Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1889, Image 1

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Failure of the Blootrlo Sugar Roflnlng
The Grcntrflt I-'ltirry Kver Known
When Ihc Announcement Was )
Alndo Tlmt I lid Concern
AVnH n Fraud.
Caused n Panic.
I Jam'/t nnnUtn llcnnett. ]
LONDON , Jan. 4 fNow York Herald Cable
Sncolal to Tin : HnK.1 Isovor In the history
of the Liverpool and Birmingham stock exchanges -
changes have the operators been so excited
ns they were to-day , over the announcement
that the Electric Sugar Refining company , of
New York , is a fraud. Rumors affecting the
company's standing were current in Capel
court nnd caused prices of shares to fall from
A'&U to .111- . The panic was caused by the re
ceipt of the following cables from Mr. Rob
ertson , of Liverpool , secretary nnd treasurer
of the company , wno has for the past nine
months been engaged In investigating the
concern : "In concluding the nrrangcmcnts
with Mrs. Friend , grave doubts were devel
oped that the process wns not what was
claimed. I deeply regret these doubts were
fully confirmed , for I obtained access to the
upper floor to-day , and am satisfied that the
sugar Is manipulated from the refined. Give
every publicity possible. "
A subsequent dispatch was ns follows :
"Cease dealing in the shares. Return Rob
ert's money if remitted you to-duy. This
disclosure is terrible. I can't realize it. "
The dispatches were received by Mr.
Robertson's agent and were posted on
'change. It is surmised that Robertson has
discovered the whole thing to bo a. swindle ,
nnd though an attempt wus made to rally thn
stock , no ono could bo found who would
touch it. The lurgo owners in Liverpool uro
mostly wealthy men , but in Birmingham the
stoclf wus bought by lawyers , doctors , trad
ers and women , who will suffer severely if
Robertson's fears prove well founded.
Ten years ngo a man calling himself Prof.
Friend , of Now York , and claiming to bo an
electrician , arrived in Liverpool , to obtain
financial assistance to develop nn invention
for refining sugur by electricity , for which ho
said ho wus unublo to obtain a consideration
in America. He interested J. W. Robertson ,
n member of n wealthy shipping firm , and
several friends nnd rolutivcs. The professor
was exceedingly reticent nbout the alleged
discovery , and said ho was afraid to patent
it. Ho brought models and produced them
before the wondering eyes of n few privileged
spectators and samples of granulated sugar
different fromany iimdo in England.
Robertson & Friend invested heavily and
with other capitalists in Now York organized
the Electric Sugar Refining company.
Friend was to receive from the sale of shares
sufficient funds to build n manufactory nnd
buy machinery. The company was not regis
tered under the English joint stock compa
nies net , but as nn American company , aud
was under no obligation to publish its ac
counts. Robert Robertson , a wealthy citi
zen of Birmingham , became interested nbout
thrco years ago , und to promote the enter-
prize hold a meeting in the principal hotel of
all who hud subscribed to the stock company.
A largo sum of money was raised at the
meeting. It wus stated that the secret of
the process had been put In writing , sealed
and deposited In the hands of the solicitor so
that it would not bo lost in case of the death
of the Inventor.
Owing to the delay in commencing oper
ations the investors became uneasy. In De
cember , 13S7 , Roberts went to New York
to investigate it. Ho was so well
satisfied that upon his return ho
published a highly encouraging pamphlet
for distribution among the stockholders. Ho
said the factory had been established in
whnt wns formerly the Atlantic flour mills.
Ho explained whnt he saw nnd spoke in
glowing terms of Mr. Hownrd , stepfather
to the professor's * wife , n trained mechanic
who had boon the professor's right hand
man throughout the tedious business of hav
ing machinery made in seclusion in various
parts of the country. Howard Informed him
ho was just five days too lute to enter the
professor's secret room , as all the machinery
wns unpacked ready for immediate opera
tion , and the professor woula not admit the
president of the company himself. Ho
promised to bo ready by Christmas. The
circular sent the stock u booming. Shortly
after Robert's visit Friend died nnd his
death afforded a possible explanation for the
further delay until last autumn , when
another exhibition wns made on September
7 , but this time by Howard. The vis
itors were -shown coarse common
raw sugar , piled in bags , in
the topmost story of the factory over ma
chinery , whence four men handed it through
a square opening as it was culled for by How
ard , who wns In the refilling room. They
then went below and saw fine white sugar
discharged from spouts proceeding from the
secret rooms. Thirteen burrels wore so pro
duced when some of the appliances for driv
ing the granulating machinery were said to
have given away , und the exhibibition was
closed. Fresh exhibitions were made from
time to time nnd the shareholders remained
confident until ycstordhy when Robertson's
dispatches wore received. About a month
ago Henry Thompson , nn eminent patent
agent , wns sent to Now York to take possess
ion of the secret lu return "for 15,000 given
to Mrs. Frfond for her interest in the patent
in ull countries where patent laws are In ex
istence , Ever yono ono Is anxious to know
what Thompson and Robertson huvo discov
ered , _
Interesting to Army OIHcorH.
WASHINUTON , Jan. 4. The senate committee -
tee on military affairs has ordered a favora-
blJ rojiort to bo made on the following army
stuff nominations : Captain P. D. Vroom , ot
the Third cavalry , to ho inspector general
with the rank of major , vice Farnsworth , de
ceased ; Captain Kd W. Hunter , of the First
cavalry , to bo judge udvocato , with rank of
major , vice Curtis , promoted ; Captain G , B.
Davis , of the Fifth cavalry , to be judge ad
vocate , with rankof major , vice Gardner , re
tired : First Lieutenant Robert Craig , of the
Fourth artillery , to be assistant quarter
master , with rank of captain , vice Forsytho ,
promoted. No action was taken on the nom
inations of Captain D. M. Scott , of the First
infantry , mid First Lieutenant Charles Hey ,
of the Twenty-third Infantry , to bo commls-
carles of subslstanco.
Colored Cut holies.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 4. The members of the
Colored Catholic convcntlou called at the
white house ) this afternoon , The president ,
in replying to the address , said ho was glad
to meet representatives of the colored Cath
olic church , recognizing In them a powerful
clement In the progress and prosperity of the
country. Ho was fully convinced that good
religionists who take an interest In tbo wel
fare of the nation are u powerful auxllllary
to good administration uud good government.
rroinlniMit Police Olllcorn Accused of
Conducting n "Kcticc. "
CiiK'\no , .Ian. 4. Charges have been
made which , if true , the Times says , places
the police ofllcials who were most promi
nent In the anarchist prosecution in nn un
favorable light. The chief accuser Is the
wife of Dctcctlvo Lowonstein , the ofllcer
who captured Llngg nml who was Cuptnln
Kclmuk's right-hand man in securing the
evidence which sent Llngc's confederates to
the gallows. She nllcccs that largo quanti
ties of property Irregularly obtained from
prisoners and thieves were brought to her
house by her husband with Captain Schniut's
knowledge and the proceeds were divided
with him. Among the stun" were trinkets
which Llngg , the bombninkcr , bequeathed to
his sweetheart , but which could never bo
found. Mrs. Lowcnstoln's allegations nro
corroborated to 11 considerable extent by
Mrs. Holt , president of the Woman's
Protective iwocintlon , and Lawyer ICorn ,
Mrs. Lowensteln's attorney. Part of the
plunder Is now locked up In tbo vault of the
lawyer , and Includes watches , silks , and
other valuables , besides Llntrg's keepsakes.
Tlio accuser is under indictment for the at
tempted killing of her husband , but shn
claims to have been ilred upon by him first
in the quarrel , resulting from her endeavors
to cut loose from the "fence. " and make him
to so. Her motive In revealing the aliened
circumstances now , she says. Is because her
husband , Captain Schaaic , and others are en
deavoring to destroy her reputation as a
wife , in order to discredit in case the story
of the "fence" is brought up during the trial.
Proprietor of the Times Arrested.
Ciuo\ao , Jan. 4. | Lnto this afternoon war
rants were sworn out by Police Inspector
Bonllold for the arrest of .1. J. West , pro
prietor , and Joseph Dunlup , city editor of the
Times , charging them with criminal libel for
the publication this morning of an interview
with the wife of Detective Lowenstcin , in
which she charged her as "acting
as a fence for thieves , " mid alleging thatPo-
HceCaptainSchaack was cognizant of the fact.
Mr. Dunlap was immediately arrested in his
room in the Times building and taken to the
Harrison street station. On arriving at the
station Mr. Dunlap was thrown into n cell
nml treated otherwise with exceedingly scant
courtesy. The space behind the bars , in
which Mr. Dunlap was eonllneil , is narrow ,
dark and noisome , ono of the pens which
hold dally an assortment of criminals from
some , of the worst quarters of the city. At
7:30 : Mr. West , who had Just heard of the
matter , hurried to the armory with bonds
men , and Dunlap and himself were soon re
leased on bail.
Soon lifter their release , however , Messrs.
West and Dunlap were ro-arrested on u simi
lar charge , preferred this tlmo by Captain
Seliauk. Bonds were also given in this case
and the gentlemen nro now at liberty.
It is said that when Mr. Duninp was first
taken taken to the Armory station tlio desk
scgcant kindly invited him to make himself
comfortable in ilio ofllca at the station. Very
soon , however , orders were received from
headquarters , emanating , it is claimed , from
Inspector Bonfleld , to place the prisoner in a.
cell , the same as | un ordinary felon , and ] it
was dono.
Kansas City's Postmaster Suddenly
Relieved of Ills O.'Hce.
KANSAS CITV , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram
to THE BCE.J Postmaster George M. Shel
ley received n letter yesterday removing him
from his office. It was not unexpected. On
the 9th of last month Mr. Shplloy received n
letter from the postmaster general demand
ing his resignation. Ho flrmily refused to
resign , and demanded that the grounds for
asking his dismissal bo made public. A
spirited correspondence followed between
Mr. Shelley and Postmaster General Dick
inson , which was ended by the latter send
ing Mr. ShoHoy the following communica
tion , received yesterday :
ill , 1SS8. You nro hereby removed from the
olllco of postmaster at Kansas City , in the
county of Jackson , and state of Missouri.
[ Signed. ! Gitovuu CLEVELAND.
Postmaster General.
To George M. Snclloy , Kansas City , Jack
son county. Mo.
Mr. Shelley's term of ofllce did not expire
for about n year. Ho vacated at 0 o'clock in
the afternoon. B. F. Gullio postolllco inspector
specter , in charge at St. Louis , accompanied
by his stenographer , F. J. Piiro , and Post
olllco Inspector Joseph P. Johnson , took
charge of the ofllco.
Iluntiiiiiton Favora Abrogating the
Exclusion Bill.
NEW Youic , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bcc.l Collls P. Huntlngton has asked
thn chamber of commorca to favor the
amending or the abrogating of the Chinese
exclusion bill. Iluntlagton , in a long letter ,
protests that the bill is injurious to tbo com
mercial relations of the two countries. Huntington -
ington docs not belle vo that honest people
are opposed to the Chinese. Trade , ho says ,
is falling off with China because of the bill ,
and besides there Is no good reason why
China uhould not rctallato. In that event ,
ho adds , the American trade , now drlftlngto
England and other powers , would bo alto
gether lost. Huntington further says that
the measure was the result of partisan pres
sure and political device. "Is not this , " ho
concludes , "a lieju-y price to pay for the lux
ury of the hoodlum vote of California , for I
believe fanatical hostalitv to Industrious
Chinamen is limited to California , where
Irish Catholics swing the balance of power ! "
Yellow Fever on tlio Ynntlc.
WABIIINOTON , Jan. 4. The navy depart
ment has been Informed that yellow fever
has appeared on the Yantic and that she has
leftPort-au-Prlnco for homo. Admiral JLuco
also stated that the Galena , after coalfhg at
Jamaica , would go back to Port-nu-Prluco
to look after maltcn > there , and
that the Haytlcn Republic remained there
awaiting u crew to take her northward. It Is
expected that the United States steamer
Osslpco , now at Norfolk , will sail for Port-
au-Prlnco in a few days. This is in accord
ance with the orders issued to her comman
der by Hear Admiral Luce , commanding tlio
North Atlantic squadron , prior. to his depart
ure on the Galena for Huyti.
To Open Urazlllan Gold FieldH ,
PiTTsntwo , Pa. , Jan. 4. Onoof the biggest
land deals on record has been consummated
with the Brazilian government by Now York ,
Plttsburg and Washington capitalists. The
principal object of the promoters of the
scheme is to open up the valuable diamond
and gold fields in fur western Brazil , and in
order to prosecute the Investigation and
carry on the work , ft company with a capital
of . ' ,000,000 is in progress of formation. The
grant Is for between tifty aud sixty thousand
acres of land ,
Ho Played \Vlth Matches.
RAPID CITV , Dak. , Jan. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HUB. ] The littb son of Ben
Keith , a farmer living about ton miles from
town , played with matches In the barn.
About eight hundred bushels of grain , a largo
amount of hay aud valuable farming Imple
ments were destroyed in the flro that on-
Ills Family Get * Ills Fortune.
LONDON , Jan. 4. Sir William Pcnrco , who
died recently , left an estate valued otXl.250 , .
000. Ho loaves bis property to his widow
aud ouo sou ,
Twenty-seven Minors Killed ,
Miuuii ) , Jan. 4. An explosion of flro
damp In a colliery in the province of Ovieda
killed twenty-noven persons and Injured
many others.
Ho Is Busily Engaged In Preparing
the Various Commlttoos.
The SnhinUsloniHts Hnvc Donned
Their AVar Paint niut Kvcrythlnn
PolntH to an Uxultlnt ; Honslon
> of the ( jCK
Getting Uneasy.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jau. 4. [ Special to Tun
Bnn.J The speaker of the house of repre
sentatives is busily engaged preparing the
various committees , and some of the chair
manship aspirants nro gutting somewhat
uneasy. Culdwcll and Baker both seek the
head of the committee judiciary. It is
claimed that It has been promised to Caldwell -
well , and Baker's friends nro so much exor
cised over the matter that n petition was cir
culated among some of the prominent mem
bers of the house , praying Speaker Watson
to appoint Baker. This put Cald-
well's ' friends on their mettle , and
it Is said that they took effective
measures to block the -schema. B.iker cir
culated his petition In person and secured n
number of names. There Is a small war In
camp , owing , it is said , to misunderstanding ,
but the probabilities nro the disposition of
the chairmanships will prove eminently satis
factory. Mr. Watson will redeem his
pledges to the utmost of his ability. While
under obligations to a number of members
his friends say that ho is in a position to do
justice to "cliques and clans" without fear
or favor. "I do not tbjnk , " said u member
to-day , "that , Mr. Watson has prostituted his
position for the honors secured. " '
The legislature has adjourned over until
Tuesday , to give the speaker time to make
up the committees. Many members have re
turned to their homos , but n few remain in
the city to look up matters of special Interest
to their constituents. Quito a number have
brought their families and have taken up
their residences in the city for the session.
Among these remaining In the city arc
Cruzon of Frontier , Leo of Furniis , Blsbee
ot Holt and Gllehrist of Box Butte.
Somebody is bound to bo disappointed in
the make-up of the committees. The oil
room gang confidently expect to bo "remem
bered" by Speaker Watson and assigned the
leading chairmanships , but the indications
arc that they will get left. The leading sup
porters of Dempster hardly expect to get the
inoro important committees , but they may bo
agreeably disappointed , it Is predicted that
Watson will make up committees impartially ,
and without much regard to their action in
the contest for the speakeiship. Dempster
is certain to got a good committee.
Everything points to an exciting session.
The suUmissionists have donned their war
paint and will face the question to n vote at
the earliest possible moment. Colcman of
Antelope , will introduce a county local op
tion bill somewhat similar to the Georgia or
Missouri law , and if submission is defeated
this measure will bo pressed in both houses.
There is likely to bo a perfect deluge of
railroad bills introduced , covering every
phase of the question. Ex-Governor Butler
and President Burrows , of the Farmers'
alliance , advocate the abolition of the rail
road commission and the enactment of n
schedule of rates , and Coletnan , of Polk , the
union labor member , will doubtless Introduce
a bill for this purpose. However , it has not
the ghost of a show of passing either house
unless there should bo a sudden and almost
miraculous change in sentiment among the
The confederated labor organizations will
also present their demands. They aslt for a
law abolishing the use of the Pinkerton police -
lice , a nine-hour law and a change in ttio
mechanics lien that preference will be
given to labor. They also want all goons
manufactured in the penitentiary marked so
thai they can bo easily distinguished from
the product of free labor , and will present a
bill making tlie 1st of September a legal holi
day to bo known as labor day. Hen J. C.
McBrldo will champion these measures , and
ho will have strong support from other mem
bers of the Lancaster delegation.
Omaha is bound to engage no small share
of the attentions of the legislature. The
contested election cases will first be consid
ered and the amendments to the charter will
follow. The testimony in the contested
cases together with the ballot boxes have
been placed in the care of the secretary of
state and will bo considered by the house
committee on privileges and elections at
onco. Hon. R. S. Berlin has been working
like a Trojan , but llnds it pretty difficult to
practically represent a whole city as largo us
The democratic members nro n minus
quantity in the organisation of the house and
have escaped being button-holed by anxious
oflico seekers. The pressure upon Speaker
Watson for positions is almost beyond en
durance. From twenty-flvo to fifty candi
dates for pages dogged his steps all day yes
terday and made lifo n burden to him. It Is
certainly n great relief for the speaker to bo
permitted to go homo for a few days , where
ho may have some hope of u rest trom the
Importunities of these who nro so anxious to
get their lingers in the public treasury.
When the legislature reassembles next week
the same hungry horde will bo hero , and un
less the speaker develops an extraordinary
amount of firmness the list of ofllcers , al
ready plenty largo enough for the services
required , will bo largely increased. It cer
tainly would not bo a diliicult matter to ascer
tain in advance the number of ofllcers and
employes required and to fill all these places
at once and then draw the lino. But the
magio word assistant llnds places for many
supcrsorviccablo appointees and makes a
large sized rat hole m the stntu treasury.
About the only employe who has not an as
sistant Is the mall carrier , and some genius
who has been left out in the cold may yet tip-
ply for this position. So runs the legislature
and thus are the people's taxes piled up till
they become a grievous burden ,
Aldermen "Warned to Be Oaroful How
They Voto.
CHICAGO , Jan. 4 , The White Caps have
begun business In Chicago , They have not
yet had time to carry out their threats , but
the following letter has been received by
every alderman who has cast his vote for the
elevated road :
Sin Beware I You remember the boodlors
punishment I The doors of Joliet nro not yet
closed. You nro spotted ! Your course
in the council has been closely watched.
Take warning , therefore , how you vote in
future , as the grand jury will cell /or you.
If not , wo shall attend to your caso.
On the letter-bead is a cut of a death's-
head unu cross-bones.
A Sensational 1'apor.
CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 4 , A sensational
paper was Hied to-day in the suit of Netter
vs Christopher Meyer , H. S. Ives and
George II , Staynor , In regard to the sale of
Lho Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton stock.
The paper Is the answer of Mahlon C , Mar
tin , solo surviving executor of the late Chris
topher Meyer. It denies all liability and al
legations of the petition , and attacks the
paper which purports to bo a secret contract
between Ives and Netter , by which Ncttcr
was to receive $50,000 for every million dollars
lars of now stock which Ives proposed to
issue in blare-organization scheme.
Arrested For Swindling.
RAI-ID Cirr , Dak. , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEB.J A. G , Lalng , a real
estate and loan agent at Buffalo Gap , has
jeon arrested on the charge of appropriating
to his own use sums of money entrusted to
ilscare. Ho waived examination and wus
to thogriind jury.
Dick Moore nml Tom Murray Meet In
MtNVnArous , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Br.i : . ] Dick Mqoro and Tom Murraj
met in a room hero with two-ounco gloves
Both seemed to bo In good condition , Moore
weighing 135 pounds nnd Murray 153. DC
spile the difference In weight It was ono o
the liveliest fights ever seen here. In the
first round Murry tried to rush , but Moore
met him with iv counter in the face. Murra >
tried to rush nualn In the second , and n
clinch followed. Honors were nbout even
Moore got In two light blows on Murray's
face In the third. Moore opened the fourtl
with a hard ono on Murray's jaw , rushing
him ngnlnst the wall , Murray secum
llrst blood by a savage blow ot
Moore's mouth. Murray tried to rush the
light in the fifth , but Moore .stopped him ami
landed on his jaw nnd noso. Sharp In-llght-
Inc In the fifth gave Moore the advantage.
In the eighth Murray was dazed by a ban
one on the jaw and began to show his pun
ishmcnt. Murray led In the ninth , but
Moore raucht him with a very clover upper
cut. Murray was bleeding freely nnd was
badly winded. Murray was very groggy in
the tenth , and clinched whenever Moore
led. His face was n mass of bruises , and
blood was llowing from his noso. When the
eleventh round was called Murray had had
enough , and Moore was given the light
The articles called for u twcnty-llve-roum
light. Murray is anxious to have another
go with Moore within two weeks , and the
latter will accommodate him ,
Fines Imposed "By the I'ostollico De
partment ,
WASHINGTON , Jan , 4. Postmaster General
Dickinson to-daj promulgated a , decision in
the matter of the policy of the department it
Imposing lines nnd deductions on railroads
for failures and dela.vs In carrying mails.
In extraordinary cases , such as the great
hiz7ard ! of last spring , there should be no
line or deduction for1 any delay whatever , bo
it OHO day or more. In other nnd usual
cases of delay , by snows or flood , the follow
ing deductions : Fora whole day's failure ,
nnd when the whole of the mail Is carried
through the succeeding day , full pay ;
where there is u failure for two days
and the mail goesthrough un the third
day , one day's pay } if there should bo a
failure for four days , thrco day's pay should
be deducted , and where the delay is longer ,
n deduction should bo made for every ttay
except the last ono of the delay. From the
experience of the department , he continues ,
during the extended controversies between
western roads and their men , I do not con
ceive that a strike of railroad employes can
afford any excuse for the failure to carry
mails. If a case should over occur of violent
nnd unlawful obstruction to the movement of
malls , the government will bo fully able to
set it aside.
One Man Killed. " n j < l Two Severely
CiinvENSE , Wyo. , Jun. 4. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BBC. ] A coftly freight wreck
occurred on the Union Pacific at Medicine
Bow , 128 miles west' of jiore , nt 1 o'clock
this morning , involving the loss of one life ,
the serious injury of several employes and
the destruction of much property. Eastbound -
bound freight No. 20 , in charge of Conductor
Hyland , was stoppcdiby a hot box four miles
west of Medicine Bowy the caboose and two
freight cars being on a 'bridge. 'A flagman
was sent back- , but was not seen by .the ei -
gincor of the fast freight , 'No1. 23 , wllich was
following , and a terrific ; roor cud col
lision occurred on tho.bridgc. James Hughes ,
a telegraph operator of Shelbyville , Mo. ,
who was in the caboose , was crushed , and
died soon after ho was taken out. Engineer
William Nottagc , ofjLaramio , had his ankle
broken and was bruised badly about the
body. Brakclnan C. Isem , who was in the
caboose had both legs crushed and suffered
internal injuries. Following the collision ,
the wreck took lire , destroying the bridge
and wrecked cars. A temporary bridge was
constructed by which travel was resumed
after a delay of scvcnlhours. The coroner's
jury on the death of Hughes , attach no blame
to the company or employes.
The Rock Island's Charge Generally
Bzllcvod to lie Unrounded.
KANSAS CiTV.JMo. , Jan. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun. ] The Rock Island's
charge that the Missouri Pacific had cut the
rate to Denver is regarded as unfounded by
most of the competing lines , and instructions
were received last evening and early this
morning by the ofllcials of the five different
lines from this city to Denver , generally or
dering n maintenance of regular rates. The
Union Pacific , in accordance with orders re
ceived this morning , restored their rates to
$18.10. The Santa Fo pfliciuls were Ilrm In
their belief that the cut was the result of n
mistake , and did not alter the $18.15 rate. E.
S. Jewett , of the Missouri Pacific , received
orders from Clilcago this inornjng to retain
rates nt the old basis. The Burlington bus
met the Rock Island's , and 1ms openly made
n 81.r > rate to Denver , Pueblo and Colorado
Springs , with a corresponding reduction in
rates to other points in Colorado nnd the
west. The Rock Island claims that the cut
nas been made by other lines and that they
liavo positive proof that the Missouri Pacific ,
through their regular offices , quoted a $15
rate. Major Jcwctt stoutly denies It mid
states that If any cut if being made it is
made by the Rook Island. Scalpers were
still selling tickets over the Rock Island
road at $12 this morning.
Trouble For a ICnllroad.
Sy. PAUL , Jan. 4. The most important
case that has boon filed in the United States
district court for many years was begun last
evening on behalf of the United States gov
ernment. It Is an action against the North
ern Pacific railroad company nnd Involves
between ? S,003.030 nnd ffl,000,000. It Is
charged that ever since the road was built ,
about ISiJ'J , It has been -ospasslng upon gov
ernment hind along its | iuo , denuding timber
lands and causing great loss and damage to
the government. The encroachments extend
to land and timber m various parts of Idaho ,
Washington territory , Zyiontnmi and Minne
sota. Unless the company is stopped at once
L > y nn Injunction. : the 'entire country now
being trespassed u'pou will bo denuded. The
government has frequently requested the
Northern Pacific to dasint , but It not only re
fuses to do so , but threatens to continue cut
ting timber. ,
Hlppolito Elected President of Haytl.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 4. The secretary of
state received a Icttqr from the United
states consulate ut Cans Jlaytien , nnnounc-
ng the election of Hippolyto as provincial
ircsldcnt of Haytl by a convention held at
jonalves , and sayingno , particular damage
was done by the recant bombardment of
Cape Haytlou.
PA IMS , Jan. 4. Most of the republican
ourmits describe the manifesto issued by
General Bqulangcr W the electors of the do-
lartmcnt of the Seme us a tissue of calumny
ind brag , nnd say that It Is not worthy of
I. i
Struck Natural Gas.
HOUNEIXSVIU.B , N. Y. , Jan. 4. A strong
em of natural gas has been struck In this
Steuben ) county , nt a depth of 700 feet.
Great excitement prevails in the county )
Hungarians Mnst.Learu German ,
Pr.bTii , Jan. 4. The Hungarian govern-
nent lias directed that greater attention bo
laid to the teaching of the German lunguu&o
n the schools.
Water , Water Everywhere , But Not
n "Drop" to Drink.
Not Ono-IInirofthe AnlmnlH Ucporlcd
HIIVI * Itocn Itocolved lUalno'n
Denial Spooncr Not
WASHINGTON Bum\u : TiicOMint Bus , I
513 FouiiTnayTitSTjir.Kr , V
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jun. 4. I
It Is rather a singular fact In connection
with the spoukorsblp contests that the vari
ous candidates for this important position
are conducting their campaigns solely on the
lloor of the houso. As yet no "headquarters"
have been opened , and It is not likely that
any will bo. At the close of the Forty sev
enth congress , when the spcakershlp fight
opened for the Forty-eighth , there were half
a dozen headquarters of candidates In full
blast in Washington. These headquarters
were rooms In different hotels , which had
been engaged either directly by the candi
dates or by their friends. Tfioy were
not confined to the friends of the
gentlemen who desired to pre
side over the deliberations of the house
alone , but extended to these who desired to
be doorkeepers , sergeatit-nt-arms , cleric , and
even chaplain. Sunset Cox had a room in
Willard's hotel. Ho had a whole host of re
tainers , and whllo there was n tacit agree
ment that there were to bo no liquors fur
nished by either of the gentlemen who de
sired votes for the speakershlp , the thirsty
were not compelled to leave Mr. Cox's room
with their thirst unquonchcd.
Congressman Springer had his place of
business in the National hotel. Springer had
nothing to drink in his room , but in the ad
joining room , which opened into his by tbo aid
of a very convenient door , there was a com
plete bar-room layout. Springer only had one
real supporter , but it is said that he getaway
away with more liquors in his annex than
any other candidate for any of the oiliccs ex
cept the chaplain.
The chaplain , so the boys said , was the
most convivial of the whole crowd. There
was no stint. He always turned his back
when his visitors took n drink , like n true
Kentucky gentleman passing the last bottle
of Bourbon.
This year there is not n glass of wino or a
smell of the "crather" offered by any of the
candidates. Ono op two of them who nro in
the light for all they are worth , have n few
bottles of Pomery Sec in their sideboards ,
but they lock the sideboards up tight when
congressmen call upon them , nnd only break
the seal when in company with non-congres
sional friends. It is anybody's race so far ,
and there are in nil eight or nine candidates
In the field. They are Reed of Maine , Lodge
of Massachusetts , Farquhar of New York ,
Bayno of Pennsylvania , Burrows of Michi
gan , Butterworth and McKinley of Ohior
Cannon of Illinois , and Henderson of Iowa.
About half of these are not seriously work
ing for the place , but should there bo a long
struggle over the organization of the house it
is quite possible that ono of the dark horses
may win ,
Some time ago the dispatches from In
dianapolis announced that General Harrison
had been presented with all sorts of curious
presents from admirers in all sections of the
country. These presents were said to em
brace a small menagerie , intruding buffaloes ,
bears , badgers , various brands of foxes , and
a numerous other animal of more or less rar
ity. A number of queer birds uro also re
ported to have been received by the presi
dent-elect , nnd some of the papers published
cartoons in which General Harrison was pic
tured ns the owner of a small menagerie ,
and very much worried over the problem ,
"What shall I do with it. "
On the publication of these stories the pro
jectors of the zoological garden in this city
saw a chance to add to the small collection of
live animals which have been gathered to
gether In the rear of the Smithsonian insti
tute , und Prof. Horniday , who takes great
interest in this subject , ut once wrotn to the
general asking him to ship nil these animals
to Washington to add to the national zoologi
cal collection. Mr. Horniday was very cha
grined to learn that the stories were fakes ,
and that not one-half of the animals reported
to have been presented have been received.
Ho could get no definite promise ns to what
will bo done with tlioso General Harrison
really has , but he is in hopes that after the
inauguration all live beasts presented to the
president will bo turned over to the national
government in order that the general public
may enjoy the sight and smell of them.
III.MNT. mviis. :
The authority for stating in these dis
patches lust night that Mr. Blaine , who is in
the city , intended going to Indianapolis to
morrow , was Representative Hill , of Illinois ,
who is an intimate friend of the Plumed
Knight , and who was with him after his ar
rival , for some hours last night , dining with
liim. This morning Mr. Bluino nnd Representative
sentative- William Walter Plielps , both stated
that the former would not go to Indianapolis.
Whetheriho denial was made to-day with a
view to throwing the public off the truck of
Mr , Blaino's movements , or whether it wus
regarded by him as indelicate to announce
that he intended to visit the prejsident-clect ,
before his actual departure , is not known.
All of the Iriends of Mr. Blaine who have
seen him , except Mr. Phelps , say ho will un
doubtedly visit Indianapolis within a short
time. They also express confidence in his
selection as secretary of state.
Your correspondent to-dav asked Senator
Spooncr the plain question whether or not ho
would accept u cabinet position if it were of
fered to him. Tlio senator said : "No , I
would not. In tlio first place I like the sen
ate bettor than I would the cabinetand then ,
Wisconsin has enough good cabinet timber
from which President Harrison can make a
choice. If these reasons were insufficient
there is another that outweighs them nil , und
that is that I do not want to burden my wife
with the exacting und irksome social duties
jf the wife of a cabinet ofllcer. No , if I were
nvited into the cabinet I should positively
decline. " It is pretty well understood that
Senator Spooncr has been offered a cabinet
ilucc , nnd the ubove remarks Imply that ho
ius refused it ,
Bishop John P. Newman , of Omuha , who
s In the city , to-dav madn nn argument be
fore the senate committee on foreign relu-
.ions ugalnst the shipment of intoxicating
Iquors into the ignorant sections of foreign
countries , by Americanmunufactuicrs.
This evening Senator and Mrs. Stanford
entertained n party at dinner in honor of Mr.
and Mrs , Newman , Last night the bishop
was given a reception In the parlors of his
old church , the Metropolitan Methodist.
There was n very largo crowd present , nml
hero were speeches welcoming him back , to
which the bishop responded. Ho sketched
irlelly the work ho had been called to do
since his elevation to the episcopacy , nnd ro-
'errc-d to the causes which made it impossible
Tor him to reside , in his official capacity , in
Washington. The senior bishops
lad first choice of stations ,
and when his turn arrived ho
lad to choose between Nebraska und Texas ,
and had , In view of what hud been 'said of
Texas , ho selected Nebraska us his tcm | -
rnry homo. The bishop spoke enthusiastic
ally of Omaha , witli Its great commerce and
nagnlflcent future , and said that Nebraska
tad less Illiteracy In It than any other state
n the union , Incidentally the bishop ro-
crrcd 10 the national debate on the inau
gural ball , and said that If the Inuugura ! ar
rangements were In his hands ho would sub-
tltuto for the ball a grand promenade con-
ert , where a thousand American artists ,
vocal and instrumental , would render Amor-
lean songs nnd American compositions , nnd
where the American citlren could grcot the
American president. The audience greeted
the suggestion with applause.
AN IMPOUTlVTI.tM > 049I ! .
On the 8th of April , IBS" , the secretary of
the Interior approved for patent asi.S'JO acres
nf land In Nebraska In favor of the Union
Pacific Railroad company , embraced In town
ship U north , of range V"i ! west , and other
fractions. Many of tlioso lands were sold to
bona lido purchasers , who nro desirous of se
curing patents to raise money on the lands
for Improvements or to soli the sumo and
give n clear title , but Commissioner Sparks
Issued nn order suspending the l sue of
patents thereto , pcnUitii ; a report of the Pa
cific railway commissioner , which was sent
In nycar ago. The order of suspension re
mains nnd probably will during the life of
this administration , and In the meantime the
settlers und purchasers are loft to fuel the
burden of the action.
Judge Moody , of Dcadwood , Is expected
hero dully to see what can bo done towards
legislation by congress for the division nnd
admission to statehood of Dakota before the
Ith of March. Ho Intends to remain In
Washington several nays.
Judge Moody , Governor Mollctto nnd ox-
Senator Kdgorton uro all expected here
within a fortnight.
As soon as Senator IllDcock reappeared on
the lloor of the senate this afternoon from
his trip to Indianapolis , where ho talked to
the president-elect , ho was immediately
surrounded by fellow senators und asked
about the situation. Tno senate t will not
talk about his conference with the president
elect , but says the people arc to bo given u
vigorous ami clean administration , and that
the formation of the cabinet will undoubtedly
bo satisfactory uo all factions , lie says Gen
eral Harrison is very reserved In his opinions
end that he is makinir no promises. Tlicro
are u many conjectures us to what
Senator Hiscock recommended to tlio prcsl-
dect-elcct , many crediting him with having
urged the selection of both Blaine ano Plait ,
as the best way out of the mugwump-stalwart
dilemma. Pr.uuv S. HIATII.
Washington Brevities.
The president to-day transmitted to congress -
gress a communication from the secretary of
state recommending that nn appropriation of
f 1. > 0Xbe ( ) ) madu for the relief of the families
who were killed on the Japanese island
Ihisima , in March , 1SS7 , by guns from the
United States steamship Omaha , while thut
vessel wns engaged In target practice.
A Little New York Koail LOSCH IIN
ICoHIng Stock.
KI.MIUA , N. Y. , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bni : . ] A railway train , con ° istlig ! of
one engine and several couches , wns stolen
yesterday morning ut Freevillc , N. Y. , in an
exciting und unusual manner. It was on the
Ithaca , Auburn it Western railroad , which
runs between Frccvillo und Auburn. About
breakfast , time , Mr. W. C. Peel , ex-superln
tendent , npueared at the Frcovillo slut ion
while the engineer nnd conductor were ut.
breakfast. Pect suddenly climbed into the
cab und opened the throttle. The fireman
was in the cab , but did not piotest , und
away steamed the cnyinc. The out
witted engineer und conductor und the
frequenters of the railway station were
stricken with astonishment. The ex-super
intendent ran the traia nbout a mile out of
town and then sent a section hand with a
handcar back to the station for the United
States mull , which was delivered to him
without parley. On his return to the stolen
train , the throttle was again opened and the
train proceeded to Auburn at full speed.
There is some litigation between the gentle
men rep'resented by Mr. Peot nnd the South
ern Central road , which now leases the
Ithaca , Auburn & Western. The train taken
by Mr. Poet comprises nearly the entire
rolling stock of the road. The cx-supcrin-
tendent evidently believes that possession is
nine points of the law.
Over Two Hiindrc.l Russians Perish
ly ttio Cold.
ST. PcTnnsnuito , Jan. 4. A terrible disas
ter happened at Sabumtschi. near Tlflis. A
train became blocked m an immense snow
drift , and before aid could be sent fourteen
passengers perished from the Intense cold ,
nnd twenty others were badly frost bitten.
The relief party which started out to rescue
the Imperiled passengers lost their way und
died in the snow.
Ono hundred and seventy-five persons
wore frozen to death ut Ekaterinburg , in the
districl of Pcnn , on December 27. The
Black , Azov and Caspian seas are frozen.
Railway disasters are reported at Baku und
und other places in the Cuucasus.
- . .
Oklahoma Proper.
OKLAHOMA , I. T. , Jan. 4. To the Editor
of Tun Bin : : People who nro intending
to come to Oklahoma should have nothing to
do with leaders of so-called colonies that are
to start some time in the future. Settlers
can come hero alone , or in groups , the same
us to any other section of the country. There
is no Indian land or no Indians between
Oklahoma proper , Cherokee strip , and Kan
sas. Cherokee strip has been declared cov-
crnmcnt laud by the secretary of the Inte
rior , nnd Is being rapidly settled. About ono
hundred claims nro being taken dully , and
the settlers are not molested or interfered
with in any way. B. H. H.UIUIXOTON ,
Secretary Oklahoma Colony.
The Weather Indications
For Nebraska : Fair , slightly colder In the
eastern portion , nearly stationary tempera
ture in thd western portion , winds generally
For Iowa : Fair , slightly colder , north
westerly winds.
For Dakota : Generally fair , slightly
colder In the southeastern portion , nearly
stationary temperature in the northwest portion
tion , variable winds.
IriNh Kvlotorn
DUIIMN , Jan. 4. The eviction of tenants
on the Olephort estates , ut Fort Carrugh ,
County Doncgul , continued to-dny. The
ovlctors went to the house of n man named
Doogan , but found the place defended by u
score of men armed with rifles. The bailiffs
nnd police attacked the house and , after u
desperate struggle , were repulsed. Finally
the priests persuaded tbo men to surrender.
During the light u police Inspector wus badly
- *
Decided Against , the ComnilHHlonorH.
CiiAiu.Ksros' , W. Vu. , Jun , 4 , In the oiso
of John D. Anderson ngainst the commis
sioners of ICunuwha county , n rule wus Is
sued to-duy 1 n the circuit court agultibt the
commissioners , compelling them to appear
und show cause why they should not bo fined
for contempt for certifying election leturns
ns in congressman to the governor contrary
to the injunction awarded by Judge Mo-
Death or n Centenarian.
WABBCM , Minn. , Jan. 4. [ SpccialTologram
to TUB liisii. ] David Irwin , u resident of the
town of Wilton , this county , died und wns
buried to-duy. Ho had reached the ago of
115 yours , nnd hud n distinct recollection of
events succeeding the revolution. lie had
mot und tallied with George Washington
and other statesmen of Ins time , and was u
soldier of the war of 1818. .
Tim Mnnltolm Itullroiul Trouble * .
MiNXRArous , Jun. 4. A Winnipeg special
says : Before u committee of the privy coun
cil to-day ut Ottawa , permission was grunted
the Manitoba government to cross the truck
of the Canadian Pacific under certain restric
tions. No futhcr obstacles were Interposed
by the Canadian Puclllu company.
Itlnlno Alter n HOIIHO.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 4. Representative
William WnUer Phelps said to an Associated
press reporter to-day that Blaine wus here
for the purpose of securing 11 house for 'he
winter for himself und family.
Over Ono Hundred Blooded Horsod3
mid Gattlo Roasted Allvo.
A Lincoln Woman Elope * With n Ne
hrnska City Man Treasurer Poar-
HOII Prostrated Strui'k By n
Train Other StateIUMII.M. .
Treasurer Ponison'n I'llght.
Lorr CIT.X. Neb. , Jan. 4 [ Special to Tim
Hii : : . ] The failure of the Sherman County
Hanking company mid its dlsastious results
to mail } of our eitironi , continues to bo the
chief topic of conversation in this city , Thq
board of supervisors met hero yesterday to
cITcct n settlement with the county officials
prior to vacating thuirofllcos. County Treas
urer Pearson , who had S'JI.IXM of anility
funds deposited In the defunct ban ! ; , wus
called upon for n statement , mid nut being
ready , was given two hours additional time.
At the expiration of that time Mr. Pearson
appeared mid stated Unit owing to his physi
cal condition , resulting from his financial re
verses , ho was unable to complete n state
ment himself , or have it done in tlnip , where
upon the supervisors declared- the olllco of
county treasurer vacant , and placed it in the
hands of SherllY Podler. The outgoing board
took this notion In order ti > comply with the
law mid not because Mr. Pearson Is considered
in nnv manner an Intentional defaulter. To
day S. J. Fatrbulin was appointed county
ti oasttrcr , but the olllco will remain In the
sheriff's hands until tlio required bond of
ff.OKK ( ) Is furnished , which rumor says will
bo a hard matter to accomplish under the
present Mute of affair ? . Mr. Ponrson 1ms
ulwu.\s been nn hnnest and upright cltlrou
nml much sympathy Is oxpicsscd for him ]
Financially ho Is completely wrecked , all his
property , including his dwelling , being
turned over to his bondsmen.
It Will Benefit Omaha.
For.T ROIIISMIN , Neb. , Jan. 4. [ Special to
Tin : HUB. 1 There is a great deal of specula
tion as to whcro the U. & M. ryilrond' is
going from Crawford. Kvory ono knows
now that it is going to the Black Hills , but
where will It go from there I Of It
will not stop in the Hills , but go on west
somewhere possibly all the way to the l"u-
clilc coast. The route It will take becomes a
matter of great interest and importance to
the people and towns of the west. Tlioso
who own town sites and are building up
towns beyond tlio Hluolc Hills are keenly
alive to the vuluo of securing railroad com H
munications. Without knowing anything
about the B. A : M. secrets , but judging by
the lay of the country , it will run from the
Black * Hills to Sundance , thcnco
to Buffalo , Wyo. tlienco to Sheri
dan , Wyo. , and then to the Yellow
stone lake and the National park. This
will make a short route from the east to
the national park. It will hurt St. Paul
some , aud bcncilt Omaha. The road that
gets from the south first to Montana will se
cure a largo portion of the eastern travel
that is now passing north. The route
through Wyoming and Nebraska cast will
bo much tlio shortest , and a traveler from
the Pacific coast by this southeastern route
can probably bo set down in Chicago as soon ,
or nearly as BOOH , as ho could bo landed ID
St. "Paul by the northern'rowto. . , .
IMno Horses and Cattle BitMiod. * * '
Sciiur.Kit , Nob. , Jan. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BII : : . ] A most terrible holocaust
caust occurred on the furm of John Craig ,
about six miles northeast of this city , last
night. Craig was awakened by the hired
girl nbout midnight , and found his largo
barn in llamcs. Forty-thrco horses , seventy
head of cattle and twenty hogs perished.
There were also destroyed $1,000 worth of
farm machinery , 300 bushels of oats , n largo
quantity of hay and some line blooded
Durlmms. Among the hoises destroyed was
a stallion that cost $3,000. and seven Ken
tucky thoroughbreds , of which cost
$1,000 each. Tlio barn cost $ j,000 a few years
ago. The total loss will reach $20,000.
There was no Insurance. The Jlro was un
doubtedly the work of an incendiary. Thai
hired man is suspected , as ho has disap
peared. City Marshall Dcgman leaves for
Omaha to-night to sco if any trace of him
can bo found Ho had some trouble with
Craig's brother.
The Farmers' Protective Association.
COLUMIIUS , Nub. , Jan. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnil The annual meeting of
the Farmers' Protective association con
vened in this city this afternoon. A now set
nf ofllcers were elected. A. C. Picket , A. II.
Ivos , R. Cunningham , W. A. Way and J. J ,
Baines were selected as the board of di
rectors , and Stove Wagner was retained us
the shipping ngcnt. Much enthusiasm was
manifested. < A largo elevator will probably
be built bofoto spring.
Struck IJy a Train.
AI.HION , Nob. , Jan. 4. | Sp jcial Telegram
toTiiEBii ! . ] Niol Stacker and slater , whllo
crossing the Union Pacific track In a. lumber
wagon av2 o'clock to-day , wuro struck by a
train. Neil was injured internally , probably
fatally , his sister nlightly inirt , ono horap
killed and the wagon demolished.
Klopod With 11 Itustatiratoiif.
NimiAfKA CITV , Nob. , Jan. 4. [ Special
1'elcgram to Tin ; BKIA. ] . F. McCoy , ot
Lincoln , telegraphed to this city for information
mation of his wile , who was visiting here ,
and whom he mistrusted. She olopcd this
morning with a restaurant proprietor , who
left u number of creditors in the lurch.
ArruRtcil for Seduction. , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram
lo Tun Bi : . ] Ceorgo D. Raymcr , for BOV-
oral months past u student in the ofllco of
ono of the leading attorneys of thn city , nnij
luito iv society youth , was arrested lost nltrht
by Sheriff Swenson upon n requisition from
Uovernor. Church , of Dakota. Raymer Is
ivantcd at Fargo for the crime of HcducUori
under promise of marriage- . His victim , a
respectable young lady , it In said , has died
under the weight of tihumo aud grlof at the
tiuartloss conduct of her betrayer. Raymor
is fiulto well known in this city. Hols u lino-
looking young man and appears hardly c.ipa. ,
llo of playing the heartless deceiver. Ho
was taken to Furgo to-day.
I Statehood Convention Callnd.
YANKTO.V , Dak. , Juu ! ! , The utatohood ox-
scutlvo committee has Issued a call for a
leleguto coriventon of counties In southern
Dakota , to meet January 10 , for the purpose of'
taking stops to further Htato hood for South
Dakota. The committee believes South
Dakota's chances at Washington are Waning ,
mil many fear two or thrco years will olupio
before admission is achieved , U Is urged that
iction should bu taken at the present don-
{ ress , and In case such Is not done the strong-
ist pressure possible will bo brought , to hour
.0 secure nn extra session for the purpose of
ulmittlni ; the state.
Huiuldn of an lOx-OH Princn ,
CLKVCI.ANI/ , . , Jan. 4. George A. Buker ,
> no of the original stockholders of the Stnml-
irdOIl company , yesterday committing sul-
sltlo by taking u dose of morphine. Not
eng since Baker was ono of the millionaires
> f the town. High living wus the cauo ot
ils ruin and consequent sululdo , Hu leaves
i widow and three children.
Without Hard Ijuhor.
DUIIMN , Jun. 4. Finucano , M. P. , was to
lay , sentenced to one month's Imprisonment ,
without hard-labor , under the crimes act.
He wus accompanied to the jail by the mayor
jid crowds of cheering citizens.