Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Locally , Hutchinson Was Counted
the Heaviest Seller of Wheat
Considerable Interest Manifested In
I'rovlHlotiB Demand 1'or Cnttle
itntlinr Hotter and 1'rlccs
HlKlicr lIe { H Steady.
CHICAGO. Jan. 4. ( Special Telegram to
Tim I Jnc.l The wheat market was sccmingl )
nai row to-day and fluctuations were within
u range of aboul Vc. The ngKrcRato volume
of trade was considerably above the average
though the csslon was punctuated by per
It lods of distressing dullness. The menu
range at which May wheat was dealt In was
il.04 0 ? 1.05 , though the price several times
went beyond these extremes , the tendency
it I being above , rather than below the limit
named , The course of tlio marltct for the
I past thirty days has encouraged short sell
ing , nnd It Is probably true that the short In
tcrest is larger now than It has been since
the culmination of the advance last fall. A
big short Interest Is usually , but not always ,
n source of strength , for it sqmctlmcs hap
pens that the market Is literally over
whelmed with speculative offerings. Whether
such is to bo the outcome this time is n po'nt '
upon wnlch n very wide difference of
opinion exists. Nothing has occurred as yet
to show that the strongest holders
have lost confidence In the correct
ness of their position , but "tailors"
in o subject to frequent 1H of nervous tre
mor. They do not know whether they arc
"afoot or on horse back. " They are strong
when the marUct gets stiong , and weak
when the mat hut gets weak. Uvcry time
values dip they cunclmlo that the bull back
bone is telescoping , and run. The situation
is not luminous with that clear light which
operators dollpht to see. Locally llutchin-
hon was counted as the heaviest seller of
wheat , and the largest buying was supposed
to bo for Kent and Fail-bank. The big com
mission houses wcro on both sides of the
market with distlnguishacd impartiality.
As a rule they wcro free sellers early , and
buyers later on , but some of them appeared
to have selling orders on all the hard spots
throughout the session. The news from the
northwest was statistically bullish and spcc-
ulatively bearish. Many of the strong bulls
in the spring wheat district have changed
front nnd are sending forth sorrowful mes
sages. Tlio icceipts arc smaller than they
have been yet , and a rather better tone to
the Hour market is reported. The gist of
foreign advices is that the feeling in the
breadstuff market is getting better , and
some private cablegrams are quite bullish
in tenor. From the seaboard points
the burden of the news was
somewhat encouraging. Little export busi
ness at New York and Philadelphia Is re
ported , and San Francisco dispatches make
mention of largo shipments by steamers for
Antwerp and other European points. The
Atlantic ports business is quite small , but
it shows that the eastern markets are low
enough to stimulate foreign interests. The
closing range heio and elsewhere shows no
particular change in values as compared
with yesterday. Thn initial trading in
May wheat was $1.05i @ 1.05'1 < . The price
went down to $1.01 % , up to Sl.OVtf , down to
SI.Ol ? , up to $1.05 , off to S1.UIJ4 , up to
JUKi. and back and forth between $1.04 'Hi12 !
1.01 % a dozen times , then off to ? 1.04J
] .04'i ? , up to 1.05 } , and off to $1 04 % , which
was the close. January opened at $1.00 ,
ranged to 0l ! } cG l.OOJf , and closed at O'JJfc
July opened at UOc. ranged to 05 c low ,
nnd 00 @ 'JOXc high , and closed at % o.
The opening of the corn market was at
somewhat improved prices , but there was no
activity or urgency In the demand. The
favorable weather conditions continued , and
although the receipts wore light today -
day , there exists no fears of their
drying up with the present encouragement
of roads and temperature. For to-morrow
the estimated receipts of 233 cars gave con-
ildcnco to the prevailing impression. The
movement from and through Chicago Is
heavy and evinces a very frco use ot this
cereal at present prices , and exporters con
tinue to take liberal quantities. Now Or
leans continues to bo a point of shipment for
the European markets , ! KI,000 bushels clear
ing from there yesterday. Liverpool im
ported over 200,000 bushels of American corn
during the last thrco days. Fluctuations
\vero narrow nnd the day's business of a
local scalping kind , with a firm undertone.
The changes at the close of the market from
the values current at the corresponding time
yesterday show about ) o advance on near
futures , with May MO of a cent under yes
terday's clffsing quotation.
Oats were moro active than recently , and
after a nearly steady opening declined about
* ic , with a partial reaction later. Trading
in futures was almost exclusively in May.
The receipts and estimates were both small
and the weakness was duo to the rather lib
eral selling. Enough demand appeared to
prevent any severe shrinkage In price , with
near months dull and wo ik. No. U in store
was about Ma lower at ! Mjfc. Out of the in
spected receipts about ' ! ( ) per cent were con
tract grade.
Considerable interest was manifested in
provisions to-day , and increased business
was transacted in speculative articles. The
feoilng early was n llttlo easier , especially
for mess pork nnd lard , as prices wcro tend
ing down for live liogs at the stock yards ,
but later , under the good buying by strong
local parties. Kent taking the lead , a harden
ing of speculative values was witnessed on
the whqlo list. Fluctuations , however , were
within comparatively narrow limits , nnd
most of the business passing was In May op
tions. Outside orders wcro light both ways ,
tlio deal , as for AOIIIO time past , being largely
in the hands of the local professionals and
packers. It is believed that with the healthy
nnd stroni : undcitono existing , a little boost
could bo given tlio market , should it receive
anything like substantial support in May
outside buying ordois. The best prices of
the day wcro established during the last half
hour of the session , and the improvement
was well maintained. In pork there was an
advance of 17 } < @ ' . ! 0ti , in lard of r > @ 7J c , and
Jn ribs of 7 > a@10c.
CIIICHOO , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tun liEE.f CTTI.U The demand was
rather better than yesterday , with a slight
upturn all around , some salesmen oendlnc
dispatches out quoting Advances of 1520c
over the lowos't prices of last weok. _ The
Now York market was quoted substantially
higher with only eighty cars on salo. The
receipts at other points showed up light , In
dicating u light run for the ilrst part of next
week. At Kansas City at least there wore
no Toxaua on the market , ana native cow
lock sold quicker , and in some
cases stronger. The general market
closed steady , with less stock unsold
than for any Friday night for tlio past three
weeks. The stacker and feeder trade con
tinues slow. The receipts Include 000 Toxans.
Choice beeves , M.GO@4.S5 ; medium to good
steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. $4.00(34.40 ( ; 1200 to
1350 Ibs , f3.MX34.00 ; WX > to 1200 Ibs. f2.90@
S.35 ; stookers nnd feeders , $2.00@3.80 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , Jl.40fty.10 ; bulk , (2.10 ®
S.85 ; Texans , slop fed , W.7504.00 ; grass
steers , FJ.40Q.00 : ) ; cows , $ a.OO&U.'JO.
HOQB The demand was fair and prices
steady at the big. decline noted yesterday ,
that IB In the Uurllngton and Ilock Island
divisions , i'rlcca ruled steady , but the early
ales in the Northwestern division wcro
C@10o lower than in the Uurllngton and
Hock Island divisions. Some common stock
cold at f t,90@4.l'5 ' , and fair to good at $3.00 ®
B.05 ; bent packers largely at fD. 10 , and best
heavy at t5.15Q5.CO. Ono lot of fancy sold
ot { 3.25 , and light sorts sold within a range
of fiom 15.10 to * 5.X ! ) , and plga at K.00@5.05.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram
to TUB UBB.I STOOKS The stock market
this morning opened tutno. London sent a
f ow buying orders , and the first prices wore a
ebudo better than lout ulght'n closing ilg.
The improvement was of short dura
tion , however , as tradttn ( rcnorallv were in
clined to sell Ihelr stocks on the rallies. The
reported rate cutting by the Missouri 1'ncidc
J'cstcrdixy was a bear card , nnd an attach
was Immediately made on that stock , nntl a
decline ol l' ' { per cent followed. It is be
lieved by many that Jay Gould Is opposed to
doing anything which will Insure peace and
harmony among the southwestern lines , and
a great deal of distrust ana disappointment
prevails. Lackawanna stock was soiling ux-
dividend nt IJf per cent this morning , and
there appeared to bo a great deal of long
stock offering. The room trailers Jumped in
foru turn on the short side , nnd , as there
was very Jlttlo resistance shown , the stock
easily yielded U4 per cent. Jersey Central ,
however , was actU'o nnd stronger , nnd ad
vanced 1J per cent , reaching par. Grangers ,
New England , and Oregon Transcontinental
followed In the downward course , nnd nt
noon no recovery of note had taken place ,
nnd the market , was dull ana heavy tit about
the lowest prices of the day. There was some
covering of short sales during the afternoon
nnd the market rallied sharply. It was cur
rently reported that a dividend near at
hand on Union 1'acifle , and that stock was
being freely bought. Now 1'ngland was
being picked up by Hoston houses. Money
has ruled easy , and a favorable batflt state
ment is looked for to-morrow , and while
prices nt the close wcro not fully up to the
opening , the m.irkot closed quite linn. Now
Kngland shows a net gala of % , Union 1'a-
cillc J , St. Paul \ nnd Northwestern % per
cent , Lacknw.mnn show-i ti not loss for the
day of of Jf , Heading n9' , Jersey Central %
and Missouri Pacillc J per cent. The total
sales amounted to 'JI'J.IWl shares , Including
Lackawanna , 2.3,000 ; Jersey Central , 8,000 ;
Heading , 27,000 ; Northwestern , 10,000 ; St.
Paul , 3,000 ; New England , 17,000 ; Oregon
Transcontinental , 10,000 , and Missouri Pa
cific , 11,000 shares.
The following were tha closing quotations :
( I. S. 4s regular . .IM'J ' Northern Pacific. . LVi
IT.H.4scoii : > ons .1-0'i. iloprcfcrred 59
IT. H.4'isrOKUlnr lOMj'c. ' ft N. W I07'i
U. H. 4'iSCoupoiH ' do preferred , . . . .HO'i '
rnciiictiior 'o , .n N. V. Central liny
( Vntral 1'nclttc . . .151 I'l ) . A : 13 25'i '
Chicago & Alton. . . 11)4 ) Hock Isliunl ! i7'4
Clilcngo.llurlliigtcm c. , M.&st.
.VQiilncy . 108'J ' ilo proferroil . KK'i
I.I . .AV. . % . 110 % St. Paul .V Omaha . : ll
Illinois Central , .114'ii ilopreferreil . . . . Wi
1..H..VW . 10 iriilonl'ftcttlc . 81' .
Kiums AvToxas. . . 1 1'4 \V..St.Jj. & 1 * . Ill
I.nkeShoru . . . la ) ' ! ! do preferred. . . . 24' Central wi's > Wosturu Union . b. ) ?
MIsfoitrlPAcitlo . . . 71'il
MONEV ON CALL Easy at 3 > @ 5 per cent ;
last loan 4 per cent.
PUIMB MmioxNTiLE PirEii 50 > per
STKIILIXO ExcnAVOR Dull but steady ;
sixty days , &i.S4 < { ; detnani ] , $4.83 .
Cnu'Aoo , Jan. 4. \ \ licat Firmer : cash ,
fc ; February , Sl.Ot ; Mav , ? 1.)4J ( ) < .
Corn Steady ; cash , a.JJ4'c ; Febuary ,
a4' < ic ; May , .
Oats Steady ; cash 24 J c ; February , ST. ' ;
AIny , iirio-llic.
Itj-o Ill c.
Barley No trading.
Prime Tiinothj No trading.
Klax S1.02.
Whisky ? l.03.
Pork Firmer ; cash , $12.75 ; February ,
S12.00 ; May , $13.20.
Lard Firm ; cash , $7.37 } ; February ,
Srar'i ' : May , $ r.52K.
Flour Unchanged.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $ l > ,2."iilf ( > .37J4 ;
short clear , $ r.OO@7.12.J ; short ribs , $0.75.
Uutter Unchanged ; creamery , I'JftMSij ;
dairy , 17 ( < ; 2c. : !
Cheese Finn ; full cream cheddais ,
lOJ lle ; ll.its , lO iHU c ; Young Ameri
cas , ll 4B12i ( ; .
Eggs Unchanged ; fresh , 17@13c.
dry salted. 10l. > c.
Tallow UiicliaiiROil ; No. I ,
No. 2 , 4 0 ; cake , 5 ! c.
c.liecoipts. . Shlumcnts.
Flour , bbh 12,001) ) 1,000
Wheat bu 20.00J 9,000
Corn.DU 1SS.OOO 471,000
Oats , bu 137,000 02,000
Now Vork , Jan. ! . Wheat Recemts.
3,300 ; exports , none ; soot ( lull , unsettled
and lower ; No. 3 red , 51 OJ > 4@1.01 in eleva
tor , Sl.02K@1.02 > afloat , $1.02 1.03 f. o.
b. ; No 3 led , 'J. > J c. Options less active and
irregular , closing J OVc under jesterday ;
January closing at fcl.co1 .
Corn Receipts , 445,0 ( 0 ; exports , 110,000 ;
Options moderately active but weak and
Ic lower.
Oats Receipts , 87,000 , ; exports , 5SO ; spot
moderately active and steady. Options
fairly ai'tivo and lower , January closing at
3l' e ; February , 32c ; May , 33c ; mixed west
ern , 30@32c.
Coffee Options steady nnd closed firm al
C to 10 points above yesterday ; sales ,
514,500 bags ; January , $15.C.'K < 81.r > .75 ;
February , $15.50@15.75 ; March , $13.55 ®
15 bO ; Spot Rio strong ; fair cargoes at
Petroleum Steady but quietunited ; closed
nt SUJ c.
Eggs Weak nnd quiet : western , ISc.
Pork Lower and quiet ; mess. $13.73@
Lard Firm but less active ; western
ste.un , $7.90 ; January , $7.77J (37.0. ( !
UutterDull and weak ; creamery , 1S@
29c ; western dairy , 14@2.1o ; logins , 31c.
Cheese Quiet but linn ; western , 10@
Minneapolis , Jan. 4. Wheat About
steady ; receipts , 82 cars ; shipments , 01
cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , January , $1.17 ;
May , fl.23. on track , SI.10 ; No. 2 northern ,
January , $1.17 ; May , Sl.lOJtf ; on track ,
$ ; No. 2 northern , January , t)7e ) :
May , $1.03 ; on traCK , % ( < OSe.
Milwaukee , Jan. 4. Wheat Active ;
cash , 92Xc ; May , DS ) < c.
Corn Dull ; No. 1 , 31c.
Oats Dull ; No. 3 white , 2S@2S'4c.
R\o Easy ; No. 1 , 4b > c.
Hurley Firm ; No. 2 , Ii7ifc.
Provisions Easy ; pork$12.40.
Clncimmtl , Jan. 4. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red. 93c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2mixed , 85 > c.
Oats Fair demand and steady Nd , 2
mixed , 97J37 fc
Whisky Aetlvo at $1,03.
St. ijotilB. Jnn 4. Wheat Steady ;
cash , P5Ko ; May , $1.01.
Corn-Cash , 3t ) ' c ; May , ZVo ,
Oats Easler.caslk ; , 2I&C ; May , 27K < S23c.
Pork Firm ut $13.50. .
Lard Quiet at $7.23.
IJuttcr Dull ; creamery , 23@23c ; dairy ,
Kansas City , Jan. 4. Wheat Un
settled ; No. 2 red , cash , 91 > c ; May , 07@
lSc ) ; No. 2 soft , May , 03 o bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 25' < fo ; May ,
sales , 2 < J < o ; No. 2 white , May , 80o bid.
Liverpool , Jan. 4. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB HKE.-3:30 ] : p , in. closo.-Pork
Is In poor demand ; prime moss eastern , 75s ,
dull ; do. western , 07s Od , dull.
Lard IB in better demand ; spot , 39s ,
dull ; January , 39s , dull ; February Tand
March , 3Ss Od. dull.
Wheat In fair demand ; now No.2 winter ,
8s , steady ; do. spring , 8s Id , steady.
Flour Is In fair demand , 12s , firm.
Corn Is in f air demand : spot 4s 5d , stcad.v ;
January , 4s Cd , dull ; February , 4s 15/d ,
dull ; March , 4s IJtfd , dull.
Oliloncu , Jan. 4 Tlio DrovorV Jour
nal reuorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts. (1,000 ( ; market nctlvo
and lOo higher ; choice beeves , M , < ; o@l.b5 ;
steers , $2.W4,40 ; stockers and feeders
$2.00(43.30 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , 1.40a
a.10 ; Texas cattle , $2.00@3.00.
Hogs Receipts. 0,500 : shipments , 0,000
market steady : mixed , * 4.U5 < S5.15 ; heavy.
$5.15i5.25 ( ! ; llK lt , .05@S.S3j skips , $4.00
@ 5.00 ,
Sheep Receipts 4,500 ; shipments , none ;
natives , 91.75UU.75 ( : western corn-fed , $4 30
6J4t55 ; lambs , W.WfiO.OO ; Texans , J2.50Q
Nntlnnal fitook Yards , East St.
Iioulu , Jan , 4. Cattle Receipts , 500 ;
shipments , 000 ; market strong ; choice
heavy native steers , ' $1.70(25.20 ( ; fair to
peed rmtlvo steers , . * 410rl0 : butchers
steers , incihum to choice , $ J.OO ( < | 4.l > 0. stock
crs anil feeders. fair to good , * i.OOefS.20
rangers , corn fcd.00ii.J.7u ( ; grass fcil , t'J.O
C' < a 10.
Hoi ? * Receipts. 4.100 : shipments , l.COO
market stcad.v i choice heavy and Imtcncrs
selections $ < rf. > .10 ; packing , ftAVft.YOO
light grades , ordinary to best , e4.KV03. ( ) (
Hlonx Oily , Jan. 4. Cattle Receipts ,
407 ; iiilpiiicnts. 03 : market fnirl.y active
Iiriine. Saoo@l.r > 0 ; feeders , * J.U.V > c3 00 ; fn
cows , $1 WX ; < - . ! < X ) ; stockcrs , $1.50 ( < i2.f > 0 : can
ners and bulls. ( l.OOttl.75 ; veal calves , M U
Hoes Receipt" ) , l,3TiO ; market weaker
closing easy ; llcht and mixed , * 4.70 < < l4.y )
heavy , $4.SOC'15.00 ,
Kansas City , .Inn. 4. Cattle Receipts ,
2,400 ; shipment , 1,300 ; more active ; bcei
steers stronir and lOc higher ; best cowi
strong and f > ( 10c higher ; common slow bu' '
about steady ; good to choice corn-fed , f l.0 ! ! ( < ]
? 4 715 ; common to medium , M.SOW 20 ;
stockcrs anil feeding steers , $2.00 ( < v3.30 :
cows , 31 ' . ' 5tf2 ( SO.
Hogs Receipts , 10.010 ; shipments , 1,000 :
netlvclo lower ; common to choice , $1.00 < i
Friday , .Tan. I , 1SSP.
Owing to the light receipts , both here and
at other points , the market showed some
little Improvement , but the buyers were slow
to admit of any advance , nnd in some cases
they bought cattle nt no moro than steady
prices. As ono remarked ho had bought
cnttlo at f J ( ) . " that were Just as good as
others for which ho had paid fJ.lfi. The
bccvs on solo wcro not as good ns yester
day , and the bulk sold nt S-UH'i ) SO. There
was nothing here to bo compared with the
the cattle which sold for $1 15 ! on yesterday.
llutchers1 stock was also stronger ami cows
sold largely for S200rti.2.75 , with a few
canncis at * l.00@lCi. Thcfew feeders here
met with prompt sale nt steady prices , a few
which had been fed a little corn bringing
§ ' ! . 10. The demand for feeders continues
very fair but the supply extremely light.
After the opening the trade wAs c higher ,
nnd in some unses perhaps lOc higher than
the loxvest point yesterday. Tlio fresh
receipts wcro rather light , but there
wcro eighteen stale loads on the market ,
which made the total offerings about the
sumo us yesterday. The quality ot the hogs ,
though better than yesterday , was not very
good. Everything was sold before the close.
The best hogs bore brought $ "i.OO , but the
bulk of tlio mixed hogs sold at § I.SoQ4.'JO.
Sliccp ,
There were only two loads here , but the
market was lower and they sold for SI. 10 ,
which was 15c less than some of the same
bunch brought yesterday.
Cnttlo. 00(1 (
Hogs. . JUOO
Prevailing I'rluu ; .
The following is a fiblijof prioai p.xld In
this maritot for the grailoi of Htocic men
Prime sloora. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . ? 3.75 (24.25 (
Pnmosteers , HOJto 1300 Ibs. . 3.10 ia3.75
ft alive feeders 2.73 ( ui.t.OO
Western feeders U.fio ( < tti.OO
Common to good cows 1.50 ftji.UO
Choice to fancy cows 2.23 56-.03
Commonto choice balls 1.23 (82.50
Fair to cnoico ugnt hoes 4.15 rdl.MJ
Fair to cnoico heavy hess 4.115 C S&.05
Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.b3 ( ( { 4.93
llCIrUHIMltllll | O S llOi.
No. Ar. Pr.
2 bulls 1,000 $1.25
1 cow 1,510 l.CO
1 cow 1,170 1.03
3bulls 1,310 1.03
lox 1,300 1.70
10 cows b40 1.70
Icow 1,330 1.75
Ibull l.bOO 1.75
1 cows b'J5 1.85
Ocows 1,043 l.SH
2 bulls I.IM . ) 2.00
Istag 1,550 2.00
5 cows 1. dOO 2.10
3 cows 1,0.13 2.15
5 cows 1,154 ,
Scows 1,010
Ibull 1,350 2.33
Icow 1,430 2.35
( i cows 1,001 2.85
4 oxen 1,577 2.10
Scows 730 2.40
2 cows 1,275 240
10 cows 1,070 2.40
1 stag liiO ( 2.50
Icow 870 2.50
3 cows i , o < ; c 2.50
1 cow " 1,120 2.50.
15cows . 1,073 2.50
2 cows * . 1,070 2.50
21 swelters 7CO 2.70
10 cows 1,145 2.75
17 mixed 1,512 2 75
12 steers 1,185 Job
12 steers 1,021 8.05
18 steers fc..I,123 3.10
19 feeders 1,152 8.10
14 steers 1,137 , 3.15
13 steers 1,0.14 3.83
41 steers 1,077
8 steers 1,075
39 steers 1,202 3.40
5 steers 1,170
17 steers 1,244 S S
20btccrs 1,150 3.45
34 steers 1,3'54 8.75
14stecrs 1,202
No. AY. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
3D. . .101 $1.75 53. . .330 240 $4.00
31 , . .184 40 4.60 50. . .2b2 40 4.00
09 , . 255 100 4.80 54. . 2SO 4.00
53. . .203 yoo 4.80 57. . . .279 SO 4.90
07. . .251 4.80 (52. ( . , .2SS 240 4.00
CO. . .235 100 4.80 59 . . .233 120 4.0(1 (
71. . ICO 4.80 09. . , .243 40 4.0U
IJ3. . ! 210 SO 4.80 04. . . .274 100 4.00
03. . .200 200 4.fcO 74. . 320 4.00
C7. . 300 53. . . .278 120 4.00
4(1. ( . 120 4.b2 > 54. . . .303 100 4.00
73. . .253 3CO 4.85 CO. . . .2bl 120 4.9(1 (
03. . .285 240 4.S5 515. . . .279 100 4.00
42. . .830 100 1.85 55. . . .299 240 4.00
107. .203 4.85 OX. . .2(57 ( o''O 4.00
70. . .800 410 4.b5 50 , . . .813 SCO
t0. ! . .304 400 4.b3 52. . . .2b2 80
151. . .251 ICO I.S5 50. . . .80S 210 i.o :
1)3. .250 200 4.b5 50. . , .350 210 4.05
73 , . .278 200 4.85 ' . .827 300 4.93
IV ! . . .21)7 ) 120 4.b5 47. ! . .811 SO 1.05
S3. . .805 120 4.b5 02. . . .IMS ) I'M 4.95
71. . .250 31(0 ( 4.85 50. . , .8JJ 100 4.05
74. . .893 210 4yj 59. . . .815 120 4.93
G9. . . ,2s5 2bO 4.b5 57 , . . .327 60 4.05
SO. . , . ' . ' 01 100 4.85 5J. . . .297 010 4.95
10. . , .31(5 ( 80 4.85 59. . , .821 240 4.05
M ) . . , .202 80 4.b5 OS. . , .2'J1 bO 4.0.1
153. . , .291 200 4.b7i 59 , . . .312 200 4.05
54. . , .293 bO 4.00 57. . , .840 203 6.00
51. . ' ICO 4.00 48. . , .337 5.00
H. . . . 'yfs 210 4.90 43. . .35'J 120 5.00
No. Av. Pr.
172 westerns , corn-fed 120 $4.10
Ijivo Stuck Notes ,
irogs advance.
Cattle market stronger.
Sioux City received l.SOO hogs.
Sheep icccipts light ; market lower.
W. M. Sago , Chicago , general tralllo man-
igor of the Hock Island , was at the yards.
C. C. Smith and J. P. Haverstock , Mllford ,
vcro at the yards with cattle and hogs.
Among those who wore seen nt the yards
vlth cattle wore S. O , Hothwoll , Crolghton '
md J. T. Goodoll , Western.
A go'od deal of faultflndlng is being In-
lulgcd in on account of the errors In tlio
vclghing of stock on the track. An error
undo to-a ay caused a diffcrcnco of (14 on a
ar of stock ,
Friilu , Produce , Kto.
HuTTEU Fancy , solid-packed creamery ,
< 3@28o ; choice country , 22@io : medium
; radcs , f..00 ( 5.60 ; bakers' ifour , I5.25W5.75 " *
ier obi ,
POTATOKS Nebraska , 40g50o ( tcr bu ; Col-
rado , 0@70e.
SWKBT I'OTATOBS 3@3J o per Ib.
PouLTity Live chickens , fi.50@2.75 perez
oz ; dressed chickens , 7@Sc jxir lb ; tdrkoys ,
@llu ; ducks and geese , UfuHOc.
Koos Strictly fresh , jl@.te candied.
MALAGA OUAI-ES In kegs , I2o per ID.
HANANAS Common , (5l.60Q3.25 ( per bunch ;
holco , e2.50ffi3.50.
LKMON8 $3.765.00 per case.
OKANOBS Florida , * 3.3J@3.75 per box ,
GAME Per dozen : Mallards , J3.25 ; teal.
1.50 ; rabbits , 11.00 ; squirrels , 11.00 : venison
' Ib.
Citoi-rr.h 1'r.p.ui 11.1 OOirfl 1.00 per ton.
Conx-'iVrtSOrt I i
Oas 21fcc'Jo ? < i <
ViNrout-Cldcr.lnoaiSc par gnl. ; whlto
Avlno , 10l4iVpc ( rtt' '
Hovnv 1-lb frntno4 , lOJllSc.
Cinxnuiiuus-l-SA vUO.OO pcrbbl ,
I'no VISIONS -Hiinw , Xo. 1 , lie : Ko. D ,
lO' ' es shoulder 7 d ; rib bacon , lie ; cleat
bacon , ll'fe ; picniiv hnnn , lOc ; dried beel
hams , 10 > < c ; dry salted clears , short , S'tfei
extra short , SUe ; tiort ribs. S'/ci nlokled
pigs' feet , l.Vlb kits , SOc ; lard , SS'fa'J' e !
smoked sausage , 0 < iiSo per Ib ; hog casings ,
17 ( < USc. , , . , >
CriinT : 5.ViJ30c ycr doz : fancy , 40c.
O.sioxs-30C' IOc per bu.
CuiiHon M.W pur 100.
HKI-.TS lOc per bii.
Ti'iixirs 25c per .lm.
! JAVIU : KIUUT I3bl9. , f4.75 ; half bbls. ,
Arri.n" ! Choice , * 2.50ii ( 2.75 per bbl ; fancy ,
$ .1.00 per bbl ; common , $ I.M ) i 1,75 per bbl.
Cinnn Mk-hignn , VOUOi 50 per bbl of 3J
gals ; California pear cider , flo.OO pcrbbl.
POP Conv Klcc , 3e ; cotnmen , 2 , ' c.
CAKUOTS lOcer | bu ,
Unt\s Choice eastern hand picked navies ,
$2.25 pcrbu. ; western hand picked navies ,
(1 75 < tit.SO ; mediums , $1.50 ; Lima beans , 5o
per Ib.
H iv F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , $0.00 ; No.
2 upland , W.W ) . _
Orocorn' Ijlst.
Revised prices are as follows :
lUoniNd Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
keng , seamless , 17J c ; Lcwistown , A , scam
less , 1l > c ; American , seamless , 17o ; burlaps
4 to 5 bu. , Ufa ! Ic ; gunnies , single , 18a ; gnu
ilcs , double , 20c ; wool , sack , 8V.
TWINRS Flux , 83c ; extra sail , .U iilc : sail
B. 20&l21c ; cotton , 2icj Jute , Oc.
Uitivii FitflT Figs , In boxes , | > or Ib , 13ff }
10c ; dates. In boxes , 7jj ( > lc ( ) ; London Mulag.i
layer raisins , per box , t2.oOQ3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , ? 2.80 < i2.50 ; new Valencia rni-
sins per Ib , SJic ; California loose muscatels ,
per box. $2.00d2.10 : California Londons ,
ISSs , &i.40 : pittca cncrncs , per Ib , 18c ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12iJ18c ( ; dried
blackberries , per Ib , 7)JC'fSc ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 2Ku2T > c ; ov.tporutcd apples , 7Jf ( < ?
c ; California sun-drlcd peaches , 13c ; Cali
fornia unpared evaporated peaches , 14c ;
evnporatcil California npricots , ISe ;
currants , (5 ( > 4' ( .7c ; Turkish prunes , 5 < g5 ic ;
citron. y.'Cjij i'i orange peel , I5c ; lemon jieel ,
Kic ; California French prunes , lltiTKk1.
Corriii : Moctm , U-XifJOc ; Uio , good , 17 ( < T
Ibc ; Mtuulahllng , 20i'Jsc [ ; roasting Hio , 1G&B
lOc ; O. G. Java , 2l.f.ic ( ( ; .lava , interior , . ( g
25c ; Hio , fancy , Ibi'dfc ' ; Santos and Muni-
ca'bo. ' 17i(19c ; Arbuckles , 2i5rc ; McLaugh-
lin's XXXX , syc.
SroAii Granulated , 7ic , uonf. A. < } zf
white extra C. 74c ] ; extra C , 7'c ( , ; jcllow C ,
0" < c ; powdered , h' c ; cubes , b'.jC.
Hirswvv : Choice yellow , 20ii2J35c ( ; dark
colored , Klftl 14o. Vounpr America , full cream , 12 ®
13Uc ; full cream chcdders , 12@12Ke.
1'iCKi.ns Medium , in bbls , J5.00 ; do , In
half bbls , SJ.OO ; small , in bbls , $ (5.00 ( ; do , in
half bbls , W.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , $4.00.
TOIHCCO Plug , 20@Vc ( ; smoking , lGg90c. ( S1.25 pci-80-lb pail.
SU.T gl.ns&i'l O per bbl.
Horc 7-10. 12c
MAI-LI ! Stovit 13rlck9 , Ilgl2c ( ] icr Ib ;
penny cakes , I2@13c per Ib ; juiro innjilo
syrup , $1,00 per gal.
Ti.Hb Voung Hyson , common to fair. IS ®
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30@5oc ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 2iiu2.5c ( ; Gun
powder , choice to .fancy , 10t ti. " > c : Japan ,
common to medium. 15a20c ; Japan , clnlco
to fancy , 80@45'c ; Oolong , common to good ,
30 ( ( 35c ; Oolong , cholcu to fancy , 50tf70c ;
Imperial , common to. medium , 25@35c , Im
pel ial , good to fancy. 40@50c.
NI'TS AlmonUa , 15 ® Ibc ; filberts , 12@15c ;
lira/11 , 9@0c ! ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , lOQjIllc ;
peanuts , 0@'Jc. i
Ciiu'Kisiis 0jJ10opcr ! Ib ; assorted cakes ,
S2. > e per Ib as per list.
C\NOV Mixed , 0 i@13 fe ; stick ,
rock candy , 10u@lc } ! ( ; fancy candy , 7 ( .Wc.
HOLLAND IIi.Ttit d'-UOc.
Couribii 0 > ite7 > jp.
'Dry 'Goods. '
COTTON Fn km.s 10 per cent dis. ; LL ,
5 > sfcCC ; , f > ciSS , 7 c , Nameless , 5c ; HX.
18c ; It , 20o ; No. 10 , 8 > < c ; No. 40 , lOXc ; No.
(50 ( , 12 } < jc ; No.-S0.,13 > 4e ; No. 30 , colored , Uc ;
No. 50 , colorcd > 12C ; wo. 70 , colored , 12 > c ;
Bristol , 12' ' c ; Union. Pacillc , 17c.
CAHI-ET WAUI' Bid , white , lOc ; colored ,
22c. IK.I
13 tTTS Standard , So ; gem , lOc ; beauty ,
12Kc ; boone , 4c ; 13 , cased , fO.50.
PUINT.I Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , 0 > c ; Garner oil , 0@7c.
PIIINTS Pink anil Hobcs Allen , tie ; Rlvor-
polnt , 5''c ; Steel Illvcr , O c ; nichmond ,
0 > c ; Pacific , 7c.
Pitis-TS Dress , Charter Oak , 5 } c ; Ram-
ape , 4 c ; Lotli , 5 > < c ; Alien , Go ; Hichmond ,
Oc ; Windsor , OMC ; Eddy toue , O c ; 1'acillc ,
SiiKfiTiNaBerkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , ! l' c ; Best Yet. 4-4 , OJ/c ; butter
cloth , OO , 4c ; Cabot , 7Kc ; Farwell , half
bleached , Skc ; Fruit of the Loom , ! ILc ;
Greene G , tljf ; Hope , 7c : King Phiilin
cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric. ITJtJc ; Lons-
dulc , 9c ; New York mills , lOKc ; 1'cpperoll ,
42-in , illc ; Pcppcroll , 40-in , 12c ; Peiipercll ,
04 , IC-c ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , 2tc ; Pcnpcroll , 9-4 ,
23c ; Peppercll , 10-4 , 25o ; Canton , 4-1 , 8 > < fc ;
Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , llu ; Valley , 5c.
FLINUIILS Plaid llaftsmen , 20c ; Goshen ,
32K'1 ; Clear Lake , 30) 0 ; Iron Mountain ,
FLXNCLS Whlte-GH , No. 2 % . 22l < fc ;
GH , No. l9f _ , 20c ; BII , No. 2. % , 22 > , , 'c ; BH ,
No. 1 , } { , 80o ; Qucchco , No. i , jf. ! 4 ( j.
Consi'.T JKANB Androscoggln , 7Jfc ; ICear-
sarge , 7fc ; Hockport , OJfc ; Conestoga , CKc.
TICKS York , 30-in , 12 > < : c : York , 81-In.
IS c ; Swift river , 7J c ; Thorndiko , OO ,
8c ; Thorndiko , EE. 8) < fc ; Thorndikc. 120 ,
! l > Sfc ; Thorndiko , XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
c ; Cordis , No. 4 , 7.2'c. !
DKXIMS Amoskcag , 9 o ? , 10) c ; Everett , 7
oz , 13Kc ; York , 7 oz , 13i c ; Haymaker ,
Jaffrcy XX , ll c ; Jaffroy XXX,12 o ;
Beaver Clock A A , 12u ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC. lOc.
KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial , lr > c ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Kc ; Hercules , 18o ; Learn-
ington , ii2) ) < c ; Cottswood , 27 } < ; c.
Cn ASH Stevens' 15 , 0tfo ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , "c : Slovens' A , 7 c ; Stovcns' A ,
bleached , 8 ] c ; Stevens' P , 8 c ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , 9 > jc ; Stevens' N , 9tfc ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , lO o ; Stevens' RUt , 12 } < c.
MiscuLLANiioiis Table on cloth , ' ? 2.50 ;
plain Holland , 9Kc ; Dado Holland , 12'ic. '
Bnowx Siini'.Tixa Atlantic A , 4-1 , lAo\ \
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7 'o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0V"
Atlantic P , 4-1 , (5o ( ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , ( > } tc ;
Hoosler LL , 4-1 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7) < fc ;
Lawrence , LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 44 ,
5J < jC ; Pcpperell H , 4-1 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 ,
6c ; Popnorcll , 8-4 , 18xc : Pcpiicrcil , 9-4 ,
21o ; Peporell | , 10-4 , 23c ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4Jfc ;
Wnchusett , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Aurora , H , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora B , 4-4 , < Wc.
DUCK West Point 29 in. S 07 , 10 > c : West
Point 29 in. 10 oz. 12 > < rc ; AVest Point 2'J ' in. 13
07 , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , lOc.
FJ.ANNUI.S Hod , C , 21 in , 15Xo ; E , 24 In ,
Sl o ; GO , 24 In , 20o ; HAF , % , 2oo ; J F , %
27c.GixniiAM Plunkett checks , laWhittcn. \ .
ton 7 0 ; York , 7jo ; Normandi dress , 8 } c ;
Calcutta dross , 8 > fii ; Whittcnton dress , SKcj
Hcnfrow drosB mS o.
CAMIHUCS Sjatol5Kc ; Woods , & } { o\ \ Stan
dnrd , 5' c : Pcndock , 5 c.
PitiSTS , iNiiioo liuiE Arnold , 0) 0 ; Amer
ican , d. u ; Glovucst r , 0) ) o : Arnold C long
cloth , 'Jo ; Arnold B. long cloth. lOVc ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lOKC ! Stolfel A , 12oj Windsor
Gold Ticket ,
' I/uiiibor.
First and sccon'tl ' cl'dar ' , 1 } { In . .fl'j 00@51 00
First and sccoii'd ' clear , IK in. . . 47 OOfc.lO 00
Third clear , W@lJf | in . 43 00@40 00
A select. ! } / ( ! Hin . 87 00
B select. 11W In . 83 00
A stock boards , 13$1 ( ft , 12 in. . 40 00
B stock boards , 1W/IO ft , 12 In. . 41 00
C stock boards. 12 ( 10 tt , 12 in , . 'M 00
1) stock boards12ftll | ' ( ( ft , 12 in. . 23 00
Flooring , lirst common , 0n. | . . . 8400
Flooring , second common , 0 in , . 31 CO
Select fencing flooring . 19 00
Siding , ilrst and second clear , 14
( TilOft. . . 2500
Siding , first common , 10 ft , . 22 00
Siding , second common . 19 00
Common boards . 1000
No. S boards , all lengths . 14 50
Fencing , No , 1 , 12 < 3'.iO ft . 10 60
Fencing , No. 2. 12 , 14@10 U . 15 60
Foist and scantling , 2x4 , 14@lt5 ft 10 00
Timber , 4x4,18x8 , 12@10 ft . 17 00
Pickets , I ) and H lint. . . , . 22 00
tickets , D nnd II square. , , , . . . . 22 00
Shingles , extra A . 280
Shingles , standard A . 2 CO
Lath . 240
i a Baits , 3W in . :
3 O Batts , Ix8. 8 1 S . CO
l-ln well tubing , D and M bcv. . 22 00
1/cntlicr ,
Hemlock sole , IS 'JTo per Ib ; oak sole , 33
3Wo Dcr Ib ; oak luruess ; Wt&ffic per lb ;
selected oak nnd tra ( > o , 3.V3 per lb. { oaK nml
hemlock unper , 20 < a32o jxsr foot ; hemlock
calf skin , Xo. I , SOWlOowr lb , according to
wclcht ; oak calf skin , No. 1. TOc Jl.OO per
lb. ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , $1 00l ( , 1 °
per lb. ; hemlock kip skin , No 1 , 00 ( < i7V ( per
lb : oak kip skin , No 1 , TOy U' per lb ; Phlln
ilclphla kin skin , extra , iO POe per lb :
French calf SKIII laccontinp to wolght and
quality ) , Sl.lfiWl 75 pcrlb ! French kip skin ,
oo , SOcC'JfI.10 per lb. ; Cordovan ni sot , ISc ;
satin llnlsh. 20c per loot ; welt leather , 1.50
( H4 00 per side ; moroccos , tpcbblo coat i , 2005
! Kc ) per foot ; morocoos. boot leg , 25&T30C per
foot ; Rlovo calf skins , ' . 'Ov/CWc / per foot ;
Douglas kid , SO IOiS per foot ; kanpnt-oo
skins , 4y < a. > 0o per foot , accordinR to Qnnllty :
toppings , * S.OOMO ( H ) per do/en ; Imlncs. W.lM
( 11.00 per dozen ; apron skins , $10.00i i 12.00
per dozen. _
Mntnls nnd Tinners1 Stock.
Block tin , smnll pig . f .28
Blocktln.bnr . CO
Copper , plnlnlsliL'd boiler sl/cs . JM
Copper , cold rolled . 31
Copper , shouting . : ' ( )
Copper , pltts . , . 30
Copper , Hats . 81
Gal , sheet iron , .iiinlata , 50-10 and 5 pert * . tlK
Pat. plainishcd Iron , 24 to 27 A . ID'-f
Pat plalntsticd iron , 2 to 27 B . U > i
Uooliag , 1C. 14x20 , 112 sheets . 000
Hooting , IX , 14x20 , 113 sheets . 7.W )
Hooting. K\2ix2S 112 sheets . ll.K ( )
Hoollng , IX , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 14.50
Sheet iron N. ) . 2(1 ( . 3.50
Sheet Iron No. 27 . 8.C50
Solder . ir Jn17j ( ! ;
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets . C.50
IX. 10x14 , 225 sheets . 8.25
Tin plate , coke
ic , io\i4. 2ri sheets . oor.
Steel nails , per keg . 2.25
Steel wire nulls , per keg . 2.UO
IiiHtriiniciitH 1'lnuoil nn ICcouril Dut-
( UK Yi-Htcrdny.
Omalia Smelting nnd Itcflnlhg Co to O
1'lilUor , lott ( , ' . 11 , 1. , 1 ! ami II , 1)1 ) k 15 ,
Olson's ntltl , \ \ il . . . $ il.2.V )
II ilt'rnmto.l lied ford , lot 1" , blk 4 ,
Hertford 1'hif.e , \ \ il . 650
U I1 It It , to .1 W Hertford , 3 acies sw tor
lotl.lV1.Vllo . 1
I ) liTliomns nnrtvlfn to IV ! Lllrn , ptor
lots 3 nml 4 , lilt n , Hi-ort's ilrt tiitil . SSM
12 IJ Pionch to ( ' K SM-ohert , o 'J ' of lots 7
nntl 8 , blk IS Central I'nrk , w tl . . . 700
l : II I'tviuhto I ) II llbi-it. w ' } ot lots 7
iinrts. blk IH , Ontiul I'aik. wd . 700
.1 II Hi'.lston mid \\lfn to 11,1 I'riiyn. ' o 118
ft or lot IS anil w 2 ft. of lot , I'liul.scns
ndcl.wil . . . . . ; iOJO
W 1' Wullen toS A Wallon , w ' 4 of sw K-
IH-ll.ilcU . . . . . 1
J II Ultimate , tin-toe , to ,1 ) I ItoiiLT1 ! , lots
H. 16 , 1'lnnil 17 , Wk 1. lludforrt Vlacc. wit 2.10J
J .M Humors nml u if e to A 1' 'I liomns lots
14. If. . 1G nnd 17 , blk I , Hertford 1'lnco ,
w d . . . . 2,100
.7 M HoBersand'Mfo to A K Thomns , lot
24.1ilk 12 , - . wd . . . . 1W
.1 M Itoguis and > \lfu to A n'JnoimiH , lot
11. blk ti. Walnut I (111 ( , w rt . . . . . 050
1 llrlnk unit \\lto to A li Hoot , ot til , J4x
iii : n\v no (1-15.1,1. ( w d . 1,000
William (1 Albright nnrtlfo to M II
Strutton. lot 2 , blk 31 , Aluright's
Choice , w < 1 . . . . . 2T6
C A llumplo ana xvlfo to VM IK-s > . lots H
nnil 7 , blk 2 , Vutcs \ HonipluV add , > \ il 1,000
S 8 Curtis und wlfotoO K Smith , lot 4 ,
blk 4. llohtfdcre , wd . 337
A B ohaw and himlinnd to A 11 Snyrter ,
lotK blk 1 , Stc\cnsl'lucc. w d . . . 2.UOO
M 11 t'hl 't nl to I' II Heldon. lots a toi"- ! ! ,
4M.iml41. lilk 2 , .Mystic Park.v d . . ,10)
1' IMIolden nml wife to r 11 Woidcn ,
Mystic 1'nrk. wd . 0'idO
1 Konrtls and wlfo to ' ! ' 0 Ili'mlrvx , s Ki ft
lots 15 mid 10. bit ( ? , Jotter's add , S-ontli
Omaha , w d . . . HX )
C W l.vmaii and wife to A 'I Imlgonul , lot
! ! . blk ) . I.yniun Place . .COO
M II Harris to 13 Knin , lot 1 , blk 5 , 1'otter
& Cubb's nrtil . COU
K Kaln to M II Hams , lot 4 , blk fi , 1'ottcr
A.Cobb'3 ndd. . . . .COO
FOorty to J McKunna , lot ' . ' , bit 11 , Saun-
deis k HiinelmiiKlisadd. w rt . . . l.COJ
.Mutiml Inotiiicnt company to ' 1C Col
lins , li'ixl tJ tl uw ' 4 of H-1V1 J and lots 27 ,
2- ' Jnna1. blk.'i , Kolby I'lr.ce. wet. . . 1
O M Ilitrhcock to W It Uusberir , lot 14 ,
blU 7 , Illtclicock's l = t add. w d . . . 30C
M I. Jnvncs mid husbniul to W A Me-
LaiiKhlin , lot 14 nml u " 0 ft lot 13 , blk
A , 1'iospert 1'liuo , wil . . . . .
G II llopKsnnd wlfoto IjSwnnscn , lot 7 ,
blkt , 1'ark l-'otcst. w d . . . . - 250
These flguros arc moro oloimcnt than volumes
which might be uiltteu In ju-also of the peculiar
merits uosM'ssed by th Jliigeo ( iooils.
"I tibo thu Magee Ilnngu constantly in my
Fchools nnrt I'rlvato Kitchen ; Itfullllls every
roiinlrement for the most exacting work ; I
Y < oulrt not oxchniiKo It for any range made. "
i-'eml for our Knrnaco Circular nurt rend what
phyHlcIimsprofessors , HClenttsts , mechanics and
merchants say of the Mngee rnrnaces tnoy have
luiibo. Don't put In Steam or Hot Water Ap-
pnratus.tlllyon KNOW what a MUST-CLASS Hot
Air furnace will do for half the cost.
COOKIMI STOVKS AKI : soi.n HvKiivwiihiti : by
our agents , and wo wairant each one to glvo
perfect satisfaction to the Dujur. JIAGI3I !
KlMtNACK CO. , : K T03) ) > UNION ST. , noston. W
Lake St. , .l .
m.TO & SN8 <
Acents ( Jiualm , Nob.
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Humpies for trial of 12 different ptjlca liy mall.oa
lou.i | > lof 1O cent * In for card Mo. B.
IVISON , BUKEMfiN & CO , , % $ S fE
If > nu doslro tn open nno or in.iko any rliaiiKP , no
Miall lie plriucil tn confer with 5(111. Wo allow In-
tuii : t nn Tlinu Depuiillii , DlKciiint Itiiilnm 1'apcr ,
Istnu Drnft.s on tliu iirlniljul Cities of Kurujie , nisei
Letter * of C'rnllt. ami traus.act any liuslucsa In tlio
line nf II AN KINO.
r bi'st * b. r / > i in K. i *
Ifiuiittlsli to tut ) or
nn cowl Municipal ,
IIO.VIIH nml other
safe Brairltlon , ne Bhall b to KI or rnrrc-
tpuml with jou. An cxprrli'iuoof tMciil-IHf jiara
Khi'S n nih .int.iKo In ( l > itlnu the hint HiMMiiiciit8 ,
hoth ns to k'KTllly nml Manilliii ; . W nlso
ilcal In I.VNJ > \VA1CK.\\TN AM ) NC'JCIl * .
CHICAGO sucrt'M Pfl SIONKtflN6S. (
N. V. OMIcot 2 Wall St. , cor. Broatlwoy.
rfilQCi _ * _ * 'tLfi4 ± JO. _ , - . . , . . „ . „ „ ,
GUKUtf ttii Niw IMl'UOVE
JIrll&TOJA l' l.QJL
rtfnlWKWKXiSKtti'Xi '
. . u.l > ' ? o" i , l ll Mil rr U l
, 'u , 'i ' l'"Ui" " ! . rwlor.
- " * * if i" " ' ' " fc' " " k. i leelrla
Horlc , ei | r
t juccefcifully unxl nionthly Ijy over 10,000
lidles. Are.Sn/e. Efftctualand Heaiant
? 1 per box liy mnll.or ut rirugKUti. Sealed
rartlcHlart 1 postngo ntanipn. Aildrena
TUG KVIICIU CUBUICAL , Co. , UimtoiT , Mica.
of sale ami liy mall bu ( inoilmau
Jrnu Co , , Omaha , Xeb ,
Dealer in AEricnltiiral Implements , Wagons
I'urthiici and llurgU * Jm < > Pttrrt.ttHtccaMtinin
ICKh , Oinslm , Kclirntkn.
Airicultnrallinpleinents.Wapns.Carriage . . !
Donlcru In
A&TiciilturallinDlenicnts.Waps&BiigEie . !
Wl , .0 , Rfi ( ind DOT Jonci Street , Omslm. _
pTVTrvi A s T sTc o ,
Mannfaetnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlvnlnn. l ! r lU p , Clrtcr Mills Mid I.tilmn 1'ul
> crltrri. Cor lltu nn J .Mcliolas MreoU.
Whnlr i\lo
Agricultural implements , Wagons & Buggies
Cnnirr lull 'ill Vlrhnlm Stivotii
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Idacliinery anil Binder Twine ,
\\.K. Mm. ! , Mitntscr. YM1 1 envonw.irlli > t Omnlin.
M.MiunrtuifrsnnilJoblcr In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. ftlinrul 1'nclflc iitrccto , OmiMm , Ncl ) .
ArtlBts' Mntorlnls.
" "
"A HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1SI1 Donclim Plroct , Oomlm. Nrurnokix.
_ Booksellers nncl Stntlonorg.
" " '
H."M , & S. W.'JONESV
Euccc or to A. T. Kcnyon A Co. , Wholr Kilo A llctall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
I'lnc WeddliiB Sli tonrr ! > , Conuncrcliil Stntloncry
U7J DouKlas Struct Oumlm. .Nob.
Doota and Shooi. _ _
u to llectl..Iono > A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Sboes
Aupiiti fur Morton HublnT bhou Co 1102 , 110411W
llnrncj ? t. , Oumlm. Nobrnuka , " _ _ _ _ _
W. V. MORSE A. CO. .
Jokers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-llUl Uouplas St.Onmhn Manufactory. Sum-
iiiorM. . liciitun.
J. J. , 'f J F ( X ,5 ( O. ,
Manufacturers of Lime ,
Anil Jhlpl'crs < it roiil , Conk , CuiniMil , rii'itpr. I.lmo
uroln 'lllo nnil f-enor ripo. onicc , 2IS S. 13th
St. , Uinnlm , .Neti. Telcphono till. _
JOry Coocia nna Notions.
" '
M. E"SM'ITH & co. .
Dry Goods , FnrnisMng Goods and Notions ,
1U2 niiJ HM DoiiKlaa , Cor. lltlt St. , Onmhn. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' Kurnliblni : ( JfioiU. Oorner llth anil lliuncy
Sta. . Oinuhn , NcbrinXa.
Stripners of Coal and
Ml South loth IU. . Omni iNili. .
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Faruam Street. Omalia. Ntbraikn.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Coffees , Splooa , Etc-
UmahB Coffee and Splcc Mills.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
HaTOrlnR Kxtractf , Lauiulrr Illuu. Inks , Ktc. lill-
HllillHrnoy Street. Oinahfi. Nutirnskn.
Crockery and Glassware. " _
Apcnt for Ibe Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Hie Offlco. 3178.13th St. , Omaliu. Nebraika.
ImDorli'rs find Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 15H Femam St.Kcr Pxtton Uulldlnf.
Commission and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties " "Kor. KIT * ( > < . I'nvlirj , nnmc
t , Omaha.
fiiiccouors to MjChhano A Hchroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
CoaJ , Coke and Lima.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , '
203 South IStli Street , Oraahn , Nebrnikn.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706,707,709 nncl 711 S. lOtli St. , Oronlm , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 111 and I/carenworth Strtnti.Omalia , Nebraska.
Wholesale .Mnnufncturcrd of
laddlery& Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
Vnd Leather. UOJ , HKi nnil 1497 llnrccf St. ,
_ _
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Iprings , Waiton Stork , Ilardwnro , Lumber , Ktc. 120i
_ unit 1JII Hurnuy Htruet. Omaha.
Inilders1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
lucbanlcs' Tools and IlnlTalo Hcaloi. 1105 Douglui
Htrcct , Umaha , Nobraaka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
CWi and Ilarnoy Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Western AKCnti
for Austin Powder Co. , J iTt > riioii Hteel Nulls ,
_ Fairbanks Standard Hcales.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
JctulH , Hliect 1/on , etc. AKents for llouc Scaleh ,
Miami I'ow cler and l.yimm llnrbcd
Omaliu , Nobrftsku.
ill Kinfls of Bnilfllng Material at Who
19t J Street nil Union 1'aplflc Truck. Qni..h .
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime , M
loon , Ktc. Tinlt-Cornor lib unU Uouului
HtUuuill ) uiila
To Dealers Only ,
Office. UCIFnrnaio Street , Omithn
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Juluoy Whlto Lime.
Dealer in Harflwoofl Liiralier ,
/coil C rpeti ua 1'arijuvt Huoriu * . HU utd UOU IB.
C. N , DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th aud CnlitomlA Streets , Omntin , Nobmska. -4
Lninljcr , Lirae , Cement , Eta , Elc ,
Corner fih nml IXiielisgt . .Om rt .
_ _ Millinery nncl Notions.
Importers & Jolliers in Millinery & Notion
aw. 210 nml 2i ; South llth Street.
Hnta , Caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Qotii
1107 Uariicr gtrccU Omaha. Nob.
Wiolcsale Notions and Furnishing : Goods
4 1 nnil 4Yi H ( nth U'lli ' Ht. , Omiihh.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
llfti llarner Street. OmMm.
. Ovora.Ha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jean : I'antt.Slilru.Klr. UiUnml IloiDouulm Street ,
Oumlm. .Nub.
Offlco Fixtures.
Till : flMMON'DS MANtT.VlTUlTlXa CO.
.Mniiulnuuro.s ot
Bank , Ofllcc and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantlet. MilphonnK ltoo i I'lism , llnii ! Fixture * . Wall
r < i'i > , l'nitttlim ! < , Itnlllnui.countorn. llcerniiilWInn
Ouili'M. Vtmir * pte 1-nrtory nm' ' nlnro , 1HW nud 17H
South I lilt SI. , Uiuiilui Tulu | > lionu 1U4.
_ _ _ Oils. _
Wiolsalc Rcflned and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Ciroaio. ICtc , Uiuiiha. A 11 lll > li | i. Mnnagur
Pnlnta and oils.
\Yhulonla Itenlcrt In
Paints , Oils , f inflow Glass , Etc ,
HIS Vnrniira Street. Onmhn.Nob.
Wliolcsale Paper Dealers ,
Curry n nlco tnck of 1'rliitliirfVrnpplne anil Wrlttni
li , .3r. Hpeclal ultuntloti ien to car load onli'i * .
StorogoForvynrdlnB & . CommlBalon
S torage , Forwarding anfl Commission ,
Dran luiuroof the llemior Ilimirr l' " . IriiL'Klc.ial
sulo nncl ri'tnll. 1 > ii ulOniiil I IIIiurcl Slrcot.
Omiilia. Ti'loplumo No. 7.XJ.
Lager Beer Brewers , . ,
1521 North KltttMccnlli Etrout , Oiniilm. fell. .
Cornloo. _ _
Maniifactirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
piiiiul mi'tallc sk > llilits.
, ldllii'l : si rut , riuiirlrtor.
IIS and Illl-mtUi l.'lli ntieot.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dvnlcrala Type , Trumra nml I'rlntnrs' Supplies , fl ]
ioitli l.'tli i Street , uuiiilin.
_ Paper Boxos. _
" " " " " *
"JOHN u wiLKiE.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1.117 nntl 131'J l > ou ltta bt. , Oumlm , Nob.
Qubltpr Gooclo. _
Manufacturers and Dealers in Riler Goods
311 Clothing and Leather Hcltlnk' . 10OJ Karnnm Street ,
b-S2.ra' Et
M. A. DISCRoV' f , CO. ,
Wbolcsj.Jo Xlanuf icturcrs of
Sasli. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Tlrnncli unico , 12tu nnd UurJ Btrccta , Onmli.i , Neb. v
Bnnfacturers of Sasli , Doors. B'infls. '
uldlniis , Hlalr Work nnd Intorlur Hunt Wood Hn <
8U. N. U. Corner Mh mid I.ruvi'iinrorlli Streets ,
OtuAliH. Ufa.
t Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
A. L. STRAN"G co. , "
PDfflus , Pipes and Engines ,
" " "
fuolesale Furaiis , Pipe , Fittings.
Steam nmnVMcr Supplies. TTonilqiinrtcra for Matt.
Steam and Water Supplies.
.U.d.y . B. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Slicctlron Work I. "H yon Htnam mini ] Pinmm > . , . . , Saw D.I.I."a \11Hi )
tt'on Works.
Carter ft hon , 1'rop's. Manufacturers of nil klnclf
Steam Boilers , Tanis ( and Sheet Iron WorR w
Works MmtH Mill HIM ] 11. X .M. Ciofslnir.
.Vroiiglit and Cast Iron Building Work.
Engines , llrnttVorU , Clcnonil l-ounilryMaohlno anfl
llluclmuiltlHWork. Oiiku nml Works , U , 1 > . lly.
and 17tbHtfect , Oinnliii.
Hannfacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Jeafc Italli , Wlnlow Ouurcl" . Klowcr HliiinU , Wlro
Hlitnu. Ktc. 121 Nortli Kill Htrcct.Onmlia.
Man'frs ' of Fire &Burglar Proof Safes i
Pnultn. Jnll Work , Iron anil Wlrn Fimrlnir , Klunii , KtO.
O , Anilruuii , 1'roy'r Cur lull nnilJaikwin St .
iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
tnd Kcreciis , fnrtiiinks , ( ioi.flor ' .io lilciicci , o to.
luiprovcil Awnlnnn. LocUninltli MiiiLliu-rt nnd
lllucktiulili Worki , wihoutli lull pi.
MKACllKlt , t
: ireand Burglar Proof Safes , Time Lock
k Kunti lurlimljiil I , ) !
Viuilts undJull Watt , lUd.lin i. ill m
.1. i AI.MI..I , iMtiniii N , j. it. iii.AM'iu
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
. M
Live Stock Commission ,
! ! ! ! LlKl ! ! ! ! tl - ° " * " * * Yart ' " *
' *
urioN ; STOCJ ; YARDS co. ,
Of Onialia , Limited ,
; F DoriMjiiuorln' '
Advurtlsliif ; hua nhvnya p'ovoa
Buccc8fuJ. llcforo pluolntf nrj *
Newspaper AdvcrtUluir consuC
iOVBBlieiXQ AbrjTB , I
U to I * * Ua < il k tttt.U OlinAOaJ