Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1889, Page 8, Image 9

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The funeral of Wnrren WhUflclil will
tnko plnco nt the First Baptist church ,
corner Fifteenth tuid Davenport , fit 1
o'clock p. tn. to-lny. (
General C. II. Frederick , the hnttor ,
hus given Mr. C. II. Fuller n third In
terest In his business , ns a recognition
of four years meritorious service ns his
hcnd clerk.
Thoftmornlof Helen Wllcox will tnko
plnco nt 10 o'clock this morning , in-
htcnd of 2 p. m. us announced in yester
day morning's paper , from the house ,
1111 Park avcnuo.
The lecture nt the synngojjuo
this evening will be on the subject ,
"Tho Hebrew of the Ghetto and the
Hebrew of the Ago. " The public is
cordially invited.
A now building on the corner of Gar-
lick and L'leasant streets , belonging to
J. Snundors , was burned to the ground
about 11J0 ! : ! Wednesday night. The loss
WIIB $1,400 ; no insurance. Incendiarism
is thought to bo the cmiio.
The report of the Oinahn City mission
for last week states that n din tier had
boon given to the poor on Christmas
clay , and that thirty-live children had
boon presented with toys as a reminder
of the season. The good work of the
mission is proceeding weekly , and an
urgent appeal to the churl table is made
for further funds.
William H. Falls , rowcsotitliiB the Dalys.
Is In the city nrranglnp dntcs for hl show ,
At the Arcaclo : W. S. Korncr , Falls City ;
John W. IJlnclc , Ncbr.wka City ; A. M. An
derson , Lyons : W. T. Hrown , Lincoln : At
bert Johnson , Whitney.
At the Marker : .1. 11. Wntklni , St. Pnul ;
F. H. Martin , Pacific Junction ; C. H.
Turner , Atchison ; .1. W. Kicltnrt. Kunsas
City ; 1) . C. Dunham , Silver City , Colo. ; H.
Wilson , Ncllgh ; W. S. llartoll , West Point ;
"W. C. Ciitlierwood , Hlalr ; C. J. Slater and
wife , Colfnx , In.
Justice Court.
"William Gibson , has coinmenccci suit be
toro Justice O'Connell against John ttoushcr
to recover § 123 real estate commission.
Mrs. Murray , of Fort Omahn , who was in
] uicd by a fall at the Webster street depot n
few days ORO , while engaged Wednesday in
her domestic duties , was suddenly stricken
with iiarnlysis. _
Sriivcy In
A telegram from Chicago says that "Web
ber S. Scuvey , chief of police of Omaha , is
hero to study police methods in tills city ,
more particularly the method used in regu
lating the liquor trafllc. "
O'Connell Convalescent.
Daniel O'Conncll , the .young man who was
shot In the breast by Frank Robinson , has so
far recovered as to bo about town again.
The bullet which is still located in his
body In the region of the right shoulder ,
gives him but little pain.
Twenty Thousand Hrlckn
Yesterday in Justice ICroogcr's court Mike
Swatck brought action against Mrs. Mary
Svncinn. for wrongful possession of ! ! 0,000
uncles. Swatck bought them at n sheriff's
Bale , but Mrs. Svacina unlawfully toolc them
away. The case was continued until the Oth.
Tlie Colored Coiner.
Dan nice , the darltcy who stole the rare
numismatic collection at the Eden Musee ,
bus been bound over to the district in the
Slim ol $1,000. Part of the stolen coins wore
found in his possession and the remainder ho
bad spent for their face value.
I'ark Avenue on tlio Ijoop.
The horse car street railway company
began running cars over the loop from Far-
nam on Ninth to Douglas and Twelfth
streets , and back to Farnam , yesterday. The
white or Farnam and Park avenue cars arc
the only service that will take this route at
present. _
A Dlsiistroiis Burnt.
Wednesday night , shortly after the break
ing'out of the Now York store fire , the water
main on Dodge street , between Twenty-
Bovcnth and Twenty-eighth , burst. The water
washed away the eurth under the cable
track for a distance of eighty feet , so that
the traQlc on the road had to bo suspended.
Dranrtcr * .
It was discovered yesterday that James
Cummlngs. private , of Company C , one of
the recent batch of recruits at Fort Omaha ,
had deserted. Cummings was n most popu
lar man and his act was a surprise to all ,
Ho is a graduate of Harvard college , having
received the degrees of an A. U. and an M. D.
The case of 13yrncs , the deserter of a few
days ago , has been continued.
William Dunne , father of Miss Nellie
Dunne , of Bradstrcet's clerical corps , died
Wednesday afternoon at. Ills late residence ,
1424 Sherman avcnuo.
The members of the Pennsylvania Asso
ciation In Nebraska are respectfully invited
to attend the f unoral of their fellow member ,
David T. Scptt , from his late rosulonco , No ,
1310 Sherman avenue , to-day at - o'clock ,
County Hoard Kcorgnnizliif ; .
Thccounty commissioners assembled at 2:30 :
o'cloclt. yesterday Mr. Mount was elected
chairman and Mr. O'Kccfe retired from the
position , a vote of thanks being tendered him
for the manner In which ho had discharged
the duties of his ofllco during the past year ,
William Morau was ro-elcctod clorlc of the
The board then adjourned.
I'rolllo Kxpruas Directors.
At n meeting of the stockholders of 'tho
Pncillo Express company hold at the oftlco of
Mr. 13. M. Morsnian , president , 1215 Farnam
street , yesterday , the following were elected
directors for the ensuing year :
Charles F. Adams , Hoston , Mass. ; A. H ,
Calof , Now York ; D. S. H. Smlth.St. Louis. , . A. Fuller , St. Louis , Mo ; J. 1C.
Johnston , Kansas City , Mo , : 10. M. Morouinn
.and W. F. Uuuuol , Omaha , Nub.
The directors will hold their meeting for
the purpose of organization and election of
olllcors the latter part of this month.
Got No Water.
The waterworks company reports that less
than half of Us patrons have paid their semi
annual water dues. On Monday , the last
day on which u 5 per cent discount was al
lowed for those paying in advance , there was
considerable of a rush to the ofllco of the
company , but up to the evening of the sa'mo
day only about one-third of the patrons had
taken advantage of the 5 pur cent discount.
The growing business of the company re
quires them to bo more strict In the future
than they hnve been In tlio past , and all sub
scribers hereafter who do not pay In thirty
days will have tholr watur supply cut off.
By the Camp Flro ,
Wednesday evening the Phil Kearney nest
of.tbo G , A. It. gave a grand ball and supper
&t the garrison hall at Fort Omaha. The busi
ness mooting and Installation of the recently
elected o nicer a was private. Following the
meeting all adjourned to the hop-room. A
very largo number of city people were pres
ent. The Gcorgo A. Custcr Post No. 7 at
tended In a body , bringing tholr colors , which
were received with an ovation. Posts Nos ,
110 and " (53 ( sent representatives. Among
those who addressed the comrades of the
1'hll Kearney Post were Captain Aaron S.
Daggott , U. 8. A. , Colonel Dennis , G , A. H.
Biid Mrs. . Wllcox. Dancing was kept up until
n late hour , and all enjoyed a most pleasant
'evening. _
SborlfTu Lot Not n Happy One.
> Sheriff Coburn , owlug to sickness , did not
go to Lincoln yesterday morning
to attend tbo convention of the
hoVIffu ot the state , which convened
there In the afternoon. The object of this
convention Is fern general discussion ol
shcrlffn1 work , with the view of attaining
better results. Another important subject ,
however , the discussion of the foe-book , wll !
cotnc In for a goodly share of attention. The
sheriffs of the state are unanimous In the
opinion that their cause would bo amelior
ated It this fee system could bo entirely
knocked out , and their.compensation bo flxei
in a regular salary. They claim that the fee
book system entails three-fold more work ,
and Is less satisfactory and cfllclcnt. The
law allows a sheriff In this state a salary 01
but $2,601) ) , and this ho must make out of his
fees , but before deducting bis own portlor
from these , ho must satisfy the salaries of nl
his clerks and assistants ,
"We Point with Pride"
To the "Good name nt homo , " won by
Hood's Snrsnpnrilla. In Lowell , Mass. ,
whore It is prepared , there Is more of
Ilood'n Sursaparill'v sold than all other
medicines , and it has given the best ol
satisfaction since its introduction ton
years ago. This could not bo if the med
icine did not possess merit. If you sulToi
from lintntro blood , try Hood's Snrsnjiii-
rillaanu realize its peculiar curative
N < ' llK < Mit Klcctlon unicorn.
The United [ States grand Jury Is still at
work on the election cases. Yesterday mornIng -
Ing snbocnas ] were issued for the parties from
the noor farm who voted at the Seventh
ward , also for J. J. ' , Points anil O. AV.
Thomas , Judges , whoso names were not sub
scribed to the Jurat on tlio poll books. The
Judges claim that they qualified before
County Clerk Hochc , and they labored un
der the Impression that that was all
that was necessary. Mr. Uoolio himself ,
was also before the Jury with the Seventh
ward ballot , box , which was in a deplorable
condition. The ballots were not only torn
amlcrumplcdbutdnmpcd promiscuously Into
the box. Not the first instruction of the law ,
It is said , was observed , and Mr. Houho said
the box was in the worst condition of any returned -
turned from any precinct in the city or
H. H , Field , one of the clerks nt the See-
ward polls , was indicted Wednesday. Ho was
arrested yesterday morning anil arraigned
before Judge Dandy. His bond was llxcd at
$1,300 , the same us the balance of the In-
$ n,0 ( > ( > Howard $5ono
For n bettor or moro pleasant remedy
for the euro of consumption , bronchial
troubles , cough , croup mid whooping
cough than SANTA AI1IK , the Cali
fornia king of consumption. Every
bottle warranted. If you would bo cured
of that disgusting ( , catarrh , use
by mail $1.10. Santa Able and Cat-R-
Cure are sold and warranted by Good
man Drug Co.
Who's Afraid.
The Chicago & Northwcstcrn's new calendar
is a beautiful specimen of the engraver's art.
The picture is entitled "Who's Afraid , " and
its story is told as follows :
A celebrated photographer while making
pictures along the rough coast of New Eng
land , set his camera to take the view of a
double row of rocks off York Ilcach , Mo. ,
with tha waves dashimr over them , when
three sunny faced children appeared on the
scene from behind the rocks where they had
been hidden from view , running towards the
water as though to plunge into the surf mid
by accident halted directly in front of the
camera already set , when a clear manly
voice from a distance , rang out the warning
to the youngorchild , "My darling , don't get
near tlio water 1" They turned , each in
characteristic pose , and the reply came from
the llttlo ono , "Who's Afraid I" Snap went
the rubber on the camera , and the sunbeams
had llxed forever a picture , piquant , roguish
and withal such a , touch of nature as no ur-
list's fancy could ever body forth.
From tlio Council BltifTs Nonpareil ,
Dec. 12 , 1880.
We are credibly Informed that the mortality
from diphtheria , under the treatment of Dr.
Thos. Jcfforis of this city is merely nominal ,
not exceeding one-fifth of ono per cent. Such
being the case no time should bo lost in plac
ing his remedy within the reach of every
family and thus save annually hundreds of
thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most
universally destructive , pestilence that has
allllctca the world during the last hundred
EXECUTIVE OFFICE. Couxcii , Bt.urrs , Jan.
7 , 1882. I do not hesitate to suy that the suc
cess attending the use of Dr. JeiTeris' Pre
ventive and Cure for Diphtheria has no equal.
I speak from experience , having used it in my
own family ; I am also well acquainted with
the facts connected with its use m our city.
AV. l { . VAUOHX , Mayor.
No physician required. Price of remedy
$3. Addres , box No. 457 , Omaha , Neb. ( Dr.
Jefferis hus retired from active practice. . )
Broke n Ijaiuera on HU Head.
Charles O'Kccfo , of Omaha , came down
to South Omaha on Conductor Billow's
dummy train , arriving hero at 0:35 : AVcdnes-
day evening , and failln jr to hear the call for
South Omahn , attempted to pull the boll
rope to stop thotram so as to get off. Frank
Curtiss ordered Mr. O'Keofe not to inter
fere with the train , at the same time tolling
him the tram ivould stop at Q struct. The
end of the trouble was that
when O'Keofo attempted to pull
the rope Curtiss struck him with his lantern
over the head , breaking the glass and cutting
O'Keofe on the hand and nose and bruising
his head. O'Kccfo was very mad and threat
cncd prosecution , but sober second and bet
tor thoughts of peace control tutu now. Mr.
O'Keofo pays that Urakeiimn Curtiss told
him that ho would have to go to Albright
and back and pay his fare.
AVns It d Suicide ?
Michael Deutschal , proprietor of the Star
bakery , Twenty-seventh street , dlod at 0
o'clock Wednesday night In convulsions. Ho
has been despondent of hue over his business
and his son Frank , who at the time lay
drunk In an adjoining room. Mr , Doutschcl
became ill yesterday before" noon , and In the
evening neighbors were attracted by his
groans , but then too Into to do anything. He
leaves two wives in Mar.vsvillc , Mo. , and
several children , A paper , with dust of n
powder , supposed to have been poison , was
Jound In the room.
Drunk ; and I ' 'oil Over n Bunk.
At 10:00 : o'clock yesterday morning Frank
Doutschol , very drunk , was going homo to
where his dead father lay , and lie fell over the
bank from the front door Into Twenty-
seventh street , about Ilfteon foot , receiving
injuries nn the head , and internal injuries.
Ho lias been lying in an insensible condition
nil day and lils injuries cannot be ascer
Notes About the City.
Bernard S. Eybol. who has been ill with
erysipelas , is up and out again.
A. L. Day , formerly of this city. Is back
from Central City , visiting friends hero.
C. S. Johnson , the ox-It , & M. brnkeinan ,
who assaulted and beat I. Dovoro Monday
ovenliig , was taken to Omaha Ayeducsday by
Ollicor Dempsoy.
Mrs , L , 0. Gibson will entertain company
nt her homo , N and Twenty-first streets ,
this evening ,
That hacking cough can bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh'n ' Ciiro. Wo guarantee
it. For btilo by Goodman Drug Co.
A. HofiiKOo From Uiiolo Sam.
J , J. Starr , a constable from Hastings ,
came up to the city AVodiiospay night with a
deserter from the United States army named
Jim Cummins , whom ho wished to turn over
to the authorities here. A policeman ar
rested Starr us a suspicious character and
cast him Into the central station , where ho
iwssod the night.
Will you Buffer with dyspepsia and
liver coinpltiint'r1 Shtloh's Vitalizor is
gunrnntcod to euro you. For bale by
Goodman Drug Co.
j *
A\ ] \ parsons having any claims against
althor the Grand Central or Midway
liotels of Konrnoy , Nob. , are hereby re
quested to present sumo , as I wish to
fcottlo nil nccountH at once.
T , C. DRAINARD , Proprietor.
ClilcT tialllgnn Arrested nt the New
York Store.
"J. J. Galllgan , Irish , arrested nt 3:30 : n ,
m. , by Sergeant llaro for resisting nn offi
cer , " Is the memorandum of the ( Ire chief's
arrest In the record at the central station.
The news of the nrrrwt ot the chief while
performing his duties at the Now York stpre
flro Wednesday night , spread rapidly , and
was the talk of the town. The facts as near
as can bo elicited , are as follows :
Just after the flro ono of the llrcmcn went
to Chief Galllgan and informed
him that six blankets , evidently
stolen from the burning store by ono of the
fire-lighters , had been found on the chemical
engine. At this time the chief was giving or
ders to one of the lire companies to remain
all night and watch the debris to see that
the flames did not break out afresh. After
finishing his orders the chief made inquiry
among his men to sco who know anything
about the blankets. At this Juncture Ser
geant Hnzocnmo rushing up to the chief and
commenced to abuse him for the theft of his
men. This nettled Gilligiin : , and ho per
emptorily told Hiuo to mind his own busi
ness , and added that It was hisi'tho chief's )
iiion who had committed the theft , and he
would attend to it.
"To h 1 with your men , " said Hnro.
"G d d n , you If you give mo any of your
lip I'll arrest you. "
"You can't do it any too soon , " said the
No sooner were the words said than Hiiro
sciml Galligau and declared him under ar
rest.Gallignn throw his hands forward to push
the policeman buck and in half a second
Haze was sitting on the sidewalk , It Is re
ported the enraged ofllcer cuiscd and
threatened Gnlligun anil a hand-
to-hand contest ensued for a few minutes , In
which clenched lists and the game of give
and take figured prominently. Gnlligan ,
however , denies that there was any struggle
between them. He says that when Haze
placed his hands on Him ho threw him back ,
and while doing this he struck Hu/o in the
face. The blow was accidental.
Gnlligan was taken to the nearest alarm
box , tin.1 patrol wagon was called , and ho
was taken to tlio central police sta
tion. At the latter place Ofll-
cor Hare claimed thntGallliran was drunk
but several persons of prominence who saw
thochiof at the time , or just before the
arrest , sny that this Is n mistake. Shortly
after Galligim was taken to the central sta
tion , ho was released by order of Captain
Cormaek , who is acting as chief of police in
the absence of AV. S. Scavey.
Gullignn is very indignant over the arrest ,
nnd says ho will sue Olllcer Haze's ' bonds
men for fatso imprisonment.
An Absolute Curo.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is an absolute cure for old sores , bums ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEixT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23
cents per box by wall : tO cents.
An Unpopular Itlovn by the Union Pa-
cifio Management.
Wednesday n circular was issued by the
operating department of the Union Pacific
announcing a reduction in wages of 15 cents
per day on all trackmen employed on the
Nebraska division of that road between
Council IJlutTs and Nortn Pintle. Tlio sec
tion hands in the yards at this point will re
ceive the regular pay , which is $1.10 per day
At Council IJluffs and the remaining sections
it will bol.'J5. In speaking of the matter a
member of the local labor unhn said : "Or
ganized labor will consider this , knowing
that should this not bo met with op
position , the company will be heard
from in n similar deal in other
sections. AVe do not approve of this policy.
It falls upon a class of men that receive the
lowest wages of any in tlio employ of this
ro-ad , and can ill-afford to stand the reduc
tion. AVe regard this as ono o the results of
the change in management. A new man
comes in , lie endeavors to gain a record over
hi ? predecessor , by .operating at n less ex
pense , and , in consequence , the poor laborer
is made the victim. I do not want to go on
record ns predicting a strike , but if the re
duction was made in Omaha where labor is
thoroughly organized , I think such would
immediately follow , "
The circular is said to bo fathered by
Superintendent Hesscgmo.
Clem Hackney Flaliovcil.
Another head has fallen into the official
receptacle of the Union Pacific. This tima
Clem Haclcncy , superintendent of motive
power and carsliops , is the victim. AVednes-
duy ho was at his post of duty when suddenly
n missive put in its appearance notifying him
that after February 1 his services \vould be
dispensed with by the Union Pacific. No cause
is assigned. Ho has been four years with the
road. It is said that ho will Join his father in
the near future , who is in a like position with
the Santa Fe road. His successor has not
yet been appointed.
Tlio Overland Jump.
It * was reported hero yesterday morn
ing Golden Gate special on the
Union Pacific . that the railroad
was wrecked near Echo canyon ,
Utah. The report proves , on investigation ,
to bo untrue. It very probably grow out of
the fact that the overland met with an acci
dent near Echo canyon , Tuesday nighK
Two sleepers and two day coaches jumped
the track. Nobody was killed , but Prof.
Stark of Cheyenne , AVyo. , had ono of his
egs broken. _
nailroud Notes.
J. A. Reed , general traveling passenger
agent , M. F. Moss , traveling passenger
ngent , Cliicaco , and E. M. Ford , traveling
passenger agent , with headquarters at DCS
Moines , all of the Union Pacific , were at
headquarters'Vestorday and received outlines
of their duties tor the now year.
Charles F , Adams , F. L. Ames , F. G. Dex
ter , John Spaulding , E. F. Atkins , of Hos-
ton , Sidney Dillon , of Now York , nnd AV. H.
Houglaml , of Omaha , are the new directors
elected by the Omaha & Republican A'alloy.
Frank Lynd. traveling passenger ngent of
the Union Pacific , with headquarters at St.
Paul , is in the city.
Chief Clerk Scott , Of the passenger de
partment of the Union Pacific , and Chief
Clerk Coykcndall , of the vice president's
office , have returned from the east.
A New JerJioy
MATS LANUIXO , N. J. , Jan. . Hobort
Elder , Jr. , was hanged in the Jail yard hero
nt 113:07 : todayfor the murder of his father on
August 4 , 18i > S.
Absolutely Pure ,
Tills powdornovervarli's. A mnrvcl of purity
Mrcimtli nnd Mliolooin nos * .More econom
ical than the ordinary kinds mid cannot bo sold
In competition Mth the multitude of law cost ,
short weight nliim or piiosplmto powilor.f , Sold
oulyln cans , itovnl linking 1'owdor ti < > . . 1.x )
AVallstPoct. NOW York.
Made Yesterday niornhiK In the
Omnlin lion h Show.
There was n largo crowd present nt the
bench show morning yesterday when the
Judges awarded the prizes.
In the fox-terrier class , the * first prize , n
handsome silver cup , was awarded to Lieu
tenant Will Wright , for his dog , Hags.
William Mair's , flno quuliticd bitch Omaha ,
toolc second , a purse , and his bitch Peggie ,
In the sltyo-tcrrier class , Tom Chalmers'
bitch Vic , out of imported Fairy , by cham
pion Prince Chnrlos II. , considered the best
Skyc in Scotland , took the first prbo ; Chal
mers dog Mac , out ot Daisy , out of Culloden ,
second ,
For greyhounds , Charlie Rosters' Clothes
line , considered the fastest runner in
America , took first4 NntUrowti's puppy , sec
In the black-nnd-tan terrier class , William
Turner first , C. Carlson second and A , Hose
Setters Al White of Plattsmouth took
tirst on his magnificent Gordon , Holla , G.
Hlchnrdson's Laverick second , and John
Smith's Gordon third.
Pugs AV. S. Holproy'a Colonel first , Top-
sc.v second , and J. S. Harness' dog third.
Hull Terriers G. AV. Hond's Fly first ,
E. C. Miller's Nell second and AV. J. Tur
ner's Betsy linker third.
Mastiffs Kov. Father Colaneri's Major
first. This is a magnificent specimen out of
imp. Iluliln by imp. Vulcan ; weight 121
pounds , 3'J inches high at shoulders , nge 17
months. Major , whoso grandfather was
owned by Kcv. Mcller of Kngland and val
ued at i5,000 , is of the best strain of mastiffs
in the known world. AA. V. Morse's Sultan ,
a promising dog , second , and AV. II. Alex
ander's Gersld. third.
Chesapeake Hay Spaniels E. Cook's
niutcher S. first , Cook's bitch , Kate , second ,
in the bitch class , ami 13. A. P.ilmiT's Madge
first , G. Hielmrdson third and J. E. Mcrri-
nm's Dan .second on. dogs.
Pointers John Hinglo first and John Kcrr
second. Kerr's dog Knpp has all the points
of a superior dop.
Spaniels AV. Rutherford's Leo and Hilly
Manner's Sport first ; John Hoye's Shot second
end , and John Uuthcrford's Daisy thiid.
Newfoundland No competition. Charles
Cheney has n pro'mlsing young dog on the
Johnny Carlow , liish terrier , a great dog ,
attracts much attention , but there is no com
The beautiful prizes are now on exhibition
nt the hall.
Father Calaneri made the management n
handsome contribution by the way of en
couragement for future bench shows.
A druggist at Fort Scott , Kansas , per
suaded D. A. Camp , a bookkeeper , to
buy a bottle of Chamberlain's cough
remedy. Mr. Camp now says the rem
edy is unsurpassed for throat and lung
complaints , especially for children
troubled with colds , and that ho would
not bo without it for many times it cost.
Only 50 cents or bottlo. All druggists
boll it.
_ _
At the annual mooting of the stock
holders of the Bank of Commerce , hold
January U , tlio original officers and
directors were ro-cleeted. Mr. W. S.
Rector formerly discount clerk was
elected to the position of assistant cash
"Xiotmira Hod" Ins-tiic.
Johnny Olp , or "Niobrara Ucd , " the ex-
pony express rider , cow-boy and trapper ,
was before Insanity Commissioner Tilden
Wednesday evening , and adjudged insane.
Papers of application wore sent to Lincoln
this morning , but as the asylum is already
overcrowded , the likelihood is that Olp will
remain in jail hero fur some time.
Dr. Kcnington , specialist , 10:10 : K st. ,
Lincoln , Nebraska.
Governor A inch' ItecnmincndnUons.
BOSTON , Jan. 3. Governor Ames sent his
annual message to the legislature to-day. Ho
advises an early submission to the people of
u prohibition amendment , and advocates an
increase of the penalties fora violation of the
liquor laws.
I'tcmnndcd For Fiirthrr Ho'irlnj * .
Loxnox , Jan. 3. Kuhn , the man who was
arrested at Queenstown on a charge of being
n fugitive immli'rer from Wisconsin , was ar-
raiirned m tlio How street police court to-day
and remanded for further hearing.
An Embrz/.lor llcturim. , Jan. S. Louis Homer , the
Chicago cmnezzlcr , waived extradition pro
ceedings and left for Chicago lust night in
company with a member of the defraudoJ
Ilosrox , Jnu. 3. Tlio marriage of Gertrude
Harrctt and Joseph Anderson , Mary Ander
son's brother , was Holomni/ed nt tlio cathe
dral to-day , HIshop Williams olllclating.
tTsed by the United State * Ooif rnment. Itndorseil by the Jitads of the Oreat ITn versltles
' nd 1'iibllc Food Analysts , as the Strongest. I'urcst and mokt Ilealthful. Hr. Trice Cream fc
Baklnjf Powder doe not contain Ammonia , I.lmeor Alum. Dr. Price 8 Pcllclou * J'layorini ; I -
tracts , Vanilla , I.eraou , Orauge , Almond , Rose , etc. , do uot contain 1'olbonous Olla or tnemlcal * . 0
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO , , New York , Chicago. 6t.Loula.
For Overcoats the season will soon b9 OA'or. AVe have had an enormous trade in
them and wo are happy to say Avhat few clothiers are able to say that wo have not
many left , we only regret that we haA'o to disappoint many customers , as wo can not fit
all. A few weeks ago we had so many , that we thought it would bo impossible to dis
pose of all this season but the demand outran our supply ; this fact only domostratcs
that Ave must have sold them the cheapest , The feAV odd sixes which are loft will bo
disposed of during the next foAV days. Wo call particular attention to a foAV Fur
Trimmed Overcoats and fine Ulsters , which are offered remarkably IOAV , and we ran
guarantee an enormous saving to those whom AVO can Jit , as tlio same garment would
cost considerable more money elsoAvhoro.
Of the children's fine Overcoats which AVO advertised last Aveekaro only a few left ;
there never Avere such elegant garments offered at the prices we marked these.
In men's and boy's Suits we have a good stock yet. Our IOAV prices throughout the
season do not leave much of a margin for "mark down" and "sweeping reduction" fig
ures , but we will take inventory next week and as we are determined to haAro as fe\v
goods as possible to take up , we will make some heavy sacrifices and offer this week
extraordinary inducements in several lots of men's and boy's Suits , they are mostly of
the finer grades and we have marked them as IOAV as other houses Avould ask for medium
and much poorer qualities.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
The liberal response to our S10.03 Suit
sale has proven to us that when wo offer
n bargain , pcoplo understand wo mean
what wo say. There are utill a few
moro left. OA'EKCOATS HAVE also
TAKEN a TUMULE-loolc at them ,
i\4rtri \ > 'nd < rK ? .
Uaz Meyer-Established 1866-Adolph Meyer
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General Agent * Tor
and JAS , W , STARR
Jtory&ClarX and Shoninger-Bell Organs
AVrlte for Catalogue
Advertising has always p ovou
successful , lie fora jil.iclnirnny
Nowspnpor Advertising consult
O t ( QuiiobU SlretU CHICAGO.
ttr , J. E. McGrew ;
One of llto Most Siirepstful
n the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial anil Private Diseases ,
Ills form of treatment Is recommended by
lose who have tried ft , In the very utrongcst
Is treatment for which leaves a perfect skin
nd a im > 4t beautiful complexion. A cure giiur.
utecd In nil forma of I'rlvato Disease * ,
All disorders of thu Sexual organ * , curedand
i-ultli , ambition and m.inliood completely re-
ored ,
Treatment by correspondence. Bend etanip
r reply.
ifflce Bushman Bloc * . 16th and
Douitlas Sta. Omul > a , Not )
KnrA fiirpcll .
wire uiresi } chCOBO | | IMs. \ ciarkst.
Ilio Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
Jfir NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the cflecu
leading to early decay and peihaps Consumption ot
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-failmg success ,
XJ3- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DIs
eases permanently cured ,
-43-KIDNEYnnd URINARYcomplalnts.OIeet.
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all disease :
of the Oenito-Urinary Organs cured promptly withour
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
Jtt No experiments. Age and experience tm
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
Jty Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
4-Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , Ixjth as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the OL
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer-
imt and shame , and add golden ) ears to fife. ADook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Mcdicino
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , S to 8. Sundays 9 tn 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
1)11. 15. C. Wl ST'S NKIIVi ; ANI > llllAIN TltP.AT-
MK.NT , a gmirateed spocltlc for Dysferlii , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions. Kits. Nnrvons Neuralgia.
Iluudi-clie. Nervous ] 'rontrntlon , ranged by the
nsoof ulcohol or tobacco.Vakffiiliiosf , Mcntnl
Depression , Bortcnln of the llraln , icsiiltlnn
In liiHiinlty , and IcniliiiK to misery , dcciiy and
dcutli. I'remntiiro Old ABU. llairennen , Loss of
1'ower In either HCX Involuntary Losses and
. perinatoilioea , cansd by over-exertion of tlu <
brain , holf abuse or ever Indulgence. Kuch nov
contains onn mouth's treatment. SI n hex , or
hlx boxes for } , - , . sent by mail prepaid on re-
colpt of jirlfo.
To euro any eauu. With each order I ecelved by
us for six boxen , accompanied with $ \ wnill
heml the purchaser our written Kiniraiitecj to
rufnnd the money If the treatment does not
ellect aenre. ( imirantoes Issued only by ( ; . I' .
( JOODMAN. DniBulst , Solo Agent , llforurnnm
htt eel , Omaha , Neb ,
MK.X and WOMKX Biiccessfnlly treiitu 1.
PiifTcrlnK from tlin cITerln of youthful lollies or In
iU rrrllunoriiru nonlilcil ltli U'onknoss , .NVmim
lifblllly. l/isi ol Momorjr , IK'apomlrnry. A\er lon to
hoili'ty.Klilne y Triuil'.e , or any dlxi'ii'ii of dm liunllo
I'rlnur ; orvniii.cin liciu llnilii Kiilumi'l tiooily | euro.
'a imsoiiiilile espi'dully to Idu poor.
Tlicronro many troubled llhloo frpoiurnt evu >
tintloiiHtif Uiu hlmldur. ellen ucuimimnliU hr iibllunt
Miiurtlnuur hiiriilni ; M'litHilmi un4 weaki'iiliiKol ilio
etklvm In n iiiuiinir I ho imtU'iil cannot uiiiniiit fur ,
On uxamliiliik' tliu iirlnurv ilenuilt * a rony miilunuiit
Mill ullvn liu louml.lMiil fcimii'lliui-K erinjil | mrlU'lu or
ulimiui'ii will uppt'iir , or thu color III hu or u thin
nillklili Inn- . Bt'Kliiilninu'ln/ ilnrn or liiriilitim
iH'UrHiiiu. TliiToiiruiiiHiiy mull whodluof IliUdllll-
cult ) , liiiiorant ill Ilia caimu , which U Ilia kucuiiil
( Uvuot nominal wcMkmtii , The doctor will vuui
aiilco n iierfcit ruro In all mull ui c and u liralthy
loloratlun or Ihu ucnllo-urlnnrv urjnM , Cuiitultu
Ion Iri'i ) H'nd tor I wnt clump
"Ycune Han's Friend , or Ou'de to Wcdok ! , "
N , K. ( 'or. UHli \ Douglas Hl.s , , ur National ] > !
jungly , corner 1-th and Main , KutibutCJty , Mo
Mention tills paper.
anil Tumort turrit. 2& xror
vxperlrurc. * * KHlfr Ituti
CANCER frrt.
N. W. Cor. 18th A'DodRO Sts.
Appliances for Deformities and Truciss.
Host facilities , apparatus and remedies for euecci §
rat treatment ot ervrj form of dlsgaso requiring ?
Medical or Hurglcnl Treatment.
Hoard and nttenJuaoo : best Jiosiiltal accommodt *
tlons lu the west. T
\vitm you CIRCULARS on Deformities nd llraoet ,
Truces , Club Feat , Curvature of Ibe HBlno , IMIesI
Tumors Cniirer. Catarrh , Dronthllls , Inhnlatlon !
Kleclrlcitr. I'nralTjis , Bpllopsr. Kidney. BlnddeK
Kyc , Ear. fkln and Blood , aa1 all Sarjloil Oporatlontf
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Itlool Disease * eticccasfullT trented. Srphllltle )
Polaoit rumored from tUe system without mercury
New restorntlre treatment for loss nt Vital Puireit
1'crsons unable to visit us may be treated at homo tor
eorrt'spOBdence. All comniualeatlona confidential.
Medicines ur Instnimtats sent b/ mall or eiprots.
securely parked , no marks to Indicate coatmita OH
cuder. Ono personal Interview preferred. Call an *
eooiiult u or nonil history of jour case , and we will
Mod in plain wrapper , oar
Dpon Prlrate , HptelaJ * r Mertous Dlseaios , Imp <
fanoy , Srbbllis , Uleelaod TarloeC4l , wltu queitfaii
Ust. Address
Omaha Medical mud Surt/tcal Institute , p
Cor. 13th Bed Dodi'e BUOMAHA. . hEj i ,
A Sure Cure
2O TO 60 DAYS.
Tills In lullhoiiHO wliii'li bus heretofore
liiilllucl nil Medical .Science- .
WolmriHi Ueinoily , unknown tounyoiafn the
World oiitslilK of our Comtiuny.iiml ono tlmi hui
to ruro ( lie most obniinat casui. Tun days In
luccntc.iH'sdoni > liu > , ork. U l the old diionla
d ei > Hfiileil CIWH tmit Wd solicit. Wo have
Lined hundiwds who have linen liamlonoil by
I'liyHlclaiiH , iind pronoun .id Incu ublo , and wa
chullunretlib World tutiniu H " < -'llo thut wo
v ill not euro In low tlniiiHlMvliiyH.
Hlmo the history or mvdiuliiu a trno speclllo
for KvphlliH IIUH boon nought for b" mover
found mill ! our
JIMUIU uBni : v
wnsdlsrovorel.nnd uouw jiisifllBlin Haying
ft IN Uiu only Kuim'ily In tlio World that will pos-
lively ( tire. IJCCIUIHO tha latent MeilliMl Works ,
inilili-licd by the b-ut known iinthorUffH , Huy
Jii'luwnmiuvt.'riitriicHjK'i'lllo before. Unrrwn-
edy will cinuwhon 01 TVlliUH , ' ulsu Iris fulled.
Whyviislo * our tlino nnd money nlth putunt
iioillclneH that \erlwd > vlrinu or doctor with
ihyrilclauRthati'iiimot cum you , yon thut liavo
neil utvr ) thing rLw should comutJ in jowiinil
; lit iic-iinuiioiit It'lli'f , > ou nmur can KHI. It elite'
UmnC .Mark what w miy. In Hit ) t-nil von
HIM t'lKiour icmedvrir NI'Al'ill recovc-i iinJ
\oiithatluivo been ullllutuil I U' 'liort mo
olioiihl by nil tiuianM riimn tot \ \ now -.ot on < In
4-n of ni'W niscrt ever nut purmu.vwUv cured.
Miiuy Kot lain und ihlnk tliev uro flee from urn
e , lint In one. two or thrru vouir > iiftvr ft
nt n iiln Inn moro horrlblo form
is it JJIootl 1'iirillor nuil will Cure
any .Skin or Uloort Disease when
Kvorvtbintf Kino FullH.
tooin 10 nnil Ilt I' . S. Niitlonul Hank
biilliliiiL' , Oiimlm , Neb.
riiNNYHOYAfc WAPIUig are
i njccetisfuhy unxj monthly by over 10,000
yl idlra Are fafe , KJfectualand I'leatant
$ I per bor hy mall.or at druggists. Healed
-l'urtical < iri S pontage dUnipa. Addresn
For sale and by mall UH ( louaman
Duty Co. , Omaha , Neb ,