Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1889, Image 1

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Refund the Money or I'll Blow My
Brains Out.
The Casino Weakened and the Lucre
Was Returned.
No Attention Is Paid to Common
lie Given IllH VlewH on New York Poll-
UGH , Which lie Hays Arc Hot-
ton to the Corn IllH Esti
mate or Hill.
A Military Gcntlctnnn'H Kscnprulo.
( Cojij/rfyht 1W3 liy James Oonfuu Ileiinrlt. ]
PAIUS , Jan. G. [ Nev York Herald Cable
Special to Tun Bni.l : Winter has como
on nt last , clear and cold , and skating is In
full swing. Thopondsontho Bols doBologno ,
the Saint Cloud and the Versailles nro
coveied with tleliclously smooth ice , and n
hundred pretty little Parislennessurrounded
each with a little coterie of admirers , whisk
nnd circle about on the ice , stopplne every
few minutes to warm their duinty toes at
largo brariers that are placed at convenient
Interval ! , on the edges of the ponds. The
Circle du Patlnuros Is In full winter glory ,
and grand skating fetes are In progress.
Politics have again como to tlio fore , and
when Paris woke up yesterday the streets
were plastered with flaming signatures of
Lo General Boulangcr. Le bravo general
is still popular ns over , perhaps more so.
Not only the radic Us , but the royalists con
tinue to support him. In commenting on the
election fixed for January 3 , the Figaro
nays : "Boulangor's programme Is distinctly
republican , but Is so adroitly worded as to
give offense to no one. "
Guuloissays : The Paris election on Jan-
nary 27 will bo a repetition of the triple election
tion of the 19th of August , n crushing vic
tory for General Boulanger , and
that -true royalists In Pails will
vote for iilrn. They know what
they want and no matter with whom they
travel or what road they take , the over im
portant consideration is that they arrive at
their journey's ' end. So all good royalists m
Purls will vote for Boulanger.
The Republiquo Francals appeals to the
sound common sense of the Parisians and
asks what they expect to gain by votln g fern
n man who never yet distinctly declared
what his opinions were or what he would do
If once in power.
The Journal DCS Dobats says General
Boulangor'a appeal to the voters of Paris is
mere nonsense , nnd that ho can never hope
to capture the votes of the city of Paris.
Rappcll says Boulanger gives no opinion
nor platform. He merely says mol , and
that's all.
Fashionable Paris is now taking wing for
the Rivera , and , ns usual at this season ,
chronic denunciations of the dangers of roulette -
letto and rouge ot noir continue to bo thun
dered against Monte Carlo , which still con
tinues to be a most magnetic nnd fascinating
wintering spot for Europe.
The victim of gambling this season is n
military oBlcor , who was stationed with his
regiment near Nice , and wont to Monte Carlo
with 12,500 francs duo to his company as pay
ofllccrand won about 50,000 francs , and then
lost everything ho had , Including the 13,500
francs belonging to bis regiment ; but the of
ficer , still confident , wrote a letter to the Ca
sino authorities , telling them that if his
money was not returned ho would
blow out tils brains In the princi
pality and thus bring about an awkward
scandal. The letter caused n flutter in the
i bosom of the director , M. DoThezillut , nnd
bo conferred with the three administrators ,
M. Bourdoncle , M. Bonier nnd M. Wichtn , a
Gorman , who isn relative of Madame Blanc.
Those gentlemen devoted a long time to the
matter. They were accustomed to such ap
peals , and , under ordinary circumstances ,
would have simply sent the unlucky ramb
ler about his business. The unlucky person ,
however , In this Instance , was au onicer
in the French army , and should ho
bo EO foolish as to scatter his
brains about In n local orange grove Incon
venient consequences might ensue. The
mutter , therefore , was referred to the most
mighty and puissant council of the Casino.
This omnipotent body has Its headquarters In
Paris , and is legally constituted as the
Soclcto Auonymo do Bains do mcr ot
du cerclo dcs Etranzor a Monaco. Its
members are Prince Roland Bonaparte
nnd Prince Radziwll , who Is connected by
marriage with the Blano family , but Prince
Radziwll and Edmond Blano merely draw
their revenues , relegating their duties to
secretaries. The members of the high
council having received notice of the offi
cer's application and threats , deliberated ana
came to thu conclusion that the applicant
should receive his money back. The ofllccr
was accordingly repaid the sum which ho bad
lost and signed an agreement to rotund
it to the Casino .by monthly Installments.
Soon afterward * , however , the military au
thorities hoard of the affair , nnd the o HI cor
was cent off to Tonkin , So ended this year's
Monte Carlo scandal. Meanwhile all flock
thither to enjoy not so much the gambling ,
but the sunsuluo and charming scenery of
the Rlvorla.
Ho was u man might hall from Boston and
Now York , a man with elastic step and an
engaging manner , who might bo fifty years
Old and who hardly looked forty , Ho _ was
ecated in the billiard room of the Grand ho-
tclj and commenced sipping his after dinner
coffee and talking. Ho was Rollln
U. Squire , ex-cominlBsioner of oublio
works in Now York Clt.v. You want
to know my opinion on Now York polittcsl
Rotten , sir , rotten to the core. Talk about
corruption In the past. Why there are men
prominent In New York to day who are so
corrupt they would out-tweed Tweed If they
only has his genius ; nnd , by the way ,
there is one whoso first name is
William and his last Is Grace , nnd
God help Peru If ho gets his hands on it.
Dave HUH What uo I tulnk of Dave Hill !
1 don't care to bo Inelegant , but there nro
four Anglo-Saxon words which formulate
my opinion of him , with beautiful distinct
ness. When I became commissioner of pub
lic works in 1S35 , Hill cnmo to me and said ,
'I would like to know what you think of mo
for governor of the state In ISSSt' 'Well , '
said I , 'Mr. Hill , I think you a good man
for the place , nnd when you want
my help you have only got to
siiy so. I am not much of a campaign leader ,
but I am a good lieutenant. I have con
fidence in you , and whenever you wheel your
political cart tip alongside of this depart
ment , I will shove the whole thing In , from
the roof to the cellar. So wo agrcd to be
friends. I was to glvo him my
faithful support nnd ho was to protect me
against the machinations of this same man
Grace , who was the mayor of the city. Hill
told mo repeatedly that not the slightest con
fidence was to bo placed In anything Grace
might say. I kept my promise to Governor
Hill , and what did ho do ? Before the end of
It ho had signed a paper which removed mo
from oflleo. That is the kind of a man Hill
is. Whcti I was Informed of this act
of treachery 1 said to ono of the gov
ernor's aides , who was with me ,
"You go back to Albany and
tell Dave Hill that if I were not restrained
by n self-respect which ho has never known ,
I woulu go to his mansion nnd slap his
traitor's mouth , were he seated in the gu-
bernatoiial chair itself. ' . Now , just ono
moro word about the presidential election.
I won't say much , because it is an old story
how Cleveland was beaten , because
ho got the swelled head and for
got his friends. He began to pose
as a candidate of the respectable
classes , and to neglect the boys , to whom he
owcit everything. The result was the boys
went back on this inflated man of des
tiny , and unfortunately in New York
state the boys have much moro to
do with the elections than the respect
able classes. In fact , they have pretty
much everything to do with them. Dave
Hill did not forget the boys. Consequently
Hill remains at Albany , while Cleveland is
left out in the cold. Mr. Squire will sail for
America to-day with a French gentleman ,
who proposes organizing nn extensive com
mercial enterprise in the United States.
After about six weeks Mr. Squire will proba
bly return to France , in connection with
the system now under consideration
by the French government for improving the
postal service ; and Mr. Squire has still other
irons In the fire. There is a mysterious talk
about a wonderful dynamite gun which he is
said to have offered to the Russian govern
ment. He also writes poetry.
memorial of tlio Centenary of Cathol
icism In the United States.
ROME , Jan. 5. | New York Herald Cable
Special to Tim BKE ! Bishop Kcanc ,
rector of Washington university , has been
appointed preacher for Epiphany by the pope
in the church of St. Sylvestro , which has
bcon ceded to the English of Rome In per
petuity. The archbishops nnd bishops con
nected with the university have presented ad
dresses to Leo XIII in Latin , proposing to
inaugurate the institution next year , as a
memorial of the centenary of the Catholic
hierarchy in the United States. The docu
ment is signed by the archbishops of Balti
more , Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , and
the bishops of Peoria , Dakota and LaCrosse ,
The president of the chamber has received
a letter , communicating the intelligence that
President Cleveland and the senate of the
United States bad accepted , by n unani
mous vote , the bust of Garibaldi , offered
by the Italian residents In Washington ,
which Is to bo placed in the Oriental room of
the capital. The Italian minister of foreign
affairs expressed warm sentiments of esteem
and admiration for tlio United States of
America , which were received by all present
with applause.
Among the latest arrivals nt Rome are ex-
Senator W. N , Emerson , Right Rev. J. N ,
Gallagher and C. E. Gudcbroud , of Now
VlhltorH Are noKhmliiK to Arrive in
Great Numbers.
[ CtipurioMril IBMbu Fianh O. Carptiittr.l
NICE , Jan , 5. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : 13KB. ] The weather hero
has been delightful the last few days , nnd
Americans are beginning to arrive in great'
numbers. The most conspicuous couple on
the drive nro the king and queen of Wurtom-
berg. The king Is doing everything In his
power to secure a recall of his American
favorites , but the queen , who Is now vir
tually ruler of their kingdom , Is determined
In her opposition. She Is endeavoring to restore -
store his spirits , which have declined since
the departure of his favorites , but members
of his court whisper that his mind is going.
It is understood that Milan of Servla will
bo hero In about a fortnight.
Among the American arrivals are Colonel
ana Mrs. A. Hnyward , D. 13. Gilllt , San
Francisco ; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. HoHln , F. Rit-
tollhouse , Chicago ; Mr. anuUMrs. James W.
Alexander nnd family , Mr , George Hoyt , Mr ,
and Mrs. Llndal , Winthrop. Coming from
Cannes , Mr. nnd Mrs. Blgclow.jMr. and Mrs.
WR. Browne and famllyMr. and Mrs. H. C.
Thachor , New York , and Mr. and Mrs ,
Lama , of Chicago ,
Exulodcd u Petard.
MAnnii ) , Jan. 5. An attempt was made
to-day to blow up the building occupied by
the ministry of the interior. A petard was
exploded In the rear of the building , but be
yond smashing windows did no damage.
Sirs. Friend Says There Wns no In
tentional Frnnd.
ANN AIIIIOK , Mich. , Jan. 5. Persons Inter
ested in tbc Electric Sugar Refining com
pany frauds nt New York have been in con
sultation with Sawyer tKnowlton , attorneys
here , for several day past. The president
of the company has been hero nnd met Mrs.
Friend , the Hoxvards and Holstcnds , all of
whom live nt Milan , this state. Mrs. Friend's
attorney snys there was no Intentional fraud.
But the company expected moro than was
promised. She says the company was to
furnish money to equip a refinery for refin
ing sugar by Friend's "secret process. " The
company nllcgo the refining was to bo done
from suger cune. This she cannot do. The
contract her husband uniito was to refine
sugar nt M ) cents a ton or neil out
his stock and occrct for $ . & 0UOO , after
everything was running. The company has
been running five years and has put in over
? .WO,000 , but no sugar has yet been refined
for the market , Mrs. Friend says the com
pany Is now trying to force from her another
secret , by wiilch sue can make n superior ar
ticle of sugar from grapes , instead of getting
the secret their contract calls for , ' 1 ho last
secret she refuses to divulge for any amount.
No arrests have been made , and none even
threatened by the company's agent , who re
turned to New York Wednesday. Mrs.
Friend is the only one of the party inter
ested In the transaction , the others being
merely employes.
ncnntinccH Mrs. Friend's Statements.
DKTHOIT , Jan. 5. The Uvenlnir Journal's
special from Ann Arbor , Mloh. , says : Pres
ident Cotterlll , of the Electric Sugar re
finery , in nn Interview to-day said the report
that he is hero to procure the arrest of Mrs.
Friend Is news to him. He cannot talk to the
press now , but promises developments in a
few days. He denounces the claim made by
Mrs. Friend that the contract with her does
not specify raw cauo sugar , but only cano
sucar , as nn unmitigated falsehood.
There is no criminal aspect in the case , so
far ns it has been developed here. Presi
dent Cottrell has boon making strenuous ef
forts to settle with the Friends , who will
not give up unless they get big boodle. The
Journal reporter has seen the contract nnd it
makes no mention of manufacturing sueur
from the raw material. The men who pose
as dupes confess this. The whole thing
has been precipitated by the English
stockholders. Coltorcll nnd others who got
the Englishmen to subscribe now want to
get control. Mrs. Friend and Howuad own
n majority of the stock and the alleged
secrets. The only way the "dupes" can
determine whether or not they have been
duped is to get control. Mrs. Friend is too
sharp to be frightened into giving up any
secrets. There uro people at Milan who be
lieve Prof. Friend is still alive. Tlio law
yers , however , think ho is dead.
Tried It in Chicago Hut Failed.
CHICAGO , Jan. S. In connection with the
exposure ot the Electric Sugar Refining com
pany's frauds in Now York , a local paper
snys : Prof. Friend made an endeavor to
foist his scheme on a Chicago firm about four
years ago , but failed.
Henry Culver , Chicago agent of Matthie-
scn & Wickers , sugar refiners of New York ,
says Friend tried to sell his scheme to their
firm. Mr. Mntthicsen told him they would
give him flOO.OOO when ho proved the process
a success. The professor replied that it was
a secret and that unless the company would be
gotten together leaving ; the secret with him ,
negotiations must end. They did cud at
once. Friend then came to Chicago , but his
endeavors here were also abortive. He then
went to England and succeeded in entrapping
a number of English and American capital
ists who started the present factory in New
York , intrusting the secret to Prof. Friend.
The rest of the story is known.
Ijivcd liikc Princes.
DETHOIT , Jan. 5. The Evening Journal's
special from Milan , Mich. , says that since
the opening of the sugar business the How-
ants and Friends have cut a big swath here ,
building elegant houses and living ns gentle
man farmers , with princely incomes from
some source not generally understood ,
though not wfthtfBti suspicion. They bought
the best , lived high , drove elctrant equip
ages , and traveled much between hero nnd
Now York. The village is greatly excited.
Murdered His Neighbor.
TOPCCA , Kan. , Jan. .I. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BUB. ] The sheriff of Logan county
arrived last night on the hunt of Joe Steven
son , who Is accused of the murder of a man
named Norwood , the accused and his sup
posed victim both residing in the same
neighborhood In Lincoln county. Norwood
borrow ed a few dollars of Stevenson several
months ago. which Stevenson had repeatedly
asked him for , and Norwood had refused to
pay. On Saturday last the two met at a
country postoflleo nnd Stevenson again asked
for his money , which Norwood with an oath
again refused to pay. Thursday morning
the dead body of Norwood was found lying
across the bed in his house. The ono window
was blown completely to pieces and bits of
glass were found in the wound , showing that
the murderer hud deliberately shot his vic
tim through the window while he was
asleep. Tlio weapon was a shotgun loaded
with buckshot , the full load striking in the
left breast and severing the arteries. The
murderer made his escape.
Murdered lly Ills Rival.
FAYETTBVII.LE , Tenn. , Jan. 5. Yesterday ?
Brooks , n prominent young merchant of Mc
Dowell's Mills , came to town , secured a mar
riage license and started home. This mornIng -
Ing his body was found lying on the roadside
dead with a bullet hole through his head.
When ho loft town ho was accompanied by a
man named Smith , who was a bitter rival for
the hand of the young lady Brooks was to
marry. Strong suspicions are aroused nnd
excitement prevails concerning this feature
of the case.
Claims $50,000 Dnmnces.
DKADWOOD , Dak. , Jan. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKH , ] The Deauwood & Loud
City chartered toll road has enjoined the
Dead wood Central railroad and brought suit
against them for $50,000 damages. The
grade of the latter crosses the road In live
different places , rendering it absolutely dan
gerous for vehicles. Although being orally
and in writing notified , the railroad company
continued building , The hearing will bo be
fore Judge Thomas next Saturday. A better
grade could have been obtained by the rail
road company by another survey , but this
ono was selected presumably to break up the
vehicle travel between the two cities and
secure It for the railroad company , hence the
suit for damages ,
Ex-County Commissioner Samuel Roy , a
prominent mason , ICnlghts of Pythias , and a
republican politician , died at Lead City at
lliSOlast night.
"Iled-Nnjcil Mike" Gnpturrd ,
Wn.KKSiiAiiiiE , Pa. , Jan. 5 Captain Lin
den of the Pinkorton's detective
, agency , ar
rived hero early this morning with "Rod-
Nosed Mike , " ono of the alleged murderers
of Paymaster J , 13. McClure , near hero
October last. Ho was taken before an aider-
man for preliminary hearing , but would
make no statement. Ho was committed to
Michael Rcsslllio has confessed , Ho Impli
cates three others. Ho claims not to have
hade any part In the actual shooting , Ho
told whore the rifles used in conjunction with
the revolvers and the satchel in which the
money was carried was secreted , and to-day
they were recovered. It Is stated here to
night that two of the other three had been
arrested in Now York and will bo brought to
this city , The arrest and the developments
erected an Intense excitement and rejoicing
throughout this section.
Jules Lombard has gone to Chicago on
business. He will sing Sunday night , the
13th , at First Baptist church.
Very Disagreeable Winter Weather
nt London.
The Separation of Lord nnd Lady
* "
Great Preparations For the Event
in Birmingham.
An Expensive Fancy Drr-ns Unit Given
By a It I oh South American
Kim key , thu EvntiRcllflt ,
Coining Home.
1VIII Cause a General Exodus.
ICoiwto'it ' lRS9l < v Janus Gordon Hemiett.1
LONDONJan. . 5. fNow York Herald
Cable Special to TUB Uisc.1 A stifling fog
settled down upon the metropolis to-night ,
and if this weather continues tlicro will be u
general exodus south. So far this winter
has been most miserable. There has been'
no snow , nnd only in a few northern counties
has there been any skating. The metropolis
has been one vast , sunless labyrinth of fog
and muO.
Society is preparing Itself to receive the
details of a most unsavory scandal that 5as
Just transpired in Madras , wheie the sep
aration of the governor , Lord Conncmare ,
and wife Is the absorbing topic. From what
1 can learn , Lady Conncinarc recently left
the government house during a state ball
and spent the night at a hotel , while her
llcgo lord danced away the hours , totally in
different to her absence. Next day Captain
Quinn , aide de-camp , applied for leave , and
Brigade Surgeon Briegs , surgeon to the
governor , resigned his appointment. Lady
Eva Quinn declares she will never return to
the government house , nnd Lidy Conno-
mare is en roiuo for England. Reports giv
ing the reason for her ladyship's
sudden departure are too deli
cate to bo unveiled at present , though
Madras is disgusted at their revolting na
ture. Lord Conncmaro Is sixty-one years
of nge , was under secretary for foreign af.
fairs In the Bcuconsfleld cabinet , and is a
brother of the late Earl of Ways .Ho has yet
three years to serve as governor of Madras.
Lady Conncmnro Is a daughter of the cele
brated Marquis of Dalhousii' . Lord and Lady
Councmaro have been married twenty-live
years. The latter wtM < 4 ccntly made by her
majesty , lady of the imperial order of the
crown of India. t *
The suit of Miss "Wfcdemann against Cap
tain AValpolo will shortly be re-opened , and
friends of the future Earl of Oxford have
fears of the result. It has now transpired
that the queen is in sympathy with Miss
Wiedcmann , and when the unfortunate wo
man's case was brought to her attention
three years ago , she sent her 25 to defray
the expenses of the accouchment , and ex
pressed the desire that Walpolo should
be removed from the royal navy.
Ho had just previously resigned
and thus escaped the embarrassing
situation. Public subscriptions to defray
Miss Wicdomann's suit arc pouring in , and
over 200 have been collected.
Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain's reception in
Ireland must bo very gratifying to her family
and friends In America. Stic will bo pre
sented to her majesty at the first drawing
room , nnd her sponsor will bo
the Marchioness of Salisbury. Great
reparations are making in Birming
ham for n public reception which is to bo
given Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain Tuesday
night. Moro than 700 have been collected
for testimonials to be presented to them.
The town hall is to bo fitted up as a drawing
room , and will be elaborately decorated for
the reception. An organ recital Is to pre
cede the arrival of the couple , and Mr.
Chamberlain is to speak for half
au hour in aclcaowlcgcmcnt of the
gifts. The working jewelers will give
Mrs. Chamberlain n suit of jewelry
for morning wear , which is to bo made in
the west division of Mr. ChauibcrJaln's own
constituency. The citizens in their address
will say : "Tho lady of your choice would
always bo welcomed In Birmingham , but the
welcome Is greater because she comes from
among our own kinsfolk across the sea to
reside In the city which has nhvnys taken
special Interest in the prosperity
and welfare of America and
her people , " The address from
the West Birmingham division takes the
form of a triptych m solid silver , with gold
monograms and enamelled medallions In
relief. The gifts to Mrs. Chamberlain in
clude a pearl ncckluceiat 400 , a diamond
star and suit of gold'fillgroo.
Colonel North , who has made $10,000,000 , In
South American nitrate deposits , gave a
$50,000 fancy dress ball tit the Motropolo hotel
last night. On dlt , that Colonel North
some time ago gave Lord Randolph
Churchill soma paints about nitrate that en
abled him to materlally'Increaso his fortune ,
and as quid pro quo L6rd Randolph will get
the Colonel n seat in parliament. The ball
lust night was really the nitrate king's pub
lic debut.
Ira Sankoy , the evangelist , having been
suddenly called homo , sailed for Now York
this week. Ho will return in the summer
and assist Mr. McAll in Paris. While in
Europe bo received assistance to erect two
churches In America , one at hli former
homo , New Castle , Pa. , the other at North-
The most important social vent of the
season was the marriage to-day of Hon.
Stanley , of the Grenadier Guard , son of the
governor general of Canada , and Lady Alice
Montague , youngest daughter of the Duke of
Manchester. Thd ceremony was performed
ut thu Guard's chapel by llcv
Lord Van Cecil , son of the Marquis
of Salisbury nnd cousin of the
bridegroom , nnd the bridesmaid's
were Ladles Alexandria , Mary and Tbco-
dcsla Aichcson , daughters of the Earl of Goa-
ford , Lady Mary Hamilton nnd Ladles Alice
nnd Mary Montague , daughters of Earl Man-
tleville ; Lady Edith Vallcrles and Rotnolo
Hussell , daughters of Lord Amplhlll. Hon.
Richard Somerset was groomsman. Among
the guests were thelPrinco of Wales , Prince
Albert Victor , IJuUo of Cambridge , Duke
of Seek nnd Princess Victor
of Kck. After the reception
the bridal party left for Hallwood , the Kent
ish sent of the Earl of Derby , where they
will pass the honej moon. The presents
numbered over three hundred , Including an
Indian shawl from the queen , a gold bracelet
from Empress Frederick , a diamond brooch
from the Prince and Princess of Wales , and
a silver lamp from Princes Albert , Victor
nnd George. The bridegroom will not only
succeed to his father's baronetcy , but to the
earldom of Derby , to which bis father Is heir
Bishop Lymann , of North Carolina , also
left for America this week.
Miss Harriet Williams , daughter of the
American consul at Rouen , will bo married
ut Rouen January 15 to James Ronald Wat
son.Miss Maria Howell , daughter of Rear Ad
miral Howell , United States navy , was mar
ried nt Bourncltwith on December 29 to Er
nest C. Cheston , of London.
Mrs. John W. Mncltay returned to Paris
this week.
The United States minister has removed
temporarily from 31 to10 Lowndcs Squaie.
Mrs. Phelps will bo at home on Fridays du
ring this month.
Minister McLean aiulConsuiGcneral ; Ruth-
borne received the membcis of the American
colony New Years. Among those who paid
their respects were Mrs. M. E. McClcllan ,
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Clark , William Selig-
inau , Paul \V. Dana , II. B. Soavcn , Chief
Justice Shea , Mr. and Mrs. William Bigey ,
Mrs. E. Sehcrmerhorn.
It isn't often that American travelers are
swindled while abroad , but several davs ago
Frederick Graham , a California miner ,
was induced to part with $1,000
by an old confidence game. The swindler
was caught and is now serving a six months'
sentence , while Graham is thanking his
lucky stars that he has his money back.
Among the latest American arrivals in
London are Mr. and Mis. William Henry
Smith , James R. Scott , John R. Dospossos ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes , James H. Whit
ney , New York ; Lieutenant J. W. Graydon ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 5. Mr. Edmunds of
fered two resolutions , which wore agreed to ,
calling on the president for information us to
the Venezuelan awards , and as to wiiat steps ,
if any , have been taken by the United States
government to collect the monthly quotas of
Caracas customs receipts ,
Mr. Sherman called up the joint resolution
reported by him yesterday fioin the commit
tee on foreign relations , declaring the sense
of congress in relation to the connection of
European governments with any inter-
oceanic canal , and asking that it be passed
immediately. A brief , but very interesting
discussion ensued.
Mr. Morgan took ttio view that congress
had no i ight to trammel thodiploointic action
of the executive by the passage of the joint
resolution. If the idea Is to be expressed by
congress it should bo done in the form of a
concurrent resolution only. .
Mr. Sherman treated Mr. Morgan's objec
tion to the form of thu resolution as moro
technical than important , but was willing to
have the resolution made concurrent , al
though he thouglit the latter better form as
binding three branches of the government.
He liked to see all the nations of the world
( but not governments ) co-operate in the work
of the Panama canal.
After further discns ion the resolution
went over till Monday , and the tariff bill was
taken up at ii o'clock.
Various amendments wore ottered to para
graph It1. ! ' . ! , and others , and discussions had
upon them , but they wore all rejected by the
usual party vote , and when paragraph SM ,
referring to luces , etc. , was reached , the
senate aajournecl.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 5. The committee on
Indian affairs icported n bill to divide the
Sioux Indian reservation into separate res
ervations. House calendar.
Mr. Reed , of Maine , the'n called up the
resolution to abolish for the remainder of the
session the call of the states for the intro
duction of bills on thu first and third Mon
days of each month. On ordering the pre
vious question the vote stood yeas ilS , nays
20. No quorum and a call of the house was
Quiet anil indolence reigned until 1 :50 : ,
when adjournment was moved.
Pending the motion to adjourn , Mr.
Springer of Illinois introduced n joint resolu
tion proposing a constitutional amendment
nuthormng congress to make 11 uniform law
of marriage and divorce.
The motion to adjourn then at 2:15 : pie-
Tito Sugar Suhcdulc.
WiBiiivoTo.v , Jan. 5. The sub committee
of the finance committee gave a hear
ing to a delegation from Louisiana. The del
egation had come to ask that tlie sugar
schedule , as proposed by the senate tariff
bill be modi Hod on the ground that 50 par
cent reduction in the duty on sugar would
ruin the sugar industry not only
In tropical cane in Louisiana , but
also of the beet sugar industry of California ,
and the sorghum industry of Kansas. At
the hearing this afternoon Parkinson and
Representative Peter * spoke in behalf of the
sorghum sugar producers In Kansas , assert
ing that If the sugar tariff was undisturbed
business would bo greatly developed In the
Immediate future. They objected to bounty ,
because it was likely to be only of temporary
duration. Henry C. Minor and Henry Me-
Cauil , of Louisiana , on behalf of ttio sugar
planters of that state , also spoke against the
bounty system , and pleaded that it bo left
under the present conditions.
The CiiHtoniH CommlHHlon.
WASHINGTON , Jon. 0. This afternoon Sen
ator Plum introduced a bill to increase the
customs commission and define its duties ,
which was referred to the committee on
finance. Its object Is to establish a perma
nent customs commission In the treasury de
partment , which shall make investigations
respecting the working of the tariff , and
Which shall furnish information thereon to
congress and others when culled upon ,
Union I'noillo KurnlngH.
BOSTON , Jan. 6. The report of the Union
Pacific railroad for eleven months , to De
cember 1 , 1888 , shows an increase in the
earnings of (5n7OOU : increase In the ex
pense ? , $1.)09XX : ) ( ) , making n decrease in the
urplus of 17-11,000. ,
IH Well IMonsctt With the Ternn or
Cinroo , Jan. C. Chief Aithur , when
seen by , a reporter , was not Inclined to bo
very talkative. Ho said ho was glad the "Q"
trouble was settled. It Is .said the chief Is
'merely passing through Chicago to attend
some business matters In the west.
It transpires that Mr. Arthur Is going to
California , ns he says , "on private business
connected with the brotherhood. " Ho de
nied that his trip had any connection with
the threatened ntrikoon the Southern Pacific
rond. Arthur expressed himself ns exceed
ingly pleased with the "Q" settlement
terms nnd said they were such that they
would meet with the approval of the brother
hood. Ho declined to tnuko the terms known ,
but said It was far from an unconditional
surrender on the part of the brotherhood ;
that several itetn.s of Importance to the
brotherhood had been conceded by the
Burlington Otllcials.
A local paper says : " A man standing
high in railway circles told a reporter this
afternoon that the engineers had abandoned
their claim for the abolishment of the trip
system am ! the inauguration of the mileage
plan used by other roads. They
had nlso withdrawn the demand for the ar
bitration of the classification or graded pay
rule. On ho other hand , the Company con
sented to employ brotherhood men in prefer
ence to others ns fast as vacancies occurred ,
nnd would reinstate the old employes when
ever it could. The blacklist is also done
nwny with. " It is nlso reported that the
compromise will result in the dismissal of
the prosecution of the alleged dynamiters ,
but this Is uncertain.
Till : Olil ) MAN WANTKH linil.
A AVenltliyVlilnwor Snui'eiMls In .Mar-
ryinil HUSnn'N Sweetln-nrl.
liu.i. imiio , N. J. , Jan 5. [ Special Tele-
ginm to the Hun.l John Horton , n New
York merchant , has for the past few years
made his summer home here. Daniel , bis
twenty-year-old son , was in business with
him. When Daniel returned here after one
of those trips last summer ho was accom
panied by n young and pretty woman , n Miss
Grobert , nnd It became noised about that she
was soon to become Mrs. Horton , jr.
Finally Miss Grobert returned to Broaklyn ,
after a quarrel with her lover , and the elder
Horton , who hail seriously objected to his
son keeping company with her. per
suaded Daniel to go to Europe for a lew
months. Horton refused to say what objec
tion ho had to the girt , and only
remarked : "I don't like her. " Young Daniel
started tor England mut less than n month
after Miss Grobert was back in Ilillsboro ,
tins time us the guest ot the elder Horton.
One day Horton , who is fifty years old and a
widower , nnd Miss Grobert drove to South
Sumervilln and twenty-four hours later it
leaked out that the old gentleman and his
pietty visitor had been married. Mr. Horton
ton and his bride continued to live in Hills-
boio till Thursday , when Daniel reached
homo and family nffairs reached a climax.
Daniel sprang at Mrs. Horton nnd would
have stiangled her but for the interference
of a servant nnd'his father. Daniel then
turned on the latter nnd knocked him down.
Ho wasllnally removed from the house by
force and yesterday morning was found
hanging to a tree , two handkerchiefs form
ing the ropo. Ho was cut down just m time
to save his life. His father will send him
IHsb-Ajncricans to un Given a Clianco
to Testify.
NEW YORK , Jan. 5. | Special Telegram
to Tin : Bnc.J The investigators into the al
leged crime and outrage charges of the Lon
don Times will soon , after the reassembling
for business on the ISth inst , issue an order
appointing a sub commission to visit the
United Slates to receive the evidence of bov-
cral loading Irishmen who arc political
refugees in this country and whoso names
have been mentioned in connection witli the
charges against Mr. Parnell. These gentle
men have already received private intima
tion of the fact that this course will be pur
sued by the London judges , and are prepared
to bo examined whenever the London law
yers make their appearance. Among those
who will bo invited to testify are
Vntrlck Egan , of Lincoln , Nob. , lute treas
urer of the land league and late president
of the National League of America ; 1' . J.
Sheridan , of Pueblo , Colo. , lute member of
the Land league executive committee ;
Thomas Brenuan , of Omaha , Neb. , lute sec
retary of the hish Land league , Dublin ;
Frank Byrne , of this city , late secretary of
Lho Land league of Great Britain ; John
Walsh , of this city , lute orgunl/cr of the
Land league ; John Kelly , of Chicago , late
organiser of the Lund leajiiio : P. J Diimn ,
of tins eltv , and Patrick Ford , of the Irish
World. Some few of these gentlemen may
| > ossibly refuse to irivo evidence , but the ma
jority will be satisfied to testify. Ills said
in certain Irish circles that this evidence will
lie u complete and emphatic denial of the
London Times' charges.
The Sioux ItPNcrvullon.
WASHINGTON , Jan. S. The committee on
Indian affairs in its report accompanying the
: > ill providing for the division of the Sioux
icscrvation , says the Sioux Indians arc com-
iletcly under the control of a few arrogant
ind self conceited chiefs , and these chiefs
ire largely under the control or the Northern
Pacific nnd Noithwestcrn railroad companies
md a few avaricious white , or squaw men ,
who , with iv few chiefs , are reaping largo
fortunes from the common tiroporty of their
own people. The Northern Pacific railroad ,
is wo are advised , own large amounts of real
estate In Dakota that they desire to sell
it profitable llguics , and if this bill .should
become a law and thereby open up 11,000,000
acres to settlers at nominal figures , com
pared with the prices they ask for theirs ,
Lho market for their iamlt. will bo closed for
many years to come , so they , with their
mighty power , oppose the bill. The North
western railroad company , running to
Pierre on the Missouri river , is interested ,
HO wo are advised , in another road that
runs around this great reservation to
the Black Hills , and docs all the
carrying trade for this vast section.
To open up this reservation would
not only compel the North western to com
plete its own line through to the Black Hills
( a thing they do not want to do ) , but it
forces the Chicago , Milwunkoo & St. Paul
and other competing lines thiouKh , There
fore , they oppose the measure. The committee -
too recommends the bill to pass , and asks
congress to give these Indians all the land
they can use and teach them that coveni-
incuts are not created to support them , butte
to protect them , and that , like other people ,
they must work.
Tlio Glilongo TlmcH' Mitel Suit.
Cmuuio , Jan. > . The cases of James W.
West and Joseph Dunlap , respectively pub-
ishcr and city editor of the Times , who were
irrcstcd lust night ut the instance of Inspec
tor Bonflold nnd Captain Schuuk on the
charge of criminal libel , came up before
Tustlco White , Upon request they were
mstpoucd until January 10.
Tlio Alnrler CorrcHponilcncc.
UIIIUN : , Jan. 5 , The North German Ga
zette ignores the Morier correspondence.
The conservative journals print the letters ,
jut none of them comment on the affair ex
cepting the Rcichcboto , which expresses the
liopo that the era of undying personal aspira
tions will soon end.
Credit AnUfd For ,
, Jan. 5. It IB now asserted that a
bill will bo presented In the relchstag asking
for n credit for 12,000,000 marks , for the purpose -
pose of Increasing the artillery btrcugth of
the army.
Count Herbert Bismarck Entertain *
the Foreign Legations.
From AU Charges in Connection
With the Bazalno Incidents
The Entire Court on a Wild BenS
Hunt at Grunowold.
A Measure to Ho Introduced In liO
Ijiuultni ; to Increase It Kmpcror
U'lllinin's Letter to Din-
Iterlln Gossip.
Dr.HM.v , Jan. C. Count Herbert Bismarck
last night gave u diplomatic dinner , nt which
Count 'SoliouvelofT , Russian ambassador ,
Herbctte , French ambassador , and othoc
leadlnir heads of legations , were present *
During the course of the evening , Count
Herbert , speaking to Count Von Hutzfcldt >
German minister to England , promised undoe
request of the emperor , to exonerate SI lj !
Robert Morier , British ambassador to
Russia , from any charges connected
with the Ba/.ine incident. This
result wns communieutod to Morior ,
who expressed himself us satisfied. Ho says
that as official prints made the charge thcra
must bo an official withdrawal. Lord Salis
bury , hi a personal communication to L'rinca
Bismarck , asks him to order a direct state
ment that the whole charge is absurd.
Emperor William nnd the whole court
went to-day to Grunewuld to hunt will
Lieutenant Wiesmann , whoso regiment iq.
the Second foot guards , is now attached to !
the foreign ofllco for special service in Easfc
Africa. In consequence of this ap
pointment the Emin relief committee )
bus relieved Wiesmann from all con
nection with the relief expedition and !
has nominated Dr. Petcis chief leader la
place of Wolssman. Weissmuiin'sj > o t unaet
the foreign oftlco is understood to bo that ot
imperial commissary of Germany , nnd ho
has nothing to do witli the East Africa com
A measure will be presented In , the land
tag increasing the King's civil list jyrO,000'Op $
marks , this sum bolrig'ladditlonal to thi fj
amount requested from the roichstair. ScmU
official papers arjrue that the allowance
should bo more than that. According to tha - * !
feeling in Berlin , It ought to bo double th4
amount asked.
The Reichseii eiger publishes the follow *
ing rescript from Emperor Wilholtn id r
Prince Bismarck , bearing date of Decembet r
31 :
Dear Prince : The .year , which bus brought
us such heavy visitations and such Irrevoca
ble losses , draws to an end. It is a joy and ,
solace to think that you still stand loyally bjf
my side with fresh strength to enter upon
the now year. From my whole heart I invoice - ?
voice upon you happiness and blcsslngHyiut
above nil uninterrupted good health. I trust !
to God that I may still bo long permitted to
labor with you for the welfare and greatness
of our futhorlnnd. WILIIEUI.
The papers to-day generally comment on
the Morier affair. The Vossiche Zletung re
marks : The accusation against Morior rests J
on the controversal assertion of u man who
is no moro. No evidence can bo adduced in . -4
support of the charge , therefore it cannot bo
regarded as convincing. The Zoltung says it
is only surprising thuttho plain contradiction
between Marshal Ba/aino's statement to
Major Von Uictz and known historic facts
should not have been perceived , by Von Diets
himself , who scouts to have been willing to
forgo a weagon with which to strike at tha
memory of Emperor Frederick ,
The Fruizcnnlifo X.oitung says : The Gor
man people await what Count Herbert has to
say officially on the matter. As things &tand ,
German diplomacy , bus not covered itsolt
with glory over the question.
The National Xcitnng holds that Morfer ,
in his appeal to Count Herbert , was
ovor-conlldont. The comments suggest
a similar question as to whether Prince BIs-
marckand Count Herbert will como out df
the affair ns slanderers or an cowards ,
Morier , according to the sentiment of the
English umbussy hero and the general feelIng -
Ing in official circles , will compel Count
Herbert to apologi/e. In the meantime
the semi-official press shows no signs
of abating atticks on Morior , rather
trying to support the assault.
To-night's Herllnor Borscn/oltung , has u
vaguely worded official statement declaring
the government has proof as to the means by
which Morier obtained information concern-
Inir the movements and offensive plans of
the German troops ; also how ho made use of
the information by sending it to the London
Times. _
Dr. Uloliniond Declared Suiio ,
tar. Josui-n , Mo. , Jan. C. [ Special Tola
gram to Tin : Bii : , ] Dr. S. A , Richmond ,
who murdered Colonel J. W. Strong cdlto
of the Herald , Ju/iu 18 , 1SSO , and was ud
judged Insane , was formally released to-day
us cured. Richmond , who hud escaped , voU
untarily returned n few days ago to stand a
trial before the asylum board.
Neglected Illri OIUoiul DutloH.
WASHINGTON , Jan. . 6 I'ho president bus
directed the removal of Alfred * K. Lewis ,
deputy fifth auditor dV the treasury , for neg
lect and Inattention to his official duties. Ha
is n resident of Mllfonl , Pu , , mid was on ;
pointed to the deputy auditorshlp by PreaU
dent Cleveland about two years ngo ,
Nuw Iowa 1'oniolllce.
, Jan , 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tin ; BKK. ] A postofllco has been estab
lished at Conger , Warren county , Iowa , with
John F. Grissom as postmaster , 4 *