Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1889, Page 5, Image 6
TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE-tf : KIDAY. JANUARY 4 , 1889. 5 TMM'SBIEMAL. _ jComtrnjcd from .Vtromt P 0c.J jot escape the eye of the vigilant assessor. uhe Inequalities In the valuation of property nre lee glaring not to bo noticed , nnd the evil filiould bo remedied. The law should bo equal In nil Its bearings alike ui > on tlio iwor nnd the rich. Whnt is the objection to rat ing all property , rcnl and personal , nccordlng to n fair cash vnluo and rcipjlrlntt the own ers la give n list of Ihclr property under Oixfli ! The levy would then be mndo uixm nil alike nnd would bo nt n very low rate. Or you can , If In your wisdom It seem best , provide. by law that only onc- linlf of It shall bo subject to taxation. But whatever notion you take , I respectfully urge that it snail result In re moving the Inequalities nnd the injustice in dicted under our present system of assess ment nnd taxation. In my Inaugural ad dress two years ago 1 said : "Let nil taxable property , real und personal , bo npimilsod at its full , fair , actual value. ' I again urge this with renewed emphasis. T\XATION Ol'COIlI'OIUTIO.VS. All parties , whether citizens or corpora tion ! ) , must boar their equal proportion of the expenses of Iho government. Parlies .holding mortgages , bonds , certificates of Htock , etc. , should bo taxed. Corporations of every description , whether 'railroads , ex- .press companies , cnr companies , common cnrrlcis of every description , Investment , companies , loan companies or corporations of whatever designation , must bo governed by nnd subject to the same rules nud regula tions and requirements which nrc applied to private citizens. This rule should bo in- cxonernblein regard to them. Till ! OMAHA 1'OI.K'K COMMISSION. A provision was inseiled In the Omaha charter at the last session of the legislature which Imposed Iho duty upon the governor of appointing foitr commissioners of IIro nnd police , two to bo selected from each of the two great political parties , understanding from this clause , Hint Iho commission nnd ll.e police department of that city shall bu non-partisan , I selected four gentlemen , Iwo well-known democrats and two well-known republicans , Hot on account of their noisy activity in partisan politics , nor ns n reward for nny particular service that they had rendered their respective parties , but from their well- known probity nnd uprightness of character , nnd whose reputation during Ihclr long residence dence- there was such thai it would Inspire the people with the fullest confidence in their administration. I'Yom the moment that they entered upon the duties of their olllees they were con fronted by a violent opposition from Iho worst elements of that city , and from the city "council. Various obstacles were thrown in their way to prevent the execution of their duties : the compensation for their ser vices wns denied them , nnd the pay of Iho policemen appointed by them wus also re- jnscd. It wus n long nnd bitter struggle as lo whether Iho law should be enforced or I he control of the city bo turned over to the lawless and the vicious. Tl.c constitution ality of the provision requiring Iho governor to appoint these commissioners was raised before the supreme court , nnd it was sus tained by that tribunal. During the continuance of the slrugglc to which allusion has been nuulo the com missioners and Iho mayor persevered \ Iho execution of Iho law with a determination nnd firmness which deserves great com mendation. As a result they have the satis faction of having given to Om.iha by far thu best nnd most eflloicnt police force and po lice government which the city has ever had , nnd which possesses ttmconlidcncc of all the decent elements of society. NmillAHK.l STATE I'.OIIID Or AnillCL'l.TUIlK. The report of the secretary of the stale board of ugrieullure will not bo ready until nftcr January 15 , the data llxcd by law. The secretary says : "For 18381 can say : Crops were bettor than in 1887 , in fact the whole agricultural out put of the state was bettor th m over before. Our annual fair and expo sition was better in the , same proportion. The archives , library and museum of thu Bt lie board of agriculture nre now very val uable , having bueu accumulating lor over twenty-live years , und are voluminous. The lionrd has never had a place for keeping this property. It is boxed up and stored ns it were , In garrets and cellars , The state should provide rooms for U in its capitol building , which is now of sufllcicnt capacily lo provide for it. The annual appropriation should be continued. " sr.vTi : insTOinevi , SOCIBTT. The secretary of the state historical soci ety reports that Iho second volume has been issued by the sociely , containing much matter - tor relating to the early history of the state. The third volume , it is expected , will bo pub lished In the spring of 18S9. There are now in the library of this association 2.031 vol umes. This society has no abiding place. It should Ibid a homo in the state capitol. The records of the early hislory ot the state nre valuable and will become moro so each year , and should bu carefully preserved. NEW COUNTIES. During the last two years five new coun ties have been organized , namely , Box Butle , Thomas , Grant. Perkins and Hock counties. Four moro will complete their organization on the 15th of this month , namely , Banner , Dcuol , Scotts Bluffs und Klmbnll. The last four are being organized out of Cheyenne county. Nli\V STATIC IIUIUINa3 KlinCTBD DUH1KO TUB LAST TWO YBAIIB. The following Is a statement of tlio stnlo buildings creeled by virtue of appropriations made by the lust legislature and the cost of each : Asylum for incurable insane nt Hastings , cost fftf.OOO ; Industrial homont , MilFord , cost * 13,700 ; sol diers' and sailors' homo at Grand Island , f'2S)0J ( ) ( ; institute for deaf and. dumb nt Omaha , n one-story brick building to bo usgd for kitchen , dining room , storage and play rooms , cost $10,000 : Industrial school at Kearney , two family buildings and a build ing for laundry , nlso a cookery und out houses , cost ? i'J'Jr > ; hospital for insane at Norfolk , two wings to main buildini ; , Qa building for boiler house , engine house , nnd laundry , and n building for kitchen , bakery , nnd chupol , and u frame baru , the cost , in cluding the steam heating and machinery , $844'.i'J ; home for the friendless , a building for a boiler house , luundry and bake shop. if.VJ.M- JO ; penitentiary , nbuildlng forsliops , laundry batu rooms nnd chapel , W9V00 ! ; feeble inlnded institute nt Beatrice , n two-story fcrlck building with stone basement , * 1S,3IS , ; institute for blind , a mam building , also a building for boiler house , laundry nnd coal House , $30,700 ; Grant memorial hall , $111,100 ; industrial college building ( Nebraska hall ) , $11,000. 1N8UIIANCB Ol' STATH PKOI'BIITY. The nggrcgalo cost of the public buildings owned by the stnlo Is nearly $ .2,500,000. Upon this property it has Insurance to thu amount of $1,031,050. The amount appro priated by the last legislature , f23,000 , was C not sufllclent to place insurance upon the two wings ( Just completed ) of the Norfolk asylum and uuon the asylum for the me ara ble at Hastings ( just completed ) and to meet renewals of policies expiring between Uo- comborl , 1SSS , and April 1 , 18SO. .The other ntiitu buildings are insured in reasonable amounts. The law requires the governor to keep nil 'v ' state buildings properly Insured. In order to meet the demands for the next two years fes nn appropriation of 0,001,12 will bo ncces- sary and nn emergency should bo ntlached. STATE BANKING INSTITUTIONS. Ueoont occurrences have drawn atlentlon to the condition of stuto banks mid banking institutions. I respectfully rocomuioud the enactment of legislation which bhull provide for frequent examinations of these Institu tions nnd which shall secure protection to depositors and stockholders. TltUSTS , If wisdom and statesmanship can dovlao legislation which shall suppress and destroy a gignntlo evil which has grown up in these * later days under the numo of trusts.whcroby the strong oppress the weak , I pray you to exercise Unit wisdom nnd statesmanshipund blot out the great wrong. 1'INKlillTON MKN. I recommend the enactment of n law pro hibiting the Introduction of a body of Pinkerton - erton men , so called , Into the stale , or nny other body of men not residents of the state , for the purpose of police and protection duty. i > iii' WATUII UAituon. The subject of a deep water harbor on the Texas coast has recently received muc.h at tention in the Irans-Misslsslppl region. The establishment of such a harbor Into which hlp of Iho heaviest draft could come with out obstruction would remove the most berlous obstacle to commercial tratUo over the Gulf of Mexico , and would open a now nud competitive route to the sea. I also ad vise that you forward a memorial to congress nuking It to lend a helping hand to the accom plishment of this Important purpose. Ittl'OUTS AND STATKHBXTS TKAN8MlTTBl > . In compliance with section 23 , article 5 , of the Constitution , I herewith transmit the bi ennial repprtu.of the secretary of Mate , * Ute treasurer , auditor of publlo accounts , com missioner of public lands nnd building ) ; , at torney general , superintendent ot public In struction , adjutant general , state librarian , principal for the Institution for the blind , principal of deaf nnd dumb institute , super intendent of the reform school , superintend ent of Nebraska asylum , superintendent of Norfolk asylum , Insltuto for feeble minded youth , warden of state penitentiary , com mandant of soldier * mill sailors home , prin cipal of tno state normal school , and board of regents of the University of Nebraska. Also transmitted are the annual reports of the board of railway transportation , live stock nanltnry commission , slate oil inspector , bu reau of labor , board of fish commissioners , state historical society and report on salt well. APl'F.NDIX. Appended to this rcjwrt will be found a complain statement of nil the iwllcles of In surance now In force upon the state build ings. Also , n list of pardons nnd commuta tions. Also , statement of railroads In the stale , number of miles , numberof miles built In 1S31 * . Also , statement showing assessed valuation per mile , nnd the total assessed valuation of railroads In Nebraska for ! Ss7 nrd ISss. AUto , n statement showing the balance of e.ieh fund on hand , November 30 , IS fl , the receipts nnd disbursement to November 'Hi , ls > > S , and lha balance remain ing In the state treasury November 30 , lsy < . KCOXOMV. Hlgld economy must bo observed In nil dis burscmeiiLs of the public funds , and appro priations should bo made only with a due re gard to the public Interests. In considering applications for un increase of force in the different departments nnd the estimates for appropriations for the ensuing two years , the largo Increase of business must bo taken into account. It must bo borne In mind that the population , of No- braskn has doubled In six to eight years. What was sufticlont four years ago is not sufficient to day. The doub ling up of population doubles the demands for benevolent , charitable , indus trial and reformatory Institutions , Those must be established. They belong to our advancing civilization. Gentlemen , I cherish the hope nnd fnilh that your labors during the present session will promote thu public Interests nnd advance the public welfare. KlliIltVlN TOO COSTnV. Kox Cannot Afford to Itaclc Him For n Nr.\v You ic , Jan. 3. fSpccinl Telegram to Tin : BiH. ! ] The theme of conversation in sporting circles to-day was the report that the differences between Charlie Mitchell nnd Hichard K , Fox , backer of Jake Ivllraln , had culminated in nn open rupture ; that while in St. Louis Mitchell had declared himself antagonistic to Fox. Ever sincojtho fight In Franco between Kllraln nnd Jem Smith , there has been n difference between Jake and his backer. This was duo to Mitchell having greater inllucnco over Kllraln than that possessed by Fox , re sulting not only in Fox's dissatis faction with Jake on several occasions , but also in great financial outlay. Although Fox is to saying anything regarding the matter for publication , yet he has tola some of his Intimate friends that the Kll- raln-Sniith light had cost him "a world of money , " some saying his output was ns much us $ 1,000. This , it is said , was what caused Fox to bo averse to backing Jake against John L. , he arguing that if u fight for $5,000 cost { 23,000 , one for * 10,000 would cost $ lli,000 , and it was moro than he chose to expend. What Fox's views on the subject are may bo easily determined by the words of Jim ICecnan , who is very close to Juke's former backer , acting as his reurescntativo in malting matches. Kecnan , when asked if ho was interested in ICilrain's stake , said : "Not u nickel. I'll bet on Jake when ho fights , but 1 want noth ing in the main stake. ICilrain has been a costly customer to the man who backed him. What do you think of putting ? 3,000out on a man in one year , and then have him cable for $1,000 to come homo on } " Under the circumstances it now seems that the proposed match between John L. and Kllrain will not bo made. ICilrain is ex pected hero in n few days und may make some other terms , so that the meeting with the Boston boy may bo arranged. His part ner. Mitchell , will , it is said , leave for Eng land within thrco weeks , unless the Califor nia Athletio club agrees to give a purse of $3,000 for Jake and Peter Jackson , who re cently whipped Joe McAuliffe. This is looked upon as an indication that Mitchell has con cluded that tno proposed match between Kllrain and Sullivan will not bo made , owing to Jake's inability to command backing. _ _ _ ICilrain Willing to Fi ht. NEW Youic , Jan. 3. The following dis patch was received by Hichard 1C. Fox this morning from St. Louis : "ICilrain will sign articles to fight John L. Sullivan for SCO.OOO nnd the championship of the world at , either Toronto , Ottawa or Montreal. Both Mitchell and ICilrain em phatically deny that they have any misun derstanding with Hichnrd 1C. Fox. " Would Not Itovcnl His Confederate. ST. Louis , Jan. 3. Detective Haas , of Chicago , arrived this morning with requisi tion prpers for Thomas Vf. Vines , who came hero nftor robbing Adams & Wostlakc , of Chicago , of over $ -1,000. William Mangier , manager ot the city department of the firm , came down with Haas. Uoth proceeded to tlio office of the chief of police , whore the money taken from Vines was turned over to them , which was found to bo $1-0 short. When they asked Vines about the shortage ho said ho paid SJOO to his confederate and the balance went , for incidental expenses. Who his confederate was ho would not rovoal. Governor Jjiico Inaugurated. LANSINO , Mich. , Jan. 8. Governor Luce was inaugurated at 2 o'clock this afternoon. A considerable portion of the governor's an nual address was devoted to the temperance question. Upon this subject , ho says in part : "Believing the sentiment of a largo portion of the state Is ripe and ready for it , I com- moml to your consideration the passage of a local' option law , if ono can bo devised free from constitutional objections. If our con stitution prohibits us from securing un oflicient law tor localities , it does not prohibit a general law , and If wo are doaiod other op portunities no doubt In the future this course will bo resorted to , " 1'cmtal ClinniroH. WASHINGTON , Jan. ! t , [ Special Telegram to Tin ? UKU. | The following Iowa post- ofllco changes have been made Mrs , Clara A , Tu'bcrt ' appointed postmistress at Elport , Clayton county , vice S. J. Soystor , resigned ; Mrs. Helen M. Church , Wesley , Kossuth county , vice F. M. Butts , resigned ; the office of Hyde , Winnoshftk county , discontinued from January 20. Nebraska A * postofllco has been estab lished at Sacramento , Vholps county , nnd Elmer E. Good appointed postmaster. Advice 10 Mothers. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways be used for children teething , It soothe * the child , softens the gums , allays nil pain , cureslwind colic , nnd is the best remedy for llarrbroa. 2lic a hnuln. SonteiujpH Confirmed. DunuN , Jan. 3 , In the county court today - day Judgn Kelly confirmed all the sentences Imposed upon persons evicted from the Van- delcur estates who previously had been found guilty of resisting the sheriff and nt. tauking the police. Judge Kelly denounced the government for Us laxity nnd modera tion in dealing with rebellion and said the prisoners each deserved to bo imprisoned for Uvo years. Hooo'Jvor Appointed. NEW YOUK , , Jan. 8. Charles 0. Allen was to-day appointed receiver of the firm of Henry Werner , wholesale dealer In hides , on the application of Simon Btraubs , Euro pean paitnor of the firm. Liabilities are said to bo $300,000 ; assets $3.10,000 Mil hides. Thu receiver said a parlncrtinlp quarrel caused his upponitment. * Difficulty of broathiiij * , lightness of the chest and throat , quiclcly relieved , by u few doses ol Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Y/i ino Lung balm. 25couts a bottle. WILL NOT PARDON TURNEY , Governor Larraboo's Letter Highly Satisfactory to Preston Oltizona. POISONED BY CANNED HAM. The KhMt Dividend of the Illinois Cen tral on Its lown Division Tlio Wl- noun. & Southwestern Will liulld to Oninlm. Chester Turney. PnimoN , Jan , 3. [ Special Telegram to TUB HER. ] A letter was received hero yes terday by Hon. A. L U.irtholampw from Governor Larrabeo , stating that the people of Preston need not have nny fears of Chester Turney being pardoned or receiving n pardon from him : it present , ns he had not nllowcd the press or the people to make any decisions for him. The governor's position is the nil-absorbing topic , nnd is satisfactory to the people who nro opposed to Turnoy's release. I'ohonod Ily Canned Ilnin. Cnr.sTov , la. , Jan. 3. [ Special to Tun llii : . j At a dinner party Tuesday , given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Wilson , residing twelve miles north of here , nlno persons were poisoned by partaking of ham packed In n zinc vessel. Mrs. Thomas Wilson now lies nt the resideneo of lj. K. McWhinnoy , of this city , whither she nrrlvod about mid night that day , in a very critical condition. The other eight persons , who nro much younger nnd stronger , WOJD only troubled with violent vomiting. The names of the persons poisoned are ! Thomas 1C. Wilson , wife nnd son Leroy ; Charles Wilson , wlfo and son , nnd Mrs. Lewis Wilson nnd two children from Dakota , Mrs. Thomas Wilson wns brought hero for treatment , nnd n phy sician Immediately summoned for the others , Up to the present time no death has oc curred , Charged With ainrdor. Dns MoiN'us , la. , .Tan. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bun. ] The preliminary trial of Agostlno Di Pompa , tno Italian charged with assault with Intent to commit murder on iCd Bluvin , who died from his Injuries on New Years day , came up In the justice court in this city this morning. December 21 , Slavin and n companion went to the store of de fendant nnd soon became involved in n quar rel with the three proprietors , Tlio row was transferred to the street and during the melee Ui Ponipn crushcdJSIavIn's skull with n hammer , from the effects of which ho died , as above stated. All three of the Italians were arrested , but the trial to-day resulted In the holding of Di Pompa to the district court , and the rolc.iso of the others. Coal Mine Accidents. VAI.CHU , In. , Jan. 3. ] Speclal Telegram toTnr. Uuis.1 A miner , Dan Edwards by name , was fearfully injured this morning bv the falling of hoary slato. His breast was crushed in , thrco ribs broken , both hips knocked out of place and both legs broken. Ho cannot recover. Orri'MWA , la. , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram to THE Hcu.l Frank F. Hunter , aged thir ty-two , was killed in Phillips' mine nt fiittO last evening by n blast. He leaves a wife. Will Pay n Dividend. FOUT DODOR , la. , Jan. 3. | Special Tclo gram to THE Ben. ] It is onicially learned here to-day that the Illinois Central has de clared and will pay during the present month n 3 per cent dividend on Its Iowa divisions. This is the flrst dividend since it completed its extensive now lines in Iowa. Will Build to Itoth Cities. FOBT Donoii , la. , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tun 13EB. ] The important announce ment made a short tirno since that the Winona & Southwestern railroad hart abandoned Omaha as Its principal Missouri river ter minus has been oftlcially denied by Secretary Simpson in the following letter received hero to-day : "Wo haqo not abandoned the idea of a Missouri river terminus at or near Omaha and shall not , and yet if the way opens to us , as wo now think it will , wo confidently hope lo build to Sioux City. Wo think our road will pay to reach the Missouri at both points. " THE "Q" STRIKE : . Both Sides Now Admit That the Trouble U Settled. CIIICA.OO , Jan. 3. This evening , for the first time , the "Q" strike was admitted by both parties to the controversy to bo prac tically settled. The conference to-day be tween the ofllclals of the road and the com mittee of nine resulted in an amicable agree ment on nearly all the points at Issue , nnd it is confidently expected a complete under standing will bo reached to-morrow morning. The only hitch In the arrangements for end ing the strike was on ono of the minor do- "tnands of the committee , which the ofllclals did not feel Justified in granting without flrst consulting with President Perkins , nnd the directors of the company in Bos ton. They requested time , tnoreforo , to exchange telegrams with the Boston ofileo , and they have no doubt that full au thority will bo received to accept any propoj aition of the committee that Is fair and reasonable. When the committee of nine called at the general oiilces of the Burling ton this inornlnc1 , VIce Presidents Stone uud Peasloywero waiting ndviccs from Boston , nnd asked that the conference be delayed until 3 o'clock in the nfternoon. Chairman Cavcnor readily consented to this , and at the hour named he and his associates returned nnd were received. They were in session from 3 o'clock until twenty minutes past 5 , when they encountered nn ob stacle in a point which tno Burlington pcopla had. overlooked , and were not prepared to meet without further advices from the eastern headquarters. It was then decided to adjourn until 10:80 : a. in. to-morrow , f lie faces of the committees and Burlington olll- cials were wreathed with smiles when they parted for the night. Tlmos will say : "It is understood that by the terms of the agreement , the old 'Q' engineers will bo placed ngain upon a square footing , instead of bolnir blacklisted by nearly all the railroads in the country. The Bur lington road will Bet the example by giving the strikers employment in preference to others whenever vacancies occur , nnd by burying completely out of sight , the hatchet which was dug up ten months ago. " Both Vice President Stone and Chairman Cuvener decline to give nny of the details of the meeting , or the nature of the conclusion. Western I > ati > enttor AnsDolntion. CHICAGO , Jan. 3. The general managers of nil lines in the territory of the Western States association mot to-day and unanimously agreed to form nn association for the main tenance of passenger rates In the torrllory and for the conduct of passenger business in conformity with the interstate commerce law. The plan of agreement tint was rec ommended hibt September wus taken up and considered section by section. Encouraging progress was made , but all articles had not been passed upon at the hourof adjournment , The meeting will re-convene to-morrow to proceed with the work. To err la hiunun , hut you innko no mistake if you use Dr. Jones' Rod Clover Tonio for dyflpopsln , costlvonoss , bud breath , piles , pimples , UL'UO and intilurin , poor upnotito , low spirits , or diseases of the ludnoys , stomach nnd livor. 50 coats. Goodiifim Drug Co. Uliniirok'rt Health. BIIUMN , Jon. 3. Great anxiety Is felt re garding Prince Blsmarck-B health. The chancellor has been ordered to remain in strict repose und not to go to Barlin. A 50 cent bottle of Dr. Digolow's Positive Cure will promptly nud thor oughly euro tho- worst cnao of rouont cough , cold or-thront or lunjj trouble. Buy the dollar hottlo for ohronio cases , to take. Goodman Drug Co. Ho I. eft ChlcncO'hJt Acponnl of An Affair of tlib Heart. Cni < HOO , .Tnn. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun UuK.l There Is a romance in the career of E. \Volcott , who , was to-dnv elected Unllcd Slates senator from Colorado. Wol- cott was graduated n V'nlo In the sauio class with Louis .tames , the actor , nnd having fitted himself for the law , came west , nnd located in Chicago to engage in the prnctlco ot his profession. Ho didn't remain hero permanently , however , nnd his failure to do so was duo to n love affair with the handsome daughter of nn eminent member of the Illinois bar , It wns n enso of mutual affection Inspired nt their first meeting , Ho wns socially conspiclons while here , nnd their subsequent meetings , but confirmed the Impression then made. They became engaged , but when this condi tion of affairs had reached the parents of his Imunora , they stop ped upon the contract with both feet , nnd blotted it out forever. Ho departed - parted hence soon after , nnd the young lady. whom report declares xvns sincerely attached to him , silently mourned thn hard fate to which parental discipline had con signed her. Ho located In Denver , und for n period , nt Iea9ttlio lines of his life were not cast In places altogether pleasant. But the reward which comes to these who labor and who watt has become his portion , nnd ho Is to-day considered ono of the londingmon between thoMissourl river nnd the Golden ( "into , nnd the most prominent factor in the republican party of that section. The young ladv whom it Is said * ent him to Denver , the victim of pn- rental Intervention , Is married nnd still re sides in Chicago. llICIIAltUSON I 'OU OMAHA. The Iiar cst Dru llouss In the Coun try Mnvrd to Tills City. Tun Bun ot yesterday published a special telegram from St. Louis in which it was stated that the Itichardson Drug company which wns burned out Tuesday morning , had a meeting and decided to discontinue their St. Louis establishment and transfer thu business , or a largo portion of it , to Meyer Bros. & Co. It nlso stated that tlie Oninlm house would bo continued for the present , nt least. The information upon which this telegram was based seems to have been unfounded. This assertion is predicted upon the auhtority of the manage ment of the Omaha house , who say that , owing to the advanced years of Mr. Richardson - son , ot St. Louts , the senior member of the well known firm , the house in that city will not be re-established. The Omaha house has been made the leading ono of the linn nnd all ttio business of the latter will bu transacted here. In accordance with this determination , the homo management will make immediate arrangement for the care of the business and will place fourteen travel ing men on the road with headquarters nt this place. This will ho a welcome piece of news to the mercantile world ot this section nnd an accession to Omaha which cannot do otherwise than nud to her commercial Im portance and supremacy. fay Indicted Tor IMunslauiilitcr. DEXVEH , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tnr. BUE.V. ] . II. Fay , President and gen eral manager of the Denver Gas company and Individually ono of Denver's wealthy citizens , was to-day aWcstcd on n grand Jury indictment charging him with manslaughter. Fay was superintending the work done by the laborers who were Idllcd by the cave-in of the cable rend a week ago. Afler the acci dent a verdict of "criminal carelessness" wns returned against Fay und his indictment fol lowed. Ho has been' rcaleased on $1,000 bonds , and has employed Thomas M. Putter- son , recently the democratic nominee for governor , to defend him. Ther case has ex cited great , interest , and there is a feeling of bitter indignation against Fay , Thomas nnd O'Harn , his two foremen , who were also indicted with Fay. AVnslilngton Wants Ad mission. EM.EXsnimo , W. TV , Jon. 3. Seventy-five delegates attended the statehood convention whicli convened hero this morning , ex- Governor Watson C. Squire , president. A long petition wns adopted praying congress specially to admit Washington with the Idaho pan-handle annexed. The peti tion sets forth that the people in the territory are fully prepared and willIng - Ing to shoulder the responsibilities of statehood , having a population of 340,009 , a gain of IbO.OOO in tiiglit years. Democrats and republicans are alike anxious for the admission of the territory under the name of Washington , which naino the convention favored. { Statehood Convention Called. YANKTOX , Dak. * Jan 3. The statehood ex ecutive committee has issued a call for a delegate convcnton of counlics in southern Dakota , to meet January 10 , for the purpose of taklne steps to further stnlo hood for South Dakota. The commitloo behoves South Dakota's chances ntWashington nro Waning , and many fear two or three years will elapse before admission is achieved. It is urged that action should be taken at the present congress - gross , and In case such is not done the strong est pressure possible will bo brought to boar to secure nn extra session for the purpose of admitting the state. - Another Itato War. ST. Louis , Jan , 3. In spite of the fact that an agreement to maintain passenger rates went into effect January 1 , information comes from Kansas City to-nignt that indicates - cates another rate war. The Hock Island , acting on the report that the Mis souri Pacific had sold tickets from Kansas City to Denver , Pueblo nnd Colorado Springs nt a cut rate , tills afternoon made a cut of $3.15. Late this afternoon the Union Pacific agent received orders to meet the cut , nnd the Missouri Pacific and other lines fol lowed suit. A further cut is anticipated to morrow. Tiio Weather Imlientions. For Nebraska : Fair , sllght'y colder winds , generally northwesterly , For Iowa : Generally fair , colder winds , becoming northwesterly. For Dakota : Fair , clearing in southern portion , colder except in extreme northwest portion , nearly stationary temperature , northerly winds. SI'AHKS FItolu THU WIUK. Major E. B , Kno , n well known provision broker and exchange member , died last even ing nt St. Louis. Charles O. White , manager of White's opera house , Detroit"died at un curly hour yesterday of peritonitis" . Information was -'received nt Now York yesterday of the launching of the Heumborto by the Italian government. It Is larger than England's two largest war vessels. The annulling of the election to the local house at Quebec of Hun. James McShano for bribery caused u sensation. Boulungcr , In an address to the electors of the department of the Seine , excoriated these members of parliament who have been working against him , John W. Walroth , of Minneapolis , crock ery nnd glassware , assigned. Assets about 130,000 ; liabilities about fVJ.OOO. ICilrain's backers b'ftcr to meet Sullivan's ' friends at Toronto oh 'Monday ' to sign fora fight for | 10,00 , > ) a sldo > and the Polio Gazette belt , The stables of Um Boston paving and health department burned yesterday nfter noon , Leas over $80,000. Two firemen were badly hurt by fulling timbers. The annual mooting of the Wisconsin State Historical society was hold at Madison. John Kyan and Charles and Fred St. Peter were drowned while skating at South Farm- higton , Mass , At West Superior , Wis. , n number of doe k strikers attacked nnd unmercifullybeat the Scandinavians who had accepted reduced wages. Further trouble is feared. By the explosion of a boiler hoop factory at Clinton , N. C. , three men were instantly killed nnd one fatally Injured. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster , of Iowa , spake nt In dianapolls yesterday , on woman's suffrage. She will call on General Harrison to-aay , Steamship Arrivals , At Now York The Maine , from Bremen At Hottorduui The Rotterdam , from Now York. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS ' Consideration of the Tariff Bill Bo- suruod in the Souato. RACE SUPREMACY IN THESOUTH , Mr. Push Knj-R Hi ere Cnn Ito No Con' cession or No Comtroml ] o Among tlio White People llouso Proceedings , Honnte. W.isnixoTOs" , Jnu. 3. A resolution hereto fore offered by Mr. Voorhees , calling on the secretary of the Interior for a list of nil 1101110310.111 , Umber culture nnd pre-emption entries to public lands cancelled after issu- mice of flnnl receipt nnd certificate thorofor , during the present administration , for causes other -than voluntary rcllntiulshmcnl , was taken up nnd agreed to. The senate then resumed consideration of the tariff bill , the pending question being Mr. Vest's amendment to change the duty on cotton thread , yarn warps , etc. The amend ment was rejected by the usual party vote. Mr. Vest called attention to other Items In paragraph 31 ! ) , but said ho would not offer any amendment or asic n yea nnd nay vote upon them ; but ho would simply romaru that the duty on those Items was Increased In order to exclude nil foreign competition ns fur us possible , so ns to enable American manufacturers to hold the market nt what ever price they saw lit to impose. Ho moved , however , to amend paragraph 31-4 , relating to thread of cotton ' -70 spool , by striking qut70 per cent per dozen spools" nnd inserting 40 per cent ndvulorem. Ho quoted from the statement made by spool cotton innnufnc- lurlrs before the tariff commission In tSS'J , nnd before the ways and means committee In ISS-I , to show that they asicud u less ram of protection in 1SS4 tlinn in 1SS2. After n lengthy discussion the amendment was rejected yeas 18 , nnya 21. No further amendment was offered to par agraph 31 1. nor was any offered to paragraphs 315 , ; il > or ill" , all relating to cotton cloth. Mr. Vancu moved two amendments to par agraph 31S nnd ono on IHO , both of which wore rejected. Mr. Pugh proceeded to address the senate in n set speech on the tariff. In concluding his remarks ho reverted to the question of race supremacy in the south , and said as to that there could bo no concession or no com promise amonc the white people. Whoever was u friend of the white race In regard to supremacy in government was his friend ir respective of politics , and whoever was an enemy of the white race on the question in volving race supremacy was his enemy. The fidelity of white men to o.ich other on the race question has been unfaltering , and is bound to prove Itself in action on the side of maintaining the actual supremacy of the white race In the possession ami exercise of all governmental powers. Such fidelity of the white men to each other in the southern states for such purpocos had been estab lished under the dire necessity of self-pres ervation. and white men everywhere might rest assured that no allurements of ofilce and no difference as to tariff laws could over de grade them to the recognition of negro equality. Mr. Vnnco moved to amend paragraph 320 , relating to stockings , by reducing the rate from H5 to 30 per cent ad valorem , and asked for the yeas and nays. Mr. Aldrich pleaded to Vauco not to de mand the yeas and nays , as there was prob ably no quorum present , and ho wished to get through the cotton schedule to-day , but Mr. Vance would not consent , as he did not want the schedule ilmslied to-day. The senate then , having disposed of three and ono-half pages of bill to-day , adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. Mr. Reed of Maine , from the committee on rules , reported a reso lution providing that during the remainder of the present session of congress , there shall IKS a call of states and territories on the flrst and third Mondays of each month. These Mondays arc what are known as suspension days , and the object of the resolution is to prevent the opponents of the Union Pacific funding measure and Oklahoma bill from filibustering against the attempt to pass these measures under suspension of rules , introducing vol- umnious bills under call of states , nnd con suming the day by the demand for their reading In full. Mr. Ileed demanded the previous question on the adoption of the resolution elution , which called forth a vigorous pro test from Mr. Anderson of Kansas , who has been the chief antagonist of the Union Pa cific bill. Mr. Anderson demanded the yeas and nays on ordering the previous question , when no quorum voted. A call of the house was then ordered. The called showed the presence of 171 members , being "eight moro than a quorum , but the margin was too nar row a ono and proceedings under the call were not sustained. The sergeant at arms was dispatched to hunt up and arrest absen tees and the house drowsily waited for him to make a report. As this was not forthcom ing by 3 o'clock the house adjourned. Land Ijnw Reform WASHINGTON , Jan. 3. The house commit tee on publicjands to-day took action on the semite bill relating to public lands , by means of which it Is hoped the legislation at this session of congress will greatly modify the publlo land policy of the government. The house passed during the last session a bill re pealing the pre-emption and timber culture , and otherwise amending the land laws , but no action has been taken on the measure by the senate. In order to facilitate the passage of the essential features of this general land bill , the house committed to-day took up the bill passed by the senat3 in December , pro viding that the public lands of the United States now subject to private entry , shall bo disposed of under the homestead laws only , After making numerous amendments to the bid , Holman was instructed to report it to the house and ask its early consideration. It Is the purpose of the commlttoo in this Way to endeavor to throw the proposed land reform legislation into the hands of n con ference committee of the house and senate to secure , if possible , the substantial changes desired to be effected In our land laws. The bill agreed upon by the committee to-day provides that public hinds chiclly valuable for agriculture or subject to private entries , shall bo disposed of under the homestead law only , ana that the pre-emption laws shall bo repealed. Persons who have made pre emption or homestead entry of the land , but have not forfectcd title thereto , are given the right to make another homestead entry. Whenever a settler upon the public domain Is unable , on account of destruction of crops , slukncas or other unavoidable cause , to secure support from the land located upon , the local land officers may grant a leave ot absence from the claim to the settler for not exceeding ono year. Homestead settlers who liavu made entry tj > less than one-quarter section ot land , are given the privilege of making another entry , the aggregate quality under entries not to exceed 180 acres. Nobrnska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , ; Jan , , [ Special Telegram to THE I3KE. ] Pensions granted Nebraskans - kans : Increase Burlington Cunningham , Wayne ; Lawrance Duggan , Omaha ; Charles S. Galloway , Charles Sontag , Harada. Orig inal widows Minors of William M. Urey , Elm Creek. Mexican survivors Henry T , East , alias Henry Tliornhill , North Loup , Pension granted lownns ; Original in valid Samuel T. Wales , Uurlington ; Clark Smith , Colfux ; William P. Weaver , Croseo ; John Moore , Ottunnvu ; John II , Young , Lucas. Restoration reissue F , Sterns , Vin- ton , Restoration and increase Will- Ian F. Playlo , Ewart. Increase - crease Michael Mattemore. DCS Molncs ; John CInther , Wovorly Guebrund II. Ness , Washington Pralrio ; William 1C. Laughlin , Fort Dodge ; Edward Ioran , Bristol ; J. A. Patterson , J , Lockridgo , Spring Hill ; Samuel Luce , Fayottc. Original widows , etc- Minor of Isaac L. Jotinson , LcCluIr ; FruncU M. , brother of Klclmrd Hathaway , Suther land ; Fanny S. , mother of Chester Clifford , Mouto ; Sarah , widow of Frederick Sterns , Pears' Soap Fail * white hands.- . Bright clear complexion Soil healthful skin. " PEARS'-Hie Great English Complexion SOAP- Vinton ; Lydlo U. , widow of Thomas McCon- uoll , New Providence. Presidential XomlnntloiiH , WAMIIVOTOX , Jan. 2. The president has sent the following nominations to the sen ate : Solomon Claypool , of ludlunn , to bo United States attorney for the district of In diana. T. Carlos .Tewett , of Minnesota , to bo commissioner in nun for the district of Alaska , to reside in Sltkn. Postmaster Robert S. Atkins , nt Kansas City. The S r onn Opneral's Salary. \VASHINOTOX , Juu. 3 , A Joint resolution wns Introduced in the aennto to-day by Mr. Cullom providing Hint hcreiftcr the super vising Eurgcon gencrnlof the Marine hospital service shall rooolve the same salary nnd allowances as nro now allowed by law to the surceon general of llmnrmy. The resolution wns referred. The snlery of the supervising surgeon general of the Marine hospital ser vice is now $1,000 a your. The surgeon gen eral of the nrtny receives. $5fiOO per your , with nn increase of 10 per cent nftcr the first five years of service , and 'JO per cent ufter the llrst leu years. Quarrclod < ) vnr it Flock of Slio < M > .'in CITV , Dak. , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bnn.J Joseph Becm nnd Jo seph Watlerson , fanners , living in the east ern unrt of this county , ubout thirty-live miles from town , quarreled about n flock of sheep. They came to blows , and nftor n sharp light , in which Wntterson was worsled , they drew knives and attacked each other. The duel continued until both wore tlightly wounded. There were no witnesses Lo the affray , nnd the fight seems to have terminated on account of lear of each other. Both came to town to-day and each swore out n warrant for the other , charging nssault with Intent to kill. The hearings are set for Monday. For delicacy , for purity , and for im provement of the complexion , nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder. MONEY SECRETED IN A TREE. An Indiana Farmer Kinds Nearly $ . " > ( ) ( ) in Old Spanish Coin. Gcorco Prance , a farmer living1 near Halitm , Ind. , made a lucky Hurt a few days ago under rather peculiar circum stances , lie and his Ron went to chop some wood , and begun operations on an old hollow beech tree. After it hud been foiled Mr. France looked in the hollow stump and discovered n peculiar earthen jar. On removing the lid the jar was found to bo filled with silver coin. The money was of Spanish mint , and its coinage was more thnii 200 yoai-H old. A jeweler of this city estimates the value of the flnd to bo nearly $500. Auction To-morrow. Friday morning , 10 o'clock , at our salesroom , 11U1 Farnama lot of heating and cook stoves , a big lot of carpets , and furniture of M kinds. OJIAUA AUCTION & STOHAGE Co. The ICth street jeweler is the place to got your diamonds reset or your watch repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. L. Erickson & Co. , 212 N. IGth st. Pawned Hla Teeth. Chauncoy M. Dopow hobbles when ho walks in Broadway , Now York , says the St. Paul Globe. Ills foot and ankle ure still heavily incased , so that they may got into peed shape again. Dopow stuck his log inlo a hole in Iho floor of his house , whore a plumber had care lessly loft his work , and the dislocation at the ankle had proved moro bother some than a clean brenlc would have boon. As Mr. Dopow stood chat ting in front of a hotel n dolapidated man accosted him. The stranger looked like a broken down * bummer , and his clothes were sadly bedraggled , but ho was readily distinguished as not a tramp but as an example of tlio for lorn chap who had seen bettor days. He called Dopow by name and was evi dently an old acquaintance , but ho nev ertheless had the abject air of a beggar as ho asked for a temporary loan. "This is my lust spree , positively , " ho said. ' ! have sworn oil for good this time. Let mo hityo $1 to buy pomo- thing to eat and I will bo all straight ened up in a day or two.1 While Hpctilung ho held one hand over his mouth , after the manner com mon enough lo supplicants who are ashamed of themselves , but ho was so careful about it that the action oxcilad curiosity. The explanation came. " 1'awncd ihem again , ohV said Dopow , as he gave the $1 to his unfortu nate acquaintance. "Had to do it , " wns the reply as the follow shambled away. "I have known that man twenty yearfi , " Dopow exclaimed , "nnd ho is a capabla , well-behaved follow most of the time , but periodically his appotilo for drink gels Iho holler of him ; Ihon ho becomes the unsightly bummer that you have just scon. While on these de bauches ho will spend every cent Unit ho can obtain , and finally , as ii last and in variable resort , ho pawns his false tooth. That is tlio climax. Ho has done it now , and that was why ho kept hib hand over his mouth.1' \ \ un PT i TIJPII t XT DISGRUNTLED SlAltSMAN. Sonntor Hiscook Calls on Proaldont- Elect Ilnrrison. ANOTHER SENATORIAL PILGRIM. Mr. Plumb , of Knnaai , 1'nyn n Visit to Indianapolis lit ) Knvm-s nn ICxtra SesHlon of IvniAvvroi.ts , Jan. ! V The chief interest hero to-day centered in the visit of Sonntor Iliscock , who urrlvcd from Washington at 1230 ; , nnd drove direct to the resldonoo of the president-elect , arriving about t o'clock , Just In lime to partnke ot a noonday meal. Luncheon over , the general nnd guoU re paired to the library , where they remained closeted togclhor in enrnest conversation until n quarter past U , when the senator look his leave. No third p.xrty was present dur ing the long conference , therefore no one is nblo to state positively what passed betweeir thorn , unless ono or IMo other chooses to di vulge It. General Harrison talked frnoly of the visit to an Associated Press correspondent this evening , but said nothing not already known , Inquiring Inadvertantly whether the correspondents succeeded In In terviewing the senator. Their efforts In this , direction were zealous enough , but almost barren of results , as the senator , whopo car riage never left the door during his long con ference , drove rapidly to the depot. Ar rived there ho hud to pass a cordon of re porters who lay in wait. To their numerous inquiries he simply said : "Gentlemen , my visit wns aivuneventful one , both politically nnd personally. " These nro the words thrco of the correspondents present attribute to him , They agree that the distinguished gentleman was apparently in n disgruntled state of mind , either real or nshumed. Ho boarded the train for Cleveland. Ills ap parent ill-humor , which is not chronic with him , whoneonsldi'ied in connection with the genial , complacent frame ot mind In which the writer discovered General Harrison , only an hour or so later , Is more significant than the words nttribulcd lo the big senator. After a long day's conference with several distinguished men , it would seem but natural that General Harrison should show signs of fatigue and absence of his usual urbanity , but on the contrary ho was without sign of worry or dissatisfaction. A good many of General Harrison's close friends be- licvo the cabinet is about finished , and U these incidents nro ot any interest or value they would seem to strengthen this view of the situation. But the day brought another senatorial pilgrim in the person of Preston B. Plumb , of Kansas , who arrived this morning from the went. His conference with General Harrison risen was less than nn hour and ho left nt 3 o'clock for Washington. In nn interview Senator Plumb said ho merely stopped over to have n general talk with the president elect. Ho was not pressing nny name for a cabinet position. Kansas had no candidate. Ho wus in favor of an extra ses sion of congress and believed tla party and public necessity " would induce President Harrison to call congress together. Ho was in favor of a vigorous and early Invcstlgalion of the colored vote In the south. Ho thought Blnlne would sit at the head of the now cabinet. Another visitor of prominence was Hon. Moses W. Field , of Detroit. If Ho cumo here with a special objecl ho kept it to him self. Ho talked freely , however , and said among other things ho had no doubt that General Alger would comprise ono of Presi dent Harrison's cabinet. Ho wns equally positive in his opinion that Ululno would bo secretary of stale. Among olhor visllors was Hon. H. A. Hawkins , of Tennessee , Into defeated republican candidate for governor of that state. Ho wont into the southern sllunllon nt considerable length in talking with the prcsident-clccl , nnd is slennously In favor ot an extra session of congress nnd n speedy In vestigation of what he terms the "outrage" perpetrated upon republican voters In Ten nessee nnd other states at the Jaio election. Ho says the fraudulent count ot votes of six of the counties where the black population is largest caused his defeat. The county officers in stead of selecting the election judges and inspectors specters from the two great parties , appoint ed none but democrats. What the republi cans of the south particularly want , says Hawkins , Is n nnllonal election law that will take the presidential and congressional elec tion machinery entirely out of tlio hands of stnlo legislatures. Ho will not state whnt , if any , views Harrison expressed on tlio subject. Unanimously Condemned. SALT LAKH Crrr , Jan. a. ( Special Tele gram lo TUB BUK.J Much indignation Is felt utnong all classes of citizens of Iddho nt Cleveland's pardon of live Mormons. The Associated Press despatch from Washington stated that four were convicted of unlawful cohabitation , nnd ono of udullory. This Is incorrect. The truth is nil five were con- vlctod of adultery. The president's pardon is unanimously and heartily condemned. Short in Illw Accounts , ST. Lot'iH , Jan. 2. A special from Gairs- ville , Texas , says ; K. W , Gllcrenso , county treasurer of Montague county , Is shoit in his accounts $1,000. A culled meeting of the county eonnnlaslonei-h Is now in session con sidering the mutter. Thus the ' * Mustang"conquers pain , Makes MAN or BEAST well again I