H * . It u 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JANITAEZ G , 1880-TWELVE PAGES. { SPECIAL NOTICES. O3vE.A.E3 : : . u. . i . . _ _ - . Advertisements under tnis nwid W cents per line for the first insertion. 7 cents for each sub- neauent Insertion , and Jl.Mla line per month. r.'ondvfitlfct.cut taken for loss than 2.1 cents the first .Mertlou. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must nin consecutively and KWl be paid In ADVANCH. All ndvertlso- ments immt bo handed In before 1 2 : .T ) o'clock n. TO. , nnd under no clicumstnnces will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising in those columnt nnd liar- I lug their aniwcrs addressed in cure of Til r lln , frill please ask for a check to enable them to get their letters , as none will bn delivered except on presentation of chock. All nnswers to ndver- llsoments should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns nro pub lished In both morning and evening editions of Tun IlRB , the circulation of which nggregates more than 18,000 papers daily , and gives the ad- Tertlsorflthnbcnont , not only of the city circu lation of TIIIC HUB , but nlioof Council ilium. Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will be taken on the nbovo conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who ttre authorised agents for TUB I > Ei : special notices , nnd will quote the sam rates ns ran be hod nt the main oinco. " " OIIN W. HELL , 7'harmacis7"K3 South Tenth Btrcot. OH ASK i. r.nnv , Stationers nnd Printers , 113 South KUh Street. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II. I'AIINSWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2113Cum- Ing Street. W .I. HUOH1C3 , Pharmacist , C2J North 10th Street G KO. W. I'AHIl. 1'harraachit. 180U81. ilary'a Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. W A NTl'.D by yonns lady Situation as houseKeeper - Keeper ; can glvo good rorereticos. Address Box 231. Ulonwood , Iowa , _ 585 irf EXl'RHIIJNPKD HttinoKrnphur , toloraplior ( nnd typo witter desires position. N 5i > Hue. fi7sli ! * WANTT.D Situation by young man not afraid of work : moderate nalary. Aildro H Ed It. , box. Ill , city. CiW 11 * WANTI3D Situation by n young , flrstclass bookkeeper. Hoferonco A 1. Address N S § , care Omatin lleo , 5SO-TJ W A NTI3O Situation by an cvporlciic-d la dy booklet oner , cashier or saleslady : Hint-class reference's : good vvorkcr.JIrs.Hrugii.aH'iSirjth. WAN'l nD-Sltuatlon ns coachman , stable- manor L'room by n reliable joung Scotch man vith Hirst-class references. .Mrs. llrcgo , ill IK S luth. CftMB SITUATION as driiff cloik by Kradnito of pharmacy , rcgintored in Illfnols : h.no 10 years experience In active dniK business in Chicago. Speaks German , Address N rii > . Hoe. * firr-ij W A NTKD Situation by married couple on a larm or in piivate family ; ure good woik- era. lira. IlroRii , aim 8 loth. C27- SITUATION wanted by n young mnu of 21. Would like to go w ith som sun-oylng party. Address , N 45 , Uee. 043 0 * WANTED--WAUE HELP. CTTANTKU Live menanil women to cngnqo TT In nn easy , paying business at home ; can \vork davtlmo or evening nnd make Wo to K per hour ; sure thing ; sample nndcomploto In- Btruettons sent for lOc. Address , World Supply Co. . llutland , Vt. fiHl-12 * -Ity a Chicago house an vxperl- onced traveling Balesman liolsarquantud with thw butcher tiade ; uniiuestlnuablo references - encos required. Address IJutcUor , Lord A : Thomas , Culcago. 5Si ( it AOKNTS wanted to tack show cards In Htoi-es aud public places : keep a biipply of samples to show perocni ; steady employment for many thousand men and women at (2 per day and commission ouales Inlluenccduitomldross ; plainly nnd oueloso 10 cents to pay postage on enirmlcs nnd particulars. Are not novelty deal ers , but manufacture the best know n Btaulo ar ticle , used ovuiywhero. AUdtess "Koyal , " P.O. box cio , Now York. . Knc * WANTED A thoroughlr competent double- entry bookkeeper ; state age. Address K , 01 Ueo. 630 Ot A GKNTS wnnted everywhere forthe quickest xVselllng , most useful and attractive patent lu the market , eaully handled , big prollts. . Ap ply Morrison No\elty Co. , HulTalo , N. Y. Young man to do Janitor work , for tuition ac Valentino's Short hand In stitute. fS3 U W A NTKD A llrst-class Jeweler nnd Roncrnl inanufucturor ; married man preferred ; \Tftges f20 per \\eok , C. L. Erickson S ; Co. WANTED A few men to canvass on com * mission household goods. S2I N. ISth st.J Oames JJurko. CC918 T I WO good harness ninuers for single strap light work. Marks Hros. ' Saddlery Co. fi < U 11 MANAOEHB for principal cities in Washing ton terrltoiy , Oiegon , Montana , Idaho and Wyoming. Cash deposits for moneys collected mnd ' goods In managers' control , wliicll are Plucod in lots from $ ) to $1.000. Salary. SI.'iX ) Fo.OtX ) . Loonils Nat'l Library Afcs'n , IK Main Bt. , Salt LRUO City , Utah. BlBOt WANTED A KOOd tailor. Addict Vrnnk Sochor , Dnvia City , Neb. fiO ! ) Ur A GOOD stenographer nnd typewriter. . Posl .fltlou permanent If work satisfactory ; Ad dress.N . w , stating salary and giving references WANTED-Oood men to introduce a staple aitlclo to consumers and the trade. lll jprotits and steady work. J.W to $100 per week ior the next six months. Send 4 conti uostago for sample and full particulars. AiUtr s > s , JNichols M'f'g Co. , Onnlaskn. Wls , M4 7t WANTFD Stout young man nbout 1H years old at lleomnll room ; ono who can get up c rly and can rend English , npply between 12 and i o'clock. 44C WANTED Mau to solicit , balnry * 75 per tnonth , must deposit tS for samples , and clv'O seruilty for money collected. Address Oeorgo 8. Cllne , nil , I'lrst National Hunk build. he , Omalia , or Wanner blk , Dos iloluos. la. > OYS-Am. Dlst , Tel. Co. , 1301 WANTED-Man to take the agency of our safes ; sizexl8xl8 ! ! ) inches ; wef ht rCO Ibs. : retail price $ .11 ; other sizes in pioportion. A rare chance and permanent buslncsH. ' 1 lu-so lafex meet n demand never before Hupiwod by other safe companies , aswonronot governed Jjy thopafq pool. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. ANTKD-IO local nnd trnvollnK salesmen ; good salary : no excellence necessary ; nd- s i > 1Ubtauip ( , PalmeriV Co , los Molnes.la. WANTED Good llvo men that are engaged lu shops , wholesale and letall houses , to canvass nmong their friends for the Chicago Watch Club Co. Sample watchosf urnlshed for this purpose , 4Xid liberal coinmlsbloiis paid. No floaters need apply. I'.O. Crnndall , : ili ) botith istn st. _ _ _ . ITfT ANTED-Male and female agenus ; easy- W selllns goods. Itoom St , Uaiker block. WANTIJO Oood men m every locality dot ctlvea under our Instructions , bond , Bo for particulars. Oklahoma secret service , Wjchltn Kansas. 707J n""GI3N'l'a WANT13D-n5 o wontn nnd ex- Ja. poiidrts paid any active person to sell our Bopcu : no capital , salary monthly. pen aa In 4ranc . paitlculars tree. Standard Silverware Co. Hoston. "o WANTED-FEWALE HELP. - ! cooks , 120 ; a glrli. special WANTEDcooks work : JO girls for small private families ; Bulrls foroillccrs' families ; respectable woman for housekeeper. Nebraska Employment Olllce , yiT N 10th. W fXrANTKD Olrl for general housework , 018 W S 17th Bt. MX ) - elderly women ashniiHokoppers WANTBD-2 * with chlldien ( small wajjes ) : ss Kitchen girls for nuierton ; 8 dining roon /clrls ; 10 competent cooks for private families Mn city ; 1 for Council ItlutrK. 4 In family , W. m .washing. Olrls desiring places out of cliycal and leave addresses. Mr * , llrega , 3\M \ S. llth ANTUD-rGlrl for general housework , two W In family. IttS California st , corner 20th - to solicit , must be brlci WANTKD-Lady . be able to d ix lt tin fur ample * , nnd give secuilty for money collected Balary W6 per nsonth. Addresi N 65 , care of " ' ' srANTlD-airl fortenoral hoiisovvorlf. 101 \jf7rANT 'liD-Sctindinavi.-vii ' girl , Still Cumin , f T C&3 Ot Waguar block , JJes Jloiues , In. w ANTHO Girl for general H ousswork , 1MI 813th8t. 412-lP ANTll-Ilsli-wnsher { , 10QJ N Ifith st. VALUNTlNIVg Shorthand nnd Typmulting Institute , nnw Puxtou 1m II dine. Oinnlm. Thaonly exclusive shorthand school In thn fitnto. ( Jvcr ono hundred graduates In good situations. The school Is under the manage ment of 0. ( ! . Valentine , olllcltU stenographer of .he nrd judicial district of Nobrasltn. nnd Prof. ! I. II. Iloylos , iin exuorlcncod teacher nnd vcr- latlm reiiotter. Day and evening sessions. Students - dents can enter nt nny time. Send for circulars. 811117. _ E'MELQYMEfJT BUREAUS. _ „ TmUIKASKA employment olItcoT 31T N. Ifith imployment OlllciMrs. . lUcca , S 15th. Heferunco Oiuaua National bmiU HHJSIt ffllSCEULANEOUSWANTS. . " \\rANH5D-Namo and address ot persons VT who can furnish rooms , with or without lx > ard , for students. Call on or address.1. T. Dally , Manager Uinnha lluslnesa Collcce. tutli litld t'npltol aveiuie. KM 7t \ \r ANTf3ITo winter about 150 head cnttlo > > and M head horses , cuttle We liuatl and liorsos M head nor tnontli. Address II. A. Me- Oont , Oakland , Nob. , or N. I' . SacUett. M7 S Jd. 112 J4 IIOJ ( > 1 UHS and boarders wnntcd,17iH Douclas. VW J 111 * IIw w Tlii ) MBO ot a team of good horses for the winter for tliolr kuuplng. Apply nt ' \\rANTKU Illo-l : of 7 per cent farm lo.ms completed ii ipnrs. 1'hlladelphla MnrtRnga & Trust Co. . 13 , lloaul Trado. I'll ' 17 DRESSMAKING. TTIIHST-CIjASS dressmaking In families or at -12 homo. Addtesi 1W.1 8. IJtli at. , * iistairi. 4V1 ( } > ENOAQUMKNTS to sew In families. (1T.S ( 17th 8X ) JIS BOARDING. \\rANTIJD-lloard and room byajountr man T > In private family north of l < mnnm st ; icf- eroncos exchanged , Addles N IU , oaro of lice. JJUItbT-clnss homolbonrd , CIS S luth. J boardew wautjd.lCOJ Doughvs WANTED-TO RENT. \7VrANTIU ? On Jan. 10 , thiuu or four fur- VV nlshcd rooms bylamllyof.l adults. Ad dress stating location and pile ? , room 41 , Unlton States Xutioiul bank. csi-7j : f ) Oil 3 f no unfurnished roms In good lo - itlon , with o er\ modern convenieiue , by gentleman nndvlCo with ono clilld ; must have something nice. J. I. . Ulce .V Co. 500 ( ! fOR RENT-HOUSES. FOIl HKMT 5 room cottiiRO on cable line. With and draco. ( ! oed ns now ; clean. JJilper month. Krlo nothing Co , 3-JJ N. 10th bt. C71-G _ FOR 1H3NT Houses for caipentorlng. paint ing , otc.V. . J. P. , KM 1'urmim. 67U ii FOK11ENT 5-room cottage , vnter uud gas ; carpets for sale. 411 Convent st. 570 l > :7101l : HKNT 0 room bilck , 114 S 23th"bt"moa. J ern conveniences ; near cable lino. .1. W. Giilhth , U. I' . heaiUjuarters. 50'J ' " \T13A'l' ' 7-room house on car Hue , $1 > per J-i inoiitli ; nc'.itC-room house near cable , $11 per month : ynovv btoro rooms on llth s t , peed location , nt ! 0 per month : ( i-ioom Hat on Kith st. , $11 per month. 11. 13. Cole , loom li. Conti nental block. 678-1U NICE 7 roomed Hat In good location , fuinl turo for sale : nlso C-ioomed rottacu with furniture for snle. Co-operathu Land S : Ix > t OO..SU5N. lot hit. K57 0 FOKltENT An elegant brick Hat , modern conveniences. C looms nnd 7 closets. 9 r i > er mo. Morse Jt Ilrnnnor , KWO Kainain. 531 14. FOU ItKNT-House. 15UJ Unrt st. G40 0 * POU KKNT Slx-room cottage , 17M N 19th St. . wltnluin bloclcs cable nnd st. car lines. In- < mire on piemlses. Millt POU KliNT-Houso KM S EOtli , near Lcaven- wortli , furnace , gas and bath. COS U * FOll KENT Ono fi nnd oneT-room houseboth new ; will rent thoio houses to good careful tenants for the winter at about half the real rental vntno. J. II. Johnson , Itooms 51S nnd 51 , Paxton block. 4'JO F 1011 KENT Tvvo liottsea 18th nnd California st. ! HontlMand jr. psr month. Uranium & Co. , Chamber of commerce. 021 FOH HENT NewG-ioom cottage , M15 Leaven- worth , between lUth and 31st , city water- closets , pantry , otc. 477 7 * TTIOIIKENT C-room cottage , iJJ per month. JU lllC llarney st. W7 E0 llENT-5-room house , $14. O. K. Thomp- scn , : il2 Bheeley block. al FOH KENT 7 room Hat on 2d Hoor. Eu- qulrnThe 1'alr cor 13th and Jlowardsts. 3 IS BEAUTIlCL'LS-room house , pas , city water , bath loom , hot and cold water , on paved streets with strest car. near a good school , only Wo per mouth , The house Is new. Apply at onto. C. I' . Harrison , Moiclnints' Nat. bank. 310 HKwT House and barn , Ilnnscom place , Harris , room 411. First Nat'l bk 341 TTlOll KENT ! ) -room modern improved house JP A1 locality , llent tnodeiato. Apply. M. El- gutter , 1001 Faniam st. U42 T7IOU HENT-ny Bosworth & Joplln. Darker J3 block , ; i , 4 , f , 0 , 7. 8.9,10,11 , 14-room bonnes in all pans of the city. J4.J TTIOH KENT Houses 7 rooms , 2Jth nnd Hnr- JD iieyiO ; ; looms , " 1st nnd Locudt : 7 looms , I''th and Jones ; 'J roonib' , Ilith and Marcha. Llu.ihau if Mahoney , Paxton block. III ! 1T1OH KENT When you wish toionta house , JU stoie 01otlice cull on us , H. E. Cole , room u , Continental block. 'JM 171OK HKNT 5-ioom housi ) , 211.1 , 7-ioom house JL1 24 J Popple ton ave. ( Jeo. I. Oilbort.WHhnoll b'l'g. HI" 1J10U KENT 10-room House with steam boat , X1 ut20IS.2lthst. ( i. 13. Thompson , Khoely block , IDth and How.iid sts. HIS TTIOlt IlKNT-C-room house with good barn. .1 ? bct eon24lh nud 2.1th oa Hurdutto , only J20. A. Ii i ecu wood i ; Co. , room 1 , Cunningham block. „ 413 F HUNT House 1.1 rooms , with store J room. ! Inquire 10W S Idth at. JIM Ot POH HKNT Cheap , a nlco convenlunt houso. IKI'J S. 21st , between Center and Dorcas alt , HKNT Cottngo of 4 rooms , 2 closets , hull ami pantry. JW1 S. BOtn st , near aiblo power house , lt l J 1710K HI3NT .1-roomod Hat at W8 N Ifith st. JL' All modern conveniences. A. K. Marsh. W ) FOlt HISNT-Cottugos , fi rooms , 2720 Charles Ht. mid 1624 Bo. Cth st. Emiulre H.212 Sheeley block. KW .OH HKNT 7-room llat at 608 S. 13th. Inquire F J. L. llranJols * Son ? . M7 FFoil Foil HHNT-lJIght i ; loom Hat. modern con- veulences. Iniiulre 012 S , 13th st 811 TiTOltHUNT Modem ten room houseKfi south JU 26th st. , near Sf , Mary's ave. , 815. Hlngwalt Bros. , Barker block. TOS * FOH HSNT 10-room house , steam , gas , bath , hot and com and cistern water , ijood collar , and nice j urd , fa , > J B Z4th. ln < iulre.207 BSUh. ir\OK \ HUNT A comfortable housa with K JU rooms , pantry , lurga closets , splviulld cel lar , city wntor , hewerage and gas. near buhlno-ss centre : moderntn rout. John il. K. Lehmann , t-'l 8.17th st. TTIOH HKNT A 11-story brick dwolllnif. IW1 X1 Capitol ava. Apply to C. Ii. Oulou at the Chicago Lumber Co. 371 _ _ _ , ggNTr _ " KWLlTfurnlsiied roolm7"sd7 S ICth nt. I71OU HKNT l nice rooms , furnished or un JO [ unilRhed : suitable tor roomers or light housekeeping , ramlii ( ( fiom tl to < . 12U1 N l h at. CH4U' D rooms. JT13 Dodge. N 10U fumlshod jooras , : . ' 101 uotiglus.Ka Ka 11 * TmiJ ill HKNT-Nlculy fumlshetl rooms , inio 4.1 iTill . Ml Of oiTllKNT Iloom for two goatlamen. Btewu heat , lT iDnrenuort8t. TT10H UHNT Sieonlntr itxims ana rooms fur- JJ uUhed nud unfurnished for light housekeeping - keeping at low prices , WI Howard , conurPth. Tlioil IIEN'C Tivo tor-i , 521 and KX North JL ; luth : u Imiuiio ut the t/ulldlni ; . Henry Osthoff. -JJ \TlCKIiY furnished front rooms , now house , -L > gas , heat , bntb , good liaard. 210 B 21th st. MI 7 * lUIiNISIIKU room for rent. 117 S 17th st. 4 9 10 * . . . RINT ! rnrnlshod front room , with stove , * H per mouth. Apply 4H N llthst. A Vi3Nl'K ( looms At 1011 and IGlfi O.tpKolavc. xvy blocks fioin 1" 0 newly furnished , -prlvnto boarding liouse.plcasant rooms.all conveniences OH RAP llrst-class rooms , 17H Dodge. 470 0 rpllltur. furnished rooms for light housokoep- JL Ing , cheap , t IIS Capitol nve 4570 ? single looms , 911 S suth st. Modern con- L vcnleuces. Meals If desired. 1'rlvntu family , 4il G- VT1CI3LYfurnished rooms , nlso front nnd -L > bnolc parlor : 1WJ OoiiKlas st. 811 FUHSISIIKl ) room , with rtas n'mlliath , board if desired , 619 S. 86th St. , opposltoAll Saints' caiircli , (115 ( ALOVI3LV trent room , ( foaled , furnished nnd every convenience , 21U7 Douglas st. 138 O110 Hamey , furnished room , $ -4 month. & HI 7 * TPOH HUNT Several nicely furnished , bright JL1 and cheeifill looms \vlth iirivnto family : nil modern improvements. Ol.'i N unit st. 4''fl is' 71011 ItiNT : rnrnlshodrooms InOrueulgblk , - cor. I.Ithnnd Doduo sts. Imitilre of ( ieo. 11. Dnvts.Mlllmd hotel ullllard loom 8 _ _ ' Foil HUNTAn oloRnntly'furnlshod room or suite of rooms with bo.ml In a private fam ily. All conveniences. Cara pass the door cMiry three to llvo mlnulos. llofurencos Ku. qulrod. ICnqulre rooms MB and Ci9 1'axton blk. T710H UKNT Nlro furnls&nd front room for J ona or two , $10 per month. 1717 Cumliws St , 6'i ' * in ) rooms ivllh heat for gentlemen , suind super month. 1510 llaruoy. f ) rilltNlSMKD rooms , 1703 California. 577 12 * LAlKiK furnished room , suitable for two , Hlth boiinl , Inllnost family , 10:5 1'ark n\e. * r.n'.jii HKNT Two fuinlshed rooms lei light lion sokeoplng"il" ) Chicago st. 5'W-7J NIC13LV furnished Irout rooms.UH Tar- nam .st. 5 < i7 K 00JI and board chonp for two gentlemen. 1011 Douglas st- 5177 * KFHONT FHONT room fop gentlemen. Jtil N litti. r..M 10 * ItlJNT 1'nrnlshed anil unfmulshed looms by day , veokor month , 12J4 Fornniu. 1112NT I'urnlshoa looms , nil modern convenleiico-i , the best accommodations to business people. Jlrs. William Voting. "Xo l-'ninam.i.l ! 0 * room for lent , 1U1J 1'aui.un. 2J ? J-fl5 t ) riTUNISlIUl ) rooms for rout , 1811 Canltol ave. 5SS-SJ T710II HKNT Illeguntly furnished loom or JL1 siilto of rooms with boaid In private family. 3 car lines pass the door. 10571'aik ave. 200 " 171OH ItKNT-Nicely furnMied , pleasantly lo Ju1 cated double parlois suitable for four gen tlemen , Id07 Howard st. M ! fit ELKO ANT furnished room With ( nil modern conveniences , with or without ( board , lifu Douglas. 11 j U5' > Ot1 F110NT feast ) rooms for geiiilotiiijn or tamil } ' . All modern improvements ; i Uiomo board , oiss laths' . uu. j iiij FOlt HIJNT Two large fiont rooms , nicely furnished , heated by Btoiun. iai nnil n o of bath room , In out ) of the nicest lesldoneos in the city. Noithwost cor. lUh ! amlLeuvunvioith. itlS FOR lilJNT lllegaiitly furnished rrout and back parlor , with all modern Iniproiemeuts , in brick house , l ( i i'ainam st. , cor. 17th st. Pit Ot R OOMS Modern convenionces. G2S K 17th st. "I500MS and board , 1812 Chicago. 503j7-f AHO Kilcasan | room , lurnlshed. brics flat. Foil BUNT S front rooms on second floor , $15.00 each. 1516 llarncy st. 230 FOH HKNT Two largo nicely fmnished con necting rooms , with bath aud conveniences , mutable for four gentlemen or housokooplng , f i. or.separate Jl'J and J14. S. W. Corner , 13th and Ilownrd. entrance on llowaul. Wl NICELY furnished rooms and bourd at 1017 Capttplaye. S7jlOT. ! . . _ TSJICE rooms $1.00 per week at Pea body house I > 14th aud Jones streets. 4BJ-J7t FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. TJIUHNISIIHD and unfurnished rooms , W)7 Jj Ifithst. tbtl 12t TJ1OH KENT - ' nice looms lor light house- Jt ? keeping , ton family without chlldien. 13U S. 13th St. , 1st lloor. 570 Ct FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOK KENT A good ofllce. I have the Dost located olllce In Omaha for rent , ground floor , within 40 feet of I'munm sti southeast corner Ifith nnd l > 'arnam. Warniwt ollice m winter and toole-.t in summer of ni > y. ollico in Omnha. Call at 301 S. IBtb st. t 674-0 T71OH HUNT Two splendid brick scores , good J location for any business , right party lent very low. Morse \ Ilruuner , 1001 rnrnani st S. ! " ) 11 TjlOll HUNT 6 store rooms with good collars. JU steam heat , water and gas , on the corner of Hill und Mason ; also fill ncrus of l.mcl for gar den purposes just south of poor farm , within city limits. Imiulre ut ill" south i < JtU st. 45'J 31 moil KKNT OnicH suite $35 a month. S single 1 ? olllces. ; $11 each , all fronting 16th st. Ilush- man block , N. H. Cor. Ifcth nnd Douglas. W. M. Bushman , Kill Leavetiwoitli. _ 3iO TT10II KENT Oood stoieroom lionr cor. 15tn JD uud I'ninam , onn of the best locations In the city. Address oo. N. Hicks , Uarkur block. bUl AJCEUV for lent at ISO' ) Park nve. Tills is a brick store ronm and basement. Including ovens , counters , showcase , etc. . In the most do- slrnble residence community lu the city : water , hewer nnd gaa connections. Thos > 1 Ilnll , yil Paxton block. UOU BHIOKkloro room with basement , nil mod em ImprovementH , spk-ndld location lor feed store or hardware , stou'd. etc. , being In the heart of the most di'sli.ihlo roiklonco portion tion of thB city , 1 07 Park ave. Thos F Hull. 311 Paxton block. W 7IOII HKNT An elegant stole loom with line i : basement on 15th st , Kent \ory low to right parly ; steam hrat nnd water IncluJed , Apply at 1515 Douglas ht. FOR RENT ItfllSCELANEOUS. POU KENT Largo barn , ii per mouth. 1D2J mmimfst. C01-7J FOH HUNT-A warehouse with high base- incut , centrally located on ( dependent track from which cars can bo uulo.iilod aud loaded into nnd from building. Immediate iiotueiMou. Bam J. Howoil , 317 8 , Hth t , Omanu. fKJ FOH HKNT One good burn room for three horse * , bugck-a , etc. , 115 Dnvunport st. lu- lie or C. L. r.rlckbon & Co. , U12 N. IGthst. RENTAL AGENCIES- G1501UJB J. STEUNSDOHFF. rnom G. opp. P. ( ) . . will lioreaftvr ghe bpeclal attention to renllng houses , stores and ll tK. If > ou want yoiiB property rented without delay und to re liable teiuuitf. , do not f all to list the s.ime with him. GEO , .1. PAUL.ICOO rarnamst. Iioiises.ntoies , Btr. . for rent. < li > 'l \JirT"clvo ; special attention to renting and VV colloi ting rents. IKt wltti us. II , K.Colo roouic. Conttneiitnl block. ! t'i4 IK YOU want year hoiihos ren ted place them with llonawa & Co. , 13 U. , opposite postotllcu , PlToiAL attention given to rontliiK nwcol - lectlnis rents. J. H. I'.inutte. Iftw Chicago 103 J'iJ MISCELLANEOUS. OIIM DKVmxlPMBNT A slniple means of - tUobl/.n and ntreugih of weak and uudfivelopt'd portions Bi'd organs of thu body la beliu ; HUCI ossiully used. Any uue may develop tlrm tissue uml vitality lu paiuthat arii.weuk , shrunken or stunted In thelrgrowth , Thontethod Is n natural , healthful and rupld one. Full ex planation * nmv bo hud by writing to the lirlo Medical Co. , & li , en mi ht. , llullulo , N. Y. 5bt-7t ) I * faces ami tortm , jruarauteeil. > l'fccobloactio icniovcs truckleti , pimples and wrinkles , tl per bottle. Hook of tecelptsfor tlio complexion 2TiceuU. Kend 4 tents for cir cular. JSludame Hupport , 2U State st. , Chicago I71OH JtKNT AnTpiirt o f furnltiiire for sale - * : JMvguut corner residence on car Hue. with e\try jnoilern convenience : will rontchenii to party who will buy purl ot the furnMure.utoves. cooking ranc" . Ac. : must lease forO mouth * at least. J. U Hlcei Co. 608 d mitBbiinJo touht aa au artbyUco. ; I'.C -i. lenbeck , Ki SlOtti su act ! MIDLAND ( Junrantcc and Trust Co. . IMS Far. nnm. Complete abstracts furnished & titles to real estate examinedperfected A ; gunrenteed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ il. " _ TpNOIIAVKD wedding , utatlonery and vlslt- Ji'iug cnrds. Mcllrldo at Hyau , 151B Dodeo. HOHSr or team mill 03 wanted to nppy a tlrst payment on house and lot , or residence lot , balance monthly payments. Write or call on Selby. 1WI Fnrnain. C-S.i OCCIDI'.NTAL hotel , 10th nnd Howard : day board J4 per wecki 21 meal ticket JI. 747J111 It. MHS. KPNTXl nldwIffl. Women and children cured. Itesldenco ( 1 8 17th. 47IJ7 ? PERSONAL. rpo business men. Investors , speculators , JL traders , either In Omaha 01 aoroid , wo call your attention to our list of bargains. Trades , ou."liu'ss chances , no matter what you may wunt. from a pocket sawmill to a cambric needle , wo will try anil furnish It.Vhatdo you want ? What have you got ? Call or lot us heal from jou. J. L. HIco * Co , fiOBO TPLEOANT llfo elro crnyon portraits free JtU of charge for n short time n nn ndxer- tlsenieiit.fiom ptiotogrnplis brought to the Van dyke Portrait Studio , 1112 Pierce , near 14th. Pol traits also In pastel. 723 j 1 If LOST. LOST JKirovvnrd : smnll black nnd tan she dog. fut and old , hair turned gray on no a and breast : had on link clinln tied with red rib bon , itootn ill ) . Darker hotnl. 511 lit f OST-wTiUnTpony 14 "hniids "hlnh , ciuttc old ; -1-JretuiutoKMS t&thBt. 4I'J ' FOUND. nv\KEN tJP-A white storr nbout a\ears ; \ old , JL taken up nbout NoV 10th , 1ms brand on loft sldo and Is > ery wild. Chas , Powell , I'loienco Net ) . . ' ' " dl.'i-22--"l-1 TI2. CLAIHVOYANT Dlt. NANNIE V. Wnrrrn. clairvoyant. Medi cal nnd business medium. Konmlo dtseasrs aspeclntty. llli N. inth st , rooms 2 and ; i. ; wn T710HTUNR 1'ollor Mr. < . Lonorman cm Do con- JO suited oa nil affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No 31iJNHJthst fiSOjl.lt FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. lIH furiilturoof iv7room Hat to be sold at JUpilvate siilo all next week. 1102 S. Utlist. 57i1-tlf 171011 S\fil3 I'ull-bloodpd , ftesh Jersey cow , JL1 & years old , cheap for cash. J. L Ulco At Co. l > 76 8 1J1OU SALE A stcnogrnph. slightly twod-a JL1 baigalu. Address N OJ , Hee. n7l-8J--i _ " 13 I'LL Terrier impiiles for sale , line stock nnd JJdenrt game. Adtlros' ] W. U. Ingram , Cmilleld lloube , Omaha. 'ob. njfillt 4 "IJIOIISALE 1 llrst-cl.iss . now uprlaht piano , JL llist-claes mafcp. special clojo price. C L. Eiickson ft Co. , 212 N. IGth st. 47 II l/lOll SALIV-Cheap for cash , hoiibehold furul- JL' ture , line range , heating stoves , 2 line bed room sets , carpets. iVc. : owners breaking up housekeeping ; no dealers need apply. .1. L. llico . .VCo. . tOO 0 FOH SALE The llnest butllt in the way of n lady's phaeton -md a li-yenr-old drlvlmj mnro , gentle nnd kind ; n child can drive her If her mother's nlong ; the rig cost over $ .100 ; $ .U ) cash takes It ; can try it 30 days , or no silo If not satisfactory J. L Hice&Co. WHO ABSTRACTS OF TITLED A IISTHAOTfl Llnahon & Mahoucy , JV. Paxton block. STORAC5 S' 1TOHAGK ' At low rates at 1121 I'aruam St. , Omahi Auction & Storage Co. 3'ii ) milACKA.013 , MorowTlowosTrntos . M. JHushmaii , 1311 Lenveiiworth. MJ s ITOIIAUE : in new clean building at low intes , JUS 12th bt. XJ132T WANTED-TO OUY. "IlfANTED To buy ; bams , sheds or old lum- bur. Address N 48 Heo onice. 4B < 110 < WANTr.n Two to flrc thousand clollans in- terestlnau established manufacturing or mercantile business by au experienced man. Aildrohs N 17 , lleo olllce. IBS fl WANTED rnrnlturc , carpets , stoves and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc tion & Storage Co. , J121 Karnam. Mil W ANTED Urlck. W. J. Paul , 100J Karnam. KOD TO LOAM MONKY to lonnron chattels nnd real estate , good notes bought und sold , 110J Farnam St. , looms Z. and S.'Furcljju Emigration Co. SECOND Jnorlgugesmadb on cltv property by D. IS. Johnson , Icopm 531. Paxton building. 4ft ! 0 \ \Q buy. se , rcntr , ease , trae , oxcnnge , JL ur for loans , in uralic9 , notary public , buni- ess chnncos , see J. L. Itlea A : Co. 4C5 7 /1 5.000 , $1,500 , $1,000 , ifflO'J. Special fund to place Jn on cholcu Imprpved-proparty. D. V. Sholes , ai. ) , I'lrst atioimfbalik.gjfl c i act MONEY to loan ' .on1 furniture , horses , wagons , etc. . or on nfiy approved security. J. W. Hobblus , H.SJO , Sheolyiblk , , 13lh and Howard. 30 MONHVtoloan'on improved city pi-onerty. D. K. Johiibou , Itoom5J5 , 1'aston building. 4'J.J ' a TJHILADELI'HIA Mortgage i : Trust Co. , -L cheap eastern money dltoct to borrowers. Make building loans , largo or smalt ; perfect titles : accept loans in their western oince. Oeo.W.l'.Coatesreproseutatlvo,13 Hoard Trade IF YOU want to borrow money on diamonds , on pianos or household goods , on horses , wugons ftnd other personal property. On mortgage paper and contracts at fair rates without delay or publicity , go to the Fulrbank Investment Co. , 215 S 14th , upstalia. IW7 M ONEY to loan on chattels by D.E. Johnson , Itoom IU1 , Paxton building. 4U2 U AAOU cnn deal dhoct with the Provident Trust Company , room 3)8 ) Fiwt National bank building , Omaha , if v on want a loan on real es- tato. Lo.uiH on inside business property espo- dally dojilred. Hepinsont also thu old nnd well- kuovv n Now England Loan & Trust Company. M'to ' loan. O. I' . Davis Co , , real estate and loan ngonts , 1601 I'm nam ht. 8U1 R EAL estate loans , lowest rates , Odell llros. & Co..3US. llth st. 'MS M1 ONEVtoloan ; longtime. Ooorgo J. Paul1 low KainaniHt. * ilW MONKY to loan on Improved propel ty at flrst bunds. Nouppllcntlon sent nwny for up- provnl. Security uud titles examined tree of charge to boriowers. Lombard Investment company. ! N S. Uth t. U71 NKHHASKA Mortg.Loau Co. will make you a loan on household goods , hordes , wagons , land contracts , duo Jewelry or securities of any kind without publicity , at lensonablo rates. Hoom 7 , Konloy blopk , South Omaha. Hoonis 518-51'J Puxton blk. , Omalia , N"b , DO you want to borrow mouuy ? Head this. H will nave you time. It will save jou money. ' You can borrow from II. r. Masters , sncciwsor toV. . H. Croft , room 4 , Wltlmell bld'jr , 15tli and llaruoy sts , 810.1WO , JW , I01 , tV ) $ .jO > , * I.LOJ1LO ) , $ IOUOO , In fact any sum you want on fu.rnltureplauoH. horses , muliss , wagons , etc. , on Aasler terms aud at lower ratesthannny other oltlec In thu city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. If un Instalment Is due on your propeitv and yon cannot incut It , call aud Bee me , 1 will pay It for you. If you have- loan In any other of- lice , ( all and get my rates. 1 will take it up and curry It for you. 1 mnko loans for one to sfx months nnd you can pay n part at any time , reducing both prln. dual nud Interest. All loans renewed nt original rates and no charge for papers. All business strictly confidential Call and see me. Don't forget the number , ( loom , ! . WJUmell block. .TM Sholec , SIU Klrsf Nnt'l bank , before male. SI515 Ing your loans.- ! ; HU'J .100.000 to loan atJflpeicent. . Llnalmu & Mahoney - $ honey , room 6uuqa Jion biock. UTQ ONEY to loan LoHvest rates. Loans closed promptly , H.'te. Cole , Hoom 0 , Continental block. o 'I M3 TTIIIIST mortgage ! < Mn * at low rates , a'ld no JU delay. D.V. BhqleaiClO , Klrkt National bank. jr TV/fONBY / to loaitlon Improved city properly or iTJlfor building purport ; lowest rales ; no de lay. Mutual Investinpui Co. , room 1 , Barker block , 15th und y > rnam , 3H OEOPLE'H Klnauclol , Kxchange-Tlie fairest. JL nulotont , moat 'llbetal money exchanira In the city ; loan * made without delay or publicity. In any ainouut Jurg i or small , at the loivest rates of liitcrost , oii.anf available security ; loans may bopald at any time or renewed at original ruUs. O. UouHcareu , uigr , room Mij , Darker blk , IHh and 1'arnaui , 703 MONKY Loaned for fW. CO or 90 days , on nny kind ot chattel security ; roasnnM > lo Inter est : builntfss conlldential. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 I'arnam st , 278 \V. 1'eck can loan JttW.uw at lowest r.-vtosno > delay , cash on liand. [ loom 4 Pron r blk. K-5 Jl "OKOPLK'S Financial i.xchiinio : Largo nnd MnalHoans for long nnd short tlino , nt low est rates of Interest , on real estate inortmiKt ) notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jowelrv. Don't fall to call If you w ant fair nnd cheap nccoinraodatlona. 0. lloiixcnren , Slgr , room GGi { , llarker blk. > 5th nnd Karnam , 971 MONI'V to loans rash on hand , ! un delay. ,1 W. Squire , 1J1H rarniuii st , , I'lrst National bank btilldlne. 373 r OAN9 made onienl estate nnd morttjnsos 1 Jljought. Lewis S. Hc'odtV. Co. , 13J1 rarmiiu. 370 trililXNd loam. D. V. Stiolos , 219 , First > Nnt'l U.iuk. ! i < i I ! 1'KIl CUNT money to lonn Cash on hind , v W. M. ilnrrls , room a ) , t'renzer block , op p. i * . o. ' 'L. DO yon want money ? Loans made on house hold furniture , pianos , horses' , etc. , without dcliiy or removal. 1'eisous wlstilnir iiln.tnnf this kind will do well to call nt our oillco no lot o tlcnlliiK cliewliure ; business stilctly conlldon- tlnl. A. K , ( ireenttood > V Co , room 1 , Cunnti.g- havn block , cor. lUth nnd Jnctcsolt el" . 411 " 1 OAN makea fewloaiis on llrst-class chattel J-Becuiltlpsnt reasonable rales.V. . K. 1'ottor , j-ooiii 1U llurkt-r blk. 7in MONHY Loans negotiated at low rntes with out dolny , and purchase good commercial p.iper nnd mortgage notes. S. A , Sloman , Cor. IJtli aud 1'aruam. 3xJ DON'T borrow money on fmnlture , horsps , wagons , otc , until vou hive saeu 0. II. .In- cobs , room 110. First National lunk building , Cor. l.lthnnd 1-arnam oSi " "ONISV to lonif Aviriiav < rscvi < ral thousand dollars to place for pastern panics on 1m- proved city piopeity. Ilains , loom 4111st Nat. Uankbldg. 711 BUILDING loans , Mnnhan Jc Mahonoy. as ) i\r \ ON'KV to loan A few thousinds Horn Hut hands nteiy low rates. C. 1' . Iliiirlson , Mcrclmnts' Nnt'lbank. BUSUJESS CHANCES. _ ITlOIt HAMS or UvolmiiKO l.ensu nnd fuiul- Jtuio il-storv brick bullillnu' , on r.un.un near S.'d.V. . C. Albrlsllt , 2I S. lAlii st. c Ws i > 4 T71OU SAiai Imllrtlui ; nnd SIOCK of n food J store ; ie.itol ground Js ] ) > r mo. ; piiconliout $ ( KO. ( Irocorystoik. SotcialKood ifstiur.inlii. Co-opeintlvo Lund c Lot Co. , 'U > Jf. Idth t > to" o" fl Al'HACTIC nsilnter with u few Hundred cash cnn li'.u n ol something \Micrn money can bo madu f st by culling or addressing .1. L. Klce \ Co. 54S 7 A partner lth fl.roior,000 to T ciiKime in the ( 'eni'inl ineicuntllebuslnos' : . I'lt3t-cln .s location nnd established trade. I o- opct atio 1 and .V .Lot Co. . U'U'i N Idth st. r J 11 . . . SALE Whole or half interest inaies- taurant , No. 1 l"citlon , Ibi" run cus-om ; owner retlilni ; will take some trade. 1'rlco If I , "AM. , J. Ii. nice \ Co. 5000 W13 Sell the World-J. I * Hlco & Co. have anything you want from Maine to Cali fornia. Ornnse cro\es In rioildawalnut groves in Old IftnuiCK , hardwood groves nnd blue grass In Missouri and Kansas , oil lands In Wy oming , ( ! ( lowing walls and sinking others ; gold inluekln Colorado , stock ranches In TexasNow MexfQp , TowM nnd Nebraska ; Improved larms nit over the Vnlted Statis. nnd-lO acres clear Innd Iri Manitoba to tiado for house nnd lot In Omallni' l.lvo stock , biHliiess. chaucua nn.1 oniuliareal estate. .1. li.jtlre A : t o. , ollico hours Sn. m. to5 p. m nnd from ( i i > ni. to 1) p , m. ut residenct1 , "CM Deotuar st. Take lied car Hue. IC'i" IIVi ; man ulth f.tl.OOO cash cm learn ot Jsomethlng woithy his invcs'Icatlon ; by call ing on or addressing , ) . L. Kite A Co. < > U < il ! TIO buy , sell , rent , lease , trade , exchange , or for loans , Insurance , notary public , busi ness chancessee J , L. Ulco & Co. i'K 7 LOOlCntth All kinds of nieichnndlsc and peis.on.il pioperty wanted In oxtliango for Impiovpd larms nnd vlld land , IVnelgu Kni- migratlon Co. , Itooins " nnd 3 150. remain st IMUTNKIt wanted to take half Interest in ono of the oldest and Uest-locatod restau rants In Omaha ; takes $ M or W3U cash. .1. L. F ° ( UoSALE-.MllU-duliy.lt. 4 , ll'JN. 10th st. U10J Mf FOR EXCHANCE. cPl'ItADK Stock of sash , doors , blinds nnd hardware trimmings , clear farms in Ne braska and Wisconsin. 1M ) acres 'M miles from Omaha , and 4 ) acrej eight miles from Lincoln for Omaha propoity. Kansas , Nebraska nnd Iowa larms nnd acre property near South Omaha for good Omaha property. Improved business and n-sldcnce property for vacant lots and farms. Two lots in ilcCormlck's second add ; houses nnd lots nnJ clear South Omaha lots lor f aims. List your property with me. Oiover Sto\uiib. tdi 11 "inO EXCHANGi : Lots near South Chicazo JL and btock of merchandise for hotel. Ad- cltoss N r > 7 , Itee olllce. MI-SJ \J\OH \ SALK Or Exchange Ulk Valley Stock J ? Farm , tOJ atie-ln Dakota county , Nebraska , S 0 ulles swofbkmv Cltv and (1 ( miles north of Kinerstm , Neb. , ( a inllroad junction ) . All fenced into f)61dH ) and postures , ID aciesgi owing tim ber , plontyof aooil spring water in each pastnie , good' J roomedhouie , line young 01 chard , good w'atwr works for stock , barn , machine sheds , conicrlbs. hoghouse , grnlnary. catlli- shed , K yW feet , nlso othrr Pheits ami stables all shingled nnd Ingoodiennir Will dispose oflt at a bar gain. Also good now house in out ) of the mostdeslr- rble residence poitloiih o ? Omaha , only 1 blocks from I' . O. l-iooms,5 closets , panti-y and all modem couvonleuco-i ; paved struct nudconven- lout to two linea of street cars. Andrew Hovlns , Att'y. , 423 and 4 J 1'nxton block. Omnlia. Nob. Gi 001) farms , clear or llchtlv Incumbeied , for nierchandibe : , live stork or city propelty. H. 13. Cole , room o , Continental t lilr nL- . T.TT \7CriI IIN you have anything for eich.uigo call TT onir write us. II. U. Cole , loom ( i. Con tinental Ulock , 077 T\00 ; > stock of millinery for a good lot in $ Omaha , $12,0V ) general stock for land or lots nud some cash , 2 stocks cif hardware , and prop erty for good land nnd cash Addrois Lo opei.i- tlvi Laud ic Lot Co. , 2U5 N. Ilith bt. , Omuhn. IjlOH BXCUANQi1'or house nnd lot In JJ Omalia. KDncioin Pintle county , 2 mllps from i'latto Center , Prlco * ' " > per ncuIi3 ncres broken , all clear.J.LUlce fcCo , ulH 7 _ _ : _ _ i'X'ANTKD A .stocK of hnrdwaio , furiiltuio , ' groceries , dry goods , clothing , or boots and ntiocu , in exchange for n uood farm or eltv prop erty. Co-oporathe Land & Lot Co. , 'M' > N. lull. 1KJ1 rpo buy , bell , rent , lease , tradu , i-xchangu- Jor fur loans , iuiurancu , notary uublic , bus ! ness chances , t.co .1. L. Hlce & Co. t& > 7 TjlOlt KXCIIANOK-Kour clcnr Houth Omahn JU lots. SJOO each , to ti.ido for Nebraska land , Bolby , 1K11'arnam. l' ' < DIH7B ( ! , hardware or merchandise wanted for 321) ) acres of laud , W , llouoateol. rn-lKh- ton , Knox coiiiuy , Neb. 511 POT K1OH I3XCHANOK-Toam horse ? or mules JU wanted for llrst payment on IIOUHO and lot , balance monthly or ijtiartorly payments. Selby , 1521 iiirnain. CH4 Nil hundred and hl'cty ncrex In Hnrlan Co , IIouso und lloU In Krnnklhi , rianklm Co. , for improved Omahu property. J. H. Arnold , 1722 SlUth , filO fi TTlOll KXCHANOK J-'or ilesirablr rfsldan JL' propuity in Omaha , any or nil of following : 4U choice inside residence lots in Hastings. 101 lots In Lincoln. (110 ( acrei line farming land , Lancaster county. I'lne leslilenco property. Lincoln. Hood rental property , Lincoln. ( Jiolco fniicy rcildencu. corner Lei Angeles. Jt neat loalueneo property lu llmvuoiu Place , AlsoBoinegood mongagonote * . Address , giving location und price of prop erty. J U. 1 ! . , care llautu Iiou Co. . HIT Loavon- wottn. 3 < l T IIAVK real nnd personal property of all Jlklnils for trftili ) . Call uud eo mu. Ocoi'Ke J , Stcrnsdorlf , rooino , opp. P.O. : " ANTWD-llHciTaml buildlnu mnterlal for caah and lots. W. J. Paul , low l-'arnam. TJIOH KXCHANOK-Mome and lot or nice J3 building lot to trade for loins tlmaiealus- totojidiiiorte. W LSulby , 1131 I'arnaui. 145 TJIOH KXOHANGL-Boiith oiuana lot for JI team horse * or mule * , wsyoa nd harness Selby , 15'i | Karnam. CS1 [ jTOJl exi-JiaiiKO-lst-clns'Jclear Impnu'od Oiim- L ! ha properly for good timber l.iud. K-tltoa T710HBXCliANR-ts : tuvv ! hoiuoand lot J ? for ginalt fai m near Neb. umuty sent. Belby , lyt fnrnaiik COI oTTlSXCHANaH-CarrUaa imd btiggy with Mi rash for unsecurea nr.to or IOIIK ttm * Selby. 15'Jl I'rtrnatil. " 8' ' FORSALE-REAt ESTATE. T7WH 8ALI3-Orexchange , tea acres on I'.ir- JJ namst. . hetweunMthwml f-ntli fit. , JW.tM. ' , Will trade for real c-stnte morljiraiion , or neil on eauy terms. W , L.Kelby , l&'l Iniuitm. 1U fl HALE SplpnJU ton-ncro tract of luml J-1 ner Junction of Holt Line lly , ami the * ' . , K. A M. V , It , H , In West Omaha. Una good house , elegant grove , south nnd rust exposure ana n inngnltlcont Uew ; only t enty-llve min utes ride from business centre ot Omahn : Just the plnco for a coinfortnhlp homo. This Is ono of tiu > best Investments on the maikct , ns this ti act \ \ 111 mnko fifty choice- lots that 111 bring llvo bundled each , or Kuiua , within the nntt tlnccyonis. Owner Is obliged to sell and Mill take $ , / If sold at once. Houses for lent in all p.irts of city , Call and see our list of property ( | KO. N HICK * . teai Ustnto Agent , fis'J 0 Hoom 40 , Darker Ulock. $ ' 0.00 cash nnd JoO.00 monthly , InrliKUuc In terest , biiy.t beautiful . " -room hoil.sc with all modern coiivenlencod. 11 , 13Colo , room is , Con- tliielitnl block. G7U 15 BAHOA1N r.logant coiner lot ill Kauscom Place , only $2floJ. Small cash payment , long time tleo N. lltcks. IhtiKcr block 5-7-11 J5pLKNIII"doubTo"house ) In iilro nelRlilxn Ohood , clo eto twocai 1 nrs : a big b.irgaln If sold soon. Can ulvo possi-ssloiiof one house. Oeo. N HIcKs , llaikoi block. 5S7-M "TV YOU lire interested In leal osmte , If you JLwaiitahume , orn Iliit-c I.IHS Investment , cull nnd sou Ceo. N , HICKS , Heal i : tnta Agi'iit , Itoom IU , llatker Illork. llcio men fi > w barcalus. rhcntiu tincto t Umnhn . . . . . . } H/vKl llt ! > gunt lesldviiru near iltu and Iliidge . . U'.i'Oi ' ) Busiiiess Int. South Omali.i , b.uiiam . . il , < MU Nlco residence coiner , llanscoiu plii'o . 2,01)0 ) UK ) fuottioutage , near LtmeiiNNorth and Park . . . . . 5.CKO Choice liVncro tract on Hell line . . . fi,5iK ) Nh a house uud lot , llaiiscimpluci1 . . . H.OI ) tlji ) feel tntokngu on Unit line. . . . . . 7,5ii Lot ft. blk j7 , South Omahn . . 1 , 0 Coiiu-r , 1-iM-O feet , elglit block M fioin court liciusitluce Imu'e ? ivnt for < ; i ) per year : room lei thii'omoro 7,5(0 ( IttiHiness pmpcrty , neai 10th und llarney 2.1,00) ( Hi fuel near lull ! nnd I'aruuni , In-st piece biislnoispioneity on the iii.iiki't ' . 4"H)1 ( ) Splondld loc.itUni lor itrcou house , > ti- . Mli41 ) ullinciescliolm larm 'ami In llo\\nul county. N eb , a big baigalu it hold soon ICiOacreiliupioved laud , eastern Nobraskn. Call nnd get pi lee. lilegnni double housn with l.irgo lot , bnrn , fitruiictis , baths , clectile bells , cunplendld ; nulgliboi'hodd , close to car Hue , tents lorBper cent otJISOW ; can irlvo hniuedlntu posscstion ol ono liouso : pricn for shoit time only , iin.SJJ Ml fi" ton Ilitli near i nstollnr , S'i,8 . Splendid plere of tiacknge pioperty for small co.u nud lumber ) ard , J7.MHJ. rii > < tcU s locution on Holt Line Hy. for olo- vntor nnd grain bUbm > s > , sj ifiO ) . Minimi'r garden propel ty for snio nt a bar gain. C.illand.-eo It lixchnnge List. 2t ) lots In Wo3thu\ Park , price f 12,000 , liicum- biiiiuu' ) , M . long tlmuoiulty $3,100. \ \ nut goixl tnriii land. Flist clnsd tin m lu central Nebraska to trade for small houa - and lot. l.MM u < ivs nlca l.iud lu eastern Nebraska to trade tur Imjiiovod citypiopi'ity. llushii's c iinor. UJleet , loutslor JJ , ,0ilh , room for brick block cm lot , i nn be made to P'iv fli.MX ) IKT year. Price H1.UII , Inmmbiani'o $ .UWU ! , equity S2j,000 ; w.iut good land or hoir-ei and lots. Vi choice lota just outside the city limits In West Omalia , every lot perfect for giadf , tlo < e toc.vr llin-and Iti'it rilliiPilco flr.riio , ) n- cumbiancn ' * li'0 ( ' , long time , owners equity $ .11iii 0 Will U-nde foi good land or block ' ' " "ooige N. Hicks room 40 , ll.uker block , ie. l ottnte nud hiveiinii'iit agent. f8S-ll TNVIISI'IOTI3tho followlm ; bargains : J sec- J-tlons of goad Iniul in -helps 1 ( o , Nob. , near K eamoy , i.ulj tB per acio. , . , , y.txii'i : on t birngo f-t nurt ii room house , ftJOO. : Cliotto Oichaul Mill lots ut fii'O and JU7.1. Lot In Saunden Ar Hliiicb.tugli's.sl W. ( l-i oem house and half lot , Isaacs A , beldon s add. , $ . ' , NI. ( Jcod lot , ItopK" ? Ar Hill's add. , nnd rnohousps , KWK ) ) . Noli. b. A : S. Co. . room V , lluaid ot 'I i atle. fn' r ; QJ11.00 cash and SJ.VO montiily. liuhidlns lu- Jp terett , bins nice uimy lioruo , I ome nud see It. II. K. Cole , room C , Continental block. u7U 11 FOlt SALt ; Cheap Not l or undo ; "iii.7ii ; acres land ihcc u-l"-b ) two mtleIrom Muiiette [ , Ilnmllton county , Nebraska. I'lnmo hou e.sta- ble , "M ncres under good birlM.iro louco , louiid cedar noat-i , two stnj.s : living water , WJ-fout cliaunol : 3 wells , Itu-ljaiiol tank , ron.il , self-feeder ; a natural stock iamhln ; u tine corn bolt. Vilce ( about Sll.SOper acre ) . W.-80 Cash down . . ; : .ani S and 'i } ears timed pur cent . ; ) , " 'iO Go and look ov er land. Address an ner , P. 1C. Atkins , 110J Larimer tt. , Denver. Colo. UK ) EOH SALK 3 choice Omalm lots for cnsh at JLCOJ less than nctnal value to-day. Ovvum- L'olnu : away , must have money , call eaily. .1. L. Tllce iV Co. SIS V TjlOH HAtiK Or exeliaiiMior IIOHIK * nnl lot Ju in OmiUi.i , leO acres Iluest Nebraska laud , nil clear. In ono of the best couutles In the htatc , " mllo- * from county seat and railway. VrtcotifOO J. L. HlCB fe Co. Stil 7 TTt OH SALi ; or trndo. A flue farm IfiO acioa in JJ llarlau county , for sale or trade for a sttock of siocnrles or city property. Jiuiuiio at Meyer If Hnapke. ' f.t _ _ FOH SALE On enay terms , ono friconi home. hot nnd cold water , bath and all modem im provements , ulna largo barn. D. Ii. Johnson , Itoom KJS , PaNtonbuilding. 1'Ji ' i ) _ _ ri O buy , sell , rent , lease , trade , exchange- JLoi for loans. Insurance , notiry public , b'Hl liens chances , seoJ. L. HIco ACo. . 401 7 T7\OKSAL11 \ Or trade , for good Inside prop- JJ erty. three good horso- , , Hide-bar Columbus bugey and pnneton. 1'artlcs with outxido in- cum ft'red property need not apply. C. S. blo- mnu , Hoom 21S First Nat'l baiuc building. 471 at 71OH SAL13 513 acres. Hamilton Co. . Neb. C land , S ) per n"re , one tnlr.l c uh , balance at pei-cout. Address W. J. Wlldman , Denver , Col. ' _ ( JJtObiiyia ) full lot anilgnl t-rooin cottngo , Peasy terms au-1 goal locatloiK D. V , Sli olos , room ilU. I'irst Nat'l bank , cor. I3th mid Knr- nnui. 3" ) FOR SATiK Two elegant homes lu llantcom I'lacnon roason'ible terms : 11101 Ig.igM piper taken as pan payment. Boiworth A : .loplln , Darker block. J 'J FOH SALK Or exflhanco for Omaha prop erty. M ) ncreh , suitable' for platting ; will make 4uu lots , nil clear ; l > 1ginom' > in it for some QUO who can push this : located Just out ld9 tint olty limits of Council Hlulls. Iiujuiiu lioo. .1 , Steriisdoiir , opp. poUollice. _ S'll nio buy , Hi > ll , rent , lease , trade , pwinnge. X or for loaiij , Innurunre , not-irj publli. Inml- ness I'haui'cs , see J.i. \ . HIco i ; Co. 414 7 ITIOIt 8ALI3 Ooodhoiu.0 of 7 rooms. . lull lot. JL ? well , rUtcru , bain for t horm-s , s < hoot , cliurrh nn.Utot-rt near by. sireiu curs one block nvvay. In itiowtng part of city , M > 'd ' in'hjhbir- hood , title perfect , good home- formal ! of iiuiil- eiato means , Ort ready for next spilug by liuylujjn home now : will take a vnc.int lotas part payment. I1. ! ' . Ilarrlbon , Jl'-rchants Nat. Lank. < ! _ 1710 H S A LK ra \ \ W f ecTrVj.ToT. on iith : nud JL1 NMuholas. Addieoi J. H , Suavv , llnmlHon ami Hot M. Killlt SALlI-Cheap for cash. Tlia IJuloii hojiso ui Noitolk Junction , Neb. Well fiunlsliod and but n fan ttops from depot ; hns an eel - UmtpmoiMKO. Immodlato piicsslon eivcii. HeuHiiii for rolling , jwor health , Thoniai Tor- Kiison JB3 Ot BUAI/'TIKLTL 8-ro < jin ho.no o most modi-rn duslgnand llnUh. Nothing omlttoJ in Its conatriictjnii ; fiiriiVi(5 ! ( , city water , R IK , hut nud cold M ntcr , niitliiue oak llnlsh. lur u ua < t front hit overlooking the r.ily and Council illulfHthe ; housrt complnta In all Its details : con 1 > pur chased now one or two thuus mil lu-u than in Uienprlug.ill \ pay > ou to Invi'illijftto now. C. r.llarilian. ilecchants * Nat'l bank. v\'i A I'lNi : impiovod fann near Papllllon for JVsalc , I. ) mill's from OmahaiMl ; > nil aero. Apply ntt.'il7 llnmuy tiec-t. 47'i 17 OH BALK A now hoMito In a desirable parr. F of the city , two lots , UUUHI contUUJ all modern Improvemeut.s. hot inJ cold watiir , hiinace. ai , bath , uleotrlc belli , anil gas lighting urianKoinout. parlori , hall nud din- lua room llnhheu In onlc nud cherry. Tor price and trims address P O. drawer 17 cjiy ; , TNTJHA L "OILDKPO r QUA IITKIIMAS- tcr'H Olllce. Omahi , Neb , , .lunuary Uh , Ihxii. yealeJ proposals lu duplicate wllUio iv- reived at tlilo ollico , nnlll In it , m. M ulnwdiy. January luth , JHKH. at wlilc-irthno and plare I buy will lie oiHdiud In the prcsonco of uttondliirf bid- dew for thu dcllvcrv of I OO Knllon > miiicil l oil , LIslaulvliiK fiiicc'lUatloii atul other iifor imuldiiwlfi fuinUhud upon iippliii-illim to this olllcp. Prcfnrenc-u will bugivoi lo urtlcliu of domo-itlc piaduction or mnnufac ture condi tion of ( luallty and price , deluding In tne prlro of fin dim production mannfnctun' , the iltity thereom balng tquiiUnnd fiitthpr.tlut.no r n. trantw Hhall b avvnrdod lor furuls'ilnff ' nrtlcliis of fort iuii pioductlon or iiianufiictir | when ihw nitlclo of wiltablo quality ofduincrftln prodtuj. tlon or niauuf.ictiuo IMII lie obtalnnd. lllddi-vH Khould nltuch a copy of this advertisement tu their bldn. jnilNBiUI'MN' . Captain and AM t O.uarteimaMer.U.D.Army. Not loo. Matter of niipltciitlosi " ' tauli Ililibolvr , for liquor Notice lihijrrbyulreiittiiUXal IllliMiT lliJooon Iho-lHl day of IiueumUur. A. I ) . lU..1u [ U. * i.i'p'leiilimi tollto i.M ur jmlolly < - uncll nf Omalu. im lirei l'i Jell mall , i > irlti'om " ' "J rln.m lliiti > i' nt ir VVHjd , , ) ti ) mi'l -iveiiirili fin ( . Wli wnnl. Oiiijlui. .NulV. from the ll l Our ol J inunrjr. Ml , ui " ' " ' ' ' ' ' "f 'ilaVo'uVnii 'oiijccl'/'nii. / funinnttrnnco or nroteit f lci | oltliin tw-i cki Irom lwpenl | > cr l t , A l . IM , in. uu HCOIHM. ' " / Uy'Tiyi" , ; , , , , Apllc-ni. | J , It. BoUTUAUO , City Ulcrk. Ujl 4 PKl PHUMINT I ) 110 PS. A corn palace n costly shoo. KlRhtccn clghty-ulno will plcnsu make Itsif nt homo. Always moves in the liIgliMt circle tin. gnllory soil. The excise ofllccro .should Investigate VJio Kcoly motor , for It's n secret Mill. A horse Istitillkon ni.iii in ono respect , nX least ho doesn't like to bo unuked up. The price of whisky Is Roluj , ' ilovvu. This Is a bail way to bofftti the now year. When a public oftleo-holilur comes to fool that ho Is u biff gun It is time ior him to L > a llrcd. U Is In the line of mnidiiK nil tilings equal that the most stupid boolts Imvu tliu llucst bliullng.s. Motto of flic millers' trust : "Cheap wheat , dear flour. " Sntiin himself must have in- veutoil that motto. From tills dlstmuf * Itloolcans If Mr. Illaliin \\vro round pc r , whllo all the holes In tha ue\v \ cabinet tire sotniro. Moiitunii lyiH'hor.s huiiK a couple of sloclc- , HB9 up on Christmas uvu , simply bucausa tlio.Imd . u IIDPM ) thlul in thutii , A convention of blll-po tofi Is soon to ha held In Cleveland , O. Mill poslors , ol uourso , believe in sliukiiiK to their plntforiiis No ono 1ms ever yet boon nblo to oxpl.ilu whj u Itisft is such u plciisant tiling , but Iho subject is bulng constantly Invcstl ixtod. The ilrawliiK-room-cnr porter * of the coun try arc about to oi'Riiul/e. This 13 n further o.xlilbitluu of the communism uf capital , "No , " said the incrctinnt to n young luily who nppllcd for a Position us u typewriter , "no , 1 cannot employ you , The fact U , I nui nmrrlc'l. " It is said thnt thcro nro 1'JOO actors out ot oinployauunt in this country. 'J.'hoy ou lit ube > bo ( iivon the places of some of the people on the stntro who uro not uulors. "Is your mother limiting ICQ crontn ' " In- qulrod the man when .lohnniu c'lituc1 four HIIUM tluihift the morning for let"No , " clnic-lcleil little .luhnulo , "tho old mini was out late lust An ITiil'oi'tunato Admission. Tiino : JtulfjoVliy diil you titlonipt to tlu'ottlo jour frioiul , liofo ? " I'ris- onor "Ho called mo a liir. : " Jiuljjo " \Vlmtoiui6od him to address tli.itop- jii'obious onilhcl to you : ' " I'rlsouoi1 " 1 was tellitifr him that my gi'iuuU thc'r ithtlll livinjut Uiu tifjo of 107 , and- " .ludfjo "That certainly olloive" luia no excuse. " Prisoner "i wont on to s'iy that my ajjod rclati\o dociii't rcM.iln hi liuarinjf , can't rend uilhout llio aid of ( , 'liib-os und inot in the l l > ' 1' ( ) l walk-in } , ' thrco mile * /.iwing three cords of wood before bi'OjiK.ast. , luauo : "ThiMi you tir" " 'iar. ' The.\ all do' ' " THE RAILWy TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Westward. Illuming bptttveuOnmrlt IlliifTsand Albrlghe. Inadclltliin to the htntlrms mautlonad , trains stop ut Twentieth and Tironty-fourtii street1) , and nt thobummll in Om iu. ! Ilioad- Trnns- Omalin South Al way. . fer. dopot. Sheely Omaha bright. A.M , A.N. A. M. A. JI. JL. , M , fl:4 : > r > : nl ( l:0'i : 11:17 : (1..I7 fi-50 7:03 : 7:1 : } vil'J ' 7:41 : 7.V ! 8:12 Kiss Slj : u-irl ' 10:0" : 1(1:1 : 10:2' : ) Join 10 : " > ii 11:0) 11:1. \ \ : ' 11:1' : ) ' P. I. P. JI p. * V. ' . M. P. M. P. v'C I2li : 12H 1' ' : ! } ' " " lit ) ! llrl 1:2 : } 1'4" l' 2.0 } 2U -4" ' V:0'I : 4U : 4:3j : 4:1" : ) 4vi : 5:11' : ) ' r'U ; : r:4 : d0 ( ! ; } ; : ' 7:0. : 7U 7-r ; 7'w : 7:1J 8:1- 8:2.1 : : - : ' 0:12 : 0:23 : wi'n 11:4-1 : 0:12 : ll > :0 : > 101'H low : ; . . , llii' I in.r. ur ; ) 10:1 : lllj : I'M ) I0anvard , Al Soulh Omaha TransIlroad - bright. Omuha , Shooli > y I dopot. for. way. 77TT A. SI. A ? * ! . /L AI. . A. M. . . A. M . i.ia' ' ( ia' : " lllfi ' ril'/i / : io : B'W : 7OJ : 7ltt : 7:20 : isvi 7V : ) 7-,1) : 8fl7 ; M:27 : , KM H0 : 8VM : ! l07 ; flilh ! u:37 : : M 10:07 : 10:1. : . I0:2rl : 11.07 11:15 llCT ; | II : H II-.i M. _ P. .M. P , M. P. M. P. JI. P M 12:11 U:27 : ' " KlW 1:07 : Mfi IMI : TK : 2:07 : . ' 1:07 : 4.07 4tt : VLvil 4:511 : fiiV ) , fi'.V dM : : 7:15 : 7:27 : \ } H.07 Hilr > 8:7J : Ml0 ; 0.2J I007 ; lolls 1 : ( X ) 11:07 nr. 11:15 : iiii ; I''lOJam Iv , Il.Kl 12nam : CIIR'AOO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Leave. Arilve , No , 2 C:00 : p , in. A No , 1 .1-M a , m. Ni , U 0:0) : ) n , in , 0 No. r. r > ; VI p. in. A No. 4. . HO r. . III. No , ; j ( Jil'i p , in. CHICAGO. I1UHLINC.TON k QUJNCV. . . No. 4 u:40 : ft. in. [ A No , o 7.H : a. m. A * .SO. H 6 .11 p. III. A No , 7. . , fiJ : _ p. III. ' No. o .OiV ) p. m.U No. II . . (1:5) ( : p.m. CHMJAOO At NOKTIMVH8TI5HN. A No. . . .0:40 n. m.A | Nell . . , .7:10 : n. in. A No. 4 .OM p , in. O No , I , . /W : a. m. B No , 2 . , .8.10 p , m.lA No , 6 , . . .11:15 : p.m. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Sc HF , PAUL. A No , 2 , . , .U:40 : a. m. A No , 1 . 0.H ) ft. m. A No. 4 7.-00 p , m.A | No , a , , , ,0:50 : p. III. KANSAS CITY , COUNCfti A No. 2 . 0:13 : a" . m.A""No. | 3 . , , .0:7) : a. ra. A No , 4 . . 'JiSlp. m.lA No. 1 6M p , M. SIOUX ( UTV e PACrl'IO. A No. 10 7:03 : * . in.lA No. 0 . . , , .8Bii : ft. m. A Ko. i ; 7W : p. m.U No , II. . . , 'JiCW p , in. OMAHA ft BT , LOIJI3 , A No. 8 4Jjp.rn.lA : No. 7..12:01) : ra. A dally : U dally except Saturdays ( I except Bundar ; D except Monday ; * last mail. The tlm given above Is for'1'raiHfer. tilers boingfromnvato ten rolnuteJbetween 'Irau * . fcr and local tlnpaM. ( _ _ | ' ' ' " " ' 'anvtin'ol'UlO\ \ > Y" ! * - . Tarl9rHi-.H - m .lBrB .Oiif tin. . for or cLl'ld.