Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1889, Page 3, Image 4

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"Wheat Very Nervous nhd Fluctunt
Ing for Trivial Reasons.
On is TVIoilrratlvcly Active AVlth
Jluwnwnril Tcmlenoy I'rovlMons
Irrcuntnr nml IlcnrlMi Good
Native Knl Cattle Stronger.
Cm ( 'A no , .Inn , 2t. [ Special TclcRrnm t
Tin : Ur.n.l The wheat market was vcr
soft around the opening. May opened n
tl.ay < and sold ofl to tl.U ) , which was 1 > {
below yesterday's closing. It thea shot IMC
up tofl.OI , tlisco fluctuations all occurrin
WiMiln n spaeo of ten minutes. The i > rlc
then worked back to $1.0.1 % , and on n repot
that eighteen bout loads of No. 2 red 1m
been "worked" forcxpoit In Baltimore , th
Jnarkct advanced J c , May going to $ l.M-\ (
Positive denials that any business had beer
done , fortified by dispatches from Nighten
Kale mid others that there were no bids n
Rciibourd markets within 4at ( ! c of ruling quc
tat Ions turned prices down nguln here
mid May touched Sl.OflK again. Knrthc
export cosuli ) , and information that forulg
liotmos were buying' future ? in New Ynr
turned the market tip once more , ami the nO
vanro did not stop until $1.0.V < was touched
Baltimore finally wired that four and one
half loads had boon taken and that nogotin
tlotis were In progress for more. This wti
nuthorltatlvc. Later it was learned that llv
boat loads had been "worked" In Now Yoru
This , like the other news , was cnorBCtlcnllj
contradicted , leaving the minds of operator !
confused as to the facts. That soinethliii
was done was , however , generally believed
and from the intense anxiety shown by Nev
York exporting houses to depress th
market , it wiis surmised that they wer
linger to pet values down to a basis tha
would enable them to till additional "limited1
buying order. This is an old trick frcquentl ;
played. As on Vcsturday , there was ROOI
buying on breaks , and by the same clcmcn
that turned prices up from § 1.02) ) the da ;
after Christmas. On this occasion the ;
sccmea to encounter more courageous am
spirited opposition from the bear party , am
possibly were obliged to take more loui
Wheat. In any event the market did Hot bill
quite so easily. The observations wen
strongly tinged with the opinion that un
usually heavy lines of short wliont were pu
out to-day , and it IB plain to be seen that a
no stage since the price of May wheat lef
fl-l ! ) have- the bears been more confident
They are predicting OOc wheat , and basi
their arguments on the independence o
foreigners , the cessation of exports , shuttlni
down of home mills and llio light volume o
public speculation. Between 12 un d 1 :15 :
o'clock was a bullish season on change in
Wheat. Probably the niostinllucntinl factor
or at least a factor which induced the Heav
iest speculative buying , was the itispatcl
from Pillsbury that stocks of wheat in tin
country elevators had decreased -100,000 bush
els during Dercmbnr , instead of increaslnt
800,000 , bushel , as statistician had been figur
ing. If I'illslmry's data is correct the coun
try elevator stocks are about 7bOOK)0 ( ) bush
els , instead of 0,000,000 bushels , as countuc
on..The popular boari * of trade estimate ol
Pillsbury is that ho is "foxy. " and the dis
patch was received with a skeptical smile ,
Nevertheless those nearest the great miller
bought largely on it , aiid when the market
began to advance under their steady pur
chases many shorts ran for cover. The
Tirico steadily climbed to the close , and the
last quotation was within a sixteenth of the
top , viz : * l.or i4C < j > l.o : > ; ? j , or about J c better
than yesterday's close. The range for the
f day was f 1.03 ' 0(31.05 ( ? . January opened at
flS o , sold up to $1.00 , and closed at the out
B. side. July opened at ( c , sold ofl to 0r > c
end closed at OOc , the top. Generally speak
ing the market was very nervous , and fluct
uations from trivial causes were rapid and
not easily controlled. Foreign news was not
particularly encouraging , and the outside
domestic markets were not especially bullish.
They languidly followed Chicago. The re
ceipts at primary points were small , and the
indications point to a decrease in the visible
supply as a result of this week's movement.
The flno weather and the receipts are on
the side of the corn bears. The receipts arc
not to bo called heavy , but are ample for all
requirements , with some excess , as seen in
the increasing visible supply. Export clear
ances were again heavy mid the foreign de
mand at the seaboard cities was good , but
the general sentiment hero was influenced
by the weakness of the wheat market , the
mild temperature , and the clear sky. There
was a gradual weakening of the market , fol
lowed by a" quiet , apathetic feeling and
very little trading. The estimates of only
131 cars as the measure of to-morrow's re
ceipts , ought , under ordinary circumstances ,
to have caused some covering by Uio shorts ,
but such was not tho.caso to-day. Tliero was
no outside business , local influences domin
ated trading and the amount of it was small.
The later strcnth of wheat was no help to
the market , although Its early weakness was
aald to have helped the depression in corn.
The closing prices for near deliveries are % gi ]
Jjfo lower Until yesterday's , and later futures
nro from j o to he under the current values
at the close on Wednesday.
Oats wore moderately active , with a
further downward tendency , long future de
7 clining K@Kc. The receipts and estimates
for to-day were botli rather light , but the
! line weather and the general weakness elsewhere -
, where brought out many selling orders , part
of which wore attributed to Milwaukee
holders. There was little interest this side
of May , with lilf jo bid for January , while
the first month named was fairly active
nround 28f. No. 8 In store sold early at4c !
and 21Jio was bid later , or nearly ' | c decline.
Din provisions the movements wore Irregu
lar ami generally bearish. The market
opened with holders anxious to rculixe ,
nml under the excessive speculative offer
ings a severe decline occurred all around
before any recovery took place. For
Mny delivery poik broke oft from the first
i'M quotation made S i ! < i * , lard lOc and short ribs
COi'T e. When the bottom was touched a
bettor demand sprang up , and during the last
liulf of the market an improved feeling held
control. The ground lost , however , was not
regained , as a rule , and excepting January
short ribs the closings wore materially lower
than yesterday's final figures. In pork the
day's actual decline amounted toOS'ii c ,
In lard to r fji .ltyfa > and In short ribs for .fuuu-
nry and Inter delivery
CIIIOAOO , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram to
THIS 13EK.f OITTI.K Anything good and
' useful hi the native fat cattle line sold quick
and a shade stronger , but the ordinary run
of common to fair steers wore only about
stonily , to say the least. There wcro a few
loads of Texans sold that made an advance
of lOc , as compared with the last sale. Na
tive cow stock , except a few fancy , sold
about as low as any time lust week , and sonio
speculators In this class of stock reported
the price lower than yesterday , There Is
f v little or nothing going on in the stoclcor and
feeder line , and prices remain
about as low as at any tlnio.
Choice bocves , M.MK&l.SO ; medium to good
Btnors , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , 3.90(34.40 ( ; 1'JOJ to
1350 Ibs , n20(23.75j MOtOliiOO Ibs , tt.K'Sl
8.10 ; Btockcrs and feeders , tJ.20Q3.30 ; COWB ,
bulls and mixed , fl.40g ( .00 ; bulk , UO j
B.40 ; Texas steers , t2,80@3.23 ; cows , fl.6l ) @
Hoas-- Something like a panic seemed to
possess dealers this morning. No ono scorned
to have any confidence In trade , and values
wont down with a rush , everything going
lower , and closing weak at tbo ourront
figures of the day. making a decline of
lOQIGc , or soy itX&UOa In the two days. It
was generally admitted that a string of
packing sorts would bo made up around
14,95 , and not over { 5.00 at the outsiJo.
This would bo a strong lOo lower than early
Bales. At the clo o shippers were buying
t best heavy ut J5.10 , or5M10c lower than the
early sales. A few butcher weights sold
\ early at W. 15(35.20 ( , the same later on soiling
< ftt | i.HX35.1i. I'tfflil sorts wera scarce and
did not shnro so much In the dowri turn c
pnckfrs' ntnl heavy. Nice ilglit , of ISO to 1 !
Ib nvorrtKCs. nml straight lots within a vniif
of f , > 15rf5.85 ( , ntul light lifiht nt W.00ft/ ( ) ,
Xnw VOIIK , .Tan , 3 fSpcclal Tclegrm
to THE Hin.l- : STOCKS London prices th
morning wcro n simile under last night
closing figures. The market opened qui <
nnd fractionally lower , Chicago , Uurllugtc
ft Qulncy showing n loss of % , and Mlssou
Pnclflo nnd Louisville ft. Nashville X9 p <
cent. The buying , however , was of a belli
character than the selling m the curly trai
ing , find the tni\rkct soon presented a moi
healthy appearance. Decided strength wi
developed In Jersey Central , nnd it rnpldl
moved up \ \ $ per cent. It is said that tl
annual statement of this company will she
an Increase of 1C per cent In the net carnlnj
for last year , nnd 1 per cent has been oflerc
by an Insider for the privilege of callln
1,000 shares of the stock any time this ycr
at 120. Atchlson was comparatively ( iiile
and showed an Improvement of 1 per cen
and thu romalmlor of the list sympathized t
a limited extent. Some of the leading bill
nro talking confidently , while agood man
traders uro waiting for the money market I
become more Kottled. Commissioner Vin
Bays that the called meeting of the wester
presidents here this week has been nbandonu
because it was unnecessary. There was
slight reaction after the noon hour. St. I'm
sold down on the report that the earning
for the last ton days In December woul
show n doercuso of $200l > 00. Omaha prefero
yielded 1 per cent on very limited dealing !
The rest of the list was inactive , and at
o'clock the whole market was dull nnd Iienvj
The feature of the afternoon's dealings wn
the marked strength shown by .lersoy Coi uud the weakness of Now England. Th
former was being maukcd up by nmnipulatoi
and the shorts topether. There Is said to b
n largo outstanding short interest on thl
stock , nnd the notice that was given by th
stock exchange to-day that all stock must b
surrendered to the Farmers' Loan and Trus
company on or before January US , and recclv
therefore certlllcntcs of that concern , startc
the rumor that the stock was practically coi
nercil nnil was liable to bo bid up to fnbulou
prices. .Now England was sold on the ropoi
of the president's serious illness. Missoui
Pacific nnd Hook Island wcro also weak o
the reported cutting of western rates b
these lines , The net declines for the da ,
show Now Ktiplnnd , ! ' ' & ; Northwestern , %
St. Paul , % ; Missouri Pacific , UCotto \
Seed Oil , * { J per cent , while Jersey Centra
shows a gam of 2 ! , Telegraph , ' , and Lacl <
awanu Jf per cent. The total sales aggregate
1SSS7 ! ) shares , including Northwestern , 19.
000 ; bt. Paul , ai.OOO ; Union Pacific , S.fiOU
Lnckawanna , 13,000 : Jersey Central , 20,000
Heading , 21,000 ; Missouri Pacific , 8,600 , : Ne\
England , 23,000 shares.
The following were the closing quotations !
U.S. 4s rcRtilar. .lifi'i Northern I'aclllc. . 2.V
IT.9.4scouions. . . .liO's doproferroil 6'J1
U. S.44sriiRi lar. . 108'i ' C. fc N. W IU(1J (
" ' do preferred , . . . .HO
I'acitlcis ( of Vi . . .lltl N. V. Central 1U7
Centnil I'.acillc. . . ; I3 { I' . , I ) . &K SJ
Clitcajjo & ; Alton . .1U5 Itock Island 1HI'
Clilcngo.llurllngton c1. , Ji. xst. r tsa
.tyulncy HIS tlo preferred w :
' ' " * St. I'anl .V Omaha . : il
Ililnofs Ceutrai."lir iloproti-rreil VI
I..H.&W in Union I'.icillc W > .
Kansas teTuxas . .1) ) W..SI.U JsP 12'
I-ak Slioro ltll'4 ' ilo preferred. . . . 24 !
MfrhiKiin Central. . S'i't Western IJulon W ?
MOXKY OM CALI. ' Easier , last loan 4 pc
STCIIUXO Exciuvoc Dull but steady ;
sixty days , $ i.S4)f ; demand , < l.SSj4'
pnonuct : MARKET.
Cnu'AOO , Jan. \Vhcat-Stronp ; am
higher ; cash , $1.00 ; May , Jl.Oj 15-1(1 ( ; July ,
I/DC *
Corn Steady ; cash , 33 } c ; Fcbuary ,
3f l-10c ; May , 0 1-llk- .
Oats Steady ; cash 24c ; May , 20 l-10c.
Hyo 50c.
Uarley No tradinp.
I'rimoTimothj No trading.
I'ork Firm ; cash , * 12.57J < J : May , $13.00 ;
Pobruary , * 12.73K.
Lard Stuady ; cash , ? 7.27 } ; Fcb-ruary ,
S7 l ) ; May. $7.47'.f. '
Flour Nominally nnohaiiKOil.
Unlit Meats Shoulders , * 0.73i0.87 ( > !
abort clear , 57.00@7.12 > iJ ; short ribs'sO.O'Jj < i
(2.0. ( 05.
Uutter Dull , quiet ; creamery , l28e ! ) :
dairy , 17g2ic. ( :
Cheese Finn ; full cream choddais ,
10V@Hc ; flats , lOjr ll'i'c ; Vouug Ameri
cas , 113iX < 6ic. : !
Uffps Fresh , 17@lSc.
Hides Unchanged ; noavy green salted ;
OJrfo ; light , frrucn salted , ( \o\ \ \ groan , 5cn
salted bull , Jic ; Krean bull , 4' c : greeil
dry flint , 7i@io } ; dry calf , "us > bc ; brando ;
hides , 15 per cunt o.T ; deacons , 2igJ3c ( each ,
dry salted , lOMl.'ic.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solia Bl/o :
No. 2.4) jo ; calce , 5K .
JKccPipti. Sliiumcnts ,
Flour , bbls . 12.0UU 13,00 (
Wheat , bu . 21,000 45.1XK
Corn , DU . 230,000
Oats , bu . b'J.OOt ) 102,001
JMinixiupoliH , Jan. 3 , Wheat Steady ,
with nut much demand ; receipts , 90 cars ;
Hhlpmcnts , 54 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
January , ? 1.17 ; February , $1.18 ; on track ,
$1.1GV@1.17 ; No. 1 northern , January ,
f 1.0.1 ; May , $1.11X ; on track , tl.OS@1.10 ;
No. 2 northern , January , 07c ; May , Jl.iKJ ; on
traclf , Die.
Now iTork , Jan , 8. Wbaat Ruccints ,
C.KK ( ) ; exports , none ; snot flnnor and quiet ;
No. U red , Jl 01 ( jgl.01Ji In elevator , $1.0
© 1.02 afloat , ? 1.U1MC' 1.03J4' f. o. b. ; No. U
red , VSffliMXixc. Options less active but
stroiiK and hitrhor , closliiR 1a < j ' 4 ° above yes
terday ; January closing at # 1UO'J.
Cora Kecoipts , 2bO,000 ; exports , 85,000 ;
spot fairly active but weaker ; No. 2 , ISJi'C
lOc in elevator , .17&4Sr ) atlont ; ungraded
mixed , : J@l7c. ) Options more uctlvo mid ? 8'
@Jliu lower and weak.
Oats Receipts. 80,000 ; exports , 111 ; spot
fairly active and easier. Options dull and
pastor ; January closing at yiJuo ; Mav closing
at ; K ffii3 : > 40 spot No. 2 , white , 3l ( it34 c ;
mixed western , ! K32o. )
Coffee Options closed firm at 45 to 50
points above yesterday's uctlvo trading ;
sales l'l,2..0 ( IHIRS : January , * 15.20oi15.70 } ;
February , $15.3(1(1515.70 ( ( ; March , $15.30. Spot
Itio stronger ; lair cargoes at$17.2j.
PtstrolouuiCJulut mid easier ; united closed
Eggs Weak and quiet ; western , lS } @ 10c.
1'ork Dull and easier ; mess , f I4.0U ( ( 14.25.
Lard Uull and lower ; western steam ,
} 7.8i7'ja ( ; January , $7.72.
Uutter Quiet and weak ; creamery , IS ®
30c ; dairy , WQ'.Mo ; Klgins , 32j. ,
Cheese- Steady and quiet ; western , 10@
St. IjiiulH , Jan 3-nWhcat Closed firm ;
cash , 953 ; February. 07J. c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 30o ; January , 8c. !
Oats- Lower ; cash , 2l > fc ; May , 'Js'tJc ,
l > ork-Julct ( at f 13.50 ,
Lard-Nominally $7.12 .
Whisky tl.03.
Itutter Quiet ; creamery , 23@23c ; dairy ,
Mllwnulccc , Jan , Q. Wheat Firm ;
uash , U'J'Jc ; May , Mjtfc.
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , yog31c. ,
Oats-Kaslor ; No. 2 white. 2S@2SKc.
K.VQ Easy ; No. 1 , 49 > c.
Uarley Steady ; No. 2 , 07o.
I'rovislons liasy ; pork , S12.57K'
Oliiolnnntl , ! ! Actlvo and
itrougor ; No. Z red , OOXftOSo.
Corn Scarce and firmer ; No. 2 mixed , ( MJo.
Oats Onlet ; No. 2 mixed , 27Mc. '
WhhUy Active at fl.OJ.
Ijlvoriiriol. Jan. 3 , [ Special Cablegram
o TUB liKu.-3SO ] : p. m. close-l > ork
a In poor demand ; prlmo mess eastern , 70i
) d , dull ; do. western , l7s ! Od , dull ,
Lard la in poor demand , also ; spot , 403.
lull ; January,30s 7d , dull ; February and
\larch \ , 3t's ' Od , dull.
Wheat In poor demand ; now No , 2 winter ,
! s. steady ; do , spring , 6s Id , steady.
Flour Is In fair demand , 12s , firm.
Corn Is In fair demand for spot and In
ioor demand for futures ; spot 4s fid , steady ;
lanuary. 4H 3 > fd. steady ; February , 4s 2ii.
iteady ; March , 4s IJfd , steady.
Kaunas City , Jan. 3. Wheat-Dull ;
No. 2 red , cash , 01'o asked ; May , W4
bid ; No. .Trod , cash , ixc asked.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , ea h. 20 < ? asked Ma ;
2sJiC bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 27' , o avked.
Oats-No. 2 , cash , 2ic asked ; M
Ctitonco , Jan. 3 Tno Uroveri' Jour
nal rcnortsns follows :
Cattle llecclpts , 7,000 ; market stronRoi
choice beeves , W.fiOQI.sO ; steers , f.i.Vilii-MU
R lookers and fei'ders , $2/Oit3.30 ; vow
bulls and mixed , fl.4W3.00 ( ; Tcvas cattle
HoKS-Kccelpls , 115,500 ; market slov
heavy , f. ( < 5IOc lower ; mixed , 4.0.V4.'i.l5
heavy , * : i.OOC f5.23 ; llKht , fl.Prifari.2J ; skip
Sheep Hocolpts 0,000 ; market steady
natives , f.7 < i'iiiS.V western corn-fed , 11.3
( < JIC2 ; Tcxans , r3.oO@3.40 ; lambs , ? l.tfj ) (
Kan < snH CltJan. . 3. Cattle Ucceipt'
3iOO : ; shipments , 1KH ! ) ; slow but steady fo
Rood ; common hard to sell mid Gj (
lOe lower ; good to choice corn-fed , f l.30i (
$475 ; common to medium , fJ.20n-f.2d (
stockers and feeding steers , S2.00 ( < C3.W !
cows , $ l.'J5y2.0.
Hogs Koeclpts , 8,230 ; shipments , 112
Weak mid r > @ 10i ! loxver than yesterday'
close ; common to choice , fl.UKgl.itt.
Nntliinnl Stuck Yards , K'ast St
IjDiiln , Jan. 3. Cuttle Kccqipts , 1XX )
shipments. bOO ; market lilirhcr ; cholc
hcavj- native steers , $4 40W 10 ; fair t
good native steers , fi.40iS.Ul ( ; butchers
steers , medium to choice , ; stock
ers and feeders , fair to Rood , S-J.iHKitiUfi
rangers , corn fedJ , 00 4.00 ; grass fed , f-M
Hogs Receipts. 7,100 ; shipments , 700
market slow ; clmico heavy and butchers
selections , i luru.VJu ; light grades , onlinnr ,
to best , :
OMAHA iax'1-s
Oil tic.
Thursday. Jan. 3 , 1SS9.
The general market opened slow and un
satisfactory , and though one would fane1
prices wcro already down to bed rock , th
buyers succeeded in exacting a concession o
lOc. The run was largely made up of fair ti
good corn-fed steers , with a liberal sprink
ling of cows , and with one extra cholci
bunch of fat , but rather old-lushioticd , corn
led steers. Thu early trading was conllnui
almost exclusively to butchers' stock , wlilcl
sold fully lOc lower , ami in some cases sales
men were calling it as much as ITic on" . Tin
sales of cows ranged nil the way from ? l.i.'ic : (
2.tX > , with the bulk at SiOUfiixJ. " 10. The buy
ers selected a few bunches" beef rattli
which happened to strike their fancy , fo
Which they paid about yesterday's prices
but the general run of the steer.-j sold abou
lOc lower. The best cattle here brough
f 1.25 , the price of thu week , bin
other cattle , about as heavy but not as tat 01
as good style , sold : i."ie lower. Although thi
trade was dragging , the yards were prottj
well cleared before the close.
Snlcsmca have hod the trade a Kood doa
their own way for some days back , oa ac
count of the light receipts , and have Hindi
the buyers pay more for their hogs hero that
the biime hogs would bring oh any othei
western market. To-day the receipts wen
heavier and the buyers took the deul inti
their own hands and proceeded to knocli
down prices lii$20c. ( The provision market
1ms been growing lower for the past twc
days , and that taken with the fact that hogs
have been relatively higher hoie than al
other points , made the buyers more bearish
than they would otherwise have been. An
other feature which did not tend to help the
market any was the quality of the hogs ,
which was rather common , the bulk being
light and mixed with very fuw heavy
loads , and jiothlng very choice. Salesmen
were slow to.ndmit of such a heavy break in
the market , but the buyers wcro firm and it
was either sell at their bids or bold over ,
with a prospect of taking less money foi
them to-morrow. At the time of the market
closing there were still ten loads in first
hands unsold. Only one load sold as high us
* 5 00 , while the bulk went as low as .fl.'sOig
The supply was fair , and some of the
sheep , especially the westerns , were very
good. The packers were all in the market ,
and a good share of the offerings ehangeC
hands at about steady prices.
Xo. Av. Pi
" 'natives IA..I Ml $1
23 unlive * SI W
1M corn-fed western.- 120 4. ' .
IDS Nebraska natives. . , , , . .j , . . . . ' M 3.t
Monthly Stntoinout.
Sliowmp the onielnl receipts mill shipment
of live stot'k dttrlnp the month of Dcccmbci
ISSS , uiiil the number of licnil consumed r
South Oiimhn :
Iiivi ; Slouk Notet.
Hhlppers and commission men alike an
doing considerable "IcU-hing ; ' ' about tin
method of determining freight charges b.i
track weights.
Sheep wore the only kind of stock tha
sold at htcady prices. Everything else w.i1
It seemed a little strange to flunifro to a "I , '
in ligurintr hog sales , after using a " . " > " for sc
long a time.
Mr. McUullouuh , of McCullough & Little ,
Nn'kerson , Neb. , topped the sheep market
hero to-day and in Chicago yesterday. Hi
says that mi estimate places the number ol
sheep feeding in Uodgc county at 50,000.
H , I'roiiucc , Km.
Ill TTEII Fancy , solid-p.iclccd creamery ,
2 ( > ( fSc ; choice country , 'JJiWio ; medium
grades , l di'Jlc ; commoii grades , lliffliric.
Fi.ofii Nebraska patents , $ tl.00kif7.r > 0 :
Minnesota intents , SlJ.AVifT.75 ; htr.iight
grades , * 1.00fo.50 ; ; bakers' Hour , f.'i.'j.'i ri.TS
per nbl.
I'OTTOKS Nebraska , 40fVo per bu ; Col
orado , ( > 0if70c. (
SWEET PoTATons : ! @ 'l , ' c per Ib.
Pol i.THt Live chickens , S2..VK 2.75 per
don ; dressed chickens , 7ifSc ( per Ib ; turkeys ,
J ( 'lle ' ; duclts and geese , iifjilOc.
KiKis Strictly fresh , aiiJc ( candled.
Mvt. vifV Gitvi'Ks In keffs , 1'Jc per Ib.
U.\\ v\s Common , il."iUJ'i.'J. ) ) i > er bunch :
choice , S-J.50rft.50. ( :
LIMNS : $3.7.f . " .00 ) ipr cnso.
Oiu\iEs Florida , $3.i2Vi.75 ; per box.
O AMI : Per do7cn : Mallards , .f.l.i ! . ' ; ; teal ,
$ l..r > ( ) ; rabbits , $1.00 ; squirrels , 81.00 ; venison ,
w We per Ib.
Cnoi'iT.n FIII > JiaOOg'l ' 1. 00 per ton.
Coux AV-tic.
Vixno vu Cider , lO lSe per gal. ; white
wine , 10 Me per gal.
Hoxnv 1-lb frames , lt < rylSc.
Puovisioxi Iliims , No. 1 , lie ; No. 2 ,
10' j'e ; shoulders , % c ; rib bacon , lie ; clear
bacon. 113 c ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried beef
hums , lOXc ; dry salted clears , short , 8J < Jc ;
extra short , SV o ; short ribs , b'/c ; pickled
pigs' feut , 15-lb kits , SOc ; lard , Si @ ! ) JJc ;
smoked sausage , 0clSc ( per Ib : hog casings ,
17G ) t8c.
Uiuur 2.Vif.'iOc jicr doz : fancy , 40c.
ONIONS 30Ci-10c per bu.
CAIIIIAOI : W.OO per 100.
liicr& )0c ) per bu.
TuiiNii's y.icper bu.
SAUKK ICiUL'T libls. , . * 4.75 ; half bbls. ,
Ari'i.ns Choice , $ .oO@2.75per bbl ; fancy ,
$3.00 per bbl : common , $ l.'JO'C)1.7."i par bbl.
CiiiKii Michigan , $5.00a0.r ( > 0 per bbl of H2
gals ; California pear cider , $13.00 per bbl.
POP COKN Kieet ! ia ; common , : i c.
Cuiuors fOc jier bu.
Hnixti Choice eastern hand jilckcd navies.
f . 'M per bu. ; western hand picked navies ,
? 1. 7H < " i 1.80 ; mediums , SI. 50 ; Lima beans , 5o
per In" -
HAY F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , . < 0.00 ; No.
2 upland , 53.00. _
Grocers' L/Ut. /
Keviscd prices are as follows :
UAOUINU Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
keug , seamless , 17 e ; Lowistown , A , seam
less , 1'Jc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps
4 to 6 bu. , lltHc : gunnies , single , 13c ; gnu
nics , double , 20e ; wool , sack , a'ic.
TWINKS Flax , 3Sc ; extra sail , UO.Klile ; sail
B , 20 ( i21c ; cotton , We ; Jute , Do.
Iuiii : > FIIUIT Figs , in boxes , per Ib , ! : } ( ' < !
lOc ; ilutcs. in boxes , 7glc ( ) ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box. $ ! 2.DO@U.7ri ; Malaga
loose raisins , ? 2.iO'J.r)0 : ; now Valencia r.u-
sins per Ib , bc ; California loose muscatels ,
per box. * 2.00f < fi2.10 : California Londons ,
ISb1 ? , sf'J.-lO : Dittcu cncrnes , per Ib , f c ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per * lb , l'J ( < Jiic ; dried
blackberries , per Ib , 7 | ( iSc ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , ' ( U'J.'ic ; evaporated apples , 1 d $
So ; California sun-dried poaches , IHc ; Cali
fornia unparcd evaporated peaches , lie ;
evaporated California apricots , ISc ;
currantsi Gtft ; 7c ; Turkish prunes , 5@3jc } ;
citron , 'JUdffHe ; orange peel , I3c ; lemon peel ,
lte ) ; California French prunes , llft lOc.
Curi'iii : Mouha , ' in'Molllo \ , good , 17iT )
Ifcc ; Mandahliiig , 2fta2Sc ; roastiiif ? Hio , 15i $
HHJ ; O. G. Java , 'Jl ( iic ! ; Java , interior , 2
2oe ; Uio , fancy , 18/lc ( ! ! ) ; Santos and Mnra-
ca'bo ' , 17itlc ( ! ) ; Arbucklcs , fli .c ; McLaugh-
Lin's XXXX , 22fco.
Sue IK Granulated , "Jfe , conf. A , 7 > c ;
white extra C. 7' c ; extra C , 7Jnc ; yellow C ,
U fo ; powdered , s c ; cubes , 8jac.
Uiu8\v.\x : Choice yellow , 20fe2ti > ; c ; dark
colored , UllVfllc.
Cinir.siVounpr : America , full cream , 12@
KiU'o ; full cream chcdders , 12@12) o.
PICKI.KS Medium , in bbls , $3.0U ; ilo , In
half bbls , $3.00 ; small , in bbls , $0,0(1 ( ; do , in
liulf bbls , f.i.r > 0 ; gherkins , in bbls , J7.00 ; do ,
In half bbls , S-f.OO.
TOIIACCO Plug , ! ! G@r > ' ! c ; smoking , lOrtiOOc.
, Iii.ins-ifl.2- : ] ) : iO-lb pull.
SAi/r-l.i36l.-10 : per bbl.
KoiMJ-7-JO. 12c
Mil-l.u St'Oiii nrlclcs , Ilil2c ! per Ib ;
iicnny cukes , Iiici3u ( per Ib ; pure majlo
' .vrup , $1.00 per gal.
TIA : Young Hyson , common to fair , 18@
! 5o ; Young Hybon , good lo fancy , < ( ;
LiUnpowdcr , common to good , 'J ( [ ir > oGun \ -
iowdcr , cliolco to fancy , -10ti."iu : Japan ,
jommon to medium , ir < ( fJOc ; Jupau , clinico
o fancy , ! 10jM5o ( ; Oolong , common to good ,
! 0 ( if a."jc ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50ft770c ;
: micrlal , commoii to medium , 25@-jc ; 1m-
loriul , good to fancy. I0 ( < i'50c.
NLTS Almonds , 15'rflbu ; filberts , 12Vi ( iHo ;
Jrazll , 0@10o ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , lOC'Jllc ;
icanilts , Ofa'Jc.
CiiAcKciib C ( lOoper ib ; assorted cakes ,
if.'Sa per Ib as per list.
CANDV Mixed , 9HOJ12Mo ; stick ,
ock candy , lO tglUo ; fancy candy ,
HoLi.Ni > Hr.iiHixa t)0e. )
Cowisu ( l *
Dry Goods.
10. 60 , colored , 12o ; wo. 70 , colored ' , i MUi
Jrlstol , 12Uo ; Union Pucillo , 17o.
CAUI-KT WAiii1 Hid , white , lOoj colored ,
UATTS Standard , 80 ; gem. lOc ; beauty ,
2Vfo ; boone , 4c ; , cased , { 0.50.
PIIIXIH Solid colors Atlantic. Oc ; Slater ,
os Uerllu oil , 0 > c ; aiirnor oil. 0@7c.
1'Jii.VTd Pinkunu Uobcs Allen.Oo ; iilror-
iQlnt , C o ; Steel Hlror , 6)foUlchmond \ ,
KO ; Pacific , 7o ,
I'HIXTH Dress , Charter Oak , 6/c ? ; Uam-
po , 4 o ; Lodl , r > > 4'c ; Allen , Oo ; Hichmoinl ,
B : Windsor , 0 > fcj Kddystono , 0) ) o ; Pacific ,
Sner/nsn Horkoloy cambric ,
, on ,
ambrio , He ; Loiisdalo cambrlo. UKo ; Lous-
ale , Ooj New York mills , I0)ioj 1'eupcroil ,
FiA\r.r.i.s Plaid -Haftsmen , 2V ( ; Ooshci
it * | Clear Lake , yt'i'4Cj ' Iron Mountaii
Kttxxnt.i White-ait , No. 2 * ( , Ov'
" $ c ; voruis , NO.t , < ljC ,
' UCSIMS Amoskoag , oz. NUi'o ; Kvorctt ,
oz , 13' ' c ; York , 'i oz , lnj c ; Haymakci
8'jC ; JafTrey XX , U * $ ' ' ; JafTrcy XXX , 12V
Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek 111J
lie ; Heaver Crook CC. Hk\
Kr.NTi'iKv Juvvs Memorial , ific ; U.ikotti
ISo ; Durham , 27'o ; Hercules , ISo ; Lcuii
iugton , 'J2 , ' o ; Cottswood , 27V
Uiusll Stevens' 13 , OJe ; Slovens' H
bleached , To : Stevens' A. 7'-jc ; Stevens' A
bleached , Jt'a'e ; Stevens' P , 8415 Stevens' I' '
bleached , "J ) e ; Stevens' N , HV'i Stevens' N
bleached , Hl' cs Stevens' SlJt , 1'4' t' .
Mi cii.iANKors : Tnblo on cloth , S2.50
plain Holland , 'J'jc ; Dado Holland , 12S0. |
Ilunux SitniiTixti Atlantic A , l-l , 7li'c
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7'tc ; Atlantic I ) , 4-1 , 0V
Atlantic P , 4-1 , ilo ; Aurora LU. 4-1. Oo ; Au
rora O. 4-1 , 4Jjo ; Urown XXX. 4-4 , 0V
Hoosicr MJ , 4-1 , Oo ; Indian Heal , 4-1 , 7 , ' c
Lawrence , L.U 4-4 , do ; Old Dominion , 4-4
fi'je ' ; Peppcroll K. 4-4. 7c ; Pepperell O , 44
0 4c ; Pepperell , S-l , 1b'e : Popporcil , 0-4
21e ; Pepporell , 10-1. We ; Utie.i U.ll , lo .
Wachusott. 414u \ Aurora , H , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora H14 , 0V-
Ii C-K West Point 2'J ' in. S o ? . 10 > o. ; West
Point 2i ! in. lOo ? . 12V ; West Point 29 In. V
oz , I5c ; West Point 10 In. 11 otOr. .
I'lANsu.M Hod. C. 24 In , 15ko , ; K. 24 In
21'4o ; OO , 24 In , 20o ; HAL' , ? 4 , 25c : JHF , J4 !
( JivmuM Plunkett checks , 7i'c } : Whitten
ton TJfo ; York , 7 0 ; Nonuandl dress , 8' ' < jOi
Calcutta dress , 8li'c ; Whittenlon dress , 8tfe } ;
Henfrow dre s , t > KiS12'jC.
CVMIIIIK s-Slater , 6o ; Woods , 5140 ; Stan
daril , 5'40 ' ; Peacock , BJ4O.
Pin MM , : Arnold , O'.j'o ' ; Amor
Icon. II'40 ' ; Oloin-ester , 0'4o ' : Arnold C long
cloth , Oc ; Arnold H long olotli , lll'tfe ; Arnold
liold , 10'j'e ; Stuifel A , 12c ; Windsot
Gold Ticket , HI'-jC.
Kirst and si-cond clear , 1J4" In . .fill 00V.M ( 0 (
First and second clear , l' < j in. . . 17 ( HI , , "iO ( K
Third , l'4'0fm in 43 00 ( < " fclO ( H
A select , lifl ( < C In 37 ( H
H select , 1 " 4itp. ( , in ! 13 W
A stock bo.irds , rififllil ft , 12 In. . 40 IK
H stock boards , 12.inO ft , 12 In. . -ll ( HI
C stock bo.irds , 12i ( > llS'lt , la m. . 30 ( HI
U stock boards , 12iJ10 ; ft , 12 in. . 23 ( HI
Flooring , first common , Oin. . . . HI oil
Flooring , second common , 0 in. . ; il fl (
Select fencing flooring 1 ! ) 0 ( !
Siding , first aud second clear , 14
OHIift 25 ( M !
Siding , first common. 10 ft 22 ( Ml
IllumingbjtweenCouncil IlliKTsaml Albright ,
liuuldttloii to thu htittom imntloned , trains
Hop nt rwuntlutli anil Twenty-fourth streets ,
mil nt thu .Summit , In Oiuuli i.
Iroad- OlllHllll South Al-
WliJ * . depot , Sheely Omaha brit'ht ,
A. M. A.M. A. M.
flJ7 : : 0:00 :
7:4' : ' )
8Tii :
loilii 10:21 :
" 11:2.1
P. M. I' . Al. P. At.
1 :12 : 12:21 : 12iO :
1:12 : -1- : ! '
4:12 : 4:2.1 :
f:12 : r > : ' .1
GI2 ; 0:21 :
7:12 : 7:2.1
0:12 :
10:12 :
. . arllHI (
, „ :
„ ' - 11:30 : 11 : M
jo.o. , _ : '
Leave , I Arrive ,
. > o. " 0:00 : p. in. A No. 1 7:00 a.m.
No. 0 0:00 : a. m. 0 Mo. n li:50 : p. m.
. No. 4 OijOa.m.lA No. 3 0:41 : p. m ,
, No , 4 . . .U4U ; n. ni.A . . .7:3 : , ) a. m.
, * No. 8 6:35 p.m. A * No. 7 . . . .5:30 p.m.
No , u . . . .8V ; ) p. m.A | No. 3 . . . .0:50 p , m.
. No. ii 0:40 : a.m. A No. 3 . . . .7:10 n.m.
No. 4 OjOjp.iii.i ) NO. i 7OJam. :
No. 2. . .B:10 : p. IU.'A ' No , B 0:15 : p. m.
No. 2 U : 0 u. mA | No. 1 . 0:50 a.m.
No. 4 7:00 : p. m.IA No , 3 . . . .0:60 : p.m.
ANSAS CUT , BT , jpsni'll Sc COUNCIL
No , 2 . . . . fl:23 : a. m. A No , 3. 0fW n.m.
No. 4 0:20 : p.m. A No. 1 (1:39 : p.m.
No. 10 7:05 u m.iA No. a 8:55 o. tn.
No. 12 7:00 : p. m.IA No. 11 . . .0:00 : p , m.
No. 8 4:3,1 : p.m.tA No. 7 12:00 : m.
T and local depots.
" * " "
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagoni
Cstrlspcj nnil lliiCRlc * .li Slrocbetirccn9tlini
IUthOmKhik N | irn kii.
ricnltiiralIinplcincntsWagonsCarriag i\ ) ) (
lliipRlcs. Ktc.Vho1csnle. . Oniatift , Nchrmkn.
Wtiplfniili' Denim In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggk
Kit. M. W6 unit TO Jones Street , Uniahn.
P. P7MAST tt CO .
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Sccden
CultlTntow. Hay Itdki-i. Cider Mills oiut l.ulmn 1'u
_ \crlicri. Cor. lith Mid Nlcliolm strcvti. _
Agricultural Inmleinents , Wagons & Bnggic
rumor Ijtti "ml Vn-linlm Sl
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine
W. K. MciU.Mnnver. 1S1.1 1 onyeniTortli l Omalia
MnnufncturtTfiiiml Jobbers Hi
f agons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. ( nil nn.l t'ncltlc sttcots , UmntiA , Net' .
Artlota' Nlntorlnls.
A HOSPE , Jr.r
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1M3 Douclni Streol. Omalm , Nv
UookBollors nntl Stntlonors.
H. M , & S. W. JONES/
SuccessoiKto A. T. Kcnyon A Co. ,
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flue WeiMtnc ytjiMcnory , Coininorelul iftntloncry
t J Dougius bireet Uumliii. Nob.
Boots and Shoos *
B tit H tHl , JOIU'S \ ( .O. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
AncuUlor llonton Uutilior Shoo Co. 1102,111,1 , A. 1IU
_ Hamcy 81. , Ouintia. M'tiranLii ,
W. V. MORSE Af CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
St . Onmha ManuUclbrT.Snnv
1101 llOS-UOj Douglas
luorst. . IHnton.
j. j. J ( ; .j\.M > i-\ .j to. ,
Manufacturers of Lime ,
Ami MilpinTt til ( Dili , Co.ik , ( Vnu'iit , l'lii l r , l.lmo
uruln Tllo nnil t-oncr Pln | . ( mice , 21S S. tJth
St. , Omulin , Xcb. Tclciilionobll.
Dry Cooda niia Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 uml 1104 IXniKlni , Cor. IHh St. , Omaha , Neb.
Ifflporters and Jokers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Cunts' KurntklilnK Cnoiln. Corner IKh uuil lliuiit'j
SI3. Omittin. Ni'lirnskn.
Sliinners of Coal and Cuiis ,
211 South Wtli ! U. . Omn , n. rp | > .
Furnlturo ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
I'urnum Street , Oma'.ui. Nvbrnika.
Omaha. Nebraska.
CoffOOB , SplcrjB , GtC.
' " " "
Omiilm CoCTco nnd Splcu Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kitrncts , I.r.iinilrr llhie. Inks , Ktc. Kit
nliillunmy Straul. Onuliii. Ncbm.slm.
Crockery and Classyvnro ,
Apent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lames , Chimneys ,
Kc < IHlce.il7S. : 1'itli St. , Ortmlm. Xcbraslta.
Imourturb anilJntibors uf
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
B c. 1511 KarnicSt..T\'er Paxton Itultdlns.
Commission and Storago- _ _
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
S-pecUitlc1" ' "T FI' " ( ' ' " " " i''iltrjr , Cnmc
112 Honnrd Street , Omahn.
Buccessors to MeSliano , t Seliroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omalia , Nebraska.
Cool , Coke and Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard nd Soft Coal
2M South 13th Street , Oninlm , Neliraikn.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
.K.TIK. 709 Mid -IIS. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grccers
t th nnd l.eavcnworth Strocti , Omaha , Nebraska.
_ _ Hardwaro. _ _ _
" " *
MARK § § 6 S . S A D DLERY U Or
Whnlenalo MiinufKctiirers of
Jadtoy & Jjbbersof Saddlery Hardware
Ind Ixsather. 11UI , IIW nn.l lt'17 ' Ilarnuy St. , Omahn ,
_ Heavy Hardware.
" " " '
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, WBKOO Clock , Ilnrdwart' , Lumber , Ktc. 1203
mid 1211 llarnuyHtruet , Omaha ,
Inildors1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
luchaulct' Tools and Iluffalo fcnlcj. HU5 Douglai
btruet , Omulin. Ncbraiks.
Wholesale Hardware ,
till and Hnrner 8 | , Omaha , Nub. Western Aconli
tor Austin fomturUii. . Juirurmin Steel Nulle ,
_ l-alrbunk Btmiditnl Hcalei. _ _ _ _
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
letnlH , Phi-et lion , etc. Audits for Howe Bcaleij ,
J-llanil ro\Mli-r uiul I.yiniiu limited wlro ,
Omalia , Nubratsku.
_ wv " . , , . . , _ Lumber. _ _ _ _ _
ill Kinds of Buildini Material at Wholesale
IBtJ Btreejand Union 1'aclllo Track. Omii\ ' .
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
leer , Itc. ! Tirds-Corner 1th find luu l | Oornoi
WiuuiJ Dtuulns
To Dealers Only ,
_ Offlco.UCa Fajriain Street Omalm.
J O H N A . "VA K E F I ELD ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
E/ /
O/JliiBy Whltn l.luio.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Food Csrpcu ted Parquet Flooring. Clii * na UouElu
C. N. DIET2.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th nml Cnlifoniln Street * . Omnh.i , Xcbm'ka.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ela , Ete
Corner f.ihind Douclm PH. , Om hru
Mllllnory nnd Notions ,
lEprtcrs & Jobbers In Millinery & Notions
21iSoilh lUhMrrct.
Hnto , Capn , Etc.
' ' "
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
U07 Ilarncj Slrcct. Dinaa.i.Nob.
Nottons. _
J. T. Rom'XisON NOTION CO. ,
Wholesale Notions and Famishing Goods
41(1 nnil M'i , i nib loth St. . Oninlm
Notions and Gout's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
llftj lliuiK'j Hlrcct , Omnlm.
_ _ .4Ovornllf . _ _ _ _ v _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'tntJ. SMrf , KtHtUnml 1101 UoiiKln : Street ,
Uiualix. Jifb.
Office Fixtures. _
BanK , Ollicc and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlc , Silclionnl | , Hook fn o , Drue riMnroi.WiiU
l' r , I'liitltliins , HnllliitfM'umilcr * , lli < i < rniiil Wlno
( \tohM , Mlnui .utr I'lictor ; aitt'otlUr , liJOnuuliJl
fc'oinli l.lih at. . ( Jinnlm. Tok-i'liunu 1IM ,
_ Oils. _ _
Wliolsalc Refined aiiilLiiMcatiiiE Oils ,
Axle ( irt'nuo. Ktc. , Omulm. llllnii. | Mniingir
Points nnil oils.
" " " " * '
\Vliole iilo Donlor ln
Paints , Oils , f inflow Gla > s , Elc ,
Ills Furnnm Stfoel. Oraixhn.Nob.
_ Pap ° ! x
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Curry n nlco ilnck of I'rlntlnuVrnpplnir nnrt Wrltlna
1' ! i | < cclnlaUviitlonuiviiii Imariniulnnlirn
Pnpor Qoxps.
JOHN L7wi"LKlE ,
Proprietor Omalia Paner Box Factory.
Nos. 1.11T nnil 131U Daimlns St. , Uiiinlm , Net ] .
_ Soods.
" "
"p"H IL ? ST IM M E L\V"
ffliolesalc Farm , Field and Garflun Seeds
811 unit 'JHliiiii' < < in-i t Onialin.
Slorago , Forwarding & , Commloslon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
tlrnnch linum of thu Ili-rmoy HiiKKr Co. IliitKle.i at
. IJlOnnil nil ! IrnrU .
wUulesiUuuiul rctull. HIM Street.
O'linliii. IVIiMihiinv No. 7.V ) .
Laser Beer Brewers ,
IHl North EU-tbtccnlli Street , Oninlm , Neb.
Mannfuctirers of ttalyanized Iron Cornice
Wliulon-caimnml nietallc Mcyliv-liH.
Jens KITVI.TKK , 1'iuprlotor.
IIS iniil llUSonili lilistreet. .
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
> cqler. I ,
Rubber Goods.
ilaniifactnrers and Dealers in Rnlilier Goods
HI Clolliluit and Leather ilcllliic. 1U08 Knrniim Htraott
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV f. CO. ,
Sash , Doors , nunds and Monlngs.
li bfilce , 12th nnd Iziuxl titrocla , Omulin , Neb , \
aiiiifaciiirors of Sasli , Doors. Blinds ,
iildlnuii , Slalr Work nnil Interior lliiruVuol Klii
an. M. I Corner Hli iind l.unvuiiwurtli Htrouta ,
Oinn'ii. Men.
Fittings , Pumpo , Etc.
A. L.VTRANG co. , " " I
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale POIDBS , Pipe , Fillings ,
learn nndWulcr Biippllcd. noaJqimrlcra for Mnat.
SGPHI and Water Supplies ,
r WlniJ Stills 01- 1 , , nl lM ( Fnrnnm St. , Omnlia.
< _ Acllng .MnnuKcr.
BROWNE LU sTco , '
Boilers and General Machinery ,
Uuot Iron " . ' . .l'mnpHaw MIH. . lzn-J2li
Jron Works.
' '
Cnrtcr It ton , I'rop'n. .MuiiufiiclurcrHofiili lilncls
leamBoilnrs , Tante and Sliest Iron Work
Works South OJlli nnil II. A M. Crossing.
and Cast Iron Building Wort
nplncs. Ilrasi Work , Uonornl KoundrrMnohlno and
IJIuckbuillU Work , uilko anil Wnrka , U , r. lly.
uoil litu ritrcot , Umuliu.
lannfacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
° 3 nrj rM ?
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes 'J '
uult .Jiill Work , Iron nmlVro ! I'ontlng , Blum , Htff.
U. AmUuun , 1'iou'r Cor. llili unil Jntkton Hli.
ron and Wire Fences , Railing Guards-
id Percent , for bnnkinnicoMlori' * iuililoncaiflt9.
Imitrnvud Awnliiim , l/cknnmii JtiiUilnury una
llluckimlih Work . lUIBoulli lltlibt.
MKtcjiin A
ire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locte
AUOIIU MrDio oM Siruuil lojl >
Vaults unUJnll WOK , JUrt.lil i i J l ni
II fU.MKII. K.l'.llirTIUAN. J. II. .
Live StocR Coinraission Mercliants ,
" " -a ,
Live Stock Commission ,
00 tn 15 , KxrUonto llulldtn , Uulou mock
buiilli Omiilm , Net ) .
Of Oniahaj Limited ,