Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BE& : SATURDAY , JANUARY 5. 1SS9 , SPECIAL NOTICES. Nd AdvertlHoiiients will bo taken Ibr tlirfco colutmiH nfier 1U : O p. in. Terms Cnsli In mlvnncc. AdvortiPetnrntR under in g head 11 cents per Itiio for the nm insertion. 7 cents for each sub- insertion , and II.M ) a line nor month. ISondvcttlscnicnt taken for less tlmnKiccnti the .nscrtlon. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; t'l&y mn t run consecutively and * nl t be paid in ADVANCl : . All nilvertUo- incuts niutst bolmtuleil In before HisSO o'clock p. Vn , and under no circumstances will they be tukrn or discontinued liy telephone. Parties Advertising In these columns nnd hav ing their answers addressed In care of TUB UXR vlll please ask for a check to enable them to gat their letter * , ns none will bo delivered except on freseiitntlon of check. All answers to adver tisements should lie enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these colflmiiH nro pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of Tun llRK , thii rlrculntlon nt vrhlrh oggrpgatea wioro tlinn IH.MH papers ilally , and elves the ad- Yerllaern tbo beneilt. not only of the cltyclrcu. Intlon of THE llKr , but also of Council muffs , IJntoln nnil ntlicr cities and towns throughout this ficctlon of tlm country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will be taken enthnnbovc conditions , at the follow Ing bust- nets hoilftCH , who lire authorized agents for Tin BIT fppclal tintlrci , nnd will ( juote the eauio rntrx n n can bo had at thn main olllco. OH N W. 1IU"LU I'Jiarmiicliit , SW South Tenth _ _ Btrcct. CHAHK & KDDV , Stationers nnd 1'rlntors , 113 South Iflth Street. II. KAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 81 IB Cum- Ing Street. jTlTuOHES , Phannaclst. C24 NoitlUOtU btreut IX ) . W. PAIIH , PharmacUt. ISO ! ) St. Mary'8 Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. \\rANTKD-Pliirn l > y boy to x rk for board T T and attend college. N M , lieu. G3II C > * vv , . . . , TMDSituation by nn experienced mdy T bookkeeper , cashier or Balcsmdvllrst-class ; references ; good worker. Mrs. Hregn.UllS S luth Ri8C \\7ANTii ) Hituatlon by married couple on a TT farm or In private family ; are good work- era. Mrs. Ilicga , ill Hj a llith. ICTli * \\rANTIJD-Situation ns coachman , stable- T T man or groom by n reliabln young Scotchman - man with relercncu . Mrs. llrega , \\TANTHD Young man , bookkeeper and T > stenographer ami with HOIIIO knowludguof typewriter , wants situation Host ieforouces. Would Icuvi- town for good job. Aimless It. K , , 1711 N IRthst , Omaha. MX ) 1 l7ANTKD-Sltuatlon as boilfctjkoeper or T cook. Address NB ) lieu Wi ) 5t " 1X7 ANTED 1'osltlon ns hoti'-okcopcr In uMower's family. Addrm'.for ono week , Ilee. OK. 4 * " \VPANTK1J Position by young niiin as cleric VT in utoro. ClotbliiK preferred , Well reconi- Blended by former employers. M years' eKpcrl- nco. Must pay fair salary. Adresj , I/ock llox 700. Missouri Valley. In. bT.5 M T7"ANTJ'DSltuntlon : as housekeeper by a T i neatcompetent German woman lUnthollc ) , In n good rook nnd InumliesH.-nnd not afraid of work. Also , have a. good working woman with Blrl of II who will work for f I. Have nuynniount of nice Klrls for private families , anil U dlulnu- room girls 10 chambermaids , nurse B , dlslv vashor.s , etc. Mra.1iroRail4)i : ) S l.'ith. 4784 ? A SCANDINAVIAN dry Roods and clothing clerk would llko a situation , 11 venrs' ex- porlencu and bent of references. Nil , Hue. 4Ud 4 ? WAKTED HELP. "T\7'ANTiD : cnKlticpr , one willing T ? to work ; miiHt bo a temperate man. Call ot I'nxton hotel ollice. KM li W ANTliD A boy of good hal Its nt Jloody's Chlha store. MK N loth Bt. M ) I 4 MANAGKIIH for principal cities In Washing ton territory , Oregon , Montana , Idaho and Wyoming. Cash deposits for moneys collected and goods In ninniiKer.V control , which are pliiced In lots from t'iM to $ I.WX ) . Salary. 81,200 tpt3..uUQ. _ I.oomls Nut'l Library Ass'n , 172 Main lit. . Bait Lake City , Utah. / 18CK WANTED A jtood tailor. Address Frank Sochor , David City , Neb. 60J T AOOD stenographer and typewriter. Posl tlon pennaiiDiit If work satisfactory. Ad- dressN K ) , stating salary and giving rororoncos. C07 WANTED-Good mcu to introduce a staple article to consumers and the trade. lg nrollttiuml steady work , Jo ) to J100 per week tot the next six months. Send 4 cents nostage for sample and full particulars. Addrt-ss , Kicliols AlTgCo. . Onajasko. Wls. r,14 7t " \\7"ANTii : > Agents Several young men T f wanted to neil a good imlclo ; $3 to il a day maao t'y energetic young men. Address , wltu " cent stamp , il. L. Ji > Co. , P. O. box OJfl. 48C-4J TANTKD Pattern-maker in a foundry : > good wages. Jlrs. JUrogaai4Vi S. 15th. 484 K "VX/"ANTFD Stout young man about is years ft old at llecmail room : ono who can gut up early and can read English , apply between 12 and l o'clock. 440 WANTKD Jlan to solicit , salary $75 per month , must deposit ! 5 for samples , and Blve security for money collected. Address Decree S. Cllne.fill. First National Hank build ing , Omaha , or'Wagner blk , Dos Molnes , la.UB UB B OYS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1COI Douglas. WANTKD Jlan to take tlio agency of our safes ; slzofcxl8x8inches : ! ; weight MX ) Ibs. ; retail price Ho ; other sized In proportion. A rare chume and permanent business , Tliexo cafes meet a demand never before supplied by other Bate companies , u.s we lire not t-overuod by thomifo pool. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. 3.11 ' \\f ANTKD 10 local and traveling baiosnien ; ft peed salary : no experlcnco uecp. sary ; ad dress with stamp , Palmer i Co. , DCS Jlolnes.Ia. 12 TSfANTKD Hood llvo men that ft in shops , wholesale and ictall houses , to canvass nmoiiR their friends for the ChlcnRO Watch Hub Co. Sample wutchcsf nrnlshed lor this purpose , nnd liberal commissions paid. No Heaters need apply. K. ( J. Crandull , 31(1 ( South JSthst. 201 ANTED-Jlalo nnd female agents ; easy- cootls. Jtoom 31 , Darker block. MO JITt \\7AN'1KI ) tioodmen in every locality ns ft detectives imdur our Instructions. B ml Do for particular. ) , Oklahoma socrct service , Wichita KanBas , 707J 13 * OENU'S WANTBD-S75 a montn ami ex- peiiBi's paid any active pin-son to still our KOOUS ; no capital , salary monthly , expfiisesln ndynnce , paitlculars tree. Standard Hllvurwuro Co. Iloston. VG.S WANTED--FEMAUE HELP. r ANTKD Uno cook and laundress , ( J nnd $10 ; comrotnnt glrli , general work , $1 ; cook out city , 840 ; pastry cook (2Ti , In city ; ulrls for the west : Intn of nice placed. Onmhu l.nip , lUiroau , 119 N IKtli st. t > 23 4 * \\'ANTKD A saleswoman acquainted with t ? china and casswar ! . Aihlross with refer ence only , "Merchant , " Omaha poMulllco. WANTI5D A competent servant for a nil- vate family. O 'o l wngo.s. Apply , 2010 Illnnoy st , Kouutze placo. 4815 WAlnTED Oood girl ut once , ( > 22 N , loth ht. - 4J-3 Ti _ _ \\rANTED Girls for general housework In f > Pnulh Omulm , (12 u month. Imiulraat Cohiiubla hotvl , ixmth Omaha , or City Hotel , Omaha. ' 451 4 * "IXTANTUD A lady to solicit , mint come well ft rccr.ninioiided and pay ill ) for samiilcH , falnry W6 per month. Artitii'cs ( leorKO H. ( line , bit l-Trnt Nntlonal Hank building , Omalm , or Wagner block , Des. Monies , la , iU > \\rANTKir-ulrl for general h ousoworl : , 14J1 V > siathst. . u-M' l7ANTKD-Dlsh-wusher , 1001 N lllihst. > isa EMPLO Y WENT B U REAU sT lUnploymunt Ollice. Mrs. llreeu , CANADIAN UHJi K 15th. Itcloreiico Omalia Nailoualbauk JIUJ3U SHORTHAND ANO _ = .J . . ' S'tiurllKind and Typo writ lug VAl.lINTl.Mi'S Pnxtou building. Omaha. Q'liy only exclusive vhortlianit school In the Btale. Over ouo hundied graduates in good ftltuatlona. The nclinol in under the raunuge- inent ot CC. . Valentine , onlclal otonographorof the 3rd judicial elistilu of Ncbraaka , nnd Pmf. II , II. lloylea. AU exuerleurod tvacliur and vor- Imtlm ruportor. Day uml evoulng wfislnus , Ftu- dents can enter at any time. Bend for circulars. 811 117 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\rANTltD-To winter about I'M bead cattle i T anil 6) head boraon , oatiju M } head and lior s tMie/xU / per month , Address II. A. Me. Curd , Oakland , Neb. , or N. P. tJackett , 517 H Kd. ! \tt t ? ROOM KHS and boarders wanted , ITCHDonglru > } J 10 * _ WANTKD Voting ladle ? and gentlemen t ( know tlmy can obtain n thorough am practical knowledge of telegrapny , lilting tliem selves In n iihort time for good p.iylna positions nt tli Klectrlo Telegraph school. Unora < 5 % nnd67J I'extou block , cor 16th and Pnrnam it. CJTOl'KS of Roods. Co-opurattvo Land & U > QcXfc aB _ N Uth Jit Omaha. _ 279J _ \\rANTKD The 1110 of n tenm of jroott horse TV for the winter for tfcelr keeping. Apply a 187 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \VANTRl-iiio-ieof 7 per cent faTihTontis i T completed papers. Philadelphia Mortgage k Trust Co. , 13 , Hoard Trndo. 411 If " \\rANTKD llrlckwork , 'carpentering , " p1a7 TT terlng , painting. papering. labor etc. as part or full payment oflotN , houses etc. Spec ial Inducement ! ! . W , , J. I' . , 1IKM rnruam. _ _ _ _ J _ yg < \\TANTKD Violin teacher with opportunity TT to prnctlro evenings. Address N : n , llco DRESSMAKING. F IjASS dressmaking In families or at liome. Address l.H-'i S. Mtli at. , uimulr.s. AOP.MIINTS to sew In families. CV.S ! 7th ssa jis BOARDING. \\rANTED Hoard and room by a young mnu V T In prlvnbi family north of Knrnam ot ; ref- cronrea exchanged. Addros N IB , caw of llco. 4'n nt "TTinU'dar boarders wanted ; also ono comfort- JL able lurnlsliod room to rent , dents pie- f erred , nt am California Bt. -I.V ) 0 * TJllHST-claas homoiboard , 013 S 10th. 313& rMllliK bparder * wautod.lSO ) Douglas _ f ) OH ! ! flno unfurnished rooms In ( rood lo - -itlou , with pvcrv modern convomuiicu , by gentleman ana wlfo with ono child ; must bavo Homcthlng nice. J. 1. . lllco & Co. C' > i U " \\7ANTHD , To rent , good storage or n wurrt T > house with trackage. Dion Ooraldtnf , 7H rnclllost. ajl u * fOft RENT-HOUSES. TTIOH HUNT House. 1U1 ! Uodgo St. E IMiT FOIl HllNT-llotisoH-.Ti H 20th. near I.eavon- \\uitli , liimnce , as and bath. BIKi'j * ITlOlt ItHNT-One 5 and onoT-room houso.botl1 Jnaw ; will rent tliosoliottics to good c.uc'fu ! tcnuuta for tlio winter at about half tlio real rental value. J. II. Johnson , Uooms GH and Bill , I'nxton bl , > cl : . 4'j ' I TilOlt HKNT Small house cheap. Knqulro J. A. K.llarton , Ulil Cap. aye. 4I7M ! TT10II KENT Two h'misoi ISHli and California J-1 st. llonttJinml ) $ ! " > par mouth , llreunan & Co , Chamber of Commerce. 5'J1 If Oil HUNT 2-room c-ittaBC.iiowly furnlsheil , -L' complete for lioufekuvptng , for * ! - . Ouo room lor $7. KKU Dccntur st. 47 ! li | T\OH \ HUNT Now i { room cottaijc , ! ) ) ! . " ! I.cavi-n- Jorth , between aotli uml aist , city water- closets pantry , etc. 477 " Foil KENT Three handsome six room cot- tnjfes north ot U. I' , transfer. Inriiilro Mlnnil jllaUton , fitli and 1'acluc two. T71O11 HUNT At very low rates. 10 ami U room JL1 new reildencpa.-t'JI and 'J4H Ctias btreot .Clark 1'lace. One block south of Crclchton collo'ji.on l-'arnam and -4tli street car lino. AH nii.drn Improvements. Apply II. T. Clark , Union 'I rust Co. . or at i.4'JI Casa at. JIM _ TTIOIlllKNT < l-ronni cottage , * i"i per itionth. JJ lJ15llarnoy st. ,1)7 ) _ " TjU > K HUNT Ti-room house , 814. 0. K. Thomp. J3 sen , yia sheejey block. 'HJ POH HUNT 7 room llat on 2d lloor. lln- qulrnTJie fair cor IJth ami Howard sts. BHAUTlFUri home , gas , city water. bath loom , hot nnd cold water , on pa\ed streets with street cur , near a good school , only $ Jo per month. The house Is new. Apply at onco. C. ! ' . Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. FOIl KENT House and barn , Han com place. H.-UTU , room 411. First Nafl bk bldg. _ 341 FOIl HUNT B-room modern improved house A 1 locality. Kent moderate. Apply , il. IJl- cutter , 1001 Karuain Nt. ; )42 ) OK HENl'-Ily Hosworth & Joplin , Marker block , 3 , 4. fi , t ) , 7 , S. 0 , 10 , 11 , 14-room houces In all parts of tlio city. ; I4.1 T71O II HUNT Houses 7 rooms. 2 th and Hnr- J ney,10 ; rooma , 21st and Locust ; 7 rooms , I''tli nnd Jone.s ; a rooms , llitb und ilartlia. I.lnuhan & Mahouoy , 1'axton block. : H4 TJlOIl HENT When you wish to rent a house. J- store or olllco cull ou us. II. K. Cole , room 11 , Continental block. ; uu FOH HUNT fi-room house. Still. 7-room house SKI 1'oppleton ave. Geo. I. Utlbcrt.WUhnell b'l'g. ' 47 _ _ _ TflOH HENT 10-room house with steam heat , -D ataKIS.'lthHt. ! G. K. Thompson. Sheely block , 1'itli inul Howard sta. 1118 T71011 llRNT-6-rooiu house with Rood barn , JL1 between 24th ami SitU on Ilurdette , only fM. A. K. Greenwood & Co. , room 1 , Cuimlnelmm block. 4l3 _ ITIOIl HKNT-Houso lit rooms , with More -C room. Inquire 1018 B 10th st. ! 3 Ot TTKHl IlKNT Cheap , a nlco convenient house. JJ IKWS.Jilst , between Center and Dorcas sts. 274J23 * UKNT-Bix room house S. E. corner IStli and Chicago .sts. , S. Lclimuu. 173 T710H IlKNT Cottage of 4 rooms , 2 closets , J ? hall and pantry. Ml S. 20th St. , near cable po ? er house. 159 POK IlKNT 5-roomed Hat nt M8 N 115th st. All modern conveniences. A. IX Marsh. VM FOR UKNT-Cottage * . r , rooms , J72S Charles St. uml 1524 So. 5tii st. Kmiulro K. 2li ; Sheeley block. ijj FOIl KENT 7-room tint nt 008 S. 13tli. Inqulro J. I * . Itrandols & tions , KIT T7IOU HUNT Eltrbt (8) ( ) room llat. modern con- J-\enleiicea. Inquire OU S. lUth st , till T1OH | HUNT Modern ten loom housed..1 ! ; soutli -L' i-Tith st. . near St. Mary's avo. , $43. Jtlngwalt Ilro.s. , Hnrkor block. 755 FOll KZNT ID-room house , steam , pa bath , hot and cout and cistern water , i-aoA collar , nnd nlcu yard , too , iflW S Slth. Ino.ulre'.W Si-'lth. Ml E10H IlKNT A comfortable house with B rooms , pantry , largo closets , splendid cel- lat\ city water , sowcrago and gas. near bublm-ss centre ; inodurat ront. John II. V. l.chmanu , ( r.4 S. 17th st. IIPJ TTIOK IlKNT A 3-story brick dwelling , 1901 4-1 Cnpltol ave. Apply to C. II , Oulon at the Chicago Lumbur Co. ; )71 RENT ROOIV1S FURNISHED. lL'HNISHKU room for rent. 117 S 17th st. IJiOll HUNT fnrnlsiipii front room , with -I ! stove. * S per month. Apply 411 N lltli t. VMV A VF.NUEHo.Miis At IHCIiiud 101.1 Oapltolavc. xy blocks from P O newly luriiLshed , private boarding honse.plvnsant roomsall conveniences IbVlO * CHEAP llrst-clusa rooms , 1714 DoclgD. 470 a Il'JllST-OLABS room cheap , 1012 llarney. 4117 R PUUNIHUMnrooms with heat forcontlvmon , WiiudilO per mouth , ISlOllarnuy. . 401 6 rilllltiifurnlsjied ; : rooms for light housokooii- -t Ing , cheap , | jt | ) Cailtol | uvu , 4S7 A uUo 2 nicely furnlshod rooms with stoves , HOandtl , ' ; ulsonn elegantly furnlsnoil front parlor , grate llru or base burner , bay window , Mu. Il.tth room und modern convoiilciiceH. ( Us N. 17th bt. 107 4 * FOH HUNT Uleaantly furnished trout and back parlor , with all modem Improvements , In bilck house , 1U21 Puruum at. , cor , 17th St.- 4Ti ST * UWo single ix > om , 811 8 20th st. Modern con- .Lvonlence < , MoaU If drulred. Private family. 42U b NlCIU.VfiinilsMnd rooms , also iront und back parlor ; 1UUU Douglas Ht , 811 PIIHN'ISHGD room , with gas and bat u , board If aealred. 51'J a. 24th at. , opposite All Saints' cniirch , Bi5 A1.OYKLY trout room , heated , furnished and every convenience , 2107 Douglas st , I'M > 1IO lUruey , fui-nlalieil room , (3 mouth. 411 7 TJ10H ltUNT-H v rol nlcfly fiiriilshed. bright i1 u ml cheerful rooms , with private family ; all modern Improvfiiiouu. 815 N aith at. Ctt b * POlt HKNT-Furnlshea rooms InUruenlgMk. for. Ifltb and Dodge nts. Inquire of Ueo. H. Divlf..Milling hotel ullllard room. 'JIH OH UKNT-Two storea. Ml and Kt North jtitli rt. Inqulrd at tUo bulldlus. Henry ITOH IlKNTAn eleeantly furnished room or 1 eultfl of rooms with board In a private fam ily. All conveniences. Cars pass the dckir every three to five minutes , deferences' Ite- qulred. Knqulrc rooms MS and 519 1'nxtou bile , _ m _ KOOM nnd board cheap for two gentle men , 1911 Douglas st- _ M7' * JI1OH HIINT 2 south front rooms , furnished 1 for gentlemen only , Itfjs Cnpltol nvo. 410 FUONT room for gentlemen. 'KIN'Kth. _ _ i > 24 10 "I71OH IlKNT rnrnl hcd and unfurnished JL1 looms by day , week or month , 1204 I'nrnnm , -filOH HI ? NT Kurnlshect rooms , all motlcrii JL1 ronvenlonces , the best accommodations to business people , Mrs. William Younjj , 22U5 I'arnntn. ; : ic * "T31OH HUNT Purnlshed room , rurnaro heat , J all modern conveniences 2021 Hurtst 2014 rilN'ISlIL'I ) room for rent , U > H Karnnnu _ , _ _ _ SJ7J2M _ 171011 HP.NT-l'.lpcantly furiilsheif room or J-1 suite of rooms w ith board in private family , 3 car lines paw thn door. Ill'i * Park avo. 1 > K ) "I71OII HKNT-l'leatantty furnished room , all - * - modern conveniences , for ons or two it n- tlemcit. aUSWS. s.tli st. , or cor. St. Mary's avo. and 20ti ! at. r.11 _ "TT'I.rflANT fiirnlshrd room with all modern -Inconveniences , with or without board. 1CU Douglas. i Vi o - * | jtltONTpasti looms for Bontlemonor tnmll.v. -I All inndcni Improvomsnts ; homo board. 01S S bitli st. OO.IJ lij : FOH HUNT Two largo front rooms , nicely furnished , lu-atod by te.ini. gas anil use of biithroom , In oni'of the nicest residences in the city. Northwest cor. Inth and tpaveliworth. "J700MS and board , 1812 Chicago. 405J7J I A HUk pleasant room , lurulshoil , brick Hut , JHlrtCUi'cagosr jsi "l-fOll HUNT ' ! front rooms on second lloor , JJ tl .OUfach. lal.'i HurnoVHt. a CTOIl HUNT Two large nfrely fuinlsli il con- J-1 netting roonu , with bath and conveniences , Mtltublu for four gt'iitlomi'ii or housekeeping , Ji" ) , or separate 112 and $14. S.V , Corner , lltli and HiuMiid. entrance ou Howard. 1M VTKT.LY furnished rooms and board at 1017 JL > Capitol avo. _ 7Jlfi $ "VTICU rooms $ | .ou per \ > cok at Peabody house i-s Dth and Jonus streets. < si-j7t porTm : O I'NTC J st between Jackson and Leavenwortli. HUB T7IOH HUNT A Hat ot .1 imfurnUhod front -L looms.2d lloor , Rl'JVj N ICtli. 47 fit FOR RETJT-STORES AND OFF JOES. "ijlOK KJJNT ( I store rooms with good cellav. , JL1 steam heat , water and gas , an thi > corner of iirh : nnd Muton ; nlsu fi'lueres of land for gar den purposes just south of poor farm , within city limits. Inqulro at 917 south latll st. IW : il FOIt HUNT Olllco itiito $ ; . - > a month. 2 slnwlo ollices $ n eaf'i , all fronting lotli st. . Hush- mun block , N. K. for. intli and Douglus.V. . M. lliishnian , I'll ! I.e.xveinvorth , ,1V ) FOH ItKNT Oood storeroom near cor. lotn and Karnam , one of tha best locations In the city. Address Ceo. N. Hicks , Darker block. AKIIHY for rout at 1T09 Park nvo. 1'lils IT"u brick Htoro loum and bascmi'iit , incliullnij ovens , counters , showcase , etc. . lu the most de sirable residence community In the city ; water. iU'weruud gas connections. Tboa r Hall , illl Ptixtoii block. flflii BIUCK store room wKh bobeniont , all mod ern impr < ivemeut.s , Hplendld location tor fecdbtoiu or huidwarp. stoves , etc. . being In the heart of thu most desirable residence portion tion of the city , 107 ! ! Park nve. Tho-s ! ' Hall , KllPaxton block. rlVi 'IT1OH HUNT An elegant store room with tine JL' basement on l..tli st. Heut very low to i Ight party ; steamboat nnd water incluJed , Apply at 1515 Douglas st. uttj FOR RENT TiHISCELANEOUS. FOH HUNT Largo barn , J'J per month. 1K2 ! Cumlngst. H015 * FOH HUNT A ten-acre farm for garden pur poses , one block outside of the city limits. Inquire at No. 121 North Fifteenth street. P OK HUNT One good barn loom for three horses , buggies , tc. , iHr ! Davenport ht. In- quire of C. L. Krlcksou &Co. . 212 N. IK WENTAL. ACE"rYciES. EOHOB J. STKHNSDOHKF , loom B , opp. P. ( ) . . will hereafter give bpoctal attention lo renting bou'-es , stores and llatH. If jou want your propel ty routed without delay and to re liable tenants , do not fall to list the .same with him. VJ GKO. J. PAUl/,1800 rarnam 3t. Ilouses.atorcs , etc. . for rent. ,15 } WU give . attention to renting and collecting rents , IKt wltn us. II. 1C Cole room li , Continental block. ; io4 IP YOU want your hoiiioi rented place them with Honawu& Co. , 15 tli , opposite postolllce. attention Riven to renting and collecting SPECIAL lecting rents. J. It. Purrotto , IBXj Chicago iqja TT1OH UISNT And part of furniture for Bale JL' Klogant corner re"ltleuC'c on car line , with every modern convenience : will rent cheap to party who will buy part of the f iirnlture.htoves , cooking range.c. . : must lease for C months at least. J. L. Hlce \ Co. ruc 0 TUG banjo taught as an art by 0eori' . Oel- lenbock , SHI t. . 10th st. U5B li/TIDIjAND / Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505 Par"- JJ-1-nain. Complete abstracts furnished \-titles to real estate oxumluodperfoctedguareatccd. . 357 ENOKAVED wbddiiig , Btittionory and visit" ing cards. HcHrlde A ; ICynn , 1510 Dodrte. 19720 HOHSI5 or team mules wanted to npny a tlrst payment on house and lot , or residence lot , balance monthly p lymonts. Write or uill on Selby , IK I l > 'arnam. ail O .CCIDIlNl'Ar. . hotel. 10th and Howard ; day board 41 per week ; 21 meal ticket $1. 7ITJ1U DIt. MUS.KrNTZK , women and children curocl. Ituslilenca Ki ! S 17th. 47IJ7 * PERSONAL. OISItSONAI. A Kentlomau who Is alone cven- X IIIKS desires the uc'iualntanco of a young ady or widow. Oblect companlriishlp , Purely Plutonic. AddreaN51 , c.iru Ht > o ollice. 51U fit rpo business men. Investors , speculators. X trailers , either In Omaha ur nuroud , wo call your attention to our list of barnaUis. Trades , uusincss chances , no matter what you may want , from a pocket sawmill t < > ucamhilc luedle , wo will try and fnrnUli It. What do you want ? What havii you gait Cull or let us lear from you , J. L. Hlcu - CoJ ! MOO PI5USONAI. The Omaha party who wrote to llainhart Itros. & tipimllor , Chlcauo , nbuiit a lewopapcr In lown Isreijuested to wrltn aualu , as his nililrois has been lost. Mil ! EU'.dANT lift ) size crayon portraits ( rco of chai'KO for u short time as an udver- Isemeut.from photocrnplis broiiKhl to the Van- lyko Portrait Studio , U12 Plerct * , nonr lttli. 'urtralts uUoini > astol. TiiJH ; LOST. IOST LocXet , with diamond settiiiB , con- -i tabling Kent lemon's plctuie. Please leave it iiee ollice. r'll-5J IOST On the 2d. oarrint ; . three dminonds. Jbliapo of clover leaf , Iteturn to 2IU7Douirlas Bt. und receive reward. 472 fi IOST 2 r l Irlsti setter dogs , fl months old ; . /liberal reward for return to P. Simpson , * oaJUumlritgt. | iW6T ( LOST White pony 1 4 hands high , quite old ; return to KHS loth st , .4I'J ' _ FOUND. _ _ F OI'ND Jllloajfo books Inaulra and pay charges , 475 4 CJ.A IRVOYAMT DH. NANNIK V. Warren , clalrroyaut , Medl- cat and business medium. Fomulo diseases i specialty. 119 N. 18th ht , rooms 2 and I ) , ; MJ FOHTUNR 1'ellor Mrs. hei < ormaiicaniecoii- ) sultud oa all affairs of Ufa. Satisfaction guaranteed. No , 318 N Itlth at csHJ fi * P6ll 8AI < U To-iuorro\r Tsaturd'ay ) morulnc at auction , tlu > furniture of u rooms ut 1211 Bt. , Omaha Auction & Storage Co. 60t ) 4 moilSAI.K 1 first-class now upright piano , L' lint-clues make , special rloso price , U. ' ' HitcksonAt < ; o. . aia N. Kth st. 1711 u' IjVJIt SAliK Cheap for cash , household furnl. L' ture , line range , heating stoves , ' line bedroom oem sets , curpcth , &c. ; owners breaking up ounakeenlng ; uo dealers need apply. J. I , . lice & Co , co-j o [ 71011 SAM ! Two teams , two delivery waeona i. and two guts double harness , IllKlvea IMJCial bargain for CMU , ITice llros. , l7S10um- n - I i i 8AM ) A piano jrood s new , cost J400 will sell * or.KuJ. Address Miss M. A.Uombs Pnllna. Kan. , , _ 314 ftt ' 6n PAMI-Tho nnost oatllt In thfl way of t lady's pIuMou nnd n rt-yc r-old drlrliu marc , gentle and kind ; n child can drive her i hcrmothcr'jjlilSnK ! the rig cost over WOO ; * , xx cash takes It ) rtAutrylt 30 dtiy ? , or no sale 1 not satisfactory J , It lllco A Co. Mt 0 IilO Il fly mofTBUReoon en y terms , ns ported lot furniture In quantities to suit. In- ( Illlie 101 1) . ljtli , t. . Hooin 39. _ 8S3 " " " ABS K"ACTS oF"T"ff LE. A" * Mahoney , 1'nitotl tjixWAUtf XFlow rates at H2f Farnam St. , tT5 Omaha Aurtlon A Storage Co. aV > rpllACKAOE , Morage. lowest rates. W. M , J llushman. 1311 Leavenworth. .TV ) STOHAOK in now clean building at low rates , .III 8 121 list. KM jrl ; WANTED-TO BUY. WANTHD To'buy second hamCflne gold" I Uniting rasp , full fewolml , Howard move ment , genlleman's watch. Must bo cheap. ,1 , S.I' , till N nthet. 4Hfit ! " \VANTKD-TO buy ; barns , sheds or old him- I T Wvr. Addres-t N IS lice olllcir. 4M 10' A\rANTID ! Two to five thousand dollans In- IT tercstlnaii vstablKhrd manufacturing or mercantile buslnnss by an experienced man. Address N 17 Heo ollice. I1" n * A\rANTUD To bu.vgoodsecond hand barllx- i T tares , address N 4(1 ( , Hoc , iiw r > * " \\rANTUD Kuinltlirc , carpels , Movp-s nnd T household goods of all kinds. Omnbii Auc- tloji & Storage Co. . 1121 niniaiii. ! B'i ' \t > ANTHD-llrlck. W.J.Paul , lOO * 1 uruam. Tl 20) JO _ _ SKCONDmorluaRcsiimdoou cltv propel tv by D. K. Johnson , Itoom 5j'i : , Paxtou buihllng. 4H2 n rpo buy. sell , rent , lease , trade , , JLur for loans. Insurance , notary public , bunl- newt ch.inceN see ,1. I , . Itlco \ Co. 4a"i " ' lli.'i.OiM , SIVX ) , tl.WH , f'ii ) I. Special fund to place ; n on choice Improved property. 1) ) . V. Shou > s , 21 1 , First Nutu.ual C i Ml _ TITO.N'l.V lo louti on funTltiiro. liorsosauoiiH , ' -etc. , or on i\nj approved socurlty. .1 .1V. . Itobbins , H.Sjfl , Sheely blk , , l.-.tb and howuril. il'J'l _ _ MONM5V to loan on Improved city puiprrty. D. K. John-on , Itoom OB , Paxtuti biiildlmj. * ' ' - ' pmiAlr.IPIUA Mortgnd \ TruV Co. , JL cheap eastern moiiov dli ct to hoiro\\er . Make ; biilldlnK loi'.ii.s , lnrpo ; or Mnali ; perfect titles : uccnpt IO.IIIH in tlielr western olllio. tlco.W.P.Co.UL's.represeiitutlvc.VJ Hoard Trade I'iQ ' _ II'1 VO U want to borrow money on diamond" , ou pianos or hoiisuhold Riuds. on hoisi" . , w.iKniis and other pcrrfoiial property. On mortKalje paper nnd contracts at fair r'ltcs without tli'l.iy or publicity , go to the Kiirbauk Invest mont . ' < > . , 215 S 14th. upntalr.s. 3d7 \\rANTKD-Smiill lo ns of WK1 to sfJOO on f ' Omaha or South Onialin projuTty. Chas. It. Wuolley. rooms KM and fi35 , l'u\tjn biock. MONUY to loan ou chattels bv D.U. Johnson , lUximfVM. Paxtuu biillilliii ; . r.'i'.i ' Y'Ol' can deal ( tliect with the Provident Trust Company , room ( First National bank building. Omuhilf ; you want , n loan on real es- lulo. Louis oiInside ( business property espe cially doslred. Represent ulso the old nnd Well- known New Uuslaud Loan > V Trust Companv. "ONHYlohmu. O. P. Davis Co. , leal estate . and loan ugcuts. 1593 Kirnani Ht. Ml R UAL cstiito Ipnus , lowwt rules. Odell Itroa. Co. . ui2 s. i tit st. ; m ; MONUYt/iloan ; longtime. ( ! oorb'o J. Paul1 1'JO ' i l--xVn.Tjii st. 'M MONUY to louii on Improved propoity at first bands. No application sent away for up- pioval. Security and tltlos examined tree of chiirgo to horio\\et.s. : Lombard Investment company , aWM-V/th / st. ! ! r I \rKHUASJCA Hortg.Loan Co. will nmkoyoua -JLi 'loan on household goods ' her e , wagons , , land contracts. flue Jewelry or bacurilU's of any kind w Ithout piiWlclty , at reasonable rates. Hoorti 7 , UowUiy block , Mouth Omaha. Hooms ulB-SU I'nvtoa blk. . Omaha. N l > . 3CT DO YOU want to borrow money ? Head this. It will save you time. Jt will save you money. You can borrow fioiu ' II. r. Masters. successor toV. . It. Croft , room I , Wltlmull bld'g.'ljthund llarney sts. 410. 8M > , J.1U , $101 , $ ! OU $501 , 81.10) . * ] , ) I'JIO.OOO , in fact any Mini you want on fiirnlture.plauos. horses , mulus , wngons , etc. . on easier terms anil at lower rates limn any qjlier olllco In Hie city , without publicity or of property from your possession. If an Instalment Is due on your property and you cannot input It , cull and oo me. 1 will pay it tor you. If you have a loan In any other ot- lice , call and get my rates. I will take It up ami carry it for you. I make loans tor one to six months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both prin cipal and Interest. All loans renewed at oilglnal lates and no charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Call and see mo. Don't forget the nnmuer. Itoom \Vlthnoll block , iiiH KE Sholes. 210 First Nafl bank , before mok- ing your loans. aO'j $50fiOiiO to loan at 0 per rent , Lluuhan & Ma- honey , room WXi I'axton block. U7D Tl fONKV to lonu .I.o vest rates. Loans closed itJLpromptly. II. 15. Cole , llooin C , Contlni'ntal block. 373 "JjlIIIST niortKage loans at low rates , aud no JO delayvl ) . V , Sliules , 210 , 1'lrst National bank. ' IJEOPIjB'S Flnunciai Ivxchnngo Large and MiKill loans for lout ; anil short time , at low- ust rates of Interi'St. ou real o'llnto ' uiortnaKO uotoii , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , matches and Jowelrv. Don't fall to call if you want fulr nud cheap accommodations. O. Ilousairtn. Wgr. , loom r ii'i ' , Darker Ijlk , < M\ and Farnnm. W4 _ _ _ MONKV to loan ; cash ou haml ; no delay. ,1. W. Sfiulro , 121'J Kariiam st. , i'lr t Natidtiul bank Imlldlni ; . : i75 LOANS made on real ctito : and mortgages bought. Lewis H. Iteedic Co. , rtn I'arnam. II7U $ ntXOOi > C per cent. Money to loan on im proved farms or city property. .lames A. Woodman , ut the old Hro Insurance ollir-oot Murphy Ac I.ovott. S2U S. 13th M. _ | I78 UHlINi loans. D. V. SUoli-s , 210 , V'irlt Nttt'l Hank. w > _ ft IT.It CKNT money to loan Cash on Irtnil. " W. M. Harris , room 20 , Trenzcr block , op p. I ? l'I Ml NO loans. I.muhnn A : Mahouoyi J > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MON K Y to loan on Improved city property or for Imllilliit , ' J'm-pouM ; low eH rates ; no'tie - lay , Mutual Invo-itimmc Co. , loom I , Uarker blot k , 15th uml Tarimin 3)1 ) DO you want money'f.oins made on house hold furniture , pianos , harac.s , etc , , without delay or removal. Persons wishing a loan of this kind will UJ > well to cull ut our olllco natoro ilealluc clse\vh r ; Ijusluoas strictly ciinlldeii- A , Kt ( lrenwood & Co. , rnoin I , Cunuir.i'- ham block , iui..Mii ' and JUCKSOII atb. 411 - Wt MONKY loanfvcl on diamonds , gold watches and clmttols. ' Call room 2) UaikerblacK. ' ' "J 2-JO It 1CAN maljivnilewloaiis on cluittul fcocurltles at ronsonablo rates.V. . K. Potter , room 10 linrKvr'Vllr. ' 701 MONHV-'i.ooVia ' negotiated at low rate * with out dulay , uiul purchasu good commurclal paper mid montage notm. B. A. Sloman , Cor. Kith and Pahlitm. Uti DON'T borrow , nioiioy on furniture , , wagons , etc. , until you havu so u O. 11. .In- ( ru. Vlrst Nutloual bank biillilliii ; , I'or. Ilthuml I'arnum OAN8 on llrst-class real estate at very low s. Central Loan & Trust Co.lull Kurnam. IVI 5 MONKY Loaned for 30 , CO or9U days , on any kind of chuttitlot'curity ; reasonable Inter est ; business confidential. J , J. Wilkinson , U17Purnauif > t , 27 _ " G wri'"eck can loan MOO.OUuat lowest delay , cash ou liauti. Hooiu t Frenznr blk. K"5 jlitt M UNKY to 1/mn Wo Have several thousand dollars to place for pastern partloi on Im proved city property. Harris , room ( II 1st Nut. Itanic bldg. 'tli tKOPIK'S Klnsuclal Kxcliange-Tno fairest , quietest , inojt liberal money exchaugd in : ho city ; loans Hindu without delay or publicity , u any amount lurh'o or small , at the lowest atos of interest , on any available security ; onus may bo paid ut any timu or renewed at irlglnal rates. O , llouscaroii , nigr , room fiO'J ' , darker Wk , 15th and Parimm. 70t jlfONKY to loan A few thousamU trom llrnt H-LlmiulH nt very low rates. 0. F. llarrinou. ilorcnauts' Nafl bauk , mh j > i- ' ' i'TfnhnTOffi. . - t . i x BUSINESS CHANCES. _ _ \\r.\NTIU ) A partner .with Sl.r > 00or JJ.OOO tc T T engage In the gcncrM mercantile liiHiness , Klrst-clacs location and established trade. Co opcrntlve Lund * Lot Co. . SCO N ICth > t. 522 II . . . . , half IntereJt Inures- tnurant , No. 1 locution , flna rim cm torn ; ouner routing \M1I take some trade. Price JI.5UO. J. li. 1 CO J ; Co. 6000 W H Sell the WorM-J. U lllco A Co. have ati , > thing you want from Maine to Cali fornia. Uraneo groves In Floridawalnut groves grass In Missouri and Kruum , oil laiuls In \ \ y- nmlng , n flowing wells and sinking others ; gold mlno < in Colorado , stork ranches In Tc.xns.Now Mexico , lown nnd Nebraska ! Improved farm * nil over the t'liHed states , and 240 ncres clear land In Manitoba to trade for houao nnd lot In Omaha , 1,1 vo stock , business chances nnd Umahaival estate. ,1. 1. . lllco V Co. , olllce hours S n. m. to 5 p. m nnd from Oi > .m. to lop , m. at residence , StUU Decttiar st. Take lied car line. 4i > l 7 I.1VK man with SM.tXX ) cash can learn ot Jsoinethliift wol thy his lin rstigutlon bv call * Ing on or addressing J. l > . ltlro\-'o. ( 50ilit rpci buy , sell , rent , lease , trade , oxr-hange , Jor for loans. Insurance , notary public. liu l' ness chnturdseo.I. li. Hire , V C > > . 4S.'i 7 roOKnttli All kinds of inerrhandlsp nnd J personal property wanted In pxchniiRO for tinprmivl farms nnd wild hind. 1'orelgn Kni > migration Co. , Idioms S nnd tl 1501 rnrnam st. iVO H ! 73AOH SAtiKVII nssortod stock of general X iiiercliandlvo In n thriving town In i-iisti'in Nebraska ; good cish Ijusluoss established ; good roasiin for Rclllng. Apply to Mrl'onl , Hrndy & t o. Onmhii. 3075 " [ 3AHTXHH wniitod to take half Interest In 1. one of thp oldt'st nnd lu > st-locstod restau- runts In Omaha ; uiu < > f > 0) ) or J0)u ) cash. .1 , I , , nice i t'o. fion U TPCW oSAI.II-.MIlk-dalry.H. 4 , HUN. 10th t. J-1 yioj set "TJ1OH SAliK A well established law business JIn a thriving town in Nehru-Ota. Trrms reasonabla. Adilro-s N-M. Oinixhn llee. 17H It T7UIH SAIi-Alirlckynrd : In the thriving town J-1 of Scrlbner , Neb. , capacity lnwiU ( ) brick. Tor tiarticulnrs Imnilre . .fustiriICroegor , IBth and t.'nss , or the owner , John Homberg , Scrlb- nor , Nob. fol i FOR EXCHAMCI- . " \\rANTKD A stocK ot hardware , furniture. ' Giot'orlcs , dij goods , clothing , or boots and ftliou * . in exchange toriiKimd ( armor citvproiv. orty. I'o-oper.itlvo Land , V Lot Co05 N. lutli. _ _ . _ _ rpo buy. soil , roiit. lo.ise , tr.ido , i xcliang - -L or tor hulls. Insurance , notiry uublir. busl ness rlmucus , stu J. I , , lllco \ . Co. 4fl'i 7 FOH liXI'HANCKPour South Omaha lol.s , f lot ) each , lo Undo lor Nebraska l.iml. Selby , I.V.'I til KANSAS nnd Nvbiaska land toexchaugo for Iowa town propel ly. ( has H. Woolloy , looms iVIt nud , I'uxton block. 4IU I TVtti8. hardware or merchandise wanted l for ,120 acres of land.V. . llouestoel , I'roigh- ton , Kiiox county , Neb. fill Fat TflOll IJXCHANtli : Team horses or mules - * - wanted lor p.iynumt on bouse nnd lot , balance monthly or quarterly payments. Selby , 1521 I'arnam. IW4 GNU hundred and sixty acres In Ilarlan Co. llouso and I lots In Kraiikllu , Fiauklin I'n. , for Improved Ouiiiha property. J. H. Arnold , 1722 S lllth , 510 C * 171OH KXCHANOU-l'or desirable resldcnco Jpioperly In Omaha , any or all of following : 40 choice inside residence lots in Hastings. Ill l lots lu Lincoln. lH'iuitcs ilni ) fanning land , Lancaster county. Fine ie < ltlonce property , Lincoln. Oood rental property. Lincoln. Choice fancy residence , corner Los Angeles. A neat lOilueiico property in llauscoiu Place. Also some good mongago uolo-f. Adclrnss , giving location and prtcoof prop erty. .1. U. 11. , care llaiiin Iron Co. . IJ17 Le.ivon- worth. ; ! | { JIX hundred and forty acrrf.s and cash to ex- -'cliaugi' for hoiisu In wehtern part of city. Chas. It. Woolley. looms Bit and K ) , > , Paxton blk. 4Tt 1 IIIAVUroal oml personal property of all kinds for trarte. Call and see mo. ( Jeorge J. Sternsdorir , room li , opp. P. O. : tj \\rANTKD Hrlck and biulillng material for T Y cash and lols.V. . J. Paul. IflOU Parnain. 201 ANTED House nud lot In Kounlzo Place for clear laud uud c.ish. ( ; has. It. VVoollor. rooms 531.ui'l 6'15 , Puxton block. 4X1 I TT1OU KXCIIANC1K House and lot or nice J. building lol to trade for long time leal estate - tate d mortg. > V L Solby. 1 > 21 Farnum. in FOR UXCHANGh South Omalia lot for team hones or mules , wagon and harness Selby , IKil Farnam. fiSl e lst-cl.isscleir Improved Oina- 1 mi property for good timber limd. N 23Ueo , 213 J 2uT 171OltixcnANUK-3- : ) new honsoand lot J- ' for small faim near Neb. county Boat. Selby , IV-Jl Kurnam. iJOl TTIOtt nXUHAKOG-Carrlaco and btiuijy with X , MOJ cash for unsecured note or long time noitfaqo. ; Solby , lu.'l Kariiiin. : C31 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Fet PAijKVr tra feT "A Iluofiirm I Ml acres In Hurlan county , for sale or trailo for a stock of uroceiles or city property , liiijulro at Jlojrcr V Huapki * . . . 4i5 ; fit T71OK SAIK fin cnsy terms , ono S-rcom , JL' ] iut and cold water , bath and ill modern 1m- irovvincnts i , also large barn. 1) . U , Johnson , 'toomfiO ' , I'axton building. 4BJ'.i \ \ sell > ou af . 7or 8 room newhoiiM ) In good locution on monthly payments : no rash runultod : call lit once. 1 loom CIS and M'J 'uxtonblk. .1 H Johnson. 4U 5 J'lOCK farm for sale. 4(0 ( acres , all under Jfonce , runnitiK water , ] ! ) ) acres in cultivation , ( I ncres , timber , mlli'.s ot Ashland , Neb. For lartlculars aadrehs p. A. Campbell , Aslilaiul , < ob. 5105 * X'O buy , sell , r < ) nt , lease , trade , oxchause- or for loans Insurance , not'iry public , bml . heo J. 1 , . Hlce & Co. 401 7 FOKSALH Or trade , for good liihlde prop , crty , tinee good , blde-bar Columbus jnggy and pnacton , 1'artles with oiitbiilo In- umosred property ncod not uptily. C' . S. Slo- mm , Itoom 21S Kiist Nafl bans building. 471 M FOlt SAI.H Full lot , Mooin house , clostt.cel- lar. clHti-tn. well Impiovrd. Price tl.ItlJ , H ash , bal I year. ? , fill ! ) Miami nt. 4l5t JT10H R.\riT-512 acres. H.iinliton To. . NobT L land , * J peruT * , ono-tnlr.l cub , b.ihvi'uut percent. Address W. J. Wllduuu , Denver , 3ol. : i 7 Cl rOO buys a full lot anil Rio < l 4-room cottage , Pcasy torins and iicU loeation , I ) . \ ' , Sh oios , oiiii210 ( , Wist Nat'l bank , cor. Uth and Kur- mm. ! jj8 _ | jiit ( SI < K Two el'gant homes In I Inns-corn X1 I'laci ; on reasonable terms : mortgiigo paper akcnas parr payment. Hosworth & .loplln , talker bluck. ; itu "Hltm SAI/i-Not : for trade 543.W ) ucrcs ot -L1 improved lands nitlu.i from Jluniuetto , In HumlltonCo. , Neb. l'"ia'na huusu , tramustu- bitf : f jaort'siiiiil ra god 4 barb-wire fence , round cedar pojtw anil t wo stays ; living wati-r , , M nells , ivlmlmlll , iljj.barrol tank. Ht'lf-li'cdi'r trough , etc. ; 7u ucrm clover , a good htockraiuh. I'lico ( about J12psrncro ) . } n,60) ) Cash . ; ) .noi ) U years tlmo at ft pt-r cent . ) Ho and look over the Und and address the owiur , I1 , Iv , Atkins , 1)0 : 1.arlmor tt. , Dunver. Colo. 3 N ) FOH SA Mi Or e. chaimo for Onuha prop erty. Ml acres , hultalili- for platting ; will iiiukoiifj lots , all clear ; big money In It forsomu one who can push tiiLs : located just outside tlm city lltnltNOt Council Illuirs. Inimlro lieo. J. BtemsdoilT , opp. postolllce. 3')1 RPKC'IAIibarguliM In farms , webtern land and city properly , call u'ld ' sou us. Nob. Snt- tllngandliiipply Co. Itoom 9 , Hoard of Trade. _ _ 3.1'J-JIJ [ T10H SAI.H Goodhouso of 7 rooms , full lot , -L' wi-11 , clbtcrn. bum for I horses , acliooi. [ hurch undstoiu near by , street earn ono lilock uwny , In growing pint of city , KOUI ! niilglibor- liood. title perfect , good home for man of mod- crate nu'.uii. Gc-t ready for next bprlng by buying n home now ; will take u vacant loins part payment. C. r. Harrison , .Merchants Nut. l'aik. ; iiu IflOll SAI.H-Cheap for cash. The I'nlon house A. ' in Norfolk .Junction , Neb , Well furnished and but a few steps from depot ; Jias an excel lent patronage. Innnodluto iiosse slou given. Hoason for bullluv , poor health. Thomas I'ur- 4T > Of 'I > iAUTIFI'Ij ; 8-room IIOIMO of mojt modern JJUealgu nnd tlnlsh. Nothing omlttoit in ( ts ronstructton ; furnace , city water , KM , hot and cold water , untlmiu oak finish , largo east front ot overlooking the city ami Council UluUs ; tha bouse comjiloto In all Its details : can hu pur- rhased now one or two thouminu ID * * tUan In Iho spring , \V 111 pay you to Investigate now. IX I' . ilarrUou , Merclunii * Nftt'l bank. UIJ AK1NI ! Improveil farm near PaplUlon for SUH , 1,1 iiilif's from Omaha at ( I ) an aero. Apply at ' )1T ) lluraey btrett , 472 JI 171OK HAfiK-Orexchanse , teu acnTs on l' r. ! 'namat. , betuven&Sthand 39th ts. , HJO.Ulrj. llrado for real etata.uiortgafrt > nyn > anil on toruu. W. L.Belby , 1W1 iamain. H'J-JB ' ri O buy , sell , rent , IolS ( tr ( K excn tir ( < JL or for IOMIS. Insurance , notary imblle. bn l ness ehanrea , svo J I * , Hlce A Co. _ 40S T FOU3AI.R unew house In K doslrabls pan of tha city , two lots , house contains Ml m oil cm liuproTfmenis , hot and cold water furnace. QIVS , bath , electric hells , nnd elnctrli gasllRhtlnenrranRomont , p.irlors , Imll and din lug room finished in oak and cherry , I'oi price and terms address P O. drawer 47 clir. OMAHA. TIC A INS. Westward. HunnlngbetweimCouticll HlulTsailil Albright. In addition to the stations maiitlouad , trains stop ut I'wontloth and Twenty-fourth streets , undut the Summit In Omahn , . ifroad- Trans- Umalia South Al- wiiy. fer. depot.Sheely Umaha br ht. "ATMT A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. " " 0:00 : 0:05 : 6:10 : 0J7 : ! ! 15:50 fiKi : ( 7:1.1 : 7:40 : 7.2 8T2 S:25 8:4. : ! 11:05 : .iir : , )0:0- ) : | lO'Si' ' 111 : ; 10:15 : 11:07 : 11:25 11:30 : ' llifiS P. M. P. M. P. JI. P. M. 1' . M. P. M. 12:12 : IBS ! ) i2n : : 1:12 : 1:1.1 2:13 : 2:4" : ) 3:12 : 4:12 : 1:45 5:1)5 ) r.2 : ! r'V ? 0:12 7 : li 7:12 : 7H'- : ' 7:1 } 7fi2 : oSi - KliO : 11:52 10:05 10:12 10:25'nrll- ' : ! ) ) I 10:45 : ' " - " 11:30 : 11:60 ll:3Jf : 12ri Knstward. COUNOIli CHICAGO. HOCIC ISLAND & PACIFIC. Iicave. Arrive. A No. 2 0:00 : p. m. No. 1 7:1)0 : ) a. in. " No. 0 0OJ : a. m. No. D 5:50 : p. in. No. 4 U:40 : n.m. No. U 0:4. : > p. m. CHICAGO. mntUNf.TON & QU1NCY. A No. 4 . . . .UIO : n. ni..Y ' No. 5. . . .7M : a. m. A 'No. 8 r.:3i p.m.lA * No. 7 . . . .5:30 : p.m. A No. U 0:50 : p. m.JA No. 3 . . . .0:5'J : ' p. in. CHICAGO Ac NOllTIIWESTKUN. A No. (1 ( ! t0n. m. A No. 3 . . . .7:10 B. m. A No. . ; . . . . : p. ni.jU No. 1 7OJ n. m , II No. 2 8:10 : p. m.A | 0:45 p. in. CHICAGO , JIII.WAUIC15H & ST. 1'AUI , . A No. 2 U:40a. : m.A | No. 1 0:50 : u. m. AKANSAS 7:00 : p. m.'A ' No. Jl. . .0:50 : p.m. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSKPH & COUNCIL lihUPKS. No. 2. . 9:25 : u in 'A ' No . . . .0:30 : a. m. No" i..0:20 : p. m.lA No. . . ; . . . : p' iii ! SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC. No. 10 7:05a : , m.'A ' No. U . . . , K:55 a. in. No , 12 7:00 p.m.'A ' No. 11. . . .9:01) ) p , m. OMAHA A : SI' . I-OUIH. A No. 8 4 : : < 3p. ui. A No. 7 12:00 : m. A dally : II dally oxci > pc Saturday ; (3 ( except Sunday ; I ) except Jlomluy : * last mall. Tliu tlmo given obovo Is for Transfer , tiicro being from llvo to ten minutes between Trans fer and local depots. THE CHICAGO Gfiicago , Msruhnllown hlenito. JlllwBiikne. . , . \u \ of N8braili . ( : ol ( > : VnTrvfiV 1,11' I.d.b2' ' "oviuln. Oreij.jii. iViuli. lLW/ST'ifi.JllJ ' ! ? " "U"erlur "I M rou polriti nf luporlorltr " " ' ! r"l" < l > tw enOniihi . n clojr of I AV . 51' ' ? r" ' ' " "I i 5lllt "umanurliuiil . . . j 'iiuily ran rruato. It j AlAOKHI.KKIlINfiiAH4 cHinSiTilWir"011 ' , ? nul ' " " ' ol. | ! huro . At ! ' " " " " ! ' " [ ' " ' 'n ' of Uiu Union I'oclllo llali. r/oTNmfi , ' u.'llo"i'0mf ' ! | with tu" " of Iho a . Tssi iferlis "N ORTH WESTERN" * | WII.MIW aei'l ' ' . l'tt ' ' ' ' ' IV. N. DABCOCK. tli J'UVe'it'e'f'n'A.ent. 1) . IS. KIM IAtt.TIrket Aifanl. tm ; ! VViCST. Cllr Pan ner Aleut < u HOI F.rnara t Ouialia. No" TA WEAKPJCiS rin froinll I II 1 > unr * | glg"M'-iri'tt ! tify"miifi * W ' ' BlBBaBBfrfura , railr a < * > r , loit iTianli.iu.l. ( i , . , ivlll writ n ialiml > ! . > A < | | M dualcil ) mnlnliilnir full iwitlculara ( ( / > l.omartiro. fritfitrlmrut * . Ad'llriut. PROP. F.C.FOWLEfi.Moodua , Conn. W.J. OALnilA-lTn.- ! Surgeon and Ph/sbi / 11 , > aiceN. W Corner Utli ur.4 Duu.jUn.Ht. O.nca telephone , I'M ' ; Uuildouw tulopliouu , 5JJ. and nil urinary troublm casll/.imlclc. ly and af iy cured by DDU 1'U It A Cap. lutes. Several CAM * cured In suven day * . Sold 11.00 par box , all druyglNU , or by mull from ) > - muMfu.Co 113 WhiteBtN , V. Full Ulmlloin CONCIL BLUFFS LATE NKWM. Accident on tha Motor. The flrs accluont of any magnitude ) on tha motor line occurred last evening ntimtt tlQ § o'clock. Motor No > 9 w * coming , fro * Omaha ana hail rcnchcd tho. main span vrhotl-1 tlio headlight of nnothor motor appeared upon y the sumo track. The story ns Riven by < m s oral of the imssontrors Is that the M inio" ninl conductor both left tliolr posu tin Jumped from the cars without ncttlnj ? the brakes. Tlio passengers becnmo panlo strlcUcn nnd piled over each other In their efforts to escape. J. U. Urostard rushed out nnd set ono of the brakes , wlillo nnothor ° " Kcntlomnn did the same with , the other John LUC.IS nnd others Itept tlio most of the passengers In the curs by closing ; the doom. Two ladles wore ijulto badly Injured. Ml < a Alleo Dorsoy , nn omployuo t MOOIurff'n crnokor factory , foil , striking upon her lioiul , nudvus rendered unconscious for n time. Vt'hon she recovered her mind aho wua In so bad u condition Unit thij nbovo nnincd gontlo- tiinii had to curry her to her homo on Myn- stor street , near Klglith struct. Slio WM | iroicrly | enroll for , Tlio engineer states that the br.ilto would not work , which la his c.M'tiso for leaving tils post , ) i OIT l'or the \Vnr. Tommy HrooKs , the clover younfc llfflilj ' weight pugilist of this city , leaves to-dhy foe I'i Kansas City , where ho Is matched to light Hilly Nolan on the Inst for $250 a. nldo. Ho bus received n telegram to holil huiisolf In readiness ut miy tnlniite , nud Ills oxjkjcted that the mill will eomo oif In n few' , dny8. Ilrooks whipped Nolnn nbout a your ngo , lire-idling Notim's ' rib In the sceoiul ruund. Ho is being backed by .Tnelt Itynn , of Xanana City , who backed htm for the llrst light. Hrooks Is In splendid condition and strips nt 118 pounds. Ho expects n long , hard HpUtt- , nnd Is preimrcil for it. Ho intends to Winter nt SU Louis. About , n ilozon well known sporting men cf this city nnd Onmba will accompany him to Kansas ( Jlty to witness the mill. ' ' I ! | Wonderful Popularity. Tlio fact Unit the sale ot Dr. Pioreo'a Ploiisuut Purgative PolleHoxcoodsthntj of any other pill in the market , bo It { 'roat or small , la on account of the fnct-\ " | tluu they ui'o tiny , little , sugar-con' granules , nnd that in most casostonoN , llttlo "Pellet" Is snlllclont fora-do80 , ; $ that they arc purely vegetable rtnd per j foctly harmless ; and for constipation , biliousness , side headache uml all diseases - ' oases arising from dornngomontof the llvor , stomach or bowels , they arc.-abso- lutoly 11 specific. A gentle laxative OB * active cntluirtic , aceorillng to size o"j > doso. i I'liywlcal Itcauty. Tlio London Glebe : There ; f\ho Berne men to bo met with who frankly admit Unit their wivo nro uyly , and.ovtfti horn nnd Ihora n wife who agrees tunt her liusbiuul'a judgment IB correct. But' , aa a rule , every man considers'his own choice the , anil where there nro 60 minds there will bo 50 idonb of what constitutes physical beauty. Wo all know and admit that personal charm and mental accomplishments can transform - - form a plain mco into a handsome ono , and the lack of them deprive awoman with the countenance of a Creole stntuo ot the beauty which at llrst sijjht struck the eye. tt is notorious that iho women over whom men "play the fool" nro often far from pretty , wet frequently the hello of an Indian station is the ugliest girl within fifty miles , and the women round whom half the men on board a ship on a long voyage lluttor is very no means the beauty of the quarter dock. Nina D'Enclos , who had lovers after she was seventy , docs not seem to have boon n great beauty. Nor , if wo arc to judge from some ot the portraits ot Mary of Scotland , was that slrou , with whom , as Lord Beaconsllold used to say , men fall in love to this day , bv any means strikingly beautiful. The dan gerous women" of history have seldom boon beauties. Nature is full of com pensations. The reigning belle ia too often silly , or , overestimating the fasci nations of her face , does not take tlio trouble to be amiable. On the other hand , the plain woman , know ing that she IB handicapped ut Iho start , does her best to compensate for her ill-favorcdncss by attractiveness of milliner , and in the end generally wins in the race. John Wilkcs , who was the ugliest man of his day , was in the habit of boasting that ho would give the handsomest man of England half nn hour's start ot him , and oust him early in the running. There is , in truth , no accounting for taato. Dr. Johnson al ways spoke of the painted and aftectdTL widow , whom ho married in the heyday - day ot his youth , us ' 'a pretty creature , " and even Joe Gargory , in one ot the most delightful of .Dickons' novels , waa willing to believe that Pip's masoulino sister was "a line liguro-of a woman. " A druggist at Fort Scott , Kansas , persuaded - * suadod D , A. Camp , a bookkeeper , to buy a bottle of Chamberlain' ; * cough , remedy. Mr. Camp now says the rem edy is unsurpassed for throat and lung complaints , especially for cJiildroa troubled with colds , and that ho would not bo without it for many times It cost. Only GO cents per bottle. All druggists sell it. IJIrt Ho Mean It us n Threat ? Chicago Tribune : Wife William , how much do you think you cut ) afford to give for missionary purposes'next- year ? Husband , nn ice-packer ( viuiliptivoly ) 1 can alford to give ns much as nny - body in the congregation , Maria , but I won't give a cent not a blamed cent unless there is an immediate improve ment in this weather. A 50 cent botllo of Dr. Btgolow'a Positive Cure will promptly and thor oughly cure the worst case of recent cough , cold or throat or lung trouble. Hny the dollar bottle for ohroiilq casoo. Ploinniit to tako. Goodman Drug Co. They Hot TliiM-o .luHt the Haiur. Chicago Tribnno : "Thoy toll me you live in a ninth lloor flat. Don't you lind ' iipiirtmonls itt such an olovatioii almost' ' uninhabitable in bold woathor'r1" "UninlinbilabloV Oh , no. Boats ground llnor all to pieces. Mprq cock- rouohcs and bigger ones , ' , -TIIR OF THK Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' Tlio licstltoute from Oinitha ami Council IMuITH to = THEEASTE TWO TUAIN3 A1IV HBTWRUN OUA'HA. AMD COUNCIL ULUKKd Clilcnfjo , - AND - Milwaukee , & ! ' " . " B1"01 ; 0118 * Cedar Ilitnldi. JUick Ib frceport , Jlockford , Cllntoit , Dubuijuo , Dnrptiuoit , Elfin , llndlKuu , Jnncsvile. | Uololl , Wliionn , In C'fosse , A J nil olUnr Important po'nti ' Etn , NorlltettU * ] KorlUrouah ticket * . e u oV'lit tUkot arrnt at " ttlcit'l ! 1' Slc | ier aud tin flnul Dining Cnr In tha K&TBTOM luiCniWKfttf.S J. K. 'lUCKlilt. AiiUUnttU ' ( * ullw"ll ! < . ' J. Y. CLAUlC U a rUaueeilBluade4 | .