Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8
\ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATtrRDAY , JiANUAKY 5 1889. THE CITY. The collection nt the internal rovcmio department Thursday wns * 2IC8i20. J. 0. Johnson wns arrested yesterday Jor keeping n vicious dog. Ho will bo Iricd nt 10i)0 : ) n. in. , Saturday. The county commissioners have ap proved of the $2,000 bond of Timothy J. Mnhonoy , county attorney. BiP , S. Kcogh will receive $150 per tnonth for his services as county physi cian , Instead of § 100 , as heretofore. Thursday the county treasurer re ceived from the stato'82027'2.10 on ac count of the school appropriation fund. Tlio fuueralof Edward Crccdon , son of P. J. Creedon , will be held to-day it St. Phlloincim's cathedral at ! ) a. in. The horse of A. Mayer foil yesterday near the 13. & M. depot and broke both lops. He was afterwards shot by the garbage master. An iron stairway is being built at the Hew bridge where It crosses Sixth street for the accommodation of the employes. 0 ( the smelting works , lumber jards und railways at that point. Mr. Thomas Davis , of Indianapolis , was granted permission yesterday to build a four story brick warehouse. The structure will bo on Howard , between Eighth mid Ninth sticuts. It will bo ISM feet long , 00 feet high and II foot wide , nnd will cost Upwards of WO.OOO. It has already boon rented to George Schrocder & Co. , of this city. > 1'erMHinl I'lirngrnpliH. M Emcr Elliott loft Tlunsday evening for tlio l\ \ City of Mexico , whcns hu will remain until spring for the benefit of his health. Mr. 13. It. Johnstonc , general aernt of the DostnnfiinR , opcrn comiUny , which ap pears at the Hoyd the nihilist. , is in the city. city.T. . J. Stlllwcll , manager of tlm Hcmis Omaha Dag Co. , returned home vcsteulny rooming from nn extended tour In the cast. At the Arcade : H. ICiibtor mid wife , Wilbor ; John H. Kennedy , Orleans ; J. iN. Lemon , ifimiiiKton ; n.H. ( 'onnolly.O'inelll ; John W. Hlaek , Nebr.isUa City. Mr. John A. MrShnno loft for Washington last evening. Ho expects the uostollico bill will coma up in the house within the next few days , and feels confident of its imssacc. Mr. Augustus Kounlr. of New York , of tlio well known banking firm of Kount ? JJros. . has been on n hi icf visit to his brother , Mr. Herman Ifountr , of this city , und leaves for Now York this evening. At the IJarkor : Mis. A. W. Webber. Lin coln ; \V. A. Hciidrielis , Chicago ; Fiank Madden , St. Louis ; H. V. Mai tin , Ulair ; W. L. McDonald , Hl.ilr ; H. P. Sheldon , Chadron ; Mrs. H. M. Glasner , Oalcdale. The Kill KiiH-d. William Baker , better known ns Kid , who recently was defeated by Prank Parmalee in n bird contest , was .lined $7.30 for carrying concealed weapons. \ Popular I'nHtor. Ilcv. and Mis. Crane were presented , at the Hillside church , through A. M. Kitchen , suDQiintendentof the Sunday school , with a package of silver dollars and a richly framed life-sue portrait of Mrs. Cianc. December * * Stamps. The sale of postage stamps at the Omaha postofllco during the month of December amounted to $10,05(1.17 ( and that of the en velopes to $33C3 ! 03. This is an increase of 25 per tent over the sale in November and nearly 35 over that of the sauio period last year. _ Snatched Prom Death. Thursday night Tom Harrigan , the well- known one-armed llagman at the Un Ion Pacilic crossing on Tenth street , foil under the wheels of a west-bound dummy and would have been crushed to.death had it not been for the prompt action of n hotel runner named U. .1. Miles , who snatched him awny in tlmo to save him from a horrible end. Tlio Tramway oil Stilts. The cable tramway company have placed braces under the yokes of the tiack on Dodge street between Twenty-seventh nnd Twenty eighth as supports since the pipe burst of "Wednesday night washed away the earth upon which the track was built. The cars ouo thus allowed to run to the terminus , but no passengers arc allowed beyond the eastern end of the cavity. J Church MlHsion Pair. The church mission fair hold nt the Na tional hall , corner of Williams and South Thirteenth streets Thursday night , was a grand success. A largo crowd was present. All seemed happy , and the smiling faces gar- antceil satisfaction. Undoubtedly many * 'wondered what should be done with all the edibles and utensils that wcro left. This in tricate question was solved by continuing the fair last night , and every thing wa sold .atlow prices orgivon away. Pauper "Witnesses. Several paupers from the courty poor farm were heard by the grand Jury Thurs day in reference to the election frauds. They said they had voted , and claimed the right to vote as American citizens. "It's not 'our fault that we're unfortunate , ' , said ono of thorn , "and J'vo lived in the state nf Ne braska twenty-six years. I think I had a right to vote. Mr. Mnhonoy did not ask mete to , "and I saw him icfuso to allow ono man ji crazy man , but no ouo would think ho was crazy to go out. " Pears' is the purestnnd'bost ' soap ever made. Cauelit it AVItli the Cnmrrn. Several photographs of the ccllpso have rondo la Omaha by Dr. H. Holnbold , These . a'uow two rays of light , extending us far ns forty degrees toward the zenith In n north erly direction , and which have nlso been oh- sorvcu by the Harvard college expedition to California. This phenomenon will probably bo the object of scientific investigation , ns nothing similar 1ms been observed hcicto foro. Prints of tlio negative are exhibited at Eaton's photograph gallery 'on Farnam street. 1 have suffered with rheumatism for quite i H number of yeius , nnd after trying Salva tfon Oil pronounce it thu best icmcdy 1 have ever used. Mus. J. XiMMKiiMAN" , Wctheredvillo.Md. Caution Insures safety , nnd all cautious people euro their colds with Dr. Hull's Cough Sjrup , 23c. Jln/.n'y Story. Sergeant Hnzo claims that the arrest of Chjef Galllgan , just nftor the Now York tore flro Thnisday morning , was fotcod on liiin by tl.o abuse of Gnlllgan. Haze hays that lie had reported the Jlndtng of tlio stolen blankets In the box nnd under the sent of lioso cart No. 2 , ftiid was Instructed by Captain Groan to have the dromon return them , \Vhllc speaking to the firemen about the 1 matter. Galllgan , who was intoxicated , com. menccu to swear nt him and call him vile names. Ho shook his list under Hnzo's nose end stilicit him on tfio lip. Haze says ho did not wish to arrest the chief , but his conduct was such thnt an nrrcst was necessary. Ho OAS ho has n number of witnesses who will Ubstantlato this testimony. At 2:30 yesterday afternoon the sergeant filed an information in ttio police court gainst Galilean , and the chief will bo tried By Jury to-duy or Monday. Children Cry for Pitcher's Gastoria. r Iffyta B i > y KU lick , we K TO her Cottorlt. s teajiba wu t. Child , ibe cried tor CoilorU , \ i n k Q l > * cmo UlM , > ba clung to Outoria , Till ] APSTllAtilAN SYSTI I. It IN DIsciiHHctl nt n Meting of Oninlin OH 1 7.0 tin. The meeting of the Knights of Labor find such other citizens ns nro Interested In re forming ' the present system of voting , wns licl'd In the city Imtl Thursday nlRbt , Tlio nUcndiincoM small , nnd some of ttio expected speakers \veio absent but shortly nftcr 8 o'clock ' Clmrlea Abcrncthy took the chair nnd called the mcctirfj to order. Ho ex plained that tlio slim nttendnnco wns duo to n lack of advertising and then Intioduccd II. I ) . Estnbrook , us the first speaker. Ho referred to the recent elections , mid said re sults would hnvo been different In many cnscs hud the balloting been done In auso- Into secrecy. Ho thought thnt the Austra lian system , or seine suitable modlfU'ntlon of it , would bo bunullchil , nnd thnt n clause should bt > mldcd to the chnrtcr , ctiitlilliig the city of Omaha , at Icnst , to alopt It , Ho thought that tinv ono should bu eligible to run for olUcc If backed up by u petition Higncd by "W citl/cns. O. M. Hitchcock wns not surprised that orgaiil/cil Inbor had tikcn up the task of re- foiming tlm ballot , for it was the greatest suffi'rcr by the present system. The last election showed thnt in many cases it wns money that voted , and not men , nnd it u as in the interest of intelligent men to udopt some plan to overcome the evils of the pres ent H.\stcm. The Australian plan seemed the best , and If it was glx'cn atcsl In Omaha and proved satisfactory , It would doubtless ho In corporated us a state law by the next legis- latuie. Con Lnchas the next speaker , nnd sivid that all thu ovlls of the country could bo traced to tlio misrule of the ballot-bo ? , whore the use of money helped to form "what you almost can call a mount cliy. " Tlio Australian system would ito away with this , and the mooting should take steps to bring it before the legislature lor tlio benefit not only of the woiklngman , but of everyone. J. J. Points referred to the Industrial slavery Unit was creeping upward in the land , and siiid that that the secrecy of tlio ballot nlono could prevent money from car rying the elections. . .1.lines VOIIIIK thought n public meeting , pi oporly advertised , should be calleil , and It was llnally deckled to hnvo next Thursday night as the time , and the city council cliiiin- bur ns the place. The management was left in the hands ot Mcssis. HltuhcoUc , Ksta- brook nnd Abcrncthy ns a committee , and the meeting adjourned. About Horses. Haiti Magnetic Oil cares rinp bone , hl > ; ivin , < , i > iia.iiibiitc. Ask your druggist. AN KX-COOM'V AXTOUNUY. 13. AV. Simcrnl Tells of His Work While in Ollice. Yesterday K. AV. SImcral , ex-county attorney , retires to the piiv.ito practice of his piofcsslon. His place is llllcil by T. J. Mnhonoy , icccntly elected , whose assistant is Justice Shea. Mr. Simcrnl wns inducted to ofllco in Jan uary , 18b , as the Hist county attorney of Douglas. being a fact , it re iuired on his part a formation of the machinery of the oflice almost entirely. Tlio great volume of his business has been the prosecution of criminals. This kept Mr. Simeral and deputies busy all the time. Tlio fact the county attorney in most cases takes the place of the grand Jury , as lately decided by our supreme court , makes it nn oflice of great icspoiisi- bility , consequently one requiring judgment and disci imination. Mr. Simeral has tried during the two years ho been in olllco in the neighborhood of 175 jury cases , or an avenige of about thirty to the term. Out of that number , consider ably over two-thirds were convicted. Ho tried six murder cases , two of which ho in herited from the last district attorney , Leo Estellc. Ho has paid into the county treas ury ? ( )0l ) > on forfeiture bond ; collected lines of SI,500 , has tried a number of civil c. ses for the county , and there has been hardly n a week in which ho has not given a writ ten opinion to tlio board of 'county commis sioners or some of the county ofllciats. Dur ing his administration , the county commis sioners advised with him relative to the enormous expenses of the county jull and the alleged abuses practiced there. He re quested tlio judges of the district court to call a grand jury , the only ono called during his term , for the purpose of investigating jail affairs. The report of the grand jury , us well as the subsequent action on the part of the county commissioners , which resulted in reducing the expenses of this institution fully one-third , is well known to the readers of TUB UEI : . It was through the county attorney's action in securing a mandamus In the supreme co\irt of the state that iinally settled the city council-police board einbiogllo in favor of the city. This was a vexed question that excited and un settled the business of the city for months. Mr. Simeral is of the opinion that it would bo a grave mistake for the legislature to in any way tamper with the present law governing the police , or abolishing the police - lice commission ns it is now constituted. Ho observed that if anything , greater power should bo given to thorn so us to ullcnuto the police and 11 ro departments In a way that would relieve them from the whims of the city council. This could bo effec lively ac complished by so amending the law as to permit of this depaitmont to levy tuxes for the support of these two arms of the govern ment , as Is done in most metropolitan cities. In retiring from olllco Mr. Simeral fully appreciates the kindness of the Judges of tlio courts , before whom he lias so frequently appeared ; also the courtesies extended him bvtho comity comnnssioncis , countyolliclals , chief of police and police force. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. AVinsiow's Soothing Syrup should al- wayp bo used for children teething. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , curcs wind colic , and is the bast remedy for llarrticea. . 'JSo a bottle. NuUrnslcn's "Chicken Fcntl. " Upwards of $ .5,000 in all species of United States coin , bills and checks was ici'clved nt the postodlco Thursday. It is compulsory for country postmasters of Nebraska to send the cash accumulated during each preceding quarter to the postmaster of Omaha. Tills must bo done during Iho first two weeks of each quaitcr. There nro 900 postolilccs In NrbrasKn , nnd as each has to report in a reg istered letter or package , the icsullis that a deal of extra work fulls to the lot of the clerical help at the postolllco. The pre cious coin was convoyed In all kinds of paek- ngr-s. Ono of these , which contained cloven silver dollars , seven nlcklos , throe dimes und seventy-live ono cent plocoe , was bent in a cigar box. Seventeen ono-dollur bills wore rolled In a piece of llannol nnd sent ns n "wad. " Five ten-dollar gold pieces wore wrapped In cotton wool and forwai dod in n pillbox. Knelt iccolpt requires llvo entries nnd two receipts must bo sent to the post master remitting the money. A statement of account Is sent here , that Is forwarded to Washington with one of tlio receipts given by Postmaster Gallagher , ) To err in human , but you mnko no niifitaUo if you usa ] ) r. Jones' Hod Clever Tonic for dyspepsia , conlvonoss. bail breath , piles , pimples , ugiiu and malaria , poutapiiotito , low spirits , or ilibcnsos of tliu Iciiliieyn , stomach and liver. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Hank Ollloers. The annual meeting of the stockholders of Iho liank of Commerce was held Thursday. Nearly till the stock was represented. Oco , E. Dancer , 13. L. Hlcrbowcr , R H. Johnson , Dims. Motz , J. L. Miles , S. W. Croy , A. T. . Hector , J. N. Cornish , Gustavo Anderson , L. 13. Williams , 13. A. Henson , Win. Siovers , S. H. Johnson and George 1'atorson wcro elected directors , nnd the three gentlemen first mentioned respectively president , vice firosidcnt and cashier. ) . A semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent was lectured. It is stated that this might have > coii raised to 4 per cent. A committee , consisting of J. N. Cornish , P. H. Johnson and George Marker , wuu ap- minted to consider the question of malting , ho Institution a national bank , The Oaiaha Uaukiuf company have elected as directors Denis Curinlnghnm , A. P. Ack- erlund nnd W. G. Tnnindcr , vicoS. S. Curtis , M. Leo and C , It. Scott. An Absolute Cum. The ORIGINAL , AUIETINK OINTMENT Is only put un in largo two ounce tin boxes , nnd is an absolute cure for old sore * , burns , wounds , chapped hands , nnd nil skin erup tions , will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the OllIGINAL AOIfiTINB OINT- MEKT. Sold bv Goodman Drug C3. , at 83 cents per box by mall UO cents. Die. tlni-jjliii4. When Low Hawkins reached his home nt S09 Howard street about 11 o'clock Thursday night , ho found himself face to face with a burglar in the hallway. The fellow struck at him and attempted to knock him down , but Hawkins was too much for him , nndn couple of well-directed blows left the burglar sprawl ing on the lloor , Ho then jcntcd out a pocket knllo In absence of nny other weapon nnd planting his Itncc on the thief's breast thicatonid to cud the hitter's existence Im mediately If ho did not surrender. The burglar rcudilv consented to this proposition nnd Lew with knife in hand marched him to tlio nearest policeman. On returning homo Hn'.rklns nnd his \\lfo found that although considerable rtim.iuinp had been done noth ing but nn nnimi WHS missing. It is sup posed that the burglar intended to use this nitielc to wrap up the valuables ho intended stealing. At the police station the chopfallen - fallen burglar gave tlio name of Hurry Hlley. For ilehcncv , for purity , nnd for im- provomotit of tlio complexion , nothing equals I'o//oni's Powder. llrtnll Groct'r * ' OITlcer * . Tlio association of Hctntl Grocers of Omaha met Thuisdny night In the Y. M. C. A. build ing. The meeting , which was onoof n mostor- derly and business-like nature , was for the purpose of orgaiibatlon. The following oltt- ccis were elected by ballot : (5. F.Munroe , picsidcnt : J. Well , jr. , vice- president ; J. A. Stevens , secretary , and C. Courtney , treasurer. After tlio organi/ation was niado completlotlio constitution nnd bylaws - laws wore given consideration. I'rotoct Yoiit-Hcir nnd By keeping n blip ply of Xulu Magnetic Oil for rheumatism , apj-ains , ote. , and Zulu Healing Ointment for cuts , burns , sores , etc. Ailc your druggist. * - All persons having any claims against either the Grand Central or Midway hotels of Kearney , Nol > . , are hereby re quested to present snioe , as I wish to settle all accounts at once. O T. C. BUAINARD , Proprietor. Another Safe Blown. AVith the help of a crowbar , burglars cn- tcicd the new saloon of Fred Stein on Four tccnth and Jackson streets Thursday night. Stein , cntei ing the saloon jestordny morning , found everything in disorder nnd the safe blown open. Fortunately , there was bu about M in the safe in small change. The thieves , however , found the cigars , nnd stele $75 worth of the best brands they could lay their hands on. From the Council IlluITs Nonpareil Dec. 12 , 18HO. We arc credibly informed that the mortality from diphthciia , under the treatment of Dr , Tlios. JelTcris of this city is merely nominal , not exceeding one-llfth of ono per cent. Such being the case no time should bo lost In plac ing his remedy within the reach of every fautlly nnd thus save annually hundreds of thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most universally destructive pestilence tllat has nfilicteu the world during the last hundred years. E\rcuTivi : OrncB , COUNCIL Brurrs , Jan. , 1SS2. I do not hcsitatf ) to bay that the suc cess attending the use of Dr. JefTeris' Pre ventive nnd Cure for Diphtheria has no equal. I speak from expeiienco , having used it in my own family ; I nm also well acquainted with the facts connected with its use in our city. AV. K. ArAUOHN , Major. No physician required. Price of remedy $3. Addrcs , box No. 457 , Omaha , Neb. ( Dr. Jofferis has retired from active practice. ) Sporting Notes. There will be a shooting tourney the last of the season upon the Omaha Gun club grounds this afternoon , live bird , blue rock and turkey shooting. Knappaud Dmgloy , professional bykers , arrived yesterday morning from Denver and Minneapolis respectively , and have gone Into training at the colosseum for the gicat six- day race , that begins next Monday afternoon. Jack Mcssitt has been signed by Manager Solce. For AbiiKc ofAlcoliol. Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. AV. E. Crane , Mitchell , Dale. , says : "It has proven almost a specific for this disor der ; it checks the vomiting , rcstoies the ap petite , and , at the same time , allays the fear of Impending dissolution , that is so common to heavy drinkers. " I f > t > K Prizes. In tha reports of tlio awards nt the bench show Thursday , the following two classes wei o accidentally omitted : St. Hernards George P. Pullman , Silver City. la. , Hist on bitch nnd first on dog , nnd third on puppies. Onoof the latter was sold for $ S" > . Mat Patrick second on dog. Collies-John Hanett , first ; J. W. Paddock - dock second , and P. L. Forgun , of this city , second. Absolutely Pure , 111 ! ? powdnrnevcr varies. A marvel of purity strength and wlioloiomonesa. Moro econoiu- lial tlmn the ordinary kinds , ami cannot bo sold In competition with tlio muHltiulo of low cost , short weight alum or pliosplmto paw-dors , Sola ' onlylu cans. Jtoyitl' jjaklnc 1'owder Co. , uo Vork. ANGLO-SWISS Sold by Paxton , nollaBhcri ; Co , 70 ,707 , 70J. 711 South U Street. Hldturdbou Drug Co. 1007,10J9 Jones Street. Win , Ovntleinun , loth and and Cusg Streets. W. H , Gladstone , 13W , Ul'J Don t'las St. For Strains and Evldonco , Frosh. NflW , Stronff. ut > O4tnct , T n , Bnfferecl S YCBM. j as 9 , itll 8fprr4 i r Lri with itrftim-of fftck ; r ald Dot w U itr > lht , lit ! tnra tM41 > l * t Jltobl OUi * u cai d No p l la II mnihi. . . t WALLAOS OnCrnlclim. CurahrMft , Ohfo , 4na H. 'IS. T o ki en cntehti from i < . , Ul < l tile , u l 61. Jneoti Oil , mrii. no nttari ml ruin la oa r _ * M DAT Plod Ciltie. Hooitan , TtiM. J4.ii 91 , till. 8prate t raj btca. hid lo on unt , fit Jatotii Oil aRcr , a. AT DRUOat T8 AKD J1GA&E13 THE CHAPLES A , VOGELER CO. . Dslllnort. Md. PititD'i Mili , TFTAB , June SO , BwUI Bpccino Company , Atlanta , On Ocn- tlftnen Ono nt tny children ni troulilcil with ihnimittUm anil l > ol for nbout two ycir Wo pixvo Irr various kliuli of mci'.l- Inp , hut without in o'.t , rum IICRJII todrcpalr of curl'u hef nt nil I n vmtiniled to try your Bvrllt' * Hprclflc After dli < i Inil aioil norcrnl bottles the illicn'rssll dlcapnrnreil , nml h9 19 now ix hair , honitr nuil limithy twtho yrnri oU Another chill I'M ' flrl becomn aCllctod lu the HAHIO n tiy , nnil I nni u ln thoas S. nuda.itlelpito n prompt ud pcruinncnt euro. N. \VAauoNrn , Ilicit HlU , Mo , Julr 7 , lS8-ThB Brlft ip"cino Co. , , en OentlemensiOur Itttla Rlrl nLon but three ncclciold broka rut with civcmn.Vo tiled the preorlptl < > us fnun Ffxrnl cowl doctorn , lint nlthout tny special Ix'iitfit Wtrk'd H 8 B.cndhytha llmoonoliotllo ua ( tone her henil b Rati to hunt , anil by tlio time ( ho hnd tnLeuatic tattle * i-lio wfta complcteljr cured. NnurMio hm a fulloml licar > hnncl of hnlr n robu't , hearty ehll'l. ' I fool It hut my duty totunhs IliUitatcmcnU ItcspcctCull/ . T. HnoDit. CntTTANioaA , TrKK , Juno S7 , 1C81 The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , ( li. Utitrncmi ! In 1&61 contractfnl blool ] > r > Uoii , and nt once nought n physician , win ) truulod ma for so ral iiKHifu , Uy hlo u It Ice I went to Crab Orchard bp-lns , Kv , whrro Iili toiirso of treatment v. ui cinfullv ulxemd. I rceotr- 1 thought , but the nett rprlnir plm * rle beffin to appear on my face HI I hod/ . Tlti'so uaduallv Increased to toies nnd run. Btniff tilceri * . 1 una ndvl cnl tn try 8 8.8nnd imnictllnUtyaftei InlilliyH I ctmmciiuid to lmproe , slowly nt tlrst. hnt more rorldly alter nru , nnd soou nothlngr remnlnril to tell of HIT trouble. Hy b.ooil la nonihnr ctiKhly clccnsed , and my n\Mcri free from taint , and 1 oo riy present ioudllnu ! n perfect euro to jour nu-dkhm. Ulicirfillly Kit a this statement that others who lime f .ftcred lulhaveinnyrcnp the tame benefit. 1I1HDT M. HURT. 21 Weit Mnth St. 1 Hoiim , LA. , MaySS. ItW-'Jho S lft Bpecino Co , AtKnta , Ua Uuntlcincn : About two BRO in > genernl health ( nveway en- rcara . I n s 60 dehllltatod that I mnioit QMpalrod of n\cr feolluK well oKaln. All that the ph > clclau9 dona for mo brought rq permanent relief , friends tn.iliteil ttint t ihouM gt\o S. H. 8. a fair trial , althouirh I uouiiht \touldbo throwing hway moiipv. After taklntt n thorough course , my tienlth nd Etrenptli returned , and I mutl soy Hint . B. S alone cured mo , as I discarded all others while using U. As a lonlo I can moil heartily recommend It i for penrrnl ilebllltr , St certainly Is a speoUlo. W. r. Dnaats , J. P. rtoMEn , Li. I know Mr. W. F. Drldgon , &nd Will iay that his f mtcmcnt li correct. I Josirit SUSI.TOI , DrugRlnt. Treatise on Dlood ami Skin Diseases inailod free. Tin' Bwirr Bj bcirio .Co. , Drawer & Aliauta , Oo. HHNPBBOEDENTED ATTRACTIONS \S Oviit : A MILUON Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorooiateil by the leglalaUnc of 18i)8 ) , for Kducntlomil and Oharitablo ptnposcami Its franchise made a part ofllio present Mnto Con stitution , lu Jfc7 , by an qrei whelming popular \ulo. Its JIAMMOTI1 nitAWINUStakp plnce Seml- AnnuillyMmianml DnroUilierJ tnil Its ( JUAN' I ) SINUU ; NUMlllIlt DICAWINQS take plaroln each of the other ten months ot < ( ! io jour. nmlniu nllilraun in public , at the Academy of Music , New Oi leans , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , 1'or Integrity of its Drawings , and L'rompl L'iijincnt ofJ'rkes , t . . "Wotlo hereby ceitlfy tUa.t wo sr.porviso tlio arrangeiuents for till the .Monthly nlul Seml-An- nual Draw Inus of 'J'liol.onlsl.ini State Lottery Company , and In person iniinnco ant1 contiol tlio lrnInps themselves. and that the are conducted with honesty , fiilrnebs. anil In good fultli tounul all mrtics , and we nntliorizo the company to use tills rci-tlflc.atc , with fac similes of our slgnatuics attached , in ltsad\ei tlbomtmts. " COMMISSIONKHS. We , the undersigned Hanks and li.inkei < u\iH 'ayall Prl/es drawn In The Louisiana btuto xiotteiles wlilch may be presented at our coun- tcis. K. M. WAWISIiKV. Pros. Loulslani Nat. TIanfe. 1'ir.KKi ; f.ANAl'X. ' 1'rus. State Nat'l Hunt. A. 1IAMJWIN , Vrei. New Orluans Nat'l Hank. CAItli KOIIN , 1'ios. Union National GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , At the Academy of Music , Now Orleans - leans , Tucsclny , ilaniinry 1O , 1HS1) . CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 Tiekats at Twenty Dollars each. Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen tieths , $1. MSTOKrill/KS. 1 PIUX.E OI'J.1 U.lkOis KMntt j 1'Kix.i : or munis 110.000 I I'HIX.i : OK fiU.lOOls , fXI.OX ) " " r 25.01 is SVKW OF lO.IHXIaio M ) , < K)1 ) n i'Hixisor : ciiKiiiro ( iiviioo 21 I'KIX.KSor l.OKIiire JOO I'KIX.KSOF WH ) in o BOO 1'iux.nsop : i(0aio ( ro.ixn 500 I'KIZCSOF U'UUain 1UO.OUO Al'1'IIOXI\U11ON I'UI/KS. 100 Prizes of & 100 are > O.CQO lOOI'rl/esot JWOaio : ) ,00) ) 100 rrizcsor sojmu -o.tion nitMir.u. : nti/hs. im Prizes of 8IIK ) uro } 'JOiOG UIB Prizes of UK ) nro IK'.WJO J.131 Prl/cs , nmountliiK to.T flnit-OJ Norp 'llckcli draw Inn Cnpltal 1'rizcs nro iiolun- Itlod ID turnilniil iirlics. Jlfl < uiiui ifn It 1TI" , or nny further Infnriinitlnn leslred , wrlto h'Klbly In ttio umlcriflKneil , clearly NtalliiK > our rtiHlikncu.wllh hlntn. runul ) . Mrutilnnil number. .More r.ipitl return inallilellvc'ry will bo as- iinilli } ' ynur unulubiiiu nn umelupu buarliiu your lull ndilrcss hond I'D I'AIi NOTES. Kxincti Monty Orilern. on Now ( ) rk l.xcliauuu In unlliury Ictior. Currency by Hjiiresa ( at our uxnt'nsoj luUlrr t'il il. A HAl'l'IILV. QrM. A. DAUI'HIN , .NewCrkans , IM. Wnaliiiihton , I ) . C. Address Registered Letters to NBW OIH.lJANb NATIONAL 11A.VK WewOrlonnn , J.n. mTVTl1\rT ' > Tl > Tliiil Itio imviiipnt of 'AM VAW I)1LK ' ) iirlrcs U lilMltAM'KKI ) IV I OUIt NAI ION M < HANKrl'lUK > c\v Urkniis. nnil hu'lltkuKaru tlunuil by HID 1'iuMiU nt ot un insil- ulldii KliutuIniruicil rliiliti nru rriovnlri'U In the ' ' "cuiirUi thoruroru , buwuro ot till Inilliitlons O.NK IHH.hAlt IK thu price of Ilia cnmllcst put or niclion in n iKkt't l.SIIii : ) uy IW In nny linmlnu. \nMlilnuln ( jiiriininu lor Itrs thun u Dollar Is DR. BAILEY'S ' DENTAL Institute ! Hoist sots of teeth t3. Filling t half rules 'I'oelli cxlrncteil without iiuln. Kjtaniliiatlun of tliu luoutlifee. . Sum ! 3ccnt tamp nllh ( urie > puniluiicc' . Paxton I3lk. . Cor. IGtlt und Furniun. GIIATJJFUL-COMPOUTJNG. Epps's Cocoa. ItltEAKFAST. "lly a thorniiiih knowlwluu of the natural lairi ihltii Kovvrn lliu iiiwratluns of illne Uoii und nutrl- Ion , anil liyu CArulul upiilliutloii of tliu line iiruper- le > ( if wcllsu'ettt'il ' uucun , Mr. I.'PP" l' ' " provlilud our - ' it lablu wltliu iltlltaUuy llnvoreU Ijurcnuo mar ave lift many htmvy iloclor' Wila. Hli Ju.1ulou - ucli nrlldeii of dt I that a im t union initir bu prailuitlly built up until > noui li to reslit uvery ti'iiilency to ilf e e. Hun- tfl of "iilJtlu iu l illt uro ilonllnicuruuiid u ready nitluck vrhtruviT therii l imiak point. Uuiuar capu many ulntal stuifl py kveiilnuoursolrei well urlltli" ! with pure bluoil ami u properly nourished ramiis' Civil hervlcolHielte. , .Mode limply with bolllni ! w.iteroriulllc. Boldonl/ i half pound lln by lroii'r ! lakoleil thun " " " " " " ) " . ° "i- * AMES EPPS & CO - - , . J OMION. U.M1LANU. und ri on cured. SIS jtftt riprrl Kuirlluok CANCER Fric. .h A > . , < ltK ituIlJ. For thcpnst year h ono of uupnrnlcllcd growth. We hnvo cnlnrgod our store ( o nlinost twice its former size , ami our trmlu hns increased beyond nil oxpoctntions. Iliis is the third yonr o our business career in Onmhn , nnd-thosc who have wnlched us grow from our smnll bpginning tc our present proportions cnimol deny that this rapid growth is only due lo our efforts to conduct our busiuess upon the strictest piinciplcs of integrity nnd fairness. Wo have the nmbifion lo excel in the coining your the business of the past nnd nre alive to the fact , that this can only be tlou-j by n steady ndherencc to these principles , nnd wo invite custom under the pledge of absolute fairness in all our methods. Having completed our inventory we find in the diflerent departments some goods which , owing to the open season , have neb moved so freely as others. Wo begin to day n general closing out sale of all these win- tcr goods , and have reduced Ihc price on them from 8 ! ? to 50 per cent , not that they tire worth any lesa , but because wu winnol afiord lo carry over any goods from one season lo another. In Underwear offer the rollowinq extraordinary reductions. A lot of good Scotch Mixed Shirts nnd Drawer's nl OOc , reduced from GOc. A lot of splendid fancy mixed Merino Shirts and Drawers In a beautiful shade at < YOc , reduced from OOc. A small lot of extra fine Scarlet Shirts and Drawers warranted pure Cochineal Dye , at $1.20 , "sold formerly for $1.76. In our Hosiery Department we offer a large lot of all wool seamless Hose at ICc a pair ; this is the greatest bargain ever offered in thtslinc The Identical quality is sold by other dealers at no less than OOc. A lot ofelegant Cash mere Socks , seamless with double heels and toes at 2Oc , reduced from SOc. A lot of very fine all \vool seamless Hose , double heels and toes and splendid colors , at 20c re duced from 8Bc. 8Bc.PLAIN PLAIN FIGURES AND ONE PRICE , Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , VERY GRATIFYING. The liberal response to our $10 00 Suit sale him proven to us that when we offer u bargain , people understand wo mean what wo sav. There are sitill a Tow inoioleft. OVERCOATS HAVE also TAKEN a TUM13L3 look ut them. ( I lUlllULIUl LSUlllUl U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. 1'nlil Up Capital $100OOC Surplus oUOOC II. W. YATKI , President. LtNis S. HIM D. Vice 1'resldont. A. li TOU/AMV , "IK ! Vice President. W. II. S. HuoiiKb , Cashier. DIIILCTOIIS. W. V. MonSK. .lOIINS. Cot.I.INS. II. W. YATtS. LhWISS. IttiCD. A. E. TOU7AMN. Banking Ofllce THE IRON BANK , Corner Utn and Parnam Sts , A General llauklmr HuslnossTraasactcil. T. E. FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Ileum 03 Trader * ' CHICAGO. Hofercnces Metropolitan Nutlnnnl ; innk. It. U. linn & t'A 'Iho Unuijtrcct On DREXEL & , MAUL , ( Snctcssoia to John 0. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old htand. HOI Tarnam St. Order * by telegraph solicited and promptly attended. ' .telephone to No. - " . ' . The TYLER SYSTEM of BANK COUNTERS' Cannot be Excelled. They are Elegant In Detljn and vervliwin Frice. Alia , Court Haute Furniture , and Borne 400 Etylea of OSe Deiki , Chain , TabUi , lie , 100 Page Illuitrated Catalogue Free , Fotage 7 CU. TYLER DESK CO. , St , Louis , Mo , , U , S , A , Dr. J. E. HcGrew , One of the Slost Successful SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe cial and Private Diseases , . IllH form of u eminent In reeonimuultd by those \tlio lia\u tried It , Intlio very utrunccst terms. SKIN DISEASES Mistreatment for which loare * a perfect Bklii mid u Hunt bt-aiitlfiiUoinpIexlon. A euro guui' tint ml In all forms of Private Diseases. All dUordoiH of the Sexual organ * , cuied.nnd health , ambition uud manhood completely iu- fetorcd , CONSULTATION 1'HKB. Treatment by toirespondonce , Bend etuinp for rejily. Oftloo Bushman Bloo < , IQth and Douulas Sts. Oniaha , NOD CnrnfiirpcH ESTABLISHED 1051 j ISO So. guio-jiuojij chcngOr | Ills. ( ClarkSt. Ibo Regular Old-Established SPHYSICIAII AND SURGEON Is still Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , KS-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrlbli Dreams , Hend and Back Ache ar.d all the effect Iciding to early decay and rieihaps Consumption o Insanity , treated cientifically by new methods will nevcr.rathnR success. e SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DIs cases permanently cured. 3-KIDNEYand URINARYcomphlntsGleet Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicoccle and all disease ! of the Genito-Urmary Organs cured promptly wtthou injury lo Stomach , Kidnejs or other Or ans. AW" No experiments. Age ant ] experience im < portant. Consultation free and sacred. TO"Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works 01 Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases 3-Thosc contemplating Marriage send for Dr Clarice's celebrated guide Male and Female , eact IS cents , both 35 cents ( slamm ) . Consult the ok Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer InR and shame , and add golden > ears to life. 3Uocl "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( stamps ) . Medicim and writings sent everywhere , secure fram exposure Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundays 9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL , mm DISPENSARY. , CIIIIOMC and FIIIVATI : Disr. istsof MI..V and WOM N suece'-sfully tieato.l. YOUNG MEN FufTcrlne from the cflocts of Toiithful follletorln cliacrullon , uraru tioubluil ivilli Wciikni'f" . .Nc'iiutis Detilllt ) , l.i > 9t nt Mcniorj , Druponilcncy , Aversion to Society , Klilncj Trotililo. < irany ill i'a u nf tlm Cenlto b'rlimij < irennscin lierc tlixlit fafuiind upetdy cure. Cliurgcs reasonable especially to tl > c pool. MIDDLE-AGED' MEN There nro many troalilprt with too frocqucnt ovac- uatlontof tlio hlaildcr. oltun aciinniianlcil by anlluht siiiiiriliik' or burnlnuM'ii atlon.aiil nc ikinlni. ot the pjptcin In H manner Iho pntlcnt cannot acuiunt for. On oxaiulnlnK iliourlnnrv iioio < lt it rouy ri-ilnuunt nllloltc'ii bo Inuiul.anil n.ll | tllllos ni ill parlicli's of alnnincn will appear , or thu color nlll liu of n thin nillklflh lain lualn Llianvln. * toil daric or torpid up pcMirance , 'J IUTO are many niun whoillcof tnlHtini * cnlt > . Ignorant of thu cmito , Mhlch 14 the so * ontl sta Q of iionilnal neakiR' ' 4 , 'Jho Uoctor will iznai linn n perfect cure In all surli ranet anil n healthy rcKtoratlon ol the L-cnltn iirlnnrv oriians. Conxnltu lion Iruc.cnil tor V mil turnip "Young Han's Friend , or Guide to Wedolr ! , " 1 111:1 : : TO u.i ADIIUI.-B DR. SPINNEY & CO. , N.i : . Cor. Ifita \ Doiifjlas Sts , . or National Ills- ppii aiy , ( oinei lull mid.Mnln , Kansas City , Mo JKntlon tills jiaper. < STATEMENT Or * THE CON- DIT1ON OF THE Douglas County Bank of Omaha , At the close of Ilnhlncss December : )1t ) > t , IbbS , HKsoL'itci's. Henirstnto ? 1'i.OU m rurnltnrcaiid I'lMines I.U I " 0 Duo from IImkiimill llunl < iis U'fi ( | 'i Oxonlrartet . 1.741 : . * i l.oana mid IllsLouutsi 1'4'UI 14 Caah , and Cabli Kxdi.ingis UO.IU t''l ' I.IAIIIM'IICS. Cnnltnl paid In . . jino.non 0) ) Duu Hanks and r . i.'iir us Hudli-connls U7IM ( ) ) ( trlilludChftlwt 10JIM L'ntlhliluil 1'ioilta l.nis 0' . HAMUHI , C. SAMPI.l ) , C.lbluei- . State Line , TuGlas un , llclf.isl , Unhliii nnd From New York EverTuesdav / , Cabin paxsaco f1 > and f ft , acrordlnc to location ot Ktatu loom. lix'/iitBlon iili lo f U co tn and liuni Kuiupu at I.auust Itatei AUSTIN HAI.OWIN XCO.Oon'lKcnts M HroiUIMay , Nm > Voik , .10IIN IIKKGKN , Oen'l Western AKiint , K.I Handolpli M. , L'hlr.i o. IIAItltV U. MOOItllS , A jeiit. Oniali.i. Itcduuud Cubiu Halts to Oln&yow ; Ex hibition. SteekFiano nrltaule for powerful irmg . _ beUe tout' . pllaUla action and ate Olato aufablllty. A ) years' rtcorJ. guarantee of th zo l nc < of tntsa luatriiinento. i C'urtillir H'ANIMI M'l'.CIH'1. ' lruilnr * Irou J , \M.aUU.s lUUiui ( , o , , Uu.t.U , MU OMAHA MEDICALS SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Doclfra Sts. Appliances for Deformities and Trussus. Dost ( aollltles , ai > p rntu and remoiUes for euccei * f l treitntcni pi eyory form of Ulseixso requiring Medlcnl or Burfflcnl Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Itoird nnd atlenaamoe : belt uoiultal nccouimodk- I tlons In tba wait. I w IIITK ron CinouLAiu on Deformities nJ Urace , . Trusses tlut ) riet , Currnturo of the Spine. IMIe * . I Tumors. Cancer. CJtarrh , IJronchHln , Initiation. I XlectHcUjr. rnrolyna , Hplloiny , Kidney. Blndaor , I JSyo , Kar , Skin and Ulood , an I all Surgical OporaUont j Diseases of Woman a Specialty. 1 Dona ON DISEASES or WOMUN ynea. ONLY EELIABLH HEDIOAL IMSTITUTfl MAKINQ X HI'FClAlyrV Or PHIVATE DISEASES. All Uloo J Dlaenioi luoceisfully trentoJ. Sypbllltla Potion removed from the Bfitoin without mercury. Now reaiorHdvo iroatmaut forloii of Vital Power , l'cr om unable to vlilt in may bo tnmto'l nt homo by orrunponclonco All coiniunnlaMlon * conlldsntial. H mdnc or loilrumeata sent by mull or exploit , eecurely iiackort. no ni'irka to Imllonta eontenls OR endcr. Ono j > er onal Intorrlow pretirnjil. Call an * consult us or eond hlitory of your cue , and we nlll Mad In plain wrapper , oar BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Dpon rrlTBlo , Rneelcl r Berrouo . Irapo- toncy. SynMlls , Ql t MM Vorto c l , with qucltfoa CtU AdJreji Qmalui Medical and Surgical institute , or DK. McMKlVABIY , Oar. 13tu and t > o&s SUOMAHA. . ABB. 2O TO 60 DAYS. This is a clifaeabo which luih lioiotoforo Uulllcil nil Medical Selonco. Wo hnvo a Itemednuicnunn to nnjo loin the Woi Id outside of our Company.uwl ono IJmtlias to cure thoniuit olsxnmt c.iaes. Ton days In iec < iittaschdoei < lie uoit. 't Is tlio old r-lnonlc deeii Heated c.istH unit wo solicit We luva ruridUiiiitU < dswlir > luuo liccnInnilonwl by riijslLliuiH , and ] iion iincul Inoii alilu , ando cliiulumsotlio Woilil to'jrliu H u I'MO that wa \\1II not turn In lesitliiin sUtvluvH. blnco tlio lilstoiy ot inediclno n title specitlo for h\iilillls has lieen souglit for b" lm\er found until our \\nsillsco\eie l.iind oar ) jnstllle I In ItiHtliuonly Itummiy In \VoildtliiitvIllpoi- - Itlvt'ly tunl"cinse ) tlio latest Medic uloiki , pnlilUlud by the li < nt. kin.un tiutlioilllfS , wiy theio uns never .itinu l > ( lllc In lore. Oirrem. edyv ill emu \VIAII | cvcr > thine clso li is failed. Wl wnsto join time and moiu-y with patent urn or h.uUli Ul" m-doctor wltli phyMrliinRtliat rniinot run ) JOH , yon ihntm\a ) ti led i-\oi > thliiB else "liDiiMtoinotj in 'Jiiinnd Ki'tlieiiniincnt nllpf , > oit nevoi- L.inK"ItHhe - whino. JInrk liul vrn miv. In tlio will vou nuiht t.iKnonr ri'iiu-ih or NlJ.H ! retovui and Miutliiiiliuvu limitillllrtod liui nnrt / lm Blioiild byail como tousifiw vi * nno lu tiiiofnuw ia < s o\er grt jierniatiidlUv curi-d. Many KOtliulp and lldnk tlinv nio fn-ufnnn tile rtl-'euti' , lint In one. two 01 tlirto simii * after It niienii | | > aiiilii'iia ' inoio lioiiililo furni This ihii Mlood rurllier and \\iHCura nny blciii or Blood Difcoiibo when .lbo 1'alls. TH : COOK REMEDY GO , liooiu 10 mill II , I' . S. NuUomil D.iuk . building , Oiiuilui , Neb. DM. K. a wi sj s NKIIVKNn MUM , a [ tnaiuiiid pi < cillo 'or Dy tfila. Dlzzl. IICIB , ( ontuUionx. I'llH , NIIIVOIIH Neninlula , lleaikclie , NervniiH I'rovtintlon. < ini e < ) by tli uscoralioliolnr toluirco M nki-filliiPK. .M.-ntul lluiiiGKblnn , Bnrirnlnir of tlio Mr.iln , irHiiliiiiK In Inianlly , and li'iullnu to mtwy. ilocnjr und diMttli , I'rvinntiireOlil AB.llarieniKM . Jotnof I'nw ur In elthor KHV Invnlmit.irv Josic and i-pt'rniatoilioe.i carn'il by ovi-r exritlon of tlm br.iln.Milf aliiiwornvor Inwilwiicfl. . l.ach oox lontuliiK oiio innnth'H tioalincnt. l a liox , or hlx boxes for jl | sent by niiill ] > rci > ald onr > ci.'hit of prlco WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES I o fill u any case. With onch oidnr icielred by in fur NIX boxui < , in foiniianlcd Nltll two will M'lid the mirclmmir 0111 wrllten KHiuiiitoo : to infiind tlie iniiney If lh Irenliniiiit iloimnot firrctaritrc. ( iuiirantecH ls < u 1 only by ( / ' . V. ( IDUDMAK. DiMB Inr , Sol Agnil , lllUFUmaro Mi eel , Uuinl.ii , Nili , S-A. uixxmiuii , ATroi ' lJ41 > c rjoni tl'Uicaioi * itirle rr d | 21 rotrj lUHu quUUjr JuJ ttjinr lrHU a.ct i