. ' OMAHA. NBB ,
IIK.'H , I' .
Physician and Surgeon
Hourr , 10 to 13 n , in. ui.d S to 4 p. m , At He *
deac 2illVlrt , dieur HiuniihrH ) until 9 u. n
Roil ot r jp. . at , Tclcpliuno Kos : OllicoJH \ \
How James M. Pottoo's Llfo Was
Spent In Omaha.
Homo Kcccntrlcltlcf * of tlio Mnn
AVhoHo Aim Scorned to Ho
to Mnnng6 n Gigantic
Girt Sclicinc.
Jninos M. Pnltcp.
In tlio dcnth of .Tninos M. Pattco , ono
of the oldest citizens of Omiihn , becomes
extinct. Anon-resident here for more
tlmn iluo yours , yol retaining an al
most undlminishcd interest up to the
duyof his decease in Omaha's realty ,
Mr. Pattco can justly 1 > o claimed as ono
of us. His death at the family
residence on Wavcrly Place , St.
Louis , a locality , while not strictly aris
tocratic in a modern sense , yet is ac
counted the habitat of bomo of the old
est and most wealthy of tlio St. Louis
population , revives recollections of a
by-gone day in Omaha , and in winch
.lames M. Pattco played a very promi
nent part.
There are some of Omaha's old settlers
tlors who have very vivid remem
brances of the times in which Pattee
figured , and can recount many of the
pecularillos that characterized his bus
iness movements. In the first few years
of his residence in this city ho failed to
display any of these eccentricities , such
as ho is said to have evidenced later.
Ho wai hero to make money by the
shortest route , and in the easiest man
ner possible. That ho succeeded is bo-
yound all doubt , attested to by
the valuable real estate pur
chases ho made from tlmo to time , for
which ho always paid in ha rd cash.
IIo novcr cniibblcd about a dollar or two
in muleiiiIT u bargain. The waj ho
ncquircd'this wealth is well Known.
In these days , the "lottery scheme"
was new , at least in the northwest. It
had thospico of excitement , about it so
very fascinating to both old and young.
Pattoe was a brainy follow ; in certain
directions at all events and the gullu-
blo Ncbraskans and people in other
states fell into his scheme with avidity.
Kverythlng came his way. All the
\isuiil decoys were thrown out , and acted
like a charm , and the Foucho of the
Northwestern lottery fake , nourished
apace. Nor did ho do things by halves.
On the site where is now Lfornbcrgcr's
saloon on Douglas street , between
Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets , ho
opened an ollico and commenced opera
tions in great fatyle. "It was no un-
commo.n thing , " 'saysa certain member
of our present juiiiciary , who know Pat
tee very well , "lor an order to bo given
by him for the printing of 1,000,000
posters as large as the present Omaha
liiii : . They were always printed on
pink paper , and sot up in the most at
tractive dross , that the printing ollico
could supply. "
This lottery manipulator was as prod
igal in tlio help he hired as ho was in
his printing. Thcro were between lifty
and sixty clerks kept constantly at work
bending out circulars , issuing tickets ,
and attending to the various details of
the business. Pattco favored female
labor , and consequently the major portion
tion of his clerical help were composed
of females. Says the same member of
the judiciary : "Pattoo had a keen cyo
for female beauty , and his female clerks
were tlio linost-looking girls you ever
saw in your lifo. Indeed , some of them
were beautiful " women , and.the 'boys'
in thoso" days used to patronize the lot
tery ollico more for the chance of ex
changing 'soft nothings' with the f emi-
iiino clerics than for any great interest
they might feel in the result of Specula
tions in a ticket. "
Patteo was an indefatigable worker.
From early morning until late at night ,
ho was on the alert. It is not surpris
ing1 to know that his operations became
enormous. Tlio mail each day brought
such quantities of communications to
his olllce that the ordinary postal facili
ties of thai day were paralized. Such
nn unexpected rush of business had the
effect "laying out" Postmaster Gritlin ,
and something had to bo done to meet
the dilllculty.
That "something" was of great mo
ment to Omaha , and had a great in
fluence upon her future. She was
raised to the dignity of a postollice of
the llrst class. The population of the
city at the time , nor the amount of post-
olll'co business transacted ( outside of
Patteo's lottery operations ) did not war
rant such an honor. But it came never
theless , and to the man who died
lately , mubt the credit bo awarded.
But Patteo was an ambitious
man , nnd Hew at high game.
In 1871 ho became the proprietor
of a newspaper. It was called
the Dispatch. It died in a short time.
It was principally used to "boom" the
lottery busincs , and probably answered
its purpose. Some pcoplo have boon
ungenerous enough when speaking of
Patteo's lottery to refer to it as ono of
"all blanks and no prizes. " This is not
true. There may not have been a
superfluity of "nost oggs" in it , but
there is no doubt that some people did
draw lucky numbers and derived corresponding
spending linancial benefit therefrom.
So successful did Mr. Patteo find his
lottery business , that in 187.H , still re
taining his Omaha ollico. ho opened a
branch establishment in Laramie City ,
and did a land olllce business for nearly
four years in thatsectionof the country.
It is further stated by some , that Den
ver , Col. , was also favored by his pres
ence and an ollico , but this report can
not bo authenticated. But it is certain
that ho operated in various parts of
Wyoming territory , with his usual
measure of success.
In the winter of 1881 and 1SS2 , Pat
teo's olllccs were transferred from
Douglas street to the building nt the
northwest corner of Sixteenth and Far-
nam streets , formerly the city linll , and
as usual , began to manipulate lottery
tickets. Whether the people of Omahu
had grown tired of the game of chance
as exemplified by Pattoo , or had suc
cumbed to a spasm of virtue , or whether
the lottery agency interfered with the
success of the gambling fraternity , it is
hard to say , but , at this point of the
cltv's hlbtory , an effort was made to put
a stop to all lotteries by process of law.
District Attorney Bnrnhain preferred a
charge against Patteo before the grand
jury belting forth that according to the
btatuto law of Nebraska , lotteries were
illegal. An indictment followed , to
gether with a prolonged triftl. Pat-
too'a couiibol were Go no nil Co win nnd
John M. Thurston. It wus no use , lot
teries hnd to go , and Patteo was found
guilty nnd lined $500 ,
Accepting the inevitable , ho closed
his ollluo , not , however , before taking
the best legal opinion | n the city upon
the question. This opinion , in oyery
instance , wont to support the verdict of
tlio court , After tins Puttee seems to
have soured somewhat on Omaha. Hie
wlfo is described as never having thor
oughly acclimated in the west , nnd
yielding to her solicitations , ho removed
to S' , . Louis , visiting this city , hovovor ,
nt iritorvals to look after his real estate ,
but never being moro lhan n transient
visitor. Ho does not appear to liavo
tried the lottery scheme In the Mound
city , but simply conlontcd himself with
superintending the investments he
made froin tlmo to time in St. Louis
realty. It Is said that of Into years ,
nnd in his old ago , ho conceived great
ideas as to the soundness of investment
In St. Louis securities , nnd placed
every dollar ho wns worth in them. If
reports are to bo believed , ho was judi
cious in so doing , for ho is reputed to
have loft behind him n fortune of about
$500,000. '
Mr. Patteo wns born nt Enfield , Grafton -
ton county , N. II. , on April 0. 18 ! . IIo
came of a sturdy English yeoman
stock , nnd in his early youth
had few educational privileges ,
having to do laborers' work upon his
father s farm situated in Canaan , N. II.
A fcovero injury received while doinir
Hold work incapacitated him for further
manual labor , nnd at the ago of
eighteen year * ho entered nn academy
In the village of Caiman and wont
through a preparatory course of study
for three years. application to
study had the olTect of nnuorminlng his
health , so ho had to give that up.
Being a good penman ho thought , it
would be n good Idea to teach writing.
In this he was eminently successful nnd
wound up this adventure by opening
and conducting for a considerable time ,
the Boston ( Mass. ) Commercial college.
Being of a thrifty disposition Pattco
had by this time accumulated a few
thousand dollars and like many others
of his day , in the year 1833 lie came
west , and made investments in real es
tate in Chicago , Hock Island and other
places. "Money makes money , ' ' it is
said , and Patteo's "specs" turned out
regular bonanzas. IIo literally piled
them up upon edge. In ISo-f ho re
turned to Now Haven and married MJS.S
Eunice D. Head , a beautiful and accom
plished society lady , the daughter
of the Into Henry A. Head , a leading
merchant of New Haven. By this mar
riage live children , all daughters , were
born. While a resident in 1882 in this
city , his youngest child died , an occur
rence that both.Pattoe and wife took to
heart very much , and coupled with his
legal troubles at the same time , may
have had much to do with his leaving
Omaha. After being married , a tour of
Illinois , Iowa and Nebraska was under
taken by the newly married couple.
After a residence of a few years in the
Quaker City , Patteo and wife went to
Europe and spent two years "doing the
sights'1 of the old country. In Mi ! and
' ( ! , ' ! California was the base of his opera
tions , and like everything else ho put
his hands to , Pattco's quartz and gold
mining turned out immensely success
ful. In 1871 ho came toOmalia.
The subject of this writing has been
variously described by some as a j t
ing avaricious fellow ; a crank on' J { '
ligious matters and undesirable'1"
associate. While it is to be
that ho was a man , somewhat
and possessing traits of character dis
tasteful to many. Still ho did have
business and domostio relations worthy
of commendation. There are many in
Omaha , who to this day refer to Pattce
as an upright man in business. His
domostio lifo was above reproach. lie
literally worshiped his family. All
that money could inirehaso for their
comfort was nroeureu. Nothing was too
good for thorn. The Patteo residences ,
both in Omaha and St. Louis , were cel
ebrated for the insignificance of furnish
ing. Outside of business his liberality
was simply remarkable. The llnest ed
ucational advantages were given to his
family , and the benefit of foreign travel
placed at their disposal. Indeed he
seemed to lead all his lifo n sort of
a dual existence. The James
M. Patleo during business hours ; and
the James M. Patteo at homo with the
cr.res and worry of every day life cast
aside , were two distinct people.
Finally on December 1 ! ) the last call
oame. Three week's illness had in
some measure prepared his family for
this termination to a busy , varied and
eminently successful career. And , sur
rounded by these whom he had loved so
.veil , and for whoso comfort ho had so
assiduously catered all his life , ho
passed away.
With all his defects , ho was a good
citizen of Omaha. He caused lots1 of
money to circulate here , and lielp udjtQ
build up tlio city in n great mca' ire.
According'to the lights of his day , hi *
lottery schemes were not. breeches\ > F
the law ; and if ho was a "fakir1. ' or iV
iramblor ; ho at least had the merit of
being a law-abiding one when ordered
to close up , he obeyed.
An Absolute Cure *
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodmnn Drug Co. , at ! 23
ecu ts per box b.v mull ! ! 0 cents.
A sea-serpent fiixty-tlireo feet lonp , with
the head of u c.ttflsh and covercil with scales
niul barnu cles , 1ms been caught m the troj > -
Ics ,
A porker in Otoo county , Nebraska
emerged from an attnek of cholera with Its
bristles , formerly black , a very pronounced
Pine City , W. T. claims to have the small
cut living woman. She Is twcnty-sc.von years
old , twenti-nmo inches tall and weighs
thlrty-thrco pounds.
A bullet tired into a Tennessee negro who
wns stealing a pig struck him in the right
arm , run up to the shoulder , passed down to
the left side , twisted around two ribs and
dropped ut his feet.
A Montreal man Is astonished. Ho writes
to the papers that his wife , while pouring out
the milk the other morning , poured out a
Bimill minnow , wnieh Jumped about in a
lively nuinner , as if in Its native element.
J. U , Buss now In Now York , is known as
the "ossillcd man , " Ho Is llfty-aight years
of ago , blind , and a living skeleton , weighing
hut seventy pounds. His limbs are so ossi
fied that ho Is perfectly helpless , and all his
body scorns to bo turning slowly to bono.
A Uttlo negro boy opened an oyster the
other day in Montezuma , Ga. , and found In
side a llttlo mullet. The fish was allvo und
Hopping , and was lying contentedly b.v the
sldo of the occupant of the shell. How It
got there and how long it had been there are
two interesting questions.
A Borkehlro ( England ) farmer has just
lost a valuable cart colt from n most extraor
dinary cause , The colt had for a long tlmo
suffered very much from dlfllculty of breath-
inp. An operation having been performed
on Us throat to no purpose , it was llnully de
cided to have It shot. On the carcass being
cut up und the neck severed at the shoulders ,
to tlio great astonishment of these present , a
fair-sized toad crawled out of the opening in
the windpipe , onil the extraordinary eauso of
tlio poor animal's sufferings became at once
apparent. The toad was almost red when
extricated , but gradually assumed its natural
The motto of California means , ! have
found it. Only in tlmt land of sunshine ,
whore the orange , lemon , olive , flg and
grape bloom and ripen , nnd attain their
highest perfection in mid-winter , nro
the herbs nnd gum found , that nro used
in that pleasant remedy for nil throat
nnd lung troubles.
SANTA ABIE the ruler of coughs ,
nathma nnd consumption. The Good
man Drug Co. has been appointed agent
for this valuable California , remedyund
soils it under n guarantee at $1 a bottle.
the only guaranteed cure for ca nrrh.
II , by mull $1.10 ,
The Beautiful Surroundlngra of the
California Voluntoo rs' Homo.
The HullilliiKS Present nml I'rosncct-
Ivc Mow the Slto IVan OMnlne.l
Applicants Tor AtlinlHHloil
Plans for Its Operation.
A Homo Tor Volunteers.
Los AxaiJMW , Cul.Dec. J3. ! [ Special
CoiTcxpondonco of Tin ; Bin : . ] The
Homo for Disabled Volunteers is about
fifteen miles from this oily niul two
miles this Bide of Santa Monica. The
government lias obtained a tract of land
hero comprising GOO acres , and here is
to bo established u soldiers' homo which
shall eclipse any other In the country.
Tlio grant of land carried with it a
bonus for improving the property , and
the government Is practically com
mitted to a largo additional appropria
tion. Thrco-llfths of the land wasglvon
to'tho government by Senator .lonos of
Nevada and U. G. linker of this city ,
who own tin innnoiibo tract surrounding
Santa Monica and reaching from the
sea baclc to the mountains.
Tlio site was selected by a commis
sion , at the head of which was General
iS'cgioy. One can hardly conceive of a
more lovely location than the ono
selected. The tract of land Is chiclly
mesa and slopes gently from the foot
hills oj the Santa Monica mountains to
the ocean. Tlio spot chosen for the
buildings is quite elevated , and from
the verandah of ono of the barracks
can bo scon a wide oxpaiibd of valley ,
the distant peaks of tlio Sierra Mad re ,
the San Bernardino and thcSan Jacinto
The snow-capped summit of Old
Baldy , seventy-live miles distant , San
Bernardino and Gray baclc 100 mill's away
and the rugged peak of San .lacinto
) oO miles away , are distinctly visible
on a 6lcar day. Tlio city of Los Angeles ,
the llaiiuinii Hotel at Pasadena , Inulo-
wood , Long Ueach , Qallona Harbor ,
Santa Monica and several smaller vil
lages tire tilbo in plain sight.
The roar of the waves of the ocean
can be heard , and across Simla Monica
hay the Catahna island is hoea. Be
tween that iblantl and the main land
can frequently be been the shipping
entering or departing from San Pedro
harbor. Back of the homo are the
Santa Monica mountains , and the canon
of the same name. Liveoul ; trues ,
hcattcrod over the intervening' foot
hills like scattering trees in an old
orchard , relieve the otherwise uninter
esting tisouet of these rolling heights ,
The cool brcczu ftom tliu ocean , tem
pered by the proximity of tlio low
mountain range gives to the spot on
which the homo is situated the climatic
conditions most to be desired. The
bummer's heat can never bo intolerable
and the winter's chill seldom reaches
a temperature huliiciently low to occa
sion oven frost. The tcndercst of semitropical -
tropical plants , llpwers and trees will
llourish. The grounds are so shaped-by
nature and so bituntcd for atmospheric
conditions as to be susceptible of the
hijrhcbt , degree of embellishment. The
btately palm , tlio luxuriant banana , and
all the trees which make our homes
hero so beautiful areito bo planted.
Flowers and fruits will abound. In
fahorl it is the purpose oftho olilcers of
tlio home here to spare cno pains , no ex
pense , no clTort , to nmko this the most
beautiful spot on earth. ' The beautiful
sloping mesa , the ravines , the knolls ,
and even the rugged cliffs arc all to be
made as attractive aa the landscape
gardener's art can plan sind large a p
propriations execute.
There are now four barracks in course
of construction , two being nearly com
pleted. Two cottages ml a barn are
the other buildings. ' The barracks
have accommodations for > 100 persons in
each. There are to < bo twenty-live
similar buildings , according to the
plan. The better of thetwo ! cottages
.is to be the gardener's residence. An
. " 58,000 cottage is to bo built at once for
'the ' governorind one to cost $0,000 for
'the surgeon.
The four barracks tire quite hand
some in architecture , ana will coit com
plete 8110,000. Each lias a wide veran
dah 400 feet long in front and on tlio
two ends. Reading rooms , reception
rooms , bath and sleeping rooms are
provided in each. A temporary dining
room , Milllciont to accommodate ) sol
diers , is to bo erected immediately
near the barracks. This will eventual
ly bo replnceri by a capacious one to
beat IV'UU when the work hm further
progressed. A large hospital , and an
extensive mmrtorinastpr's htoro with
other buildings , are included in the
plan of improvements. The biiparvis-
ing carpenter advised mo that & 2oOGOO
would lie expended on the grounds
within live year.- ) .
There are now some fortv disabled
veterans cared for at the Home. They
are temporarily quartered in a rough
board building , and are by no moans
comfortable. A great many applica
tion ? are received , and only btich as are
easily dissuaded from coming are kept
away. The ex-soldiers are very much
interested in the southern homo which
is to be provided hero. Governor
Brown thinks the accommodations will
be taxed to their utmost almost im
mediately after their completion. No
moro delightful spot can bo secured for
the war-worn patriots who wish to pass
their decliningyears ; in comfort.
Like ovorvthing else , the Soldiers'
Homo partook of the nature of a real
Obtnto speculation , .lonos & Baker
made their magnificent donation of BOO
acres to assist them in sailing off sev
eral thousand acres. When the homo
was located , a tract adjoining was im
mediately platted into acre lots and
was mimcil Nogloy Villa. Another
syndicate laid off a town site near and
called It Suiibot. This syndicate sub
scribed $100,000 as a cash donation to
bo used in beautifying thopromises. It
staked off acres of town lots , started to
build a mammoth hotel and subsidized
a railway to build hitherward. The
Los Angeles county railroad , building
at the time toward Santa Monica , nlbo
contributed to the enterprise. But the
real estate buyers , after investing in
Suriset , began' to grow indifferent to
speculation. The second and third pny-
ments wore not met , and much of the
land remained unsold. The hotel is
yet unfinished , n monument to the folly
of the forinoi a great , gloomy , unpainted -
painted box on the open prnirio. The
$100,000 was hurd to get , and in lieu of
two-thirds of it the Home commission
took an additional 200 acres of land , and
agreed to accept $33t3a : in cash in ton
equal payments. The government is to
bo congratulated upon the princely
property secured , and the disabled vet
erans are to bo happy in their beautiful
homo , but the real estate speculators
will hardly realize their hopes in hard
cash , whatever onjoyinout they may
obtain from the' thought of having
contributed BO generously to the enter
The British plumber will hereafter linvo
to bo repMorcd before entering upon tlio
pursuit of his trade. Ho will bo required to
prm mi examination and will lie given a di
ploma ,
Some tnulo unions hnvo adopted rcsolu
lions Imposing heavy lines upon members
found working below ilio regular sealo mid
subjecting them to various restrictions and
The workmen employed by the city of
Cleveland work nine hours per day. An or
dinance under consideration by the council
of that city requires public work contractors
to employ none but American citizens.
There nro so many Idle carpet-workers In
the city of New York that when a factory
employing 5H)0 ) men and women announced n
reduction of 12 per cent in wages a few
days ago there was not a single remon
Experiments hive been mmlo In Berlin
with India rubber pavement. It Is said to be
very durable , n list-loss , and utmffi'cteci by
hent or cold. As a covering for bridge * it is
said to have peculiar merits , its elasticity
provcntlng vibration.
From Berlin oomo.s the report of a furious
criminal CIIHO In which Judgment has been
given against nn architect and a contractor
through whoso nogiiscnco eight laborers
were killed. They Imvb been condemned tea
a half years' imprisonment each.
Every vocation scorns to bo beset by its
own peculiar kind of disease. Telegraph
operators of Into lmv developed an allllolioa
which Is , so far as known , conllncd to their
calling. In this ailment the llnecr nails drop
off , one after another. The tilTection is sup
posed to bo duo to the constant luimnivrliig
and pushing With the llnger-ends required
by tlio working of the Morse system of telo-
UxniTi : exposure to cold winds , rain ,
bright light or malaria , may bring on
inflammation and soreness of the oyos.
Dr. .1. II. McLean's Strengthening Eye
Salvo will subdue the inllamnmtlon ,
cool and soothe the nerves , and
strengthen weak and failing Eye Sight.
Ill ) cents a box.
Hall-call at Ann Arbor shows 1M)3 ) stu
Dr. Albert X.ahrlsklo Gray resigned the
wnrilcnshipof Hncine collcRC.
Cornell university has carried Us suit for
.lonny McGr.iw Kislt's millions to tlio United
States supreme court.
Berlin university lias 5,701) ) students en-
tore 1 for the present winter term , of whom
171 are from Amorlci.
The University club of Ivansas City is n
flourishing organization , and Kansas City is
bv no means so fur west as it was a few
years n o.
At Harvard during the year the students
h.ivo drawn from the ( Joro II ill library over
sixty thousand volumes , and thoJiuniber of
"losecvud books" taken out over night is
more than nine thousand volumes.
Prof. Bralnard G. Smith , of Cornell uni
versity , the only professor of journalism in
the country , is hopeful about Ins work , the
first halt of the course having beun completed
with nliicteyujjujnls , most ol whom are con
nected with tlie college papers.
A site for tVfc proposed mechanical school
for boNs. ' roi' flib establishment of which 1.
V WIliiaui'lo.A''W.l'hiliiUoli'hlishas ' ' promise 1
f.VNKll ) ( > l > , ! wSi6t ! yet boon chosen , but it is
understood that the donor himself favors the
( Junker City. The labor of carrying out his
pliilanthrouio design lias been deputed to u
board of trustees. It is understood tiNe that
he will enlarge his already royal gift if nec
essary. Mr. Wlli.iiiison'.s legal adviser
states that no racial or rolijrious considera
tions will be regarded in the admission of
The liberal response to our tlO.OO Suit
sale has proven to us that when weolfjr
u barpain , people understand wo uioin
what wo say. . There are still n few
moro H'Jt. . OVERCOATS HAVE also
TAICE& Jl'TUMlJLE-loolt ' at them.
lloston , . ; K < innnn City , Mn
Capital & Surplus , $1 $ , !
This company Inis opened an Omaha ollico and
Jspniparod to furnish money promptly on Im
proved city 'Hid fiirin property.
No nppliriulfiiie sut uuuy fur appval. .
Loans. clo Brt nml paid fet wlthontduluy.
. ! < JilN W. filSH. Manager.
Ui'Jbouth llith Stn-nt. I'U'Ht National llanlc
Institute !
Dent olH of trotli ti. nilliii ; lit luilf rate ! ) .
Teotli extracted wltlnmt pnln ,
KxHiiiliiiilliin uf Hi" niuiith fico. Pond .Vent
Btuiiipultli mrioonilence | ,
1'axton Hlk. . Cor. 10th and Farnain.
On C'ity and Farm Proocrtyl
First Mortgage Paper Bought.
Frcn/.er JJlock. op | ) . P. O.
Dr. J. E. IcGrew ;
One of fho Jlost Surccssfal
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
Hla form of treatment Is reconuneiuled liy
these who have tried it , In the very strongest
II Is treatment for which leaves a perfect skin
and most beautiful complexion. A euro guar
anteed lu nil forms of Private Diseases.
All disorders of the Sexuul organs , cureil.ana
Jicrtllh , ambition nnd manhood completely ro-
fitorcd ,
T3atmetitby correspondence. Bend stamp
Office Bushman Bloo , 1Oth and
Oouelas Sts. Omaha , NOD
Sandals , heel and Spring liool , Arrlioa , Kubbor Boots , Lum
bermen , High button Gaitoiy , llcol aii'l Spring liool , Gorator
Croquet Alaskas.hcel and spring liool , pure gum lighl weight
mystic sandals ; fine cloth back burlclo aivtica for ladies and
gentlemen , in fact a full and general line of
The NEW JERSEY CO. , makes tlio boat line of goods known
to the trade , and each pair will have
Stamped in the solo. None genuine without above stamp. I
am Western Agent for the New Jersey Co. , and sell the gooda
to dealers at same prices they will have to pay in Chicago
or Boston. My "men and business help to advertise Omaha ;
money sent east helps the east 1 do not retail any goods. I
do not sell Leather Goods of any kind but I do
Wholesale Rubber Clothing
And FELT LiOOTS in a largo way. When , you buy Now
Jersey Rubber Goods you indirectly help Omaha.
: . T. LINDSEY ,
Sole Agent for New Jersey Rubber Co. '
1111 HARETEY ST , - - OMAHA , NEB.
Interest on deposits , compounded soml-annually.
Savings Certificates with Interest coupons attached.
DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of 32OO , S30O , S50O ,
and SIOOO , based upon Flrot Mortgage Real Estate Securities
deposited with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company
0 of Now York. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of Europe.
0. M. CARTER , Pres. D. D. COOLEY , V.-Prcs. PHILIP POTTER , Sec.
At will , without the aid of matches , ami a lurgo reduction in Gas bills.
The "EcoMic"Self Lighting Gas Burner
Is an Automatic Gas Attachment , tlcslpmod for tlio purpose of redncini : the fjaa bills of con
sumers , und is the only snfo and convenient light frco iiom the complication of electric and
other burners , and is also u perfect
against the manv accidents resulting from the use of matches , and a protection from all es
capes of pas. H Jits all brackets , chandeliers , etc. , and wherever gas is used this burner is
! 11'Ao'"Economic" is made of BRASS , in finely finished relief designs , and is heavily niclc-
led in two stylus. It is rapidly replacing the old style burner , both in this country nnd
Bui-ope. Give it a trial in dark salesrooms , cellars , hallways , bathrooms , stables , saloons ,
mntrys. closets , etc. AGENTS WANTED.
4O9-411 South I5th Street.
A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamenta
in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices .
Nciivnus , Ciiii'iNio nml PKIVATB nismsr.sof
Mi.v : mid WO.MI.V : succei-sfully troato.1.
PiilTcrliiu from tlio PlTocta of youthful fulllniorln
dlBcrcltonururo troubled with Wonfcnon. .Sort oils
Dolillity , I. < IH ot Memory. llettponilency.Uerilor ] t (
i-dilctyKidney Tinnlilc. or any ilHc.iso of ttiu dunllo-
I'rln.iry orciuiH.ciin liuro llml u pn < iun < l niueily cnrc.
CIiiirBCn rtasoimblci cipeclnlly to tl'e ' poor.
Thorn nromnny troubled wltli too frcpqiicnt owe.
uutlniiH ot tliu lil.uliler , often iiceciiiiimntuJ by "lUI't '
MiiurUimor biirnliiif miMillcm.iind weakening oltbu
rjrotcm Ini limn HIT tint patient cflnnot net-omit for.
On examining tbu urlimnr ileimilta : i njny MMliiiiont
ill olti-n bo lounil. ml fometlmoi mimll parlielcf ot
iiluiimcn will niicar.i | | > r tliu color 111 bunl a turn
mllkl-li linn , iwil.i elimiBlnir to a rturu or loriilil '
lieiirnncc. Tlii-nniro miuiy nifn wliiiil oof tnUiiim-
tulty.lifiiomntot tlio cau e. which Is the fecnnil
ntnKoot iioiiilnul wpnu e . Tlio doctor will iriiiii
mill-on iitTfeit rum In nil ini-h inscs unit u hi'iiltliy
roilomtloa of tlio Beiillo-urliiarv ornims. Consults
lion Iroe. bend lor 2 cunt atanip
"Young Man's Friend , or Guido to Wedlock , "
illKK 1O AM' . AIinltKSS
N. K. Cor Kih A ; Douglas Sts. , or National IMa-
peii'iiry , cornel1 l"tli uiul .Main , Kansas C'lty , .Mo.
Mention tlila papor. _ _
State Line.
TolIiis ( { ? < MVt Helfast , Dublin ami Llu'rnool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cnbln pns-sriKo I-'K and KO. nccordlii ! { to location
of htato room , llxciirslon * i to * 0.
Steerage to nnd from Kuropo at Lowest Hat .
AUSTIN 1IAMW1N ) A : CD. , ( ien'l A unU.
M iiro.iilwny. Nmv Vorl : .
JOHN HM50HN 1 ( Jen'l Western A ( mt.
Hit Ilumlolpli rit . Chicago.
IIAIIUV U. MOOHHS , Agent. Uiinha
Kcdticcd Cabin Katus to Glasgow Kx-
' , ,
I U rri.i ,
> r ln ihcwt. nr. I will wnd n
Iminft rUft * f Ft9 " * < IlBrifOAH'Ur
PHOF.f'f ' 6. FOWLER. Moodua , Conn.
lln. K , < \ WKHT'HNKHVR AMI HHAIN Titi-.A-r.
MKNIiv KiinrnntcPd nieellio for llynterl.i , DI/zl.
iii-hH. Convulsions , 1-ltH , Nurvoui NourtilRlri ,
Jleadache , Nervous I'liiijtrntloiiriiiised bytlw
tiseot alcohol or tobacco , WiikefnlneBH , JhCUtftl
Dopiouiliiii , rJoficnhiKOftho Ilialit jehiiltlng In
In-iUiiltv anil londlim to uilHcry , decay urn ]
death. I'rcmiitnro Old AKU , llauvnnj'sti , J.osi ot
I'oni'rln i-ilhcr sex. Involuniaiy i-o sos nm ]
{ JiH-imatorrlui-a causi-il by over wrtJoii of
the bruin. Milf abuse or o\or HidulKeiiwKnclj
box roiitulns ono month's treatment. * l n hex ,
or six boxo < for M , hent by mall prepaid on ro- .
celpt of price ,
To citrtintiy case. With each onlrr rojoivcrtljy
Uh for MX IIOMIH , iipconiimiili'il will ) * ' > , wo will
* cnd the purchBhi-r olil writ ten KUiiranteo to re-
funil the money If tlm tii > iitiin-nt doei not effect
nemo. ( itiarnnlPOH Iw-uml only byloodmnn
Driijt Co. , li iijin'ttH ' , folencnlH , lliu 1 iirmun
htteet. Oinnhu , Neb.
Has obtained a reputation wherever in-
troduood for "C oitituri STVi.i"ltlJi ; : -
n \ . " Tliov liavo no suporlorH in Hand
Tiirnfi , Hand \Volts , Goodyuar Welts ,
and Maoliino Sowed. Lad lew , iibU for llio ,
"Ja'ni.ow" Snoj : . Try tlicm , and you
will buy no other. _
\NTi liuvu i7 poi * tin * euro f4 r IT ( n o.
. .III.IMI or lll.l l III.NO rill. * My lt
| lu o tlKiiiuiiili 11(111x11 of luutf Maud-
IIIn.- hum ti'wii curctl fu liuniiliiuiir
\tiiltll In III dlnulvi ] powlirn Ilinl w
, A > Ti I niiilliiiinn.iiiii > l biu rut Kin an
11 uiri-ivr. ! i H 'Hill l > nu liiiinbnei
IJyini Hiiunlir rrci-lvii n t > Ircii \ < t iv-
"turn mull , ( mil u Hit of rlrriil.irO.nnil
iiiio iiilliull'in | wllicOHvliiru you ot
Hi worlh. AiWrii ! 'nio W .MlllurU Co. , llutlalu , N. V
n < l ' "I riniryt ! DOCI'UHAiulcit. .
lyaiidmifolycuredby i DOCI'UHA Car , .
Mile .Several c.-csen ctir d lu ovc i aya. Sofa
r hex , all dniBKltW. PrA > ' . ? ! , ? " , , ' > '
cuttt fC. Co 1U WJjflo tit.N . V. Tut ! Direction *