Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1889, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' SATURDAY. JANTTAKY 5. 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLTJFFS. OFFICK. NO 12 STIIHI2T Eillvcrciliiy cftrrlrr In Any Pnrt ot he City a Twenty Cents 1'crcek. . II. W. T1I/10N . MAXAUKIt. TKLKl'llONKSl llrfiNFf * OFHCK No. 43. XKIIIT KniToit , MIXOIl MKNTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coal and wood. K.13.Mayno,010 B'way. Ezra Kendall appears at Dohnny's this evening in "A 1'alrof Kids. " The Unity Oulld will meet In regular cession this afternoon with Mrs. Kirkland - land , 1 111 rirst street. Olllcer .lorry Mullen 1ms returned from bis wedding trip , and will immedi ately begin housekeeping on Washing ton avenue. W. C. Stacy and S. T. French have Joined forces in the real estate forces , nnd Avill vustlo for their share of the dirt business. .ludgo W. C. James has associated himbolf with the Council Bluffs Invest ment company nnd will render valuable assistance in booming business. Building permits were ibsued yester day for the folloxvlng buildings : II. Bar- bcan , &JOO cottage ; JI. S. Perkins , l,000 residence ; George II. Brown , 150 cot- tngc. UHnwkcyo lodge 181 , I. O. O. P. , in- utalled olllcers lust evening. Deputy Grand Master Sidney Pitt , of Pcorla , , wns present nnd conducted the cere monies. Captain Cousins has ro-ontored com- moL'oitil life bv purchasing nn interest in the business of the Council HlulTb Hay and Feed company , nt the junction of Pearl and Main streets. John H. Williams and Anna Kulil , both of Omaha , ci cased the Big Muddy to take upon themselves , on Iowa soil , the VOWH necessary to enter upon a life of double blessedness. Justices Barnett ( ind Sluiiv. have begun the new year in brand nowolllccs at the old bta'nd , of course , but so im proved that naught of the post remains but the justices themselves. The two councils of Royal Arcanum united last evening in the ceremony of installation of olllcers at their hall last ovening. The work was private , only members of the order being admitted. Within a few days four cottages will be begun , three on Avenue Band ono in Couhran's addition , They will bo models of their kind , costinir from $2,000 to $3,000 each. They uvo to be bnilded by Omaha gentlemen. Mr. E. E. Henry , of Shenandoah , la. , has purchased the grocery stock of Dur- lin Bros. IIo is u young man of excel lent business ability , and if ho doesn't make the business at that stand hum , a then Tin : BJI : : is no prophet. There has been a change in tlio ITol- brook's well known banking institution nUMissouri Valley. The organization lias been made under tbo name of the Valley bank , with Mr. Holbrook presi ' dent'Mr. , Coolbaugh cashier , and Mr. Burke assistant. There will bo no more business trans acted in the district court until Tues day , when Judge Carson will bo back from Atlnntic , where ho was calleu to relieve Judge Thornoll , who had to try a case at Glonwoou in place of Judge Loofbourow. Tickets for the ball of the old Rcono volunteer fire company nro on sale and going like hot cakes. The Masonic temple will bo crowded next Wednesday evening , as everybody and his whole family always turns out at the dromon's ball. ball.Tho The Pottawattamio County Horticul tural society holds its regular monthly jseoting in the south court room of the /minty court house at i ! o'clock this af- touioon. All persons interested in fruit , llowors or gardening , are re quested to bo present. A cordial invi tation also extended to the ladies. nTho condition of the permanent school fund , ns shown by the report of County Auditor Honclricks to the state auditor , under date of January 1 , 1889 , is as fol lows : Cash on hand , $2.007. 9 ; contract notes on hand , $2,830.Co ; mortgage notes on hand , $02,800.27 ; mortgage notes in attorney's hands for collection , $1,000. Total fund , 400,21 Ul. There was not a victim in police court yesterday , not nn arrest having , been made since Wednesday evening. 1 The two days just past Iiavo been the quietest that the "poolers" have known tor some time , nnd it is undoubtedly duo to the many good resolutions Inci dent to Now Year's. They seem to beholding holding on well , and * it is hoped that they will continue , but there are any number of skeptical ones to bo found who freely predict that it will not last long , and" when the change comes it will come with 11 rush that will moro than make up for present inactivity. Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tel. M7. The OKI Ilellnblo Joxvclery Firm of E , Burhbrn , No. 17 Main street , has laid in an immense stock of holiday goods , which will bo sold chcanor than over. This is a special inducement for thirty days. All goods ilrst-class and guaranteed to bo just ns represented. It is an established fact that you can got the best goods for the least money thoro. Cull and examine the stock and got prices before purchasing. See W. C. Stacy's ad. Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera house block. Have our wagon call for your Boiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Weather strips for doors and win dows. Odell & Bryant , 613 Main st. Tlio Itonrtl of Traclo , The board of trade mot as usual last even- Irig , but no business was transacted An ad journment was taken until next Tuesday evening , which is tbo end of the board of trudoj'cur. at which tlmo will bo held the election of ofHcers. final report of commit tees , etc. , and it will also bo decided whotticr or not to continue the bonnl , and all member ships will bo received. A full attendance is desired at that meeting , as it Is of tbo utmost Importance. + , Money loaned at L. B. Crafts ft Co.'a loan oflico , on furniture , pianos , horses , Wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. * W , B. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city property , No. 130 Main street. . Blank bookB made to order. Can fur nish patent binding for parties wishing the name. Call and BOO samples at room 1 , Evorltt block , Pearl street. MOItKllOU&K ft CO. Kino Club Mcotlnif. There will bo a meeting of the Coun cil Bluffs Rifle club on Saturday evening - ing , January 6 ( this evening ) , at 8 o'clock p. in , , at the cigar store of Frank Levin. All members are requested - quested to be present , as business of im . * ' portance IB to bo attended to. GKOHQK MKTOALK , President , PAVT PIT i nn A\T nr\l > Ti P/l I T SOU SNAPS ON SOU COAL , How the Railways and the Dealers Dlvldo the Consumers' Cash. IMPROVING MANAWA ROADS. A New President I-'or the Y. M. C. A1 GHH Hates nt ln\t Tumble Hlllrmon Anxious to Challenge Oninhn. Siift Coal Itatrs. The Investigation in regard to coal rates came to n close at the board of trade rooms yesterday noon. What the decision of the railway commissioners will bo cannot be told , nnd no time is sot for its rendering. There seems to be n general feeling that the complaint of discrimination against Council BlulTs is not very well established by this in vestigation. While it is posltholy stated that Omaha is getting better rates , yet thoho statements scorn to ho informal or inferential , and the clear proof which was expected has not boon forthcoming. The real mission of the investigation was not , however , to de termine this question , but rather whether the rates for Council BlulTs were unerasonablo or not. The evidence brought to light figures which indicate that the coal dealers here have boon making a rather largo profit on their soft coal , and that if the prices are too high for consumers they should look to the dealers for redress , rather than to the railways. One of the dealers , who was not on the stand , gave the following facts con cerning soft i-oal , and the figures are fully as strong as the dealer's side can present. The coal has been selling here at ? yo to Vi a ton. It now sells at V ) . It costs at the mines $1.7o , and the freight is $1.0. ! This makes the total cost M.Ma ton. By bulling for $ " > , a profit ib left of $ l.o ; > , or 60 per cent profit. The dealer claims , nowover , that to the cost should bo added f > 0 cents a ton for delivery , and 25 cents a ton for shortage. This cuts the profit down to 1)0 ) cents a ton , which is deemed little enough , it being only a little over 20 per cent. The other side of the figuring as done by a business man who has been listen ing to the evidence , and boilingitdown , is that he lias been paying So.60 a ton ' for coal which cost at'the mine $1.-M , and freight $ ! . ! ! ( ) , making the total cost here $2.7-1. By his figures it leaves the dealer 100 per cent for his profit. The following are the salient points in the testimony taken yesterday , with the exception of the evidence in regard to the history of the casehowitstarted , and what action the board of trade had taken : Thomas Olllccr gets most of his coal fiom Cleveland. Paid "M.fiS per ton for freight from Cleveland , until the middle of November , over thoJRock Is land road. There was a time when ho got a rebate , but it was not from the railroad company ; it was from the coal company. Burns about a car load or nineteen tons of coal a week. Pea coal costs us at the mines $1 per tonand the freight is $1.10 , which makes it cost laid down here $2.10. .1. L. Williams , engaged in the coal business testified : Gets largest portion of his coal from Beacon , on the Rock Island road. The present rate on lump coal from that point is $1.05. Had an 85 cent rate at one time. Beacon is distant about two hundred miles. Probably sells ten tons of lump to ono of nut coal for domestic purposes. Pays for coal at the Ucacon mine about $1.60 per ton for lump ; the freight is $1.04 , that makes the cost laid down hero $3.1-1. Thinks ho pays 35 cents for steam coal at the mines , freight is $1.10. Coal sells at retail for. from $4.50 to $5.00 , that is lump. As a dealer it doesn't make any difTercnco to mo about the rates. Price of coal at the mine fluctuates , it varies from Sl.fiO to $2 aad $ i'.50. Wo want stability of rates ; wo can't do business when the rate ono month is 25 cents and another is $1.94. Couldn't give any idea of a reasonable rate. rate.W. W. M. Sage , general trafllc manager of the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway company , sworn , testified : Wo gave the same rate to Council BlulTs from mines on the Des Moines .Valley division of our road that the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy did to their mines of a lebS distance , wo did this in order to help our mines out , we lelt it our duty to take care of thorn. The rate of $1.50 on all classes of coal was made before fore it was known that steam coal could bo utilized. It would accumulate around the mines and they would ask us to haul it away , which wo did , and used it in ballasting and fixing up nice yards. Wo felt that our minors must have the same rate to Council BlulTs that the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy gave their miners , but the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy did not like that , as they thought that the nearest miners .should have the advantage. If the retailer in Council Blufls gets $2.00 profit , it is hardly necessary to fight on the 23 oontbdiflorential. Our mines could not live if the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy had the entire supulying of coal. It would not bo to the interest of the . road to allow our mines to go down. So we know that if wo lost by the war , it would bo to the interest of the coal deal ers and coal minors. September 1 , 1887 , when the war commenced , our rates wore on lump ? 1.)5 ! ) , 75 cents on nut and slack , On the 7th I found that Mr. lUploy , trafllo manager of the Chicago cage , Burlington & Quincy , had made the rate on his road on lump $1.10 , on nut and slack 60 cents , which showed his determination to keep 25 cents below - low us. Tnon we made the rate to meet that , and ho lowered the rate to lump 35 cents , and nut und slack 25 cents , which wo mot. On the 23d of October Mr. Ripley said : "Thoro is no ugo in us fighting on the lump coal rate. " So the rate was made 81.68 to Council BlufTs and $1.00 to Omaha. Our rates on Octo ber 23,18S7 , wore , on lump $1.58 , on nut and slack 2o cunts. I told Mr. Riploy logo below that , as he was determined to carry 25 cents below our rate , to carry for nothing. Ho said you ought to give us a little dilTctcnco ; that 25 cents was too much , and wanted to put up the rates on a reasonable basis. Very well , I said , you make the rate and I will make it the same , nnd submit the case to arbitration. On the 10th of March the rates wore made 81.58 on ump and $1 on nut and slack. For u while the rate was raised to H.25 , from May 4 to May 10 , when wo ell back on the O Ion wood tariff. We 3nmo to a conclusion. Mr. Riploy made } \o \ rate from the Whitobreast mines 1.10 , and we made $1.10 fromLoIghton. L'he tarillof Octocor.10 was really is- ued October 1 , though wo had pre viously agreed to give ton days' notice , o it took effect on the 10th. On Octo ber Oth our rates to Council Bluffs wore 1.01 , being the Glenwood rates , and the. ates to Omaha wore $1.00 nnd 31.25. We made the rate on October 10or 200 niles 91.01 and $1.10 , and the rates to Jmaha wore made the same , The Chi- ago & Northwestern have very few mines on their roan. For coal for their own road they have had to go down to Osknloosa. It is true that that road is a Ural class road but is not on the same grade as the Rock Island nnd "Q" in regard to coal. The Milwaukee Is still further removed from being n compet itor horo. It is true tjiat the North western Is greater ihan the Rock Island , hut on coal matters It is idle to expect it to do the business hero. The tariff now is way below the Glenwood tariff. I regard the rates of October 10 as reasonable , as it is loss than the Glenwood rates of the commissioner : ) . All grades haul coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Illinois and Iowa boat soft coal , Glea- son , 20 Pearl street. Notice to Water Consumer * . The water rent for quarter commenc ing January 1 , 1880 , is now duo. A discount of 6 per cent on all bills paid at this oflico before January 10 , 188 ! > . Coinicll Bluffs Waterworks Co. Pickled tripe and pigs' fcot nt Tib- bills' , a 15 Broadway. For Rent Two new store rooms in good location ; Nos. 737 and 7.19 Broad way. S. Saunders , . ' ! 0 Pearl st. L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over Jacquomin & Co.'s jewelry store. It is reported that negotiations nro now in progress for the organization of another gas company in this city. An eastern gas plant manufacturing com pany is nt the bottom of the move , and is now in correspondence wtlh parties here in regard to the matter. If tbo .scheme is carried through as at present planned , the interested parties in this city will bo a well known capitalist and a prominent contractor , whoso mi'iics arJ withheld at their request until matters - tors assume a more tangible shape. They are satisfied that a plant can bo put in hero so as to miniuf'icturo good gas at a handsome prolit , and at the same time furnish it for much less than is now being paid for an inferior arti cle The present company lias reduced ibi rates since the 1st of January , and is now clmrginirkJ.oO per 1,000 feet , with 10 per cent off , making it $2.25 if bills are paid before the 10th of the month. It is stated that the now com- puny \\ould not charge over $2 , and in timate that it might be less than that. It is thought that there will bo plenty of business for all of the companies , either gas or electric.that will enter the lielfl. The amount of business done by the old companies is no criterion to judge by for the future , as the prices charged were so outrageously high that the consumption was inordinately small as compared with what it would be under favorable circumstance * . The indications are that the city will bo well supplied with electric as well as gas light , and it is hardly probable that in cither case the companies will bo limited to one. The present electric' Hi/lit company has u franchise for put ting in an incandescent plant , and is preparing to do so. Several miles of wire have already been bought to wire the city for this purpose. A large number of subscriptions have been re ceived , and it is thought that a plant of 2oOO lights can be started as soon as the machinery can bo soou'cdThe pres ent building will have to be con siderably enlarged to make room for such a plant , and that would , of course , require considerable time , but there is at present some spare room in the build ing , and it is intended to utili/.o that as soon as possible in putting in operation a dynamo to run 170 incandescent lights. One great drawback to starting on a snvill scale and then increasing as busi ness demands , is the fact that the whole line must bo wired with reference to the number of lights to bo furnished. Several sizes of wire must be used , the larger ones leaving ttio building , and then decreasing in s'r/.o as the Granch wires lead off. This is not the case with the arc lights , as in that case there are no branch wires , each light being directly on the main current , which in every case runs into the building and out again. The outlook for another electric light company is not particularly brilliant for the present , as the committee ap pointed by the city council to investi gate the merits of the various plants now in operation throughout the statt- will not start upon their junketing trip until a week from next Monday , owing to an important meeting of the council to bo hold next Monday evening. As there is considerable red tap o to bo un wound , the ordinance granting a fran chise to a now company will not bo passed for some time , so that such com pany will hardly bo able to get a plant in operation before Mr. Olllcor can make the necessary changes in the present plant thus putting them both in practical operation about the same time. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Bargains in real estate in all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main street. All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. The London "Tailor's" is the place to got your clothes inado. 07 ; ! Broadway. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , culTs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Dr. o.jokwill Sue. Dr. Cook has returned from his trip to Nebraska and with blooJ in his oyo. tie says that ho has good evidence that Towns did not have smallpox , the erup tion being the result of vaccination , and , hat alono. Ho has already taken pro- imlnary stops to a civil action against , ho hoard of health for damages. All the members of the family , in- iludlng Towns , have boon discharged rom quarantine. The house has boon umigated and the flags will probably jo removed in a day or two. The decor - or is terribly aggrieved that this ac- rion againstJiim should have been taken ind will seek at the hands of the court .ho payment for the loss and injury to us business which it has resulted in. t > Duy groceries , stationery nnd Christmas goods of Kelley & Younlconnan , 10i ! U'way. * Rock Spring coal , Gleasou , 20 Pearl street. , _ _ Money loaned on furniture , pianos , llamonds , horses , buggies or anything ) f value at low rates of interest. No lublicitv ; fair and honorable dealing. ( V. A. Clark & Co. , otllce cor. Broadway uid Main , over American express. * Tie ) ItoadH For .Ma nwn. Ono of the first improvements which dll bo commenced with the opening of prlng Is the opening and improving of loulovards loading to Luke Manawa. ) no will run from the * eastern terminus I the now bridge , and another will bo un as an extension of Eighth street. ? hose will moot at a point just outside ho oity limits proper. The boulevard , 'ill bo very wide , with a double track , nd will bo handsomely parked the en- ire distance , in the Detroit stylo. Of course the putting through of an enterprise of ths ( > l4nd | wljl enhance the vnluo of nbutting propttrty' VCty' inii- tennlly , Owners will beaded to dour. * ' ' sulliclcnl land for thiatpurposo , and if any dinicully is experidneed nt any point the city council \yillf bo asked to condemn through thct-o inacos. Another matter of iihitei'lnladvanlngo ' is the building of a spur hithe Union Pacitic company from thej cast end of the railroad bridge to. the. lake. Nego tiations leading to thi t end are now pending. It is conlldctitly expected thnt work upon this molorlino , , will commence - monco within ninety dayct The lake Usolf is being improved so thnt another j car and ever attar there will bo abundant water. Several capi talists are purchasing property there with the view of further improvements in the shape of buildings , drives , etc. Property there is changing hands rapidly , and this year the personal of the ownership there will bo materially changed. Thee changes nro cxnoetod to improve largely the future prospects of Lake Manawa. Those already noted will make of It more than over the pleasure resort of Omaha and Council Bluffs. _ A Now Prc.lilpnt. It has been practically though not formally decided that Mr. W. W. Wal lace will bo the next president of the Y. M. C. A. The death of Mr. E. E. Ilarkncss was n heavy blow to the asso ciation , lie had been a most active president , and had numerous projects well stinted for the future iinanciiil and moral strengthening of the associa tion. To secure anyone to taku up those unfinished pluns was no easy tusk. The committee to nominate a successor has decided that Mr. W. W. Wallace is the man to do so , and it is understood he will accept. Not a dissenting voice is heard , and the matter of election will doubtless bo a mere matter of form. Mr. Wallace is an earnest church worker , and with his exporicncj and ability in such matter * will doubtless prove a worthy president for so worthy an in stitution. To CliiillpiiKC OmaJui. There will bo a meeting of the rillo club at Frank Levin's cigar store , at 8 o'clock this evening , for the pnrno-o of arranging for a bhool with the Omaha Hillo club at an early date. There are n number of crack shots in both clubs , and it is thought that a pri/.e club match would bo very interesting. A team ot ton members can bo picked from each club that will make some very neat scores. It ib desired that every insmher be present if ponsibleo that full arrangements may bo made , and challenge isiucd at once. PeiRonal John Lindt , esq. , is at Logan on legal business. Hon. C. F. Loofburo'iv was in the city yesterday. i Mrs. Or. McCune gave a german hist evening at her uleg.inb home on First avenue. F. K. Meyers and family , of Glcu- wood , are vMtiii'f w-iili the family of Theodore Buckman. Mr- , . William F. Loo' , of Keokuk , is visiting her biothor , Mr. C. A. Laccy , on Harrison street. Mr. and Mrs. A. C.1 Harding have just returned from a tnrcu ; months' visit with friends in New Vork. Ollicer James Mulloli lias returned from hii wedding trip'and ib receiving the customary congratulations. T. T. Snow ycbtorjiZay received the sad news that his brother was dying in Illinois. He left for his bedside last evening. F. L. Davis , of Missouri Valley , who can tell a good story and do lots of bus iness at the sumo time , was in the city yesterday looking after real qlato in terests. Miss Hattic Kncpper has returned from Indianapolis , where she has ueen serving as secretary for Mrs. Helen M. Gougor. The last few weeks she has been spending in Chicago. Dan Macruo leaves to-day for Ann Arbor , whore hejs attending colloiro , after spending the holidays at homo. In another year Dun will be turned out a full Hedged M. D. , and will assist hib father in his largo practice in this city. C. P. Shepard , who has been with Ilnrlc- uess Brothers so Ion ; ? us dry Roods salesman , Thuisd.iy noon closed Iiib cns.ucctnent there ou account oT the transfer of the business nnd yesterday entered the employ of .Inlui 13eno it Co. , where his many friends may Una him as plc.isnnt and ohh ing as over. Mr. had only a half day on" , which he spent with his family at homo , excepting' , perhaps , a short time spent in coasting. Rev. A. Rogers , formerly superin tendent for the institution for the deaf and dumb , and later pastor of the Duii- lap Congregational church , has now left California , to accept the pastorate of the Congregational church at Cor- vallis. Ore. His recent residence at the Pacific coast has been mainly for the benefit of his daughter's health. George Walters , of Portsmouth , for the past two ye.irs and a half in the em ploy of W. A. Mauror lib a commercial traveler , severed his connection with that gentleman on the first of the year , and will open a bank at Panama , this state , about the first of next month. Gcorgo has many friends , both in this city and ' 'on the road , ' ' who wish him all success in his now enterprise. Henry Kracht , one of the members of the recently dissolved firm of Tholl & Kracht , has boon acting strangely of Into , and his friends fear that ho 'will become insane. His health 1ms been poor lately , and this , with a depression in businchs , is what has caused his ail ment. It is hoped that with rest and recovery of physical health his mental ailment will disappear. Captain Swobo is now a passenger conductor on the dummy train. Ho made his first run in that capacity yes terday morning. Ho bus boon em ployed as conductor of thcj ferry train for tlio past eleven years and up to the time it was taken off a few weeks ago. It was while acting in thaposition ( that lie sustained a broKen log a few months since. Ho is a populn } * Wiilroad man , und well deserves the promotion. Tlio Olty'H Finance * ) . Following is a report of the city auditor for the month ending December 30 , 1888 : TOTAL AMOUNT , PlfAW.V. Improvement bond fund $10,739,39 [ joneral fund ' . , < ! 8,01'J.tHi Police fund , . . . . , , C3S,7S Total " . . .I * 50,03r.60 JIlHIIUIiSUMBXT * . Piro department 9 1,100. M Police ( lojurtment 047.80 Streets anil alloys. , , , , 571 07 Salaries city otllcurs. , , M5 85 3ty ! engineer l,070.bO Printing and supplies aOS.OO 3as and street lights 'J75.-U Jity marshal's department 377.75 Miscellaneous 2OW.00 , ! Smallpox 10,00 Jouncll Bluffs Watoworks Co M.OO 3ity Inspectors 284,50 3 rail in ) , ' Intersections 315.65 Special grading 3.WH.20 Intersection paving 4,159.10 Special paving. . . 20,000.00 Special sewer 2,507,75 [ ntcscctioa sewer 3,653.37 , Library J 043.31 ' Total . . . . . . $50,037.80 , J. G. Tiptoii , real estate , 527 B'way ] The Coming Tournament. The local firemen's association held n electing la t evening at the council chamber. 1 hi ? oi'cntcr part of tlio session was devoted to the matter oi nrnuiiring prizes for tlio coming tournament , Vhlcli will bo hold nt Union park , beginning Tuesday , Juno lit nnd continuing four days. The list of prizes will be submitted for the consideration of the state board nt the convention which meets at Des Molnct on the IHh inst. A complete list will bo published after that date. The following delegates v.-oro ap pointed to attend the convention : L > . Lncey , .1. L. Tcmplcton , J. U. Tlpton , Charles Nicholson ami M. Kohrer , The committee on transportation reported oven thing progressing finely In thnt direc tion , A committee was appointed to sco about hotel rates nnd report to the president before the bth last. All work Is already under way , nnd it is already an assured fact thnt tlio tournament of I SMI will bo a mammoth success. Several thousand dollars worth of prizes will bo plven. A number of gentlempn have pledged themselves to stand good for,0X ) ( ) expenses in ad VPI Using and making preliminary ar rangements , Kt\lnrii\\\K \ \ His Trank T Qvln 1ms extruded his business by purehasimj the barber shop and fixtures of Charles Heislcr. The shop will bo moved acioss the itteet to Levin's cigar store , where it will occupy ono side of the front room The tiansfer will talto place MonQay morn ing. _ _ To Sons tl * Vt'teraiiH All parties , sons of veterans , over eighteen years of nge , who wish to join the George M. O'Urlcncimp ' , No. 7.H of V. U. S. A. , will meet at the ofllco of N Shur ? this evening at S > o'clock sharp. JJy order of committee. A rasp of diphtheria is reported In the family of iMr. Cm rotlieri , 3'OS West Broad way. THE COUNCIL BLUFFS ENT COMEANY Make the following announcements : Wanted Soini1 Miinll houses to sell on cn y terms and small payment down. Wo liuvo for sale nice trackage proporti on First avonue. I Jig bargain in lots near iho Electric Motor line. line.Largo list ncieago pioperty for platting , $1 to WOO per acre less than present worth. Hnvc some of the business property in the city for sale clii'ap. Have good impiovcd farms in western. Iowa and eastern Xcoraska to exchange for srorks of merchandise. H\Vc iiavo some llist-i'lns1 * business nnd losidencc inoporty to trade for No. 1 farms , well Improved , in Iowa and eastern Ne braska. Home choice bargains in real estate. Call and examine c\ur list bcfoiu von buy. Money to loan on city and fni m property at low into of intriest. Money leauy ns soon as papers are completed. Come and see us and get our prices , terms , etc. Xo. IQ'oarl SI. , Council FOR SO DAYS ! I mint have room for spring goods , and will soil all goods now in stock at prices far below any ever oflered before. This is no bait to catch the trade but a genuine clearing-out bale , and every thiny miibt go. Parlor sots , bedroom sets , heating ant cooking stoves , handing lamps , oi : cloths. All goes without reserve. 1 have a big Block and can suit you in whatever jou want. Come and see mo and examine my IToods. 1 must sell. No prices quoted , but no reasonable oiler will bo refused. A. J. MANDEL , NO. 25 BKOAUWiVY , BLUE-fi'S , IOWA. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. POIl HUNT Two story biiblne-s house , No. 0) ) HroartH.iy opposite ocriun lion e. i'os- ) cs < < lo'i given Murch 1. Jmiuho ol Alex Wood , . ' . ! I'ranlihtreet. \A7"ANTKO Ooort dining loom girl at Now it 1'nclllo hotel , South Omaha. POIl HUNT Nicely finnlshcil looms for man nil'l ' wlfo or two KPHtlPiuim , with use nri > Mi ) , loatcd by l3 , 7th bt. , Aiuent block , Jouncll Ululls. \ATANTr.l ) Rood dining room gill lit 1'aci- V > lie hotel , South Omaha. GOUNCIL BLUFFS PROPERTY , L'AHTIAL LIST OF PROPERTY FOR SALC ISY GBCX METCALF 14 l i&SU : , STKKKT , COUNCIL ULura's , IOWA. Icsldcnco on Oth nvo f : t,000 { csidenco on ( ith nvo 1,100 { csidonco on litli uvo 1,500 icsldcnco on (1th ( uvo 1,000 { csidcnce on Oth nvo 1,000 ( c-ildoncQ on Oth uvo S. * > ( ) { ctidonoc on llth st O.fiOO iesidcnco on lith st 0,000 Jcsulenco on North bth bt. , lot ISlx- Kili'X , KroatbarK.iIn 3,000 3uneh of 5 houses nnd 1 lots on ilrd nvo 8,000 { csldcnco on Scott at y,000 iesuicnco on Plainer st. For jrico und n.uticuhirs inquire Vn ulcKunt icsidunccon 1st , uvo. , ono ininuto walk from government building. For price and particu lars inquire Jcsiilcnco on Otli nvo. . three minutes wnlk from county court house. Cash 3,200 { csidenco and four lots on nvo. "C , " Street's add 2,000 jtoro building und lot on Pacific live , , * near U. P. transfer 1.600 . ' \vo-.story frame store in town of Car son : , 2,000 ieventy-llvo lots m Squne's add. , north of transfer , elegantly loca ted , $300to.UX ) each iunch of U lots , Central HU ! ) 1,500 lunch of l' > lots , Cooper , MuMuhon & Jeffries mid. , if taken before Jan. 1st , for 5,000 in elegant lot on 8th at. Cash U.OOO 'lirco line lots on Hluft street at a bargain 00 foot frontage on Park avo. for fc50 per foot lusincss property on Uroadwny lusincss property on Main Ht in improved farm of 100 uores not far from Clmutuuqua grounds , con- slsting of hill und dale. For par ticulars inquire 3-acro truct ono mile from Uroadwuy , suburban location 7,500 , 11 addition to the above I have vacant property in nearly every addition to the city. METCALF , 1\0. 14 PUAIU , ST. , COUXCIL , ISMJFFfi , IOWA. I have laid In a nloo line of "boots und hooBwhich I nm boiling at the smallest Ivlng prollt. I urn establishing a per- lanont business , for I nm here to stay. nd ns my oxponhos nro small I can sell ou goods very low. Call and convince ° Uni0lf' Uni0lf'L. L. UIWEIIAN , No. U-'O Uioaantiy , OLD PIANOS MADE NEW Don't tradeoff yottr old plono oi'IOrgnn , bcciuiso it is out of rcpnlrnoi'glvc it nwny inirmlo for n UCVH one. Toke it to SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY ! They will , if needed , put In n NEW SET OF HAM MERS , NEW IVORY on KEY BOAKD , REPLACE ANY PART OF OLD ACTION WITH NEW , REFINISH - FINISH THE CASE , nnd your Instrument is bet ter than some or the new ones. It is n well known fact thnt Swnnson Music Co. gives the best sntisfncllon in Tunlng-mid Ropnirlng nil kinds or Musical Instruments. The best of i-ef- t | ei'ences given. \o. aa imoADWAY , COUXCIL , isLiirrs , IA. I SIZES FROM K3i > 9Cla1lr Ailnptoil ( oc ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC GUT-OFF ENGI fixclflcntloni nnil rstlmnLc'J.fuijilshcil for complete "stonm iilnnt1 ! . HoKulnttnn , niiitxulllty Oimr- nntcecl. , Inn show litters fioiu users \\ueio fuel Ilconomj Is cijiml with Corliss Non-Comleiiiliii ; ? ' E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. oil ) Pearl Street , Council UluIR This space is reserved for C. J. COL BY'S' Real Estate advertisement , which will appear in cair next issue. Look out for bargains. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS TO \T ( MRS. C. I. . 'HAIR EMPORIUM And SPO lior Hue line of Hair GomU. TIXIIST H.VIIl OKXA.MIIXTS in ( lie city. Wf ; , " , llcanls , Olc. , for Kent or Sale. < ; MJTAB Axn COYL.I : AIM * IHVKHCS GIIKKSK I'AINTS , HAIR DUICHhlNG. JiTO. . 2 ! > OTAIil ST. , : COUNCIL HMJn-'S. S IIY .MAIL lUXT.lVli 1'liO.MI'T A'l rlJ PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HRIRtflMRl WF- Hydraulic and Sanitary Knginccr. Plans , Ustimales , Ull tl\l M Lit 11L. Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NOrvUjp'7 | Justice ol the Pi-ace. Ojllce over American E\piess , No. 419 i OvMlUriA. " " Broadway , Council Blufl's , Iowa. Attorneys at Law , 1'racticc in the State and Fed era &QIIVIQ " " Courts. O/llcc / Rooms 7 and 8 , Shnjjart-IJeno Block , Cotinci' ' Bluil' ! . , Iowa. DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. kOCAl , A.\D TEtAVl Bfttt AGUSTS ON NEW BARGAINS * I \ / _ f , 4'lItST AVKNUIS IiOTH , I < 'J3flUY ADDITION I/O I'H , y ADDITION EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , tmVANT & Olj.YKK'H ADDITION IjQTS , STHBKT'S ADDITION IjOTA filso Oacroa of the liest property In town for platting. W. C. STACY , IIOOM , OlMSltA IIOIJHK BLOCK. Council Illuirii , lowu. CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THEPBONT ! _ UNTIL riJHTHKIl M > T1CK I WILL BKI.f , BEEF , VEAL & PORK OF MY OWN nill'.MSI.SO - uwa Cattle Fedoi ( owaCoin ! , Uul will meet any honest competition on pilcca for I Irst-Class s. J. M. SCANI.AN , IUU Jlromlwny. - - Trlophono UO1. _ THY OUlt MUHH. O. McDANELO & GO , , iesjallow , Pelts , Wool & Furs , Ugliest mailcct pitcca , Prompt returns. KHi and K ! MulB Bt. , Council Jlluirw , lowu. UK * ! ' AND NIOi ; 3HRISTMAS PRESENT FOR LADIES , riusli , 611k Flannel uiul C'asbmmo clre sijn Ready-Mnde and Made to Order , By MRS. JULIA STEIN , illl Douglas et. . Omaha , Cheapest in Icca , and ; ooil lit guaranteed , c. i : . HIUI. : 0. A. BELL & RERL1GHOF , Hj Designers and Superintendents of Construction , Mr. ItcrlhiKluil' mis FOUMI jcars wllU .Mciidclbsoliii , Fishor& l.oury , anil lias designed ninny or the llncst blocks In Oniiilni and Council ltliiu" > . Plans and Specifications Prepared and Estimates made on Application , Studio , Jtoom fi Opera Jfousu Illuclt 110MIO DHKSKISI ) MKATH ! Kxiimlm ) the following prlcos for cnsh only il buy \uiir muatH dicBHuil itt homo. 1 will 11 until f urthor notice ns follonu : houlilcr and thnck loust . & to Co I'rlmurlbiaast . So Clnick ntcnV : . bo Kounil Btt-nk . BlolOo Hlrloln slenk . I Do I'orteihouso t < uk . 10o llollliin lioof , . \ to rc MnttniiHtuw lie Mutton ) ( ' [ 'H fo Corn beef no fie I'ork roust. 11)0 ) I'ork chops itml stmik ice J.aid , puru anil euro n make 120 , our out ] nitiko 10Q Hcincinlior thin In the only IIOMK IMIHSH M HAT MAKICHT 111 the city. No forulgn moat * sold. Toll-phono No , S3V. C. Li. NKU.VAS , No. HIM Main Ht. TIIOS. UrncKii. U' . ll. > l. 1'usisr , OFFICER & mil , BANKERS. Corner Main nnil Uroadwny , COUNUI1 , 1IMJFPH , IOWA. Di-nlvrx In forvlKn end ilomontln exclmnce. Colluclloiib made untl Interuut paid ou posits. n P""t > y revurn mill full neirnptlr * I" i ? iIP" rlrculnra o ( M O O I > Y' k Nevr I l b > fco Tartar Hmlrm ot Dm * Cat * Iliia , Any ludy of ordinary li'lcmcencocMitnliy ' and < iulckly I"1"1 ( o cut mil make auy ciriuenj , In any ntyle. lo any lueaiurn for lurty or rUlld. OarmeiiH ttiarnntHf-J Jo fltJI'Mfert urtou ( rjl/lno t . Addun AIUUUV * CO. , Clarlunall. O